#doesn't stay dead 🤷
vullcanica · 1 year
If you actually put together a comprehensive compendium of Nikodemus' medical history, all manner of death, illness, decay, etc, you would have a goldmine of data on forensic anthropology, virusology, traumatology, genetics, cytology, psychiatry and ancient curses. Walking body farm of a man. Survivor of the silliest deaths imaginable. Medical abomination. Doctors hate him for this one trick he used to avoid mortality. Doctors are hunting him as we speak. The subject has breached security. Code Red.
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perfecteggpartyland · 1 month
im not the other anon but ig when compared to other characters kevin can come off as a coward. and i do think "Kevin is a coward" and "it's completely normal for kevin to be afraid of riko" can exist at the same time.
but when pitted against neil for example. i can see see how kevin might seem that way. neil does run away from his father, but ultimately, he only really does that while under the control of his mother. Neil explicitly doesn't want to keep running. and stops very soon after his mom is dead and she can no longer force him to. and the decision does frighten him, I mean he has panic attacks about it, but he keeps doing it despite that. he plans to stay even before Andrew offers him protection, so he doesn't need that crutch like kevin does.
neil also isn't afraid of riko, even when he should be or when he's literally torturing him. he's not afraid of tetsuji either. or even really ichirou. even scenes with his father and lola, I mean he says lola looks like a whore to her face when she's about to torture him 💀 he says "fuck you" to his father when he threatens to cut the tendons in his legs. and he does try and fight Nathan and the others like he punches lola in the throat 😭 I'm just kinda listing of neils actions, but hopefully it makes sense? like I'm not saying neil is always unaffected or unafraid cause its not true, but he has more bravery than I think most ppl do cuz i know I wouldn't be cursing out these ppl if I was face to face with them.
and when we see compare Kevin's behavior to that a lot of it can come off as cowardice.
I think the real problem is seeing coward as a bad thing to be. which maybe sometimes it is. but it seems odd for the fandom to say "oh it's okay to be afraid" and then act like it's an insult to call Kevin a coward. its not bad if he is one. it's just a personality trait, it doesn't make him a bad person. I don't think anyone who calls Kevin a coward is attempting to make some moral judgement of his character, they're just noting a personality trait they observed in him.
Ok the problem is that a lot of people who call Kevin a cowerd ARE making moral judgements of his character; Kevin is rightfully afraid of riko and a literal Yakuza; he grows up in the nest where Neil spent two weeks and as further more traumatized; a lot of people don't take that into Consideration . Kevin not spouting up insults like Neil is not cowardance. he can keep his temper in check; neil is being hypocritical too cause like as u said his mom abused him yet he loves her ; and Kevin grew up with riko and still sees him as a brother figure; that's normal not to mention Neil is afraid of his father and think Kevin is coward. for Kevin his fear is riko. I think it all depends on what you think bravery is; Neil can't keep his temper in check and all his roasts and "bravery" has had awful consequences a lot of times. if Kevin was really coward he wouldn't tell Neil to run away while in the middle of season once he found out his identity knowing game would be at risk; he still offered to talk to Neil about riko when he's rightfully terrified and had a panic attack after seeing him. He never gave up on exy learned to play with his other hand and in the end he manages to stand up to riko; and beats him. It just pisses me off when Kevin's characters good traits are all ignored in favor of him being labeled as a spinless coward ; when that's not the case. Bravery is not only shit talking or knife swinging to me. And I hate the world coward generally; he's traumatized just as much as the other foxes and other than his rightful fear of riko and actual Yakuza he's not a coward and in the end he does stand up to him/them so he's not even a coward anymore. It shouldn't be such a large part of Kevin's description in the end at least ; by that logic jean is also a coward? And I've never seen someone call him that badly over the years.🤷
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impishtubist · 1 year
More, Sirius didn’t know Harry was even in danger until he saw Peter in the photograph. When he asks Harry to live with him, his response along the lines of “of course, you want to stay with your aunt and uncle” makes it clear that he was under the impression Petunia and Vernon had some shred of human decency and raised their nephew with actual care. We have no idea what Sirius actually knew of the Petunia-Lily situation, Lily says Harry “smashed a horrible vase Petunia sent me for Christmas (no complaints there),” but this still doesn’t indicate what Sirius knew of the relationship. Perhaps the vase was just utterly hideous (which could also be interpreted as siblings just exchanging the ugliest thing ever back and forth, could be an inside joke, and so on. With no knowledge of the relationship, it can be interpreted as a normal sibling relationship). Plus, Petunia still gave her a present (and they were in hiding at the time, as Harry is already 1 and I’m fairly certain it’s said that they went into hiding before he was born), suggesting they were in some form of contact. It’s a common headcanon that Sirius and Lily bonded over their relationships with their siblings, but as far as I remember, that’s not actually canon, it’s just as possible that Lily refused to speak about Petunia and all Sirius knew was that Lily had a Muggle sister she didn’t see often (and there’s also a war going on, a war that believes Lily deserves to die, so it’s not exactly unreasonable to think that Lily wouldn’t put her sister in danger by frequently hanging out with her while the war is going on). Point is, Sirius didn’t actually know that Petunia and Vernon were treating Harry the way they did and also had no way of learning this since that’s hardly splashed across the paper the way the Weasley’s photo was, but he’d have broken out the moment he learned if he did. Even in the earlier years, Sirius didn’t know what was happening in the school. It seems Quirrell is just never mentioned again after PS so that definitely didn’t get reported and they swept the COS events under the rug, Sirius legit couldn’t find out. It’s a chance photo in the newspaper (and imagine if Fudge visited a different day when the picture was not in the paper anymore) that tells Sirius that Harry is in danger, he didn’t have any other source of information. Who’s he gonna ask about Harry, the Dementors he can’t communicate with? The other inmates, who know only as much as he does about the outside world? Fudge, who thinks he worked for Voldemort and wants Harry dead? And before anyone says he could have asked Hagrid, a) we don’t know if they were even able to speak in their cells and b) Hagrid also thinks he’s working for Voldemort so he certainly won’t be chitchatting with the man he thinks signed his best friend’s death warrant and nearly damned them all.
