#do read the relationship tags if that makes you uncomfy! i know a lot of people that dont actually like a lot of tmnt ships so head up!
turrondeluxe · 1 year
Have you read the fanfic; last ronin becomes a discord mod? It’s a au we’re ronin lives! And as the name implies is a mod on discord because he finds Donnie’s old laptop that is connected to the alternate turtles! It also has Mikey helping to raise the kids :]
i have actually! its really fun and one of the best modded fics ive ever seen!
Please read it if you can!!!
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Mixture Of Headcanons - Maxime Le Mal
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Requested by: Nobody
Warnings: Sexual headcanons below NSFW cut
Readers Gender: Gender Neutral
Fanfic Type: Headcanons
Fanfic Genre: SFW and NSFW
Word Count: 737
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A/N: As I'm writing this, I feel a tad embarrassed and confused that somehow a badly written French cockroach villian man pulled me out of my 2-3 year writer's block. Wtf-
Anywaysss, onto the regular headcanons and some relationship headcanons, a mixture of things.... for this whimpy whiney shit (I say this lovingly.)
[Headcanons and some ramblings in the tags contain some spoilers. If you haven't watched DM4 yet feel free to swipe by this]
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• Mans will not shut the fuck up about himself, how great he is and how everyone else fucking sucks and he's perfect in every way. VERY sassy, self absorbed, snobby, has anger problems (obvious), and secretly clingy. He thinks he's the shit. You'll just have to... "indulge him" by listening to every small thing he got bothered by that day. Every little thing can set him off. Cannot let grudges go.
• Obviously his thing is that he talks with his hands... a lot. It's one of many ways to tell what type of mood he's in at that moment. Frantic, heavy hand movements, and fingers twitching? He mad. Quick bursts of movement, doing quick little claps and finger tapping? For sure in a good mood.
• Maxime cannot hide his emotions, like at all. One of his weaknesses. He's VERY animated with his body language and voice.
• Many people will not agree with this one, so bare with me. From my own observation he has many traits and behaviours of someone who has a undiagnosed narcissistic disorder, or some other type of undiagnosed personality disorder. [This is just a headcanon of mine please don't jump me- 😭]
• By his fascination and obsession with bugs, I wouldn't be surprised if he was autistic or ADHD... or not, idk. He kinda act like me fr.
• I can imagine when he was still partly cockroach he wore gloves due to increased sensitivity, before the transformation he only wore them as a fashion choice. After AVL de-transformed him, they couldn't reverse everything. What was left was the antennas, some of his strength, and the heightened sensitivity - even afterward he still continues to wear gloves to prevent himself from overwhelming his senses.
• Seen many people theorise that Maxime feels phantom pain often and a great need to spread his non-existent wings and extra limbs after the de-transformation. It makes a lot of sense... It's quite interesting, as sad as it is...
• Fixing, fiddling, and tinkering with anything is one his ways to calm down, also could be considered a type of stim. Uses his cane for the same purpose. Maxime has to fiddle with something in his hands or he'll get absolutely fidgety and agitated with the extra amount of energy he has built up. Often wants someone to be by him as he tinkers and talks away.
• Has a fine taste in fashion (maybe not the giant ahs green coat he has.. but it find it cute.) The outfit he has at the end of the movie though? GAWDDDDDD where do I ever start? BLUEEE IS HIS COLOURRR. (Alsoooo I 100% believe his outfit was inspired by Balthazar Bratt, btw-)
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NSFW below the cut! Don't read if it makes you uncomfy.
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• Soooo his voice... he's well aware people find accents a turn on, so uses it to his advantage when he sees fit ...And on his partner especially (let's just pretend Valentina isn't in the picture). Often when he wants their attention he slows his speech, making sure to drag out every word he says as he flirts with them, letting his French accent go on full force - seeing if he can get any reaction of them. As he does he impulsively switched between English and French. If his partner don't know a single bit of French.... Just for fun he'd speak so many dirty words to them in French, often leaving them confused trying to figure out what he just said to them. If they do speak French like he does, it's fair game. If he doesn't get a reaction out of his partner, he'll keep being persistent til they do, the man does NOT give up easy. (Being mean and teasing his partner is 100% his love language.)
(If his partner have a voice kink, and Maxime finds out, good luck never having a moment of silence ever again-)
• Maxime's kisses are so divine. IT'S not because he's french and that's the stereotype... But he certainly does live up to it. How he kisses his partner can determine how he's feeling in that moment, either wanting attention and love from them... or more, his kisses leaving them a gasp every time. There's never a dull moment, especially when he dips them out of nowhere to give them the best french kisses... Also best be careful, he bites. ;)
• I can see him being the type of man to not rush things, but make it so painfully saken slow for his partner til they break and can't stand it. He loves to be in control, and controlling when his partner can have what they desperately need for some sort of release... He thrives off of it. Torturing them and watching his partner squirm and beg is one of his greatest pleasures.
(If his partner "wrestles with him" and wins, which most of the time unlikely... Maxime's all theirs, their in control now. His partner can do whatever to him.... But careful, he likes to fight back.)
• Will make his partner suffer by making them watch him please himself, knowing how much his partner needs him and want to please him as they watch, struggling to stay put. He just smirks and chuckles the whole time, his accent tickling his partner's ears, adding even more to the torture and pleasure they'd feel later on.
• With how expressive he is, he does not hide it at all in the bedroom. From groans, moans, growls, whines - this man does everything. He feels no shame showing his partner how much they affect him. The look of amusement that covers his partner's features hearing him being so loud gets him even more turned on.
• Is very grabby. By the end of it his partner will be covered in scratches, bruises, hickies, and bite marks. Maxime is surprisingly stronger than he looks, easily pinning his partner down with his skinny frame. Can grip too hard sometimes. When this man gets horny.. HE'S horny.
• Maxime's antennas are extremely sensitive... According to him in DM4. I can imagine them being an extremely sensitive erectile zone if rubbed just right. Depending on his mood it can either go both ways - a wholesome cuddle session with his partner... Or they'll be in either of each other's lair for the rest of the day not leaving the bedroom.... His partner is in for an aggressive, loving ride. I can imagine his antennas twitching more too.
• Maxime is thicker than most. Has an average length just enough to be comfortable with, but his girth will definitely take some getting used to at first. It starts curved upward from the middle, has many veins and textures for his partner to experience.
• Is a very cleanzy man, trims himself quite nicely just enough to have lovely peach fuzz.
• If his eye twitches when he's angry..... Imagine it twitching as he gets close, ahahahah...
• Again, WILL NOT, shut up. Not a single moment will there ever be a silent moment. Talks SOO much shit, so much filth it can honestly get overwhelming with how much he is saying as he pounds into his partner. He's such a little shit as he does this. He knows exactly what to say to get them squirming, whimpering and their blood pumping.
• It's hard to understand him half the time - his English words getting mixed with his native tongue French. In the heat of the moment it's incredible to see, seeing him get so into the intimate moment between his partner that his words get all jumbled up because of them~
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A/N: I have so many more ideas and theories for this french fella. I may or may not write more.... If the people demand for it... 👀👉👈 (Hold me accountable plz I'd hate to go into an writer's block again-) I'm pretty rusty from writing atm I'll probably rewrite this a bit later.
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icallhimjoey · 2 years
Only Temporary
♥ ♥          Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Joe needs a temporary living space, and you happen to have a spare room to let. One plus one equals two, baby.
CW / disclaimer: rpf (don’t read if this makes you uncomfy), fem!reader, swearing (lots), fluff 
Author’s note: this is the last part, sadface. The summary didn't need adding onto, I don't think. Also, we all hate Tom and we all love Eddie, join our club. (rewritten 15 nov 2023)
Wordcount: 3.5K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
Your goodbyes were short and dispassionate. 
A quick wave at the door with everyone still sat around the breakfast table, enjoying conversation, and having second helpings of whatever they liked most. 
It felt a little like thanking your dentist and telling him goodbye after you had him prod around in your mouth for forty minutes. 
You knew each other on another level, and it felt like there should be heartfelt hugs, but that wasn’t the relationship you had with your family.
Instead, you’d taken two bottles of water from the fridge for your drive, walked past the table and said “That was fun, guys. See you on the next one!” and hadn’t even bothered to stop by the door as a chorus of goodbyes from the table saw you out. 
Joe followed suit and it was only minutes later that you were back in the car, on the road together, on the way back to your flat.  
You recounted the morning, and Joe saw you sink into the seat like you hadn’t relaxed in weeks. 
“And?” you asked Joe, whose eyes danced between the road and you. 
“Any regrets on offering to tag along?” 
“The sand in my underwear says yes,” Joe joked, making you laugh. 
You couldn’t deny that you’d had fun, but you knew it was mostly because Joe had been there too. 
You were not going to tell him that, though. 
“You’re going to have to come to one of my family get-togethers next, to teach us your family’s way of playing football,” Joe said, and he reached over to squeeze your knee before quickly pulling his hand back to grip the steering wheel. 
You felt the skin that he’d touched burn.
Joe cleared his throat loudly, and you didn’t know why it suddenly felt weird in the car, but for some reason, it did. 
In a bid to fan away the fluttery feeling in your stomach, you turned up the radio and let music fill the car to help drown out the thoughts milling around in your head. 
You tried to convince yourself that it was all figments of your own imagination, but you couldn’t even look at Joe’s hands with his fingers curled around your steering wheel. 
Tight grip. White knuckles.
Stop looking.
So, you sipped from your bottle of water, hummed along to the music as casually as you could, and looked out of the window at the rolling hills, thinking of what you were going to wear later for your date with Tom; the man you should be thinking about right now.
The air between the two of you remained tense, but you ignored it.
Said nothing, until after about half an hour, Joe decided against better judgement to just spit out what was on his mind. 
“Don’t go,” he suddenly said, right as you were about to gulp down a mouthful of water, making you cough and wheeze for air as some of it found its way down your windpipe.
“Shit, I’m- fuck, I’m so sorry,” Joe reached over a hand, eyes darting between you and the road, unsure what his hand would do to help you. 
You swatted it away fast as you coughed, water dripping down your chin. 
“Don’t go where?” you spoke with a constricted voice, and you used both your hands to wipe at your chin, your sleeves now spotting sizeable wet patches on either side. 
“I don’t- ugh…” Joe winced at himself. “I don’t think... Tom’s not, I don’t think he’s a good guy,” 
You stared at Joe who now kept his eyes firmly on the road ahead of him. It was easier to get out what had been plaguing him for a second without having to look at you.
Joe went on to explain how he’d seen your neighbour earlier that week, walking into his building across the road from you, with another woman, how he had then decided to stay out of it, but that now... he felt like he had to tell you, so at least you knew. 
