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dcxdpdabbles · 1 day ago
DCXDP fanfic idea: A Pen Pal's Duty
It starts off with a single letter.
Danny has always heard about pen pals through TV programs, but Amity Park was too small to participate in exchange programs, including passing letters. It was a concept that was all Hollywood to him.
He figured it was also one of those dying practices, and someday, no one would bother writing letters, especially with the increased paranoia of speaking to strangers that overtakes the country after people start figuring out the more likely kidnapping tactics that criminals use.
Not to mention the increase in scams. No one even answers a phone number they don't recognize anymore. Pen Pals just becomes a pipe dream.
Then, he becomes a hallfa with access to infinite worlds. Each is set in different time frames, locations, and languages. He figures that he could become a pen pal with one of them, and goes home to write the perfect first letter. He even calls in favor of one of the universe's most powerful beings, Ghostwriter, who can affect the fabric of the universe just so the man can write an epic poem centered around a mailbox.
This mailbox would connect their worlds but not allow travel, as the living can not enter the Realms. Ghostwriter is beside himself, claiming the symbolism of longing, of friendships transcending life and death, and of the power of the written word to connect worlds was too grand of a writing prompt for him not to do.
Danny stops listening after a moment, his eyes glazed over just like whenever Mr. Lancer talks about class readings. Eventually, the ghost has his mailbox set to station itself as soon as someone attempts to write back to Danny. He even wrote in a clause that allowed whoever became his pen pal to understand English the second they touched the letter.
Danny would gain the same knowledge once their fated pen pal wrote them back. Apparently, Ghostwriter wanted it to be a "chosen one" trope.
He told Danny to fly around the Infinite Realms, select a door, and let lose his introduction letter so that his powers could lead the letter to where it had to go.
Danny flies around for a while, trying to pick a world to throw his letter in, and eventually selects the one that seems almost crystalized were it not for the lines of technology he can see running through it.
He had written his letter as if though he had always been Phantom. The reason was that Danny didn't want whoever his pen pal-to-be to find out about Halfas, due to first-hand experience of what people did when finding rare beings such as he and Vlad.
Plus, Danny was also raised on the "Don't talk to strangers. Don't open the door if home alone. Don't tell anyone where he lived or what his age is online" ideals of his generation.
He was comforted by the fact that Ghostwriter could only pass along written scripture, and thus, the pen pals could not share photos or videos.
He opened the door, staring into the swirling green of the portal, and threw in his letter. To keep his identity further hidden behind Phantom, he made it seem like he could not cross into the living world either and thus could not entirely open the door himself.
A few days go by before Danny suddenly gets a Ding sound goes off in his head, letting him know someone has responded. It's torture waiting for the final bell to right, but the minute it does, Danny is racing out of school towards the Ghost Zone portal as fast as his human legs can take him.
He flies as fast as he can as Phantom- which is very fast. He just topped his latest speed at 300 mph- and found the same crystallized door. Outside of it, now flouts a glowing mailbox with the words D. Phantom inked on the side. A little red flag is raised, letting him know a delivery has arrived. Ghostwriter's symbol is also flouting near the box, letting other ghosts know not to touch it.
Once again, Ghostwriter has a reputation in the Infinite Realsm: there was a reason it took all the willing ghosts on Truce Day to help Danny take him down.
Feeling giggly, Danny pulls open the lid and finds a blank envelope inside. He rips it open at once, for a second not able to understand the writing, until a soft type writer sound echoes behind his ears, and suddenly he can read it.
Dear Phantom,
My name is Jor-El of planet Krypton. I was delighted to be the one to find your letter, and I hope we can become great friends. I am fourteen years old and dream of becoming a scientist who can help my people. Maybe when I become a successful scientist, I can even invent a way to travel to the home planet you hailed from when you were alive. I am already searching for Earth in my skies.
A friendship is born. Over the years, Jor and Danny trade many letters. They learn everything about each other, from Phantom's battles to Jor's crush on Lara. They advise each other where they can, trading ideas of inventions and research.
Jor makes a compiled file of his planet's culture and technology, eager to show Danny everything about Krypton while Danny does his best to do the same about Earth and the Realms. Danny's decision to be only Phantom with Jor can be a little hard to maneuver, but he makes it work by explaining he came to form in the Ghost Zone- technically not a lie- and all ghosts created in the zone can and will age.
Danny is even one of Jor's honorary stone bearers at his and Lara's wedding, while Danny names a few of his inventions after the house El.
Then, sometime after Jor's son is born, tragedy strikes. Danny had noticed that his friend's letters had slowed down, but he figured it was primarily due to being a new father and getting a high-paying position in his dream field. Danny's adult life was just as hectic as he was a department head at NASA's research and engineering department.
He could barely find time to visit family, let alone date around. Sam and he broke up in junior year but remained close friends. Danny dated around in college but really buckled down to focus on his career the closer he got to NASA. He had no idea how Jor was able to balance everything when he was working in Krypton's version of NASA.
He should have checked.
By the time he got Jor's newest letter, Danny had realized too late it would be his friend's final one. Jor had discovered his sun was exploding, and although he tried his best to save his planet, no one believed him until it was too late.
Thus, he focused all his energy and resources on creating two escape pods strong enough to escape the sun's gravitational pull. It wouldn't be large enough to see his whole family, but his son and niece could live. Jor wasn't sure if his escape rockets would even work, but he did not have time or the means to test them.
He just did his best with his brother's help to save their children and set the coordinates for a planet that once housed a dear friend: Earth.
The letter ended with a final goodbye to Danny. After reading the letter, Danny attempted to open the door and fly to Jor's rescue, but when it swung open, all he saw was the other side of the zone. It was merely a floating doorway that led nowhere now.
The portal was gone because Krypton was gone. Danny's pen pal and friend of twenty years was no more.
A scream of angst rattled through the Infinite Realms as one of it's most potent members realized he was powerless against the circle of life.
He made a tough decision.
Devastated, he eventually visited Ghostwriter, asking if Kara and Kal had survived, and the writer let him know that Kal would land on that universe's earth in a week (Jor had been dead for four days.) while Kara was floating in space, frozen after a malfunction in her rocket's blast. Since they were apart if Ghostwriter's recorded story of the mailbox he would know that much.
Sadly, now that the letters between Danny and Jor would end, Ghostwriter would no longer know their tale. They were out of his influence.
Danny couldn't save his friend or planet, but he wasn't about to let the two children down.
"You realize to live in one universe, you must die in another?" Clockwork asks for the millionth time as Danny suits up his rocket, taking every letter he and Jor shared and any personal item he could fit. "The second I open a doorway to that world's earth, you officially die in this one? Your family and friends will grieve you. You will never see them again."
"I know," Danny whispers, sending Sam, Tucker, his parents, and his sister a silent apology. "But I have to do this. Can you make it look like an accident? One that doesn't put the blame of my death on anyone's feet but my own?"
"I'll design the scene like an explosion of one of your experiments gone wrong. No one will be to blame." Ghostwriter solemnly swears. His eyes gain a pitying light that Danny has recognized over the years. After all, the narrator knows one of his biggest secrets because he saw it the second he wrote that pen pal system. "You can not replace Jor-El with Kal-El."
"Of course, I can't," Danny laughs without humor, sealing up his rocket. He gives the two ghosts a sad smile. "I'm not in love with Kal."
Clockwork stares impassively before he turns and waves his staff. A portal opens up before Danny. "This will take you to the Earth five minutes before Kal lands. When you are ready, you may pass but know this Phantom. You can not return to the Realms."
Ghostwriter sighs, placing one hand on Danny's shoulder. "Love is one of history's greatest gifts and saddest tragedies. I look forward to your story being written out in your new home. Remember to live while you are there."
Danny smiles, pulling the writer into a hug and ignoring how he goes rigid. "Thank you for everything you've done over the years, Ghostwriter."
"Think nothing of it. You were a wonderful muse," The man whispers as Danny hops into his ship. He stands by Clockwork, who shifts into his elder form as Danny powers up his boat. His eyes show a sad look as he stares up at the man he watches grow until the ship vanishes through Clockwork's portal.
"Will he be alright?" He asks the time god.
"He will. I arranged for him to inherit a forgotten farm next to a kind couple. The Kents are more than happy to help an overwhelmed single father of two and will grow to become like a set of grandparents for Kara and Kal." Clockwork answers.
"That's not what I'm asking."
Clockwork hums. "Danny's has long ago accepted that Jor's heart was never his. His core knows it, and he's grown accustomed to the pain. But he will find peace on that Earth. He even finds a new love."
"Now, that would be telling. As a writer, you know it's best to let the story unfold than to give it all away." Clockwork twirls his staff "But know his adoptive son and daughter are less than pleased with a Gotham Butler."
Ghostwriter blinks. "What does that mean?"
"It means Danny will have to dodge some overly protective bats. Now then, could you tell me about your latest work? It's been a long time since I enjoyed a good story."
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lapdogchase · 1 day ago
on the topic of special ed. i specifically remember in 6th grade one of my best friends was in both the gifted-and-talented program (we were in the same group for english, we did secret book club together) and the special ed program, and. you know those like. stool chairs with round bottoms that u could rock back and forth on, for like, kids with accommodations for adhd or whatever, idk if that's universal, but they were widely coveted and you could only have one in a normal classroom if you had it on ur disability accommodations plan. but if you were in g&t you got to use them in the Secret Meeting Room where you'd do secret book club, right. and i kind of assumed the special ed room was like that too, like you get a bunch of fun items and stuff and everyone treats you like the smartest kid in the world. well it is Not like that.
but i remember one day specifically where my friend was having a really bad day and was on the verge of a meltdown and she was like hey can i take my friend with me to the isolation room. (it was called something like that, maybe solitary room? either way it was something that even at age 11 i was like. bro what?) and i was like. the what? and she was like Oh that's where you go if you're having a meltdown or something and you're in special ed. so we went down to the room and it was in a corner near a janitors closet and i'd never even noticed the door before. and we went in and it was this. narrow, brick room, probably like 7 feet wide and 15, 20 feet long? and it had bright fluorescent lighting that was still somehow jarringly yellow, absolutely nothing on the walls or anything, and at the back wall. one (1) singular bean bag chair.
and i was like. this is where they bring you to CALM DOWN????? and she was like. yeah you get used to it i guess. if you have a meltdown they lock you in here and then screaming won't bother people since it's out of the way. I have forgotten most of my memories from elementary/middle school but i still remember standing in the doorway to that room feeling. so deeply horrified by the whole thing. while my friend thought of it as completely normal.
and like. that same year, or maybe the year before, my little brother was in another school, and he was having a lot of meltdowns and Problem Behaviors (as they were called). and the staff would tell my parents "he had some Behaviors but we Restrained him and he calmed down :)" and. while i was a kid at the time so my parents didn't tell me most of the story. what i know is my parents almost sued his school (and would have if we weren't poor) because when they say they "restrained" him, they meant they locked him in a tiny closet alone until he stopped screaming and crying and hitting the walls. and he was a tiny fucking kid. he was like, 8 at the time? weighed like 50 pounds. my parents found out bc he was coming home with bruises. it's evil it's inexcusable and frankly i hope every adult who turned a blind eye to it dies.
and it wasn't just him, it wasn't just that school, i've heard so many horror stories from my friends who were in special ed & stories my parents have told me about their friends' kids & stuff i've heard online from ex-sped kids etc etc etc. like the way these kids are treated is like, near-universally horrific.
like, if you were neurodivergent in the way where you were "smart" and didn't bother or upset anyone, while it was Very Traumatic (for reasons that have been Posted about by many many people, i don't need to explain them here i don't think). we were treated SO much better than the kids who were in special ed, or who had impulse control problems or meltdowns or anything like that that Bothered adults. and those facts can and do coexist. and it upset me when i was like 15, bc i had that kneejerk "are you saying my trauma isn't that bad" sort of reaction, but like.
being undiagnosed neurodivergent came with its own trauma obviously. and being in the g&t program could be stressful and isolating. but at the end of the day, like. as much as it could suck. they were treating us like we were special, throwing treats in our enclosure, telling us how Smart we are and how we definitely have an iq of 120 or whatever. we'd have little snacks and learn long division and whatever. Whereas they were straight up abusing the kids in special ed. objectively the way they were treated was horrific and cruel and inexcusable. and far worse than the g&t program was. like sorry if it upsets you to hear that. but they weren't locking us in closets they were throwing pizza parties and letting us use the fun chairs. it's just not comparable at all really
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traincat · 2 days ago
do you have any new spideytorch fics in current progress? of course no worries if not but i just wanted to ask. i’m absolutely obsessed with your writing and your fics!!
Thank you!
I sort of have two things I started, but haven't made a ton of progress on. I'm a little busy between work and a big bang in a different fandom, so these have been put to the side for now, but looking at them does make me want to finish them.
Fic 1 is a Just Married installment set in the future because I thought amnesia would be a fun trope to play with in the context of that universe. Basically, Peter gets whammied, forgets he ever fake-but-for-real married Johnny, and has to work out his feelings, which is horrible for him.
Peter picked up the framed photo, tilting it towards the light. He and Johnny stood at the center, splattered in -- he hoped it was paint. There was a gaggle of kids surrounding them, including two young brunet boys. One was clinging to Johnny's legs. The other was holding a water gun to Peter's head. “Our twin boys,” Johnny said, his hand pressed to his heart. “Threaderick and Weavon.” Peter nearly dropped the photo. “I’m just messing with you,” Johnny said. “That was from the day Bentley temporarily cloned himself. Which is pretty funny because he’s already a clone.” “It’s impossible to tell if any word coming out of your mouth is serious,” Peter said. “Johnny, I need you to be serious with me. Do we – do we have kids?” “No,” Johnny said, his mouth pressed into an unhappy line. He looked away from Peter. “We don’t have kids.”
