#doctor numeri
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ai-higurashi · 1 year ago
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Dr. Numeri my beloved ❤️
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precureshowdown · 2 years ago
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months ago
Hii! I just saw that your asks are open, and that you write for Merlin. Yesterday I discovered the two Kingsman movies and I watched them both, and now I'm obsessed with both Harry and Merlin.
I know you don't write for Harry, so I wanted to ask you for a Merlin fic of angst and the grovelling trope. Like, maybe he has a terrible day and the reader tries to confort him, but he ends up snapping at her and telling her some real hurtful things and so he has to grovel *a lot* to earn her forgiveness or something like that :)
If you don't want to write it or you're too busy I completely understand :)
Also, if you do write it, please tag me, I don't want to miss it for the world <3
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Oh they are such good films aren't they. I really enjoyed them. Have you seen the prequel they did? That was better I think.
Happy to write for Merlin, I don't get any asks for him so it would be a refreshing change. I would even give Harry a shot however if you read my pinned post I have a set of rules and one of them is I only write from prompts because I find writing other people's scenerios/stories creatively stifling.
If you'd like to resubmit with a prompt from anyone of my numerious posts I'd love to play with it for either Harry or Merlin or both.
For future ref here are the rules:
The Rules:
Only pick people off the character list below for each fandom.
One prompt per ask - you can send as many asks as you want within reason
Include the whole prompt in the ask, not just the number.
I don’t write things like Voight’s daughter/Hondo’s friend/Adam’s sister
I also don't write specific asks on this blog eg: reader is a firefighter/doctor/cop who has this/does this. They meet and do this/and this and say this... I usually work from prompts.
I don't write other people's stories so if you have a long detailed idea you want writing, this is not the blog for you.
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sparklingandtwinkling · 8 days ago
Tropical-Rouge! Pretty Cure Characters as Mobians
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Manatsu Natsuumi/Cure Summer - Auburn Labrador Retriever/Blonde Labrador Retriever
Sango Suzumura/Cure Coral - Dark Purple Fennec Fox/Light Purple Fennec Fox
Minori Ichinose/Cure Papaya - Dark Yellow Goat/Orange Goat
Asuka Takizawa/Cure Flamingo - Rust Red Ocelot/Bright Crimson Ocelot
Laura/Cure La Mer - Bright Pink Merhog (Grand Ocean)/Bright Pink Hedgehog (Mobius)/Sky Blue (with a Pink Ombré) Hedgehog (Cure)
Laura is from the land of mermaids known as Grand Ocean
Kururun - Seal Cure Flicky
Kururun is a sea fairy from Grand Ocean
They are the current Mermaid Queen and Laura's pet
Magical Allies:
Mermaid Queen - Turquoise Merhog
The Queen of the Grand Ocean.
She gives Laura the Tropical Pacts and tells her to find the Pretty Cures to fight the Witch of Delays.
Aunete/Cure Oasis - Sandy Blonde Turtle/Bright Yellow Turtle
Is a legendary Pretty Cure of the past.
Witch of Delays - Black Water Dragon
A witch who lacks motivation.
Butler - Dark Yellow Seahorse
He is the Witch of Delays' butler.
Chongire - Blue Hermit Crab
He works as the Witch of Delays' chef.
Numeri - Light Purple MerEchidna (has a Sea Cumber tail)
She works as the Witch of Delays' doctor.
Elda - MerFox (has a Shrimp tail)
She works as the Witch of Delays' maid.
Taiyo Natsuumi - Brown Labrador Retriever
Manatsu's father.
Aoi Natsuumi - Auburn Labrador Retriever
Manatsu's mother.
She works at the Aozora City aquarium.
Miyuki Suzumura - Fennec Fox
Sango's mother.
She works at Pretty Holic.
Narumi Ichinose - Dark Yellow Goat
Minori's mother.
Haruya Takizawa - Dark Maroon Groundhog
Asuka's father.
He is well-known as the Blazing Good Weather Man, being a passionate drummer who is determined to perform a ritual that will clear the sky from bad weathers.
Supporting People:
Yuriko Shiratori - Dark Blue Clouded Leopard
She's a third-year student and the student council president of Aozora Middle School.
Masami Kakuta - Brown Albatross
She is the president of the Disciplinary Committee and is very strict about following the rules.
Saki Sakuragawa - Manta Ray
She is Manatsu, Laura, and Sango's homeroom teacher.
Kiriko Shiraishi - Dull Magenta Hyena
One of Manatsu's classmates.
Is best friends with Naomi and Yumi and three girls are seen together a lot.
Naomi Komachi - Brown Seal
One of Manatsu's classmates.
Is best friends with Yumi and Kiriko and three girls are seen together a lot.
Yumi Kuwano - Black Ermine
One of Manatsu's classmates.
Is best friends with Kiriko and Naomi and three girls are seen together a lot.
Mafune Hirabayashi - Dugong
Is the director of the Aozora City aquarium.
Previously: 🌿🐶 | Next: 🍀🐱
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bones39 · 8 months ago
Vogliamo SMarphy: Un Manifesto per la Cura del Paziente
🌟 Introduzione
Nel cuore pulsante degli ospedali, tra corridoi illuminati a neon e stanze d’attesa ansiose, si nasconde una realtà spesso inascoltata e trascurata: quella del paziente. Questo manifesto, intitolato “Vogliamo SMarphy,” è un grido di protesta pacifica che richiama l’attenzione su una serie di problemi sempre più evidenti e frequenti nell’ambito medico ospedaliero. I pazienti, spesso incompresi e trattati con freddezza, meritano una voce forte e chiara.
🏥 Il Paziente Inascoltato
I pazienti portano con sé storie, paure e speranze. Tuttavia, troppo spesso vengono ignorati o rimbalzati da un medico all’altro, come palline da flipper. “Vogliamo SMarphy” chiede un cambiamento radicale: ascoltateci! Ogni sintomo, ogni preoccupazione, ogni dettaglio potrebbe essere la chiave per una diagnosi accurata.
