#do not get me wrong i can absolutely see how this became such a popular series
yharnamesque · 1 month
I ended up reading another 50 pages of Metro 2033 today and every time I get a bit further through the book I come away a bit more confused in the sense of "am I just not getting it". Like in the span of those pages, Artyom:
got beaten up by metro nazis
was rescued by independent communists
had a close encounter with a mutant at a station with open surface access
got traded away as part of a rat race bet
and had an encounter with what I'm pretty sure were specifcally meant to be Jehovah's Witnesses
I very much understand that you're gonna see some real weird shit on a long journey across multiple stations, but the problem is there's no real hierarchy as to how impactful these experiences were on Artyom or their place amongst the metro as a whole. Like I would've thought something like an encounter with the so-called Fourth Reich that almost ended in his death would've had a bit more time and detail given to it, made it a bit more of a meaty event, but it's over kinda as quickly as it showed up
Glukhovsky's writing style doesn't help with the exceedingly long paragraphs, but most of the time I just wanna gently take him by the shoulders and ask where his beta reader was
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marksmelodies · 10 months
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forever only
idol eric x fem reader
genre: angst, smut, fluff
warnings: suggestive, mentions of sex, unprotected sex, lots of kissing
note: if you haven’t watched eric’s LA vlog on theboyz youtube channel you definitely should before reading this since it’s heavily based on that!
minors dni
walking out of your apartment in los angeles you head to your favorite cafe down the street, walking through the door hearing the bell chime as you enter, you order your coffee and sit at a table finishing up some work for college. fall semester just started and it was always the most stressful but this time around you didn’t sign up for many classes making the workload a lot easier to handle
you could finally focus on dance a little more which is your passion ever since you could walk your parents put you in dance and you absolutely flourished. now a college student you spend most of your time teaching dance classes, mostly hip hop because that was more of your style
as you work on your computer with your headphones on you hear a text message notification go off, ignoring it you continue with your work, until it goes off again, you check your phone to see a message from an unknown number
unknown #: hey y/n, it’s been a long time, i hope you’re doing well! i just wanted to let you know that i will be in LA for a few days this week with my group, if you aren’t busy tomorrow, i’m having a get together with miles at my place to meet my members you should come too
unknown #: oh this is eric by the way
your heart immediately drops as a state of nausea washes over your body “ god damn it miles” you cuss under your breath as you call him
“ yo what’s up” he answers the phone
“ you’ve got to be kidding me” you sigh
“ what’s wrong with you?” he asks
“ what’s wrong with me? oh i don’t know maybe what’s wrong with me is i just got a text from eric.. eric sohn” you whisper yell over the phone as you exit the cafe to get some fresh air
“ oh yeah i gave him your number” he laughs
“ why, why would you do that” you yell
“ he asked about you, he wants to see you again y/n” miles sighs
“ i don’t understand why you would give him my phone number after the whole reason why i got a new one was to avoid him”
“ listen y/n it’s been years, don’t you think it’s time to see him again, he asks about you all the time and i’m tired of making up excuses to why you avoid him, he hasn’t been back to los angeles since he left freshman year and the first thing he asked me is if he can possibly see you again while he’s here” miles says
you feel the tears begin to pull from your eyes
“ it’s just really hard for me miles, you don’t think i want to see him too? i want nothing more than to see him again, to see how far he’s come, but i don’t know if my heart is ready for that”
“ i know, but it’s been years maybe it’s time to truly move on and hopefully seeing him can give you enough closure to do so” he says
“ yeah maybe your right” a long pause comes from you before you speak again
“ i’ll go tomorrow” you say
“ good, i’m glad to hear that, everything will be okay i promise” he says, after hanging up the phone you walk back into the cafe packing up your stuff and heading back home,as you sit on the bed looking at the message eric sent you finally get the courage to respond
“ sounds great i’ll be there” you text back before shutting your phone off
you and eric met in middle school, he was popular due to his talent in baseball, all the girls obsessed over him, not you though at least not at first,you had biology class together and eventually got assigned to do a project with one another, after that you two became inseparable, eric introduced you to your now best friend miles and the three of you became the friend group that everyone wanted to be apart of
as time went on you started to have a little crush on eric, that crush only got bigger and bigger as you two got older, eric felt the same way about you, although eric had been in total awe the second he laid his eyes on you for the first time, the more he got to know you the more he fell in love, the summer going into your eighth grade year eric confessed his feelings to you and you confessed back
your relationship with eric was very lighthearted, a simple middle school fling, acting the same way towards eachother as you did when you were just friends maybe with the benefit of hand holding but that was it, to everyone’s surprise you both made it over a year which was super long for a middle school relationship, but you and eric were truly in love and a lot of people underestimated your feelings for each other
you remember the day that eric told you he was leaving to move to korea to pursue his dreams , you were heartbroken but being the supportive person you were you didn’t let him see how sad you were about it, you gave him all the best wishes and the two of you split up on good terms, you both knew it was impossible to continue this relationship when you would be across the world from each other
that wasn’t the last time you saw eric though, once you became a senior in high school you and your dance team got invited to a dance workshop in seoul south korea, of course the universe just had to mess with you because during your trip you ran into him while visiting the han river late one night, one thing led to another and you ended up hooking up with him that night.. and the next morning…in full retrospect the intimate moments you shared with him during that trip was amazing but after you left it made you feel like shit, you kept in contact with eachother for a few months after you saw him but eventually the text messages became less frequent and then just stopped all together, it was your own fault letting him break your heart for the second time, you got your own hopes up, you couldn’t blame him for his inconsistency, you saw how busy his life had become, how hard he worked everyday without a break.
but selfishly you wished sometimes that he would have stayed in LA, become a college student like yourself and the two of you could be together again, maybe even be on the road to getting married and building a life together, you knew that was never in the cards for him, he was meant to be an idol there was no doubt about it but every so often you find yourself thinking about an alternate reality, one where the two of you could be together for good
that night was rough on you, tossing and turning over all the possibilities that could come out of the events of tomorrow, being honest with yourself you don’t even know how you’re going to look him in the eyes without falling in love with him all over again. as if you got over him in the first place, which newsflash.. you never did
waking up in the morning was hard, your alarm blared in your ears as you crawled out of bed. you spent most of the day mentally preparing yourself to see eric again, miles had arrived not too long ago as you were getting yourself ready
“ does this look too slutty” you say doing a turn in your bikini for your best friend
“ no you look good, hurry up though we’re going to be late” he says. quickly throwing on a minidress as a coverup you both leave your place as you head over to eric’s house
“ are you nervous” miles asks noticing your leg shaking up and down as you sit in the passenger seat
“ yeah i am, i feel like im going to throw up everywhere” you respond, finally pulling up to eric’s place you can hear the music playing and some faint yelling coming from the pool
getting out of the car you walk through the back gates to the pool area, standing behind miles trying to shield yourself from the sight of eric. that didn’t work “ miles, y/n, over here” eric waved the two of you down
walking over to the big canopy and a large table filled with a ton of korean dishes you finally stand there in front of eric for the first time in a long time, eric walks up to miles dabbing him up and then turning to you, he smiles at you pulling you into a hug “ im glad you made it y/n it means a lot that you’re here” he says
his familiar scent fills your nostrils causing you to gain a wave of nostalgia, pulling away you flash a tight lipped smile at him. “ guys this is my best friend miles and this is my friend y/n” eric says hesitating on the word friend, his members all smile and wave as you both do the same back
you sit next to miles during dinner, thankfully eric is across the table filming a vlog for the groups youtube channel, once dinner was finished everyone decided to go swimming
setting your stuff down on a chair you begin to take your dress off leaving you in nothing but a tiny bikini, you felt eyes on you, turning around eric’s eyes met yours before he turned away quickly trying not to make it obvious that he was staring at you
“ hey” eric walks up to you “ hey” you respond back looking to the ground “ im sorry if it’s awkward seeing me again” he says itching the back of his neck
“ no it’s fine it’s not awkward” you say completely lying. “ i missed having you around you know” eric says looking into your eyes “ yeah i missed you too” you say as you feel your heart beating out of your chest
he looked so good with nothing but his swim trunks on, his toned upper body out for display. “ let’s go in the pool yeah?” he asks
“ yeah i just have to put my hair up” you say to him as he gives you a look
“ you never changed have you” he laughs “ you’re going to get your hair wet regardless” he rolls his eyes at you
“ fine whatever” you say leaving your hair down
you walk with him to the deep end of the pool, everyone is already in but the two of you, “okay let’s jump in together on the count of three ready..one.. two… three..” eric counts, you had planned to pretend to jump in that way eric would have been the only one to actually jump but eric had the same idea as you
you both laugh as eric approaches you “ no eric don’t” you yell before he pushes you into the pool
quickly swimming up to the surface of the water you put your hand out to eric “ what the hell eric, at least help me out” you yell as eric grabs your hand. before he could pull you up you yank your arm back pulling him into the water with you
“ i should’ve saw that coming” he says laughing
“ i can’t believe you fell for that” you laugh
joining the others in a game of water spikeball miles makes eye contact with you smirking as you and eric continuously flirt with each other
“ that was a point” you yell to eric
“no it wasn’t” he yells back
“ yes it was” you splash water on him, he walks closer to you splashing you back before picking you up, eric lifts you up throwing you into the water, he swims over to you as you splash water in his face one last time “ that was mean” you say to him
he tucks a strand of lose hair behind your ear “so pretty” he whispers, the two of you now inches away from each other, you wanted nothing more than to kiss him right then and there but before anything could happen one of eric’s members yells for him to come join in the game again
eventually you get out of the pool, feeling tired from the continuous swim races that eric challenged you to even though you beat him every time. eric approached you sitting on one of the chairs “ come back in” he whines
“ no i’m tired of swimming” you say looking up at him “please y/n i’ll carry you” he says. you nod your head yes, knowing you could never say no to him “ sure” you say walking to the steps of the pool
all the guys had gotten out and were now inside the house talking to eachother, leaving just you and eric alone together in the pool. it had gotten dark, the sun was long gone, the pool light shined as you swam over to eric wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist, he looks down at you smiling as he places one of his arms around your waist and the other on your ass to hold you up, you knew it was wrong, you knew that you shouldn’t be doing this but when it came to eric all of your sense left your brain and you begin to think with your heart instead
you lay your head on his shoulder as he carries you to the deep end sitting down on the ledge “ i meant what i said earlier, i really missed you pretty girl” eric whispers
“ i meant when i said i missed you too” you say lightly kissing the side of his neck. he rubs his hand up and down your back as the other rubs your thigh, taking your head off of his shoulder looking up at him, both of your eyes locking , you feel butterflies in your stomach as eric moves closer and closer until finally his lips are on yours
the kiss was passionate, you both had been waiting for this moment for a long time, he moves in closer holding the side of your face as one of your hand reaches into his hair while the other is pressed against his chest, you softly moan into the kiss as eric moves your bottoms to the side before entering his finger into your pussy without breaking the kiss
“ fuck eric” you moan noticing his eyes are now darker than they were before “ you’re so tight baby, when’s the last time you had sex” he asks kissing your neck “ the last time was with you” you say looking at him, eric smiles at the thought of no one else fucking you but him
