#do you have to kiss under the mistletoe on christmas eve.. or is it just christmas... im not sure
permafrown · 9 months
V2 can't exaclty give you a kiss per say.... but who said that you couldn't give them a kiss! Which is what inspired them to plan a mistletoe right underneath the both of you. If V2 had a mouth, you swear they'd be smirking. Of course they'd be smirking.
You laid them a sweet kiss on where their mouth would be. And even though that V2 can't give you a kiss back, they very gently bumped their face towards you. Mimicking one almost. Hey! It was an attempt, wasn't it.
"Well, who said that I wouldn't give you one back! What do you mean it doesn't count! Of course it does. Admit it. You were just as happy when you gave you one, hmm?"
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dance-on-the-moonlight · 10 months
Mistletoe // LN4
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summary: Lando keeps trying to get you to walk under the mistletoe so he could kiss you. You get fed up at his failed attempts so you take the matters in your own hands.
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Lando really liked you. He keeps on leaving subtle hints through everything you do, yet you never notice. You mostly just brush it off by him being him even though you never noticed the same behaviour around his other girl friends.
With Christmas nearing, you kept on dragging him through all your chores (and he went happily with you).
The first time he got the idea to get you under the mistletoe was when you took him with you to the mall for decoration shopping.
You were talking about which stores you need to go to and what you need to buy there, when he spotted a couple to your left walk under the mistletoe. He watched them smile shyly and give each other a quick kiss, before sauntering off giggling like school kids.
"... that's where I need to get the ribbons for kitchen counters.", he hummed, so you know he's listening to you before tugging on your hand to walk in the direction of the mistletoe. But you tugged him back, rooted in place. "Where are you going? The store is that way!", you point in the opposite direction. "Did you even listen to me?", you ask him, feigning annoyance. "Yeah sorry, I just got distracted." You smile at him as he walks in the right direction. "So ribbons for kitchen counters? Do we really need that?"
The second time was when you went to find a Christmas tree. The mistletoe was tied right at the entrance of the park, there wasn't a chance you wouldn't walk under it. He felt giddy and nervous just by thinking about it.
He let go of your hand to rub them on his pants, so they wouldn't be sweaty (even though he had gloves on). But that was his first mistake as you clapped your hands running to a tree you spotted. "Come on!! I saw the perfect tree!", you yell excitedly running off around the entrance. Never even making it under the mistletoe. Lando huffs and watches the white puff of smoke leave his mouth. He just prayed that the exit has a mistletoe, too (It didn't).
Lando was getting frustrated by the minute. Everytime you managed to avoid walking under the mistletoe. As if you knew he wanted that and it scared him a bit. He talked with his friends none giving any good advice.
So when you got home after shopping all day, again, he couldn't wait for you two to get to your apartment. He just hoped the mistletoe he put above it, didn't fall.
"This is so fucking heavy.", you complain as you carry two bags in each hand. He looks at you, eyebrows raised. You chuckle and smile sheepishly at him when you look at him, and the three boxes in his hands.
That's what he didn't count on, all the stuff you'd have to carry. You were unlocking the door as his eyes travelled up, to see the mistletoe still hanging, right above you. But he couldn't do anything from the boxes in his hands. He sighed and shuffled inside when you open the door.
It was the day before Christmas Eve as Lando sat on the kitchen island and patiently watched you do the last decorations. He was helping at first but you sent him to sit down, since he kept on putting things on wrong places.
He was absent-mindedly twirling a straw in his drink when he heard you call out his name. He immediately jumped down and walked up to you.
"How can I be of service?", he joked, as he looked at the ladder you brought with you. "I need your help to put a - uhh... a decoration up there." you point up at the archway. He nods his head, observing you pink cheeks.
"Okay, I just need you to hold the ladder for me." You say taking a deep breath. "I thought you wanted me to put it up?" he scrunches his nose adorably and you chuckle. "I said I need help. Now, come on, hold it. Don't let me fall.", you joke. And miss the way he whispers "Never."
He doesn't pay attention on what the Christmas decoration is, only on holding the ladder for you, and looking at your ass.
When you're done, you climb down and clap your hands smiling up at him. "So, what do you think?", you ask him looking up at the same time he does too. A mistletoe hung above you, just like the one at the mall, the one at the park and the one in front of your door.
You watch as he blushes, and looks down at his shoes. "It's a... good idea.", he says, wiping his hands on his jeans, then scratching his neck as he briefly looks at your smiling face then back to the kitchen.
You can feel the nervousness and the butterflies in your stomach as he tenses his jaw.
"So..?", you bite your lip nervously and he glances back at you, his eyes dropping you your lips. "Are you going to kiss me, Lando?", you whisper and he swears he almost fainted.
"Only if you let me.", he whispers back and you smile, nodding your head slightly as he places his one hand on your waist, the other one caresses your cheek. He swipes his thumb over your lower lip, before moving it to the back of your neck as he tugs your hair a bit so you look up at him properly.
"Are you sure?", he asks and as soon as you whisper "Yes." he leans down and kisses you softly.
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verstappen-cult · 9 months
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lando enjoys the holidays for many reasons, and one of the main ones is how happy you always are. you take everything involving christmas very serious and he tries to help you as much as he can, but it’s lando, he can’t help but go up to santa at the mall, asking for what he wants for christmas as if he’s five years old, embarrassing you so much you don’t think you will ever be showing your face again. lando is awful at wrapping presents, but you take your time teaching him between giggles and kisses that taste like hot cocoa. and after a very stressful but fun day of shopping and wrapping presents, you end your day cuddle up in front the fireplace with hot drinks and a christmas movie.
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charles knows you love christmas, so you don’t even need to ask for him to know that as soon as the season starts, you want to go and see the christmas lights around the neighborhood. so he drives you for hours, heart melting at your happy face and tears in your eyes. you decorate the tree together while christmas songs play in the background, that soon turns into a karaoke fight. charles’ favorite part of decorating the house is definitely when he has to lift you up so you can hang up the ones that you can’t reach by your own. of course you have stairs that could easily help you do it, he just doesn’t tell you.
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oscar loves you so, so much because if that weren’t the case, he definitely wouldn’t be wearing the matching sweaters you gifted him a few christmas ago. much less while shopping where everyone can recognize him. but really, oscar doesn’t care if a picture of him wearing an ugly bright-green grinch sweater goes viral as long as you keep smiling at him every time you turn around to show him something. and it all pays off when you arrive home, after a day full of activities, and he feels your arms wrapping around him as you tell him how grateful you are between kisses.
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max goes all out to make every christmas special and makes sure to have the days leading up to christmas free so you can go shopping together. what max loves the most is how you slip your hand inside his coat’s pocket so you can still hold hands. and when he sees all the ingredients to make a gingerbread house, of course he has to buy it. so when he comes home with a big smile you don’t hesitate to clean the kitchen and sit down to put it together. and it chaos, neither of you had done it before and it ends up being anything but a gingerbread house, but you love it, you made it together so it has a special place on the countertop where everyone can see it.
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★ — ALEX ALBON (23)
every year since you and alex have together he takes you to an ice rink. you both have learn a lot of tricks that, of course, end up with you bumping into people and falling. it’s your favorite night in december where you can just be kids together. the night ends up with you two walking down the christmas fair, sharing candy canes and hot cocoa while arguing about what movie to watch that night. and if you find yourselves under a mistletoe making out, well, nobody needs to know that.
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daniel loves christmas in australia because he can be with you for a full month and scape the cold, too. all his family gets together on christmas eve and every year you are a bundle of nerves. they love you, you know that and daniel makes sure you remember, he also makes you forget all about nerves dragging you to the kitchen where the little ones are setting out all the snacks for santa and his reindeers. you finish with only half the cookies and carrots because daniel can’t help himself. after that all the adults gather in the living room to drink and chat. it’s a little different tradition, but you love it.
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mick loves to do a mini photoshoot on christmas day with your matching pajamas because you two look so pretty in them, and needs it for his collection. then, sitting by the fireplace to exchange gifts before going your separate ways to spend christmas with your families. he always has that big and bright smile on his face that you love so much when it’s your turn to open your presents. you say your goodbyes outside in the snow, kissing and getting wet but not caring at all. you promise to see each other the next day to snuggle up in the couch and see your favorite holiday movies together.
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© VERSTAPPEN-CULT ⎯ do not repost, translate, plagiarise or claim any of my works as your own.
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nothomegal · 9 months
ITS CHRISTMAS EVE (or at least where I live bc timezones) and I would like to gove Pyramid Head smoochies under mistletoe pls 😌
Aww I was having this idea too! And since it's Christmas allow me to bless you with a drawing!...
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...And a lilttle one-shot!
(Pyramid Head x GN Reader)
Warning: suggestive implications by the end, but mostly fluff!
Word Count: 1k
Christmas was always a funny holiday for (Y/N). Either because they never truly felt connected to it or because they haven't felt the 'magic of Christmas' since childhood. Don't get me wrong, they would still put some decorations when they could, but ever since they came to Silent Hill such tradition was lost.
Not like they mind it too much though, they already have the absolute best gift and company they could ever ask for! Just tell me, who in their right mind would be upset about having a nearly 8ft tall demi-god creature as your forever partner? You have to be chronically insane to turn down such blessing!
And speaking of the creature, (Y/N)'s daydream was interrupted when a large hand curled around their arm and stopped them. They shoot a curious glance to their lover, who was already looking at whatever got his attention.
Right above them, placed on the old metallic door frame with, what they suppose is duct tape, were hangign a bunch of oddly shaped pieces of paper. Some pieces where green, others painted green, and all of them where kept together with a piece of damaged red cloth that was tied as a bow.
(Y/N) stares at that weird construction with furrowed brows, really trying to grasp what the hell they're looking at. Pyra was still as well, but his head tilted towards his human as he curiously observes their reaction. Seems like they too have no clue what is this-.
However, (Y/N) manages to make out the shape of it and instantly burst out laughing.
—"No way! No way someone actually made one!"— you say between laughs.
The beast simply observes them, letting out a low wondering rumble. Is that another pointless joke humans have? (Y/N) is laughing hard so it must be something very funny or very stupid.
After the laughter had ceased, (Y/N) takes a look at their monster and suddenly remember what he wanted in the first place. Oh, right. They were supposed to explain what is that.
—"Okay, okay."— you say between giggles as you point at the object. —"That thing over there is supposed to be a mistletoe. Remember when I told you about Christmas and how people decorate that one fuzzy tree? Well, this thing is also kinda a Christmas tradition. People hang it somewhere high and when two step or pass underneath it, they have to kiss."—
While (Y/N) explains, Pyra listens to them carefully. But the second they mention the kiss part, the air between them shifts and becomes... Odd. And Pyra himself still, way too still.
(Y/N) of course feels the change, and is quick to start clarifying.
