#doctor Archiban Kimble
knamil · 1 year
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Spoilers for the Jedi Knight story.
Filter if you don't want to see this ever again: #knamil stasis comic
This story takes place not long after the main Jedi Knight story ends. This is an AU Comic because nothing that was released after initial story launch (Makeb onward and esp not KOTFE KOTET are considered "true" for this universe.)
Notes and captions below the cut.
I wrote the story for this in 2014 and I'm using it as a basis to follow along with an art class I'm auditing. It's inspired by companion content that was originally cut from the game, but was datamined and posted online. If you've never seen it, there was supposed to be a quest where you can help Lord Scourge get his feelings back.
I don't know how to write captions for a comic so I'm including the script as a caption.
If there is a standard way to caption comics for screen readers, msg me and I will do my best.
Conventions used
IM: stands for Internal Monologue. Scourge’s internal monologue appears in black boxes with red text and red outline.
Speech bubbles are rounded white bubbles with black text and black outline.
Setting descriptions/general captions are blue boxes with black outline and black text.
The script labels each image as a page. Each panel will have a short description of the picture then the dialog within the panel.
Begin script
Page 1 Scourge kneeling in a cell meditating. Red forcefields surround him. Title: Stasis Part I (by knamil)
Page 2 Caption: Coruscant Holding Cells - 86 Days After the Emperor’s Defeat (A.E.D.)
Panel 1 Scourge is kneeling in his cell meditating. The frame shows a partial profile of his face. One of his eyes are open. A figure is shown walking toward him. Behind the figure are closed doors.
SCOURGE IM: The Medic. Interesting.
Panel 2 A head portrait of Doc
Caption: Archiban “Doc” Kimble
DOC Hey Scourge. How’s it going?
Panel 3 Scourge is kneeling in his cell looking at the floor. He says nothing. Doc stands in front of the cell facing Scourge
DOC Just seein’ if you need anything. Maybe you want to chat? Have a little heart to heart. You know?
Panel 4 Scourge looks up.
Panel 5 Doc is looking down at Scourge. The back wall of the holding facility can be seen behind him.
Panel 6 Closer focus on Scourge.
SCOURGE Tell me, Doctor… has the Jedi stopped screaming yet?
Page 3 Panel 1 Doc looks angry
Panel 2 Doc looks sad
Panel 3 Doc looks resigned
DOC I don’t know.
Panel 4 The Jedi is on a surgery table. Machinery and tubes cover her abdomen. A breathing mask covers her mouth. Her eyes are squeezed shut in an expression of pain.
DOC They kicked me out two days ago. Her wounds won’t close. The bleeding won’t stop.
They’re rerouting half her organs with cybernetics just to keep her alive.
Panel 5 Doc leans over to sit on the floor.
DOC I heard they put you in here because you wouldn’t talk when you brought her in.
I don’t understand why you won’t tell us what’s happening to her.
Panel 6 Scourge still kneels in his cell.
SCOURGE Because there is nothing in your limited understanding of the Force and its potential that can help her.
Panel 7 Doc is sitting on the floor on the other side of the force field facing Scourge.
DOC Can you?
Panel 8 Close up view of Scourge. He looks down.
SCOURGE The ritual may not be undone.
IM: It would mean the end of everything.
End Script
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jb-nonsense · 2 years
Leeloa Ke'Ta - Commander of the Alliance
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Title(s): Hero of Tython, Battlemaster, The Outlander, Commander Birth Year: 13 BTC / 3666 BBY Birth Planet: Dantooine Species: Human Gender: Cis woman Sexuality: Demi-heteroromantic demisexual Alignment: Light Side Allegiances: The Alliance, The Republic
Appearance Basics
How much does she match her in game appearance: Pretty spot on Height: 5'5" | 1.65 m Build: Athletic, some curve with muscle underneath Hair: just below shoulder, brunette, wavy texture Eyes: bright Green Skin: Light peach color Scars: A scar on her chin Any piercings? Tattoos?: None
Brief Backstory:
Leeloa was born on Dantooine to a refugee woman named Meeria. Meeria married a Republic Refugee Resettlement Officer named Raqiel Ke'Ta and Leeloa spent the first six years of her life with her mother and step-father. On a mission to the Jedi ruins, Jedi Knight Hak Toth met her as she explored the ruins and, after some discussion with her mother, took her to be trained as a Jedi.