🤝 L’Approccio di SMarphy
Paragoniamo questa situazione alla serie TV “The Good Doctor” e al personaggio del chirurgo Shaun Murphy. Shaun, affetto da autismo e sindrome del savant, ci insegna che l’onestà e la precisione sono fondamentali. Come lui, concentriamoci su una cosa alla volta, analizzando i dettagli con intensità. Lasciamo la parte emotiva a chi ci affianca, creando un team di cura empatico e competente.
📊 Le Statistiche Parlano
Le denunce contro medici e strutture sono in aumento. I pazienti si sentono abbandonati, lasciati soli nel labirinto burocratico della sanità. “Vogliamo SMarphy” vuole sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica e i professionisti del settore. Non siamo numeri, siamo esseri umani con bisogni reali.
🌼 Il Movimento “Vogliamo SMarphy”
Unisciti a noi! Organizziamo incontri pacifici, scriviamo lettere aperte, condividiamo storie sui social media. Chiediamo:
Ascolto attento e rispetto per ogni paziente.
Trattamento empatico e umano.
Team medici che lavorano insieme, come una sinfonia di cure.
🌟 Conclusioni
“Vogliamo SMarphy” non è solo un manifesto, ma un movimento che abbraccia la dignità e la cura del paziente. Siamo tutti potenziali pazienti, e la nostra voce deve essere ascoltata. Sosteniamo la rivoluzione della cura medica, guidata dall’onestà, dalla precisione e dall’empatia, dalla comunicazione priva di discriminazione e pregiudizio. Scegliendo un lavoro in team e la comunicazione diretta tra diverse figure in modo da non scompartimentare i sintomi di un corpo che funziona come una macchina, ove se salta un pezzo saltano altri pezzi comr un domino, a maggior ragione se trascurati o declassati a problemi di poco conto perché mentali (togliamo anche questo stigma, mente e corpo hanno pari importanza nella salute e devono stare in armonia).
Unisciti a noi. #VogliamoSMarphy! 🌼👂🏥
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year ago
La Spezia: al via alla 55^ edizione del Festival Internazionale del jazz
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La Spezia: al via alla 55^ edizione del Festival Internazionale del jazz. Alla 55^ edizione del FESTIVAL INTERNAZIONALE DEL JAZZ DELLA SPEZIA, in programma dal 25 luglio al 2 agosto in Piazza Europa, in calendario grandi nomi del panorama jazz internazionale: - 25 Luglio STANLEY CLARKE, - 26 Luglio THE MANHATTAN TRANSFER (50° anniversario e Final World Tour); - 27 Luglio EARTH, WIND AND FIRE EXPERIENCE BY AL MCKAY CON GREG MOORE, - 28 Luglio DOCTOR 3, 30 Luglio AL DI MEOLA, 02 Agosto Omaggio ad Astor Piazzolla con DANIELE DI BONAVENTURA E LA HYPERION ENSEMBLE. Il FESTIVAL INTERNAZIONALE DEL JAZZ DELLA SPEZIA è prodotto dal Comune della Spezia, Fondazione Carispezia, Società dei Concerti ETS; con il patrocinio di Regione Liguria e il sostegno dell'Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Ligure Orientale. Main Sponsor: Iren SPA – Partners: MBDA, PA Digitale. 18 Luglio 1969 La Spezia. Questa è la data che segna l'avvio del Festival jazz nella città del Golfo dei Poeti che quest'anno celebra la sua 55^ Edizione e vanta l'onore di essere la manifestazione, nel suo genere, più longeva d'Italia. Nato da un'idea di Tiberio Nicola, ha visto susseguirsi sul palco artisti di fama internazionale, da Mingus a Keith Jarrett, Weather Report, Bollani, ma anche grandi nomi non legati espressamente al genere come quello di BB King, Mogol o Kronos Quartet. Il sindaco della Spezia Pierluigi Peracchini dichiara: "La cinquantacinquesima edizione del Festival Internazionale del Jazz della Spezia sta per iniziare e la città è pronta per ospitare i grandi artisti di fama internazionale che saliranno sul palco di piazza Europa. Questa manifestazione è ormai una tradizione perché è una delle protagoniste dell'estate spezzina con oltre mezzo secolo di storia, grandi nomi e successi, che porta energia, creatività e divertimento attraverso il linguaggio universale del jazz. Ringrazio tutti coloro che hanno reso possibile questa nuova edizione, gli artisti, i musicisti, i tecnici e tutti coloro che hanno lavorato per la sua organizzazione". "C'è molto più jazz di quanto si creda il jazz ha assunto un ruolo fondamentale nel processo di evoluzione della musica pop moderna, tanto da essere considerato come suo 'genitore'. Oggi, grazie anche alle sue contaminazioni, è un genere che può essere fruito non solo dagli appassionati, ma da un pubblico più vasto" dichiara il Direttore artistico Lorenzo Cimino. Biglietti in prevendita per i singoli concerti disponibili su questo link. STANLEY CLARKE: È stato quattro volte vincitore del Grammy Award e salirà sul palco con la band 4EVER composta da Jeremiah Collier alla batteria, Jahari Stampley piano e tastiere, Colin Cook alla chitarra, Emilio Modeste al sassofono. Clarke è considerato uno dei bassisti più influenti degli anni '70 a livello mondiale. Registrando 19 album in tutta la sua carriera, ha sperimentato molto e, in realtà, si è tenuto abbastanza scostato dal genere che (ai suoi esordi a New York) lo ha messo al fianco di mostri sacri come Gil Evans, Art Blakey, Dexter Gordon e tanti altri. THE MANHATTAN TRANSFER: Data che rientra nel Word Tour con il quale lo storico gruppo si congeda definitivamente dalle scene musicali. Sarà quindi una serata dal forte impatto emozionale quella nella splendida cornice di Piazza Europa. Il gruppo statunitense è dal 1998 presente nella Vocal Group Hall of Fame. Ad aprire il concerto sarà la Jazz Vocal Esemble del Conservatorio "G.Puccini" di La Spezia con Michela Lombardi. Ospite Karima con la direzione di Pietro Gaddi. EARTH, WIND AND FIRE EXPERIENCE BY AL MCKAY CON GREG MOORE: L'apertura del concerto sarà affidata