—"But of course, it's optional. It's not like you're forced to kiss anyone. If anything, I never did! So I suppose this will remain as a silly tradition some-"—
Their speech is replaced by a tiny gasp when the monster suddenly grabs their jaw, gently lifting and moving their gaze where he needed. Their eyes narrow slightly when they noticed a tongue peek out from his helmet and slowly, almost shily, wiggle towards their face.
—"Aww. What a polite guy."— you chuckle as a little blush creeps on your cheeks. —"Well of course I'll give you a kiss."—
Ever since they introduced this new method of showing affection, it wasn't rare to witness Pyra ask for a 'kiss' once or twice. It's kinda funny to see how shy he gets, always taking it slow and giving them enough time to stop or pull away. Do they do that? Nuh-uh! Do they think it feels gross? Weird, yes. But (Y/N) is deranged so it's fine.
The pink muscle soon presses against their lips, and they respond by giving it a kiss while holding it in place gently, totally unbothered by its wet and slippery texture. They could feel Pyra practically melt into the gesture, he does it every time. It's small, but is the closest they can get to an actual kiss, and the intimacy and specialness of it seems to get the beast to his very core.
After some second, when (Y/N) attempts to lean back, a pair of big arms gets a hold around them, cementing them in place completely and pulling them closer to the monster. The said beast lets out a low menacing growl as his tongue licks their cheek and part of the jaw. The message was clear...
He wanted more.
Despite the apparentaly hostile growls, (Y/N) showed no intimidation and simply chuckled as they roll their eyes.
—"Someone is feeling frisky, huh?"—
Another, and a bit louder, growl resonated from inside the beast's helmet. His grip around them tightening and the tongue sliding along their lips, almost begging for them to kiss it again.
—"Calm down tiger. We both know if we continue you'll get too carried on."— you coo, sliding one of your hands along one side of his helmet.
He groans with certain displeasure, but his grip soon losens as he slightly tilts his head into their touch, yet he doesn't let go neither.
—"If you're really feeling like doing it then let's go somewhere else. You don't want anyone to see me naked, don't you?"—
This time their answer is no longuer a growl or a sound, but the same pair of big hands lighting their form up and swinging over a broad shoulder.
Before starting to walk however, the monster reaches up and snatches the little paper mistletoe. (Y/N) of course notices that and can't hold back the little laugh.
—"Well well, see you really liked this particular tradition."—
They get no response as the monster resumes his walking. But the small squeeze on one of their thighs was enough proof to know that they got it right and it won't be the last time the see the little item.
After this little interaction, and probably after what's about to come, (Y/N) doubts to ever be able to feel that magic of Christmas again.
However, they realize that they still experienced something new. The magic of the mistletoe.
Is that an actual thing? Who knows.
But it worked on Pyra so it must be a thing, right?
It worked well after all.
...Too well.
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wileys-russo · 9 months
under the mistletoe II s.blackstenius x reader
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merry christmas eve besties under the mistletoe II s.blackstenius x reader
"oh they decorated!" you noticed right away as you wandered into colney for training, amanda by your side having driven you as the two of you often took turns since you lived in the same complex.
"ha! that is going to be fun." amanda nudged you and pointed to the random tufts of fake mistletoe hung up around as you both made your way to the changing rooms, music already pumping away in the distance.
"oh if you wanted a kiss why didn't you say!" you teased, kissing her cheek as she pushed you away with a roll of her eyes, having adopted an older sister role of sorts since you'd both moved to arsenal this season.
of course you were already welcomed in by your fellow national team mates, grateful to know some of the team on your first day as lina and stina both wasted no time showing the two of you around and making sure you settled in.
stina in particular you'd always been quite fond of, the two of you often spending time together on national duty you were hopeful that it might continue to build into something a little more than friends now you both played for arsenal.
you'd liked her for a couple of years now, more of a silly little crush than anything else that you always assumed was one way. well you did, until the world cup.
you were all out as a team celebrating your bronze medals when stina had pulled you away from the group claiming she didn't want to go to the toilet by herself, only within seconds of the two of you having a moment alone her lips were on yours.
the kiss was messy to say the least with both your bloodstreams pumped full of alcohol, though you never got a chance to see where it might have lead as a very drunk frido stumbled around the corner and crashed into the two of you, stina practically running away the moment she did leaving you to look after frido and with a head a mess of thoughts.
you'd waited to see if she'd bring up the kiss, she never did.
afraid she was just too drunk to remember or worse she'd purposefully chosen to forget, you kept it to yourself and remained grateful it didn't change how the blonde acted around you.
especially now at the same club you found yourself spending even more time with her, though rarely one on one it was generally in a group setting she still gravitated to your side, pairing up for drills and sitting beside you most chances she could.
if you didn't know any better you'd swear sometimes she flirted with you, showering you with praise and compliments followed by an awkward little smile or hug before she'd race away and leave you wondering if maybe she did remember the kiss.
then reality would sink in and you'd remind yourself that this was just how stina was, how she'd always be and that just friends seemed to be your destined fate together.
hearing your phone start to ring you nodded for amanda to enter the changing room as you speed walked a little more out of earshot of the music pumping from inside as you clicked accept and moved it to your ear.
"Vännen!" you smiled hearing the familiar accent ring through the phone. "hello frido." you chuckled, dumping your bag by your feet and leaning your back against the wall behind you.
"hello frido. god you sound so english!" the woman gagged making you laugh and curse at her in swedish. "sorry should i have said it in spanish? hola puta!" you teased as she clicked her tongue at you and you could only imagine the way her eyes would be rolling on the other end of the line.
"i'll be having alexia speak with laia if she's going to continue to teach you only bad words in spanish!" the blonde warned jokingly though you really wouldn't put it past her to do so. "how is the knee Gumman?" you smirked as she swore at you with a huff for the nickname meaning old woman.
"still attached to my leg, we are getting there. very slowly!" frido sighed as you frowned sympathetically, having been looked after by the older girl ever since you'd joined the national team years ago you cared for her very deeply so to know she was unable to play at the moment was painful.
"how is your crush on stina?" your sympathy melted away at her teasing tone. "she is so confusing, it kills me!" you groaned, looking around to make sure you were alone as frido prompted you to elaborate.
"when it is just us she is so sweet. always getting things for me like my food or my bag or my boots, pulling me to sit with her on the bus, always complimenting me and hugging me and i think she might like me back. but she is that way with everyone!" you sighed, rubbing your spare hand against your face and noticing a few of the girls start to file out of the change rooms for training.
"but she has not kissed everyone Vännen. tell her how you feel!" frido reminded softly as you sighed. "she does not remember that, or if she does then she has chosen to forget, and i do not wish to make a fool of myself by bringing it up or ruining things. i have to go we have training, i will call you tonight?" you offered, wanting a better chance to catch up with the girl who agreed before you ended the call.
now one of the last to get ready you hurried down the hall and into the change rooms, dropping down by your cubby and hurrying to change into your boots, stripping off your hoodie and tossing it behind you.
"did someone sleep in this morning?" you glanced up to meet bright blue eyes and an amused smile. "no i was speaking with frido." you returned her smile, lacing up your boots and rummaging around for your drink bottle with a frown.
though before you could worry any further it appeared in front of you in stina's tight hold, you taking it from her and standing with a grateful smile. "tack själv!" you sighed and craned your head up to kiss her cheek, walking out of the change rooms and missing the way the blondes whole face lit up bright red and she hurried after you.
"the decorations are nice." you smiled as she caught up with you, the clacking of your boots loud against the polished floors as stina hummed in agreement.
the morning passed by with nothing out of the ordinary, everyone pausing just before lunch to watch laura do her first run on the grass, both you and stina quite close with the austrian defender cheered loudly and proudly.
breaking for lunch everyone returned to the change rooms to swap shoes, the afternoons media session studying the weekends opponents not requiring cleats.
"mistletoe Snygging!" you barely had time to look up before katie had almost tackled you to the bench, faux bunch in her hand and held over your head as she pressed a wet kiss to your cheek and you pushed her off wiping your cheek.
"who taught you Snygging?" you laughed as she grinned and nodded to lina before racing off to find another victim. "i never understand that." you looked to your right to meet stinas frown. "what?" you questioned, slipping your hoodie back on over your training top.
"mistletoe, the kissing. seems silly!" stina shrugged as you only hummed. "i think its sweet, maybe a little silly but still fun." you smiled softly, looking up as vic and kyra raced past, vic having 'accidentally' dumped her water on the australians head.
"ah! stop that, go change you are all wet and its freezing." you warned the younger girls who ignored you with a shrug, kyra aiming her bottle at vic who ducked at the last minute causing kyra to spray her bottle all over you.
"sorry!" the australian apologized with a wince as steph grabbed her and you sighed waving her away. "here." you felt a tap to your thigh and looked up to see stina offering you her own hoodie which you gratefully accepted after peeling off your own soaked one.
you tried not to dwell on how it felt to be wrapped up in the large bundle of material, drowned in the scent of her shampoo and the woody tones of her perfume which tickled at your nose and allowed your body to settle.
"won't you be cold?" you questioned as she changed out of her long sleeve into her short. "some of us have real scandinavian blood in us, don't feel the cold." she teased as you pinched her and she laughed, offering you a hand up.
you expected her to let go of you once she pulled you to your feet but to your surprise her arm settled over your shoulders pulling you into her side as she walked the two of you toward the cafeteria.
"are you going home for christmas?" the blonde asked curiously as you gave her a strange look. "we booked the same flight back!" you laughed, all four of you travelling home together at the end of the season having booked the tickets only a couple of weeks ago.
"no! i mean to your families house." stina corrected, cheeks tinted slightly pink as she handed you a tray. "oh! no, my sister is hosting everyone this year." the two of you conversed about your plans, laura joining you as you both pulled her into tight hugs of congratulation and stinas arm left your shoulder.
filing into the media room after lunch it wasn't anything new when stina tugged on the back of your her hoodie to signal you sit beside her, your head falling to her shoulder as you chatted to alessia in front of you.
the room quietened as jonas and the coaching staff arrived, everyone settling down and paying attention throughout the entire presentation.
when the lights flicked back on a couple of hours later the room winced and chatter resumed as the coaching staff left and everyone started to stretch out tired limbs and do the same.
wandering back toward the change rooms to grab bags and head off for the day the mood was upbeat, everyone tired but excited to be done for the day, a group invitation of going out for dinner thrown about as some accepted but most declined with the weather outside worsening.
"ah ah ah!" you jolted to a stop as a hand planted on your chest stopping you in your tracks as stina ran into the back of you and apologised, katie blocking the two of you from entering.
"mistletoe!" katie smirked nodding upwards as you rolled your eyes. "didn't see you harassing anyone else for a kiss mccabe!" you chuckled, trying to go around her as she blocked the doorway again.
"not me. the two of you, go on! its bad luck not to have a little smooch." katie grinned wolfishly wiggling her eyebrows, waving off a few of the girls who yelled out from inside for her to leave you both alone.
"katie come on, move." you groaned trying to shoulder her out of the way without succeeding in moving her an inch. "stina! don't want bad luck do ya?" the irishwoman grinned over your head to the taller girl behind you who up until now hadn't said a word.