Leeloa was placed in a group with Praz Toth, Meella Q'Arno, and Kero Synagh. When she was nine, Kadryn Dubslayn was added to the group as well. They grew up together as close friends, but in her teen years, she and Kero grew closer. They began a relationship, but before their trials, agreed to break it off to focus on their Jedi studies.
Tragedy struck, though, when Master Hak Toth, Kero's master and a father figure to the group, was murdered by an overzealous Sith apprentice. Despite this pain, the group persevered and finished their training.
Companions and NPCs
Archiban Froderick Kimble "Doc" (husband) - An unlikely duo, a flirtatious dreaming-of-heroism doctor and a respected Jedi, the pair are able to balance each other and bring out the parts of each other that they need
T7-O1 (friend) - Meeting on Tython, the pair were inseparable until Leeloa was frozen in carbonite. They were shortly reunited.
Kira Carsen (friend) - Leeloa finished Kira's training to be a knight and, despite some disagreements, Leeloa views her as a younger sister and still will mentor her if she needs it.
Fideltin Rusk (ally) - Meeting Rusk on Hoth, he joined her crew. The pair have a good relationship, albeit Leeloa does find his lack of concern for people and only looking at numbers a problem.
Lord Scourge (ally) - Leeloa was at first wary of the Sith and for good reason. Viewing him to be possibly the best source to stop the Emperor, she decided to work with him. While often disagreeing, the pair do find common ground and form a sort of friendship
Theron Shan (friend) - Theron asked for Leeloa's help on a mission and the pair found themselves comfortable around each other, easing into a close friendship. When Theron "betrayed" her, Leeloa refused to believe it, feeling as if he had something else up his sleeve. Which was true and Theron stayed with the Alliance.
Lana Beniko (friend) - Realizing their situation, Leeloa welcomed Lana's assistance and even enjoyed some conversation with her and her insight. While not as ruthless as Lana, Leeloa does appreciate her pragmatic side and the pair are an interesting balance of optimism and pragmatism.
Koth Vortena (friend) - Leeloa admires Koth's care for people and his sense of duty, and she found it interesting to see someone else's perspective on a villain and it helped her understand just how much Tenebrae could change how he appeared to others to have control. If she ever needs someone to relax with, she goes and hangs out in the cantina with Koth.
Senya Tirall (friend) - Senya vaguely reminds Leeloa of her mother; capable of being severe but with a softer side. Leeloa and Senya respect each other and support each other, and Leeloa will go to her for personal advice.
Arcann (ally) - Leeloa spared Arcann and helped him, bringing him back to the Light Side. This has caused him to have some dependency issues with her and Leeloa and others have been helping him gain a stronger sense of self and self respect.
Feel free to send asks about any others
My OCs
Orren Raqiel Kimble (son) - born during the events of Battle of Ilum, Leeloa missed her son dearly while she was trying to locate her companions after being unfrozen.
Meeria Ke'Ta (mother) - Before Leeloa went to the Jedi, her mother doted on her and was fiercely protective of her (info)
Raqiel Ke'Ta (adopted father) - Raqiel raised Leeloa as his own until she was adopted by the Jedi and still loves her as his daughter. (info)
Dolen Tevas (father) - a sith lord Leeloa has no relationship with, who went missing a few years after her mother went to the Republic (info)
Basimah Ke'Ta (half-sister) - Leeloa's younger after sister, she was two when Leeloa went with the Jedi and tries to keep up with her adventures as best she can. (info)
Fadyl Urdasher (adopted cousin) -Raqiel's nephew, when his family would visit Raqiel, Fadyl would play with Leeloa and now they occasionally work together in their fields; Jedi turned Commander and trooper turned Senator
Akos Zydrunas (adopted cousin-in-law) - An SIS agent Leeloa has briefly worked with, he ended up marrying Fadyl and he and Leeloa have a respectable relationship.
Kero Synagh (ex-boyfriend, friend) - Kero and Leeloa grew up together and entered a romantic relationship in their teenage years. They agreed to end it to focus on their training and remained friends.
Praz Toth (childhood friend) - Praz's father brought Leeloa to the Jedi and she grew up in the same clan as Praz. The pair have a strong supportive sibling bond and trust.
Meella Q'Arno (childhood friend) - The friend who always knows what to say and says it bluntly. Meella grew up in the same clan and always calls it how she sees it with Leeloa, even if Leeloa won't admit it.