a Joe Castellano Super Blues & Soul Band. Con più di 40 anni di carriera i numeri maturati dagli Earth wind and fire sono imponenti: hanno venduto oltre 90 milioni di dischi, vinto diverse volte i Grammy Awards (ottenute 20 nomination e vinte 6) e gli American Music Awards (12 nominations e vinte 4). Sono inoltre presenti nella Rock & Roll Hall of Fame e possono vantare una stella nella celebre Hollywood Walk of Fame di Los Angeles. DOCTOR 3: Il trio è composto da Danilo Rea al pianoforte, Enzo Pietropaoli al contrabbasso, e Fabrizio Sferra alla batteria. La formazione è nata nel 1997 con un disco ('The tales of Doctor 3') che l'anno successivo era già citato dalla rivista Musica Jazz come il miglior album italiano. L'impronta e lo stile fortemente riconoscibile della formazione li ha portati a essere decretati per ben tre anni (1999, 2001, 2003) il Miglior gruppo Jazz italiano. AL DI MEOLA: Atteso protagonista di quest'edizione, considerato un genio assoluto della chitarra, Al Di Meola nella sua carriera esplora diversi stili, tra i quali spicca il jazz fusion dalle influenze latine. Non solo solista, vanta numerose collaborazioni come quella con il gruppo Return To Forever (con Chick Corea, Stanley Clarke e Lenny White), il celebre trio di chitarra acustica con i colleghi virtuosi John McLaughlin e Paco de Lucia e il trio Rite of Strings con il bassista Clarke e il violinista Jean-Luc Ponty. DANIELE DI BONAVENTURA con la HYPERION ENSEMBLE omaggeranno il grande compositore e musicista argentino Astor Piazzolla. L'Unione di jazz e tango darà il via a uno spettacolo unico che chiuderà la 55° edizione del Festival del Jazz. La carriera artistica del marchigiano Daniele Di Bonaventura vanta, dagli esordi, circa una 30na di dischi pubblicati per editori ed etichette discografiche di tutto rispetto nel panorama internazionale. Ha suonato, registrato e collaborato con tantissimi artisti tra i quali Enrico Rava, Paolo Fresu, Oliver Lake, David Murray. La Hyperion Ensemble, dal canto suo, vanta più di 1000 concerti in giro per il mondo, portando il suo Tango unico e totalmente immersivo.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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ilimitadoworld-r · 3 years ago
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boomboomiloveprettygirls · 4 years ago
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I know we’re all freaking out about Asuka, but consider: I love her
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lovinglapislazuli · 3 years ago
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Guys he’s gonna be fine, Numeri is a doctor! 
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abr · 3 years ago
Indizi dell’avvenuta catastrofe
Che la civiltà occidentale (l’unica civiltà degna di tale nome so far, sorry per la franchezza) sotto la saggia guida democratica Usa stia andando a rotoli, non è più una opinione o una anticipazione, è un fatto e l’Afghanistan è solo un esempio. Il segnale terminale più forte è quando la singola persona più bieca ed influente del pianeta al momento, (no non Zuckerberg o o Bezos ma) il Doctor Fauci, indichi come praeclaro esempio sa seguire la campagna vaginale e le misure prese dal gobierno italico, incluse le balle sui numeri narrati, la monocorde disciplina di mainstream media e delle masse di pecorame affluent. Bonanotte.
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merryfortune · 3 years ago
Sweet Dreams Under the Sea
Written for 100ships on Dreamwidth
Prompt #40 Ocean
Main Ship: Chongire/Numeri 
Other Notable Relationships: Chongire & Elda, Elda & Numeri
Fandom: Tropical Rouge PreCure
Word Count: 1,634
Rating: G
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Tags: Fluff, Bittersweet Ending, Domestic, Found Family
   “Excuse me, Elda, but it is past your bedtime.” Butler said, peering in closer to the girl, his eyes unnerving but Elda was unrelenting. “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a girl healthy, pretty, and wise.”
   “I don’t wanna.” Elda pouted, her arms flailed as she held tightly onto her dolls.
  Chongire who had been walking past the hallway overheard and decided to, “I don’t see any harm in letting her stay up. Imagination play is good for kids or something like that.” 
   Butler sighed and shook his head.
   Numeri, who had been following along with Chongire, giggled, “I’m sorry, Chongire, but I’m with Butler on this one,” she said, she placed her hands on Chongire’s back, unsettling him as he could feel her snail slime seep in past his clothes and was cold, “it would be better for Elda if she went to bed early.”
   “I don’t want to!” Elda continued to resist.
   Butler looked pleadingly to Numeri, “You are better at handling this child than I am.” he said.
   Numeri slithered into the room and put her hands on her hips. Elda stared her down and Numeri knew if it was going to be a battle of wills, Elda would win. She had more youth and energy, after all. She could throw a tantrum until the Fool’s Casket was full and never tire. Get hungry, perhaps, but not tired.
   “Elda, why don’t Chongire and I take you to your room. We’ll put you to bed with sea cow milk and seashell cookies. We can even tell you a bedtime story. That way, you can still stay up a little bit late but not too late like Butler feels.” Numeri negotiated in a pleasantly sweet and gentle voice.
   Elda paused to consider the offer. She hummed in thought and tapped her chin before shrugging. She set down her dolls and said, “Alright.”
   “That’s a good girl.” Numeri praised her.
   “You spoil her too much.” Chongire whispered to Numeri and she just giggled again.
