#does not mean this is become a founding fathers blog
gillianthecat · 2 years
I was looking at my calendar, saw that Wednesday (today) was George Washington's birthday, and suddenly the image of Marilyn Monroe singing to him popped into my head. So here she is:
I don't think I'd ever actually seen the video before, just heard the audio, plus countless imitations and parodies.
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dcxdpdabbles · 3 months
If you had to pick one of your stories to redo, either a portion or change the whole direction, which one would it be?
Ohhhhh, this is a good thought-inducing question. Ironically, some of my work results from thinking, "You know what? This would be hilarious if I didn't stick to plan and went off the deep end," and creating a new AU. (How Danny's grill came to be. It was based on The Bakery is a front with the same idea of Tim being undercover at Danny's food-based business, but instead of looking for proof of lawbreaking, he's looking for evidence that Danny is not human, and the bats freaking out about it)
But I would pick Freelance Inventor just to make it all through the Justice League's POV of Batman and his mysterious lover. They talk in the break room around the water cooler about how the Robins all at one point mentioned "B's Not-Boyfriend" and wonder what that means.
The League would see the Gotham heroes casually threaten Batman by telling on him to "Not-Boyfriend" and watch the Batman actually become the "Let's not be too hasty." meme.
They watch as the crazy, controlling Batman shake his head and sigh when he notices that his calendar was changed by "Not-Boyfried" to force him to stop going up to the Watchtower for meetings and instead go to "Photograph Award show, "Zoo day with youngest" "Cook for the father that raised you, you lazy city dweller who lacks respect."
Flash screenshot of the last one because the previous day, it was marked as "Speedster training and combat counters". Flash needed proof for those who would miss the massacre about to happen. He thought that he would witness Batman drag the poor unfortunate soul to dare mess with his Calander app down to hell, and instead saw him googling British recipes because he needs to have a meal plan out now.
It wouldn't just be the Justice League- though it starts with them from founding day to well over a decade- but all hero communities would begin to hear about Not-Boyfriend.
At different times, the Robins would grumble about doing class work on the extended space trips because Not-Boyfriend would be disappointed in them. They don't care if they piss off Batman, but Not-Boyfriend's sad, letdown eyes would haunt the Robins.
These are the same people who would swing themselves at monsters who were sometimes actually gods of myth with nothing but spandex and spite.
The Teen Titans witness Robin leave with his Not-Boyfriend during the Big Fight, which eventually leads to him becoming Nightwing. They start treating Robin like a Divorce Kid. Batman is the bum dad in that situation.
The Outsiders witness Robin go from anger to a protective, gleeful Redhood when Not-Boyfriend calls to check up on him. They are all welcome to stay in Not-Boyfriend's houses—he owns many properties worldwide for his travels—and he becomes the remarkable, safe adult house. They just never speak to him face to face.
Young Justice's Robin has some serious self-esteem issues. They all sort of do as the ones the older heroes forget about. This is why when Robin shows up one day asking if they would do a random fashion blog to trick Not-Boyfriend, they jump at the chance to make a more solid identity besides the clone, the time traveler, and the daughter of Zues. Then Not-Boyfriend, whom they never met and shouldn't care about, starts sending gifts, and I'm so proud of you kids through Robin up until he becomes Red Robin, they realize he's the cooler dad.
SuperSons Robin will respect no one- not even Batman or Nightwing- as he does Not-Boyfriend. They can get him to listen and calm down after noticing his siblings using the "I'm telling Not-Boyfriend on you" trick that worked on his father.
The heroes know so much about Not-Boyfriend but know nothing. He's like Big-Foot. Everyone knows who Big-Foot legend is, but no one can prove Big-Foot.
Of course, over the seventeen years of Justice Leauge's founding, heroes would assume Not-Boyfriend was helping Batman raise his children and, for some reason, couldn't be married (The rise in heroes demanding equal marriage helped legalize same-sex marriage after a bitter sixteen-year fight).
They accept he's Batman's husband, who may be a civilian, a hero, or even a villain.
They accept that Batman and Not-Boyfriend may be divorced and share custody of the children.
They accept that Batman may not be over his partner and is still, to this day, trying to win him back.
They accept that Not-Boyfriend forgave Batman years ago and are back together.
They accept that there was never a split, and the two just argued that Young-Robins blew out of proportion.
The hero community literally accepts any theory if presented well and backed enough with suitable examples. At one point, it was a tradition of trying to decipher what was going on with Batman and Not-Boyfriend.
It's even wilder when Batman reveals himself as Bruce Wayne because he is known for not having any dates despite the number of people who have tried to fling themselves at him. He's notorious for putting a lid on his playboy tendencies- showing growth, and his new persona changed to Ditzy Dad of Gotham- back when he took in Dick Grayson, but now they know it's because he had Not-Boyfriend?
Then finding out Not-Boyfriend is Danny Fenton, the Willy Wonka-esque of the inventing world???????
This man who disappears from the public eye only shows up somewhere in a jungle with an invention that low-key solves the issue of contaminated water? This man, who freelances to anyone and everyone, things that come straight out of sci-fi without a blink?
The same man who people years ago accused Bruce Wayne of sleeping with, only to be told point black by Bruce, "I wish I was sleeping with him. Have you seen him?," and people thought he was joking on live TV?
They lose their minds.
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graceraindrops-blog · 8 months
How much of a terrible mom was Cordelia? A full explanation.
It's a shame that the first post of my blog is dedicated to a rather ''interesting'' take @yuikomorii showed me, but taking into account that I've done my research involving the mothers, I find it a perfect opportunity to make a full explanation of Cordelia's abusive behavior.
Before I start, I would like to talk about why Cordelia acted the way she did (I AM NOT JUSTIFYING HER ACTIONS).
We know that Cordelia's father was neglectful towards her after the death of her mother which made her lack the ability to understand love.
Karlheinz manipulated Cordelia into marrying him and giving him children FORCEFULLY (because Cordelia did not want to have children). He also convinced Cordelia that it was okay for her to have many lovers and to have sexual relationships with FAMILY members
Cordelia's abusive behavior towards the triplets also comes over the fact of her jealousy and obsession with Karlheinz and surpassing Beatrix and Christa.
Getting this out of the way I will now start explaining why Cordelia was NOT a good mother despite her traumas.
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It's not strange to view Cordelia negatively if she's one of the antagonists of the franchise. NEVER did Diabolik lovers ever paint Cordelia as a good person and constantly tell us about how shitty she was towards her children and how much it affected them.
2. I'm not denying the fact that around those times parenting was more strict, however, you're forgetting that Cordelia didn't just slap, ground, or yell at her children, she put intense waves of pressure on Ayato, and drowned him, she sexually abused Laito, manipulated him and groomed him when he was a KID, forced Kanato to sing until he bled and made him watch her have intercourse with other men. This was the abuse the triplets went through until they finally had enough and attempted to kill Cordelia, which they succeeded.
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3. Yes, it's true that Beatrix wouldn't give the triplets much attention or love, she would probably neglect them due to not being her biological children and belonging to her rival, however, Beatrix WOULD NEVER do the messed up stuff Cordelia did. Yes, she was a terrible mother to Shu and Reiji, yet she would've never stepped down at Cordelia's level.
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4. A normal mother doesn't drown and threaten her child due to personal issues, A normal mother doesn't sexually abuse her child and grooms him to make him depend on her, and a normal mother doesn't force her child to watch her have sex with men and doesn't use his singing voice to get horny. If she was an affectionate mother ayato wouldn't have found the need to HIDE himself from her and the triplets wouldn't have considered killing her.
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5. I would also like to add, that no matter how badly influenced Cordelia was, and no matter how much childhood trauma she went through, that would never be a justification for the way she treated her children. This does not only apply to Cordelia, this applies to every character and to real people as well. It's a reason why they behave that way, but never a justification. Also, Cordelia doing the bare minimum and behaving like an actual mother for a few moments does not mean she cares about her children. I don't think this is explicitly told, but I believe in those particular scenes she's grooming Kanato to become dependent on her like she did with Laito and Ayato.
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6. ''She never spoke that way to her children'' I'm sorry but I have to laugh?? I would've understood if you were an anime only (not really) but taking into account that you do know about the games this is really really wrong lol. I don't why it's difficult to understand that Cordelia didn't love her children. Cordelia is such a bad mother that when she was resurrected in Ayato's DF route, she didn't even apologize to him or to his siblings, and yet he still forgave her! She even told Ayato to APOLOGIZE to her and continued to insult him
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(Credits to @dialovers-translations)
I understand (I think everyone in the fandom does) that Cordelia had her reasons to behave this way (childhood trauma and manipulation) but that doesn't excuse her actions. I don't agree with people hating on Cordelia and loving Karlheinz but I also don't agree with people defending Cordelia and saying she did nothing wrong when she did.