"i do not care and i do not want to kiss her katie, move." her words were blunt and hurt you much more than you cared to admit, katie not missing the way your face changed to convey so and quickly moving out of your way as you hurried inside.
"hey Älskling-" you heard amanda sit beside you and place a hand on your shoulder with a concerned look as you shook your head and pushed away her hand. "can we go please?" you murmured quietly grabbing your bag, cheeks hot with humiliation as the older girl nodded.
pulling off stina's hoodie you shoved it into her hands without a word or a look in her direction and pushed past her, ignoring her calls after you as you followed amanda out to the car, hearing kim and leah rip into katie for embarrassing the two of you and trying not to pretend you cared.
"vänta en minut!" footsteps pounded after you as amanda turned and spotted stina hurrying after the two of you, squeezing your arm and saying she'd wait for you in the car, leaving before you could even say another word.
with a sigh you stopped, allowing stina to catch up to you and find her breath for a moment, nodding for you to follow her into one of the meeting rooms for a little privacy.
"i'm so sorry, it came out wrong." she rushed out quickly, hands playing with the strap of her gym bag as you shrugged. "its fine stina, no need to be sorry." you forced a smile and turned to leave as she moved to grab your wrist.
"please, hear me out." she pleaded as you gave her an odd look but nodded, gesturing for her to continue as she took a deep breath. "okay. i just-" she paused, clearly struggling with how to continue.
"at the world cup, there was one night after the win when we went out partying. we were very drunk and you looked so happy and beautiful and...free." your cheeks blushed a little at her words not expecting them.
"i saw you dancing with the others and not with me so i took your hand and told you to come to the toilet with me-" your chest tightened at her words, not daring to believe you were really hearing this.
"-but really i just wanted to kiss you, with the alcohol in me i felt like i had all the courage i never had before." your breath stopped entirely at that.
"and so we..." she trailed off rubbing the back of her neck. "-we kissed." you finished for her as she gave you an incredulous look of surprise. "you remember?" you nodded at that and her face seemed to fall.
"this was a mistake." she shook her head and turned to leave as now you took hold of her wrist and pulled her back. "no, please finish." you asked, voice barely above a whisper as she hesitated but eventually nodded.
"-we kissed. then frido interrupted and you looked embarrassed so i left, then we never spoke about it so i assumed you were just too drunk and thats why you kissed me back." she admitted quietly and you couldn't help but let out a peal of laughter.
"what is funny?" "this. you, me, all of it." "i knew this was a mistake."
"no no! i remember the kiss yes, but when you left and never mentioned it i thought you were too drunk to remember or that you'd maybe chosen to forget." you bit your lip as stinas eyes widened.
"i like you but i didn't think you liked me back." stina blurted out, tips of her ears burning bright red as your eyes bugged. "i like you too, i didn't think you liked me back!"
"so we-" "-we both remember." "but we-" "-we both didn't bring it up." "and we-" "-we both like each other."
at that a silence built between you, both searching one anothers faces for any signs of insincerity in your confessions. suddenly stina let out a groan, cheeks red with embarrassment as she buried her face in her hands.
"we are very stupid." "so stupid."
at that you both shared a smile which built into a laugh, the taller girl pulling you into a hug as you melted into her, the air around you starting to crackle with an odd feeling as your laughter died down and you craned your head back to look up at her.
"hey stina." you spoke as she raised an eyebrow. "mistletoe." you pointed above her head with a small smile as her eyes flicked upward and she let out a laugh. "katie said it is bad luck, right?"
at that she ducked her head to press her lips to yours, your mouths slotting against one anothers perfectly as you relaxed into her, balling her top in your fists as your head spun like a top.
this kiss was very different to the last. her lips were soft and welcoming, and she kissed you so tenderly as if you might break if she wasn't careful, one hand cupping your cheek to deepen it slightly, testing the waters as her tongue swiped against your bottom lip and you parted them slightly to allow her tongue to slip into your mouth.
pulling away after a few beats of silence passed the two of you blushed and refused to look at one another, though still pressed together there was very little other options.
"oh you are joking!" you leapt away from one another and looked to the door where amanda was throwing her head back with a groan, the two of you sending her strange looks as she clicked her tongue.
"you both could not have waited till next season? i owe frido money now!"
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auras-moonstone · 9 months
jack christmas fic where him and reader keep accidentally getting under the mistletoe
under the mistletoe — jack champion
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word count: 744
pairing: jack champion x fem!reader
summary: y/n and jack’s relationship changes when they keep on walking under the mistletoe.
warnings: none <3
author’s note: hii !!! hope your christmas was filled with food and gifts! happy holidays❤️🌲
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AFTER SPENDING CHRISTMAS EVE WITH THEIR FAMILIES, the group decided to gather in a house to celebrate together for the rest of the night.
Y/N and Jack arrived at the same time, meeting at the entrance door. “Hi, Jack. Merry Christmas.” Y/N smiled.
“Merry Christmas, Y/N/N.” he smiled back, pulling her into a hug.
Once they broke the embrace, Y/N let her eyes wander up and down his body, and a grin appeared on her face. “Could you be any more adorable?” she asked eyeing his pjs, which had patterns of his cat, Butters.
Jack laughed. “Mom gifted them to me. Like them?”
“Love them.”
“Thanks.” he blushed. Jack quickly started thinking of compliments for her, but there were so many and he got really nervous so he just stood there, staring at her with heart eyes.
On the inside, the voices in his head screamed at him to do something, that she must think he was weird for staying there, in silence. But she, too, was enthralled by how gorgeous he looked with flushed cheeks and red nose from the cold.
Y/N was the first to snap out of it and took his hand to lead him inside the house. They spotted their friends on the backyard setting up the projector for the movie marathon. Once the group noticed the two walking side by side, they exchanged knowing glances as they anxiously waited for them to reach the windowed door.
Jack slid the door open and the group instantly shouted “Mistletoe!”, startling the two teens. Both froze and slowly looked up, jaws falling open, catching sight of the mistletoe above them. “Kiss, kiss, kiss!” their friends started to chant.
The friends’ eyes met, faces showcasing the nervousness that had grown inside of them, and exchanged the silent question that lingered in the air—should we kiss?
They nodded at the same time, and then Jack slowly started to lower his head towards hers, giving Y/N time to step back or move her face away if she didn’t want to kiss. But she met him halfway and they both held each other tightly because their limbs were failing them.
That kiss was even more perfect than any dream they could possibly have. From the setting—warm light of the fairy lights, the Christmas-y mood and the cozy matching sweaters—to the immense satisfaction and happiness of finally do the thing they both have been yearning for years.
“Jesus, it was supposed to be a short kiss.” one of their friends muttered. Y/N flipped them off and stepped even closer to Jack, deepening the kiss.
“Wow.” she breathed once they managed to find the strength to separate their lips.
Jack nodded, his gaze set on her hypnotic wet lips “I love mistletoes.”
In a haze, she replied “God, me too.”
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AN HOUR LATER, the group ran out of snacks and they were all too lazy to get up and grab them from the kitchen, so Jack and Y/N volunteered. They had completely forgotten about the placement of the mistletoe, so when they walked through it, the group had to shout once again, making them remember.
“I guess this mistletoe is making sure we don’t keep dancing around each other, huh?” Y/N smiled as she stood on her tip-toes to press a sweet kiss on his lips.
Jack laughed against her lips “The mistletoe has spoken. You’re mine now.”
“God, can’t you two move already? We’re hungry.” Y/N glared at her friend and then kissed him once more to spite her. They all groaned and the now couple entered the house giggling like two kids in love.
“So, what does this mean?” Jack asked cautiously as they grabbed the snacks.
“I thought you said I was yours. Were you joking?” she asked as they walked back to the patio.
“No, I just want to make sure we’re both on the same page.” he answered, his face turning warm.
Y/N smiled up at him, her heart melting at his nervousness. “We are. Boyfriend and girlfriend, how does that sound?”
“Like a total dream.”
“Mistletoe, Jack.” Y/N said, stopping right under it for the third time.
“Oh, guess I have to kiss you, then.” he sighed and shrugged with a smirk on his face.
Her twinkle eyes met his and she smiled widely “Guess you do.”
One of their friends let out a tired sigh “That’s it, I’m ripping that mistletoe off or we’re never getting through this movie marathon.”
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a-aexotic · 1 year
Could you do soft Rafe being in love and having a secret relationship with someone opposite him like she’s so sweet and shy. She’s a kook but she’s friends with the pogues. Maybe some fluff and implied smut and he’s giving her aftercare? And also he’s just admiring her and being totally obsessed with her. Reader is blushing when he compliments her and tells her how much he is in love. How she understands him and is always there for him at his worst times.
I got carried away. Sorry 😭
ren's notes hi! ofc i can, omggg and don't worry ab it, the more descriptive, the better! i hope u enjoy! i love rafe's buzzcut sm
pairing. rafe cameron x fem!reader requested? yes no
warnings. fluff!, lowkey childhood enemies to lovers??, secret relationship, ooc rafe/sarah, a mention of a fight with ward, a few kisses and illusions to smut
summary. you've always lived next to the cameron's, what happens when you start getting closer to the older cameron?
➜ missing out on updates? ❪ navigation. masterlist. taglist. ❫
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The Camerons have lived across the street from you for as long as you could remember. Morning brunches, summer yacht parties and Christmas's were always spent at the other's house. Ward was your father's best friend since they were children and they wanted you and Rafe to be the same.
But, time and time again, forcing your children to be friends proves to be not the best idea. Rafe started to dislike your presence more and more each time.
You weren't the problem. His father was. He would always compare you to him. "Why can't you be more like Y/N?" He'd heard this all his life so it was only natural that he'd start to dislike you despite the absolute angel you were.
You never held anything he said against him. You knew how complex his relationship with Ward was and you knew it wasn't his fault he didn't like you.
Rafe tried to hate you, he really did. But he just couldn't. You were the most caring person he'd ever. He'd only ever treated you with disrespect and unkindness but you still looked out for him.
Rafe was a softie at heart; so he started to like you more than a friend. And after you both shared a small kiss under the mistletoe on Christmas Eve at the L/N's, you started to date.
In secret, of course. Rafe didn't want to give his father the satisfaction of knowing he set you both up.
You and Rafe's relationship was only known by your best friend, Kie and his sisters and best friend, Wheezie, Sarah and Topper. Topper wasn't mean to find out, it just slipped from Sarah. They were all sworn to secrecy.
Rafe was delicate with you, always. He loved how caring you were and he always made sure to be just as caring with you as you were him.
You and Rafe sat at the beach, talking. This was how you two spent your nights; outside, in the back of his pickup truck watching the waves and the bright stars.
"I kind like how no one knows about us." You confessed with a small giggle as he nodded, putting his arm around you and pulling you close to him.
"Yeah, me too. It makes it more intimate." Rafe whispered as you both stared out to the ocean. "But sometimes, I want to make sure everyone knows you're mine."
