#doesnt help that i cant draw wings for SHIT
mosnet · 2 years
i got so distracted deciding which angel number to put on his uniform as a visual gag that i forgot to like actually make him an angel
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mylarena · 2 years
i dont see enough soulmate aus so. inspired by this post by @hyperfixationwizard, soulmate au where drawings and ink on skin show up on ur soulmates skin (not scars bc there would be so fucking much going on with that and im not gonna write abt itdgthfgh)
anyways. soap has always love doodling- with anything. pencil, pen, crayon, marker, whatever he could get his hands on. he’d doodle on anything and everything. the walls (when he was a kid, mainly), paper, cardboard, desks in school, napkins... but by far, his favorite was to draw on his own skin. the thought of his work showing up on someone else, someone he was practically made for and they for him- something that they could share, something that they could keep secret and hold close to their chests- it was enough to make him giddy.
so, he doodled. a pretty flower he saw on his walk to school, curling around his wrist. a bird perched on the bench across from him at the park, taking flight on the back of his hand. the stray cat that hung out on his porch, draped across his thigh. sometimes if he didnt have a notebook with him, messy schematics and notes for devices- no, ma, thats not an explosive, he swears- scrawled on his forearm.
he never sees anything from his soulmate- he checks every single day for any new marks, any words, but he never finds any. still, he keeps drawing. it doesnt usually get to him, the fact that his soulmate doesnt give him responses, but sometimes he cant help but think too much. he wonders if his soulmate likes the drawings, which leads to the thought of them not liking them, or finding them annoying, or if they think theyre bad.
one day, he caves under his thoughts and writes his first question to his soulmate, right under a bundle of primroses- “do you want me to stop?”
he waits anxiously for hours, not knowing if he’ll be able to feel the reply, or if he has to look for it, or if there even will be one-
then he feels it- a sort of pins-and-needles sensation on his left arm. he frantically rolls up his sleeve and his eyes are immediately drawn to the letters that appear on his skin. once the writing stops, he stares with wide eyes at the single word left behind- shaky, smudged, and a bit runny in some spots-
and so he doesnt stop.
he keeps drawing, slowly moving from small little doodles of primroses on his arms and songbirds on his hands to sprawling meadows that wrap around his forearms and ravens spreading their wings across his thighs. sometimes he adds words- always short encouragements, positive quotes, or funny thoughts he has. he never gets responses, but he knows that his soulmate is still around by the occasional ink smudge that appears. anytime one appears, he incorporates them into a drawing. sometimes its a silly little doodle, and other times he spends hours creating beautiful, complex landscapes centered around them.
for years, his soulmate holds their silence. soap doesnt mind. he knows that they appreciate his art and words. at least, thats the thought he holds onto. he never holds it against his soulmate- the whole not-responding thing. hes well aware that he can be a lot to handle; hes heard it constantly from the majority of the people in his life. he just hopes that maybe his soulmate can tolerate him more than most.
he was 14 when things changed.
he had gotten home from school, completely ignoring his parents in the kitchen and opting to power walk to his room. it had been a shitty day; he had overslept and missed the bus, causing him to be late to class, and then some dickwads from the year above him decided that he was a good target to snag lunch money from, (really? stealing a kids lunch money? why would they pick something so fucking cliche? god, get some fresh material,) and to top it all off he got a shit grade on his book report.
as usual, his solution to a bad mood is to draw, get his emotions out on a page instead of letting them linger in his mind. unlike usual, though, he decides to bypass his notebook and instead grabs a pen, chooses a clear spot on his arm.
it took a while, but he finally ran out of steam to continue- it had been nearly two hours since he began. he was about to walk over to his bed and flop face down into his pillow when he felt it- the pins-and-needles of words being written that he had only felt once before. his eyes zeroed in on his arm, right under the drawing he had finished.
“two goldfish are in a tank. one turns to the other and asks, ‘do you know how to drive this thing?’”
soap snorts, more due to the situation than the shitty joke itself- and rushes to grab his pen again. no chance he was letting this opportunity slip by.
“why was the strawberry crying?”
“because he was in a jam.”
and so the night continued like that- they exchanged shitty jokes back and forth for hours that night, up until soap was called for dinner.
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moonlit-dreamers · 9 months
*sighs loudly* so i Was going to draw them but turns out my own design is too difficult for me to draw. but i'll be making this post anyway bc this au has been cooking for so long i might as well!
Featherless Flight AU
aka dca avian au where these fucks r BIRDS
(disclaimer this is a sun x moon au. it also deals with heavy themes such as child abuse, death, violence, and. ya know. wutever tws come with the apocalypse (also these will not be talked about in detail in this post))
nothing robotic in them. just feathers, blood, and bones. a lot of that stuff may be lost or break throughout their story! but lemme at least tell u wut they look like (without having my own drawings OTL (i only have a ref for their faces (which im not confident of)))
a quick note for both of their designs, they r both Fully Covered in feathers, including their arms and faces (yes they have arms And wings). the only places that dont have feathers is their lower legs and hands. they have anthropomorphic legs. and their face shape is also similar to a barn owl, as shown here (ignore the lack of mouths, idk wut to give them)
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suns design! he has the coloring and general design of a sun conure. hes full of bright reds and yellows, tho the green is replaced with a bit of blue. he has multiple crests around his head that fluff up similar to a cockatiel but theyre in a way that make it look like rays. in the drawing above is wut they look like without their crests raised; that is their default. suns feet r grasping feet which r 2 toes in the front and 2 in the back. sun has high speed wings so aes a lot faster. (if u dont know wut any of this means i recommend u look it up, im a bird nerd) sun is also specifically an omnivore (them having different diets is actually plot relevant)
moons design next. moon is the color of a hyacinth macaw tho his anatomy is closer to an owl. he has one large crest on his head like a cockatoo. its also colorblind! since its anatomy is based mainly off of owls, for moons ability to see at night means he can see less colors. and bc hes more sensitive at night his eyes r always half closed in light, making it look sleepy despite being fully awake. moon has raptor feet with 3 toes in the front and 1 in the back. xis claws r also much larger than suns. moon has passive soaring wings which is better for longer flights. and moon is a carnivore :)
theres also an eclipse but their design is an enigma to me even in my own mind
but back to sun and moon! if anyone is curious moon uses he/it/xe pronouns while sun uses he/it/ae pronouns. they r both aroace and love each other deeply (qpr babyyyyy). sun is genderfluid while moon doesnt give a shit (agender).
sun is more bubbly and energetic. very much high energy bouncing off the walls. hes the kind of optimist where u cant tell if their "bright side"s r trying to help or be condescending. its a master at back handed compliments. heavily a perfectionist and will reach the point of screaming fits if wut he doesnt isnt perfect. ae has a lot of self image issues. ae hides a lot of aers lack of self confidence and doubt behind a wall of "im the best", tho that wall can crash very easily. a bit of a flirt, but mainly bc he just enjoys seeing how ppl react. he takes compliments from everyone but moons compliments r always the best
moon is lower energy and calmer. at least, he acts like it. hes more reserved and if it wasnt for sun he wouldnt have any friends or talk to ppl at all. he fears abandonment and sun is the only person who has stayed with him this whole time and is the only person he truly trusts. is very aggressive towards anyone it doesnt know. despite being shorter than sun (hes 6ft while sun is 7ft) it definitely does a good job at intimidating ppl. over time when xe becomes comfortable with someone xe will eventually calm down and show a bit of a softer side to them. when xes actually calm and likes someone xe can be a bit... chaotic :)
im honestly not sure where ill start their story since ive already thought about their childhood but i also wanna write about their adulthood as well. the story of their childhood mainly deals with the abuse they went through, then with adulthood theyre shoved into an apocalypse bc... y not :) (btw the apocalypse is mainly just bc ive been enjoying apocalypse aus a Lot lately and wanna write one. the child abuse is for their development and to show y they act the way they do. while it will be fun to write their development, i am by no means saying abuse is okay and this topic will be treated carefully and seriously.)
oh theyre also nd as Fuck
but yeah. these r my babies! i hope to at some point start writing the fic so i can show it to u all, but im already in the process of writing another fic, which will be coming out soon!
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nintendont2502 · 10 months
thinking about davesprite. i blame you /lh but anyways. any hcs about him that you have Not been able to post because they just. weren't ever topical.
so many. so so so fucking many. i try to keep sdd relatively close to canon characterisation wise but,,,,, fuck i have ideas
this ones just a straight up headcanon thats barely tied to canon but gender apathetic/agender any pronouns davesprite,, big fan of this one in combination with t4t pepsisprite (dsprite is junes birdfriend)
this could be a whole rant to itself but i have. so many thoughts on davesprites relationship with bro and how fucked up it is. to make what could be a whole ass essay short and to just focus on one tiny fucked up aspect of it,,, davesprite associating pain and injury with his brother but in a 'positive' way, because him being hurt has always been associated with 'positive' memories of bro for him (bro training him 'because he cares', bro helping him stitch himself up after a particularly bad strife when he was too young to do it himself, getting his literal wing torn off while bro died protecting him,,, man).
semi related to above but he does exhibit some bird behaviours even if he refuses to admit it - the big one is pulling out his feathers when hes stressed (again, vaguely related to above - davesprite getting stressed about bro and pulling out too many feathers, and that pain simultaneously making things worse *and* calming him down)
my headcanons for a post game dsprite where he somehow makes it to the creation of the universe are either 'he makes it through and gets given a real body and the ability to age :))' or. well. hes a game construct right. hes just. hes an npc. hes meant to be part of the game. ...what if it doesnt let him leave. what if going through the door completely wipes his data and hes just. gone. what if hes forced to choose between being stuck in the session alone forever or disappearing from existence permanently. (this was actually the basis of a fic idea lmao)
as much as i love davesprite dream bubble content.... i dont think hed make it into the bubbles. hes not a person, right. fuck if the *guardians* dont make it then what chance does he have
i dont think he sleeps much.
[slaps davesprite] this sad boy can fit so many identity crises into him
how does he know hes himself. like. how does he know hes not just code programmed to think hes dave and act like dave. sure hes clinging to that old identity that he isnt allowed to have anymore, but what if that was never him? who is he, then?
jesus christ these got depressing
bird mating rituals,, he gives john cool rocks and shiny things and gets really flustered about it because 'holy shit im being so obvious' and johns just like 'haha cool! :B'
he gives davesprite like. a shiny bit of plastic one day as a joke and davesprite gets way too happy about it.
dave and davesprite brothers is so fucking real. to me.
less a headcanon, more a thought i cant get out of my head. davesprite literally keeping his sword in his chest is. fuck man. thats something. the only way he can use it is by taking it out which has gotta fucking hurt,,,, violence and fighting hurting himself just as much as it hurts everyone else
i like drawing post battleship dsprite with the missing wing and stomach hole still because im gonna be so real i dont think sburb would heal that. who cares right. it isnt threatening him at all - sure it hurts a lil but he could get used to it, and it isnt impacting his role, and like. hes just a sprite. who cares
^^ and if it *can* be healed, i still dont think it would by then. look man im just a sucker for emotional and mental healing being represented physically,,, the only time they heal is when he finally gives himself a break and lets himself rest and lower his guard and heal emotionally
again this isnt really a headcanon it just haunts me. davesprite is/was a knight of time right. both serving (and sacrificing for) time and using time as a weapon. thinking about how weapons can both protect and injure, or even kill. thinking about how davesprite probably feels responsible for all those deaths in the doomed timeline. thinking about how he essentially killed himself by travelling back. thinking about how he did it to protect.