I love when the Sirius Black Defense Squad (TM) appears in my inbox 🥺
Yes to all of this! I know fanon loves to write that Sirius knew how awful Petunia and Vernon were, but canonically we have no reason to believe he ever actually met them or that Lily really spoke of them, aside from the vase comment that could be passed off as sibling rivalry. Canonically, in POA, Sirius thinks that Harry's living a happy life with his aunt and uncle and he doesn't want to disrupt that if Harry doesn't want it! He truly did break out to protect Harry, because as we all know, no one else was going to do it 🤷
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i agree that mammon is very respectful and never forced mc but did you need to compare that to levi? im not trying to be rude just letting you know that it put levi in a bad light and levi only thought of it as a chance to stay close with mc through acting so he took it it's not like he did something uncomfortable to mc :(
I never said he did anything uncomfortable. I literally just stated a fact that actually happened in the current event. They obviously have differences in personality & how they approach relationships, it's right there in the game for anyone to see.
I, personally, don't believe Levi's actions put him in a bad light but if you do then that's something you need to take up with the devs not me😭
All that being said, I'm gonna conduct a very mini lesson in character analysis because...;
One way to analyse a character's traits is to compare & contrast them with another character, & in this case Levi was the obvious choice (since Simeon chose to cast MC as Solomon's dead lover in order to avoid conflict).
I'm not even saying one way is better than the other, that's very subjective to the reader.
Also considering how the characters (specially the brothers) act, there's always a high chance that when you're analysing or discussing CANON facts one or more of them are going to come out in a "bad light"
For example:
You discuss Satan or Asmo's major issues (which I have done) and Lucifer comes out looking like a douche
You discuss what happened on the train with Luke in S3 and Mammon comes out looking like a douche
You discuss Asmo's first pact formation and Solomon comes out looking like a douche
You discuss Simeon & Diavolo's first meeting and Simeon comes out looking like a douche
Hell, I've compared and contrasted Mammon & MC enough times and had MC come out in a "bad light". One or two of those times were on consent too
It's common enough when you're breaking down aspects of their personalities or actions and analysing media from different PoVs of characters with conflicts or conflicting ideals that some of them come out looking bad, even though if you take their whole personality they're objectively a good person.
I don't know what to tell you, that's just how it is sometimes 🤷
Again, I don't think Levi's actions in this particular event were bad BUT he has done some shitty things (like they all have) and that's obviously okay because all characters have flaws. A character having flaws doesn't mean they've been placed in a "bad light" either
I'm this 👌 close to going on an unneeded rant about letting characters be shitheads sometimes (or hell all the time!) without expecting them to be perfect & expecting everyone else consuming the media to perceive them as perfect
So the answer to your question is: Yes ^.^
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Hello. I am here to hurt Breg. And not in a sexy times way.
Okay i wanna set the scene. The meeting happens, Breg being a weirdo, Reader and breg finally start dating and being in a relationship, Shenanigans starts and happens, Maybe a year passes but oh what the hell is this? Reader’s slowly falling out of love.
Of course the first idea is “Don’t tell breg this cause he’ll freak out”. But then again, are we really gonna just keep up in a relationship with someone we dont really love anymore? Basically reader’s kinda in a dead end here tryna think of what to do. Might as well be honest am i right?
So reader tells Breg, Tryna explain it real gently to the poor guy. What’s Bregs next move? Kidnapping? Tell them “haha no your not wdym you dont love me anymore”. Like is the dude really gonna try and keep reader, Hoping they can fall in love with him again? Tryna still be in a relationship where Reader doesn’t really love him anymore? Or idk this just gets us killed 🤷
Anyways thats all, Feel free to ignore this. Also fun fact i was typing this while listening to Fantasy by Mariah Carey. Yeah don’t question me. But i do recommend it.
Oh no. Oh no no.
What do you mean falling out of love with him? No. Not even close. Get real.
He didn't go through all this effort just for you to fall out of love, to get bored of him. That's... That's just wrong. How could you? How fucking selfish do you have to be?! "I don't love you anymore."... Just like that. Breg can't understand, he can't- That's not a thing. That's an excuse, and a cruel, pointless, disgusting one at that. Just tell him, okay? If he did something wrong, tell him.
Don't play around like that. Breg really doesn't like that joke, angel. It's not funny. You might not want to say that again.
Breg's first strategy is denial. Denial all the way. In fact, one of the first things he does is leave the conversation, mostly not to hurt you or himself during the initial shock of it. He'll return some time later, pretending the exchange didn't happen, and everytime you try to start the same topic, he'll loudly interrupt, or desperately seek for a distraction. This may lead him to grabbing you too hard in an effort to get to you divert your attention to something else, but the breeder express clear regret when you cry out.
Then comes the silence.
And if you've been around Breg enough (a year will do), then you know this is around the time where you either drop a subject completely or deal with the consequences of pressing on. Breg won't reply to you when you start conversations about falling out of love, and he will oftentimes try to remove himself from the situation or do something to keep himself occupied and to prevent his mind from wondering.
Persist and Breg will take drastic measures.
You get an explosive reaction. Breg will reveal to you how deeply this is affecting him, breaking down into a crying, screaming, snarling mess about how none of it is fair, about how he only wanted to love you, how he's been behaving so well and doing everything right and you don't get to take his happiness away- You just don't. He's furious, he's broken. He can't function without you, he only bothered to integrate into society fully because of you, so you'd love him, see him as a proper mate. By some miracle of God, Breg actually succeeded, everything was so fucking perfect, and now you just had to ruin it, didn't you?
Well no. That's not how this is going to end at all. You don't get to decide.
Maybe it's time you take a break, stay home, and let Breg handle the bigger things, yes? Don't worry about anything, he'll take care of it. Because clearly, the two of you need some alone time. This is the initial stage of the kidnapping phase, and while there is room to salvage your current situation, you're on thin fucking ice, angel.