You know, before actually going on your first date with the literal man of your dreams. 
You remained silent all throughout Joe’s monologue and felt the urge to escape the car grow within your limbs. 
There was no chance of escape, though, obviously. 
You were going down the motorway at sixty miles per hour. 
Joe could literally go on and talk for all he was worth, and you’d just have to sit there and listen to him as he spewed things about your neighbour that you didn’t want to hear.
“People have siblings,” you reasoned immediately, all defensive. “And friends.” 
“They were making out a lot for siblings, I think,” Joe’s voice was soft, but it felt like he was making a joke, and it had anger bubbling up your throat.
“You’re overstepping.” You sternly said, because he was. 
“Sorry, I’m just trying to… I don’t know, protect you? I guess?”
You didn’t appreciate that.
“I don’t need protecting.” You huffed.
“I just thought you should know.” Joe’s eyes glanced at you, seething beside him, and he regretted even bringing it up at all.
“Okay, thanks for telling me then. Can we please talk about something else?” 
You didn’t talk about anything else. 
The rest of the drive home was silent, and as you stared out the window, you let resentment grow inside of your chest. 
Even when you tried to forgo it by trying to phone your friend, who you still hadn’t talked to, you got her voicemail. 
Fucking bitch. 
You had to actively remind yourself you had a crush on Tom. That was who you were: a jobless, single, dumb old idiot with an orange tomcat who had feelings for her neighbour who lived opposite you and drove a range rover. You’d had those feelings for ages and they were a part of you now. 
But then Joe moved into your flat and had the audacity to just go ahead and change all of that? 
You realised your anger was mostly aimed at yourself, which in turn only angered you more. 
Come on! 
You’d actually bagged yourself a date with your neighbour, who was meant to be the love of your life, and now Joe was telling you that you should be careful of him? 
All kind, and sweet, and charming? 
What a dick.
Your thoughts ran rogue, and you knew the underlying feelings present, but were set on not facing them. 
Not right now. 
You had a date tonight, for fuck’s sake. With the man you’d been lusting over for months. You weren’t going to let Joe screw that up for you. 
When you pulled into your street, Joe stopped the car outside your flat. 
“Head inside, I’ll find a parking spot,”  
He had to stop. 
You stomped out of the car like a grumpy teenager and slammed the door a tad too hard. 
Inside, you immediately locked yourself in the bathroom for a proper everything-shower. You made sure to wash and condition, several times, to exfoliate every inch of skin on you, and to shave every single strand of hair from the ears down. 
Because who knew who was going to be seeing what tonight, you thought. 
You weren’t one to bare all on the first date, but the way Joe had pissed you off, you almost wanted to get into Tom’s bed to prove Joe a point. 
Except, doing just that was probably only going to be proving Joe right, in this case. 
So, then the shaving became an act just for yourself, just so you’d feel smoother. 
And sexier. 
Perfect reasoning for a perfect date with the perfect man. 
It just... it was annoying you that you couldn’t remember the colour of his eyes, the way you could remember Joe’s. 
“You ruined it!” you yelled into your house as you walked from the bathroom to your bedroom after you shower. 
“What’s that?” Joe’s voice travelled from the living room where he was cradling Eddie in his arms like a baby.
“You ruined it before it even had a chance to properly kick off!” and you slammed your bedroom door shut, leaving Joe to read between lines he wasn’t sure he was even reading correctly at all. 
The piles of clothes in your bedroom took a minute to tidy up. Finding something for you to wear took even longer. 
When you eventually ventured out to head back into the bathroom to get started on your hair and make-up, you found Joe, standing in the hallway, leaning against the wall, facing your bedroom door. 
How long had he been there? 
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything,” Joe said when you did your best to ignore him. You strode past him, stepped back into the bathroom, and started taking random make-up products from your bag which you placed on the ledge by the mirror one by one. 
“Have the best time, yea?” he then said and reached for his jacket from the coat stand. 
“Where you going?” you hated that you asked it. 
“Pub,” was all Joe said, and neither of you said goodbye as Joe walked out the door.  
It was eight o’clock on the dot when the doorbell rang. You’d been fanning yourself with your hands as you’d walked back and forth between the kitchen and living room for the past thirty minutes. Barefoot, because postponing putting your heels on meant you’d stand to wear them longer. 
Eddie had taken notice of your frantic movements and meowed at your loudly from up on the kitchen table, a spot he knew very well he wasn’t allowed to be. 
You were too busy trying to wave cool air onto your chest to help fade the blotches that had formed there, and unfortunately for Eddie, you didn’t have time to pick him up and nuzzle into his fur like Joe had been doing earlier. 
“Tom,” you said, smiling your sweetest smile when you opened the door to a man holding a bouquet of flowers.  
“Thomas. I go by Thomas.” 
Funny way to greet you... 
The problem wasn’t that his way of saying hi to you was to correct you on his name; it was the juxtaposition you immediately noticed between him and Joe. 
You remembered how Joe had corrected your friend when she had tried to call him Joseph, opting for the more informal shortened version of it. 
Tom, Thomas, however, seemed to be of a different breed. 
Strike one, spoke a voice inside your mind that you immediately tried to shush. 
He did bring you flowers, after all. 
“Oh, sorry. Thomas, hi. Come on in, I’m just finishing up,” you stepped aside and let your neighbour into your flat. Your flat, which had looked fine before but now seeing it through Thomas’s eyes, felt like a complete pigsty. 
You silently cursed at yourself for not having put your heels on before Thomas had rung your doorbell so you could’ve immediately left, and quickly dashed off into your bedroom whilst Thomas stepped foot into the living. 
“Oh, jeez,” You could hear him exclaim, and when you joined him, you were met with Eddie who seemed to have doubled in size and was glaring at your neighbour. 
Thick tail shaking high up above his arched back and with ears flattened back against his head, he looked just about ready to pounce. 
“Eddie!” You tried, but Thomas let out a nervous laugh. 
“Cats tend not to like me much. Doesn’t help that I’m allergic,” 
Strike two. 
“Eddie tends to not like humans,” you justified. “Trust me, it’s not you,” you tried to convince yourself as much as you tried to convince Thomas. 
“Ready to go?” he looked like he couldn’t wait to get out of your flat. 
At the restaurant, Thomas showcased how much of a gentleman he was. He held your chair out for you to sit, got champagne for the two of you and told the waiter it was a special occasion, not revealing it was just your first date together. 
Thomas was all polished jawline, strong brow, dark hair, and he smelled divine. 
Textbook handsome in his pale blue shirt, you thought. And, he drove a fucking range rover. This man had success written all over him.
You felt like you didn’t measure up. 
Sat across the table from him, you tried to search for faults of his – just, any obvious imperfections – but just from looking at him, there weren’t any. 
You, on the other hand, had many faults, and it was easy for you to list them in your mind:  
-       Your life was shit, for one -       You left dirty laundry on the floor all the time -       Your sofa was covered in cat hair -       You barely ever flossed -       You didn’t know how to drive your own car properly -       You didn’t have a job, a pension plan or any savings left at this point -       You left rings all over your own coffee table, you didn’t own any coasters -       Your freezer hadn’t been defrosted in over a year -       You had no idea what to do with flavoured olive oils -       You unhealthily romanticized the idea of dating your neighbour  -       You had a crush on your flatmate -       Shit. -       You had a crush.  -       On your flatmate.  -       Shitting shit, shit.
You snapped back into the conversation Thomas was seemingly having with himself, because you hadn’t been listening at all. 
You looked at your glass of champagne and downed the full thing in one go. The bubbles fizzed up into your nose, and you had to hold back a sneeze. 
Thomas was talking about how he’d been plucking up the courage to ask you out for months. Hardly the right time to spray champagne all over him. 
“There was never a right time,” he said. “We kept bumping into each other, but I was scared of looking like an idiot.” 
He was saying all the correct words as you refilled your glass, tempted to just have a sip from the bottle itself, and had Joe not put the image of him making out with another girl in front of his flat earlier this week into your head, you would probably have swooned. 
“You were scared?” you gave a condescending chuckle, not believing a word of it. 
Had he seen you?  
“Well, yea,” he said, and smiled at you. You were sure it was meant to be cute, but to you, it all felt brazen. 
No, get it together, you thought. 
You reminded yourself you were at a fancy restaurant, with a sweet man, who was very handsome. So, you talked about your weekend, your dad’s birthday, your awful stepmother, and with every joke you made, Thomas didn’t laugh. At one point he even went, “I don’t get it,” and left you to explain why playing football the way your family played it was more fun than boring old regular footy. 
And then he still didn’t get it. 
When Thomas excused himself to go to the bathroom, you sighed when you tried to pour yourself another drink from an empty bottle. You’d drank all of it, and Thomas hadn’t made you laugh once. 
You squeezed your eyes shut tightly as you listened to your mind whisper: strike three.  
Was it just Joe’s words that had slowly convinced you Thomas wasn’t who you had imagined him to be? You tried to convince yourself that dating several women at once was fine; you weren’t exclusive, this was only your first date. 
But you weren’t actually fine with that. 
You tried to imagine if you would’ve liked Thomas better if Joe hadn’t told you about the other woman he’d seen him with, but the mental image of Thomas stayed the same. 
It was tainted now, and you wondered why you had ever even lusted after him to begin with. You’d been so head over heels for this guy, and for what? 
You stared helplessly at the breadbasket Thomas hadn’t touched – “Too many carbs for me, but go ahead, have some,” – and you felt your fantasy of Thomas and you living together happily ever after fading fast. 
When he came back to the table, you did the unthinkable before your mind could catch up with you. 
“I need to leave,” you were on your feet before Thomas could even get a word in. 
“Let me know how much this was, I’ll pay you back for it,” and without looking back, you marched out the door, leaving behind your dumbfounded neighbour who was left to scramble at what he had done wrong to have you walk out on him before the main course had even been served. 
Instead of going home, you headed for the pub. It wasn’t a long walk, and with the large, angry steps you were talking, heels scraping against the pavement, it took no time for you to get there.  
Walking in, the crowd was made of up families and groups of friends finishing up their Sunday roasts, as well as people stood around holding their drinks, double fisting large pints, having chats. 
It was loud inside, and you scanned the room from the doorway until you spotted him. 
By the bar. 
Pint in hand. 
Talking in a group of three. 
Actor friends, you were sure.
You beelined straight over to him, bumping into strangers’ shoulders as you went, and when you were just a few steps away, Joe saw you.
“Hey, what are you doing here? You seem–” 
You silenced him by planting your lips right onto his, arms slung around his neck with your chest pressed up against him tightly. Joe didn’t try to resist – it would have been useless anyway. You had more champagne in your system than was good for you, and you were all riled up with emotions. 