Cordelia isn't a black-and-white character and she's not a bad character either, she's very well-written for her purpose (an antagonist) but she's not a good person or mother. She never regretted what she did and if she was still alive during HDB she would've still been abusive to the triplets.
This is my problem with morally grey characters/Evil characters. They can't exist in media if people ignore their wrongdoings and actions and try to justify said actions. I'm not saying that they shouldn't exist but I'm tired of people painting them as good people or justifying their actions when their whole purpose as a character is to show that they're not good people and their actions are/were wrong.
To finish off the post I would like to say that I love Cordelia's character and I consider her to be one of the best-written characters in Diabolik Lovers. In my opinion, I would've liked to know more about her in further games but even if I feel this way about her I don't justify her actions and that's something we should all do. I'm glad the fandom no longer justifies the actions of the characters (with some obvious exceptions). And even if I like Cordelia as a character I don't shame others for not liking her, at the end of the day she was a horrible person lol.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 2 months
What are your thoughts on drarry?
spireasalix asked:
Hi! I just found your blog and find your theories really interesting. I don't know if anyone has asked you before, but what do you think of Draco Malfoy? Do you think he would have a chance with Harry? Could they fall in love or there is too much history between them? Let's make Harry/Draco canon! Hahahaha
Hi, thank you so much! 😊
Since it's a ship/character ask I want to preface that everyone can ship what they want and like whatever characters they want and this is my personal highly subjective opinion.
I'll start with my thoughts on Drarry, as I had an arc there, like, back when I just got into the fandom I really liked the concept of Drarry, so I read some Drarry and didn't like most of what I found back then. That dislike kinda colored Drarry and Draco's character as a whole for me, so it was kinda like: "I can see the appeal on paper, but I don't like it". More recently though I read a lot about canon Drarry from @iamnmbr3 and she honestly got me rethinking my opinion on Draco and Drarry.
As I stand on it now, I'm not invested in Drarry, but I see them occasionally on my dash and sometimes I like what I see. It's the: yeah, I can see it happen, but it's not a pairing I'm passionate about.
Now, to @spireasalix more specific questions.
Draco Malfoy is an interesting character in theory but I don't think it comes across in the books as much as it could. Like, in books 1-5, I find him an annoying spoilt little brat. It can be entertaining when he comes on the page, and I know he'd be whining and dramatic and make a scene. And it makes sense Draco is this way, he's an only child of very rich parents who love him, he looks up to his father like Lucius could do no wrong, but he is lonely and attention-seeking. This need for attention is interesting and is part of why he is so obsessed with Harry. It shows he wants approval and is actually quite insecure under all his pride and mean attitude. He was raised to be a blood-supremacist spoilt jerk, and he does a decent job at being a schoolyard bully without crossing any super major lines.
Younger Draco can be a fun character, he's a problem Harry feels comfortable with because he knows how to deal with him, unlike his other problems (of which he has a lot). I think part of why Harry focuses on Draco as much as he does is because Draco is a predictable problem, one Harry feels he has control over how he wants to deal with him. Which is comforting considering how little control he has over literally every other area of his life.
Then in books 6 and 7, that's when Draco starts actually having his character development, and there are interesting things there, or the potential for them. I love what he goes through, becoming a Death eater only to realize, that: no, he can't really do violence. The constant fear for himself and his family, the torture he most likely goes through, being a prisoner in his own home, like, there is so much potential good angst there but I don't feel like the books really take it as far as it can go.
I recently finished my reread of HBP, and Draco in it was having a crap time, truly. He partially brought it on himself, but he really was thrown into the deep end and he is flailing around to keep his head above water regretting ever asking to leave the kiddie pool (because make no mistake, he asked to be in the grown-ups' pool). And you see how he matures there, going from a spoilt brat to a terrified teen. In one summer he went from the top of his own little world to seeing how powerless he actually is. And, like, out of everyone, the person he apparently confides in is Moaning Myrtle, like, idk, I love that, I think this friendship should be mentioned more. Like, Draco is having a crisis over his family, his worldview, his own worth, being a Death Eater and what it means, and his confidant is the ghost of a muggleborn girl who Tom Riddle, his new master, killed. Like, there are some implications.
I find it fascinating Myrtle says this about Draco:
“No,” said Myrtle defiantly, her voice echoing loudly around the old tiled bathroom. “I mean he’s sensitive, people bully him too, and he feels lonely and hasn’t got anybody to talk to, and he’s not afraid to show his feelings and cry!”
(HBP, 462)
That combined with the fact that Draco doesn't ever really try to harm Harry too badly (@iamnmbr3 wrote many great posts about this). Like, at the beginning of HBP, he has Harry petrified and he just breaks his nose. And this is already after he becomes a Death Eater. He also helps Harry multiple times throughout Deathly Hollows, something that places him and his family at risk.
And, yes, he makes some attempts to kill Dumbledore that harm others (the cursed necklace that hurt Katie Bell and the poison Ron drank) but I think the methods he uses are telling. Draco attempts to kill Dumbledore with methods where he himself is far away from the action. You can say it's due to a Slytherin sense of self-preservation, and that's part of it, I'm sure, but I think the main part of it is that Draco is averse to violence. At the end when he was face to face with Dumbledore he couldn't bring himself to cast the curse. Dumbledore was disarmed and surrounded, there was nothing he could've (or would've) done to hurt Draco, but Draco still hesitated. He couldn't kill him even when his own life and his family's were on the line. Harry also talks about how much Draco is likely hurt from having to torture others on Voldemort's orders in Deathly Hollows, and I think Harry is spot on about it.
If we look at the bullying of younger Draco, he doesn't act out violently. He is the cruel words and insults type, and I remember being honestly surprised he physically hit Harry in HBP because it's not the sort of thing Draco does. So, while Draco as schoolyard bully is mean, he practically is never shown to be physically violent, at least not that I remember. He only starts being more of a physical threat in HBP, and in the cases of Ron and Katie, he does so from a distance in a way he isn't directly involved in the violence.
That being said, while what he goes through is interesting and has plenty of potential and I do like his character, I find him kinda annoying. Like, in my very subjective opinion, I find his whining in the early books incredibly annoying and I find him, even in the later books, kinda underwhelming. Like, I want more out of his character, idk. Like, really, all power to you for liking Draco, he just, unfortunately, doesn't make it into my top Harry Potter characters purely because of personal subjective bias.
Like, for all of Draco being a Slytherin from a long line of Slytherins, he doesn't showcase many Slytherin characteristics (yes, that's something I dislike about his character, go figure 🤷‍♀️). Like, Draco isn't cunning, like, at all. He's smart, I'm not saying he isn't, he gets good and even outstanding grades in various school subjects, and he fixes the vanishing cabinet he knows nothing about on his own. He is skilled and talented magically and he can figure out complex magic on his own, but when it comes to long-term planning or general cunning... yeah, I don't think that's part of Draco's arsenal.
He acts out on useful information on the first opportunity he has, with very little thought about timing or how to best use it and very little forethought in general. In 1st year he gets Harry and Co caught outside after curfew but doesn't think his plan through so he too, is caught out after curfew. And sure, he's 11, but 11-year-old Harry wouldn't have made that mistake, I think (neither would Ron or Hermione). In 3rd year, his plan against Buckbeak and Hagrid was laughable and only worked because Lucius could pull it off. I mean, Draco wasn't even doing a good job at faking an injury compared to Harry who could believably pretend to be the Bloody Baron to scare off Peeves at 11, not to mention lying reliably to McGonagall at 12. In GoF he makes these Potter stinks badges, which are magically impressive (considering they still work 3 years later) but are again, an example of Draco acting on something immediately because that's how he tends to operate. Like how he goes straight to Harry every time he finds something in the Daily Prophet to make fun of.
Even if we look at Draco's later plans, like in HBP, he was mostly trying to buy plans rather than think about how to solve his problem. Because Draco knows how to buy his way out of problems, not think his way out. And while all this does make for an interesting trait for him to have in his rule in the story and he has an invisible arc to break away from this thinking pattern and that does lead him to the vanishing cabinet eventually, it does make me like him less. I'm biased, I can't help it.
His ambition is another thing, I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion, but I don't think Draco is particularly ambitious. Like, he wants to make his parents (especially Lucius) proud, he wants people to like him, and he wants to be popular, sure, but he doesn't have any long-term plans or specific goals in mind. He grew up already having everything, so he doesn't really have any ambitions bigger than that. I'm not saying there needs to be, Harry isn't particularly ambitious either, it's just interesting to me that our poster Slytherin in Harry's year isn't that much of a Slytherin at all.
As I mentioned earlier, Draco also seems to be averse to violence and doesn't have as much of a ruthless streak as his house is usually associated with. Draco, at the end of the day, seems to me like a very sheltered kid who idolized war when he heard about it in stories up until he had to actually take part in it. He is one of the softer characters in the books actually, in my opinion.