he enters another finger into you causing you to moan loudly before eric covers your mouth with his other hand “ shh babygirl they can still hear you over the music, you don’t want anyone to hear us do you?” he says as he fucks you with his fingers “ fuck eric i’m gonna cum” you whine, he stops thrusting his fingers in you “ fuck yourself on my fingers baby” he says kissing your head, you feel the knot in your stomach tighten as you ride his fingers “ cum for me love” eric says, you throw your head back letting yourself ride out your climax releasing onto his fingers, you moan as your body begins to shake “ good girl” eric kisses your lips once again before letting you catch your breath as he fixes your bathing suit
getting out of the pool you notice eric’s dick poking out of his pants “ i feel bad let me help you” you say as he looks down at you “ i’ll be okay for now, i think somone will come looking for us if we’re out here any longer” he chuckles palming his boner
the sliding glass door opens “ hey we’re going start up a game of football if you wanna join” miles says poking his out of the door “ okay we’ll be right there” eric responds drying himself off as you do the same
sitting in the grass you watch majority of the guys play football, kevin and jacob walk up next to you as you invite them to sit down “ im finally meeting the girl eric won’t ever shut up about” kevin says looking to you
“ really he talks about me?” you ask
“ literally all the time” jacob responds
it goes quiet for a moment before kevin speaks again “ the two of you have chemistry you know?” he says. “ yeah we all could sense it the moment you got here” jacob adds
you sigh “ yeah that’s how it is with eric and i, no matter how long we go without talking to each other the moment we’re together we act as if we’re magnets constantly gravitating towards one another”
“ i haven’t seen eric this happy in a while” jacob states
“ yeah i’ve never seen him so in love” kevin says
“ you think he’s still in love with me?” you ask
“ oh we know he’s still in love with you” they both reassure you
“ i never stopped loving him you know, i did everything to avoid him, to stop thinking about him and look where it led me” you laugh looking over at eric who was running with the football in his hands
“ i think you should tell him that, he’s been beating himself up a lot about still being hooked on you all these years later” jacob says quickly stopping the conversation as eric approaches you
he sits down next to you pulling you into a hug “ ew eric get off of me your all sweaty” you yell pushing him off of you as he laughs hysterically, kevin and jacob smile at the sight of you both as you get up running away from eric as he tries to wipe his sweat on you. eventually capturing you in his arms eric throws you over his shoulder as you kick and scream pleading him to let you down
you are now all in front of the big tv everyone spread across the living room watching a horror movie, eric laid behind you on the couch as his arms wrapped around your waist, legs tangled together, at this point everyone had caught on that you and eric weren’t just “friends” miles smiles at the two of you cuddled on the couch. throughout the movie you and eric scream every so often hugging eachother tightly, everyone laughing at how scared you two are. as the move comes to an end eric moves closer to your face “ spend the night” eric whispers into your ear, “ okay” you say turning around placing a soft kiss to his lips
everyone except eric says goodbye to you and miles before leaving to go back to their hotel “ you ready to head out” miles asks you, you look at him before speaking “ um actually i think im gonna spend the night here with eric” you say to him, he lets out a big sigh before speaking again “ you know what’s going to happen if you do that right?” he asks as you nod your head yes
“ are you okay with having sex with him and then being thousands of miles away from each other again when he leaves, look i’m not going to tell you what to do with your life but this is exactly what happened last time” miles says
“ i don’t know what to tell you miles, im in love with him, im going to have alot more regret if i don’t spend every minute that i can with him before he leaves” you tell him. he pulls you into a hug “ you know i just care about you” he says before walking over to say his goodbyes to eric
“ i need to shower i feel gross” you say as he laughs bringing you up to his room, you and eric both shower together, it wasn’t in a sexual way but more of a romantic moment between to two of you, his hands roam your body as he washes your hair giving you kisses here and there as you do the same to him
as the two of you get out and dry off you feel eric’s naked body hug you from behind, his hard cock poking your back while he kisses your neck as you watch him in the mirror, feeling the warmth between your legs you can tell you’re getting wet for him “ i need you” you moan
that was all he needed to hear before picking you up and throwing you on the bed, leaning over you he hooks his mouth to one of your boobs while playing with the other, leaving open mouth kisses to your body, you trace his abs as you look into his eyes letting him know that you’re growing impatient, eric chuckles before kissing your lips, after spreading your legs eric drags his tip over your clit a few times causing you to whimper before lining his cock up with you as he slowly sides himself into your hole
“ oh my god eric” you choke out, as he stays still for a moment letting you get used to his size “ you’re so tight love” he says before slowly thrusting into you “ faster” you moan clawing at his back, eric brings one hand up to your neck while the other one grips your waist as he rams himself into you“ fuck baby you’re so wet for me” he grunts
turning you over leaving you on all fours arching your back for him, he grabs a handful of your hair before ramming into you once again causing you to scream when he hits your g spot “ you’re taking me so well babygirl, i’m so proud of you” he says as grab onto the sheets tears streaming down your face“ i’m coming” you moan as you squeeze around him, your hips shake repeatedly hinting that you had finished, “ good girl” he says flipping you around again once again placing your legs in his shoulders as he chases his own high, squeezing around him once again his thrusts become sloppy and rushed as he whimpers “ shit i’m coming” he says looking to you “ oh fuckkkk” he says moaning as you feel warm strings of him cum shoot into you, he stays inside of you as he wipes away your tears giving you multiple pecks on the lips “ you did so well for me baby, made me feel so good” he says pulling out of you watching his cum leak from your pussy as he used his fingers to push it back in causing moans to slip out form your mouth
the two of you weren’t even close to being done for the night, you went multiple rounds from having you on top riding him to him eating you out and then fucking you in front of the bathroom mirror, you both went at it, making up for lost time
the last round however was different, seeing you so fucked out made eric want to do nothing but be gentle with you, he layed you down on your stomach as he laid on top of you slowly thrusting into your pussy as he played with your hair, kissing on your shoulders “ as much as i love fucking you until you can’t walk nothing will ever beat making love to you” he whispers in your ear as you arch your back a little bit still lying down, his hands roam your body as he praises you “ you’re the most beautiful girl i’ve ever laid my eyes on” he carefully turns you over to look at your face
you wrap your legs around his torso as your hands play with his hair slowly and gently moving his length in and out of you“ i love you so much y/n” he says caressing your cheek, you look up at him “ i love you too eric” you say as he leans in to kiss you gently
after he came in you for the last time he cleaned you up putting the covers over your body before getting in bed with you, scooping you up into his arms he places a kiss on your forehead while gently rubbing your back “ eric?” you mumble into his chest “ yes sweet girl?”
“ did you mean what you said earlier about loving me” you ask looking up at him, he smiled before kissing your lips “ of course i did, i’ve loved you since i first laid my eyes on you, and i never stopped” he said raking his hands through your hair, you smile at his answer “ good because i never stopped loving you either”
a silence washed over the both of you until you spoke again “ eric?” you ask once more he chuckles at you “ yes sweet girl” repeats himself you stop and think about the question you’re going to ask “ is this the last time we’re going to see each other” your voice begins to tremble as your tears begin to fall onto his naked chest
“ oh sweetheart come here” he says pulling you up more so that your head in is in the crook of his neck as he rubs your back, “ look at me” he says as you sit up, eric places both of his hands on your cheeks wiping away your tears
“ i promise to do everything in my power to make sure that we see eachother a lot more often” he says before pulling you back into his chest as you begin to cry harder, “ i just never want to repeat what happened last time” you say trying to calm yourself down “ it won’t i’ll make sure of it” he says
“ im so sorry i stopped answering your calls and your messages, i just felt like i was holding you back on so many levels,i never wanted you to hold you back from finding love with someone who would be there for you way more than i could’ve” eric feels his eyes build up with tears, trying his best to hold them back, but he couldn’t causing him to break down, you lift your head up off of his chest when you feel eric’s body shake with his sobs
“ oh my god eric” you coo, the sight of the boy you had known since you were fourteen breaking down in front of you made you sob again along with him
eric had always been an emotional person, but around you he never showed that side of himself, for all the years of knowing you he was always the one wiping your tears not the other way around
you sit up placing his head to your chest letting him sob in the crook of your neck this this time. “ i don’t want to lose you again, i don’t think i can handle it this time” he says in between sobs. “ you won’t lose me eric i promise, if i start taking online courses for school i can visit you all the time and once i get my degree we can talk about me moving to korea” his head shoots up off of your chest “ y/n i cant ask you to leave everything and everyone you love behind just for me” he says, you shush him “ you’re not asking, i’m offering, eric i would move anywhere if it meant i get to be with you”
“ you would do that for me, leave everything you’ve ever know behind, move somewhere completely different on the other side of the world.. just for me” he asks. you chuckle at him before kissing his lips that taste like salt due to his tears
“ i would do it in a heartbeat” you say. as the two of you calmed down you lay back on his chest staring at the ceiling “ have you ever thought about our future together, like getting married and having kids” you ask looking to him, he looks down at you “ i think about it a lot actually, i think about how i would propose and what our wedding would be like, how beautiful you would look walking down the isle in your white dress, i think about how sexy you would be with the baby i put in your belly, how hot you would look waddling around pregnant with our child, you would make a hot mom by the way” he laughs
“ how about you? do you think about our future?” he asks raising his eyebrow “all the time, i think about marrying you a lot more than id like to admit, i think about having kids with you, i even think about you doing the sexy dad walk out of the hospital with our baby” you laugh
“ i promise one day we’ll get to experience all of that together”eric says before placing another kiss to your lips, he pauses before opening his mouth again to speak
“will you be my girlfriend again, this time for good” eric asks
“of course my love, i would love nothing more” you reply giving him one last kiss
“ goodnight i love you so much y/n”
“ goodnight eric i love you more”
you went to sleep peacefully that night, even though eric was leaving the next morning you felt content with his departure for the first time, you felt really confident in your relationship this time around, you knew you both were serious about doing anything and everything to be together as much as you could
you would have never believed that the boy you met in your middle school biology class would end up being the one you plan on sharing the rest of your life with, but here you are all these years later, that boy is now a man laying in your arms after a long night of making love to each other, your naked bodies tangled together as he lets out small snores, holding each other close promising to never let go again
i know i usually only write for nct but recently eric has been on my mind a lot so i needed to write for him hehe, i hoped you enjoyed <3
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k-hotchoisan · 8 months
(Updated version because I forgot to add one more detail!) Hello! Can I request an ATEEZ smut based on the song I Want You by SB19? Any member will do please?
Here's the Music Video: https://youtu.be/s25Yi6pZnMs?si= ZpzmmV6Yvy1Wa4bZ
And the sound Audio:
https://open.spotify.com/track /16GGH8OF6LISUTTbm8421f?si= 2zklm5olQIKxp2yodrwv1Q
Note: SB19 is a boy group from the Philippines (Which is my country (I'm born from the Philippines by the way haha))), which they became super popular because of the song "GENTO" (Which the song became super popular they did the dance challenge.) (San did that dance challenge! (https://youtu.be/zn8GzEhPqkl?si= qrHRBKWcasrAW2HC))
Thabk you and have a great time. 🌹
Hey Queennie (and also to my fellow readers) Thank you for waiting for this. I was in a rut and not mentally doing well. I hope you haven’t forgotten about me 😭🩷
Also note: YES IVE HEARD ABOUT SB19!! The song got me side eyeing in the best ways possible HAHAHA
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The girl in front of him is stunning, but even when he’s all over her, he can’t seem to get you out of his head. So when his phone buzzes and it’s you, he finds himself standing before you with another chance he’s willing to gamble.