Kadryn Dubslayn (childhood friend) - a latecomer to the youngling clan, Kadryn grew up with the others after brought to the Jedi. Kadryn's trauma with the Empire and Leeloa knowing her mother's own enabled them to bond and help heal each other.
If curious, ask about others
Other people's OCs
To be added
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anchanted-one · 2 years
I'm in the middle of a huge rewrite right now. And while writing, I had a thought.
How would it have been if Doc Archiban Kimble and Kira Carsen swapped roles? Like, she's the extra flirty, sleazy doctor we meet on Balmorra, and he's the sarcastic Padawan of Bela Kiwiiks? No, I'd never actually do that in my story, it was an errant thought.
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swtorpadawan · 3 years
Doc being Doc
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legacystarwarred · 4 years
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Here is a subset of my OC roster and their LIs. I really enjoy the voice acting in swtor so I make it a point to play through with the class mirrors and both male and female so I can experience as much of the dialogue as possible.
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daisydragonart · 6 years
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A commission for the amazingly patient and sweet and kind @a-mustache-named-doc
I’m actually really proud of this piece! And it also serves as an example for future commissions!
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mustache-named-doc · 4 years
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hoiist · 5 years
For the prompt list "Keep sweet-talking and this could go a whole new direction.” with doc and vii?
omg when was the last time I wrote, what is this even?
Vii was was trying her best to be a  little more flirty and a little less oblivious when it came to the new team member. He’d been flirting with her through Balmorra, and it had been a week since he arrived. They really couldn’t stop talking to each other. Or, well, Doc couldn’t stop talking to her. It was nice. (After a quick nip after some rash comments about her crew from Lora)
She really shouldn’t... it wasn't really part of the code. 
She really shouldn’t.
He walked past her on the ship. He had ‘borrowed’ some spare clothes from Delfynn. Apparently all Doc seem’ed to own was the clothes on his back and a few supplies. Delfynn was adamant he didn’t need the clothes back, (If anything he never wanted them in the first place. Who wants a shirt with a fruit that just says ‘slut’ in aurebesh?) He wore the fruit shirt that Delfynn gave him.
“What do you think?” He asked. 
“I think you look good,” Vii replied. Now is the time, she thought, use that one line Xucie taught you the other day. "What do I have to do to get it off you? Because it looks really comfy”
Wait a minute. 
“You wanna wear my shirt?” He asked. People got flustered around him sure, he’s had people forget lines, faint near him. All the thing people do when they are lusting too hard to think. This was the first time a Jedi tried to flirt with him, and forget where they were going with it.”
“Yes? NO, wait, I want it on the floor... I think. Is that how it went...”
Doc looked to Vii. There was something rather cute about a jedi getting incredibly flusters. 
“You shirt would look better if it was on my floor.” She squeaked. Enough for him to hear him, but not enough for Kira to hear and roll her eyes, loudly
"Keep sweet-talking and this could go a whole new direction.”
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hydrospanners · 6 years
fill my lungs with sweetness
when you love someone, let them know. (vignettes about the ways doc shows his tiny jedi wife viios that he loves her; a valentine’s day gift for @hoiist.) part two of fourteen. female jedi knight/doc. fluff. 660 words. ao3.
You, Doc reminds himself, are a professional.
It’s not like he hasn’t had attractive patients before. He’s had the privilege of stitching, wrapping, injecting, and otherwise laying his hands upon some of the finest anatomy the galaxy has seen fit to produce, and he’s done it all without so much as a single wandering look. Blinding the man so the doctor can see usually comes to him pretty easy. Because, he reminds himself again, he is a professional.
And yet here he is, prodding at a blaster burn a little too close to circuitry for comfort, having to remind himself to not let his eyes roam any farther down the dark expanse of Vii’s back. Vii’s lean, muscular back.
He isn’t exactly surprised by the curves and edges usually concealed by her robes. She’s a starsdamned Jedi and a certified, pint-sized badass. He’s seen her and her laser swords in action. He knows there’s power in her body and he knows it has to be packed pretty densely to fit into such a small space. It’s just easy to forget about when it’s hidden away under all that flowing orange fabric.
Only it’s not hidden away right now.
“Everything okay, Doc?” Vii’s voice is soft and sweet as nectar, completely unsuspecting because why shouldn’t it be? She trusts him.
Guilt bubbles in his chest, thick and black as tar. You are a professional.
His eyes suddenly find it very easy to stay focused on the burn and the ointment he is gently massaging into its ragged edges. “It’s about to be, Gorgeous. How’s that feel?”