While I think he definitely values the traits of house Slytherin as he grew up learning to appreciate them, he doesn't actually possess them, at least, not in abundance. Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but honestly, I think Draco is more of a Gryffindor than a Slytherin considering he is brave (in the last book especially. I want to note he isn't the same brave as Harry. Draco fears a lot more than Harry does, but when push comes to shove, he keeps going despite his fear. He's more similar to Neville in that regard), bold, and definitely has his personal code of honor and chivalry he acts according to, but I digress.
My personal issue with Draco is the main issue I have with Drarry as a ship, because, like, I can't be actively invested in a ship when I find one of the characters annoying. I have a similar stance on Romione as I have on Drarry. I like Romione well enough, I enjoy the fanart of them I see, but I wouldn't actively search for fics of them. Neither would I write fics where they are the main pairing. In Romione's case, I love Ron but find Hermione kinda annoying, I don't hate her, I don't even dislike her, I actually like her, but she annoys me. Draco is the same way, I like him, but he just gets on my nerves sometimes.
To summarise, I see the appeal of Drarry, and I can see how it could work on paper. I don't think Harry and Draco ever truly hated each other in the books, so, yeah, I think they could get together. They could definitely forgive each other everything, hell, the books practically outright say they forgive each other everything in canon. I think you can build a very compelling love story for them, it's just not a story I'm invested in reading/writing mostly because Draco isn't a character that I'm overly invested in.
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neonscandal · 3 months
9 Anime to Watch to Feel Like This 👇🏾
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The alternative title/concept for this list was "Anime Featuring The Zaddiests of Daddies" but, you know. Consistency or whatever. When I saw the gif, however, I cackled so loud that I figured it still captured The Vibe ✨ (that being #fatherless) Considering this context, some recommendations are slightly longer than the usual bite size serving of 12-24 episodes but you won't regret indulging. Each show is recommended for the plot which is very evident with the teaser gifs. Happy Fathers' Day, you degenerates. And remember, you don't have to have kids to be a Daddy. 😈❤️
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Spy x Family (series) - There is something so wholesome about the fate of the world as he knows it relying on how convincingly he can portray a Good Father despite his own origin story. Loid Forger, in a mission to maintain peace, creates the perfect family through any means necessary. Doubt he realized, in doing so, he'd create a home for himself and the oddballs helping to keep up the ruze.
Sub/Dub | Crunchyroll, Hulu
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Buddy Daddies (series) - The life of hitmen Rei Suwa and Kazuki Kurusu get a bit more messy when one of their hits leaves them with a pretty sizable loose end. Regardless of their occupation, their lives change around a little girl and trying to provide as good a home as two, single twenty-something men can. The rest, they'll figure out.
Sub/Dub | Crunchyroll
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My Senpai is Annoying (series) - Very capable working woman finds herself kohai to an older, overly chummy colleague who DEFINITELY does not know how to PDF documents unsupervised. This is a show about their day to day interactions. If you're wondering if Takeda is the only contender in this series, hold out for Futaba's grandfather. Just trust me.
Sub/Dub | Crunchyroll
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Jujutsu Kaisen (series + movie) - *Gestures vaguely to my blog* This show has plenty of compelling reasons to become obsessed. Trying to train strong child soldiers to protect the balance of humans vs curses so they don’t see a grisly demise is just one of them. Not your average shonen, not your average found families.
Sub/Dub | Crunchyroll, Netflix, Hulu
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My Hero Academia (series + movies) - Something about kids needing guidance so as not to die while in the pursuit of some great civic duty really creates an environment for some skrunkly father figures. 😘👌🏾 Never mind that the climax of this story is one that tangles generations of families as society adapts to the advent of super powers.
Sub/Dub | Crunchyroll, Hulu, Netflix
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Fire Force (series) - in a world where humans can spontaneously combust, Shinra, who is blamed for the fire that killed his mother and younger brother, seeks to overcome the stigma of his power and joins Fire Force Company 8. In training to fight Infernals, he learns to control his pyrokineses under the guidance of many talented fighters while trying to understand the world around him and the invisible hand that manipulates everything.
Sub/Dub | Crunchyroll, Hulu
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Attack on Titan (series) - Unpredictable violence at the vicious jaws of larger than life monsters, the last remaining humans seek refuse behind hallowed walls. Until one day, the day the first wall fell, which made what once provided security feel more like a holding pen ahead of the slaughter. As resources dwindle and the indomitable curiosity of humans persist, the brave minority pushes the boundaries of the walls that house them and seek to uncover the shroud of mystery as of how they found themselves prisoners to titans in the first place.
Sub/Dub | Crunchyroll, Hulu, Sling TV
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Chainsaw Man (series) - Human fears strengthen devils which threaten to overrun the world. Enter the Public Safety Devil Hunters responsible for exterminating devils before they become bigger problems and keeping a bead on larger threats, namely, the Gun Devil. The titular character eventually falls under the supervision of Aki Hayakawa (and later Kishibe *swoon*) who has a strong single-dad-who-works-two-jobs-who-loves-his-kids-and-never-stops type vibe.
Sub/Dub | Crunchyroll, Hulu
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Blue Exorcist (series + movie) - When your dad is Satan, the bar is literally in hell for the man who steps up to raise you. Even so, LOOK AT THE DRIP. There's a narrow line to walk when trying to overcome your own parentage and twin brothers, Rin and Yukio, seek to do so by following in their adoptive father, Shiro Fujimoto's, footsteps despite obvious adversity. Just remember to skip to Season 2 after episode 17 or Google the proper order to watch.
Sub/Dub | Crunchyroll, Hulu
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fangsforiris · 3 months
How would the sakamaki brothers react if they find out that they were the sons of the same mother and that they're biologically brothers but karlheinz killed their real mother and separated them . (Btw i reaaally love your blog 💕💕)
Sakamaki Brothers’ Reaction to Being Blood Siblings Related by 1 Mother
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“We are blood related…? Seriously…? And here I thought I only had to deal with Reiji. …It seems as if that man will never rest. …That poor woman…”
• Shū wouldn’t be as shocked as compared to the others. He’s been used to Karlheinz’s plans for years longer than the others.
• However, he’d be more tired if anything. Like always, he can never be rid himself of his father and his constant need for his plans to succeed.
• I doubt his relationships with the brothers will change, since beyond this revelation, they are all still the same people. Within the same environment which conditions them to act within a hostile manner.
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“Father… he… No. I refuse to believe such a sentiment. I already loathe being related to that deadbeat enough, but this? …What will become of us now?”
• He’d be the most in denial. As in, it would take Reiji the longest to accept that this was even a possibility in the cards.
• Reiji is known to idolize his father, so for this to occur? I think it would heavily confuse his loyalties.
• However, since he does have somewhat of a maternal instinct for his siblings, mainly younger, he’d use this as an opportunity to get closer to them and have more of a ‘close knitted family,’ in the way the Mukami’s do.
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“Ehh!? What do you mean we all shared a mother?! That doesn’t even make sense…! We don’t even look alike? Gah… that old man has some explaining to do!”
• Most confused 100%
• Either he skipped a few biology lessons or fell asleep in them, but even he knows that it doesn’t add up as much as it’s supposed to.
• I think he’d use this as a way to perhaps become a bit closer to all of the brothers and in a sense, make amends for the past teasing/borderline bullying he participated in (mainly towards Subaru.)
• Since he is considered to be the most ‘humane’ out of the brothers, it isn’t as far off for him to have empathy and to want to start brand new.
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“We… all share a mother? What do you mean? Am I not my mothers son? I don’t understand, Teddy. What are is he saying…? What are you saying!? This does not make any sense…!”
• I think he’d also be in denial, or mainly shocked beyond comprehension.
• It’ll take Kanato a bit to understand, especially since this will deeply impact his pre-established identity issues.
• He was heavily narcissistic about his hair due to it being almost exact to the late Cordelia’s, so for him to not have that connection, one that he founded his entire self-esteem on, it would be detrimental.
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“So it seems we were fooled, weren’t we? Fufu~ That man certainly knows how to cause a commotion. …That woman then is no mother to me…”
• Out of everyone, I think Laito would want to do further research into this woman and who she was.
• Due to his complicated relationship with his mother, and his pre-established self-loathing, I think this will make him wonder if in another life, he’d be able to have a healthy correlation with mother figures and sexual activity as a whole.
• Laito already does somewhat act as an ‘older brother’ towards Ayato, Kanato, and Subaru, but perhaps this would allow him to get away with more in the scope of caring and involvement.
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“He… killed her…? That damned old man! He’s selfish to the core, not one ounce of feeling to be found in him…! That’s all we are… just pawns…”
• Subaru already hated his father due to what he did to his mother and himself. So to find out that he shared an actual blood bond with his brothers, and not just a half-bond would be almost incomprehensible to him.
