#does it make him feel worse than cheating on marisol did (does?)
fruitydiaz · 4 months
did eddie take kim back to his place after their dinner because. if he did. what did he do with all the pictures of shannon
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shiplessoceans · 5 months
I was baffled by this plot direction with Eddie same as you fam...
But I'm also SO intrigued.
Remember how this season started? WIth Christopher two-timing girls from school and Eddie being like "Oh no who did he get this from?"
Chris is emulating his father.
He got this from Eddie.
Not because he thinks his dad is a cheater, but because Eddie has set an example of how relationships with women work.
In Christophers early childhood his dad was always away and his mum was sad and struggling to cope. Then his dad returned and his mum suddenly left. Then his dad brings his mum back as a Christmas gift and bam, suddenly they're a family now. Not a family again, because they never been a family unit before. Everything should be perfect and yet something still feels off.
We know that while Eddie is ready to settle into married life, Shannon is not.
I personally think that when Shannon turned Eddie down, she did it because she knows that if not for Christopher being born, her and Eddie would never have stayed together. That while they love each other and Chris, they were never IN love and she wanted them both to have a chance at happiness.
Actually, come to think of it.... Holy shit... I don't think Eddie has ever BEEN in love.
Not that we've seen anyway!
He married Shannon because she got pregnant and every relationship he's had since then has been an exercise in Eddie trying to cram a new woman into his life and make her fit, only to panic, retreat or self sabotage when she doesn't. Or worse, when she DOES fit and he realises he doesn't love her.
Christopher has grown up and been there for all of this, and it's informing how he handles relationships with girls. As though they are interchangeable. As a means to fit someone into your life and make them your partner rather than find someone you actually like and who makes you happy.
I don't think this it's a coincidence we are where we are now at this point in the show. We've been building to this all season and it needs to happen because otherwise Eddie is going to keep repeating the same pattern over and over and over again for the rest of his life.
Going for 'safe' people he feels like will fill a hole in his heart while never allowing himself to fall in love so that he can never be hurt when they leave or he loses them.
He doesn't love Marisol. He wasn't in love with any of them. I think he loved Shannon but mostly because she was the mother of his child.
Eddie cheating is just another way this cycle is manifesting itself and once again he's going for a woman not because he's interested in who she is or getting to know her...but because she looks like Shannon.
Thinking maybe he can fix the mistakes of the past and be a different version of himself. This version of Shannon won't leave him and he won't abandon her. This one will stick around and yeah he won't love her but it will fix everything and they'll be a family right?
Eddie may not even be consciously aware that he's doing this.
Eddie needs to blow his life up and break this cycle.
Buck was a sex addict because he couldn't deal with his own self worth issues.
Eddie is a serial monogamist who can't let himself fall in love with anyone for fear of being hurt.
Interesting how their arcs mirror each other huh?
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129 for 🦷!
 He lets Chris talk. 
“I thought you were, like… I thought that me being born was what made you weird.” Chris explains. 
Oh. Oh, fuck.
Eddie shakes his head vigorously, but does not interrupt. 
“Like, maybe… Like, maybe if I hadn’t you and mom would be fine, and she’d be alive, and… And you wouldn’t have to do stupid things like cheat on Marisol with her clone.”
“Christopher…” Eddie starts, but his throat is too tight. No. No, none of that is right at all. 
“But then…” Christopher takes a deep breath. “But then my mouth hurt and they told me that it was stress and going to church would fix it, but I need surgery.”
Eddie feels frozen. He feels terrified. This feels wrong. He doesn’t want to hear that they made Chris feel even a fraction of the way he felt, growing up. He thinks he will shatter like glass. How could he have fucked up so badly that Chris ended up in the exact worst place for him to be?
“And,” Chris continues. “And… And when I wanted to actually talk to them about why I was upset, Grandma… She kept saying no wonder I was so unhappy, because Mom ‘did such a number’ on both of us.” 
“No,” Eddie shakes his head again. “No, no, no.”
“So…” Chris sighs. “So I was mad at you. And I was mad at Mom. And I was really mad at me.”:
Eddie could puke.
“And it was like they were trying to make it worse,” Chris says quietly. 
“Make it worse?” Eddie asks.
Chris nods. “Like they didn’t want me to feel better. They wanted me to be mad at you and Mom. But being mad at you just made me more mad at me, because…”
Because he thinks he screwed up Eddie’s life.
“Could they have done that to you too, Dad?” Chris asks nervously.
“Do what, buddy?” Eddie asks. 
“Made you feel worse and worse instead of trying to help you feel better,” Chris says. 
Eddie swallows, throat aching with unexpressed emotion. He’s talked a lot about it in therapy, actually. The ways they did that to him. Not just showing up on his doorstep during one of the worst moment of his life, telling him needed help, taking his son, and offering him no help at all. No. It started long, long before then.