The poor boy didn’t stand a chance. 
For a second, Joe was frozen. Unsure of what was happening. But then, behind you, one of Joe’s friends took Joe’s drink out of his hand and you felt how he took hold of you, wrapping his arms around, and how he started kissing you back. 
It took a few seconds for the two of you to be making out like teenagers, and you heard people snicker beside you. 
Pulling back, you glared at him.
“Thomas is shit.” 
You kissed him again. 
“You’re shit.” 
Another kiss. 
“Honestly, such a shithead.” 
And another.
“I am,” Joe agreed, speaking into your mouth. 
“The biggest shithead.” 
Joe pulled you into him until your feet weren’t touching the floor anymore, and he felt the bar press hard into his back. You kissed roughly, passionately, in a way that would make anyone watching you uncomfortable until you had to pull back to catch your breath. 
When your feet found the floor again, you suddenly pushed back forcefully and slapped Joe against his shoulder with a flat hand. 
You were mad, still.
“What did you have to do that for?” what you accused Joe of, you weren't even sure, but your voice was so annoyed, and the frown etched deep into your face accompanied it perfectly. 
Joe fucking loved it. 
“How could I not have? You’re shit,” Joe said and was quick to pull you in for another kiss. 
“You are such a shithead.” 
And you agreed, sinking deeper into Joe’s lips as his hands found your cheeks to hold, and his hot breath caressed your face. 
“This is the weirdest kiss I’ve ever witnessed,” you heard one of Joe’s friends say, who were both still stood beside you. 
“Fuck off,” Joe spoke between kisses. 
“Yea, fuck off,” you repeated, entirely unaware of who you were speaking to, and you felt Joe smile against your mouth.  
You could both be shit. 
Could both have shitty lives, because you were convinced that they’d cancel each other out just fine.
The sudden vibration in your pocket pulled you right out of the kiss, and back into the pub you were both stood in. When you quickly checked to see who was calling you – you were kind of hoping it was Thomas, just so you could tell him to fuck off as well – you saw it was your friend, finally returning the countless calls you’d made. 
You shot your eyes up at Joe, who had also seen your phone’s display, and for a moment you contemplated not picking up. Sending her call to voicemail felt like the payback she deserved.  
“Pick up. Tell her we kissed,” Joe nudged you and smiled, holding out his hand for his friend to pass him back his drink. 
And you smiled back, because that was exactly what you wanted to do. 
“I’ll see you back at the flat in what, thirty minutes?” 
“Thirty minutes,” you repeated, all giddy and stupid when Joe winked at you as you started moving towards the exit.
“Bitch,” You answered your phone. “Guess the fuck what? I’m about to test-drive your plan B.” 
And you almost skipped on your way home. 
Life suddenly didn’t seem so shit anymore. 
It could only go up from here.
the end
The Taglisted: @ghostinthebackofyourhead​ @kiwisa​ @jasminearondottir​ @josephquinned​ @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @munsonsgirl71​ @alana4610​ @emmamooney @xomunson​ @sadbitchfangirl @jssmth5​ @nobody-000 @thatonefan-girl @paola-carter @eddiemunsonfuxks​ @figmentofquinn @haylaansmi  @thewondernanazombie​ @hellowhatthehellisgoingonhere @munsonmunster​ @kellysimagines​ @thefemininemystiquee​  - add yourself  
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lovelikanroji · 1 year
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> only yandere blogs (it's alright if you write for yandere occasionally, just not only yandere)
> anyone without a proper pfp and a header/banner because i will assume you're a bot and you will get blocked.
> basic dni criteria
> this is a kny blog only so i will only write for kny
> romantic and platonic relationships
> angst (to the best of my abilities at least), fluff, comfort
> gn and fem reader
> light suggestive (kissing, hugging, physical affection etc.)
> poly relationships (ex: obanai x reader x mitsuri)
> specified scenarios (ex: platonic hashiras with a demon thats like nezuko)
> nsfw or heavily suggestive fics
> pregnancy
> cheating
> specified readers (ex: tall reader with curly hair)
> male reader
> oc x character
> yandere
> simping is a constant thing here
> i am a multi-shipper
> i scream about the kny episodes bc usually i'm not ready to see them animated (esp the backstories, they break me like nothing else)
> i call everyone by nicknames (lovely, bby, bestie etc) but if that makes you uncomfy please let me know
> please don't tramadump
> i will answer asks when i can!! i still have school and a life outside of tumblr (also i have another writing blog) so it might take a while but i'll get to it eventually
> writings are when my inspiration fairies drop by (read: every once a month or so), occasionally i have an idea spree and post a lot one after another but that's really rare :')
> spam liking will get you blocked, reblog stuff at least every 3-4 posts
> i've read the manga so if i ever post sth with spoilers i will tag it + write it on the post
> please don't repost or translate my work, reblogs are welcome but reposts are not and will get you blocked
> Giyuu, Shinobu, Mitsuri, Obanai, Sanemi, Uzui (+ his wives), rengoku
> tanjiro, zenitsu, inosuke, kanao, genya, nezuko, muichiro (platonic only)
> akaza, daki & gyutaro, tamayo, yushiro
> Gyomei (i just can't bring myself to write for him i'm sorry)
> Aoi (see reason above)
> muzan, douma, gyokko, hantengu, nakime, kaigaku
> kokushibo & yorichii (at least until i get their personalities right)
> shinjuro rengoku
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if you still have questions feel free to send me an ask!!
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2manyturbos · 2 months
🏁 Rules 🏁
Hi: You can call me Vile. They/She/He with a slight inclination toward They/Them. I’m 30+ and have been rping for well over a decade. Me nb grey ace gay cryptid that loves their villains.
This is a Side Blog: Follows are through vile-muses.
Content Disclaimer: Please use your better judgment when following. Expect heavy themes; this is NOT a coffee shop AU. Regardless that such themes will be tagged, if you can’t handle dark themes, I cannot recommend a follow. There will be morally grey if not outright immoral actions included on this blog. IC =/= OOC. This should go without saying, but I do not condone all the actions of my character. If this is a triggering subject or if you cannot divorce the writer from any potentially villainous characters they write, I cannot recommend a follow.
Obligatory Mention: I reserve the right to not RP with everyone, ect ect.
Fandom DNI’s: As a personal preference, I'd rather not see the following with high frequency on my dash: Harry Potter, FNAF (and similar “mascot horror”), South Park, Family Guy, Marvel, DC, Superheroes in general, My Little Pony, Star Wars, Homestuck, Disney Descendants, Twisted Wonderland, Once Upon A Time, Disney “Live Action” Remakes, K Pop. So I avoid blogs where it seems like I'll be seeing a lot of any of this.
Self Inserts: I don't roleplay with them. Sorry. In my experience there's always a problem with the inability to separate ic from ooc with self inserts. That and I'm just uncomfy with it in general. It isn't fun for me.
Accessibility Clause: If I can’t navigate or easily read your blog, I won’t follow. Ditto for post formatting. Accessibility is important. On the flip side: if there’s anything I can do to make my content easier to enjoy, please don’t hesitate to ask. I am a player to values accessibility over aesthetic.
Duplicate Muses: I will not allow duplicates of my own muse to meet each-other. I will allow my characters to meet other oc Turbos but NOT other versions of the original. Ties into me not wanting to focus on the multi-verse, as elaborated on further down. I will, however, interact with multiples of other characters.
Regarding Live Action Icons: If you cannot tolerate that I don’t always use them, I am not a good partner for you. I spent time and effort into developing my artistic skill and use my own art for some graphics; please be respectful of that. I have zero interest whatsoever in getting a rl face claim for Turbo.
Shipping: Highly selective. I need to trust you. I need to be familiar with your vibe, which requires months of me sharing a space with you. I do not like to ship with cis straight male muns, sorry.
Actions have consequences in my RPs. I don’t kill without consent, but don’t expect me or my character to be a doormat. If your muse antagonizes or annoys mine, expect an appropriate reaction. This goes both ways; my characters may not be terribly nice. Feel free to respond to their behavior in kind.
Assuming Relationships: I don’t do pre-established relationships (that aren’t canon) at all. I build IC relations from the ground up. If you want to plot out some -basic- history, or a sort of outline, that’s fine, but nothing too in-depth to start with. No long-lost lovers, children or family members. Please do not attempt to imply relationships I haven’t agreed to. If you have a destination in mind for their relationship (i.e. eventual family figures), I’ll slowly work up to it thread by thread, but I won’t go all in at first before I know what their chemistry is like.
I Am Slow: Please be aware I’m a working adult who may have to go on hiatus for months at a time. I can be a slow RPer and may take a week or more to respond to threads regularly. If potentially waiting a month or two for replies during my busy periods is a dealbreaker for you, I’m not the right partner. I do however do my best to give notice of hiatuses.
You Are Slow?: On the flip side, I don’t mind fellow slow RPers and I understand that life happens; in this case I will expect something in your rules, a hiatus notice, or even direct communication with me if replies will be slow. Don’t apologize for taking a month +, I’m very used to it.
Post Length: I regularly write two paragraphs (5+ sentences) or more. I don’t exactly have a firm wordcount requirement. As long as it seems like we’re putting in an equal effort, specific reply lengths aren’t a deal breaker for me. I never do one-liners; I honestly just can’t… unless it’s for crack threads lol.
My Artwork: This blog includes a fair amount my own art. Anyone is welcome to reblog my art. But please do not repost or reuse my art. Do not repost my artwork; no, not even with credit. Anyone doing so is doing so against my wishes and I will report you. Failing that, I will ask you personally to remove it. Failing that, I will go public. So please don’t steal my art.
I only rp with other adults. This is not an invitation to convince me otherwise. I will check blogs for ages; any blog without an age, I will assume is under 18 and will not interact. If I suspect you are lying about your age or are otherwise not mature enough in interactions, I’m within my rights to cut contact.
No Multi-verse Shenanigans Please: I’m not interested in multi-verse shenanigans. I don’t like plots where my characters are warped to another universe and will not respond to RPs that paint me into that corner. I’m an old rper who’s already done that to death and am bored with it. Instead, I would suggest just a mutual agreement between partners that our characters come from the same universe. Or, if you really want your character to come from a different universe, please don’t make it the focus of the rp.
Digital vs Real World: “Players” somehow entering the digital world is okay as a plot point for face to face interaction reasons. But please don’t put my characters into the real world without plotting first.
Story progression is a thing. What your characters do will be remembered thread to thread. If we have a relationship between our characters in mind, I will generally try to work to get closer to it thread-by-thread. Also, there will be changes to the character on my blog as time goes on. Development happens. I am a roleplayer to likes to keep track of continuity.