Fic 2 is not even remotely presenting itself as serious. Like less so than the spider attracting body butter fic. I don't for a single second believe Peter would let Johnny's mustache from the North run go without comment.
Peter had been accused, by various people in his life, of being a variety of less than flattering things. Neurotic. Overprotective. Mildly overbearing. (“Stalkeresque,” Betty drawled from her desk, shooting him a nasty look. “Not a word, Betts,” Peter said, and kissed her on the top of her head as he dropped off her brown sugar latte. “Parker!” Jonah shouted from his office. “Do you even work here anymore?!” “Adios!” Peter said, and beat it before Jonah could call security.) (the FF come back from idk. space or whatever. I'm not pretending this canon compliant with North's run, I just want to make mustache jokes.) “I’m warning you, Bug,” Ben said. “You’re not going to like what you see.” (what he sees is the mustache. he does not like it.) -- “I don’t get what the problem is,” Harry said, waving a lofty hand in the air. “So he wants to grow a mustache. Let him grow a mustache.” “The problem is it’s hideous,” Peter said. “It’s like looking a dead, blond weasel on his upper lip.” “You liked the mustache I had back in college,” Harry said, stroking the corners of his mouth with thumb and forefinger. He shrugged. “I guess not everyone can pull it off.” Peter decided to break it to him easy. “You know I love you, right, Har?” he said. “You’re my best friend. I’ll always be there for you.” “Aw,” Harry said. Then suspicion dawned on his face. “Wait. What are you getting at?” “I hated the mustache, Harry,” Peter said. (blah blah blah) “Gwen liked the mustache, though, right?” Harry said. “Gwen said she liked it. She said it made me look like a malfeasant.” Peter didn’t bother to ask if Harry knew what that meant. “Gwen paid MJ fifty bucks to shave it off while you were sleeping.” “Huh,” Harry said. He drummed his fingers on the tabletop. “Wow. I haven’t had the urge to get Dad’s Green Goblin gear out of storage in a long time.” “Good talk, Harry,” Peter said. -- Johnny had his waxer on speed dial and a biweekly appointment at New York’s most exclusive salon. There was no way the mustache was going to last. Peter gave it a week. A week and a half, tops. (blah blah blah) “Johnny,” Peter said, taking him by the shoulders. “Sunshine. Firefly. Light of my life.” His gaze dropped to the mustache and then back up to Johnny’s eyes. “Is this war?” “I have no idea what you mean,” Johnny said, but he reached up and twirled one end of the mustache. Sparks danced in his eyes. Peter’s jaw clenched. War it was.
I'm titling this one Mustache You a Question, obviously.
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itwasntimethatdidit40 · 19 hours ago
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This is all I've read this month, in chronological order. Every month I always think it's too little but unfortunately it's the best I can do.
Please give love to these writers, reblog and comment because they are very talented and deserve so much.
As for me, you won't see me posting for a while. I'll be back sooner or later but I can't say when. Writing has always been a joy for me but I haven't felt well lately and I don't even feel like opening my wip files (stuff that nobody needs anyway so who cares, I’m just another stupid voice in the chaos), let alone finding an idea that doesn't make me gag.
If you need to ask me something for my challenge I'll be here for you but for the rest I probably won't be that active, sorry.
Please mind the tags and warnings to make sure a story doesn’t trigger you and makes you uncomfortable, I’m not responsible for what you choose to read, only you are.
Biting down - @psychedelic-ink
Joel Miller x f!reader
you finally go and get your nipples pierced.
Give me Hell - @aurorawritestoescape
Stepdad!Joel Miller x f!reader
you come home drunk and Joel isn’t happy. He decides to teach you a lesson.
Yes Sir - @probablyreadinsmut
Dave York x f!reader
Drabble, gun smut
Untitled - @mybvalentine
Joel Miller x f!reader
(Un)faithful chapter 2 - @probablyreadinsmut
Javier Peña x f!reader
After Javier takes a bold step into the bathroom, your friendship dynamic takes a dramatic turn.
Finite eternity - @sizzlingcloudmentality
Professor Reed Richards x f!reader
after getting your phd you return to your former professor to thank him. he says some nice things and you get a "you're coming" guarantee. coming to dinner that is.
Love me like a loaded gun - @joelmillerisapunk
fuckbuddy!Javier Peña x f!reader
Javier Peña is a man who never stays, but that doesn’t stop him from showing up at your door, seeking solace in the only way he knows how.
my interpretation of Cinnamon Girl by Lana Del Rey if it was a Javi fic
You oughta know - @yxtkiwiyxt
Joel Miller x f!reader
You and Joel return from a double date, and you find out he’s jealous of your colleague, Frankie  
Going down - @aurorawritestoescape
Joel Miller x f!reader | Frankie Morales x f!reader
you have a hot boyfriend and a hot ex who’s still obsessed with you. Why not get the best of both worlds?
BDSMaid epilogue - Series Masterlist @mountainsandmayhem
Joel Miller x f!reader
After recently graduating from university, your best friend offers you a job cleaning luxury homes for clients you’ll never know. It’s only temporary and a good way to save money for when you go back to get your law degree. That’s what you’re promised at least. Easy. Simple. Mundane. That is, until one of your clients is home and everything that you felt was missing in your life starts to fall into place. This goes against the NDA you signed and you could get fired. Or worse, you could fall in love.
Untitled thigh riding - @probablyreadinsmut
Javier Peña x f!reader
What happens behind Buc-ees stays behind Buc-ees - @probablyreadinsmut
Joel Miller x f!reader
56 year old Joel Miller spends his days as a blue collar contractor busy on the job site, though his idea of being 'busy' involves standing around cat-calling ladies all day long. One day he tries his luck with you and he gets more than he bargained for in the process.
Naughty thoughts - @aurorawritestoescape
Professor!Joel Miller x f!reader
you’re failing Prof. Miller’s class and he finds a punishment for you.
Owned Collection - @milla-frenchy
Joel Miller x fem reader
Family time - @greenwitchfromthewoods
Frankie Morales x f!reader
you came back from your parents in a really bad mental state
What If We Kissed In The Buc-ee's Bathroom?
CatCaller!Joel Miller x F!Reader
Ol' Joel has done goofed, he's let you into his life and now you've completely turned it upside down. Oh and we're doing more than just kissin' it that bathroom ;)
Girl Dinner part 4 - Masterlist - @slimybeth69 Dead Dove Do Not Eat
Joel Miller x f!reader
After the civilized world you once knew came to an end-- the men that survived... well they just take, take, take. Growing tired of having things taken from you-- you have a hankerin' to take somethin' for yourself... and make him perfect.
Perfect Match - @aurorawritestoescape
Dieter Bravo x f!reader x Marcus Pike (lactation kink)
Dieter becomes a face of a dating app and meets you and your husband while shooting an ad for it. Feeling an immense attraction, he invites you both to his penthouse, planning to enjoy the night and you to the fullest.
Untitled - @letsgobarbs
Kermit (Pedro Pascal Close Encounter 50th) x AFAB!Reader
PWP with Kermit
Hold my hand - @aurorawritestoescape
Clint x f!reader
you have good news for Clint and it seems that you two are ready for another big step in your relationship.
The Senator’s secret - @baronessvonglitter
modern!Oberyn Martell x fem!Reader x modern! Senator!Marcus Acacius
An old flame invites you to be his fake girlfriend so he can spend the evening with his new secret lover. It doesn't hurt that the three of you are attracted to each other..
Shameless - @milla-frenchy
Lucien De Leon x fem reader
you ask Lucien to come over and he does exactly what you need him to
Vices - @baronessvonglitter
Din Djarin x OFC x bi! f!Reader x OMC
You're not one to be shy of your vices, but a night with a mysterious woman has you and your work partner Din chasing new highs.
Visitation - @gothcsz
Javier Peña x f!reader
Javier visits you in prison after putting you in there.
(Un) faithful - @probablyreadinsmut (Chapter 3)
Series Masterlist
After an admission from Lorraine, you and Javier take some time to think about what you both want, but after a tortorous round of golf with Randy and your husband, the writing on the wall becomes visible for both you and Javi.
Bottoms up - @joelmillerisapunk
bfd!Joel Miller x bfstepdad!Arthur Morgan x f!reader
a threesome sex pollen fic where two men kiss
Iron hand - @thundermartini
Arthur Morgan x f!reader
Back in Saint Denis to recharge after a bounty, Arthur makes an unforgettable encounter. Fate makes you cross paths again months later.
Dark Room - @gothcsz
Javier Peña x f!reader
Accidentally getting locked in the photo developing room with Javier.
For you I’d steal the stars - @gothcsz // Drabble
Marcus Acacius x POC f!reader
The afternoon - @frannyzooey
Joel Miller x f!reader
Preciosa - @lotusbxtch
Pero Tovar x f!wife!reader
You would have never predicted that such a delicate thing would be Pero Tovar’s undoing.
Last Call - @mrs-hardy-hunnam-butler-pascal
Joel Miller x f!reader
After you breakup with your boyfriend of 6 years, you head to the bar to wait while he packs up his shit at your place. Joel is a bartender in the bar you randomly picked. Will fate bring you together? tldr: Joel talks you through it.
The Condom - @toxicanonymity / Drabble
Javi P x f!reader x Steve Murphy
Good Boy - @sp00kymulderr / Drabble
Joel Miller x trans male reader
We shouldn’t have done that - @yxtkiwiyxt
dbf! joel miller (or maybe it's just dad’s buddy) x f!reader
It's been a while since you've seen Joel, not since that 'moment' that happened between you two. Now, you have to face him when Sarah calls you in a panic, asking for a ride from a party because her friends are too drunk to drive.
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asofspades · 1 day ago
Okay, this is the first part of the shared item analysis for the LU boys, in going to be bringing research that includes not only the existence of the same item either by direct name or function on different games, but also I bring insights into where they're found or how they're obtained when I think it's relevant.
Starting off with the boomerangs, now, Legend (Alttp, OoS), Hyrule (LOZ1) and Four (MC) all have magic boomerangs, they're literally named "Magic Boomerang", while their designs don't look too similar to one another I think we can still consider them to either be Four's magic boomerang changing over time or just the Tingles continued making magic boomerang across the ages (that's how you obtain it in MC).
However, I've noticed (acting like I haven't been in the known since I first played Wind Waker at 15) that Wind's boomerang is quite literally the same as Four's, which makes me think that it might actually be Four's magic boomerang that got to Wind. Here's Four's magic boomerang (MC) and Wind's boomerang (WW):
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If you know me you know I think Wind inherited a lot of stuff from Four that he doesn't know about and that he just assumed it was from the Hero of Time because they're called stuff like "Hero's bow" "Hero's Shield" and they only know about time due to how impactful he was for their timeline, yet Four was in fact a hero too, and he comes way before Time so I guess his stories were lost with old Hyrule but some of his items stayed.
Now that we've cracked this conection between Four and Wind, let me make it even clearer with some more examples of items and a little extra fact:
The mirror shield from MC is the exact same you get in Wind Waker, in fact, Hyrule Encyclopedia uses the sprite from Wind Waker for both of them when they want to avoid using the pixelated sprite from Minish Cap, which means Wind currently has in possession Four's mirror shield. Here's both shields in game:
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Another thing they share is the small shield, at the begining of the adventure in Minish Cap, Zelda wins Link a small shield, now, in Wind Waker grandma gives Link a shield they keep in their House that belonged to "a hero" (Hero's shield), we all assumed it was the Hero of Time, but actually it has the same design as Four's small shield. Now, I think Wind is actually using the lobster detail shield from Phantom Hourglass in Linked Universe, which is very similar to the small shield, however we can't deny that Wind has inherited a fair share of stuff from four and we're not fully done here yet. Here are the small shield and hero shield from left to right:
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Now, another interesting connection I've found between Wind and Four is the bows, in MC you start with a regular bow and upgrade to a Light Bow that shoots light arrows, and if we follow the design it's the same one used in Four swords Adventure by Four but it's also the same as the Hero's bow Wind uses in Wind Waker, which means that he got Four's bow as well and not only that, but the fact that is was a light bow might have helped Wind channel his light energy into it to use it as a light bow as well as a regular bow. Here are the bows for MC and WW:
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Now I'm bringing you another item of Four that wind inherited, his Smith's Sword, when you start out the adventure in MC, link's grandpa gives him the sword he made for he winner of the sword tournament, and obviously as the story progresses you switch it for the white sword that ends up becoming the Four Sword. However, it's not out of character to think that Four would've kept that sword like a treasure, it accompanied him at the very beginning of his first adventure and it was made by his grandpa. And now to get to the point, in Wind Waker you're also given a sword by Orca when you start out your adventure, along with he Hero's shield, which is called the Hero's Sword. They're remarkably similar, enough for me to think they're the same and they were kept, wether it is familial bonds that tie Four and Wind or just a family deciding to pay respect and keep the weapons of a previous hero, I like both options. Here's the swords for a side by side comparison:
From left to right: Smith's Sword (MC) Hero's Sword (WW)
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And last but not least, this is just a little thing I've noticed but the second link with the most relation to the wind element, using the Ocarina of Wind and having a sword made out of the element of wind among others and a part if him that is the closest to a personalisation of said element, is Four. I just find it cool that they share that connection and frankly offensive that no one else has made it before and there's no fics about it that I know of🥲.
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osarina · 2 hours ago
FEATURING: dazai osamu
SUMMARY: you don't know why dazai has suddenly become so standoffish with you the last week—there's something that everyone isn't telling you, but you can't even bring yourself to make that your biggest concern. you're just so at your limits with the back and forth with him that you can't concentrate on anything else. mishima is hosting a ball is this evening and you think that this is it: if things are going to happen between the two of you, it'll be tonight or it'll be never. you can't wait forever on someone who's just going to string you along the rest of his life. you won't.
