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sender reassures receiver with a squeeze of their hand. from zephyr. @svartr
heart heavy, aching, THROBBING. the sound of familiar rain starting to fall against the ground. docktown was quiet -- too quiet now that the venatori had made a house a home here. zephyr must have sensed the quiet tumult building inside of her because her focus was ripped away from the inner turmoil the moment she felt a touch against her skin. the urge to flinch, to rip herself away from a comfort that she didn't feel like she DESERVED. eyes did not lift, but her shoulders fell.
"it's starting to feel like i've fallen in this WELL and every time i think i've found the bottom, it just keeps getting deeper and deeper. like i'm scratching and clawing my way up the sides but instead... i just keep falling further down." she's said too much, divulged more than she wanted. a sigh.
"we should get back to work. dockton won't fix itself."
#@svartr#int. zephyr & neve || svartr#omg sorry i YAPPED so much i was really feeling noir detective in this chili's and couldnt shut up
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places in cumbria BUT excluding "e"
Abank Acklith Adhightor Aifton Aislant Andry Antongton Arlaw Arsaws Arsdallon Asdall Asdalthor Aspaton Aston Astor Aughby Aughton Augill Backbrop Bagill Bands Bandsback Bandsby Bankhill Banrick Bansock Bantby Banthdy Banton Barby Bards Barrby Barroand Barrossop Barrows Barsby Barth Bartho Barthrows Bartins Bartonton Bayton Bigglift Bighton Bigsmill Bigton Birkbrank Black Blackaby Blackpot Blampton Bland Blandbon Blandcrow Blandthon Blang Blangston Blant Blanth Blathay Blawton Bliff Blins Blith Boltcha Bothals Bothill Bottonby Bough Boughby Boughscow Bouttonby Bowsth Brack Braglah Brands Brangath Brank Braugh Braws Brayhill Bridgil Brigg Brighby Brigny Brill Brills Briscald Brock Broft Brogoad Brood Brook Brosby Brosh Brosland Bross Broughtow Broupton Brouth Browmaws Browtork Bruck Bruckhals Brusgil Burghton Burnhod Burnsty Burnton Bursaw Burth Burthwain Butby Button Caldon Calloston Caltonby Cansown Carank Carasby Carchgill Carhawton Carnsong Carth Carton Casby Casill Cassonby Casth Catand Caugill Causland Chack Chalbrad Cland Clangton Clank Clanton Cligg Clind Clinghson Clinghton Clinton Clion Coatonby Cogland Comburn Corby Cormsind Cotbrak Cottow Coupton Cowmank Crayll Crayth Croatson Croft Croossop Cross Crosson Croston Croswoll Croth Crough Croughby Croughton Crousby Crowbrigg Crown Cruckpook Cumbland Cumbrizin Cumby Cumdick Cumpton Cumwhigny Cumwhown Currop Curskirk Dalby Dallyn Dalslans Darmon Dinharn Disgam Dockton Dongwaton Dotlown Dotton Drayst Druck Drund Drunson Duftonby Duncow Duncoyn Dunny Durgill Durrand Dyhighton Dyhill Faitt Fards Farkirk Farlow Farrosbay Farrow Farrown Farsby Farth Farton Fauston Fawcor Fawtonsop Fingburds Flift Flithwall Flowgilth Fooltop Foornhor Forby Fotcon Frigg Gaill Gaiston Gaisty Gampton Garhillby Garrand Garrow Garth Garton Gatcoll Gaton Gatongill Gator Gawcald Gawcock Gawkshay Gillom Glaks Gland Glank Glion Goorton Goottown Gosby Grack Grads Gralbark Grand Grank Graton Grayhigg Grick Grigg Griggill Grosby Gulva Hairklank Hallton Halslap Halton Hamby Hampsfor Hampton Hamptow Harby Harlion Harng Harnon Harth Harton Hartonby Hawbrand Hawksands Hawton Higgo Highland Highton Hightor Higny Higton Hilld Hillon Hillorton Hillsla Hillstlan Hillston Hington Hinhil Hinth Hithigg Holby Holgil Hollton Holmrown Holton Holtonby Horns Hortown Hortownby Housk Houth Hughton Hurnorth Hurns Hurrby Hursdall Hutby Huttfot Irkosson Ivocklack Kabarton Kabay Killbar Killby Kinby Kinds Kington Kinton Kirklack Kirron Landron Lanth Latrot Lawbrosby Limby Linglanks Lonby Losby Lowmang Lowth Marth Massow Mawbrown Mawksh Milgil Millton Mocklack Monmill Moorby Moorn Mootton Morbrot Mough Mouns Munds Mungilton Munscald Murnston Narray Nartow Natong Norby Olton Origgo Origh Orthwaill Ortom Oughby Oughton Ounds Ousland Oxfingdaw Parlow Parrosla Parrows Partop Plandmoor Ponby Ponriston Rayrigh Rofton Roston Rowick Rowton Rulphay Satchor Sawinlack Scaldoad Scarlow Scortown Scown Sharton Skill Skills Skind Skintbron Skirby Slasth Songlant Soniston Stholl Sthrigg Still Stirk Storlaks Sungill Sunston Swickby Swingil Tanon Tarth Tington Tonby Tonthoad Ulbuld Ulburth Ulgrayson Ullift Ungdall Ungill Unglithin Waifton Wailtow Waitbrown Waith Waithow Warsgill Wartonby Watong Watsby Whick Whigg Whigh Whill Whilton Wicha Wickbrigg Wightow Windcroft Windmon Wingtonby Woorth Woorton Wortowgar Wrank Wrautton Wythwatow Wyton Wytonwick Wytop Yarrown
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Better days. (Sea reclaiming an old fishing boat.) ** #vashon #vashonisland #marine #fishing #nautical #dockton #washington #ship #sign #pnwlife #holiday #shopping #arttour #sinking #old #vessel #pugetsound (at Dockton Park)
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A repost from a photo I took years ago... I love the moody mystery in this photo. It was a goofy night,almost sundown & the light from the marina blended with the red sun & I caught it at the right time. #thechroniclesoffarnia #thingssoamazeme #magic #wonder #look #fog #sundown #moody #mysterious #tree #dockton https://www.instagram.com/p/B-RLnS0D_pt/?igshid=2qojw62r5bd5
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Let loose the archers. #dockton #docktonpark #vashon #vashonisland #gooddays #water #bluesky #thehazelcompany #concrete #steel #bokeh #rusty
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Redondo Launch into the Puget Sound!!
