#do you think artman
strawmyberry · 1 year
hi strawberry!! hope ur having a good day!! i absolutely loved ur headcanons for the main 4! they are soo cute i literally re-read them all the time 😭💗💗 do you by chance have any headcanons for butters?? <3
AAAA!!! more headcannons!!! makes my heart happy!!
cute little fun fact about me before we start- im a very indecisive person! basically meaning ive never really been able to choose a favorite character in South Park- i have way too many-
but i LOVE butters with all my heart! he’s a little guy and i wanna squish his cheeks! so of COURSE i have headcannons for him!! thank you for the ask toast <3
i hope you guys like them!
— ❤️🍓 strawberry 🍓❤️
i am so certain he is just a ball of ticklishness!
i don’t know if he’s more ticklish than kyle though!
if anything- i think they’re tied!
has the cutest laugh ever ever ever!
his laugh 100% causes cuteness aggression
(i think someone intends to tickle him for only a minute- they hear his laugh- and they literally cannot stop. HE’S TOO CUTE!)
he’s a wiggly worm!
he leans into being tickled by accident- little silly guy <33
(he’ll lean one way to avoid it just to lean into the other side by accident!)
im so normal about this you guys!!!!
(butters is a human version of the pillsbury dough boy!!!)
his worst spot is his stomach!! but his armpits are pretty bad too!
like- they’re not superrrrr ticklish- but they’re ticklish!!
he learned to do his own nails for that exact reason!
(yes!!! butters likes to have painted nails sometimes!!! let him have it!!!)
he has a little hello kitty sticker on his index nail! he’s classy! he’s stylish! he’s chic!
he really likes being tickled!!
(he’s touch starved :((( )
i think he could ask to be tickled for the longest time
could being past tense!!! because- poor little guy figured out that not everyone likes being tickled!
he totally thought everyone liked it as much as he did
( [f]artman burst that bubble real quick :( )
so now he’s a little bit more shy about it!
but there are certain people that are already well aware- so they give him his fill to cheer him up <3
he makes a lot of noises- squeals, squeaks, hiccups, you name it!!
gah he is SO CUTE :(((
teasing is SO effective he can’t handle it
if you wiggle your fingers at him it’s over!!!
he already starts giggling!!
(and i means GIGGLING giggling! you’re practically already tickling him!)
he curls up like a little hedgehog!!
i also imagine he cries when he laughs too hard- and it makes his lers feel SO BAD because they think he’s actually crying
he somehow becomes even more southern when getting tickled
his faint little twang gets amplified by a billion!!
i hate to say it- but i feel like mr. stotch (i hate him >:( ) has made butters practically hate his own laugh
he apologizes sometimes while laughing :(((
he takes teases SO literally!!
“awww, does that tickle?” “yehehehes!!! a lohohot!!”
(i always think back to wendy’s “are you just an asshole?” line!!! this HAS to be canon!!)
raspberries are SO bad for him!
and the poor thing falls for it every! time!
“hey, you know what my favorite fruit is?” “ohohoh chrihihistmas- i knohohow yohou’ve tohohold me behehefore!! im sohohorry-i dohont rehehemember! …ahahapples?”
he is also very aware that tickling is the first resort when i comes to getting him to do something
“no! i won’t! ….oh hamburgers- you’re gonna tickle me, aren’t ya’? please don’t! im sorry fellas, really-!”
and he’s such a sweet ler too!!
that’s not to say he doesn’t go all out- he definitely does!!!
but he constantly checks in! makes sure he isn’t crossing any boundaries!
surprisingly, he’s super duper teasy
“Awww! You’re just the cutest little thing I’ve ever seen!” (thing pronounced thang!!! southern bell!!)
tickles are always his go to for anything
(sometimes he looks for excuses to tickle people- just to hear their laughs!!)
he randomly pokes at people! just for funnzies!
especially Kenny- poor Kenny gets poked way too much
(butters totally does the thing where he pokes and quickly looks away, as if he isn’t the only one standing next to kenny who could’ve done it)
he has a BLAST- whether he’s a Lee or a Ler!!!
hes such a good sport about it he’s so sweet :((
“that was fun!!!”
Professor Chaos!
oh no!!! who’s this evil, totally unrelated, fiend who’s invaded my butters headcannons??
well- i guess since he’s here! we might as well!
very ticklish!!! it really works against him!
he has a little maniacal laugh that he tries to keep up while being tickled
(but that only works for like- 5 minutes! then he’s all giggles and squeals!)
his minions tickle him from time to time!!
of course- completely on accident!