Maybe it started before he even remembers, but he can certainly say it started at least with this. Telling him he was too close with his male friends, that he needed to grow up and think about how it looked, or girls would never be interested; and then they couldn’t stand the girl who was interested. That she wasn’t good enough for him, but that sleeping with her ruined her and what was he thinking? That he needed to man up, do right by her, marry her and enlist, and don’t worry, they’ll help take care of the baby, only to use his absence as an excuse for why they should take custody of Christopher, to call him a stranger in his son’s life. On and on and on. The war messed him up and they didn’t like how he had changed; he needed to get his act together to provide for his son. He needed a solid career plan; no, not that one. A boy needs a mother; why would he ever consider forgiving her? 
It never ended. Eddie could never win. The constant stream of expectations and criticism had crushed him since long before Shannon and Christopher. Maybe part of why Eddie loved being a father far more than he had ever liked being a son or a husband, was that Christopher’s needs were so clear, and his love came so easily. For so long, Eddie understood the rules. 
He’s not sure he does anymore. But god knows he’s trying. 
Eddie realizes it’s been close to a minute since Christopher asked his question. He needs to respond. 
“Uh, yeah,” he admits finally. “Yes. There was… A lot of that. They did that to me and to your mom.”
“And Mom?” Chris asks.
Eddie nods. “She relied on them a lot when I was in Afghanistan. They… Well, your grandma especially… They weren’t always kind to her.”
“Or you?” Chris asks.
“Or me,” Eddie admits. “But listen, Chris… Maybe that really did have a big effect on me. Well, not maybe. I know it did. But it was still my responsibility to address it sooner, so it didn’t hurt you, too. And it did. And I’m very sorry.”
“I forgive you,” Chris says. “I don’t think I understood, before I spent that much time with them.” 
Eddie’s chest almost caves in from the force of his relief. 
But it’s not that easy. It could be that easy. To lean into the narrative that his parents are the source of all his problems. To take Christopher’s out, and lay all the blame on them. He’s mad at them right now, rightfully so. It’d be easy. But that’s exactly what they’d do. And while he has a lot to be guilty for, responding to situations like them is not one of them. 
“A lot of it was still just me, though,” Eddie says. “Okay? You have to know that. I did fuck up, Chris. It’s not anyone’s fault but mine. Especially never yours.” 
Chris sighs a little. “Yeah, I know.” 
“And, uh, if you want to talk about that, we can,” Eddie offers. “Because I think we should. At some point.”
Chris twists his mouth. “Maybe later?”
“Okay,” Eddie relents. “Whenever you’re ready.”
He tries not to seem disappointed. It’s not that he’s eager to talk about Kim or Marisol or… Or the other thing he’s been sitting on. He just wants it out in the open, so it’s not sitting like a bomb between them. 
“But Dad?” 
“Yeah?” Eddie asks. 
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kidnappedbycartoons · 3 years
MC X Relationships
So, I know we love to think that after they leave the villa MC and whoever she is coupled up with live happily ever after with no problems at all. Well, maybe I wanted to choose violence, who knows? Anyway, I wanted to say what problems might arise in each relationship.
Bobby X MC:
-Bobby likes to make jokes. That’s not a problem. But he might either A) take the joke too far and not know when to stop and B) not know the appropriate time to make the joke. This could cause some problems for the two, especially if his jokes offend someone close to MC.
-Bobby’s insecurities could cause some tension in the relationship. He might need a lot of reassurance and might even do things he might not be comfortable with to keep MC happy, which could lead to him having some resentment towards her (And yes, I based this off of the open relationship in CMM because the only way I can see Bobby going along with it is to make MC happy).
-He’s a friendly person, so that’s no problem. But as we see in the villa, Bobby tends to do more for his female friends (Cupcakes for Lottie, comforting Priya after ON) than MC. Once again, this isn’t a problem if your MC wouldn’t mind, but if they do, this could lead to a conversation.
Gary X MC:
-He’s a simple guy. No problem if your MC is too, but if they’re a bit more high-maintenance, this could cause a bit of conflict in lifestyles, especially once y’all move in together.
-Reassurance. Once he’s with someone, he assumes that person knows he’s 100%. But if your MC needs some reassurance (Because everyone will at one point in time), they might have to verbalize that because he might not pick up on it.
-Going off of that last part, he doesn’t pick up on hints. You need to be straightforward with him. Not a huge problem, but in a public situation where MC is trying to subtly tell him they want to leave, it could be a tiny one.
-Communication. I guess this one sums up the last two. He has trouble with communication (Lottie, Hannah, MC). When he’s annoyed by something, he leaves. He doesn’t let anyone know where his head is, which every relationship needs work with.
Noah X MC:
-Non-confrontational. We see this in the game, I don’t even need to explain this. He folds. If MC and he are having a disagreement, he’ll fold to let the problem go which does not solve it at all. It’ll only make it worse.
-He’s a huge family man. Nothing wrong if your MC is too, but he clearly loves his little siblings a lot. I can see him offering his little brother a place to stay if he needs it, but this might cause some problems between him and MC. He’d drop everything for them and this could create tension if he and MC have plans.
-He doesn’t pick up on hints. Once again, you need to be straightforward with him. He won’t be able to guess or know where your head is if you don’t make it clear.
Ibrahim X MC:
-Passive-aggressive. We see this on his route a few times. If MC is probably having a bit too much fun, being a little loud, he won’t say anything, but trust and believe, he’ll make a passive-aggressive comment.