After the successful Angle Lake outing it was another rare nice day in Wester WA, so after picking my 4 yo up from pr-school we took him down to Redondo (he loves the beach). I watched a guy launch, without the floating dock, and his son back the boat out of the launch and beached it just to the south. I saw this and thought, hey i can do this on a calm day.
The next day I woke up and looked out the son’s window (which has a great view of Poverty Bay). The Sound looked like glass!! I told the wife we were going to bot from Redondo to Dockton and let the kids play at the little park. We got all packed up and drove down to Redondo.
I prepped the boat in the parking area the backed into the Sound. I got on the boat and had the wife pull the boat and trailer into a parking spot (I had her go pay for a parking ticket while I prepped the boat). That was a little nerve racking as she had never towed anything before, but she did great. I backed the boat out of the launch and forward onto the beach. My wife came over and got on board. Then I used the new Dragonfly 7 Pro and navigated across the sound and into Quartermaster to Dockton. It was such a great and humbling feeling floating through the Puger, I felt so small in the grand scheme of things.
We pulled into Dockton and there was a Sailboat in one of the slot and a nice 32″ Liveaboard was parked on the front of the dock. I wasn’t comfortable pulling into a slip so I docked on the front side. It was on the left side of the boat and i came in a little “hot,”bounced of the dock with the bumpers but was able to recover and get set on the second time. We got off and let the kids play at the park for about 45 mins and had a little picnic. Man, it was so quiet and relaxing.
We took off from Dockton with the 4 yo steering the way (with assistance obviously :) ), As we came out of Quartermaster Harbor and started heading Northeast back toward Redondo I noticed something moving about 100 yds off the bow. I slowed down and turned starboard. I continued to watch the same area and told the wife about it, then we both saw two different dorsal fins come out of the water and went back under. Initially i thought it was some baby Orcas, after some research I know believe they were two Harbor Porpoises. With the help of the Dragonfly 7 Pro we made it back to Redondo.
I beached the boat and went and got the Tahoe and trailer while my wife stood on the beach holding the boat with a bow line. I got back in the boat while she got into the Tahoe and I got the boat onto the trailer with no problem, attached the bow/winch line and she pulled us out of the water. I got out of the boat and pulled us into the parking lot, secured the boat and home we went.
Once at home I flushed the motor and hosed it off. I was really surprised with the amount of salt stuck to the boat and the amount of seaweed and other plant life stuck to the trailer. I was in a hurry to get ready and leave for work (I work nights) but spent about 50 mins spraying all the plant life off the boat.
I’m so ready to head to Blake Island and do some camping!
This is a picture of Docton Harbor from the Dockton Park. What a beautiful and peaceful place to get away with the family for a few hours.
#Puget Sound#Dockton#Maury Island#Vashon Island#HarborPorposis#Bayliner#Bayliner 175#Family Boating#Puget Sound Family boating
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Vashon Island
7 September 2022
I should make a checklist of which nearby islands I’ve visited by bike (and which I haven’t). Today it was 47 miles (76 kms) on Vashon, southwest of Seattle. Like most of the local landscape, the ‘plateau’ that defines much of the island is around 400’, but that means any detour to the beach (or up from the ferry) entails a big hill.
I parked just up the hill from the Fauntleroy Terminal and caught the 8:30 boat to Vashon. I stopped briefly at Point Heyer (KVI Beach), Point Robinson (on Maury Island), Dockton Park and Jensen Point (both on Quartermaster Harbor), before stopping at the grocery store and the coffee stand in Burton for lunch.
