#does it all really matter anymore? did anything matter?
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Post It - Part 6 - LN4
when lando stumbles upon a random tiktok of a pretty american influencer, he can't stop himself from sliding into her DMs. what happens next is more than both of them ever bargained for.
warnings/notes: angsty and descriptions of anxiety. swearing. Big giant huge thank you to @lestapiastrisgirl as usual for helping me out with the motivation in this chapter. You’re the bestest 🫶🏻. pairing: lando norris x influencer!reader word count: 4.3k words
|| - Part 1 || - Part 2 || - Part 3 || - Part 4 || - Part 5 ||
*Transcript of sit down interview between McLaren Formula 1 Driver Lando Norris & ESPN Commentator David Croft (“Crofty”) LIVE on ESPN*
Crofty: This year has started out with a lot of pressure on you, more so than years before.
Lando: *grinning* Yeah, it’s a bit nuts isn’t it?
Crofty: Well deserved though, well deserved. After your performance in Abu Dhabi and then the first few races this year, it’s been non-stop pressure.
Lando: It has, but the pressure is a good thing. At least for me it is. It means we’re doing good, the expectations going into this year were high and so far it seems like the team and I are living up to them.
Crofty: I’d say so. A win in Australia, Japan, and last time out in Saudi Arabia. For someone who just got their first win in Formula 1 last year, that’s a lot of success real quick.
Lando: The team worked hard, I worked hard, we all deserve the rewards of it.
Crofty: How has it been personally? You look like a different person compared to last year. A lot more confident, more relaxed. Are you doing anything different this year?
Lando: I mean, coming off the Constructors win last year was a huge boost to my confidence. I’ve got a lot of good people in my corner and I’m focusing on finding time between races to really center myself and make sure I tune out the noise.
Crofty: Tuning out the noise. What does that look like?
Lando: I’ve been using those off-weeks when I’m not in Woking to disconnect. My girlfriend and I spent the week before the Japan GP in Osaka. We just totally unplugged from everything. It was really nice.
Crofty: (smirks because he *knows* he’s got a viral clip on his hands.) And then you went and won that race?
Lando: *nods, small smile on his lips* I did.
When Lando finishes his interview with Crofty ahead of the Miami GP in May, the first thing he sees is his press officer looking like she swallowed a lemon.
“Everything okay, Corinne?” He asks, following her towards McLaren’s hospitality where they have some more content to film later that afternoon.
“Next time you confirm the fact that you have a girlfriend to Crofty on Live TV, could you at least give me some warning?” She snaps back, fingers flying furiously over the keyboard of her iPhone.
Lando stops in his tracks, starting after his press officer as she continues to speed walk through the sweltering Miami heat. “I did what?” He chokes, suddenly terrified to open his phone.
Corinne stops, finally noticing her charge isn’t beside her anymore, trowing him a ‘are you kidding me’ look. “‘My girlfriend and I spent the week before the Japan GP in Osaka’” She mimics. “Does that ring a bell, Norris?”
Despite the humidity, Lando breaks out in a cold sweat. You probably hadn’t seen the interview yet, you were flying into Miami from Boston right now and as far as he knew you hadn’t landed. “Oh God,” He groans. “She’s going to kill me.”
Corinne looks up at him, taking a momentary break from monitoring the comments on McLaren’s latest post. ESPN hadn’t posted the clip but she was certain once someone registered what Lando had said, it would be up on all platforms. Twitter was starting to chatter about it now though, so it was only a matter of time before it broke elsewhere.
“That’s a bit dramatic, don’t you think? You two have been begging people to gossip about you since she showed up at the track with you in China. Much to my dismay, might I add.”
That was true, Lando supposed. The Japan trip had been a turning point, with both of you freely and brazenly including the other in your own social media. Nothing had ever been confirmed but it had been obvious and when you both had seen the kind of engagement and fun fans were having, you both kind of leaned into it.
So, it wasn’t the fact that he thought you’d want to hide. That wasn’t it at all.
“She’s going to kill me because I haven’t actually asked her to be my girlfriend yet.” He groans before reaching for his phone.
“Lando Norris.” Corinne sighs heavily, shaking her head.
Lando trails behind Corrine as he types a quick text to you, ignoring the amount of red bubbles above his Intagram and Twitter icons. That was not a good sign.
*Whatever you do, don’t check any socials before you call me when you land.*
In hindsight, he probably could have led with a different message but in his defense, he was beginning to spiral. Everything had been going so well between you two and he was so scared to rock the boat. You’d been all but confirming your relationship since Japan but you hadn’t ever really hard launched anything. Mostly because you hadn’t discussed it. You knew you were a better person when he was around and he knew that he craved your presence like starved man in the desert. You and Lando were both a bit gun shy when it came down to it though so the serious discussion of what you two meant to each other just hadn’t happened.
As he walks behind Corinne back to hospitality, another wave of panic washes over him. Girlfriend. You two had known each other for less than six months. He knew how he felt and how full send he was prepared to go for you but what if this was too fast for you? What if, while you didn’t want to be hidden or denied, being outed like this so quickly was going to be too much for you? He knew about your anxiety, the pressure you faced, the way you took things to heart just a little bit too much. He knew that because he saw himself do that and recognized it in you instantly.
What if publicly outing you too quickly scared you off?
“Lando, are you okay?” A thick Australian accent yanks Lando out of his spiral. His head snaps up to see Oscar standing in the middle of the second level of the hospitality suite.
He wasn’t even sure how the hell he got up here, to be honest.
Lando groans as he sits down on one of the couches in the open room, watching as Corinne joins some of the other comms staff probably trying to figure out how best to fix his blunder.
Oscar looks around, fairly confused. He’d just woken up from a quick nap ahead of some more media obligations and had no idea what was going on. “What happened now?”
Lando shoots him a look, as if Oscar wasn’t totally aware of his teammates innate ability to put his foot square into his mouth at the most inopportune times. “I resent the fact that you just assume I fucked up.”
Oscar just blinks at him, patiently waiting.
It takes a few moments before Lando huffs, throwing his hands up in the air. “I called her my girlfriend during my interview with Crofty.”
Oscar quirks a brow. “Is she not your girlfriend?” He asks carefully.
“We haven’t talked about it and now she’s going to think I’m a psycho outing our relationship to the public without even discussing it with her first.” Tipping his head against the back of the couch, he closes his eyes. “Relationship? I don’t even know what the fuck we’re doing or if she even wants to be in a relationship.”
“You’ve never talked about it?”
Lando sits with the question for a moment. He was obsessed with you, that was for sure. He craved being around you and was starting to feel like he knew you deeper than anyone else in his life. But beyond the very ‘in the moment’ relationship you two seem to have been developing, there hadn’t been much discussion about the future. About what spending time together now meant for a year from now.
10 years from now.
And now he’s sped up the timeline of having that very scary, very serious discussion all because of his stupid mouth.
A discussion that needed to happen though, to see if you two were on the same page. He knew what he wanted and it was you but you always seemed to shy away from talk of the future, from talk beyond the next few months.
What if you didn’t see a future with him and you were just enjoying the moment with him because you knew it wouldn’t last? What if you didn’t want him for the long haul and what if he had just brought everything delicate and raw to the surface where it didn’t belong?
“Fuck, Osc. I wanted this to be different. I wanted to do things different with her. Better.” He glances up towards his teammate who’s looking at him with soft, understanding eyes. They’d become close over the 2 plus years they’d been teammates and Oscar hated seeing his friend like this. “I wanted to be better for her and here I am, still the same fuck up that can’t watch my mouth and now it’s going to ruin everything. I already got a second chance with her, I don’t think the universe is going to give me a third.”
Miami race weekend was supposed to be a fun weekend. It was supposed to be the first time in two weeks that you’d seen Lando since leaving him after the Bahrain race. It was supposed to be a weekend spent in the face paced world that revolved around this man that smiled at you with stars in his eyes.
But it started off as anything but.
You had stayed up until 3am the night before, attempting to finish editing your most recent travel vlog that followed you from Bahrain to the brand trip in London and then home where you’d been for the last two weeks. Once you had nearly finished you had practically passed out, forgetting to set a second and third alarm like you usually needed to when you pulled a late night. As a result, you had slept through your one and only alarm. Normally it wouldn’t have been a problem because you were psycho about getting to the airport early enough and you usually had plenty of time from when you woke up to the time you had to leave but apparently today was going to be an exception to the rule.
When your third Uber canceled on you, you knew you were in for a difficult travel day. Finally on your fourth try, you had to order a more expensive Uber Black but it got you to the airport just in time. Thankfully, the security line was short enough so you weren’t booking it through the airport at a flat out run, just a light little jog.
And then as soon as you went to pay for your over-priced smoothie and croissant sandwich for breakfast, you realized you had left your debit card at home. Thankfully, you always carried a credit card or two just in case, but it was going to be annoying to have to make that extra step at the end of the month to make sure you paid off the balance of the credit card instead of just using cash.
With the late arrival and card debacle you were able to get to your gate just as boarding was finishing up and you barely made it onto the plane. As soon as you flopped into your window seat in first class, stretching out while looking forward to the sick nap you were about to take to make up for your lack of sleep the night before you realized you had left your headphones at home.
“Oh you have got to be kidding me.” You sigh, feeling the tears prick at the corners of your eyes.
It was almost just too much. The lack of sleep, the forgotten debit card, the fact that you missed Lando so fiercely it was starting to scare you. It all just felt like too much to deal with and suddenly, as you sat in the seat listing to a baby back in economy start to sob violently as the plane pulled away from the gate, you wondered if you really should be going on this trip at all. Because it certainly seemed like the universe was throwing everything it had at you to keep you away from Miami.
In a break from how your day seemed to be going, your flight takes off on time but the flight itself is a drawn out exercise in frustration. The baby’s cries, initially a sharp piercing sound morph into a dull, persistent ache behind your eyes. You had brought a book to read but every time you attempted to start the next chapter, the words just blurred together in a watercolor mess of ink and anger.
Every bump of turbulence, every ding of the seatbelt sign, every offer of assistance from the well-meaning flight attendant pushes you just a bit closer to the edge until you’re ready to scream half way over South Carolina. You were desperate for a glass of some sort of alcohol, longing for the way the drink would dull your senses and lull you into what you knew would be a fitful sleep. But at least it would be sleep.
You didn’t ask for anything though, knowing that the Miami heat you were about to spend the weekend in would not be good mixed with a hangover. Not to mention it was about 11 o’clock in the morning. Getting drunk, even in first class, seemed like a good way to tempt fate and ask for trouble. Besides, you wanted to be fully present when you finally got to see Lando after what felt like an eternity away from him. You didn’t want to extend your streak of bad luck you were experiencing today so instead of dropping off to sleep with the help of some wine, you settled for staring out the window.
Eventually, a few hours into the flight, you try to distract yourself by finishing the last bits of editing your vlog needed before posting it but just the thought of starting at a screen for any length of time makes your head throb even worse. Instead, you’re left with your own thoughts, which spiraled into a vortex of anxieties. You had a habit of creating the most ridiculous worst case scenarios in your mind when you were like this, all worked up and sleep deprived. You should have pulled yourself out of the anxiety spiral but you miss all the signs of where you’re headed until it’s too late.
Thoughts of Lando and how much you miss him and the strange uncertain territory your relationship was at dominate your thoughts. How, despite spending a stupid amount of time with him and getting to know him on a level that you’d never experienced before, you were still uncertain with where you stood with him. Close enough to post each other on your socials, spinning up rumors and speculation but not close enough for him to ask you to be more than…whatever it was you were doing.
By the time the plane began its descent into Miami, your body felt like a tightly wound spring, ready to snap at the slightest provocation. You were exhausted, frustrated, and overwhelmed. The thought of facing whatever awaited you in Miami felt like a challenge you weren’t ready to deal with, even if you had no idea if anything at all was even going to go wrong. You could just feel it in your bones something was going to happen. It was just that kind of day.