(wordcount: 6.3k; fem!reader, sfw but a bit of tension, angsty)
AUTHOR'S NOTES: hihihihiiiiiii guys ^.^ happy friday. we've gotta angsty fic for tonight. i fear this one does not end happily but TRUST the universe does <33 but angst is necessary to move the plot forward. the price you pay for a happy ending is an angsty path there. specially dedicated to my beloved sophie who hates angst <33 happy birthday luvr
You are severely unhappy.
You finished getting dressed almost an hour ago, but you still haven’t left your room. You’re sitting at your vanity staring at yourself—you’ve changed your jewelry three times already, and you’re about to change it a fourth. It’s not that you’re not satisfied with how you look, it’s more that you’re just frustrated and fidgety.
More than that, you’re upset. Dazai hasn’t spoken to you in a week, and you don’t even know why. It has something to do with the incident that happened a week ago with the child called Kyusaku, but you’re not sure what because you don’t know what was real and what was concocted by the child’s ability after you were affected by it. 
As much as Dazai likes to pretend to be aloof and unbothered, he’s easily worked up by small things, and he’s been upset with you before, but never like this. He’ll usually sulk where he knows you’ll see him and wait for you to ask him what’s wrong so he can use the opportunity to guilt you into watching a shitty movie or going out to buy him snacks. 
But this? Radio silence. He came up to your apartment once when you weren’t here to do his laundry and was gone before you got back. You don’t even know where he’s been staying, because you went looking for him at the shipping container and he wasn’t there. You don’t know what happened. You guys were good, more than good—you really thought that maybe the two of you were making progress past this awkward more than friends, not lovers stage, but now it’s back to square one. Worse than square one, because at least at square one, he was still talking to you.
A low whistle comes from the entrance to your room and you raise your eyebrows as you look up in the mirror, catching sight of Chuuya leaning against the doorframe, head tilted to the side as he observes you. He’s already dressed up—out of his normal outfit and in a sleek black suit instead, he looks different without his hat, but you don’t even have it in you to make a teasing comment about it. You can’t help the disappointment that clogs your throat at the sight of him: you’d still been holding out hope that Dazai would show up. 
“I forgot how nice you cleaned up,” Chuuya murmurs. “It’s been a minute since we attended an event together.”
You turn in your seat to face him, eyes roving over his form once before you say, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you without your hat. I almost thought you might be balding beneath it.”
Chuuya instantly rolls his eyes as he pushes himself off the door frame to make his way over to you. You give him a simpering smile as you look up at him, but you can tell it doesn’t reach your eyes from the way he frowns at you. He reaches out to straighten the necklace you’re wearing and then holds a gloved hand out to help you up, ever the gentlemen.
Even though it’s unnecessary, you still take it and sigh as you rise to your feet, smoothing out your dress once you’re upright. You look up at him and ask, “I take it you’re the one escorting me tonight.”
“Don’t sound too pleased,” Chuuya replies dryly, holding out his arm for you. You sigh as you hold his bicep loosely, making your way to the elevator. “He still hasn’t talked to you?”
“Not once,” you answer bitterly. “I thought for sure he would get over whatever his problem is to be my escort tonight, but I guess not. I don’t even know what happened, Chuuya. I feel like people just aren’t telling me something.”
As soon as the words leave your mouth, your gaze is cutting to the side to observe Chuuya’s reaction. He grimaces instantly and averts his gaze, and you take in a deep breath, realizing you hit it right on the nail. What the hell are they hiding from you? You know now isn’t the time to get into it, but you make a note in the back of your head to do some snooping as to what really happened during the incident last week. 
“Interesting,” you say, just to let Chuuya know that he needs to work on his poker face. He catches the implication and sends you a scowl, but you only raise your eyebrows at him with a small smile, waiting for the elevator to come up to your apartment. “He’s not coming tonight at all then?”
“No, he’s coming,” Chuuya corrects absently and the smile on your face freezes.
“Is that so?” you ask tightly. “Who is he attending with then?”
Chuuya gives you a long, knowing look as the elevator gets to your floor, holding it open and waiting for you to step in before joining you. You’re tense as you wait for his answer, and you know he’s getting back for the balding comment with how long he’s taking to give you it.
“No one,” he finally says, and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. Chuuya barks out a laugh. “Jesus, you’re so embarrassing—get yourself together. Who the fuck would actually be his date? No one wants to get within ten feet of him.”
You give Chuuya a withering look and then reply primly, “I would.”
“The entire Mafia knows that,” Chuuya says dryly, making your face hot. “You make me sick.”
“Likewise,” you scoff and pointedly look away from him. After a few seconds pass, you ask, “Are you sure he’s not bringing anyone?” 
Chuuya groans. “What would it even change if he does?” he asks, which does not settle your nerves at all. “You’re just going to work yourself up thinking about it.”
“It changes whether or not I’m going to have Akutagawa Ryuunosuke on standby to eliminate a potential threat to Dazai’s life,” you say with a sweet smile. “Assassins come in many forms, but most frequently in dates at big events. We shouldn’t take that risk with our most valuable executive, naturally.”
Chuuya’s jaw drops as he fully turns to look at you. “Sometimes, I wonder why you like that fucked up bastard so much, and it’s only very rarely that I’m reminded that you’re just as evil as he is.”
“I’m kidding,” you complain, waving him off. Although, now that the thought is in your head, it’s becoming increasingly more appealing. “I think.”
The elevator doors slide back open and Chuuya holds his arm out for you again. You take it, lifting your hand to wave at Hinata, an older man who's been working with the Port Mafia since longer than you’ve been alive. He ran with Hirotsu in the Black Lizards before he was hurt on a mission and put on desk duty—you stole him from Mori when you came back from Kyoto. On paper, he’s just your doorman, but he’s helped you a lot with mission planning the past year and a half; you honestly contribute half of your success to his experience.
“Good luck tonight, hime, Nakahara-san,” Hinata says as the two of you make your way out of the building.
You let out an exaggerated sigh and toss your head to the side to look back at him with a smile. “Hinata-san, you should come and be my date instead of this bum.”
“Why am I always catching strays from you?” Chuuya scowls, but you ignore him as you flutter your eyelashes at Hinata, who only laughs at you.
“I’m far too old for that to work on me, hime,” Hinata replies. “I’ll have the scout reports from Sapporo ready by the time you get back tonight.”
“My hero,” you sing. “Thank you.”
You wave at him one last time before leaving the building with Chuuya. As soon as you’re out of sight, your smile drops and Chuuya gives you a concerned look, stopping before the two of you can get in the car so he can turn to look at you head on.
“Do you think he’ll show up with someone to spite me?” you ask quietly. 
You know Dazai—he doesn’t like feeling wounded, so when he does, he lashes out tenfold. He gets cruel and vicious, and because he’s Dazai, he knows exactly what to do to make people hurt more than he does. You don’t know what you did to upset him, but it has you on edge now because it will hurt if he shows up with someone else, knowing that you were waiting for him back at your apartment.
Chuuya says your name quietly, and because it’s not an immediate ‘no’, you know that he knows that Dazai might very well stoop that low to hurt you. You swallow thickly and look away—it’s fine. You’ll act unbothered, you have an appearance to keep up and that’s more important than anything. And anyway, it’ll hurt him even more when he doesn’t get the reaction he wants from you.
“Hey, look,” Chuuya says, forcing your attention back on him. “Dazai’s being a fucking dick, alright? But what else is new? You look beautiful—make him regret that you’re not coming in on his arm, yeah?” 
You smile softly and look away before saying, “It’s unnerving when you’re sweet.”
You don’t have to look at Chuuya to know he’s rolling his eyes at you. You hear him open the car door for you and sigh as you look back over to him.
“C’mon,” he says. “Let’s go.”
As always, your entrance is something to marvel over. It never fails to be the highlight of the night, and it’s only more of a spectacle when you enter on the arm of Nakahara Chuuya. 
Lingering looks in your direction, wary stares in his—you’re grateful that he came to escort you, because if you’d come alone, you would’ve swarmed with suitors as soon as you got down the steps. Chuuya is not quite as much of a deterrent as Dazai would’ve been, if only because Chuuya won’t actually kill someone in the middle of Mishima’s ball and nobody can ever be sure of what Dazai is capable of, but his presence and reputation will keep unwanted annoyances away for most of the night at least. 
By the end of the night, they’ll get more desperate for a conversation, and only Dazai and Mori himself are capable of keeping them away from you at that point, unless Chuuya steps up his game, of course, but he has as much of an appearance to keep up as you do. You’re not looking forward to it—your eyes keep darting up to the ticking clock, knowing each passing second draws closer to suffering. 
You didn’t even want to come tonight. You weren’t going to come, you’d gone to quite the lengths trying to fake being sick, and you thought you succeeded until Mori messaged you this morning telling you that you could either come to the event or go deal with Shikibu Murasaki’s little stunt in Sapporo that has your biggest weapon supplier backing out on your next shipment. Since he knew very well you didn’t want to deal with that, the only option was to come to the ball—someone must’ve ratted you out to him, but you don’t know who. You almost think it must’ve been Chuuya, because Dazai hasn’t spoken to you in over a week.
You still haven’t seen him, which you suppose is a good thing because if he was going to shove in your face that he came here with someone else, then he would’ve done it by now. You aren’t even sure if he’s here; you’ve tried to keep an eye out for him, positioning yourself in a way that your gaze can always stray to the edges of the room in hopes of catching sight of him, but you haven’t seen him at all in the three hours that you’ve been here.
You’re standing with Chuuya and two of Mishima’s daughters now. Noriko keeps trying to shift closer to you, lashes fluttering and lips curled up into a soft smile. Usually, you would entertain the girl—she’s pretty, and at the very least, makes for entertaining conversation, which is more than you can say for the rest of the Sun and Steel upper echelon, but you’re so occupied with Dazai that she can hardly hold your attention for more than a few seconds.
“I haven’t seen him at all tonight,” you say quietly when Mishima himself comes over to your small group, a stern expression on his face as he beckons his daughters over before giving both you and Chuuya an apologetic look. “Have you?” 
“No,” Chuuya says, taking a sip of his champagne as he leans against the wall. “I know he said he was coming though.”
Your expression twists in annoyance as you take in a deep breath. Your glass is empty, and usually, there are people circling to keep them full—your old mentor always used to warn you not to fall for the trap. The hosts of events always like to liquor up the attendees; drunker you are, the looser your lips, and you’re usually quite careful to keep it to one drink and never finish your second.
Tonight, you are on your fifth. Dangerous work, because you’re still going to have to entertain people when they inevitably start coming up to you—which is any minute now, you can feel the lingering stares and you can see how people are creeping closer. But you’re just so bothered by everything with Dazai that every time you finish a glass, you’re seeking out the next to try to numb your nerves.
“You know something,” you accuse quietly, giving Chuuya a cold side-eye. He stiffens, but neither confirms nor denies, which is a confirmation in itself. “Why won’t you tell me?”
“I can’t,” Chuuya says tightly, and you raise your eyebrows because you expected him to say ‘it’s not for me to say’ like he usually does when he feels like you should hear something from someone else. He can’t, does that mean… “I just…”
“You can’t because you’ve been ordered not to,” you realize, face shifting in confusion. “Mori ordered you not to. What happened during the incident last week, Chuuya?” 
The expression that crosses Chuuya’s face is haunted, and it makes your mouth dry, because what the hell happened and why is no one telling you the truth? You don’t even get the chance to badger him about it, because Noriko and Michiko are coming back over, both of them looking incredibly displeased by whatever their father said.
“He’s so annoying,” Noriko complains, immediately clinging to your arm and resting her head against your bicep dramatically. “You two are so lucky that you don’t have parents to helicopter you like he does.”
You and Chuuya immediately exchange a look at her words, and even Michiko cringes a little, but you otherwise don’t react beyond just trying to not roll your eyes. These girls are so out of touch with reality that it’s almost concerning, but they, more than anyone else at this event, have loose lips that you like to take advantage of.
“No,” you sigh lightly, “I only have Mori. Somehow, I feel that’s worse.”
Noriko giggles like you’ve said the funniest thing in the world, and you miss Dazai desperately. At least him being here would have Mishima’s daughters acting a little more subdued, would maybe even chase them off. You don’t like how they act around him because you know it used to bother him, but you’re not gonna complain when you could be benefiting from it if he wasn’t being an ass.
She starts to say something else, but before she can, Chuuya’s eyes shoot open as he looks at something behind you. You instantly straighten, turning your head to follow his gaze and your breath catches when it lands on just who you thought would draw that reaction from Chuuya.
He’s finally made his appearance, and you can’t draw your eyes away from him. He never gets dressed up for these events like you and Chuuya do, so he’s still wearing that same black three-piece suit he wears every day, just without the dark trench coat he usually wears over it. He’s leaning against the far wall, arms crossed over his chest and a cold expression on his face as he stares in your direction. He doesn’t meet your gaze, but he does stare at where Noriko is clinging to your arm, lip twitching in irritation; Noriko seems to notice too from the way she lets go of your arm and tries to casually shift away from you, an annoyed look on her face as she does.
You hear her let out a noise of disgust, side-eyeing in Dazai’s direction, and you raise your eyebrows at her pointedly. You know that it was directed toward Dazai’s sudden appearance, but you’re not about to sit here and let that slide, so you turn a cool look onto her in response. Noriko instantly looks down to the ground, an ashamed look crossing her face—not for the disparaging attitude toward Dazai, but for being obvious enough for you to notice it.
You feel a bit more tense now as you force your attention off of Dazai back to Chuuya, who exchanges a short look with you before pointedly glancing over to where one of Mishima’s newer executives, Ibuse Masuji is whispering with one of his colleagues, looking in your direction a bit too frequently for comfort. He’s going to come over and ask you for a dance soon, probably around the same time Michiko starts tugging Chuuya in the direction of the hardwood floor at the center of the room—Noriko won’t ask you now that Dazai is here.