Genres/warnings: smut, angst(?) cream pies, orgasms, unprotected sex, fwb to exes to lovers?, Mingi is actually so hung up on you, reconciliation
🩷 Taglist: @bro-atz @diamond-3 @mcarebearsstuff @choisansplushie @voicesinmyhead-rc @pre1ttyies @hwallazia @songmingisthighs
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10 months.
10 months since you both stopped talking.
Mingi thought he’d move on by then. The girl in front of him was absolutely stunning, her hands hanging loosely around his neck. She smells like vanilla, but he feels that it’s overpowering. He can’t really see her under the dim flashing lights of the club, but he doesn’t pull away when her hands pull his neck closer to kiss her.
He tastes the fruity cocktail in between her lips, and he can think about is the taste of yours, the feeling of your lips pressed against his. The mere thought of it quickly turns into something he craves. Something he was deprived of for 10 months. Mingi’s hands that were on her waist shift lower down her sides, while she pulls him closer and deeper into the kiss. She thinks they’re getting lost in it. Mingi is definitely lost, though, not in the kiss.
All he thinks about is how your waist feels when he slowly touches her up, and his cock strains against his jeans when he thinks of the way you would moan in his mouth, while your hands run all over him, and how you’d edge him slowly with your hands around his cock while you make him melt against your lips. He’d always pull back breathless and desperate. Always.
His eyes slowly open when she pulls back.
Mingi feels guilty. It’s as if he’s doing something wrong to you. It’s driving him fucking nuts that he can’t see you, and the worst part of it all is that it was his fault. So damn fucked up that he was the one who initiated to stop whatever the two of you had.
“Mingi”, she calls out and his attention snaps back to her. This is his third date with this chick he met online, but for some reason, she simply looks like a stranger. Her fingers tap along his jaw.
“Should we go your place or mine?” She asks as she tucks a lock of hair behind her ear.
Mingi doesn’t even realise he’s half hard. But she probably did. He weighs his decisions. And then he realises he really wants to fuck.
But fuck her? He’s hesitant. He obviously has someone else in mind.
“Not today. I have plans early tomorrow”, he lies. She’s about to pout and try to convince him, until she’s interrupted by Mingi’s phone buzzing in his pants.
“Sorry, give me a moment”, he pauses to take the call. He puts his cell to his ear and his breath is stuck in his throat when he hears who’s at the other end of the line.
“Yunho…? Could you pick me up?”
Mingi blinks. The fact that you broke the no contact meant that you never blocked him even though you said you would. His heart is racing in his ears.
“Hello? Yunho? Are you there?”
It makes him snap out his trance a little.
“Yeah. Where are you at?”
“Uhh, the family mart near xxx club. I’m tryna sober up.”
You’re near. It’s not too far away.
“Okay. I’ll be there in ten.”
“Thanks. Oh, and don’t tell Mingi.”
That’s all you say before you hang up on him. He’s still in disbelief. No, wait, maybe it’s a chance. He glances down at the girl, who’s starting to look impatient.
“Uh. Something just came up. I’m sorry we had to cut this short but it’s kind of an emergency.”
That’s when Mingi realises he’s a fucking terrible liar.
She rolls her eyes, evidently annoyed at the interference. Mingi doesn’t even let her respond before he nods quickly and disappears into the crowd and out of the club. He knows that this will have repercussions, but it’s one he’s willing to risk.
There you are. Still looking absolutely breathtaking even when you’re trying to keep yourself together despite the alcohol. It was as if the 10 months never happened. He’s breathless from almost sprinting to where you were at.
He stands before you, watching the way you’re scrolling through your phone mindlessly, the light from the screen illuminating the tear stains on your cheeks. Were you crying? He takes a breath, wondering how you’d react to seeing him after 10, long, agonising months.
Your eyebrows scrunch for a second at the familiar husky voice. You look up, and your mind blanks out when you see Mingi standing right before you.
“Mingi? What the fuck are you doing here? Did Yuyu send you here? Fucking son of a-“
“It wasn’t Yunho,” Mingi cuts you off. “It was me who you called.”
You blink slowly at him, processing what he just said before narrowing your eyes at him.
“There’s no fucking way. I’m pretty sure I blocked you”, you reply with a frown, before opening your call logs, scrolling through and your frown is replaced quickly with wide eyes and disbelief.
Goddamn, did you sober up quick after that. You glance back at Mingi, who has an unreadable expression on his face. You cover your face with your hands, feeling your face flush, but definitely not from the alcohol this time.
Mingi takes a seat beside you, leaning forward towards you. His heart is racing as fast as a race car right now. It’s been forever since he’s this close to you.
“Ugh. This is so embarrassing”, you mutter in your hands before you drop them to your lap.
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about”, he assures, which only makes you more flustered and borderline irritated.
“You could have called Yunho. You didn’t have to come”, you jab, not wanting to look at him, because he’s staring at you so intently. To Mingi, at least, you’re like home. The relationship you both had no label, all because he was so fucking foolish for thinking it would never be more than what it was.
He was wrong, clearly, because now he’s here beside you, and he wouldn’t ask for anything else.
He’s determined.
Determined to make things right, at least.
“I was the one who you called, not Yunho,” Mingi replies, unwavering.
“It was a mistake”, you sigh, feeling the tears pool around your eyes. Even though Mingi is the last person on earth you wanted to see now, you can’t help but crave for him.
“No it wasn’t. Do you know what’s an actual mistake?” Mingi retorts back. His back is straightened, and he wears a frown.
Your heartbeat is pounding in your ears. Probably coming over? Probably seeing you again? Probably you? You remember how it started like it was fresh from yesterday—it started when he had trapped you on the couch, his tall frame looming over yours when he was trying to get back at you for teasing him.
Like a spark, it ignited bright and burned like a forest fire. So intense that you couldn’t get him out of your system. You pretended you were okay with the arrangement even though the flames were burning through your feelings too. Everything about it was so addicting. If this was forest fire, you were the moth. Until three months later, he suddenly called it off.
“We should stop. I’m not sure what I want right now.”
You shut your eyes and your head spins. “What?”
Mingi swallows hard before his words leave his mouth, “whatever I said 10 months ago. That was a mistake.”
You scrunch your eyebrows, staring at Mingi. And it was a fucking mistake. He’s looking at you with those fucking puppy eyes he knows you’re weak for. Well, now you’re completely sober. But you don’t follow. Why the fuck is he telling you all of this now?
“Elaborate”, you challenge, facing the male.
Mingi covers it up very well but you can tell that he’s getting nervous and flustered.
“Calling it off. It was a mistake,” he answers, his fists balling.
You scoff, even though your heart is bursting. No, you’re not surrendering to him. Not yet. “You’re telling me this now? Weren’t you seeing someone?”
“Was”, he replies a little too quickly, a little too enthusiastically. “Then you called.”
There is a drawn out silence between the both of you momentarily.
“Let’s go. I’ll bring you home, y/n.”
You stare at him for a moment as another load of silence follows. You know it’s a bad idea. You know you shouldn’t let him in again.
Mingi seems to pick up on your concern and distance, and especially your coldness. “I won’t do anything to you. I promise. I’ll leave if you want me to. But it’s not safe for you to just be alone here.”
You know he’s right. He may be an asshole for doing what he did but at least you know Mingi is a man of his word.
His hand is outstretched towards you, and you hesitantly let your fingers graze against his palm. Mingi swears he feels electricity shoot down his spine just from your touch, and a simple one—just a soft brush of your fingers has him ready to be on his knees for you.
You let go quickly when you regain composure and follow Mingi to his car.
The ride back is quiet, much to your relief, letting you sober up as you let the cold night wind brush along your cheeks. What you don’t realise is the amount of glances Mingi casts you when he stops at the red light, and he sees the soft glow of your tear stains.
Mingi pulls over, and as before you could unbuckle the seatbelt with your own two hands, Mingi’s big frame looks over you, his face inches away from you. His gaze catches yours and you hold a breath, expecting him to do something.
Which he does—unbuckle your seat.
In truth, Mingi really wants to kiss you. So bad. To feel you up. He’s so starved it’s insane how he survived ten whole months after foolishly breaking off something that shouldn’t even mean anything. Something that was just simply casual.
“I won’t lay a finger on you if you don’t want me to”, Mingi reminds you as he pulls the car door open for you to leave.
At your doorstep, he doesn’t leave just yet though. He haphazardly dumps his keys onto the little tray you have to hold yours. You don’t say anything. After all, this place was once where he resided with you. He knew it like the back of his hand.
Just like you.
It’s a hard feeling to shake, you think. The familiarity rushes back to you, as if the 10 months never happened. You wish it didn’t.
You push past him and he watches you (thankfully) walk a straight line towards your bathroom. He lets you freshen up, and tells himself he won’t stay for too long—just long enough to make sure you’re alright and going to sleep in peace. He shuts his eyes for a while, letting the soft, cold blows of the air conditioner prick his cheeks.
You step out of the shower, and you see him sprawled on the couch, his slow breaths heavy and steady. Despite every bone in your body telling you not to, you take a seat beside him. He stirs slightly before his sleepy eyes meet yours, barely open before he turns away, combing back his hair.
“You shouldn’t drive if you’re tired, Mingi”, you say. “Go take a shower. I’ll pass you your clothes.”
A prick blooms at the corner of your heart when you say that. You never had the courage to contact Mingi to return his clothes when he was staying over. You were sure you had your clothes kept at his place too. Mingi nods as he leaves for the bathroom, leaving you with your web of thoughts. The resentment was boiling whenever you thought about it, and especially when you are in your room, pulling out the lowest drawer and reluctantly reaching out to feel the fabric that Song Mingi wore, some you wore too and you knew he loved it when you did that.
How did you let him lure you into a situation ship like this?
You dump his clothes onto the counter and climb onto your bed. There was no awkwardness, just tension, and a lot of unspoken words. Words that you were determined to pull out of him so you could finally move on in peace.
There he was, leaving the shower looking like a whole new person. His eyes look a lot softer now, accompanying his damp hair when he has his make up removed. He doesn’t get on the bed.
“What are you trying to get at, Song Mingi?” You question, your eyes darting to him, your fingers tugging each other in anxiety. “We weren’t anything to begin with.”
Mingi presses his lips before he speaks, making sure he doesn’t say it wrongly. “I’m not over you.”
He says it with such distinction that you’re almost taken aback. He catches your confused gaze. But he continues.
“I can’t move on.”
You only scoff. “And that’s my problem, because?”
It’s only then he slowly inches towards you, and you’ve never seen it before in his eyes—desperation?
But you hate that you’re feeling the exact same way. Deep inside you wonder if things could go back to the way they were.
“No. That’s my problem, y/n.” Mingi responds, his finger nervously pinching against the bedsheets. “I’m still hung up over you even after all of this.”
It’s a trap. A trap so big and obvious that a bear could fucking see it from a mile away.
“I shouldn’t have said what I said. I was immature and confused about where that would have gone”, he sighs. “Especially during all the days you’d spend with me. And before I realised what I had done, I had already fallen for you, so hard.”
Your eyes narrow.
“Coward”, you spit, knowing you were in the exact predicament, for a spilt second, on the end of being foolish—thinking that it had meant something to him.
