#do not get me wrong- Sonic is very nice and kind and caring
generic-sonic-fan · 7 months
Not trying to be edgy here but I love it when Sonic struggles with his own protagonist-centered morality. Make that blue hedgehog think that everything he does is objectively correct just because he acts with good intentions, please.
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thankskenpenders · 11 months
Unsure if you’ve answered this anywhere before (sorry if you have!) but! what are your thoughts on Lanolin if you’ve been keeping up with IDW?
Lanolin's been kind of a fascinating addition to the cast to me, now that she's been promoted to the main cast. I kind of love that Lanolin is unambiguously one of the heroes, but she's also, like... not very nice? But she's also not an antihero like Shadow. She's just a different type of hero than most of Sonic's friends. It would have been so easy to just make her the cute friendly sheep girl, but I think she's led to some really interesting internal and external conflicts by having such a different mindset from everyone else.
Sonic is a very Power Of Friendship type series, and most of the recurring heroes are friends with each other. IDW's heroes have slotted right into that. Tangle wants to be everyone's friend. Whisper is extremely introverted due to her past, but the point is to show her making new friends. Belle's in a similar boat. And Jewel got roped into the series because she was already Tangle's best friend.
And then you've got Lanolin, who's not really here to make friends. She's here to work. She wants to do good in the world, which is why she joined the Restoration... and then the Metal Virus Saga happened. Now she's tired and kind of jaded about all of it. She's a cog in the machine whose power is limited, having neither crazy superpowers like Sonic's friends nor any real structural power within the Restoration. So where Tangle wants to go on fun adventures and Whisper's (understandably) weighed down by her personal vendetta with Mimic, Lanolin is this third wheel who doesn't particularly care about any of that and just wants to keep the team focused on doing their job.
I can kind of understand why some might be put off by this new dynamic if they were fans of the way Tangle and Whisper operated before. But personally, I think it shakes things up in a really interesting way. I could easily see a world where Mimic's return felt like a retread of the Tangle & Whisper miniseries, but Lanolin has helped push things in a new direction. She feels like our representative of the rank and file grunts of the Restoration, and the embodiment of the responsibilities that being part of the Restoration entail. Tangle and Whisper can't just go off and do their own thing all the time anymore. For Tangle especially, it feels like the formation of the new Diamond Cutters is forcing her to grow up a little. The Restoration can't always just be this fun secret club where she gets to go on adventures with her girlfriend. It's a job.
But Lanolin's not infallible, of course. She's frequently wrong, and that leads to conflict. But I understand where she's coming from and why she is the way she is, and that makes her an interesting contrast to everyone else. She's also clearly still growing as a character, and learning how to work as a team without just seeing Tangle and Whisper as people to boss around. I'm sure that whenever she learns that Whisper really was right about Duo being Mimic in disguise, that's going to be a BIG moment for Lanolin, and I'm excited to see how that informs her continued evolution as a character.
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bunji-enthusiast · 6 months
So. Uhm..
Have this small idea that came to me.
Sonic.exe world, with Knuckles(like maybe his soul version or before he gets killed) x reader (who can somewhat be like Sonic.exe? But more ,,, normal? Like. A kind & nice exe who saved him from being killed by Sonic.exe)
But with that, they kinda take his form? But their form looks more cartoony & classic-style. Kinda like a simpler and small form, easy to pick up Knuckles (maybe other survivors?) and run just as fast to a safe place. (kinda inspired by my own sonic.exe OC tbh,, but yeah). (You don't have to, tho! Just thought that this was interesting—!)
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Mimicking Friend — Knuckles The Echidna
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Note || this is a really neat idea! I hope I read this right. And if this is okay ^^
WC || 568
Sypnosis || If anyone told him beforehand he’d get saved by the one lesser of two evils, he would’ve laughed. Now he’s believing it himself.
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He was confused as hell when it all began, the ebony grays and the scarlet red skies. It was all so menacing, but not truly to someone like Knuckles, he wasn’t very put off by any bit of the blood either. Only then he got concerned when he started to learn about Sonic, someone who he recently met. The echidna certainly didn’t expect the blue blur to actually kill his two-tailed fox friend, he thought they were as close as brothers can be. 
Knuckles felt fortunate when he managed to fight off the demon, the bloody hedgehog was a killer but he sure as hell was no fighter. Even then, he knows the killer can and will adapt overtime, especially with all the strange manipulation of reality he can do. When he was sure the damn demon was down for good, he ran as fast as he could. Knuckles certainly wasn’t about to stick around for that possessed hedgehog to actually succeed in killing the echidna, he couldn’t leave the Master Emerald without the guardian. 
When you finally made the decision to make an appearance before Knuckles, he was rather confused. You looked so similar to him, only tinier in size. Yet it was even more surprising when you possessed more strength he realized, carried as if he was a bride just married you ran even further then he possibly could (More so floated, but who cares?). You felt as if you had to keep Knuckles safe and hidden away from the demon, accursed and trickster with a knack for obsessing over things unnecessarily. 
“Who the hell are you?” He finally asked after you had whisked away the two of you to somewhere far and safe away from the bloody hedgehog, Knuckles felt as if he was close to snapping within his emotions. He was confused, mixed up about every recent event which had occurred in mere minutes away from each other. 
Why’d you save him?
Why do you look just like him? 
Many thoughts and questions had run through the echidna’s head, but the one he had uttered was something he found most important. 
You looked down, shifting closer to the ground so you could lay yourself for rest. “Someone who just wanted you to stay alive,” You began, feeling the words finicky to find. “Cause they know what it’s like to fail to do so.” Those words felt wrong, yet so right. You wince internally as you search his face for any hint of a reaction to your words. Knuckles sighed, complacency wasn’t his greatest idea of a deal begotten between him and a stranger who just saved his life.
“I owe you.” He spoke, finally decided to break the awkward silence. Knuckles took a moment of pause, closing his eyes as he crossed his arms. “Thank you, I suppose.”
You interject, “You owe me nothing, but I do owe you something.”
At this, he raises a brow. Eyes opening to reveal magnificent purple hues expressing interest in your next set of words, “You need answers yes? I can provide them.” Knuckles was albeit, relieved he could get them from someone friendlier than most entities right now. He wasn’t in a very grateful mood if he were to search for them himself. 
“Alright then..” The echidna begins, taking a walk towards the distance. 
He then gestures vaguely as he asks, “Who the hell was possessing Sonic?”
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essycogany · 11 months
Sweet Prime!Sonic Moments
My favorite scene in Sonic Prime should be a great start.
Episode: 5 “Barking Up The Wrong Tree.”
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First thing I want to establish!
Episode 4 “Unwelcome To The Jungle,” and 5 made me laugh the most. Random I know, but I believe they have some of the best jokes and character interactions.
From Gnarly Knuckles acting like Sticks from Sonic Boom. To Hangry Big having one of the most normal line deliveries done for him.
“A shard? We don’t know...”
Then the episodes gave Sonic moments of annoyance and frustration with the scavengers and Thorn’s shenanigans. We could use more of Sonic being done with everything. It’s so entertaining.
(It also reminds me of Boom!Sonic so that’s an extra point.)
I wouldn’t say this show is perfect. Far from it actually. But I do appreciate what new sides to Sonic the show brings to the table.
Without further ado, let’s get into the overanalyzed ramble pile.
Quick recap
After Sonic’s argument with Thorn about finding a better way to express herself to her use to be friends and to figure out how to take better care of the jungle, Sonic responds with this:
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Then he runs off to get Thorn to follow him. Which means Sonic already had an idea to get Thorn to come to her senses.
Side note. Even if Prime!Sonic isn’t the brightest, I wouldn’t say he’s dumb.
In combat he’s able to trick/fool people or enemies plenty of times. Even in this scene Sonic tricks Thorn into lunching her hammer to allow sunlight into the unhealthy jungle.
Then we end up here. The scene that made me love this version of the character more then I already did:
Yes, the ear twitch at the end was added on purpose.
I find it hilarious this dude could have went on with his plan without really saying anything to the tree. Obviously this scene would’ve been boring without any dialogue, but to me it gives the impression Sonic has a soft spot for nature.
Environmentalism has always been the key point for the majority of this franchise. I also like in most media Sonic’s been a flower loving guy. It seems to be a consistent thing that Sonic has an appreciation for plants. Talking about how pretty they are. Having knowledge about them and so on.
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Back to the scene. Sonic talks to The Great Green. Not a surprise since he talks to Flickies in this show too.
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I don’t know why, but I just love the fact Sonic took time to reassure the tree he’s got things under-control. Even giving it a little pat to show affection.
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Sonic even hugs a palm tree later on in the show which I find hilarious and cute.
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In terms of characterization, I believe this scene is a brilliant way of showing how this character is in general. Sonic having sympathy for the tree while it’s branches goes down. Sonic’s worry for Thorn and how much she’s lost it by being overprotective and practically destroying the main thing she tried to protect. Proving how much he does his best to find some kind of connection to what is basically a stranger. Despite how similar Thorn and Amy are. Then the blue blur tells The Great Green he has a plan in mind.
Sonic: “I know just trust me.”
You’re NOT the Lorax, Sonic. Jokes aside, I like how Sonic clarifies to the tree he’s going to be careful.
Sonic later on:
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This shows a bit of growth compared to the first episode. At least Sonic’s not being reckless this time and knows what he’s doing.
The music in this scene is nice too. I don’t think enough people talk about how great the music is in this show. I’ll say it’s another highlight for me.
I also love the angle of the weak tree looking down at Sonic’s cherry optimistic self. The leaves falling here and latter on in this episode are VERY nice touches.
Don’t get me started on the voice acting here. Deven Mack is my favorite Sonic VA. Not because he sounds better then the others, but he takes what makes ALL of them great and combines them into one. Deven has so much range it’s not even funny. Also if someone told me Sonic was voiced by an actual teen here, I would’ve believed them. Hot take! Prime!Sonic sounds younger then Movie!Sonic if I’m being honest.
Also, even though I’m not an animator, I believe the character models in Prime has some of the BEST facial expressions for the Modern Sonic cast has EVER had in 3D. I think they have the widest range of emotions. I’m fine with anyone who disagrees though.