...davesprite thinking about what would happen if dave died permanently. hed never do anything. hed never let that happen. but... the timeline needs a dave, right. and davesprite would still be there. hed never do anything to make it happen. but what if that was his chance.
i love the idea that dsprite acts more like dirk and hal acts more like dave (mirroring their text colours). i just think its fun
yall ever think about how the shades john gave dave were so important that when he was literally recreated, the universe still gave them to him? he wasnt wearing then when he was prototyped. because i do. i think about it all the time.
new pesterchum handle. turnedtechGodhead is the only one ive thought of atm but im gonna make more i stg (vaguely related: hals pesterchum is turingTested. that is all)
i swear to god theres more rattling around in there but i cant reach it and this is logn enough so :thumbsup:
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sanguinechaos · 1 year
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cant believe i was so fucking delusional about Flamebringer and Enforcer interacting in some way that it came into existence
actually can we talk about that
listen i already Hortus de Escapismo would be a treat because its a Laterano related event and it involves my wife. actually he got an alter even i knew it i KNEW IT I WAS AN EXALTER TRUTHER AS SOON AS I SAW THAT BOUJEE WINCHESTER 1887 MY FUCKING WIFE IS HOME MY WIFE
and then they dropped the operator records for the Notarial Hall trio and for anyone who has not read those yet tl;dr from somewhat dubiously google translated chinese text:
in Insiders oprecs theres almost an all out brawl over a family heirloom donut recipe. its so funny to me that we all made fun of him cause his halo looked like a donut and he really is Donut Man™
actually his personal donut recipe is so sweet and greasy that the doctor nearly chokes to death on it. im pretty sure if you eat it you can physically feel your arteries popping shut
apparently he likes sweets so much because when they picked him off the streets in some small town bordering siracusa and brought him to laterano they gave him some candy and it just left such an impact on him
do all of you have dead parents is that like a requirement
he has donut pajamas
Executor oprec is kinda cute honestly. this guy is autistic. he has joined the war on autism on the side of the autism. anyway what we learned is that apparently his lack of empathy (as in the sanktas 6th sense) is something hes had from birth and not in fact due to his job as an executor
and also he has always had a black halo and wings. according to the manhua they also dropped his entire extended family has black halo/wings it has absolutely fuck all to do with him being willing to kill sankta if his job necessitates it its just genetic
he doesnt actually have that much of a problem recognizing what people are feeling, its more that he has trouble piecing together cause and effect or what those emotions mean to people. and his parents (before their tragic demise) taught him to like draw shapes on paper matching different emotions to parse it? cute
anyway the other executor that was on a mission with him when he was still a rookie bites the dust and Executor takes it so so so seriously and fucking tries to eat 100 scoops of ice cream because his senpai made a joke and he was just like "okay so that can count as a last will and testament i guess" like babe. babe. he applied for executive gelato funding
and they leave us hanging but i genuinely wonder how many he managed to eat before he probably vomited and couldnt see gelato for the next 3 months
Federico Giallo? no. Federico Gelato
also hes only around ~25 as of Exalter
Enforcer goes around asking various sarkaz about Kazdel cause obviously hes intending to go look for Cecelias dad with her
actual live reaction as soon as i saw 炎客 BEYONCE?! FLAMEBRINGER?!
Flamebringer is a wanted criminal the Notarial Hall has his mugshot on the office notice board (which tells me that there is NO WAY that Executor doesnt KNOW him or about him please i am so delulu rn Lowlight i fucking beg you let them interact kiss. violently suck face, even. "Dino wasnt this a 炎见 post?" if you were paying attention to my Twitter youd know i really like 葬炎见 in that exact order but ill take any combination of just two of them) and also he absolutely does not give a shit he just keeps watering the plants while Enfocer talks at him
Enforcer gets slammed against a wall and maybe choked a little unbelievable and Flamebringer is like "go bug someone else, blood is not for watering flowers" like oof ouch the edge on this guy
Mudmud helps Enfocer in the end tho :)
also he might be like 19 while my conservative estimate was at least 25 i THOUGHT the Notarial staff had law degrees now i get why everyone in Guide Ahead was like "waow, so young :o and already an executor!"
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thenixkat · 1 month
Reading the Invasion event and this starts off not well what do you mean humans are the only sapient species in the universe that has power variation. That all other species are uniformly the same and dont have their own metas. That's bad writing
referencing the shit writing in Melinnium. Just… imagine being able to write humans as the most unique specialist fuckers in the whole universe and not being embarrassed by that at all
that every other kind of person in the universe isnt special, that they're all the same and all take notice of how special the humans are
The Thanagarians continue to be among the worst Thanagarians, the ruling ones at least, hate Earth b/c of Hawkman and Hawkwoman.
what do you mean their wings are fake and they cant actually fly why would you do that so they're just another basically human alien species? that sucks of course the key to the anti-life equation is on Earth b/c Earth is the fucking center of the damn universe
the most important planet ever
not the Thanagarians outright stated to be fascist police
Me @ DC pls hire more furry artists to design yer aliens. Shit would look so much better just ugh
just the repeated insistence that humans are the only diverse sapient species in the universe is just so fucking bad just the whole 'no one else in the universe is diverse [ignoring the new gods]' is a fantastic excuse to draw a bunch of identical aliens
I know that Australia getting fucked by aliens yet again isnt going to have any long term effects The Spectre is not allowed to do shit about aliens invading Earth and killing people b/c the Lords of Order said no. The Lords of Order are just fucking useless
The Spectre has been ordered by the Lords of Order to stop the other magic heroes from doing shit about the alien invasion
The Lords of Order are worse than useless apparently yes, evil ass warmongering aliens have come to genocide humanity but since they are following the Lords of Chaos magic fuckers have been barred from doing shit lest the Lords of Chaos decide to take interest and side with the aliens
Man the folks behind DC really said fuck the magic heroes they are not allowed to solve shit why the fuck did the president of the USA tell Waller to not send the superpowered slaves to go fight the aliens?
the president also told the Justice League to wait and not act
The UN debating on giving in to the invader's demands of handing over all the superheroes b/c totally the aliens will stop invading if the humans hand over their strongest defenders
The UN doesnt give up the superheroes. B/c enough of them have some amount of intelligence also why does Australia have so few superheroes?
Maxwell Lord makes aliens and people as separate categories like he doesnt have several alien coworkers and there's not a bunch of alien superheroes in the crowd he's addressing. Rude
Amanda Waller suggests that they call in the supervillains to help defend the earth from alien invaders So the alien invaders thus far have only captured one hero, the only fucking Australian superhero apparently, and killed only one hero, a member of the Doom Patrol
Also none of the superheroes have any qualms against killing aliens, especially the less humanoid ones Even Superman and Batman, the top proponents of 'no kill rule', said murdering nonhumans is a-ok Ted has bombs for some reason Ted has Beetle Bombs and its wild to me that the writers and artists had him leave the Bug to fight fuckers on the ground when he'd be more effective in his weaponized mecha airship of course the extremely human-looking Daximites get saved and dont get splatted. But the less human-looking fuckers? dead as shit
one fucker decided to actually reserch the fucking metagene and made a gene bomb to disable Earth's metahumans. Ignoring how many augmented, tech using, and straight up nonhuman supers are around huh so the Coluan we've been seeing in space jail is one of Braniac 5's ancestors?
just everyone's ok with killing the aliens that dont look exactly like humans like man if i were a person living on earth that didnt look like a standard human I'd be concerned with the nonhuman looking=not a person mentality with superheroes
of course the very human-looking (who all look like white people its disturbing) Daxamites have switched sides and are helping Earth
all the human-looking aliens are white people, very uniform looking white people, it is disturbing. Just zero thoughts by the artists of the implications of making all the human-looking aliens ALL WHITE
at least with the Earth forces there's like… 4 notwhite people, It's still very bad but like it's better than zero
Deadman possesses an alien and makes them blow their own head off
I assume he also sent the massage that dissolved the alien alliance by possessing another fucker
also you'd think Russia, Australia, Cuba, and several Pacific Islands getting befucked by war with aliens would have a major impact on the world and global economics. You'd be wrong Invasion is 3 books long but there's so much supplementary reading that fuckers think the audience should pay to see
the gene bomb detonates. ALso this motherfucker thinks every hero on Earth is a metahuman and has powers, could not be more wrong
so all the metahumans are getting sick and their powers going out of control man, the superheroes saved the day and then like an hour later are causing havoc around the world
the supervillains are feeling the gene bomb too
The nonpowered heroes and nonhuman heroes have to save the day from their ill comrades
and next phase of the illness all the meta pass the fuck out
Invasion keeps implying that the source of the metagene shit in the human body is in a gland or something in the neck
humans in the dc universe have a gland in the neck that if certain individuals are stressed enough turns them into metas
the fucking superpower gland Maxwell Lord really just kept working till he passed the fuck out
Bullshit Batman carried Major Force's large matter dense ass to the meta hospital to dump infront of the people in charge
Also Batman, the jackass, drops an ill unconscious person on the floor on purpose
The heroes get the antidote, just took a long space trip SUperman's been absent b/c he doesnt trust himself to be on Earth b/c of recent subconscious activities
and that's the end of Invasion
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dreamsy990 · 2 years
deltarune but wof
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haha i drew deltarune but wings of fire
tbh this is just me wanting to ramble about my dumb mini aus that i come up with but never actually do anything with so uhhh heres some ideas for this/explanations
i made them a rainwing!!! theres a few reasons but lemme just keep it brief -rainwings are very “othered” and kris being a human really fits that -theyre also very isolated so ofc nobody really would know how to actually raise a rainwing, for example the stuff like how they actually change color by using the sun and shit -they LITERALLY CHANGE COLOR WHEN THEY GO INTO THE DARK WORLD I MEAN COME ON
anyways some hcsss!!!
kris totally would change their scales to blend in with their family and seem more “sandwing” (yep i made the dreemurrs sandwings), specifically to have the same colors as asriel. in the og kris drawing i realized that this wasnt really showing my idea of how they normally would look so i added in a doodle of the whole family!!
i inverted the colors mostly so you could tell the difference plus gave them some pops of green n yellow to help them stand out, but in reality most of the time they just look like a smaller asriel
theyve probably picked up the habit of trying to raise their tail threateningly but that doesnt really work because. its a sandwing thing they dont have venom. OR AT LEAST THE NORMAL KIND- no we are not getting into the whole rainwing venom thing
actually we are
kris probably doesnt know about rainwing venom, since even in deltarune the people there are super uneducated about humans, and in wof everyone is even LESS educated about rainwings (at least if this is set post darkstalker), so nobody really knows. 
they probably camoflauge to prank people. like you just feel someone watching you at 4am and you turn around and boom its kris
theyve probably gotten good at stopping their scales from changing since theyre constantly trying to blend in with their family, so they mostly stay light pink like asriel. after hanging out with susie a bit tho they probably get more confident and try out blue and pink and it looks great i love them. and also extreme emotions can make them change, but its not voluntary and they dont usually notice until someone points it out. 
theyre also probably very dull in color before they really embrace their identity. they like to stick with their family and blend in as much as possible, but rainwings sort of need to sleep outside and take naps often to have bright colors. as soon as kris realizes that others dont take those naps or feel tired a lot they try to stop and so their colors kinda suffer. to other rainwings they might even look a bit sickly.
hanging out with susie probably gives them the confidence boost they need to actually be ‘healthy’ and their colors get a lot brighter and they stop sleeping in class so much because THEYRE ACTUALLY GETTING THE REST THEY NEED WOOO GOOD FOR YOU KRIS GOOD FOR YOU
kris is also probably very uncomfortable with other rainwings because they cant really relate to them at all and it makes them feel somehow both less rainwing AND less sandwing than anything and so they avoid them at all costs.
ive probably thought the most about this so yeahhhhhh dont expect this much for the others
susie was probably the easiest tribe to decide on besides kris, so heres why -to be honest theres not much reason shes buff -and big -and thats very mudwing of her -also the only way she could be purple outside of fudging the mudwing rules is by making her a rainwing which kris has covered, silkwing which ralsei has, or a really fucking weird skywing which didnt really fit her vibe
hc time!!!
theres actually not much ive thought about with her, but she probably gets a lot of weird looks as the only mudwing in town, which probably also fuels people being scared of her. she looks kinda funky and thats because i dont care about the rules but it also probably doesnt help like mudwings are very brown im just fudging the rules all over the place here she probably likes mud and kris is the only one who also likes it so they just fuckin roll in it sometimes idk wherre this thought came from but its here now i considered giving her no tail/ a very stubby tail because i think its funny but fuck it shes just got a normal tail sorry besties no short tail susie for u
hey guys look its the baby. hes a silkwing -it made it really easy to justify his frankly kinda weird color palette without making him a rainwing. -now that i think about it i proably couldve made him a leafwing -but that seems kinda stupid and i like him being small bug man -silkwings are sort of slightly enslaved in canon which kinda fits his weird “we must serve the lighteners” bullshit
not much to say here. his design is my third favorite, not to be confused with my first favorite design (kris) or my second favorite design (noelle) or my favorite design idea (berdly).  
with noelle i kick canon to the curb because fuck that shit i can make her a hybrid that sounds fun. she’s ice/sand, theres no deep reason here i just wanted to be able to make her brown while also having the ice stuff
her mom is an icewing and her dad is a sandwing or ice/sand hybrid like her, since she doesnt have much thats actually very sandwing about her other than her coloring. if she was blue and you got rid of the back frills she’d be just a normal icewing.
icewings are very status-orientated so her mom puts a lot of pressure on her to be a good role model even this far away from icewing rankings. carol probably only moved out of the ice kingdom because she wanted rudy to be happy and the ice is super uncomfy for sandwings, so she’s a bit miserable in the town with it being so warm. she probably sleeps in a seperate room, not for like weird marriage reasons but because she wanted to freeze it. she’s probably got some lingering racism, and also, hybrids are VERY looked down on by icewings traditionally, so she puts a ton of pressure on noelle to be the best representation of what they can be.