His fingers brushed against yours, his eyes wandering to your figure as more tears stream down your face. Why were you even crying again? He’s obviously playing around with you.
Mingi is on the bed now, inches away from you, his hands gently lifting your face, his thumbs brushing away the burning tears.
“I’m sorry that I hurt you. Out of every mistake I’ve made with you, this was the worst.”
You’re lured into his pretty eyes again, like a puppy begging for forgiveness. You grow so weak every time. You press the side of your cheek onto Mingi’s large and warm hands, the comfort of it never once foreign to you. He brushes his thumb against your cheek.
And Mingi then decides to just throw all of his cards in, his heart like sledgehammer as he lets those words slip from his lips.
“Tell me you want me”, Mingi whispers, his fingertips brushing against your neck to hold your gaze with his—so intense, so overwhelming. “And I’ll be yours.”
Such an obvious trap.
“I want you”, you whisper back, looking at him through your wet lashes.
Mingi feels his heart pounding and fireworks explode in his head. He was ready for you to push his hands away, chase him out, tell him you never want to see him again.
Mingi glances down at your lips and then back into your eyes, before you shut yours and let him completely trap you. Rash decision, stupid decision — your mind is screaming at you while you’re tasting the memories Mingi left you in his kiss. His hands slide down your back, letting lie down properly onto the bed. He pauses in to take in the sight of you—so endearing and gentle. He feels that he should be jailed for wanting to ruin it all and keep it for himself. The thought that no other men could have you like this comforts him, for now, at least.
Mingi tugs against your nightwear, lifting it over your head in one swift gesture before he’s back to kissing you with much desperation. There it is. Your taste. The only one that matters for the rest of his life. His cravings will never be satisfied. If it’s you, he wants more, more, more.
He pulls back, watching the way you’re so flushed and gorgeous. He turns you around, letting your shoulder hit his chest and he presses against you, his erection enough to convey how he feels, that’s for sure.
His fingers brush so lightly against your shoulders, the electric running down your back until he reaches your waist.
“I love you. I adore you”, he hums into your ear, melting every and any sense of rationale that remained in you, no answer but soft whimpers escape your lips as he kisses the nape of your neck to your shoulders, his fingers wet with spit, rolling your nipples in between them. Jagged breaths are the only thing that barely keep you intact for now, before your head is on his shoulder, begging for him.
“It’s been awhile. Don’t you think that’ll be a tight fit, baby?” Mingi questions, his boxers now off and his cock pressing hard against your ass.
You squeeze your thighs in response at the thought of his cock just splitting you open like before. It’s so tempting.
You feel something press against your wet folds, and it’s his fingers. Mingi’s free hand coaxes your thighs to open up and relax for him as his fingers slip right into your sopping cunt, and you gasp. Mingi’s arm snakes around your waist, and one of your opened leg is trapped by Mingi—he’s making sure you don’t close, not until he makes you cream and scream everywhere. You palm against his bare erection, pumping him so painfully slow for the sake of listening to his low, breathy groans right in your ear. He never fails to tell you how much he loves it—when you flick your wrist teasingly at make sure he hears the wet squelching sounds. But for now, your concentration is everywhere, especially when Mingi is stuffing you full with two of his fingers, brushing teasingly against the spongy spot he knows that drives you up the wall.
Your eyes flutter open, completely letting go of his cock. “M-Mingi”, you squeal when his fingers not only curl against the spongy area, but also repetitively fucks your pretty hole stupid, cream completely staining his fingers as it only lubes your clit for him to rub his finger on. Your mind is in a haze, only the thought of letting Mingi finger fuck an orgasm out of you prominent.
So good that you try to wipe the drool seeping past your lips. The feeling builds up so quickly, Mingi notices the way you’re clenching around your fingers. The way you’re grabbing onto his arm and pressing your face into his neck, telling him, “cumming. I’m cumming, Mingi. Fuck me”, was enough for him to pull his fingers out, and stuff his cock in—while you were still mid orgasm, clenching and fluttering with his cock in you. Mingi has his eyes rolled back at the sensation of you just clenching around him, giving your clit wet circular movements to send you over the fucking moon. You’re barely down from your high, panting when you realise that Mingi is inching himself inside you.
Your breath is stuck in your throat when his cock is fully in you, all the way to the brim. Mingi sighs in pleasure—this is what he loves. This is the familiarity he could never get tired of—or rather—crave so fucking badly.
Your mind had completely been melted. Sex with Mingi was always so mind blowing. You hate to swear that you would never get enough. His cock is so big and you love how well he fits into you, and his comments of, “fit me so fucking good, baby. I think if I move I’ll just cum”, as he hisses and forces himself to hold back for bursting.
Mingi’s fingers press against your jaw, your attention seeping back to him. He looks at you lovingly before he watches your face contort with pleasure the moment he pulls back, then fucks you with a thrust.
“You don’t know how much I want you”, he whines, even with his cock just pounding into you from below. “I promise I’ll treat you better. Love you better. Fuck you better.”
You’d let Mingi do whatever he wanted with you. That’s the honest fucking truth. You know you were gonna regret this. Everything is screaming at you at one moment and then completely muted when Mingi’s husky voice lulls you over.
“That’s my good girl. Oh god. You’re good at taking my cock.”
Heaven would jealous at how good you’re feeling being fucked by Song Mingi.
You tremble slightly, more tears pooling at the corner of eyes. Not from sadness or melancholy. The only kind that Mingi is able to pull out from you when his cock is deep inside you.
“It’s okay. That’s a good girl. Let it go for me”, he hums into your ear, his arms holding you down despite the fact that your orgasm is hitting you in waves, spots of white bursting into your eyelids as you feel tour cunt convulse against Mingi’s cock, cream just gathering at the base of his dick as he still continues to jut his cock right into you, sending your legs shaking with pleasure. He swears he wants to record your orgasms and seal it somewhere where only he can access it. He could get addicted.
His thrusts turn more desperate. The loud sounds of wet cock fucking a wet pussy echoing around the walls while you’re crying Mingi’s name.
“That’s a good princess”, he assures, rubbing your thighs, even though sticky with fluids before he thrusts himself right into you for the final time, your legs trembling.
“So much. Mingi, that’s so much”, you swallow hard as you feel him pump his cum right into you. Even that feels so fucking heavenly.
“It’s all for you, princess. We can keep going. I’ll always have more for you. So much that it’ll leak out of your pretty hole for days on end”, he utters so softly in your ear. Your eyes are still glazed from the mind-numbing pleasure. The last thing you could remember was a kiss planted on your forehead before a muffled “Goodnight”, before you completely doze off, your worries saved for the next day.
Morning kicks in, and your eyes are barely able to open, the exhaustion weighing on you from the previous night, so does the realisation. Fuck. You rise up, your hand on your forehead. Then you realise another thing—the other half of your bed is empty. You reach out to your phone on the nightstand—no messages either. Frustration builds in your body. But this time, it was your own foolishness to blame you think to yourself, as you slide off the bed, the soreness of your lower body a burning reminder of what transpired the night before. Instead of the bitterness that lingers in your mouth, you wonder if that should have been your closure.
Freshened up, you walk to your kitchen area to grab a meal, and your eyes widen.
Mingi stands there, pulling the plastic cover off. He pauses briefly when his eyes meet yours.
“Hey. Good morning”, Mingi greets, his morning voice dropping an octave lower. He seems completely fine, as long as you aren’t able to hear his heartbeat going at miles per hour. Would you just chase him out? Would you promise to never see him again? His mouth is dry again, even though he’s had a couple of glasses of water thinking about what to say to you.
“I bought takeout. Come and have some”, he gestures. You don’t question it, taking the seat across him. You follow his movements—the way he settles the utensils—handing you yours first, before he pours you a cup of water. Then he sits himself comfortably.
There is another moment of silence before you speak up.
“About last night…”
You see the grip on his chopsticks tighten.
“Wasn’t a mistake either”, he says, his gaze trailing the food before he meets yours.
“Is it?” You reply, shoving a couple of egg rolls into your mouth. You didn’t expect that answer from him.
“I thought I could move on. But no matter how many girls I came across, it was always you. No one felt as right as you did. I was scared before, but I’m not now.”
You can’t meet his eyes. You’re unsure if it’s because of swirl of emotions that have started bubbling, or because you’ve denied it for so long, that it’s beginning to slowly bleed out.
“Let me make it up to you. For the 10 months”, Mingi professes. “If you’ll have me.”
You finally are able to hold his gaze. Your mind is swimming is dopamine, but you’re not about to let him have the satisfaction, just yet. A small smile curls at the corner of your lips.
“Then you better do a good job.”
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pandorxxx · 1 year
A fatal attraction…
Lo’ak x Omatikayan fem reader (all aged up)
Warnings: DARK/dom/delulu/rough lo’ak, manipulation, knife play (threatening reader) , p in v, oral (M receiving), cursing, blood.
Final warning: This fic has very serious themes of toxic behaviors. There is knife play which involves the reader being threatened, and wounded. Please do not continue with this fic if you do not feel comfortable with the warnings above. Thank you kindly.
Synopsis: Lo’ak was a bad boy. He had a mean streak that could make anyone scared. Anger issues that made everyone shy away. So you could imagine his surprise when you decide to show him some kindness. But him being a delusional mess meant that he couldn’t see your kindness as anything other than your undeniable love for him. What happens when he confronts you about his feelings, but you don’t quite feel the same way?
It was no secret that lo’ak sully was often misunderstood. He was hardheaded, liked to follow his own path, even if it lead to absolute disaster. He often got compared to Neteyam a lot, and that also fueled the fire within him.
He fought a lot, he was a hot head. And if someone talked to him, even looked at him the wrong way, he would lash out. This was one of the main reasons he didn’t have many friends. Who would want to associate themselves with an outcast like himself? No one. So in turn, he became a loner.
You, on the other hand, were on the opposite side of the spectrum. A good girl, always did what you were told. You were very popular, super nice, and a helping hand to anyone who needed it. So you could only imagine lo’aks surprise when you started to talk to him. Befriend him, so to speak.
It had finally felt like someone saw him, for who he was. Like someone excepted him, flaws and all. You two would meet up once a week at his secret spot. Just to talk about life, or to let him vent.
The forest was still at this time of night. Very peaceful and inviting. You two had just wrapped up talking about your days.
“Good for you. Staying out of trouble for an entire day? I’m so proud of you.” You spoke sarcastically, shooting a friendly smile at the young boy. He chuckled, realizing your playful antics.
“You’ve got jokes, huh?” He started. “No one stepped to me today. I can’t promise I’ll stay this way.” He confessed, sitting back on his hands.
“Just because someone says something to you, doesn’t mean you can FIGHT them, lo’ak. You have serious anger issues.” You joked, however you were very serious. You would often downplay your criticism to him, because you knew he could snap at any second.
“Maybe. I only get angry when people fuck with me. Or when I don’t get what I want. I think those are pretty valid reasons, no?” He asked, his eyes involuntarily scanning your entire body. You shifted on the ground, the look making you feel alittle nervous and uneasy.
“You can’t always get what you want, lo’ak.” You spat. “Yes I can. And speaking of….getting what I want. I wanted to talk to you about something.” He spoke, scooting alittle closer to you.
You couldn’t deny how good looking lo’ak was. So your natural reaction started in your loincloth. A pool of slick forming as you felt his leg next to yours.