   Butler shook his head but the bargain worked. Elda popped herself off the top of the table she was so comfortably lying on and swam over to Numeri and Chongire. Numeri gave Butler a wave good night as it was unlikely to see him afterwards as it was his usual bedtime, too but Chongire rolled his eyes. 
   Numeri and Elda began to shuffle off and Chongire gruffly piped up, “Good night, Butler.”
   “Good night Chongire, good night Numeri, and good night Elda. I will see you all in the morning, ready to report for breakfast.” Butler bade them and that was that.
   Chongire huffed and though he had been going one way - leaving the kitchen - it was time to go the other way - back to the kitchen. He was just as bas as spoiling Elda, quite clearly, otherwise he wouldn’t go through the effort of fetching the snacks that Numeri had suggested. One cold, frothy drink of sea cow milk and seashell cookies coming up. It wouldn’t take that long, thankfully.
   So, once Chongire had done that, he scuttled along to catch up to Numeri and Elda and it looked like he had made it back just in time. Elda was throwing a tantrum. She swam swiftly around her room, literally banging off the walls and following the ricochet and all whilst incessantly screaming for her snack. Poor Numeri, shuddering at the shrillness of Elda’s voice, in the middle of it.
   “Good grief…” Chongire muttered to himself and he lifted up his claws slightly, to show off the tray that he had brought out. “Here you go, little girl.”
   Elda stopped mid-paddled and was completely still, she beamed, “Well why didn’t ya say so sooner?” she asked as she very civilly swam over to Chongire, her little tail wagging and her antennae twitching excitedly. “You always make the best snacks, Chongire.”
   “Thanks, kid.” Chongire replied, half a smile on his hard face.
   Elda grinned greedily, reaching for the sea cow milk with one hand and with the other, she was snatching up the seashell cookies that Chongire had made. Elda was munching them down, getting crumbs everywhere but she did it with an earnest excitement that was endearing. Even Numeri slyly sneaked a biscuit or two. It made Chongire smile, even if it was a gruff and somewhat hidden smile. He put a lot of effort into this pain in the neck cooking thing, it was nice to see it appreciated for once. He wasn’t going to get such gusto from the Witch of Delays any time soon so he did savour Elda’s gluttony and even Numeri’s as well.
   “Ah,” Elda exclaimed, smacking her lips together, “that was the good stuff.”
   “Ready to brush your teeth and go to bed then, hm, Elda?” Numeri prompted her.
   “I suppose.” Elda breathily sighed. “I’ll be quick as.”
   “No, you won’t. Two minutes.” Numeri told her.
   “Fiiiine.” Elda sighed loudly again.
   Chongire smiled to himself. Perhaps Numeri could be strict with Elda once in a while.
   Elda swam off to her ensuite and kept the door open. From the doorframe, she showed off how she could brush her teeth like a big girl and to complete Numeri’s order of at least two minutes. It was horrible. It was such an inconvenience, but Elda did it and then returned once she had wiped her mouth.
   Her little, fat tail wagged as she dived on her bed. She had a nice cosy little nest of a four poster bed in the corner. She got under the covers, wriggling down, and yawned, a little bit fakely. She patted her mouth and beckoned her two carers closer.
   Numeri very happily slithered closer, putting an arm around Elda, half in her own bed whilst Chongire hovered, a little distant, a little awkward. He crossed his arms but he sat down. Numeri smiled softly and she played with Elda’s hair, undoing her pigtails and straightening them out.
   “Is that better? Easier to sleep on?” she asked.
   “A little… yeah…” Elda murmured as she settled and then took a big breath. “But I want a bedtime story! You promised me a bedtime story!”
   Numeri giggled, “That I did, that I did…” she murmured. “Hm, let’s see… How about the story of Finderella.”
   “Ooh,” Elda’s eyes shone, “that’s my favourite.”
   “Glad to hear it,” Numeri said and then she glanced at Chongire, “what about you?”
   “It’s not bad.” Chongire replied with a flippant gesture of his gauntlet.
   “Well, you can do the prince’s voice.” Numeri said impishly.
   “I’ll try.” Chongire grumbled, he didn’t think he was going to be very good at it.
   Not like Numeri. She was a natural. Her tone of narration as she reeled off the story of the mermaid named Finderella was beautiful. Elda smiled, her eyes slowly closing, as she listened to Numeri’s fairy tale and by the end of it, Elda was snuggly and cosy in the bed. Numeri smiled gently and kissed Elda’s forehead.
   “And Finderella lived happily ever after…” she murmured, “Good night, Elda, sweet dreams, we’ll see you in the morning.
   “Okay,” Elda yawned, half-asleep, “night, night, Mama… g’night, Papa.”
   Numeri giggled, a scant blush of blue to her purplish face. She glanced at Chongire who was completely embarrassed.
   “Aww,” she whispered, “not yet ready to be a daddy?” she teased him.
   “N-No, it's not like that, argh, darn kids these days… I’m not that old.” Chongire grumbled.
   Numeri slowly edged away from the side of Elda’s bed and slithered towards Chongire. She slipped her arms around his huge, shelled forearms and snuggled in.
   “Speak for yourself,” Numeri murmured, “my biological clock is ticking.”
   Chongire grumbled but nothing coherent.
   “I think it's sweet that Elda considers us parental figures.” Numeri said and Chongire opened the door for them.
   Chongire’s guarded expression softened, “Yeah, it is,” Chongire murmured, “I guess I just wish…”
   “Wish it didn’t have to be so?” Numeri finished Chongire’s sentence for him.
   He nodded gravely as they continued down the halls. It was pretty lonely and very tough to grow up in the bottom of the ocean. Down an abyss where no one wanted them, except to use them like with the Witch of Delays. Cast out from the Grand Ocean, where light did penetrate the layers upon layers of water, where song and dance were commonplace. Where it was vibrant with energy and motivation and for reasons unknown, even to the adults that they were now, they had been forbidden it. Parents had abandoned them, or maybe they just came out of the squishy egg shell alone with only their instincts. Him, Numeri, and even little Elda. That was all the beats of their story - and it wasn’t exactly a fairy tale nor was it to be on the villains’ side.