-He likes things to be clean. He’s not a messy fellow. Good if your MC isn’t. But let’s say your MC is an….organized mess. He’ll have a problem with that.
-This is solely based on his route. He might cheat. He went from MC to Shannon to Jo and back to MC way too fast without much care for it. I think the reason why he might not be able to keep a relationship for longer than a few weeks might be because he bounces from one to the other too fast. I can definitely see this causing problems after the villa because of the heightened popularity. He and MC will be on a date or something and a fan will approach and openly flirt with him and he’ll flirt back without thinking.
Marisol X MC:
-She’s a smartass. She’s one of those people that think they’re the smartest in the room and make lowkey condescending and judgemental comments about other’s intelligence. Everyone has their dumb moments, but I can see Marisol making these comments when, for example, MC pushes a pull door.
-We see that she likes to make MC jealous during Casa Amor and, to be honest, I can see her doing that outside the villa. This can cause some problems and lead to an argument about loyalty, trust, and respect. 
-She jumps to assumptions. Yes, I based this one off of her psychoanalysis habit that needs to get kicked. Instead of communicating with MC to figure out what might upset them, she’ll jump to conclusions and her actions will be based on that. And nine times out of ten, she’ll be wrong.
Lucas X MC:
-He needs to chill out sometimes. Remember that day, I think it was before the final, where MC had the option to make a funny face, run their fingers through his hair, and that other option? Every option got a frowny face. Like damn. Sometimes MC might want to have fun, but their ideas of fun will be different.
-Honestly, wholeheartedly, I cannot see him wanting to go out with MC if they don’t look “presentable”. If your MC thinks they’re going to walk out in a onesie, you’re going by yourself. If your MC is wearing a pantsuit from Fashion Nova with your makeup done and hair did, he’ll be by your side. If your MC is high-maintenance, no problem. If not, problem.
-He admits this in the villa. He’s a bit of a jealous person. If your MC is a naturally physically affectionate person, they might have to tone it down a bit for him. But I feel it might be a bit much. Like if someone gives MC a hug that goes on for too long in his eyes, he might have a problem with it. He sees a male or if your MC is bi/pan, a female person talking to them, he’ll become a bit more affectionate with them as if to stake his claim. This could bring an issue into their relationship.
Henrik X MC:
-Henrik appreciates honesty and he’s an honest person himself. Though sometimes, this can cause a problem if he’s not tactful with it. Nothing wrong with honesty, but he might accidentally hurt MC’s feelings.
-He doesn’t like movies. This is just a personal thing for me.
-Fashion sense……….not the best. Let’s be real.
Elisa X MC:
-High maintenance to another level. She wants the champagne dripping and the chandeliers blinging. Here’s the thing. It costs money to do that and if MC is money conscious, this could cause some arguments.
-Struggles with accountability. Yes, this is because of the Gossip Sneezer thing. If she feels she did nothing wrong, she’ll refuse to accept it, even when MC hits her with the facts.
-A YouTuber. Nothing against them, some YouTubers do a good job of keeping their private life and public life separate. But I get the feeling that the camera can become the third person in her and MC’s relationship, especially since it started from the villa. Instagram stories, tweets, YouTube videos, vlogs, and if MC is not comfortable with this, could lead to problems.
Yes. There are positives to the relationship. I can make a post about that. In fact, I think I will. I just wanted to do this first. Don’t hate me.
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codename-mango · 4 years
Clarice's Story - Season 2
I recently finished Clarice's canon route in Season 2, and I'm currently replaying Season 3 to give myself a refresher on Seb and nail down the details of Clarice's story in that Season. So this will have a Part 2, but I want to write out the decisions made that ultimately led to The Least Satisfying Ending of Season 2™, and the reasons behind them that are informed by her past and personality. I know I care more about this than literally anyone, but I'm doing it anyway. So let's get started!
Before the Villa
Raised by Ursula, a famous actress with Antisocial Personality Disorder. She was very loving to Clarice, but wanted her to grow a hard shell like she did.
Ursula gets a participation trophy in parenting for trying her best, but alas, Clarice has severe anxiety that she can't properly express.
Didn't have any friends before going on the show.
Clarice applied for the show with the hope of finding someone nice, though she had very low expectations. She expected all the girls (and fans) to hate her because she went in planning to be ruthless. She was very aware that her mother will be watching, and wanted to make her proud.
Day 1
Friendly to Hope right off the bat - No reason not to be, right?
"I need to look after Number 1." - Clarice isn't underhanded. She tries to be as honest as possible, and this is no exception. The girls need to know where she stands.
"I'm more the quiet and mysterious type." - Outside the Villa, Clarice is much more reserved due to her upbringing.
Picked Noah - He's handsome and doesn't try some cheesy line right off the bat.
Objected to Hope picking him immediately - First day and she's already been screwed over. Her pride is hurt, and she's not going to take this lying down.
Thought Bobby was nice, but there was blatantly no sparks there. He didn't even step forward. She gave him no illusions that she's interested, and flirted with Noah and the other boys at every opportunity. Prioritized grafting over making friends.