(or maybe those hamsters ARE evil?!)
but he just giggles a little, catches them, and puts them back in their little balls!
getting captured by Racoon & Friends/Freedom Pals is very common!
he tries to act all macho and evil
(it never works!! doesn’t even last five seconds!)
it’s the same song and dance every single time!
“mwhahaha! you really think you can get me, Professor Chaos, to tell you where I’m conducting my next evil scheme? you are wrong!” “…” “oh! u-uh- you think you can resort to c-childish antics, huh? w-well! i-im not ticklish! s-so, yeah!!”
hes very dedicated to his character!!
he does this little silly thing where…sometimes…he forgets what info he’s supposed to confess
sometimes he gets lucky! (mysterion or toolshed quickly whisper in his ear what hes supposed to say- and he goes along with it!)
but sometimes…he gets stuck with Racoon & Friends
(they don’t care if he can remember or not- they just tickle him until he remembers again)
this evil evil guy is the most evil evil ler in South Park!!
(ooooooo! scary!)
professor chaos’ super evil super effective interrogation!
(he calls it “Interronation”!)
wether it’s because he physically can’t pronounce it or that he’s just clueless is for you to decide! it’s both!
tickling is his only resort. if it doesn’t work?
…well- that’s never happened before- so he doesn’t have a backup plan!
but he goes ALL OUT
he has feathers, he has hairbrushes, he has a pair of The Racoon’s claws (he stole them >:D) anything that you think could be used to tickle a person- HE HAS IT!
he keeps it all in a little teal lunchbox (it has cute little stars!!!) that he got from his mom
(sure, he doesn’t use it for lunch, but it’s getting used!!)
but strawberry!! isnt it impractical to have to carry around a lunchbox?
yes! yes it is!
that’s why he also has a cute little tool belt with little slots to put everything in!
it’s made out of tinfoil! (he made it himself <3)
and he has spares in the back of his closet!! jusssst in case!
he teases a BUNCH
“i think someone’s gonna have to give up soon…you seem really ticklish here…”
he says the word “tickle” and all its many variations millions and billions of times
mostly because it’s super effective!!
(but also because he thinks it’s a fun word to say!!)
he also sings a little while he does- he’s silly!!
“🎶 i think someone’s ticklish! 🎶”
he makes every single time a new experience
(like, he starts every time brand new- as if he’s “discovering” each spot for the first time all over again!)
but, despite the fact that he’s an evil evil guy (ive mentioned he’s evil right?) he’s still super sweet
he stops every now and then, does a quick check in!
thats some of the only times you’ll see him break character- it’s so cute
“…ya’ good, Kenny?” “whahat?” “are you okay? can ya’ breathe-? do ya’ need water?” “…uhuh…nohoho?” “and what about here? is it okay that im tickling you here?” “uh…yehehah?” “oh! oh goodie! …round two!”
and he has waters on hand!! he buys the jumbo packs!
(you know? the little mini water bottles with the little motivational quotes on them? those little ones!)
the little evil guy doesn’t really have the heart to hurt anyone- he just likes hearing his friends laugh!!!
deep down he knows they’re gonna get him back a million times worse but it’s all in good fun! so he doesn’t mind!
all is fair in love and superhero civil war!
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re-pilot-info · 24 days
Do you have any other funfacts of the other characters?? Idk something silly
Well this funfact is absolutely unnecessary but I think it's so funny, so I'm putting it here regardless.
So I've never mentioned this, but Singularity exists in this rewrite, not as a random world breaking superpower, but as a drug specifically made for robots, and it gives robots with a certain amount of hardware for them to basically get high off of them.
Pilot has that, right, so let's just say she accidentally ate a robot edible/weed brownie, (or if you want me to be humorous, Singularity Brownie) and she was unaware of the effects and her hardware was specifically designed to be as human as possible.
Yes, this means Pilot has many serious arcs in her story, but one of the arcs is the "Weed/Singularity Brownie/Edible Arc.” (Not a real arc, it's just a joke thing.)
Artman panicked his ass off about it the whole time after Greeze told him “Hey, I think your gf's high?????”
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nefskullcritique · 3 years
From all design stages of artman are those two the best tbh.
