#do you mean things that i write. you end up parroting as a stim?
creaturefeaster · 1 year
you keep writing things that i take as vocal stims...
I want an elaboration on this. I'm lost on what it means but I am so so curious.
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luisleyyaoi · 4 years
Hermitcraft but I’m a Dream Smp fan and I’ve only watched like 5 episodes of it
@my mutuals who love Hermitcraft, this is for you. They’ve taught me almost everything I know.
Don’t they all have full time jobs? How do they have the free time for this??
The builds are so nice? What the heck??
There’s a severe lack of cobblestone towers
They fill creepers holes, 10/10 best server
There’s a shopping center people actually use, stealing just doesn’t happen
Speaking of, there apparently a while store about selling Totems of Undying and literally no one buys that. Those are so rare on the Dream Smp I physically can’t imagine that
I saw a book store it was amazing, I may have happy stimmed
Mumbo was a Mayor during season 6 (?)
A war happened because capitalism isn’t poggers
Mr Jumbo built a robot, it was called Grumbo bot or something, and it was his child
I think the robot was evil? But that might’ve been an au
Really complex heavily planned time travel stuff, that’s actually really cool sounding
Scar built a snail and I love it
There was a room full of beds with heads on the end of them, I saw it called the turtle room. I’m sorry but what the fuck?
No super serious lore or wars or permadeaths
Alright that’s all I know about the main server, onto the members!
I watched a little bit of him last month
He just straight up started to build a mansion, what the fuck
Apparently finished said mansion, tore it down, and moved a few blocks to rebuilt??? Dude aren’t you like 30??? Don’t you have a job??
He’s a watcher, whatever that means, and y’all love writing angst about it
I saw fanart of him with parrot wings and it was pretty :]
Pesky bird
I really like his videos, I’ve been meaning to watch him more
Mumbo Jumbo
He has a mustache, very dapper
He’s the admin of the server I think? There’s some angst in there somewhere
His names Joe something, Joe Hill maybe?
Isn’t he the guy that Rtgame made a Sim of in his Sims series? Wasn’t there a Joe Hill in that? Or was that some other Joe?
I highly doubt that’s true but literally all I can think of is Rts Sims series
They’re the dude with the anime skin right?
Their good at redstone
Y’all apparently don’t draw them as the anime character
Or is it Iskall85? Iskall87? It’s one of those probably
I’ve heard he’s good at redstone
He roleplays sometimes, that’s pretty cool
He built snail :>
She’s the one that’s good at pvp right?
I’ve seen her in some Dream Smp Hermitcraft crossover stuff, she seems cool
That one guy with the half Creeper half Robot skin
All I know about this dude is their part creeper part robot
Are they ever a Hermitcraft member?
The dude who’s name starts with an x
I think they built the beds with heads thing
I feel like they have an anime skin too
Or are they the one with the robot creeper skin?
Ok wait are they the one that’s good with redstone?
I think her full names zombiecleo
I’ve heard she’s cool
she’s good at pvp too
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 4 years
Sorry if this is a strange ask, but how would the papas react to an s/o who as tourettes syndrome. Since this is kinda a weird ask I'll let you know that if you have any questions you can ask me bc I have tourettes
Not strange at all! <3 Thank you for proofing this for me! 
For this prompt I went with different symptoms and types of tics, as no two people with Tourette Syndrome are ever alike. Some might come off as more severe than others, but I wanted to write for a wide variety to relate to. The only thing I tried to steer clear from was the stereotypical over the top coprolalia, or “People with Tourette only cuss uncontrollably” trope. Hope you enjoy! 