However, she welcomed Priya and condemned Lottie for being unnecessarily nasty.
Clarice didn't make any outright enemies except Hope for stealing Noah.
Participated in Lottie's celebration of the Moon - Strategically important to be civil with the girls of course
Day 2
Stayed friendly with Priya, and tried to be with Lottie
Confronted Priya for stealing Bobby - Yeah, she didn't like Bobby herself, but this was the second time she'd had her partner stolen. She was angry and embarrassed.
Day 3
Helped Hannah during breakfast and encouraged her to toughen up - This isn't Friend Island.
Told Rocco to pick her - It wasn't enough to steal Bobby back. She didn't even like him. But there was no chance of getting Noah back from Hope. Rocco was her real second choice on Day 1, and taking him helps her save face.
Told Hannah that Gary won't choose her - She thinks Hannah is totally naive, but has been friendly thus far and respected her couple.
Day 4
"If there's no spark, you've got problems."
Insisted Gary apologizes to Marisol
Grinded on Noah during the Slime Challenge - She's not sure if she's actually interested in him yet, or if she's just trying to piss off Hope.
Spoke up for Priya doing the same thing, and ignores Lottie
Tried to keep the peace between Lottie and Priya, and helps them resolve the issue - It's easier to live in the Villa without needless drama. Clarice's anxiety is hiked up enough as it is.
Day 5
Clarice went down to the pool alone to meet Lucas and Henrik - Why wouldn't she?
While she never cheated on Rocco, she did connect with Lucas like she never had with anyone before. She found him charming and kind and admired his humility despite his obviously posh background.
She definitely suspected Marisol and Rocco having a thing, but hoped he would talk to her about it before acting on it.
Day 6
Clarice was furious about Rocco kissing Marisol during the Kiss and Tell challenge.
She confronted Marisol afterwards, but wasn't aggressive about it. Marisol was by far the girl she's closest to in the Villa at that point. Despite feeling hurt, she wasn't about to ruin the start of a genuine friendship over a man.
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Day 7
Worked with Lottie to ice out Rocco, but does agree to speak with him privately.
She was honest about why the girls were upset with him, and unleashed a bit of fury upon him.
Helped Noah win Mr. Love Island - She started to genuinely connect with him and found him very sweet, even though she thought his devotion to Hope was over the top and completely irrational.
Day 8
Extremely worried about the Mean Tweets challenge. She's had more than her fair share of Mean Tweets outside the Villa. She was worried how she came across to the public. She was even worried the producers would throw in one of her mother's.
Oh yeah, Ursula livetweets every episode.
If I had to include one of her tweets in the challenge, it would be:
"It's like Bobby isn't even trying"
She hated that Lucas went home. He was the one person besides Noah that she could see herself having feelings for.
Day 9
Confused by why Lottie wants to get with Gary, but doesn't say anything discouraging. Agrees to not pick him at the next recoupling.
Picked Noah to go on the date - They turn out to have great chemistry, and Clarice was even hopeful that she might be able to choose him at the recoupling.
Clarice fell back on picking Henrik after Hope chose Noah. She didn't see herself with any of the other OG guys.
Day 10
Clarice agreed to work with Priya on Operation Nope - She wanted to be with Noah, and this was the perfect opportunity to really crack on with him. Obviously she knew that Priya fancied him too, but may the best woman win, right?
She didn't tell anyone about ON.
She actually related to Hope acting snappy out of fear, but Hope's insistence on focusing on her rubbed Clarice the wrong way. She tried finding a common ground, and Hope ignored the gesture. She used that as (very poor) justification for...
Clarice kissed Noah. She knew they were having a moment, and went for it. She regretted it after he panicked and left.
Clarice dodged Chelsea's first hug - Why would she want a total stranger touching her without asking?? Though she sort of regrets it in hindsight, because of how close they are now.
"So he's just going to pretend he's innocent then?"
Day 11
She downplayed the severity of Lottie's kiss with Gary - "Hannah only knew him for 3 days." Besides, she's not a hypocrite who would condemn someone else for doing the same thing she did.
Said no to helping Bobby and Marisol resolve the conflicts in the Villa - She didn't trust herself to not make things worse. If things get better, then they'll get better on their own.
Brought Hope the hot chocolate - She knew she was one of the biggest reasons Hope was miserable. They didn't get along, but Clarice never did any of it to hurt Hope. That being said...
She refused to apologize - That's not the kind of woman Ursula raised. She needed to remind herself that she is her Number 1 priority.
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Clarice barely interacted with Jakub. He was never her type.
She did apologize to Henrik. She had an obligation to communicate her feelings to him, and didn't. So she apologized. She told him that she fancied Noah and wanted to pursue him, and they broke up.
Bobby was the one to come comfort her and start grafting. She shut it down pretty quickly.
After Marisol asked about it, Clarice told the truth and that she wasn't interested in him. Marisol asked who she is interested in, and she told her Ibrahim just to put a stop to the conversation.
Day 12
Clarice eavesdropped on Noah's conversation with Priya. She was so excited that Noah said he had feelings for her, and that it was all worth it.