"Me, too." You replied. It was mostly Rafe's wish to keep it private, it's best for both of you. He didn't want the island to have more to gossip about, he felt like it would be less of a strain on your relationship. He knew his father would make it difficult as well.
Rafe's relationship with his father was the one thing you and Rafe argue about. You think he should make more of effort to be nicer and he just wants to cut him off.
You considered yourself pretty close with Ward until Rafe's 18th birthday. You made it your mission to make sure everything was in place and perfect for Rafe. And it was perfect until Ward decided he needed to have a talk with Rafe.
This talk turned into a big fight almost immediately and Ward essentially had ruined Rafe's birthday and your hard work. You'd been with Rafe for about 2 months at that point, and you've known Rafe your entire life and you'd never seen him so distressed and angry.
He was in your room after the party and he was silent. He wasn't crying or screaming in anger - he was just silently laying in your bed. Your heart broke in two seeing Rafe so defeated. He was so strong (both mentally and physically), that's one of the reasons you admired him so much. But tonight, his will to fix his relationship with his father broke.
You had just taken a shower to give Rafe some space and you came back to see Rafe still hadn't moved from his spot. His father's words always had an effect on him, more than he wanted. He wanted to hate Ward but he truly couldn't - all he ever wanted was his validation.
You walked up to Rafe and embraced him tightly, quietly. You stayed like that for a couple minutes, Rafe basking in your presence. He moved his head upwards so he could look at you.
He couldn't help but break a small smile as he examined your gorgeous face. He was grateful that you were his - just his. That he had one person in this entire world who loved him for him, not for anything else.
"Thank you." Rafe whispered.
Your expression changed to a confused one. "For what?"
"Everything, baby." He paused. "The party, the cake, the effort you put in... and for loving me regardless of what everyone says about me."
You put your hand on his face, rubbing it slightly, comfortably. "None of it matters. I'm going to love no matter what they say because they don't know you like I do, okay?"
He hadn't heard anyone say that before. He's never been loved unconditionally since his mother and it felt so good to be loved again. He leaned up to kiss you.
It was a hard but passionate kiss. He pulled you in closer by the waist, then put his hands on your face to deepen the kiss. You pulled away from the kiss and you put your forehead on his, taking a few breathes.
You and Rafe locked eyes and he put his fingers in your hair, pulling you in for another kiss. He pulled away and looked deep in your eyes. "I wanna show you..." he paused. "How grateful I am, for you."
You nodded and he kissed you again, moving backwards into the bed so that you could get on the bed with him. He laid you down and you began to kiss again, this time with more fervor and desire than before.
That entire night Rafe was showing you how much he loved you. He loved being inside of you; he loved how close you were and that how it felt like there was no one else in the world but you two. He didn't do it for pleasure, that part was just a plus. The idea of combining with you in such a sensitive and soft way made Rafe love you even more, if that was even possible.
When you were done, Rafe wouldn't let you move. You were tired from not only the previous activities, but that entire day. Rafe got up to go get you water and after that, you both laid in comfortable silence.
You laid your head on his chest as you both drifted into a calm state of sleep.
"I love you." Rafe said for what seemed like the millionth time that night. You brought your hands to his, holding them.
"I love you, too."
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ant0nsfirstluv · 9 months
Spending Winter Break/Christmas with Riize Headcanons
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Merry Christmas Eve Briizes 😛
Warnings : None
More Under The Cut !!
Takes you on a holiday vacation back to his birth place Kanagawa!!! and spend some time in Shibuya as well
Rents out a beautiful mini house for you and him to stay in together during the vacation, it would be too cute and have a nice view
Perhaps even coming with a personal onsen
Would take you to multiple winter festivals and winter firework shows buying you whatever treats and charms you’d like
PICTURE TIMEEEE does whatever to make the pics perfect with the right ambience
When Christmas finally hits you two would finally exchange gifts I like to think he’d get you a nice bracelet since I’ve seen him wear his own a couple times :))
I see a chill but memorable Christmas with him, you two doing cute activities like building gingerbread houses and making ornaments
definitely not laughing at how your gingerbread house looks (he is AND is taking pics to show the gc) but helps you fix it after 😭
Once you both finish building the gingerbread house he’d just hold your hand and feed you the left over candy and gingerbread
he loves horror movies so he’d probably would want to watch a Christmas based horror movie instead of just a regular one like Krampus or something
pretends to not care about you wanting to stay up Christmas Eve but will keep slightly shaking you awake once you start dosing off before the clock hits 12
Randomly took your hair and adds a christmas themed ribbon to it (when he did it, you have no clue)
drives you around to look at the pretty lights and attractions Christmas Eve, even letting you get out the car and take pictures together at certain winter attractions
gives you a gift a day early because he can’t help but show you one of the things he got you already (a nice little necklace with your initial mayhaps)
doesn’t let you show him his gift early because shhh the Christmas spirit 🤫 but then caves in letting you tell him what you got him
takes you (his pretty luh lady) out for a nice dinner at one of your favorite restaurants to eat at
gets you two the picture worthy seasonal christmas deserts once you two are done eating the main course even sharing some of his with you
Insta posts dedicated to spending the holidays with you once you two’s day is through of course
Christmas shopping with him for days upon days upon days before the actual day. You two practically have a summary of what you have gotten each other 😭
would randomly ask you about your measurements and sizes over and over just to be sure the clothes + jewelry he got you is the right fit ( “Hey what’s your shoe size again.” … “Wonbin you asked this earlier.” …. “…But are you sure-” “ Yes”. )
plays you some Christmas/winter songs on his guitar when you both end up dozing off not being able to show and exchange gifts till the morning
You alr know he’s posting a Christmas photo dump showing off the jewelry/earrings you two got each other
Watches Christmas movies with you, talks about how crazy home alone is and how he’d set up the traps if he was the kid or get in the house as the burglar 😭
he would not budge about your present and would have you actually wait until 12am or Christmas Day morning to open it oh my god 😭 but only because it’s v special
once he realized the tradition behind mistletoes he’d order one online just to randomly lift it above you two so you can give him a little kiss FOR FREEEEEE whenever
shows you “christmas themed snack recipes” from tiktok for you two to try (it was toooo difficult and you both gave up and ordered some chicken in)
I can’t get over the gamer Seunghan agenda he’d most def show you all the Christmas themed skins he got recently (maybe even bought you some skins if you play the same games)
once it’s finally 12 he’d finally show you your gift and he’d probably give something super personal that he’d know only you’d want to have
KARAOKEEEEE bye you two would be swinging together singing alll the Christmas songs even the corny ones that you’d hear in the mall/ads
you two would probably play music the entire day in general, not just holiday hits but you two’s favorite songs as well and would just sing and dance together
sohee has said before he thinks it’s funny to give someone a useless gift so he’d probably have one gift that’s just a random strange item for jokes
BUT ofc he’d have an actual meaningful gift for you (but he’s most definitely giving you the useless one first just to see your reaction)
would have you two go out in hoodies + comfy clothes to get some small little deserts for you guys to eat Christmas Day at a mini mart
we already know Anton is always online and always planning so he’d have a bunch of ideas and once again an itinerary of what you guys will do this christmas break
SIGHT SEEING ! maybe he’d take you home to jersey to walk through certain streets and plazas to see the lights and snowmen holding hands, If you got too cold (because it can get cold as hell in jersey 😭) he’d bring an extra thicker jacket in his tote bag just in case + let you keep your hand in his coat pocket
MATCHING/COORDINATING CHRISTMAS PAJAMAS he’d have you guys make Christmas tiktoks to keep for himself to watch whenever you two are apart
make a snowman and snow angels with him ommlll it’d be funny how large his angel would be in comparison to yours 😭
depending on how longgg you two have been together he might even take you to meet the fam in jersey and spend the holidays with them too
the gift he’d have for you would be so expensive and would be something that he remembered being associated with your favorite things + hobbies
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blue--ingenue · 9 months
soft!sebastian headcannons - Christmas edition
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Author's Note: happy holidays to all who celebrate! i've been making decorations and gathering gifts for my friends, and these thoughts have been floating around and demanding that i write them down :)
when he was little his parents told him that Santa Claus put coal into the stockings of naughty children. a few days before Christmas he and Anne were playing gobstones when she beat him in record time, and he swears she cheated. his twin denied this, of course, but he decided to take justice into this own hands. after everyone had gone to bed, little Seb had toddled downstairs to the fireplace. his magic was beginning to come in spurts; there wasn’t enough of it to channel through a wand, but his power sensed what he was trying to do and obliged. he watched as a still-smoldering chunk of coal floated over to Anne’s stocking, plopped inside, and promptly set it ablaze. nobody was harmed in the incident, but his parents later dedicated hours charming every inch of the house to be fireproof
once, before he began officially courting you, he felt incredibly jealous on Christmas eve. the annual Slytherin holiday party had been raging for hours, and would continue for many more. you, Ominis, and Sebastian had settled onto a plush carpet before the fireplace with three mugs of eggnog spiked with cheap firewhiskey. Ominis drained half his mug in one go, and emerged with a sizeable foam mustache. he was either too drunk to notice, or didn’t care, but either way Sebastian teased him for it. his laughter quickly died off as you gently wiped the foam from his top lip and licked it from your finger. Ominis had the sense to blush profusely, but Sebastian had seethed
by the next Christmas you are several months along into your courtship. he works nightly shifts for Sirona for weeks to save up for your gift. it’s a beautiful locket made of goblin metal (he commissioned it from a goblin artisan Sirona had told him about. after fifth-year he felt ashamed of his prejudices against goblins and has been trying to better himself). he’s pasted a picture of himself inside, and the exterior has an intricate carving of the Sallow family crest
he is absolutely the type of guy to kiss you under every mistletoe within a five-foot radius. if there are none in sight, he’ll simply conjure some on the spot
he never wears a hat when it’s snowing. despite the fact that the Scottish winters are brutal and he runs the risk of catching a cold, he refuses. Ominis scolds him every time, but he thinks it’s worth it when you take the time to brush the snowflakes from his curls on your walks to Hogsmeade
he has a love-hate relationship with baking gingerbread cookies. the whole process feels too much like being in potions. his patience isn’t long enough for all the measuring, mixing, and waiting for the biscuits to bake. he’d much rather pilfer treats from the kitchens, but when he sees how excited you are he makes it his mission to like the infernal process. you’ve conjured a lovely little kitchen in the room of requirement, and he’s all too happy to enchant the piano in the corner to play Christmas melodies
he absolutely makes a mess and then chases you around the table with flour-covered hands
his favorite part is cutting the dough into shapes. your cookies are impeccable, an army of gingerbread mooncalves, snowmen, and nifflers waiting to be slid into the oven. he tries to shape his into hearts. they look alright at first, but after baking they’ve melded into a series of blobs. he’s about to tell you to throw them out when you delightedly exclaim that they look just like the little puffskeins you’ve been caring for. he calls the night a success and you fall asleep together in front of the fireplace with a now-empty cookie plate beside you
Taglist:@mlktea13, @mrsbrookesallow, @ithinkweallsing, @snickette, @crispywiz
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sterekbingo · 1 month
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Sterek Bingo 2023-2024 roundup!