Papa Nihil: Funnily enough, your relationship had accidentally started because of your whistling! The Grand Papa had been passing you in the hallways when you let out, what sounded to be, an impressed whistle at the older man. Nihil had turned to you and you had apologized and tried to explain why you had done so. But Nihil had raised a hand and told you not to ever explain yourself. He lightened the mood by saying how flattered he would have been. You definitely caught Nihil’s eye, as he found you to be a very attractive and a charming individual. You two became incredibly close, and he rarely seemed to acknowledge your involuntary whistles or lip popping. Instead, when you made a whistle of approval, he always made the same tired joke. “I hope your sexy whistling at ME, Caro Mio!” With an exaggerated wink and grin. 
Papa I: There has only ever been one conversation Papa has had with you regarding your tics, brought up by you on an off day. Papa, even before you were a couple, didn’t seem to ever acknowledge when you parroted his words or found yourself stuck in a repetition. You often found yourself incorporating words and phrases he uses in private and during sermon during your day. Once, during a very frustrating afternoon, you felt self conscious during Mass when Papa was conducting. When trying to suppress it, you found yourself still loudly echoing your beloved and just couldn’t stop. Even though everyone was always courteous and supportive, that didn’t mean you couldn’t be frustrated with yourself. After mass you had made a passing comment that perhaps you should just start watching videos in a separate room to not disturb anyone. Papa turned on you so fast it nearly scared you! He looked you dead in the eyes and said, “you have a place in the chapel as everyone else. Do not ever think you deserve to be excluded.” That said, you knew your Papa was always behind you- even on bad days. 
Papa II: While it was never a problem, you had always been curious on why Papa never reacts to your physical tics. You had a tendency for blinking very often, tossing your head, or just coughing at the most awkward times. But Papa barely blinked, like you weren’t doing these things at all. As refreshing as it was, as you were used to at least a curious stare or look of silent understanding, it didn’t mean you weren’t curious! One day when he was working you finally stopped to ask why he never seemed to acknowledge your tics. He had stopped writing to look up, setting his pen down and lifting an eyebrow. “Am I… expected to react? Would you have me gawk at you every time you did it?” It was a little blunt, per his style, but you knew what Papa’s point was. He gave you a soft look and went back to his papers. “I would eat this stack of papers before I ever looked at you like you were different.”  
Papa III: Oftentimes Papa unintentionally finds himself echoing YOU! While he doesn’t do it out of malice  he has his own tics when he’s got a lot of energy or stress. Truthfully, Papa doesn’t even realize he is mimicking some of your tics until you pointed it out, deeply amused by it! What was funnier about the whole situation is that you had recently picked up a meme you would verbally recite at random. Papa had started to unconsciously repeat it out loud at random moments after hearing you do it for a week. Something he hadn’t noticed, as he had his fair share of verbal stims. To hear your Papa say a meme in his funny, old man Papa way had sent you into hysterics! It wasn’t until you calmed down from laughing that you told him he had been copying your meme. Papa had a good laugh about it too. He’s called you a trendsetter ever since! 
Papa IV/Cardinal Copia: When you first started seeing each other Copia was aware of your physical tics, but not necessarily the extent of how severe they could become. This has NEVER been a problem, mind you, but it did startle him on only one occasion. One of your tics used to manifest as jerking your leg or arms and slapping onto yourself or the table. During a particularly active day you swung your arm very fast into the table, making a loud BANG! Though Copia is not one to give help unless asked, he had jumped out of his seat! Copia panicked because he thought you accidentally got hurt during this time (because let’s face it, he never does well when his beloved is sick or injured.) You assured your nervous partner that you were absolutely fine- that it sounded more painful than it actually was! Copia, to say the least, was absolutely relieved. He definitely does his best to not react to loud sounds if you accidentally end up hitting yourself, as Copia does not want to be like an overprotective dad. He’s your partner and you don’t need him to fuss over you, after all!
