#does nobody remember being a kid and being bothered by
meixiaotian · 8 months
What is up with all of these posts recently that are bemoaning the state of The Youths? Every new technology, social trend, etc. brings its own problems. And every generation has adapted and survived. You can complain about a problem without denigrating or condescending to an entire age range of people.
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inkskinned · 11 months
it's just that there's a few more steps you have to take that other people don't have to take, but they don't see the steps, so they think you should be able to hop from moment to moment, a chickadee.
it isn't getting out of bed. it is the weight, the hook in your chest, the anchor. you have to move the anchor first. you have to silence your alarm, but your phone is in your hand, which means now you have to put the phone down, which is too-hard. you get stuck in there for a while, the white screen, mindlessly scrolling. you don't even like this activity, have tried a few other options but - here you are, and time is passing.
you've googled iron deficiency causes depression and if i drink enough water does it help with mental illness and anxiety but no caffiene within the last two weeks, like how you googled am i gay quiz at 17.
it isn't just calling the doctor back, it's the anxiety, it's these little moths in your lung cavities, furious and fluttering. you need to figure out how to capture your fingers from between their nervous bodies. you are an adult, you can say the words yes hi, i'm calling because i need - but you need to practice first. maybe write it down because what if you misspeak, wouldn't that be embarrassing. write it down, but you need to find a pen first. well, actually, your desk is kind of messy. you should get a new pen. you should get a new organizational system. you should try journaling.
your grades in school were always strange. the way teachers would say things like it feels like you're not trying. you could touch stars in the stuff you cared about. well, sometimes. god be willing. homework average zero. oops! your english teacher's wrinkled brow: i know you know this stuff. what the fuck are you doing?
it isn't the showering, it's the mirror before the shower and the soft horrible pull of your naked physique. you have to avoid eye contact completely or else it'll be 93 minutes later and you'll have picked at your skin until every little pore is bleeding. you have to stand up but standing is tiring and also you should have remembered to buy more soap but you never remember anything. maybe get out of the shower and while it's still running and you're still dripping wet, use your phone to take a note. make a note to get your groceries. let the shower run while you stand half-in half-out and get lost in your phone for a moment. come back out when the water runs cold and now you have to sprint to get ready.
your grandmother's frown. you're just being lazy. protestant work ethics in a house that isn't even protestant. she says she just learned different but she means learned better, doesn't she.
it's not that you can't send the email, it's that your hands have been hurting lately and the desk really is messy and also why the fuck would you even care about this thing? doesn't everyone else feel like they're drowning? hi brendon thanks so much for sending! will review and get back to you shortly. but now you're on the internet, close the tab with tumblr on it. go on, close it. feel the little soft vapor of boredom come up and over your eyeteeth and make everything overwhelming and itchy.
literally all you have to do is put on shoes to go outside. you're literally already dressed, that's the hard part of this whole thing. literally just put the shoes on. just... do it! do it! this shit is easy!
it's literally that easy. just stop taking all those stupid invisible steps. stop following your strange made-up rules. times like this, even you're positive you're faking. you just don't want to bother with the cleaning and the cooking and the being-an-adult.
but then - shouldn't you be able to put these stupid shoes on? nobody's even looking. go on kid. life is out there! just take the leap!
get moving.
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mrslaflour · 25 days
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pairing ‎⸝⸝⸝ ot5 x fem!reader
genre ⸝⸝⸝ smut, dark (noncon), football player txt, cheerleader reader, reader is under 21 but 18 or over (implied)
warnings ‎⸝⸝⸝ txt are serial r8pists, unprotected sex, noncon, mean dom!txt, language, name calling, anal.., reader is dry (referring to her 😽), really not much prep on certain members, reader does not enjoy this in any way, drinking, smoking, reader is a virgin but she never states that to them, the things they do to her get more and more wild as each person takes their ‘turn’, possible murder allusions, suffocation, choking, oral (both), hair pulling, fingering, nipple play, gagging, riding, tummy bulge,
summary ‎⸝⸝⸝ after every important football game, 5 of some of the star football players at the school pick one cheerleader to “mess with”. the school knows them as the grape team, so clearly people know that they’re r8pists, no? no it’s not true at all! it’s just some stupid rumors girls make up for attention! they’re just jealous they can’t be with them so they want to make them look bad and are just trying to ruin their futures. how wrong of them to do such a thing, right? they’re just pitiful jealous whores…
your school had to be the absolute most stereotypical school from every tv show. dumb blondes, cheerleaders with big tits, football players with big dicks, nobody had a personality of their own. everybody on their knees for the star football team. as much as your school was filled with the stereotypical rich kid who’s daddy thinks that they’re going to be an all star athlete soon to be in the olympics, they kind of had every right to think that. your school had one of the best football teams in your whole city. it was rare that you ever heard that your school lost, it was basically unheard of. but within that big football team consists of a decently sized click. the grape team is what everyone knows them as. for really fucked up reasons too.
everyone knows them as the five sexy football players that every girl would love to get railed by, even just one of them! or you know them as the five football boys who once a year pick a cheerleader, typically the new girl on the block, to invite to their party, get her all fucked up and dizzy, bring her up to their bedroom, and fuck her so hard to the point she’s knocked out and doesn’t even remember waking up to go to school that day. but those are just rumors! come on, nobody would ruin their perfect all star record just to sleep with some bimbo cheerleader who supposedly didn’t want it when they could literally have any girl they wanted with the consent part involved. these girls are just mad that they didn’t want to fuck them or they didn’t want to date them so they go around saying these things just to try to ruin their chances of being a star. jealousy is such an awful disease. either that or these girls got too damn drunk to remember telling them that they could fuck her.
“she’s such a whore. i’d die to even get looked at by them.”
“who cares if they r8ped them or not? at least you’re getting fucked by the five hottest guys in school. any girl would kill for an opportunity like that.”
“if the rumors are true, can they r8p me next? i’ve been dying just to get yeonjun to even talk to me…”
see! it’s really not serious. these are baseless rumors that are just a joke to people. they’re not called the grape team because they actually r8p girls, they’re called the grape team because it’s an inside joke between the school, duh! and plus, they don’t seem to mind it. in fact, whenever anybody calls them that to their face they just laugh and smile. it clearly doesn’t bother them so it’s obviously all rumors.
you’d be lying if you said they weren’t cute. oh they were. but weather or not you thought the rumors were true, you don’t care enough to go after these boys. it’s weird to be accused by multiple people in the first place, you don’t really want tied up in all that. you had basically just joined the cheer team. you had saw them a few times over your cheer camp during practices and even in the hallway before you joined, but never interacted with them. besides staring at them thinking about how big it is, or besides having a project with a few of them! but hey, everybody has thought about it at least once, including the guys in the school.
usually every friday you’d cheer, hype up the audience, you know. and on the big game days, they always threw a huge party to celebrate. they weren’t a frat but shit that’s what it seemed like a lot of the time. practically the whole school goes. there was a rumor once that a teacher went. did she get railed too? you had never been to one because until this year, you hadn’t been that involved with your peers. but everybody goes, and it’d be a nice way to fit in more, no? interact with your cheer team and get even closer and connect with the people you’re cheering for, the football team! plus, all your friends were badgering you to go, so you basically had to.
it was the end of a huge game that the team had just won and you’re chatting it up with your cheer team. people slowly start to leave as time goes on and there’s less and less of you there. it’s silent for a few seconds after all the laughing and excitement until you hear a voice behind you.
“you’re going, right?”
you turn around to see soobin, a member of said grape squad talking to you for the first time ever. you were a little confused so you spoke up.
“uh, going where?”
“the party tomorrow night?”
you mentally slapped yourself in the face. duh it was about the party. but why’s he asking you to your face? anybody can go. but you brush it off. it’s probably because you never go but now since you’re on the team it’s kind of expected.
“yeah, uhm, i planned on being there.”
“great. hope to see you there then.”
he gave you a light smile and then that was it. he just walked away. it felt off to you, something about his demeanor, but whatever. probably just because of how tall he is, yeesh, how does one even get that tall, it was kind of scary, especially considering the ‘rumors’……but you head home and for some reason laying in bed, you couldn’t fall asleep. It’s usually not hard after a long game..but after tossing and turning in your bed for what felt like hours, you finally fell asleep getting ready for a long day tomorrow.
“she’s coming right?”
“she said she would.”
“she’s gotta be the prettiest one we’re ever gonna fuck.”
“she’s a sweet girl on the outside but probably a sick fuck on the inside. shit, by the end, i’m sure she’ll love it. they all end up wet and slutty by the end of it all.”
if we’re being honest, you would have forgotten about the party and skipped it if your friend hadn’t literally came to your house to force you awake and get each other ready.
“what are you wearing?”
your friend asked. she was wearing a crop top with a short ass skirt just barely about to show her panties.
“certainly not what you’re wearing. with that outfit you’ll be the next victim of the grape team.”
you joke with her. she just scoffs before speaking up.
“any girl would be lucky to get fucked by them let alone looked at by them weather they liked it or not. so you can go ahead and sign me up!”
she said some crazy shit sometimes. no way she meant it…
“i’m just gonna wear a tight fitted top and some ripped jeans, i have nobody to impress and i’m not staying long.”
she just rolled her eyes. but hey, baby steps. this was your first party after all. it’d be one to remember.
“you don’t think there’s gonna be another rumor after this party?”
you asked. just curiosity makes you think. plus if you’re going to a party then why wouldn’t you talk about the people throwing it?
“after every big game there’s a new rumor. it’s obviously going to happen again. if only they could make that rumor a reality for me. tch, such a disappointment..”
you roll your eyes, she said dumb things no matter how fucked up they were. you didn’t agree with them but what can you do.
“we’ll see what happens when we get there..”
she winks.
“but we should head out now. we don’t wanna get there super late when everybody’s drunk and you can’t even speak to someone without getting thrown up on.”
walking into the party was loud as fuck. how had this place not gotten a noise complaint yet…? the amount of alcohol on the table and who knows what being smoked and the party quite literally had just started is crazy. drinking wasn’t your thing. you weren’t twenty-one and most of these people weren’t either but who gives a shit it’s a party. your friend immediately ran over to a guy she saw that she thought was good looking and then you didn’t know where to go. sit on the couch? go near the table full of drinks? no clue. you felt so out of place. ew. you spot some of your cheer team so you push through some people to get to them, smoke blowing on your face and you practically coughing your lungs out certainly was not fun. once you finally reached them you say hi and hug a few people and start talking.
“wow, i’m surprised you actually came. have you had a drink yet?”
you roll your eyes.
“no i have not, and no i don’t plan on it. i’m the one who drove here after all…”
“drunk driving is totallyyyyyy the trend now. literally everyone you’ve ever talked to has probably done it at least once. get some hunky firefighter to save you after you crash your car and have to strip you clean to treat your burns. maybe he’ll fuck you just in the right spot and wake you up. who needs cpr anymore when you have a huge dick right in front of your face?”
what a wild take. but that’s what most people at your school had. wild ass takes. but weather you disagree or not the only thing you can do is just laugh it off or be honest and give a disgusted face. after about 10 minutes of talking you feel a big ass hand lay on your shoulder for a second before lifting off. you turn around and it’s kai. it was crazy to think he was wrapped up in this grape squad shit. he seems as sweet as pie, a friendly giant you guess…
“i’m glad to see you decided to come! if i’m being honest i had doubts..”
you rub the back of your neck and do a light laugh.
“i’ve heard that one a lot tonight..”
you see him look back and notice the rest of their little squad standing by a small table with a few other people from the football team and just around school. he turns his head back around to you and smiles.
“hey, sorry we weren’t proper party hosts and welcomed you in. especially me, this is my house after all…but how about you come over there and we’ll talk a little. we know everyone on the cheer team pretty well except for you after all.”
eh, what could the harm be. it was only a few steps from where you were originally at anyways. you say bye to the people you were speaking with for a little and walk over to the rest of his little frat. the conversation the guys over here were having were mainly about girls and drugs. what a topic starter.
“so, what made you decide to join the cheer team?”
someone speaks up. you couldn’t see him too well despite the height until he pokes his head from behind one of his teammates. it was beomgyu. the troublemaker of the school. the class clown. he was probably the one person in the group that people didn’t like as much.
“uh, i don’t know. just needed something to do other than work i guess.”
they give a slight nod before they go back to their random conversation. you contemplate walking away. you were having funner with the people you actually knew after all.
“so, would you like me to grab you a drink? sorry i didn’t ask before. we have vodka shots and a bunch of other alcoholic stuff if you’d like.”
kai spoke up. trying to live up to what he said before and be an amazing party host. but just because it’s a party doesn’t mean you have to do illegal shit. that’s another thing people keep asking you about.
“sorry, i don’t drink. plus i drove here myself so tonight is not the night that i wanna try, aha.”
it’s much easier to mask the taste of a drug in alcohol than in something like water or juice…but you didn’t know that. all you knew was that this party was not fun to you at all and that it sure was a new experience but now that you’ve experienced it for a few minutes, you’re ready to go home. he tried to offer you something else to drink but you just weren’t really down for it right now. you’re sure you would be soon though. all this second hand smoke blowing down into your lungs was making your throat dryer and itchier by the second. but there was one thing you needed, a bathroom. all this water on the table from spilt drinks and all the gulping of water and the faucets turning on were not helping you hold it. you were hoping you wouldn’t have to ask for anything and have as little interaction with people you didn’t know as possible but you certainly weren’t gonna piss your pants in front of basically the whole school. they would probably be too drunk to remember, but still.
“uh kai, where’s your bathroom?”
he smiles. people can be bubbly and happy sure, but man he seemed way too happy to be telling you where the bathroom is.
“upstairs in my room! second room on the right.”
you thank him before heading off. it was going pretty decent so far. no bad interactions, no tripping on your face, the only thing that was bad was that you were bored..but hey! once your friend quits kissing up on guys then you’ll have a little bit more fun…you walk up kais steps and look down the hallway. “second room on the right…” you mumble to yourself damn this hallway was long. he was for sure a rich kid but you could tell that from the outside of his house. then again, he’s blonde, tall, plays football, and every girl wants to fuck him. it’d be a surprise if he wasn’t rich. you finally find the room and surprise surprise, the size of his bed is damn near bigger than your whole bedroom size. you see a door in the corner of the room and assume it leads to the bathroom. you lock it and do your business before washing your hands and then drying them off. you open your phone to check the time. “already twelve? sheesh…” you check your notifications too. a few missed texts but eh, you could check them later. you unlock the bathroom door and there you see the whole grape squad standing in kais room. did they have to use the bathroom too? this rich ass house, they must have at least three bathrooms and you couldn’t have been in there for too long…
“you really don’t drink?”
taehyun speaks up. the quiet charming one that didn’t even have to try to get girls to look at him. one stare and he had them like jelly in the palm of his hand.
“uh, no…not my thing i’m still not twenty-one and once again, i did drive here and i don’t wanna wreck my car. with my college debt i won’t get a new one until i’m at least thirty…”
you mumbled that last part. but uh, you didn’t really see what drinking had to do with any of this but you didn’t wanna just stand and have a silent staring contest so you just kind of scoot by going for the door before a hand grabs your wrist. yeonjun.
“if you would just be bad for once in your life, maybe you’d be able to enjoy this just a little. maybe even forget about it if you were fucked up enough and fucked out enough, but i guess now we’ll never know.”
you stilled, trying to comprehend the words he had just said before he starts pushing you onto the bed. it’s pretty evident on what’s happening so you of course go to scream but he quickly palms your mouth. he finally presses you to the bed and allows everybody to figure out what position they’d like to take. i mean come on, nobody stood a chance against five tall ass guys who play football. you would’ve been doomed even if you were a guy yourself. even if you had just been going against one of them you wouldn’t have escaped this fate. you start trying to kick your legs from underneath him before somebody pushes them down into the bed.
“soobin can’t go first this time. everytime he’s gone first or second his dick is too big and they don’t even feel the slightest bit of pleasure after and it ruins it for everybody….”
you squeeze your eyes shut, this must be a dream right? there’s no way this is real. sure you thought the rumors had to have some truth but even if they were completely true (which now you know, clearly they are) you wouldn’t have ever expected them to go after you. but i guess it makes sense. new cheerleader just trying to fit in and wants more friends, so what does she do? says she’s another victim of the grape squad to gain some popularity and a few new connections. it would make sense. or would you be one of the ones who didn’t tell anybody? eh, didn’t matter right now. all that matters is that they get their dick wet and have a new little image to imagine every time they need to get off.
“just hold her mouth shut and hold her legs down so i can fuck her without having to deal with her kicking me in the dick or making me have to stop right when i’m about to orgasm because somebody heard her.”
from the way he was speaking, you could guess yeonjun was the leader of this shit. soobin was the leader on the football team but this wasn’t football. this was ‘how many girls can we r8p before we graduate??!’ and it was pretty clear that yeonjun led that shit. besides taehyun, the guy was charming as fuck. seemed like prince charming. you feel the bed dip right where your head was. you open your eyes to see a beomgyu laying on his stomach, face right above yours with a sick smile on his face. yeonjun removes his hands from your mouth before beomgyu quickly replaces the empty space with his hands. He places his chin on your forehead and then gives an almost taunting kiss to it. his hands were basically holding your head still, so you couldn’t really turn away from it. yeonjun then sits up on his knees on the side of your hips and puts all his body weight on your stomach while pushing your wrists to your chest.
“this will be fun. we’ve never not drugged a girl out before fucking her for hours like this. i’m curious to see how it’ll go.”
he says all this with a smile on his face while looking you dead in the eyes. you hadn’t noticed but kai had left the room. probably to attend to the party and not seem suspicious. most people were drunk but there’s always a few sober people and it’s been years that they’ve been at this, they don’t wanna blow their cover now. you also notice that taehyun is leaning in a chair against the wall. his pants are unzipped, he was probably gonna beat to this shit, sick bastard. and then obviously by process of elimination, soobin was holding your legs down, and strong as fuck at that. you couldn’t even move it the slightest inch. you feel his chin move on your forehead as he speaks up.
“the fun begins now. are you ready?”
he loosened his hands jussstttt a little so he could let you shake your head no before tightening them back up. you felt yeonjuns finger prodding with the buttons on your jeans and feel your pants slightly loosening as he unzips them. what makes this all the more worse is you can’t even lift your fucking head to see what he’s doing.
“i haven’t even done anything yet and you’re already crying. don’t worry, you’ll be crying a hell of a lot more by the end of the night.”
he hadn’t even bothered to take ur shirt off. hadn’t even bothered to prep you, nothing. you couldn’t lift ur head but u could see him sitting above you and saw that sly ass look on his face as he quickly forced it in. didn’t take his time at all, as if he wanted it to be as painful as possible. you quickly squeeze your eyes shut and start trying to kick your legs as hard as you can, start trying to shake your head free, try your hardest to move your wrists away but nothing works. beomgyus thumb starts wiping at the tears falling onto his hand and you hear a snicker come from him. yeonjun goes down to prep you (a little too late so not really prep..”) starts rubbing your clit in circles and almost is in shock that you or your body isn’t enjoying this at all.
“fuck you’re dry as hell. stubborn, huh? let me tell you a secret,”
he leans in to your ear scarily close,
“i’d suggest you start to enjoy it or you’re in for one hell of a night. seven hours at the minimum sounds terrible if you’re not enjoying it, no?”
he says all this shit while still ramming into you, still trying to get u damp but his efforts are in vain. your friend would notice though. she’d wonder where her ride went and they’d say you were last seen with them. she’d go up the stairs looking for you and find out what was going on. she’d get help, right? or would they easily lie their way out of it. would they let you go to avoid suspicion? no. they’re all cocky fucks who think they’re the hottest best people in the school, they’re not gonna let their ego fold that easily. they won’t get caught that—
“i can usually go longer but you are tight as fuck, you a virgin?”
you realized he finished. you felt his dick getting pulled out as painful and rough as it was forced in you. you felt something wet dripping down your thighs and you knew it wasn’t from you. it was his cum dripping down. your eyes were still squeezed shut, not wanting any of them to see your teary eyes. you were so embarrassed, so violated. and even worse, you didn’t want him to know you were a virgin. that this night was the night you’d always remember as your first time..
“how was it?”
“it was amazing. might need round two later. this is so much better than just drugging them up. so much funner, so much tighter, so much squirmier.”
“you can say that again, she almost bit my hand off..”
it was so eerie to hear them talking like this as if you weren’t even here listening to them.