“Go on.” You joked, turning your head to face him. He smiled, gently pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. His hand trailed all the way down to the band of your loincloth, and your breathing escalated.
“Lo’ak?” You asked, watching his strong hand trail down to your thigh, caressing it gently. God, did that feel good. But you refused to go down this road with a trouble maker like him. You just wanted to be friends with him, even if your body was telling you that you wanted more.
“You’ve been nothing but nice to me. And it’s kinda hard for me to understand why.” He started, his hand trailing up to your waist, forcefully bringing you into his lap to straddle him. You gasped, eyes widening as his hands made their way to your plush ass, squeezing it firmly.
“But then I did some thinking. And it’s obvious now….you like me. You wanna be with me. And baby, I want that too. I’m in love with you. We can finally be together, you know?” He finished, pecking your cheek lovingly. You were shocked. Your mouth was slightly agape as you stared at him with so much confusion.
“Lo’ak, I-I was just trying to be nice. I like you, yes. But as friends. I could never be with you. We’re opposites.” You confessed cautiously, trying your best not to tick him off. You knew how dark and angry he got with others, and you didn’t want to be on the receiving end of that.
You tried to lift off of his lap, but his lock on your hips was too strong for your little strength to go up against. “Oh! come onnnn. You’re telling me you don’t love me? Why would you say that baby?” He asked, leaving small kisses on your neck. You let out a sigh of relief, as if you’d been waiting on somthing like this. It felt so good, you started to become consumed by it.
You let your head go back to give him more access to your neck. His hands trailed up to the small of your back, holding you tight. So tight that the veins in his arms were protruding.
Maybe you did want him. Maybe this was meant to be. It felt so right, so good. Too good to stop. But he was a bad boy, you were a good girl. Those stories never end well. He would get you into trouble, bring you down. Did you really want that?
“Fuck, L-Lo’ak stop.” You whispered. And he obliged with one last kiss to your now bruised neck. However, he still wouldn’t let you go. “You’re gonna tell me that you don’t want me? Hmm?” He asked, glancing at your lips before meeting your eyes.
“Lo’ak let me go. We’ll talk tomorrow.” You spoke, using his shoulders to lift off of him forcefully and quickly. And to your surprise, worked. You stood before him, adjusting your loincloth and clearing your throat. His eyes never left you as he sat on the ground. He wiped his lips with his thumb, clenching his jaw in restraint.
“Really? You’re just gonna leave me? Like everyone else, right?” He asked, his baritone becoming very dark and scary. His braids shielded his eyes, but you could still see that intimidating glow.
You stood there in silence. In reality, you WERE leaving him. You weren’t thinking clearly, and you didn’t want the undeniable tension between you two to cloud your genuine feelings for him. The truth is, you didn’t know if you wanted to be with him. There were pros AND cons that you had to take into consideration.
“You know what? Go on. LEAVE.” He growled, fanning you off. He was visibly angry with you, and you didn’t want any parts of that. So, you did what you were told, and walked away from him. With not even a glance back.
And God, did that make him furious. You really left him. And he wasn’t expecting that. At least an “I’m sorry.” would’ve calmed him down. But it was clear to him that you really didn’t care. Not as much as HE did. You were just like everyone else. But he’d be damned if he let you just walk away from him.
You didn’t even make it 10 feet before you felt your hair being pulled from behind. He had forcefully pinned you to a tree. Your hair wrapped around his hand. You winced, pushing on his stomach, but of course he didn’t budge.
“Atleast you know how to listen. Alittle too fucking well though.” He growled, shifting his hand to your neck, gripping it tightly.
“Lo’ak please! I-Im sorry. I just thought you might’ve needed some space. That’s all! That’s all, I swear!” You rambled, holding his wrist to ensure that he wouldn’t squeeze your neck any tighter.
“Yeah, right. Don’t lie to me! Not right now.” He spoke through a clenched jaw, shaking your neck with every syllable. You squealed in fear, realizing that might have just sent him overboard.
“Fuck! I-im not trying to scare you. But you make me so fucking angry sometimes! What makes you think you can LEAVE ME? I won’t let you. I am IN LOVE with you! You’re not going anywhere.” He spoke, his deep voice rattling your eardrums. It was clear that he wasn’t going to let this go, and you didn’t want to piss him off further. So you did what you had to do, hoping it would get you out of this situation.
“I love you too, lo’ak! I do!” You nodded, a fake smile plastered across your trembling lips. He titled his head, scanning you from head to toe. His eyes met yours again, searching for some kind of bluff. And of-course, it was written all over your face. He let out a small chuckle, licking his lips.
God, he looked so good like this. Taking what’s his. His angry demeanor had your head spinning. Scared out of your mind, but turned on, nonetheless. What is wrong with you? Why would you be attracted to such toxic behavior?
Maybe because you always followed the rules. Never had any excitement in your life, never any thrill. And lo’ak provided that for you in this moment. As sick as it may be, you were attracted.
“You’re such a good liar, y/n.” He smiled, reaching his free hand down to his knife, the sharp sound of him pulling it startling you. He held the dull part to your cheek, rubbing it across the soft skin.
“Lo’ak please! Please, don’t do this. IM NOT LYING TO YOU!” You screamed, tears blurring your vision. “Yeah?” He asked, trailing the knife down to your top. “YES!” You spat.
“Prove that shit, then.” He growled, tightening his grip on your neck. Making you tighten your grip on his wrist. “I’ll do anything! I’ll do anything, I swear lo’ak!” You cried.
“Anything, hmm?” He asked, the knife trailing down to your waist. The cold blade barely touching your skin. You hated to admit it, but you secretly wanted more. You never knew how much the element of danger could turn you on. The fact that your life was in his hands made the slick pool into your loincloth. You rolled your hips slightly, just to feel more of the cold metal caressing your soft skin. You let out a small whimper, looking down at the source.
He glanced down as well, before meeting your eyes again. He squinted, studying your expression. That’s when he realized…
“You like this shit, don’t you?…. I thought you were a good girl?” He asked, tilting his head as he awaited an answer from you. You turned your head stubbornly, letting out a cute little huff in frustration.
“I AM a good girl.” You spat, directing your attention to him again. confident enough to talk back because you knew he wouldn’t truly hurt you now that he knew the truth.
“Yeah, like hell you are. I see right through you. You want this so badly.” He whispered against your lips, creating a dangerous amount of tension. You wanted nothing more than to kiss him right now.
“I don’t have much of a fucking CHOICE! You’re threatening me with a KNIFE!” You hissed, growing angrier by the second.
“Hmm. You’re right.” He smiled, letting your neck go harshly and backing away from you. You coughed, rubbing your bruised neck for a moment while you caught your breath. “You’re free to go. Sorry.” He said, a sarcastic grin plastered across his face as he watched you finally catch your breath.
You stood tall, chest heaving up in down in anger. You watched him grin, eyeing your small frame. A few moments of silence falling between you two. He motioned for you to walk off sarcastically, knowing damn well that you wouldn’t. You hated that he was right. You weren’t leaving anytime soon. You were too hot for him. You wanted it so badly that it made you mad. And before you knew it, you pulled him in by his arm, lips meeting his harshly. A kiss so passionate that it was deadly.
He grabbed the small of your back, bringing you closer to him. A few low hums from you both in satisfaction. With one hand he lifted you up, and you immediately wrapped your legs around his torso. Once he backed you into the tree, he let you go, the lock you had on his waist being enough to keep you up.
“Shit, j-just push it to the side. I can’t wait another second.” He spoke between kisses, using two fingers to push your loincloth to the side, exposing your dripping cunt.
You reached down quickly, trying to steady your hand enough to push his loincloth to the side as well. Exposing his huge cock.
“Need it in me. Please.” You moaned, rubbing the tip against your aching hole. Making him let out a low groan.
With a little push and pull from you both, he began to slide into you slowly. Earning a loud, pornographic moan from you. With another push, he bottomed out inside of you. He bit his lip, trying his best to be quiet. Instead letting out an intense growl before he started to thrust into you forcefully.
The rhythm he set was nothing short of satisfying. A steady pace with deep, firm thrusts. His mouth was slightly agape, letting out breathy moans with every stroke as he admired the source of pleasure. A thick layer of slick coating his cock, as the excess dripped down his warm sack.
You, on the other hand, were completely overstimulated. Every merciless stroke knocking the wind out of you. His cock expertly playing with your sweetspot. Your beautiful face was balled in pleasure. Your head flailing around, while your breast jumped from every deep stroke. Your sweet voice rippling from the force as your shaky hand pressed on his abs to slow him down.
“No, no, no.” He teased, holding the knife to your neck while the other hand held your hip in a bruising hold. You let out a whimper, holding his wrist to ensure that he wouldn’t go further than just a simple threat. “I want you to be a big girl for me. I want you to take every *thrust* fucking *thrust* inch *thrust.” He moaned in your ear, his fangs grazing over the skin.
“I-Im trying lo’ak. P-Please, mercy!” You whined. Your mouth was saying one thing, while your body was contradicting yourself. Your walls started to flutter around him, signaling that your orgasm was already nearing.
“Mercy, huh?” He asked, quickening his pace. Holding the knife alittle closer to your jugular. You let out a shameless moan at the action, making Lo’ak smirk. “Naughty bitches like you don’t deserve mercy.” He spat, eyeing you up and down.
Maybe he was right. Maybe you weren’t the good girl that you claimed to be. Because last time you checked, good girls didn’t like being called out of their names, nor did it make them cum with such force. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you began to spazz in his tight grip.
“Cumming! Cumming!” You screamed, that euphoric feeling washing over your entire body as your cream coated his cock. He continued his pace to let you ride out your intense high.
“Mhm, making a fucking mess on me. Look at that, fuuuck.” He spoke in a low tone, watching his cock disappear into your sensitive little cunt one last time before he pulled out slowly. When he pulled the knife from your neck, trickles of blood began to fall down your chest, to your plump breasts.
A high pitched agonizing whimper left your lips at the throbbing pain. But it was short lived once lo’ak began to lick the wound clean. In fact, he licked every line of crimson off of you. He started at the source, trialing down your chest all the way to your breasts. Using his tongue to swirl circles around your stained nipples, leaving dark hickeys along the way.
The scene alone was enough to make you cum again. He finally finished cleaning you, and his gaze met yours. A dark lustful gaze that lingered for what seemed like forever. Remnants of your blood on his plump lips and sharp jaw.
“Comere.” He hummed, grabbing your bruised and battered neck to engage in a sloppy kiss. So hot and sexy that your walls began to clench around nothing.
He let you down gently, still swapping spit with you like his life depended on it. Once you both pulled away for air, a line of spit connected the two to you.
“I want your pretty ass on your knees…now.” He commanded, running the cold metal blade along your waist line. You bit your lip, slowly falling to your knees as your eyes stayed on his.
“Yeah. Juuust like that.” He nodded, palming his still very hard cock. Stroking it in the direction of your swollen lips. The blade found your cheek, the cold, hard metal grazing your skin before it made its was to your mouth.
“You got my fucking blade dirty. Clean it.” He commanded. You whimpered in arousal, your skin radiating sex all over again. You opened your mouth, sticking your tongue out for him. He turned the blade to the side, rubbing it across your tongue gently as he jerked off to the site beneath him.