• He’s always wondered what it’d be like to share a fully-blooded sibling, so to find out it was always here… is bittersweet. Especially since the pre-established relationships between him and the rest of them are sour, and based on tearing down his self-esteem.
• He’d feel the most bad for the woman, and whatever alternate universe could’ve arised from him having a good parent that didn’t project all of their emotional turmoil onto him.
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terrence-silver · 4 months
how do you think what Larusso's relationship would be like! beloved (daniel's oldest daughter in her twenties) and old man! Terry during the Cobra Kai timeline, especially if beloved, was extremely morally similar to Terry? let's say, they "match each others freak." ❤️ I love your blog, especially because I'm also a writer and I love your take on Terry, your in-depth character study of him is terrific, sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language, I'm Brazilian, lots of love from here!
Hello, Brazil! ❤️
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Frankly, I think Daniel would just feel downright haunted by one of his kid's proclivities and her character long before Terry ever returns into the picture --- years and years before he does, actually. This is an ongoing process that stems back to the time Mr. Miyagi was still alive; it's like Terry Silver never went away in the first place, notwithstanding the lingering trauma and bad memories that Daniel would have to live with on a daily basis, but that his own daughter is starting to resemble one of his demons from the past in worldviews, personality and behavior now too; it is literally the worst development imaginable. Nothing and nobody in his life is safe. Moving on is impossible when the battlefield is happening under your own roof. This whole city, the passing decades, The Valley itself as a whole and each passing generation feels like it has something of Terry Silver's in them and he's never truly gone. His darkness is stubbornly ever-present.
It's like Terry infected everything, even things and people he never actually touched.
Never came in contact with.
Never interacted with.
Nonetheless, it is there, finding ways to seep into every pore of his existence like an infection, possibly leading to Daniel being strictest precisely with his oldest daughter in the hopes that he'd steer her away from becoming the way she's becoming to overcompensate for her shortcomings and all the things he's expected of her but that she didn't live up to from his point of view. Something she might take to heart, because what child of their parent's wouldn't? Cause her to feel like she's far from her father's favorite. Like he cares for Sam, Antony and Louie a lot more and that he sees them as 'the good children he can feel proud of' because they're incarnations of everything Mr. Miyagi espoused...unlike her', which couldn't be further from the truth because Daniel would adore his estranged daughter too, but still, his stance towards her would be here causing her to wish to rebel, go against the mold even more and willfully embrace every bad impulse she has even more than ever before because it's hard to reconcile the fact that she's incompatible to her family. That she's distinct. Daniel takes a different approach with his problematic older daughter because he loves her and doesn't want her to grow into a morally questionable person, but is simply so afraid of what he's witnessing in her that his methods might be unbalanced, their root found in fear --- infinite parental concern. Meaning, he might snap, he might yell, he might be judgmental and not always be an exemplary, patient parent, because validly, it's hard to be exemplary when your own kid reminds you so much of a past abuser who messed you up for life. He might take some draconic measures with her too. His belief in pacifism and 'letting go' might just vane as well. What choice does he have? She's starting to resemble...someone he knew a long time ago. Someone he'd rather not speak of anymore. Jesus! He doesn't even want to think about it ever again! Hard not to! When she's right there, at the dinner table, in his own house, his own flesh and blood, someone he adores, someone he would do anything in the world for --- anything but accept that she's going down a negative path. What parent worth his penny would? Should he just allow that without doing anything?
So, when she befriends Terry, of all people?
Becomes a little too close for comfort with him?
It's a nightmare.
It's like watching his life's work and efforts at setting a good example literally collapse and history repeat itself except in an infinitely worse way than could ever be anticipated. Daniel would be convinced Terry Silver has perversely planned this for god knows how long and that getting under the skin of his daughter was premeditated, and heck, knowing Terry, maybe it was too and that this is revenge. Some sort of sick scheme. Grooming. The desire to continue ruining his life by hitting Daniel where it hurts most, even decades after everything that's went down and for the longest time, Daniel would feel like he's the only one who understands the unhinged gravitas of the situation, causing him to feel crazy and all alone in the world, with nobody to get his point of view and how eerie and harrowing Terry being with his daughter actually is, whereas Amanda, for example, wouldn't see the full picture for a good while, her concerns being limited solely to the age difference, but not the actual context under which any of this is happening seeing as how she's not entirely aware of what went down between Terry and Daniel because Daniel didn't tell her. In fact, she might even understand why their daughter likes Terry Silver. He's rich, he's handsome, he's charming, sure, a little sleazy, perhaps, but ultimately the harmless, inoffensive kind of sleazy (ultimately being too old for their daughter). She might even see Daniel freaking out as slightly overblown. He's overreacting. Of course, man's old enough to be her grandfather and it's a reason for concern and intervention but surely, not the amount of panic and crisis Daniel's exhibiting --- except, it makes the whole situation only feel the more dizzyingly infuriating, because that, that guy, right there, is also simultaneously the worst person Daniel knows and he knew quite a lot of those. And now, his own daughter is consorting with him. How does Amanda...just not get it!? He would feel like he's losing his damn mind. Terry Silver ruined so much of his late teenage years and the years that followed, influenced by the lingering trauma and trust issues; the last thing Daniel would allow for him to have his daughter's soul too. This whole discourse might just lead to the Larusso's marriage encountering shaky grounds.
Amanda could easily be taking her daughter's side, because ultimately, she'd see her daughter as a free person (and she'd critically misunderstand how awful this whole thing) is and Daniel would become more and more volatile seeing as how he wouldn't feel empathized with in the least bit. ''It's the man who tortured me when I was just eighteen!'' he'd yearn to scream out. ''He made me believe he was my friend. That he had his best intentions at heart. And then he tortured me and I trusted him, Amanda! He and John Kreese! They did it together! And now, Terry Silver's got his hooks in our daughter and she's letting him! You're telling me to calm down!? I can't calm down!''
Daniel would fight against the situation with all his might.
He'd argue.
He'd get his hands dirty.
He'd ironically show that bit of Cobra Kai he had in him all along.
He'd do things he'd do in no other situation if it meant changing his kid's perspective.
But, he'd under no circumstance accept his daughter being the way she is.
Just like he wouldn't accept her being with the enemy.
Terry Silver can't have his family.
Terry Silver, though? He'd manipulatively and very sweetly expertly exploit this pre-existing rift in the family to masterfully to divide the Larussos even further and get exactly what he wants by being the (seemingly) understanding, concerned supportive shoulder for Daniel's daughter and offering the camaraderie she doesn't feel she ever had at home. He becomes her support network. Her only support network, eliminating everyone else who isn't him because there's 'no matching the freak' of someone who has a couple of decades of experience in malice ahead of you, who fought in a war and who could, effectively, push came to shove, kill and die with relish. Daniel's daughter might think she can go toe to toe with Terry where being chaotic is concerned (and he'd fuel and enable her belief that this is true) but is there really anyone who actually can? Heck, he might even encourage her to keep a good relationship intact with her folks all while effectively sabotaging said relationship purely so he'd seem guiltless in the matter, playing good cop, bad cop accordingly. But, ultimately he's cool! He's awesome! He lovebombs! He lavishes! He's generous! He's seductive! He can give the spoiled Italian princess the life she's used to and so, so, so much more. He takes on whatever mask and personality is best suited for the situation to draw people in! He's older and by extension, probably makes a younger woman feel more mature and 'cool' by comparison too, appealing to whatever mommy and daddy issues are present! He's all about embracing instincts, impulses, holding nothing back which feels liberating to the otherwise Zen and possibly stifling teachings of Mr. Miyagi! He's rich! He's knowledgeable! And he's Terry Silver, which automatically could mean a world of damage. Never doubt the man's an influence that would entirely destroy what little stability's left in this family and turn Daniel's daughter against her father, mom, brothers, her sister and literally everyone she ever knew. In the end, she'd get more than she's ever bargained for. She thought she had control over the situation. She didn't, though.
Her dad would've been correct all along.
Terry Silver corrupts and devours.
Nothing's for free.
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"A token to remember you by"
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I know this topic has been talked a lot, and I sadly don't think I can make a proper analysis because there isn't much to say.
But I'm one sappy bastard and this blogs primarily focus was always to me to gush at stuff.
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You know? When I saw the movie for the first time, I thought she really came to talk to her dad, and then chicken out at the last second.
Don't ask me what the heck was going with my eyes that day because it literally show straight up. Specially since is establish from the first movie that this picture is important to her.
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You know I think is a testament of something that when Miles is talking about how every time he feels alone, he remembers the friends who get him.
And Gwen is doing the exact same thing.
This sentiment translates into the next movie, with Gwen remembering Miles constantly, and deciding to turn the picture into a polaroid.