You knew, deep down, that you were being dramatic and that everything you’d dealt with today were just a string of minor inconveniences but for whatever reason, they felt like the heaviest things you could carry. It felt like the weight of the world had settled heavy and thick on your shoulders and you tried not to wander into the thinking that maybe this weekend was a mistake.
And then you switched your phone back on as soon as the plane landed and your worst fears were confirmed. An explosion of notifications littering the screen along with an ominous text from Lando: Whatever you do, don’t check any socials before you call me when you land.
Oh fuck.
The doubts that you’d spent the entire flight stewing over resurface all over again, panic washing over you like a tsunami. As you wait for the plane to get to the gate, the scenarios of what could have happened in the brief time you were flying race through your head. You choose not to check social media, wanting to hear the worst of it from Lando himself. You’re certain it’s bad because he didn’t follow it up with anything light hearted like he usually does. No jokes. No silly memes. Nothing. Just ‘call me when you land’.
Maybe he’d been caught cheating on you. But was it cheating if you’d never actually had a conversation about what you were to each other? Probably not but you knew it would still hurt like hell. You hoped it wasn’t with Allegra, although she had been spotted in Saudi Arabia. Lando had never mentioned her though so…
Maybe he’d been photographed with a different girl all together. Maybe he was bored of you. You’d been accused of being just another bland blond influencer more times than you could count and maybe Lando had finally started to see the same things your critics did. Maybe he’d deleted all of his posts with you because you were bad for his image.
The scenarios flew through your mind, spreading like wildfire as you followed your seat mate off the plane. The airport was busy, with people arriving for the race weekend already and the typical crowds that Miami attracted combining together to create an unusually busy terminal. You didn’t want to do this here though. Not in the middle of an airport. You refused to cry in public and you just knew that that’s exactly what was coming.
It takes you nearly half an hour before you’re able to find a quiet corner tucked away from the hustle and bustle of the busy airport. You had to do this now before you left just in case you needed to make an emergency trip back to Boston. Which you suspected you’d need to do once you got done speaking with Lando.
How had it gone so bad so quickly? You were just thinking about how much you missed him. How you wanted to talk to him later tonight about what you two were doing, what you meant to him and how much he was beginning to mean to you. And here you were, about to get dumped before you were even official.
Tapping his contact info in your phone, you decide it’s time to face the music.
Lando picks up after one ring.
“Hi baby.” His voice is shaky when he answers, thick with nerves.
Here it comes, you think, leaning against the cool stone wall of the alcove you’ve tucked yourself into, hoping it gives you some privacy when he drops the news of whatever’s happened.
“Hi Lan.” You breathe, voice equally as shaky. “So…what happened?”
“Fuck. I’m so sorry baby but…” His voice drops away and you squeeze your eyes shut, fingers gripping at the handle of your tote bag. “I slipped up in my interview with Crofty about an hour ago and called you my girlfriend on live tv.”
You swear your heart stops and your stomach drops out of your body.
“What?” You whisper, blinking away tears that have been threatening since you slept through your alarm this morning.
Lando sighs heavily, “I know. I’m so sorry, my love. I really am. It wasn’t intentional, I swear. I guess I’ve been calling you my girlfriend in my head for so long, it just kind of slipped out. I didn’t even realize what I’d said until Corinne pointed it out ”
He is totally spiraling, you realize. Just like you are but for a totally different reason. “Lan…” You start but he interrupts you before you can even get his name out of his mouth.
“I know, I know! I fucked up. I am so sorry, baby. So fucking sorry. I’ve been working so hard the last few months to think before I open my mouth but Crofty was asking how I’m handling the pressure this year and it just…came out. Talking about you and how you’re helping me deal. It just felt natural, calling you my girlfriend. I didn’t even blink. And now you’re probably freaking out because we haven’t even discussed what we mean to each other and I just went ahead like a bull in a china shop.” Lando drags in a shaky breath on the other line and you tip your head back against the wall.
“Lando…” You try to interrupt but he’s on a roll.
“I wanted to do this right. I wanted to tell you how you make me want to be a better person, how your presence calms the noise in my head and how when I’m around you I feel like I can breathe. How the last two weeks without you have been fucking shit because I can’t seem to sleep without you next to me. But instead, I had to open my fucking mouth to Crofty and ruin everything…”
The genuine panic in his voice tugs at your heart. Here you were worrying that he was about to break up with you, to confess he’d been hooking up with other girls while you’d been in Boston but he had just simply outed your relationship to the press? You can hear the genuine panic in his voice, the fear that he’s ruined everything. Lando is so convinced you’re going to be furious, that you’re going to reject him, that he’s tripping over his words trying to explain himself and confessing things he probably didn’t mean to.
Suddenly, something unexpected happens.
You start to laugh.
It bubbles up from deep within you. It’s a wave of relief and amusement that washes over you. All of the tension, the anxiety, the fear of being rejected you’d been spiraling over for the last however many hours just dissipates in a burst of laughter.
“You’re…laughing?” Lando asks, confusion clawing at his voice. “But…I thought you’d be mad.”
“Mad?” You repeat, still chuckling. “Lando, I’ve had the absolute worst day today and then I get that text from you? I’ve been picturing every worst-case scenario imaginable for the past hour. I thought you’d been caught with another girl or you’d decided you didn’t want me or…I don’t know, something equally as dramatic. Calling me your girlfriend on live TV? That’s tame compared to where my brain was going.”
“Cheating?” Lando scoffs, relief flooding his entire body as he listens to you chuckle. “Jesus Christ, baby, I’m obsessed with you. You should know that by now.” He pauses, dragging in a breath. “So, you’re not mad?”
“Not even a little bit.” You say, your laughter subsiding finally, a smile playing on your lips. “In fact, I think it’s kind of sweet. Also a unique way to finally hard launch. How mad is Corinne?”
Now it’s Lando’s turn to laugh. “Oh she was pissed at me but I think she’s happy she’ll finally get to stop seeing the comments asking the official McLaren account if we’re actually dating or not.”
“I’m going to get some wine and chocolate for the entire comms team on my way to the track for what they put up with from us.” You murmur, standing up to stretch out your aching muscles. Mood lightened, you start towards baggage claim so you can attempt to find an Uber to get to the hotel.
Lando chuckles, “Are you still at the airport?”
You hum, “I hid myself in an alcove because I didn’t want to cry when you dumped me before we were even official.”
Lando groans, “I’m so sorry. That text probably wasn’t the best thing to lead with, was it?”
You can’t help the laugh that escapes your lips. “No, lets add that to the list of things not to start off a conversation with.”
“Done.” Lando chuckles. “Now can you please go find the driver I sent for you and get your ass to the track? I really fucking miss you.”
Your eyes soften as you walk through the final doors of the terminal where the baggage claim was along with the hired drivers. “You sent a driver for me?”
“Of course I did. He’ll get you to the paddock and then take your bags to the hotel. I booked you your own room but you if you want you can stay with me this weekend…”
Something warms deep in your belly as you spot the man dressed in black holding a sign with your name written on it. “Cancel the other room, Lan. I want to stay with you this weekend.”
You can practically hear Lando’s shoulders sag in relief. “Okay. Now please hurry to the track, I’m 2 weeks behind in kisses.”
“You’re ridiculous.” You chuckle as you approach the driver Lando sent for you.
“Ridiculously obsessed with you.” He quips.
“Okay, I’m hanging up now.” You roll your eyes, but smile despite how cheesy his line was.
“See you soon, my love!” Lando shouts before you end the call, smile on your lips and an extra bit of kick in your step as you follow the driver towards the car.
lando posted

lando oops. secrets outtt yourusername STRAIGHT to jail for that second one >>>lando but you're so cute, pretty girl ❤️ >>>yourusername unfair use of my favorite nickname, 5 second time penalty. >>>lando i'm taking this to the stewards >>>yourusername ok, george russel >>>user938 now this is the content we've been BEGGING for >>>user223 oh she is going to be a PROBLEM. I love it. user109 SECRET??? boy bye. you two were the worst kept secret on the internet. User238 anyone got eyes on Allegra??? 👀 👀👀
yourusername posted

yourusername can confirm ☺️ lando god DAMN your boyfriend is a lucky man >>>yourusername ikr??? user928 girl is out here living the DREAM >>>user029 nah, lando's the lucky one. out here waking up to HER. (liked by @/lando) user2929 literally the 'cute couple aesthetic' from pinterest user445 the way he just confidently said 'my girlfriend and i'. i've NEVERRRRR seen him act like this before. >>>user202 ik allegra WISHES this was her >>>user445 oh she is somewhere in europe SEETHING rn
its_allegra_babes posted

its_allegra_babes miami for a bit...heard there was a car race going on or something ;) user939 ohhhhhhhh no babes. there is still time to delete this user029 oh. oh no. who's gonna tell her? >>>user299 SHHHH lets see what happens when she finds out herself user002 oh this is going to be messy. user0929 starting a gofundme to send SOMEONE to the paddock this weekend to just...record.
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#lando norris#lando norris smau#lando norris x reader#lando norris x you#lando norris angst#lando norris imagine#lando norris fanfiction#lando norris fanfic#lando norris fluff#lando x reader#f1#formula 1#f1 fanfic#f1 imagine#f1 x reader#ln4#lando x you#formula 1 smau#f1 smau#formula one x reader#f1 fluff#f1 x you
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ᯓ★ bakugou katsuki | no one will save us

It’s been two days since Bakugou and I fought.
Two days of silence—no laughter, no teasing, not even a simple “Have you eaten?” between us.
The only thing that’s happened in the past two days is the fleeting eye contact we immediately break. I don’t know who looks away first—him or me—but one thing I’m sure of is that we both choose this.
I sit quietly by the window in the guest room, watching the rain fall outside. This has become my hiding spot, my escape—so I don’t have to see him, so I don’t have to feel his presence.
But no matter how much I avoid him, I still feel him.
I hear his footsteps outside the room, the soft sound of him walking down the stairs, the door to his room opening and closing—I feel it all.
But him?
I don’t think he feels me anymore.
He was never like this before. He was never the type to ignore me this long. But now? It feels like he doesn’t care anymore.
And what hurts more is that, for the first time, I feel like a guest in this house.
Before, no matter how many days I spent here, I never felt like I didn’t belong. But now, every time we pass by each other in the hallway, I don’t know if I should acknowledge him or just walk past like we’re strangers.
Is this how it’s going to be now?
I want to talk to him. I want to know what’s going on inside his head. But if he won’t even try, why should I?
I’ve had enough.
Taking a deep breath, I stand up and walk straight to his door. I don’t hesitate to knock.
It takes him a few seconds before he opens it. When our eyes meet, I see nothing—no anger, no sadness, no longing.
This isn’t Bakugou.
Not the Bakugou I know.
“Can we talk?” I ask softly.
He doesn’t say anything. He just stares at me for a moment before stepping aside, letting me in.
This room—I’ve been here so many times before. We’ve laughed over stupid things, spent hours talking about everything and nothing. But now, it feels unfamiliar, like I don’t belong here anymore.
He watches me, waiting for me to speak.
I take a deep breath.
“Katsuki, I can’t do this anymore.”
I see his throat bob as he swallows, his brows furrowing slightly.
“What do you mean?”
I close my eyes for a second before looking at him again.
He stays silent.
“It’s been two days,” I continue. “Two days of this—acting like strangers, pretending we don’t care. I can’t do this anymore. I can’t be the only one who feels like this is hurting.”
“You think I’m not hurting?” he says quietly.
I let out a bitter laugh. “If you are, then why is it so easy for you to ignore me?”
He doesn’t answer.