It's only a matter of time until Fasma stumbles onto this sad scene and advises Breg on how to properly keep someone captive.
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boinin · 1 year
Blue Lock Manga
After two weeks of creeping hysteria and stir-craziness redditors know what I mean, the scanlation for Chapter 222 (“Design”) has dropped. My usual new chapter rambling under the cut.
No mention of a break next week 🎉
Previous chapter analyses
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1. Hiori finds his mojo (isagi. it's been isagi all along)
I had hoped best boi's ego would be linked to combating Ubers more so than Isagi, but alas, the harem of simps/rivals proved too compelling to pass on. This seems to be set-up for Noa to substitute Hiori on in place of Kurona once the three-minute star change is over. But until then...
It's been pointed out on the subreddit that Isagi looks particularly good in that first panel. I would like to raise that Hiori is going doki-doki for Himsagi-kun in the second.
Guys, they know who they're appealing to with this manga. On that point...
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2. Soccer Dad Star Showdown
Blue Lock!! Where one half of the fandom are here for the world-class ball keeping techniques and the other half of the fandom are here for... the world-class ball keeping techniques 😏 Guess what camp I'm in?
The effect normal panels of Snuffy and Noa have on me. Guess I have a kink for competent football dads 🤷 /s Chris Prince and Lavinho could never.
Anyway, Snuffy hits the pitch hot and doesn't let BM catch a break. I really enjoyed his and Noa's face off. As much chaos as Lavinho and Prince caused during the two previous matches, Snuffy strikes me as a far bigger threat in terms of dismantling BM's defence (and showing up Noa). It takes BM's two most talented forwards to see off the shot Snuffy sets up for Barou. At the end of the chapter, as Ubers regroup to take on BM's defence again, I have a sinking feeling Snuffy's going to win this confrontation. And perhaps he should. What's rational exactly about a team at war?
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Unashamed thirst screenshot of Snuff. This one is really cool, didn't have time to clean it, but it looks bomb ✨ He's so threatening yet friendly? Realest of the bunch.
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3. Ness tries
That's it.
Like for real. He runs in, doesn't touch the ball, gets read to filth by a fifteen year old, and isn't seen again in this chapter.
When are we going to see some magic from the magician?
It's high time for Ness (as a professional player) to get his head in the game. This is the guy that outperformed everybody but Kaiser in the original BM stamina and technique test. He's subservient to his emperor, but even then, how is he this lacklustre?
Since Noa only cares about numbers, it seems like Ness is here to stay... but it sure is frustrating.
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4. Superbowl: Kaiser V Barou V Isagi
This is my favourite panel this week. Clock the auras: puzzles, thorned vines and lightning collide at last. Dope. I'm still new to colouring, so I'm not touching this one, but I can't WAIT to see what someone with serious skill does with it 🔥🔥🔥
It's refreshing to see Kaiser get worked up over someone other than Isagi. Got to spread the frustration, right?
Prediction tracker
(alternatively: how wrong can one nerd be week to week?)
Last time, I predicted: I think Snuffy's MO will be to set up a goal for Barou, while knocking Kaiser and Isagi down a peg. I hope he synergises with Lorenzo! Noa will be man marking Snuffy, but might get time to do some Isagi coaching while he's out there, who knows?
So far so good, right? I think this prediction will carry over into the next chapter. I'll caveat one thing: Isagi and Kaiser's backs must ache from carrying both the offence and defence of Bastard Munchen. They're the only BM players that aren't part of the circus as of the end of this chapter. Raichi, Yukimiya, Mensah and Birkenstock found dead in a ditch /s
I predict Barou will score the next goal, with Lorenzo providing an assist. Then Noa will make a substitution with the aim of countering Lorenzo and Ubers in the final play of the game...
Four chapters ago (chp 218), I predicted: As for who’ll be the true game changer? Said it already, but if Hiori’s not getting subbed on for our newly christened royal trash!Ness in the next five chapters, I’ll eat my hat. 🐑
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Have a funny feeling he'll get subbed in the chapter after next. If I'm decided a clown by chp 223, watch the egg on my face get cooked by chp 224. I don't think Ness is getting subbed out at this point.
Until next time! 😋👒
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oldandkinky · 6 months
Find the word! tag game, tagged by the lovely lovely @piceuscelus
Words: scream, warn, stay
Scream (from the underage beast thing I wrote after I prompted the one for @dead-dove-diner )
In any case, he could hear her coming down the steps, humming softly to herself. He could have stopped Jaskier, could have pulled him off his prick and made sure they were decent before Ciri could see anything - but he didn't. Jaskier's arse feels too good, hot and tight and plush, and Geralt would rather cut off his own arm than pull out of that heavenly clutch. Besides, Ciri is twelve, old enough to learn about these things.
He reaches around Jaskier and grabs hold of his cheeks, pulls them apart to give their little voyeur a better view. Jaskier groans and fucks down harder, oblivious of their audience.
"Fuck, Geralt, yes, fuck, fuck, feel so good inside me," the troubadour whines, and Geralt plants his feet wide and thrusts up into his tight arse. “Yes! Oh, gods, ‘m gonna- Fuck, love, ‘m gonna come-”
Geralt pulls him down hard into every upwards thrust of his hips, and it’s jarring, so rough that Jaskier’s teeth clack loudly, and it shoves Jaskier straight over the edge into his orgasm. He screams, his nails leaving angry red grooves on Geralt’s shoulders as he comes between them, and the sharp pain of the scratches combined with Ciri’s flushed little face in the shadows, the shocked, confused flutter of her heart, that’s enough to lead Geralt to his end as well. He groans and sinks his teeth into his bard’s shoulder, his hands leaving bruises on his hips as he empties himself into Jaskier’s guts, and when he manages to gather his wits again, they’re alone once more.