“here i’m gonna go next. you take her mouth, i’ll take her ass.”
you had never been fucked in general since five fucking seconds ago, but in your ass? fuck no. and when you heard him say “take her mouth” you knew exactly what he meant and you just wanted out of this room. beomgyu was always the sly one. the funny one. the one half of the school loved and half of the school was annoyed as fuck by and hated. clearly he liked jokes but taking your ass was a pretty fucking sick one. they tell soobin to let go of your legs and you immediately start kicking. yeonjun flips you on your stomach while beomgyu lets go of your mouth. you hadn’t even gotten the chance to scream, your face immediately getting slammed into the sweaty mattress. beomgyu swiftly grabs your wrists, now uncomfortably forced behind your back in one hand and yeonjun is sitting up in front of your face on his knees with his dick still out of his pants. he forces your head up by grabbing a fist full of your hair. you wanted to scream immediately but the threatening look on his face made you not wanna test him. but also you knew as soon as you opened your mouth what would happen. he’d shove it in there without a care in the world just like he did your pussy. he stares into your eyes for a good second before speaking up.
“oh look at all those tears. you’ll be crying a lot more when ur choking on my dick. open up.”
you tried forcing your head to look the other way but he only squeezed your hair even tighter. he holds his dick in one hand and starts trying to force it through your tightly squeezed lips. as if almost on cue beomgyu forces his dick in you pretty little ass. slower than when yeonjun fucked you, but still too fast for your liking. that made you open your mouth to scream in pain, but it was quickly muffled by his dick. beomgyu was showing you some sort of mercy, but only because he needed to get used to how fucking tight you were and how much your ass was pulling him in. you realized that your feet were still free so you start kicking at his back trying to squirm free. ultimately, that made your head move a little further down yeonjuns dick and you gagged so fucking hard, you thought you would throw up. he quickly pulled the air through his teeth on that one holding in a grunt.
“i love to feel a struggle it only makes me even harder. go ahead and bruise up my back with your kicks, i love it so—fuck-much”
so they didn’t just forget to hold your legs down but it was for beomgyus sick pleasure too. it was futile anyways. it only got him off more and even if you had heels on and stuck the heel through his back he’d only keep thrusting even harder into you.
“you better hold your mouth open as wide as you can, if you fucking bite my dick i swear to god it’s over for you”
you never heard of any missing people or dead people at your school from the grape team or just in general but you didn’t know what he meant and you didn’t wanna take any chances. he quickly grips your hair even harder and pushes it as far back as he can. feeling your throat tighten and gag and cough up on his dick, he couldn’t help but groan. it hurt so so bad. feeling your ass being pounded and feeling like you’re about to throw up all over his bed from the amount of gagging you’re doing. you don’t even wanna know what they’d do or say if you threw up. you try to squirm your wrists free, try to kick even harder but beomgyu only squeezes your wrists tighter, you only feel his cock twitch more at the kicking, and when you try to turn your head you only feel your scalp burning more and as if he’s about to rip out a huge chunk of your hair. you feel him shoot his cum down your throat and you immediately start trying to spit it out while his dick is still in your mouth. you can’t even focus on that though because you still have this sadistic fuck ramming into you and grabbing ur ass every few seconds, gripping his nails into it.
“don’t waste it all. you know it’s an honor that we’re even doing this to you. show us some respect.”
respect? an honor? was he joking? he takes his dick out of ur mouth before he slams your face right into the mattress. you couldn’t breathe, couldn’t scream, couldn’t struggle because your hair was still in a tight grip, couldn’t do anything but hope he let you go before you suffocated. you feel beomgyu pause before groaning loudly and finally pulling out. he did it slowly, almost teasingly, but he did it. and when he did yeonjun finally let you breathe. the only thing you could do was gasp for air and let out a few sobs. you couldn’t even scream for help you were so out of breath.
you were about to sob out loud. you were barely even able to get those two words out. tripping over your words. snot running down your nose and tears staining your face. no sense of privacy besides the fact that they still hadn’t taken off your shirt and your jeans were stuck just above your knees. even though nobody was holding your legs down it still made it difficult. you wrists still in beomgyus tight grip.
“does it really matter if she screams? everybody’s probably blackout drunk by now.”
taehyun speaks up. it’s the first thing he’s said since this whole ordeal started. he’s just been sitting in the corner getting off to this fucked up shit. you could hear his small groans and curses every once in a while but it’s hard to focus on so many things at once in a situation like this. but what if he was right? what if you screamed and nobody heard it? what if you screamed and somebody heard but they just didn’t care..
“the party is loud as hell. unless she screams fucking crazy nobody should hear.”
you wanted to scream but you also didn’t want to give them what they wanted. they wanted to hear you scream. you’d just been sobbing and saying small ows under the palm of beomgyus hand earlier. you hadn’t had any moans of pleasure at all. but they didn’t care, they were here for themselves, not you. yeonjun grabbed your chin and forced you to kiss him. you had no hands to push him away and he held your head perfectly still. he finally leaned away after what felt like forever even though it was probably only ten seconds.
“i’m gonna go down with kai, i’ll be back before the fun part.”
the fun part…? you didn’t wanna know. that evil smirk on yeonjuns face and the uncomfortable silence in the room spoke volumes though. you hear the door open and shut. you feel beomgyu let go of your wrists and you immediately sit up. at the end of the bed you just see three faces staring, piercing right into your eyes. you immediately go to pulling up your jeans and your panties before two strong hands grip both of your wrists. you slowly look up only to see taehyun staring intensely at you. as if daring you to move. he quickly pushes your chest down and you start yelling at him to get off of you.
“get off of me you asshole!”
you were pulling his hair and smacking him and you could tell he was getting frustrated. he rolls the front of your shirt up trying to get a view of your chest. finally starting to strip you clean of everything.
“does he have—shitthisfuckingbitch— scissors somewhere?”
he finally got sick of your antics and landed a clean slap on your face and you finally let go of his hair. you go to scream and he only slaps you again. he stared at your now red face and looked at you dead in your face. he was telling you to go ahead and do something else using his eyes. you didn’t wanna know how else he’d hurt you. someone finally hands him scissors and you try to push yourself up before he can cut your shirt. he puts one hand on your waist to hold you in place and one hand presses the tip of the scissors right into your collarbone.
“if you move you’ll get cut and it won’t be my fault, so i’d suggest you quit being so whiney and just be an obedient fucking whore.”
you still quickly. taehyun had to be the scariest to you. he didn’t speak much he just went straight in and tried to avoid as much talking as he could. he just wanted to get what he took you for and go on with his day. he cut your shirt off and then he goes to cut your bra off, but he quickly realizes he can’t because it’s a wired bra and he couldn’t cut through it. he puts the scissors to the side and sits up on top of you.
“take your bra off.”
you’re confused at what he just said and just lay there trying to cover up your chest.
“sit up and take your bra off.”
his stare was going to be the death of you. you slowly sat up but you just looked down at your bare legs with tears streaming down your face. it was humiliating enough for him to cut up your shirt but to make you take your own bra off to get r8ped by him? it would’ve been less embarrassing if he did it himself.
“i said take it off. i’m not going to do it for you. i could always do more than a slap. and the scissors are right here.”
your start sniffling and choking on your sobs from trying not to sob outloud and give them the satisfaction. in the corner of your eyes you can see soobin getting even harder (if that was even possible) and beomgyu standing there about to unzip his pants again and start jacking off right there.
“don’t make me tell you again.”
you start un-clipping your bra as slow as you can. you slowly take the straps off your arms and slowly let the bra drop to your thighs. the only bit of coverage that you had now. he quickly throws it to the floor and pushes you back down. he starts pinching your nipples and swirling his tongue around them. you try pushing his head away but he just bites your nipple causing you to yelp. he moves away and towers over you once again. you see his hand start to move lower and he quickly starts fingering you with two fingers. you quickly go from hugging your chest to pushing against his and yelling at him to stop.
“damn you’re still barely wet? at least it’s getting there. i really don’t even need to do this. yeonjun already fucked you here so it’s ready for me but i’m choosing to be nice. do you think i’m nice?”
you quickly shake your head no and he just scoffs with a smirk. you finally decide to scream for help and all he does is take the fingers that were fucking you and forces them in your mouth and down your throat. he starts moving them around and it causes you to gag over and over.
“should i make you throw up? make you clean up the mess with your tongue while i fuck your ass?”
you only gag more around his fingers with tears spewing out your eyes before he finally pulls them out and you have a coughing fit. too busy coughing and wiping your face, you failed to notice that he already had his dick out and was rubbing the tip against your entrance. finally slightly wet, but still not wet enough where it would go in smoothly.
“wait wait wait! please don’t..!”
he just laughs.
“what? you don’t want me to?”
you mumble some no’s just barely audible to him.
“ok then, you can do it.”
confused, he grabs your hips with both hands and drags your body all the way onto his dick. you quickly wince at the feeling of being so full and once again go to trying to push him off of you. the only thing he does is grab your neck with his hand and start putting pressure and squeezing, successfully blocking your air flow. you start scratching at his arms and he just throws his head back while still thrusting into you. the sweat causing his hair to stick to his face. you go to kick at him but realize that when you flail your legs more into different positions that the feeling of him only gets worse so you just keep your legs still. however, you were still scratching at his arms, afraid you were gonna pass out and then they’d do who knows what else to you. he started to squeeze tighter and you finally started fearing for your life. trying to open your mouth to beg him to stop but no words came out.
“quit —shit-fighting me and i’ll let u-fuck!—i’ll let you breathe.”
not even having a second thought you let your hands drop to your sides and he finally lets go. you just turn your head to the side, trying to force it into the pillow to silently cry as he finishes up. he grabs your chin, and you flinch thinking he’s about to choke you again, but he just turns your chin to face him and he speaks up.
“i want you to look me in the eyes as i finish or i’m gonna make sure this whole thing for you lasts way longer than planned.”
of course he was probably lying but you didn’t want to take the chance. you hear the door open while he continues to look you in the eyes and thrust into you but you can’t even check to see who came in because you didn’t want to look away. you didn’t wanna take any chances. but once you see his eyes squeeze shut and him throw his face forward and feel the same dripping sensation out of your pussy that you’ve felt the whole night, you know he’s done. he slowly pulls out just to tease you before shaking a bit of his cum onto your legs and on your stomach before moving over. it was kai who had come back to the room, staring at you in awe.
“she’s still awake? and i missed all the fun?”
taehyun scoffs at him.
“the no drugs is so much better than what we’ve ever done before. come get a taste for yourself.”
he was speaking as if you were some meal waiting to get eaten. it was gross. it was sickening that nobody there probably even saw you as a human. kai always was and seemed to be the nicest out of them all. he was the most approachable, the most helpful, the easiest one to talk to and do projects with besides soobin. it was weird to see him staring over you with this hungered look on his eyes but he still had this oh so soft smile on his face. it made you conflicted and made you genuinely upset. hurting kai, although he was never close to you, just seemed so much more terrible than if you were to hurt taehyun. he slowly starts to crawl on top of you, one hand on his pant zipper and the other caging you in.
“you look stunning right now. even with your tears. i would love to see your pretty smile, i’ve seen it at school. oh to see you smile in this state. i think i’d die..”
he takes his thumb and wipes your tears. you grab his wrist with one hand and looked him in the eyes, begging him with your eyes to stop. but he only smiled and pulled your hand to his face, closing his eyes. it was as if he was trying to make this situation seem like a consensual thing between the two of you. he pushed you down to your back and layed completely on top of you while still holding your one wrist to the side. he was ten folds heavier than you so it made it kind of difficult to breathe. he pressed his face into the crook of your neck and just laid there for a little, just letting you hear him breathing down your neck. you finally feel his arm move to mess with his pant zipper and you start to try to move away from him but he just glides the back of his hand across your face with one hand, now looking you in the eyes, and taking his dick out his pants with the other. you could feel his tip align to your entrance and you finally gather the strength to speak. although it’s hard considering all his weight is pressing down on you.
“kai, please don—”
he just presses down even more on you and he kisses you. but not just for a second, he keeps kissing you to keep your mouth shut. whenever you moved your head to the side he moved his head with you. he was not breaking from the kiss anytime soon. as he was doing this you felt his dick finally push in. your eyes widened and your mouth opened with a gasp which he quickly took advantage of by pushing his tongue in your mouth. no matter how many times you’d experienced getting fucked tonight, it got no easier. no less painful. you finally had gotten a little ‘slicker’ down there too. the way kai was handling this just made your body feel so conflicted. but don’t get it confused, you still wanted him off of you. still wanted him out of you. he’s making slow movements in you, not really thrusting, but he’s still getting into it, just slowly. you start trying to hit his back and trying to push his face away but he only moved his other arm and grabbed your arms one at a time and forced them to stay locked around his neck. if anybody were to walk in and see you in this position, they wouldn’t even know that you didn’t want it. they would never know that he was r8ping you. it would just look like a loving couple having sex. every so often he’d let go of the kiss to breathe for 5 seconds before going back in. he uses one of his legs to move one of your legs so that he could feel you better. this was the only time tonight you felt good and you hated it. it was only his leg holding your leg down and you still could barely move it away and kick. you start trying to squirm even more as it feels better and better. he pulls away from the kiss again and pushes his forehead against yours breathing heavily.
“does it feel good finally? i can tell. yeonjun said you were dry but look how wet you are right now. did you just need a little more love? were they mean?”
you just started tearing up and crying more, your arms stuck around his neck and him drawing out these slow movements in you.
“please i just wanna —ow —go home, nobody will believe me anyways just—agh- let me go.”
you were pleading with him. he was probably the most sane person here, the safest person here to try to reason with.
“but i just—aghshitshit— love this, love you so much..i love how you feel, i love how you look,”
he leans in close to your ear and whispers to you.
“after tonight, we should keep talking, yeah? maybe date, maybe just let me keep fucking you like this. i’ve never enjoyed one of these nights more than this..”
more? of this? even if it was just him fuck no. you just shake your head no but he just presses a kiss into you again. your legs start to shake a little and you can feel him smile against your lips. he speeds up a little more and you hear him groan. you feel the vibration of his groan spread through your chest and through your lips before the same warm feeling in your pussy comes back. the same substance coming out. you felt disgusting. you felt like some prostitute cum dump off of the street. this was absolutely humiliating. he just lays their still for a few more seconds, leaving his dick in you, holding the kiss between the two of you before he finally allows you to breathe and finally pulls out. how long has it been? how much longer would they keep going? how much longer until they got bored of you and let you go home? you didn’t know. you wanted nothing more than to hug your blanket and just go to sleep and forget this all happened. but this was a night to remember for all of them and for you. he finally climbs off of you and sits at the edge of the bed swaying his feet a little like a giggly child.
“one more until we get to the fun part. soobin!”
beomgyu yelled that across the room. he sounded so happy and you hated it. you had forgotten there were five of them, and now you knew even after soobin would go, there was apparently more to go on. you just wanted to close your eyes and think about anything else, imagine anything else, but you knew they wouldn’t let you. kai stands up and comes to the side of the bed and stands you up onto the floor. good thing he was holding you up because if he wasn’t you probably would have collapsed to the ground. soobin, dick already out crawls onto the bed and lays on his back and kai sets you right in front of his dick. hard as a rock sticking straight up in the air.
“you’re gonna ride him.”
you pause and just sit there. no you weren’t. you—no. just no! but kai lifts you up by your shoulders and hovers your pussy right over soobins dick and slowly lowers you onto it. how do you even get out of this one? they’re not gonna let you lift yourself off of him, hitting him will do nothing, and you literally can’t kick your legs. even if you could, it wouldn’t do anything. you just squeeze your eyes shut before kai quickly lets go and you quickly put both of your arms on soobins chest but it’s too late and he’s already balls deep in you. you swear you can feel his imprint in your stomach and he clearly sees it too because he reaches his hand out to touch your stomach and feel. soobin was quiet. he didn’t say much in class but he always came across nice. helped when he could, smiled almost always, very calm, just overall not bad to be around. in a situation like this you almost wish he’d say something.
“have you ever rode before? or is it just mine you stay still for..”
he mumbled the last part, but you still heard him. you refused to answer, you didn’t want to give any of them a hint that this was your first time.
“i’ll help you, help me.”
you didn’t know what he meant but he grabbed both sides of your hip and easily lifts you up and down on his dick. it was as if you were his own personal alive little flesh light. it was easy for him too, didn’t give him any added difficulty. his chest just gets wetter and wetter, your tears falling like a waterfall onto it. his abs glistening despite the dark room. you tried to push his hands away and lift yourself up off of him but you were only helping him more and his hands only dug into your hips even more. he wasn’t going to let you just pull yourself off him so you easily.
“you’re taking me so—shit—so so so well.”
“you feel so—so good-ahh—so good around me baby—ah fuck-”
he was clearly hungry because even after you felt him cum, he still kept going, his balls smacking against your ass, him going from fast to slow. he finally stops completely, now just letting you sit there and squirm on his dick, getting him off more and more. you started doing it unintentionally, it was just so uncomfortable but clearly not for him, you could hear his soft groans. he moves one hand from your hip to your ass and squeezes which causes you to jump up on his dick and you could feel it pulse in you. he just starts to rub it more before he slowly moves towards your clit. he grabs some slick from it which causes you to shiver, making him curse under you. his fingers now coated, he moves to your pretty pink asshole. he circles his finger around it a little before pushing a finger inside abruptly which caused you to leans forward and jump up before sliding back down onto his dick. you could feel his dick twitch so much in you and it just made your body even more uncomfortable that it caused it to jump up again. you started shaking a little so your body naturally starts riding his dick a little, no matter how much you tried to hold yourself down. soobin starts spewing nonsense before he finally cums again in you. somebody, kai you soon see, lifts you up off of soobin and pulls you into his lap as he holds onto your tummy.
“i saw all that. you couldn’t have been that wet when it was my turn?”
you only just now noticed that yeonjun was in the room. guess over the tears, adrenaline and pain, you hadn’t noticed he came in.
“you all got your turn, all got what you wanted-”
you pause to sniffle and choke on a sob,
“just let me go now please.”
they were silently laughing at you, you could tell. there was nothing funny about any of this. why keep you here any longer if they all got a piece? to torture you?
“it’s only two in the morning sweetheart, we still have until at least seven in the morning. so at least four more hours.”
kai presses his chin in the crook of your neck. you felt sick to your stomach. at least four more hours…maybe letting yourself throw up on their dicks wouldn’t have been such a bad idea.
“and you know what’s next?”
you didn’t look up, but you knew it was yeonjun speaking by the cocky ass tone. you could almost hear the smirk he definitely had on his face through his voice.
“an actual gangbang. all five of us on you, in you, touching you, at the same time.”
now you wish you had taken the alcohol. you wish you would’ve just broken the law for once. risked getting in a wreck and getting a dui, risked waking up delirious and sick. you wished every time they suffocated, every time that they choked you that you would’ve just passed out, but they weren’t going to let you take the easy way out. five hours of every hole getting stretched, your dignity, every sliver of confidence that you ever had removed in a single night.
“you’re just gonna be just another jealous little whore trying to ruin all of our careers with a stupid rumor. how mean of you, we’d never do such a terrible thing, right? it’s impossible, crazy even.”
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Nerd - Lando Norris
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<word count - 4583>
warnings: maths, y/n be y/n-ing, british school boys
As you flashed your bus pass to the man, whose passion certainly wasn't driving a bus packed full of rowdy school children, you took a second to scan your eyes over where you could sit. Every seat had someone sat in it, either glued to their phones or loudly laughing with their friends. 
Then, your eyes landed upon a seat. A single seat, on the back row, squashed in the corner. For a moment, you wondered why nobody had occupied it. Most people wanted to sit at the back of the bus, for whatever unknown reason, but everyone who had gotten on before you had taken the liberty to choose any of the other seats.
It quickly became apparent as to why. 
Lando Norris and his delinquent group of friends were filling the other 4 seats in the row. That was why nobody wanted to sit with them. If you were being honest with yourself, they weren't that bad, they just liked to poke fun and sometimes took it too far.
WIthout another thought, you trudged up to the back of the bus and slid into the seat. You had probably accidentally whacked him in the head with your bag, but he hadn't said anything, meaning Lando wasn't bothered. 
You breathed out a silent sigh of relief as they didn't even glance at you, sitting down and turning your music up so that you couldn't hear their conversations. However, you could still hear them obnoxiously cackling about something, which was slightly annoying, but you dealt with it. 
After around ten minutes of the bus trundling along, it juttered to a halt, and you just assumed that you had arrived at one of the final stops before you were getting to school. You noticed people frantically looking out of the windows, and pointing towards the front of the bus. 
Even over your headphones, you could hear the chatter growing in volume, and you briefly flicked your eyes away from your phone to see the bonnet of the bus open, and plumes of white smoke floating out of it. 