I shake my head and go on. “I don’t know what to do, but I know one thing—I can’t force this if this is all we are now. You can go days without talking to me like I don’t exist. But me? I can’t pretend this doesn’t matter. I can’t pretend that this silence isn’t killing me.”
His eyes meet mine, but he still says nothing.
I exhale sharply.
“I don’t want to wait, Katsuki. I don’t want to wait until we get so used to this silence that we forget how to come back from it.”
I look at him, my voice barely above a whisper.
“I’m tired.”
I know he feels the weight of my words, but he still doesn’t speak.
So I continue.
“Let’s end this.”
His jaw tightens. I can see his breathing grow heavier, but still, he says nothing.
And I don’t know what hurts more—the breakup itself, or the fact that not once did he try to stop me.
I let out a broken laugh.
“You’re really not going to say anything?”
He runs a frustrated hand through his hair and exhales sharply. “What do you want me to say, YN? That I won’t let you leave? That I can’t do this without you?”
���Yes,” I answer immediately. “I want to hear that you can’t stand this either. That no matter what happens, you’ll fight for this.”
But he doesn’t say a word.
And that was my answer.
I nod, forcing a small smile even though I feel like I’m about to break.
I walk toward the door. Before I open it, I take one last deep breath and turn to him.
“Love doesn’t run out, Katsuki,” I whisper. “People just get tired.”
And then I leave.
No one stops me.
No one calls after me.
And in that moment, I realize—there’s no coming back from this.

© jxwl4k 2025
#jxwl4k#x reader#anime#fanfic#mha bakugou#bakugou katsuki#my hero academia#bakugou x reader#katsuki x reader#katsuki bakugo x reader#bakugou x y/n#bakugou fanfiction#katsuki bakugou#bnha bakugo katsuki#bnha bakugou#katsuki bakugo mha#katsuki x y/n#mha katsuki bakugo#bakugou katuski x reader#bnha oneshot#bnha#mha oneshot#mha#angst#bakugou angst
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Dumbledore & the Rejected Drink
So there's this little character quirk Dumbledore has. He really likes offering, and asking for drinks. It's his go-to social ice-breaker. BUT there's also a motif of that drink... not happening. And it's not a children's literature thing, there are plenty of scenes of the Order drinking, Harry, Ron and Hermione drinking, Hagrid, Slughorn, Narcissa, the Fat Lady all drinking. Mundungus, Trelawney, and Winky drink *too much.* It's just a Dumbledore thing! No one wants to drink with Dumbledore!
In Book 4 he invites Barty Senior, Madame Maxime and Karkaroff to have "a nightcap" with him after the Goblet of Fire ceremony, they all turn him down. :(
When he goes to pick up Harry in Book 6, Dumbledore pours mead for all three Dursleys, which they obviously don't drink. (And the longer they don't drink the more insistent the glasses get, until they're bouncing on the Dursleys' heads.)
In the next scene, he asks Slughorn for a drink, which he does get... but Slughorn doesn't drink with him.
Slughorn will later plan to give Dumbledore a bottle of mead for Chirstmas, and then just... not do that. This is a huge plot point too. Like with the bouncing glasses at the Dursleys, the narrative is drawing attention to the fact that no one is drinking with Dumbledore.
Dumbledore mentions that if anyone sees him leaving the castle, they'll think he's "off into Hogsmeade for a drink (...) I sometimes offer Rosmerta my custom, or else visit the Hog’s Head... or I appear to." So again with this "thwarted drink" thing. He's not actually drinking at the Hog's Head. (We learn later that the Hog's Head belongs to Aberforth so that's like... he's not even drinking with his brother. who owns a bar.)
There's a bit in Book 3 which *might* count, where Dumbledore asks Hagrid for "a cup of tea. Or a large brandy.” And Hagrid agrees, but we don't see him actually drink with Dumbledore (and we don't know for sure that he's going to go with the alcohol.)
Dumbledore drinks with exactly two people in the entire series:
1. Harry
“Madam Rosmerta’s finest oak-matured mead,” said Dumbledore, raising his glass to Harry, who caught hold of his own and sipped. He had never tasted anything like it before, but enjoyed it immensely.
2. Voldemort
“May I offer you a drink?” “That would be welcome,” said Voldemort. “I have come a long way.” Dumbledore stood and swept over to the cabinet where he now kept the Pensieve, but which then was full of bottles. Having handed Voldemort a goblet of wine and poured one for himself, he returned to the seat behind his desk. “So, Tom . . . to what do I owe the pleasure?” Voldemort did not answer at once, but merely sipped his wine. “They do not call me ‘Tom’ anymore,” he said. “These days, I am known as —” “I know what you are known as,” said Dumbledore, smiling pleasantly. “But to me, I’m afraid, you will always be Tom Riddle. It is one of the irritating things about old teachers. I am afraid that they never quite forget their charges’ youthful beginnings.” He raised his glass as though toasting Voldemort, whose face remained expressionless.
Then, the only other time Dumbledore and Voldemort actually meet face to face, we see this dynamic continued:
“There is nothing worse than death, Dumbledore!” snarled Voldemort. “You are quite wrong,” said Dumbledore, still closing in upon Voldemort and speaking as lightly as though they were discussing the matter over drinks.
Like, I get it. Dumbledore is put on a pedestal by most people who know him (I'm also thinking of his comment about how people always give him books as gifts, when he really wants socks.) He's just a person, he's just a guy, but the vast majority of people in his life treat him as this all-knowing powerhouse and maybe... aren't that motivated to break that illusion by getting to know him on a personal level. No one is drinking with him (this symbol of connection and equality) even though he keeps offering.
So, it does make a lot of sense that Harry drinks with him in Book 6. Book 6 is where Dumbledore finally decides that he can tell Harry his secrets, and pass the torch onto him. In the French translation, this is where he and Harry start using informal pronouns with each other. He sees Harry as his equal.
But Voldemort.... like. The idea of him and Dumbledore drinking together is brought up twice. It's also interesting that at one point Dumbledore had a drinks cabinet in his office, but doesn't during the main series. Did Dumbledore have (or want) more of these 'equal footing' connections before the first Voldemort war? I wouldn't be surprised.
So we have Voldemort and Dumbledore: the two brilliant, powerful, goody-two-shoes students who won every award in the school, then opted for jobs they were aggressively overqualified for after they left, learned to read minds, spent Books 4, 5 and 6 battling it out through proxies. They're oddly similar people. And they treat each other as equals.
I'm not totally sure what I'm supposed to do with this info, to be honest. I guess, start shipping Dumblemort?
EDIT: Have been informed that this ship is called Riddledore, which does sound much less stupid.
#DUMBLEMORT#is not a tag#dumbledore x voldemort#albus dumbledore#albus dumbledore meta#voldemort#tom riddle#hp#alcohol mention#riddledore
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So not to pathologize the blorbos, but Shen Jiu totally has OCD, yeah?
(I so wanna reblog and come back for style reasons but I also want the whole thought in one place.)
Okay so qijiu reconciliation is on my mind, right? And the thing is, Yue Qingyuan thinks that he made one specific mistake (did not come back for Shen Jiu at the Qiu Estate) that, if he can just make up for it somehow, he can be forgiven and he and Shen Qingqiu can become close again.
But honestly, we know he had a good excuse for not coming back: he was locked in a cave by some of the most powerful cultivators he could be held hostage by at the time, with no hope of overpowering his Shizun, especially with his life being drained by Xuan Su. And you'd have to be a completely petty, heartless bastard not to forgive him knowing that.
The kind of petty, heartless bastard that would take advantage of the Sect Leader's guilty conscience for his own benefit.
And Shen Jiu does not ask for this.
If anything, he's irritated by Yue Qingyuan's favoritism. He also never speaks in his own defense when his crimes, true or false, are brought up. Because Shen Jiu has decided that he's an irredeemable monster, unworthy of defence and too tainted to be allowed to touch the flawless sect leader, and the sooner everyone else sees that, the better off they'll be. (This is a type of OCD.)
You see, once upon a time, he had written off his dear Qi-ge as dead (or dying, or in need of rescue) and mourned him in his heart, because he believed that only death or dismemberment would keep Qi-ge from at least trying to keep such an important promise. But then, when his best-of-a-lot-of-bad-options shifu took him to the Immortal Alliance Conference to raid the inevitable dead bodies and, not so secretly, make some of their own, he saw that same Qi-ge there, and there was no sign of permanent injury visible. He didn't even make any excuses, just apologized for not coming. And Shen Jiu — accepts that "No matter how [Shen Jiu] changed, he was a rat", that "Some people were rotten from birth. Shen Jiu thought of himself in exactly this way — someone vile and poisonous from the start. Because, at that instant, he came to a crystal-clear realization:
That he'd rather have met a Yue Qi who died in some unknown corner, his remains unsightly and forgotten, then a Yue Qingyuan who was elegant and powerful, his prospects and future boundless."
It's a hell of a thing on a young person to wish someone dead, truly and with your whole heart. To do it to a loved one can be especially hard. But the thing is: brains aren't literal. Especially when they're trying to understand emotional pain.
To go all Pop Psychologist on the character who definitely does not have access to therapy for a brief moment, he doesn't want Qi-ge dead anymore than I want to commit a random shootout on the way home from work after a long day. It's dram;, it's poetry, in a sense. I think what that quote literally means is that having Qi-ge betray him to the point of not even attempting to come back for him when he actually did well for himself, hurts just as bad as if he had died. But that's where the OCD comes in, he takes the literal meaning of his thought and condemns himself as the worst kind of human being, or rather "rat", imaginable.
And if he's the worst, what's the difference if he does whatever it takes to fulfill his every whim, as long as he doesn't get caught?
Shen Jiu performs the role of Scum Villain because he's convinced himself that he must be one, for having a dramatic thought in a moment of weakness, and that he can never earn forgiveness for that thought, that it's a thorough and unforgivable betrayal of the young man who dreamed of it being his turn to save Qi-ge, and that's exactly what makes us want to see him grow and change.
Where it often falls flat, is that we think that Shen Jiu needs to forgive Yue Qingyuan, when who he really needs to forgive is Shen Jiu.
#TL;DR someone tell sj that thoughtcrime isn't real#someone not sy i wrote that scene already but idk if he would know what thoughtcrime is#idk if this even scans anymore#svsss#shen jiu#shen jiu | shen qingqiu#cucumber posting#can you tell I'm plotting out a shen jiu fic hahaha#thinking about shizun babies 🥰#😶🌫️
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Hello, can you write a one shot for the human yandere Klaus Mikaelson, where he generally maintains a fairly normal courtship with his girlfriend although he is still super obsessive and protective, but after they get married and she gets pregnant, they break into her house at night while they were sleeping and Klaus kills the thief so that he does not hurt his pregnant wife and after this event his Yandere side comes to light and he becomes extremely protective, to the point that they move to a house in the middle of nowhere so that Nothing and no one can see his wife, and he practically doesn't let her go out or do anything alone, which leads her to make a garden so she can have food for dinner and Klaus installs many cameras to monitor her and even learned to attend a birth.
Extreme Paranoia -Klaus M.
All Human AU
Summary: Klaus becomes overly paranoid after a break-in at his home. Even after killing the intruder, it is not enough for him-he needs to protect his wife and son no matter what.
Y/n had always known that Klaus was paranoid, but the break in seemed to have switched something in his brain into overdrive.
Y/n had heard glass shattering downstairs as she was tending to their 8 month old son in his nursery and she immediately jumped from the recliner where she was nursing him in fear. Elliot instantly began crying as he was ripped away from his meal and continued as Y/n carried him into their bedroom, seeing Klaus awake as he rubbed his eyes.
‘What fell?’ He asked, still groggy from just being awoken.
‘Klaus, I think someone is downstairs, something shattered and I could hear footsteps on-‘ she didn’t even get to finish her sentence before he was out of the bed, grabbing the fire poker he kept in the room.