noelle believes she has to be as “icewing” as possible, and since the only full icewing she knows is carol, she’s the icon of what noelle is supposed to be. so she’s picked up a lot of her moms bad habits. for example, she’s really bad at talking about her own feelings or being emotionally in general, since carol always hides how she feels. she can also tend to make rude comments about other tribes, but she apologizes immediately whenever she catches herself.
dess was very much NOT icewing and her mom sort of hated it. she was brash and loud, probably not very orderly and didnt care too much about rules or status, and picked up firebreath from her dads side (if hes a hybrid too, then it skipped a generation). very not icewing of her. noelle loves the break in order, and so she’s sort of split half and half between who she thinks she has to be and what she thinks she wants to be, and isnt quite sure what she ACTUALLY wants or has to be between all the outside forces
also she blushes purple. red sandwing blood + blue icewing blood = fuck you shes purple now. i think its cute. purple bloosh for a purple girl *insert susie*
actually, the most sandwing thing about noelle is probably that she doesnt mind heat. she actually might just love it as much as the cold. she just hates the middle bits. either freeze her alive or burn her in hell no INBETWEEN DAMNIT
berdly berdly berdly. in the end, i kinda like the idea of him better than the final design. hes a nightwing with probably a bit of skywing blood but no (alive) relatives around to confirm that with so he will definetly not admit it -he was going to be a skywing because hes a bird. it seemed fitting -but then i realized that i couldnt make him blue like that -so hes a nightwing with skywing descent -okk the hcs explain the rest of my reasoning better so ill stop now
berdly probably brags about being able to read minds/see the future a lot because people in hometown dont know enough about nightwings to counter. in reality, berdly isnt a 3 moons dragon. or a 2 moons. or a 1 moon. hes just a normal dragon.
one of his grandparents was a skywing that “brought shame to their family” or something idk. the point is they dont talk about him no no no they dont- ill stop now
berdly is super ashamed of this because his family had to leave because of how that skywing descent ruined his familys reputation in the night kingdom. nightwings are very,,, how do you say it,,,, racist most of the time. like somehow worse than icewings. they kind of hate everyone tbh. 
berdly’s ego probably comes from a lot of the “nightwings are perfect” bullshit he hears. i dont think his parents are very present for him, they just wanted to get out of the night kingdom because of the shame and brought him with them. 
he doesnt really want to lie about having powers, but hes in too deep now. the only ones who know are noelle (he confided in), kris (who saw it while they were lurking because they do that), and susie (who figured it out by threatening him with no actual intent and saw him being scared, and putting 2 and 2 together herself). and his parents but they dont count.
catti is also probably close to figuring it out because she knows a lot more about nightwing powers because of her research into these sorts of things, and the fact that he doesnt have a teardrop scale.
berdly can fly faster than a lot of dragons in the town because of his skywing descent, but he doesnt fly a lot because he wants to hide it as might as possible.
ok thanks for listening to me ramble about funny dragon books but deltarune
i might draw other stuff for this au who knows its fun
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gunloyal · 6 years
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kinda dumb but heres my mlp headcanons!
you can read my garbled text below! sorry its so repetitive lol i kinda rushed it!
HI i'm not the first one to do this (duh) but i wanted to do my own! some info abt the ponies; Theyre all different types of ponies sent from different parts of the pony...earth? To this magic school so they can become the defenders of equestria and stuff! The series surrounds them becoming friends while going thru character arcs and stuff. The villains are all the same but are being sent out by one being or something so the final villain/season revolves around testing the truth of their friendship!! Also they like......live there so theyre all like stranger roomates! also theyre all modeled a little differently so none of them look the same Twilight Sparkle -shes still a unicorn(at first) -shes very hipster and standoffish at first. -She has a really bad memory regarding things from the past, but easily remembers things from the present onward (this is important for her character arc) -she wears her hair up most of the time in a messy bun/ponytail, but sometimes she lets it down -guess what guyz!! she cant see at all lol so yeah..she finally gets the glasses she deserves (if ur wondering yeah she had big dorky glasses as a kid) character arc -shes princess luna!! thats why she has such a bad memory from the past. Princess celestia made this entire school a thing because she wanted to give her sister a redo since twilight messed up so bad in the past and she thinks giving her a chance to experience friendship will help prevent repeating the past. -cus of this i gave her a new cutiemark bc her old one doesnt represent that moon princess vibe! -also she has a really big horn since shes royalty! This also gives her a reason to become an alicorn once she finds out shes princess luna. AND IT EXPLAINS HER NAME FDHJSKF (shes the last to get her character arc) Rarity -shes still very prissy and loves fashion but loves to dress her friends up -her hair moves really pretty in water bc shes a MERPONY! heck yea -she has a mole under her eye -she hav hooves on land and a tail in water (like h2o just add water vibes) character arc -shes originally very standoffish and doesnt want to accept spending time with different species of ponies, but when her sister (Sweetie belle who is also a merpony) becomes friends with a pegasus(scootaloo) and an earthpony (apple bloom) she learns to be more accepting and earns the generosity element (Shes the second to have a character arc) Fluttershy -shes a flutterpony! so she is very very teeny -her hair is a lot longer and covers one eye (until her character arc) -she's super meek and has a very big head and ears and really skinny legs! very cute aah character arc -She used to be really scared of everything until she gets in an intimidating situation with like a dragon or something and then she realizes she has the power to talk to animals in both a strict but loving way. She learns to stop being as meek and rarity makes her a little hair clip so she can get her hair out of her face and........boys..........get this.......she has heterochromia. (shes the third to have a character arc and this starts her love for animals and gets her the kindness element!!) Apple Jack -shes a regular ol earthpony :~P -she wears a handkerchief in her hair instead of a hat bc hats are hard to draw and i think she looks cuter in this lol. -freckles..........everywhere -she wears her hair in a bunch of different ways!! country girl i love eeyouuuu -she doesnt speak a lot in the beginning :/ shes kinda standoffish and she has a very lovely country accent and i love her (also she has clydesdale hooves hehe) character arc -applejack deserves a good arc and they keep focusing on her stupid parents............I WANNA SEE MY GIRL GO THRU TROUBLE!! okay get ready -she is very scared of being tomboyish bc she doesnt want to be made fun of by her friends so she hides her tomboyish nature and how STRONG she is bc/ she doesnt want to seem boyish. she forces herself to act really girly but a situation occurs or something and she is forced to show her strength and come clean to the others. she is really scared but because she tells them the truth she gets the element of honesty and the others are like "were glad u told us because youre our friend and u shouldnt have to hide anything from us!" yeah anyways i love her and from that point on she is more tomboyish but still girly! (shes the fifth to get her character arc) Rainbow Dash -shes still a pegasus! -i love her so much but people think she's annoying and always make her buff and calm but i did the OPPOSITE i made her SUPER PUNY and SUPER FAST and MORE ANNOYING because i LOVE HER!!! -she fluff up like a bird when she's upset! -because she's smaller she has bigger ears and wings >:] -shes very conceited (At first) and bosses people around (even tho shes so puny) character arc -she's a really selfish character before hand but then everyone gets into some sort of danger and she risks herself just to save them!! bc of this she gets the loyalty element and cares a lot more about everyone else afterwards and is still annoying but is able to stop herself from being so selfish! (shes the fourth to get her character arc!) Pinkie Pie -shes a crystal pony! -when she first is introduced she forces herself to be regal and in her crystal form -she cant let herself laugh around the other ponies bc she doesnt want them to see her as silly/not good enough/not serious -she has a really 80s spunky vibe and wears roller skates -yeah she still has that twitch thing but instead of it being her tail its her little hair curl coming from the top of her head -gummy is a croc she finds and decides to keep (after her arc) character arc -in like the second episode or something, a curse is placed on the characters where they all look different, but pinkie isnt affected, and after seeing everyone laughing and struggling with the temporary defects, she starts laughing and reverts from a crystal pony to her normal state and her hairs all poofy and its real cute and shit.........she gets the element of laughter and everyones like "whyd u hide ur happiness?" and she says she didnt wanna get judged and god.......its jsust real nice (shes the first one to get an arc) anywayz this took a long time to write for no reason and its just SO MUCH if u actually read this i love u!!! this was inspired a lot by jenny nicholson's next gen ideas!!!! 100% creds to her for the inspo<3 i changed a lot of things but i still based some ideas from her!
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piracyandpumpturns · 3 years
you asked for asks on faeries >:D slightly vague but i'll do my best!
since you asked about other creatures with wings (for Science ofc) i'm assuming you're asking mostly about the wings so oh BOI would i be happy to tell about them!
i have big very dark brown wings- have you seen the movie maleficent? that's probably the easiest comparison. ofc mine are way fluffier :) (and a different color)
when i'm fronting in the Human Body oftentimes i can "feel" my wings there, and if i focus on it then i DEFINITELY can. people may or may not have asked me why i'm sitting weird...(/lh) it's usually the strongest at the base of my wings- or where they would be on a human, i guess. kinda mid-back between my shoulderblades (i'd do an illustration but my ipad's charging) it feels like there is Something There. i can fold them behind me (like they are right now) but depending on how i'm sitting/standing/laying they can get smooshed (which is a WEIRD feeling)
for example rn i'm sitting upright cross-legged on my bed with candy next to me and i have them folded kinda across each other behind me, pretty lazily but it's not like anyone else can see them jkldfkjdf
when my ipad is done charging i can draw u some pictures!!
(don't mind me gushing over wings for probably too long-)
- isla <3
your wings!! sound gorgeous!!
mine (????i cant tell if it’s. like. me picturing things. or me Having Wings) are like. pastel-y—not super visible?? like, i cant picture them 100% clearly and ofc my Human body doesnt actually Have Them :( but like i. Feel them, like u said? and. i mean if i were to like close my eyes and picture them theyre like. vaguely green and blue and salmon coloured. and they are pointy lmao. but i- cant see more than that?? other than they are Feathery
n like sometimes when im paying attention i can feel them but. otherwise its just. i forget. like leaning on walls or chairs i dont notice it often. which is why i wonder if its just me imagining them there like. for fun or some shit
but then its like
yknow ???
so anyway
thank u
and if u happen to know like
any specific kinds of creatures with feathery wings other than like. fae. let me know cause that would be helpful :)
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Stupid For You, Chapter 7 (Crygi, Jankie, Jaida x Nicky) - Metaluna
Fic summary: A cliche lesbian AU. It’s the summer before Gigi goes to college, and she decides it’s time to take a job at a local amusement park. There, she meets Crystal, a beautiful girl that she with bonds over the anxiety of the service industry. Almost immediately, Gigi gets it BAD for Crystal. Meanwhile, Jackie definitely ISN’T gay. She likes men. Only. Men. What happens when a beautiful girl named Jan comes into the picture? And lastly, Nicky flirts with anything with a pulse. Jaida falls for anyone who gives her attention. This is going to be one interesting summer
Chapter summary: If anyone knows how to party, it’s the staff of Paradise Isle. When Brita turns 21, she’s determined to have the biggest party Paradise Isle has ever seen.
A/N: Hi everyone! I officially outlined the rest of the fic so it’s going to be 10 chapters total, three more to go!!
By the time Gigi made it down the exit ramp, all she wanted to do was leave. She heard Jan behind her, but kept moving forward. Her heart beat was pounding in her ears and she began to feel warm tears form in her eyes.
“Gigi, wait!” Jan called.
Gigi didn’t listen and instead kept walking. Jan managed to chase her all the way into The Landing until Gigi stopped dead in her tracks, rested her face in her hands and started crying. Wordlessly, Jan went up to her and wrapped her in a gentle embrace. Once Gigi broke away, Jan led them to a bench, and stayed quiet. She knew Gigi was about to explode at any second.
And she was right.
“How could she do that? What the hell? If she didn’t want to see me, she could have just fucking said something! I have no idea what the hell I did to her and why she’s acting the way she is, but I guess fuck my feelings! Right? Just fuck them!” Gigi threw her hands up in frustration before crying into Jan’s shoulder.
“Shh, it’s okay,” Jan cooed rubbing Gigi’s hair. She knew Gigi’s mascara was staining her shirt, but it was something she could worry about later.
“How could she?” Gigi’s voice was barely above a whisper.
“I don’t know, baby. There’s no way to know what’s running through her bizarre little head.”
Gigi wiped her eyes, trying to salvage what was left of her makeup. “I’m overreacting.”
“No, you aren’t. You need to feel whatever it is that you’re feeling. Your feelings are valid and you’re entitled to them,” Jan said firmly.
“I want to hate her.”