Your peers around you were getting excited to be late for school, but you were slightly panicked since you didn't have anyone who could come and pick you up. The bus company would undoubtedly send another bus, but that was likely to take a long while.
As you shifted in your seat, wanting to get comfortable since you knew you'd be there for some time. You felt your thigh being pressed against someone else's. For a short while, you forgot who it was, until you remembered it was Lando. 
You were surprised he wasn't laughing at you, or asking if you had a crush on him because you sat next to him. Him and his friends were those guys. It wasn't that you were complaining, but you were still slightly surprised. 
Only fifteen minutes had passed, and people's parents had already arrived to pick their kids up to take them to school. You had decided it would take less time for the replacement bus to come rather than phoning your parents, so you sat tight and waited it out. 
It wasn't long before over three quarters of the bus had gone, either having someone pick them up or just walking back home since their stop was only a few minutes back. This just left you, Lando, one of his friends and a load of year sevens. 
The small children were all panicking, terrified of being late to class. A few of them were scribbling down homework they were going to do at break, as they frantically emailed teachers, just to let them know where they'd be and how they'd catch up on all of the work that they had missed. They were cheeky little shits, yes, but they were all sweats at heart. 
The temperature quickly dropped as more and more people filtered out of the bus and since the heating was off due to the breakdown. You hadn't thought to bring your jacket, since you assumed you'd be inside all day, and the bus was usually warm. You never tended to think about whether the bus would actually arrive at school or not, but nobody really does. 
As your eyes scanned the few people still there, you could see their breath fog out in front of them like they were dragons, and then you knew it wasn't just you being a generally cold person. The few year sevens scurried off the bus, all seemingly being picked up by one doting parent.
That left you, Lando, and his friend. They weren't laughing obnoxiously anymore, civilly talking as if they were normal people, which was a refreshing sight to see. It was also a lot easier on the ears. Much to Lando's dismay, his friend's mother eventually pulled up in front of the bus. 
To be fair, she offered to take Lando, but he declined as his mum was already coming to get him, so he didn't want to turn her away. It was weird to see Lando be so polite to the kind woman, and to hear him be so considerate towards his mum. 
You probably could have guessed he was a mummy's boy, but the typical, boyish Lando didn't seem to have that sort of respect in him. It was nice to see. In the end, you were the last two people left, sat there in a slightly tense silence as neither of you moved to another seat. 
You could feel some of the warmth radiating from his body, and that was enough to keep you in your spot. Lando didn't seem to want to move either, as he just stared dead ahead, occasionally checking his phone to see when his mum would get there. 
You couldn't tell, but the cogs in his brain were turning. He knew you were in his year, but he couldn't remember if you were in any of his classes. Surely he'd remember, right? Was he really that oblivious to the other people in his lessons?
It was like your name was on the tip of his tongue, like it sat at the forefront of his brain and scurried away whenever he tried to grasp for it. English? No. Physics? No. Fre- Maths. You were in his maths class. You were sat at the front, sandwiched between one of his friends and the wall. 
Lando's friend always complained that the teacher always favoured you, and how you should share out some of your brains to the rest of them. It was top set, so that was expected, but he said you should have your own special set.
You always had the best grades in the class, whereas he had the worst, there was just no one better to take the spot in top set. He wanted to say something to you, to try and break the obvious tension that was there, but nothing came to mind. Apart from one of the only things he could associate you with. 
"Have, uhm, have you done the maths homework?" he spluttered, and you had to take your headphones out to hear him. 
"Sorry?" You asked, looking at him. From a distance, he wasn't hard on the eyes, if you were being honest. But up close, you could see why so many girls in your year were attracted to him. That nervous smile he couldn't hide was something you found charming compared to the cocky grin you always saw plastered on his face. 
"Did you do the maths homework, you know, the one due for today?" he repeated with a bit more confidence. 
"Yeah, yeah I did. I finished it in class," you nodded, waiting for him to make a snide or snarky comment. But nothing came. Of course you'd done the homework in class, he could've guessed as much. But he saw an opportunity strike for him to finally do well. 
"So you're the smart one?" he asked, almost rhetorically. He already knew the answer, but he wanted to see what your reaction would be. 
"I guess I am," you shrugged, used to the comments that tended to be made about you.
"Could I see your homework? You know, just to check my answers," he smiled, and it seemed different to the other smirks you'd seen on him. It almost felt sincere, genuine. But, you were talking to Lando Norris, he was a master at being whatever the people around him required him to be. 
Around his friends, he was one of the boys. Around girls, he was smooth talking and charming. Around teachers, he was cheeky, but still polite. You couldn't decipher whether this was the actual, true version of Lando, or just another character made for you. 
"Yeah, sure, one sec," you smiled, rifling through your bag and producing the crumpled sheets of your maths homework. He did the same, and held both the sheets in either hand to compare what you had written versus what he had. 
"Thanks," he mumbled, instantly concentrating on the numbers.
Lando was never normally this concentrated,  so that was a change. Well then again, everything about the Lando you were talking to now was starkly different to the one you had seen around the school corridors for nearly five years. 
After a short while of Lando scanning over the numbers on the paper, he said something. "Wait, your graph is different to mine," he said, tracing his index finger along the line of your graph and squinting at his own. 
"Oh, let me have a look," you said, shuffling closer to him to peer at both graphs. 
You felt your cheek brush against the fabric of his blazer arm, and you had to stop yourself from blushing profusely. Something about it made butterflies come alive in your stomach, and then you scolded yourself for it. 
"OK, so, you've not plotted against the end point of the of the time, see?" you said, pointing to the interval on the left of the table. "But you're supposed to plot against the midpoint, no?" he asked, looking at you in pure confusion. 
"No, because that's assuming you don't have any pieces of data over the midpoint, so by plotting the end point, you're including all the data that could be there," you explained as he slowly nodded along. 
"OK, so it's like that?" Lando asked, re-doing his graph.
"Yeah, that's perfect," you said, watching a grateful smile appear on his face. 
"Thanks for that, I actually understood what you were on about," he grinned, putting his homework back and handing you your sheet. 
"No problem, let me know if you've got any other problems you want help with,"
"I will, thanks," he nodded, sitting back in his seat as he still waited for his mum to pick him up. You both settled back into silence, and you heard the occasional car drive by. You quickly felt the cold nip at your skin again, as you crossed your arms over your chest and hugged yourself. 
An engine pulled in front of you, and a car door opened and closed. A woman stepped onto the bus, and you watched a smile appear on his face. "Hey, Mum," he softly said, picking up his bag and walking down the isle of the bus.
"Sweetheart, is someone coming to get you?" his mum's question was directed at you, noticing the last person left on the bus. 
"No, I'm just waiting for the spare bus to come," you said, your teeth chattering slightly.
"Well you might as well come with us then," she sweetly smiled, Lando stopping at the open bus doors. You saw the discomfort flash across Lando's face from where you were, and you didn't want to overstep. 
"Oh no, it's fine, really. I wouldn't want to be an inconvenience," you declined, shaking your head.
Lando instantly felt bad. He knew you had seen him, and he didn't want to think he didn't want to take you to school. He knew that, by the time you got to school, you'd both be walking into maths together, and late. He didn't want to face the aftermath that his friends would hurl at him, but he could handle it. 
He didn't want you to have to face the onslaught of berating words and never ending innuendos that they would undoubtedly make every time they saw you anywhere. "Don't be silly, sweetheart, it's no trouble. You're freezing, come on," she said, ushering you towards her. 
She could see you shivering, and she certainly wasn't going to leave you there by yourself. "Lando, have you got your jumper?" she worriedly asked, wrapping her scarf around your neck as you walked to her. 
"Yeah, why?" he asked, even if he knew where that was going. 
"Give it to the poor girl, she's shivering. What's your name?"
"I'm Y/N," you smiled, wrapping the scarf a little tighter around you. 
"Lando, hurry up please," his Mum looked at him, and you could see the hesitancy written all over his face. 
"Mum, I-" he tried to reason, even as he dropped his bag to the floor and unzipped it. 
"Lando. Now." she sharply instructed, as Lando pulled a dark navy sweater out of his bag. 
He threw it to you without a word, as you slipped off you blazer, tugged it over your body, and finally pulled your blazer back on and the scarf back around your neck. You instantly felt better, as Lando's Mum ushered you out of the bus and past Lando towards the car. 
Lando walked quickly than the two of you, naturally going to the passenger side door. "Lando, have you forgotten your manners? Y/N will be in the front with me," she said, staring daggers at her son. Lando didn't try to protest, he simply rounded the back of the car and shuffled in behind the driver's seat. 
"I don't mind, I can-" you started, but were quickly cut off.
"No, no he's fine in the back. He's just grumpy because he had to rush his maths homework while he had breakfast," she smiled, opening the door for you. You grinned to yourself, finding it funny that he had rushed his homework. No wonder he got it wrong. 
It was so much warmer as you sat in the car, and the heated seats were cranked up to the max as she drove the two of you the short, ten minute rest of the way to school. "So Y/N, what's your favourite subject in school?" his Mum asked, trying to make some conversation so the car wasn't silent.
"Maths, a hundred percent. I don't know why, I'm just good with numbers," you explained, as you briefly glanced in the rear-view mirror to see Lando, eyes glued to his phone as he huffed. 
"She's the one Max always complains about," he said, not taking his eyes off the device.
"Oh, so you're the maths genius that doesn't share your answers?" she nodded, realising that you were the girl who Lando's best friend had whinged about time after time whenever she mentioned maths. 
"He will never learn if he copies," you chuckled, and you saw a small smile tug at the corners of Lando's lips.
"I completely agree," she said, also noticing the small grin on Lando's face. "Is it just maths you're good at, or are there other subjects?" she asked. 
"She's the smartest kid in school for a reason," Lando piped up, slotting his phone back into his blazer pocket. 
"I'm not good at everything, I didn't do great in the last chemistry test we had," you shook your head. 
"Let me guess, you got like... An A and it's not good enough?"
"Well, yeah, but-"
"There you go! An A is great, don't complain. I'm lucky to get a C, and that's only on a really good day," Lando scoffed, envious at your grades.
"But it's annoying because I was only one mark off," you pouted.
"Nerd," Lando jibed, enjoying teasing you. You didn't play the whole 'Lando, stop it! God, you're such a dick' while weakly smacking his shoulder. 
"Maybe if you worked harder, you'd get an A," you spat back. His Mum was suppressing a laugh, enjoying listening to your conversation.
"Just you watch, I'll get an A in next week's maths test," he challenged, raising an eyebrow at you. "If you don't get a A*, then you have to do my maths homework for a month," he continued. 
"Lando, you have to do your own homework," his Mum chipped in. 
"Fine," Lando agreed, but you knew his prize was still on the table. 
"What do I get if I do get an A*?" you queried. 
"You always get a A*, you don't get something for it," he said, but he knew you wouldn't let him off that easily. 
"If I get an A*, you have to do my DT workshop stuff for two weeks," you said, not wanting to do any of it. 
"Yeah, deal," Lando agreed, glad you hadn't asked for anything more than that. Now that he thought about it, he remembered the look of despair on your face every now and then in DT. It was weird, before, he couldn't even put a name to your face, but now he was recounting different times you had somehow made an imprint in his memory bank that was worth recalling. 
"Y/N, can you make sure Lando goes straight to maths with you? I don't want another phone call saying he's been wandering the corridors," she sternly said, looking at Lando in the rear-view mirror. 
"I can do that, sure. Thank you for the ride, Mrs Norris, I really appreciate it," you smiled.
"No problem sweetheart, it's been a pleasure to talk to you," she sincerely said as the two of you clambered out of the car. You slung your bag over your back at you and Lando walked towards the entrance of your school. 
"Oh, your scarf!" You exclaimed, opening the car door, tugging it off your neck, and putting it on the seat. "Thanks for letting me borrow it,"
Lando had waited for you, which you didn't expect him to do. As you signed in and silently walked through the halls, it was weird for everything to be so silent. You walked by class rooms full of kids, before standing outside of yours. 
"You're still doing my homework for a month if I get an A," was the last thing he said, before opening the door and apologising to your teacher due to your lateness. The pair of you went to sit down in your seats. 
Once you had your books out, your teacher set the class of on a task. She came up to you and whispered, "Y/N, jumper off,"
"Oh yeah, sorry," you scrambled, shrugging your blazer off and pulling Lando's jumper off and over your head. You turned to the side slightly as you put it in your bag, and you could see Lando watching you out of the corner of your eye. 
You wanted to get it put away as quickly as you possibly could to avoid people recognising the garment. "Wait a sec, is that Lando's jumper?" Max piped up. The room was silent, before he disrupted that. 
"I- Uhm, yeah," you quickly rambled, focusing your eyes on the page as you wanted him to ignore. 
"First you come in late, now you're wearing his jumper, tut tut. Wouldn't have thought that that was your type of business Y/N, but the shy, nerdy girls are always the nastiest in the movies, so I can't blame him," Max teased, and you couldn't look at him. 
You didn't want to be at the center of the barrage that was coming your way. Even Lando was caught off guard. He didn't imagine Max would notice, since he was never the most observant. "The movies are wrong, Max. Not as good at they make it out to be," Lando added, as you briefly looked at him. 
He could see the hurt written on your face, and he actually felt bad. You'd never done anything to him, and you were nice to him today. Even his Mum liked you from what he could tell while you were in the car, and now he was here, very clearly hurting your feelings.
"Lando, Max, outside, now!" your teacher snapped, as the two pushed themselves away from the desks and stood outside, ready to be yelled out and receive their detentions. You trained your eyes back on the numbers, but you couldn't concentrate. 
For the first time, you couldn't find the solutions, solve the problems. The numbers weren't adding up like you were so used to them doing. What Lando had said truly had you rattled, and you hated it. You shouldn't have cared, but you did. 
You figured that the Lando you were talking to was a character, perfectly crafted just to make you be nice to him and to make him look good in front of his mum. He truly didn't care, and the bet he had made to you was only relevant as the words left his mouth, and not a moment after. 
Maths went by like a blur, and you rushed out of class so that you could be the first one to the library. No one would disturb you there. Lando and Max hadn't come back into class after your teacher, so you assumed they were sent to isolation for the day.
You didn't even notice they were there as you dashed by. "Oh Lando, harder Lando, yes Lando," Max fake moaned, and you could only look at him with pure disgust. 
"Man, just leave it," Lando shook his head, unable to meet your eyes.
"If she wasn't good then why does it matter?" Max asked, and you couldn't help but just stare daggers at him. His words made you feel sick. 
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" You spat, taking a step closer to him. It was like he had unlocked this cage that held back pure rage, and you just wanted to slap him silly. 
"How can you stand there and say such vulgar things, when you damn well know that nothing happened? The bus broke down, his mum picked us up, I was cold, so she made him give me the sweater. Not a big deal," you confidently spoke. 
Lando had to hide his smile, glad you had stood up for yourself, even if he knew deep down that he should have done it for you, around an hour ago in maths. "Not laughing now, huh Max? Cat got your tongue?" you asked, as the smirk disappeared. 
"You're stupid if you think I'd want that pussy's micro-dick anywhere near me anyway," you finally jibed, stabbing your finger in Lando's direction. You walked away, leaving them looking like two goldfishes in a bowl. 
Lunch rolled around, and you had taken yourself off to the library, where no one could disturb you. All your friends were at catch-up sessions, and you didn't see any point in going. You'd be able to go on your phone in the library, maybe play some games to pass the time. 
As you sat there, eyes glued to the screen that you had propped up behind the book you were 'reading', you noticed someone sit down in front of you. Flicking your eyes up, they paused as you recognised the person.
"What do you want?" you asked, sitting back and folding your arms. Lando's blue eyes didn't have the same, mischievous glint to them anymore, they were dulled out. 
"I guess I just wanted to apologise," 
"Mhm?" you hummed, as a way to get him to keep talking.
"I shouldn't have let Max say what he said, that was unfair, and I should have stepped in. I also shouldn't have said what I said, that was also unfair," he continued, watching for your reaction. You were surprised that he was mature enough to come and apologise, let alone take accountability. 
"And, just for the record, I might be a pussy, but I don't have a micro-dick," he giggled, clearly unable to contain himself. 
"I'll believe that when I see it," you smirked, not realising how that sounded. 
"Oh? So that's how you're going to be? Well, don't worry Y/N, you won't have to tell me to go harder," he winked as you turned red. 
"Lando!" you shrieked, laughing into your hands, since the librarian was giving you a dirty side-eye. 
"I haven't even touched you yet and you're already on it? Calm down, Y/N," he continued, adoring how flustered he was getting you.
You found him rather outrageous, since you had never even kissed a guy, let alone done anything like Lando was suggesting. "Stop it," you giggled, not able to maintain eye contact with him for more than a few seconds.
"OK, OK, I'm sorry. And I'm sorry for earlier,"
"Thanks, I appreciate the apology," you sincerely smiled, noticing how Lando hadn't made any effort to get up and leave like you thought he would. 
"Our bet is still on, right?" he asked. 
"Sure," you nodded, waiting for the maths test to roll around. 
"I'll meet you here, we can open our results together, yeah?" you asked.
"Yeah, sounds good," Lando smiled, and you could see the determination in his eyes. He had made up his mind that he was actually going to study for this test, and he was going to make you work for him to do your DT work. 
"OK, you ready?" Lando smirked as he held the A4 white envelope that held his completed maths test in.  
"Yeah, I am," you confidently nodded. Reality was, you already knew your result since your teacher had kept you back after class to congratulate you, but Lando didn't need to know that. 
You enjoyed that he was having fun with this whole thing, and you didn't want to ruin that for him. "Let's do it," he breathed, really hoping for a good mark. He had worked really hard by studying a lot for this test, and he genuinely thought he had done well.
You slowly ripped open the envelope, while Lando tore his open and yanked his test of out its concealment. "I got an A! I actually got an A!" He squealed, using all the strength he had not to jump out of the chair and start leaping for joy.
He kept looking at the big red A, with a 'Super job, Lando!' scrawled on the front by your teacher. "Oh my god, well done! That's so good!" you congratulated, the genuine smile of pure glee on his face was one of the most endearing things you had ever seen. 
Now he realised why you always studied so hard. That feeling of doing well and having your hard work pay off was wonderful, and he definitely wanted to do it again. "What did you get?" he asked, and he could tell by the smug smile on your face that you had also won your side of the bet. 
You didn't say anything, just tossed the paper in front of him. Lando couldn't help but grin at your result, and he couldn't tell whether he was supposed to be happy for you, or annoyed. The big A* beside the 100% was something he could only dream of, but he knew you were happy. 
He sighed as he smiled at you, secretly glad he'd be doing your DT and you'd be doing his maths. It meant he'd get to spend more time with you. All he could say was one single word, with a smirk, "Nerd."
A/N - It is back to school season people! I wrote this allllll the way back in December, but I never actually got around to posting it and I actually really like it so I don't know why I didn't. Thank y'all for the love on Carlos' birthday post, I haven't gotten that reception in a long time! If you could give this a reblog, it would be greatly appreciated, and have a wonderful day/night. Love y'all! 💖
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velocesainz · 7 months
Could you possibly do a Percy Jackson smut with Percy fucking the brat out of reader, his rival? Rough sex with degrading and praise pls and ty 🫶🏼🫶🏼
A/n:This was quite an interesting request for me to write, thank you for the idea! All character have been aged up (19-20)
More than rivalry
Percy jackson masterlist | main masterlist
Summary: Percy gets jealous seeing you (his rival) with another boy and decides to fuck you to make sure you remember that you are his but you end up being too cocky for his liking
Warnings: smut, degradation
Pairing: Percy x daughter of Zeus! Reader
Reader pov:
I was practising my archery skills with some Apollo kids and we were actually having a lot of fun
Over the time I had spent Robert over the past few days perfecting my archery we both really grew close together
He was one of the very few people at camp who were actually friends with me for me and not because I was Zeus’s daughter.
While we were training I clumsily fell over a rock and was about to go crash into the ground but Robert caught me in time.
We stayed in the position for a little bit not knowing what to do.
We looked at each other with soft and gentle eyes, like how friends would rather than people who like each other though it seemed otherwise to most.
It was a sweet moment we both were trying to savour when a bellowing voice split us apart
“Oi thunder witch! What are you doing, let the poor guy out of his misery and do some practising on your own yea?” Yelled the voice that I really didn’t want to hear right now
Percy motherfucking Jackson
“Ocean ass how about you go bother someone else. He’s here with me at his own will for your kind information. Care more about your friends yea?” I retorted
I wanted to leave the arena as fast as possible so I bid Robert goodbye and left for my cabin
Percy pov:
Crisis averted.
I didn’t let Robert and y/n have their moment.
Why the fuck out of all the girls here does Robert have to go for y/n?