 “C’mon, let’s go to bed, we’re too old to stay up late, don’t you think, Papa?” Numeri teased him even after that lull of unspoken, melancholic reverie.
   “Whatever you say, marm.” Chongire teased her back.
   “Well, I'm the doctor and doctors always know best.” Numeri said and she stretched herself up, her sea cucumber tail wiggling unsightly, just so she could get a chance at pecking the side of Chongire’s face.
   He smiled back at her, “Thanks and good night, Numeri, don’t sleep in again or we’ll all get in trouble.”
   “You better take your own advice as well then,” Numeri said and there was a bittersweet hesitance to how her hands slowly receded back to herself, the slimy pads of her fingertips skating over Chongire’s exoskeleton, “good night, Chongire.”
   With that, they parted and returned to their own quarters but for some reason, they both had the lingering feeling of not wanting to leave each other’s side. The heart could be very bothersome at times.
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ai-higurashi · 2 years ago
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Little something I did for October that I forgot to post
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precureshowdown · 2 years ago
love that someone submitted Numeri to the villain showdown as Doctor Numeri. She didn’t spend 4 years in sea slug medical school for people to not respect her.
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acquaconlimone · 3 years ago
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Nel 1997 avevo cominciato a guardare le gare della 125 perché c'era un ragazzino italiano molto birro di nome Valentino figlio di Graziano Rossi uno che correva nelle 250 e nei paddock portava una gallina al guinzaglio.
Il ragazzo proveniva da Tavullia (ancora nessuno sapeva dove fosse) ma andava forte, molto forte, talmente forte che vinceva una gara su due, ma non vinceva e basta ma stracciava gli altri con dei numeri da circo e poi faceva le gag prima di salire sul podio.
Da qui in poi ci si è andati in crescendo, dopo la 125 con il campionato del mondo vinto si è passati alla 250 e la storia si è ripetuta, gare vinte e poi il campionato fino ad arrivare alla 500 classe regina delle moto e qui hai spalato, hai pensionato Max Biaggi, Sete Gibernao, hai fatto un sorpasso su Stoner al cavatappi di Laguna Seca dove sei andato oltre alle leggi della fisica, hai fatto un sorpasso all'interno a Lorenzo nel gp di Spagna, ultima curva dove Lorenzo impostò la piega e si vide passare te e la tua moto da letteralmente sotto il naso.
E noi li, come inabettiti da quelle magie che riuscivi a tirare fuori dai cilindri ogni gp.
Poi il passaggio dall'Honda alla Yamaha che era una lattina con le ruote e cosa combinasti? Vincesti subito il mondiale contro tutti i pronostici fu l'apoteosi della moto da corsa, il trionfo che ti portò tra gli immenso di ogni epoca.
Dopo ci furono delle stagioni no tipo con la Ducati, e poi ci fu la beffa dei due spagnoli che ti negarono il decimo titolo, una vergogna assoluta.
Il resto è cronaca, gare così così ogni tanto un acuto ma eri sempre il pilota da battere, per gli altri non contavano le gare vinte, contava battere Valentino Rossi quello era il metro di paragone per capire se un pilota era un manico oppure no.
Oggi, adesso hai dato l'annuncio del ritiro, cosa giusta dopo così tanti anni e dal 2022 non vedremmo più il The Doctor e La Polleria di Osvaldo, le cosa finiscono.
Però posso dire una cosa sola, in vita mia ho visto Gilles Villeneuve, Alberto Tomba e Valentino Rossi e porca puttana se mi sono divertito!
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planetchii · 3 years ago
Tropical Rouge, Trouble On The Train! Asuka's School Field Trip!: It's time for Asuka's reward for spending three years in the local public middle school: A graduation field trip to celebrate her and her class's upcoming graduation! However, one person didn't think it was fair that she got to go on a super special field trip without her.
And that person was Smug Fish Laura.
And the best way that she could show that she was getting in on this exclusive trip? Showing off her best Halloween trick. I mean, you'd think so too if a random hand just sort of... came up out of your bag. Leading to the smuggest of fish faces. In any case, the trick was so good, Asuka had to pretend she was hit with a bout of diarrhea to run to the bathroom and hide the smug fish back in her bag. Maybe don't talk about an exclusive trip for your grade with a fish that can hide in an Aqua Pot next time.
Elsewhere, the other Tropical girls are running full force in full transformation, with Summer carrying a large box for a special mission from God the seal. Or just in case they can stay on the train.
Back on the train, it turns out that Numeri has a part-time job as a train conductor, and she's here to collect tickets, eat oranges, and once again prove that she's the only one that can come up with a semi-functional plan to quietly steal Yaruki power. She even got the uniform and ID badge and everything. But at least everyone is in agreement that it's a bit too cramped to fight in the car of an overnight sleeper train. Good thing there's a stop coming up. It's not like none of them will get left behind. Probably.
After a fierce showdown and intense staredown, the battle between Asuka and Numeri begins.
And ends with Asuka just running back into the train, leaving Numeri behind with the biggest smug grin that would make the smug fish proud. For all of Numeri's smarts, she sure didn't see that coming.
As part of the "illegal train rider" package that Laura bought, she also gets dinner and a show. So long as she can hide when Asuka's Ex shows up. At least someone's finally mentioning how they seem to hate each other? In any case, we finally get the long-awaited explanation for why Asuka and Yuriko are exs. And good news everyone, it's not a 555 level misunderstanding we're dealing with. Turns out, some girls from another school had decided to start messing with Yuriko's racket during a championship and Asuka didn't take it too well. While Yuriko knew Asuka was telling the truth, for the good of the club and the game, both schools would withdraw to keep Asuka's outburst quiet. Asuka really didn't take too well to it and left the club. I think we can all be glad that it was a clash of ideals rather than MISUNDERSTANDING.