In conclusion. This scene solidifies something about Prime!Sonic I believe most who love him would agree with. He’s by far the sweetest version of Sonic The Hedgehog. At least from what I’ve seen so far. Not to say other versions don’t have their moments too. It’s only due to this and other moments I may talk about in the future that makes Prime!Sonic my favorite. Hope you enjoy my little character geek out.
Stay Creative! 💜
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blazehedgehog · 5 months
Thoughts on Dr. Robotnik's Ring racers and the current version of SRB2 Kart?
I never dug too super deep in to SRB2 Kart because I very rarely play online games with randos and I had no real consistent group to play with otherwise. Like, I tried to play the few times Tracker hosted a server, but he lives in the UK and I'm on wifi so it just didn't really work out.
So I was kind of waiting for the singleplayer campaign mode. I could see the potential in SRB2K. "The Mugen of Kart Racers" has been an idea in the back of my head for literal decades at this point. But I did not care about time trials because there were no items.
I streamed about four hours of Ring Racers (obviously) a couple days ago:
And I've also seen a lot of SRB2 Kart diehards lose their mind over some of the changes and problems in Ring Racers.
As someone who has never really put more than, say, two hours in to SRB2 Kart, Ring Racers is... fun? Yeah. It's fun. I'd say I enjoyed myself.
But it's also got problems. Broadly speaking, the entire game is way too complicated for its own good. It's nice that they really sat down and thought very deeply about kart racer mechanics and tried to elevate things to a new level, but it feels like they overthought a lot of it. And I mean beyond the fact this game opens with a very wordy, 30-60 minute tutorial. Don't get me wrong, it needs at least some of that, because it's a very mechanically dense game, but that's also sort of the problem.
Like I literally just bailed out of a Discord conversation about this because I wanted to write it over here, but let's take, for example, the spindash.
The spindash mechanic has three primary functions in Ring Racers:
You charge up a spindash at the right time during the starting line lobby segment to get a boost going into the first lap
You charge a spindash to get through one of the speed barriers for secret shortcuts
This game has Sonic-style physics and there are slopes where, if you aren't already going fast, they are too steep of an incline to drive up. So you have to stop and charge a spindash to clear them.
What value does this actually bring to the table? What's useful about it?
The starting line lobby segment is annoying because even CPU racers will bump you into a FAULT state, forcing you to start in last place. Lobby segments are also different sizes, different lengths, so as a newbie like myself, that already puts me at a disadvantage. Charging a spindash for a starting line boost does not add anything you could not already do with Mario Kart's more traditional starting line mechanic. So that means everything around it is just to make the game less friendly to newbies.
Unless you are an ultra-skilled sickos player who optimizes ring consumption to the max, or you're lucky enough to have a boost item, you are never going to be setup to crash through a speed barrier. I certainly never am. I only touch them by accident and they always make everything worse for me when I do. I would never stop and deliberately use a spindash to clear one of these, and places in the map where I get owned are never near one for it to act as a shortcut to get me back in the race faster.
The only time you need to use a spindash on a slope is if you get blasted by someone else's weapon, and there's always this deep dread to that where it's like, if I have to spindash to get up a slope, the race is already lost. Getting slammed by a weapon can already be very devastating on its own, but adding the extra step of having to come to a complete stop, wait 2-3 seconds to charge a spindash, and then crawl up the incline? It's insult to injury.
So, then, in practical terms: what value does the spindash bring to this game? The shortest summary is it's a recovery mechanic that adds an extra step to systems that are tuned to be very difficult and maybe don't even need to exist. You could remove the spindash (and all the systems that depend on the spindash) and I think it would be a better game.
And there's a few systems like this in the game, like the ring tether system, the air drop, and so on. It's nice to finally see someone trying to meaningfully evolve the kart racer into something with greater depth, but I also feel like people who liked SRB2 Kart liked it because it was a very good one of those. And it had extremely friendly mod support.
I get the desire for what's happening here. People were unfairly harsh about how "SRB2 Kart is a bad name" and the developers wanted to both establish a fresher identity and push things in a new direction. But they're also kind of reinventing a lot of wheels and adding all of these extra steps, which will and is hurting the pick-up-and-play element of "it's just a good kart racer." If you roll up on a friend group with Ring Racers and say "hold up, you gotta play the 40 minute tutorial first", that's a killer, and that's still considering they've already trimmed the tutorial length once since it launched only a few days ago.
A kart racer with the depth of a fighting game is definitely an interesting idea and like I said, I was having fun in the stream, but it's just one of those things where the more I think about what the ideal form of this game is trying to be, the more I wonder.
And that's not even considering that some things that worried me about SRB2 Kart are still here, like how many very narrow and winding tracks there are. Sometimes you get what is effectively a rally racing track but there's 8 other hyper-aggressive cars on the road with you and they're all armed to the teeth with projectile weapons. Even in SRB2 Kart's time trial mode, when I was the only one on the track, it could be hard enough to stay on the road. Now that I'm being knocked around by other racers at the same time? It can borderline on feeling impossible.
Again, I don't hate this. It's just that there's a lot of weird friction in places I feel like it does not benefit from or need.
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thedragonlover95 · 11 months
Don't Change Who You Are Klonoa
Klonoa was just looking around town, it had been a nice day. Till he heard that tourists were coming by, he had seen plenty before and many would give him greetings. While also asking if they could give him hugs or pets, which he did not mind at all, it made him feel happy to know he could make others happy. This time however, was different, and that was during the event where some of his friends were there too. Each where given their own greetings, and appeared to be going fine, , ,that was until Klonoa noticed someone approaching, they were a red head while wearing some weird robes. Klonoa greeted them. Klonoa: Hi and welcome to Breezegale- Dumb: Wait are you Klonoa? Klonoa: Uh huh that's me. Dumb: URGH! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR EYES! Klonoa: WAH! W-what's wrong?! Dumb: YOU WERE SO MUCH BETTER IN YOUR FIRST GAME! BUT NOW YOU LOOK LIKE THAT BLUE HEDGHOG SONIC! Klonoa: Why would I? Did I do something wrong? Popka: Hey bucko what are you trying to do to our buddy?! Dumb: Oh great the none expressive peanut gallery's here as well! This as dumb as-insert cringy meme here- Lolo: Klonoa hasn't done anything wrong, you're the one who seems to have a problem! Leave him alone, he's not hurting anyone, if anything you're the one who's causing issues and it's very upsetting! Leorina: And I think you owe him an apology. Dumb: Oh great, it's the edgy pirate girl, along with those who'd want to fuck this-Get's Blasted- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Tat: Yeah this one's getting kicked, if they don't want to play by the rules, or be at least decent, they should be escorted out in style. Leorina:-sighs-At leas that's got taken care of. . .Hey you alright Klonoa? Klonoa: Yeah, I am now. But I don't get why that guy had an issue with my appearance. Guntz: It's clear that they're a hated Sonic fan. Anything that remotely has the eyes that you have. They will do what they can to break you down mently. Leorina: Which isn't really right. I'll never get why these kinds of people have to make it a big deal. Popka: That guy got what was coming to him. I bet he's total loser where he's from. Lolo: That still doesn't make it right. Klonoa: But I am glad you guys were around, i'm not sure what I would do if you didn't show up. Guntz: Hey it's the least we can do. Besides that guy was just some trouble maker. You're fine just the way you are, so remember that. Klonoa: Yeah, you are right on that. I'll continue being me, because it's who I am and no one can tell me otherwise! Huepow: That's great to hear. And no one will break that. End Author's Note: So yeah I based this of a "Review" on a Klonoa video, that was made by washout EX Sonictuber Dumbsville. Where he didn't really talk about the stories of the two games, just cringy cutaways and memes. But what really got my blood boiling, is of his Sonic Hate Biased, he hated Klonoa's modern look, all cause of the eyes and body shape. Clearly the guy dosn't know that Klonoa is suppose to be a pre teen. And that was one of the few Klonoa videos I disliked. Also the video was just not very good. This guy's only good t reviewing trash movies, and not charming games. So I made this story, and how Klonoa and friends arn't bad people, and how much they shouldn't let losers like this get to them. This also goes for Sonic as well.
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beevean · 1 year
I believe you are the resident Knuxamy fan on Tumblr, so if I may ask: what do you like about it/see in them? I'm curious!🍀
Oh, I'm really not fhdjfhdsjkfhsdkj I'm basically this meme
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I guess I can share these extracts from an abandoned WIP of mine, where I did try to explain what kind of chemistry they'd have?
“So… how’s Sonic? Haven’t seen him in a while.” “Oh, you know, somewhere, as he does.” “Huh?” “He decided to go on a run around the world after we cleaned up the mess of the war. I understand him, really, after six months of being held prisoner…” “You don’t sound very worried.” “Why should I?” she laughed. “He can handle himself just fine. I’ll be the first to greet him once he’s back!” “Usually you don’t really wait for him.” “Oh, you jerk!” she shoved him. “I don’t– I don’t do that anymore! I’m done with chasing him.” “Really?” he scoffed. “That’s too bad. I still remember how spooked Sonic was when we ran into you and your friends that one time. Not even Eggman can say he scares him as much!” “Yeah, yeah, I was a kid. I thought that he would just learn that he reciprocated my feelings if I insisted.” “Don’t get me wrong: he’s still my friend and I care for him very much. And I’m glad he cares about me too. He’s good, and fun to be around, and I can’t wait to go on another adventure with him!” Before Knuckles could roll his eyes, she added: “But… I don’t know. I can’t chase his shadow for the rest of my life. It made me feel like we weren’t on the same level. With all the craziness in my life, I’d like to have someone more… stable at my side. Reliable. One that I know that they will be there if I look for them, y’know?” “So you’ve finally realized that Sonic is [unreliable]? Yeah, you sure grew up.” "Jerk," she repeated with a smile. "I know he's your friend too. Don't worry, I won't tell~" 
“Oh, mind if I lift you up?” “Go ahead.” *Amy hammers Knuckles upwards* “Thanks! I nearly forgot this trick of yours.” *...* “Speaking of tricks!” *pulls out the Big Hammer* “Ta-dah!” “Wait! You still have that?” “Yep!” “It’s… very heavy, haha. I rarely need it. But sometimes, you just need that extra punch!” She swung her giant hammer downward, and the hit produced a loud, satisfying thud. The wall crumbled like it was made of cardboard. *...* His own hand-made hammer - a nice green and red hammer, with a spike on top and flames coming out of it at every swing - rested easy in the Hidden Palace, among his other little treasures. Truth to be told, he didn’t really like using tools; his punches were more than enough. But it was a present from a friend, and he’d always cherish it as such.