Gigi sighed. “I want to hate her, because that means I wouldn’t be in love with her anymore.”
“Wow,” Jan began. “I didn’t realize you were in that deep.”
“Jan, it’s bad.”
“Sounds like it.”
“If I could just hate her, I could be done and move on. I hate that when I see her pictures on Instagram with her shitty boyfriend, all I can do is think about how I wish it was me. I hate that she’s the first thing I think about when I wake up, and the last thing I think about when I go to bed. I just want to hate her.”
“Do you honestly believe do any good?” Jan questioned.
Gigi mulled it over and sighed. “No. What am I going to do?”
“I wish I knew what to tell you, Gigi, but I don’t. But, we can figure out what we’re doing tonight. Do you want to leave, or do you want to keep hanging out with everyone? After the look I gave her and what I said to her, I don’t think she’ll come anywhere near you anytime.”
Gigi looked stunned. “Jan what the hell did you tell her?”
“Don’t worry about it.” Jan winked.
“I’m not going to let her ruin my night.” Gigi’s tone was determined. “Let’s go.”
Nicky and Jaida were awkwardly left behind in the queue. Since they were next, they ended up going on the roller coaster. Jaida had to admit, a roller coaster was a lot less fun when one of your friends was experiencing emotional trauma, even if you were in the front.
“Should we go find them?” Nicky asked as she grabbed her purse.
Jaida thought for a moment and said, “Honestly? I don’t want to make it worse. Gigi trusts Jan and I want Gigi to talk through all the emotional shit she’s feeling.”
“Good point.”
Jaida and Nicky made their way through The Backlands. Jaida knew that she had feelings for Nicky that Nicky didn’t share. Jaida also knew that every time they slept together, she felt herself falling a little harder. As much as Jaida didn’t want to break her own heart for her final summer at the park, she swore something felt different about Nicky.
As they walked, Jaida swung her hand forward making contact with Nicky’s to test her response.
“Sorry,” Nicky mumbled putting her hand closer to her side.
The response is not the one Jaida was looking for, which caused her to sigh.
Nicky slowed her pace. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” Jaida forced a smile. “Just tired.”
Jaida wondered how dense Nicky could be. Even though Jaida couldn’t be mad that Nicky didn’t return her feelings, it still frustrated her. While Jaida knew it was a horrible idea to keep going with their fling, she liked Nicky so much that she’d rather have her physically than not at all.
 Or did she?
This wasn’t healthy for her mental state. Jaida had enough on her plate already. Between writing essay after essay for law schools throughout the country as well as working six days a week, Jaida was nearing her limit. As much as she tried to tell herself that her fling with Nicky helped her decompress, she knew that wasn’t the case. It made everything much, much worse. Before she could think on it further, she was interrupted by her phone vibrating with a text from Jan.
so I honestly cant tell if gigi’s more hurt or pissed at crystal and honestly it really doesnt matter but she did say she wants to keep the night to keep going so I say let’s do it! we’re at the landing rn, where are you??
Quickly, Jaida reiterated to Nicky the situation, and texted back, Okay, good! We’ll meet you there.
The rest of the night was filled with memorable selfies, laughs that were mostly at the extent of Jan’s inability to ride roller coasters, and by the end of the night, Gigi felt great, and was determined to not let one person ruin what was already an incredible summer.  
Following National Roller Coaster Day, Jaida, Nicky, Jan, and Gigi bonded even further, and became inseparable. Through hanging out with Jan, Gigi also developed a very close bond with Jackie. Gigi never had a group of friends before, and was thankful she had such an amazing group of friends.
Gigi formed such a close bond with her friends that she all but forgot about Crystal. At times, they ran into each other in the break room, and every time, they didn’t so much as look at each other. While the environment was tense, there was never any negativity. No one was outwardly mean to each other. In fact, everyone but Gigi maintained being friendly with Crystal. Gigi couldn’t allow this to upset her, since they were all adults and could choose their friends. At times though, it did feel like a punch in the gut when Gigi was on her breaks and saw Jan stop to talk to Crystal.
One day, Gigi sat in the breakroom. As she at her lunch, Brita sat across from her.
“Hey, Brita,” Gigi greeted.
“As you know, my birthday is drawing near.”
All Brita talked about was how she was going to turn twenty one in a couple of weeks. Everyone knew it was Brita’s birthday, including people who didn’t even know Brita.
“So I’ve heard!”
“My parents are actually going to be out of town. So, I’m going to have a party. Not just any party. No, this party is going to be so big and so memorable that they’ll be talking about this like five summers from now.”
Gigi raised an eyebrow. “Yeah?”
Brita nodded. “I’m inviting literally everyone I know who works here…”
Gigi caught on to what Brita was saying. Even the people who weren’t well versed in what happened between Gigi and Crystal knew something was wrong. “That’s fine, Brita. I’m not going to let my relationship, or lack thereof, with someone ruin your birthday.”
“Good. It’s this Wednesday, starting at 10. That way everyone has time to get ready after work. Thank god for shortened park hours.”
The scheduling gods smiled upon Jaida, Nicky, Gigi, and Jackie. Somehow they all ended up with the same days off, one of which being Friday. It helped that Jaida always sweet talked the scheduler, and the scheduler knew who her friends were. Jaida wasn’t about using her feminine charm to get what she wanted.
The girls all agreed to get ready at Gigi’s, because she had the largest space. Getting ready with others was much more fun for Gigi than getting ready alone. Although, she had to admit it was a different feeling when she and Crystal got ready together for Heidi’s party. She forced that thought out of her head as she put on an 80’s playlist. Deciding what to wear to a party was Gigi’s favorite part of getting ready. Even if she didn’t want to admit it, she wanted this party to be the exact opposite as the previous party. Because of this, Gigi opted to wear a tight orange halter top with an blue high-waisted shorts, which was the exact opposite of her black and white outfit.
“You look like your room,” Jan teased eyeing Gigi’s room decor. 
Gigi rolled her eyes. “It’s not my fault that my two favorite colors look amazing on me.”
“Fair,” Jaida mused as she rummaged through her bag. “Shit. I forgot my eyelash glue.”
Nicky, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground blending out a smoky eye tossed hers to Jaida. “Here.”
“Thank you,” Jaida smiled sweetly expertly applying an eyelash.
Jackie looked on incredulously. “I have no idea how you do it.”
“Lots and lots of practice,” Jaida said as she batted her eyelashes in Jackie’s direction.
“Do you ever wear more than mascara and eyeliner in your waterline?” Nicky questioned, admiring her appearance in a hand mirror.
Jackie shook her head. “I just… don’t know how to do anything else. One time I tried to do wings and it looked like a drunk toddler did them. No wait, a drunk toddler would have done better.“
Jan’s face brightened. “Can I please do your makeup? Please?”
After hesitating, Jackie said, “What the hell. Why not?”
Jan squealed as she made her way over to Jackie, who was sitting in the chair at Gigi’s desk. Watching Jan do Jackie’s makeup made Gigi feel a pang of jealousy. All through high school, she’d never had the desire to date. Of course, she definitely didn’t want a boyfriend. But, she never thought about having a girlfriend either, and only knew that she liked girls. She also never had a friend group like the one she had now. She also never thought she’d have a group of friends she could trust as much as she trusted the friends she made. For once in her life, Gigi felt safe enough to come out. Other than her family, Jan was the only person who knew, and the only reason she’d told Jan in the first place was because she was about to have a mental breakdown. But, it was time. Gigi paused the playlist.
“Everything okay, Gigi?” Nicky questioned.
Gigi took a breath. “Yes, but there’s something I have to tell all of you.”
Jan locked eyes with Gigi, already knowing what she was going to say.
“What is it?” Jaida asked setting down her brush.
“I like girls.”
Jaida ran to Gigi to give her a hug. “We love you.”
Jan laughed. “Welcome to the club.”
As Gigi unpaused the music, she breathed a sigh of relief as she topped her nude lip with gloss.
“All done!” Jan announced as she brushed powder off of Jackie’s face.
Once Gigi saw Jackie, she exclaimed, “Oh, wow.”
Jackie was already an extremely beautiful girl, but Jan’s handiwork enhanced her features. Because she knew that Jackie wasn’t one for the extravagant, Jan stuck with neutrals that gave Jackie the most effortless no-makeup-makeup look. Gigi knew that Jan was a talented makeup artist, but the makeup she did on Jackie proved it, because it was the exact opposite of Jan’s colorful halo eye she did on herself.
“Holy shit! I look good.”
Jan rolled her eyes. “You always look good, baby.”
“Thank you,” Jackie said as she kissed Jan on the cheek.
“We must commemorate this momentous occasion,” Jaida said dramatically as she signaled everyone to come in for a group photo.
“You have to take it,” Nicky said. “You have the longest arms.”
Jaida rolled her eyes. “Always.”
Once there were a few photos they were all satisfied with Gigi looked at her phone. “If we need to make a liquor run, we should probably leave now.”
Everyone piled in to Gigi’s Jeep, the group was enthusiastically discussing the night ahead. On the way to the liquor store, Jaida, who was already twenty one, made a list of what she had to purchase.
“Y’all are gonna make me look like I have a drinking problem. You best be Venmo-ing me interest,” she teased.
“We don’t have interest in France, I don’t know what that is,” Nicky joked.
Jaida playfully hit her. “You’ve lived here for over ten years.”
 Nicky shushed her. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Jesus Christ, just kiss already,” Gigi teased as she pulled into the liquor store’s parking lot.
Once Jaida was inside the store, Jan spoke up. “What’s actually going on between you two?”
Nicky shrugged. “Just something for us to blow off some steam.”
Jackie hesitated. “Nicky, you realize that Jaida’s never had a girlfriend before.”
“Yeah, and?”
“She also falls really hard really quickly.”
Nicky exhaled. “She never told me that. She told me that she was good keeping it casual. She tried to bring it up a while ago, but I just thought… I feel terrible.”
“It’s not your fault, honey,” Jan said.
Before Nicky could respond, Jaida returned to the car.
“That was fast,” Gigi said.
“I’ve been to that store so many times, I know where everything is.”
Gigi had heard from other people that Brita had a large house, but she didn’t expect it to be quite so big. The driveway which was lined with cars spanned the length of most people’s front yards. The house looked to be three stories and was a modern build, which was a contrast to the other ranch-style houses in the area. The music could be heard from outside of the house, and Gigi mused about how Brita was lucky that she had no neighbors.
“Damn,” Gigi said as she shut her car door.
“Yeah,” Jaida began. “Brita’s parents are fucking loaded.”
“Clearly,” Jan said.
The inside of the house was just as grandiose as the outside. Gigi thought that it looked like the sample rooms inside of furniture stores. She didn’t realize that people’s houses actually could look like that. The living room was decorated with fairy lights and streamers, and in the corner were two gold balloons that said 21. The party was already abuzz, the entirety of the first floor was full of people, most of which Gigi didn’t recognize, and was almost certain Brita probably didn’t either.
Brita greeted them at the door, pulling them into a hug. Gigi could already smell the alcohol. “Hi, babes!”
“Happy birthday, bitch!” Jaida exclaimed handing Brita a fifth of Everclear.
Brita’s laugh was loud enough that it could be heard over the music. “You rotted bitch.”
“On our first season together, Brita drank way too much Everclear and got super hungover, and had to call out the next day,” Jaida explained. “You best be getting that drunk again tonight. If I see you at work tomorrow, I’m going to be pissed.“
“I have tomorrow off,” Brita said smugly.
“You’re going to need it,” Jan teased.
“Thanks! So over there we have a photobooth, beer pong in the dining room, the pool’s available if you want, too. Oh, and if you need a place to get down and dirty,” she looked at Nicky and Jaida. “Just don’t use my bedroom.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Jaida said, rolling her eyes.
As everyone was about to explore, Brita screeched, “Wait!”
“What?” Gigi asked.
“Let’s do a shot of this.” Brita raised the bottle of Everclear.
“Oh dear, God,” Jackie said making gagging noises.
“It’s my birthday, bitches!”
Since nobody could argue with that, they went in to the kitchen. In the attached dining room, an intense game of beer pong was going down with Widow and Heidi against Crystal and some boy Gigi vaguely recognized as being one of the team leads in games. Trying to stay casual, Gigi waved to Heidi and Widow who smiled in return. Thankfully, Crystal’s back was turned to Gigi, and by the time she turned, Gigi had her back turned to take the shot.
“I’m already too drunk to pour the shots,” Brita slurred.
Jaida rolled her eyes as she took the bottle and expertly poured shots.
“To Brita!” Gigi said raising her glass.
“To Brita!” Everyone repeated as they toasted, set the shot on the table, and took the shot.