He has like a hundred girls dying for him.
Doesn’t he know she’s mine?
I know we seem like enemies but I wish to fuck like every second of the day at this point
She’s just so beautiful and that attitude damn.
I had a plan to get y/n away from every other guy, not just Robert.
Reader pov:
I was sitting in my cabin reading a book when I heard a knock on my door
That’s odd, I thought
Nobody was usually free at this hour in the evening
Everyone was too busy scheming for capture the flag except me of course
I wasn’t allowed to participate along with Percy since we were a tad bit overpowered
I walked over and opened the door and before I could figure out who it was they shoved me against the wall and started kissing me
I pushed the figure away and tried to run but they caught me
“Don’t try to run bitch. You need to be taught a lesson. Now be a good little slut and listen to what I say or the consequences will be severe for you” the figure whispered in my ear.
Then I realised who it was
I was feeling cocky today so I decided to tease him a little
“You sure you can be intimidating and dominating seaweed brain? I don’t think you can even satisfy me forget punishing me”I replied with a smirk gracing my features
“Oh you asked for this whore. By the time I’m done with you you will be so dumb for my cock that you won’t even remember your name. Just you wait “ he said in a Husky voice which turned me on more than I would like to admit
He started removing my clothes as fast as he could and I couldn’t help but sneak in a cheeky comment
“Desperate are we?” Boy oh boy was this a bad decision
“I’m going to fuck that cocky attitude right out of you. You really just can’t keep your mouth shut can you whore?” Percy said and threw me in my bed
Undressing himself he got on the bed and made his way towards me like a predator approaching its prey
He moved my panties to the side and roughly shoved his cock inside me without any warning
“A-ah p-p-Percy that hurts sto-“ I was cut off by a slap I received
“Shut the fuck up slut. You were the one who was acting all cocky just a few minutes ago. Bitches like you don’t deserve to be cared for” Percy panted as he continued thrusting in and out
His pace was ungodly. He kept thrusting in and out of me letting my pussy drink up his cock
I felt like I was losing my mind as he hit my g-spot repeatedly completely abusing it
“O-oh fuck your pussy is tight. G-gods I’m going to come. Ah yea just like that” He whispered huskily
“I am going to cum too Percy” I told him
“No no. You don’t get to cum you little slut. You’ve been a really back whore for me. You don’t get to cum today, deal with it yourself” Percy said as he came in me
He got dressed quickly and left leaving me a panting and unsatisfied mess
Goddamit jackson.
A/n: let me know if you guys liked this fic or if you have any feedback! Requests are still on hold unfortunately but they’ll be opened soon. Kissies ✨
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scribblesofagoonerr · 1 month
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— Setbacks are going to happen sometimes | Our wonder kid
this is raw and it comes from the heart.
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Being sat on the sidelines with an injury is an ordeal in itself, but nobody ever told you the grind of rehabilitation would feel even more daunting.
You wake up every single morning with a sense of dread and getting up out of bed even feels like a constant battle sometimes, the whole idea of going into the gym is something that leaves a sour taste in your mouth knowing that you have to do something that you actively don’t want to do, but you don’t have any say in it.
There’s this constant internal tug of war between the urge to just quit and give in and the necessity to keep pushing forward to reach your end goal.
Every stretch, every set of exercise, every moment of discomfort is a battle against not just your injury but your own growing frustration.
You have to push yourself to do this to get better
You have to– You need to do this.
“You might want to slow down there, kleintje,” Viv’s voice cuts through the haze of frustration as she walks over to you in the gym, there’s beads of sweat on your forehead while you huff and puff and push yourself to continue.
There’s one thing that is bothering you though, the pain in your knee.
It’s really been bugging you today but you’re just trying to ignore it and continue with your rehabilitation.
“I’ve gotta push myself though,” You barely look up from what you are doing, the grit evident in your voice.
Viv shakes her head and steps closer towards you, “No, that’s not the right thing to do here. You push yourself too much and you’re gonna make this injury worse.”
“This sucks,” You admit, giving up on the task at hand and taking a moment to catch your breath as your breath hitches slightly, trying to not wince at the intense shooting pain in your knee you currently feel.
“I know it does kleintje,” Viv rests her hand gently on your shoulder, “But nobody said it would be easy.” She says, the tone of her voice gentle to reassure you.
“Why not? I… I’m just stuck, I feel like I’m making no fuckin’ progress,” Your voice cracks with frustration and self doubt, “Non, what so ever!” 
“Setbacks are going to happen, it’s going to be okay though,” Viv’s eyes soften with empathy, “There’s no time limit on your recovery, remember?” She adds.
Shaking your head in disagreement, you can’t help but think the older woman’s words feel hollow, “I feel like, I literally feel like.. Why do people constantly tell me that? I’m useless!”
“No you’re not,” Viv insists, her voice firm.
You can’t help but scoff slightly and shake your head, “Yes I am, “ You retort, the tears stinging your eyes, “I… One day I think that I’m doing well and then, it’s just… it’s just not, I hate this!”
“Kleintje,” Viv says gently, taking a step closer.
“No, I hate this… I hate this so much!” The words tumble out of your mouth, raw and unfiltered as you grit your teeth and try to push through the pain.
You have to ignore the pain and continue.
It’s the only way that you’re gonna get better.
“Look, I’d love to sit here and chat some more with you Vivi, but I need to get back to my rehab exercises,” Your sarcastic wit remarks as you try and go back to the task at hand.
“Hey, hey, whoa, no, that’s not a good idea to do that kleintje,” Viv states, taking a gentle hold of your wrist, “You can’t push yourself more than needed, okay? You’ll end up hurting yourself more if you’re not careful.”
“You… You don’t know how hard this is, Vivi,” You murmur, trying to pull away from her, “You don’t know what I’m going through right now!”
The dutch woman didn’t let go off your wrist as she pulled you towards her, “Kleintje, of course I know how hard it is. I do understand, you’re not alone in your thoughts there.” She tells you, “It’s going to be okay.”
“I… I hate this Vivi,” You admit, sinking into her side and trying to keep the tears at bay.
Viv takes a deep breath, her hands cup your cheek as she looks you in the eye, “It will be okay, alright? I know it feels this way, but it will be okay,” She pauses, “Come on, let’s go find Beth and head home, yeah?”
“I… Alright then,” You admit defeat and allow Viv to guide you out of the gym, walking by her side to go and find Beth somewhere around the training grounds.
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You sit slumped on your bed, staring at the wall with a sense of hopelessness that seems to grow with every passing minute, you hate the toll this injury has on your life at the minute.
The weight of your frustration and isolation is almost suffocating, it feels like nothing can pull you out of this dark spiral that you feel right now.
The knock on the door pulls you from your thoughts, it’s soft but it’s enough to pull you out of your spiral of self-pity.
Maybe right now you could do with another famous lecture from your england skipper, that seemed to somewhat help last time.
“You okay?” Beth peeks her head around the door, her expression a mixture of concern and determination.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” You mumble, though your tone betrays the lie.
Beth raises her eyebrow before she crosses the room to sit beside you on the bed, “Y’know you’re not a very good liar. Maybe try saying it a bit more convincingly and I may just believe you kiddo.”
“I… I’m fine,” You insist, clutching your  hands together tightly as if they might hold all of your turmoil in check, “Seriously, you don’t need to check up on me, Beth. I am… I am fine.”
“Okay then,” Beth says, her tone softening, “How about we talk instead?”
You roll your eyes and shift uncomfortably, “Well, I’m not much in the mood to talk either.”
“Right,” Beth exhales a small sigh, “Then just listen instead. What’s with pushing yourself so much?”
You whip your head up in the blonde’s direction, “Vivi told you about that?” You ask, a pang of irritation inside of you.
“Of course she did,” Beth agrees as she nods, “And Leah did as well when she found you in the gym on your own. You know we’re all worried about you.”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” You snap, the frustration bubbling to the surface which makes your voice sharper than you intended.
“It helps to open up and talk about it sometimes kiddo,” Beth says, her voice steady and soothing despite the cold shoulder you were giving her.
“Does it?” You retort, the bitterness evident in your voice.
“Well, I don’t wanna!” You cut her off, feeling the frustration boil over, “I told you that I didn’t want to talk, but you don’t listen!”
Beth’s face falls slightly as she still remains calm, “You… You should, kiddo. You can’t keep all this emotion bottled up, it’s not healthy.”
“You don’t know crap about what’s healthy, Beth!” You snap, the anger in your voice making your words more biting than you intended.
“Hey, kiddo. Whoa, calm down,” Beth says, holding up her hands in surrender, “I’m not trying to upset you, I just wanted to talk and find out what’s going on.”
The walls feel like they’re closing in as you try to suppress the wave of emotions threatening to break through again, “Can you… Can I please just be alone? I… I don’t want to talk, I just… I want to be alone.”
The blonde’s eyes soften with a mix of sadness and understanding, “Okay, alright… We’ll be in the other room if you need me, alright? Just shout for me if you need me.”
“Uh huh, thanks,” You mutter, feeling a twinge of guilt for yelling at Beth as she stands up and heads for the door.
As the door closes behind her, you’re left in the quiet of your room as the weight of your thoughts and feelings press down on you.
It’s all too much.
“Urgh!” You exclaim in frustration, letting your actions get the better of you and before you think about it, you slam your fist against the headboard of your bed with a hope that the physical pain might somehow offer a release for the turmoil that has been building up inside of you.
The sharp thud resonates through the room, a brief harsh distraction from the emotional weight that feels almost too heavy to bear.
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You know it’s the right thing to apologise, you didn’t mean to lash out but your anger got the better of you, once again.
You just ended up lashing out at the wrong people.
“Hey, there you are,” Viv spots you lingering in the door frame as the two of them sat cosy in the living room, “We thought you fell asleep. Come sit with us?” She offers.
“Sure,” You shuffle to move and sit down on the sofa in between them, “Sorry, I snapped.” You turn to Beth to apologise.
Beth smiles at you in understanding, “Not every day is going to be easy, kiddo. You’ve just gotta take it one day at a time.” She reassures you.
You nod, though it doesn’t completely ease the ache inside, “I hate this,” You murmur, trying to keep your emotions in check.
“I know, I get it,” Beth replies, her tone encouraging but gentle, “It’s going to be hard, but you’re stronger than you realise.”
You hang your head and struggle to keep your tears at bay, “I feel like… I feel like I have no purpose in life right now,” You admit quietly, “I’m just… I’m stuck. I’m useless, everything in life right now is so hard.”
Beth gently wraps her arm around your shoulder, “Listen to me, alright, kiddo? Setbacks happen sometimes even when they’re not expected,” She pauses, “One minute you think you're fine and then the next, you’re not. It comes out of nowhere and your emotions hit you like a full blown tidal wave, it’s understandable.”
You know the blonde’s right about that.
You guess your bruised knuckles are enough proof to admit how you really feel, a stupid dumb split decision that you really regret now at least.
“It will take time,” Viv chimes in, smiling at you sympathetically.
You feel a pang of frustration, “I… Why am I not further along, why am I… I hate this!”
“It’s like we said,” Beth gaze remains steady and supportive, “Setbacks are bound to happen, it’s not always smooth sailing but it’s going to be okay, alright?”
“I hate this,” You admit as your voice cracks, “I hate this stupid injury. It’s a complete burden on my life!” You exclaim, the burst of anger being realised.
“It will get better with time kiddo,” Beth still tries to reassure you, “Now, how about we order a pizza for dinner? You haven’t eaten much today.”
Shaking your head, there’s a familiar sense of resistance rising up, “I’m not that hungry. I just… I don’t want to eat anything right now.”
Beth and Viv share a worried glance between the two of them, “You’re sure? You should try and eat, even if it’s something small,” The Dutch woman states, worriedly.
“I’ll eat something later, I promise,” You agree begrudgingly, “The rehab kinda wore me out today, I think I’m just gonna and get some sleep if that’s okay?” You ask them both.
“Of course,” Beth replies to your question, “Get some sleep kiddo. Tomorrow will be a better day.” With these words in your mind, you exchange hugs with them both and make the walk back to your bedroom to collapse into bed with hope in your thoughts.
Tomorrow will be a better day, setbacks will happen and it’s okay to admit that.
You just have to take it one day at a time.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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wonusdoll · 1 year
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Synopsis: Jisungs a hopeless romantic and gets jealous easily
Content: fluff! cavity inducing fluff so fluffy i wanna cry
pairing: Childhood Bestfriend!Jisung x reader
notes+ WHY DOES NOBODY WRITE FOR JISUNGGGG i had to take matters into my own hands so here you go :D this was originally gonna contain smut but i couldnt help myself with the fluff anyways, enjoy!!
You and Jisung weren't always friends. When your mom introduced her best friends second grader son, 4th grade you didn't mind. Until he started playing with your stuff, jumping on your bed, stealing your snacks, and blaming you on things he did and getting you in trouble.
Naturally, you started resenting him, dreading when he would come over, and chose to ignore him at school, finding it embarrassing whenever he would go over to you and your friends at the playground and ask to play with them. your friends found him cute, but you, you hated him.
Going into your middle school years, he slowly got more tolerable. He started understanding boundaries but still was the same annoying little kid.
In some point of time, Jisung turned from an annoying little kid who yelled and cried all the time to one of your closest friends. And then when he finally started high school, you guys started hanging out willingly, without his mom forcing him to go over.
Some days you would catch him in your living room watching tv with your dog, or accidentally walking in on him showering in your bathroom, or in your kitchen making ramen. Sometimes he would bring his friends over to your house. You honestly didn't mind that much as long as they never broke anything, or disturbed her in any way, which jisung made sure never happened.
"Jisung?? That you??" You yelled from the top of the stairs after hearing feet shuffling and the front door opening and closing. The two of you made plans to watch horror movies and have a sleepover to celebrate the new season of autumn.
"Nope!" Jisung yelled back, making you go downstairs with a grin. But you immediately furrowed your brows and bit your inner cheek, upon seeing 6 other people. you knew them, jisung would bring them around sometimes but you didn’t know them.
"Jisung, whats going on?"
He grinned annoyingly cutely back and held up some convenience store bags up and nodded towards his friends, "They wanted to hang out but my mom banned us from the house after last time.”
You scoff and look at him like he was crazy, "What- are you kidding me?" You say just above a whisper, flickering your eyes between him and the guys behind him, "I thought we were gonna hang out?? You didn't even ask if it was okay to bring them over? if you wanted to hang out with them instead you should've just told me."
With a smirk, jisung was much closer than you remember him being, he tucked a few stray strands of your hand back, "I'm sorry princess i should have asked, hm? If we're too much of a bother we'll quiet down okay?" He pulled away and looked into your eyes, pleading and begging for uou to say yes.
You mask your flustered state with a sigh and wiping your face with your hand as if annoyed.
"Fine, whatever, just— leave me alone im gonna go study" you warn making him grin and ruffle your hair, juxtaposing his previous act. He's called you princess numerous times before, even when you guys were kids but in that tone, that voice, and devilish smile, it felt different.
You wanted to tell him off for joking around with you like that, making you feel that way. It was something you always felt around him but maybe it was his perfectly messy hair, his oversized hoodie making him look so comfy, his soft plump lips, or his hand in your hair, or the name he called you, but the feeling became overwhelmingly strong, like when a candles been burning for hours and slowly the fire grows bigger and it fills the whole room with its pleasant fumes.
You hung around with them for a bit when you took a break from studying because you couldn't focus. but the reason you couldnt focus was sitting right across from you on the couch, sending lingering glances everybody noticed.
When he catches your gaze you turn away with a light blush but when you catch his, he doesnt shy away, keeping eye contact with you with a look in his eye that you couldnt read for the first time.
In the time you got to formally meet his best friends, you surprisingly got along with all of them. Huang Renjun was the one who stuck out the most out of the 7, other than Jisung who kept eyes on you the whole time.
You got to have a one on one conversation with Renjun about each others favorite music artists, which were quite similar, and art itself. You were already interested in art but with the knowledge and story telling Renjun excitedly provided made you want to learn more. So you guys planned a hang out the next day to an art museum Renjun was fond and familiar with. 
You posted the day out with him on your story with Art Deco - Lana Del Rey in the background.
Jisung always made sure to heart and reply to your story even if it was as simple as an ootd, but this time he didn't. You furrowed your brows and looked at the views and there he was, also active. You tried texting him regularly but you were left on delivered until 7 hours later but all you got was a
"sorry lol"
It hurt your feelings, you couldn't lie. So you texted him again not even 5 seconds later.
"too busy being active to answer? lmfao"
He leaves it on read for a few minutes before replying
"too busy hanging out with renjun? yk we all made plans tgt”
You scoff at his attitude
"whats your problem?? it was HIS choice to hang out with ME. not like you wanted to."
"chill out i just wanted them to meet you, didn't know you were gonna be all over them tho"
"fuck you."
You threw your phone at the end of the bed and hug your pillow against your chest as tears welled up in your eyes. You didn't know why you were so affected by his words, usually you wouldn't even press him so much about not answering, and would just leave him alone but seeing him be so uninterested left a mark on you.
A few nights later you were watching a scary movie in the darkness of your living room when you heard knocks on your front door. you paused the movie to make sure it wasn't from the tv, and when they come again, you look at the time.
"Who's here at 11:30 at night" You whisper to yourself and cautiously approach the door.
Thunder suddenly struck making you whimper and jump back, but you decide to just rip the bandaid off, after all horror movies aren't real right?
"Jisung?!" You exclaim, seeing him standing there out in the pouring rain with his head down ashamed.
You quickly let him in, taking his soaked coat off and telling him to wait while you get a towel.
He was silent while you scolded him for being out in the rain so late without so much as an umbrella.
He finally brung his hands from behind his back, revealing your favorite flowers in an articulated assorted bouquet wrapped in paper.
"Sorry if they're kind of ruined.. I ran all the way here" He sniffles and scratched his nape awkwardly.
You bite your lip remembering your last interaction, "You wanna tell me why?"
"I'm sorry y/n im so sorry im such a fucking loser and a coward for getting mad at you  I never wanted to hurt you i just was so angry that you hung out with Renjun that i took it out on you without thinking and ive been trying to figure out how to apologize to you so i went to the flower shop like 10 times in the past 2 days because i wanted to get you flowers but you have 5 different favorite flowers so i got 5 different bouquets for you then realized that was too much so i just got one with 2 of your favorites but felt bad that i left out the other 3 so i got another one with all of them but they didn't look good so i spent the whole day learning how to make a bouquet to make it perfect for you then realized it was already night and thundering and you hate thunder so i ran all the way here and now they look horrible and ugly and-"
"JISUNG." You put a stop to his rant with a chuckle and put your hands on his pink dusted cheeks. He pants out and looks in your eyes to find any anger or disgust in them but you were smiling, "Hey its okay, i promise its okay," You take the flowers from his hands and bring them up to your face to smell them, "they're beautiful ji, seriously."
He takes another pan over your face to scan your expression to really make sure you weren't mad and one he realized that, he lets out the breath he was holding and chuckles, then laughs a bit harder.
You laugh along with him then card your fingers through his wet hair, "Did you really learn how to make a bouquet of flowers for me? And run all the way here in the rain?" You ask, softly now.
He smiles and takes your hand away to hold it instead, "Yeah.. you know i would swim across the whole ocean just to get these to you. Also whats wrong with learning a new skill, i always wanted to learn how to.. make assorted flowers.." He dryly chuckles at the end.
you could hear your heart thumping out of your chest when you feel the pressure of his eyes staring into your own, as if trying to answer a question he hasn't asked. so you ask your own.
"Jisung," You start making him nod, "Why were you so upset?" You ask, making you swallow thickly.
and suddenly you're hyper aware of everything going on, your breathing, your blinking, the rain and thunder, his facial expressions, his thumb caressing your hand.
Jisung doesnt answer for a second, trying to find the right words. His mouth was drying up, he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out so he gulped.
He was now holding your hand with both of his hands, "I love you." he blurted, "I love you and Im selfish and only want you to myself, I just wanted to treasure you for my myself and not let other people see how amazing and perfect you are because i was scared you'd fall for them and forget about me so when i saw you were with renjun and saw how excited you were to talk to him and hang out with him i felt.. rejected? in a way? like he had something i didn't to make you feel that way. So i was sad and upset and jealous— god, i was so unbelievably jealous, and i know im not allowed to because we're only best friends and you're allowed to be friends and talk to anybody you want to but i just- i just didn't want you to notice anyone else, and leave me.."
He ended his rant with a sigh and closed his eyes shut, mentally preparing for you to laugh in his face and friend-zone him, but it never came.
When he opened his eyes you were just standing there, not saying anything, with a smile on your face.
You giggled as he looked at you with an expectant look.