(you didn't think I'd pass the opportunity to remind people that Advance 3 is the GOAT and Knuckles and Amy paired together are powerhouses, did you? :P)
I wanted to avoid the cliché of Amy realizing that Sonic wasn't good for her after all, but I liked the idea of her getting closer to Knuckles because he's always there, he's a stable presence, and under his gruff exterior he really is a good friend to have.
(Amy is Amy. She's sunshine incarnate. I don't need to explain why Knuckles might come to like her:P especially if Amy understands that he's more of an introvert and they spend time simply chilling side by side)
Generally speaking, the two have a few traits in common, like being stubborn and hotheaded: so unlike many of my ships, which are either "opposite attract" or "the cutest babies ever 💖", they'd be birds of a feather: they'd banter because they have both strong personalities, but they can also understand each other. I like to think their dynamic could be "I can tease you and call you a knucklehead/kid, but no one else dare do the same!"
As for what they'd do, aside from meeting on Angel Island... well, that up there is a little idea that the two might hang out together by smashing old Eggman junk hfdjsfhsdkj
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sage-nebula · 2 years
Longer thoughts on Sonic Prime, now that I've had a few days to sit on it. Under a cut because of length / those who don't care / spoilers / whatever else.
Like I said before, I thought it was fine. It's definitely not a bad show by any stretch and I think that younger kids who are perhaps new to Sonic / only know Sonic from the movies / don't know Sonic at all but want to watch a new cartoon will enjoy it. I can't fully explain why it didn't pull me in. It could be the fact that I binged all of it partly out of obligation because I felt like I had to watch it as soon as possible to avoid spoilers, so I didn't give myself time to just pace through the show normally. But I mean, I've binged other things and loved them (see: season four of The Dragon Prince), so I don't think that's exactly it. I think it's more to do with the writing, but before I talk about that I want to talk about some things I did like about it, first.
The vocal performances were, for the most part, excellent. Knuckles' VA was kind of . . . eh . . . at times, and it's very hard to separate Tails / Nine / etc from Rainbow Dash, but Devon Mack absolutely KILLED IT as Sonic, which is a big deal since Sonic is the main character of the show. I wouldn't mind Devon taking the lead on voicing Sonic in other projects, because he did a very good job. So happy for him, especially since he was a fan of Sonic before landing the gig.
The animation was very good too. I like the little animal quirks the characters were given, such as ear twitches and whatnot, and it was fun to see Sonic so expressive when he's supposed to be an expressive / emotive guy. The action sequences were easy to follow and nicely done too; it's a very fun show to look at, you can tell the animators had a good time with what they were doing.
I noticed some musical callbacks to the games at times that made me, a nerd, pretty happy. There weren't too many of them, but there were enough that it was a "oh hi there" moment when I caught them.
I like how Rouge has been handled for the most part, from her having outfits that are more legitimate outfits to her having little quirks like sleeping like the bat she is. I will say I think she should've been the captain in the pirate saga, but like, whatever, I like that even though she's clearly there so they could have more than one girl in the cast, she's still being treated with respect overall.
Miles "Nine" Prower and Rusty Rose are my beloveds. The rest of the cast I could take or leave, but those two are my morally grey, ruthless babies and I love them so much.
Now for the writing . . . I think my main issue is that, outside of Nine and Rusty, I feel like I haven't been given much reason to care. Like, yeah, Sonic is having a hard time—but Sonic is always having a hard time and he always pulls through so it's like, whatever, he'll be fine. He's been infected with a metal virus, he's been cyber corrupted, he's going to get vivisected in Scrapnik 3 next week, he's always having some kind of issue, and he always ends up fine, so I'm not too invested in that. Insert a variant of the time knife meme like "yeah yeah Sonic having a bad time we've all seen it." Like that just doesn't capture my interest much anymore. Sonic emotionally going through it, mayhaps, but physically? Nah.
But like, where Nine and Rusty have interesting stories and characterization and circumstances to me (Nine being ruthless and morally grey, Rusty potentially gaining her own agency and personhood and hopefully still killing people along the way because she deserves it and I'm here for women's wrongs), I just can't say the same about the others. The Eggman council is just—if I can be unabashedly negative here, I hate the entire concept. It's so cartoonish and stupid. Which, I know this is a cartoon, but for a dystopian universe it feels over the top ridiculous to have a fucking baby and moody teenager and whatever else, not to mention OoC for any version of Eggman to want to share power with anyone, even other versions of himself. And "Mr" and "Dr" are both prefixes (with "Dr" denoting more respect than "Mr") so to have them layered as "Mr Dr Eggman" is just so stupid and irritating—
But I digress.
So I don't care about the Eggman council, and despite spending more time with them I don't see enough depth or potential for rebel Rouge and rebel Knuckles to really care too much about them either. Putting aside my irritation at jungle Tails being called "mangey" even though he doesn't have mange (mange is an actual skin disorder in animals and he clearly doesn't have it, just call him FERAL, that's what he ACTUALLY IS), I felt the jungle episodes were just kind of a slog to get through even though watching Amy yeet the others out of the forest with her hammer was pretty funny. (although, missed opportunity calling her Thorn instead of Briar, you know, like Briar Rose.) It's not helped by the fact that we only spent two episodes there, so there's not time to give more depth to the characters—but with two episodes already feeling like a slog, more might've been worse? It's hard to say. And with the pirate episodes, again, they didn't really get my attention until Rusty showed up. That's when things got more interesting, for me. Otherwise, I just didn't feel much of a reason to care about these variants. It seems to be much less "here's how these characters naturally would have developed in these circumstances" and more "hehe hoho fun costumes yay :)" with Nine and Rusty being the exceptions to that rule.
A lot of this has to do with the fact that, I'm not the target audience for this show. Yes, I'm a Sonic fan—but this is a show that's clearly intended for a younger audience, one that's perhaps not that interested in Sonic lore, and that's fine! Not everything is going to be for me. I am not a fan of the Archie comics, for example, from what little I know of them. I'm not interested in Sonic X. I think SatAM is overrated, so on and so forth. I do enjoy the movies for what they are, but mostly because a.) I'm glad they weren't a trash fire, and b.) I am ALWAYS going to be drawn in by found family of any type for reasons relating to being raised on AoStH and also my own messed up childhood / adolescence. But I don't have to love every single piece of Sonic media just because I'm a Sonic fan. As I've said, the great thing about Sonic is that there's something for everyone. Prime isn't really for me (outside of Nine and Rusty), and that's OK. I'm cool with that.
But that said, I do think that there are places where the writing could be improved. There are places where the dialogue feels clunky (as in, "people don't talk like this"). There are names of variants I take issue with. And I think that if a bit more thought was put into WHY the characters are the way they are other than "jungle people" or "pirates" it would be better. But little kids aren't going to care about that, and little kids are the ones this show is for, so again. It's not a big deal. And at the end of the day it's not something I'm going to lose sleep over.
I will probably still watch season two, just so I can see how Nine and Rusty develop. If they weren't in the show, I probably wouldn't bother lol. But since they are, I will Do It For Them. Nine and Rusty, my beloveds.
But yeah, those are my thoughts. It's OK. Not really my thing, but I don't hate it either. Would take a whole spinoff about Nine and Rusty, though. Let Nine say fuck. Let Rusty murder. It's what they deserve.
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caffeine-clouds · 2 years
Hm... SonElise with numbers 7 and 9? :3
Ooooo, anon hitting me with the interesting one. DISCLAIMER: I don't give a shit whether anyone ships Sonelise, Roupaz, or Eggline like- who honest to God cares? The beastiality argument, which I'm so glad has died away over the years but some dumbasses keep bringing up, never really held any validity in my eyes. The Sonic characters have way more things in common with humans than they do animals - they are short weird mutant creatures that act like humans and have some animal features. So chill out - I'm tired and depressed, and we're all going to die soon so let's just fucking vibe. That being said though... I dislike this ship! - Are they an absolute NOTP, or are there very specific requirements a fanwork must have for you to enjoy them? I don't seek out Sonelise content nor do I stumble across it often - but I think for me to enjoy them at all - Elise is in need of some, *some* amount of personality. I understand that Elise being reserved and non-expressive is kind of the *point* with her - because she's constantly restraining her emotions because of the fire demon - but with her being the way she is, I fail to see what SONIC sees in her. To me, it always seemed that Sonic would prefer a partner that could keep up with him and fight alongside him as an equal. Elise doesn't offer him that, quite the opposite - she was often the damsel he had to chase after. So I don't really see what was appealing about HER for HIM. She's strong, I get that - she didn't cry for like her whole childhood - that's a strong will right there, but just - it's hard to ship Sonic with a piece of cardboard, you know? I see where the affection comes from on Elise's side - I can imagine her being in love with the guy who taught her to smile, run, and be free. i think she'd be happy to run off on Sonic's adventures alongside him, but she kind of needs to hold onto his hand the whole way - and I personally don't think Sonic would be in a romantic relationship like that. I feel like Elise would want a lot of affection as well - and we all know Sonic isn't really the type to give an abundance of it, especially romantically. But for a fanwork - if you can expand on Elise's personality and give some concrete reasons as to why Sonic is interested - I dunno, I might check it out. I dislike this ship! - Do you understand the appeal at all? Or do you not see how anyone could enjoy it? I do see the appeal tbf. It's got similar elements to ships like Sonadow, Sonknux, Sonaze etc. - where Sonic helps out someone who is clearly struggling and is far more rigid than him - he teaches them to let loose and be free, and that is romantic - don't get me wrong! And tbf to Sonelise shippers - ya'll have more validity than most other Sonic ships because ya'll got a canonical kiss lmao. It's also got the general appeal of opposites attract - and maybe some people just want to see Sonic with a nice gentle lady and you know what? Good on you. I also think the ship is vague enough and dances around their feelings for each other to the point where you could slap any headcanon you wanted on it - which is totally valid, some people just like having the freedom. And I think some, not all but some, can probably self insert with Elise a bit - because still - she's a bowl of bland oatmeal with not much going on, so if you wanna project and imaginine yourself on a romantic expedition with Sonic the Hedgehog - Elise is your vehicle. But anyways - thanks for the ask anon!