Gigi thought she was good at taking shots. But, Gigi had also never had Everclear. Convinced that its reputation preceded it, she didn’t properly prepare herself. She thought she was just taking a shot of cheap vodka, not a shot of rubbing alcohol.
“Merde!” Nicky exclaimed.
Jackie set her glass down as she winced. “That was so bad, Nicky forgot how to speak English!”
Because she couldn’t get the taste of shitty vodka out of her mouth, the only thing Gigi could do was to drink something else. The Whiteclaw Jaida bought for her tasted like juice in comparison, so much so that Gigi drank it a lot faster than she should have.
As Gigi felt the alcohol hit, Jan said, “Let’s go take pictures.”
Most of the time, Gigi found photobooths to be tacky. They were a staple of boring weddings and basic-ass graduation parties. But, because she already had a nice buzz going, she gladly posed with oversized sunglasses. 
Everyone sat on a red leather couch as they began drinking. Jan and Jackie shared a bottle of rum that they chased with Diet Coke. Jaida was chasing her Jack with ginger ale. Nicky, on the other hand, was shooting whiskey like there was no tomorrow. Gigi felt lame that everyone else wad drinking liquor but her, but she didn’t care. She wanted to enjoy what she was drinking.
When a Madonna song began playing, the girls screeched and made their way to the dancefloor. Gigi had decent rhythm, but tonight, as far as she was concerned, she was killing it. As she dropped low, she almost fell, but kept her balance as she made her way back up. While she watched Jackie and Jan dancing closely and watched Nicky grind against Jaida, Gigi couldn’t help but feel like a fifth wheel. She remedied the situation by cracking open another Whiteclaw. 
“I need a break,” Nicky announced when the song ended.
Jan whispered something in Jackie’s ear before saying, “We’ll be back!”
“May I have this dance, Ms. Hall?” Gigi asked holding her hand out.
“Oh, bitch, you know it.”
After a few songs, Gigi announced, “I’ll be back!”
It was the time of the night that Gigi needed to break her seal. Unfortunately for her, there was a line for the bathroom. She dramatically jumped up and down until she made it to the bathroom. Once she finished, she was greeted by a sobbing Jaida.
“Jaida, what the fuck is wrong?” Gigi asked leading her into a bedroom upstairs.
“Nicky,” Jaida managed.
“What about Nicky?”
“I went to go find her to see if she wanted to dance or something, but then… I saw her… and I saw Brita. On the couch… making out.”
It was very clear that Jaida had too much to drink. For a while, Gigi was convinced that this year would break the streak of Jaida getting her heart broken. Even though Gigi wanted to give Jaida some tough love and tell her she and Nicky weren’t exclusive, she knew it wasn’t the time for that. Instead, she wrapped her in a hug.
“Hey,” Gigi said stroking Jaida’s hair. “It’s okay.”
“I knew that she didn’t want a relationship. Why does this hurt so much?”
“Because you like her, clearly a lot.”
“Why does this always happen?” Jaida wailed.
Gigi knew she wasn’t good at comforting people, but decided to try her best. “I don’t know. But Jaida, your makeup is far too pretty to cry it all off.”
Hoping that Jaida would find her comment funny, Gigi tried to laugh. This only made Jaida cry harder. Fuck. Gigi knew she wasn’t any good at any of this, but she knew who was. She needed to find Jan before Jaida lost her mind.
“I’ll be back,” Gigi said leaving a sobbing Jaida in the bedroom.
Gigi searched the entire first floor for Jan with no luck. Eventually, she ran into Jackie. 
“Gigi, what the hell is happening? Jaida’s apparently crying, Nicky left… What’s going on?” Jackie demanded.
“I guess Jaida found Brita and Nicky making out.”
Jackie groaned. “Of course Because why would she be able to make it a summer without getting her pretty little heart broken?”
When Jackie and Jan made their way back in the bedroom, Jaida was right where Gigi left her.
“Do you know where Jan is?” Gigi questioned as Jackie was hugging a very distraught Jaida.
“I think she’s outside.”
“If anyone knows how to handle this, it’s her,” Gigi said as she walked downstairs.  
Gigi realized just how drunk she was as she stumbled around trying to find Jan. Eventually, she found her comforting some random drunk girl. To Gigi’s horror, the random drunk girl ended up being Crystal. 
“Uh, I need you,” Gigi said awkwardly walking to Jan. 
Jan looked at Gigi and mouthed, “Help me,” as she broke away from Crystal. “What’s up, gorg?”
Crystal awkwardly stood next to Jan, swaying back and forth. Gigi couldn’t help but wonder how much Crystal had to drink.
“It’s Jaida.”
“Oh my God, I haven’t seen Jaida in ages,” Crystal slurred.
Jan shushed Crystal. “What’s wrong with her?”
“She found Nicky making out with Brita,” Gigi explained.
Jan groaned. “This is bad.”
“That’s really not good. Are they fighting?” Crystal tried as hard as possible to not slur her speech. “Fighting is bad.”
Rolling her eyes, Jan said, “Yes, honey. Fighting is bad. Really bad.“
Crystal stumbled toward Gigi. “Gigi, I’m really sorry we’re fighting.”
Gigi ignored her. “Jan, can you do that thing where you comfort people when they’re crying?”
“I can try,” Jan said.
“Gigi! Stop ignoring me. We’re fighting! And I don’t want us to!” Crystal pouted.
“Crystal, we can discuss this when you’re sober,” Gigi said firmly.
“I’m sober enough!” Crystal said jumping up and down. She then stopped and put one hand over her mouth and one on her stomach.
“Crystal. No!” Gigi screeched.
It was too late. Crystal lost all the alcohol she’d consumed. Jan reacted quickly enough to take a step back, but Gigi wasn’t that lucky. Gigi screamed as her favorite boots became covered in vomit.
"What the fuck?!” Gigi screamed. 
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pettrichore · 4 years
dunno if i’ll be able to finish this. but so like dabihawks au where like. dabi does his research aka when he was touya he was with his dad once during the whole takami thief thing and met keigo. flash forward he doesnt believe a thing about this hero hawks. sees him for the fabricated person he has become. and eventually hawks sees dabi for who he really is and was and like vigilante-ish dabihawks. bits about the au and the snippet i wrote under the cut.
cause this shit gets LONG af
hawks feels fake. doesnt rlly know who he has even become
the commission kinda forced a lotta habits out of him and completely molded him into who they want him to be
he barely even finds his name to be anything more than a stranger’s name at this point. 
anyway so dabi p much knows who he is. does his own digging. and kinda puts some pieces together and sees how fake hawks is
hawks barely even knows if he shows any genuine emotions at this point. he’s kinda at a breaking point where he cant recognize himself and separate keigo from hawks. feeling like hawks has just swallowed him whole
he does show genuine things though. sometimes says or does shit out of line but he tends to have obedience beat into him even if he sometimes has a bit of a mouth on him. it’s mild tho
at the start of dabi working w hawks, hawks was very careful
it kinda progressed into keigo coming out more around dabi even though it was in bits and pieces
anyway dabi puts two and two together and realizes him and hawks are pretty similar and instead of seeing him as a traitor (though he’s sure that he’s not 100% on their side) he sees him as someone who can fit in with the misfits and he can p much fully convince hawks to ditch the bs
so the confrontation happens (see ending snippet) and hawks is like wtf just happened
and p much eventually there’s some tender moments between dabi and hawks and hawks ends up explaining how used he’s felt
he has been molded into the perfect obedient soldier; maybe sorta kinda explains that the commission is having him do double agent duties and instead of reacting badly dabi is p receptive and doesnt just try to kill him. instead he can see how badly hawks wants to break out of his cage and fly free and he deeply feels for that and knows how that can feel and is like aight well fuck them
so hawks kinda double agents on the commission?? 
and he does end up meeting the LoV and like sees how human they are
but also he’s like damn son but okay i dont agree w everything
and dabi is like yeahhh same ??? idk they are a means to an ends for me but also not lmao 
and then there’s some dabi spilling his guts as they get closer and get more intimate and very much boyfriends
and hawks is so livid and he cant help but fuck around with endeavor the next time he sees him. and like he’s just so much more distant to him. he can’t begin to wrap his head around it. and he’s so broken that like.. the one person that he saw as his true hero. that “saved him” is a horrible person behind closed doors
the one person who he was inspired by and agreed to join the commission’s forces for is just horrible
there’s just a lotta solidarity between hawks and dabi and a lotta shared anger and hurt
and they’re boyfriends and it’s great but also like hawks isn’t a horrible person
neither is dabi ??? i mean listen they’ve both killed ppl. they probs will continue to kinda do it. but it’s always just horrible ppl
like listen killing ?? not great folks??? but also like idk man.. 
they also def leave kids outta this 10000% 
anyway p much they end up ditching the LoV too. try to get some of them outta that shit. like toga who has become like a sorta lil sister for dabi in a way
they both just feel so horrible and gross seeing kids get into that shit
also like the girl needs some HELP. some therapy and rehabilitation idk
idk i love the morality shit with the LoV but might not play with it too much here
anyway they end up doing their own thing and the commission is quick to denounce him and just ruin his image
and try to kill him lmao they made him a perfect hero which could be a perfect villain and if he isn’t working for them he’s working against them (i mean he is) and needs to be Stopped Permanently
anyway here’s the snippet. my single brain cell that helped write this has left my body:
At this point, Hawks wasn’t so sure he was even real. His existence felt fabricated. Each smile or joke carefully placed. Each movement was calculated. He didn’t act out of line. His interviews were carefully thought out months in advance if not lies that he himself began to believe after years of telling them. His penthouse had just enough “personal” touches that when he had a spare moment to invite someone over it actually seemed like it could be a home. Hawks’ original motivations were squashed and were pushed aside unless they created an interesting story. His natural mannerisms that came with his mutation quirk were learned to be suppressed. Hell his own name sounded like a stranger’s to his ears. That is if anyone even knew it. 
“Is there anything real about you, hero,” Dabi spoke. His back wasn’t fully to Hawks, left side presented to him as he set a framed graduation photo down and fully faced the winged hero. Dabi stuffed his hands in his pockets and tilted his head to the side some, waiting for an answer. Hawks snorted and gave him an unamused look.
“I’m as real as they get, hot stuff.” He kept a casual air about his words, hands spreading out in surrender. “Not sure what else you expect.”
Hawks was on edge, but he wouldn’t let the villain know it. They were supposed to be meeting soon, but once again the villain pulled something unexpected and had been waiting for Hawks in his own apartment. Hawks’ feathers twitched slightly, sharpened edges ready for the command if it came. Dabi leveled him with an unimpressed stare. There was a moment where their gazes met in an intense battle, though Dabi’s look softened as he broke out in a lazy grin.
“Y’know... You might be just as much of a mystery as I am, Pretty Bird.”
“I think I’m a pretty open book myself.”
“I think you like to let people think that.”
“And I think you’re just trying to fuck with me. Can we just get to what you came here for? I had a looong day and kinda wanna get some food and some sleep.” Hawks punctuated his words by stretching his arms up high before shedding off his coat, goggles, and headphones. He tossed the coat over the back of his couch and dropped the gear onto the end table. He hoped Dabi would just drop this whole line of thought, take this as some sort of submission, and be satisfied enough to leave. 
“Oh, we can get to that later… You, on the other hand, are much more interesting.” He moved closer, hands coming out of his pockets as he crossed the room to stand a few feet from Hawks. 
“I’d love to be a great host and entertain you, but unfortunately I wasn’t expecting any guests today.” Hawks crossed his arms and watched Dabi carefully, eyes narrowing some in challenge. 
“That’s too bad. You know, I’ve been doing some research on you. I don’t quite think you are who you say you are, Hawks.” The winged-hero tensed just ever so slightly before forcing his muscles to relax some. He didn’t like the way things were going. While Dabi’s fire was his ultimate weakness, he’s sure that he’s fast enough to put a sharpened feather to his throat and end this all here and now than Dabi would be if he wanted to put the spy to an end.
“And who do you think I am then, Dabi?” He raised an unruly eyebrow. His primaries ached to shoot out and end this, poised at the ready.
Dabi blinked slowly, bright turquoise eyes disappearing for a moment before shining under heavily lidded eyes. His grin stretched a bit wider, tugging on where healthy skin met the grafts. 
“I think you aren’t the hero you put out there… Or the person you say you are. You like to say a lotta nothin’ don’t you?” Dabi stepped closer and Hawks’ fingers twitched but his arms remained crossed.
“I think you like to pretend to be this airhead bird. Like to use that name. Like to look like you’re the perfect little hero... You’re good at it, too. You aren’t though, are you… Takami Keigo.” 
Hawks had a primary feather in each hand, on pressed to Dabi’s throat. It pressed in just enough to draw some blood from the marred skin grafts. He could feel the heat radiating from Dabi’s skin and particularly from the small flames in each of his palms, but the villain made no move to use it against him. He just continued to grin. 