I really found this interesting because nowadays people rarely have physical pictures (My mom had tons of photo albums back home, so the importance of keeping a token of a moment has always been present in my mind.) I have no idea how easy would be to turn a digital picture into a polaroid, but the fact that she put that effort when nowadays is doing it says a lot to me.
But even that pales in comparison to the moment I am actually talking about.
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I think everyone has been asked at least once, "If your house was burning and you only have time to save one thing, what would you save?"
I always had a bit of a hard time answering that question myself; what has more meaning to me? What is the thing I knew if I lost tomorrow, I would regret not keeping it with me?
For Gwen, is obviously this picture, and I think once you reflect about the context of the situation, this just becomes more obvious.
Let's remember in what kind of situation she is, or at least the one she thinks she is trapped in right now.
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At this point? She is homeless, OFFICIALLY homeless. To be fair I think she already was the moment her dad pointed a gun at her and needed to run, but even then I hesitated to call it that since she probably had a room or something at the Spider Society.
But at this moment? She has nothing; she doesn't have any friends (She has never referred to her band as such, even if I honestly think they would had been there for her if given the chance,) nowhere to go, and is stuck in a dimension where she has been accused of murder.
She doesn't have a way to travel to another dimensions (as far as she is aware,) meaning she cannot contact Hobie or Pav, or go out looking for Miles.
And what she does in this situation?
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Get Miles' picture, and that's it, that's literally the only thing she went to get.
I wouldn't discard that she would get more of her stuff once the apartment was alone, to be honest it would probably make more sense to get some civilian clothes at least so she could have a change with her. Going into the apartment when she knew it was alone, so she wouldn't had a chance to get arrested would be more logical.
But none of this is about logic.
In a moment of desperation, all she cares about is getting that picture back, she is risking so much by doing this but none of that logical danger matters to her as much as it is having that back.
Because at her lowest moment, she looks for Miles for comfort, even if it would probably hurt like hell look at his face knowing what happened the last time they saw each other; she clings to that picture and the memory of him as the only comfort she has left.
Not her father, not Peter, him.
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That last line was a good way to end, but while rewatching this scene, I realize that at any moment, we see Gwen putting the picture away, meaning she may be carrying it with her when she goes to other dimensions.
I wonder if Miles would have the chance to see it, and know, how much he matters to Gwen by how much that picture means to her.
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autism-alley · 8 months
augh found my old post abt pjo and disability from before the show came out but it was on ye olde blog so i’m literally just gonna copy and paste, 3, 2, 1—
ok now that i’ve got it on the brain, i want to talk about disability in pjo and specifically how calling percy jackson dumb or treating him as such is not only a mischaracterization, but ableism. as a quick note, i’m keeping this to just percy to avoid having this already long post be even longer, but there are other disabled characters in pjo worthy of discussion, though i hit many of the same points in this post. i bring up percy specifically because he is mostly the character i have seen people treat as stupid.
percy is a dyslexic teen with ADHD who comes from a low-income family, raised by a single mother, and deals with an abusive step-father. i cannot stress enough how much of his character is shaped by that experience, but as hard as it is to single out any one part, i am going to focus on his ADHD and dyslexia. this kid has nightmares of being forced to take tests in a straightjacket as teachers ask him if he’s stupid and withhold him from recess with his peers. he is constantly labelled as “troubled” and blamed for things he didn’t do or aren’t his fault. he is told, over and over again, even from trusted adults, that he is “not normal” (othering him). he bounces between schools. he struggles to make friends. he deals with bullying. he has difficulty studying and reading, even when invested. teachers struggle to connect with him and tend to just give up on him. these are real disabled experiences, and rick does a good job at presenting them in the pjo books. sometimes, it feels like everything is a struggle. you are living inside a system that not only is restricting, but actively works against and punishes you.
in contrast, CHB is a great example of how when environments meet the needs of disabled people, it hugely changes how disabled we are in that environment. demigod brains are hard-wired for ancient greek, not english, and they’re born impulsive, with high energy levels that help them survive battle—but aren’t very good for a classroom setting. but by having them read books in ancient greek, regularly do lots of training/physical activities, and have genuine opportunities to express themselves...they function pretty damn well. percy discovers that while he struggles academically, he is brilliant in combat and capable of saving the world numerous times—he is a hero. do you know how important that message is for disabled children? disabled adults, too? that we can be heroes?
it is here, in camp half-blood, that percy finds a place he belongs, that shows him his worth—finally, somewhere is built to not only include him, but to nurture and genuinely prepare him for the world outside its boarders. however, i think people forget that just because percy functions in the world of CHB and the gods, that does not mean he doesn’t face ableism in the mortal world—and that there is an entire group of people who see ourselves reflected in his character.
i could talk on for hours about how much being disabled shapes percy’s identity and how he interacts with the world—like how percy’s humor revolves around coping with his environment and actually displays a very low self esteem after being looked down upon his entire life. this kid doesn’t even have to say anything and he screams i had a neurodivergent childhood. but about 5-6 years ago, when i was more regularly tuned into the fandom, every time i saw someone call percy jackson dumb or an idiot, even jokingly, i raised an eyebrow, and now that the series is getting fresh coverage from disney+, i have wanted to make this post. so much of this kid’s life and personality comes from being treated like he’s dumb or incapable, so it’s troubling to watch part of the fanbase reflect the harmful parts of this character’s upbringing. i truly hope it does not become common again. it’s also one thing coming from a neurodivergent/disabled person with similar experiences (and even then i personally find it a little uncomfortable), it’s another to be said by a neurotypical/able bodied person.
percy jackson’s experiences make for very important representation, and for people to characterize him as just a goofy, unintelligent guy is not only an insult to his character as a kid who is intelligent, but previously lacked the environment to show it, but also ableist. so in the dawn of the new tv series era, i ask that we cut that shit out. rick riordan did not create rep for neurodivergent and disabled kids for them to be called stupid by the fanbase. even jokingly.
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thenewrises · 9 months
enjoy my brain rambles (18+ MDNI)
idk the last time i did a theory/full lore post on anything since 17 year old me played mystic messenger in 2017 (IN FUCKING PHYSICS!!!!!) but for some reason 14 days with you has been on the forefront of my brain for over a year so. also it's so funny how not into yandere games/dark romance i was years ago but the moment i started college and started reading shit like ACOTAR (not dark romance but like... y'know... rhys...) i am like damn... what if someone was THAT into me me... (this does not include haunting adeline i fucking hate that book)
anyways sorry for the ramble!!!! some fun stuff i have found in the last idk few days of perusing old stuff, new stuff, etc.
also, a lot of hints i've found have been followed up by "👀". this is not the case with everything but just a lil tidbit i noticed! :)
The official 14DWY blog is @14dayswithyou
edit: put 18+ mdni in title because the game is 18+! should have mentioned that LOL
Ren's name!
I have been super interested in finding out his name, which i will send guesses sometime to the ask box when i have more as to not spoil anything if i'm right. BUT, i can share everything i have collected! i do know we will know more about him in day 7 possibly but i want to hopefully give some help if anyone wants to guess like me!
(Not In Name) ❌ - T, D, Z, S
(In The Name) ✅ - N, R, A, E
does not begin with - E, R, B, A, P
does not end with - N, L, Y
extras ⁃ 8 letters (could be more) ⁃ not traditionally masculine ⁃ american ⁃ emerald has three letters (E, A, R are my guesses) ⁃ clarence (two letters right spot) ⁃ emerson (one letter right spot) ⁃ marienne (one letter right spot) ⁃ his sister called him ren
so, with this in mind i have a few ideas. it seems the letter "R" is in the fourth position in his name. the letter "E" seems to be at the end of his name. i believe his name may be unisex or possibly more typically feminine, but he was named by his mother after her two friends (which i believe are Teo's relatives). some guesses about the name i have are: i believe his name may begin with an L or F, but this is just a guess i have but i do not believe it begins with a C. either "ren" is in his name altogether or another variation such as rien. but! this is just a theory (matpat... thank u).
some extras:
_ _ _ r _ _ _ e
edit: upon some scrolling before bed i am starting to believe their name may end in “rence” or “riene”. will update but that’s where i’m landing right now.
edit 2: may ALSO end in renie!