‘It’s okay, stay here love, do not move from this bed, do you hear me? I’ll take care of it-‘
‘No, no don’t leave us. Please? Klaus, what if he has a gun? What if-‘
He shushed her instantly, kissing her lips firmly. ‘I’ll be fine. You just stay and keep Eliot safe. Here, call 911.’ He instructed, handing her the phone and she did as he said, calling the police as he shut the door behind him.
At the end of the night the medics had taken the man that broke in to the hospital, doubting he would make it that far with how badly Klaus had fucked him up. Her husband was put off by the fact that the police needed to see her before they could leave and she came to the stairs with their son who made grabby hands for his Daddy who instantly reached out for him.
‘Babe, you can’t touch him! You’re covered in blood!’ Y/n exclaimed and Klaus just seemed to notice. The police left and they locked up again and Klaus showered as quickly as humanly possible before rushing back to his wife and son who he held the rest of the night, Y/n cuddled to his side all while he had his laptop open, researching the safest places to live.
It took Klaus one week to have their entire lives packed and moved to the new house, one that he had bought in a bank auction and had fixed as quickly as possible. He has installed security cameras all over outside the house as well as one in the baby’s room, the doors were all triple locked and there were motion sensors that he had installed by the driveway entrance to their property (one that you couldn’t find unless you were really looking).
Y/n thought he was going a bit overboard when he bought the gun, but he kept it in a safe lock box that Eliot could never get in and insisted she learn to use it.
They were living happily for a few weeks but as Klaus made more and more “upgrades” to the house he seemed to get more paranoid. He wouldn’t let her leave anymore, insisting he do the shopping himself, and go out to get everything they need. She stopped going out with friends as it made Klaus physically ill with worry, and instead decided to tend to a garden. They were in the middle of nowhere so shopping wasn’t very easy and having fresh produce as well as a large chicken coup made it easier.
Y/n didn’t think that Klaus’ paranoia could get worse until she told him that she was pregnant with their second child. More cameras went up and he adopted a large female Pitbull and male Cane Corso from the shelter in the closest town, the dogs were the sweetest, happiest and loviest creatures they had ever met but Klaus was happy to learn that the large Cane Corso-Dantè didn’t like men that weren’t himself or his son, and hated them around his “mommy”. Something that set Y/n’s mind at ease was how protective the Pitbull-Scout was of their son. She was with him at all times so when he ventured off on his own-which was rare while his mother was making dinner-Y/n knew that he was safe and Klaus knew that both his son and his wife were protected as they needed to be.
The last crazy thing that Klaus did was learn everything he could about home births. He caved when she demanded a midwife that could be there and induce her labor as well as give her an epidural as she refused to push a baby out of her coochie without proper drugs. Klaus was just happy that he wouldn’t have to take her to a hospital.
It was actually Dantè that alerted Klaus to Y/n going into labor, running up to his office and barking like crazy. Eliot had just turned 2 and had been helping his mother tend to the chickens when her water broke and he was sitting with her and rubbing her belly sweetly when Klaus got outside-carrying her in as he called the midwife with their son right on his heels.
‘I’ll be fine, go make him something easy for dinner and set him on the couch with Scout. He will be fine and so will I, you’re going to give yourself a heart attack and leave us here all alone Nik, relax.’ The midwife wouldn’t be there for another 20 minutes and though she loved her son, Eliot being in the room was more of a hinderance than anything. ‘Go, feed him, feed the dogs, feed you and bring me a cup of my ice chips when you come back.’
That was a cute surprise that Klaus had gotten her when she had compromised about not going to a hospital, he found an ice maker that makes ice chips like the ones in hospitals as he knew she wouldn’t be allowed to eat much. ‘Alright. Yell if you need something and I will be right here.’
‘I promise.’
‘Okay. Come on buddy, Mommy needs to rest before she has your little sister and you need dinner. You and Scout can watch Bluey while you eat dinner. Stay here Dantè, I’ll bring you your dinner.’ He promised, carrying his son downstairs and setting him on the couch, telling Scout to stay with him which she did right away, Klaus turning the camera in the living room on and turning on the app on his phone as well as turning on the camera in his bedroom that he had for emergencies-wanting to keep an eye on Y/n if he had to, it being the only camera she didn’t know about…almost…
He had just given Eliot his dinner when the midwife knocked on the door, Klaus checking the cameras to be sure even though he’d gotten an alert on his phone when she had driven up. ‘Thank God, I think she would have killed me if you hadn’t come.’ He joked but was half serious as he led her upstairs to the bedroom and gave Dantè his food as well as his wife her ice chips making her happy as she could currently get. She got her epidural and had Klaus alongside her as she got ready to push.
2 hours later they welcomed their daughter into the world, the midwife handing the bundle to Klaus first who felt an overwhelming need to protect the little girl in his arms more than even he thought possible before leaning down and handing his wife their daughter that they decided to name Riley.
The midwife stayed for another hour as Y/n fed Riley for the first time before she was gone leaving Klaus with a sleeping wife and baby before venturing back downstairs and finding exactly what he expected. His son was asleep on the couch with Scout snuggled beside him as Bluey played on the TV. The dog jumped up at Klaus’ arrival and followed them up to his bedroom where Klaus changed him and put him to bed.
He turned up the alarms that night, not falling asleep for quite a long while. He spent the rest of the night wondering what other safety precautions they should be taking and he decided that he needed to have a panic room installed in case of emergencies. He knew that convincing his wife was not going to be easy but it was worth it. He was content that night with his family in his bed (Eliot crawling in with Scout 2 hours later) knowing that they were all completely safe with him there as he would always be.
Nothing would ever come so close to hurting his family ever again! He would make sure of it.
Klaus M. Masterlist
#the vampire diaries#the originals#the vampire diares imagine#vampire#tvd klaus#hybrid#niklaus mikaelson#niklaus imagine#klaus imagine#the originals imagine#klaus x reader#klaus fluff#klaus x y/n#klaus mikaelson#klaus mikaelson fluff#klaus mikaelson x oc#klaus mikaelson x reader#klaus mikaelson imagine#overprotective!Klaus Mikaelson#Father!Klaus mikaelson#husband!Klaus Mikaelson#paranoid!Klaus Mikaelson#human!Klaus Mikaelson#human!klaus#human au#alternate universe
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Freezing Phantasm*
(This one was fighting me for so long sorry if it’s a little janky-)
Warnings: NSFW minors dni, temperature play, ghost sex, some minor rough handling
Content under the cut :)
“Why is is so hot today? Did Death Mountain erupt or something?,” You pant, slamming your work bag on the floor and practically stripping right in your living room before you remember oh yeah, I have roommates, don’t I?
Then again, they’re dead. Does it really matter if they see your mostly naked body? It’s not like they can do anything about it.
Deciding to at least leave on your undergarments, you shrug out of the rest of your clothes and stomp your way to the thermostat, only to frown when an ERROR message pops up. Did Hyrule break it again? You mumble a curse under your breath before retreating to the kitchen in search of something cold to snack on. To your dismay, your freezer is ice cream-less.
While you figure this inconvenience isn’t something you should cry about, you do let a long, drawn-out sigh escape your lips before retreating to your living room, turning the fan on to its max setting, and putting on some random video while you try to not think about the heat.
You’re completely spread out on the couch, keeping as little skin-on-skin contact as possible while your show blares on the screen. It’s so mind-numbing hot that you feel yourself starting to drift off before a sudden chill brushes at your leg.
“What the-“ You gasp, pulling your legs into yourself as you look around, trying to find the source of the chill. Your air conditioner hasn’t rattled to life yet, so the only other perpetrator must be “Four?”
The cold presses forward, feeling like a soothing balm in comparison to the heatwave you’ve been subjected to all day. You don’t know why you didn’t think to ask him before, but of course Four can cool you down!
“Hey, bud. Trying to watch this show with me?” You ask, unfurling your legs a little now that you know you’re not in any sort of danger. There’s no answer, of course, but a certain chill remains by your legs, and you suppose the man has taken his seat and probably won’t be moving for a while.
It’s only a couple minutes later that you’re proven wrong as ice begins to trail from your ankle up to your knee. It feels like he’s dragging a single digit down your leg. Is he doing it idly while watching the show? You try not to think about it too much, shifting only a little bit before settling back in.
The only problem is, Four only seems to get more brave with your disregard. One hand seems to have settled at the crook of your knee, massaging your calves while the other continues tracing lines around the sensitive skin around your ankles and feet. You let out a hum, the nerves of your legs tensing at the chilly massage. He has to be doing this on purpose, right?
“Four? That kinda tickles…” You sit up, pulling your legs close in the same motion. There’s a pause where it almost seems like Four is considering your words before you feel the cold return, settled on your knees and- and prying them apart.
You gasp, feeling your legs being pulled open by an unseen chill, a chill that settles between your legs, nestled right up against the thin fabric of your underwear.
He’s close enough that you can’t even feel the heat anymore, but that doesn’t stop your cheeks from feeling like they’ve caught fire as you process just how close Four must be for you to feel him like this. Stomach to stomach, his arms wrapped around your neck, maybe staring up at you while you process what’s going on. An unidentifiable sound escapes your lips as you realize just what Four was trying to do- is trying to do.
You still can’t hear him, but that doesn’t stop his actions from coming through loud and clear. A frosted breath brushes against your lips, and you decide that yeah, you are going to do this.
Your lips meet a cold nothing, but that doesn’t stop you from pressing forward just a little more, feeling the cold entering your mouth with a certain level of vigor. You sigh, trailing your hands up a seemingly slim body, following the outline of the chill until one of his cold hands moves to cup your sex, pulling a startled gasp out of your mouth. Four takes the moment to surge forward just that extra inch more, the chill intensifying as he draws closer until you don’t know where your warmth stops and his cold starts.
You suppose, by nature of being a ghost, Four doesn’t need to take your underwear off to start touching you, and he fully utilizes this fact, his cold touch trailing over your hole as he finally breaks off the kiss, letting you take a heaving breath that fogs up the air in front of you.
“Four, please.” You beg, feeling him continue to just barely tease at your hole. There’s a pause, and you feel his free hand ghost your shoulder. Is he looking for assurance?
“It feels so good, Four. Please, keep going?” You ask, spreading your legs just a little further. He doesn’t wait a second more, a shot of ice digging into your hole, and you gasp, hips rocking forward in desperation.
The stretch is barely there, if it exists at all, but that doesn’t stop the feeling of ice entering your core from making you go wild. You feel raw as he pushes further in, withdrawing an inch, just to push back in a moment later. Even just being fingerfucked like this feels like too much, how will you handle his dick?
As if sensing your thoughts, another intrusion enters you, pushing in right alongside the first. Did he add a finger? You moan, bucking your hips as he stretches you out- prepping you.
He doesn’t stretch you for too long, apparently satisfied after a short while. Luckily, you don’t have to wait too long before something bigger nudges at your entrance, letting out an ungodly moan as he pushes inside.
A cold breath brushes across your chest, hands shackling your wrists as Four attempts to ground himself before pressing further in. You hiss, clutching at the outline of cold air in front of you, tugging him even closer in the process. He shifts, hitting a sensitive bundle inside of you, and it feels so good that you shout.
Four seems to take that as his cue to keep going, hitting the same spot over and over, not stuttering once even as you feel like your nerves are all catching fire. Four is practically pounding you into the couch with how rough he’s going, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Right there! Ah! Keep going!” You whine, hips rising to meet each of his thrusts, chasing him as you feel the coil in your stomach draw taut.
Your begging only seems to egg him on as Four releases your arms, pinching one of your nipples with his biting cold while the other is subjected to his tongue. All the while Four keeps pounding into you, finally sending you over the edge and straight into an orgasm.