Warn (from a "What if Lambert showed up to save Essi instead of Geralt" Honey AU)
The village is bustling. It's almost Lammas and everyone is in a good mood, making Lambert stick out like a sore thumb even more than he usually would. He avoids towns during festivals for this exact reason, but now he doesn't have a choice.
He does, in fact, but he's committed to seeing this through, even if the thought of facing Jaskier again makes him vaguely sick. What if the boy has changed his mind about what happened, if he feels taken advantage of - in what way?, a voice that sounds exactly like Aiden's whispers in his head -, if he spits in Lambert's face and-
He only gets a second's warning before something small and sturdy slams into his legs, thin arms winding around them. A blue eye peeks up at him from under wild blond hair.
"Hey, Essi."
He stands there like a dolt, Essi's arms still wrapped around his legs, unsure what to do. They're in the middle of the street, and he can feel the suspicious looks of the neighbours like a physical touch. Kids and Witchers are never a good combination in most people's opinion.
"Jaskier didn't think you'd come back but I knew you would!" the girl chirps, and Lambert looks down at her again.
Stay (omegaverse Geraskier piss fic 🤷)
Jaskier loses a bit of time, he thinks, because when he can focus again he's being pulled off the horse by strong arms. There's an old fireplace, some logs set up around it. It looks like this is a popular rest stop, and the Witcher leads him over to the logs and presses him down.
"Stay here," he instructs, but Jaskier tips forward as he steps back.
He winds his arms around the Witcher's thigh and presses his face into the man's crotch with a whine, and oh, he never wants to leave this place. The Witcher smells fucking amazing here, his base scent mixed with sweat and the unmistakable scent of his cock, and now, after however long they've shared the saddle, of Jaskier and Jaskier's piss, and he nuzzles against the leather like a man starved.
"Fuck." The Witcher stands stiffly as Jaskier huffs his scent, but he's not as reluctant as he's pretending to be. His cock swells against Jaskier's cheek, noticeable even through the leather, and he turns his head just so and noses against it.
Who cares that he has never fucked an alpha? Right now, all he can think about is sitting on this delicious-smelling dick, taking the no doubt wonderful knot until he can’t see straight anymore. Surely the alpha won't begrudge him that?
Tagging @restless-witch, @greyduckgreygoose, and @witchertrashparty, if you want to.
Your words are "sweet", "hold", and "strong".
(also excuse the janky formatting, I'm doing this on my phone and it's The Worst)
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silver-wield · 5 months
Wow, more goalpost shifting from the dead flower girl possy. Now stans are claiming that Cloud is too "codependent" for Tifa and that being with Aerith will break him away from that. So, they're finally admitting that Cloud isn't attract to Aerith whatsoever and are just trying to sell the "benefits" of him hooking up with her.
They've said that before. They don't like that Cloud is obsessed with Tifa and try to make it toxic. Thing is, Cloud's obsession never becomes toxic. He doesn't spend his days stalking her, he actually stays away because he thinks he isn't good enough to be around her. He uses his feelings for her to try and better himself, but with no expectation at the end of succeeding in winning her affections, he just does it so he has a chance at being good enough for her. He never puts her in uncomfortable positions, even in the Kalm flashback intro he asks if she's okay with him talking about it first. He never touches her unless it's to help her and he always offers his hand first. He seeks her opinion on plenty of things. All in all, Cloud is good to her. He doesn't burden or expect anything from her, he just quietly loves and supports her in his own way.
So yeah, so what if Cloud's codependent and obsessed with Tifa? Aside from Sephiroth's interference, it doesn't do any harm to either of them. They're just mad he doesn't feel that way about Aerith 🤷
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bonefall · 1 year
God ive been reading through your rewrites and im totally obsessed. I've had so many similar ideas about cooking and i get so excited looking at your ideas. I have my own cat system and story idea set outside of the warriors Universe I've been working on for years now and reading your ideas gives me tons of inspo. Theyre an incredibly useful respurce for worldbuilding
Also this is totally unrelated to literally anything, but what are your thoughts on Jaggedtooth / Snag? He was Rowanclan's mentor and a major Tigerstar supporter
Also, does Antpelt have any kin in this rewrite? In the original series I beleive he is an "orphaned" kit. I'm a sucker for Ant x Breeze but i've also recently come up with a headcannon / au where he is brought in and is apart of Smokey's litter with Onestar. The reason he brought Any in and not Dark was because Ant was deathly ill and Onestar pretended Ant was a random orphaned kit that hid mate decided to surrogate. I have absolutely no idea how the litters line up with canon though so 🤷
Thanks for the compliment! I'm glad it's helped get the creative juices flowing!
On Antpelt
He is an Orphan Warrior in the main series by my definition, yep! He has no official siblings or parents. I haven't figured out who his parents are going to be yet, though, only because I haven't completely redone WindClan's family tree yet.
In fact I only have a few things truly confirmed for WindClan's family tree right now.
The first is that Onestar has no siblings. He's the son of Larksplash and Cloudrunner, and his mother died in childbirth, which is how he got the name Onekit.
The second is that Mudclaw's children are the first born at the lake; and they are half-Clan, from him and Whitewater. Whitewater was going to invoke the Queen's Rights, but after the failed rebellion she felt wrong about her two oldest kits and gave them to Torear to raise. Those kits were Kestrelflight and Harespring; she kept the last one, Owlclaw.
Soooooo basically Antpelt's nowhere right now. I'll hook him up when I work on the tree next; but Onestar's only child is going to be Heathertail, and maybe Galekit, but they're going to stay dead.
I really like Jaggedtooth and Nightwhisper. They both always struck me as people Tigerstar actually HATES, but keeps them around because they're useful.
I'm fond of how far Jag was willing to go for him, cutting off one of his own fingers to get Tigerstar into a better position, only to be snubbed. I'd join BloodClan too after that fuck you Tigerstar get divided loser
I know Jaggedtooth's generally used as a villain, but it's more fitting to my narrative for him to be a bit more sympathetic. For the story I'm trying to tell, Clan Culture is supposed to be a constant antagonist, especially for this time period where Fire Alone is not established. Runningnose is being buffed up into an actual villain, meaning there's no need for Snag to do the false sign with his severed claw.