Passwords give me anxiety. Sorry, lol: I’m not going to have my anxiety invalidated either. I don’t follow people with a password requirement in respect to that. I read rules before I even follow/follow back to check if we’re compatible. If you don’t believe me, that’s gravy, but we’re not compatible.
I am assuming if you’re down here, you read my rules. I have no password requirement so *party horn*
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sakumasmut · 2 years
Hi! I just read your Mao fic and it was so hot... The way you describe the neediness, the desperation just makes me feel things.
Can I req for dom Ibara and fem reader (in an established relationship) having a little *ahem* game on bed where Ibara would thrust a vibrating dildo in the reader for a certain amount of time while dirty talking her? If she can refrain from cumming before the timer sets off he would reward her by letting her suck his cock and eating his love juices and filling up her pussy real good, but if she "loses" he will tie her up with the vibrating dildo still inside on low mode while watching him jack off and cum on the bedsheets instead?(the outcome of game is for you to decide but personally I would love to get filled up by Ibara *sobs*)
The ready most certainly has a huge breeding kink, and some degradation kink and size kink? And Ibara really enjoys seeing her cry and beg for his dick? I am so sorry if this makes you uncomfy to write about!
tysm! I’m glad a lot of people like the mao fic. this request was honestly sooo good, I couldn’t wait to write it!
Ibara Saegusa x Fem!Reader
tags/warnings: light bondage, sex toys (vibrator/dildo), edging, orgasm denial, dacryphilia, degredation, dirty talk, vaginal sex, overstimulation, size kink, creampie, blowjobs
ao3 link
“You’re quite a whore, aren’t you?”
Ibara smirked as you struggled underneath him, your wrists bound together tightly above your head. One of your legs was lifted high up into the air and held in place by one of his arms, his other hand busy thrusting a vibrating dildo into your needy cunt.
“Look at you, taking cock like a bitch in heat.”
As he spoke, he pushed the toy in, making you feel it pulse inside of you. You cried out in pleasure, but you couldn’t let yourself get lost in it. Your boyfriend had made it clear that to win this game of his, you had to be obedient, so you weren’t allowed to cum until the time was up. But he was so rough in his attacks that you had already lost track of how many minutes had passed, not to mention you didn’t know how much longer you’d last.
“You’re so desperate for cock, aren’t you?”
“Yes!” You sobbed as your muscles clenched around the dildo, trying not to cum despite how good it felt inside of you. “I need your cock so badly, Ibara!”
“Hmph, do you really? This toy is already enough to satisfy you, isn’t it? You don’t need my dick.”
“N-No!” You whined, hips pushing towards him. “Ibara, I want you! It needs to be you!”
“Then prove it, slut.” He taunted, pushing the dildo in deeper. You bit your lip so hard it was probably going to bleed. The stimulation was too much, but you needed to persevere. It was taking everything you had not to cum right then and there.
“It’s astounding that your tiny body can take such a large toy.” He cooed, pressing the palm of his hand against your cunt. “It’s like you were made to take dick. That’s all you're good for, hm?”
“Y-Yes!” You began to cry, your body shaking in frustration at a lack of release. Ibara wiped away a tear from your cheek, smiling at you.
“I could just leave this inside you for hours while I take care of myself.” He hummed, pulling the toy out slowly and pressing the vibrating tip against your swollen lips. “You’d surely enjoy it, just look at how unravelled you are.”
You couldn’t speak anymore, the only thing coming out of your mouth incoherent sobs and pleas for him to fuck you. Ibara savored how you looked, tears streaming down your face and begging for his dick while he outright refused to give you what you wanted, instead plunging the vibrator into you again and again. You practically screamed in relief when you heard the timer go off on his phone, and he tapped the screen to turn the vibrations off. The dildo inside you stilled, and he pulled the toy out slowly, holding it up to show you how soaked it was.
“Well well, I guess you’re an obedient little slut after all.” He put the toy aside and devoured you with his eyes, moving his hand to pull his boxers down.
“I suppose a good whore should be rewarded.”
Your mouth watered as his erection finally sprung up, his tip leaking pre-cum. Ibara fully pushed your legs apart and didn’t waste a moment to fully sheathe himself inside of you. For being the one to make you wait, it seemed like he wasn’t keen on doing it himself. The dildo had more than prepared you, but your small body was still so tight around him. He couldn’t help but groan at how well you squeezed his member. You wailed as Ibara pounded your insides, the wet sounds filling the air music to his ears. You came almost immediately, walls clenching around his cock as he relentlessly continued thrusting into you.
“Ibara!” You gasped, the way he was rubbing your insides making you build up to your second orgasm already. “T-Too much!”
“You’ll take what I give you, cockwhore.” He growled, going even faster. “I’ll fill you up with my cum until I’m completely empty, then I’ll fuck you some more to make sure it takes.”
The bed creaked as he slammed his cock deeper into you, and your choked up sobs mixed with your moans as you felt a second orgasm already on its way to join the first.
“Beg for it, /name/. Beg for my cock like the fucking whore you are.”
“Please!” You practically screamed, “Breed me, fill me up Ibara!”
His tip pressed against your cervix, and your eyes nearly rolled back into your head as you came again, walls squeezing tightly around his dick, begging for his seed. He grunted and pushed his cock in as deep as it would go, his thick sperm shooting into your womb. Ibara breathed heavily as he pulled out, his cock completely covered in a mixture of both his seed and your juices. His cum oozed out of your hole, staining the sheets white and filling the air with the smell of sex.
You weren’t done yet, though—far from it. He gripped your hair and brought your face to his twitching member, still hard despite just cumming a moment ago. You opened your mouth obediently and felt him push it past your lips. A muffled moan came from you as you ran your tongue around his length, tasting your own juices as well as his salty spunk. His cock just felt so good in your mouth, you wanted to suck on it until he came again. Ibara pulled your head away before you could get what you wanted though, and you let out a pathetic whine from the loss of contact.
“Now now,” Ibara chuckled, pushing you back down onto the mattress. “As much as I’d love to let you drink it, we can’t let any of my seed go to waste, can we?”
He pressed your legs up higher to your chest, and licked his lips as he watched the way your cum-covered cunt contracted at his words. The night was far from over.
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apexulansis · 1 year
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TAGGED BY: @dynamoprotocol who did this a while ago but maybe fixed the @ because i Just Now got the notif for it thank you!
Vindaka with @vin-robles obviously!!! That ship is literally the entire reason Ardaka even exists. Probably why Kariians are they are right now exist as well, since I might not have bothered to split them off from their original fandom-related stuff were it not for this particular dynamic. They're very dear to me. :')
In large part, it's pretty dumb to try and apply age gap stuff to aliens who live hundreds, thousands, if not an indefinite, number of years. So a literal age gap is inevitable and kind of always will be. Obviously I don't mean this as a way to excuse gross shit but when it comes to adults, yeah, the age can vary by literally millions of years in some cases.
It gets uncomfortable when the other muse is more comparable to a teen than an adult. As Earth years equivalent I'd say anything younger than 22 would be Uncomfy.
(But again, doesn't always apply. I mean, one of Ardaka's partners is an A.I. and they most definitely do not mature the same way that organics do. So.......)
When it comes to writing with me, you'd probably just know it when you see it. I don't like to jump right into NSFW territory, I'd rather allude/suggest to it first — and the post would be tagged 'SUGGESTIVE CW' or something.
If it's the very first time things creep into NSFW territory with someone, I will just give them an OOC heads up so they know, and we can go from there. Sometimes people don't want to write those things out, in which case I'd like to know that so I can fade-to-black accordingly.
As for my personal opinion — I kinda just think of the meaning of NSFW, as in Not Safe For Work. If I wouldn't want to be caught reading it at work/in public, then yeah, it should be censored or tagged.
Yes lmao. I don't just want IC chemistry, I want OOC chemistry too, and that can be kinda hard to come by on this site. I don't really like shipping with people (Emotional Character Relationship kind of shipping, not just 'they fuck sometimes') if I don't consider them a friend. Honestly, the rapport being good OOC is almost more important than the IC connection to me. Like... if I don't add you on Discord, it's safe to say I'm not gonna ship with you.
When the IC/OOC chemistry is Just Right, then no, I'm not selective. If I've already established a ship with someone, I'm pretty willing to do Whatever since I already trust in their writing skills.
Other than Ardaka / Vin....
Ardaka / Two / Xaallo with @precognitor and @xaallo. I love them as an OT3 but also as separate ships on their own right. The chemistry of these three is always good, but it definitely changes depending on whether or not Ardaka is with both of them, or just Two, or just Xaallo. It makes for a very dynamic relationship with a lot of variety. It's been one of my favorite things to write over the past year or two.
Ardaka / Sliske with @ohshadow. Sometimes I think about the interactions of their original canon counterparts and it's wild. It's wild how far they've come now. Channy and I haven't gotten too many chances to write them but it's great when we do. I just feel so!!! Proud!!! Of where we've both taken our characters. I love the way Ardaka and Sliske banter of course, I just feel a lot of OOC contentment for it. It's been so many years since we've known each other, and I think it's pretty cool where we're at now.
Ardaka / Malphas with @guildoffarah. One of the few ships I can't exactly call slow-burn even if there is a good amount of development behind it now. Their chemistry was just Immediate. Also one of the only relationships Ardaka has where his species/identity isn't a barrier he has to overcome at some point, so that has a lot to do with it, I'm sure. Anyway, Farah has been a joy to know and write with!
Ehhhhhhhhh? Probably not? It's beneficial to confirm it later down the line sure but if the ship happens naturally in writing then so be it. I don't really like controlling the relationship direction much OOC, I just want it to progress naturally. If it happens, then it happens.
I don't want to just be asked straight up for a ship. Someone can suggest a scenario in which our muses could bond, but I don't want to plot the outcome of such a thing, if that makes sense.
Obsessed but only with the ships that develop naturally or for ships with already established shipping partners. I have NO idea how people can just make posts that say "like this post and we'll ship together". Shipping calls? I think it's weird, cannot relate at all, sorry.
Not in a fandom. I don't really like picking a one favorite anyway; they're all good ships! I like them all for their own reasons!
Write with me. If we're mutuals, I am open to the possibility of it happening. We would just have to find out how it goes IC!
If we're already shipping partners, it's as easy as just suggesting a potential other pairing in passing and we can shoot the shit about it.
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asenarieka · 1 year
Please read this before following!!
♡ Astrid / Envy ♡ Autistic ♡ Non - Binary ♡ Asexual ♡ Self-shipper ♡ Fictionkin ♡ They/She ♡
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I'm Astrid but feel free to call me Asena or Envy.