Meanwhile, Numeri comes in with the Yaraneda Express, in order to do her doctor duty of explaining the birds and the bees. Trains have to come from somewhere, people. But at least the two fighting exs put down their grievances to help evacuate students. Even if one of them is really confused about a smug fish being there at all, while still trying to pull rank against her ex who could not care any less. But as the trio continues to moving students to the front (which turns out to just make Numeri's job easier), Yuriko gets knocked out. If anything, it allows the girls to transform, and when she comes to, Yuriko sees Cure Flamingo. You can also see the exact moment strange and funny feelings pop up in Yuriko's heart. Especially when Flamingo hits the backhand just like Asuka. Hmmmm... Is it backhand? I'm not good with tennis.
In any case, we're finally met with the other members of the Tropical club, already transformed and just as confused as to why Laura is there already. But after everyone is together, the girls release their tactical Rider Kicking Pink Elephant and deal with the Yaraneda. Something Yuriko wonders if it was all a dream.
And the Tropical Delivery Service delivered to Asuka one (1) emotional support pillow and one (1) emotional support Kururun.
Tropical Rouge, Stride Down The Runway! Sango's Fashion Show!: The Mythical Sango episode Is here! And we begin with not-Sango's dad in a panic about not having his top model that has decided just recently to head to Paris like the star princess she was born to be. It was highly unfair of him to burst into Sango's and Sango's mom's bonding time, honestly. Sango was getting the low-down on all the new, shiny inventory too. Then not-dad Koni had the audacity to pull the, "Do you know who I am" card. At least she knew who he was.
The Not-Dad being the professor of cute. And Not-Dad Koni knows what he wants. And what he wants is to:
Make Sango Aozora's Next Top Model.
And in a bout of sudden confidence, Sango says "Sure, I'll do it." Enter the Sango training montage with the help of her fellow Tropical Club members!
Sango works hard to make sure her posture is perfect, her walk is on point, and even trying on the dress that she would be expected to wear as part of her runway debut. She even thought of a way to show off the total cuteness of the dress so that everyone can see the hidden hearts in the skirt. Everything is going so well.
Until the day of the actual event, at least. Seeing all of the actual models start giving Sango some stage fright and super familiar confidence issues. It's understandable. Everyone she's walking with has done this before, and she was just invited. The Happy to Be Here type.
Practice begins for the actual walking on the runway bit, and Sango accidentally becomes a full-blown statue, before she rolls her ankle. But with the spirit of everyone, she was able to walk off the runway and gave her time to reflect if this was the most appropriate career choice for her. But the call of cute is too much. Far too much. And that's enough to steel her resolve. And all the help she received, allowed her to get up and help blow the cute balloons up when no one else would. The models would join in because they will not lose to a new up-in-comer.
Elsewhere, Numeri proves once again that she is the only one with a working plan for collecting Yaruki power. And as the manager of the Yaraneda Model, she is highly upset that she was not contacted to bring her client in for a try-out for this runway show. Luckily Manatsuu and the others were there because Sango was occupied blowing balloons.
When Sango finally hears the commotion going on, she finally sees the not-very-cute Yaraneda, a monster that is completely ruining the vibe of the runway. Not cool. But it lets her sprint down the runway to protect the cuteness of the show, and the girls make very quick work of it. I mean, really quick work. It was a blink and you miss it type thing.
And with the monster gone, and Sango's confidence at full power, Sango is able to walk the catwalk with confidence, showing off the dress with the hidden hearts. And Sango is able to let go of the balloon that is either her negative feelings or just one of the ones she blew up. One of those.
Revice, The World Reforming Rider! Who is the Traitor!?: Poor Hiromi isn't taking the fact that he was demoted all that well. Now he feels like he has to steal company property and sell them on the black market just to make ends meet. I mean, a demotion is a hell of a loss of income. I mean, the poor man is losing sleep over this. I mean, so is Daiji but for different reasons. And anyway, will FENIX really miss two stamps?
I mean, George probably will. The fanboy.
Meanwhile, at Shiawase Yu, word has gotten out that Ikki is fighting the Deadmans and have taken to reporting all of their Deadman sightings to the family, courtesy of Dad's live stream on Twitch. Including, but not limited to: "I think a Deadman tossed my cat up the tree", "A Deadman knocked over my plants", and "I saw a Deadman going through my perverted neighbor's garbage." You know, the important stuff. Don't worry. Just take a nice long soak and Ikki will take care of it.
But if working in the baths and being a Rider is tiring, Vice has a great idea for a new career: Canabalistic Mukbang Twitch Streamer.
Back at the FENIX HQ, it turns out that they did miss those two stamps. And George DID know that Hiromi was the culprit. Because Hiromi was THE ONLY ONE he told about his Kamen Rider SoDo collections triggering his Spidy Senses.
In any case, back at the Shiawase Yu, an old man comes to report a Deadman incident. This time, it's about his grandson, a rival YouTube Streamer named Bon. Talking about a YouTube streamer in a strictly Twitch household. His streaming goal: go after the black companies and become a hero with his own Pokemon using a very much so stolen stamp. マサオ「ボン」は勇者である。
And when I say stolen, I mean not even the Deadman know where the fuck he got that stamp. And they think he's lame.
But this is great for Bon who, by acting like a Pokemon master, is hitting every single one of his sub-goals. But Ikki comes and demands to know how going after sleazy companies will bring happiness to his grandfather. And to think of that first and that he'll deal with the black companies. After a Pokemon battle, Bon loses. Both his Pokemon and his stamp, and is told by the totally-not-the-person-who-gave-him-the-stamp that he also sucks and his stream sucks, and off to FENIX jail for him.
Back at the Deadmen HQ, they are still wondering who gave that loser a stamp. And trying to figure how to deal with Revice. They are quite busy.
Elsewhere, the Mom is still in the hospital. And Sakura needs to understand what the definition of Righteousness is since she's a little lost and the word is being thrown around like candy.