So for my rewrite, Jaggedtooth,
Is an ok mentor to Rowanpaw. Rowan is now the daughter of Brokenstar, but Jaggedtooth doesn't care and she finds that refreshing.
What really hurts her is when Jaggedtooth leaves, as he was the closest thing to a father she ever had.
Rowan's first mentor is killed in the epidemic. Not sure who it is yet though.
Anyway Jaggedtooth rejoins BloodClan, and either goes back to the name Snag or shortened it to Jagged/Jag.
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quietzap · 1 year
So I've always enjoyed your reblogs of 911, I never actually watched it until very recently. I rmr watching Ryan in the boy next door and thought he was a good actor! Now, I've been seeing here and there what's happening in his personal life right now..can u tell me why him and the wife were toxic together? I'm so fkn nosy! 🤣🤣🤣
Glad you enjoy the reblogs! Fun fact, Oliver who plays Buck also auditioned for The Boy Next Door! And yess Ryan's such a good actor! iirc the original 911 showrunner specifically wanted him to play Eddie! (And Maddie was supposed to become his love interest but thankfully JLH wanted Chimney instead aha)
And well it's just that they weren't compatible to being with 😅 thing is she got pregnant only a few months after they started dating and Ryan had talked about how much he wanted children so yeah they stayed together and then they were gonna break up but she got pregnant again during the pandemic and they tried to make it work again (and got married at home 😅). Anyway, she's very into social media and he isn't (he's into painting and photography etc), she's into restrictive diets and excessive workouts to look a certain way and he isn't (he said he doesn't want to spend time and energy on what it takes to look like when he was younger, and she acknowledged that it's not easy to deal with her when she preps for her bodybuilding competitions). She seems to have certain values that don't align with his (I mean she does seem to be open-minded but she also loves guns and stuff). He's also made comments that make it sound like she's quite jealous and has to approve his female love interests on the show. And I rmbr he posted about how she taught him to focus on what he needs instead of what he wants even if it's hard bc it's worth it 😐 Also he was always showing her support with her endeavours and more recently her singing meanwhile at first she posted about the show but the last couple years she only praised his looks, like nothing about his artworks. And like, throughout their relationship every couple of months she'd be passive aggressive on her instagram about their relationship so everyone would know things weren't ok lol and she'd post pics without her wedding ring on, and Ryan would be more lowkey and delete pics of them/her as some kind of retaliation I guess (it seems being with her made him a bit childish, or maybe he just wasn't happy that she was public like this). And then they'd be ok again and praise each other lol anyway. Since the beginning of the year it was clear things weren't ok like she made a passive aggressive post on V-Day about how challenging it is to watch your partner grow and all basically saying they're growing apart lol, and he commented basically agreeing things were nightmarish 😅 and recently he'd been deleting a few posts here and there and she posted about getting rid of "dead ends that no longer serve" her (yikes). Then they posted an old family pic on their stories (I guess to mean they're still a family through the kids) and now they've both unfollowed each other and deleted all pics of each other etc. So I guess they're officially divorced now 🤷 so yeah it seemed Ryan tried to be another person with her at first to make things work and then as time went on he cared more about what makes him truly happy and that wasn't compatible with what makes her happy 🤷 So yeah as you can see this wasn't very healthy! But kudos to them for divorcing now and not staying together for decades just for the kids, it'll be much better for them to see their parents separated but happy than together but miserable!
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whumpbby · 2 years
I'm kinda new to DC universe, so forgive me if my question sounds stupid, but... why the hell are they so fixated on the Batcat pairing and their never-ending-hookups-and-breakups? rather than focus on Bruce and his relationship with, like, 50 of his kids?? And don't get me started on all these "Bruce is sad and lonely without Selina :(" wtf?? the only relationships that matter are romantic ones? What about Alfred, Dick, Damian, Tim and the rest?
Well, it's a bit of a wider issue. Because when you have only so much plot available to stretch into 60 years you start to repeat yourself.
Like, this is not that the writers are uncreative or some such (as much as we like to rant about it) it's the downright ridiculous conditions they have around their writing that kill creativity dead.
Mainstream comic books with popular characters are my idea of Hell - the characters have to stay the same no matter what! Their relationships cannot progress beyond a handful of strictly dictated ways. The plots cannot be too "heavy" for the "typical fan" (white, straight, male, early twenties) to enjoy. By design - it HAS TO BE a literary equivalent of baby food to keep selling well.
A constant high-stake drama that in the long run means very little is a requirement. Constant. This means relationships.
The relationships that are easy to break up and restart at will - that means romantic. Familial relationships are too fiddly - you risk pissing off some fans, you have to solve shit, write around, gasp, relationships can change!!! - not so with romances. Romance is safe - for whatever reason they just can't be together🤷 I guess. Cool. Happens all the time. Women/men can be exchanged for a new model if no one stays together. Big returns are always a hit. Allo people are geared towards romantic relationships (intended audience above) aren't they?
Also, good old wish fulfillment - again, intended audience of white male straight 20yos (that is the only audience exacutives seriously consider) have to be reassured that the hero they identify with can easily pull a beautiful woman even if they're on opposite sides of the law. But they don't have to be tied down, you know, because relationships are boring once established - that's work, and that's not exciting.
Writing about a man dealing with fatherhood is not exciting. Not in the good way - way intended for our imaginary audience - not easily solved and not satisfying. Even worse, it carries a risk of showing the hero in a bad light from time to time, risk of the hero having to accept their faults and work on them and chamge! Can't have that! Change is bad! A 20yo intended audience doesn't care about parenting, do they? They care about getting the hottest girlfriend. Again. And again. And again. She doesn't want to stay, but she can't stop returning.