I'm Autistic and Bipolar so I struggle a lot with understanding other people's emotions, my mood swings can also be rather extreme at times. I do not understand jokes and sarcasm unless I know you so using tone indicators would help a lot.
I mostly make OC x Canon or Envy content using various 3D softwares like Source Filmmaker, Blender, MMD and VRM Posing!
I sometimes upload VRChat stuff as well.
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If it’s not obvious already, I’m a self-shipper. I only have one f/o which is my Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist, despite them being evil and all that, they have been a huge support for me through some really tough times. I’m also a fiction kin, where I also kin Envy. We share a very similar mindset and we’re both outcasts of our Family. (kinda referring to 03 Envy here) and we're both extremely jealous over other people. I tend to 'switch' into Envy at times, sometimes I'm aware but sometimes I have no idea. I have not yet been diagnosed with any form of a split personality disorder, but I'm working on getting a new therapist so we'll see. There is a possibility that I have a mild form of it but I'm not gonna make any claims until I have an actual answer.
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I will probably mostly upload content featuring Envy or from my ship Astrid x Envy. If you don’t like self-shippers then please just block me.
If you are also an Envy self-shipper then I kindly ask you to not interact with me, I’m sure you and Envy are absolutely adorable together, I’m just uncomfy with other Envy self-shippers. I already know I’m gonna get a lot of hate for that, but I mean no harm nor do I intend to be rude. I get easily jealous, it’s been a life-long problem so I doubt it’s gonna change anytime soon but I try not let it get the better of me. 
I self-ship to cope, I only have one f/o and they mean so much to me, my feelings and the connection I feel are very much real even tho it’s a fictional relationship. I believe it's a soulbond, that seems to make the most sense.
I have a few other kins which includes, Stiles Stilinski from Teen Wolf, Emma Swan from Once Upon a Time, Dean Winchester from Supernatural and a couple of others.
I’m Asexual and Demi Romantic, I will most likely block NSFW and Fetish accounts as I really do not like that stuff! It just makes me way to uncomfortable..
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♡ Some things about me ♡
╰┈➤ I'm a selective mute, I do not talk much nor do I write much, I grew up pretty much alone so I never spoke much to anyone.
╰┈➤ Due to trauma from family and ex lovers, I get triggered and scared really easy. I do not feel comfortable going into details, I know i've spoken about it before but I don't remember how much I actually said. Because of Autism and trauma my mental age is different from my physical age.
╰┈➤ I'm not the type of person that trusts other easily, too many took advantage of that in the past.
╰┈➤ I may have "furry" like characters but I left the fandom quite a while back. No hate towards them, just got a bit uncomfy from some situations.
I have more info on my carrd: https://asenainfo2023.carrd.co
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I do not know how active I’ll on here. I may just re-blog a lot of self-ship or Envy content. I’m honestly scared of being active on here.
Messages/Asks are disabled for my own safety!.
Art tags:
#asenarieka - All art
#envyxastrid - Selfship tag
#astridxenvy - 2nd selfship tag-
#astrid's rambles - My rambles and other weird stuff
#astridxenvy cai - Character ai stuffz
#envy my beloved - Envy tag
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truessences · 2 years
Hi! Currently catching up on fanfics and I was wondering why there are so few about mileven aged up/adulthood/parenthood ? The few (and there are some really good ones who depict them really well and are realistic, but there are just a few) that I read are so heartwarming and satisfying given the fact that it’s their ultimate goal you know ? So yes they are growing up and going to share their firsts milestones together as a couple and their first time, being intimate is just a natural evolution of them and it’s such a beautiful step to a relationship like theirs. And so is Mike proposing to El, them marrying, founding their home and a family together. And somehow on Twitter for example you really have to walk on eggs with this topic… they aren’t 12 anymore for god sakes 🤦🏻‍♀️ When did ppl became so hypersensitive about this? I find it just hypocritical honestly… Idk what’s your take on this … if the subject makes you uncomfortable don’t feel obligated to answer, I’ll understand 😊
Thanks for your ask! Also was sitting in my drafts and hopefully whoever you are anon, you see this response! I have some thoughts and hopefully this will make sense lol but I feel like I'm about to be all over the place.
People are hypersensitive about them (Mileven and minor characters in general) being aged up? This is a tricky subject in some ways. I know some people may not have even fully even "shipped" Mileven (or even Lumax) until they were older because they were so young in the beginning, so there's that too lol.
My Stranger Things/Titanic AU "The Weight of Living" has the characters aged up, I think I have them around 19-21 because that's what the story calls for, I think, and in the movie, I believe Rose is 17 and Jack is 20 but I wanted El and Mike to remain close in age so I just made them legally adults. But my intention was just that it was easier to have them dealing, feeling and thinking more adult things/situations outside of sexual intimacy, which I still haven't decided if I'll tackle that since that's just not really my thing to write. But they couldn't be young teenagers because that's not the story I wanted to tell.
I've seen a lot of discourse over this for many years. There was a big thing in one of my Facebook nerd groups when this girl went on this weird rant about how "sexy" she thought Aang was from ALTA and calling him "daddy" and all that. It was a big debate about fictional characters and simping. As an adult, I don't simp for any "minor in age" character, they are my children lol that's it. A big example is like My Hero Academia when people call the students (Class 1A) their husbandos or whatever, but they are actively 15 years old, so I can't see them past that and they are my children lol. Same with like Gon and Killua, also why I don't generally ship kids either, unless the show leans into that. However, I have read some fics where the authors have aged up the characters to tackle more adult content and I don't particularly have a problem with it because I'm just enjoying the story about characters I enjoy, who I'll probably never see as adults in their respective medium.
I think the problem comes, for some people, is that, "oh you like this? With these characters aged up? that's weird, that's pedo behavior" which I think is really dangerous language to throw around. Or they're like "Oh, you only aged up these characters so you can... xyz". But they are fictional and the writer aged them up because that's the story they want to tell and them being adults or older teenagers (whatever) better suits the story.
Now, I do think there's a line. I know I generally won't read a fic that's labeled "underage" because that's uncomfy. Sometimes, I miss a tag or don't read them at all, just the summary and dive into a story and then I'm surprised (my own fault).
What I also think some people forget, is that teenagers are sexually active. I mean, we saw probably 16 year old Nancy have sex with a 17 year old Steve. She and Jonathan later had sex and we know that they did. I know it might be weirder with the party kids because we have watched them grow up from being 12-14 to adults and their characters are still teenagers... but I'm more bothered by people writing real life fanfictions than I am by them aging up characters.
So, idk, this was probably a whole bunch of a nothing answer lol but I can see why people are sensitive about it but I also see why some people are like "relax".
Idk lol
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xdauntlessx · 7 months
🌊 Rules 🌊
Hi: You can call me Vile. They/She/He with a slight inclination toward They/Them. I’m 25+ and have been rping for well over a decade. Me nb grey ace gay cryptid that loves their villains.
Side Blog: Follows are through vile-muses.
Content Disclaimer: Please use your better judgment when following. Expect heavy themes; this is NOT a coffee shop AU. Regardless that such themes will be tagged, if you can’t handle dark themes, I cannot recommend a follow. There will be morally grey if not outright immoral actions included on this blog. IC =/= OOC. This should go without saying, but I do not condone all the actions of my character. If this is a triggering subject or if you cannot divorce the writer from any potentially villainous characters they write, I cannot recommend a follow.
Obligatory Mention: I reserve the right to not RP with everyone, ect ect.
Fandom DNI’s: As a personal preference, I'd rather not see the following with high frequency on my dash: Harry Potter, FNAF (and similar “mascot horror”), South Park, Family Guy, Marvel, DC, Superheroes in general, My Little Pony, Star Wars, Homestuck, Disney Descendants, Twisted Wonderland, Once Upon A Time, Disney “Live Action” Remakes, K Pop. So I avoid blogs where it seems like I'll be seeing a lot of any of this.
Self Inserts: I don't roleplay with them. Sorry. In my experience there's been always a problem with the inability to separate ic from ooc with self inserts. That and I'm just uncomfy with it in general. It isn't fun for me.
Accessibility Clause: If I can’t navigate or easily read your blog, I won’t follow. Ditto for post formatting. Accessibility is important. On the flip side: if there’s anything I can do to make my content easier to enjoy, please don’t hesitate to ask. I am a player to values accessibility over aesthetic.
Duplicate Muses: I will not allow duplicates of my own muse to meet each-other. Ties into me not wanting to focus on the multi-verse, as elaborated on further down. I will, however, interact with multiples of other characters.
Regarding Live Action Icons: If you cannot tolerate that I don’t always use them, I am not a good partner for you. I spent time and effort into developing my artistic skill and use my own art for some graphics; please be respectful of that. In fact, I eventually plan to phase out my live action icons as I build up my own art.
Shipping: Highly selective. I need to trust you. I need to be familiar with your vibe, which requires months of me sharing a space with you. I do not like to ship with cis straight male muns, sorry.
Actions have consequences in my RPs. I don’t kill without consent, but don’t expect me or my character to be a doormat. If your muse antagonizes or annoys mine, expect an appropriate reaction. This goes both ways; my character may not be terribly nice. Feel free to respond to his behavior in kind.
Assuming Relationships: I don’t do pre-established relationships (that aren’t canon) at all. I build IC relations from the ground up. If you want to plot out some -basic- history, that’s fine, but nothing too in-depth to start with. No long-lost lovers, children or family members. Please do not attempt to imply relationships I haven’t agreed to. If you have a destination in mind for their relationship (i.e. eventual family figures), I’ll slowly work up to it, but I won’t go all in at first before I know what their chemistry is like.
I Am Slow: Please be aware I’m a working adult who may have to go on hiatus for months at a time. I can be a slow RPer and may take a week or more to respond to threads regularly. If potentially waiting a month or two for replies during my busy periods is a dealbreaker for you, I’m not the right partner. I do however do my best to give notice of hiatuses.
You Are Slow?: On the flip side, I don’t mind fellow slow RPers and I understand that life happens; in this case I will expect something in your rules, a hiatus notice, or even direct communication with me if replies will be slow. Don’t apologize for taking a month +, I’m very used to it.
Post Length: I regularly write two paragraphs (5+ sentences) or more. I don’t exactly have a firm wordcount requirement. As long as it seems like we’re putting in an equal effort, specific reply lengths aren’t a deal breaker for me. I never do one-liners; I honestly just can’t… unless it’s for crack threads lol.
My Artwork: This blog includes a fair amount my own art. Anyone is welcome to reblog my art. But please do not repost or reuse my art obviously. Do not repost my artwork; no, not even with credit. Anyone doing so is doing so against my wishes.