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grelitia-fam · 2 years
Things that have been said in the only in Gotham universe (with context): Hecate and Carol addition
Hecate first:
Hecate: I love the term 'partners'. Are we dating? Are we robbing a bank? Are we the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies and are members of an elite squad known as the special victims unit? Who knows.
(When discussing their friends polyamorous relationship)
Hecate: My expectations are low, but they can always go lower.
(When talking about men)
Hecate: I don’t think the therapist is supposed to say ‘wow’ that many times during their first session with a client, but here we are.
(Even Harley was surprised at all the shit Hecate went through)
Hecate: When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons, what the hell am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Hecate lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the person who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!
(…never… ever leave Hecate alone at a collage party.. they will somehow always eat a spiked brownie)
Hecate: I scare people a lot because I walk very softly and they don't hear me enter rooms. So when they turn around, I'm just kind of there and their fear fuels me.
(After scaring their collage roommate one too many times)
Hecate, digging their grave: Long story short, this is my grave.......Want me to make you one too?
(Hecate when they learned that their parents were still alive)
Hecate: I'm a nice person, but I'm about to start throwing rocks at people.
(Hecate after being bullied one two many times)
Hecate: I’m gonna mix a can of Red Bull with seventeen shots of espresso in a fishbowl and then chug it while Kids by MGMT plays in the background so I can perceive twenty-three spatial dimensions and fight my own soul.
(Hecate when final exams come around/they have a lot of business orders)
Hecate: Well, if you're not at least a little bit gay for your friends, then what kind of friend are you?
(This is just Hecates mood)
Carol version:
(Most of these can be described with drunk Carol, so any quotes with a ** means Carol was drunk when she said it)
Carol: Then either Sonic is a god or could kill god, and I do not care if there is a difference.
Carol: Clownery. Tomfoolery. Absolute fuckery, I am going to revoke your life privileges.
(Carol.. had a bad day at work)
Carol: Helpful grammar tip: “farther” is for physical distance, “further” is for methaphorical distance, and “father” is for emotional distance!
(Carol you’re not supposed to say this shit in therapy-)
Carol: *Takes a sip of milk and gags*
Carol: Oh my god, is this expired?
Carol: *Takes another sip of milk*
Carol: Oh, so when crows remember people who wronged them and hold grudges, its “intelligent” and “really cool”.
Carol: But when I do it, I’m “petty” and “need to let it go”.
(Carol… has many grudges)
Carol: God has let me live another day and I'm going to make it everyone's problem.
Carol: Fruits that do not live up to their names; passionfruit, grapefruit, honeydew and dragonfruit.
Carol: Fruits that do live up to their names?
Carol: Orange.
Carol: I hate when people ask me, 'What did you do today?' Buddy listen, I woke up at noon and then it was five p.m., okay? I don't KNOW!
(Carol in therapy yet again)
Carol: I’ve never smoked marijuana. I ate a brownie once at a party. It was intense. It was kind of indescribable. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there was no pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie.
Carol: Yeah I'm LGBT.
Carol: cuLt leader.
Carol: God hates me personally.
Carol: cowBoy hat.
Carol: *sniffles* Trying my best.
Now I implore you to do this with your own Only in Gotham OCs (Bonus points if Hecate, Carol, Kam, or Daxter are mentioned)
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maximons · 3 years
Tricks And Treats
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Summary: Pietro tries to get Wanda and Y/n to finally admit their feelings for each other and takes them to a haunted house. Too bad Wanda is a full on scaredy cat...or is that exactly what is needed?
Word Count: 2,915
Genre: Fluff
Requested?: Yes
A/N: Finally back with the Fluff! Here’s that one shot I promised like a week ago lmao Happy Reading!
Halloween was for sure your favorite holiday.
You knew you were in the minority with that thought, seeing most people picked Christmas as their favorite, but you didn’t care. You always loved the time of year that came with Halloween, your birthday fell pretty close to it, you get to dress up and pretend to be someone else for a day, and it’s full on spooky season! What wasn’t there to love?
Well apparently a lot, at least according to your best friend Wanda.
For someone who’s a witch, you find it very funny that she doesn’t like the holiday.
You first met Wanda during the whole Ultron situation, back then she took on a more ‘emo’ appearance. Don’t tell anyone you said this, but you wouldn’t mind if she adopted the look again cause damn, so you just assumed Halloween and all things spooky would be for her, right?
You quickly learned that Wanda was not a fan of scary. You remember asking her to go see this new horror movie with you, it was your first time hanging out alone together and you just figured it’d be something she was into.
By the end of the movie, her face was buried in her knees, and she didn’t believe you when you told her the movie was over. The poor teenager working the theater was pretty annoyed with you both.
Needless to say, you didn’t bother her about anything spooky related again.
So when Pietro came to you two asking if you wanted to go to the new haunted house in town, you were beyond shocked that she agreed without a second thought.
“Uh, Wanda are you sure?” You asked, very hesitant. “I don’t know if you’ve ever been to a haunted house before, but-”
“I know what they are, Y/n.” Wanda cut you off before you finished, seeming very enthused, which confused you more. “I think it’ll be really cool!”
“Yeah...Wands, I know this group. This isn’t your typical ‘few scary decorations with the occasional light jump scare’ thing. These guys are intense.” You tried again. You didn’t know what had gotten into the witch, but you were sure she was making a mistake here.
“Y/n/n, relax. I’m not a child, I can handle myself. Trust me, okay? It’ll be great!” The bright smile on Wanda’s face was always a sight you welcomed, but it confused you in the moment. Still, you knew once her mind was set on something...let’s just say it’d be easier to find all the infinity stones than to talk her out of it.
“Alright, if you say so.” You shrugged, deciding it was best to drop the topic. Besides, she was right, Wanda’s a grown woman who can make her own choices. You just get to wait to be able to tell her that her choice was a stupid one. “So Friday night?” You asked Pietro, who nodded excitedly.
“Friday night!” He confirmed.
“Okay, cool.” You took another quick sip of your morning coffee before setting your mug down. “I gotta get ready for training. So happy to be working with Steve today instead of Nat, he’s always a walk in the park.” You said sarcastically with a roll of your eyes. “Wish me luck.” 
The twins wished you luck as you left the room to go get ready. After they were sure you were out of earshot, the witch turned to her brother. “This is your plan? Are you crazy?”
“I know, I know, but trust me, okay?” He reassured, walking to the fridge to grab himself a drink. “Y/n loves this stuff, and as she is the love of your life-”
“Whoa, whoa, I-I never said-”
“-You should experience the things that she loves to do.” Pietro finished, ignoring his sister’s intervention. “I’ll do my best to stay out of your guys’ way, and you have the whole evening to yourselves. Sounds perfect to me.”
“Yeah, until I act like a complete, how do they say, ‘spaz’ around her again.” Wanda sighed, leaning on the kitchen counter in defeat.
“You won’t. You know what kind of things to expect now. And if you do freak out, all the more reason to be by her side. She will protect you.”
Wanda looked at her brother in confusion. “I can protect my self.”
Pietro rolled his eyes playfully. “Not what I meant. You will see, sestra.”
Friday night came before you know it, and you, Wanda and Pietro were waiting in the line to buy your tickets to enter.
“Holy shit, this is a long line.” Pietro complained, causing you to chuckle.
“Not surprising. It’s the week before Halloween, weather’s nice, and this group doesn’t come to New York a whole lot. More surprised it isn’t longer actually.” You shrugged.
“Why don’t they come to New York? I thought this was one of America’s more popular states?” Wanda asked.
“It is, but ever since Loki invaded and our merry band of misfits formed, tourism and things like this have been down a whole lot.” You leaned down to get closer to Wanda’s ear. “I guess we’ve been the scary ones all along.” You joked, but Wanda was more focused on trying to calm down and forget the feeling of your breath against her ear.
“Everything alright there, Wanda?” Pietro asked after a moment, teasing smirk on his face. Before Wanda could even fire back, a voice from in front of you spoke up.
“No way! You guys are Avengers!” The group in front of you turned around, one of the guys recognized you instantly.
“Uh, yes...we are.” Wanda awkwardly stated. You knew Wanda hated fan interactions, and to be honest you weren’t a fan of these situations either. They were unpredictable. The Avengers were either beloved or despised, and you’ve been on both ends of the reaction spectrum. Wanda and Pietro, unfortunately, have seen a lot more animosity than you and the others.
Honestly, you couldn’t even fault the ones that didn’t love you guys. You weren’t ignorant and knew your battles have caused a lot of problems for a lot of people. You could sympathize, but that didn’t mean you wanted to be on the receiving end of that anger. Especially not when you were trying to just have a fun night out with your friends. “Look guys, we’re really just here to have a good time. We don’t wanna cause a scene.” You said.
“Nah, nah, it’s cool. I think you guys are awesome!” The guy said, and it was clear to you then that the dude was baked out of his mind. “Especially you, with the red wiggly woos!” He pointed to Wanda as he gave a terrible impression of her hand movements. You smiled, happy to see a fan interaction go well for Wanda.
The joy you felt didn’t last long though, as another guy in the group turned to you, blunt in his hand. “Hey, you’re the fire one right? Can you do me a solid?” He gestured to you, asking you to give him a light. You sighed, the twins chuckling at the situation.
“Yeah, but don’t ask again.” You ignited the tip of your finger, gently placing it on the end of the blunt. The group turned around in line and continued to go about their own conversation. You felt Wanda elbow your side, and you turned to see a smirk on her face. When you heard Pietro’s snicker, you groaned.
“Shut up.”
“Look at you, helping delinquents. Aren’t you supposed to be a superhero? Bringer of justice and all of that?” Wanda teased and you rolled your eyes playfully.
“Yeah, but I’m the fun one. It’s just weed.” You said confidently, but the witch saw through it and you dropped the act. “And the last time that happened and I said no, the dude burst into tears.” You said under your breath.