Also, the moment Batman readily agrees with a woman he doesn't control is the moment an army of incells raises to yell "wokeness got into my batman!!!😡"
None of these characters are allowed to mentally mature above their intended Target Audience composed of 20yos. That's why Damian acts like a little adult and Bruce like a mental patient - they have to edge the same line.
Notice that objectively best stories of the last few decades were written as side-projects and separate "verses" that don't really fit within the main ones. A guest writer of high caliber is hired for a book that sells on their name, and so they can tell a self-contained story about anything they want.
The family will never be the focus of Batman in the mainstream, because what imaginary always-horny right-leaning 20yo cares about family?
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cgetbrmj · 11 months
What to expect from Cgetbrmj
(besides posting at random times)
Not that I think anyone will really read this or care but I need a lil place to store the scheduled fic ideas and separate them from the scrapped fic ideas
Get ready for a lot of writing that nobody will probably read lol!
the Evolution series - tlou
fic #9 is only just under 1000 words right now and very much still in the planning stage, and every fic AFTER that is currently still sitting in the 13k word doc of planning
There are around 30ish chapters that I had planned out a while ago, give or take, so if any of you like that series, I wouldn't stress about it being ditched lol
Also in tlou were two separate one shots that I had written at the start of the year, when the show's first episode came out and I liked both of them but I feel like they're both too ooc to post so I never bothered editing them but 🤷
I'd also planned another mini series for tlou that had four chapters, all sort of centered around silver lake/aftermath/healing but with a littles are known/classification au to it - which I do still like and plan on fixing up at some stage
The Walking Dead
firstly, covering the fics in the Daryl's acting weird series
Always A Losing Game has 2 chapters left - both with a loose plan but not a lot of actual writing finished for them
There was a one shot that was in the works for a bit - something short and sweet from Michonne's perspective during the night that This takes place that I never finished
After the events of Always A Losing Game I don't have any full fics written for the beginning of the Alexandria era (aka season 5b and season 6) just snippets and ideas and concepts that I'd written down that I need to go and sort through and somehow make sense of
after that weird brief section where I have nothing written for some reason lol, there's 8 fics that are all planned/at least partially written in a coherent fic form and ready to be edited all set between the latter half of season 6-season 9
There's also a bunch of ideas and concepts for fics Post Rick set in this series that I need to also sort through
The Dandelions series... If there is literally anyone out there who liked it, I'm so sorry for posting two fics and then never talking about it again. Still love the concept here!! Even if I hate the writing in the fics!! Trying to get the motivation to actually edit the other fics in the series. There's another 5 fics in the series yet to be posted, all kind of written but not edited. One of those fics includes the fix it version of my OWN FIC lol, with a good ending where Alden lives at the end of it, if anyone's interested. I love Alden so much and I think that that love should override how much I hate my own writing here and convince me to finish what I started lmao
The Stubbornness Series, my beloved. My true underdog I feel. I love this series very passionately for someone that typically doesn't like their own writing after like a month of having it posted.
There's another 4 one shots that need to be edited and a fic that needs to be split into 3 parts, I'm still unsure if they'll be chapters or all standalone - tell me what you like reading more lol
The first 4 are
Daryl staying up late to wait for Rick to come back from watch
season 11 finale/rosita's death
rough/restless night with lots of comfort and cg!Rick and Michonne
Michonne finding Daryl directly after the bridge in season 9
The other is about Daryl finally returning to Alexandria in season 9, with Lydia, Henry, and Connie - where him and Michonne have lots of angst and trauma talk- try and fix their problems and help each other/try and get Daryl to go into headspace-go to the kingdom-heads on pikes- getting back to Alexandria- snowball fight
It has around 6000 words right now, and I'll be honest I was so close to dropping it and trying to rewrite it (it being the first part of the three) It came out SUPER angsty, even for me, and I felt like I couldn't make any of it work, hence why it didn't get posted on my bday, but maybe I was stressed because I was so busy at the time idk. I need to reread it and see what I can do
James Bond
the further down the rabbit hole, the nicher it gets lol
There's around 12 fics I have written that need to be edited before they're posted here, most of them were made last year and are just snippets, but I still like the concepts and want to finish them at some point
Too many concepts to do dot points for plots here, so if anyone really wants more info, which I kinda doubt lol, feel free to ask for more <3
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
WOah, that one came out of nowhere, right? Well what if I told you that I binge watched the 3 captain america movies and this show purely to take notes, and my GOD did I do some serious note taking, last year? The year before, I think? Definitely the year before. So that I could create this story about previous cg!steve L!bucky that was angsty and fun and then turn it gradually into cg!sam?? Would you believe me? Because I honestly don't think I've ever brought it up before lol. Anyway that was something that I did do. And wrote for. And now I have a planned storyline and snippets of writing and absolutely no idea whether or not I should do anything with it
Now the fun miscellaneous fics
There's one rpf (real person fic) that I wrote purely for my own enjoyment and comfort and author projecting needs - written for a show that I can't believe I would ever write agere for but anyway. I loved it, will probably never post it?
There's a couple other misc fics that I'm always on the fence about posting or not so
one of them is also an agere littles are known/classification au of Mission Impossible of all things, since I rewatched the new movie so much and brought back the hyperfixation once again.
There's also another MI fic I wrote that I genuinely really loved and want to post that ISN'T agere??????? What?? From me??
So that's that. Those are the main fics waiting to be edited and fixed up and posted as of right now. These are the ones I plan on not giving up on. If anyone is interested in any of them and want to talk about any of them, I'm always excited to talk about my fics! And always excited to hear if someone likes my fics! Don't be shy!