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myfandomrambles · 5 years
El Hopper Character Analysis
Mother was experimented on while carrying el to give her the powers
Kidnapped from her mother directly after birth by Dr Brenner
Raised by Brenner to be a weapon
Only Called by the number Eleven for the first twelve years of her life
Experimented on in severely abusive ways
Was neglected not learning to speak descriptively, read, tell time etc
Due to experiments, she had access to telekinesis, forms of telepathy, access to other dimensions, and electrokinesis
Eventually escaped and was chased after by the “bad men”, having to kill them after they caught up to her and her friends
Quickly became friends with and eventually fell in love with mike wheeler
Befriended Dustin and Lucas during this attempt at freedom
Gave herself up to save her new friends
Survived and was adopted by Jim Hopper, and became a father and daughter emotionally and legally
Was given access to food, housing and compassion but was still alienated causing a rift with her father
Ran away from home to due to feeling betrayed finding her mother
Her mother was severely disabled by Brenner
Found another victim of Hawkins lab helping them in a revenge quest but was unable to kill again. Came home to protect her friends
Saved the world causing herself great pain, but was able to reconnect with her friends.
Dated mike wheeler and befriended Max Mayfield their other friend
Was still close to her father though they struggled with his overprotectiveness
Lost her powers after being severely injured by a monster from the other dimension. Also attacked by billy and watched him die
Lost her adopted father
Adopted by Joyce Byers, who had been her closest to a mother figure she had
El is a character who shows immense loyalty, lack of self and resilience, these I believe are her most prominent character traits. She also shows great compassion for others even when she was never really was taught how.  All of this formed on the base of her trauma.
El is greatly shaped by her trauma, it’s impossible for her not to be dealing with 12 years of emotional, intellectual and social neglect and physical abuse. This and the continuous danger the upsidedown and government place on her leave her disconnected from others even after being freed. El’s love her others pushes through these boundaries allowing real bonds to form with the Party, her father and Joyce.
 El struggles with communication due to her language deprivation and social struggles, this is a good way of showing her dive to learn though over the three seasons her vocabulary grows. She has a habit of becoming very connected to phrases that others use with emotional weight, sometimes adding more. Mike teaches her the word promise, one of her first non-practical word. She takes this to heart feeling deeply hurt when others don’t follow the promises even when it’s not out of deception. “friends don’t lie” also carries important weight, something that rifts her relationship early with Lucas and then later with Hopper. “mouth breather” is her main insult throughout the show after mike showed it to her, when she connected with Max she often parrots her when dealing with their boyfriends. 
El’s communication skills are an interesting aspect to her characterization, it is important because it is alienating as well as being part of why she develops some of the phrases and concepts she attaches to like “friends don’t lie” and “promise”. It’s also interesting because it relates to her early trauma, having never been taught language skills along with many basic skills like handwriting, telling time or other basic skills. 
El’s communication skills also connect to trauma in the lack of attunement, attachment and socialization. El doesn’t understand many interpersonal concepts like friendships, dating, girl/boy dynamics or promises. She also has little understanding that things like stripping in front of people being socially unacceptable. Her trust of people is also a problem showing som disinhibited behaviours like easily taking food and help from others and above mentioned stripping in front of others. But her abuse also makes trust a 0 or 100% idea and her deep need for connection is added. This makes sense because she did love her abusive “papa” even if she understood her abusers to be “bad men”.
El also seems to struggle with sensory input struggling in crowds and with loud noises. She is overall hypersensitized to things but also seems to struggle with boredom and lack of stimuli. Stimming is a compulsive way are used as a tool for self-regulation. Thoughts and concepts seem to become deeply ingrained and she ruminates until she has to act like with her mother. Similar compulsive behaviour with that idea and other behaviours like stealing the Egos she’s attached too.
El’s first important relationship is with her abusive captor. This is the background to all of her relationships later in the show. We see he terrifies her through his abuse but she still calls him Papa and seems to want him to care, this complete connection or abject distrust is seen throughout the show. She sees most people as a threat but her lack of worldly understanding eaves her dependent on others to navigate the world in season 1 and even when she strikes on her own in season 2 she still does some things that are not safe. In season 3 Max shows her how to be a kid.