Thank you to everyone who participated in this round of SterekBingo! We had 45 people sign up for the main bingo, 15 for our Valentine's event, and 13 for our Winter edition.
Some stats for the year! We had 119 fan works for our main bingo, 19 for our Valentine's Event, and 25 for our Winter edition! We're loving all these amazing new Sterek works!
Here are the Bingo winners from this past year 😁
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Main Bingo Event
EvanesDust (card 1) i've known it from the moment that we met (no doubt in my mind where you belong) "That’s fate." "Darling, you look perfect tonight."
Alikatastic The Descendant Unconventional Activities The Beginning Of The End The Flu and Human Bodies
EvanesDust (card 2) i’ll love you more with every breath  The Rental Boyfriend i know that it might sound (more than a little crazy but i believe) today
EvanesDust (card 3) kids say (and do) the darndest things  perfect slice of life  The Great New Year's Eve Stand-off of 2023 the best start to a new year 
pinkviper Moonburnt See Me In Hindsight At Ease In Your Own Shell  Some Like It Hot (Take It All Off) 
alicetallula 'My Anchor' "My, my... What big teeth you have~" "Let's sceal the deal with a kiss, big guy~" "What ?!"
Winchesterek You and I Collide sails & tides burnt cookies for always 
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Winchesterek the promise of more ornaments and traditions All I Want For Christmas sledding snow families
mcargentlinski wish come true  skating over frozen lakes just like this i saw papa kissing santa claus  i once believed love would be red, but its golden 
lgraewrites Knit One, Purl Two (I think I want to marry you) When the Stars No Longer Dance Warm and Cozy Meet Me Under the Mistletoe Cold Winter Night
EvanesDust dashing through the snow  a good surprise  it only took a minute  more than a maybe  more than enough 
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angeleyz4ever Cuddles Sterek Bingo  Weekend Away  Mates  Fated Love Once In A Lifetime Chance 
Escharis Lunatic Keep Faith Upon a Star  Hold me  Let's do it like they do it on the discovery channel
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allur1ngs · 9 months
instead of : "i saw mommy kissing santa claus" it's actually just: "i saw unnie kissing santa claus"
just reader kissing santa bada during christmas eve like them 2 and the girls just saw that secretly not even recognizing bada 😭 like the girls were actually trying to see if santa was there but their reactions were something-
this is sooo cute!!🎄
"ouch, watch where you're walking!" cheche nudges kyma.
"i can't see anything!" kyma whisper-shouts back loudly.
"shh!" lusher quiets down the other bebe girls, holding a finger up to her mouth.
it's a cold, starry night on december the 24th—the clock is minutes away from striking twelve in the morning, and beginning the christmas festivities. the bebe girls--or more accurately, lusher as the spear header--gathered together with the expressed interest of "catching santa"...
"why are we even up this late?" hyo groans. "we're not going to see anything, y'know. santa's not real--"
"shhh!!" lusher exclaims loudly, placing her hands over soweon's ears. "there are children around--"
''oh come on, we're all adults here--" cheche argues back before she's cut off.
"guys." tatter mumbles, grabbing the girls' attention, and halting their bickering.
"what?" all the girls say in unison.
tatter motions for them to come closer and peek their head around the corner of the wall. they girls clamber over, each of them taking various positions against the wall before looking ahead.
the living room is dark--only barely lit by the beige, flickering string lights hung on the christmas tree. but, even with the sparse ligthting, the girls are able to make out two figures.
one is wearing a delicate and beautiful red and white velvety christmas dress. it's you. you're smiling widely, putting gifts under the christmas tree.
the other figure is tall, and is also wearing red and white clothing, although their's isn't a dress, it's a suit. a santa claus suit.
"santa." lusher breathes, her eyes going wide and sparkling.
in the living room, you stand up. "i think that's the last of them." you then turn back to face santa, your smile never fading. "what do you think, santa? are those enough presents for the girls?"
santa opens their mouth, about to respond when they catch something dangling just above them. they look up, prompting you to do so as well.
there, dangling from some decorated lights is a mistletoe.
"oh, how'd that get there?" you wonder aloud, voice full of cheer. "well, we are standing under it..."
santa wraps their arms around your waist, bringing you closer until you're chest to chest. they lean in, about to place a kiss against your lips--
"unnie's about to kiss santa!" lusher gasps.
"we have to stop them--bada's going to kill santa if she finds out!" soweon shakes her head worriedly.
"unnie, stop!!" lusher and the rest of the girls shout, running out of their hiding place.
you jump at their voices, your hand slapping over your chest in pure shock. santa also parts from you, surprised, but still keeps you close to their side. now facing the girls, santa's face is illuminated, revealing--
"boss?!" all the girls exclaim in surprise.
bada stands before the girls, dressed in a santa claus suit, looking anything but jolly. "yah, what are you all doing up?"
"we came to catch santa..." soweon trails off, glancing between you and bada. "what are you doing up, unnie?"
"we were putting your presents under the tree." you answer, moving to huddle into bada's warm side.
"why just now?" hyo asks.
"because if we’d put them out any sooner, you all would have tried to open them before christmas." bada says, deadpanning.
"that's not true--" lusher tries to argue, but even the other bebe girls give her a "really?" look. "okay, maybe we would have--"
"go to bed, won't you?" bada cuts her off. "we were in the middle of something." she gestures between you and her, which makes you bashful.
"sorry, boss." hyo starts to push the girls away from you and your wife, an apologetic grimace on her face. "we'll go back to our rooms. pretend like we were never here."
"i'm so glad that wasn't santa." soweon says quietly. "i was worried unnie would cheat on bada."
the girls all glance at each other, deciding to not destroy the youngest bebe girl's hopes and dreams.
meanwhile, you can't help but laugh at what had just happened.
"oh, it's funny is it?" bada smirks, pulling you back into her chest.
"a little." you banter, twirling the pompom end of your wife's santa claus hat.
"well, i think you still owe me a kiss, don't you?" your wife smiles.
"yeah, i think i do." you nod, weaving your fingers between hers.
under the twinkling lights and a cherry-red christmas mistletoe, you and santa share a kiss.
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mangoshorthand · 9 months
Twelve Feet Away from the Mistletoe - Part 2 | Five Hargreeves / F Reader (Angst/Fluff) Words 3k
Requested by @fiannee. I managed to stop myself writing smut through the simple expedient of fading to black. #personalgrowth
<< Read Part 1
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On Christmas Eve, he opened the front door looking a million dollars. He stood straight and authoritative in what must have been his best suit. Its clean lines skimmed and accentuated the breadth of his shoulders, his trim waist, and the shape of his legs.
You stared, dumbstruck for a moment, snow settling on the shoulders of your coat. 
Five looked like he’d been dressed by Gianni Versace himself, and you were standing in out in the snow wearing a lumpy sweater featuring candy cane striped arms and a horrified looking gingerbread man with a huge bite out of his head.
“Nice sweater,” he said, apparently too distracted by the small glimpse not obscured by your coat to say anything else.
“Thanks,” you said, embarrassed. 
You looked up at him for a second, there on the Academy steps, laden down by a large bag of Christmas gifts in your hand and a bag of clothes on your back, the cold air at your back rushing into the warmth of the entrance hall. You were suddenly unsure how to proceed. He was smiling welcome, but there was still a moment of uncertainty. 
You’d had no contact with him since that night. How to greet him after what happened? A handshake? A hug? Surely a kiss was too - 
But Five stepped back from the door and gestured you through it. 
“Come in,” he said, “we’re about to order Chinese food.”
“Sounds good,” you said, smiling awkwardly as you maneuvered your lumpy bag of gifts through the door. 
You stood in front of him for a second or so, waiting for the hug or handshake or whatever, but it never came. Instead, he closed the door behind you and went to lead you into the living room where signs of movement made it clear that his siblings sat. 
You hesitated, and it made him notice your bag of gifts for the first time. He looked curiously down into the bag. 
“Are these for-?”
“Just some gifts for you all,” you said, waving a hand to disclaim their importance. “I was just going to go dump them in the room I’m sleeping in and then-”
“Sure, sure,” he nodded towards the stairs, “you go do that. It’s the same one as last time,” he finished, answering your unarticulated question.
Alone in the spare room you’d been sleeping in last time you stayed, you looked in the full length mirror. 
With Five looking like he’d fallen from heaven, the sweater suddenly felt like a bad move. Why did you always have to hide behind a veneer of childish humor? Why, when you came here hoping to be swept off your feet, did you dress like an idiot? 
Ever since that kiss, he’d polluted your thoughts. Memories of the sensation of his lips on yours and the occasional touch of his tongue had always been followed by whether you should try to see him before christmas, whether to buy him a gift and exactly how you should pitch that gift. You’d agonized over it until you bought everyone a gift just so that buying him one wouldn’t stand out too much. 
All in all, the last couple of weeks had been a mess of doubt and nerves. 
Mentally shaking yourself, you pushed these thoughts aside. You kissed under the mistletoe once: it was hardly grounds to expect romance. Maybe his invitation to come for Christmas had been friendly, and the kiss was just a bit of fun in the moment. There was mild mutual attraction and there was mistletoe, but outside that little bit of holiday mischief, you were just his brother’s friend.
Fuck it. You liked this sweater and you weren’t going to change it for a man. And you’d be damned if you let yourself get hung up on a man this fickle. Squaring your shoulders, you left the bedroom.
“I thought I heard your voice.”
Viktor’s smile from one of the armchairs was one of welcome, but surprise. Luther, Sloane, Klaus, Diego and Lila were watching you too, looking welcoming themselves but oddly expectant somehow. Five was nowhere to be found.
You felt the enquiry in their looks. 
“Uh - am I early? Five said Christmas Eve but he didn’t say when.”
“Huh?” Diego said, uncomprehending. Their eyes on you felt uncomfortable.
“H-he told me to come over on Christmas Eve and stay a couple of nights. Did he not tell-?”
“Wait:” Lila said, loudly, “you’re telling us Five invited you for Christmas?”
“Yes,” you all but whispered, heat rising to your cheeks, “did he not tell you?”
“First I’m hearing of it.” Lila said, amused, “The sly old git.”
Putting two and two together, Viktor stepped in to cover your feeling of intruding on them.
“Sorry, I forgot to mention it to you guys. We invited her to come before she moved into her new place.”
“No problem here,” Klaus said, shrugging and throwing his sequined ankle boots up onto the table, “nice to have a different face to look at.”
After the other inhabitants of the room made sounds of agreement, or stated their welcome, you took a place beside Viktor.
When a bottle of champagne had been popped and poured by Sloane and quiet chat reestablished, Viktor leaned towards you.
“So are you and he-?”
“No.” you said, hurriedly, as a wiggle of Viktor’s eyebrows suggested what you and Five might be up to, “He didn’t really tell you he invited me, did he?”