I continued to Tahlequah at the south end of the Island before turning around. From the Tahlequah ferry terminal I could look across at Point Defiance in Tacoma, where I was riding less than a week ago. My route north on the island was on Wax Orchard Road and the Westside Highway (not really a highway). The pavement and the shoulders aren’t as nice as on the main road up and down the island, but there were also no cars (or very, very few). There’s no avoiding a steep climb near the end of the ride and Cedarhurst is probably the standard approach. I opted for the Burma Road, which is closed to through traffic, but not bikes, due to an unfortunate geologic event. But the real challenge of that route is a couple of very steep pitches (15-20%?) that left me walking. Perhaps if they’d come earlier in the ride I might have ridden up, but not after 45 miles.
It’s then a fast downhill to the ferry terminal. I arrived at 2:00, long after the 1:40 boat sailed. And the next one wasn’t until 3:20. They really need a coffee shop and an ice cream fountain at the Vashon Terminal! But regardless of my bad timing, the day was great. The weather was perfect - sunny with occasional clouds. And maybe low 60s when I started and a little over 70 by the end.
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JUST LISTED VASHON ISLAND RARE 0.65 ACRES LAND FOR SALE Exceptional Investment Development Opportunity - Vashon Island Dockton Road 0.65 Acres ( 28,314 Sq Ft ) Vacant Raw Land, Zoned RA2.5. Available For The First Time. 284' Fronting Dockton Road. Dimension : 284' x 212' x 264' x 61'. Property Is Raw & Sold As Is Where Is. Please Upload Parcel Map Attached To Walk Vacant Land. PRICED TO SELL ! Strategically Located Vashon Island Land On 24000 Block With Easy Access To Vashon Highway SW To Tahlequah Ferry Terminal & Proximity To Amenities Around The Island. Welcome to Island Lifestyle ! Information Reliable But Not Warranted By Seller Or Listing Broker. Buyer and His Or Her Broker To Verify All Information To Their Own Satisfaction Without Relying On Any Documents Provided As Marketing Courtesy
26-xxx Dockton Road SW Vashon WA 98070 NWMLS#1730572 GLOBAL LISTING BROKER www.chrissoon.com * Cooperation With Licensed Global Realtors Welcome
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Tacoma Boat – Boat Rental Tacoma by boatclubtacoma Freedom Boat Club Tacoma is a private boating club allowing all members full access to a fleet of boats. We are family owned and operated and look forward to helping you get out on the water! Checkout some of our favourite spots such as Eagle Island Marine State Park, Dockton Park, Blake Island Marine State Park and Jarrell Cove Marine State Park. Contact us at (253) 509-4274
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“Fairy Scarf” 🌿🧚♂️ Inspired by a walk in Dockton Forest last summer. In the deep part of the forest are ferns that grow as high as your ears in every size and shape. The sound they make when the wind blows through resembles the chattering sound of wings as thousands of fairies flitting past you, so fast that they can’t be seen by humans. I’ve created a special world in a world that’s been cyanotype printed on this scarf. Gifted to my niece on her 37th birthday. (Printed 07/2019) Tell your own story~ Cyanotype Silk Scarves available on our website: WWW.CYANOTYPESTORE.COM (at Dockton Forest) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-QHBWsAYOE/?igshid=zdz90aqclsij
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Fitness Prоduсtѕ For Evеrуоnе At The Best Price In Dockton, Washington
Hello and welcome to this article about fitness-super-market.com in this article I will be talking about the different aspects of the website. At fitness-super-market.com we sell only the best fitness equipment on the market, ranging from hi-tech gym equipment like exercise bikes, treadmills, Read more at http://bit.ly/2Wnzd6G
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Vashon Island, WA - shot from the dock at Dockton Park [OC] [4032x2268] via /r/EarthPorn https://ift.tt/2EK9XiC
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Freedom Boat Club Tacoma is a private boating club allowing all members full access to a fleet of boats. We are family owned and operated and look forward to helping you get out on the water! Check out some of our favorite spots such as Eagle Island Marine State Park, Dockton Park, Blake Island Marine State Park and Jarrell Cove Marine State Park. We have over 1,600 boats in our fleet and 150+ locations with reciprocal plans that give you access to all club locations nationwide. Contact us at (253) 509-4274 or visit our site http://freedomboatclub.com/locations/200-tacoma-wa/
#boats#boating#tacoma#washington#sailship#freedom#boat club#foss harbor marina#fishing boat#pontoon boat#cruise#marina
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Dockton, WA. ** #vashon #vashonisland #marine #fishing #nautical #dockton #washington #ship #pnwlife #holiday #shopping #arttour #anchor #reddoor #anchor #old #building (at Vashon, Washington)
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Autumn at the dock. #thechroniclesoffarnia #thingssoamazeme #makemagic #becurious #look #autumn #fall #trees #leaves #water #reflection #dockton #myisland #seasons #autumnequinox #september #sigh #color #beautiful https://www.instagram.com/p/B2vjB1cgxgd/?igshid=8sspfnf5pyei
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A great day for the beach. #vashonisland #vashon #dockton #docktonpark #thehazelcompany #algae #wood #bolts #bluesky #woodgrain #summer #dock
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