“There it is.” She smiled, and you couldn’t help but smile back despite you being the subject of mockery. You loved seeing her smile, you didn’t care about the reason why.
Before you knew it, Pietro announced that you guys were next in line to buy tickets. He bought his and stepped aside so you can go next. “Hi, two please.” Wanda turned to you with her eyebrows scrunched in confusion.
“Wha- Y/n, I can afford it.” She chuckled nervously, flattered by the action.
“I know, but when I have to drag you out of here cause you’re paralyzed in fear, at least you won’t regret dropping forty bucks on it.” You shrugged as you handed the cashier your credit card.
Wanda’s face reddened, something she quickly tried to hide from her brother who was enjoying this way too much. Her flustered state faded quickly when she processed what you said. “Hey!” You chuckled before thanking the cashier as she returned your card.
“Please go to the table to sign your waivers, entrance is down that hill. Enjoy your night.” The monotone voice told you that the poor woman’s been working all night. You didn’t have time to dwell on that though as you felt a panicked tapping on your arm.
“What’s wrong? We haven’t even entered yet.” You teased.
“W-what did she mean by waivers?” You chuckled at the panicked tone in the witch’s voice.
“Just means if you have a heart attack or something, you can’t sue.” You shrugged nonchalantly, but Wanda took it very seriously and turned to you with even wider eyes.
“That can happen!?”
“Well, it happened at least once if the thought of doing a waiver.” You answered, once again, nonchalantly. You looked at Wanda and could swear you saw her blood run cold. You laughed, which resulted in you receiving a glare. “Relax, Wan, you’ll be fine. You’re an Avenger, you’ve faced off against killer robots, stared death in the face time and time again!” You exclaimed dramatically as you waved your arms. You noticed Wanda start to smile and relax her shoulders. 
“Thanks, Y/n.” She gave you a sweet smile, and you couldn’t help but melt.
“Yeah, anytime.” Your eyes locked with Wanda, you were about to look away but couldn’t. ‘Wow, were her eyes always this green? They’re beautiful.’ You thought.
A blush appeared on the witch’s face as she tore her gaze from you. You were about to ask what happened, but were interrupted. “Let’s go slow pokes!” Pietro’s voice shouted, effectively breaking the moment.
“Yeah, yeah Sonic, we’re coming!” You rolled your eyes as you shouted back. Wanda giggled at the banter between you and her brother, she loved that you two were close. With that, you and her headed down the hill towards the entrance.
After about a half hour, it seemed Wanda was holding up well. The three of you walked out of the corn maze, and she had a triumphant smile on her face. “I thought you said this place was scary.” She teased causing you to roll your eyes playfully.
“Congratulations you survived the corn maze, you get to join the hall of fame with the other twelve year-olds.” As if to emphasize your point, three twelve year-olds ran out of the maze in giggles, clearly unaffected. Wanda pouted. “Aw, don’t worry. I thought you were very brave.” You teased yet again, which resulted in an elbow to the side.
“You’re a jerk.” Wanda held back a smile as she strutted forward. You laughed as you jogged forward to catch up.
“Alright, are you guys ready for the big one?” Pietro asked and your eyes widened.
“Oh, Piet, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” You said as you nudged your head towards Wanda, hinting that you didn’t think she could handle that. Unfortunately, she caught on.
“Aw come on, Y/n. I’m not a baby.” 
“I know, but you can’t go from the corn maze to...that.” You gestured towards the haunted maze entrance, a giant purple demon with smoke blowing out of it’s ears looming over. You guys turned at the sound of screams, and saw a group run out of the maze in fear, which then dissolved into laughter.
“They seem to be having fun.” Wanda gestured towards the group.
“Yeah, after the screams of terror.” You shot back. “You can’t go from walking around the block to running a marathon.”
“Oh yeah? Watch me.” Wanda strutted forward towards the entrance, determined to prove you wrong.
You groaned as you looked over to Pietro, who watched the whole ordeal with a cheeky smile. “Your sister’s insane.”
“Yeah, but you love it.” Pietro said under his breath, but you still heard it.
“Nothing!” With that, the man sped forward, catching up to his sister at the entrance. You stared after him for a moment in shock before joining them.
The three of you walked the path, and everything seemed to be going well...for all of five seconds. The first jump scare happened behind Wanda. The loud screech startled her, and she jumped with a scream. She stumbled into your arms, and you wrapped them around her in order to keep her from falling. You chuckled, and Wanda looked up at you with the intention to glare. However, when your eyes locked again, Wanda couldn’t help but stare.
You, of course, had to ruin the moment. “Not too late to turn back, y’know. This is just the beginning.” Wanda groaned and pulled away from you, continuing forward. You laughed. “You can hold my hand if you want!” You don’t know what compelled you to say that, but you knew you weren’t entirely joking.
And you didn’t regret it when Wanda reached out and held your hand without another word. You smiled, squeezing her hand.
What you didn’t see was Pietro giving Wanda a thumbs up as you both walked past.
At some point, you guys lost Pietro in the dark maze. Wanda wasn’t even worried as she still held your hand tightly, and you knew the man would be fine and he’ll meet up with you at the exit. 
Wanda had been holding up better than you thought. You wouldn’t say she was good per say, seeing as she screamed and practically jumped into your arms at the slightest sound, but she hadn’t collapsed on the ground in tears yet, so you’d count that as a win.
“Gotta say, Maximoff. I’m impressed.” You said as you two walked down the maze hand in hand.
“I’m just being that super brave Avenger like you said.” Wanda giggled, and you couldn’t help but melt at the noise.
“Well you’re doing an awesome job. Even if the last three guys almost made you pee your pants.” You laughed loudly as you took in the shocked reaction the woman gave you.
“Y/n!” She scolded, but before you could even respond, the worst jump scare yet occurred. 
A large animatronic growled and lowered from the ceiling right behind Wanda. The witch turned to look briefly as she screamed loudly and jumped to you again. This time, however she literally jumped into your arms. You quickly braced your hands under her thighs, catching her, as she wrapped her legs around your waist. The force from the jump caused you to stumble back into a darker corner of the maze. Your back hit a hay wall, and you and Wanda laughed at the moment. Your laughter continued for a moment, and Wanda lifted her head from your shoulder to look into your eyes. Both of you got quiet as you continued to stare, sensing the moment shift.
“You okay?” You whispered, almost as if talking to loudly would shatter the moment. Wanda nodded, eyes still locked onto yours. After a moment of silence, she spoke up.
“Y’know...I think a distraction would help.” Your eyebrows shot up at the insinuation. You doubted you heard her correctly, but when you saw her eyes shift down to your lips, you knew what she wanted. And you wouldn’t lie and say you didn’t want it too.
“I...Yeah, I think I could help with that.” You barely got your sentence out when Wanda smashed her lips to yours roughly. You tightened your hold on her thighs as she wrapped her arms around your neck. You stood there, making out roughly against the wall of the maze. As wild and sudden as this was, you wouldn’t trade this moment for anything.
Pietro noticed you two were gone for a really long time. He was beginning to get concerned, and pulled out his phone ready to call one of you. Turns out he didn’t need to. 
You two came out of the maze, only you weren’t alone. You and Wanda each had a security guard holding your arm. After you two were out of the maze completely, they let you go and walked off. It was then that Pietro noticed both of your disheveled states. And he could swear he saw two or three hickeys forming on your neck.
“No you didn’t-” He started, but you cut him off.
“Not a word.” Your hand found it’s way to Wanda’s as you guys walked towards the exit of the park, figuring it’d be bad Avengers press if you guys stayed any longer at this point. You had an awesome night anyway, and didn’t care if it ended a little early. Besides, you had a feeling you’d get to have some more...fun when you got back to the compound.
You didn’t notice Pietro high five Wanda’s free hand.
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The Thrilling Saga of Connie paying real life money for the Worst Sonic TV Show
Let’s begin with the simple fact that me and my sister, @birdsareblooming​ “Cori”, have both been hyperfixating on Sonic the Hedgehog since last March. During this hyperfixation, I was on Sonic Wiki to copy-paste song lyrics onto my stolen mp3s, and I called my sister in and pointed at the template at the bottom. 
“What is this Sonic Underground thing?” I asked. “It has one shit billion songs.” 
So we clicked on the page to read about it, and each sentence we read was a punch in the gut and this quickly became the funniest thing we’d ever read. Highlights include:
It looks like this:
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“Sonic[...] is known to be a prince” 
Sonic has two siblings who actually have good characterization but their names are literally just Sonia and Manic. Like. Sonic split into two names. jesus christ 
Also Sonic and his siblings all share a voice actor. honestly Jaleel White does his best with it but 
“The three siblings possess enchanted medallions that transform not only into musical instruments, but also into weapons.”
“Some fans consider Sonia to be a clone of Amy Rose, minus the attraction Amy feels for Sonic.” YEAH I SURE HOPE IT DOES
“Manic is the most often captured of the siblings” himbo king 
Knuckles shows up, and for the first, like, two sentences his description is very similar to the game, and then you get immediately pulverized by “He has a pet Dinosaur called Chomps.”
Literally so many sentences on Sonic Wiki are lowkey salty about this show. The page features lines such as “Sonic Underground bears little relation to the often complex Sonic universe (including previous animated series, as well as Sonic comics and games), and shares only three established characters” and “many of the characters in the Freedom Fighter group that were in Sonic the Hedgehog are completely left out (including Tails).”
“The show met with mostly negative reviews.”
*checks air dates* It only lasted two goddamn months
So after seeing this we thought it was the funniest thing and we showed our older sister, @patema-introverted​ “North.” To our surprise, our at the time “knew nothing about this sonic bullshit” sister recognized the show. Turns out she’d seen trailers for it as a child and that was her sole exposure to Sonic canon. 
We were in quarantine at the time, so we ended up finding it on YouTube and binge-watching it all together as a sibling bonding activity. It was just as hilarious as we thought it would be- some stuff was legitimately good, like the sibling dialogue for instance, but good lord were the character designs ugly, the plot all over the place, and pretty much every song, um, not great. Also there was one episode that we skipped because it got, um, I think “stereotypical” is the nicest word I can use here. 