You’re left panting, breath fogging up the air in front of you even as Four continues to fuck you through your high. It’s only as the discomfort of overstimulation begins to make you jolt that he draws away, but you swear you can still feel his cold inside of you. You shakily sit up, running a hand through your mussed up hair and glance around as if to make sure no one was around to see you get your brains fucked out of you by a ghost.
Luckily, the house is quiet, and you let yourself indulge in a couple more delicate touches from Four before finally moving off the couch.
“How did you get a cold in the middle of the hottest week of the year?” Carrie asks, absolutely dumbfounded as you arrive at work with a mask covering your face, a telling sniffle escaping through the material.
You squint, wondering if she’d believe you even if you told her the truth. Probably not. “I plead the fifth.” You raise your hands defensively, quickly moving past her to your cubicle. Despite your cold, the day is still hot enough to make you sweat, and you wonder if you can convince Four to cool you off again once you go back home.
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Replacing my pleasure with hers
In my online research about chastity and the journey towards a female led relationship, one of the recurring themes was the impact of long-term denial, and how things didn’t get real until the guy’s body and mind had moved past some invisible line. I thought I understood just what that meant but sometimes it still feels like I have training wheels on.
Truth be told, when you’re allowed to cum, your mind does a reset, going back to day one. That is true no matter how long a period of denial and no matter how big of a release. If my wife lets me have a spoiled orgasm, a ruined release, I’ll still be attentive and needy, but the boiling pressure is gone, an entirely different state of mind.
I learned this valuable lesson when my wife had to spend extended time tending to the needs of her father, an obligation that meant I got absolutely no attention for quite some time.
One week is when the yearn started to really set in but it was manageable, within range. A little supervised edging is all I needed, just enough to keep the home fires brewing. Unfortunately, my wife’s schedule was crazy, making even some supervised fun too much to ask. She left every morning at the break of day and came back late at night, barely having a chance to acknowledge my chores or the other things I did around the house.
I know it was selfish of me, the way I wanted for myself, and I never actually said anything out loud, but then it happened, that little twist that changed my brain. It was about half way through week number two, a time when I thought I couldn’t possibly take the chastity anymore.
It was grueling, debilitating, too much for my mind to handle, right up until it wasn’t.
In one magical moment, thoughts of my own needs slipped out of focus, replaced by a want and desire to satisfy my wife and whatever she might desire. Once again, that makes me sound selfish, as if I never did anything for my wife and yet for so much of our lives, she has always given more.
With that epiphany, my needs disappeared, replaced by a true want to put her first. That revelation also meant serving her no longer took thought, a truly conditioned response.
That proved especially true with my next outward act. It was at the end of a particularly long day, a time when I offered my wife oral sex as she settled into bed. She was still tense, I could see that, and I wanted to help.
“Let me service you,” I offered.
“Not now,” she replied. “I’m spent.”
I wasn’t looking for me, and so, with my cage still in place, I slipped beneath the covers, setting to the task of servicing her needs.
She objected at first, but not vehemently, and once I had my mouth on her flower, licking her with a very eager tongue, she shifted back, allowing me to have my way. It certainly wasn’t the first time I brought my wife to orgasm with my lips, using my mouth and my tongue to bring her to climax, but it was the first time I did it with no expectation of anything in return, for her and her alone. That proved to be quite the mental thrill for me, one that would nestle within the recesses of my brain, with plans to stay for a very long time. I literally got a distinct mental high from pushing my wife’s body over the brink, a memory that stayed with me long after the night was through.
I don’t understand the true reason for why it affected me the way it did, although one thing was undeniable, the more time I spend in chastity with my wife taking the lead in our relationship, the less I desire my own orgasm and the more I long for hers.
#chastitycage#beta husband#female dom#keyholder#female led relationship#beta sub#caged chastity#locked in caged#female led husband#tease and deny#soft cnc#soft fem dom#soft d0m#domme mommy
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considering leaving tumblr but this will be my final message probably
When i joined tumblr i was mainly trying to post content like it was YouTube or Tiktok, but then i started meeting moots and eventually, i realized why i was still posting, because of them, i thought tumblr as something unique and how everyone communicated here was more special than anywhere else, this place has changed me to who i am today
Eventually no matter how much i did, this place lost its spark, very close moots of mine already moved on with their lives and lived on to a new chapter.
this place slowly turned into something different. A place i don’t call home anymore.
I mean, I dont really use gacha life/gacha club anymore so i dont have much recognization anymore, now most of my friends i made on tumblr either dont talk to me anymore, or just left tumblr for good. But i am not blaming them for anything as i felt like it was my fault for not being active as much as i used to.
Ive also been feeling unmotivated lately and all the promises i made before will most likely be scrapped or forgotten so its best if i cancel it all before living off lies for several months
It’s been 2 years and I really thought i would remain here longer i seriously did. But Like everyone else, its time to start a new chapter in life.
Don’t feel sorry for me. Dont be guilty, this is completely my decision and none of yall gave me a reason to leave.
before i leave let me make some confirmations
I still plan on making ELETS but idk when since im still trying to put everything together. If you have YouTube i plan on posting there more often to check it out!
For the milkshake mansion AU i do plan on giving away mm! Tsutsuji, mm! Yoake and mm! Yugure to someone else who is more interested in making their lore than i am (note: this does not mean they have the canon characters, they have the au and that’s it) but if no one is interested ill just scrap it and the au’s lore will remain uncompleted unless i decide to come back someday if you’re interested you can dm me.
And for the dandys world Au i plan on posting that somewhere else in the internet, just not here
i will be active on other platforms, if you still just want to talk to me consider asking me for my instagram, discord, tiktok, or Pinterest acc, i will be active there but if you still want content from me, consider my YouTube channel
once in a while i may reblog stuff in this blog @ga1atsu
I had an rp account: @bootao0715, so that blog will also be inactive
For the xiao cult, i plan on putting @yourlocalxiaosimp in charge of it for now.
I love you all, if you have any remaining questions you can comment here or go in my askbox which will remain open for a few weeks.
Thank you
@2laffy2 @gachaclubideas @yourlocalxiaosimp @mel-loly @boiling-potato @justafriendlystranger @serentiydraw5678 @cheezekennith @untitled14360 @sayuri-does-skits @untitled14360 @hayatiayad @screwzara and more I probably forgot (im so sorry)
Maybe one day ill come back, but probably not soon.
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When someone asks me what my biggest fear is but I can't say losing people that I've never met so I say the ocean.
#cw vent#tw vent#uughh#:(#me knowing Roswell won't fucking happen#i know we all wish it will but we genuinely have to look at the truth#think about it#there is no loopholes to get me out of my house.#is anyone actually going to go to Roswell?#actually going to buy tickets and fly there?#or drive there?#shit is expensive#trump is now taking over#hes ruining everything#im sorry i just can't keep lying to myself any more#idk anymore#things are changing and maybe in a fee months I'll probably just never speak to anyone here again#i don't know whats going to happen#i don't even know whats going on with me#does it all really matter anymore? did anything matter?
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So there's this Shadowvanilla fic on Ao3 Im fairly certain you know about, and in It SM and PV link up to eachother's minds/feelings/souls via their souljams touching, and its pretty sweet since since they're on their chests, the two basically have to hug to connect.
Which made me think, what about the other beasts and ancients? BS and GC would be by far the weirdest imo bc she would have to touch her forehead to his chest??? Which depending on the size difference It could still just be a hug.
SS and WL would touch their weapons (sword and staff), which can comes off as distant or cold, despite the fact they're about to peer into eachother's very being.
ES and MF suffer because their's are on their forehead and their ancient's are on their weapons😭😭 imagine HB shield to EG's forehead, that'd be awkward af
I'm not actually sure what you're referring to 😅 is it Jambound? I think something like that happens in it? I don't really remember, I read the first 3 chapters a while ago and that's it haha (I really don't have the time to read fanfics, especially not ones as long as that one (it's like 15 chapters long now and still going with no end in sight, isn't it??? Goodness)). I never really did much of anything on AO3 tbh, I honestly just go there to write and post my own dumb garbage and then vanish into the aether again
Regardless. I always vibed with the concept of the Ancients and Beasts connecting/strengthening their existing connection through their Soul Jams. But the way I've tried to get around the fact that most of their placements are... cumbersome and don't really lend themselves to that (White Lily's staff and Silent Salt's sword, for example) is, I think of it as... Through the sharing of the Soul Jams, they're all already bound to one another, yeah? So do they NEED to have them be a component in the physical aspect of this? Do White Lily and Silent Salt NEED to have their staff and sword clink together to express that intimacy? Or can they simply embrace each other nice and tight, staff and sword set aside nearby, and their souls can resonate just with that action? The Soul Jam not physically being in their hands doesn't really mean it's left their ownership and they've completely lost access to its power, I don't think; we saw that with how the Light of Abundance refused to answer to Smoked Cheese when he took it, and how Golden Cheese could keep fighting Burning Spice for a while even without it (albeit weaker). So idk if they need the Soul Jams to touch so they can feel closer to each other. I think they've all been naturally imbued with that power at least to some degree and thus don't really 100% need the physical Soul Jams to facilitate that closeness. If I'm already super glued to somebody then not putting my hands on their belt buckle or whatever isn't going to make us any less stuck together ykwim
With that said I like to imagine BS's being particularly sensitive since it's embedded in his chest. GC can press her hand down on it, or lay her head against it, and feel his heart beating through it, if only faintly. Maybe it feels warm to the touch, and grows warmer and shines brighter the faster his heart races. Maybe his breath catches in his throat when she touches it because it feels different there than it does when she touches any other part of his body. Maybe it acts as a cute little nightlight when they're curled up together in bed. Maybe it burns hot like a coal and glows like the fire in a hearth when they're deep in the throes of passion. Maybe, as a charming little gesture, she actually will touch her forehead to his chest so they can listen to that soft little clink that sounds the little kiss Abundance and Destruction shares. Maybe a certain something stirs within them both when she does it, maybe not. But it's cute. They're so in love that even their Soul Jams want to make out. Lol
Also any excuse to put her face in those big strong man titties is 👌👌👌 in her opinion
#y'all just come let me know how Jambound ends whenever it does bc I really cannot be bothered to read all of that lol#i don't have the time or patience anymore. i just don't. every time i peek at it the total chapter count doubles#does the author actually have an end goal in mind or are they just belting out chapters until they run out of steam lol#don't mean to sound harsh. Jambound is wonderful from what i remember. I just don't think I understand what the point of it is anymore haha#maybe I'm just really sad bc i remember the author being a way better writer than I am/ever was and I feel worthless compared to them idk#it doesn't really matter. who cares. just yammering for no reason again#did anything i said actually make sense? i haven't really slept in a few days idk i can articulate my thoughts well rn haha#burningcheese#goldenspice#beast x ancient#that's probably the easier tag as opposed to spamming aaaaalllll of the actual ship names lol
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need motivation to keep going but everything feels either too far away in the future for me to care if i get there or not or just unattainable
#tryijg to push myself to start applying to jobs again but then even with money how much do i get to keep#most of it'd be going to bills and loan repayment#if i start driving soon then money to gas#how much do i have for myself#and even if i do have some to myself no space to put anything id like#cant even dream of an apartment or home rn#thats definitely out of reach and things just keep getting more expensive#gave up on dreaming of getting a cat either#bc as much as id love one and as good of a support it could be#...money.#food vet bills sanitary supplies toys#i need some motivation to start actually living instead of rotting away but where the hell do i find it#all i was focused on between hs and uni was getting it over with that ended and i rly have no clue what to do w/ myself#after being sickeningly anxious for 8 years i didnt even get anything out of it what was the point#i dont know what to do or where to go#ofc theres things i do want but its like. they also dont really matter to me.#not much does anymore#and id love it if something did im tired of feeling stuck in place
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Batman has/had some kind of miscommunication going on with every single one of his kids. The bat family is just one big miscommunication trope after the other.