You closed your lips around the metal, letting him slide it out of your mouth slowly. He let out a soft groan as he watched you swallow and lick your lips clean of your own blood.
“Open your mouth.” He commanded, using the knife to tilt your head up. “Say please.” You challenged, rubbing his thighs gently as you glanced at his hard cock, then back up to his eyes seductively.
He titled his head, eyes narrowed at you, and tail swaying behind him in an excited manner. He took a few seconds to think about it, as his jaw clenched and unclenched with restraint.
“Open your mouth…please.” He obliged, smacking your cheek a few times in a gentle manner. You opened your mouth, sticking your tongue out for him.
He tapped his mushroom tip on your tongue a few times before plunging his entire length down your throat. Your eyes began to water as he set yet another merciless rhythm. You started to gag, your throat muscles contracting around his shaft.
“Mhm, cry for me. Come on, let me know how deep I am.” He nodded, one of his hands being tangled in your hair, using it as leverage to Fuck your pretty face. The other hand holding the knife to the side of your neck as a friendly reminder, that he was still in control.
Tears began streaming down your face. You were loosing air, and your throat was burning. But God, none of that mattered when your view was nothing short of amazing. Short breathily moans escaped his mouth ad his abs flexed, signaling that he was close.
Your hands slid up his chiseled abs, tapping on his stomach lightly in hopes that he would let up. You whined, giving him puppy dog eyes to soften him up. Instead, he held the knife closer to your neck once again.
“You’re such a whiny bitch, you know that? I’m almost done. Keep sucking.” He commanded with a devilish grin. Seeing as you weren’t getting out of this, you let him use you completely. Your eyes began to roll back, exhausted hums leaving your lips as he continued to abuse your throat.
“Gooood girl. You’re g-gonna make me cum, baby. Is that what you want?” He teased, on the brink of his release. You nodded lazily, letting out a strained whimper.
“You know you’re mine now?” He asked, watching you flutter in and out of consciousness. Another lazy nod from you. He chuckled, so turned on by your fucked out state.
“Mhm, I’ll fucking kill you if you try and leave me.” He moaned, a little laugh hidden somewhere in that fatal threat. And it seemed as if the idea of your life in his hands, mixed with how pretty you looked on your knees was all the motivation he needed.
“Shiiit…” he moaned, mouth slightly agape as his eyes rolled back in pleasure. His thick seed spilled in the back of your throat. So fucking deep that it was no need to swallow.
You hummed in satisfaction, a delirious giggle escaping your filled mouth. He rocked you back and forth on him slowly as he let out a few strained grunts. After one final thrust, he pulled out of your mouth. You gasped dramatically, finally catching your breath as pools of spit flowed down your chin and chest.
He let your hair go roughly, letting you fall flat to the ground. A few groans in agony escaped your lips as you laid there, eyes heavy and tired.
He stared at you for a moment, surprised by what he had done to you. He squatted down, his fingertips grazing your bruised neck, and over the wounds he had left on you.
“I- umm. I’ve gotta clean you up. Tend to your wounds.” He spoke with a hint of disappointment in himself for doing this to you.
“I-I can do it.” You strained, trying to lift yourself off of the ground. To no avail, ofcourse. He clenched his jaw in anger, looking away from you briefly. The sight of you struggling beneath him was just too much to bare.
“No. I’ll do it.” He commanded, lifting you off the ground bridal style. Your lifeless body going limp in his arms as he walked out of the forest with you. He hated who he was sometimes. Hated that he was capable of such actions. But all that really mattered now, was making sure that his girl was ok. Even if you didn’t know that you belonged to him yet…
Taglist: @number1gal @loak-bae @tiredmamaissy @neytirishottie @terrorthewolf @lethargicluv @reyzzsostellar @m0nst3rfk3r @agelsully @jakescumdump @wekiamo @st-cass @loaksslut @cleardonutangelwagon @tsireqas @satanlovedays @afro-hispwriter @urfavgirlmakenna @fanboyluvr @iameatingmyhair @secretflowerobservation @violet-19999 @xreadersstuff @sweetllamaparadise @lia-nath @sullymenrhot @dotheyevenknowmars @xdbluesky @slay-nt @domino-x3-blog @ladylovegood-69 @itssomeonereading @sweetirilly @skxawngmia @j-jinxee @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @cumikering @pxndorasdream @itsaleidasworld @atxxokirina @yeletta @blue-slxt @eywascall @valeriearriana37484 @avatarsslut @bee782916 @atxxokirina @sweethoneycn @luvv4j4ybe11
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coralinnii · 2 years
Hi! I just wanna say I love your villain/ness au 😍 especially leonas part thank you for giving me this story as I was finding stories like this💕💕so I was wondering can I request about the tweel? Their my most favorite in twisted wonderland 🙏 it will be my outmost joy to see you write them!
and sorry if im wrong in writing this request because this is actually my first time writing a request 😅 so thank you for the understanding 😁
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Being Reincarnated into a New World as the Bad Guy feat: Jade genre: drama note: set in the same universe as previous works (Azul’s ver specifically), no pronouns were used, villain/ess!reader is not a merfolk, roughly 2k word count 
series masterlist
I know there's someone missing but Jade's portion got longer than I expected so I cutting it into separate posts. Floyd's part will be released soon so in the meantime, enjoy as we welcome the fourth vice-housewarden to this surprisingly popular AU.
Sorry 3aemidnight, that this is slightly subverted from the request but Floyd's part has that aspect more played into
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You’re screwed. Absolutely screwed. Why did you end up in this situation?? You didn’t even read the webtoon! Your classmate was gushing over a popular webtoon and like a good friend, you lent an ear to her excited ramblings. Her favorite characters seem to be a pair of devilish merfolk brothers. It was that rambling that helped you realize where you were because you didn’t bother remembering the main cast but you couldn’t forget the name “Jade Leech” nor his partner, you. 
Or at least the character you possessed that your classmate kept wishing she could be. The lucky duck that became Jade’s betrothed but you couldn’t really agree with that sentiment when she mentioned how that same partner was left behind by the Leech heir and prosecuted as an accomplice to the Leech family’s underground activities. 
“What’s so great about the hopeless love trope?!” 
Unfortunately, the proceedings for your engagement to the suave marquis heir was set. Putting a wrench into the plans now would cause too many issues to both families. Still, you were determined to leave this crazy story unscathed no matter what. 
“Let’s make a contract” were your first words to your soon-to-be partner to which he responded with a curious quirk of his eyebrow. “a prenuptial to be precise” 
“But my dear,” a shiver ran down your spine when Jade used that supposedly endearing name, a superficial one of course. “What ever could have scared you to have such worries?” 
“Because I know what you and your family are trying to do” 
Oh, you have piqued Jade’s interest now.
Your listening skills have paid off as you remembered the plot of the Leech family. The brothers were working to extend their family’s power above the waters and to have an “organized system of connections” with the help of the newly appointed count Ashengrotto. With their intelligence and charm, they wanted to monopolize the marine market from local fishing rights to overseas trading. Unfortunately, the main leads stood in their way and forced the native merfolk to flee to their home, leaving those associated with them to answer for their crimes. 
You have no interest in being caught in the crossfire but becoming an enemy to the Leech family is not a favourable situation either. So your best option was… 
“I’ll help you” 
If you’re going to be accused as an accomplice, better be the best accomplice so neither of you get caught. 
The greatest challenge for merfolk on land was the discrimination that was still prevalent, even after the human-merfolk alliance. No matter how charming Jade was, it was hard for the merman to converse with the more narrow-minded noblemen. It was why the Leech heir agreed to the engagement as your family was beloved and highly respected in the kingdom. Your character was just an oblivious, lovestruck pawn to his plans. 
“I’ll play the perfect partner, give you the backing you need, the intel you want” you stated your terms, with no room for negotiation. “But, we’re publicly in an arranged engagement only, nothing else. We only meet when necessary and once your family secure the Triton ocean trade route, we’re breaking our engagement and never to speak to each other again” 
If the Leech family weren’t caught, they would have returned to their native home anyway and controlled the trading from the safety of the ocean. Either way, Jade would have been out of your life regardless, so you should at least escape prosecution. 
You weren’t falling for his gentleman facade, and you definitely refuse to be the one on the short end of the stick in his crazy family’s schemes. 
You and Jade were locked in a silent stare down, waiting for either one of you to break the silence. You kept your mouth shut, not letting your nerves talk yourself down. It was this or nothing. 
Your gamble paid off. Jade chuckled with a slight peek of his sharp teeth and extended his hand out, piercing your figure with a pair devilish eyes. 
“If that is what my dear wishes, how can I decline?” 
So sealed your deal with the devil your future ex-fiancé 
Some time passed since your agreement, you joined a soirée your family was invited to. As a newly engaged couple, it was expected for you to bring Jade to which he was happy to escort his precious person (you hid your scoff). True to your word, you agree to chat with some of the daughters and wives of certain families for certain intel that Jade needed. While the ladies were more tolerant of the merfolk, they held certain prejudices over them which would affect the conversation greatly should Jade attempt to speak with them. 
So off you go. 
It was surprisingly easy with the chatty ladies to gather what you needed to know. They were happy to brag about the wealth and connections their families had and the businesses they controlled. The number of employers, the unknowing dissatisfaction of their workers that went over their heads, the obvious limited knowledge over the sea routes…everything came loose from their lips and will inevitably be used against them later on. Once you mentally checked off what Jade requested you to find out, you were patiently waiting to take your leave when someone decided to steer the conversation to something else. 
“But enough about our families. How is your life as a newly betrothed, darling?” One of the wives brought the attention to you, which took you slightly by surprise. 
“Well, our families were growing close so we decided a union would be beneficial” you smiled as convincing as you could. “While we were arranged, I’m sure it will be an amiable alliance” 
“Oh, how lucky you are” one of the younger daughters congratulated as convincingly as her eyelashes were. “To be engaged to someone as distinguished and exotic as Jade Leech, your family connections must have been more impressive than I realize. I knew how enamored you were with the young heir, but to think a frumpy wallflower such as yourself managed to capture him. Good for you” 
Any semblance of tolerance you had for these women had just been thrown out the window. Even if you were detached from your host character in every sense, you felt anger building in your body from their haughty words. You quickly glanced to where Jade was and he was standing but with his signature smile and charming eyes engaging in conversation with other attendees, so you assumed he couldn’t hear from where he stood.
It’s not good to hold in your anger… so you don’t. 
“Interesting…if I’m a frumpy wallflower as you say, what would you be?” You pondered aloud with innocent tone of voice “bottom feeders?” 
Gasps and stuttering replies were let out from the flushing women, flabbergasted by your undignified words, but they haven’t heard anything yet. 
“Before my engagement, I often chatted with the current Marquis Leech and he was telling me how he was flooded by persistent engagement proposals for his heir that there wasn’t a day that a messenger wouldn’t visit the Leech residence.” 
That was a bold-faced lie about your meetings with the Marquis head but you recalled your classmate’s words of the mountains of proposals the Leech brothers would get, proving their in-universe popularity despite being discriminated against. Well, it’s not as though anyone would question your source, you were engaged to a Leech afterall.
The wives may have been confused but the younger ladies were visibly shaking as they watched you with nervous eyes, either praying you didn’t know the families that proposed or if you did, you’d keep silent over it. 