His brows furrowed and his hand started slipping from yours “That- thats it? Just okay? You couldn’t have let me down any better-“
“Okay, I wont leave you.”
His expression softened, watching as you laughed and hugged him tightly, burying your face in his chest, “Jisung park, I will never leave you and you can never leave me, if you do i’ll have to kill you.” You tried to threaten him but he just found you adorable, and picked you up in his arms.
You guys laughter filled the room, bouncing around the rooms, sounding almost louder than the rain and thunder.
Suddenly, your enemy turned into your bestfriend who turned into your lover. And you couldn’t have it any other way.
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lullabyes22-blog · 1 month
Snippet - Just Like Powder - Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
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Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
"Why?" Vi whispers. "Why'd you bother?"
"Because—" Jinx's shadow doesn't slip, but something in those eyes does. It's like a layer of film coming undone. Behind it, raw optical nerves are exposed. The pupils burn dark as bullet holes. "Because I owed you."
"Owed me?"
"That's how we started, right? When we were kids. Me, a little pipsqueak. And you, the big hero. Always keepin' me safe. Giving me what I needed." Her breath husks in her throat. "This isn't home. Not like the Last Drop. But it's your room. It's where you sleep. Where you bathe. Where you... y'know. I couldn't just leave you to them. They have no right to our business. Our Safe Spot."
The anger bleeds out, and all that's left is the blown-apart ache of memory. Powder, nestled into the crook of Vi's shoulder. The threadbare blankets a cozy cocoon.  The curve of their bodies, a snug fit where there'd been no space for heartbreak.
No room for anything, but the two of them.
Their Safe Spot.
"You used to call me your Little Star," Jinx says quietly. "Do you remember?"
Something in Vi's chest caves in, the way the Bridge had done during the Siege. A deep, shuddering crack that splits Vi at the seams, and swallows all her defenses. In their place, there's only the soft, bruised pulp of her heart.
"Yeah," she rasps. "Of course I do."
"You used to tell me stories," Jinx goes on, "before I went to sleep. And you'd sing me songs."
"I—I did."
"You had such a nice voice. Like Mom's. At least, I think so." An introspective pause. "I don't really remember hers. It's a little fuzzy now. Like her face. Except for the smile. That's still there. Right on your stupid mug."
"When you're dreaming. You look just like her."  The rafters creak. A single arm drops, fingers starfishing. Mapping out, almost, the shape of a lost compass.  "Sometimes I stick around. Just a little while. Just to watch."
Tears sting the rims of Vi's eyes. She eases closer. Without being aware of it, she's reaching up. Her fingertips touch her sister's. Slowly, slowly, their hands meet, and interlace. Vi feels the film of new calluses overlaying the old ones The ones from Powder's girlhood, when her hands had been a blur, her brain a spool, her tongue a flippant fount. When the world had been theirs, and they'd belonged to each other.
When nothing, not even their worst fears, could rip them apart.
"I'm sorry," she breathes. "I'm so sorry."
"Sorry for what?"
"For not being there. For leaving you." Thick tears threaten to spill. "If I'd stayed—"
"Don't." The small hand in hers quivers. "It was always gonna end like that. Maybe it's better that it did. You know, in a way."
"How's that?"
"Cause if you'd stayed, he'd have killed you. Killed us both. And there'd have been five bodies in that sinkhole. Not three." The quivering deepens into a full-body tremor. "He'd have done it, too. I could tell by the look in his eye. The way he looked when he stabbed Vander in the back.  When his knife went in and out."
Silco. A blade, flashing in the flames. A splatter of blood, Vander's scream, and a lifetime of pain.
Vi remembers, too.
"But you'd left me, and I was alone. That changed something. Flipped the script. Suddenly, he couldn't look at me... and not see himself. The night Vander turned on him, and left him for dead. I was hurting so bad, and the only person who could make it better was gone. You were gone. So I made do with the next best thing."
"With Silco," Vi croaks.
"He saved me." Jinx's thumb smooths the curve of Vi's lifeline. "Stole me, but saved me, too. He taught me the same lessons you did. To be strong. To let nobody knock me down. To keep fighting no matter what. Only difference was, his lessons came with teeth. Lots of teeth, and lots of hurt. But I didn't mind. Hurting was better than dying. Better than letting the hole you left swallow me up."
"Jinx." The hand jerks, and the touch recedes. "Quit calling me that."
"It's your name."
"Not anymore. I've picked another one. A better one."
"You—or Silco?"
The shadow ripples in the rafters. An eyeblink later, Jinx is crouched on the ledge. Her body's all the colors of a stormfront: the bruise-hued blue clouds; the livid, bloody lightning; the deep, drowning midnight. The space surrounding her seems to warp somehow: a displacement of hundreds of vibrating atoms.
Vi is staring into a force of nature. And it's staring right back.
"You," Jinx says flatly, "are obsessed."
"I'm not obsessed."
"Yes, you are. With who I was, and what you lost.  Always—you, you, you. That's why you're still running around in circles. Trying to save a world that doesn't exist. One that you've made up so you won't have to deal with the real thing. The real me. Because, guess what, sis? Jinx has been there the whole time. Even before Silco met me. Even before—before. She was always there, and you were totally fucking blind."
"Don't say that," Vi protests. "You were never—"
"But I was. You want Powder. Your Little Star. And, y'know, maybe I did, too. Once. But Powder's gone, Vi. She doesn’t exist anymore. Because the truth is, her days were numbered. Her own loneliness was killing her.  The kind that twists you out of shape, and makes you a sad, sorry excuse of a human being. Powder knew that, deep down. It's why she was so scared. Why she always shrunk herself. So she'd fit in your big dumb hero fantasy. Always be the girl who needed rescuing. Who needed you. 'Cause then, you'd never leave her."
There are wan shafts of sunlight piercing the rafters. In the brightness, the maze has chipped away. Vi stares, and her sister is no longer a comet or a phantom or a poltergeist.
She's a girl: flesh and blood. 
And tears.
Vi can't see them, but she senses their dangerous proximity. Not the crocodile kind from before, but the real deal. The ones that hide deep in the atmosphere, and only fall when the heartache is too heavy to carry.
Vi's own threatens to rupture into a storm. She's felt its foreboding pressure pounding behind her ribs all night.
If it breaks, it'll drown them both.
"I never meant to leave you," Vi forces out. "If I'd known what he'd do to you—"
"Oh, gods, would you shut up about that!"
All at once, Jinx has poured herself from the rafters. It's a fluid motion: nearly frictionless. Her boots collide squarely with the floorboards, and she unfolds to her full height. In the petaling brightness, Vi can see her fully. Her sister is dressed almost entirely in black: leather cut-off shorts, fishnet tights, and a tank-top with a long-sleeved mesh jacket. A pistol—PuffPuff, she calls it—is strapped to one hip, and a fistful of grenades hangs from the other. The blue of her hair is a neon flame.
She is armed to the teeth.
Dressed to kill.
"Silco didn't twist me," Jinx says. "He just saw me as I was. He let me be, and helped me become."
"Become what? A killer?"
"Psssh." Her chin juts in challenge. "Killers are like fleas: a dime a dozen. They don't change the game. Not like we did."
"We?" Vi is all volition, and yet there is no control. No recourse. Only her body, advancing with fists locked and jaw steeled to close the gap between them. They square off eye-to-eye. "Are you really going to keep pretending? After everything he's done? Everything he's taken from us?"
"Puh-lease. Spare me the sanctimony. You think Zaun would be real if he hadn't cut Topside down to size with his bare teeth? If he hadn't put the gangs in line and the chem-barons in their place?"
"With what? Shimmer? Chem-fiends in the alleys and corpses in the canals? D'you have any clue how many lives he's wrecked?"
"It's called 'collateral damage,' Vi. It's the cost of business. What, did you expect him to just wait around while Topside ran us into the ground? While the Council kept bleeding us dry?"
"He could have done something different!"
"Oh, yeah? Like what? Take a page outta Vander's book?" Jinx's eyes are two red, glistening wounds. But fury sizzles the tears in their sockets. "Newsflash, genius: his way didn't work. He thought making nice and playing along was the answer, and where'd that get him? A knife in the back. Literally."
"Because of Silco!"
"You think someone else wouldn't have done the same? Especially once word got out that he was in cahoots with the Enforcers? Please." Jinx's jaw juts. They're both inches apart now. Breathing heavily, two boxers braced for the starting bell. "Guess what, sis. There's a hundred would-be Vanders out there. And one thousand would-be Boy Saviors. Big, strong bozos who want to do the right thing. Who wanna save the little guy. But they don't have the balls—or the brains—to make a difference. Not like Silco did."
"Not like he did, by killing his brother?" Vi erupts. "By stealing a girl, and using her to kill his enemies? By blinding her until she forgot who she is?"
"The only blind one's you!" The girlhood mottle is back in Jinx's face. It's the same flush she'd gotten whenever a fight got too real, and the hurt burrowed too deep. "You, and Ekko, all those suckers who stuck their heads in the sand! That's why you're so mad. Because you wanted Powder to stay the same. Be the girl who needed saving. The one who'd never make it without you. Well, guess what? She has. And if you think I'll let your sorry ass wreck everything, you've got another thing comin'!"
"If you think," Vi shoots back, "I'll stand by and let Silco's craziness infect you a second longer, you've got another thing comin'!"
"Craziness, is it? Crazier than you going from Superbitch to Bootlicker? Twisting yourself up into knots over a Topside twat who's already tossed you over for the next skirt who comes her way? Plotting a hit against Silco with nothing but a rustbucket revolver and no bullets, no back-up, and a head full of hot air?" Jinx laughs. Not her usual manic cackle. Her real, honest-to-gods guffaw. "Oh, you got me beat, Vi. You got me beat good."
"It's not a hit," Vi grits out.
"Really? What else d'you call a plan to gun a man down in cold blood?"
"I'm not—"
"Don't even try it. I know you, remember? A punch, a prayer, and hey! Presto! Problem solved."
"Jinx, listen to me—"
But Jinx is laughing again. Laughter with a cutting edge of hysteria.
"Gods," she says, "I shoulda known. This is how you always handle things. If you can't be the big dumb hero—be the big dumb martyr.  Nevermind that the minute you pull that trigger, it's him who'll go down in history. Him and his legacy. While yours goes straight down the gutter. Just like Vander. Just like Mom. Just like..."
She swallows. The laughter dies, and the tears begin to fall.
"...just like Powder."
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mary-laib · 5 months
Hear me out: au where everything in Hazbin Hotel is the same except Alastor is a child. I just think it would be super funny.
Charlie: *opens front door*
Alastor, a child: Hell-
Charlie: *slams the door in his face, then opens it again*
Alastor: O-
Charlie, slamming the door closed again: Uh, Vaggie? There’s a child at the door.
Literally nobody knows who he is because the Radio Demon is this notorious serial killer from the radio that nobody’s actually seen and every time Alastor has tried to be like “oh, yeah! That’s me!” Nobody believes him because he looks like a six year old. Also he usually takes on his demon form during his broadcasts, so his voice sounds more like an adult’s when he does them.
Also Sir Pentious and Vox are the only rivals that take him seriously, which is the only reason he bothers to keep them around. This does have the averse effect of everyone who knows the two being a little weirded out by their dynamics. Also Velvette is mildly concerned that Vox might be a pedo.
Valentino: Why the hell are you beefing with a little kid?
Vox, who is about to try to wreck Alastor’s shit for the third time this week: HES OLDER THAN ME! I DONT CARE IF HE LOOKS LIKE A BABY, HES OLD ENOUGH TO KNOW BY NOW NOT TO TALK SHIT!
Also everyone thinks he’s hell-born because how the hell does a child do something bad enough to end up in hell? But he’s over here like “oh, I’ve done some unspeakable things that a grown adult from hell would balk at.
Lucifer: I’m not going to say anything because you are just a kid.
Alastor: Actually, I’m over a century old, so say whatever it is you need to say.
Lucifer: What? I thought you were hell-born? What the here did you do to end up in hell so young?
Alastor: I killed a man! :)
Lucifer: 😟
Instead of Alastor and Lucifer beefing over who is the better dad, Alastor is just taking all of Charlie’s attention away by pretending to be a needy kid and Charlie, being the bleeding heart she is has absolutely no qualms about doting over this little kid who is also super powerful and the benefactor of her hotel. Meanwhile Vaggie’s off to the side continuously face-palming into oblivion because she knows this kid is over a century old and can definitely take care of himself, but is just doing all this for attention.
Husk also still hates him because the kid owns his soul, but he’s also mildly concerned because he can’t quite get past the kid-looking exterior so he sees Alastor doing crazy shit and he gets a little worried for a second before remembering that, “oh yeah, he’s old as hell and can handle himself.” He is also more than willing to let the child have alcohol. He’s had one too many fights over the issue and despite his size, he knows Alastor is more than old enough for it.
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tommysversion · 1 year
Breathe Through It (Joel Miller x Reader)
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Summary: you have a panic attack. Joel helps.
CWs: Descriptions of mental health conditions (namely PTSD, but can be read as any anxiety based disorder with panic attacks) / graphic description of a panic attack / some adult language/ references to past trauma (nothing explicitly described but inferred).
Notes: This is entirely self indulgent, I have pretty severe PTSD and this is the coping mechanism of the day. Implied to be F!Reader but it can be read as gender neutral.
Word Count: 1.1k
Tag List: @joelsgirl & @mydailyhyperfixations
You don't feel it happen until it does. You've heard that for some people, their panic attacks build up, like the world's shittiest tidal wave, steadily looming over them.
Yours aren't like that. You'll be fine one minute, then something will trigger it. A sound. A place. A thought. Someone with a similar sounding name. A nightmare.
You get less than ten seconds warning, if you're lucky, before it hits you like a tonne of bricks and you freeze. It doesn't matter where you are, what you're doing, your chest constricts and you get tunnel vision. It's like you're a spectator in your own body, dissociated so hard you can't tell left from right.
The worst thing is when you lose your ability to speak. It doesn't happen every time, but when it does it's like someone's squeezing sand down your throat, completely taking away your ability to ask for help. As if you even could. You hate drawing attention to yourself at the best of times, let alone when you're so vulnerable.
Which is why it's annoyingly inconvenient that this is happening now. You haven't exactly been hiding your panic attacks from Joel, but you haven't directly talked about it with him. You know he has his own problems, far more trauma than he lets on. You know it isn't a competition, but you don't want to burden him with your anxiety.
Deep down, you know that it wouldn't be a burden. That he loves you, but it's hard to remember that when trauma brain is the one at the wheel.
You're not sure what it is this time. You're just walking through town with him, heading home after a drink, after a shift on the guard tower together, when someone, of all things, laughs. The laugh isn't quite right, but it sounds close enough that you freeze up, breath catching in your throat. Fuck, you're maybe ten feet from home. Why now?
Joel gets maybe two steps ahead of you before he realises you're no longer keeping pace, turns to say something, maybe crack a joke about you being a lightweight, but the comment dies on his lips the moment he sees your expression.
Most people think you just space out. Think it's a personality quirk or just a thing that you do. Joel knows better. He knows better because Ellie's described what he looks like when he has a panic attack, recognises when he's about to have one these days.
So it's immediately fucking clear as day to him what's happening.
He doesn't bother asking what's set it off; knows that there isn't always a clear answer, and that even asking, reminding you of the trigger, could just make it worse.
Joel hates being touched when he's having an episode of his own. Knows it triggers his fight response, that he'll start swinging. He doesn't think that will apply to you, but he doesn't know for certain, and that's all that keeps him from wrapping his arms tight around you.
Instead, he takes you by the hand, leads you the last few steps to the house, closes the door behind you, flips the light on.
"'S okay. Look, we're good. Door's closed. Nobody's coming after us."
You can barely hear him, heart pounding in your ears, breaths coming out ragged like you've just run a marathon.
"Hey. Hey. If you can, look at me, okay?"
He doesn't sound angry, or tired, and it's not a demand. This voice is the one he uses when Ellie's sick, or you're sick, or when he's reassuring one of the kids in town that he's not remotely mad that they stole an extra slice of pie when he was meant to be on food watch duty.
Joel is always soft spoken, but this is different. It makes you feel safe, not enough to pull you out of it, because that's not how it works, but safe enough to look at him, to focus as best you can on the dark depths of his eyes.
"There you are." He goes to let go of your hand but you cling on to him, slump against his chest, needing the warmth and solidness of him to ground you.
That's all the permission he needs, wrapping his arms tight around you.
"I've got you. You're safe, I promise."
You know that. Deep down, you know that the people who hurt you are far away. That they'll never touch you, control you, hurt you, ever again. You know that you're safe here, in this house, with Joel.
He rubs soothing circles on your back, kisses the top of your head, relieved when you start breathing properly again, coming down from the adrenaline.
"You don't need to hide these from me, darlin', I know how they feel."
"That's why I didn't want you to deal with it." You manage to get out; your throat is dry as hell, the guilt already forming.
"Deal with it? What, like it's a big issue? I'd rather be able to help. That's what I'm here for. We do this together, remember?"
"But it's..."
"Nothing. Don't you dare call yourself a burden or anything similar. You've been through so much. Ain't a competition. But you've gotta let me in, okay? I'm not going anywhere."
"You promise?" You hate how small your voice is, how distant you still feel. Even if the worst is over, you'll still feel horrible for a few more hours, trapped by your own thoughts.
"I promise. Breathe through it, baby. I'm not going anywhere. We can stay here all night if it helps you feel safe."
You exhale. You do feel safer, standing there with his arms locked around you.
"Will it always be like this?" You hate yourself for asking, but you know he's been dealing with these a lot longer than you have.
"Yes and no," Joel says finally. "You learn to sit with them. They don't suck any less, they're still fuckin' horrible, but you get your support, and you'll learn to sit with them."
You nod against his chest, finally feeling a little better. At least better enough that it doesn't feel like your limbs are full of cement.
"What can I do to help?"
You consider for a minute. "Can we have coffee? Maybe take a shower?"
You always feel a cold sweat come over you after the worst of it passes. Joel nods, gives you one last reassuring squeeze.
"Course we can. Whatever you need, darlin', I'm always gonna be here for you."
He lets go of you to move to the kitchen, but keeps hold of your hand, knows without asking that you still need the reassurance of touch.
"Hey, Joel?"
"Yeah, baby?"
"I love you."
"Love you too, baby. C'mon, let me take care of you."
It's not a miracle cure. No such thing exists, after all, but having someone who loves you so much, who you know will support you through it? It makes all the difference in the world.
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toastedjeans · 5 months
So anyway i made a pizza tower oc/self insert/fanchild?? Technically?? If you squint.....
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Their name's Ziti and they're Peppino and Gustavo's adopted "kid" (they're around 16). If you saw this post before, i aged them down a bit and changed/got rid of a few other things.
Anyway, some info about them below
I'm still too lazy to put all this into sentences and in an order that makes sense so here's a bigass list
They were adopted by Peppino and Gustavo after the tower fell
Used to work in the tower in the background, probably in a computer room. There was never much work there so they often fell asleep or doodled on the side. When there was work it was very stressful for them and they were easily overwhelmed. They never took days off cause they felt they didn't deserve to. Still, they desperately need a break (more on that in the backstory post)
Very anxious, but unlike Peppino, their anxiety does not turn into rage, just more anxiety and later on extreme tiredness. They're always tired tbh
Likes goofing around with Gustavo. He's the slightly sillier dad, while Peppino is slightly more caring and comforting (he can relate to the trans struggles. We love trans Peppino in this house). Of course, they're both caring and silly and great dads and love their kid very much
Random headcanon that Gustavo likes picking up people as a sign that he likes them a lot, and you know he often does that to Ziti (and Peppino lol)
Absolutely cannot cook, they WILL burn the kitchen down while trying to boil water. Please for the love of pizza do NOT let them near any kitchen. Peppino is honestly amazed by how bad someone's cooking skills can be (he says they're worse than Maurice's, which is saying a lot)
Not used to physical affection, at first only cuddles with Brick. Touch starved as hell.
Fakey is kinda like a mix between a best friend, a big brother, and a weird pet to them. It's weird at first, seeing how he resembles one of their dads so much, but they eventually get used to it
An awkward piece of ham™, but there's a silly goofy goober under all that anxiety
They always put other's needs in front of theirs, resulting in them neglecting their own needs because they're "not important enough" in their mind.
Always tries doing things on their own because they don't like bothering others, even if they know they can't do it alone. Will not actively ask for help but will reluctantly accept it when offered.