“What’s the look of surprise there, Birdie?” Dabi purred. 
“How do you know that name?” He demanded, crowding further into Dabi’s space. 
“Like I said, I did my research. Now unless you want to end up on the crispy side of cooked, I’d ease the fuck up,” Dabi’s voice took on a slight bite towards the end and his grin lessened. “And here I was going to tell you that you can meet the boss finally. Thought you might be real League material.”
Hawks instincts and mind screamed to press the sharp feather further or at least hold his position, demand answers. His judgment told him to ease off and soften the feathers once more. Hawks didn’t move too far from Dabi, though the primary feathers in his hands softened and returned to his wings. The heat radiating off Dabi died down along with the flames in his hands. Steam left his skin as he killed the flames. 
“Much better… We don’t want any incidents like that when you get to meet the boss, right? You’re lucky I’m a lot more patient.” Hawks wasn’t sure what this was all about but didn’t argue with him on that point.
“Glad to see your fake little hero persona is starting to crack.”
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spamtonsbigshot · 4 years
So I’ve got a possible Vento Aureo AU that i started thinking about a lot last night and i just kinda wanna post it here to have it all in one place.
Gionro - Vampire (for obvious reasons)
Fugo - Werewolf cuz i love him
Abbacchio - Probably a fallen angel, similar to how he was thrown out of the police force he was thrown out of heaven
Bruno - Probably human too, just a man in the cryptid woods who fell in love with an angel
Narancia - im tempted to just say catboy cuz im out of ideas
Mista - Satyr. Hairy.
Trish - cross between demon and human, has some demon features but otherwise can pass human
Diavolo - probably a demon
Background: Pannacotta Fugo
one of fugo’s grandparents (grandma) are definitely a werewolf that married into a wealthy family at some point therefore making Fugo a decendant. the werewolf genes skipped his parents’ generation and of his siblings, only Fugo got the werewolf genes. Fugos grandmother is the og werewolf i bet. Which is why Panni loves her so much and feels he can confide in her cuz he keeps his werewolfness to himself otherwise. idk how it managed to avoid his parents as he was young so lets say the genes kick in around like puberty age or something, as in he cant fully transform till later. so following VA lore he goes to college n shit right? and following phf lore he gets mad at his professor waving away his grandmas recent passing as she was the only one he was close to and goes feral in a literal sense. he calms himself down before anyone can come in and be like “wtf” so when hes found back in human appearance, holding a big school book, thats what people think happened and blamed it on that. After that, Fugo runs away into the woods and later would find Bruno in his cabin in the woods. Bruno’s a social outcast who used to be a fisher but after his dads passing he moved into the more wooded areas and settled there. Became a farmer maybe cuz he has to make money somehow. Because brunos lived in the woods for a few years he's befriended many supernatural creatures that live there in part just to get buy, he even has a sign that says "supernatural friendly" or something. So With fugo having run out into the woods, Bruno finds Fugo while on a walk probably and takes Fugo in after Fugo explains he has nowhere else to go. So Fugo becomes a farmhand basically and Bruno has some werewolf acquaintances explain sorta how being a werewolf works cuz fugo's only werewolf relative he knows of is dead.
Background: Leone Abbacchio
Leone WAS a guardia angel for a man of which goes unnamed. At one point, Leone took a bribe of sorts from a demon. The bribe was to keep the demon business in the area unnoticed by Angels. Later, said same demon and Leone’s human get involved on some way, and it ends up in the death of Leone’s human. Because of Leone’s neglectfulness and possible corruptness, he is cast out from above and thrown down below to earth. Abba probably breaks a tree nearby on impact when being struck down from the literal sky. Bruno goes to investigate and finds abbacchio in what looks like a meteor crash sight of his own making, theres also probably the imprint of angel wings its like a really cinematic shot probably. So bruno takes him back to his cabin and nurses him back to health. Abba was probably someones guardian angel and took a bribe from a demon that eventually got his human killed. Bruno, being all wise with supernatural shit, feels bad for him as Abba has nowhere to go. He teaches Abbacchio how to be a human and function in society that way theyre both earning something. Though, abbacchio is still an angel by blood and being and does not require stuff like food or water and therefore doesnt take up too much valuable supplies.
Background: Narancia and Mista
Narancia probably likes to absentmindedly stroll through the woods and sometimes isnt seen for a few days as he is a cat and can hunt for himself. Nara was probably abandoned and became an ally cat at some point and was bullied for being a catboy, people called him a freak and for him to go eat out of the trash and stuff like that. Fugo found him in an alley when in town, and when he looked at the cat in the dumpster, he saw intelegent purple eyes instead of feral cat eyes and new that this malnourished, injured cat was probably supernatural in some way and took him with him to bruno's cabin, later, nara just kinda becomes a housecat thats also a helpful energetic boy And on one of nara's long day long strolls, he encounters Mista, who is a satyr therefore he's pantsless (furry goat legs) and shirtless (cuz why not) narancia kinda keeps his distance for a while and comes across Mista a few times over the course of maybe a few weeks to a month, but eventually Mista gets into trouble and uses a pan flute to use some epic firest magic to kill off some harmful spirits. After witnessing that, narancia, now catboy and not cat, jumps out of the bush he was watching from to exclaim how "totally sick!" That was. They kinda talk and become friends after a while, narancia becoming less and less afraid to approach him and talk to him. They later become really good bros and nara invites Mista over to play games but since Mista has no clue wtf those are as he's a satyr that lives shirtless in the woods, Narancia teaches him how to play and thats when mista realizes he's catching feelings :) Also as a lil hc of mine im bringing in the possum i draw narancia with called Tutti Frutti Juul Pod (aka Tutti/Tutti Frutti) and theyre Nara’s friend basically and occasionally he brings Tutti home but Tutti remains wild for the most part 👀
Background: Giorno
Giorno grew up in the city with his shitty mom and step dad. No gangster saving this time. Eventually, lets say, Giorno's parents decide they dont wanna deal with him anymore and put him in an orphanage and so giorno just kinda lives a sad life for a while. Eventually, he gets adopted by Jonathan and Erina, (his ov dad still being dio but hes dead because its my au and i said so) so Jonerina adopt Giorno and stuff starts getting a lot better for him. After vampire puberty or whatever, giorno isnt going to be killed by the sun or anything it just kinda stings his skin and he'll get burned bad if he stays exposed to the sun longer than an hour or so. So he starts taking night walks. Eventually, on a night of the full moon while giorno's out on his walks (cuz hes gotta do something it gets boring in the house at night after a while) and giorno comes across fugo like, as he's transforming into a full on wolf. Fugo's kinda embarassed by the fact giorno caught him and upon seeing giorno watch him transform, he sprints away. Giorno thought fugo and his big ol white fur coat were really pretty and doesnt chase after him, but thinks about it. A month later, the next full moon and he sees him again, transforming. Giorno just kinda ponders who this pretty stranger is and this time stays more hidded and approaches him slowly. Fugo growls at him at first, but giorno's opener is "Hello, your fur is very pretty. I'm Giorno, Giorno Giovanna" and fugo gets all flustered at being called "pretty" so he decides to approach him, carefully circlin him and gathering his scent to familiarize himself with it. He decides giorno is not a threat, and decides to shift back to his more human complexion, though his wolf ears and tail are still very present, as well as sharp claws and teeth. Fugo gets all nervous and eventually introduces himself and they kinda continue walking at night. Gionro also explains hes a vampire and prefers to thrive at night. Fugo asks to meet up another night and giorno agrees. They continue like that for a few weeks till fugo eventually gives giorno his number, that way they domt have to just walk and talk at night, and their relationship grows from there.
Its such a long Post omg 💀 but thats what i have!
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softsweetsuffering · 3 years
Has an ability to mimic or amplify abilities/powers of others, as well as telekinesis
Was previously part of a group of people who also had abilities, however after mistreatment and other issues within the group, he left.
He's got a good wealth behind him.
Extremely gentle
Handsome ;)
Loves photography
Has lavender hair
Respects all
'Secretly' Plays violin
Lowkey a sugardaddy
Hamrish Benat:
Has four eyes!
Pink and blonde hair
He loves parkour (as in climbing buildings and leaping around in gyms)
Has PTSD (There are two AUS of which I default as to how he obtained it)
Ready to deck a bitch
Trained nurse
Loves teddy bears and fuzzy pink socks.
Also goes by Hami/Hayden
Andy peters:
Strong, kind.
The quiet Big Type, doesn't always talk, but his heart is in good places.
Wishes he could do more
Buff + Tall
Wears a pair of dogtags.
Has red streaks in his hair for the fun of it
Is extremely brotherly to Adrian
is friends with Hami
Adrian Géarán:
Nervous Malnutritioned anxiety filled tired mess
Has emotionally linked fire abilities (does not like having them)
likes to make little robots!
Easily bullied
Missing an arm
Struggles with normal life
Blames himself for Andys death
Looks unintentionally vaguely like Fry from Futurama
Leader of a summer camp for kiddos
Huge fan of the outdoors
Loves to garden
Red head with freckles
Good build, a little on the below-average male height
Likes to hike
Loves kids
Strong but pacifistic
Great smile
Surprisingly a little shy around other adults
Himbo energy
Douglas Connelly:
Just a regular chubby guy
His chub is only important because this man gives some of the best hugs, he's like a marshmallow
He is outwardly confident about his size, even if it sometimes worries him internally
He loves music, loves to groove in the kitchen while making snacks
Always open for roommates and new friends (one of his roommates is a hot bartender called Donovan)
A bit awkward but he tries his best.
Bunny hybrid (ears :3)
White hair
Likes to wear denim jackets
Fast runner
Has had experience working in the force
Izekiel Iris:
Bruised and abused in a facility
Was turned from human into A being of made of Paint (Useful? no. Fun? yes. Rainbow blood anyone?)
Loves painting
Easily anxious
Loves to draw on his own arms
Matthew Libelle:
Aka Matty Very delayed development wise as well as Autistic
Very much a texture lad, soft blankets are his thing.
Doesn't like loud sounds ( who does honestly).
Tries his hardest to function normally but it's hard.
Watermelon colours are his fav. Green hoodie is his fav.
Has watermelon pink hair.
Eldritch bab
Was cursed by a group of guys who were messing with magics they didn't understand
Did in fact murder said group of guys and is traumatised by the idea he has become a monster
hears voices
Has Tendrils that have burst out of his back
Has the ability to move from this realm to the Eldritch planes and back. (is terrified of said planes)
Doesn't have a home
Black curly hair- frizzy- shimmers like Slick oil
Shy type kinda, tall Pale. cold.
Kinda wishes he could just go back to normal.
Would really like to eat some fresh warm bread.
Rowan maverick
Was abandoned as a teen
Also known as Rogue/Red.
Lost some of their tongues making them mute
Trained Assassin.
Previously part of a cult
Addict to painkillers (Caused by the mental issues from the cult and the loss of tongue.)
Bad with Physical affection
Could use a friend
Cop/Ex Cop.
Laid off after an incident
Has a pubby called Otis
Likes the occasional beer
Dad energy
Issac Merewen
Was previously a Teacher - grade 11/12s
Kidnapped and kept Drugged the hell up.
Was given the new name: Jess/Jack. AKA The Jester
Now has Amnesia problems .(Anomic aphasia)
Was stored Cramped in box.
Needs glasses. (Long sighted. Cant see Infront of him for shit without glasses. He specifically likes round ones :3)
Natrually Blonde
He was very inspired by the Chitty Chitty bang bang scene, “Doll on a music box”.
- He naturally has two different coloured eyes :D
-He likes podcast n occasionally audiobooks. Its good for learning/remembering words, and way easier than straining his eyes. Although it is upsetting occasionally when he can remember more of a book/podcast he’s into more than real words or real-life things.
Tyrone Li
Wise, Patient, caring.
Brown tattoos wind up his hips and torso, curling around his chest around his heart, and around his back, flaring at his neck.
Loves plants and flora
Sex lost meaning when he was younger. He wants true intimacy again but he wants to find the right person..
Glamors hide the following features:
Tail, brown that gradients into Green, Leaf like tip.
Horns, curled. (green tipped :0)
Glamors break usually after a certain period of time regardless of feeding, however, during bad situations/fight the body may unglamour to reserve the last of its energy.
Basically immortal but can die (Reincarnations)
Not a pacifist, but not instantly into violence
He was blessed by the Heart of the Ocean (Shes wonderful <3)
Can control water, can do minor healing with water
Can make water bubble/ boil when angry
Glowy veins when powers are active
He has had many many lives
Soft..caring..Doesnt remember alot of his past..