The second important relationship is with mike. He’s the first person her own age she connects with in any way. They quickly become close and develop crushes on each other. Benny was the first person to show her compassion but Mike is the first person a bond built on anything but abuse is formed. He shows her the world and fun things and uses an emotionally grounded language. He protects her and she, in turn, protects him, standing up for him to bullies and monsters. They do have a romantic relationship which is very sweet, it’s Mike's first serious crush and first girlfriend. But what’s important is Mike is the second person on earth to ever be nice to her, I think this adds an extreme layer of emotion to El. Even though she clearly likes their other friends up until she develops a stronger connection to Max it seems she never was as close to others in the party.
Hopper is a guiding factor in season 2 and 3. He takes her in while she is on the run in the winter and they become close to becoming a father and daughter relationship. They bond as she needed someone to protect her, and offer parenting she never had for over a decade. She filled a hole in his heart that his own daughter's death had left and helped him find purpose. 
El being in danger and having lost his own child becomes one of their biggest problems. Hopper is hyper-protective of El when she wants to be able to interact with others and form her own identity. Hoppers own lack of communication skills causes rifts to because he doesn’t tell her what he is really doing and is scared to open up. They are able to repair their relationship though as Hopper does open up in the end usually and El really cares for him, and we know she appreciates and loves him. He’s her family, coming to see him as a father. It’s also very sweet as we know he read to her, helped her learn new words and being able to write, showing an impatient do or die kind of man sat down and gave her a “word of the day” and taught her to write, even if we can tell she is at the level of a younger child. 
El’s internal character arc is a lot about finding her own person in the aftermath of not being allowed to be her own person and develop the way a healthy child should. Learning to trust others, express herself and not be controlled is very hard when she has no bases. Mike and Hopper help her learn safety and come to love them but they are also somewhat controlling in wanting to protect her, which makes sense considering they have both lost her. Hover she finds her personhood with guidance from her past, her sister and Max. Along with time. Figuring out who her mother allows her to fill in that whole knowing he had a mamma but never having met her, I think this hurt her greatly but it also helps her learn about the degree of her psychic ability and why what happened to her did (though you can never really have a reason to abuse kids). It hurt her because she can never really connect with her mother and her aunt is not understanding. 
Kali offers us and El another version of what surviving Hawkins lab looks like. It’s important because it allows El to be a little wild for a moment and find herself a family member who knows what the trauma they went through was like. She helps El explore her powers and how they work, and Kali does the big sister thing of dressing up and causing some mayhem. It also helps El understand that Kali is right that nothing can fix her trauma, and they both fight for what they believe in, but El knows for her revenge isn’t what she needs. Also, her new power control helps her be able to know her family needs her, and El decides that’s what she is willing to fight and kill for. 
In season 3 her arc with Max is part of this journey. El has stable relationships with Mike and her father now. She seemed most comfortable and has learned more direct communication with her verbal skills being a bit better. However, El’s identity is connected with who Mike and Hopper think she is, more so Hopper in my opinion but both. She is willing to abide by the Rules Hopper has and Mike also fearing the loss goes with it too. He is infatuated with his first crush and doesn't think about how she has never had a real life. 
Max, I don’t think understands about the “Bad People” not just the supernatural threats and didn’t ever lose her. Not having this backstory makes messing around seem less dangerous. Max also has her own history of abuse by her step-father and Billy and I think this means she has her own need to be her own person not where she comes from and passes this to El. Max sees that El isn’t getting to be a normal teenager and is like fuck that let’s be friends. She helps El learn about normal teen stuff like Madonna, Wonder Woman, teen magazines and going to the mall. She tells her specifically that she can be her own person, to do what she likes, also tells her she can Dump Mike if he lies and is mean to her. El has a specific hatred based on her “friends don’t lie beliefs” bt Max gives her the confidence to dump his ass. This relationship is also very nice since Max felt she was in El’s shadow and El was scared Max would take her one peer relationship in mike and they didn’t fall into hating each other. 