#him and Dick have miscommunication about how they see each other. Bruce sees Dick as a son and Dick sees Bruce as a father#but they didn’t think the other saw them that way so they never told each other. that’s what led to their fights in Dick’s later teenage#years and dick quitting and becoming nightwing. he thought Bruce only saw him as a ward/robin so he thought that as long as he couldn’t be#robin Bruce wouldn’t want him#and if didn’t help when Bruce stopped talking to him when he left. though to Bruce it was because he thought Dick didn’t want to talk to him#and also Dick really needs to tell Bruce like ‘hey you put me on a higher pedestal then you put even yourself which is saying something and#and I don’t like that cuz that’s too much pressure for me. and also since you did it everyone else does it and has done it since I was Robin#and it’s literally just a matter of time before I break from the pressure cuz I’m not fucking Superman and I can’t take it’#and Jason with the whole UTRH thing. you know all Bruce had to say was that he had tried killing the joker over Jason multiple times and#maybe just explain to Jason WHY he doesn’t kill. a simple ‘you’re better than me because if I killed one person I’d kill everyone’#or it could even just be a simple ‘I do love you Jason youre the kid that I felt most comfortable loving’#and also maybe a ‘I don’t think anything changed after my death and that makes my death meaningless which I think goes against your no kill#rule because I hat is the rule of not a reminder taht death means something. and by that logic my death already went against the rule so why#can’t you do it again for the man that murdered me.’ and Bruce needs to make a presentation: ‘all the ways Jason’s death meant something’#and Tim just needs a simple ‘I don’t see you as work I see you as family.’ maybe even a ‘you don’t have to be the grown up in this relati#anymore I’m sorry you were one to begin with. you should’ve always been the child’#now his miscommunication with Damian goes much deeper but I’m one hundred percent sure if they sit down and air out all of their feelings it#would help a lot but I have a feeling that won’t happen#a ‘I have trouble understanding you because both your trauma and compassion run deeper than mine and I also never had to grow up to be a#weapon’ from Bruce and a ‘I don’t understand your optimism and moral stubbornness and easness why is it so easy to be good for u?’#his miscommunication with Cass stems from two things a simple ‘why are you so afraid to show how deeply you love?’ from Cass maybe a#‘I’m jealous of you because you’re better than me not only in fighting but morally and emotionally’ from Bruce should fix it#and Steph— look I’m not even going to TRY to get into that that goes SO much deeer and wider than any one else’s miscommunication#but maybe a ‘you reminded me of Jason at a time where that wasn’t a good thing’ from Bruce should start things up#for Duke a ‘I can never truly understand what you’re going/have gone through and for that I’m sorry’ from Bruce should suffice#maybe also Bruce telling him that just because he sees Duke as a son doesn’t mean he’s trying any less to get Duke his parents back#oh and babs just needs to go up to him and say ‘I don’t like that what happened to me happened for your story and not mine and I don’t like#that you don’t let me make it into my story’ and then Bruce can follow up and say ‘I see so much of myself in you and it makes me worry and#also I can never look at you without feeling guilty cuz you’re right what happened to you happened for MY story so I’m at fault’#then the two can go back to being too much like each other and sitting at their respective computers
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#plagued by thoughts and emotions.#man lmao I’ve bitched out So many times this week from reaching out to people. idk. it’s been so long that I just feel like I’m#not important enough to justify it. & I did manage a bit w one person but also ended up#retreating there too bc I just got the sense I made it awkward somehow#so yknow. really great stuff on my end hdjfk#idk idk I’m starved for meaningful social interaction I’m starved for literally anyone taking interest in me atp#it’s such a roller coaster I hype myself up > doesn’t work out > crash hard & I don’t like it. it’s exhausting! it’s really fucking sad too#I’m so tired of my own company & talking to myself all the time. I’ve heard everything I have to say already there’s only so much I can do#I don’t even know what else to say lmao I feel like I don’t really exist anymore outside of my own head#I feel like I can’t get anyone to just djjfjf care about anything I have to say no matter what?#I’m not enough my art isn’t enough whatever it was a few years ago isn’t there anymore.#and I want it to be genuine I don’t want it to be out of pity bc all that does is honestly get my hopes up a bit but it can’t/wont last#I say that for everyone’s benefit too like djjfjf I don’t want to be annoying any more than other people want to be annoyed#anyway I’m going to try to shake this off a bit bc I can’t do anything right now#and I’m not even sure I’d be in the right headspace to have a conversation without decompressing first
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‘ toji fushiguro, kento nanami, satoru gojo x fem!reader ’ ୨୧ taglist
⌞ PG-18 ⌝ reversed version of hot milf next door ◞ age gap, all consenting adults◞ creampie except for kento ◞ they are actual dilfs not just older men◞ you cheat on your bf with satoru but he deserves it, and reader is a brat◞
this is long and I've had this request for longer, so take this as an apology for not posting anything new lately ‹3
of course another screw had to come loose from the cheap cupboard doors barely hanging on for dear life. you curse under your breath, wiping a drop of sweat that makes it’s way down your forehead and onto the cupid bow, “fuck this shit place” finding a good place as a student was no good, and it was either surviving in a struggling apartment or sharing living space at the school dorms where the air reeked of multiple fluids and body odors was not really an option.
and now, rummaging through the multiple still closed boxes laying on your living room to find a screwdriver was neither an option, “just kill me already” mustering up some courage, your feet drags you to the front door and towards the one next to it, hoping and praying that your neighbor is an actual nice person as your knuckles hit the wood, please, anything really, perhaps an older lady who can bake, or a lovely young student around your age who can—
that’s a freaking kid.
“hi, um..., are your parents home?” so freaking awkward, the kid looks at you unimpressed, barely blinking and dark hair sticking in all directions before he turns around.
okay, that was rude, but you’re about to speak again until he comes up, moving as if he owned the place, big muscles under a shirt a bit too tight, and that flat expression barely quirks up in what seems like a grin, “can I help you, doll?” and oh, again, that voice is enough to make your knees buck.
“h-hi, i moved next door, and uh—” shit, shit, “do you have a screwdriver I can borrow for a second?” did you even introduce yourself? that does not matter, and the man doesn’t seem to care, giving you an amused up and down look before nodding.
“got a problem with the cupboard already, huh? don’t worry I got a trick” isn’t this man such a gentleman? already gathering some tools and telling the kid, now called Megumi, to behave while he helped the cute girl.
he’s definitely flirting, yeah, it must be, those half grins, constant licks at the scar in the corner of his mouth and the way his eyes trail up and down your body when he thinks you’re not looking, that’s flirting, isn’t it?
just snap out of it, you’re not an eighteen year old anymore, you’re 20... not a big difference, but you should not be fantasizing about that man who is most likely married.
“... anything else?” his voice snaps you out of your stupor, now for good, but you know he’s aware, judging by the grin he offers.
“no, that’s all, thanks” you hope that will answer whatever he also asked, what you don’t expect is for his large body frame to walk up to you, a calloused thumb pressing on your jaw to tilt your head up.
he leans slightly, “no need to be shy, doll, neighbors are to help each other” and there is a trace of something else behind his words, something you can’t quite put into words.
a very slight gasp escapes your lips as his thumb runs down, gently caressing the column of your throat and collarbones, “you’re so pretty, a pretty girl like you must have a pretty name” and you utter it, rolling out your tongue for Toji to catch it with his own name in a shared breath.
Toji. Toji. Toji.
“Toji...! it’s nghhh... r-reaching oh, so deep!” who could have thought that ‘neighboors helping each other’ would have turned into ‘neighbors who rearrange your guts’.
it’s been a few days since the first time Toji helped you fix the furniture, which developed into some kisses, cock sucking and now almost a daily fuck, with quivering thighs with just how hard Toji’s cock rammed into your tiny hole, so fuckin’ wet and tight, struggling to accommodate the whole girth of the man’s huge cock sliding in and out deliciously deep.
there’s a whole package of condoms in your drawer, tucked under the remaining pair of panties Toji hasn’t ripped apart in attempts to reach your cunt faster.
“take it, fuckin’ take it” he huffs, cock twitching inside your velvety walls that cling to each vein and ridge around that fat and long dick, the couch drags across the floor with each one of the dark haired’s thrusts, having you bent, a tit out of the tank top, panties swinging around an ankle and toes curled in sheer bliss. that man knows how to fuck.
and his hand is everywhere, one is holding your shoulders to brutally pull you back so your pussy lips spread vulgarly on each side of his balls, while the other entrained itself by pinching a nipple, tugging your tits and groping the fat of your ass, a low whistle comes next at the sight of your tiny hole stuffed to the brim, “fuck, doll, this cute tight pussy is gripping so tight, shit..., like a fucking virgin...” and a thumb comes to rub your clitoris, a bit uncoordinated but still as good, making your head swim in pleasure, “i’m going to cum if you tighten so hard...”
“i-in— angh, inside, please!”
“of course i’m cumming in this pussy” Toji mocks with a laugh and you whimper, shaking your head, barely turning to look at the man from above your shoulder with pleading, cute eyes.
“take off the condom” and fuck, a fat drop of precum just oozed from the tip.
your hands reach back to press on Toji’s v line, fingertips grazing the slick coated base, “the princess wants a creampie in her tiny cunt?”
fucking hell, that cocky smirk and the way his cock, disgustingly hard, slaps against his abdomen when pulling out makes your tummy do a flip, eagerly reaching to tug on the latex tip and tossing the condom away as if it was offensive.
“a-ah yes!” you can’t avoid the relief moan that gets pulled out of your lips at the sensation, alongside Toji’s pleasure groan that rumbles deep and darkly, with thumbs hooking on each side of your pussy to keep you spread and ready to take those perfectly aligned thrusts, smashing your g spot and having you cumming within seconds, “g-uh, so good... I need...”
“i know, baby, I know, i’m... fuck... cumming deep in this fertile young pussy”
the last box is loaded in the truck and your parents bid you farewell. sigh, time to get to work, “do you need any more help?” Kento asks, your sweet and kind neighbor who you’ve known for years, who used to brush your knees when you fell on the grass while playing with Yuuji, who baked delicious loafs of bread you cheerfully ate sitting at the edge of his kitchen counter with your feet swinging.
“i will be okay” you say, flashing a side grin towards the older man, his face as warm as ever, but currently sporting several age lines that just make him look hotter.
yes, you grew and so did he, but your first, and initial admiration towards the man, soon became more loving and even lustful when you turned 19, and now with your parents moving abroad, leaving the cozy, childhood home you grew up in to your care, being into Kento’s ‘care’ —which you did not even needed in the first place, god, you’re a grown adult!— perhaps you were going to use this chance to get closer to the man.
“then I will get going so you get used to your new independence” he jokes a little, turning to return to his empty home due to Yuuji’s just recent departure to college.
“wait!” you stop him, “i was thinking... you know that yummy bread you used to bake? do you mind teaching me how to do it myself?” that will definitely do, getting into Kento’s good side, and house, was as easy as you remember.
and of course he agreed, offering a nod and gentle smile that just made your belly do a flip, what a damn pervert you were, lusting over your neighbour who probably just saw you as a charity work.
but then again, Kento needed it, the poor man was so lonely, with Yuuji gone, his wife leaving him years ago due to his ‘workaholic’ behaviour, a woman’s touch was so needed in his life, and you were going to help.
the baking class is so domestic you kinda feel bad for trying to get into the blonde’s pants, really, his always present and fond smile while you accidentally made a mess of floor all over the kitchen counter was not good for your heart, nor the way he chuckled in that deep and low voice tone of his, hoping he did not notice the way your knees bucked.
a hand comes to hold your wrist, so gentle, “knead like this” and his voice is right against your ear, warm breath sending shivers down your spine and heat pooling in your lower abdomen as he guides the motions, yet your eyes are glued to the way his hand veins pop with each squeeze, would he knead your ass the same way? and also... is his cock that veiny too?
with that thought in mind, you barely buck your hips back, pretending to change the weight from one foot to another when, in reality, you purposely brushed your butt with his crotch.
and Kento notices, his hands stopping for a brief second before resuming, and you move again, almost like a dance to see who would snap first, although each buck and brush is more bold than the previous, that until a large and veiny hand squeezes your hip, there it is.