2. Ren's hands!
so we know ren has scarred hands from an accident prior to the events of the game before he ran from home. i don't know exactly what caused the scarring, but i believe it was some kind of altercation with his father from the sounds of it. it was said that ren left his mom in absolute hysterics when he left, so i believe there are a few things that could have happened.
i don't know if ren's father would hurt his mother but let's assume he wouldn't, maybe ren was presenting more masculine, talking back to his father, becoming a "threat" towards taylor, who knows! whatever happened, ren got into an altercation with taylor that ended in the scarring. I believe it has something to do with fire, taylor may have been set of fire somehow. maybe taylor wanted to burn the house down. OR, maybe ren tried to burn the house down with taylor in it...
it's possible that taylor may have tried to harm ren's mother that he attempted to save his mom and burn his father/harm his father. whatever happened, hana was not present for this as i believe this is when ren ran away from home IF this is how it happened.
maybe what happened to his hands was much longer before he left. i've seen some questioning that when leon had a birthday party, he invited hana but she did not go for reasons unknown. what this could mean is that something happened WHEN hana still lived there before she was sent off to school. maybe this was when ren got the scars on his hands. maybe taylor tried to harm ren due to him simply being male, maybe it was something else. maybe ren fought back. maybe taylor tried to hurt ren's mother, causing him to be punished by his father. all i know is, ren in an ask has said “I-I didn’t mean to… He— I didn’t have much of a choice…”
3. Playlist!
a while ago, saint put out this playlist and explained that characters and endings are connected to the songs. from other's guesses and my own curiosity, i went through and did some eliminations and found these to be the most possible to be connected:
shapeshift - ren
almost had me - violet
glimpse of us - leon
angel - ending
god complex - ending (possibly leon)
EDIT: gun - ending (most likely bad)
heart-shaped hologram - EDIT: I believe this is ren's introspection now
these could be inaccurate! but from what i have seen i think these are the best guesses for some of the songs. maybe i'll try to guess more in depth, but for now, this is just from what i've read up! 14 days also has the potential to be an ending, but once again this may be another post.
i am so out of my mind. but it is so fun to evaluate lore i have always loved doing it and this game itched my brain. i reccommend this game if you're interested in horror and are 18+ then i say check out this game! read the warnings ahead of time, but i find it funky fresh
anyways womp womp, redacted come home, emo boy by ayesha erotica lookin' ass
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cycat4077 · 8 months
Good stories have 3 types of characters. The characters who represent what we should strive to be. The characters who represent the people who are incapable of change. And the characters with the potential to change.
This literary device has fascinated me since I was a high school student reading "In the Heat of the Night". It was then that I realized that some characters are like "Sam Wood"; they start life off with prejudices but have the potential to change their way of thinking and become better individuals.
I have carried this with me ever since, trying to see the humanity in everyone and trying to first understand the cause of someone's actions before jumping to conclusions. 
This does not mean that I condone crimes or racism or prejudices of any sort. People should be held accountable for their actions. Period. However, I also try to uphold an optimistic view of the world and hope that with proper information and facts, those with that potential are able to change in time.
Part of why I enjoyed Fargo season 5 so much was because the characters were complex. No one was perfect. Everyone was fallable.
More specifically, we had several characters who represented the values we should strive for in ourselves: Dot, Witt, Wayne, and Indira. These characters showed us their humanity and willingness to put others before themselves.
We also had characters who represented those who cannot change: Roy and Odin are but two examples. These characters represent those whose view of the world is so twisted that they do not possess the humanity to ever change.
But we also had characters who represented those with the potential to change: Gator, Lorraine, and even Ole Munch. Each started the season set in their ways. They only had one goal in mind but through the events that happened, either to them or to someone close to them, they found it inside themselves to see their world differently; to consider the world from someone else's point of view and how their actions could affect it. In Ole Munch's case, it was the kindness and forgiveness offered by Dot that gives him his path forward. For Lorraine, it was the solidarity of being a woman, and seeing the abuse Dot suffered that allowed her a change of heart. And for Gator, it was his blindness that finally set him free of trying to be like his father.
These characterizations were intentional and, matter-of-factly, a product of excellent writing. 
In my Tumblr world, I like to dive deeper than the good vs evil we see on the surface and try to understand the characters' motivations and trajectories. It just so happened that an actor that I respect was playing one of these morally gray characters. This is why my focus on Gator was so heavy. I enjoyed trying to understand his character and appreciated the way Joe Keery was able to depict it on screen.
I have been raised to see the world from others' point of view before I make conclusions about who they are and how they act. I try to look for the humanity in everyone, even if it may not be immediately apparent.
Tumblr is also my safe space. It is a place I have turned to for 13 years to express my love of fandom and to connect with others who share this excitement. If I have ever made anyone uncomfortable on here, I apologize. It was never my intention. Politics has no place on my blog, and it never will. This is my safe space for enjoying fandom away from real life. I will not judge other Tumblr users, and I expect the same in return. After all, every single one of us is fallable in some way. We can all grow and be better, and my choices, both online and in real life, will always be made with others in mind. 
Tumblr is not a place for judgment before we get to know others. It is a place to respectfully share our love of fandoms without the fear of that judgment or of being labeled. It is a place to support one another. This is how I have, and always will, conduct myself while on this site, and I appreciate all the lovely people I have met along the way. ❤️
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mothwingwritings · 1 year
So, I have a question how would Yugiro react if he found out that his trainee Musashi Miyamoto had a crush on his daughter? (This is in the same universe as the step cest)? (P.s love your blog.)
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In my humble opinion this would go one of two ways.
For one, I think Yujiro would find it hilarious. You WOULD attract the attention of some ancient warrior of the past, wouldn’t you? It will be interesting to see just how you go about handling this man’s advances. If it gets too serious, would Musashi be stopping by Yujiro’s door for permission to court you? What kind of response will he get if he tells this famous samurai you’re used goods? More importantly, he’d be interested in hearing your opinions on how the legendary Musashi Miyamoto stacked up to your father, both in terms of strength and in the bedroom.
Yujiro doesn’t necessarily care who you are sleeping with, nor does he care who else may be occupying your time. Ultimately he knows he can have you whenever he wants you and you can’t really do a damn thing about it. But as time goes on I feel he definitely becomes more possessive of you. While he may have initially just shrugged off the other people in your life (no one could ever top the great Yujiro Hanma, so what’s the use in worrying about the nobodies you are so keen to surround yourself with?), at a certain point he’s going to start getting irritated by your other liaisons. He may not outwardly admit it, but it does rub him the wrong way that you settle for anyone other than him, especially when he goes through all the trouble he does to keep an eye on you. The least you could do for someone so vested in you is reciprocate the attention. He’s received that from Baki and Jack in the form of strength and fighting, why shouldn’t he expect the same from you for *different* means?
So at that point I think Musashi’s little ‘crush’ would piss him off, even more so if you actively respond in kind to any of the samurai’s advances. What, were you getting bored with JUST your fathers affections? Are you such an insatiable whore that you now need multiple powerful men to fawn over you? And who does Musashi think he is, trying to stake a claim on another man’s property? Yujiro doesn’t really give a damn how revered or honored Musashi may be-he fucked up by enamoring himself with you and considers the act a direct challenge that he intends to meet.
(Also, ty bb I am so glad you love my blog ‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚)
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risetherivermoon · 7 months
spoke about this briefly before, but heres a more in depth post w/ me rambling about my idea and explaining the au by showing off my notes and everything
anyway, the idea im talking about is like a social media/twitter (i will not call it X, fucking bite me) thing about the teens using twinote (an app that can make fake tweets) mixed with me using my own art to add stuff to it, and the idea of maybe making a secondary blog to answer asks as the characters,
this format idea is mixed with an au ive been thinking about involving hell and heaven stuff, (im not immune to hazbin hotel hype nor am i immune to any kind of bible fanfiction) so heres some notes about that;
basic desc:
Taylor is a prince of the 7th circle and a Hell-born demon, he makes friends with Scary/Terri, a sinner who died in the 1950's, a long with her guardian/step-dad TJ/Terry Jr. (sinners in this universe tend to go by secondary names instead of their human names) while messing around the city that Scary & TJ live in, Scary and Taylor stumble upon Lincoln, a fallen angel, who has just fallen from Heaven, Lincoln starts staying with TJ and Scary, since he has nowhere to go. Eventually Normal, an angel, trespasses into Hell from Heaven, in an attempt run from his home. Normal is found by the rest of the teens who are now trying to make sure Heaven doesn't find out that Normal is in Hell
(edit: contents for this au can be found at @3sinnrsn1angel)
additional notes & more yapping about my ideas below the cut, be warned!!!
