angelo-chuck-wagon · 7 months
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@docdust Doc!! Ya gotta help us! We are both very sick and @baby-angelo could LOSE ALL HIS BONES! Can you give us some medicine before we all die!
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amagnificentobsession · 10 months
IT JUST keeps on banging. A dying star was caught mid-explosion in September 2014 and still isn’t done. It has lasted 10 times longer than any other supernova of its type that we’ve seen.
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“It refused to go gentle into that good night. It just kept on exploding and exploding.”
Because the star has exploded several times, it may not even fit the definition of a supernova. “You think of a supernova as a death of a star, and you think of death as something that only happens once. It’s a very different kind of supernova.
@docdust look at you! You’re gorgeous!!!! ✨✨♥️♥️
@i-dream-of-sheeny it just keeps on banging ☺️✨♥️
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bil-daddy · 11 months
Big spoon or little spoon?
Also. Forking.
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For @a4chocolate @docdust and @lunam4040
Pretty assassin boy💗
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bildads-shoes · 9 months
You've heard of
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But have you heard of
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I'm pretty sure I saw @docdust make a shua/sure pun at some point so this one goes out to you
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vileviale · 8 months
@puppies-n-gnomes @docdust @annotated-catastrophe @i-reblog-everythint @wrfoxetf @the-trail-to-oregon @oakensheilded @dobry-slimak @bil-daddy @underablanketofstars @ladykiller-yt @altarralomon @buffporcupine @handyowlet @knives-in-the-dishwater @poprocksncokeee @infinitesimal-spoon @death-to-owolord @onlytenstarsinthesky @inluvwithremuslupin @venusplanetoflove2 @maybe-maidens-fanblog @ultrabean @gay-ass-bitch @gloriousvermin @uraveragebowieenjoyer @toi1338bexo @deadpan-c @ansarultrigger @kayejackson2 @rhonesy @gamepsycx @theoneofwhomisblue @trahoalai @if-i-could-give-u-the-moon @bestbeeking @lesbian-lady-bird @macaron-jester @egregious-bacteria @el-pollo-bonito @originaljolt @herwinds @thehideoutofxtm @chaotic-nerd-93 @localcryptid3 @gamefrog51 @moth-without-toes @jinxtheowl
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thealogie · 7 months
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@docdust no like so true. can I amend what I said? We should abolish stage door for everyone except Michael Sheen who literally looks like he’s glowing and needs to know people are crazy about him to truly thrive
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angelo-chuck-wagon · 5 months
Don't let @angelo-rib-shack fool you! He's walking around like some kind of banana virgin. He has eaten so many bananas in his time, you know. I have photo evidence. You would not believe how many bananas he has taken at one time! Ungodly!
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This is the face of the man accusing @docdust of impropriety!
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@mr-crawleigh perhaps you should think about who you share your bed with.
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amagnificentobsession · 11 months
Bildad/AZFell Wedding
I’m looking for a photographer(s) for the big day.
Still photography, video. Wedding, reception. We will feed you (ox ribs, cake) with the possibility of other food 🍱 (trying to find a sushi caterer for Aziraphale)
You may be asked to take some blow job angle tasteful boudoir photos after the wedding. Possible ménage à trois additional “family”member photos/video.
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@docdust @loretta-dont-you-oppress-me
Do we know any photographers?
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bil-daddy · 10 months
mr. bildaddy sir, can you and @mrazfellco adopt my friend @michaelousaftonous and i?
Hmmm...me and Aziraphale haven't talked about whether or not we want kids yet. Well, besides the goats, and all the other donations in the @shutanictemple herd. Oh, and the children in the @shutanic-temple-orphanage. Guess we should probably figure that out before we get married.
So, @mrazfellco, what do you think? Should we adopt a couple kids (human) of our own? Or should we try to find another family to take them in? I hear @morningbloodystar's always adopting
In the meantime, you and your friend chew on these ox ribs (platonic) while Daddy and Papa have a talk
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Mr Crowley! 🤣♥️ I don’t see any milk shake, but I see Aziraphale and The Metatron.
It’s working good!
Original Art: @gleafer ♥️
@docdust 😁✨
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lady-lord-cornbury · 1 month
I have been informed that there have been threats made upon my betrothed. We had doubled security after the last such incident, but my informant tells me that we will indeed need to install more men around the perimeter. If you see any suspicious persons in or around Cornbury Manor please let staff know or inform me personally.