I know no one will probably read this but this will probably be good for my brain to sort out my shit with these fics and stop confusing myself with the fics that I'm scrapping lol
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tiffcore · 1 year
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀belle reve!
twenty - two. nothing but a bully. campy little girl who likes to be mean to chicks with fat enough tits.
belle ultimately peaked in high school. her 'friend group' which really wasn't a friend group, just people who could stand within 5 feet of one another and resist the urge to talk shit, consisted of upperclassmen and one freshman who was too pussy to say anything but "Yes, Belle" and "Yes please, Belle." she really liked it like that.
a little delusional of her to think that it'd stay like that forever though! but it's par for the course that the little cunty blonde thinks the world revolves around her. in desperate need of a reality check, belle is, though she doesn't really get it until she realizes she doesn't even have enough credits to apply to college! she ought to have threatened more people to do her homework ...
oh well, she was never one for school anyway. college was just chock full of gross, sweaty dudes. men are only good for lining your pockets, and even then - their attitude is hardly ever worth it.
so she applies to the first job she sees where the staff is all female. not just any random women either - buxom and cute, shy and not too headstrong...
and imagine her surprise when her next assignment is with tiffany! who's all smiles, just like she was when belle was pulling her hair and trying to squish her tits. belle isn't any nicer, talks hot shit like she's not flipping burgers like the rest of them. tiff smiles at her and it still pisses her off.
she listens to her music though. abides by it like it's scripture, was the first person to buy the merch when it dropped - tacks it to her wall because she can't be caught dead being a fan of anything but herself. sometimes she wishes she wasn't so ... stuck up, but it's far easier to be hostile than to tell a pretty girl you like her...
belle wasn't fortunate enough to have parents that wanted her.
Which is tough for her I guess 🤷, so she funnels all the rage in her tiny, haughty body outward, cause she'd burst a vein and bleed out otherwise.
Belle has never been nice. Not even for a second. When she was a baby she would tear rubber nipples to shreds (because nobodies putting el diablo's face near their funbags, no way) and tied the necks of her stuffies with shoe lace string so she could get good flicking and whipping action. Belle wasn't really eccentric, but moreso chaotic and creative in her menacing.
She's a sharp tool and definitely stabs. But she's always had a soft spot for pretty girls.
Never outwardly of course, but in the recesses of her mind, she's always had this little dream ... A budding desire to have a girlfriend of her own. Ugly boys with their snot noses and stupid fucking faces didn't deserve the attention of such cute things!
But she never did find it in herself to be kind to anyone. She's brash, crass, and wanted things her way more than anybody else.
She used to know this one girl, though. That she liked more than giving losers swirlies, more than cutting braids with safety scissors, more than telling boys they have puke breath and kicking them in their balls,
A pretty girl. With those starry eyes and sanrio backpack and so... Sickeningly cutesy. With her kitty tights and too bright expectations of what to get out of life.
Belle would swear up and down she hated her. Would hide all the drawings in the back of her notebook of the two of them together, hugging and playing...
But would work over time to make her life a living hell. Knocking her books to the floor, stealing her comfort plushies, ripping the head off of one just to see what she looks like when she cries.
Eventually, the girl ended up switching schools!
Belle never really recovered from that loss...
But she eventually got lucky.
Now she sees that girl almost every day.
Belle is so prickly she could be part cactus. A short girl, barely past 5'0 and a total Chihuahua. Short and menacing, Belle does have some fighting skill, but not a tough enough physique to hold her head above water in a real fight. She's picky about women, very critical of bodies and has no problem being inappropriate with others, discussing things sexual ad nauseum, regardless if it makes others in the room uncomfortable.
She's skinny and boxy. Her face card is immaculate, but her body is on the flat side, especially for a girl who has soooo much to say about what tits are a good size and whether or not a girl's ass is fat enough for her. Belle is so size queen. She likes girls bigger and badder than her, with a cutesy demeanor and a fluffy little face like ...
Well, it's incredibly obvious she has a type.
obsessed with Tiffany, likes Pearl a lot too, but is just insufferable cunt.
dol - whitney tries to slut her out (mission semi successful)
kylar is sooo happy she's smaller than him ❤️
robin's pretty spooked by her, she has fun making fun of his baby dick.
tokyo revengers - in tr au, she's apart of toman. she doesn't like to talk about her intiation, so don't ask.
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Hi 😊, two things.
One that phone case is adorable! What type of paint did you use to make it, and how did you seal it so it would last? And same! I wanna learn more about the little D's so badly I love them! Devs please use them more!
And two, I just learned from a random text chat I got today that Mc freed Belphie, and made 5 out of 7 packs in the first 100 days of thier stay in Devildom! Like damn Mc is insane! All the information from you compiled for your general canon facts made me go wow they're so cool🤩. But speed running controlling the lords of hell, next level.
- 💙🐏 (<< I'm the Gen Z info dumping anon)
Thank you, I had way too much fun making it & I'm still riding the high of that and am desperate to do another one😭
I used mostly a mix of acrylic paint & fabric paint. I ran outta white for the background & couldn't be bothered to go buy more so I used this really pigmented watercolour set for it🤷
Someone suggested Modge Podge to seal it in? And you can get a gell, matte or satin varnish used specially for acrylics from just about any art shop.
Did I use any of those great options though? No.
Because I only remembered I needed something to seal it when I was almost done and it'd take a while to get it delivered & I needed it immediately because;
1. dust kept sticking on the case even when it was dry
2. I was dead scared I was gonna drop my phone while it didn't have a case
So I used transparent ✨ nail polish ✨ It actually worked really well? It made the colours pop and it sealed it in well. No idea how well it'll hold out though so I ordered the proper stuff to use as a backup
It wasn't the little ds though, it was those 7 little fuckers that possessed their bodies during 2021's devil day. They never got explained and I'm obsessed with them😭 I want whatever Mul & Aster have got going on🥲 Valago's such a shit and I'm insane about him???
Possessed Little D's Phone Case
General MC is just!!!??? I made a post recently about how fucking insane MC is and people either interpreted it in a "yeah I don't like MC too" way or in a "I need to defend MC's actions because obviously op doesn't like them!" way and I'm like No!!???? I'm in love with them!?
Like I fully understand why all the other OM! characters are obsessed with them. Because like yeah MC is the most dateable. Hell I'd happily date MC. Please let me date MC....
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anyathefandom · 2 years
You know what I'm bored and have time right now so...