But the point is, we had a jolly good time watching it, and afterwards we binged all the other Sonic shows and bonded as a family. 
After quarantine, North and I go back to college. My roommate gets groceries at Walmart, while I get them elsewhere, so while she and North collect food I wander the DVD aisle to look at the cool movies and also dumpster-dive in the bargain bin for Cats (2019). I am also short as fuck, so the top shelf of movies I cannot see, I can only read the labels. 
So one day I was browsing the DVDs, and glancing over at the labels for the top shelf. I read over the final one before the shelves end. 
And then I stop, do a double take, and have a heart attack, because there is a label that reads “SONIC UNDERGROUND $3.74″
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I immediately climb the shelf but there aren’t any DVDs atop the shelf. However, the label is still there. I excitedly tell my sister and roommates, freak out with them a bit, and then give myself a mission statement:
I will buy the $4 Sonic Underground DVD from Walmart
I did not want it as a gift, I did not want to find it online. I wanted to walk into a store, pick up the Worst Sonic Show on DVD, walk it straight to the checkout, and in front of the cashier and God, pay for it with my own money. I did not care if it was the whole series or two episodes; I needed to do this for my own serotonin.
We would go to Walmart about once a week. Every time, I would go to the DVD aisle, and go right to the end of the shelves. I would stare at the label SONIC UNDERGROUND $3.74 and empty space above it and wonder who the fuck was buying this other than me. I would occasionally ask employees if they had any copies in storage. I would build a shrine to Manic in my room. Okay, no I didn’t, but only because my RA would have murdered me. 
Christmas break comes, and we have to go home. We have a nice Christmas, and Cori and I infodump at each other about how we would make Sonic Underground a good show (note: we’re both galaxy braining) and also play Bendy and the Ink Machine. Fun times. 
When we finally get back to College, it’s late January- long story short we have a very long winter break. My roommate who gets food at Walmart got food without us the first week cause she showed up first, so we take her out to Walmart the first time in the year of our lord 2021 on January 29. 
I wander the Valentine’s aisle, immediately grabbing a sequin puppy. I go to the DVDs and see Animaniacs Season One, also grab that. 
And then.
There it is.
The Holy Grail. 
Above the label SONIC UNDERGROUND $3.74, is one DVD left. 
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Already I am losing my mind. It’s roughly seven hours of episodes- I couldn’t find an episode list, but I think that’s half the show, for $4! And the cover is amazing. 
That’s a png of Sonic from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (1993) with a medallion badly photoshopped over it. The medallion is too small. 
Manic is shoved into the corner. He doesn’t have his medallion at all. 
Sonia isn’t even pictured on the front cover, probably because they realized she was the worst designed of the bunch. I’m not ragging on her though, because she’s still one of the better designed characters of the show. Those background characters make me cry 
So you bet your ass I finally paid my hard-earned $4 for this shit. Upon getting home, I discovered that there was even wilder shit with this DVD than I thought. 
For starters: the bonus features listed are as follows:
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Original Concept Art - did not expect that these character designs were the final draft
Storyboard-to-screen - did not expect they bothered to storyboard this 
Music Video Jukebox - that’s cute, they thought we liked the music 
Interviews with original screenwriter & executive producer - I fully expect the only questions to be “why.” 
On the left of this list are screenshots from the show, where people can finally see Sonia, who we Know™ is a girl because she is pink and has hair and also an actual body shape instead of just circles like her brothers. 
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But wait... what’s that in the lefthand corner? 
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That looks like some kind of robot. But it’s not a robot from Sonic Underground! That didn’t appear once. Why is it here? 
The mystery continues upon opening the DVD case: inside are advertisements for other collections, including other Sonic DVDs: two volumes of Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (1993) and the final episodes of Sonic the Hedgehog “SatAM” (1993)
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First of all, the first volume of AOSTH has the exact same PNG of Sonic as the Underground Volume 1. Not even trying to hide it. But second... the second volume of AOSTH also has this robot on its cover. 
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So you may be asking, who is this robot? Is it from AOSTH or Underground?
IT’S FROM FUCKING SATAM. The one show that doesn’t have it decorating the DVD covers.
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Also, not only is it from SatAM, it only appears in one fucking episode. Not a major character! AND IT HAS A DIFFERENT DESIGN ON THE PROMO ART, WITH HAIR AND FANGS.
Why is it showing up everywhere? What is going on? 
I have not yet had the opportunity to watch this glorious piece of animation, but I am so glad at the confusion I have felt upon receiving it. 
But before I go, I must share with you the best part of this DVD purchase. And it was flipping to the back, scanning the details, and discovering the exact runtime of the episode collection. 
Guys, gals, and enby pals, friends and enemies, Nintendo and Sega, the first Volume of Sonic Underground has a runtime of...
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Maybe I’m wrong and this IS the best Sonic show. 
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nottheweirdest · 2 years
hi!! hope youre having a nice day
🥺❌✅💔 for the fanfic writer emoji ask (pfft that kind of a lot, feel free to just choose out of the four :3!)
Well hello there!! Today was good, thanks!! Pretty productive from a housecleaning/organization perspective hehe I will very happily answer all of these! I love it!
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
When one of the boys (Sonic or Shadow hehe since that's pretty much all I write) comforts the other. Oooo it gets me in the feels every time. 💖
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
High school au. I will never write a high school au, and I won't read them either. No offense to those that do and enjoy them, you do you! 💞But high school is not a time in my life I care to revisit in any capacity. 😜 I prefer adult stories, featuring adults in adult situations. lol Maybe it's because high school was so long ago idk 😂
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
hahaha is it bad that the first thing that came to mind was biting? lol Well, definitely biting, whoops, but other than that there's lots of stargazing, and lots of togetherness in rain or storms. There's lots of sunsets and season mentions as well. 😁
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
Hands down The First Law of Thermodynamics. It's the last in my Moments series and I got the idea for it randomly in the shower actually. A song came on (because I listen to music constantly, including in the shower lol) and the idea just hit me like a sack of bricks. The feels from it were already so powerful I had to push it down for a few days because I wasn't in a mental or emotional place to write it. When I finally did, I immediately started crying and proceeded to sob the entire time. I was so upset there must have been a disturbance in the force because my mom called me out of nowhere convinced something was wrong lol Like yeah mom, I'm fine, just sobbing over my Sonic the Hedgehog fanfiction (is what I definitely did not say lmao). So yeah, that one 😅
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask
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saphira5 · 2 years
Knuckles x Owl Reader Part 2
“I miss her” you look at sonic, he was looking at the ground “when she reported to me that she had found a baby creature, I told her to look after it, give the baby a life that many of us could never have”. Sonic looks up at you, “she would send letters about you sonic, she asked me if she could be your guardian and also make you her apprentice, I told her yes. Longclaw was my best friend, it broke my heart the day I found out she died, I then went looking for you, when I found you, you were happy. I’m sorry I couldn’t have told you sooner, sonic”. Sonic gets up from the couch and hugs you, y/n raps your wings around him. You let him go and then look at Knuckles “I am sorry Knuckles that war didn’t stop sooner, many of are kind would have been saved, but the owls saw the Echidna’s power when using the Master Emerald, such dangerous power. The order of heroes couldn’t just stand by and watch, the Master Emerald needed to be hidden from everyone”. Knuckles looks at you and then at the ground. “How old are you then, y/n”. “I am fifteen years old, Tom”, Maddie and Tom’s mouth hang open. Knuckles looks at you surprised, you look at him and he looks away. “Then why are you an adult when you turn human”. “I saw that only adults could do whatever here, but kids needed parents by their side. So, I made myself look like an adult”. “Then you are also a kid just like Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails, so we will take care of you, y/n”. “Thanks Maddie”. “Alright everyone time for bed” Tom looks at Sonic. Maddie gets up and leads everyone to bed, she tucks them and says good night, she closes the door and heads downstairs, she seats right by Tom, they both look at you, “when do you sleep y/n. You look at Tom “I sleep at four in the morning then I wake up at around eleven”. “Ok, if you needed anything, come and walk me and Tom up”. “Ok, Maddie”. They climbed the stairs and close the bedroom door. You stand by the couch, and wait then you go an idea, why not go for a fly. You headed to the back door, you went to the water hose and turned it on using your beak, you wet the ground and when it’s nice and muddy. Y/n turns the water off, you begin rolling in the mud, your feathers no longer white but brown, you always rolled in the mud before a fly, your white feathers could be seen from a mile away. Once you got enough mud on you, you took off to the sky. The air felt nice, you could feel the muscle in each feather and in every stroke. You did many different tricks in the air, you then thought it was time to head home. You opened the door and looked at the clock, one in the morning, you then see Knuckles seating on the couch, y/n heads over “what is wrong Knuckles”. He looks at the mud all over your body “I couldn’t sleep, nice concealment”, “thanks Knuckles, how about we go for a fly”. He nods, you both head to the backdoor, Knuckles climbs on your back “hold on Knuckles”, “wait”, “what’s wrong, Knuckles”, you look at him “what about your shoulder”, “it’s ok, Knuckles”. He holds on to your feathers a little too tight, but y/n didn’t mind, you begin to ascend into the sky. “You can let go now, Knuckles”. He let’s go and looks at the star. “Aren’t they beautiful Knuckles”, he looks at you “just like you”, y/n looks back at him “thank you, Knuckles”, he smiles at you. “How about we take a closer look”, “hold on Knuckles”, you then ascend higher. Knuckles takes one of his hands and touches a cloud “very nice”, “but you are even nicer” you look at Knuckles, he looks the other way. “It is very beautiful up here, y/n”, “it takes my breath away each and every time, I think it is time to head back”. You look at him and he nods, you landed, and Knuckles jumped off “we