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The design is great , the colors do match good and there's shape but not too much to think its a porn artist with an inflation kink , sadly bones made it worse and worse and the writing at the end was not worth mentioning
All in all why does he have trauma with trans people????? Its hella transphob and we know that he shall have be scared of cis man since he got r**ped by many (if we go by that logic not saying how a victim shall be written like its best to do research)
Btw is the last picture of artman done by bones? It doesn't look like their style
That last photo is closer to the art style they're using now. I don't know why they're drawing like that, but you can even see it in the void dress muffin image.
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phuck-me-up-phandom · 3 years
Do you guys think that B*tch H*artman uses that collab with Thomas Sanders as like "I have a gay friend I'm not a homophobe" or did he find out Thomas is gay and just kinda blocked the entire experience out?
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rebornicasporn · 4 years
be as long-winded/indulgent/horny as you want for this question. how would a dream date night with artman go for you?
it’s hard to answer something like this without going directly into my kinks or just talking about wholesome “and then we held hands and kissed” kind of stuff. i’m sorry but i’ve been here for like an hour and i couldn’t think of anything that didn’t seem incredibly cheesy (and then we went to a movie and our hands kept meeting in the popcorn bucket) or just straight up smut. sorry that this isn’t a very good reply or even doing what you asked in any way but i appreciate your interest. every ask keeps the blog alive. ciao ciao.
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cant-stop-the-top · 5 years
"Hiya topman!" Artman walked in as he noticed Topman didn't look too good about something, Art's eyes turned a bright yellow as he tapped the taller robot on his back. "A-are you ok t-topman?"
Oh god, oh fuck. Not good, not good at all. If TopMan actually had a heart he was sure it would be beating through his chest. “Y-Yeah, I’m fine. Ya can’t freak out about what I’m about to do, ‘cause I’m freaking out enough as it is.”
To think some faceless person with gray skin and sunglasses could tie him to such a task would be laughable, but it’s not. It’s terrifying. In a quick motion, Top leaned down and pressed a very short kiss to ArtMan’s cheek.
He then huffed and looked away. This was surprisingly nerve-wracking for the charismatic bot.
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know4life · 6 years
'The Time and What Must Be Done' 2013 Lecture Series, Part 14
A message to my detractors, who label me as a ‘mad man’
It seems as though that some of you are so upset by what I am saying, that you write disrespectful “tweets” and words, calling Farrakhan: “Crazy Louie.”  Of course, that is your prerogative to be cheap, and disrespectful, if that is what you feel. But I am in excellent company when you call me “crazy,” or a “mad man.”
When you refer to me as a “mad man” or as “crazy,” you put me in good company—in the company of The Prophets and Messengers of God who challenged the powers of their day with Truth.
But look at what is written in the Holy Qur’an, in the 68th Chapter titled Al-Qalam (“The Pen”).Verses 1-6 reads:
“In The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. (By) the inkstand and the pen and that which they write! By the grace of thy Lord thou art not mad. And surely thine is a reward never to be cut off. And surely thou hast sublime morals. So thou wilt see, and they (too) will see, Which of you is mad.”
“By the inkstand and the pen”: Whose “inkstand”? And whose “pen”? Allah says in The Holy Qur’an, in the first chapter that He revealed to Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, Surah 96, Al-’Alaq(“The Clot”), verses 1-5:
“Read in the name of thy Lord Who creates— Creates man from a clot, Read and thy Lord is most Generous, Who taught by the pen, Taught man what he knew not.”
“Read”… Well, I have been “reading” the writings of God’s prophets, and every one of them that came to a powerful government that had gone wrong, and faced them with Truth revealed by God Himself—these prophets were called “mad men.”
And you know, America, just as you are used to people being afraid of your immense power, as those were afraid of the immense power of those governments in which the prophets appeared, yet:  The prophet was unmoved by the power of the government, and that government’s ability to do him harm. So naturally, if he’s un-phased by your “great power,” which has you drunk on yourself, then of course you would see him as a “mad man.”
Blacks who stood up against the atrocities committed upon them by Whites in the South or the North were always referred to as “crazy n----rs”; but, the “crazy n----r” either was killed, or you left him alone because you felt that he had to have “lost his mind” to challenge you.
A message to those who seek to take my life
Some of you “Tweet,” and write, and say that: “Farrakhan should be exterminated ASAP”—as soon as possible!  You cannot reason with what I am saying, so the first thing that comes into your mind is that “Farrakhan should be killed.”