Giving gifts is their love language. Gives gifts randomly whenever they find something, but still feels bad when they don't have a gift on a special day (birthdays, Christmas, etc), or if they think their gift is lame
They're very forgetful, but they do remember tiny things nobody cares about. Will forget your birthday, but remembers that they once saw a frog jump directly into water and exactly how the resulting splash looked. This has no significance to anything at all, but they do remember it!
No fashion sense. At all. I mean look at them. Bland white ass. (No wonder tbh if you know where they come from)
Very pale, often got called a vampire or zombie when they were younger. Peppino and Gustavo sometimes lovingly refer to them as their little Mozzarella (despite both of them being smaller than Ziti)
Lastly, they're strangely obsessed with Noisette's cooking. Their favorite is her peanut butter spaghetti. Never gets sick from any of her food. They're not picky is all I'm saying. (Kinda explained in the backstory post)
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thatgorlnatalia · 2 years
𝒹𝑜𝑒 𝑒𝓎𝑒𝓈 | heeseung
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Synopsis: telling the truth is scary, but it’s even scarier when nobody can lie to the boy you like | you steal glances at him like everyone else, but what if you knew he looks back?
Word Count: 9k
Genre: fluff, minor angst, just two lovesick teens | high school au
Pairing: Non-Idol!Heeseung x Fem!reader
Warnings: slight cursing, mentions of food
Playlist: doe eyes
“It must be lonely.” you always thought. Whenever you see him pass you by in the halls, past you to get to his seat, to get his lunch, or even on his way home, he is never with anyone else. Everyone avoids him and you couldn’t help but feel immense guilt that you’re a part of  “everyone”. Since you were kids, it was already established it would be best no one goes near him “just in case”. Still, you couldn’t help but wonder if he had gotten used to it by now. Everyone’s eyes are always on him, but looking away whenever he looks back. You wondered if he felt creeped out or saddened by that. Or if he even knew. Of course he did, and it was tough to have to learn quickly as a child that you would walk this earth all by yourself. But he did and he’s managed to get this far, even if it still sometimes pops up in his mind. No matter how hard he tried to ignore it and pretend it didn’t bother him, it made him upset deep down to know that things were never going to change.
“You’re staring again.” your friend, Sieun, says as she looks between you and Heeseung. You snap out of your thoughts and turn your head back to her as you finish grabbing things from your locker. “You need to be more careful, if he even looks back at you-”
“Everyone always makes it seem like he has the power to turn you to stone,” you close your locker, shoving the last item you grabbed into your bag, “he just makes people tell the truth.” you say as you zip up your bag and sling it over your shoulder.
“That’s dangerous!” she exclaims, quietly, while leaning closer to you as if she is trying to tell you something nobody else should hear. “Some things are better kept as secrets. Imagine trying to just talk to him and bam! you end up telling him you murdered like, three people last night.” she protests, leaning back and crossing her arms.
You raise an eyebrow.
“Is that really the best example you could come up with? Wouldn’t it be better if someone actually did confess to that?”
She rolls her eyes and shakes her head.
“That’s not the point. He doesn’t need to know everyone’s business, so it’s best to just stay away.”
She links her arm with yours, glancing at him before urging you to start walking with her towards your class together. 
It had been like that for as long as you can remember, nobody being able to give you a reasonable explanation as to why you should stay away from him. It never made sense, especially since just being within close proximity of him doesn’t cause you to tell the truth, looking him in the eyes does. You don’t know what they look like, and to be honest, you barely know what he even looks like. You look back at him as you and Sieun walk away. He’s at his locker, reading something with his earbuds in, as usual. You felt your hands squeeze into fists as you lightly sighed. Despite never having an actual conversation with him or knowing anything about him whatsoever, he fascinated you. His head began to shift upward and you quickly looked back ahead of you. 
He looked up, not looking for anyone or at anyone in particular. Who would it have been, anyway? Nobody knew him–personally–and he knew nobody. His eyes shifted around until they landed on you, as you were walking away. That was a lie, he does know one person. 
“Do you think his parents look him in the eyes?” Sieun suddenly asks, sick of the silence between you two, despite the loud chatter from the others around you.
You sigh, “Why would you even ask something like that?”
She shrugs her shoulders, turning her head to look at you.
“How did they find out?” she asks, as if you had any of the answers.
You look back at her as she turns to look ahead of her again.
“How am I supposed to know that? All I know is that somebody knew and just told everyone else.”
You looked ahead as well, nearing your classroom.
“I wonder how it happened.” she mumbles to herself, genuinely wanting an answer, but knowing nobody has one.
You open the door to the classroom, letting her go in first as you follow, closing the door behind you. You both made your way to your seats, taking them before getting things out of your bag.
“Don’t you feel bad for him, though?” you suddenly asked.
Sieun shrugs, zipping up her bag after gathering her things onto her desk.
“It’s hard to feel bad for him, he’s also not making an effort to talk to anybody.”
You place your things on your desk before looking at her.
“It’s kind of hard to bond with people after they’ve been told to avoid you like you're some sort of disease.”
You lowered your voice a little as the door opened, Heeseung walking through. The classroom went silent as he made his way to his seat, all the way on the back corner of the class. Kids mumbled to one another before going back to whatever they were originally talking about. The classroom was separated, everyone on one side and him by himself. Even the desks were separated far enough from his, kind of cramping the students close together, but no one seemed to mind. Sieun looked away from him, but you continued to stare. You wanted to work up the nerve to talk to him, but it was hard. What if he actually didn’t want anyone to bother him? You would rather he never knew you existed than hate you.
“You’re staring…again.” she says as she opens her book to the right page.
You look away and face forward in your seat, doing the same as she was before the bell rang.
Heeseung looked up, hesitantly glancing over at you. You two had been in the same class since middle school, but have been going to the same schools since you were kids. Of course he knew who you were, you were the only one who wasn’t afraid to even be near him and he may have heard you a few times when you would defend him when other kids were saying something bad about him. He wanted to talk to you, badly, but he wasn’t sure if you were secretly like everyone else: afraid. The teacher walked in and he looked away, not noticing his lips forming a small smile at the thought of you, at the thought of even talking to you. It was stupid, and he knew it was impossible, for you to even remotely think of him like that, but at some point he found every inch of his body hoping you felt the same way about him that he felt about you.
“Are you seriously staring at him again?” Sieun asks, clearly annoyed that you weren’t paying attention to her.
You look away from Heeseung, as he sat at his usual table by himself, doing his homework with his earbuds in. 
“I just feel so bad.” you mumble as you push some of your food around on your tray.
Sieun groans for an exaggerated amount of time, it only getting louder as she suddenly stomps her feet on the ground out of annoyance. People stare as you set down your utensils and motion your hands to try and get her to stop as you tell her to shush. She does, looking at you like she is fed up. She is, of course. Everyday, you always talk about how badly you feel for him and yet you do nothing about it. Although the topic of discussion for everyone is about him sixty percent of the time, she was genuinely getting tired about how much you seemed to actually be bothered by his loneliness, maybe even more than he was.
“If you want to go and fill your savior complex, by all means, go and sit with him.” she seethes, letting out a huff as she grabs some food before eating it.
You glance back over at Heeseung. The sunlight from the window that was next to his table shone on him, making it seem as though he was glowing. He looked angelic and you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach. He’s just sitting there, but he’s always managed to be the most perfect person in your eyes. You stand up, placing your hands on the table, Sieun looks up at you with her mouth full of food.
“Okay, I’ll go and sit with him.” 
She starts coughing, slightly choking on her food. She hits her chest a few times, finally being able to swallow the food. 
“What? Wait, are you actually-”
You cut her off by walking over to him. Your steps seemed way more sure of themselves when you were further from his table. You slowly started to hesitate, anxiety starting to shoot through your body as you inched closer to him. You finally managed to just barely make it to his table, ever so slowly taking a seat across from him. The lunchroom fell silent as you were taking your seat and you swore, people could hear your bones creaking if they were to actually do so. Total silence, total utter silence once you managed to finally sit. He hadn’t noticed, he’s too busy finishing up his homework to even see that the girl he has been wanting to talk to for ages just sat in front of him. You were unsure of what to do. Should you interrupt him? Or should you run away and hide from embarrassment because it was starting to look like he was intentionally ignoring you? …was he intentionally ignoring you? You decided not to find out, and filled with regret, you stood up quicker than you sat down. Standing up, however, caused you to bump into the table, shaking it a bit. You froze, you felt your muscles tense up so badly that if someone came up to you and poked you, you would break into a million pieces. He froze too, not wanting to look up and accidentally make eye contact with the person who was standing in front of him. The situation seemed to have gotten worse for you, as you both were frozen and the silence in the room seemed to become more deafening. 
“Get. Back. Over. Here!” You heard Sieun whisper shout and although she was trying to have only you hear it, everyone else did as well.
You mentally agree with her, but just as you were going to walk back over to her, back to the safety of your familiar table, he looks up. Even he isn’t fully sure as to why he looks up, considering he rarely ever does, but he does anyway. His head up turns slowly, his heartbeat fastening as his eyes scan your standing figure in front of him. In the back of your mind, you know why you continue to stand there, because you desperately want to see him. Your hand grips the end of your skirt, nervous as his eyes finally meet yours. You gasped lightly and he felt his heart practically burst in his chest. He’s seen you from afar, but upclose, he couldn't have imagined you to be any more beautiful than you are standing in front of him. You on the other hand, you couldn’t stop looking at his eyes. He was captivating, absolutely captivating. There he was, looking at you, and you couldn’t help but feel like you had just made eye contact with the love of your life.
“Beautiful.” you said, louder than you had wanted. It was like his eyes held power over you, squeezing you to say exactly what was on your mind and they wouldn’t stop until you’ve done what they wanted. It didn’t feel evil or forced, it felt like you were secure and just wanted to pour your heart out, letting go of every single burden you kept locked up deep inside.
Chuckles begin to scatter across the lunchroom, making you look away from him. Your head began to spin a little, as if you had just been woken up from a deep sleep. You looked around to see everyone staring at you and already talking about what you had said. Embarrassment begins to set in as your face becomes hot, making you walk away–quicker than you would have if you initially left–over to grab your bag before jogging out of the lunchroom. Sieun stands up to follow you, taking one last bite of her food before grabbing her bag and rushing off after you. Heeseung sat there. Even though he may not have heard you actually call him beautiful aloud, he heard you in his head. That’s just how it works for him, he could never just not know what secret someone has to say no matter how hard he would try not to listen because in the end, the secrets would play in his head as you say them. But this one, this one he didn’t mind one bit. You called him beautiful. He wanted to stop you before you could leave, but you did before he had the chance. “Beautiful.” he replayed your words over and over in his mind. He’s had people confess many things to him before, but no one has ever told him he is beautiful. If you hadn’t left so quickly, he was sure he would have said the same thing to you.
“It wasn’t as bad as you think.” Sieun says, trying to reassure you. You grip your hair harder as you groan. “It’s honestly even weirder for you to be sitting on the curb, practically curled up into a ball.” she says, trying her best to comfort you, but failing miserably.
You look up, with a clear expression that what she was saying was not helping despite her efforts. She sighs as she takes a seat beside you. 
“I should have known better.” you mumbled, the moment playing over and over in your head.
“Yeah, you should have.” Sieun agrees. You look at her, glaring and she looks back at you. “What?” she asks defensively, “I told you not to go over to him, but you did anyway and look what happened, you said quite possibly the most random thing ever to someone you have never spoken to.”
You groaned again as your head fell back down into your lap. Sieun pats your shoulder, but stops, grabbing your shoulders in order to make you look at her.
“What.” you say rather than ask, simply just wanting to be left alone so you can be swallowed whole by the ground.
“What was it like?” she asks, a sparkle in her eye as if you came back from a treacherous journey that bestowed all of the most powerful secrets into your knowledge. 
“Looking him in the eyes?” you ask, wanting her to clarify.
She nods her head, letting go of your shoulders. You look away from her, sighing as you picture his eyes in your head. 
“They’re beautiful.” you say as if you’re in a trance, again.  “He’s perfect.”
“My gosh, you’re actually that into him?” she asks, pulling you out of your daze once again.
You look back at her and sigh. 
“I don’t know how to explain it, but looking at him–looking into his eyes–I just felt…I just felt like I was meant to meet him.”
“I’m not asking about how badly you have it for him, I’m asking what it was like to have him force the truth out of you.”
You roll your eyes, looking at her.
“It didn’t feel forced, it just felt natural. Like, whatever was on my mind was meant to be shared.”
Sieun pouts and cups her face in her hands, resting her elbows on her knees.
“I should really ask someone who isn’t in love with him what it’s actually like.”
“Then do it yourself.” you suggest.
She scoffs and shakes her head.
“I might end up saying something super personal, I’m not risking it just because I want to find out.”
You felt your heart sink a little.
“Isn’t that sad?” you ask, even though you and Sieun were talking, your question wasn’t directed to anyone in particular, maybe you more than anyone.
“What?” she asks.
You continue to look ahead at the people and cars passing by, but Sieun turns to look at you.
“The fact that no one talks to him because they’re too afraid to say something they don’t want to.”
Sieun looks away from you and stretches her legs out in front of her, looking at her shoes.
“It seems reasonable, to be honest. You already have to live with the secrets you want to keep, but possibly exposing them just to talk to someone? It doesn’t seem worth it.”
“But you can still talk to him without looking each other in the eyes.”
“Wouldn’t that be worse? Wouldn’t you rather not talk to anyone all together compared to never looking at them. I feel like that would just be even more awkward.”
You both sit there in silence for a moment, just listening to tires rolling across the street and the calamity of footsteps from people walking passed mixed with their voices from many conversations. Both options seem equally as bad and you sigh as you do the same as Sieun, stretching out your legs in front of you.
“I think I’d still rather talk to him.”
“Well,” she says, scooting a little closer to you as she rests her head on your shoulder, “it seems like you’re going to have to talk to him anyway, tomorrow.”
You groan, looking down at your hands in your lap. You pick at the corners of your fingers, biting the inside of your cheek.
“I think I’d rather have one of these cars run me over.”
“Mom, I’m home.” Heeseung announces as he walks into his house.
He slips off his shoes and puts on his slippers, the sound of footsteps approaching him at the entrance. He looks up and smiles, his mom approaching him before opening her arms for a hug. He steps over to her, accepting her hug and tightly wrapping his arms around her. She does the same, squeezing him before pulling back a little to cup his face in her hands. 
“My handsome son, how was your day at school?” she says, using one of her hands to stroke the side of his head before placing it back on his cheek.
He smiles sadly, she always says this, but he can never be sure whether or not she’s telling the truth. She’s the only person who can lie to him while looking him in the eyes because she technically can’t look him in the eyes. And even though he would never admit it to her, he feels immense amounts of guilt whenever he looks her in the eyes, because he took that away from her.
“The same as usual.” he says, trying not to sound like it bothers him.
She frowns.
“They’re all still avoiding you?” she asks in the type of tone that makes you want to just hug her and cry. He smiles, sadly, a small part of him comforted by the fact that she can’t see it.
“Not everyone.” he says, glancing over to see her white cane leaning against the wall. He tuts, glancing back at her before walking over to grab it. “You can’t just keep leaving this here.” he says, walking back over to her and gently placing it in her hand.
“I can walk just fine without it.” she declares.
He reaches out to hold the hand he put the cane in. His fingers slowly wrap around hers and the cane, him rubbing his thumb on the back of it. She smiles, comforted by the feeling.
“Just promise me you’ll at least try.” he says softly.
She smiles, turning to face him from the direction his voice is coming from before nodding her head.
“I’ll try.” she promises.
You slowed down your pace as you made your way into the slightly warmer grocery store, letting out a stifled sigh, releasing the cold air you had just inhaled on your walk over. There was no need to scan the signs for a specific aisle to find what you were looking for, you already knew where to find what you wanted. As you made your way slowly throughout the store going to the section where they had the drinks, you basked in the calmness that the store emitted. There weren’t many people there and the beeps at the register along with people talking every now and then felt somewhat comforting. You walked down the drink section, a short one but it still had many options to choose from, your attention fully on the selection as you continued to be in autopilot mode. You mindlessly reached for the drink you wanted when suddenly another hand went for the same drink as you. You stood there for a second, coming back to reality as you realized your fingertips were touching someone else’s. As if you both were sharing the same brain, you both pulled your hands back from the drink at the same time.
“Sorry.” is all the person said. 
You weren’t really in the mood to be interacting with others, let alone now having to discuss who was going to take the drink, so you just nodded your head and grabbed the drink, your hands slowly starting to become cold from it. You were about to walk away without another word when you had finally turned to see the person next to you was none other than Heeseung. You stopped, now regretting your rude behavior and cursing at yourself in your head for two reasons. The first: you acting like a jerk in front of him and the second: you having to see him after your encounter earlier today. 
Heeseung stands there in the silence created by you two with the low humming of the refrigerators at least filling up some of the empty space. He was confused why the other person wasn’t talking, let alone took the drink, the only thing–might he add–that his mom asks for him to get at the store, without even asking if he wanted it. Feeling annoyed, he looks at the person, not caring if they wanted to say something embarrassing or not (he feels they deserve it now). But his ill intentions come to a halt when he realizes it’s you. He looked away from you as quickly as he could in order to prevent you from getting upset with him looking in your eyes.
“Oh…hey.” he says, just in case you might have thought that he didn’t want to see you when he in fact had been praying up until this moment to get another chance to talk to you.
What were you supposed to say first? A “hey” back or “I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable with my completely random and creepy comment I made about you earlier”? You weren’t sure, but luckily your brain led with a “hey” back as the winning contender.
“Hey…” you say, dragging out the ‘y’, trying to decide whether you saying anything in the first place was the right thing to do.
“So…um…” Heeseung starts.
He has no idea where to take this conversation. All the confidence he had in himself earlier diminished when he actually realized you were standing in front of him. He didn’t want to make you feel uneasy, but he really has no clue how to handle this situation, especially this type of situation with the girl he is practically head-over-heels for. He has been looking down at his feet from the moment he said “hey” and saw you extend the arm with the drink in your hand enough for him to see it.
“Did you want it? I can always just pick another one.” You say, not totally wanting to pick another one, but it felt like he might leave faster if you gave it to him (you felt it would be worse if you were the first one to leave after already trying to ignore him).
He reached for the drink, not fully processing his actions just yet, his hand meeting yours onto the cold bottle. His fingertips once again lightly come into contact with yours and it feels like electricity sparks between the two of you; he feels giddy at the sudden contact with you. He clears his throat, removing his hand from the bottle and looks up (to the side) rubbing the back of his neck with the same hand that just touched yours. 
“Uh, no-” he stops, his mom always asks for this drink and he really doesn't want to make her sad. “Actually,” he says, “would it be alright if I did have it?” His eyes shift towards you, as if your presence is a magnet forcing all of his attention to be on you, but he stops himself despite how much he wants to look at you.
“Oh,” you say, trying to hide the evident disappointment in your voice, “sure, I did offer for you to take it after all.”
He takes it from your hand, and places it into the basket full of groceries he was currently holding in the other.
“Are you here for dinner?” he asks, desperately wanting to keep the conversation going, regardless of the rocky start.
“Yeah, my parents sometimes let me get something from here for dinner if they aren’t home.”
He nods his head, wanting to ask so many things, but not sure if you would want to answer any of them.
“Are you making dinner?” you ask.
“Oh, my dad is. My mom wanted something specific, so I’m just getting the groceries.” he says. “The drink is for her, actually. She usually asks for it whenever I go to the store.”
You nod your head, feeling worse for almost taking it. You look at him for a bit, a part of you wanting him to look at you again. Mixed in with the feeling of safety his gaze bestowed upon you, there was a hint of adoration and now that you’ve had a taste of it, you really wanted him to look at you again.
“Do you need help? With taking the groceries home, I mean.” you ask him.
This question catches him off guard. He looks at you, his breath caught in his throat when he looks at you. 
“I’m sorry.” you say as you look into his eyes, his gorgeous doe eyes.
“For what?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.
In this moment, he normally would look away to prevent the person from sharing anything more, but it felt as though your eyes were doing what his do to others. He wanted to know more, he wanted to look at you more, he wanted to bask in your gaze for just a moment longer.
“For saying what I said earlier, it was probably creepy.” you say, your face scrunching slightly at the thought of the moment.
He smiled, he smiled like a complete lovesick fool at your expression.
“I liked it.” he admits.
Your eyes go wide and as a result, his smile grows wider in return.
“You…what?” you asked, not sure if you were just hearing things or if this was a sign of you having a stroke and you were actually talking to air.
“I liked hearing you call me beautiful.” he simply stated, feeling an immense amount of relief and confidence washing over his body. “Nobody has ever said that to me before.”
“I meant it.”
His smile becomes smaller, as his ears turn a light shade of red. His expressions weren’t able to keep secrets as well because the way he looked at you was with nothing but love.