“No,” he sniggered, But seriously - what’s going on? When did he ask?”
“My last night here,” you began, uncertainly, “you were asleep on the couch and -” you cast around for how to explain it, and then promptly chickened out, “- he asked me then.”
Viktor looked as if he knew this was far from the full story, but made no further comment.
“Well, I’m glad you’re here. I’m sorry I didn’t ask you. I should have done.”
You shook your head to indicate that his apology was unnecessary, but were too preoccupied with one question to do more.
“Where did Five go, anyway?”
“Beats me.” Viktor shrugged. “We were about to order dinner but he disappeared.”
Disappeared?” you repeated, surprised into speaking more loudly than you intended. 
This attracted the attention of Klaus, who watched you with interest from over his champagne glass.
Don’t get hung up on him. Don’t. 
“Yeah,” Viktor said, clearly as confused as you, “he blinked away.” 
“And we were just about to order food,” Klaus said, airily, “let’s give him fifteen and if he doesn’t come back, we order without him.”
You gave him an hour. And then you did order without him. And, by the time the meal came, he still wasn’t back. And, another two hours later, the portion of satay and fried rice Viktor had ordered for him was still sitting on the coffee table, completely cold.
You tried not to let it get to you. You tried not to let yourself dwell. You remembered the sensible conclusion you’d come to in your third-floor bedroom but still, a mixture of confusion, hurt and irritation began to fight for the upper hand in your feelings. 
Even as you enjoyed the company of his siblings, joined in with their banter and laughed at their jokes, half your mind was engaged battling over their brother. 
What had you done to make him leave like this? Why invite you over at all if he clearly didn’t want to spend time with you?  Did he take one look at you and regret that kiss? Did you spend days agonizing about whether you should buy him that gift just for him to make other plans as soon as you arrived?
Fuck him. And fuck his mixed signals too.
You looked up at the felt mistletoe above the fireplace. Cheap and fake, just like that kiss apparently.
As the evening wore on, the snow got heavier and heavier outside, until snowflakes were falling in thick, heavy clumps past the windows, melting into slush as they came into contact with damp, dirty sidewalks and tarmac laid with grit.
And Five’s meal was still left uneaten, even when Luther began to campaign hard to get everyone to watch The Muppet Christmas Carol. 
“Five would agree with me,” Luther said, earnestly, “he loved it when we were kids.”
“Only because it was the only Christmas video tape we had.” Viktor replied.
“And he was six years old,” Deigo interjected, “you’re the only one who hasn’t matured since then.”
“You guys are grinches,” Luther said, sulkily. And then, face changing to curiosity as soon as the thought occurred: “where the hell is Five, anyway?”
“Search me,” Viktor replied. 
“Should we be worried?” you asked, as Luther lost interest and continued to extol the Muppets’ many adaptational virtues.
“Nah,” Klaus said, “I’m more worried for the folks wherever he is.”
“Does he do this often?” you pressed.
“Oh yes. Cinco’s a little...unpredictable. Probably wanted to avoid being sociable. Probably couldn’t face Luther’s whining about this shitty movie.”
Pleading tiredness, you headed to bed before the movie began, Luther cross-legged in front of the TV accompanied by an equally excited Lila. As you bade them all goodnight, Viktor watched you with a look of mild concern. 
“See you in the morning,” you said, trying to smile at him and put his mind at ease, but unsure if you were successful given that your brain had been a mush of rage and recriminations for the last four hours at least.
His sympathetic smile back was slightly too knowing for you to be comfortable.
So much for not getting hung up on him. 
Quite how you woke up in Five’s bed the next morning, you would never know. And, as his warmth shifted beside you ahd he whispered a sleepy: “Merry Christmas,” into your ear, you found that you didn’t much care how it happened, only that it did.
It started with you alone in your room, having changed into your pajamas; still hurt, still angry and even angrier at yourself for being so.
How could you let one kiss do this to you? How could you let this man get under your skin? 
Because how could you forget? How could you go back now, knowing the feel of his hair, the feel of his breath feathering across your lips? How could any kiss ever again live up to the one he’d given you so carelessly?
That bastard. That smooth-skinned, perfect-jawed, green-eyed bastard. 
Muffled above your head, came a sound you nevertheless recognised: the static whoosh that signaled one of Five’s blinks. 
So he’d been up in his room all this time? Perhaps using his powers to avoid you?
No. Fuck that noise. 
As if you yourself had blinked there from your bedroom, you found yourself marching up the attic stairs and knocking insistently on his door.
“Yeah?” came his slightly irritated voice from inside.
That tone was like a red rag to a bull already butting against his confines. You thrust the door open and were over the threshold before he could acknowledge you.
“Why did you invite me here?” you demanded.
Clearly, Five’s response to your knock had not meant that it was fine to come in. He stood there in the center of the room, naked from the waist up, a sopping wet shirt falling from his hands onto the floor. 
You felt your face heat up like a whoosh from a gas furnace. You didn’t stare, but the second or so you looked gave you enough of a glimpse of a firm stomach, subtly toned abdominals, and dusk-rose nipples erect in the chill of the attic room. 
“Sorry,” you said, looking briefly down at your feet to give him a chance to dress himself.
“No problem,” he replied, briskly, though making no move to cover himself.
Eventually you looked back up at his face, careful to avoid your eyes lingering elsewhere. 
“Why are you wet?” you asked, as he brushed away a drip of water running down his nose from his drenched, tousled hair. 
“I’ve been out,” he said, as if this were obvious, “It’s snowing. It’s heavy sleet really. Almost rain by now.”
“Where?” you pressed, embarrassment quickly replaced by the irritation you’d come here with “And why did you invite me over just to fuck off all night?”
His lips tightened, shifting in apparent discomfort.
“I needed to run an errand.” he said, after a short pause.
“An errand?” you said, skepticism dripping from every syllable, “Come on. Don't bullshit me.”
“I needed to run an errand.” he repeated, simply and deliberately, “Take it or leave it.”
He raised his eyebrows and folded his arms across his chest in a way that made the veins and muscle definition of his forearms look borderline pornographic. It was just like this asshole, to look so infuriatingly sexy when you were trying to yell at him.
You let out an angry huff of breath through your nostrils.
“Why did you invite me tonight?” you asked, again, more insistently this time.
“Because I wanted to see you for Christmas!” he said, frustratedly, as if this were obvious, “I wanted to see if you and I were going anywhere!”
“What?” you yelped, wrongfooted and jolted unexpectedly out of anger.
He stepped towards you.
“We kissed. I wanted to see if -” he gestured frustratedly between you, as if to indicate a connection in question, “-And when you turned up tonight, with all those gifts, I had to…”
His face worked, chewing his lips.
“I had to buy you a gift too.” he said, reluctantly.
You blinked, and he continued.
“Ever since that night, I’ve been thinking it over. Whether I should get you a gift and show you I’m serious about us trying something together, but I decided not to in case it scared you off. And then, tonight, when I saw a gift to me in your bag, I…”
He tailed off.
You let out a single breath: half laugh and half sigh. You could feel yourself trembling as you smiled at him.
“Viktor and I don’t usually do gifts,” you said, softly. 
He looked confused at this apparent non sequitur, but his eyes crinkled into a smile as you continued, “I only got gifts for him and the others to make it look less weird to get you one. I didn’t want to scare you off.”
A breathy laugh escaped his perfect lips.
“So what have we learned?” he asked, expectantly.
“That we’re both weird and intense?”
“Correct,” he nodded, taking another step forward, and tilting his head insolently. “but it also shows that neither of us scare easy.”
He was effortlessly, devastatingly sexy. 
You took a step towards him in turn. 
“So we can be as weird and intense as we want to be?”
Your voice came out husky, now no more than a foot away from his perfect, half-naked form. 
“Exactly,” he whispered. 
And, leaning forward, he closed the door behind you with a decisive click.
Your mouth was on his before he could react. The whole world was his lips, his warm breath and the smell of his damp skin. Your hands sprang to his freezing torso, feeling gooseflesh as well as muscle beneath your fingers.
“You’re so cold,” you breathed, breaking the kiss.
“Then warm me up,” he growled, a wolfish version of his cocky, know-it-all smile curling his lips.
And you would have obliged him: you would have rushed him and ravished him. You would have pulled his hair and pushed him roughly onto his own bed…
Except he got there first. His nose crashed into yours, resuming the kiss roughly. Groaning low in his throat as you responded in kind. 
All the restraint you’d sensed in his kiss beneath the mistletoe had clearly been abandoned, because now was all teeth, tongue and roaming hands as he steered you towards the bed. 
You rolled over, a blissful smile on your face, and came to rest on Five’s shoulder. 
“Happy Christmas,” you replied to his whispered greeting. 
He leaned in for a kiss, a loving one this time, and then sat up in bed. He leaned over to reach for his abandoned, soaked jacket of the previous evening, rummaging around in it on the floor, inelegantly stretched across the rug, half in and half out of bed.
“What are you-”
“There we go,” he said, locating whatever he’d been searching for. He heaved himself back on the bed, a small black box in hand.
“It’s your Christmas gift,” he said, matter-of-factly, “It’s Christmas morning. That’s traditionally when you open gifts.”
Your eyes were fixed on the box.
“Oh god, it’s not jewelry is it?”
“Yes,” he said, eyebrows contracting.
You interpreted his expression correctly and tried to assuage his worry.
“No - no, I mean, I like jewelry, it’s just that - oh, give it here.”
You took the box from him and opened it. Inside was a delicate, gold mistletoe pendant hanging off a matching chain. 
“Fuck,” you said, distractedly.
“So…wrong move?” he said, worriedly.
“No. No. It’s beautiful. It’s gorgeous, Five. It’s just that -” you looked up at him, face the picture of agony, I only got you a bottle of scotch!”
He broke into a broad, relieved smile. 
“Which scotch?” he asked, curiously.
“It seems so stupid now," you moaned, mortified, “but I remembered you talking to Klaus about being in Edinburgh in 1988 and drinking -” “Glen Moray 12?” he asked, eyes lighting up. 
“I didn’t even get the right year!” you whined, oblivious to the pleasure that would have been obvious to anyone else,  “I could only get one bottled in 1987.”
He gave an incredulous, pleased chuckle, smile broadening even more.
“That’s perfect. My god, you’ve been hanging off my every word, haven’t you?”
“Shut up,” you muttered, feeling your face heat up as his smile became slightly smug. 
“That’s pretty weird and intense,” he teased.
“No more weird and intense than buying a gold necklace for a girl you kissed once,” you shot back, finally catching his mood and teasing him in turn.
“Touché.” he conceded, and leaned his forehead affectionately against yours, "But is it acceptable now I've kissed you much more than once?"
"Hm," you said, in mock thought, "I'll reserve judgment."