Is that the way you do when you cannot support your argument with facts? Is that the way you do when you have nothing to cast at The Truth—except Truth that will bear more witness to The Truth? Because certainly, when you cast Falsehood at Truth, you have no “power” with Falsehood to undermine The Power of The Truth! There, again, you put yourself in the position of those who couldn’t take The Truth of the prophets of their time, and sought to kill them.
Well, I must respectfully say to you—and even to those of my own Black brothers and sisters, and even those who follow me, who feel that I “can’t be touched”: Ohh, I don’t think it’s wise to think that way! Of course, they can “touch” me, if it pleases Allah; they can arrest me, if it pleases Allah. They can bring me before their courts, if it pleases Allah.
But, to take my life? No. Unless that pleases God, and I don’t think it does, you can’t have my life. And just the thought in your mind of being desirous of taking my life, when all I am doing is giving you The Truth that will guide you away from God’s Destructive Power; well, if you think like that: Then you have already sentenced yourself to what you desire for me.
The scripture tells you “how you should handle The Servants of God”—particularly myself. If you don’t like me, well, I’m not “loved” by everybody. But what is the most important thing:  I am loved by The Two that back me, and that is The Great Mahdi and The Messiah Who has Power over all things! So, if you don’t like me, that’s on you!  But I am going to continue to tell The Truth.
In the Book of Psalms, the 105th Chapter, the 15th verse; it reads: “Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.” And then in the 2nd Chapter of Psalms, the 4th and 12th verses read: “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision”; and, “Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little….”
“Kiss the Son, lest he be angry with you,” and you won’t tarry but “a little while”—for The God that I serve “sits in the heavens and laughs” at you; and, The Lord will have them “in derision”: All of these meanings I will go into at another time. In a future broadcast, I will talk about what is “in the heavens where He sits” that you should be troubled over.
God, and His Messiah, are backing me to speak to you as I am speaking. Not out of “hatred” for you, but out of concern that you have reached “the end of your rope.” And if you’ve ever seen a “hanging”—which of course, we Black people in America have seen much of … when that person gets to the end of that rope, the rope yanks the neck and breaks your spine, and there is no more to you. Well, that is where you are: You are facing your destruction, and I am trying to warn you in hopes that you might save yourselves, and your children.
Watch more at: https://www.noi.org/thetime/
Read more at: http://www.finalcall.com/artman/publish/Minister_Louis_Farrakhan_9/article_9756.shtml
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doyoungis · 7 years
I-..... Can i order a JenJun with sprinkles and sugar? Thank you
coming right up my guy :)
who was the one to propose: jeno - renjun starts crying the second he realises whats going on and icant even say ‘yes’ cause hes too emotional
who stressed more over wedding planning: i think theyre both p chill abt it but renjun
who decorated the house: artman renjun
who kills the spiders: idk i think theyd both not be prepared for that, but maybe jeno - hes not gonna kill them though theyre doing nothing wrong ok
who is more organized: renjun has his shit Together
who suggested kids first: renjun i think
who’s the big spoon/little spoon: i think it changes p often, but big spoon jeno - shit im changing my mind already aa
what’s their favorite non-sexual activity: um my kids best be only engaging in non-sexual activities but idk probably really childish things like making forts and sitting in them talking about e v e r y t h i n g
who cooks: neither lol but probs renjun
my rating of the ship from 1-10: honestly so soft i love my smile angels 9/10
thank u so much for the askl
send me a ship
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stankyled · 7 years
people are blaming heidi for this whole situation (and her friends but the girls probably didn't mean to push her back to c/artman) and call her terrible things in the tag and i feel like those people sorta missed the point of the episode sincerely. what do you think about it?
Oh dear, boooi get ready for this SPEECH lol. I’m honestly baffled that some people think that this is Heidi’s fault at all. What I got out of this episode was that caartman is obviously manipulating her, and in more ways than one no less. Like literally?? He tricked her into eating meat when she told him she was strictly vegan??? And then continued to make fun of the weight that she gained because of that? Not only that but he obviously did some serious mind games if he got a sweet girl like her to make hateful comments to Kyle, who she seemed to reeeeeaally like. And yeah, all the girls didn’t help the situation at all, but i think that’s because caartman has heidi thinking that he can do no wrong at this point. So of corse she got defensive and rethought the breakup, because they were bashing on the person that was there for her at the point when she needed it most. So ofc she felt bad, went back to talk to him, and that gave him yet another opportunity to influence her in some way. AAAAA im probably overthinking this whole thing but yeah, that’s kinda what i got from this episode. Ol’ caartman back to his ol’ tricks again whoopee.