should do this again sometimes, Knuckles”, he looks at you “we should”. Knuckles opens the sliding door, you walk in after him and you look at the clock, five in the morning. You walk to the leaving room; Knuckles is seating on the couch. You yawn, “I’m going to bed Knuckles”, “goodnight, y/n”. You open the back door and fly to your perch, as soon as you laid down you feel right to sleep. You yawned and headed to the back door; you walk in “good morning y/n, why are you covered in mud”, you look at the time, eleven thirty “good afternoon, Tom, I went for a fly last night and I needed to cover my white feathers”, “where is Maddie”. “She went to work”, “what about you, Tom”, “I made Wade sheriff for a week”. “That’s a bad idea, Tom”. He laughs “what do you want for breakfast, y/n”. “I would like some raw meat”, “raw meat coming up”, “you don’t eat mice”, “mice are too little hear on earth, it would take me days to get full”. Tom cuts the meat bags open and places them on a plate, you head to the table. “Where is Sonic and the gang”, “Knuckles wanted to play baseball again”. Tom places the plate in front of you “y/n be careful out there”. “I know Tom, I always take a flight during the night”. You look at him and he nods, you finish your plate of meat. “I am going to go see Sonic and the gang”, you head to the back and fly off but before you did you hear “be safe”. You flew to the baseball field, “y/n” sonic comes running over. “You want to play “sure, sonic”. Sonic passes you a bat, y/n picks it up with your beck and heads to the batter’s box. Tails was pitcher and Knuckles was outfielder. and sonic was the catcher. “Are you ready, y/n” tails said, you nod “here it comes” tails throw the ball, you turn your head a bit and then smack, the bat hits the ball, and it goes flying. Knuckles runs after it but when it went over the fence he stopped. “Homerun”, you begin walking each base, until you came back to sonic. “Nice hit, y/n”, sonic says “nice, y/n” tails says. Knuckles comes over “great hit, y/n” “thanks everyone, another round, tails well be batter and I well be pitcher”. You played for hours until the sun went down. Sonic got a call “Tom wants us all at home”. Everyone runs back, except you and Knuckles, “hop on Knuckles”, you head home as fast as you could. You landed and Knuckles jumped off, you both headed inside. “y/n, why are you all mud, let me take a look at your shoulder” “ok, Maddie”, she begins undoing the bandages “it’s all better”, “owls heal quickly”, “that good y/n, know what’s for dinner”. “Hotdogs” sonic says, “yeah” “what about you Knuckles” “hotdogs sound good”. “Y/n what about you”, “I’m going to eat raw meat”. “Ok”, Maddie heads to the kitchen and begins preparing hotdogs “go wash up, everyone”. Sonic and tails sprint upstairs to the sink, Knuckles was about to head up the stairs “Knuckles can you help me with the hose outside”, “of course, y/n”. You both head outside “can you get the mud off with the water for me”. You head over to the hose and turned it on, Knuckles began wetting you, y/n shook and got knuckles wet, you look at Knuckles “sorry about that, Knuckles” he smiles, once all the mud was off you went to turn off the hose, you shook once more to get off as much water as possible, Knuckles did the same. You both head inside, everyone was sitting down waiting for you two. Knuckles sits next to Sonic, and y/n seat at the head of the table. “Everyone dig in”, you picked up the meat and tossed it a bit then you swallowed it. Once everyone was down, sonic, tails, and Knuckles picked up their plates and dropped them in the sink, you tried to pick up you plate but you couldn’t. “I well get it”, “thank you, Knuckles”. You and Knuckles walk to the sink, Knuckles places the plate on top of his. “Let’s watch a movie”, “Speed, dad”, sonic seats on the couch with tails next to him. Maddie has a space for Tom next to her, “Knuckles I can give you a piggyback ride, while we watch the movie”. “What is a piggyback ride”, “climb on me and have your feet on my shoulders, that is a piggyback ride”. Knuckles climbs on your back and sits on your shoulders; you walk to the side of the couch. Tom then begins the movie, a hour later the movies ends, “time for bed, everyone”. Sonic and tails head upstairs, “Knuckles, the movie is over”, “he is fast asleep, y/n”. You look at tom, “let me get him”, you bend down and bit and Tom grabs Knuckles, he takes him upstairs. “Knuckles is opening up, he likes to be around you”, you look at Maddie and nod. “Good night, y/n” “good night, Maddie”, she heads upstairs, you head outside and get ready for bed when you see Knuckles walking towards you “Knuckles, is everything ok”, Knuckles climbs up and stands in front of you, he looks away “can I sleep here, with you”, “of course you can, Knuckles”, you open your wings and Knuckles rubs your side and then relaxes, “good night, Knuckles”. You get no answer, you lift your wing a bit and see he has fallen asleep. You look at him and then you get ready for bed, you close your eyes and sleep. Posted 4/18/22 Part 3 coming Saturday             
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writer-k-pop · 4 years
I Would
왜나하면 나는 우리의 모든 데이트가 우리 둘 모두에게 행복하고 즐거운 시간이 되길 원하기 때뭉이야. Because I want our every date to be a happy and fun time for both of us.
Description: During a live TV interview, Jeonghan is faced with a comment from  a particularly problematic host. With the need to defend himself and you, you watched for the first time as Jeonghan sternly, and slightly angered, puts someone in their place during a live show. Warnings: Swearing Genre: Angst, Fluff ending, Idol!Jeonghan x Fem!Reader Word Count: 2.6k
Seventeen Masterlist | Masterlists
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You brought your knees up to your chest, attention focused on the TV where a live broadcast of your boyfriend, Jeonghan, and his group mates, Seventeen, was airing. Jeonghan was always super excited to do any show but this show had him, and the entire group for that matter, on edge.
The reason being that one of the hosts was a very questionable person. The host, Jack, made comments that made many of the public feel uncomfortable and even with all the outcry, he was still appearing on TV. The night before as I sat with the members, talking and trying to relax for the night, the boys couldn't stop worrying about how they were going to handle any concerning comments that came from that particular host. Seungcheol and Jeonghan were trying their best to give words of encouragement and disperse the worry but you could tell Jeonghan's mind was running a 100 miles per hour with the same worry as the other members.
They finished with their introduction segment and moved onto the first topic. During the entirety, you tried to focus on what was being said but all you could really focus on was Jeonghan. The other members had taken Seungcheol and Jeonghan's advice to just do the interview as normal and for the most part, Seungcheol looked like he had also taken his advice. But Jeonghan was a different story.
He sat between Jun and Dino but you could tell his mind was analyzing every word coming out of every mouth in preparation to combat any wrong comment. Jeonghan was physically there but mentally fighting a war that hadn't even happened yet.
You pouted in concern but that was all you could do. The broadcast was live. All you could do was sit and watch and hope that the rest of the broadcast went without a hitch.
But of course, your hope was soon crushed.
It was the third and final segment called 'I Adore.' You knew about this segment because the some of the members had asked your opinion on if their items were 'okay' as an item/hobby/thing they adored. And because Jeonghan had asked your permission to use a picture of the two of you. You didn't care, the public already knew about your relationship. One more picture wouldn't hurt.
The members went through their 'I Adore' stories one by one and somehow Jeonghan was picked to go last. Probably because of the picture.
A picture of you and Jeonghan out on a date a few weeks ago pops up on the screen and the two other non-problematic hosts, Hangyeol and Kwangho, cooed at the picture.
"Would you like to explain, Jeonghan?" Hangyeol gestured towards Jeonghan.
You watched as he pulled himself out of his war with a deep breath.
"Yes, well, I adore (y/n)." Jeonghan leaned forward, resting his forearms on the table. "I adore her a lot but I couldn't bring her here so I brought a picture instead."
"This is a good alternative." Kwangho commented, "When was this taken?"
"A couple weeks ago." Jeonghan answered right away, "We were out on a shopping date looking for Dino's birthday gift, I think. She was feeling cute so we took a lot of pictures."
"They took so many pictures." Dokyeom agreed, "Like hundreds and hundreds." He exaggerated.
You rolled your eyes and smiled at his antics. The hosts and the members laugh.
"So why did you pick her for this segment?" Hangyeol asked, glancing down at his cue cards.
"Ever since we started dating, she is always supporting and encouraging me. And just when I think I know all of her little ticks, she surprises me with another one." Jeonghan explained and your heart fluttered. "(y/n)'s really cool and she always knows what I'm thinking and it's nice having someone to talk to like that."
"Ah, you must really love her." Kwangho nodded, "I can see it in your face."
Jeonghan smiled widely and blushed.
"He does." Dino agreed with the host. "Sometimes he'll ditch us to go see her."
"But wouldn't you if you had that kind of girl by your side?" Hangyeol defended Jeonghan.
"How long have you been dating?" Jack, the problematic host, questioned which made your breath hitch. The members also went silent for a second and a nervous glance was thrown between them.
"Uh, about a year or so now." Jeonghan answered confidently.
Jack nodded and let the other hosts continue. You breathed a sigh of relief with that hurdle passed.
"Actually, that's not the only picture we have of you two." Hangyeol said sheepishly.
Jeonghan looked at the hosts with a questioning look.
"We found some pictures on Twitter capturing you on your date." Hangyeol explained and a few pictures popped up on the screen.
They were of the same date but from farther away and a little later into the date after some shopping had been done.
"Fans must've taken them." You muttered to yourself not bothered as it happens sometimes.
They pull up one and focus on it. You're walking backwards talking to Jeonghan while he holds the couple of shopping bags and your bright pastel purse. You smile remembering the day with fondness.
"What's going on in this one?" Kwangho asked with genuine interest.
"Ah," Jeonghan lifts his head in remembrance of the moment, "We were leaving the shopping center and she was talking about something that I completely forget now. But I do remember having to yell at her millions of times because she was about to run into something or someone." He chuckled.
"Wait a minute," Jack chirped up and the nervous glances returned. "You said you were getting a gift for Dino, why do you have so many bags?"
Jeonghan sat up straighter, "One of the bags was Dino's gift, one was a shirt that (y/n) said I would look good in, and the other is her purse."
"Woah, he even carries her purse!" Kwangho cooed to Hangyeol in admiration of Jeonghan's act.
"Yah, he such a cool guy." Hangyeol agreed.
"He does that all the time." Seungcheol added on.
"Honestly, he's a really great boyfriend." Mingyu commented and Jeonghan hid his face in embarrassment.
"Ah, stop." Jeonghan whined and his members chuckle, Dino even patted his shoulder.
Across the interview table, Jack lowered his head and muttered something meant to go unheard. But Jeonghan's super sonic hearing heard him and he immediately snapped his head up, staring hard Jack.
"What did you say?" Jeonghan asked, his tone causing confusion between the members.