Request masterlist >> HERE
Tag list: (please comment to be added or removed): @thebearmage, @nevbrooke-555, @fiannee, @abeeabee6969
NOTE: I take Five requests, I'm fairly versatile in what I write (fluff, smut, angst, psychological character study- I'll try it all) but I will consider them on a case by case basis. See masterlist for request status and more.
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citrinae · 9 months
gingerbread kisses.
or: christmassy things you do with them. there are some more holiday-themed drabbles/headcanons in the works so hopefully i'll get around to posting some of them anytime soon!
ft. the monster trio
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• hot cocoa, ornaments dangling from his ears, snowman-building contests, him pushing you into a pile of snow and joining soon after, snow fights turning into snow angel-making contests, crumbles of the gingerbread he stole from sanji’s kitchen, once he exposed a fake santa in front of a bunch of kids at the christmas market. 
• he’d make it his life’s mission to make sure you’re laughing, always, especially around this time, when his restlessness and impersonation skills increase tenfold. luffy on christmas eve is like mixing coffee with an energy drink. and even though he vehemently claimed he’d help you decorate the tree, he cannot help throwing everything on him instead, tinsel and ornaments and lights, turning himself into a walking greeting card. 
• after one, two, three more attempts at placing decorations on the actual tree, a defeated sigh leaves you eventually as you hang a glass bauble around your nose. luffy’s eyes are glowing brighter than the lights blinking around his neck and he leans forward to press a kiss upon your lips, long and sweet, bauble slipping off and unfurling into constellations on the floor as he does. do remember to brush those under a carpet before someone witnesses the mess you’ve made in here.  
• “what’s that for?” you laugh, a pinker shade crossing your cheeks, only for you to be met with a shrug and a smile reaching luffy’s ears. “felt happy, was all,” he says, and it’s completely genuine, even more so when he adds, “you’re awesome.” you smile back. and just as spontaneously you pull luffy in for a hug, wiggling the rest of the ornaments off him, encircling you both in a sea of colour and glitter. the moment doesn’t last for long and it’s the silver star lingering at the bottom of your decorations box that catches his attention now. “who makes the coolest half gets to place the star on the top.”
• mulled wine, hesitant pecks under the mistletoe, a freshly cut conifer carried on one shoulder and chopper cheering merrily on the other, damp wood and pine filling your nose when you rest your chin over his head, pinkies touching, his hands wrapping themselves around you after you’d both have fallen asleep at the fireplace. 
• it’s common knowledge that zoro isn’t good with dates. neither is he someone to put as much importance on a holiday, “i guess people needed an excuse to drink without feeling bad for it,” and at first you are more than sure he’d spend christmas morning training. therefore not finding him in his usual spot, barbells and swords and towels untouched and forgotten, should come as a total shocker to you. 
• but you’d have found what he’d been up to way sooner if he hadn’t gotten himself lost on the way to the town and back to the ship. sunset victoriously colouring his outline and a hand at his nape, he blames his absence on an old lady mistaking a sword shop for a tavern. for all you know, it was probably him mistaking a tavern for a sword shop. there’s a rectangular object in his fist you cannot take your eyes off—a knife case. “found nothing to grab my attention, dunno. still i thought this might come in handy to you,” he lies. better throw yourself into his arms because getting presents from roronoa zoro is like seeing him rip himself open for you. of course the quiet sigh coming with his reaction isn’t always that reassuring, but deep down he’s happy to know his efforts brought a smile to your face. 
• you two spend a good part of that night in the storage room, clinking bottles and letting yourselves get carried away with stories from your homelands. before you get to open yourself another one, he gestures with his knee towards your pocket knife. “let’s see what this devil can do, shall we?” you know exactly what he means by this. with a swift hand, you slide the knife under the bottle cap. when it pops, there’s a smirk climbing on zoro’s face, “that’s my babe.”
• apple and cinnamon tea, matching sweaters, him spinning you around the kitchen while humming some carol he picked from the north blue, scented candles, sugar melting in a frying pan and your lips touching the tip of a wooden spoon after he asks if this syrup is sweet enough for you. "at least half as sweet as you are, mon cœur."
• food shopping is the default. he’s got everything planned out, lists and schedules of the best providers on the island, and he wants to make sure everything goes immaculately at dinner on this special occasion with you. you’re not surprised when you notice that a good part of his basket is made of either foods you like or stuff you’ve asked of him before. mans does his homework all right. 
• be watchful of zoning out because if you keep your eyes on something for more than thirty seconds he’ll get it for you. no questions asked. he might also make some other additions on the spot if you happen to stumble upon any trinkets that remind him of you in one way or another. does someone sell heart-shaped ornaments at the stall on your left? he’ll get one for you. snowflake ornaments? he’ll get one for you, “because, darling, you landed on my heart the way snow graces a withered tree.”
• shopping bags at your feet and your cheeks rosy after shouldering past animated gushes of people at the market, your retreat is an isolated bench near the docks and the clicking sound of sanji’s lighter. he folds an arm around you. “cold,” you try to reason for huddling yourself into him. snowflakes begin to dot the sky a whiter canvas, floating on your head and nose. sanji doesn’t say it out loud, but a selfish part of him wishes you were feeling cold more often. 
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aziraphales-library · 3 months
Hello!! I hope you're well! I was wondering if you have long-fics (5k+ words) where the husbands are kind of just. Pining??? 5+1 fics specifically? If it's not too much trouble. Although, even without the "5+1 things" tag, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you so so much!! Have a great day :D
2/2: Hello again!! I am so sorry, I was the anon asking for the 5+1 & pining fics! I forgot to mention, please keep the spicy stuff away from the fic recommendations! I am incredibly sex-repulsed. Again, I apologize for forgetting to mention it in the last ask! Thank you kindly! So sorry for the inconvenience :(
Hi! Here are some 5+1 pining fics...
The Lovers, The Dreamers, and Me by ghosts_n_toast (T)
And so, Crowley devised a plan: he would go to the back room and lie down, but he wouldn’t actually sleep . And when Aziraphale, unsuspecting of his schemes, came to lean down and press another kiss to his forehead Crowley would…do something. He hadn’t figured that part out yet. Ask him where he got the nerve to treat him like a child at bedtime? Yell at him for trying to kiss unsuspecting sleeping people? Pull him back for another one? Kiss him on the forehead? The “after” part didn’t matter. What mattered now was catching Aziraphale in the act. - One night after a bout of heavy drinking, a half-asleep Crowley is kissed goodnight on the forehead by Aziraphale. What ensues is Crowley's terrible attempts to stay awake on the bookshop sofa to catch him in the act.
Points of Contact by cyankelpie (G)
Five times Crowley and Aziraphale found an excuse for physical contact, and one time they didn’t have to.
Do you have any idea by Enven (T)
He was hungry for anything he could get. Every tiniest scrap of attention Aziraphale gave him, everything that could at least potentially indicate that he enjoyed his company – Crowley would take it all, and shove it deep into the dimness of his mind to hopelessly reminisce about it later. or: 5 times they pined like crazy, and 1 time they didn't
Crowley's attempts at courtship (5+1) by p0psicle_ashtray (M)
The year is 1813, Crowley is currently in a gentlemen's club in Scotland when he runs into a familiar angel, they talk and Crowley realizes that he must do whatever it takes to make Aziraphale fall in love with him. He was going to court the pants right off him.
To Creep Under His Gaberdine by larkthorne (T)
Sharing a sleeping space used to be much more common, historically. It didn’t mean that Crowley and Aziraphale had (literally) slept together very often…but they had done so. By the middle of the 1800s or so that practice had fallen out of fashion, and it began to feel like a shocking sort of intimacy. Basically: five times Crowley and Aziraphale shared a bedtime before the Apocalypse, and the first time they shared a bedtime after.
What Are You Doing New Year's Eve? by theshoparoundthecorner (G)
“Bit of an odd tradition, if you ask me,” he said, if not to get his mind off the longing that had settled in his chest. Aziraphale shrugged. “I think it’s rather sweet. A kiss for good luck. Seems a nice way to start the year. Very human.” Crowley nodded. “Can’t seem to keep their hands off each other, that lot. Always finding excuses. First it’s mistletoe at Christmas, then it’s luck for the New Year…” “Well there’s no need to be so grouchy about it,” Aziraphale said. “I think it’s lovely.” Crowley’s heart ached a little more as he watched Aziraphale smile up at the glowing numbers on the building above them. Yeah, he thought, lovely. Five times Crowley thought about kissing Aziraphale on New Year's Eve, and one time he did.
- Mod D
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gh0stsp1d3r · 9 months
could you write something abt count vronsky and something to do with a mistletoe ? or just something generally in the christmas spirit lol
thank u happy holidays ✨✨✨
Happy holidays anon! I love this js a short Drabble cuz I could not think
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He held your hand tightly, you both walked into the ball with smiles on your faces.
It was Christmas Eve, and of course he’s been invited to yet another holiday ball. As much as he didn’t enjoy these, he endured it.
He would much rather spend his time at home with you, cuddling up by the fire.
Oh well.
He never thought the night could have gone that well.
When you both were drunk, and running upstairs for some reason you noticed something in the hallway you were standing under.
You were both directly underneath a mistletoe, he quirked an eyebrow and looked up to where you were looking.
He smiled softly when you looked back at him.
“Thinking what I’m thinking?” He said.
“Maybe.” You shrugged. You both leaned in, and he cupped your face. The kiss was sweet, passionate.
“Well, not what I expected coming up here.” A familiar voice said, his brother. You both moved away from the kiss, looking at him.
“Alexander.” He said, eyes flicking around.
You laughed at his nervousness.
“Seems I was interrupting something.”
“No- not at all.” He quickly said with a light blush on his face.
Maybe you needed to buy one for your guys own home.
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actuallysaiyan · 10 months
Kiss you once and then some more And wish you a Merry Christmas baby(Boss!Kento Nanami x Fem!Secretary!Reader)
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warnings: smut, mentions of drinking, lots of Christmas imagery, office party setting, unprotected sex, vaginal fingering, nipple play, power dynamics, boss x secretary, creampie finish word count: 2.6k pairings: Boss!Kento Nanami x Fem!Secretary!Reader summary: the holidays are coming up, and all you can wish for is to be able to steal a little kiss from your boss while under the mistletoe. when you volunteer to help out with the annual Christmas party, you realize your boss never got the chance to decorate his office. just a little mistletoe won't hurt, will it? a/n: This is an early Christmas gift for all of us simping so hard for Kento Nanami and wish we could find him under the tree on Christmas morning. Special thanks to @beneathstarryskies who has been fuelling my love for Kento even before I started watching JJK
It was always crazy to you how fast the office changed after Halloween. Down came the pumpkins and paper craft decorations of witches on broomsticks and sheet-wearing ghosts. And with them, people started decorating for Christmas fairly early on in November. People who were bored out of their minds would spend their time cutting up paper to resemble snowflakes, others would buy very fancy yet tacky decorations to dress up their desks. You weren’t above them, most certainly not. Your own desk was properly decorated for the season. You even laid out a bowl of candy canes and chocolate for those who stopped by your desk before going into work or just leaving for the day.