But you offer no such salvation from their humiliation 
“Out of the countless proposals, I seem to have been chosen over the ones who reached out first. In fact, some of the interested ladies are here in attendance today, such as Lady-“ 
You paused abruptly as you quickly back away as one of the single daughters reached for a drink and prepared to throw it into your face in desperation to avoid being exposed. Seems like you pushed a line too far. You closed your eyes, braced for a rude splash…
but nothing came. 
Surprised muttering and gasps compelled you to reopen your eyes but you were met with a lean chest and tall looming figure blocking you from the women. You leaned to the side and was shocked to see a large wet spot on Jade's pristine suit jacket, his back and shoulder drenched in champagne. You peeked at Jade's face as he wore his signature smile, appearing calm but you could have swore his jaw seemed more tight and strained as though he’s fighting something internally. 
Maybe you’re just reading too much into it. 
Any semblance of annoyance you thought you saw disappeared the moment the eel merman turned to face the ladies before. He placed his gloved hand over his heart and smiled as usual. 
“I believe this conversation may have gone on too long. Everyone is getting a little too tired and reckless. Perhaps we should cut the night short tonight, do you agree?” Jade proceeded to rest his hand on your shoulder, looking at you with faux concern. “Shall we take our leave, my dear?” 
Stomping down the involuntary shiver, you nodded and turned to walk away without saying goodbye to the ladies or even waited for Jade to walk with you. At least Jade had some strength to offer a bow and a smile before joining you. However, you didn't notice the way the ladies silently flinched in fear when they saw the dangerous glint in the young merman's mismatched eyes.
“I never realized you had such a fiery tongue,” Jade commented as the two of you make your way to your carriage, to which you clicked your tongue in annoyance. 
“So you were able to hear everything” you chose to change the topic. “You better not say anything to your father about what I said today. I needed to use an excuse” 
“You needn’t worry, my dear. I’m simply impressed you knew about the proposal letters.” Jade ended his words there, but you knew he was curious to know your sources, especially since it pertains to the ongoings in the Leech residence. 
“I heard some things, that’s all I’ll say” you held your tongue beyond that, your eyes relaying to Jade not to prod further, which he conceded. 
“Of course. I would never want to upset you, my dear.” Jade smiled at the slight shiver in your shoulders. 
“Alright, my turn to ask questions” you stopped in your tracks, forcing Jade to do the same, enticing his curiosity as you always seem to. Your eyes stared at the stained jacket that hung over Jade's arm, having taken it off to avoid the rest of his attire getting dirty. A sense of guilt pinched your heart as you questioned him, “Why did you save me? Sure, I’ll be slightly humiliated but I can just play the victim and ruin them further” 
Jade silently stood in his spot, as though he was seriously contemplating his previous actions. But you doubt that because Jade Leech does not do things impulsively. He’s calculating, his movements always premeditated and intentional. 
Then, the ocean-haired man slowly walked closer to you. Carefully, he reached out his gloved hand towards your cheek and wiped a small drop of champagne from your hairline. A minuscule drop must have made its way to your face without your awareness. But Jade noticed. The cold leather glided from your forehead to your ear, to which he crept closer as he leaned down and whispered to you. 
“We made a deal, my dear” his smooth voice vibrated clearly into your head and your instinctive shiver came once more from his name for you. “I plan to make good use of you and I will not permit anyone from ruining you before I’m done” 
You sealed your fate with Jade, so you must commit to the end.
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bloodweep · 9 months
Wow! You got popular really fast!! :D
I was wondering if you could do JD, Bruce, and Clay with an insecure partner, and how they handle that? SFW and NSFW if you could <3<3<3
I did! It’s a bit intimidating if I’m being honest, I didn’t know so many people would like my headcanons or my writing style,, I’m so scared that people will just stop enjoying them if they don’t align with the characters I portray them as 😭😭😭
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John Dory:
‗ ❍ It would take him a bit to understand that you are insecure, his ego and pride getting in the way in the best and worst possible ways - I mean he finds you so damn attractive and doesn’t understand how and why you would feel insecure about him
‗ ❍ he wouldn’t see it until it became way too obvious and other people have said something - don’t get him wrong he’s attentive to you but sometimes his head is up his own ass about things
‗ ❍ once he does understand he will lose that stupid (fucking handsome) grin and look at you with such concern - he’s not very good at hiding his displeasure or any emotion for that matter
‗ ❍ he would pull you aside, privately, and ask what’s wrong and what happened, his hand brushing under your chin and lifting it up so you can always have eye contact with him- he wants to study any subtle or subconscious emotions that flicker across your face
‗ ❍ he will listen (he’s learned to do so!! And is actively still trying to ensure he learns!! He doesn’t want to mess up like he did with his brothers!!)
‗ ❍ though his sadness, anger and frustration will show on his face as he listens to your words - he cannot believe how you feel this way, he doesn’t like it and desires to fully change it if he can - if he’s far too cocky he will rom it down for you, if you need more words of affirmations he will, he doesn’t want you to feel uncomfortable around him
‗ ❍ once you’re done telling him, he will drag you into his arms, holding you tightly, his ears lowering as he whispers gentle into your ear how “you’re the best person he’s very known”, “you’re perfect for me”, “no one else”
‗ ❍ tail will be so droopy on the floor
‗ ❍ he would continue to whispers sweet and soft things in your ear, pressing gentle kisses to your ear - he really is trying to be better than he was
‗ ❍ definitely will sway back and forth with you - very subtly; only you would feel it and no one would see it
‗ ❍ he would pull back after a while and look down at you “I wish you told me sooner, and if you did I am sorry I did not listen” he would say, a determined look in his eye
‗ ❍ would hover around you more, and doesn’t care if people question it
‗ ❍ will check in when you need it and to see how you’re feeling
‗ ❍ he would be pretty aggressive with you in bed honestly, his hands all over you, being mindful of his claws and hurting you
‗ ❍ he’s surprisingly very VERY in tune with your body, his nose dragging along your skin to catch any fluctuation in your scent
‗ ❍ when he does he will pause, hands on your hips and looking up at you curiosity, blinking his eyes rapidly to get that daze look out of his eyes
‗ ❍ he would sneer when told you were insecure “why?” He would question, he couldn’t believe someone so perfect would feel insecure.
‗ ❍ “who made you feel insecure about your body?” He would demand, a snarl in his throat
‗ ❍ would lower his face into your chest, nuzzling but flicking his ears up and forwards to listen
‗ ❍ grip would tighten on your hips
‗ ❍ “you’re the most perfect person to me, your body is absolutely beautiful and perfect” he would whisper kissing down your torso slowly
‗ ❍ definitely will nibble all over your stomach gently, dragging his tongue along your abdomen - sucking a soft hickey there
‗ ❍ ugh would press his fangs into your skins so gently
‗ ❍ his hands slipping down your hips to your thighs, pressing them up and out so he can slot between them better
‗ ❍ remember, this man is a fucking munch he’s def getting into that area with immense speed
‗ ❍ his tongue UGH I know that bitch is so fucking long
‗ ❍ would nuzzle into the area, inhaling softly and rubbing his cheek against it
‗ ❍ “so perfect, tight, pretty” is all he would say as he moved to drag his tongue up so so slowly, his hands gripping into your thighs so they can’t close
‗ ❍ “going to make you know how pretty you are, gonna make you cum so much until those thoughts are gone” (RAHHHH)
‗ ❍ gods that tail wagging at your taste - definitely comments how great you taste and he could have his face between your legs for forever
‗ ❍ won’t stop until you’re whining how perfect you are
‗ ❍ ugh would try to fit all 12 inches of himself in you, hands pressing on your stomach “feel how tight you are? How tight? So perfect for my fucking cock” he would murmur
‗ ❍ totally would lean all in your face making you look him in the eyes - would stop moving if you don’t
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‗ ❍ would notice immediately, his face scrunching up as he tries to figure out what caused such feelings
‗ ❍ he would gently place a hand on your shoulder and wait for you to turn to him, he wants you to feel comfortable and go at your pace
‗ ❍ “what’s wrong?” He would ask, “what’s got your scent so sour?” He would continue, patiently wanting until you answered
‗ ❍ he would keep eye contact with you the whole time, nodding to show he was listening
‗ ❍ “oh, dear,” he would whisper “I’m so sorry” he would reply
‗ ❍ he would move to sit down with you, listening attentively “I don’t want you to feel like this; is there anything I can do to ease these feelings?” His other hand rubbing up and down your forearm so gently
‗ ❍ he so would remove his necklace and put it on you; smiling
‗ ❍ his tail will be limp, he doesn’t enjoy how upset you were
‗ ❍ he would move you both out of the area if it started to get too much for you; fucking you guys somewhere comfortably on the beach
‗ ❍ he would make a picnic for you on the way there! Sitting on a blanket and enjoying each others company
‗ ❍ always holding your hand until you calm down
‗ ❍ lets you use his shoulder to cry on if needed, rubbing your upper back softly and nuzzling his cheek into your hair
‗ ❍ would press a gentle kiss to your hair then forehead “we can take to as fast or slow you need to, I’m here with you the whole time”
‗ ❍ he would immediately have a conversation before hand, asking what was okay with you and what was not, listening to everything you say
‗ ❍ he would state his boundaries too - which weren’t many, barely if any
‗ ❍ he would start off slow, laying you down and kissing you so gently, hands wandering up and down your body softly
‗ ❍ he wouldn’t do anything until you did something, never wanted to go pass what was comfortable
‗ ❍ once he was given the okay he would slide down to kiss along your neck, pressing his fangs against your skin and rubbing them gently into your pulse
‗ ❍ how fingers slipping into your waist band and skimming the skin hidden there
‗ ❍ his hips grinding into your thigh softly
‗ ❍ “Can I go lower?” He asked his fingers dipping closer, only finally reaching and gently mapping out the area
‗ ❍ he’s so into suckling on your chest too, so gentle, nearly ticklish, would lean back and look up at you “are you doing okay?” He would ask, waiting for a response before sliding back to your chest and sucking
‗ ❍ “you’re so perfect and beautiful” he would whisper, using his free hand to brush your hair of your face
‗ ❍ he definitely goes so soft and gentle for you, whispering how there’s nothing wrong with you the whole time
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‗ ❍ he is so fucking in tune with you, his tail flicking behind him quickly to show his displeasure
‗ ❍ his own anxiety would peak for faster than normal
‗ ❍ he would blurt out “what’s wrong?” Before biting his lip embarrassedly and tucking into himself
‗ ❍ holds a hand out to you to take before quickly taking you both to a separate place
‗ ❍ wrings his hands together to listen to you, his ears drooped down but facing you closely
‗ ❍ his heart would fucking snap knowing how insecure you felt his hands coming up to hold your face so gentle and moving close
‗ ❍ “do I make you feel like this?” He would ask, “please tell me I don’t actually hurt you..” he would whisper moving to rub his snout against your nose
‗ ❍ would kiss all tears away if they do fall, nuzzle into your cheeks just under your eyes and pressing soft kisses there
‗ ❍ would left go of your face and hold his arms out waiting for you to hug him
‗ ❍ would wrap his arms around your torso so tightly and holding you closer, burying his face into your hair
‗ ❍ SWAYS HE SWAYS - back and forth and side to side, just enjoying your warmth
‗ ❍ he’s the biggest baby - next or Floyd of course
‗ ❍ “let me know if I can do anything for you”
‗ ❍ he would listen to everything you say, he’s already had so many conversations about boundaries he need to be sure; he was extremely taller than you, and had fangs and claws that he didn’t want to hurt you
‗ ❍ and let you sit on top of his lap, holding your hips gently
‗ ❍ nervously looking up at you before contenting it to not make you feel any worse
‗ ❍ “I love you so much, I love everything about you” he would whisper running his hands up your stomach to your chest and back down
‗ ❍ “no one could make me happier than you can”
‗ ❍ “you can take control” he would say and he means it, do whatever you please with him to gain the confidence you need, doesn’t care if it ends up teasing him
‗ ❍ gosh he would enter you so so slowly, holding you softly but firm to prevent yourself from going to quick
‗ ❍ gasping at how soft and tight you are “oh, oh goodness,” he would whisper “you’re so perfect for me”
‗ ❍ lets you set the pace, one hand coming up to hold your cheek, rubbing his thumb against your cheekbone, sharing breaths as you ride him
‗ ❍ asks about everything !!