“I know.”
“Oh good, you’re finally home!” Heeseung’s dad announces from the kitchen.
Heeseung smiles at him as you follow in shortly after. His dad’s smile falls into nothing but an open mouth when he realizes his son had brought someone home. That someone also being none other than a girl. 
“Hi.” you say, trying to make a decent first impression.
“Hi!” he says a little too enthusiastically back.
Heeseung’s eyes widened at his dad saying ‘please don’t embarrass me’ and his dad nodded his head discreetly, getting the message. “Hi.” he says again, extending his hand as you and Heeseung set down the bag of groceries. 
You let out a short chuckle, shaking his hand while introducing yourself. You hesitate to look him in the eyes and he lets out an understanding sigh.
“Don’t worry, it’s only Heeseung.” he says quietly enough in hopes that his son won’t hear him.
“Is Heeseung home?” his mom asks over a tapping sound as she makes her way to the kitchen.
“Yes,” his dad says while making his way past you and Heeseung over to his wife, “and he brought a guest.” he whispers into her ear before kissing her cheek and smiling at her.
You look down, realizing the tapping was coming from a white cane and you look back at her to realize something else: she’s blind. She looks up at him and hits the side of his leg lightly with the cane.
“Really?” she whispers back with excitement.
“And it’s a girl.”
She gasps and looks forward at you, as though she senses your presence.
“Dad.” Heeseung whispers sternly, but his dad only shrugs his shoulders with a sheepish smile plastered on his face.
His mom makes her way over to you and you walk over to her to make it easier. She holds the cane to sit between her arm and the side of her ribcage as she extends her hand to shake yours. You take her hand in yours, a little surprised at how much smaller it is compared to yours and she smiles brightly.
“I can tell she’s pretty.” she says, making Heeseung embarrassed.
She waves her other hand at him to quiet him and his dad lets out a small laugh.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” she says with the utmost sincerity.
“It’s really nice to meet you too.” you say, with the same feeling.
“She’s telling the truth,” she says as she turns her head towards Heeseung and her husband, she turns back to look at you, “I can tell.”
“Have you two been friends for long?” Heeseung’s mom asks as she takes a seat, but not before giving you a plate she had already made for you.
“Oh, no, not very long.” you say as you and Heeseung exchange a quick glance. “But we have been going to school with each other since we were kids.” you added, getting an approving nod from his dad and a proud smile from his mom.
Heeseung blushes a little, feeling his heart swell from the fact that you even have acknowledged his presence since you were kids.
“I’ve wanted to get to know him for a long time.” you say all on your own, being one hundred percent honest.
Heeseung looks at you and you look back at him smiling, “I guess I’ve just been shy.” you say more to him than to his parents.
He looks away and down at his food, feeling as though if you keep making him blush, he is not going to be able to ignore the growing urge to kiss you.
“But people have told you to stay away.” his mom says, not intending to sound as upset by the fact than she comes across. She doesn’t blame you, she thinks you seem fine, but it breaks her heart knowing her son has been alone for so long.
“Honey-” his dad says, reaching to touch her arm, but notices some food on the corner of her mouth. His mouth forms a small smile as he wipes it away with his thumb, causing her to smile in return. He reaches and grabs her hand before kissing her knuckles. She lets out a sigh.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be upset with you, I’m just glad he has a friend now.” she says, smiling at you. You return the smile and she lets out a happy hum as if she can see you smiling back at her. 
If you were able to receive ten cents every time you had Heeseung walk you to the bus stop, you would have ten cents right now. His mom insisted (maybe borderline forced) Heeseung to take you to the bus stop for your “safety” (she really is just his wingman and could tell he liked you and you liked him, but mainly because she and her husband would make comments about the two of you being like a younger version of them). 
“Thank you, again, for dinner. You really didn’t have to let me stay.”
Heeseung shyly chuckles.
“Of course we did, you helped with the groceries.”
“I owed you at least that.”
He shakes his head and shoves his hands deeper into his jacket pockets.
“You don’t have to feel embarrassed about it, you know.”
You cringe to yourself.
“Yeah, I think I do.”
You both laugh and fall into a comfortable silence, the sunset from earlier had turned into the dark night sky with stars scattered here and there. The street lamps were now lit and a few, if any, cars passed by on the street. Some stores were closed and others were still open, adding extra light from inside and from their signs. Heeseung turned to look at you, to see how radiant you are, even at night.
“Do you mind if I ask something?” you ask, causing him to snap out of his daydream.
“Yeah, what is it?” he replies, looking ahead again while hoping you didn’t catch him staring.
You stop walking, thinking somehow that would help you muster up the courage to ask the question you wanted the answer to. He stopped as well, worried he freaked you out and you regretted ever talking to him, he didn’t look at you though, he didn’t want to scare you more.
“How are you able to make people tell the truth?”
Normally, he would roll his eyes at this question and feel annoyed. He hated this question more than anything in the world. More than feeling like a constant outcast. More than hearing people stop talking whenever he enters the room. More than looking at his mom and feeling mass amounts of guilt whenever he sees her struggle. For you, however, he didn’t mind you asking. He knew you had no ill intentions behind it and genuinely wanted to know. Hell, maybe you would even consider becoming his friend if he explained what he knew to you. So, he turned around to face you, looking at your forehead, not your eyes, mainly so he wouldn’t have to hear any comments you have to say about what he is going to explain. Not because he had a problem with answering your questions, he was just scared there was a slim chance you would judge him and say you never wanted to speak to him again.
“I don’t know much, nothing like a complete origin story or anything like that. All I know is that one member of my family, for generations, has had the same ability as I do. The most recent one aside from me was my mom…” he trails off.
You stand there, maybe a little more confused than you were before.
“I don’t mean to come across as insensitive,” you say, “but isn’t your mom blind?”
He looks down at his feet, biting the inside of his cheek before letting out a sigh. He nods his head and looks back up.
“Yes…because of me.”
You raise an eyebrow.
“What do you mean?”
He refuses to look at you, especially with what he is about to say next. What if you call him heartless? A monster? A mistake? If not looking at you means that he wouldn’t have to hear something like that coming from you in regards to him, he’ll take that any day, even if it meant ignoring you for the rest of his life. He would rather die with just remembering you calling him beautiful than looking at him with disgust.
“The first child of a person with this ability automatically passes the ability to them. The catch is, they don’t get to keep their vision, they lose it. No matter if the person who originally had the ability is able to actually give birth to the child themselves, they lose their vision once that child is born.”
You stand there, unable to process how something like this is even possible in the first place.
“So when you were born, your mom became blind?”
He nods his head, feeling the guilt already wash over him again.
“That must be such a hard thing to live with.” you say, sympathetically.
He fights the urge to look at you, to find out if you are saying what you really mean or if you are just being nice before you ignore him forever.
“Sometimes…I feel like my dad avoids my gaze because he blames me for it.” he admits.
You shake your head.
“It doesn’t seem like your father resents you for it, I don’t think your mom feels the same way.”
“You’ve only met them once.” he says, not meaning to sound harsh.
“I know,” you say gently, “but I guess all I can say is that I’m sorry you’ve felt so alone for all this time. People have blamed you constantly for something you can’t control and I’m sorry that you’ve had to live not only with this guilt, but with the knowing that others resent you for it. Nobody deserves that, especially not you.”
He looks at you, tears beginning to brim his eyes. No one has ever said anything like this to him before. He’s never told anyone these thoughts, not even his parents. But you managed to say everything he had been longing to hear. Could you be any more perfect? 
You felt a new feeling run throughout your body as he looked at you this time, it felt like you could feel his heart beating with yours, and it was beating fast. You became overwhelmed with the feeling of love, him looking at you and you looking at him, it felt like nothing else existed. It felt like destiny.
“I love you.” you blurt out.
Although you hate to say it (mainly because it rarely happens and today it happened twice), Sieun was right. She was so right. Looking him in the eyes is dangerous. Somehow, you had managed to one-up the embarrassing moment from earlier and never in your life had you started praying so quickly that the floor would swallow you whole more than you did in this moment. Who were you to say that? Quite literally, you had never spoken to him before today, and you just said you love him? Are you crazy? Does he think you’re crazy? You would agree, but you would hate if he thought the same thing as you…Shit.
Heeseung is stunned. That might be a little too generic to describe how he feels at this very moment. He is absolutely, without a doubt, one thousand percent gobsmacked. Are you being serious? Of course you’re being serious, you’re looking him in the eyes, what a stupid question. What is he supposed to say? Of course he wants to say it back, of course he wants to cup your face and kiss your lips that he sometimes stares at instead of your eyes, of course he wanted to become your boyfriend and learn anything and everything about you while going on dates and of course he wanted nothing more than to hold you in his arms as he whispered the exact words you just said to him…but he can’t. Never in his life did he think he could never tell you how he felt, especially when you quite literally had just said what he had been dying for you to say, but he can’t. He could never live with himself by making you go through what his parents have to go through. Live with a child that is ignored and hated like him, live with him being blind and that he can never see you or his child grow up, live with the fact that you’ll have to work for the both of you. He could never do that to you. He could never live with himself for being so selfish. The mere thought of you–the only person who gave him an ounce of care and attention, the person he has increasingly adored over the years, the person he fell in love with–resenting him because of the burdens he would cause for you, it made him physically want to vomit.
Crap…he can’t break your heart either. This is a lose-lose situation and damn, was he losing. Yes, he was also winning because it was you, you for crying out loud saying you are in love with him. He has to handle this delicately. No, he should just say it and then leave. No, that’s morbid…Shit.
“I don’t love you.” he says, somehow looking you in the eyes.
Big fucking mistake. He could see everything in your expression shift. He could see everything in your face fall and he could see that your eyes were becoming glossy as the tears forming stung them. He so badly wanted to say he is lying, tell you everything he is thinking and have you reassure him again, but that’s just the problem. This relationship would be you constantly reassuring him and he can’t let you live like that. He wants, no, needs for you to be happy and he knows better than anyone that you wouldn’t be happy with him. So as much as it breaks his heart to see that he just shattered yours, he knows (so far deep fucking down) that this is the right thing to do.
Well…this probably couldn’t have gone any worse than you had imagined. This is quite literally the darkest timeline, the worst possible outcome. And damn, did him rejecting you hurt. What are you supposed to do now? Sieun was right (for the third time now), speaking to him was probably the biggest mistake you could have ever made. All you could feel right now was a painful amount of sadness. Your body felt numb and you thought, once again, you were going to have a stroke. You felt embarrassed and hurt and as you blinked, so many tears began to stream down your cheeks which only seemed to result in you becoming angry. Angry that he now is watching you cry as he stands there, not in love with you, but you are so madly in love with him. You look at him, for what feels like the last time, in the eyes and he doesn’t look away, like he wants you to say everything you're thinking. Like he wants to know how badly he has broken your heart.
“I should have listened. I should have never talked to you.”
You didn’t care about what he had to say in return and you didn’t care about what you had just said to him, you were hurt and you took it out on him, sticking it where you know it hurts the most. Evil, maybe, but as you walked away from him, leaving for the bus stop to go home, you couldn’t care any less.
“Why are you so quiet this morning?” Sieun asks as you grab the things from your locker, nearly completely emotionless.
“You were right.” you mumble, the words feeling as though they leave a sour taste in your mouth.
Her eyes widen, peaking her interest, she leans closer to you with a smirk.
“Oh really? About what?” she asks smugly. You slam your locker door that she is right next to, causing her to jump back a little. “Ow! Did you not see me or something?” she asks, a little annoyed by what you just did.
“I should have never talked to him, you were right.” you say, biting your bottom lip to stop from crying as you zipped up your bag and put it on.
You had already spent the whole rest of the walk to the bus stop crying, the ride home crying, and the rest of the night crying before you fell asleep. Sure, you barely knew him, but somehow, someway, you fell in love with him and it hurt that the realization that he never fell in love with you came crashing down.
“What happened? Did you already talk to him about yesterday?” she asks, no longer being smug, but now being worried about just how distraught you seem to be about this whole thing.
“Yes. And like an idiot, when I looked him in the eyes, I told him I love him.”
She gasps loudly, loud enough to cause some students to look at you as you pass by them on your way to class.
“You told him you love him? What did he say?”
“What do you think?” you say, trying not to think about it.
“I’m sorry, I know you’ve had a crush on him for a long time.”
“It’s like he didn’t even care.” you say as you two walk into the classroom, towards your seats.
“What do you mean?”
“I thought maybe he at least liked me back, but he just looked at me and told me he doesn’t love me back and while I was standing there, crying, he just said nothing.”
“Not surprising since he probably lacks empathy due to the lack of human interaction.” she mumbles, becoming angry with him. 
You had spent so much of your time talking about him and looking at him and defending him that it would be weird for Sieun not to feel annoyed at him. You’re her best friend and quite literally the only person who stuck up for him and he was going to treat you like that? Over her dead body. She isn’t unreasonable, she isn’t saying he has to love you back, but he doesn’t have to be so heartless about it. That jerk.
Heeseung walks into the classroom and the class falls quiet until he takes his seat. He doesn’t look at you. He can’t. He knows how much you now hate him after what you had said to him last night, you were the last person he thought would say that to him, but you did. He knows how badly he hurt you and the fact that he couldn’t make you feel better is something he despises. He does, however, feel eyes on him, but not like normal. No, these eyes feel filled with hate. He looks over and sees Sieun looking at him. By his mistake, he looks her in the eyes.
“Asshole.” she says out loud.
She looks away, feeling a little dizzy after, but satisfied (and relieved) that that is what she chose to say after looking him in the eyes. She got her answer now. She now knows what it feels like to look him in the eyes. Now she has a new question she wants the answer to: how would her fist feel punching his face?
“Hey, Heeseung.” Sieun calls out to him in the hall.
She had left you in the classroom because you had fallen asleep during the lesson, so she just decided to let you sleep during the break. 
He stops, partly afraid to turn around, but then decides it might be best to just continue walking away. So, he does, with the plan to ignore her. 
This only pisses her off more. How rude is this guy? Maybe there are more reasons why people choose to ignore him.
“Hey, asshole! Should I refer to you as only that from now on?”
He stops, knowing there is no escape from this conversation.
She cuts him off by turning him around, making both herself and him look each other in the eyes.
“Now, I had made a vow to myself to never look into your eyes, but you need to know that I am being serious with what I am about to say, so listen up you supernatural freak. My friend, she is one of the sweetest people that I know and when she cares about someone, she cares about them with all of her heart. For years she has felt bad for the way people treated you and has been the only one to actually do something about it, she did what no one else would do and that is talk to you. She likes you, a lot, and I’m not saying you have to like her back, but you should at least have the decency to not be a complete jerk about it. You broke her heart, do you even care? You broke the heart of the one person who actually cares about you, congratulations. Do you feel proud?” she says, fury in her eyes.
“I love her too.”
Sieun is taken aback. What is this guy’s problem? She scoffs and lets go of his arms, crossing her own.
“Yeah, right. Then why did you tell her you don’t?” He looks away, he isn’t about to tell her his thought process, she wouldn’t understand, the only person who might–if she still even cares about him–is you. “Whatever your dumb reason is, talk to her, hey–look at me.” He does. “I’m serious, talk to her.”
Oddly, Sieun told you she couldn’t walk to the bus stop with you, she said she had to talk to one of her teachers. Since when does Sieun do that? It doesn’t matter, you were left alone, alone with your thoughts and the memories of yesterday clouding your mind.
“Hey.” you heard a now all-too-familiar voice call out.
You stop, feeling your heartbeat quicken as you hear his footsteps approaching. Just the thought of being near him made your heart skip a beat, but you needed to forget all of that now.
“What.” you say flatly. “I have to get home, the bus isn’t going to wait forever.” you say as you already start to walk away.
“I love you.”
You stop again. You turn around meeting his eyes. His beautiful, kind, doe eyes. The eyes, no matter how much resentment you have tried to build towards him, you love.
“You don’t need to lie.” you say.
“I’m not.”
“How would I know? I don’t have the ability you do.”
“You should be grateful for that.” he tries to joke, but it doesn’t work.
How can he make this better? He should have just told you how he feels last night, but he didn’t and he is regretting it even more.
“Am I a joke to you?” you ask in response to his attempt to lighten the situation.
He shakes his head as he steps closer to you.
“I could never think of you as such, I really do love you. So much.”
He notices your eyes beginning to well up with tears and he remembers how you looked last night. His heart breaks at the sight and he takes one of his hands to cup your cheek. He rubs his thumb gently back and forth along your skin, both of you basking in each others’ touch. Every connection with you feels like a shared electricity current. There was no doubt about it, he is irrevocably in love with you.
“Then why did you tell me you don’t?”
He sighs, ready to pour his heart out to you (and ready for you to probably call him an idiot).
“I just…I really did. Believe me, all I really hoped for was for you to feel the same way I do and for you to want to get to know me as much as I want to get to know you, but when you said the words I had been longing to hear, I just couldn’t say them back. I thought about how our relationship would be like my parents and although they love each other, they have to deal with so many burdens and I just couldn’t stand the thought of putting you through any of that. Although we don’t know too much about each other, after all these years, talking to you and looking at you, I feel like I’m meant to love you for the rest of my life.”
Looking into his eyes, there were no secrets you needed to share with him at this very moment. His eyes no longer compelled you to do or say anything, your love for him did. Which is why you took your hands and grabbed the jacket of his school uniform before pulling him closer to you to kiss him. He didn’t need to think about anything else either, it was like his second nature to kiss you back. He finally got to do what he has been wanting to do since last night, which is hold your face in his hands as he poured all of his love for you into a kiss. Gentle, yet filled with passion, your lips moved together as if they were made to connect with each other. Slowly pulling away from each other with one last kiss, the feeling of each others’ lips still lingering on one another, your eyes met.
“Beautiful.” he said, moving one of his hands to move some of your hair from your face, not once looking away from you.
“I didn’t mean it, you know. Looking into your eyes was one of the best things I could have done.”
He smiles, feeling the happiest he has ever been, before leaning back in to kiss you, already missing the feeling of your lips against his.
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c-is-for-circinate · 2 months
MCU Rewatch #3: THOR (2011)
General Impressions: I'm allowed to like this one for reasons unrelated to objective quality! I'm also allowed to dislike it for same!
Thor does a good job at a bunch of things. It manages to really succinctly outline what Asgard's deal is, who the major players are, and how this complete fantasy world works, while remaining in the context of a two-hour movie that mostly doesn't even take place there. It's very funny in places! It's not at all a deep movie, but it's entertaining and fantastical and that's fun. This is -- and was! -- the perfect movie to watch in a cold movie theater during a hot summer, munching popcorn and explosions, and that's a perfectly valid thing to be.
Anyway, for me the best parts and the worst parts of this movie were the same, ie Loki. We'll get there -- he was by far the most complex part of this really quite simple film, and that has its plusses and minuses!
All in all, there's nothing wrong with a simple film, and for the most part that's what I'll say about Thor: it was a simple film with good fight scenes, and nothing much was wrong with it.
OH. Except the sound balancing/editing. That was absolutely criminal and whoever was in charge of sound design for this movie should be shot, not just for their crimes here but for the many years of emulation to come.
The Hero: Like the movie, simple but endearing, with a genuine heart.
Thor is definitely not as compelling as Tony Stark, but he's likeable, and his emotional arc is definitely both present and the most genuine part of this movie. In a lot of ways, what we see here is that Thor is a big kid. He makes decisions without thinking about consequences. He does not bother to try and read a room. He's arrogant in a way that reflects his position, but he's also arrogant in a way that suggests he hasn't considered his position -- having his powers, hammer, and home taken away from him is a shock because he's never thought about the fact that he had them in the first place. Getting sent to Earth is more or less a boy being grounded by his father to try and teach him responsibility. Thor is almost a coming-of-age movie, except that it never quite feels like Thor actually gets there -- he's better, by the end, but not quite a man standing on his own two feet just yet. Breaking the Bifrost is a sacrifice on his part, not a decision carrying the weight of the responsibilities Thor will have as an adult and future king.
That said, I really enjoyed the sincerity of his confusion and grief over being told Odin was dead. He's a hurt little kid, asking his brother if please, can I go home. The scene with Selvig in the bar is one of the best in the movie, with Thor admitting vulnerability and doubt and regret over how he left things with his father. (And again, telling that all of these are feelings about his dad, with a man old enough to be a dad/granddad, and that's the energy Thor needs to lean on right now -- Selvig, not Jane, gets Thor's emotional breakthrough moments, because Thor is a tall handsome child who hasn't grown past needing a parent.)