“stay still” his voice is low and almost a rumble, feeling the warmth of his chest near your back through the thin layers of clothes.
that should not turn you on as much as it did, feeling slightly embarrassed from being caught and stopped that you unconsciously squirm again, and of course, your butt now lands right against Kento’s tenting crotch, feeling the tip poking on a cheek, “shit...” your moan is weak, unable to stop from full on grinding against his cock, to which his hands grip you tighter, the dough long forgotten.
“don’t... do that...” Kento’s words are strained, barely holding on from the urge to just bend you over and fuck you senseless, truth is he saw you grow up, but he also witnessed how you became the nature and sexy girl you are now, “this is wrong”
but his name sounds so cutely from you, that soft, mewled, and needy “Kento...” is just enough to break him.
the sticky mess of flour and water remaining on the kitchen counter sticks to the back of your shirt, it will be a pain to wash it, but meh, that should be another day’s worry, currently, your only focus is the man between your legs, keeping you as spread as ever, with your feet propped up the counter, leggings pulled down and that condom clad cock sliding in and out of your soaked pussy, and yes, it’s very fucking veiny.
“this is what you wanted, didn’t you?” his words are huffed from the effort of thrusting mercilessly inside your hole, with a hand on the apex of your thigh to keep your lips open, and the other laying on a jiggling tit, “to get fucked by an older man, I saw the way you look at me, sweetheart, you’re not subtle”
that just makes you clench and mewl, getting caught drooling over the man was utterly hot and even excited he knew just how much you wanted him in your guts like now, “c-can’t help it, you’re— ngh, t-tooo hot!” it’s like you’re losing consciousness with each drag of those throbbing veins against your walls, the friction so fucking delicious and deep, oh so deep, curving just perfectly to drive you insane.
“you’re so hot too” he praises, the words so unfamiliar coming from those lips, adding to the lust filled expression of an almost pussy drunk man, “you’ve grown beautifully” and his words are like his hands, caressing your body with heat leaving on its wake until it lays on your fluttering abdomen, “so sexy, so tight and wet”
“just for you” you moan around your own fingers, sucking the digits to leave them soaked and rub tight circles on your swollen clit, it’s a vision that makes Kento’s cock twitch and splurt another drop of pre inside the condom.
Kento, the always impecable and polite man that fucks so nasty and kisses as equally lewd, gripping your jaw with a hand and a tongue comes to rub all across your sweet mouth, swallowing the desperate pleas and “i’m cumming” mumbles before you’re a sobbing mess and Kento is stuffing the condom full of creamy semen that, hopefully, will stuff your pussy bare someday.
“is it really necessary?” you complain for what feels like the fourth time that exact same day, your parents don’t get it, of course they don’t, you were doing just fine with your classes, and if the grades were barely above the requirement to pass, so what? at least you were not struggling in college.
“is that boy’s fault,” your mom says from the back, arms crossed and a scowl on her face, “i told you he is a bad influence and still you did not listen! now your grades are a mess, it’s like our money for your tuition is going to waste” ah yes, your filthy rich parents money, that money was almost spare cash for them.
“don’t bring my boyfriend in this, it’s not his fault” you attempt to defend the little honor your lover had, which, honestly, he did not deserve, he was the worst kind of man you couldn’t have ever fallen for, uninterested, having you crawl behind him, but he had a big dick and a bike, sigh.
“i don’t care, you’re going to have Mr. Gojo tutor you, you like it or not”
Satoru Gojo or Mr. Gojo, your also filthy rich neighbor who just traveled around the world with god knows what money, what would he even know?
the sound of your foot tapping on the floor could tick anyone, but your stupid boyfriend hasn’t responded to any text since yesterday, and you’re two minutes away from making the long and boring walk to your next door’s neighbor house, so long and boring.
you curse and grab your bag way too hastily, you’re sick of this, utterly pissed off, and sadly Mr. Gojo will have to turn into your punching bag.
one or twice is the times you’ve seen the man, he was barely at home or your schedules never met, but damn, he was hot.
tall, broad, with soft white hair that fell on his eyes and made him look younger than he was, bright blue eyes to contrast and ridiculously long legs and hands. somehow you’re a bit speechless as he asks you to come in, taking the surroundings of his home and the family picture frames hanging off the walls, not a woman in sight, strange.
“where is your wife?” mouth works faster than the brain, but Satoru does not mind, giving you a smirk from over his shoulder.
“i don’t have a wife, my kids were adopted” damn, that makes it harder for you to hate on this man.
deciding not to pry even more into the topic you just follow him to the living room, a bunch of history books are splayed in the coffee table so you sit next to the man in one of the large, leather couches.
“your parents say you’re struggling with Japanese periods, yes? Meiji, Heian...”
this was going to be long, “yeah, whatever, why do I even have to learn about all that? it’s in the past, who cares” your attention was drifting again, pulling out your phone and tapping harshly on the screen, no messages, “fuck”
“hey, focus here, princess, leave your phone aside” the sudden shiver that runs down your spine at the nickname is somehow drowned down by a rush of annoyance, you were already in a bad mood and now this man was telling you what to do? fuck this.
“don’t tell me what to do! it’s not as if i wanted to come here in the first place” with a leg crossed over the other your head turns, puffing your cheeks like a spoiled brat.
and again, your eyes drop to your phone.
“hm, I see how it is” yet he’s not mad, more like... amused, and before you realize it he’s snatching your phone that happened to be unlocked, “who’s sukuna?”
“give me that!” you squeak, trying to grab your phone back but Satoru is already scrolling through endless embarrassing texts and multiple nudes you’ve sent.
he clicks his tongue in return, “oh, babygirl, you don’t know how to pick a man, do you?” he coos, almost as if he’s mocking you, and before you realize it, you’re being dragged to his lap, a hand on the small of your back and the other on a bare knee, “tsk, tsk, a sweet thing like you deserve much better, a real man who can please you” his smirk almost makes you moan, adding to the way his long and slender fingers trailed up your thigh to brush the edge of the panties you wore, which were almost ruined at this point.
“boys your age don’t know how to satisfy a girl like you”
the previous heated exchange is not turned into moans echoing in the room, Satoru is so fuckin’ big and long, making your eyes cross and tongue loll out with each drag of his cock inside your walls, he has you spread, with your thighs swinging over his forearms, chest on your back and his lips on your neck, giving you the fuck of your life while at the same time being treated like a fleshlight.
the man is big, big muscles and a big cock that struggles to push past the resistance inside your cunt, but it’s so worthy once it’s in, successfully finding your g spot within seconds of pounding.
“that’s a good girl, yeah, keep moaning, babygirl, your cunt is perfect around my cock” how could this man speak so lewd and freely while rearranging your guts, voice unaffected but the throb and twitch of his cock proved otherwise, “i haven’t fucked a pussy this damn tight, you’re sucking me in, ah fuck— greedy young cunt”
“nghh! haagh f-uck Sa-ah toru!” what a mess, mess of babbling nonsense and a mess of slick and precum dripping down to pool between your legs and onto the couch, the creamy sound of your pussy dragging you and down is just growing with how wetter you get, creating a ring of pearly cum around the base of Satoru’s fat cock filling your insides.
your phone rings, but who fuckin’ cares? your boyfriend is in the past, and now having a tutor is not that entirely bad.
#jjk x reader#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jjk smut#jujutsu kaisen smut#satoru x reader#gojo satoru x reader#toji fushiguro x reader#toji smut#toji x reader#toji x you#kento nanami smut#kento nanami x reader#kento x reader#toji fushiguro smut#toji fushiguro x reader smut#kento nanami x reader smut#jjk nanami smut#nanami smut#nanami kento smut#nanami kento x reader#satoru smut#satoru gojo x reader#satoru gojo x reader smut#satoru gojo smut#gojou satoru x reader#gojo smut#gojo x reader#lovegasmic writes satoru#lovegasmic writes toji#lovegasmic writes kento
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Tags: jjk men as dads, tooth-rotting fluff, comfort drabbles
Synopsis: How the JJK men treat you while pregnant (spoiler warning- they dote on you.)
An: This is my formal apology for writing Nanami angst on the “Baby’s first words” post 😔 it will never happen again (can we stop with the death threats now?)

Oh, your loving husband is all over you while you’re pregnant. He genuinely has such a cute fascination with all the changes your body is going through. He seriously thinks you’re so strong for carrying his heir.
He loves rubbing your bump. In fact, he will always be touching it in some form or fashion while you two are together. When he’s away on missions, he has you send him pictures and updates on your pregnancy as if anything major has changed in a couple of days.
You best believe he is ready to indulge you on your every craving, no matter how strange. It’s three a.m and you’re crying because you need that specific brand of chicken wings and a can of whip cream? He’s heading to the store immediately to fetch whatever you tell him to.
He genuinely worries about being a good dad. Many nights he lays his head on your bump and talks to you about how teaching didn’t come naturally to him. He wasn’t born knowing how to meet people where they’re at. He use to expect people to be able to meet him on his level. He worries that he may inadvertently put a lot of pressure on his kid, and that’s the last thing he wants due to how he was raised. He just wants his kid to be a kid.
He’s the best, most loving and compassionate dad to your baby, more than you could ever hope for. Even if teaching didn’t come to him naturally, being a father did.
He’s such a “sit down and let me do it for you” while you’re pregnant. He cooks, cleans, works, and tends to you completely throughout your pregnancy.
Suguru gets hyper fixated on your health during pregnancy. He only feeds you the yummiest and healthiest foods while you’re pregnant. He encourages for you to sit on the yoga ball and do (very) light exercises. He just wants the best for you and his baby.
Whenever I said he tends to you, I genuinely mean he tends to you. He’ll gently brush your hair at night time, rub your back when your belly is becoming heavy to carry around, serve your breakfast, lunch, and dinner in bed, carries around emesis bags and breath mints for if you get morning sickness while you two are out.
This man is the king of enforcing your boundaries to people when they don’t listen. That really annoying family member that insists on being there for the birth even though you’ve already explained to them that you want this to be an experience for just you and Geto? Yeah, he’s made it very clear to them that they will not be at the birth if they want to be in your kid’s life.
He is absolutely not afraid to hurt feelings if it means his wife and future child are safe and cared for. He really don’t give a fuck who anyone else is. You and his child are first priority.
Toji is definitely the type to express his love and devotion for you in other ways than the most conventional methods.
He is so incredibly gentle while you’re pregnant. He doesn’t rile you up as much or play fight with you anymore. He constantly reminds himself that you’re carrying another life inside you and that you have enough on your plate.
This man… whew does he love seeing you pregnant. Toji’s the type of man to feel so feral when he looks at you heavily pregnant with his kid.
He adores your body. He’ll rub lotion all over you and oils to help your skin accommodate to the stretch of carrying a kid. He massages your body and absolutely worships it while he’s rubbing the lotion and oil on you.
Your breasts are sore? He’ll gently massage them until they feel better. Your back hurts? He’d be the type to lift your bump up and take the weight off you for as long as you ask him to so you can feel relaxed for a few minutes.
And look this is probably TMI but like, if you got a clogged milk duct due to breastfeeding, Toji would unfortunately be the type of man to fix that issue with his mouth. i’m sorry but he would.
Final thing is, you better believe that he doesn’t allow anyone to get too close to you. He is so unbelievably protective over you while you’re pregnant. If he could, he’d lock you up at home to prevent anyone from getting close to you.