No secret of Clarice's was exposed during the Down in Dirt challenge. But if Henrik had opened hers despite her insistence not to, it would've read:
"Clarice was once escorted out of her own great-aunt's pub."
Clarice insisted Priya apologize and make peace with Hope, but refused to back down herself after it came out that Noah wanted to pick her.
"Priya stirring the pot and getting away with it. Can't say I disapprove."
Day 13
Clarice ate the whole cake. Canonically. I don't care, it's one of my favorite parts of the game.
Clarice coupled up with Noah at the Disaster Recoupling.
She was so excited to finally be coupled up with him. She savored every kiss and every touch. That was it for her.
Day 14
Said goodbye to Noah before sneaking off to Casa Amor
The only guy who caught her interest was Kassam, but he clearly wasn't interested, so she never acted on it.
Arjun was basically the leftovers from the other girls, and he seemed like he would be respectful of her space, so Clarice ended up with Arjun for the entirety of Casa Amor. (Even though he didn't give her nearly enough space for her liking.)
Day 15
Clarice didn't volunteer for any extra Villa vs. Villa challenges.
Clarice insisted on remaining loyal to Noah throughout CA.
She enjoyed getting closer to the girls, but was otherwise very reserved.
Day 16
Clarice indulged in Lottie's tea reading, but refused to believe it.
Clarice was shocked by the video the girls received, but still refused to believe Noah would go and sleep with another girl. He wouldn't do that to Hope, and he wouldn't do that to her.
She tried to comfort Hope the rest of the time there. Hope was obviously still upset about the Disaster Recoupling, but she appreciated that Clarice had remained loyal during CA.
Day 17
Clarice spent breakfast with Kassam. She really enjoyed it.
Clarice stuck with Noah.
Day 18
Obviously, Clarice was hurt by Noah bringing back Blake.
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Ursula had this to say about Blake's "trying so hard" comment:
"The cheek of this one. Good luck with your career after this, babe."
Looking back, she regards it as karma. Something she deserved.
She didn't really know how to handle it. She kept her distance from Blake as much as possible.
Agreed with Shannon that you get what you deserve in the Villa - She thinks about this conversation often, especially after how she finished the season.
Helped the girls figure out what happened while they were away, and sort of regretted it after...
Noah went back to Hope. Clarice's grievances were ignored and criticized. She was frustrated and hurt.
Clarice saved Elijah from the dumping. She thought maybe she could start to move on from Noah with him.
She said goodbye to Priya, and sort of hated Bobby for letting her be sent home.
She had her first anxiety attack at the Villa that night. Gary and Chelsea were the only ones who knew about it, because they were the ones who stayed up with her until she calmed down.
Day 19
Confided in Chelsea and Shannon that she wished she could've been with Noah
Rather than Shannon teaching her how to read body language, Clarice challenged her to another game of 2 Truths 1 Lie, claiming Ursula raised a perfect liar. (She lost. But Shannon said she should try poker.)
Day 20
Scrambled eggs! It was the only kind Ursula could ever make.
Clarice was nervous about the arrival of Elisa and Jo. Although Jo seemed friendly enough, and Elisa was someone she briefly worked with before.
Didn't agree to talk to Ibrahim for Shannon after the double dates - Shannon needed to talk to him herself. And if he lies, why waste your time with him?
Insisted that Jo be given some space; Defended Chelsea while disagreeing with her actions
Day 21
Had to take multiple breaks from the girls day out - Good lord the fighting was exhausting and nerve-wracking
Helped Hope untangle the mess
Laughed out loud when Jo called her a people pleaser - "I might just be adopted then!"
"A people pleaser! Good on you, love!"
Legitimately almost cried when Chelsea called her amazing??? And when Hope praised her for taking the high road??? She might actually be a good person????
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Got the girls to all make up
Cooked 🌟creamy garlic pasta🌟 for the group with Elijah
Started thinking she might have a chance with Noah again
Day 22
Asked Elijah to choose her at the Recoupling - Gave no promises that they'd be the next epic love story
Pining for Noah...
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Day 23
Agreed to help Rahim ask Jo to be his girlfriend - Mainly for Noah's sake, because they're best friends
Went shopping with Elijah - Got Jo's nachos, chocolate, and blanked Elijah's flirtations
First pillow fort!
Grinded on Noah's lap during the Heartrate Challenge, then went to Elijah
Went to bed early
Day 24
Excited and relieved to have Lucas back!
Hugged Hannah upon her arrival - Overall, she was proud of Hannah for coming back more willing to get what she wanted.
Named the spider Todd
Reassured Lottie about Hannah
Clarice reassured Elijah after her date, but went up to the terrace and kissed Lucas.
Later at the party, she went back and slept with him. - After he came back, she thought maybe she was finally over Noah. She can be with Lucas and finally be happy in a couple. And she definitely rushed it.
Day 25
She told Elijah everything, and she felt horrible that he was more into her than she was into him.
Confessed to the girls after
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Obviously bombed the Happily Ever After challenge
Clarice was left to couple up with Lucas.