Signed: Lady/Lord Cornbury, Sir Edward Hyde
@docdust @william-the-ladyfinger @angelo-rib-shack @amagnificentobsession @janeway-lover @winnifred-is-a-creechur @avis-morningstar @urielwiththegoodhair @angelo-chuck-wagon @anthonis-van-dyck
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Wedding Guest List*
*Just drop us a line if you would like to be on the guest list, too …
@amagnificentobsession +1 Lucian (vampire)
@bi-squirrel + @starry-cow
@ex-supreme-archangel-gabriel (pending Apology Dance)
@fishyfiles (pending grooms' approval and Apology Dance)
@former-prince-of-hell (pending Apology Dance)
@i-dream-of-sheeny (+1 of @docdust)
@justmori + @lokibaby6
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melbatron5000 · 4 months
The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil
When Gabriel first arrives to Whickber street, a truckful of tomatoes dumps its load at his feet, he even squishes one and almost trips.
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@scottishmushroom asked what this means in this post here, and I have some thoughts.
Every scene in this show is doing double duty, every image has symbolism attached to it. The symbolism needs to either be funny, or serve the narrative somehow (often both). And this season is lousy with Clues.
What twigged me to my thought was the further note that there seem to be baskets of tomatoes in the Job minisode. They seem to be a throwaway prop, except that they are placed exactly between Aziraphale and Crowley in the shot they appear in. The placement of objects matters, as it tells the audience what's important, whose POV we're seeing through, etc.
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(Oh, hey! I just noticed that the plants in the shot with the pomegranates appear to be dracaena trifasciata -- common names include mother-in-law's tongue, SNAKE plant, and DEVIL'S TONGUE. Native to Nigeria, so not out of place here. I have a six-foot one of those in my sunroom! Hm!)
Back to the tomatoes.
Tomatoes in the Middle East during Bibical times? @docdust pointed out that those aren't tomatoes, they're pomegranates.
Tomatoes used to be called "love apples" back in the day, and the Greeks referred to pomegranates as "grainy apples."
Apples, Bible, something something Eve ate something . . .
Eve ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge, then offered the fruit to Adam who also ate it. Then both were cast out of Eden, because God was worried they would also eat of the tree of eternal life and elevate themselves to Her own status. (That part of the story gets left out a lot, I wonder why . . . )
There's actually no Biblical reference that we know of to any particular fruit. Some translator at some point labelled it an apple, and it's been thought of that way ever since. But apples weren't found in the Middle East during Biblical times, either, so it's unlikely it was actually an apple Eve ate. Pick a fruit to stand in, any fruit.
(In the TV series Lucifer, Eve jokes that it was always a metaphor, there never was a "fruit" of any kind. Unless maybe a banana? (She grins at Lucifer.) But I digress.)
So pick a fruit to stand in for apples. Maybe a tomato (love apple)? Or a pomegranate (grainy apple)?
In both scenes where these fruits appear, important characters are having a big crisis of faith. In both cases, their first crisis of faith. They are learning that Heaven isn't what it's cracked up to be. Gabriel has eaten of the fruit of the tree of knowledge, and has been cast out of Eden (Heaven). (Though we don't know that yet when he first shows up -- the tomatoes are A Clue!)
Aziraphale has eaten of the tree of knowledge and been cast out of Eden -- though in his case, Eden is simply naivete, his ability to go along with Heaven unquestioningly. ("What am I?")
Aziraphale's crisis of faith seems more clear -- even my bestie, while watching the show with me, got kind of upset at the Job minisode because of her own religious trauma. Job is touchy story for a lot of people. It's an appropriate place for Aziraphale to lose his confidence that Heaven is light and truth and good. It's a story that a lot of people lose faith over.
And Crowley, in this instance, is Eve. The one who's already tasted the fruit, and is offering it their partner. "Let me show you what you don't even know."
And so we have "apples" present at the moment of both characters gaining knowledge of good and evil. Or at least, gaining knowledge that Heaven isn't Good, and going against Heaven isn't Evil.
That's my take on it, anyway, and how I would interpret the symbolism of those two fruits present at that those two points in the narrative. Your mileage may vary.
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@docdust in case you missed this there is also this scene of Reece Shearsmith as Jeremy Kirk in the series New Tricks A Face For Radio tagging also @isiaiowin
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snakeoil-pharmstore · 5 months
Bananaboat ride anyone?
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Hey, folks, @i-dream-of-sheeny and yours truly booked a double bananaboat ride. Who's up to join us? @angelo-rib-shack, @amagnificentobsession, @the-metatron?
Or the whole crew of the 7 stooges?
Can't wait to see @the-metatron in his bathing thong …
(I am posting this from my business account. I have a reputation to live up to)
Sincerely, Dic Dust
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