The one person you truly wished would grace your presence was your boss, Nanami Kento. He was a very busy man, so he often didn’t have the time to stop and chat. With him being so busy all the time, and especially more so around this time of year, you were always eager to help him out with anything he needed. Kento regularly looked to you for the help he needed, but your relationship never went anywhere further than a professional one. Nobody would ever find out how much you were pining for him. Not even he knew your true feelings for him, or so you thought.
And as the days ticked on and November became December, you found yourself giddy for the holidays. It was always a hustle and bustle and things were tense in the office days leading up to Christmas Eve, but it was exciting for you. You balanced your time between Christmas shopping and working hard to make sure the big project for the office was going off without a hitch. Despite everyone else wigging out with stress, you were the glue to keep everything together. You were the first person to bring someone a steaming mug of coffee or tea when they desperately needed it. You were the one who kept all the files neat and tidy, ready for whoever needed them. And you were always the one who brought a little extra food for those who were staying late most nights.
A Christmas staff party is announced, and you’re the first one to sign up to make sure the thing goes well. You’re in charge of bringing food and drinks. Your heart flutters with joy when you see your boss’ name written on the RSVP list. He was going to finally get a chance to relax and mingle with the rest of you. You wonder if maybe you could manage to get him to give you a little kiss under the mistletoe. With thoughts of a possible office romance blossoming, you spend the next few days plotting and planning.
The afternoon of the Christmas party, everyone gets to go home early. You managed to pack a bag of things for yourself considering you decided to get ready here since you were in charge of preparing and catering the food and drinks. With most of the appetizers and drinks premade the night before, all you had to do was find a table suitable to hold everything. With that taken care of, you made your way to the women’s locker room. The water pressure isn’t nearly as good as the one in your apartment, but you know you need to take a shower.
With yourself clean, you begin getting dressed and fussing over your hair and makeup. As you’re getting pampered and pretty for your boss, you call one of the local pizza places nearby and place a large delivery order. Everything was coming together perfectly. You hoped that Kento would see just how hard you’ve been working on not only this but everything else leading up to this day. 
It’s just past 7 pm when the first few people start arriving. Some of those who volunteered to set up games and other activities are the early ones. Then as the hour ticks by, you notice that the party is almost in full swing. Still, no sign of Kento anywhere. You figured he would probably be showing up anytime soon. Yet as everyone is full tilt into party mode, you find yourself longing to see your boss. 
You have a drink, mingling with your colleagues by the punchbowl. Your eyes keep darting all around the room, but to no avail. He’s not here, and as it gets a little later, you worry maybe he was just too tired to join the festivities. You decide to take a little walk around the office, hoping to spot him as he’s coming in.
After a quick trip to the bathroom to freshen yourself up and touch up your makeup, you pass by Kento’s office. It’s so dark and lonely in here. You realize he hasn’t even put up any decorations. It makes you a little sad to see this. So you go to your desk and fish out a mistletoe decoration. Once you’re back in Kento’s office, you begin trying to affix the cute little decoration to the ceiling.
“And just what are you doing?” a deep voice calls from the doorway. Your heart nearly stops.
“Oh! Nanami-san! I’m just trying to spread a little holiday cheer.”
He smirks at you, and his eyes follow your gaze to the ceiling. The little mistletoe hangs just above you, almost as an invitation for him to come press his lips against yours. You jump a little as the sound of the door closing startles you. Kento moves closer to you, a smile on his face.
“Please, just call me Kento. No need for formalities here.”
Your cheeks redden at his words. But you nod and smile, asking him how he’s enjoying the party. You notice a flute of champagne in his hand. So he is trying to mingle and enjoy himself. He takes a sip of the effervescent drink.
“This was exactly what I needed. I’ve been too focused on my work lately.”
You smile sweetly, “I’m glad you can take the chance to relax. You really deserve it, Kento.”
He loves the sound of your voice. Especially when you’re saying such sweet things to him. He downs the rest of the champagne, and then he approaches you. Without warning, he reaches up to help you pin the mistletoe to the ceiling. Your cheeks burn at being so close in proximity. He smirks at your reaction, then he cups your cheek softly.
“Does this mean I can steal a kiss?”
Your heart stops for a moment, only to begin racing. You can barely think of the right words. A soft “yes” falls from your lips before he presses his lips to yours. The entirety of his being is invading all your senses. He smells like fancy cologne, and his lips are so soft and plush and his broad frame feels so good against your smaller body.
When he pulls away, you’re breathless. He chuckles softly before he leans back in for a second kiss. This one is hungrier, and your brain finally catches up to what you’re doing. You press yourself against him even more, your lips moving in tandem with his. His large hands glide up and down your sides, admiring the velvet dress you decided to wear. 
“Did you get all dolled up just for me?” he asks, his lips now nipping and kissing the tender flesh of your neck.
You breathe out, “yes…just for you.”
He knows you’ve been pining for him for so long. If he said he hadn’t found you so fuckable the moment he met you, he would be lying. How often he had to hide himself in his office just to push back lewd thoughts almost every day. Kento was basically obsessed with you, but he didn’t want to ruin your professional career by pushing things further. Tonight was the exception. When he saw just how much work you put into this party and your appearance, he knew he had to make his move.
His hands slide up your sides to your breasts. He cups them, squeezing slightly. This earns him a soft mewl from you, and it makes his cock twitch in his expensive dress pants. Kento had also made quite the effort to make sure his appearance was perfect just for you.
“That’s my good girl,” he murmurs against your skin.
You gasp when he pulls the top of your dress down, revealing your bare breasts to him. He doesn’t even really give you time to react before he’s dipping his head down to capture one of your perky nipples into his mouth. You’re melting under his touches, and your knees are buckling from the ministrations.
You look down at him, your hands shaking as you reach out to cup his head. This keeps him affixed to your tits. Your fingers card through his beautiful blond hair, then your nails rake against his scalp. He shudders at the sensation before he turns his attention to your other nipple.
“I won’t lie.,” he says as he suckles on the bud. “I’ve been thinking about this moment for months.”
You feel your cheeks turning crimson, “Nanami-san! T-that’s so filthy.”
You feel him spanking your thigh, a lewd but dark look in his eyes as he looks up at you. You know you must have pushed some buttons just now. He looks even more determined than before.
“Didn’t I tell you to call me Kento?”
You stammer out a few excuses, but he just shuts you up with another searing kiss. As he kisses you hard, his hands begin to peel off that cute little dress you put on just to impress him. He tosses it behind him, then pulls you closer to him. Your soft skin smells of peppermint and vanilla; a decadent mixture to delight his senses. He groans as his fingers tease your clothed cunt, finding you so wet already.
“I think you’ve been fantasizing about this just as much as I have been.”
His words make you blush even more than before, but you can’t help but agree with what he’s saying. It was true, you both had been thinking about this moment for a long time. And now that it was finally happening, you could barely calm your little racing heart.
“So wet just for me…” he mentions as he lets his fingers push back your panties.
Your eyes screw shut in pleasure, and you let out a shaky breath as Kento expertly rubs your swollen clit. You knew he’d be good at this, but you never thought he’d know the perfect ways to get you off. Then his fingers slide down further, prodding your tight little hole. He smirks as he feels just how much you’re dripping for him. There’s hardly resistance as he slips two of his fingers into you, his thumb rubbing your nub.
“Such a dirty little secretary you are. I bet you want me to bend you over this desk and take my frustrations out on you, don’t you?” He asks as he presses his face into the crook of your neck. His breath is so hot against your skin, and his teeth graze your pulse point.
You can’t even answer him properly. Your mind is just buzzing from all the lustful heavy petting that’s going on. He loves the way he’s rendered you into a moaning mess already and he hasn’t even fucked you. Despite knowing he should be getting you ready for his cock, he knows you both don’t have all the time in the world. Eventually someone will come looking for either of you.
With both of his hands, he pushes you against the desk. You squeal as he rips your panties off and shoves them into your open mouth. The taste of your own arousal makes you clench around nothing.
“Just be a good girl and be quiet. I promise, I’ll make you cum.”
You don’t need any more convincing than that. He spreads your thighs with his knee, and you begin to hear the sounds of him unbuckling his belt and unzipping those fancy dress pants. You attempt to turn around to see how big his cock is, but Kento is quick to push your head down against his desk. 
There’s the unmistakable sound of him spitting onto your cunt as he spreads your asscheeks. Then you feel the tip of his cock prodding your tiny hole. You know already that this will be quite the stretch. Kento groans as he slides into you slowly, savoring the way your cunt is already trying to milk him for everything he’s got.
The moment he bottoms out, it’s like something snaps deep inside of him. He begins pumping into you at a breakneck speed, his hands tangling in your cute little updo. Animalistic grunts and growls rumble from his chest as he lets out his frustrations on you. Meanwhile you desperately white-knuckle the desk beneath you as the tip of his cock bullies that spongy spot deep inside you that makes you see stars. Already you’re so close to your own peak and he’s barely been fucking you for a few minutes.
He leans in to press a kiss to your shoulder, pushing his cock deeper into you. You’ve never had anyone quite this deep inside of you before and you can feel your legs about to give out.
“I wanna take my time with you, pretty baby. But we’ve gotta make this quick.”
You moan in response, your cunt gripping onto him even tighter. He grunts as he begins slamming into you faster and harder. The desk beneath you begins to creak and slide against the floor, making it obvious to anyone around what you two are up to. But anyone would be an idiot to even dare try to interrupt you two. You’re in heaven and you never want it to stop.
Your eyes snap shut as you feel his fingers rubbing your aching clit. Just a few more thrusts and you’re falling off the edge. Muffled whimpers and mewls fall from your panty-stuffed lips. Your thighs are shaking as you begin creaming all over that fat cock of his. He tugs on your hair, pulling you flush against his chest as he continues to fuck himself deep inside you.
He growls as his own orgasm hits him hard. Shot after shot of thick, sticky cum paints your insides. You whine as you feel his cock throbbing with every pump of cum he shoots inside of you. Eventually, he slows his pace to a stop and you’re both panting. You spit out the panties onto his desk, and Kento pulls out of you. He turns you around so you’re facing him, and he’s got the most smug look on his face you’ve ever seen.
“Guess this means you’re all mine, hm?” He asks, two of his fingers pushing his cum back into you.
You whimper, “O-of course, N– Kento…”
He smirks at your response. Kento reaches for the soiled panties and he helps you slide them back onto you. With a soft kiss, he helps you back into your dress as well. The moment you try to stand, you feel just how shaky you are. Kento chuckles softly, stuffing his softening cock into his dress pants.
“Don’t worry,” he murmurs as he presses a soft kiss to the top of your head. “You can lean on me for a bit.”
He takes your hand in his, and while you lean against him, he leads you back out into the party. Almost nobody seems to think anything weird about this, they are all just happy to see the both of you at the party. You two share a few drinks and mingle and as the party begins winding down, Kento leans in to whisper in your ear.
“Merry Christmas, pretty baby…”
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