Day 26
She was noticeably distant from Lucas - She wrote it off as guilt for cheating with him, though she was still happy to be coupled up with him.
Lottie's snide comments about her cheating made her distance herself from Lottie too.
Became Bra Sisters with Chelsea! And made up a handshake!
Lost the Couple Trouble challenge, so she and Lucas didn't go on the date in the Hideaway
Talking to Gary about his body image and therapy inspired her to go to therapy herself once the show was over. She really related to him when he said this:
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Helped Marisol pack - Marisol was still one of her closest friends in the Villa. And she honestly thought it should've been her and Lucas going home.
Day 27
Babies? P A N I C M O D E!!
Clarice does want kids in the future, but doesn't trust herself to not fuck them up.
Very irritated by Lucas's refusal to help with the baby. It stressed her out more than it really needed to, so their unsteady relationship took a hit.
The beach break was a relief. And by the end of it, she was really happy to have made actual friends on the show.
Sent Ibrahim and Jo home - Sure, they're a better couple, but Chelsea is her emotional support bra!
Day 28
Finally got to talk to her mother. She "praised" Clarice for not letting "peer pressure" stop her from getting the guy she really wanted. (It was really a reminder that she still doesn't have him, and she should still go for him. However, what Ursula called peer pressure is what most people consider respecting relationship boundaries.)
Felt awkward talking to Lucas's family
Said no to being his girlfriend at the Final Date - They hadn't been together long enough, and his text conversation with Ursula was fine, but cryptic.
Privately relieved that Noah hadn't asked Hope to be his girlfriend yet
Day 29
Dress shopping was... An experience. She's definitely not unfamiliar with formal wear, but she spent a long time deciding who she should dress for. She ultimately chose a dress she knew Lucas would like.
Hopeless at dancing. She never got any of the steps right.
She tried to be as lighthearted with the speech as possible - She has a hard time opening up, and really, there wasn't many deep feelings to express for him.
Jumped in the pool
Sent Hannah and Elijah home - It was a tough decision, and it came down to Lottie and Gary's relationship being stronger.
Went up to the terrace with Noah, but she decided she was done with him leading her on, struggling to make a decision. She ended it once and for all, as opposed to sleeping with him.
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Day 30
Still reeling from the night before
Helped Chelsea make breakfast - She told Chelsea that she wasn't feeling confident in her couple and their chance of winning.
Clarice and Lucas made it all the way to the end, but Noah and Hope won Love Island.
Lucas acted happy to be with Clarice until they went back to the Villa for the After Party. Then, he dumped her. - Clarice was furious, but she felt as though she absolutely deserved it.
Noah decided it would be best if they stayed away from each other.
Clarice told Hannah about what Lucas did, and Hannah promised to give him hell. That solidified their friendship for after the show.
Clarice pulled Chelsea aside, Chelsea nicked a bottle of champagne for them, and confessed everything to her. Her thing with Noah, his lingering looks, the terrace, Lucas acting for the cameras, everything.
Clarice went home with her mother. And cried almost the entire way to the airport.
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After the Villa
She faced backlash for her actions in the Villa, but the Islanders she befriended came to her defense.
She had a long talk with Hope after everyone had a chance to watch the season back. It was a miracle Hope and Noah won, considering how much of his time with Clarice had been included in episodes. Hope broke up with him shortly after, and she and Clarice started to repair what they could. They agreed that they absolutely would've been friends if Clarice had made different choices. But for now, they're just being civil.
Ursula apologized for all the biting remarks about people in the Villa, except Noah and Lucas.
Clarice managed to keep her from running a full on smear campaign against them.
Clarice started therapy, and even got anti-anxiety medication.
The producers of Love Island offered her a second chance.
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ellastar1980 · 4 years
Charmed end of season wrap up
Season Two thoughts...
That has been some roller coaster. Not even sure I know what the **** is going on, who knows who, what happened to, well take your pick.
Saying that, I can sense a distinct difference in tone for the last few episodes and something like a return logical, organic progression of events.
I want to acknowledge that this season has been subject to some unfortunate circumstances, not least the pandemic that cut it short, but throughout it all I have not had such an uplifting experience as I’ve had on Twitter and Instagram with the amazing people that make it happen. 
From the actors to the writers, wardrobe to visual effects and make-up, it’s clear this production is filled with incredibly talented people who have made this more than another job. They’ve made it, and us watching, feel like family. I know we thank you from the bottom of our hearts and I hope we can return the favour over the coming months.
Each of the characters have had so much to contend with the past season after their lives were turned upside down. Some have been left reeling and coping with their current situations, while others have flourished and stepped up as the events needed.
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In the first season things were as comfortable and everyday for Mel as they were going to get. She was however the first to embrace the idea of being a witch. Season two shows how innate that choice was.
Never one to be happy left behind, she uses her wits to excel. She laps up all the information she can get and takes chances following her gut. Never afraid to put herself out there she’s a driving force, filling the role of eldest even though she’s technically not. 
She still has a fire - it drives her - but is recognising more and more when to step back. It’s not in her nature to do so, with such a high sense of justice. More recently, when Maggie and Ray had their issues, I was impressed that her silence and feeling of powerlessness in this situation led her to stop. It’s devastating to realise there’s nothing you can do. Maggie needed to do it herself.