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👑 KING CAHS THA BEYKA MAN 👨🏿‍🍳 . THE BENEFITS OF EATING ONCE A DAY" By The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad (Final Call Newspaper article from How To Eat To Live) . As many people are writing to me for personal answers as to what we should and should not eat, I think it would lessen my work and be wise if you kept this book where you may refer to it when needed. Many of my followers write and tell me of the results they are receiving from eating one meal a day or one meal every other day. This will produce good results and lengthen our lives. But children should not be forced to fast or to eat once a day or once every other day. Children and babies should eat at least twice a day. If you are now eating three meals a day and you would like to eat one meal every other day, you should not—all of a sudden—change from three meals a day, every day, to one meal every other day. First drop to two meals a day, then one meal a day, and then one meal every other day. It is better to do it this way so that you will not make yourself sick. And if you eat every other day, do not begin your meal with heavy food. I receive many questions in regard to meat, fish, and poultry. The main thing Allah, as well as the Holy Qur’an, reminds us of is that when it comes to meat and fish, Allah forbids us to eat the flesh of swine or of fish weighing 50 pounds or more. Although some people will not eat fish at all, there are many fish that we can eat; some weighing as little as a pound or a pound and a half. When eating fish, we should confine our fish-eating to those fish weighing between one and ten pounds. As I said previously do not eat the scavengers of the sea such as oysters, crabs, clams, snails, shrimp, eels, or catfish. The catfish is a very filthy fish. He loves filth and is the pig of the water. Some people write in, complaining about the fish that swim on their sides, but these fish can be eaten. Allah has taught me that chickens are not good for us to eat. To Continue Reading...https://www.finalcall.com/artman/ #finalcall #newspaper #howtoeattolive #eatforlifemovement #onemealaday #lifestyle #properfood https://www.instagram.com/p/B_NHcQohilz/?igshid=188c12hzbmdsp
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re-pilot-info · 5 months
The real question I have is that. If Artman doesn't have an ass anymore due to being reverted back to his 2013-2014 design, who gets the ass????????
Who else do you think takes his ass plus extra?/hj
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nefskullcritique · 3 years
I love how bones create comfort characters and lets people fall in love with them, only to pull some “they were actually shitty or horrible torture this whole time” bullshit. Definitely my favorite feature. 10 out of 10, every writer should definitely do the same
they think shock value and making people react to things is a good thing. you remember how excited and awesome they felt to the reaction they got to taizo killing artman?
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pilot-critical · 3 years
From making nsfw of Artman being abused and kidnaped back in their Skype rp days to a (thankfully) dropped dating sim where you can still abuse him, what’s up with that? Why do they always abuse Artman, their most meaningful OC to themself? That’s so weird, that’s so….. gross
Good morning/afternoon/evening, Anon!
Rebornica is the type of creator that thinks constant angst and misery in their writing makes a story better. Though it is common knowledge that giving characters obstacles to face does tend to make the plot seem less flat to readers, it never is a guarantee to make someone's writing stand out. Rebornica theirself has admitted to thinking "conflict = better", word for word! This is a quote directly from them.
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joanneartmangallery · 5 years
How Are Our Brains Looking at Art?
Science and art have much more in common than we think. Artists go through trial and error as much as scientists do and artworks are made through experimentation not unlike the scientific method. Scientists have been fascinated by the effects art has on our bodies and how our brains work in processing it.
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JoAnne Artman Gallery, Laguna Beach
Quoting artists Chuck Close and Richard Serra, Dr. Eric Kandel, a Nobel prize-winning neuroscientist at Columbia University, asserts that artists use a similar experimental approach to scientists. “Chuck Close and Richard Serra said, ‘Creativity is for amateurs— we solve problems.” Kandel’s research has been focused on studying this relationship between science and art. When we see an image, we’re really seeing the photons bouncing off of it. Once our retinas see these photons, our brains help us perceive what’s in front of us through two types of processing, bottom-up and top-down.
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JoAnne Artman Gallery, New York
According to Kandel, the bottom-up processing is a system that has evolved over millions of years and behaves as a set of rules. “If you see two people, one much larger than the other, you assume the larger one is closer to you. This is built into your brain,” he says. The top-down processing is built on our personal experiences and how we’re able to really interpret art. Kandel says, “(...) your life story, bears upon your perception— all perception, but certainly your perception of art, and in particular [your] perception of ambiguous art like abstract art.” Our personal experiences are fundamental to the way we see art. How does our body react to art then?