Wonderful, you think to yourself bitterly. You don’t really want to deal with Ibuse tonight, but you suppose you’ll probably get better information from him than Noriko. Noriko likes to ramble about more general gossip—who’s sleeping with who, who’s mad at who, and all of that is useful to an extent when you need to figure out what’s going on with Sun and Steel internal politics, but Ibuse has loose lips about more meaningful matters, and you’ve heard some nerve-wracking rumors about the Red Chamber recently.
The things you do for the Port Mafia. 
You straighten your necklace, gaze lifting to Chuuya again as you withhold a sigh. You can see Ibuse starting to make his way across the event hall in your direction, and Chuuya gives you a pitying smile that instantly freezes as his eyes pin to something behind you again. You also freeze, because you know it could only mean one thing.
Dazai is coming over.
You raise your eyebrows at him pointedly, wanting to know whether or not Dazai’s approach is a good or bad one—if he’s coming over to finally address you, or if he’s coming over so he can more blatantly ignore you. Each one is equally possible, and the way Chuuya grimaces and shrugs only makes your anxiety spike more.
But you get your answer as soon as he arrives.
You inhale sharply when you feel Dazai’s fingers brush over your hip as he comes to stand directly behind you. You can feel his chest brushing your back, his presence warm and looming directly behind you. With his sudden arrival, the conversation happening between Noriko and Michiko comes to an abrupt halt, and you can see Ibuse freeze mid-step from where he was drawing closer to you. The two girls avert their gaze to the ground, not acknowledging Dazai, and it irritates you, they’ve never hidden how unnerved Dazai makes them, and though you don’t think it bothers him anymore, you know very well it used to. 
Your throat spasms when Dazai’s hand settles more firmly on your hip, and you turn your head slightly to the side to look up at him, breath catching when you find that his gaze is already lidded and focused on you, visible eye far too dark and tongue darting out to wet his lips.
“Dance with me,” Dazai murmurs, only for you to hear.
“You want to dance?” you ask, a bit incredulously, trying not to be hyper-focused on how he’s touching you. You don’t know what has gotten into him, but it has your heart racing. “Dazai, what-”
“Dance with me.” 
It’s not a request, you realize, taking in a sharp breath as his gaze becomes more intense. You can feel curious eyes on you from around the room; it’s to be expected, it’s you and Dazai. Of everyone here, the two of you always have the most eyes on you at all times, but it’s different now. 
Dazai usually keeps to himself during events, he wanders up and down the length of the room, keeping to the edges to observe what’s happening unless he’s looking for information from someone. He really stays true to his moniker, a black wraith haunting the shadows and keeping everyone on edge. You can’t remember the last time he willingly stepped out of them to interact with people, much less engage in things like dancing.
“Okay,” you agree quietly, not even bothering to look back at your previous companions as Dazai’s hand slides from your hip to your lower back, guiding you to the hardwood floor where several other couples are already swaying along to the music being played by the quintet in the corner of the room. “What’s gotten into you?”
Dazai doesn’t answer your question, looking down at you from the corner of his eye for a moment before looking back ahead. He doesn’t have to search for a spot on the dance floor—as soon as people realize that’s where he’s headed, they’re quick to leave a wide berth for the two of you, no one wanting to get too close to the most infamous Port Mafia executive.
Your heart races as he leads you to the center of the hardwood floor. Though you can feel dozens of eyes pinned on the two of you, all you can focus on is him. You can hardly breathe when he turns to face you, one hand resting on your hip while he holds the other out for you to take. You swallow thickly as you place your hand into his. He entwines your fingers with his instead of the traditional palm-to-palm, and he pulls you toward him so that your chests are brushing. You’re so close to him that you catch the faint and familiar scent of smoke and iron and it makes you dizzy.
Distantly, you know that this probably isn’t smart. If people think that you and Dazai are together, it will only be harder for you to get information from them. They’ll be wary around you in fear of him, and you’re not even sure if your ability will be enough to counteract the anxiety he triggers in people. You shouldn’t be risking that just for a dance, but…
But you can never think straight when he’s around, even less when his skin is warm against yours, and the way he’s looking at you… His dark eye is heavy with so many emotions, too many for you to even place a single one—you’ve always been good at reading people, but never him, and now, more than ever, you wish you could. You want to know what he’s thinking. You want to know what he’s feeling. You want to know him, because as much as you claim you do, you know that he masks himself from you. You want to ask him again—what’s gotten into you? Why have you been avoiding me? But you think it’ll scare him off, so instead, you ask:
“When did you learn to dance? Today?”
He’s better than you thought he would be. He effortlessly spins you across the dancefloor. Each step is quick and precise—you’ve had training in this type of dancing, but you still struggle a little to keep up with him. Though, you think it’s less because of your own skill, and more because of who exactly your partner is.
“What makes you think I haven’t known how?” Dazai drawls, voice low and languid, dark eye glittering with amusement. His grip on your hand tightens just a little as he pulls you into a half-spin. He presses when you don’t immediately respond, “Hm?” 
“Because you’re you,” you finally answer with a fleeting smile. “So? When did you learn?”
“Tonight,” he tells you. “I’ve been watching them.”
“Hah,” you say—of course he’s this good just through observation. Ever the mirror. “You better not embarrass me.”
“Like this?” he asks with a smile that puts you on edge, and you give him a dirty look when he purposely takes a wrong step, forcing you to overstep in order to not land on his foot. You’re careful to make it look casual—a wider turn rather than a misstep—but with the number of eyes currently on the two of you, you know very well that people probably caught it. His apology comes in the form of an airy, “Whoops,” that you know he doesn’t mean.
His lips curl up into a smug smile, and your breath catches when you feel his hand slide from your hip to your low back so he can pull your body flush to his for the next turn. Your throat spasms as you tilt your head back to look up at him, and again, there’s that unreadable look in his eye as his eyes rove over your face. 
“Why?” you finally brave yourself to ask, voice quiet and too breathy for your liking. You don’t specify what the why is, and that’s intentional, this way he can pick what he wants to answer and won’t feel as cornered by the question. 
His visible eye narrows for a moment, and then something akin to reluctance spreads across his face, and then resignation. You wonder if he’ll answer, hardly even able to breathe as you wait for him to speak. But after a few tense moments, disappointment hits you hard, because a teasing smile spreads across his lips and you know he’s going to evade the question.
Still, your heart races when Dazai dips you down, lowering his face so that his lips brush your ear as he says, “You looked like you were bracing yourself for a bullet with Ibuse getting ready to come over. Figured I’d rescue you.”
Though the music continues, Dazai doesn’t lift you from the dip. He does pull his face back so that he can look you in the eye. He’s so close to you that you can feel his warm breath fanning across your lips and it leaves you dizzy. The look in his eye now—you almost want to dare to believe you know what it is—it’s too close to the same emotion you feel whenever the two of you are curled up on the couch watching a movie. It’s too similar to longing, yearning, the desperate need for more, the desire to be yours just as badly as you want to be his, but you don’t want to get your hopes up when you know he can crush them in an instant.
His gaze drops down to your lips and then drags back up to your face, and you know he won’t kiss you, not in front of all of the eyes currently pinned on the two of you. Not in front of Mori. It’s nice to imagine though.
“Is that really why?” you breathe out, eyes searching his for an answer.
Something new crosses his face—it’s sharp and it’s angry, something that promises violence, not toward you, but toward the one who provoked it. His gaze cuts to the side briefly in the direction of where Ibuse Masuji is still standing frozen in the middle of the event hall, staring at the two of you, and then he looks back down at you, lips tilted up into a wry smile. 
“Partially,” he says, but doesn’t give you the chance to question any further, finally pulling you up from the dip to fall in line with the last steps of the dance. 
He turns you so that your back is pressed to his chest, palm cupping the back of your hand, fingers interlaced. His free hand slides around to your abdomen, holding your body flush to his. The music slows as the song comes to an end, but Dazai doesn’t release you. You turn your head to the side and tilt your head back to look up at him, inhaling when you find that he’s already looking at you, dark hair hanging in his lidded eye as he watches you.
“Are you… coming home tonight?” you finally ask, voice soft and hesitant.
“I’ll think about it,” he says, but his eye is glittering playfully, so you know that he’ll be home waiting for you by the time you get done at the event. He always manages to leave early—no one has the nerve to try to stop him. He dips his head a bit lower, lips ghosting your ear as he says, “You should thank me, you won’t have to worry about anyone else bothering you tonight.”
He finally lets go of you, your arms fall limp to your side and your breath is a bit too shaky for comfort. He tosses a wink in your direction before shoving his hands in his pockets and making his way back toward the outskirts of the room.
And he’s right—for the rest of the night, not a single person dared to approach you.
Even though you’re fairly certain Dazai will be there waiting for you, you still hold your breath as the elevator doors slide open to your apartment. Your feet are aching, you hardly got a chance to sit once during the night and you’re ready to curl up on the couch and watch a movie. 
As you step into your apartment, you can’t help the way your heart drops when you don’t immediately see him, and you especially can’t help the relief that spreads through you when you realize he’s lounging on the couch, out of sight from the angle you entered at. At once, you can breathe again—you’ve missed him the past week, more than you ever could’ve imagined.
“Hi,” you say quietly, coming to stand at the foot of the couch.
Dazai shed his black waistcoat, his shirt is untucked and his tie is loose around his neck, head resting on the far armrest as he looks up at you with a lazy grin that lights your nerves on fire.
“Hi,” he echoes. “I picked a movie.”
“A good one I hope,” you tell him with a small smile. “Let me go get changed.”
You turn on your heel to make your way up the steps to your bedroom, but before you can get to the staircase, Dazai speaks up again, “Can you even reach the clip?”
You hesitate as you glance at him over your shoulder. You technically can, but… “No,” you reply, and then lie, “Chuuya helped me get it on.”
Dazai’s lips flatten, but he does push himself to his feet to follow you up the stairs. You spare a glance behind you, catching the hard expression on his face as he stares at your back. You raise your eyebrows at him and it instantly washes away, replaced with a teasing smile as he raises his right back at you. You squint at him, but shake your head as you reach the top of the stairs, stepping into your room. 
When Dazai steps in after you, you swear the temperature in the room rises. 
You turn to look at him, and he tilts his head to the side idly, dark eye dancing with amusement as he slowly approaches you. He looks a mess with how his shirt is untucked and his tie is loosely hanging around his neck, hair tousled from laying back on the couch—he looks a mess, and you’ve never wanted him more.
You’re sick of the back and forth with him—it’s been a year and a half of it and you’re tired—you want to be his, you want him to be yours. Every time you think Dazai might finally make the first move, he ends up taking fifty steps backward for whatever reason. You don’t want to push it because you have a feeling it will only make him even more standoffish. Tonight has been more progress than you’ve made in a while—if you and him are going to happen, it’ll be now or it’ll never happen. Your pride won’t allow you to chase and pine for any longer.
He comes to stand directly in front of you and you think he wants you to turn around, but just when you’re about to, he gives you a sharp smile that instantly has you on edge, and then he lowers himself to his knees in front of you. Your lips part in shock, heart beat stuttering in your chest.
“We should get these off first, right?” he hums, reaching down for the clasp of your heel, knowing damn well the effect he’s having on you from the smug expression on his face. Although you can’t help but notice that his eye is darker than usual, pupil blown wide as he undos the clasp and slides your heel off. 
“Right,” you agree breathily, lashes fluttering when you feel the pads of his fingers press against your ankle as he places your foot back down on the ground before shifting to do the same for the other one.
This time, his throat bobs nervously and his fingers fumble over the clasp. When he finally gets the clasp off, he looks up at you through his lashes as he slides your heel off, but he doesn’t rise to his feet right away once he sets your foot down. Your fingers twitch at your side to reach out and brush them against his face, but you refrain, if only barely. 
After what feels like an eternity, Dazai finally rises to his feet, and he’s standing all too close to you. You can feel the heat of his body, you have to tilt your head up to look at him and when you do, you can feel his breath against your lips.
“Turn,” he murmurs.
You swallow thickly as you do as he asks, and your breath audibly catches when you feel his fingers brush the nape of your neck as he shifts your hair out of the way. You expect him to tease you, but you realize his breathing is almost as unsteady as yours is, you can feel each puff against the back of your neck and it has your hair on end. Your lashes flutter as Dazai slowly unzips your dress, the cool air of your room stark in contrast to the line of fire left behind with each brush of his fingers against your spine.
When he gets the zipper all the way down, he doesn’t move away, hands settling on your hips as he hovers behind you. You think your heart might race right out of your chest, head foggy and unsteady on your feet.
For a few long moments, neither of you speak.
And then, you make a terrible mistake.
“Why have you been avoiding me the past week?” you ask quietly, desperate for some sort of answer as to what happened between the two of you that made him go cold on you like this. His grip on your hips tightens, and you instantly want to eat your words. “Dazai?”
He doesn’t even deign you with a response.
Your heart is lodged in your throat when you feel his hands drop from your hips and his presence leaving from behind you. You’re cold, your body is, your heart is, and now you really are unsteady without his hands to ground you. You whip around to face him, knees wobbly as you call after him again, but you don’t chase after him—not this time. Bitterly, you think you’ve spent the last year and a half chasing after him and all you ever get in return is him running away.
You watch him disappear down the steps, frozen in place because how did one question ruin everything. For the first time in weeks, you thought you were actually making progress with him and just like that, it’s back to square one. You feel like you don’t breathe until you hear the elevator arrive on your floor, signalling that he’s left.
“Shit,” you breathe out shakily, sitting back on your bed and burying your face in your hands. You can feel all of the champagne you drank earlier in the night threatening to come up and your head feels light. You fumble for your phone, clicking on a familiar contact and gasping his name as soon as he answers the call, “Chuuya?”