- Scary & TJ live in the 7th ring of Hell, each circle is a different city & has a different monarchy
- Taylor as hell royalty is an angel hunter. Scary is also an angel hunter
- angel hunting is treated as a sport by the royals, and as a bounty-hunting type job by the sinners, done when angels fly overhead of hell to deliver messages and keep demons in line, there tends to be a lot of air traffic that makes hits easy
- tho this universe mostly surrounds hell & heaven, people can still cast spells and do magic, though its a skill you have to master
- TJ is a magic user and runs a magic shop, he and Scary live in the overhead apartment above the shop
- Normal's grandfather is a part of Heaven's council, which means Normal was a high ranking angel
- Lincoln's father, Grant, was also a part of Heaven's council before Link's falling
- Hell Demons buy and barter sinner souls constantly, and it has become a competition between the royals to have the most souls as well as angel kills
- Hell Demons & Sinners are cool with angels co-existing amongst them, and will not hunt them if it's an angel on the ground and out of uniform (most angels who go through hell are wearing heaven garbs) though it will bring weird looks and comments people are mostly unbothered by it, Heaven is unaware of this or that angel refugees are living amongst sinners
- this applies to fallen angels as well
- this will probably be a polywagon fic, ill see where the wind takes me
(hermie does exist but 4 the sake or spoilers ill leave the info on them to that)
the rest of the details i have written down about this au are spoiler-adjacent but this is what ive got for you! heres a little bit more about the formatting style i have in mind, im sorry (not sorry) about yapping so much i just like to info-dump
basically ill be using mostly fake tweets using twinote, as well as messages between the teens also using twinote, i did kind of some tests to get down the kind of energy i want for this and to see if this format works well with these characters so ill show some ss of that here as an example:
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(all pfp art is by me)
theres also the factor of me not using this blog to post this series and using a secondary blog, id mostly be doing that to make sure asks and content of this project is secluded from my other stuff,
speaking of asks, id use the ask box on said account to get questions and do a type of q&a thing where the audience can ask the teens questions and ill make art for/write them responding to it, also maybe responding to questions from a creator & ooc pov
i also make art just for funzies and if it fits in the plot anywhere, as well as making the characters pfps n stuff, heres an example a little by showing off a piece that (if i decide to really commit to this which i might since ive been having this idea rattling around in my head for a bit) ill be using in it (prob 4 pfps)
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(using this to also show off the teens designs for this au lol)
lemme know if yall find this interesting because im pretty into it already lol, and ill see what i can come up with for getting it all started, if u got it this far congrats you read all my yapping! also id love to answer any questions abt this au as well (ooc obvi)
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woodblxssomcrowned · 8 months
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Hear me out as I ramble. Please leave room for a year or two off here and there. Numbers hard and I'm working with what i got.
Like I know people frequently point to Hashirama's godly genes and regenerative abilities to justify him being older but still looking you but like...we did see him as a kid? With Madara, who didn't look much older or younger than him. And he had brothers who did not look more than a handful of years younger than him either.
Considering that the life expectancy was around 30 during the WS era, to me it doesn't seem outlandish at all that he could have married and become a father when he was still in his late teens, like 18 or 19, years before the founding of the village. Uchiha Kagami. According to the databooks he was 25 at the time of his death. If we assume he was the same age as Danzou, this would mean he's 18 years older than Tsunade. It would also mean he died seven years after Tsunade's birth.
In that time he would have had at least one kid (future parent of Shisui), Hashirama would have died, the 1st SWW would start and Tobirama would die along with some other shit.
With this in mind, I can only assume assume the parent of Tsunade, we'll call them Child A (on this blog that child is Danma), was at least 18 when she was born, making them likely the same age or older than Hiruzen and his crew.
Now we can go back further!
To Uchiha Izuna!
He died at the age of 25 too. Now, we don't know how much older than Izuna Madara is but I personally pin both Izuna and Tobirama as being no more than two or three years younger than Madara and Hashirama.
For this rant we'll say that they are two years younger, and all four of them are parallels i.e. Madara and Hashirama are the same age, and Izuna and Tobirama is the same age.
This would make Hashirama and Madara 27 when Izuna died.
So if Hashirama had  Child A when he was 19, said child would be 8 years old when Izuna died. And ten years later Tsunade would be born, and Hashirama would have been 37 at the time.
We also know that he did live to interact and leave memories and impressios on Tsunade, and in his memory of her she looks maybe 4 or 5 at most.
Let's say he dies when Tsunade is 5. Meaning he was 42 when he died.
Now, remember Kagami?
He was most likely 18 years older than Tsunade, and died at 25. If Hashirama died when Tsunade was five, Kagami would have been 23. We also know that Kagami died after Tobirama.
So in the two years between Kagami being 23 and 25, so much shit would have gone down. It would also mean he probably died not very long after Tobirama.
Speaking of Tobirama. He was two years younger than Hashirama, so was 40 when his older brother died at 42.
Since he died before Kagami, he would have died at about the age of 42 as well.
Another mention!
We don't know how long the period of time is between Izuna's death and Madara's 'death' and the creation of TVATE.
But concidering the time for the village to be established, Madara falling out of favor with his clan, his interactions with young Ounoki, a few years is at least safe to assume.
Although this only applies to the anime, if we look at SP reference sheets that features the young Hiruzen crew, their heights would suggest they are somewhere around 11 years old around the time of Madara deflecting. It does fit fine. If they were about 8 when the village was founded, and the TVATE battle happened when they were 11, that would leave 3 years.
It's not ot much, if you consider how rome wasn't built in a day (I overall like to think it was at least five years, if not more. Like, come on.), but its something, and for the sake of this post we'll say it was three.
We can also make note that Kakuzu died at 91 in the earlier half of shippuden, making him 19 years older than Hiruzen and his crew.
So he was most likely just about the same age as Hashirama and Madara.
Thanks to these numbers we can try to decipher how long Madara sat in his cave!
If Madara was the same age as Hashirama and Kakuzu, and we guesstemate that he spent  three years in the village before battling and being 'killed' by Hashirama, he would have been 30 at the time of his 'death'.
That gives us roughly 61 years between the TVATE battle and Kakuzu's death. (which also solidifies Hiruzen and Co being about 11 at the time as Danzou, Homura and Utatane are 72-73 years old in Shippuden)
We also know that Obito was 31 at the time of his death by the end of shippuden, so was likely about 29-30 by the beginning.
I am not entirely sure how much time spent between the boulder incident and Madara pulling the plug on himself.
Kakashi was 29 at the beginning of shippuden, 62 years younger than Kakuzu.
Kakashi is 13 years older than Naruto, meaning he was 13 when Obito released the Kyubi and Kushina and Minato died at the day of Naruto's birth.
According to the databooks, Obito became chunin at 11 years old.
So likely somewhere between 12 and 13 everything from boulder to Madara's death would have happened.
Let's say Obito was 13 when Madara died.
That makes Madara 75 years old at the time of his death if we still assume he was just about the same age as Kakuzu, after having spent 45 years in his cave.
There's an infuriating detail tho. And his name is Ounoki, the third tsuchikage.
He was 79 when he appeared in shippuden making him about 13 years younger than Madara.
This would mean that when the WS era ended following Izuna's death, Ounoki would have been 14 years old, and 17 years old when TVATE battle happened.
Onoki offers us two flashbacks of his younger years:
- Him looking after an artefact, and having a philosophical conversation with his grandfather Ishikawa about the strength of will within the shinobi of Iwagakure. Ishikawa is very clearly Tsuchikage at this time as he is wearing the iconic kage getup. Ounoki looks roughly 12 or so years old.
The first tuchikage also looks older here than he does when he appears in the 1st kage summit..
- Him with Mu, the future second Tsuchikage, facing Madara. They wear their respective village's headbands, and Madara speaks in a way that heavily implies he's still working in favor of Konoha, even if it seems his relationship with Hashirama is turning quite sour at that time.
Ounoki looks young, but I would not say younger than 17 or 18.
This would mean this occured before Hashirama became hokage and possibly even before the kage system was created alltogether?
The 1st kage summit isn't implied to have taken place until after Madara leaving.
These events does not match up at all.
I think the event with Madara fits best into the most plausible timeline, but barely. The first I can't find any plausible way to fit. I can only assume that his old-man brain isn't what it used to be and he's remembering things weirdly. It's the only explanation.
Other notes:
Ginkaku and Kinkaku attempted to capture Kurama after Kumogakure was founded, but before Madara set it lose on Konoha and Mito ended up sealing it away. They do look like adults in that flashback, and we know they died at the age of 44. With that info I'd guess they may also have also been roughly the same age as Hashirama and Madara. This would mean they'd be near 30 when they became psuedo-jinchurki by munching Kurama-guts for two weeks, and would have died around the same time as Tobirama, meaning sometime shortly before, during or after the 1st SWW. Prior to the 1st SWW they would have also attempted a coup and very nearly killed both the Nidaime Raikage and Nidaime Hokage.
There's no clues as to how old Mito was when she died, but even though Kishimoto probably wants us to admire her for living so hecken long and for it to be a testament to the Uzumaki longevity, I really don't think she was that old when she died. Kushina died at the age of 24, and judging by her appearance I'd guss she was about 12 or so when she took over as jinchuriki. Kakashi and Obito would have been 1 year olds at this time. Remember earlier when we mentioned how Obito was 13 when Kushina and Minato died, and Madara had likely kicked it some time within the earlier year, at the age of 75. So, if we assume Mito was roughly the same age as Hashirama, then she would have been 63 years old when she died. Sure, for someone born in the WS era it's thirty years beyond the general life-expectancy, but overall it's not very impressive considering that Ounoki, Hiruzuen and his crew lived to their 70's and beyond and remained very capable shinobi (Kakuzu doesn't count because without his kinjutsu he'd probably be long since dead, even Madara only made it so long thanks to his Hashirama-life support). I am going to HC that maybe being jinchuriki took its toll on her, making age catch up to her faster than one would have expected. Either that she was notably older than Hashirama.