With her love life, I loved the sweet dynamic with Kat and the powerful connection with Ruby. I have no idea how things would have progressed had Kat still been in the picture but the reveal in 219 felt so compelling, it felt like it needed Ruby. I’m not sure how it will progress or even if Ruby can forgive being drawn back into the Witch world without resenting Mel, that’s something that will be interesting to see.
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I’m astounded at the progress Maggie has made this season. Much like Mel, she adjusted to each situation as needed and took on more responsibility i would have ever expected from a 20 year-old sorority student. Establishing a basis as part of Safe Space was essential and she stepped up to the plate like a champ.
It’s clear from early episodes she resents being seen as powerless and young. This is her growth story, her chance to break free. 
She’s also dealt with her family history instead of hiding. For someone so connected with how others feel, it’s difficult to turn that on yourself. It’s much easier to just make everything seem OK. The only time she could confront Ray was with Mel by her side. It must have been jarring to have to do it on her own but she did, and with that asserted her independence and voice. 
Her relationship with Jordan is truly lovely. Since it’s a deep platonic basis in a shared supernatural situation, the whole scenario doesn’t have a trope. Is he still with his girlfriend? I don’t know but I’m not sure it matters. Nothing that’s happened between them is remotely cheating, Maggie has a support as does Jordan, arguing the question - is this something that qualifies cheating? Having a caring, deep relationship with another woman is not allowed? Maybe if you’re related but... and that is truly sad. 
However it proceeds, I appreciate this time. The moments where he really does look at her in awe. Where she cares about him. Where there’s something there but it’s not what you expect. Were that all relationships as deep.
Her story has so many ways to go but right now, it’s where it needs to be. She has grown from the childish ways to being a force to be reckoned with and I look forward to it.
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The chaos of episode 201 was just the kind of circumstance Macy Vaughn would hate. It’s out of control, vulnerable mayhem where her abilities are useless and where events left her the most unnerved. 
Worry for their Whitelighter, poisoned, her mind violated, her sisters in danger, almost dying, finding a new demon power and finally being under the most pressure to protect the witch world - she had it bad and that was just the first episode.
It didn’t get any better - the pressure got worse, she thought she’d found an ally in a fellow demon/witch hybrid, kidnapped by Darklighter... the list goes on! The ‘love affair’ with Julian was of no comfort since her heart was being twisted up by Abigael’s relentless and VERY predatory pursuit of Harry. Never have I witnessed a more uncomfortable storyline - from the bargaining for sex, the goading, the kneeling... Macy was diminished in every way possible and I’m still trying to figure out why or if there is some satisfying pay-off yet to come? I hope so.
The only bright spark - and seriously, it was very late in the game, - is the burgeoning relationship with Harry that was beautifully set up in season one but had to be ‘adjusted’ for season two. Macy and Harry were lovable dorks. I sincerely hope that comes back in the future - you can be both sexy and dorky.
The only other life line was her first love - science. Her face came alive at the world opened back up to her, so much so Julian received the afterglow. I hope her future effortlessly combines her magic and science just as it did before. 
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I can’t possibly do justice to the incredibly complicated intricacies of Harry, Jimmy and James. Three totally different parts of the same man has left the Whitelighter we know so well questioning his existence and character. I can’t even imagine.
It’s horrific to wake up to the idea that you are not you because you want to be, you are you because others wanted it. How do you begin to discover who you are when all you’ve ever known is what’s been programmed? Would you still be a good person? Would you hurt the ones you love? 
In this case I can more than make peace with his behaviour - it drove poor Helen to the depths of despair. My only frustration is relenting to Abigael - but I will always believe her permeating his mind and subsequent gestures were her attempt to influence him. I will hold onto that even after I’m told otherwise (la la la I can’t hear you what was that no still can’t hear you oh well).
Again his feelings toward Macy has been a saving grace. When questioned about ‘the attic apology’ I felt it would be for not being open with Macy, braving rejection and laying it all out rather than chastising her for not being sure where she stood.  I did look for more there, I have to be honest.
But this might be why he’s considering using Maggie’s power. He’s not himself, and I don’t feel he truly will be until he merges with Jimmy.