Vii hums a pleased little hum, nodding her satisfaction. He can’t see her face and he doesn’t have the Force to help him, but he’s pretty sure he can feel her smiling anyway.
“Then everything’s okay. Be even better if you’d stop running directly into blaster fire.” He hands her the robe from the back of the chair and makes a show of keeping his back turned, trying to focus on cleaning his tools and not the heat of her skin or the shape of all the musculature being covered up behind him. Trying to not think how nice it would be to run his tongue—
Doc swallows, and makes a desperate decision to run his mouth just to slow down his treacherous brain. “You know you don’t have to keep getting yourself hurt to spend time with me, Vii. You can just ask. Ol’ Doc always enjoys the company of a beautiful woman.”
“Oh,” she says, and her voice is closer than he expects. The rustle of fabric has stopped, so he figures it’s safe to look again.
But it isn’t. It isn’t safe at all.
Vii is standing there, close enough to touch, blushing that pretty blush of hers and smiling that secret smile, the corners of her mouth quirked as she tugs her lip between her teeth, her eyes dancing this way and that, fingers tugging at the edges of her hood. Her nervous energy buzzes around her like a bee around a flower and she finally gives in to it, hiding the smile she can’t resist in the fabric of her robes as she meets his gaze.
Doc thinks his heart might be in danger of stopping. It has to be against the law somewhere, to be this cute and this far out of reach all at the same time.
She’s looking straight in his eyes, courageous as always, and says, “I’ll have to take you up on that.” From the way her perfectly rosy cheeks swell over the edge of her robes, he thinks her smile must be growing. He’s pretty sure his heart is. And if she keeps looking at him like that, like he’s the only flower in a field of weeds, it might not be the only part of him that grows.
(His ego. He means his ego.)
His voice is hoarse when he says, “I’ll look forward to it, Gorgeous.”
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insufficient-focus · 6 years
Your friendly neighborhood Doc anon in your inbox again. Thought I’d tell you that my knight broke it off with Arcann (not shocked that he only does a break up letter and not a whole scene) and she rekindled her marriage with Doc! To be fair after some thought there is truly no other love for her than Doc since he was the one she willingly broke Jedi code to be with.
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Doc loves you. And so do I.
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shaddy-blueberry · 6 years
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This guy is in love with my Jedi Knight. No matter what I throw at him...
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hunnybadgerv · 3 years
5 Male Characters I’m A Slut For
I don't think I've ever been sent this before. Thank you, @nightwingshero. I'm not sure if I'm going to enjoy this or regret this. And this will likely end up the Video Game Version ... (btw, I’m pretty sure I did this wrong, so very wrong)
Tagging: @chyrstis, @theoriginalladya, @alyssalenko, @twistedsinews, @homeformyheart, @foofygoldfish, @foofyschmoofer, @kelseaaa, @swaps55, @ma-sulevin, @auty-ren, @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold, @naromoreau, @thevikingwoman, and anyone else that wants to take a stab at it.
The Lightning Cinnamon Roll - Kaidan Alenko, Mass Effect
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The Chantry Boy - Sebastian Vael, Dragon Age 2
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The Murderous Bastard - Johnny Gat, Saints Row
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Disco Party Pyromaniac, Far Cry 5
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Daring Doctor of da Stars - Archiban “Doc” Kimble, SWTOR
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ooccoo · 4 years
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The lightsabers of Aidi Procyon, Jedi Knight in the time of the Galactic War.
Aidi Procyon constructed at least four lightsabers in her lifetime. Her first, constructed on Tython under the instruction of Master Orgus Din, draws its primary influences from its time, and therefore is relatively standard for the Cold War period.
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The asymmetrical emmiter design, while somewhat during the Great Galactic war and the early years of the Cold War, was more-or-less phased out by the time of the Galactic War in favor of more balanced and “flat” designs, such as the saberstaff of Grandmaster Satele Shan. Her decision to use an asymmetrical emitter could be considered slightly “retro,” mimicking designs like that of Shan’s Master, Kao Cen Darach.
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The blue blade color is of no particular interest, as blue was the standard for Jedi Knights of the time and indeed throughout the order’s history.
Her second lightsaber was constructed a number of years after her Promotion to Jedi Knight, just after the beginning of the Galactic War. 
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Far more radical in its design than her first, this lightsaber was designed as an offhand weapon. It was used often in reverse grip, though its standard blade length was 32 inches, and the placement of the switch near the rear of the hilt reflects this.