“Yo,” you hear him ask, concerned. “You good? Aren’t you with-”
“Can you come over?” you push out before he has the chance to say his name. “I just-I can’t do this anymore. I can’t keep waiting. I can’t-”
“I’m coming,” Chuuya tells you when your words cut out into a sob. God, you can’t remember the last time you cried like this. Your whole body aches as you pull your knees to your chest and rock yourself back and forth trying to calm yourself down. “I’ll be there in five. I’m coming.”
You told yourself before that it was tonight or never, and you’re done waiting for him. No matter how badly it hurts to force yourself to move on—you’re done. 
You have to be, for your own sake. 
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mayasaurusss · 1 day ago
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What could have been.
Contains: angst, self hating.
A/N: this is a rewritten blurb of the lake scene in episode three. After I made a poll, asking what you guys would have liked the most, 70% voted for a fluff blurb, while 30% for an angst one; so I decided to do both! (as the amazing person that I am).
This is the angst version. I decided to not incorporate the sucessive scene that is in the show, the classroom and Jackie's one, simply because that would be me rewriting it as it has already been filmed, and that wouldn't be interesting. In this blurb, after the lake scene, Shauna immediatley wakes up: you can choose weteher to view this as before the classroom scene or as a stand alone.
You can find the poll I made here and the fluff version here. Enjoy!
She should have never come here. That's all Shauna can think as she passes out, the oxygen in the cave replaced by something foul that slowly chokes her to death.
It was her arrogance that ultimately doomed her. Why did she feel the need to lead herself and the others down to their doom, pushing through the narrow stone walls even when their bodies weren't capable of doing so?
What use did finding Scott even have? Was she hoping to let out her anger at him, to make him see her as she tore his jugular from his throath?
What was the point of all she has done up until now; to make herself the one who would kill them?
What pushed her to do this?
She had always been a mean thing, tearing and burning everything that surrounded her, only to feel its warmth. That horrible, disgusting part of hers was what led Jackie to her death, at the hands of the elements. There's no use to it: no matter how much others have said it to her, no matter how much she rocked herself to sleep at those words, she was the reason Jackie died. Not the cold, not the ancient god bullshit that everyone professed, no. It was her.
She didn't even stop them from killing you. Really, what kind of person is she? A monster. That's all Shauna Shipman ever was, and ever will be.
Darkness lives freely inside the cave, lulling her to a gentle, deadly sleep.
She awakes in the waters, rocked by the waves. She didn't remember how good the warmth of the sun on her skin felt like.
Maybe she could stay here, submerged in the water until the end of time.
But something wakes her up: a child, crying for her name.
Nothing in the universe could describe the leap her heart took when she hears his voice. Her baby, so grown and beautiful, waving at her from the shore. He is so big, and so, so small. How much has she longed to feel him in her arms?
Next to him there's you, as beautiful as the day she met you. You are kneeling on a rock, playing with her baby, moving on an imaginary lane a makeshift car toy you yourself carved for him, when he was still growing inside of Shauna.
And when you hear him calling for her, you wave as he does, smiling and calling for her. "Shauna!" and her heart aches at your voice: she had never thought she would hear it again. "Shauna!" you call again, your voice and his smile attracting her to the shore like a siren's song.
This is all she has been dreaming of these past months. You and her, she and him, together, in the warm weather. Happiness, just a taste of it.
She waves back, her body barely afloat to allow her to do so. You are back; you and him are back, and you will live a life full of love, and you will be so happy together. She swims and swims for what feels like miles, for minutes, hours, and she's sure that she must be next to the shore now. But when Shauna looks up again, she hasn't moved from her spot in the lake.
There's something wrong.
Her legs are chained to the bed of the lake and moving is impossible. She wants to scream "Help me!" but nothing comes out, her lips stay glued to her teeth. Her eyes search for yours, but what she finds is unawareness. You don't even make an effort to move and save her. Why should you, anyways? She didn't save you. But you still love her, don't you?
He continues to wave, mechanically, and your face doesn't look quite right.
In a fraction of a second, Shauna is dragged to the bottom of the lake by something larger than her. She tries to break free, in vain: how could her body fight It anyway?
No, no, she has to go back. He's waiting for her, you are waiting for her.
Help! Please...
When she wakes up, her eyes meet the humid stone ceiling of the cave, darkened by time. The air is so little that she can only breathe a sliver of it, stealing it from her teammates.
So she's back. She would have rather stayed in that dream forever. She would have rather died.
Jackie is still dead, her bones buried in the earth. Javi is still dead, the taste of his blood still fresh on her tongue. Her baby, a victim of fate, and you, a victim of a hunger no human should experience.
They died for nothing. They died for the cruel winter, for the darkest hunger.But unlike them, today Shauna lives. Today, when she'll feel the fresh night air on her face and in her lungs, she will experience the warmth that spring brought.
But what use does spring have, if she feels so cold?
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agreeeeeeeeeee · 2 days ago
Out of the weasley brothers who do you think is the biggest fool when in love
impossible question they're all idiots
just kidding here's the order I think they'd fall into from least to most foolish (they are so close that I went back and forth on the order multiple times 😂)
1. Bill - he's a grown man. he knows how to handle himself in almost all circumstances and it takes a lot to get him flustered. he's also not a cheesy sort of romantic, he's more intense. he's tends to be more serious and knows exactly what he wants (and how to get it). he's going to outright tell you how he feels, no games, no bullshit. he can be possessive and jealous, though, a little rough around the edges, so mind his teeth.
2. Fred - is he foolish or insane? no telling. but he's giving 10000% into getting and keeping the person he loves. Rules and societal norms be damned. And he's not giving up until the fat lady sings, and he'll duct tape her mouth shut if he has to. single-minded, blind determination is the name of the game, and once he has you, you would not believe the ego on this boy. he'll be smug for a year. careful not to let his ego scare you off. he may talk like it's all about him, but at the end of the day, you're his entire universe.
3. Percy - Percy is the "I like you so I'm ignoring you" type, which is foolish. He sees romance as a frivolous distraction, and it would take some time for him to let that go and accept that he's in love. 9 times out of 10, the person gives up or loses interest before Percy figures out his shit. if Percy does manage to get you, he'll be a giddy, nervous wreck for six months because he never thought he'd get this far. he's eternally grateful that you gave him enough water and sunshine to finally grow.
4. George - the rizzler. charm on 10000. you fell in love with him first (but he fell in love harder). but as soon as he has you, all the suave and charm goes out the window. he's an absolute lovesick puppy, the biggest simp. anyone and everyone knows that he's in love and who with because his brain turns off when they're around. he just can't help himself when it comes to the person he loves, and he will walk face backwards off a cliff if you asked him to. please don't ask him to.
5. Charlie - Mr. One Night Stand. Mr. Fast and Loose. but when he actually falls in love, he's goner. done for. someone call a minister because Charlie is halfway down the aisle. he's 100000% committed from the start. saying I love you on the second date. he's all in, so buckle up buttercup because Charlie is a wild animal with a sweet tooth, and you're the prettiest dessert he's ever seen.
6. Ron - Ron is a lot like Percy in this way, he's in denial that he has feelings. But instead of ignoring you, he's going to pick on you, pull your hair, drive you up the wall because he thinks it's hot when you tell him off. he has the emotional range of a teaspoon, so he's going to be very dumb and very clumsy in the process of sorting out his feelings, and make a lot of mistakes in the process. but he will be the fiercest protector and most loyal friend you could ask for, just have patience.
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dramas-vs-novels · 1 day ago
Love in the Air Special Novel Excerpt: Prapai vs Drunk Sky
** Context: After Payu stumbled home drunk one night and Rain got to see his boyfriend being cute and whiny, he became obsessed with seeing what those around him looked like drunk. So Rain conspired with their other friends in their major to get Sky to drink. However, Sky proved to just be a sleepy drunk, so Rain called Prapai to come pick him up.
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After Rain made the call, it wasn’t long before Prapai walked into the pub behind the university.
But when the playful person saw his beloved boyfriend hunched over beside Rain, his sharp eyes that always sparkled in a good mood became noticeably darker. 
A large hand slipped to tighten around Sky’s shoulder, as he asked in a deep voice, “Why did he drink so much?”
Of course, the whole table was pointing at Rain all at once. 
"Hey, are you guys selling me out like this?"
"Well, you said if we can get Sky drunk, tomorrow you'll buy us pork ribs."
When meeting the dark eyes of a dark skinned and handsome man, everyone sold their younger nong out in unison as Rain glared at them, then hurriedly returned with a flattering smile to his friend’s boyfriend.
"Just drinking alcohol, P’Pai, you don't mind, don't you?" Rain tried to make a pleading face.
Prapai looked at him for a moment before his dark expression returned to his usual good-natured smile.
"I didn't say anything. Anyway Rain, you were the one who called me." 
So, if I didn't call, would I be killed?
Rain just spoke to himself but didn't dare to ask aloud. He looked at P’Pai who lightly shook the drunk man's arm.
"Are you okay, Sky?"
The shaking caused the drunk man to slowly open his eyes, his face was flushed red, and Sky shook his head vigorously.
"No more, I want to go home." Sky mumbled then fell asleep. 
"Alright, let's go home now."
The big man was so indulgent, he moved his hand from Sky’s shoulder to caress his hair lovingly, sharp eyes twinkling as he looked down.
Of course, it was an image that the entire table looked curiously at.
The image of a white friend slumped on the table next to them with a handsome, mature man stroking his hair on his shoulders was indeed attractive.
He is attractive in the same way as P’Phayu. They see him often, but Sky rarely brings his boyfriend to college. Most of the time Prapai parked the car and waited and then Sky would just walk to the car. He didn’t come to mingle with the classmates. Seeing Sky with his boyfriend, the prying eyes came straight from every direction, and believe me
tomorrow in the club, there will be teasing messages from seniors and guys in their class year.
He has a boyfriend who loves him so much. 
"Yes, P’Pai!" The person hastily answered.
Prapai took his hand away from his lover, pulled his wallet out of his trousers, then took out all the thousands of baht in banknotes that he had in it and handed it over to his boyfriend's friend. As Rain took the almost ten thousand (~$300) in cash and held it in a daze, his sharp eyes flashed, and he couldn't understand why P’Pai would give him the money.
"Today I am footing the bill. If it's not enough, call me, and I'll transfer the money to you."
"Why would I be joking? I am paying."
The whole table cheered in unison. 
"Oh my, Sky's boyfriend is so fucking caring." 
"We are going to another pub, that guy just paid."
"Damn, I'm jealous of Sky, I want someone like this."
"May Phi prosper, paying for us like this guarantees that in your next life you will be more handsome."
Amid the cheers of the free drinkers, Prapai just smiled, his face bright and clear, the kind of good-tempered adult that children wanted to approach even if he was a stranger.
"In exchange for that, no one can tease Sky about me picking him up."
He knew well that his boyfriend didn't like chaos, and didn't like to be the center of attention, so he gave the condition and his sharp eyes turned to make eye contact with Sig.
Giving him a smile that was as threatening as a zip-your-mouth gesture. It was a nice way to threaten his boyfriend’s classmates.
"Good, everyone agrees. I'll take Sky home now."
"Alright Phi, we'll keep our mouths shut." 
"That also includes no texting."
"Oh, P’Pai, you're really good at cornering us. Okay, trust us." Sig laughed loudly, looking at his friend's boyfriend, whom he had met so many times that he now knew Prapai’s personality.
After all the game bosses had been dealt with, Prapai turned to the sleeping man, looking like he wanted to carry him away. But rather than create a scene for his little boy, his big hand pulled Sky's arm around his neck. With some force, Sky staggered to his feet and leaned against him.
"Let's go home." 
"Um, I'm sleepy."
"You can sleep at home."
"Ugh, no, I'm going back to my dorm, so sleepy." Sky looked dumb, raising his free hand to rub his eyes to say that he's really sleepy.
"Yessir, let's go back to the dormitory." Prapai said politely, waving goodbye to the children around the table and leading his lover to walk out of the shop.
TN: After the assault on Sky in episode 13, Prapai sells his condo and buys a new and much larger one in a high-security building (Rain and Sky are hanging out at the condo's pool in the LITA special episode). This becomes his and Sky's home throughout the Special Novel (which covers around 10 years). However, when he is a student, Sky still keeps his dorm, since it's close to campus.
"When he's with his boyfriend, Sky is cute too." Behind his back, the female senior says jokingly.
"Oh, why did you hit me?"
Sig himself smacked the senior's hands loudly and made a gesture of zipping his mouth in an annoyed manner. "Sis, don't you want free alcohol? Or are you deaf? Huh, what did P’Pai say just now? Bitch, have you forgotten? Do you have a short memory?"
"Damn it, Sig!!!"
That's all it took, and the story of a handsome boyfriend coming to pick up Sky instead turned into a war of saliva and cursing across the tables of seniors and juniors.
"Sky, Sky... wake up, we're at the dorm."
Although the distance from the pub to the young boyfriend's dormitory was not that far, Sky did as he said and slept in the car. He leaned his head against the window and fell asleep immediately, not waking up even when Prapai repeated his call and shook his arm.
The sight looked so cute that Prapai smiled, and his big hand unbuckled Sky’s seatbelt and leaned over his boyfriend's seat. His face was sharp, sweeping away from the soft, fluffy hair that was unshaped, the skin of the cheeks smooth and clear like that of a baby's skin, and the long eyelashes laid on those cheeks.
No matter where he looks, Prapai finds Sky adorable.
Why, why do you always think that you look ordinary, even though you are so cute?
"Here, if you were awake, you would call me a psychopath who kept staring at you, Sky."
He really couldn't help giving a big kiss to the soft cheeks before letting go of the soft skinned person.
Now, no one was around to see them, Sky wouldn't mind if he carried him up to the tower in his arms. Prapai shrugged and proceeded to carry the drunk man up to his room.