I only rp with other adults. This is not an invitation to convince me otherwise. I will check blogs for ages; any blog without an age, I will assume is under 18 and will not interact. If suspect you are lying about your age or are otherwise not mature enough in interactions, I’m within my rights to cut contact.
No Multi-verse Shenanigans Please: I’m not interested in multi-verse shenanigans. I don’t like plots where my characters are warped to another universe and will not respond to RPs that paint me into that corner. I’m an old rper who’s already done that to death and am bored with it. Instead, I would suggest just a mutual agreement between partners that our characters come from the same universe. Or, if you really want your character to come from a different universe, please don’t make it the focus of the rp.
Story progression is a thing. What your characters do will be remembered thread to thread. If we have a relationship between our characters in mind, I will generally try to work to get closer to it thread-by-thread. Also, there will be changes to the character on my blog as time goes on. Development happens. I am a roleplayer to likes to keep track of continuity.
Passwords give me anxiety. Sorry, lol: randomly sending to someone I don’t know and having it posted publicly gives me the dumbest anxiety. I read rules before I even follow/follow back to check if we’re compatible. If you don’t believe me, that’s gravy, but we’re not compatible.
I am assuming if you’re down here, you read my rules. I have no password requirement so *party horn*
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bluelolblue · 9 months
I Heart You
Rating: Explicit
Fandom: John Wick
Relationship: Santino D'Antonio/John Wick
Chapters: 7
Warnings: Not anything serious, just horny. You'll see the tags on AO3. It's alternative universe - college/university. If you don't like smut, you may feel a bit uncomfy. I won't force anyone to read it if they don't want to.
Sumarry: Santino starts doing onlyfans to get some money and meets John who gives him more money than any of his viwers. A lot happens between them, a lot of good stuff.
John lets him do whatever he wants. Literally.
Santino discovers a new feeling he thought he couldn't feel. A good pleasant feeling John managed to give him.
Snippet for chapter 1 ⬇️
Chapter 1
Santino D'Antonio has onlyfans. None of his family members know about this, none of his friends know and they especially don't know that he's...gay.
He is doing onlyfans to get some more money for a college. Well to change a college. This one that he's going to is just too boring, I mean it's what his father had chosen. But he doesn't want to listen to his father anymore, he had enough of his bullshit.
The new college is one of the best known colleges so it's extra expensive.
And Santino gets what he wants no matter what it is. That's how he got his own apartment. With his papà's money. A little bit of sweet talk that annoyed his papà was enough.
Not that he isn't working, he is doing a small part time job in his father's art museum in New York, just the basis of it. Helping with the new stuff and boxes, those type of things. He just wants some more money so that he has his own money for college and his own personal stuff.
Finding onlyfans as a quick way of getting money was a great idea for him. He already had one dildo he bought for himself but he needed more. Much more.
At first he was only posting few pictures, starting slowly. Posting ass pictures in his boxers, both ass and dick in boxers pictures, then in more tight underwear which got more attention so he continued to post those until he got confident enough to post his naked body.
That got even more attention, both from guys and girls. He started to enjoy that attention, posting more what his audience wanted to see. Posting more of his naked ass and dick, showing off his body.
Until someone commented:
"You could start making videos, like livestreams."
Read the rest on AO3 :)
Notes here for Tumblr (different than on AO3): So I was on Tumblr for a very long time but all I did was like stuff, I never posted anything. After a while I decided to maybe start posting my fanfics here. I like to write it's like my hobby and I do it for fun, not just fanfics but I also write my original stuff with my oc's. But that will probably never be published. John Wick fandom, hello!
I am LittleRealSimp on AO3. It's a silly username ik but it was like a joke with my bestie lol. Anyways, I started to write this to see how many of us still remember and love this ship (and the characters). Especially Santino, he's my favorite villain (will forever be, man's so handsome).
I was nervous (actually still am) about posting here BUT I decided to get out of my comfort zone and hope for the best. Also, I'm really thankful for all the support on AO3 (I don't know if some of you guys are on Tumblr but thanks for the kudos, I appreciate it a lot :3). This was my first fanfic posted :D.
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aaronymous999 · 1 year
Seeing two posts on my dash both different arguments for Hobie’s age-
It’s so funny because if you’re curious about my opinion? Uncomfy with his sexualization because eh even if he is an adult he’s still pretty young but idk most people I see doing this are fellow teenagers which is a lot different than a 30 year old making that content which I don’t see often. ( If you’re curious- to me I don’t consider someone a pro-shipper if the character is ageless and they headcanon them as an adult, because headcanons are valid! )
Not gonna tag this because I know people are gonna yell at me but ageless characters are- ageless. And the creators of ATSV are purposely koi and contradictory about his age so idk. I *personally* headcanon Hobie in the 17-18 range because I’m about Miles’ age and most of my friends in High School are around that age because I go to a small school with mixed grades in classes. Fandom discourse is wild to me sometimes because a lot of people forget that everyone can have different headcanons and people keep cherry picking info just because they like a ship and want their opinion to be correct. I don’t label myself an anti-shipper because I don’t agree with a lot of the ideas there ( mainly the idea of thinking all media that just includes a horrible person is inherantly condoning it, you can write abusive relationships in a negative write people tone and connotation exists :) ) but generally I think it’s weird and gross to *want* to ship two siblings or fuck a character who is 15 years old. But this whole Hobie Brown situation doesn’t fall under that for me because his interpretation is vastly different depending on what you ship and what kind of person you are. If you are a Punkflower shipper and see him as just a year or so older than Miles? Great! Awesome! If you ship Noir and Hobie and therefore headcanon him to be Noir’s age? Cool that’s awesome! If you ship yourself with Hobie and headcanon him to be your age? Cool!!
Literally could not care less ( especially because I read Hobie as aro- ) just please stop fighting about it and if you don’t like something or don’t agree with a headcanon just don’t interact with it.
Imo I feel like people should be complaining about a lot worse stuff in the fandom, like for example how people fetishize Miguel or Hobie’s race instead because that’s weird and stop doing that. Or the misogynoir against characters like Jessica and Margo. Idk it just bugs me that this is a bigger issue to people than the sexualization of characters who are actually confirmed to be minors like Miles, Gwen, Pavtir, Margo, etc. Idk the Hobie stuff makes me enjoy the movie less and I just wanna enjoy the movie. Will probably post more cute headcanons I have to cleanse the brain :3
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hangezoeenthusiast · 3 years
Part 2 Part 3
let me know if you wanna be tagged please. this will be a series
word count: 1,855
person: c!schlatt, c!quackity, c!karl, c!sapnap
warnings: parents, cursing, yelling, orphans, cigars and alcohol mention (btw these are the warnings for now)
synopsis: you were loved, you were cherished, then someone left, and other people replaced that person, and you didn't like that.
Your biological parents threw you out of their home because they couldn't care for you. You were at least at the brink of 2 years old when this happened. They put you in a little stroller and took you to an orphanage. "Miss Jessica's Home For Orphans", it was a stupid place, but the place got you fed, and clothed.
On some fortunate day, you were going to get adopted. Quackity his name was. He came in, and asked for kids 2-6. "Those ages are easy to maintain", he thought in his head. He was contemplating whether or not to get a child of his own. He was lonely, no one to love, no one to care for. So Miss Jessica called everyone 2-6 years old to come.
With help from a older person, everyone 2-6 came downstairs. Quackity looked at everyone, and wondered which child he would bring home. Then he looked at you. you looked so adorable, so cute. He asked you, "Hey kid, what's your name." "I'm Y/n, how are you." you smiled at him with barely any teeth. He pulled you gently off to the side, "Hey kiddo, do you want to come with me to my house?" "Yes Mr." you answer.
You were glad to go to Quackity's house, you never had any love from anyone.
(Spongebob theme) 8 years later
You were 10 years old, living happily with Quackity. 8 years ago, he came to the orphanage and picked you up, ever since, you were showered with love and care. But there was one thing, you never called Quackity dad. You would just call him Alex or Quackity.
“Hey Quackity, what’s for lunch?”
“Ummm, some pizza with wings, buffalo right?”
Quackity felt bad, you never and did call him by dad, or any parental name. “Hey kid, can i talk to you about something.”
You put down your water, “Yeah, what’s up?” “So lately I’ve noticing that you have been calling me by my name?”
“Are you uncomfortable with me using your name.” you asked. “No, no, but it’s kinda weird, since, yaknow, I adopted you, and I’m a parental figure in your life, so maybe if you would call me dad or another parental name that would be cool?”
“Ohh, the only reason I was calling you by your name because I thought you were uncomfy with me calling you dad?”
“Oh thank goodness, I thought I did something wrong.” he sighed out.
"Could I possibly call you papa, since you-" he cut you off by hugging you. He squeezed his arms around you really hard, 'YES, YES, ANYTHING."
So after that, you would call him papa or dad, and sometimes use his real name.
6 years later, you were 16. The election happened, the calling out of the votes, Coconut2020 coming in fourth, which was last, who was lead by Fundy and Nihachu, Schlatt2020 coming in third, lead by Jschlatt, Swag2020 coming in second, lead by Quackity who is your papa and Georgenotfound, and Pog2020 coming in first lead by Tommyinnit, Wilbur Soot, and Tubbo. Also the sudden announcement of Schlatt2020 and Swag2020 polling votes, and the speech by Schlatt stating that Wilbur Soot and Tommyinnit were no longer citizens of L'Manberg now turned Manberg.
You were surprised, you didn't know that your father with add his votes with Schlatt's. So immediately after Wilbur and Tommy got banned from Manberg, Quackity and Schlatt called you and Tubbo up to the stage. "HEY YOU TWO, COME UP HERE." Schlatt yelled at you both. You both were reluctant to go, Schlatt was scary, his ram-horned self.
"It's ok Y/n, you're ok." your father told you. You stiffly went up the stage with Tubbo. "Tubbo, I want you to be the Secretary of State, and Y/n, I want you to be the First Lady, since your dad is the Vice-President." Schlatt demanded you both to be.
You didn't really want to be in a position of power. You were happy with living with Quackity, in L'Manberg, with no place of authority over anyone.
"Are you sure Schlatt, I mean, I suck at authority." said Tubbo. "Yes, I'm sure, I'm totally sure."
You were doing some paperwork for Schlatt when Tubbo came into your office, "Y/n, Schlatt and Quackity want you in their office."
"Ok, I need to finish this paperwork for Punz, he needs-"
"They said it's urgent."
"Fineee." you got up from your chair, "Thanks Tubbo, by the way, can you finish the paperwork, if you aren't busy."