This decision marks a radical switch in Procyon’s lightsaber form - from Form II, Makashi, to Form IV, Ataru. Though she never fully adopted the style, Ataru (and by extension its sister form, Jar’Kai) became the main focus of her training, perhaps for its strength on the open battlefields that became so common during the Galactic War.
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Other notable features of this lightsaber include the belt ring - fairly outdated by this period, as various magnetic grips and specially designed belt pouches were so common, but another of those “retro” flairs that Procyon seemed to favor - and its green blade. Green was far from uncommon in Jedi Knights, but was in those days typically associated with the Consular for its relative lack of presence in the force. Therefore, it was generally associated with experience, and many Jedi constructed a second, green lightsaber upon their promotion to Jedi Master.
While Procyon was not a Jedi Master when she constructed this lightsaber, she may have considered herself to be taking the mantle of her Master, Orgus Din, killed in combat by Darth Angral before the war began.
Soon after she built her second lightsaber, Procyon embarked on a mission to destroy the Emperor of the Sith Empire. She succeeded, and shortly thereafter defeated his successor, Emperor Malgus, at the Battle of Ilum. She was promoted to the rank of Jedi Master, and then, only a month later, abruptly left her life as a Jedi and seemingly vanished from existence.
Many historians have theorized her reasons for her self-exile, some citing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - two major battles with the greatest sith lords of their time almost back-to-back were nothing to sneeze at - while others point out a long-growing dissatisfaction with the Jedi Order evidenced in spotty personal logs referring to her relationship with Doctor Archiban Froderick Kimble. Close romantic relationships were, after all, prohibited by the Jedi Council at the time.
Whatever her reasons, Procyon vanished along with Kimble in the year 3641 BBY, shortly after her defeat of Darth Malgus and subsequent promotion to Jedi Master. Her lightsabers were left in the care of Jedi Knight Kira Carsen, who, despite rather rigorous interrogation by the council, refused to disclose any knowledge of Master Procyon’s whereabouts or motives. She was permitted to keep the lightsabers, and they remained in her collection until her death in 3501 BBY.
Procyon would not be seen again until over 150 years later, on the rim world of Alhanore, a small agrarian moon notable only for its proximity to the terminus of the Corellian Run. Though little is known of her life in between, the Seeker Zazl Ignari - who discovered Procyon very near the end of her life - eventually chronicled what remained of her personal logs in the Jedi Library. Most of the logs were philisophical and spiritual musings, but a few - particularly her account of Kimble’s death - lead us to believe that she spent the majority of her life traveling the Mid and Outer Rim, taking odd jobs for survival and settling disputes with her remaining authority as a Jedi.
The last lightsabers she constructed greatly resemble each other, and are believed to have been build as a pair. They were likely build a long time after her exile, as many of the components - including the exposed crystal stasis chamber in the mainhand lightsaber - rely on technologies that only came about much later. They are also notable for the abandonment of the asymmetrical emitter design in favor of a more typical flat emitter, as well as convection vents to allow for the high-heat amber crystal blade. 
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The mainhand lightsaber is very long - nearly 35cm for the hilt alone, and 130cm including the almost meter-long blade - and unlike most lightsabers, the grip is positioned quite far back on the hilt, which extends its reach even further. This is a dueling saber, one built on the principles of Makashi and Niman, intended to be just as effective alone as with its partner. While we do not know much of Procyon’s form during this period, it can be assumed that she mostly abandoned the Ataru-heavy technique she utilized during the Galactic War in favor of one more subtle.
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The offhand lightsaber is not particularly short, just slightly shorter than her first saber at 28cm, with a standard blade bringing its total length to about 110cm. This is distinct from the standard form of Jar’Kai, where either the offhand or both sabers are shortened to allow the blades to more effectively move around each other. It is therefore theorized that this blade was not utilized often, and when it was, it might have encouraged a sweeping style that greatly prized proper distancing and control of the opponent’s movements.
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Both lightsabers use a rare high-heat amber crystal that was found exclusively in the crystal caves of Dantooine (it has since been exhausted, probably some time during the New Sith Wars.). The crystal was not used often in lightsabers due to its tendency to overheat and otherwise produce an unstable blade. However, when used in tandem with the magnetic convection vents found in the emitter, as well as a heavily modified power cycling system, Procyon’s lightsabers are able to produce a relatively stable blade that functions at a much higher heat than normal lightsabers.