Should be part of the family. He’s there for them, he knows all the ins and outs and I NEED a bromance with Harry. That whitelighter needs it so much too... A++
What a delight! I love a quirky and interesting but dynamic cookie. A+
I shall require spirit Marisol in the future. I was promised she would see Macy again and I’m holding her to that. Heartbreaking in 218. A++
Sorry man. Auntie’s lacky left a bad taste when you mentioned she’d already messed in previous relationships and you said NOTHING to her? Went downhill from there so no. D-
Poppy A++, Abigael F-
Who came up in my estimations significantly? Why yes it was you Ray, well done. I’m so interested in the dynamic of Marisol and Ray meeting again, I need it. Add in Dexter and I’ve got the popcorn.  B+
Why, you powerhouse, where did you come from? One episode and I need to know more...  (wishlist: Macy’s demon sister, willing to broker peace with witches to fight human threat.) A+
I do hope we get to check back in with the medium at some point - her abilities were so interesting and her dynamic with Mel so sweet B+
I feel such a need for expansion on her distaste for witchcraft when she so clearly loves to do it. B+
No-one could fail to be devastated by Helen. Incredible. If only it didn’t have to end that way... A++
How complicated can a situation get... abduction is not a good way to communicate young man. D
Aunt Vivienne
Definitely the powerful, evil one... fine for now as the bad guy. C
Sidelined but formidable. I hope he sticks around. B
A nice throwback to S1 that turned so dark. Once he decides which side he is on I’m going to have to insist he commits to it. D
The elders are no more, know your place! Adjust! Work with the Charmed Ones and BE BETTER.  D
I cannot praise the cast enough - I’ve had so many ups and downs but the portrayals of Mel, Macy, Maggie and the double time for Harry and Jimmy, are more than we could have hoped for. I am in awe of all the factors that go into each episode and the traversing of issues dealt with daily to keep it going. 
Thank you so much. Everyone.
I still see so much hope for the future and can’t wait for the final 3 episodes. 
Here’s to Season 3! 
Be safe, be well, be happy.
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msloveisland · 5 years
everyone’s definitely entitled to their own opinions, no hate on that, not attacking anyone for their opinions, just my personal opinion on this view, but it always kind of rubbed me the wrong way seeing people dislike marisol for how she handled the rocco situation yet those same people either a) love and adore lottie and/or priya, b) are noah stans, or c) had their mc’s do a hell of a lot more than just flirt with someone behind their partners’ backs.
i’ll be the first to say that i absolutely love priya and would have instantly done her route had she been an li and still think she’d been a missed opportunity (alongside chelsea) but the whole operation nope thing had been super shady. she deviced an entire plan to “test the reality” of noah and hope’s relationship and it was all just an excuse to graft on noah without seeming like the bad guy. lottie i don’t like whatsoever and it’s not because i’m a gary stan but part of it being that she sticks her nose in everyone’s business, tries to stir the pot, and also made a huge deal about girl code yet kept the kiss between her and gary secret which makes her a huge hypocrite. they’re both two of the shadier girls on the island and yet they’re two of the most adored by the fandom for doing the things that marisol never actually did. and if mc is going down the noah route, she has to do some of the shadiest stuff just to be able to get him at the very end of the game. marisol never made a legitimate move on rocco until the kiss and tell challenge which, honestly, a lot of people used that challenge as an excuse to just kiss whoever they liked so it’s not like they were doing anything anyone else wasn’t.
yes, marisol should’ve just talked to gary and lottie about the fact that she was starting to get feelings for rocco but lottie would have made such a big deal out of the situation and blown it out of proportion even though it was pretty obvious she didn’t care about the guy that much and it would probably have been super awkward talking about that stuff to gary. i definitely think gary goes by unnoticed in the entire rocco situation which is really unfortunate because it all seemed to really effect him and i wish marisol had been more up front with him but i’m glad she didn’t just discard him. she definitely could have dealt with gary a lot worse and have really hurt him if she’d wanted to.
but all of that isn’t really much compared to the fact that mc is usually out there grafting hard behind everyone’s backs, especially if mc is going after gary and has to do all of her grafting during the rocco stuff. there’s a total of seven different times to be able to kiss gary, that including the kiss and tell challenge (both mc and gary’s questions plus the gem scene question), the gem scene by the fire pit, the gem scene at the gym after brunch, the conversation at the kitchen during priya and lottie’s argument, and the date before the recoupling. like, marisol only talked to a guy and didn’t do anything until a challenge and even then didn’t really do anything until after she’d spoken to lottie; mc is allowed to walk around grafting extra hard on other guys and it’s not a big deal.
also, i’m sorry, but the game is called love island, not friendship island. people sign up to find romance and sometimes that means some feelings will get hurt. marisol wasn’t “playing the game” in terms of trying to be in a good couple so that she can win the money, she was playing the game in terms of trying to find love. she had been in two unsuccessful couples and now this guy starts talking to her and she starts to see him in a different light and she’s beginning to be romantically attracted to him and it really shouldn’t be that scandalous. the only reason why it became such a big deal was because lottie was involved, whether it’s because she was butting her nose into mc’s business (if mc was coupled up with rocco at the time) or because she was miffed that rocco was “pie-ing her off” for marisol (even though she didn’t make her attraction to gary subtle and was holding onto the fact that she’d kissed him). they were only a few days in and everyone treated the situation like they were all in official couples and rocco and marisol were cheating on their partners when really they were just doing what the game was meant for (at least marisol was, rocco seems like he could have very well been “playing the game” than “playing” the game). should there have been more open communication? yes, of course. they’re all adults, they should’ve been able to have an open conversation about it. but does marisol trying to follow her heart (not to be corny) and needing to step over a few toes make her a villain? in my opinion, no. there are a lot worse things she could’ve done and she hadn’t done any of those.
like i said, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and you can like or dislike marisol for whatever reason you want, i just personally don’t like that some people dislike her for the rocco stuff and it’s usually hypocritical.
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