On the outside, he acts very nonchalant and unbothered by your pregnancy. On the inside, he is constantly plagued by the thought that your body may not be able to carry his heir. The thought of losing you or his child haunts him.
He will secretly observe and take notes on your body and how it is changing. If he catches you expressing any sort of short windedness, he will immediately send you off to bed rest. Though, you’re usually able to convince him to take you off of it by the next day.
The only servant he trusts to tend to you is Uraume. No one else in his court is allowed to be anywhere near you unless he gives specific instructions. Still, he hates leaving you in the care of Uraume. He trusts them, but he wants to be the one to take care of you.
He loves holding your body close to him at night. All four arms are wrapped around you and holding you closely. Since he doesn’t need much sleep, he will stay awake rubbing on your tummy all night long. One time, he felt the baby moving in your stomach while you were asleep. He was so intrigued that he woke you up and told you to “make them do it again”.
Now, he will randomly approach you at any given time while you’re heavily pregnant and hold his hand out so he can feel his baby moving around inside of you. It soothes his worry.
During birth, Sukuna was a complete mess. The amount of blood lost during birth fucking terrified him. He was panicking and yelling at anyone to do something to save you, even while everyone was assuring him that you’re okay and this was natural.
After 9 long excruciating months of extreme worry and constant fear, he finally feels peace when he’s cradling a newborn in his arm and a sleeping wife in the other arm. All of his hard work to protect you paid off he thinks.
Oh, to be pregnant by the king of domestic love himself.
Nanami is the type of man to immediately start working on a nursery for you as soon as you reveal to him that you’re pregnant. He immediately changes the guest bedroom into a nursery that you design for your little baby.
He reads up on all the parenting books and articles. He’s constantly compiling things to either do or to not do during pregnancy and even while raising a kid.
Like Geto, he tends to your every need. He is a total house husband all while working 40 hours a week. When he’s at work, he is constantly calling and texting you to make sure that you’re okay and taking care of yourself, but let’s be fr he literally did everything for you before he even left for work (meal prepped for you, set out your clothes for you, put out all your self care items in case you want to bathe).
When you express concerns of your body getting bigger to him, he does everything in his power to show you that he loves and respects your body for creating life. He literally cherishes and worships your body for hours if you let him.
Like Toji, Nanami is protective over you. He constantly has an arm around you if you two are in public, and he watches everyone who dares to get close to you like a hawk. If he gets a bad vibe about anyone, he’s immediately stepping in front of you and taking over the conversation.
Nanami is the best partner to have during birth. His reading of articles during your pregnancy really paid off. He is supportive without being overbearing. He listens to your needs and tends to you without question. Constant praise and encouragement while you’re giving birth. The moment he gets to snuggle with you and the baby is the moment he realizes that he cultivated the life of his dreams. He has the family he always wanted.
#jjk#jjk fanfic#jujutsu kaisen#fanfic#drabble#gojo satoru#jjk gojo#jjk nanami#jujutsu satoru#satoru x reader#jjk satoru#jjk suguru#getou suguru x reader#geto suguru#jjk sukuna#sukuna x reader#jujutsu sukuna#sukuna#toji x you#jjk toji#toji fushiguro#toji x reader#nanami fluff#jujutsu nanami#nanami kento#nanami x reader#jjk fluff#tooth rotting fluff#jjk drabbles
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Valentine’s day Special! <3
warnings ;; yandere!playboy being a delusional freak (as usual), yandere behavior, MAJOR second hand embarrassment, slightest bit of angst (if you squint), crack.

Valentine’s Day for Kieran was basically his second birthday. The rich boy never bought candy, why would he, when he could stock up for free just from today alone? His locker was overflowing with chocolates, candies, and love notes—notes that he didn’t even bother reading before tossing them straight into the trash. But the sweets? Oh, he made sure to keep those. Stuffing his bag full, he scoffed at the cheap, store-bought heart chocolates while setting aside the good stuff; the expensive ones, the homemade treats that probably took hours to make. Greedy. That’s all it was. Kieran was just greedy. But even with all the gifts, all the attention, all the adoration, it never really mattered—not until today. Not until he spotted one letter on his desk that actually made his heart skip a beat. Because this one? This one had to be from you. For the first time on February 14th, Kieran felt a genuine rush of excitement, something different from the usual smug satisfaction of being adored that just boosted his already huge ego. The envelope sat on his desk, neat and delicate, like it had been placed there with care—like it actually meant something. His fingers brushed over your initials written in beautiful cursive handwriting, slow and deliberate, his mind already running wild. Finally. You were finally giving in. He could already picture you, shy and flustered as you wrote it, your heart laid bare just for him. A love letter? From you? His sweet little obsession finally coming to her senses? He was grinning, twirling the letter between his fingers, taking his time, savouring the moment. Oh, you were so cute for this.
He carefully opened the letter, fingertips tingling with anticipation. His heart was racing, his mind already running a mile a minute. What kind of sweet words did you leave for him? Were you confessing your love? Finally admitting that you couldn’t resist him any longer? God, you knew him so well! Every detail, down to the paper, the handwriting, the delicate way the envelope was sealed—it all screamed you. This was the first time that the suave playboy turned into a giggling high school girl, biting his lip to keep from grinning too wide. If he was just some regular guy, people would be throwing weird glances at him for nearly stomping his feet in excitement, but he’s Kieran, so no one does.
To be honest, all the girls around him loved it. They giggled amongst themselves, watching him act like a lovesick fool, finding it more endearing than embarrassing. Some of them seething in jealousy at the mysterious girl who got the school's renowned playboy all lovestruck like this. Man, pretty privilege was real. Any other man would’ve been clowned for this, but Kieran? No, Kieran could get away with anything—especially when he looked good doing it.
The white haired male just had to find you, had to catch a glimpse of his princess all shy and flustered from pouring out her emotions in this cute little letter. He was already going to force you into his valentines day plans-- but you, making the move first? Gosh, you never fail to surprise him. Kieran rushed around the school, finally found you hanging around the library. He waltzes over to your table, practically floating with confidence, that stupidly charming smirk plastered across his face. With an easy flick of his wrist, he spun the chair around, plopping down and draping his arms over the back like he owned the fucking place; the letter was in his hand, obnoxiously tapping it against his palm as he leaned in, way too close, eyes glinting with something dangerous beneath all that excitement.
“Sooo...” he drawled, looking at you up and down, voice smooth as ever, “...couldn’t resist me anymore, huh princess~?” the blue eyed male winked as he laughed boyishly, Though his words were condescendingly annoying, a glint of affection is laced in his orbs.
You, the girl who just wanted some peace on this already lame ass day where you enviously stare at the lovey dovey highschoolers with, gaze up from your notebook as you stare blankly at him, forcing yourself not to immediately roll your eyes at the sight of the blue eyed playboy. “Huh?” You blink once, and then twice at him.
Kieran scoffs out a laugh. Still so shy, bless your cute little soul. “The letter, sweetheart.” He waved it a little, like it was obvious. “Real cute of you, by the way. You always did have good taste.” Your eyebrows furrow as you stare at the pastel pink letter, squinting at it before looking back at him. “What letter? Dude what the fuck are you talking about?” tilting your head as you grimace at his stupid little smirk. Kieran let out a breathy laugh, tilting his head like you just said the funniest thing in the world. “Ahh, playing shy now? That’s adorable, really,” he mused, tapping the letter against his chin. “Didn’t think you’d get cold feet after pouring your heart out like this, but it’s okay, princess. I get itttt. Big emotions can be scary!” he says with a mocking pout, leaning in closer. He reached out, trailing a finger down your arm like he was so sure this was some flirty little game. Youre playing hard to get as always, its okay! He likes the chase. However, you cant back out this easily when he literally has the physical proof of your love-- no, infatuation towards him. “You don’t have to pretend, y’know. I already know it’s from you.” his other hand tracing the first letters of your first and last name that was engraved onto the envelope.
But the way you just kept staring at him, utterly lost, was starting to poke holes in his fantasy. No. No, you were just messing with him. Testing him. Right? Rolling your eyes, you snatch the letter out of his hand, too tired to deal with whatever weird fantasy he had cooked up this time. With an exhausted sigh, you scanned the handwriting, flipping the letter over to really stare at the initials , and then—oh. Oh, this was actually hilarious. Your hand slaps your mouth as you stifle a giggle.
“Kieran,” you deadpanned, looking him dead in the eyes, “this isn’t from me. It’s from the other girl in our chemistry class. Y’know, the one with the same initials as me?” Silence.
Kieran just stood there, blinking, like his brain was trying to reboot. His fingers twitched slightly at his sides, and for the first time all day, he didn’t have a slick response ready. You watched, unimpressed, as his expression went through about ten different emotions at once—confusion, disbelief, denial, a little more denial—before finally landing on something unreadable. “...what?” He freezes for a solid minute before letting out a light chuckle, rolling his shoulders back like this was no big deal. “Ohh, right. Of course. The other girl.” He nodded, slipping his hands into his pockets, throwing on that easy, practiced smirk. “I knew that! I was just.. I was just joking, silly~!”
But inside? He was tweaking.
'What the actual hell. What do you mean it’s not from you? Then why the hell did it feel like you? Look like it was from you? Sound like you?' His heart was racing, but not in the good way anymore. His palms felt weirdly clammy. His eye twitched. 'No. No, no, no. This doesn’t make sense. This was supposed to be from you. This was supposed to be our moment. So why— who, who even is the other girl??? Has he ever even interacted with her??' Suddenly the heartfelt words that adorned the letter just seemed incredibly corny and cheesy to him. The bright pastel colours decorated along the paper blazed in his eyes, practically laughing at the delusional boy that stood before it.
You crossed your arms, raising an eyebrow at him. “Uh-huh. Sure you did.” Kieran swallowed. Act natural. Act. Natural. The playboy opened his mouth, ready to spit out some smooth, damage-control comeback—but nothing came out. For the first time in his entire life, he had nothing. Just sitting there, frozen, swallowing the most brutal, humiliating reality check of his existence. And the worst part? You were just staring at him. Not even amused. Not even mad. Just tired and annoyed.
“Oh my God,” you muttered, pinching the bridge of your nose like you were physically in pain just being near him. “I literally don’t have time for this. Happy Valentine's Day man.” You say with a tight lipped smile, grabbing your stuff as you pat his shoulder. And with that, you turned on your heel and walked away.
Kieran just stood there, gripping the letter so hard it crumpled in his palm. His ears were burning, his jaw tight, but his smirk? Still there. Bruised ego? Maybe. But shattered? Please. A mix-up like this wasn’t enough to shake him. You didn't straight up reject him, it was just a misunderstanding! It was all that stupid girl's fault for having the same initials as his dear soulmate! As if you could ever actually reject him.
No, no, this just meant you were still fighting it. Still playing your little games, still too stubborn to admit what you really wanted. Him. That was fine. He had all the time in the world to let you come to your senses. You’d see it eventually—how you were meant for him, how there was never any other option. And when you finally stop running? Oh, princess he’d be right there, waiting. Besides, there was always next year, and that time; he is certain that the only chocolates he’d be getting is from you.

a/n :: for some reason you guys looveee seeing kieran suffer so heres my early valentines gift for you all :p (maybe not you all but the three anons in my inbox LOL) purerae<3
#i feel bad for the random girl who just wanted to confess her love LOL#happy early valetines day guys!! ily all <3#purerae#yandere blog#male yandere#yandere headcanons#male yandere oc#yandere#yandere oc#yandere oc x reader#yandere x reader#yandere playboy#yandere playboy x reader#playboy x reader#playboy lore#yandere x you#yandere imagines#yandere oneshots#yandere scenarios#yandere x darling#yandere x female reader#yandere oneshot#yandere hcs#yandere x y/n#yandere male#yandere fanficton#yandere valentines day#valentines day special#male yandere x reader#yandere writing
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