When Sky was propping himself up and sitting on the bed, Prapai had just changed from a slacks shirt to comfortable pajamas that he had left in his boyfriend's room. Sky’s white face looked sleepy, his eyes glistening from the effects of alcohol, but he didn't look as drunk as he did in the pub.
"Oh, why did you wake up? Get ready for bed, I’ll help change your clothes.”
"I'm not drunk, Phi Pai."
"Hmm." Prapai hummed in surprise, moved to stand beside the bed, and looked at the state of the drunk boy who said he was not drunk.
"Just now, I acted as if I was drunk so that Rain and the others wouldn't give me more alcohol." Sky replied with a slight slur, but Prapai could still understand him.
"I didn’t fall asleep in the pub, but I probably fell asleep in the car. P’Pai, did you carry me up upstairs?" the person said, looking up. The person who was listening couldn't help feeling that this angle was nice. Whether it's a flushed face or a view down the wide collar of the shirt, revealing beautiful and erect nipples.
"So, you mean that you pretended to be drunk."
"Well, back in high school, I drank even more than this."
"Whose boyfriend is this? So evil too, I fell for your acting completely."
"If I didn't make him believe it was real, Rain would do it again." the person who was speaking said, knowing his good friend well.
Prapai has to admit that he likes this angle… but even if Sky isn't as drunk as he pretended to be in the bar, it's still better to let the little boy rest.
"Sleepy, right? If you're sleepy, just go to sleep." 
"Yes sir?" A deep voice accepts the words, preparing to leave to find some clothes to change into.
"Just now, P’Pai, what were you looking at?" 
Suddenly, Sky used his hand to grab the big man's wrist and pull the big man back. And how could Prapai not gulp hard when his boyfriend deliberately fluttered his shirt around? From the first moment he stole a glance of Sky’s nipples, Sky saw him.
"Come on." The young man groaned in a low voice, wanting to cover his face with his hands and resist the temptation.
But Sky smiled. "P’Pai, you looked right? Do you want to touch them?"
He didn’t just say the words, Sky also grabbed his boyfriend's hand and moved it to hold his collarbone as he raised his head to make way for Prapai's big hand to reach into the wide collar. The power of alcohol made him force Prapai’s hand through the collar and touch his hot body.
"Ugh." As soon as the fingertips passed the nipple, Sky let out a low moan.
That's all, Prapai now knows what it looks like when his little boyfriend drinks alcohol… he becomes a provocative cat that would almost drive him insane. 
When Prapai clearly teased him in a way that he normally wouldn’t, Sky held his breath. "Please rub, P’Pai." Sky whispered.
Prapai rubbed his hard knuckles in a circle around the base and listened to the sweet moan of his lover, then gently pinched with his fingertips. The person sitting on the bed writhed slightly. Sky’s body seemed more sensitive to touch than usual, and Prapai couldn't help but pinch and pull.
"Oh, good, good." The drunk person looks up and meets Prapai’s eyes, "Harder."
And damn it, his little one was licking his lips as their eyes met, the look in his eyes said that Sky wanted more.
"Phi Pai, your cock is hard." 
Sky is drunk, very drunk!
At first, Pai believed it when his boyfriend said he was pretending to be drunk. But as soon as a soft touch pressed against his pants, touched the hardened part through the fabric, and Sky laughed heartily, he understood that Sky had drunk more than he thought.
He should put Sky to bed and lull him to sleep. 
"...Wanna do some licking?" 
The evil side stomps the side of the dharma side, the evil side punches the good side in the face, and the righteous consciousness is scattered.
"Of course."
Prapai pulled his hand from the soft skin and made a move to unbutton his pants.
"No, I want to do it." The drunk man smacked his hands hard and commanded in a stern voice before tucking his face into the crotch of his big boyfriend’s pants and rubs his hands along the part slowly.
Then, Sky pulled out his boyfriend’s son from inside his trousers. His eyes fixed on the red veined cock that had pierced his body countless times. The thin hand grasped the length, it was hot like a fire.
Soft lips touch the tip before Sky swept his lips sideways from tip to root. Then the bright-colored tongue licked it, hungrily savoring the familiar taste. At the same time, the white hand stroked while the mouth was licking at the juicy tip.
"Mwaah...Mwaah...Phi Pai...Hmm."
The sight of his lover sucking on his cock just made Prapai even harder. However, Prapai only stood still with his big hand touching my head, stroking gently. Despite his heavy breathing, a low moan escaped from his throat.
But then, the white man broke away. "Hot."
Sky moaned a single word, then straightened up to take off his shirt and throw it by the bed, followed by pants and underwear. Everything was pulled all out at once, then dropped to the side and Sky was left naked. Sky returned to sit in a kneeling position facing the big cock.
The sight... is very provocative.
The white hand came back and he eagerly shoved Prapai’s cock into his mouth.
Sky's soft tongue licked around with a satisfying taste, then opened his mouth to receive most of the length. With both hands, Sky took Prapai's hand and made him grip his head, telling his lover that he could move his head back and forth as he wanted.
However, Prapai still didn’t slam his cock into Sky’s warm mouth, he almost couldn't resist. The young man just slowly brushed Sky’s messy hair and was in no hurry to release into his hot mouth cavity, which seemed to be hotter than usual.
Sky didn't care about the sound of the bedside drawer opening, he only cared about the veined cock moving in and out of his mouth, wishing P’Pai could do more but…
At that moment the clear gel ran down his buttocks until the drunk Sky groaned deep in his throat, sending a tremor that caused Prapai to moan low.
Not only did the lubricating gel run through the butt crack, but Prapai's big hand moved from Sky’s forearm to the other softly, squeezing both sides so hard that there would be faint red marks. The boy who was giving it to him groaned in his throat, his soft buttocks accidentally twitching toward him.
Prapai himself did not let go, for a long finger was inserted deep into the sweet colored channel that only he could feel. Prapai felt the force of his thrust make Sky twitch with joy until Prapai sent his finger in all the way.
And damn it, the finger wriggled inside, Sky was insanely hot! 
Then, like a kitten turned cat would want to provoke him to the extreme, Sky swayed as if wanting more fingering until Prapai pulled his finger out and slammed it in again. Prapai felt the trembling of the boy who was still sucking on his cock for him.
The picture now is Sky crawling on the edge of the bed kneeling and watching Prapai stand beside the bed with a large hand skillfully inserting deep into the white body, making the person on the bed moan loudly; that's why it sent a trembling force into Prapai’s cock, still in Sky’s mouth until neither of the parties thought to endure anymore, their eyes glistening.
"Ah, ah, Sky? Can I enter you?" Prapai spoke in a heavy voice, his sharp eyes staring at the white hips that also thrust against his fingers.
"Mmm." A request that Sky himself sucked hard on caused a low moan from the big man.
Sky, whose face was so sweaty that his damp hair clung to it, lifted his head and gave him a sweet smile, "Yes, Pai." 
The drunk man moved to lie on his back, immediately spread out in the middle of the bed. Two legs spread wide, revealing a naked body flushed with red all over, and a cramped and wet channel, twitching as if demanding something big to fill it.
 And it's like Sky thought he wasn’t provoking Prapai enough, because his white hands had already moved to grab his soft ass and pull the white cheeks further apart. 
"Phi Pai, hurry." 
Prapai heard the sound of something torn apart, and that was probably his own consciousness.
He immediately rushed toward Sky, and a large hand pulled the two provocative hands above his head. Then he pinned them with one hand until they sank into the thick blanket, sending his other hand to the hole below and... inserting three fingers at once.
"Ah, ah, Phi Pai, ah!"
Prapai looked at Sky with his sweaty face shaking, wriggling beneath him, as he fumbled for something with his fingers; And it didn't take long for Sky to startle as if he had been electrocuted.
"Right there...argh."
The big one managed to pull his fingers out, and sent his big son in his place, at the moment Sky looked down.
"Ugh!" Prapai bent down and pressed a provocative kiss on the lips until they were close, almost at the same moment that he plunged into the hot tenderness... So hot that he almost came immediately.
As the person below cried out in full volume, a trembling sensation was felt along with a slight stabbing pain inside. But when Prapai first entered him, he stilled because he knew that something long would follow, and it didn’t take Prapai long to push all the way in.
Sky’s two legs split open even more.
Sky didn't know if he should be interested in the insanely hot kiss, or the stick moving in and out of his body.
It's good, it's so good that he doesn't want to stop at all.
"Phi Pai, uh... fuck me like that again, do it again... [huff] [huff] good, it’s so good."
As soon as his lips were freed from the kissing, Sky let out a loud moan, his small hip pushing up against the slamming force. His newly freed hands grasped the sheets beside his head, and clear tears welled up in his eyes, looking like they could fall at any moment.
"Do you like it?"
"Love it, but I like... P’Pai, more."
The piercing moment made Sky sway and his back channel tightened more and more, his body twitching as if waves of happiness would come crashing in at any moment.
Prapai slowed down the pace, wishing to prolong this moment a little longer.
He would always give Sky anything he wanted, today the drunk one took charge. "Hey, wait Sky." Did the alcohol made the child braver than usual? Because Sky pushed the giant Prapai onto the bed, and then, the drunk man straddled him. His soft hand felt the heat of Prapai’s cock, but he wouldn't let Prapai cum.
He felt that Phi Pai should only cum inside him.
With these thoughts, Sky pushed his legs wide apart, his tantalizing face tilted up and his hips pressed down to take the hot stick into his body… to the deepest part.
Sky bit his lip vigorously, as he pulled his body up and pressed it all the way down again, again and again until the heat gathered in his lower abdomen, his heart pounding, his ears soft. His legs began to shake.
Prapai’s cock was twitching in a pulsating beat that drove them both crazy to death. 
"Mmmhpf, I can't endure anymore."
"And who...ask Phi to endure...it." Sky’s panting voice answered in a rhythm that was broken.
And that…
"Assume that I have already warned you." 
"Ah! [huff] Phi Pai, Phi Pai, harder and harder."
Prapai moved forward vigorously and looked at the beautiful view of his ruddy lover, his two hands reaching behind him to grab Prapai’s knees to support himself. Sky's two legs spread wide enough for him to see the connection point where his cock was moving in and out with force. Sky’s own  beautiful piece of flesh bounced in front of him until Prapai couldn’t resist reaching out to stroke it.
"I am going to cum ...it’s coming out."
Even if Sky didn’t tell him, Prapai himself was going crazy from the twitching inside, and he knew that his lover would cum in one minute or another by the way he spead up. 
Prapai's sharp eyes looked at the sweet love hole that devoured him with even hungrier eyes, a bright tongue licking around his lips.
Not long after, Sky’s body began to spasm and released every drop of cum he had, smearing Prapai’s his strong stomach.
As the pressure from Sky reaching the dreamland itself gripped Prapai like crazy, after just one blow, hot cum sprayed into the provocateur's body. Sky trembled, and moaned softly, eyes tightly closed, as he felt the fluid that filled his inner depths.
But don't think that everything will end there.
Prapai once again pushed the exhausted drunk onto the soft mattress, holding his white legs wide apart.
"Mmmhpf! Phi Pai, wait, ah, fuck!" Sky cried out at the top of his voice.
He felt a flash of tenderness rushing in. At the same moment, a hot tongue was licking his abused love hole, drawing out the cum that was flowing backward from his twisted waist. Clear tears streamed down the corners of his eyes, both hands gripping Prapai's thick hair tightly.
Who would have thought that P’Pai would put his tongue in that same place his own cum flowed out of?
"Ugh, huh, good."
Prapai raised his head mockingly, and that made Sky turn red. "Who exactly is lewd?"
The young man gave him a smile, a low voice whispering in a raspy voice. "So, we're both lewd to each other."
After he finished saying that, the sharp face tucked into its original position right into that still twitching hole, Prapai knew very well that the shy Sky liked when he licked his love hole right after fucking it rudely. So, having provoked him, Sky had to accept his fate tonight.
"Phi Pai, ah, it tingles."
In the silence of the night, in the dormitory of a young man named Sky. The groans echoed with the moving sound of the soft mattress, time after time, and it didn't seem to end so easily.
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universefcb · 5 hours ago
make one which reader and Pedri are trying to have their alone moment, but the universe seems like to be against them, and everytime they try something they're interrupted
↬❥ The universe against us
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Pedri Gonzalez x Fem!Reader
a/n: I THINK THIS IMAGINE IS WHAT I LOVED THINKING AND WRITING THE MOST KAKAKAKAK. And sorry if there are mistakes, English is not my language.I hope this is what you asked for!
warnings: Hot kisses, stress, and comedy.
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The sun was beginning to set in Barcelona, dyeing the sky with orange and pink hues. The city was alive, but inside Pedri's apartment, all that mattered was the comfortable silence between the two of you. He was there, sprawled on the couch, one hand resting on your thigh while the other absently played with a lock of your hair.
— It's been a while since we had a moment alone... — he murmured, his voice hoarse, his brown eyes fixed on hers.
You smiled, sliding your hand down his chest.
— That’s right. There’s always some event or games…
Pedri chuckled softly, leaning in to capture your lips with his. The kiss started softly, but soon intensified, his firm hand gripping your waist, pulling you closer. Your bodies adjusted naturally, and the heat that formed between you was unmistakable.
That's when his phone started ringing. Loudly. Insistent.
Pedri groaned in frustration, throwing his head back.
"I don't believe."
He ignored the call and went back to kissing you, but seconds later, the phone rang again.
“Better answer it,” you said, laughing at the irritation on his face.
He picked up his cell phone and answered without even looking at the caller ID.
“What is it?” he grumbled.
It was Gavi.
“Bro, can you tell me where my black boots are? You borrowed them last week!”
Pedri closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to calm himself.
“Gavi, do you have any idea what time it is?”