We don't know that Hikaku died at the age of 25, although that is the only age we have to associate to him, but hell, we don't even know if he did live during the founders era. We only know for sure that he did live during the warring states era, even if the fandom (me included) generally put him in with the other founders. His databook entry says: "M 25 An Uchiha clan shinobi. Despite his youth he is the most talented in his clan and is very adept at being a leader. " And he's never presented in any proximity to any known founders characters , so it's never really mentioned in any sure capacity that he did live during the founders era, so finding a place for him in the timeline is hard.
Touka we don't know if she died at the age of 27, or if she was just 27 when she's very briefly shown. But she is shown looking fairly young next to Hashirama, and even her databook entry states that she did work closely with and was trusted by Hashirama, so she without a doubt did live at least during the end of the WS era, and though we only have a figure that appears to be her from behind to go off, she likely did live to see the end of it.
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deerabigailhobbs · 5 months
Ever since I found your blog my mind has been plagued with thoughts of adamgail-siblings (in the best way). Sooooooo, what if Garret Jacob Hobbs was so freaked that he started killing at the thought of his daughter moving away was because he's already had a child leave. He's a perfectionist so maybe his family becoming imperfect was what brought him to such extremes?
We know that Abigail is 17 at the start of the show and that the killings started 8 months ago, meaning that she was probably 16 or just 17. So say that older brother Adam left around the same age; Hobbs would see his daughter reach the age that he had one child leave never to return, and panic starting the spree. In the original script Adam gets a call from his mother stating that his father isn't angry anymore. Something happened to make Adam leave, maybe this was his father's anger at some supposed imperfection in his son, or it was a build up of things that caused Adam to leave - and that was what caused his father's anger.
But whatever it was he left, knowing that he would leave his sister in a mess, or maybe he thought it would be better for her with him gone. Either way he gets put in the trap, at the time his parents are still alive, but there's a good chance that 7 out of 8 girls have gone missing already. He tells Lawrence that he wants to spend more time with his family, maybe just spend time with a family that he might not have seen in years, does he consider them all his family anymore? His relationship with his father certainly isn't good.
Abigail is left without her brother from a young age, and when she reaches the age he was when he left and her father snaps- does she resent him for leaving, or for not taking her with him? Is she glad that he left and won't get dragged into this? What would happen if he showed up again, would his father pull him aside as soon as possible and make it so he could never leave them again? Otherwise it could end in another fight and trigger Hobbs killing his whole family without a phone call from Hannibal. Of course things could just go the same way as canon with just the addition of another corpse, Abigail regaining her brother just to lose him just as fast.
If Adam gets out of that bathroom does he head home and meet a horrible fate at the hands of his father, or is he barely finished with recovery when he gets a call from the FBI? Telling him that his father killed his mother, and tried to kill his sister, and was then shot dead by an agent. Could he bring himself to become his sister's guardian after the ordeal he just went through, and would she accept it? When he shows up, do they know who he is? Do they think of him as Adam 'Hobbs' who had changed his name to Stanheight in order to distant himself from his family? Or have they heard about the Jigsaw Killer and know of Adam Stanheight who turned out to also be Abigail's older brother? How do things go down from there? At least Abigail will have someone to rely on and stay by her side, preventing her from killing [INSERT NAME OF GUY WHO'S SISTER GOT KILLED], and preventing Hannibal from getting his claws into her. Or will Hannibal try and pull something to get him out of the way...
First of all, it truly warms my heart when someone says they like my Adamgail siblings AU. I truly didn't expect much of a reaction to it but to know others have fallen in love with their dynamic makes me so so happy :D
Secondly, connecting the dots between Adam's mother saying his father isn't angry anymore and Garret Jacobs... Genius. Jaw dropped. I never even thought of that and I love it.
Adam going through his trap around the same time that Abigail was almost killed is great too. Just imagine going through the most traumatic experience of your life and finding out the sibling, the one person you could trust the most, was hurt and here to see you. Their interactions would be so interesting. Familiar strangers to one another.
And boy, would Adam change the way Abigail's life went post throat slashed. He'd literally be stuck to her side like glue. I can definitely imagine him not being fond of Hannibal and especially Will. I would think Hannibal would try and plan a way to kill him, though I'm not entirely sure how.
I think an interesting way to view it would be that Adam shows up after Abigail kills Nick Boyle. Perhaps he hears about it through the news at a later date and rushes to Minnesota before he can even wave Lawrence goodbye. In that way she's indebted to Hannibal, but she now has someone in her corner, who truly has her best interests at heart. And once Abigail starts to lean into the company of her brother more, that's when Hannibal decides Adam has gotta go.
Or, even if he doesn't show up at all. If, in Mizumono, Abigail doesn't walk towards Hannibal because she knows she has a brother out there, perhaps still has his number stored away in a coat pocket. Abigail followed Hannibal's orders because she had no other option, but with Adam she does. She walks up to Hannibal, appearing docile, then grabs the knife and stabs him sloppily in the neck, just enough time for her to bolt from the house and to a payphone far from the house. That's when she calls Adam, praying that he hadn't changed his phone number all those years, and when he does answer, she's so relieved to hear his voice and asks if he can come get her. And without a second thought he's already asking her where she while rummaging for his car keys.
So many scenarios, I love them <3
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npdmonoma · 7 months
Can "narcissistic abuse" be something we consider outside of people with NPD? I don't believe in PDs at all as someone who's been diagnosed with one, and I'm very anti psychiatry. However mechanisms of what's described as "narcissistic abuse" are real phenomena and I'm wondering if we can address these situations without linking it to a diagnosis or condemning people as permanently and irreparably broken because they're making those choices in one context
Actually read some more posts on your blog and I think I found an answer that satisfies me in this topic ... I think the move forward would be to unlink certain constellations of behavior (gaslighting, DARVO, etc.) From having a PD. Honestly recognizing that someone who abused me was likely struggling with NPD made it easier to find empathy for them but I still had questions in my mind about how to address this specific pattern
I added your second ask here so I can address them both at the same time. Starting with your statement about not believing in personality disorders due to being anti-psychiatry, this is a statement I both do and don't agree with. All mental health diagnoses are created by psychiatrists by observing patterns of behavior that they label as aberrant and give a name to. So in that sense, they're "not real" because NPD isn't some objective observable thing. However, as long as anyone finds value in using that framework to understand themselves and hopefully begin healing, it should continue to exist as a concept. I personally find incredible value in the diagnosis, and have made significant strides toward healing and becoming a better person since I started applying that concept to myself.
That being said, I do believe in psychiatric abolition. What you said about not labeling people as inherently broken is part of my dissatisfaction with the state of mental healthcare. People with personality disorders can heal, even if our disorders never fully leave us. There's also reason to believe that the idea that personality disorders almost never go into full remission is either partially or fully false. Either way, we aren't broken. Or at least, we aren't required to view ourselves as such.
Second, you're absolutely correct that the things that get labeled as "narcissistic abuse" are real phenomena. I have never, and will never, deny that people who call themselves narcissistic abuse survivors have experienced abuse. I honestly believe that they did. However, those phenomena aren't inherently linked to NPD. I have yet to see an example of "narcissistic abuse" that wasn't just a textbook example of (usually emotional) abuse. There is no need to call it narcissistic, you can just call it abuse. That's what it is.
And yes, you're very correct that we need to disconnect patterns of abuse from personality disorders. We shouldn't be linking any mental illness/neurodivergence to abusive behavior. All that does is cause stigma that leads to people being hated for something they can't really control, and something that oftentimes was done to them. I don't deserve to be hated for what my abusers turned me into. No one does.
I'm glad you were able to find understanding and empathy for your abuser, as that seems to have been healing for you. I'm genuinely happy for you. However, the fact that in your case you learned something about your abuser that gave you context for what happened doesn't mean that thing is inherently linked to abuse in general. My father was likely autistic, and I can see how this played into his abuse of me. And yet, I would never say he abused me autistically, because he didn't. He just abused me. There are abusers in every demographic that exists, but that doesn't mean that the entire demographic gets discarded. People who have never abused anyone don't deserve to be called abusers, especially when they're abuse victims themselves.
Thank you for your curiosity and for having an open mind about this. I appreciate you taking the time to think this through, and I'm glad I was able to help in some way. My apologies if I went over something you already figured out for yourself, but I figured it was best to be thorough.
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