The upside to this high-heat blade is a slightly improved cutting speed on very sturdy materials such as Durasteel. It has no greater effect on lightsaber-resistant materials like Mandalorian Iron, phrik, or cortosis. The downsides are more numerous: the hilt heats up quickly, requiring convection vents to be built into the pommel, emitter, and crystal chamber of the saber; it is more vulnerable to shorting out during prolonged contact with other lightsabers, and on contact with cortosis; it is less conducive to the light side of the force, and therefore has a reduced ability to deflect force lightning.
Why Procyon chose such an unstable type of crystal is unknown - nothing of the weapon’s creation is written in her personal logs, nor is anything written of its use. The lightsabers lay buried with their wielder, on a hill nearby that same village on Alhanore.
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
‘How to woo a Jedi Knight in 15 Steps’ by Archiban ‘Doc’ Kimble
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Step 1 - Assign a ‘pet name’ to the object of your affection.
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Step 2 - If they object, completely fail to take the point. .
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Step 3 - Even after they save your life, immediately question their ability. The LOVE that.
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Step 4 - Brag about your own capabilities. Otherwise how will they know?
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Step 5 - Use your medical profession as a pretext for ‘examining’ them, thus ensuring they question your professionalism.
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Step 6 - Keep plugging away with those ‘pet names’. 
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Step 7 - When they help you rescue someone you know, make sure to put yourself over. More pet names, for example.
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Step 8 - Keep bragging. And keep plugging away at those pet names.
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Step 9 - If they express disapproval at your conduct, double-down.
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Step 10 - Bitch about her best friends. That will really make you look better.
(Also - pretty sure Doc is the only man in history to call Kira ‘Uptight’.)
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Step 11 - Suggest you and the object of your affection go off on an unsolicited vacation. Also - keep at it with the pet names.
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Step 12 - Suggest you’ll abuse your ‘authority’ as a medical professional.
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Step 13 - Remind them that in your opinion, women just throw themselves at you.
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Step 15 - Tell them you won’t respect your wishes or the boundaries they assign.
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Believe me...
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keldae · 4 years
Writer’s Month 2020: Day 14
Out of every single high-stress, high-risk mission that Reanden had ever taken or been assigned to, this self-assigned posting on the Emperor’s Fortress had to be the worst. It wasn’t the high security of the station that made more of his hair go grey; he knew enough workarounds to get past that. It wasn’t the numbers of Sith roaming the corridors. It wasn’t even the Wrath lurking about, a crimson shadow who Reanden feared would learn the true purpose of his mission here.
It was watching the captured Jedi-turned-Acolytes, who had valiantly but foolishly attempted to capture the Emperor. And the worst part of it all was watching the young redhead who had his late wife’s face, but with sulphuric yellow eyes instead of green.
Your mother would cry if she could see this, Reanden thought as he watched Xaja, fighting to keep his own grief hidden. The Acolyte -- no, captured and involuntarily turned Jedi, he insisted on telling himself. Acolyte felt too permanent, too much of a conscious choice that Xaja had made. -- shared Airna’s face and slim build; and when he watched her combat training sessions, the lightsaber skills she demonstrated were an eerie echo of his wife’s talents. But that was where the similarity ended. Airna had never been so emotionless, or cruel -- and she certainly had never been lightning-happy like this, or able to torture her friends and crewmates under the guise of ‘interrogation’. (Hells, he wasn’t usually the type to torture, and he had spent years establishing his reputation of being a sociopath!)
He had read Xaja’s dossier the minute he’d gotten his hands on it, over a year ago while she and Darth Angral had been trying to kill each other. Both the SIS’s records and Imperial Intelligence’s intel had indicated that his daughter was feisty, and stubborn, and so, so loyal to the Republic and the Jedi Order. She had a reputation of her own, one of being fiercely protective, and brave, and gentle when she didn’t need to be fighting -- even if she was a little firecracker who seemed to have no problems goading her opponents into a fight and coming up with creative insults mid-battle. That dossier described a girl who could very easily have been Airna’s child, or his own. But this… the Sith walking into an interrogation room and toward one of her friends on the rack, accompanied by the overseer ‘re-educating’ her and a few low-ranked grunt soldiers, didn’t fit that profile at all.