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JoAnne Artman Gallery, Laguna Beach
In a 2006 study done by the University of Westminster, researchers reported that participants’ had a lower stress level after spending their lunchtime in an art gallery. After 35 minutes viewing the art, participants generally felt that they were less stressed. In addition, for those participants with higher levels of cortisol (our stress hormone), researchers found that they left with a lower concentration of it. The ways that we experience and appreciate art are scientifically proven to give us pleasure. Neuroscientist Oshin Vartanian from the University of Toronto, who’s conducted 15 different studies on people viewing art, stated that “areas of the brain involved in processing emotion and those that activate our pleasure and reward systems are also being engaged [when viewing art].”
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JoAnne Artman Gallery, New York
The ways in which our brain allows us to process and appreciate art works is a fascinating still on-going study. From these scientists and researchers, we’re given a glimpse into our own bodies when we look at art. The next time you stop by our gallery, see and experience for yourself how your body benefits from it.
Sources: https://www.pri.org/stories/2016-10-22/what-happens-our-brains-when-we-look-art https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/download/e2f2c5a83af1a5bda4ba86cd1a0d0fc06038ba9c54491da6bbe89380177394b7/196888/Clow_%26_fredhoi_2006_final.pdf https://www.utoronto.ca/news/your-brain-art-q-oshin-vartanian
Now on View at JoAnne Artman Gallery-Laguna Beach AMERICA MARTIN: CONNECTING THE DOTS
Now on View at JoAnne Artman Gallery-New York THE BACK ROOM: Featuring ANTHONY HUNTER, GREG MILLER + MATT DEVINE
JoAnne Artman Gallery 326 N Coast Highway, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 | 511A West 22nd St. New York, NY 10011 Telephone:  949-510-5481 | E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.joanneartmangallery.com
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jsanders-ma · 5 years
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“She is your first nurse. She is your teacher. Your first lesson comes from your mother. If you don't protect your mother, how do you think you look in the eyes of other fellow human beings?” (Excerpt from “Message to the Blackman,” 1965.) - The Honorable Elijah Muhammad #BlackWomenDidThat #blackwomen #blackgirlmagic #melanin #naturalhair #blackgirlsrock #blackexcellence #blackisbeautiful #melaninpoppin #blackwoman #blacklove #blackgirls #blackqueen #blacklivesmatter #blackbeauty #blackhistory #hair #blackgirl #blackbusiness #beauty #women #fashion #blackpower #beautiful #blackpeople #blackculture #becauseofyou #blackhistorymonth #blackexcellence365 http://www.finalcall.com/artman/publish/Columns_4/The_Black_Woman_1413.shtml (at Dallas, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9HnjPHBc0z/?igshid=1bs0w5bc2bm9o
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samuellbuenno · 7 years
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have stopped to think that the moment we stop to think about the time we see that the previous time will not come back, that the second before it is gone, that it will not exist anymore, many times we are always worried about the future, with the tomorrow we're forgetting today, cause that's what we do today, determine tomorrow's tomorrow, then I'll leave you a tip, drink, eat, buy, sell, view, change, create, recreate, copy, improve, go, come back , think, shout, chore, laugh, love, kiss, short, want, dream, sing, feel, because today is important as well as yesterday and tomorrow. The life is now .... já pararam para pensar que no momento que paramos para pensar no tempo vemos que o tempo anterior não vai mais voltar , que o segundo antes desse já se foi, que não vai mais existir, muitas das vezes estamos sempre preocupados com o futuro, com o amanhã que estamos esquecendo do hoje, pois é o que fazemos hoje determina o que será de amanhã , então deixo-lhe uma dica , beba ,coma, compre, venda, vista, mude, crie, recrie, copie, melhore , vá , volte , pense ,grite ,chore , ria, ame ,beije , curta ,queira ,sonhe, cante ,sinta , viva, pois o hoje também é importante , tão quanto o ontem e o amanhã . A vida é Agora #life #is #now #samuellbuenno #live #drink, #eat #buy #sell, #view #change #create #recreate #copy #improve #go, #comeback #think #shout #cry #laugh #smile #love #kiss #short #want #dream #sing #feel #insta #picoftheday #pic #photography #photo #instagram #instaboy #artman #art #wild #like #ilikethis #blog #lifestyle #style #neon #club #pensamentos #fimdeano #post
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