“Yes, I do. That’s why I’m calling. There’s training tomorrow.”
“It’s in the hall closet. Now stop calling me.”
He hung up before his friend could respond and threw the phone away.
“Okay, problem solved. Now, where were we again?”
You laughed and pulled him into another kiss, this time more intense, his hands sliding over your skin in a way that made your entire body shiver. He leaned over you, his knee gently pressing against your leg, and you were about to finally lose yourself in each other when…
The two were startled by the knock on the door.
Pedri closed his eyes, letting out a long sigh.
“If it’s Gavi again, I’ll kill him.”
He stood up, clearly irritated, and went to open the door. It was his brother.
“Fer, this is not possible now!”
“Relax, bro. I just came to get my headphones that I left here yesterday.”
Pedri practically pushed his brother out of the apartment and slammed the door. When he returned to the couch, his gaze was determined.
“I do not accept that the universe wins.”
“Me neither,” you agreed, pulling him by the collar of his shirt.
This time, you decided not to give him any more chances to interrupt. He gently cupped your face and deepened the kiss, his hands exploring every inch of you. You fit perfectly against him, his skin feeling warm under your fingers, and everything finally seemed to be going in the right direction…
But then…
The loud sound of the doorbell made you both jump on the couch.
Pedri stared at the door, his eyes shining with fury.
“If it’s Gavi or Fer, I swear…”
He opened the door with a jerk, and you were both taken by surprise. It was a delivery man.
“Request for Pedro Gonzalez?”
Pedri frowned.
“I didn’t ask for anything.”
The delivery man looked at the name on the paper and then at him.
“Oh, it was your brother. It’s in his name, but this is your address.”
Pedri ran his hands over his face.
“I'm going to kill Fer.”
After taking the order and closing the door tightly, he walked back to you.
“Forget the universe. I don’t care anymore.”
You laughed and pulled him back, deciding that this time, nothing else could get in the way.
And finally, the universe gave up on being against you.
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✦ tysm by request
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acourtofthought · 13 hours ago
Hey, just popping in with some thoughts! Based on your post last.
So, I totally get the frustration with the whole Elain/Lucien situation, but I feel like the argument that "because Elain said so" isn’t a valid reason kinda misses the point? Like… that’s actually a very important reason! Just because something is a major trope (angsty rejected mates, slow burn suffering, etc.) doesn’t mean SJM has to explore it every single time. Maybe the whole point is that Elain gets to choose, even when the universe tries to shove her into a predetermined path. 👏 Girl. Has. Agency. 👏
And honestly? Not every story needs a full-blown love triangle or 500 pages of emotional turmoil. Maybe SJM just doesn’t think an Elain/Lucien romance serves the larger narrative. We already know mating bonds don’t have to be romantic, so maybe Elain’s arc isn’t about tragic rejection but about defining love on her own terms. Revolutionary, I know.
Also, why do we assume Lucien has to be central to Elain’s story? His whole journey with Vassa/Jurian and his identity crisis (Beron’s kid? Helion’s kid? Future High Lord???) is a lot, and maybe that’s his story, not one tied to Elain’s decisions. If SJM is holding off on Lucien/Elain, it could be intentional because she’s setting him up for something else.
All that said, if Maas completely ignores the bond without any meaningful resolution, then yeah, wasted potential. But maybe, just maybe, the point is that fate isn’t the final word on love. 💖
Curious to hear your thoughts! 🫶
This feels a bit like a copy and past messages because none of my recent posts dealt with what your referring to. It also seem you've either accidentally stumbled upon the wrong page since I'm clearly Pro Elucien or you're baiting, which I hope not.
However, the tone of the message was friendly enough so I'll definitely respond and tell you all about how I disagree.
I'm going to tackle one of your later points, "why do we assume Lucien has to be central to Elain's story."
Because Sarah has literally laid out Lucien's future journey for us while simultaneously laying out Elain's future journey while simultaneously laying out Az and Gwyn's future journey's and the journey's only line up when we're considering certain pairings. Elain was not part of the crossover in anyway, shape or form. She has never once been connected to time travel, been mentioned as being interested in time travel, had nothing to do with learning the history of Prythian. But Az was written to be interested in those things, was written to find out about the Asteri from other planets, was written as staring after the orb Bryce showed them even after it disappeared (just like Lucien was written as staring across the continent as if setting his sights on Koschei), and was written as learning about the history of their world when he was with Bryce. The only one of his possible love interests that was written as having done research on the past and time travel is.....(drum roll please), Gwyn! Not to mention Gwyn is a Valkyrie and SF told us Cassian and Az planned on continuing their training whereas Az never onced offered to help Elain train her powers.
As far as Lucien, he is now PERMANENTLY stationed in Spring. He is friends with Vassa who is soon to be called back to Koschei, he met Elain's father and with the retcon in SF of when he met up with him should now be aware of what bargain her father made. He's also the only male who can tell Elain what the last days of being around her father were like. In ACOWAR, Elain was given visions of Vassa and Koschei, in SF, she was written as being made for Spring, as having her scent linger like a promise of Spring, she was written to look like she had the life sucked out of her in NC black, was constantly sitting at the sunniest windows and said herself that what she needed was sunshine, while Sarah wrote her losing the color her face had gained once winter set into the NC. (Spring and Day don't seem to have winter!). Also, Elain and Lucien are mates and no matter what you think will happen the text specifically tells us the bond will ALWAYS TRAIL ELAIN FOR THE REST OF HER EXISTENCE. That's a long time. No matter what, Lucien will always hold some part of her and she him.
The question is not why Lucien has to be central to Elain's story, it's how could anyone not realize he is going to be Elain's story forever, no matter what her decision is.
As far as your whole choice argument, this is an author who loves fated mates, who feels that from the very first moment she laid eyes on her husband she knew he was the one. Was that a choice or something that felt like destiny? And Sarah has written Elain and Lucien, from the moment they laid eyes on one another, as knowing that they were mates. Now this is a book so of course it has to be a roller coaster before the HEA but I have no idea why you'd think an author would prefer to write about mates rejecting one another, knowing they'll always feel a draw to one another (even though the authors has written them as being absolutely perfect and extremely compatible for one another and you're lying if you pretend otherwise) all to say "but choice is so much more important than fate or destiny even if that choice says he hasn't thought of you beyond his sexual fantasies and didn't give you credit for the king and doesn't think you could handle the trove but thinks your sister can). If choice was more important than destiny than Frodo would have never destroyed the ring because he definitely would have preferred being back in his hobbit hole many times on his journey.
Elain has had nothing but choice when it comes to whether she decides to be with Lucien because he hasn't forced a single thing on her.
This particular author literally told us Elain chose Lucien. How she thought he'd always be with Nesta until she realized that they'd worsen one anothers wounds but then Elain took BOTH Sarah and Lucien by surprise. Elain's character spoke to Sarah, she literally told the author what her story would be then Sarah just went and added the drama.
It seems you believe Elain doesn't have some sort of say in who she ends up with and it'll be more powerful to break free of that so she can "pick who she wants" when she's clearly been free to do whatever the hell she wants over the last two years. She literally begged Graysen to still love her. But not once in those two years has she chosen to reject the guy who you are so convinced she doesn't want and yes, though Elain does not owe Lucien her body or time, she does owe him a formal rejection because they are linked and you and I and everyone in this fandom knows that. Author's don't have characters like Elain leave characters like Lucien in a weird limbo two years without having a real conversation with him if she's always known the plan is for Elain to reject him without ever interacting so you can bet your ass Elain's book is going to have a whole lotta Lucien.
And you're right, not every story needs pages upon pages of a love triangle and that's why Sarah wrote Elain returning Az's necklace then never again looking his way in the 4/ 5 months after Solstice. E/riels setup is over and Sarah can now focus on the true romantic arc of Elain's character which has always been Lucien and their bond. Az will be ok though because he's already got admiration and amusement going on for another girl.
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elias-rights · 1 day ago
I'm a tma lover/hater and huuuge fan of your blog, I'd love to hear your takes on the fanon characterization/designs of the archive crew and why you hate them, cause they drive me up a wall every time I see them
TMA lover/hater is a great way to call it. I'm going to be saying this from now on.
I don't remember the last time I talked about fanon designs, but basically:
They are at work for most of the podcast. I get why they might get more lax with what they wear to work after it all starts to unravel, but Tim* isn't going to be wearing Hawaiian shirts from S1. (*who is a professional! He is meticulous about work and not, say, a himbo.)
They are employed adults in a realistic world (supernatural elements aside). Melanie I could see having a more alternative fashion since her line of work originally wasn't academic, but that's about it.
Elias. Elias Elias Elias. It's the most inaccurate fanon design out there. Why is this man, canonically described as "austere" and the Head of an Institute that subsists on donations, dressed like the Onceler. Why do you make him significantly more flamboyant than the rest of the cast (who are better people). Do you seriously not realise why Disney villains being way more effeminate than the heroes is a problematic trope? And don't you think this careful man who does not draw attention to himself, and plays the part of the boring bureaucrat, wouldn't wear flashy suits and eye-shaped jewellery (which could only garner him reactions of ??? even before any secrets came out)? I have a few posts about fandom homophobia and fanon Elias but it honestly drives me up the wall.
On the subject of homophobia, why is Daisy, one of the most physically violent and monstrous female characters, drawn as butch? Especially considering (as a post not by me that I'll reblog after I finish this) that she canonically chooses to call herself Daisy because of its soft femininity and how it contradicts her violence. It really does seem like the mental arithmetic is violent + female = butch.
This isn't Problematic but more so something that I disagree with: I just don't see Peter as a stereotypical old-timey sea captain. He projects salesman energy. He is the cold depersonalisation of capitalism in human form (not Elias). He wears suits and is clean-shaven. To me.
Michael is not an arcade carpet. He thrives on being subtly... off. Seeming off in reflections, on second glance, out of the corner of your eye. I have always associated him with sickly browns and yellows. But I'm starting to think the TMA fandom does not understand subtlety.
Jon is mostly fine in my book, but I am a bit uneasy about the correlation between the universal headcanon of him as brown and how infantilised and dehumanised he is by some of the fandom. I'd be interested to hear actual nonwhite people's thoughts on the matter.
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skeletonh0e · 1 day ago
Fuck it
Fresh Sans x Reader (SFW AND NSFW cuz I'm not a coward)
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Literally everyone in the multiverse is going to judge you from a mile away
"Really? HIM???"
Yes. Him.
The strange thing about dating him though is that at first glance it's hard for people to tell if you two are like actually dating or if you two are just really good friends
Because given how Fresh reacts around everyone else it's actually hard to tell
He's touchy, he does kiss you just randomly on occasion, he's generally friendly and supportive but it makes it a bit hard to tell who he's into someone or just....
Being himself
You normally have to explicitly state that he's your boyfriend for others to kind of get it
Or Fresh says it, normally basically akin to "ayo yo yo! it's 8 o'clock me and my boo are supposed to watch all of fresh prince of bel air together! gotta scram!"
And yes, you are the boo in question
His pet names are normally again no different from what he calls others "bro, bruh, dude, homie" (yes he treats all these terms as gender neutral) but you do get the more actually romantic ones like "my boo" or "baby" if he's in a genuinely sweet mood
I will say he only has a vague sense of what he's doing, make no mistake if you managed to befriend him then pursue a romantic type of relationship with him, he trusts you completely and makes that abundantly clear. However he struggles with most emotions in general soooooo
Kind of just repeats things he sees on TV and goes off vibes
Dates are usually extremely cheesy as a result and painfully over the top, often done with his own twist about things. Think hiring a band to play you a song over a moon lit night dinner but the song is all start and the food is like chicken nuggets and mac n' cheese
Surprisingly also gives you a lot of gifts
Sometimes it's things you actually like and would expect from a romantic partner, other times it's just like gag gifts or something random he found that he thought you'd appreciate like pretty rocks, a jar of goo, or something you're pretty sure was an organ at one point (you don't know you don't ask)
One time proposed to you with a ring pop cuz he was told this was something people in relationships do
You still have the ring to this day ofc he got you the best of the best it never ends, never goes bad and you just have to clean it if it ever gets dirty
Also you basically have a free multi universal traveling service here, say the word and he'll take you anywhere. Hell, you don't even gotta say anything sometime he'll just pick you up and take you on an adventure
Which yes it doesn't matter how small or tall you are he will just randomly pick you up, the only difference is the way he does it as it can range from lifting you up above his head or tucking you under his shoulder
On a more serious note since he's not the most aware person about feelings and relationships you'll have to be painfully blind when communicating your feelings
Speaking of he's kind of shit at comforting you
He'll try, willing to hug and go "let it all out broski" but doesn't really know what to say
Especially if he's the reason your upset
Fresh: "bby who hurt you i will karate chop them so hard!"
Y/N: "It was you dumbass!"
Fresh: "....."