Doesn't know how many times hes died
Doesn't have alot of family or friends
Goes on many adventures
Elio Solren.
Nickname: Sunshine
Good lad.
Is a shapeshifter Dealt with being told he was happy and always upbeat. People leaving or ignoring him whenever he wasn't started building this sense of need to be happy all the time for others.
Lots of struggles with self image. Being perfect. Appeasing everyone. Poor self body love/self body image.
Is scared about The hate from humans about shifters. The jealousy and fear about them being able to hide behind other faces.
Smiles to hide the pain
Punk/hipster vibes
Intricate golden tattoos
Doesn't open up easily
Doesn't like to admit to being in pain
AKA Corey
Owl lad!
Bright yellow piercing eyes. But is totally blind. (Face scars)
Loves music.
Plays the uke.. hums..sings sometimes.
Big wings- like barn owl.
Likes to perch in trees
Jeremey Caulfield
Winter baby
Was left bleeding in the snow at some point
Father Lovely old man (John)
Mother died (Ellie)
Birthday December 23h
Blue eyes
Black hair
Box boy
Red hair
Real sweetheart
Really needs more dev ; ;
Loves tofu n chicken
Stubborn af
Kicks ass!
Has Sass
Wears binders/sports bras for Lotsa running n such
Black hair big messy pigtails
Dark brown eyes.
Has a navy bear sleeps with it ‘doesn't care’ about it but does
Gymnast/kickboxing. Bandages around hands
Loved swinging bars since being a kiddo
Participates in Underground fight ring to make easy money
Sleeps on just a mattress
Has a laptop for study work but she's slowly giving up on bothering.
(She's not one originally but Werewolf Jules is one of my fav things)
Part mole, part orphan
Lives underground
Very light-sensitive
Is colourblind
Absolute nerd
loves tinkering with things
is scared of humans
very foggy memories of his parents.
Leilah/ Lei
Can make/control shadows.
Owns a Magic skull(Speaks to it)
Lives in the woods
Wears a skull to spook off people from her woods
Has Tattoos that are shadow/absorb shadows
Kinda bad at maintaining friendships
Emotionally Distant
Wears a cloak.
Bao Ketsuyki
Blood magic bab
East Asian.
Pink/red medium length hair
Big pretty red flower scar from blood magic use on her shoulder/ back.
Little bit foolish, little bit reckless.
Has almost died a few times from her magic use.
Oran Audun
Plays Guitar
Writes in journal, occasionally song lyrics, occasionally little messy ink drawings.
Easy to aggravate (On edge) however is trying to learn how to meditate and be calmer
Covered head to toe in scars but still tries to find confidence in himself. He doesn't find it unattractive, but he feels like others have no need to witness his scars.
loves wearing leather/fabric wrist bracelets
Unwelcome hands have used his body as a research object
Very very against physical contact, needs to break into it.
Social worker works mainly with kids.
Has a Shy guy tattoo.
His family consists of a Good ma, younger sister, and super baby brother
Dad died but dad was good.
Dirty blonde hair, kinda messy
Short, 5’
Socks the pupper is his helpful lil buddy (hes so round and white and fluffy)
Super dad vibes.
a hockey player n gymnast.
His mother died when he was about 9.
has an older brother who is a bit of a big jock type
quite protective and caring of his two much younger siblings.
ended up in a nasty scuffle though at some point during his more competitive years in Hockey
This leads to following his passion for Gym
Pole vault, the rings, trampoline.
Still plays hockey among mates or strangers on the weekends in the cold months tho
Ends up taking a position as a gym teacher for kids after taking a childhood course since he was so good at it.
actually a really sweet guy
Soft but likes his sport and jokes.
He can hold his own somewhat more than he appears.
has blue tips/stripes in his blonde hair.
He often wears varsity jackets or baseball tees. As well as a couple other sport wear shirts. (A. Good few are from his bro ofc. Free merch)
He's short but he's got a fairly decent build on him.
He's got a surprisingly good tackle if you aren't careful. And a good grip strength.
but everyone calls him Noah.
Works at a Boba tea cafe..
likes to surf.
has an Epic board.
Back and shoulders all littered with lines and tic tac toe-like scars.
he's the type to brush off any questions and change topic while smiling. But not super bubbly. Just. Go lucky.
has a few friends who like to hang out at the cafe
Was in a surfing accident that involved a lot of rocks.
4’8 Soft. Short.
Ready to protect.
Loves to bake!!!
Smells like a vanilla cupcake most of the time
Isn't afraid to fight although isn't trained
likes Yoga ( and yoga pants)
Needs glasses but doesn't wear them (tsk tsk, unless tryign to read recipes)
Dyes hair silver/white
Snake hybrid can transform his lower half from human legs to tail
Also has fangs, and therefore venom
He's got a lot of sass
Can be a bit of an asshole but soft around the right people
Isn't used to kindness
doesn't cry easily
Steals food
Mac Hiato
Also known as Caf
Very Grumpy.
Very often has bags under his eyes.
Hoodie is life
Insomnia has serious trouble sleeping.
Has nightmares of strangulation
Occasionally sufferers sleep paralysis
Scared of dark- night lights
Owns a mouse called Bean
Does freelancing webdesgisn/coding as job.
Sits like a gay.
Lives on coffee
Minorly Lactose intolerant
Has One bad eye
Her dad's a mechanic and used to bring her to work all the time
dead mum: which affected her ability to emote.
Works part time at the garage
Dad likes to bring gifts on their small catch-ups that happen every once in a while.
Sheeee. Suffers a bit of resting bitch face.
she's kinda stunted emotionally because she was raised by her dad, who, isn't great with emotions himself being a man's man and all.
She's very much a tomboy gal. Doesn't exactly get dressed up. because she finds it tiresome and not "her".
Also if she did/does have friends the nickname Nemo 100% crops up because it's sadly alll too fitting but also kinda sweet.
She's actually really into cars and mechanics. Which is one of the few good reasons her dad and her are close.
She's hard to get to know, very quiet. And if you're someone who dominates the conversation she won't speak up much, but you'll be surprised to how much she's listened.
Just because she looks tired and done doesn't actually mean she feels that way.
Samson (Lemonade boi)
His name is Samson, but he prefers Sun/Sunny. (Other more affectionate nicknames include Lemondrop and Sunflower.)
He really likes going out to markets and stuff like that, little stalls or knick knack shops to find the odd kinda items.
He also really likes wandering big forests. (Hes got some o that fae energy) He collects various cool stones/rocks/plants from some of them. He also has some small vials from waterfalls and ponds he’s encountered)
He wants to practice magic to become a witch! He loves the candles and rocks and other cool things that come with the craft. (He inherited things from his father)
He really likes loose fitting shirts too, like flowy things, ones with sleeves that drape past your fingers, or has extra fabric on the bottom that dangle down past hips. (Sometimes they come from the ladies section just because they’re softer and have more variety. Others from op shops and other niche little stores.)
He bought a cologne from a witch that looks cursed but the only curse is that it makes the one who puts it on smell like citrus..so not much of curse. (The bottle looks fuckin neato tho)
He looves fizzy drinks. Doesn’t mind his alcohol either, however it takes a surprising amount to get him on his ass despite looking like a serious lightweight.
He’s pretty average in build, bit of muscle in his arms, some fat on his thighs. Slight pouch of a tum (cause no ones flat and thats unrealistic :<)
He’s about 5′4. So not tall, but not the shortest of the short.
He kinda likes to backpack about. Not staying in places long if they get boring. Which means he is kinda jack of all trades when it comes to work, offering to fix things for pay, lots of casual work doing various things.(One of his favorites was helping a little old lady run a paint shop.)
He occasionally snorts when he laughs and tries not to.
He has his ears pierced, and he has a little yellow gemed stud in his nose.
The ring around his neck he found in the middle of a patch of mushrooms.
He has a couple other tattoos. One of them is of bubbles up his wrist :3 He also has some stars on his ankle, and a sunflower on one of his fingers on his left hand.
He’s not super in to gardening but he does have his lemon tree. He also wants to grow some mandarins
His eyes look silver in a lot of lights, but occasionally there’s some strange hints of yellow, and other times blue.
He has freckles!!!! that look alot like bubbles ;)
He has a twin brother called Fraser.
Scrunches his nose
Hides his laughter behind his hand
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wennjunhui · 5 years
seventeen hospital au
im back at it again with another random seventeen post bc nurse!jun is ruining me :)))))
disclaimer: the most i know about hospitals and how they work is from chicago med so dont expect this to be accurate 
attending physician in the ed
kinda intimidating but is really a huge softie
but don’t make him angry bc that is not a good idea at all
always seen with a protein shake
tends to hover over the new med students a lot
partially because it’s important to evaluate them and their knowledge
but most because he thinks its funny when they freak out around him
always asks for a psych consult even when he knows its not necessary
bc its totally in the best interest in the patient and not because hes bored and wants to talk with his bff nahhh
has a long term girlfriend that works as a software developer
everyone in the ed tryna get him to propose bc ITS BEEN 9 YEARS DAMMIT WIFE HER ALREADY
psychiatry fellow
usually works night shifts because hes sleeps schedule is fucked 
functions on coffee and coffee alone
is constantly Tired
catch him napping in the break rooms whenever he has time
originally wanted to go into psychology, but he gets too invested and thought it would be better to maintain short term relationships
bffs with seungcheol, but bffls with joshua
by the off chance he’s not tried, he’ll go around the ed and tease the doctors and nurses
hes in the ed a lot tho bc someone keeps calling him even tho “he literally just sprained his ankle seungcheol why am i here”
plastics fellow
fucking loaded
pulls up to the ed in a fucking gold ferrari and just shrugs when people ask about
‘yeah i got it as a birthday gift, treat yourself ya know?’
born and raised in the us, but went to south korea to further his studies
bffls with jeonghan
by GOD the chance theyre in the same room, its game over for everyone
his surgery playlist is fucking wild 
did a heartbreaking ballad just finish playing? oh thats sad but move over its britney bitch 
always brings a guitar to work parties
‘if you sing sunday morning one more fucking time-’ proceeds to sing sunday morning ‘GODDAMMIT JOSHUA’
is seeing the cute hotel concierge that works a few blocks away 
the Hot Nurse
literally all the patients fucking swoon 
kinda makes patients nervous bc of how handsome he is
ok i’ll stop now
occasionally scrubs in as a surgical nurse for minghao
he pretends to be all cool and hot shit in front of patients, but when hes around staff he turns into a giant bright ball of excitable fluff 
will always be asked to be assigned to kid patients bc he loves kids
studied abroad in korea and decided he loved it there so he stayed
may or may not have a crush on someone in the hospital but shh no one knows except jeonghan and minghao
has no problem calculating correct dosages but cant do basic math for the life of him
‘no junhui, 7+8 does not equal 17′
senior resident in the ed
works night shifts bc otherwise the ed would be dead without him
probably drinks too much redbull for his own health
his favorite treatment room is treatment room five because “that’s where a patient peed on me on my first day here”
“ok soonyoung good to kno”
“no problem”
not very tech savvy 
always manages to fuck up the tablets somehow every shift
for the love of GOD dont let him near an xray machine
also never assign him and seungkwan on the same patient they will accomplish nothing 
has taken chan under his wing
neurology resident
blind as fuck
harry potter glasses for days
looks really cold on the outside but is really just a huge fucking dork
like actually he laughs and jokes about anything and everything
neurology can be dark sometimes yo and humor is a great way to cope with it
that and gaming
half the reason why he cant see is bc he spent too much time playing video games growing up
still kinda does but he gets away with it
accompanies soonyoung on the night shift bc he knows soonyoung gets lonely sometimes
plays ballads in the surgery rooms because it helps him keep calm
pathology resident
‘forget working with humans hAVE YOU SEEN THIS BLOOD CULTURE ITS COOL AS FUCK’
that being said, he hangs around the break rooms a lot because being cooped up in pathology is just tiring sometimes and he needs actual people to talk to
but mostly its so he can draw on jeonghans sleeping face
shares a flat with soonyoung bc rent is expensive yo
usually has the best tunes down in pathology 
originally wanted to go into music, but school kinda killed his enjoyment of it for a long time
is slowly getting back into and finding his joy in it again
he knows too many stories about the ed that hes forced to listen to
“for the last fucking time soonyoung i dont care about how your patient threw up on seungkwan”
“okokok but`”
ed resident wanting to specialize in pediatrics
wow literally everyone in the ed is in love with him a teeny tiny bit
because he has such a bright and positive aura around him that its hard not to feel happy 
sings to the smol children if they get scared 
everyone always asks him to sing at work parties and he kills it every time despite being initially shy
“wait wait wait you were in a rock band in high school???”