Things that aren't working on GH right now (for me of course😉
Fiz: Mainly because Finn is a boundaries crossing asshole who beefed with 14/15yr olds until proven wrong. Liz doesn't deserved to be stuck with sl and pairing. Bless her.
Cody bell aka: Truck nuts. Rodeo clown. Stinky horse man. Stable baby. Enough said.
CarSona: Carly vs Nina is old and stale. Sona are having the same talk about their relationship in circles. Repetitive dialogue all around. Just reunite CarSon's toxic asses. I'm over it.
Drew: Drew's characterization is off so it doesn't even feel like drew. Liked him at first but then they quickly made him a Jason stand in because Carly needed a hand to hold as usual.
Crew: Everything about them feels forced. Drew forgave her so quickly because they didn't want Carly and drew to have any conflict but they should've let them have conflict for the sake of ✨drama✨. We should seen drew resenting her for dropping him so quickly for Jason and she should've worked to be back in his good graces. I wouldn't have shipped it still because I don't ship anyone with Carly but I would've been like "okay I see why people ship it.🤷"
Auxie and Austin's sl: Auxie have negative chemistry. Like I rather see spixie reunite and I don't particularly care for that pairing anymore.🥴 Austin's sl doesn't intrigue me. It's boring.
Spinelli's sl: Why is this his sl? Honestly who cares about Cody blackmailing spinelli over how he gets his info for the dating app. Honestly the whole sl could've stayed in the drafts.
Michael's revenge: His vendetta against sonny isn't intriguing because nothing is really happening. The sl isn't moving. Like Mikey move your plan along or stfu.🙈Only good thing we've gotten out of this is Dex.🥴
Alexis x Gregory: alexis and Gregory aren't giving me anything. Honestly instead of fiz they should've tried Alexis x Finn again (back when I didn't hate Finn). Or gave her another problematic bf because let's be real Alexis and toxic men go great together.🙈
Sasha's spiral: Sofia is a great crier but enough is enough. Sasha's character is being tortured and it's so depressing to see because they won't let up on heaping misery on her.
Millow: I mean y'all knew it was going to be on the list and I've posted too many times over the past years about how they don't work for me. All I'm going to say is TreeJ needs to rise up 😂
Rorina: Rory is a non character. We only know that he's a cop who makes brownies, will only spend 50 cents on you for a soda, and will put his badge above you and snitch on your mama. Y'all I was so hyped for this love triangle because I actually wanted someone who could compete against Spencer for Trina's heart and yet we got Rory instead.😒 (It should've been Dex or cam🙈)
Jex: No chemistry. I didn't fuck with Caoss because they had no chem and looked like siblings and won't ship Jex for that same reason.🤷
Josslyn: I try so hard to like her but maybe I should just accept that I don't.😂 She has her moments where I go "lol, Joss your right." But otherwise she's just not my cup of tea.
Olivia: She is utterly annoying about this Nina mess. I can understand she's mad on Carly's behalf but why won't the writers have her be mad on Dante's and Rocco's behalf? That makes way more sense than her hate for Nina being wrapped up in her loyalty for Carly.
Nikolas: I want the man dead and gone, oh but no before the whole town finds out he slept with Esme. I need him dragged and I need for Esme to pop up pregnant and make his life truly miserable then he can "die". Also because Marcus coloma really showed us he doesn't have the range.
Chalynn: This hurt my soul to put them on the list but it's the Truth that their not working. It's not for a lack of chemistry but because of the writing. The PG 13 writing for them sucks and they deserve better.
Sidenote: I'm thinking about making what is working for me list and I just know it's going to be short.😂
Willow's sl: The only way I'll care if we get more tj x willow moments. Willow's sl isn't even her sl it's Carly's and Nina's. Girl got leukemia just for it to be revealed that Nina is her mom and Carly knew the whole time. More fuel for the boring ass feud.🙄
Kristina not having a sl and just being their to prop people. Give her a sl!!!!
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norizzsainz · 3 months
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[ carlos sainz x singer!fem!reader ]
[ summary ] carlos' and y/n's breakup comes as a surprise to many of their friends. no one ever thought the couple would ever break up, but alas, y/n was always ready to do whatever was best for the love of her life — even if it meant breaking up with him.
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yourusername my new album ‘red’ is coming out soon!
thank you to the stranger who gave me the best last five years of my life and treated me so well that i was able to write an album's worth of songs about it.
and special thanks to his father for motivating me and encouraging me to put out this album. none of this would've been possible without you, papa, love you 🤧🫶
alex_albon STAY SLAYFUL SISTAH 😤👊🫶
oscarpiastri y/n, you dropped this 👑
georgerussell63 my daughter, everybody 👏👏 love you, sweetheart 😚💗
alexandrasaintmleux you are such a legend, i love you 🥹❤️
yukitsunoda0511 LET'S FUCKING GOOO
maxverstappen1 at least your bad decisions didn't land you in vegas this time, that's all that matters 🤷🤷🤷 ↳ kellypiquet and as long as it doesn't involve her bike either, we don't care at all 😔👆
lewishamilton we love to see it ❤️😂
landonorris and they said my pr team was the one in shambles 🤧✋
heidiberger_ i can confirm you have officially driven danny to the point of tears from how hard he's been giggling 🥹🫶 lots of love, bubba
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TAGLIST : @d3kstar , @khaylin27 , @sailing-with-100-ships , @lorenakaspersen , @be-your-coffee-pot , @shakespereansonnet , @sltwins , @laneyspaulding19 , @vizzzashley , @fangirl125reader , @lewisvinga , @val-writes , @c-losur3 , @yeetskeetstreet , @sam-is-lost , @imsiriuslyreal , @ilove-tswizzle , @bernelflo , @mycenterfold , @justkalcpxia , @multi-fandom-fan221b , @jinimon-tr , @neivivenaj , @jointhehunt67 , @fangirl-dot-com , @brune77e , @sp1rl , @evie-119 , @brekkers-whore , @honethatty12 , @ayoanna , @sbrn0905
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