"Yeah sure Y/n, just hurry up, they are really acting crazy in there." he jokingly stated. "Trust me, they're doing nothing."
You went out of your office, and walked all the way to Schlatt's. There, you found Quackity and Schlatt sitting together, talking about some random presidental shit. "Hey, what you guys needed me for?" you asked. You were desperate to go back to your office, still not used to this place. "We need to tell you something." they synchronized.
"Okkk, so what?"
"Umm, well Y/n, meet your new dad." you gaped at Quackity, then Schlatt repeatedly.
You rambled on and on until Quackity covered your mouth to stop your obsequent talking, "Calm down mi quierda, first of all, it's not your choice, he makes me happy, I make him happy, and lastly, he smells great."
"YEAH I DO, YOU TELL HER BABE, I DON’T STINK." Schlatt yelled across the room.
“But why him, like there is multiple other people who is better than him.” you whined.
“Ok kid, I like, no love him, he loves me, why can’t you be happy with that.” Schlatt told you irritated.
“No buts, just please be supporting of us, please mi amor?”
“Fine, doesn’t mean I like it.”
After that little argument you had with Schlatt and Quackity, you finished leftover paperwork so there wouldn’t be a pile of it when you came back to the office the next day.
You heard a knock on the door, and told them to come in. To your surprise, annoyingly, it was Schlatt, holding up your favorite hamburger from McDonalds. “Hey kid, what you doing?” he asked you.
You didn’t respond to him, trying to stay silent and finish the paperwork. “Your dad told me your favorite meal from McDonald’s, yaknow, as a present I guess.”
You still ignored him. "Kid, I know you don't like me, I wouldn't like me either if I found out my dad was dating-" you interrupted him, "It's not that, I want dad to be happy, it's YOU, you don't deserve his love. Do you understand Schlatt?"
He put his hand on your knee, "I know, I don't deserve him, I'm not trying to replace anyone in your life, I just want to make Quackity and possibly you happy."
You blankly looked at him, "Ok, that was a good statement, but if you hurt dad, I will make sure you live the rest of your life feeling like shit."
"We got a deal kid, you accept this partnership between me and your dad, and I'll won't break his heart, deal?"
You shook his hand, "Deal Schlatt."
"Hey kid, we're going out to a date, you want anything from outside?" Schlatt knocked on your door to your room. You were reading your favorite book when Schlatt interrupted your reading process, "Nah, have a good date."
You were kinda accepting Schaltt dating Quackity. You didn't like their PDA though. It was absolutely digusting, but it made your father happy. "Hey babe, what you doing in here?" Quackity appeared at the frame of your door. "Nothing, just talking to little ol' Y/n, isn't that right?"
"Yes, don't call me that though." "Ok then, you ready babe?" asked Schlatt. "Yeah, Y/n, don't do anything stupid while me and Schlatt are gone." You rolled your eyes, "I'm not going to do anything stupid papa, just have a great night with Jcum." "HEY, DON'T CALL ME JCUM."
"Love you both." you got back into your book, not knowing that the both of them were shocked.
Those three little words got both of them gaping at you. You didn't like Schlatt from the beginning, and you were saying to him "love you"? "What did you just say mi amor?" "I said love you both." you didn't know that those words were significant to Schlatt.
He wanted your approval of dating Quackity, since you are his only daughter. "HOLY SHIT, YOU SAID LOVE YOU TO ME, TO ME." Schlatt leaped with joy. "Don't take it too serious Jschlatt, you kinda warmed up to me these past weeks." you smirked.
He walked to your bed, and hugged you with all his might.
"What are you doing?"
"You are squeezing me too tight."
"I can't breath right now, let go of me."
You squeezed out, he was crushing all the oxygen out of your body, "Sorry, Y/n." he shyly spoke, rubbing the back of his neck. "Schlatt, we have had a lot of arguments, I didn't like you, still kinda don't right now, but you are actually a good person, and I actually, not fakely, approve you to date my dad."
Schlatt ran out your room screaming repeatedly, "YES, LET'S GOOO."
Quackity was out doing some random things for Schlatt, while you were cooking Schlatt's favorite food. Since last week you declared that you were actually ok with their relationship, you actually got comfortable with Jschlatt being near you.
It was a teasing relationship, you guys making fun of each other when the other did something wrong. To kinda celebrate the event, you were making food. You heard the door open, and there Schlatt was in his presidential suit. "Hey Schlatt, what's up?" you questioned while mixing the pasta in the pot.
He took of his jacket, shoes, and tie, looking stressed, "Nothing kid, just stresed out" "About what?" "Tubbo needs a lot of items to get something for me, but I don't have them." he sighed. "What does he need?" "He needs stupid netherite, the only thing I don't have in hand." "I actually have some, I could give it to Tubbo." you stated. "Thanks kiddo." "No problem Schlatt."
"Anyways, food is going to be ready in an hour."
"Thanks, I'll be in my room."
"Ok dad." He stopped in his tracks, "What did you just say to me." "What do you mean?" "Y-you just called me dad." he stumbled on his words with unbelief lacing them.
You smiled over your shoulder, "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't, who knows?" "You actually consider me to be your dad?"
"Well yeah, you're nice to me and papa, you take care of me, you love me, so why not?"
He hugged you from behind, "Thanks kiddo, I'll receive this announcemet with honor," he jokingly stated. "No problemo dad, just go take a shower, you stink." "NEVER." he wrapped his arms around you as much as he could.
(This is the end of this first part, this is my first time making a series, let me know what you think)
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big-ronnev-fan · 3 years
So I decieded to rant about a bunch of Ron centered ships because... idk I just want to. This will be everything from the popular ships, to guilty pleasurs, to ships that just kinda confuse me. I'm gonna try to be nice to all of them but obviously they'll be ships I just don't like so I'll tag this post with *ship name*critical if that's the case. Also if I missed a ship that for some reason you want to hear me ramble about, than let me know. Finally I will not be doing pedo ships cos thoses just make me really uncomfy.
So with all that said, lets get started;
Romione: so this is the most popular one, and I see why. Personally I love the hight diffrence and the "opposites attract" vibes and bickering married couple used to be my fav fanfic trope so yeah. This used to be my favorite ship a few years ago, and while now I still like it, the ship kinda has some bad vibes for me. The parts where Herms attacks Ron are actually really triggering for me and it makes it a lot harder to enjoy, which sucks cos I do like their dynamic, just not the abuse.
Ronnary: so this ship is pure bffs to lovers + "and they were roomates", isn't it? I really love this one. While it isn't my number one, I don't actually have any problems with it. Like ig the closes thing to a "problem" with it is that they sometimes fight but idk if that really counts. All and all, I really like this ship and I need more of it.
Runa: this👏🏾ship👏🏾is👏🏾so👏🏾cute!!!! Like I really love it. I think it's adorable and I 100% think that Luna at least had a crush on Ron around Ootp. Also it's known as red moon and I love that
Ravender: I like this one so much. It's one of my favorite canon ships. That's not to say that it'd work long term or that I wanted it to be end game, but I really like the idea of them being each others first partners and I totally believe that they had a wonderful friendship after they left school and Lav married Parvti. Honestly this is more brotp than otp but I did like it as a romance. Also it had so much bi!girl/bi!boy vibes to it so yeah
Ronnev: this is the best Ron ship. Idc what anyone says, this is the best one. These two boys both deal with simular self-esteam issues, they're both very talented but take a while to "tap into" said talent, they're both the perfect combo of soft boi and badass, they both clearly care for one another, they both would punch an asshole, they are the perfect coffe shop/flower shop au ship, they were roomates, while the both have a lot of angst it doesn't seem to come from their relationship (so instead of the usual relationship angst it's more "us against the world" and/or "I can understand what you're going through and will try to help"), and finally... I just really like them
Vicron: so, this is one that my opinion of it is basically; "Victor krum is kinda creepy and the fact that he dated/stared at underage girls while he was an adult in the eyes of the wizarding world was gross, but qlso he was def Ron's bi awakening and I can totally see Ron being jealous of Hermione for going with Victor instead of the other way around". Tl;dr, I don't ship, but I do think Ron had a crush on Vic.
Dron: soooooo.... this is one that most of the people following me probably don't like. And I get it, Draco was a total jerk and bullied both Ron and his pals. But- while I don't ship, I will say that, imo, it's not that bad. Like I don't like it, but it's not worse than drarry or dramione, it's just less popular. And they have a fire and ice dynamic and while I still dislike the ship I do think that the dynamic is pretty cool
Ronsy: I don't get this one. I really don't like it. Like I can at least understand most Ron!ship but this one, I just- no. I do however like it as a au brotp. Like if I for some reason read drarry (which sincs I'm not the biggest fan of I usualky don't) then I'd like to have some Pansy/Ron platonic stuff in there. Like idk why, I just do. It's probably cos they're both the hot ones lmao
Blairon: ah yes, the guilty pleasure. The one which makes zero sense in canon vut I love anyways. Why? I don't know. Maybe it's because I want a ship where Ron is the short one. Maybe it's because I think Blaise deserves more character. Maybe it's because I want an au where Ron gets to live wealthy. Maybe it's because Blaise's dads always dying and his mom probably being the murderer would probably give this boy some trust issues and Ron seems to conect with people that have trust issues that stem from their childhood (Harry). Maybe it's because I want an au where Ron helps Blaise trust people and be more accepting of muggleborns and Blaise helps Ron have more self confidence. MAYBE I JUST WANT THESE TWO BOYS TO BE HAPPY
Ron/Padma: I'm not a fan. I get why people ship it, but I'm not a fan. Honestly Padma deserved better than how Ron treated her at the yule ball and I don't really love this ship.
Ron/Dean: this one is adorable and I love it. "Two tall bois being dorks" the ship
Ron/Seamus: again, this is adorable. Love it and I want most of it.
This is all for now but if you want me to do more (for some reason) than let me know and I will
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cinnachuu · 4 years
dating Mary Saotome headcanons
warnings/genre: fluff headcanons, some mentions of angst, mild violence, harassment, dating headcanons, implied female reader
a/n: my favorite girl!! I’m going to be doing a lot of female characters x female readers, and then male characters x male readers, but I still have tons of gender neutral fics being written and edited rn!! planning a very wordy one for obey me soon >:)) enjoy!
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•the most likely way for you guys to meet is by Yumeko
•I can’t really see her being able to swoon over anyone who bested her or lost to her, so you’re probably a member of the Yumeko gang! :D
•Mary is very confident and takes a lot of charge in her relationships
•she isn’t very romantic tho, she’s more casual and just enjoys your company. She doesn’t like being super open about how she feels, but she really does love you.
•it’s just difficult for her to express it in the traditional sense :((
•but!! She does express it her own special ways
•her confidence and pride? now shared with you!