The end of season 3 we see her go through another round of severe trauma. Her identity is shaken again through losing her powers, in a severely painful and traumatic attack, and then loses her father and home in one go. There is a lot of emotional aspects in the violent way the Mind Flayer and Billy physically attack her. This loss of autonomy is a huge backslide, and she has little to build back up from. Hopefully having Joyce and knowing Hopper loved her can prevent her from losing her self confidence and identity. 
El struggles with her repeated trauma making her identity I think connected to her relationships as discussed but also to her powers. Being able to fight and even have killed is important, I think only being used for her powers in her developmental years made this hard to decouple from her sense of self. I think having to use them to stop the mind flayer from killing her friends repeatedly reinforced this too. I think recognizing herself as more than just her powers and relationship to others is hard, so it was a step to view herself as a protector instead of as a monster, something we see in the first season she feels like she is. 
Joyce Byers is the closest thing to a mother El has ever had. She clearly loves and cares for El, being one to comfort her after her trip to the upside-down. Joyce is also everyone's mom though. Now though after the loss of El’s father Joyce stepped in to care for her moving forward into the future. 
The role with the rest of the party was part of the puzzle in season one, Dustin quickly wanting to her help her and understand her powers. Lucas doesn’t trust her at first but eventually realises she didn’t mean to hurt them and was willing to die for them. Will and she didn’t interact much, though they both are affected by the Upside down giving them thematic and narrative partners. None of them seems particularly close to El however they all grow to like her.  
El is loyal to her friends closing them and protecting them to her own detriment injuring and pushing herself to her utmost limits. No matter the personal loss. Her other great talent is resilience, to be able to continue living and being able to care even after everything she has been through shows El to be a survivor and stronger than anyone should ever have to be. 
ND Headcanons:
Developmental Trauma Disorder (DTD) & C-PTSD:
Her lack of emotional, communication and regulation skills are borne from her trauma, we can trace most of it back to the abuse and neglect she felt as a child. We also no that isolation continued with Hopper stopping some of the healing being alone with one adult. We see she deals with many panic attacks connected to the Upsidedown and has to see others pain and violence without a connection. It helps her to protect them but also forces her to witness horrors like dead bodies, monsters and a sexualized assault by Billy. 
Outbursts of destruction from her powers can be seen when she experiences breakdowns, shattering glass in her own bedroom. Dealing with her rocky relationship with her father was the case. Attachment issues are strong as mentioned before a disinhibited attachment, though again trust issues can mitigate this to some degree. We can see how others define her and the ongoing need for them to love her.  List of Signs/Symptoms:
Affectivity issues
Attachment difficulties, disinhibited and trust issues
Attention struggles
Avoids eye contact
Confused self-image
Communication struggles
Coregulation issues
Difficulty with concentration
Dysregulation of the nervous system, and attempts to self regulate via stimming
Extreme startle reactions
Feeling useful to others is used to have an identity
Heightened startle reaction
Lack of emotional self-awareness
Outbursts of anger and sadness manifested in her powers
Panic attacks
Preoccupation with her abuser (season 2)
Sensory integration issues
Strong emotional reactions to things
Struggles forming an identity of her own
Struggles with forming relationships and when she does and be codependent
Uses structures to understand things
Trusts none or 100%
For me, this might be debatable as Developmental trauma can mimic developmental and learning issues due to the way trauma alters brain and nervous system function. Childhood survivors have whole sections of their brain develop being shaped by the biological changes from trauma. 
But she does show many symptoms and it seems to be a favourite way of viewing El. 
List of Signs/Symptoms:
Partially non-verbal 
Difficulty with sensory integration 
Problems understanding and communicating emotions 
Lack of understanding of non-verbal communication
Avoids eye contact
Needs a schedule and dislikes changes to it
Hypo and Hypersensitivity to stimulation 
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