has a crush on the ed secretary out front
its so fucking cute the rest of the ed ships them so much
sometimes he doubts himself and his skills and that makes his day very sad
but everyone in the ed is in love with him and will constantly be there to remind seokmin about how amazing his is and how much he deserves to be here
and thatll make his day better c:
ed resident
the Hot Doctor
wow everyone has a crush on him even if you dont you do
pray for the patients that get assigned to both mingyu and jun your in for a visual attack
tho the facade for mingyu usually breaks after a minute of meeting him
clumsy af yo
once knocked over the patients entire tray of food because his limbs were longer than he remembered
sometimes forgets to put on hand sanitizer and seungcheol always yells at him about
from the other side of the ed “MINGYU, HANDS”
always brings his own lunch bc hospital foods shit and he makes better food at home 
sometimes brings in cookies for the staff in the break room
theyre usually gone within an hour
trauma and emergency medicine fellow
was personally scouted by hospital officials in china
really young to be such an expert in his field
also his hands are really sensitive to abnormalities in the human body so he feels out the situation and catches the situation really early
is kinda intimidating because of his rbf and takes no shit approach
but is really super soft and fluffy once not in a work environment
relied on jun a lot in terms of adjustment here in korea, and he’s probably closest to him in the ed 
has jun scrub in with him for surgeries sometimes
objectively has the best surgery playlists
from pink floyd, to an obscure japanese indie rock
bickers with mingyu a lot of proper treatment of patients
usually theyre both right tho they just cant communicate effectively
is secretly seeing another chinese surgeon from plastics, but they hide it really well except from jun ofc
a really loud and mouthy one at that
nags everyone in the ed a lot despite not being the charge nurse
tho hes getting there and everyone knows it 
despite that, hes really sweet and caring towards patients 
is also really weak for kids, but he cant ever be assigned to them because he’ll freak out if something happens to them
always earns high marks on nurse feedback forms because he does his job AND is entertaining 
even tho he nags everyone else, sometimes hes too selfless and forgets to take care of himself
“did you forget your lunch? aiii how could you do that? here take mine”
“seungkwan you need to eat to”
“i said take it, now eat and make your mom proud”
cries and often laments how much he loves his staff when hes had a little too much to drink at work parties
a new nurse
really chill, vibin through life
is really a much appreciated presence to have around the ed, especially when things can become hectic really quickly
often acts as a translator between english and korean 
will laugh at pretty much anything (which wonwoo appreciates alot because at least someone likes his jokes)
one thing that always gets his blood boiling is the blatant ignorance some patients have
like the offhanded racism against him or his coworkers, or comments about lgbtq+ people 
and there have been times when he hasnt been able to control how he responds because wow he Dislikes ignorant people
so whenever he gets a patient like that, he often asks to switch with another nurse because “if i have to listen to karen say something racist about jun or minghao again im gonna lose my fucking mind”
med students usually hang around him bc of how approachable he is
shower thoughts
“do you ever wonder this would taste like”
“hansol dont-”
med student in his final year
is really eager to learn and get started on things!
ed is his first choice for match day
soonyoung has taken him under his wing so he mainly just shadows him
and its always a fun and great time chan has learned so much from him 
the entire ed staff has adopted him and will riot if he doesnt get accepted on match day
“chan, whos baby are you?”
“for the last time hyung IM TWENTY SEVEN”
if hes not shadowing soonyoung, hes probably studying in the break rooms with hansol throwing popcorn at him
“hyung stop im tryna study”
“ok but catch this in your mouth first”
still has a lot to learn, but hes out there conquering the world of medicine yall better watch out
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alukaforyou · 5 years
and ALSO sry to post bs on main im mostly just talking to myself in my personal tag half the time so yolo, no need to respond to this or reassure me or whatever but these days i licherally question how much of my - sry to sound like a broken record - bs is dépression or just my shité mentality, like i rly was not designed to last, huh? physically or mentally? lol. like who gets motion sickness on swings lmao anyways. i think i give up too easily. theres a bunch of reasons y but i dont feel like saying. its a different thing to kind of kno something, and to admit / speak it (confront it). i could psychoanalyze myself all day and tell u exactly why some things are the way they are but its too unpleasant to neatly state stuff like that u kno?? like... *i kno* but im not gonna say i kno. anywho, i digress. so i give up easily and kind of have a defeatist mentality too, its so exhausting lool. actually its weird cuz duality of man, i'll be rly determined / stubborn abt doing some stuff and not care abt fear of failure with certain things but when it comes to My Life / My Future i just think i cant rly do anything? i mean that literally like i got no skillz *laugh crying emoji* not particularly good at anything, and art - the only thing im maybe arguably ok at - i dont wanna do as a career, that is art therapy for me i dont feel like commercializing it. not interested in working in my major, maybe things wouldve been different if i went to culinary or cosmetology school?? that sounds fun. or if i majored in bio cuz i was so good at that, or even if i majored in japanese language or literature or idk. but no regrets tho cuz i learned a lot abt drawing in art school which i can use for myself. and hmm i like staying home and not rly going out of my way to meet new ppl so connections what? i h8 hearing how most opportunities come through the ppl u kno cuz its true and ik like 10 ppl tops so hm very sexi of me :^) i just feel like im p much f*cked and it rly doesnt help that i have no functional dreams, goals, or aspirations nor the confidence and drive to work towards anything so ah ok cool. u kno suga's songs "the last" and "so far away" ? that p much sums up my feels minus the part abt having to deal w fame obviously LOL. its so easy being a student (for me at least) but being a good student isnt really worth a whole lot in the """""real world""""" and the current education system doesnt even rly prepare u for reality or w.e like Deep Sigh also the political climate rly lookin like shité out there like hmmmmm do i even wanna try so hard to be here anymore tho??? also going back to the self confidence thing, ya idk her LOOOOL like it doesnt very much bother me tho? i really, honest to god have no idea what my redeeming qualities even are. being nice? and my mindset re - tolerance and compassion for others, etc, ya im rly proud of that actually but besides that i mean like what can i Do tho like hm im not particularly good at anything also im hideous like uglee but thats ok too like none of this Bothers me, thats just literally how i Am so ok fine, but i feel like it makes it hard for me to exist in the world i happen to be in??? and i realize im speaking with a huge bias here cuz my brain is totally out of whack im p sure if some1 saw me / read this they would lit be like um u literally do not have it hard girl, which is fair ur kinda right actually from an objective pov, probably? its amazing how um. hard? of a time my brain is having given my relatively ok circumstances but thats just how it is ig. and if i may quote shakespeare - o full of scorpions is my mind. and its weird cuz duality of man - i actually have a lot of good times w friends and whatever i have a lot of fun, im not even very Sad or in Agony its all very a mild? sensation? but that might be because my plan b is to simply *** so nothing rly fazes me anymore lool.
its usually a v confusing emotion, im either feeling happy, or if not that, very ???? im literally that duwang quote get a feeling so complicated its just "ajdjsjsja" idk its not overly repulsive and upsetting im like :s LOL u kno wat at this point idek what im even saying anymore but its good that im writing whatever cuz im gonna need to look back on this later and organize my thoughts for presentation cuz remember i have a s.o now???? i wanna let them kno so we r on the same page, and i dont feel like im tricking them, i thought it over more and there are like 4? major cards i wanna lay out on the table early on and they are 1. im not that close w my family emotionally so do not seek their approval or expect to deal with them much. 2. personal ideology / political views like im bi lmao and pro lgbt if that wasnt obvious also i dont rly wanna be around racists / terfs etc and if ur right wing or not on that respect women juice uhhh bye.. 3. my weak ass mentality how i might Maybe *** in the future like no promise but errrr theres one more but its a little more negotiable and also too early to discuss so i wont mention it but i already got the first two outta the way so ya. theres the most troublesome of all, #3. the last thing i wanna do is traumatize someone that loves me (and i love back) with that kinda thing, its too late for my dear friends whom i love, sorry i didnt kno i was gonna be like this LOL yall already got attached but its a little different with my s.o cuz i feel like its not too late to uh.... stop getting as attached LMAO like dam i've known my girls for almost 10 years whereas i've only known my s.o for like a month.
and this is totally not gonna come across right but if my s.o very understandably desides to dump me id be SO RELIEVED LIKE WOOOO ok cool cuz like essentially what i'd be saying is you are getting attached to someone who's future is not as stable as other people, including u. *huge exhale* from the bottom of my heart, my bad lol. and then i probs wont ever get involved w. a s.o again, sorry to reference snk in 2020 but remember how e*win smith is single cuz he doesnt kno when he will ***? big mood. i have never acted out on my interests before but i was like ok for once lets go off the shits and do smth ooc, i uh... didnt expect for it to actually go anywhere tho so now im like ???? i shouldve thought it through more tho, like i felt low key irresponsible af and selfish and dumb for getting involved w. someone even tho i Know how I Am like...... Also i just lov being single and staying home and chilling alone lmao like i seriously...... never get loney....
ok so what was i talking abt? how the passage of time makes me nervous cuz idk how i can manage to keep up w it??? how i feel like i cant do jack shit???? that life is hard???? and maybe a bih just wants to rest? permanently?????? i think the most irritating part of all for me, like what i am most mad about at myself is that i have no dream. yikes. naruto, do u think thats sad? well yoongi said its okay, and what counts is just being happy, so i will console myself and forgive her and idk just try my best for the time being??
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violentviolette · 5 years
21 Questions
RULES: Simply answer the following 21 questions and then tag 21 (or however many) people you’d love to get to know more!
Tagged by: @sociopathheart thank u gorgeous
1. Name/nickname: jack
2. Zodiac sign: pisces sun, cancer moon, sag rising
3. Height: 5’2
4. Hogwarts house: slytherin, as if that was glaringly obvious lol
5. Last thing I googled: mr krabs lmfao i was at work and drawing spongebob characters with chalk outside with the girls because theyre 6 so theyre super into spongebob. i got through spongebob, patrick, squidward, and plankton before i had to google what someone looked like tho so i count that as a win
6. Favourite musicians: rn its probably hozier. love that wild haired bog man.
7. Last song I listened to: something by billie ellish, i downloaded her album last week so ive been going through it
8. Song stuck in my head: nothing right now surprisingly
9. Followers: 1,239 which is genuinely insane to think about because like. i should not have that many ppl that voluntarily sign up to hear my garbage thoughts.thats nuts
10. Following: 477
11. Amount of sleep: i try really hard to get over 6 hours, it doesnt always happen but it definitely makes a difference and i pay for it if i dont.
12. Lucky number: 4 and 17
13. What I’m wearing: boxers and a tshirt that says “please not today.” im also sitting under a blanket patterned like sailor moons bed sheets and its so. fucking. soft. 
14. Dream job: absolutely nothing. i dont want to work and there is no for profit labor that i would ever enjoy performing. i want to live in my house and do what i want when i want with my very limited time in this existence. i dont care about making money or being successful. i dont have a passion that i would ever be happy monetizing like my art or my craftsmanship. i want to exist without having to “work” in a traditional capitalist sense, my dream job is no job.
15. Dream trip: anywhere. i love traveling and ill go anywhere at the drop of a dime. im always in for travel, my go bag is perma packed
16. Favourite food: cheese, literally anything with cheese in it i will eat. ive survived on cheese for weeks (not recommended but it will keep u alive) and like i could legit never get sick of it. which has been my biggest hurdle with the whole IBS diet changes. hard cheeses are still okay in moderation but i cant even smell goat cheese anymore and i used to eat that shit on the daily. alas. just another thing on the long long list of ways my body has betrayed me
17. Instruments: i used to play the flute in high school because of fucking course i was that asshole gay guy in the flute section, but i doubt i could still play now. at the very least the lip ring would be a major mechanical issue and i dont think the tongue ring would help things either
18. Languages: english, spanglish, and like, the tiniest bits of japanese and german
19. Favourite songs: taste of ink by the used, dark star by james young, it will come back by hozier
20. Random fact: i really love the water and im a fairly decent swimmer. i was on my schools swim team as a kid and did some competitions before realizing i wasnt at all competitive and that i fucking hated pressure and proceeding to never do that again
21. Aesthetic: lots of teeth, wings, long pointy black fingers, messy hair, garbage trash punk, 90′s grunge, nyc, raccoons
i dont even think i know 21 ppl so like im just gonna tag as many mutuals and followers as i can think of in this moment but hey if u see this and wanna do it just say i tagged u
@willowenigma @of-suns-and-guns @seanicus-prime @captainkiwitheboobian @h-oney-b-ones @azonus @sappholactone @manie-sans-delire-x @sternbeere @ukrainyan @coffin-bird @foxy-mulder @rococokara @gunpowderecho @chubby-elf-hux @anamorph-marco @ayghe @nogitsunewraps
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