•she’s your number one hypeman when gambling, loves watching you destroy your opponents
•she orders around housepets to be footrests for you. Only the best backs, they can’t be too bony.
•if you’re not the best at gambling, she’s willing to teach you, but she’s not exactly the best at mentoring someone
•she expects u to learn the material and learn it fast
•but she will throw hands with whoever beats you in battle, she doesn’t mind consequences
•okay yes she does, she’ll throw multiple snarky remarks.
•one time someone tried lifting your skirt and she dove in really quick with a few very not safe for school words :))
•if you’re not from a wealthy family, she’s extremely protective of you as she knows exactly what it’s like to be considered prey
•she never wants you to face the humiliation she did
•if you’re from a wealthy family, she really won’t care but she’ll make some teasing remarks about your wealth. it’s just in her nature, nothing too serious.
•hmmm I feel like as a girlfriend she’ll honestly be kinda toxic at first as she tends to brush off other people’s feelings
•in all honesty, if you’re more of an emotional person you really would have to be close to Mary to date her, as she’s just too nonchalant about other people’s feelings
•her difficulty expressing how she feels is also trouble in relationships :))
•u rlly do have to be patient with her.
•however that’s sad and lame let’s get onto some happier stuff!!
•cuddling with her is rare
•she just isn’t touchy feely, it’s not her style, but she likes being little spoon.
•pls accompany her to gamble it’s a fun sight to see her get all sadistic and cruel
•even better when you join in!!
•only if u want to, she’d never actually pressure u to gamble unlike Yumeko
•she understands that not a lot of people enjoy the risk factor. Some are doing it to survive, she gets that.
•but if you genuinely enjoy gambling u two are a power couple
•honestly i could imagine her being a girlfriend who loves showing off her partner
•she won’t do it in front of you, but Yumeko will always gush about how much she talks about you
•she loves doing your hair
•she did matching pigtails with you once, it was so cute!!
•honestly I can see her as being very possessive and jealous
•but she also doesn’t wanna say anything because she doesn’t control you, you’re her equal
•when she’s upset it’s better if you take charge and talk to her about it
•she loves positive affirmations that she’s a good girlfriend because she feels like she rlly isn’t
•gets you flowers every now and then
•writes u letters that aren’t romantic at all, probably saying stuff like “ur cute I like you,” or “ur dumb. come kiss me in the library.”
•she rlly doesn’t like PDA pls don’t no PDA
•it’s not that your affection isn’t welcome, she just rather have her reputation upheld than kisses
•ofc if u went to the school you’d understand,,
•honestly, she’ll hold you like a trophy at most.
•showing you off during gambling.
•”this is my girlfriend, see? and she may be an idiot, but this idiot outsmarted you!”
•she’s not the kindest tbh she prefers showing her affection through gifts
•gets all flustered when you get her gifts
•don’t get her anything extravagant she’ll cry
•often the ordeal between you is trading sticky notes or personalized poker cards with little writings on them
•will shame u if u don’t have good music taste
•doesn’t like seeing you cry tho so she’ll never insult u that seriously
•honestly her insults are childish, you fight the urge to laugh everytime she tries to insult your pride
•if Yumeko gets touchy with you she’ll get very upset and kinda annoyed
•admittedly Yumeko knocks her confidence down to a 7/10 when it used to be a 1000/10.
•it’s kinda like seeing your girlfriend run away with the idea person
•”oh she can gamble,,she’s rich,,,she’s prettier than me, she’s nicer, god...”
•rambles and mutters to herself when she’s frustrated which is a tell tale sign of jealousy
•to comfort her u rlly just have to reassure her u only have eyes for her, and she’s the only girl for you.
•she is, she’s a sweetheart :)
•dates aren’t often. They usually are gambling sessions or getting coffee
•she never really goes all out with dates, as long as you’re with her, it’s a date.
•ok this part is very female-reader heavy so pls stop reading if that makes you uncomfy!!
•ok so this school is bat shit crazy and there’s gonna be a couple folks with very mean ideals
•for example, a few dudes pulled your hair and called you mean names and Mary wasn’t there
•you were walking with Ryota and just trying to enjoy a normal day when they grabbed you and started yelling rlly mean insults
•ryota is HECCING useless so he just watched and tried yelling
•of course his pleas for them to stop were drowned out by many homophobic statements calling u very mean things and shaming u for dating a girl but it’s the thought that counts
•Mary came in with Ririka, looking like she was about to burn the school down
•Ririka was wearing her mask as well so it rlly sold the effect
•started yelling sharp insults and degrading the guys as much as possible
•”you want to talk to my girlfriend like that? huh? talking to her with that house pet tag? Who do you think you are?!”
•ryota had to hold her back while Ririka silently handed you a handkerchief
•Mary was very upset for the rest of the day, not at you, but just evidently ticked off
•”hey Mary?” She kinda just blinked at you and sighed, still very moody.
•”I love you.”
•took her a second to process that
•nearly had a stroke
•her brain cell was bouncing around her head as she looked at you, her expression softening.
•holy shit you were adorable
•”I love you more.”
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oikawasbliss · 4 years
10 with iwaizumi bae fuck writers block all my homies hate writers block 👺‼️
ikr fuck writers block 😒 they're the worst, the bane of my existence.
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— [ 12:37 AM ] camping with the seijoh boys
note: i got carried away this was supposed to be a drabble 😭😭 idek if this is considered fluff 💀 but please enjoy!
word count: 1.1k | tags: best friends to lovers(?), manager!reader fluff & unrequited love
please reblog if enjoyed!!♡
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you were in your tent alone attempting to fall asleep but all you're doing is move yourself in uncomfy positions. the repetitive turns, east and west, you had a whole tent for yourself but you couldn't seem to properly rest.
so you sat, thinking of anything else to do while watching your phone clock pass a minute, there wouldn't be anything much to do considering how almost all of the vbc members are asleep and you didn't want them to wake up with their dreams disturbed. also if there were any server connection to where you are then maybe you could've done something to ease your boredom.
you then thought of just strolling through the woods in the middle of the night, seems relaxing, alone in the dark. sounds perfect.
you felt courage as your hand reluctantly slid the zipper open of your tent.
your eyes widen in surprise as you feel warm and spot a dim brightness of fire in the distance. is someone still awake? you thought as you stood up and walked, following that has been taken to your attention.
getting near you saw a figure sitting on a log, seeing the spikes of their hair made you think that it was either the vbc members kindaichi or iwaizumi.
still, you have to be cautious in case it was neither of them, though thankfully as you get close the person was indeed iwaizumi, having almost large arms and a more dangerously spikier hair than the first year, you immediately knew it was him, well he was your best friend after all.
“ hey.. ” you called him quietly, he heard your voice and turned to you in a flash feeling like he'd get caught for staying so late in the campfire and ordering him to go back to his tent.
“ oh hey manager. ” he responded idly, facing his head back to the light of the fire.
“ oh come on, just call me by my name. ” you then carely took a seat beside him, “ why are you up this late? ”
“ should ask you the same, why are you awake? ”
“ hmm… ” you slightly squint your eyes, thinking of a reason as to why you are still standing awake, you should've taken the question back to him but you felt like actually giving a reason for him to answer back. “ i can't sleep? well i was the first one to sleep but i just seem to not… you know? ”
iwaizumi lets out a short chuckle, “ i get it, don't worry. ”
after that the whole air between you two turned quiet, only the clicking of the fire burning the wood beneath it.
you didn't want to sleep and go back to your tent, you just got up and you're not gonna go back now because of the awkward silence.
you broke the silence and started making up a topic that you two will talk about.
and you guys did, talking and transitioning to a new topic as you guys go on. smiles plastered to both of your faces as one another tells their story, you didn't even have to check the time if it's late or not, you sure as heck don't feel sleepy at all, you want to keep talking and talking. well, it's always been fun talking to iwaizumi, you don't want this babbling to end.
after a long series of laughter you two stopped trying to consume more of the hot breeze made by the flame in front of you two.
“ it's been forever since we've talked like this.. ” the man brought up, raising both of his hands to warm them by the warm air.
you felt that this is getting in a deep turn, but it's also a relief that you two are able to be open to each other after days acting like you two have a neutral relationship.
“ well, it's mostly on me, i had a lot of things to work on and i guess i got too busy… ”
“ oh no! don't blame yourself, we were all really busy and didn't have time to hang out, oikawa really missed us three being together. ”
the edges of your lip curled slightly, grinning by the words the other said. “ it's been that long huh? ”
“ —if only that man is still awake maybe we'll have more fun together. ” your smile transitioned to a smirk, wiggling your brows making that bulb of his light up to get the hint, and he did.
“ wanna wake him up? ” he asked, darting his eyes at the tent the brunette's currently sleeping in.
“ it's like you read my mind. ” your smile becomes wider as you place your hands on the log, helping you to stand up.
“ wait— before we do that. can i talk to you for a sec? ” he intervened, you don't know if he's serious or not, regardless you still chose to stay and listen.
the truth is he likes you, a lot. but these feelings for you were only kept to himself, not telling anyone, not even oikawa, though he had this fear of losing connection to you even more considering how poorly you guys are getting along with the packed schedules that were assigned to both of you.
it would sound weird to confess immediately, for this was iwaizumi's original plan, to confess properly but he didn't think this was the good time to do so.
“ ha...hajime? ” you hesitantly tilt your head to see the other's face, lost in thought, what will he say? you thought. this sounds serious, it will totally ruin the vibe when waking up oikawa but… i still want to listen. you kept talking to yourself inside your head until hajime faces up and looks at you.
“ I don’t know if you know this but, I love you. ”
there was silence, you didn't know if he's serious at all, he just said that out of the blue.
if he was... who are you to reject him?
“ wha— huh?— that was so sudden. ” you gasp as if like a bulb above your head lit up. “ was that a confession?! ” you added in a teasing tone, your eyes widened, and your lips smiled subconsciously.
iwaizumi didn't know what he just said too, it just vomited out of his mouth.
he blinked, grinned and looked up to the stars displayed at the beautiful night sky.
“ whatever or however you understood it. ”
your hues quickly faced to the other, his eyes were glistening by the reflection of the stars above, however i understood it? you thought to yourself once more, well your first thoughts on what he said was a confession, confessing his love for you, but you didn't want to assume quickly, but he said that to you, the exact three words, then he probably really meant that.
you furrow your eyes in curiosity, you wanted to force him to say what he actually meant by it, but at the same time, your pride told you that it was indeed a confession.
you slowly lay your head onto his shoulder, a grin plastered on your face as you two continued to watch the stars
“ you know? i love you too. ”
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