Back at FENIX HQ, George has his stamp back. He has named him Kingy. And while George is happy to have his DX Stamp back, Daiji starts to come up with an idea to find the missing Kong VStamp, using the disgraced YouTuber as bait. While everyone is hammering out how they're going to find the mole in their company, George does what George does best, which is make a dance showing how he'll break the neck of the person who stole his DX Stamps.
The plan is brought up to Ikki and his family, in a small tight room because they had to discuss this during closing time. Ikki disagrees with using Bon as bait in a retirement video and destroying the stamp, but since Bon was doing this for his grandfather and to get out of jail faster, along with no other option, he went with it. Even if Daiji doesn't like the fact that his brother is getting the top position in protecting Bon. This is a competition, damn it.
George decides to play prankster and nearly gets shot. At least he gave Ikki the Lion VStamp in exchange for a soak in the tub where he can hold his... chicken... watching Daiji sink into the secondary emo role.
The day of the plan arrives and turns out Hiromi is still not all that happy about losing his position in FENIX. And while traitor mctratior face was doing "Just Traitor Things~" the Deadmen show up. And they successfully take the Lion Stamp. Which is a little more than paper mache painted crudely. Basically, it wasn't the actual stamp. This causes a fight to break out, and the first use of the Lion Stamp is here! And it turns Vice into a lucky cat. And as the fight continues, a new Rider enters the arena! A Rider strong enough to knock Vice right up into the sky. Who are you, mysterious Rider? When will your identity be reviled?
Revice, Evil's True Identity! Shocking Showtime!?: So after Evil's Identity is reviled to be Daiji (to the audience) who wasn't all that happy about getting second billing constantly against Ikki. So much so that he basically beat up everyone in the area and knocked out all of the FENIX group in retaliation for being the middle child.
Turns out George plays both sides and gives Daiji the belt earlier on because sure, why not. It also turns out that Daiji had Hiromi's ID card, probably stole the VStamps, and... damn Hiromi can't get a break, can he?
Back at the Shiawase Yu, Ikki still has no idea about Daiji being the Evil bit and is concerned about the new Rider and what to do with him. But trying to have a heart-to-heart with Vice doesn't work. All Vice wants is his Ramune candy. So a bet is placed, and if Vice can guess what hand the candy is in, he gets it.
Ikki is a dirty cheater.
Meanwhile, back at the Shiawase Yu Deadman Report Desk, a woman comes asking if Ikki could get a JD and pass the Bar because she needs legal help dealing with a Deadman issue. Turns out her brother was hit by a driver and despite being suddenly paralyzed, the driver was deemed innocent because there is no such thing as justice in this world. Either way, Ikki takes the case.
Via a third party, named Buu-san, they find out a few things for their client. Like how the lawyer, Kudou, was actually shit up until a few weeks ago, and everyone he goes against seems to either disappear or enter the hospital with Mom. This smells like Deadman.
Don't ask how he got that information. It would be best if you don't know.
But they also need info from the actual office, and that's where Virtual Assistant Vice comes in. Formally introducing himself to the family and managing to not mention how he wants to eat the mom.
At Kudou's office, while Ikki is trying to get proof that he and the Deadman are involved, and getting stonewalled, Vice is floating around taking pictures. They can go now. They have the evidence.
Back at FENIX, all but one person can't believe that Daiji would betray them like Tachibana-san that. The only person who can is George. Because he gave him the belt. He's running an experiment, leave it alone.
Then we get a nice flashback to a completely, as the day he was born naked shot of George, holding his... chicken. Toei knows what they're doing. Gotta keep the moms involved.
Later that night, it's Dinner Time! And Sakura is the cook tonight. Turns out Sakura and this writer have something in common: A love of absently spicy food. And this curry kills the Ikki and father. However, turns out Daiji can suddenly handle spicy food like it's no big deal.
The next day is the trial day, and the court has reached a verdict. But before that could be read, Ikki bursts into the courthouse like this is a Ph****x Wr**ht game with new evidence. Video of the intimidation and the stamp are entered into court. In anger, the VStamp is activated, and out comes a Kangaroo. Like the courts. The Kangaroo is dealt with easily but turns out the lawyer slipped the Stamp to someone else. Damn. After Vice reminds him of the whole dirty lying thing with the Ramune candy, they figure who now has the stamp.
That dirty Judge needs to work on his punching.
And after asking the Kudou why can't he do things the right way if he's smart enough to become a lawyer, he's told that hard work doesn't always work. True...
Elsewhere, Sakura is helping a new Karate student in the class and he looks really familiar. And The Squid is also bringing in a new person into the Deadman family and.... damn it Daiji, don't roll around in Hot Topic stuff.
Zenkaiger, No. 30-kai! Is the Machine Next Door Persimmon-Eating Destruction?!: The Persimmon World wants the whole world to know that they are coming, and even hit a ceremonial bell to commemorate the event. Too bad that bell burst the eardrum of everyone in a 100-mile radius. Including the ears of our friends the Zenkaigers.
But before any fight could happen in front of the temple gates, a new Sentai pops up. This Sentai's mission: Protect the Worlds. This Sentai's name: Kaki Power Hakaizer who is totally not Kaito's missing dad.
Not our world, though. We're the ones beating up those poor worlds of Tojitendo Kikaitopia.
And the fight commences! And is over. Turns out, Hakaizer has a spiffy gun that has the heads of previous Sentai on them and sends out in whatever group he so chooses. He was feeling a little feisty so he sent out a few Yellow Sentai to deal with them. And as the Zenkaigers were beaten by their predecessors, the Persimmon World hit the bell again to both hurt people's eardrums again, and signal the end of the fight.
Back at Colorful, Secchan is almost sure that the Kikaitopia World has committed IP theft. Back at Tojitendo, Ijirude is showing off his latest and greatest invention in Hakaizer. Right in front of his previous latest and greatest invention Stacey. Stacey doesn't care. Stacey just wants his ice cream and he does not see it anywhere in this area.