Also, I vaguely remember some fan back-and-forth about whether Thor is kind of dumb, or very smart but trolling, or very smart and just ignorant of local customs. Upon rewatch, Thor may or may not be smart, but he doesn't particularly care. He does shit on Earth because he doesn't care enough to pay attention to whether it's appropriate. Nobody else is smashing coffee mugs, and the diner is totally lacking in raucous celebratory energy, but Thor wants to be raucous and celebrate, so he's going to do so whether it's appropriate or not. Doesn't matter that he's been driven around in cars his whole time on Earth, he doesn't spend thirty seconds to think about what might be appropriate travel, he's going to make assumptions. This is more of that self-centered teenager logic, where he doesn't bother to try and think about the existence of points of view outside his own.
The Villain: If I end up having Loki Feels by the end of this marathon I'm going to stab something. I refuse.
Anyway, Loki was the most complex part of this really quite simple film, which has good and bad sides! I can and will be objective about how well/poorly that complexity was rendered, but sitting here thirteen years after this movie came out, I can admit it: I really fucking hate the Evil Adopted Kid trope. It's a shitty trope and I don't like it, for personal reasons, and that is always going to color my experience with Loki in any movie where he shows up
That aside, Loki's actual motivations and plans in this movie were baffling and kind of a mess. The problem is that Loki is a complex character, with a lot of doubts, full of love and jealousy and insecurity and pride, but we very rarely get to see him from the inside. It feels like the movie was really invested in surprising people with the end twist of Loki killing Laufey in front of Odin, revealing that actually he was on Asgard's side all along! and does not hate his family! So therefore, for the movie before that, we had to be witness to everyone else's doubts about him and only seeing his actions from the outside, to keep that a surprise. I can see how it'd be effective on a first watch, when the suspense of 'what is this guy going to do and what side is he on?' can pull a viewer through the movie. On a rewatch, knowing what Loki's ultimate deal is, it just feels confusing and inconsistent. What exactly was your plan for when your dad woke up, Loki? Did you actually intend to leave Thor on Earth forever? Were you or were you not actually hoping to kill your brother? What the fuck was your endgame here?
I think there is probably a very interesting story here where Loki's plans seem muddled because he's muddled, awash with emotions and doubts and the inner conflict between love of his brother, twisting jealousy, the objective truth that Thor would be a terrible king, and the fact that Loki, like Thor, is also still very much a grown-up kid. He's making dumb decisions by the seat of his pants and his motivations are contradictory and messy. That tracks, with what we see, but we don't get to see that because this movie is too invested in its twist and its simplicity. Allowing Loki the time and space to be this complicated would steal the entire show from his simpler, genuine brother, and because the movie itself wanted to be simple and straightforward, there wasn't room to hold the layers of its complicated villain. No wonder the Tumblr girlies went wild for him.
The Ensemble: Weak romantic lead with an A+ comic sidekick, hobbled by needing to run two casts at once.
I think this is where we really see Thor suffer from the problem of having to establish two casts at the same time. The New Mexico side of the equation, Jane and Selvig and Darcy, simply doesn't get time for character development. We know next to nothing about Jane, except that she cares about her research and once dated a doctor. Why this research? How did she get into it? How long has she been in New Mexico? What university does she even work for??? It's true that we don't get a lot of details about, say, Pepper's backstory, but it doesn't matter because we understand from the very beginning how she fits into her life and also Tony's life. Jane is a brief three-day whirlwind in Thor's existence, and that's not enough time for him or us to understand who she is or why we should love her. It feels like the movie went through the motions of having a Lady Love Interest, and it doesn't work out great.
Darcy and Selvig actually fare better, simply because there's less need for them to be more than they are. All we know about Darcy is that she's a polisci major who's working a summer internship way outside of her field, but we don't need to know more -- she's there to be fucking hilarious and indeed she is. Selvig is there to help facilitate Jane's choices and Thor's emotional development, and he does his job well.
The Asgardians have a similar problem. Thor's four friends are basically interchangeable (Sif's only notable distinction being that she's a girl). Thor's mom...shows up? We get the impression that there's more going on with Odin than we've seen, but I wonder if some of that is just me remembering Ragnarok -- either way, given that Odin is literally in a coma for 3/4 of this movie, it doesn't mean much. Heimdall probably has more characterization than anyone else in Asgard other than Loki, and that is...not a lot.
It's a lot of just not very much, across the board.
The Franchise: We're already seeing the formula start to get built and tested in the moviemaking labs.
It's fascinating watching Thor on screen directly after two back-to-back movies of Tony Stark, because Thor has some of Tony's same growth arc with none of his fascinating complexity. On the surface they've got the same vague sketched outline: careless, self-involved privileged prettyboy must learn to think outside himself and care for others to become a hero. Thor takes that plotline in a very different direction, which means the movie doesn't feel same-y, but a more cynical viewer might wish to speculate about what boardroom or producer's office suggested that the writing team follow that.
I think Thor actually does better about wasting time trying to set up the future of the franchise. We don't spend a ton of time on Coulson and Hawkeye here -- if we watched this movie with no idea who they were or that they were here to set up anything at all, they'd function fine as Generic Government People (with an inexplicable thing for archery). I think the place where the setting-up hits worst, actually, might be with Loki: he needs to be complex and sympathetic enough to be interesting as the main villain of Avengers, but we can't resolve anything about him before that. (Not sure how far they'd planned the plot of Avengers at this point in the production run, but I wouldn't be surprised if they'd already called him as their bad guy.)
Thinking about the big thematic MCU premise of a superhero world without secret identities -- the choice of Thor as our next hero in the franchise, somebody who neither has nor needed a secret identity to begin with, is clever there. They're not going back on the freedom from overworked secret identity bullshit that they've promised, but they're also not stuck making a second movie about the lack of them, which would just end up looking like a retread of IM2. The secrets we do find here are all kept by SHIELD, which is clearly trying to keep superhero stuff in, and just as clearly is not managing it. (Loki also has a secret identity, with his discovery of his Jotunn heritage...hmm, much to think about there for the future.)
We pretty much lose all themes around the military-industrial complex here, and the movie is probably the better for it, considering what a hash IM2 made of the subject.
VERDICT: A breezy, light 6/10
Thor is in every respect a perfectly fine movie. It's simple, it's straightforward, it manages to do a bunch of things and establish a brand new fantasy setting without actually putting much depth into any of them.
I suspect that, as I get further on in this franchise, 'perfectly fine and no great flaws' is going to be the verdict on a lot of these movies, and I'm going to start dropping my number rating lower and lower every time something shows up that's simply fine. For now, with the context of only IM1 and 2, 'does light summer adventure flick competently with some sincerity and doesn't fuck it up' feels like an improvement over IM2's messiness, so that's where I'm rating it.
Except for the sound design. Anyone who thinks their battle sequences need sound effects roughly 800% of a standard dialogue scene should be forced to watch their own movies with the sound on a pair of unremovable headphones set to a flat however-loud-it-needs-to-be-to-hear-people-talking. Perhaps, after the deafness ensues, they will change fucking careers.
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weirdfreakshow · 3 months
Can I just say I love your bully Joel AU? HOLY SHIT the thought of Etho raping him and basically isolating him from everyone because "he's an irredeemable asshole, nobody would want to be close to him ever, right? Etho is the only person willing to talk to him at all" and manipulating Joel to make him dependent on Etho because Etho himself has become addicted.
Joel lashes out and rebells, just for Etho to put him in his place again and again. At first Etho just did it to shut him the fuck up, but goddamn if that brat wasn't the cutest ass he's ever had. At some point he just started manipulating him and making him have sex with Etho whenever (whether he wanted to or not) as a form of "retribution" and it's this fucked up toxic relationship but Etho doesn't care at all. All his friends praise him for always protecting them from Joel's bullying but little do they know Etho is doing something wayyy worse himself behind the scenes.
I also like to think about how Joel would cope. Like at first he'd cry a lot because it hurt like shit, but then why tf is his body reacting like this?? Why is it responding to Etho? Is there really something wrong with him? I imagine it makes him angry and defensive which causes him to get into even more trouble than before, which leads to Etho abusing him more, which leads to even more lashing out, and the loop just spirals until he's either miserable but still entirely dependent on Etho, or he starts liking it and actively seeks punishment (he never stops crying tho, Ethos likes it when he cries anyway).
Anyway can you tell I'm going insane??? Good food.
Oh my goddddd this. this is everything. I still very much cherish the Bully Joel au, it's SO good
And yeah! You got the looping spiral perfectly, that's kind of the drive for the the whole au to keep going and getting worser. Joel gets a bit shaken at first by it, obviously thrown off by being pushed out of his weird power play he had with everyone, being reminded of his place in the world as "prey", but once he recovers from it a bit he goes right back at lashing out. He's violent, mean, annoying. That's what he does! Lash out at everyone!
Add Etho into the mix and it all becomes a mess, because Etho makes him feel small and scared again, and that makes him want to appear scary, makes him be crueler with the pranks and his words, makes him want to occupy more space and let everyone know he's NOT prey, he's just not, he's not the little red riding hood, he's the wolf. Totally! It makes him hate bdubs, he knows he can't hurt Etho but he can hurt his precious "Bubs" instead. But oh well, that just gets him raped again! Joel is so fucking stupid sometimes!
And oh, when he actually is raped, speared on Etho's hard cock. It's just like he's a kid again, scared and shaking but cumming sooo hard all the same. He hates himself so much, what the fuck is wrong with him? He'll catch himself getting hard from having Etho's gross rapist dick down his throat. Slobbering all over it, taking it all in like a little fleshlight even if it bulges his throat a bit. He doesn't know what's worse, keeping his eyes open and having to look at Etho's lustful eyes or closing them and remembering other things that happened in the past. It's like there's no escape. He doesn't get to dissociate because he's just so horny his whole body burns, and a normal person would wish they were home instead of having to face this horrible situation, but Joel knows being there wouldn't be any better, so he braces for it. Tries to fight back sometimes, yes, but it's pointless. He's small and stupid and I guess his body WAS actually just made for being raped.
All their friends praising Etho is just so good. So . fucking . good . Joel knows not to mess with Gem, avoids Bdubs most of the time, doesn't even bother Tango even though he fucking hates that guy too. It's just fun, Etho says it's truly nuthin', its fine. Oh, always so humble, the guy. What a guy.
Joel already doesn't have THAT many friends, or if he did he doesn't seem to hang out so much with them anymore, especially Grian. Ever since he got a boyfriend they kinda broke apart, so getting Joel alone isn't a hard task. Joel usually ends up sitting alone somewhere hidden, like under the bleachers where he goes to smoke his older brother's stolen cigarettes. Hurting him and getting to his little head isn't hard either, after all he's all bark, secretly a sensitive kid inside
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bizlybebo · 2 months
haha i wonder what silly adventure i write out this time!!
bizly: okay so you guys all fuckin, get in marks car, and-
grizzly: what songs he got playing?
charlie: (quick giggle) yeah, is it taylor swift this time?
condi: thank god
will: hey mark i didnt know you liked bad blood!
yakko: ashe is playing his playlist
bizly: yeah, ashe you have the headphones on, its like…
yakko: car seat headrest
bizly: sure, whatever
("hey, space cadet" from car seat headrest starts playing faintly in the background)
bizly: as you guys get in, and your driving there, probably staring out the window
grizzly: dakota is just criss cross apple sauce in the middle, just meddling with his thumbs in his lap
bizly: and as you're staring down at your lap dakota, and out the windows vyncent and william, you cant help but reminise on your first visit here. being led into that lab, fighting what seemed like a hopeless battle, and winning with a cost. the o-
grizzly: dako- oh sorry
bizly: no, no, go ahead
grizzly: dakota is thinking about all those heroes who were waiting outside, the ones who di- couldnt help them, and how he failed to help with the trickster, and he looks up, over to ashe.
bizly: do you say anything to him?
grizzly: no, he just looks at him, the back of his head, not trying to get his attention or anything.
charlie: will glances over at dakota, kinda trying to see what hes thinking.
grizzly: hes thinking about that first time, obviously-
will: dakota? you good buddy?
dakota: uh, yeah. yeah.
will: it couldnt have gone differently, you know.
dakota: yeah.
bizly: you two are having this little talk- condi is vyncent-
condi: vyncents just letting himself think these thoughts
bizly: alright, ashe, you remember, what to you, was the last time you felt really, awake, and like your brain wasnt really malfunctioning or something. and you remember that familiar feeling, that one of losing touch, losing control, of your body, of yourself. you knew in the end, there wasnt a way to fight back against this, this force, and yet you tried, and the reasons you tried your sitting next to in this car.
yakko: can i look over at mark?
bizly: mark is focusing on the road, pretty focused on where hes going. you can tell he has some mixed feelings about this all.
yakko: and the guys in the back?
charlie: will has his arm around dakota, leaning and whispering to him.
grizzly: dakota has this like, pretty serious look on his face. hes quieter then normal as he and wiwi are talking.
condi: vyncents still looking out the window, maybe fiddling with a dagger absent-mindedly.
bizly: as you turn back around, you catch a glimpse of your hand, and in this moment does it truly register that the runes on them are no longer glowing, go-
yakko: to ashe, theyre not gone. he can see the faint lines on his hand of where they were.
bizly: and as your looking at these lines, you feel the car stop.
mark: we're here.
bizly: im assuming you all get out the car?
ashe: what? oh, okay, thanks dad.
mark: im gonna keep an eye on the car, you guys go in there, find what you can
will: we'll try our best
mark: be safe kid.
bizly: he looks at you ashe
ashe: its not easy with this group, but ill try
bizly: and you all head inside, and you get down there- it hasnt been changed from when you guys fought the overlord from what you can tell, nobodys bothered to fix the place up. theres no heroes set up here, no guards or anything, this place has been basically abandoned. its almost-
will: this place feels eerie like this.
bizly: yeah, exactly, as though your walking through the ghosts of the heroes here at this battle, the one that seemed to change everything. and you remember, just how big it felt, how giant the overlord was, how giant it all was. what do you all want to do first?
will: remember when our worst enemy was a crocodile- alligator man?
dakota: if we met him now, i could beat his ass, one hit
will: im sure you could dakota.
condi: vyncent is gonna look at the tubes, like the ones he and dakota got trapped in
bizly: they are completely destroyed, like theres bits of glass everywhere
vyncent: cant believe we were in one of these before, huh kota?
grizzly: yeah i was gonna say, dakota would look over with vyncent.
dakota: i could have broken out of it if i was stronger then.
vyncent: yeah. i dont think the greats appreciated being tubed.
bizly: so you two are gonna look through this area?
condi: yeah, well vyncent will
grizzly: ill help- dakota will look through with vyncent
bizly: alright, we'll get back to that. lets see whats going on with will, will! what we doing?
will (charlie forgot to turn off the will voice): will is gonna just get a general lay of the room for right now
bizly: alright, is that gonna be-
charlie: just what he can see right now
bizly: okay, so looking around, it looks very beat up, its a strange sort of deja vu, and you cant place your finger on it, but the situation makes you feel a bit like your back, in your brothers office-
condi: oh thats sick
bizly: -with alan and xavier and cantrip.
charlie: god….yeah. will just wipes a tear from his eye.
bizly: you do also catch onto a piece of something purple- and dakota youd see this too, its purple, what looks like cloth, stuck onto the glass of one of the tubes.
dakota: hey will, i found something!
will: yeah dakota?
charlie: ill go get a closer look at it.
bizly: so will, you would recognize it to be a piece of a purps suit.
charlie: of course, of fucking course it is-
bizly: and dakota, you would remember this to be a piece of your purp suit, one that got ripped off during your escape.
will: a pur- i thought we got rid of these before-
dakota: it- its mine.
grizzly: hes gonna pick it up and put it in his pocket.
charlie: yeah ill go to looking on the other side of the room then
bizly: alright, and yakko, whats going on with ashe?
yakko: ashe is gonna go for where the trickster first got summoned
bizly: as your walking up to it, that spot in the floor is charred to ashes.
grizzly: hah, like ashe!
yakko: ashe is gonna just, stare at it. remembering it all.
bizly: well, you find something too. as your looking at this burnt tile on the ground, you see a page, which you know is one from your book.
ashe: didnt know one fell out.
yakko: i pick up the page
bizly: you look at it, reading it, and its the page about that demon arm you summoned quite a bit, how you'd try to use it in combat even if it didn't always hit, i think it was pretty safe to say one of your strongest moves
yakko: and it just got left here. i pick it up.
ashe: maybe this time around i can do something a bit better with you.
yakko: and i put it into my pocket
bizly: and as you put it in there, everyone gets this sort of feeling, and you all look up at the crater in the wall. its the one where the overlord was. and as your all looking, a thought crosses your mind: when, did it get so small. when did the issue of the overlord, of even the planet that one time, become such an insignificant thing? what set the change up, to where you stopped being heroes in kid costumes, and became kids in hero costumes.
charlie: can we all like walk closer to it, like meet up over-
bizly: i say you can meet over by it, yeah, sure
grizzly: yeah, lets-
condi: vyncent would probably go closer, why not
vyncent: yknow, the whole reason the trickster came out and everything was because we thought this was where it was gonna end. how silly is that.
ashe: im glad it didnt.
dakota: it made us stronger, yknow, we grew from it! became like, actual heroes and stuff!
will: maybe we shouldnt have. for what its worth, im glad that i got to fight in the ends with you guys.
me, who broke into the studio because im a little rat: and THAT is where we're gonna end the scene
the whole council: kys
the smaller mannerisms and stuff have me half-giggling and half-punching the wall. grizzly saying stuff like “the heroes that di- that couldn’t help them” and charlie being “stuck” in the william voice and the small comment about the greats and like. even the way ashe speaks/yakko talks ooc and bizly shutting down stupid bits. i think we both listen to this shitty podcast too much and are both fucking deranged i’m grabbjng you by the fucking shoulders and shaking you so violently for this
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gabessquishytum · 10 months
Hello! I hope you're well. I've had another idea for the Omegaverse Office AU.
Imagine them ten years into the future. They're so very happy, the kids in school, and Dream is still working and still CEO. Sometimes he brings his quite grown up babies with him - Hob needs to do his own things sometimes - and they do homework in the big conference room and then terrorize the entire office, but nobody says anything, because, you know, they're the boss's kids.
And they're nothing compared to Dream and Hob themselves. Over the past decade, these two have elevated shenanigans in the office to a whole new level or five. They are masters of almost being caught because it gets Dream off like nothing else.
They also use it to further business. The company is now worth more than Dream cares to look up. Hob fucks him prior to important meetings with outsiders so they get to sit in the pheromone-drenched room. Some of them just get flustered, some of them downright bothered, but it's always enough for Dream to get out on top of any deal.
For the hardest cases they book the conference room two hours prior and Hob does him on top of the table, glass walls or not. Dream's other employees learn very quickly to not take that corridor before important meetings. The stains are enough to crack even the most seasoned businesspeople.
Then one day it stops working, and Dream can't quite figure out why. Instead of them being bothered, his meetings all end up with him being treated not like the hardened CEO he is, but rather like he's delicate and could break at any moment. Two of them even congratulate him upon leaving.
It's rather embarrassing, really, that it takes them three weeks and a positive pregnancy test to figure it out.
🦒 Anon
YES I love this!!!! Accidental pregnancy except they're middle aged and already have kids has so much scope to be so cute.
LOVE the idea of Dream weaponising his omeganess against shitty business rivals. And Hob trailing around him like a puppy in love decades after they first met. Fucking in the office is honestly their best option because of having so many kiddos running around at home, needing things and walking in on intimate moments. It's unfortunate because according to Dream, Hob is at his hottest when he's tending to their children. He loves watching Hob pin the kid's art to the fridge and gaze at it like it's the mona lisa. Literally nothing in the world makes Dream hornier than Hob being a dad.
But fucking over the conference table while Dream’s slick drips down onto the carpet? That's pretty fantastic too.
So is it really a shock that Dream gets pregnant? Hmm, not really. Hob may have been a little reckless with the condoms and hey, Dream has occasionally forgotten to take his birth control. So the happy accident is certainly accidental, but... extremely welcomed and not a major surprise.
Being pregnant again is both heaven and hell for Dream. He remembers why he loved it so much the first time around. But he's like 10 years older and Hob’s latest baby inside him is still MASSIVE, and he is. Uncomfortable.
Even so, he can't help but enjoy (even as he clings onto his pregnancy pillow and kicks Hob out of the bed) the renewed closeness between himself and his alpha. His whole family, tbh. There are cuddle piles and movie nights, even a babymoon (just for the weekend, while Death watches the kids).
Dream is very much looking forward to going back to work. But. He wouldn't give up his happy accident for the world. And no doubt he'll be bringing Hob right back to the conference room as soon as he can <3
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