Fresh: *process to karate chop himself*
I wouldn't say he's super protective or even all that jealous for that matter, but he doesn't like people messing with you and he especially doesn't like people hurting you
So he's never afraid to intervene
Will just poof into existence between you and someone you were talking to while sounding off the worlds loudest airhorn
No one would call Fresh pure evil but uh, he definitely has some questionable morals. You may have to reign him here or there
Unless you wanna encourage that side of him ya know what they say YOLO baby
Definitely the type of partner to just annoy you like "you've gone too long without paying attention to me so I'm just gonna lay on top of you now"
He's very touchy with everyone in general but especially the case with you
Fairly big on PDA as a result which leads to the afterforementioned confusion with others not knowing how legit this attraction actually it
Hope you're ready to receive a lot of goofy ass text and very silly memes
Literally sliding into ur dms 24/7 and you cannot get rid of him
He wuuuuves you ❤️🧡💚💛💙💜
Does not know what sex is
Man is definitely asexual, it's a bit unclear where he falls specifically on the spectrum and trying to get him to pick a label is hard. However he's never had urges and certainly never had any reason to get into it
Until now at least
But you will have to explain it otherwise the moment you attempt something he's gonna be CONFUSED
And explain in detail cause he's gonna have questions
A lot of questions
And he still doesn't one hundred percent get it, but he's not disgusted by it and while he might feel little to no sexual arousal
He does like making you happy
He has the ability to make whatever junk you want, so it's basically build a bear
It's still Fresh though get ready for him goofy ass to just keep yapping
Very vocal especially when he turns you into a quivering moaning mess
While he can make his own gentials his favorite thing to do is give head or really just use his hands, the latter allows him to keep talking. And with thus man's extreme stamina he can do it for hours so again you'll have to make it VERY clear when too much is too much
Also an aspect he kind of gets into is lingerie, but I think he just likes you seeing you in pretty outfits and enjoyed skin to skin (skin to bone) contact a lot
Naturally expects for the focus to be on you and him to top especially since he all but outright confirms he's in this for YOU not for him
If you try and turn the tables on him he will be an EXTREMELY whiney and needy bottom especially if you tease him
Be warned too much teasing and he'll flip the roles back with a VENGEANCE
On a more serious note, definitely will have to ease him into extreme kinks not only because everything is new to him but he might also take it overboard
He is genuinely trying though so be easy on him
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bonzos-number-1-fan · 1 day ago
TMAGP 31 Thoughts: Extended Sounds of Brutal Crowbar Damage
And we're back again, after quite a wait, but it's a nice easy one to get back into the swing of things. Nothing explosive happened this episode really but a lot of foundation setting. However we've finally hit the part of the show that is now a sequel to The Magnus Archives. So, if any of you have somehow not listened to that and are interested to hear why things are so fucked, that would be how you go about it.
Spoilers for TMA, and TMP episode 31 below the cut.
I didn't cover it elsewhere so I'm going to start with Season 2's trailer. It's a nice, short, and sweet trailer so there isn't a whole lot to get into. There are a few bits in the transcript that are worth pointing out though. Firstly, it's referred to as the "London Exclusion Zone, Primeline" and "Primeline" doesn't appear anywhere else in this trailer nor episode one. That's likely a portmanteau of Prime and Timeline which I would take to mean this is the universe from Archives. Given the warden's worry about tapes and a few other notable bits of text from the premieres transcript I would say it's all but confirmed. The only other thing I think is worth mentioning here is that the scuttling creatures are described as having "too many legs". Which isn't incredibly relevant but does at least show they're supernatural in some sense.
Okay, onto the episode proper and now we can all say goodbye to the number 3 blorbo, Colin. I'll always remember the way he called me a gobshite because I sent him an email during the ARG, and the way he lost his mind because gays were in the computer. RIP, Colin, rest in processors.
There isn't really a load to say on this ep is general IMO. I think it's all pretty surface level but as with the trailer there are some interesting bits and pieces to pick out of it. In general though, I thought it was a very solid start to a season. Picks up right where things left off and lays a lot of groundwork for what's to come and isn't a load of info dumping.
So there are a couple of things to pick out from Colin's very messy and unearned death. During the long string of "Discard data"s there is one that reads "upload data" in the transcript which is for sulphur. Sulphur being one of the tria prima and an incredibly important element to alchemy. Now, the actual audio does say "discard data" and it might not be anything more than a mistake but it's an interesting coincidence if that's all it is. The elements listed are also in order of abundance in the human body.
hardware damage_crowbar/DPHW 4600
I believe this joke was written purely for me. No one can convince me otherwise. It's going in the masterdoc.
I don't think there is much to say on Gwen's, Alice's, or Celia's showing in the episode. They're all more or less doing "normal" stuff. The only thing I would point out is that Celia does do some lying in the episode without the usual distortions around those in the audio. At least not that I heard.
Sam is bringing the wet cat energy the Primeline was missing since TMA's finale. It's being met with mixed reception. Most of what goes on here is all pretty obvious I think. We meet yet another version of Georgie who is a little more rugged and generally done with everyone's shit. She's introduced in the text as "Georgie P" which I can only assume is Georgie Prime. This is further reinforced by Heidi's statement describing exactly what we saw of London post-Change. With the additional talks of domains and circuses I think it's fairly hard to argue this isn't TMA's universe post-season 5. Which has some fairly strong implications for exactly how that all went down and how much the world both remembers and has changed, but I feel like that might be bet to get into elsewhere. And likely by other people. Them naming a van after Gertrude is very sweet tho.
I think that's about all I've got to say on this one. Nothing to mindblowing and not a lot of crumbs to follow but it's a great start to a season.
Incident/CAT#R#DPHW Master Sheet and Terminology Sheet
DPHW Theory: 5555 sounds about right to me. It's not exceptionally spooky in any single sense but is pretty broad spectrum. Pretty standard stuff. Might as well mention that Hardware Damage (Crowbar) being at 4600 also lines up very well.
CAT# Theory: Our very first 123 which is something I've personally been waiting on. I've been very vocal about how I don't think the Person/Place/Object theory makes a lot of sense. However, this is one of the ones I wouldn't argue for there if you want to stretch it to Colin still being a person after "Integration", or you want to say that JMJ also count. Not that I buy the idea any more. Although it should be noted that Johnny says in the Q&A that the first few cases are wrong. Which means if it is P/P/O it should match up perfectly if you start from the bottom until you hit a point where the wrong ones end. I don't think it would from what I recall on my essay about why it's not P/P/O but it might. I was supposed to use the break to do some more work on CAT# but then I didn't. So I've got no real insights into this one.
R# Theory: B lines up pretty well. It would be confirmable that Colin is at least missing, but getting eaten by a server rack isn't particularly likely to be why.
Header talk: Integration (organic) -/- Computer (Hardware) is a fairly standard description IMO. I can't see much to really dig into there.
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tuttle-did-it · 3 days ago
Sisko was unreasonably obsessed with the uniform, with what he felt the uniform represented. Examples- refusing to take off his uniform when Alixus tried to force him, trying to make Cal take his uniform back-- the episode where he's obsessively chasing Eddington is literally called 'For the Uniform.' Although Sisko was one of the few Starfleet officers who were aware of the artificial world of Starfleet/Federation, he also would become obsessive about those same ideals. And he took it as a personal affront (read- ego) the moment Eddington took off that uniform.
I love Sisko. I do. He's my favourite captain (unless Janeway is dressed in Deitrich replica suits). But he's also occasionally absolutely unhinged about certain things-- like uniforms and what he feels they represent. It's something he has in common with Janeway-- they both get incredibly offended if someone does not live up to their ideals of the federation, and this can lead them both to do quite horrific things at times.
Sisko being willing to commit atrocities like poison a planet just to capture one renegade officer because he was no longer wearing his uniform and turned to the "enemy" was absolutely absurd. Especially as he went and married "the enemy" with no real hesitation.
I have a love-hate relationship with Star Trek. I grew up on it, it means the world to me. But I also get very irritated when they get into that hyper-American attitude of 'we can go around and order the universe to do as we say without living up to those ideals ourselves, and if you question that, you're a traitor.' I don't think much of it. And both Sisko and Janeway at various times have fallen right into this trap-- Sisko threatening to poison an entire planet, Janeway happy to sacrifice Ransom in Equinox, for example. The very American 'rules for thee and not for me attitude' is VERY common with Federation members.
DS9 gave room to address those issues, to discuss when Starfleet/Federation fell short of their ideals. To discuss whether it's possible to have a utopia without a fascist shadow government running things. To show when people who have good ideals do very bad things in an effort to "maintain" those ideals. And there were characters I loved despite the hyper American 'yay us! so civilised! Look at all these people whom we deem uncivilised!' attitudes, there were many moments where we could see under and beyond that.
TNG... I used to be able to enjoy TNG but so much of it was way too much. I had certain episodes I could enjoy. But after Picard, I cannot watch a single TNG episode-- I never want to see it again. I want absolutely nothing to do with it. I'm not even sure I can watch anything with those actors, again.
Out of all the Treks, I think TNG was the most pretentious and self-congratulatory. DS9 is far more self-aware, and willing to unpack those assumptions and attitudes. I trusted those writers enough to deal with storylines that unpicked the 'we're number one' mentality that TNG especially suffered from. Quite frankly, I think of SIsko had given any one of the TNG cast the 'the problem is Earth, easy to be saints in paradise' speech, they wouldn't understand what he was saying. Ro Laren would, hands down. Tasha bought the propaganda lock, stock and barrel. Riker, Troi, Worf, LaForge, Crusher, Picard, they would all not comprehend what Sisko was trying to get at. Data would be able to acknowledge it if he saw the evidence-- but he was found by the Federation and joined them immediately after, so he, like Wes, has only been surrounded by these pretentious and self-congratulatory ideals. Ro, O'Brien, Guinan and eventually Wes are really the only ones I can think of who would be able to go yeah, no. -- And, at least a PART of Riker must see it, considering he shares the same brain with his duplicate Tom-- but Tom, as far as he was concerned, was abandoned by the Federation for years, so he had already seen through the cracks. Because of this, he's able to recognise the situation with the Maquis for what it is-- the Federation fucking up. Point is, TNG cast, the only ones who really are able to see through the façade of the Perfect Federation are the ones who have functioned outside of it at various points.
DS9 was also more willing to explore this with non-Federation characters-- Quark, Garak, Kira in particular.
Berman... honestly, I have nothing nice to say about him. He tormented the women on the set, the writers like Ron Moore weren't allowed to work at their best because of the weird restrictions. Like, good for him for keeping the franchise running, I guess, but that's pretty much all I can say there.
We did see Lwaxana in professional settings. She repeatedly turned them all into UNprofessional settings. In Dark Page, she is there as part of a delegation with a telepathic species. Because she was triggered with her own traumas, that storyline fell away pretty quickly. She's also on the ship as part of a delegation in Haven and the matter of Troi's arranged marriage is clearly a matter of business-- she's a high profile person on Betazed, and so is the family they've arranged a marriage with. And she makes an absolute tit of herself the entire time. Ménage à Troi was a trade agreement with the Ferengi-- she, Riker and Troi are kidnapped by the Ferengi during the work. And I believe in Manhunt, she was on her way to a conference of some kind-- and the other delegates (who turned out to be would be assassins, I guess but no one knew this until the very end and still let her just scream at these people) were there the whole time-- and she repeatedly screamed in horror and complained every time she saw them. Actually, nearly all of her TNG episodes had something to do with business of some kind-- she just does whatever she wants, anyway.
The one thing Lwaxana does consistently is treat professional settings very casually and do whatever the fuck she wanted. I would respect that and respect how flamboyant and obnoxious she is if she wasn't the most exasperating, cringy, annoying and just... the worst. I usually like flamboyant characters who come in and upset the status quo, but I just cannot stand her. I get that she's a fan favourite, I get that she's beloved within the franchise, great. Whatever. But I absolutely cannot stand her.
You are right about one thing, certainly-- Bermantrek-- specifically TNG, VOY and ENT were VERY bad at creating believable relationships.
But I would happily argue that DS9 was much better at this. Keiko and O'Brien's relationship was actually very well reflective of people in long-term relationships. Ben and Jake had an incredibly father/so relationship-- something Wil recently said he was jealous of Cirroc for on 7th Rule. Ben and Kassidy, Dax and her former lover (I'm not including Worf cos fuck you Worf), Nog and Jake, Bashir and Garak, Bashir and O'Brien, etc. They all had really great inter-personal relationships that were far more believable. They were allowed to not like each other at first, or to be unsure of how to handle the other, etc. They were much more realistic and interesting to watch.
Star Trek AU Question: Could Janeway survive with Michael Eddington as her first officer? Let's say he was commanding the ship that got pulled into the delta quadrant instead of Chakotay
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lucabyte · 7 months ago
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On autonomy, and what it means to be Obliged to Help.
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#a homestuck walks into an antechamber and asks#hey is anybody going to make this dynamic wholly deterministic and thus dubiously consensual by its very nature#ANYWAY bigger ramble below. scroll down like usual#isat spoilers#isat#isat fanart#isat siffrin#isat loop#sifloop#THATS RIGHT WE'RE STILL SHIP TAGGING IT BABYYYY#in stars and time#in stars and time fanart#lucabyteart#RAMBLE START: anyway i think loop is wrong here. they have it backwards. as-- in my opinion--#the main reason they could be called back into existence postcanon is because *their* wish for help is still not complete#they still need help. siffrin still needs help. neither of them will ever stop needing help.#they will thus uphold the wish until the end of siffrin's natural lifespan.#that said. what does it mean that loop can be so wholly forced to abide by siffrin's wants?#(assuming the dagger cutscene posession is them being forced to uphold the 'help siffrin' wish via harsh universe logic)#[as opposed to something capricious and cruel the change god did. which feels out of character for the change god to me?]#much like how the island wish and duplicate objects are neutered by simply sliding off people's brains...#is loop subtly ushered toward their wish? obviously it's not a full override (see: the bossfight). but is there any interference?#and if so. so what? does it matter? if they don't notice? is it even real if they don't notice?#and even if they do notice. the universe leads we follow. how much do either of them value their free will in a belief system like that?#the whole game is dedicated to siffrin habitually NOT excersizing his free will. doing things the same Every Time.#Loop ESPECIALLY does this. predetermined predetermined predetermined even in the FACE OF CHANGE. REFUSING. ANY CHOICE.#Maybe they'd even be comforted by having a universe-ordained purpose even if it is subservient. even if its to Him.#(though. i can't see siffrin enjoying the idea that someone is subservient TO them... then all their suffering is his fault...)#loop got into this mess via WANTING too much. no more free will. can't be trusted with it. take it away from them.#but yeah. gets my greasy detective pony hands all over this. and everyone please do remember i like to make characters Outright Wrong A Lot
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