"I didn't-"
"No, please say it." Jeonghan cut Jack off and gestures for him to continue, "You said it for a reason."
Jack'glances around the studio and towards his fellow hosts for support, but they offer him none. Hangyeol and Kwangho, having heard his comment, were finally done putting up with his attitude.
"I just think that she should be able to carry her own purse. Why do you have to carry it when she obviously has her own arms." Jack shrugged nonchalantly.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes at his misguided opinion. From the TV, a few members also scoff while others lean back and cross their arms with stares as sharp as knives.
"I would carry her purse even if she had 8 arms and I had none." Jeonghan said in a slightly tensed tone. "Because I love her."
A feeling of 'yeah, you show him' was soon followed by a gut punch realization that Jeonghan just said that he loves you for the first time on TV. Ever.
"Still I don't get why she would make you carry all the bags and her purse." Jack continued his warped train of thought.
Jeonghan shook his head, "I told her to give me the bags. She actually didn't want me to carry them but I insisted."
"You shouldn't have given in then." Jack scoffed, crossed his arms, and leaned back in his chair. "You can't be that weak."
At this comment, you sat up and angrily grumbled at the TV.
"Who does he think he's calling weak? How can a person be this awful?" You wondered.
While you grumbled, the members also all leaned forward in anger at Jack's comment and the hosts started to lean away from Jack in an attempt to separate themselves from him. The entire atmosphere of the interview, even through the TV, turned icy in a second. Even as you sat on your couch at home, a shiver ran down your spine.
Jeonghan put a hand on Dino's arm, telling him to sit back down.
"I don't think it was weak." Jeonghan said with a 'you want to mess with me?' look in his eyes. "I think it's very strong of men and people to offer to carry other's things when they care for said person. You see," Jeonghan cleared his throat, "If I didn't take the bags from (y/n), she wouldn't have been able to walk backwards and talk to me so animatedly. Then I wouldn't have been able to smile and laugh at her like I am in the picture." He gestures to the screen where the picture was still up. "Then I wouldn't have been able to enjoy her enjoying herself on our date. And that would've made me disappointed. Because I want our every date to be a happy and fun time for both of us."
Listening to his defense, Jeonghan's words touched your heart and for a split second you forgot your anger and only felt love for the man you get to call yours.
Having been defeated, Jack sat silent in his chair. Kwangho and Hangyeol have successfully moved their chairs away. The other members listened intently and were all nodding their heads in agreement.
"I think we would all do the same." Hangyeol commented, trying to diffuse the tention. He then turned to the other members, "Wouldn't we?"
The other members nodded while Seungcheol actually spoke.
"Without hesitation." He nodded, giving one last glare towards Jack.
"Well, we have run out of time. But thank you for stopping by and giving us your time." Knwagho said to the members. They all nod and give their thanks except for Jeonghan. He was just staring at Jack with a glare as deadly as lasers.
Seungcheol led the group in their exit greeting and Jeonghan barely managed to make the ending bow before the show cuts off.
As commercials ran past the screen, you just sat on the couch, scrolling through posts and comments of the interview. Many expressed anger at the problematic host but a greater number were praising Jeonghan for his eloquent response to such a comment.
And not 10 minutes after the interview ended, a call from Jeonghan lit up your phone.
"HI there." You answered, already forgetting most of the annoyance you had from earlier.
"Hey." Jeonghan replied, his voice sounding tired with a hint of anger around the edges. "What are you doing right now?"
"Me?" You asked, "I'm sitting on the couch scrolling through my phone."
Jeonghan breathed out, "So you watched it, huh?"
"Yeah, I saw it." You said with a nod.
"Ugh, I was really hoping you didn't." Jeonghan muttered.
"Why not?" You wondered. You could see him running a hand through his hair.
"It was just so ridiculous. What he said." Jeonghan groaned.
You chuckled, "Yeah, it was pretty ridiculous but you handled it like an absolute pro." You offered, "Made me extremely proud, too."
"Really?" He asked, his voice perking up slightly.
"Oh totally." You answered, "You put him in his place and made me feel like a princess. I swear I think my heart exploded."
Jeonghan finally laughed and you felt relieved to hear his laughter.
"Where are you?" You asked after a couple seconds.
"In a taxi." He answered.
"Where are you going?" You questioned, "Shouldn't you be with the others going back to the dorm?"
"I should be." Jeonghan said, "But after that interview, I really needed to see you so I sort of ran off."
"Jeonghan!" You scolded him.
"It's fine!" He defended himself, "I told Seungcheol so I didn't entirely ditch without telling anyone."
"Did you even get out of your interview clothes?" You asked, knowing it takes Seventeen ages to get into and out of outfits.
There was a pause before Jeonghan answered.
"...No." His answer made you laugh.
"You're lucky you have clothes here." You told him before moving to the bathroom to retrieve some makeup removing supplies.
"I'm lucky I've got you." He said softly.
"Yes you are lucky you've got me." You joked and Jeonghan chuckled.
"I'll be there in like 20 minutes. Wait for me." He told you.
"I'll be here with makeup remover and open arms." You said before hanging up.
And as he said, 20 minutes later, Jeonghan punched in the lock code and strode into your home, straight into your arms. He rested his chin over your shoulder while squeezing you tightly.
"Hey superhero." You smiled and cuddled into his hug.
"Hey." Jeonghan relaxed and his shoulders sagged from exhaustion.
"Go get changed and then I'll take off your make up for you." You instructed him and he followed without a moment's hesitation.
You sat on the couch, set the make up wipes near your lap, and waited for Jeonghan to come back. After many of his schedules, his make up would be wiped off or he'd be with the members. But on occasion, he'd come to yours, make up on, and you would take off his make up for him. It was one of his favorite things. You often offered when you knew he had a stressful day because it was something that helped him to relax.
After a few minutes, Jeonghan returned out of his interview outfit and in pajamas. He flopped onto the couch and rested his head in you lap, eyes closed, ready for his make up to be removed.
As you wiped away the layers of makeup, his bare face that you loved so much began to show.
"Did you see the comments?" You asked, wiping down his cheek.
"No." Jeonghan said, "The members were blowing up my phone with texts so I had to pay attention to them."
"Well, people are very impressed by you and your comments." You told him, "I'm sure people will be talking about it tomorrow."
"Eh, I just said what needed to be said. That host needed to be put in his place." Jeonghan scrunched up his nose and you wiped that area to soothe out the skin.
"And you did just that." You told him. "So what do you want to do?"
"Lay here forever." Jeonghan answered.
You threw away the makeup wipe and reached for another, "I can do that."
"Forever?" Jeonghan glanced up at you with a questioning look.
"Forever." You smiled and leaned down to give him a kiss.
Happily, Jeonghan snuggled deeper into your lap and you resumed wiping his face.
"Next time bring me." You said absently mindedly.
"And let you be attacked like that? No way." Jeonghan shut down the idea immediately.
"But then you wouldn't have to be in a situation like you were today." You explained, wiping away the last bit of stubborn foundation.
Jeonghan opened his eyes and looked up at you. "(y/n)."
"Jeonghan." You copied his sentence type.
"I would go through that alone on national TV a million times over before I would even consider letting you go through it." Jeonghan told you. "I would go through it again if it meant I got to come home to you."
You smiled at his sincere words, "Then keep coming home to me."
He smiled widely and pulled you down for another kiss, one deeper than the one you had given him. One full of 'I love you's' to last a hundred years. And they all belonged to you and you alone.
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blazehedgehog · 2 years
As I'm sure you're aware, The Sonic 3 and Knuckles remaster on Sonic Origins will have remastered versions of the prototype/PC music instead of what we originally got. It's a deal breaker for many people, myself included.
I wanted to get it on the Switch but I ended up buying it on PC because it was cheaper by about $10 (thanks, Fanatical).
I expect there will be a mod for it on PC on launch day. By the time this post goes up, actually, since I have multiple posts competing to go up on the 23rd right now (I am writing this the night of the 22nd).
I mean there's already evidence out there of people datamining the game (and apparently finding Sonic Frontiers assets, whoops!) and I know for a fact that Retro Engine is already cracked and just uses ogg vorbis files for its music (I've ripped the songs for myself, once).
So it would not surprise me if there's already a mod for the PC version that restores the original music. If one doesn't already exist, by the end of launch day I bet somebody's figured it out.
(Update: 10:30pm on 6/23/2022.)
It's definitely a bigger bummer if you're playing it on a console, though. No question there.
I think it's already being proven that Jun's work on the new songs isn't terrible, but by his own admission, he's never actually worked with the appropriate Sega Genesis Yamaha YM2612 FM synthesizer. He was in the same boat as Masato Nakamura -- he'd write music in his studio and submit cassette tapes to Sega's sound programming division, which would translate his notes to sound better on an actual Genesis.
So when he does "Genesis-sounding music", it's through that weird Sonic 4 synth, which blatantly does not match the YM2612. It's "close enough," but it's obviously different. It's got the Sonic 2 drums (wrong) and uses this fake, hollow, tube-y sound for its FM instruments (very wrong). There's a whole entire step missing in this process, where somebody takes Jun's notations and transforms it. So of course it doesn't sound right.
Sega brings him back because he was actually there in 1994 and contributed music to Sonic 3. It's viewed as a "legacy" thing, I guess. He has seniority. They're getting an original Sonic 3 musician to do new Genesis-style music! But even then, he has said he didn't really do very much on Sonic 3 because he was considered the newbie. I think he did some small incidental jingles, from what I remember hearing. It was literally his first game at Sega and as I recall he came in pretty late.
So bringing him back to do this music... I'm sure it's a nice gesture to make him feel included and he can, and does turn in good work when given enough time.
But there were better options staring them in the face this entire time. Seniority means nothing if they make the end product worse. I know game development is hard. It's kind of like trying to predict the weather six months in advance -- you may be able to say "well it might snow during the winter", but you'll never know for sure until you get there. Signing Jun Senoue came long, long before anyone in management would have known how out of place his work sounds in the final product.
As much as Sega's current management clearly means well, they aren't knowledgeable enough (or just don't care enough) to get it right in the way it needs.
Anyway, deal breaker for you or not, we're probably never going to get Sonic 3 in any other way ever again, so you might as well make your peace with it one way or another, because this is the state of things.
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