She’s not a Sith, Reanden tried to tell himself as he glanced down at a datapad in his hand -- the current official record for her progress in being retrained to serve the Emperor. Your baby girl is not a Sith. She’s a Jedi, she has to still be in there somewhere… He didn’t know if the Force listened to any of the pleas it heard, and was pretty sure that if it did, it had made a point of ignoring him entirely, but it still couldn’t hurt to try. Please… she has to still be in there…
He looked back up from the datapad, and nearly dropped it in surprise when he saw bright green eyes instead of yellow looking out from under the shorn red hair. Instead of the cold anger he had grown too accustomed to seeing, he could now see confusion and fear as her gaze darted around the room, taking in her surroundings. He could all but see the gears in her mind turning as she tried to figure out what was going on; her eyes landed on her friend on the rack, and she seemed to make a split-second decision. 
One lightsaber flew from her belt with a flick of her wrist; the blade activated in mid-air as it sliced through the controls for the torture rack. Xaja was already spinning around as shouts of alarm were raised from the soldiers and real Sith, her other lightsaber coming to her hand as blasters were raised at her; Reanden ducked out of harm’s way, knowing she would only see him as an Imperial captor should she try to fight her way out. “Doc, run!” she shouted, in a voice that definitely didn’t belong to the Acolyte who had walked into the chamber only minutes ago, as the second lightsaber ignited in her hand; she raised the weapon to deflect blaster shots away, but seemed to hesitate when she registered the red colour of the blade instead of the blue she had been carrying when she was captured.
She quickly shook her head and turned her mind back to the fight, but her split-second of hesitation had cost her. The overseer, who’d ducked behind a crate when the lightsaber came flying to release the would-be torture victim, got back up with a murderous look in his eyes, and a remote in his hand. Xaja started to whirl back around as she sensed the new threat behind her, and for a second, terror showed in her eyes when she recognized the remote in the overseer’s hand --
The overseer hit a control on the remote, and Xaja dropped with a scream of pain that at once made Reanden’s heart break for his daughter and made his blood boil with rage. How had he not registered the shock collar on her neck, hiding under what was left of her shorn hair? This had to be how the Sith were keeping her quiet and under their control, through a method every bit as torturous as the Castellan restraints. The overseer seemed to be in a sour mood, and kept Xaja writhing in agony for several long minutes before he finally seemed to be satisfied with the punishment he’d doled out. “Get up,” he snarled, still holding the remote threateningly.
Xaja slowly got back to her feet, once again the submissive, emotionless Sith Acolyte, if one ignored the trembling in her hands and how her shoulders seemed to shake with lingering aftershocks. The overseer marched up to her, staring at her for a moment until he seemed satisfied that she wasn’t going to turn Jedi on him again, then backhanded her across the face. “You’re lucky the Wrath wants you alive, you little bitch,” he hissed as Xaja straightened back up to face him, seemingly ignoring the blood trickling out of her nose and the bruise forming on her cheek. “You’re going to wish he didn’t by the time I’m done with you. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Overseer.” Xaja’s voice was a flat monotone, once again a far cry from the fiery little Jedi she was. She was shoved back out of the room by the overseer, and Reanden found himself tasked with taking the other prisoner back to the holding cells. The man (Archiban Kimble, according to the dossiers) still appeared shaken, both by his brush with torture and from seeing Xaja both try to fight her way free and being subdued again. 
Patience, Reanden reminded himself, as he pushed Kimble back into one of the holding cages; as he left, he could hear the doctor telling the gruff soldier, the anxious Padawan, and the fretting astromech droid that “Red” was still in there. All that the old spy wanted to do right then was break his daughter out of captivity and personally feed the overseer alive to a pack of rabid bogstalkers. But if he tried that now, it would only get himself, Xaja, and her crew killed. At least now, knowing that his daughter wasn’t a lost cause yet, he could bide his time and wait for the opportune moment to help her escape. Keep fighting, baby girl. I’m not leaving you in here.
Even if he couldn’t find her brothers, he could at least do his best to make sure his daughter escaped back to safety.
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mustache-named-doc · 4 years
Once again, i want to reiterate my undying love for that complete MORON of a character that is Dr. Archiban Frodrick Kimble.
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I miss him, i miss his stupidity and total dorky smug confidence. He's sat on my "idiot" button and made camp.
I miss RPing him too. People dont RP anymore. Im still up for it if anyone else is.
Im going to post later about a swtor college AU. Its adorable and i love it and i play it in my head so much its embarrassing.
So yeah..... Doc.... i like that guy.
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