Once again, back at Colorful, man, is anyone else getting kinda thirsty? A nice cool glass of water sounds good right now. Also, it turns out that Tojitendo did indeed, commit IP theft and took the plans for Hakaizer, Zenkaiger weapons, and proto-Zenkaiger from Kaito's dad. So, Tojitendo (Ijirude, specifically) stole from Kaito's parents, and Tojitendo was robbed by the Twokaizer group. It's like a snake eating its own tail.
Really, does anyone have something to drink? I mean, Yatsune is drinking straight from a kettle. Vox is drinking everything in the ship, and suddenly there's a liquid shortage. Turns out hearing that bell makes you really thirsty.
And also, the world wasn't just the Persimmon World. But the Dried Persimmon world. And much like how this world is a dried husk of a fruit, everyone is now on the brink of becoming human jerky.
The Zenkaiger group finds them, but man, does anyone have anything to drink? Even an ice cube would do. And shortly after transforming, the Zenkaiger group was untransformed due to dehydration. Luckily, it seems Flint and Vox set up a table full of glorious water as a rehydration station for the fight. I'm surprised Vox didn't drink it all on the ship. This brings up a tag team match where a group would fight while another would rehydrate and vice versa.
And this pattern of fight and hydrate seems to work, and the two groups start to get the upper hand on the Dried Permission world. At least, until Hakaizer shows up again and decides, "Blue is like water, so Blue Sentai it is!" and lets out some of the Blue Sentai to fight. Kaito decides to fight Hakaizer while the others deal with... well, the others. Because he is the rightful heir of the head cannon. And manages to wrestle it away from dad Hakaizer. After finally grabbing the cannon, Kaito sends out the Zenkaiger head to the Dried Persimmon to defeat it. And suddenly everyone's thirst is gone.
And after the Dried Persimmon grows to mecha size, he was beaten once again. At least he had all those flower arrangements set for his funeral.
Hakaizer wants another go, but he's off the clock and there's no overtime. Rules, amirite? Even if he lost the cannon, at least he's fine?
Back at Colorful, they're just happy they got the cannon back. They will also be contacting a lawyer to deal with the IP theft.
Zenkaiger, No. 31-kai! Full Combination! New Release!: With the Zenkai Cannon back with the people who have the actual patient for it, Secchan starts looking into the blueprints and hidden power that Kaito's parents probably hid in it.
Then the Milk World shows. Where was this world last week?? In any case, this world is spraying everything with a nice coating of vitamin-rich milk. And with a bodyguard in Hakaizer who has vowed to protect the world of dairy. Kaito isn't happy that something his parents developed was doing evil things. But Hakaizer basically did the child-friendly version of "whatever, fight me bitch." or something and starts blasting. This allows for Milk World to leave, letting Dairy triumph again.
Back at Tojitendo, Bokkowaus isn't all that happy that a powerful toy was already stolen in the schoolyard. But Ijirude is insisting that that toy was so last week and a fresh new toy is coming up.
Meanwhile, someone took the term "Paint the town red" quite literally. But all they had was this white paint, so I guess that'll have to do, and promptly starts painting everything white, from Tokyo Tower to the street lights. How are we supposed to know when we can drive now? They also managed to find a way to paint data white too.
Man, this Dairy World is pretty flexible. At least Hakaizer is enjoying the show of The Whitening (TM). They're sure to win this time. However, on his way to find some ice cream probably, Stacey tells him not to get complacent since the Zenkaiger group are masters of pulling wins out of their collective robotic asses. Hakaizer is of course, confident that won't happen again.
A lot of people seem to think that.
Suddenly, Vox comes down from the sky as he is prone to doing, and said in no uncertain terms, "fight me bitch". Hakaizer vs Twokaizer, with Stacey color commentating. Now on PPV, for 59.99.
Back at Colorful, turns out all that white milk is erasing more than just the computer data that the Zenkaigers have. It's erasing the very existence of Secchan's data as well! I guess a hard reboot doesn't work?
Also, I'm sure Flint could fix Secchan. Just putting that out there. Look she even came to tell Kaito and Kompany that the Milk World is out and about. Perfect timing.
Elsewhere, the PPV is in full swing, but Milk World is sure Hakaizer will leave it to help them.
Any minute now.
Fine, they'll summon grunts. Some bodyguard. Too bad he gets hit with the cannon. Then he gets hit with the Full Power Zenkai Finale Buster. Being Milk World is Suffering (TM). But now everything is returning to normal, including Secchan. Thanks, Hakaizer.
After noticing that everything is regaining its healthy colors again, Hakaizer dips. He knows he goofed. Especially since Dai Milk World has popped up. The group promptly enters into their respective JuraGaon and VrooMagine forms. And it turns out that the cannon can become a jet that Kaito can ride. Huh. But with the Jet, they were all able to defeat the Dai Milk Mecha.
Only for Ijirude to release his latest and greatest invention, Kudaitests 2.0. But Secchan is nothing but persistent with data retrieval and has the Zenkaiger group do a full group combination. Enter, Secchan's latest and greatest bit of information from Kaito's parents: The Zenryoku ZenkaiOh!
This new form allows the Zenkaiger group to pull from all the previous large mechas before it much like the cannon, along with their own power. And with that new power, they beat Ijirude's latest and greatest creation.
Back at Colorful, there's a celebration being had with all the best food, and it's all in Secchan's honor. Secchan being the merciful and gracious bird they are insists it's because everyone was able to finally team up as one. Honor for everyone except for that one character from that one American cartoon from the orange network you're now thinking of.
And finally, on the Pirate Ship, Vox has a feeling about Hakaizer. It's either IP theft for his fighting style, or he's going to have to explain to his boyfriend Kaito that he was beating up his dad. Not sure which.
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laresearchette · 3 years ago
Top Rated TV Programs in Canada (November 22 - 28, 2021)
*Canadian Produced Content (Information provided by Numeris)
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