‗ ❍ “May I thrust into you?” He would whisper, eyes locked onto yours waiting for your confirmation before gently thrusting up
‗ ❍ hugs you to his chest if you need it! Kissing along your forehead and nose bridge
‗ ❍ so sweet it’s nearly torturous
‗ ❍ “mine and I am yours”
━━━━━━━ ✦❘༻༺❘✦ ━━━━━━━
Tagging: @akwardlydifficult
I hope you like 🥹🫶
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adabird · 2 months
Hi! I was wondering if u can do mirio (from mha) dating a fem!reader who’s in class 1a who’s quirk is like zatannas and has the personality of mitsuki from demon slayer? (But readers like a year younger than he is dw) I’m sorry if this doesn’t make that much sense u can ignore this if u want 🫶
absolutely!!! I love love this idea
this passage may contain PROGRESSIVE or NSFW moments!
I believe you wanted this in headcannon form? I apologize if I am wrong! But I will try my best!
I think you meant Mitsuri? and not bakugo’s mom? correct me if i’m wrong!
Zantanna (A character from DC comics, her power can allow her to recite spells and can “invoke” anything her imagination wills!)
ALSO! sorry for the late response, I keep forgetting to where the request thing is if you know what I mean. Anywho!
Characters aged up! Y/N one year younger then Mirio and is in class 2-A
-Mirio is known to be bubbly and very cheerful, however after the war he became a little more muted.. That was until he met you! After seeing you in action, defeating a 8ft tall demon, he realized how strong you were. As you were apart of class 2-A, everyone knows you as a protective and bubbly person..You’re also a lot like Mina, with the ways you cheer on and cheer up people when need be!
-You had met Mirio previously, but that was when you had first started training so you were really quiet, and tried really hard to keep yourself on the down low.. But you soon broke out of your shell!
-You were also the charmer, much like Denki, you had a flirty personality.. So even when you weren’t trying to flirt, you would end up accidentally doing so.. However! this is what started yours and Mirio’s bond together.
-After you had mastered your quirk, people were a little iffy-about you.. Some even going to the extent on calling you a monster or a villain, becuase of your dark demeanor. But that did change after you became more popular and open with social media, and fans!
-You had formally met Mirio when you were having trouble studying.. Now, you were a very set person when it can to your studies, but you did get overwhelmed really easily.. And with hero training, skipping lunch, and have 18 pages of homework needing to get done.. Forgetting how to set up a math equation you started to cry.. But not becuase you were upset, but becuase you were overwhelmed and overworked.. And that’s when Mirio phased through the wall to help you out..
-Mirio had ended up being a big person in your life. He influenced you to try new foods, to add onto your hero costume, and also helped you create your ‘signature’ smile..
- He’s surprisingly good at math. And he feels comfortable crying around you too whenever he gets into his deep thoughts..He also definitely wears reading glasses, like ones that frame his face perfectly and sit opon his nose smoothly..
-You guys are like the power duo when it comes to training.. People either want to train with you two or watch the two of you train.. it’s as if you both have chemistry on and off the field.. You are very fierce and competitive, and that’s what gets him turned up!!
-When you meet his friends, they immediately like you.. And the more you hang out with tamaki the more he becomes open.. You’re like a goth Mirio, and that’s always an interesting sight
-You get people telling you your pretty, and hot constantly.. And Mirio isn’t the jealous type, however if it someone from his grade or someone that knows your dating he’ll go crazy..But in a low-key sereat way.. you feel me..
-He loves admiring you and watching you as you openly choose his only black, and dark blue hoodies.. He also likes to mess around with your signature top-hat, that’s used in your hero costume outfits.. He acts like he’s a magician constantly..
-At one point you end up surpassing him when it comes to strength..As well as mussel mass.. Because of your quirk you can also change the mass of your body weight, making yourself almost impossible to lift up.. Which makes him work even longer while building and working on his mussle mass..
-You’re really good with Eri, you take her under your wing and make sure she’s loved.. It also helps that your best friends with Shinso, so she was more comfortable with you from the start.. But I definitely think having Y/N being good with kids is a turn on for Mirio..(like makes him want to give you his kids-in case that sounded wrong)..
-Alaways hypes you up and lets you know, you’re the apple of his eye.. He loves it whenever you play with his hair, while lovingly babble on about your day.. And the two of you can’t be away form each other for very long, or else the two of you will start acting up..
Y/N, come get your man 🎀
I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to request any kind of headcannon or preferences that you would like for an MHA character! No judgment!
you can message, comment, or request! the ideas are needed 🙏
#Onie out!
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narwhalandchill · 25 days
(certain genshin ships w ajax brief negativity lmao like this is gonna b real controversial im sorry. not an attack at anyone just my opinion here be gentle)
obviously disclaimer that if u like the pairings in question im not like canceling or attacking you personally or saying ur wrong for liking it or for not considering the more uhh iffy angle im abt to bring up in terms of how i personally always felt abt these ships, i have mutuals who rb stuff for these sometimes and its just a tag i have blocked its life it happens, im more so just overall commenting on the existence of the pairings to begin w, its not worth the drama its my opinionnn please keep that in mind but yeah
anyway ugh now w like capitano model preload stuff and some of the model comparisons being made (hes slightly bigger than the usual tall male apparently n childes model was used for the comparison) and the shippy comments being made abt it im gonna be honest chief. i do not. like. a single ajax x harbinger pairing like im sorry just how exactly is the age gap (and seniority. and experience. and power imbalance) not processing with ppl when it comes to these at all ??? 😭😭 hes the youngest appointed harbinger canonically and w perueres story we now know that was like. Literally 16 at most for him. and even if that wasnt the case and before it was confirmed. hes still been around the harbingers since he was a teenager bc of being pulcinellas protege idc if its like this convoluted argument of well he wouldnt really interact w them on an interpersonal relationship level before hes a bit older its just still so weird to me i just dont understand how any of these pairings became a thing 💀 like you think not being around him that frequently would stop the usual shipping suspects ppl favor with childe from seeing him as a literal kid either way???
arles literally the one exception here since theyre actually around the same age but those 2 have the ship chemistry of two noble gases JSKSKSLDOSOSKFL (= literally no reaction) . arle is a whole dyke that much is obvious.
like obviously its not like much can be done since pairings like scara are way too popular to be somehow halted on their tracks and the cap stuff will prolly have a resurgence as well now that hes getting a more tangible characterization in natlan but ughhhh. it also sucks bc i think ajax 100% has a crush on cap and its such a peak concept (the guy Absolutely played a part in childes bisexual awakening) but the idea of it being reciprocated on any level whatsoever just feels nasty to me im sorry 😭 my cap would Never its literally on the level of pairing him w skirk to me
also scara always felt strange to me solely based on the fact that he genuinely dislikes ajax lmao like. it feels ooc on principle afshsjsksidk but whens that ever stopped anyone i suppose. it lowkey feels like ppl just wanted a m/m harbinger pairing at any cost 💀 and i suppose scara being an immortal puppet wasnt like known early on so i suppose the ship becoming a thing in like 1.1 is fair enough? but still my current feelings wrt ajax age gap w the harbingers do stand
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blazehedgehog · 6 months
I left this open in another tab, meaning to watch it like a week ago. It's an official video published and promoted on the Youtube Studio dashboard, about common misconceptions around their recommendation algorithm and what the truths really are. .
And now, finally watching it, that white haired dude, Mr. "Youtube Liason", is the guy who told me the algorithm ignored one of my videos because "maybe it just wasn't very good."
Famously, and something I will never ever shut up about when given the chance to mention it, I put out a video about Jurassic Park games just before Christmas, expecting it to slot in and do decent numbers, just like all of my other videos do. Since Youtube earnings tend to spike around the holidays, this was going to be how I paid for Christmas presents that year. It was something I'd done at least twice before. Instead, the algorithm completely ignored the video because it was outside my usual wheelhouse of Sonic content.
This is shockingly relevant to the very first topic they cover: whether a single "off-topic" video actually matters with regards to how the algorithm sees your channel, and the general answer from the Youtube technician is "No." You don't gotta tell me.
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When I put my full weight behind a video, it easily breaks 10k views, even 50k or 200k+ views. Some of my most popular videos have cracked the multi-millions!
So when this dude spells out in plain english that the algorithm effectively ignores one-off videos? Yeah, no shit. I'm living proof of that. Across the first two years, that Jurassic Park video struggled to break even 2000 views. Only by paying out of my own pocket for multiple promotional campaigns and constantly complaining about its lack of performance has it struggled to hit just over 5000 views, some four years later. The algorithm knew it was way outside my regular wheelhouse and treated it like poison.
And this liason clown had the balls to tell me "well maybe the video was just bad, sorry bud" only to, two years later, sit down with this technician that spells out exactly what I was knew was happening and was trying to explain to him.
Except now, of course, it's being spun as a positive: "don't worry, a one-off won't hurt your regular content" as opposed to the "we didn't notify anyone about your one-off and it became stillborn" I experienced.
I have sat down and thought very intently about this Jurassic Park video. Obviously, if I make a stink about its performance, tell people the algorithm made a poor judgment call, I'm going to get patted on the back and comforted that yes, the video is good. Don't worry. The mean old algorithm is just dumb. Right? And Youtube unflinchingly believes in the power of their algorithm as this perfect shining golden standard to drive viewership, the thing that can never, ever be wrong about guys like me.
I appreciate the comfort and support of friends and colleagues and even random strangers who are inherently distrustful of the algorithm. But I also know that feels like an echo chamber.
So then what, do I trust Youtube? Absolutely not. At the end of the day their algorithm still made an unfair judgment call and despite their claims above that any old video can get picked up by the algorithm at any time, my video has never recovered. I've tried more interesting thumbnails, I've spent almost $100 on Google Adsense promotion -- one of which, I should note, was the same week that Jurassic World 3 released, and the other being E3. Both should have been extremely lucrative times to run ads. And I got crickets.
I like the video. I stand by the fact I think I did a good job on it. I remain proud of it. It's as good as any real-effort-content I've put out in the last five years. The echo chamber tells me it's a good video, too, even if I literally can't buy views.
So my only recourse is to sit here and stew in my bitterness towards this algorithm. The shining, ultimate example as to why you should never let a computer make a qualitative judgment call. And I will be frustrated and angry about this until I draw my last breath.
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
AITA for getting my friend’s name wrong for several months?
let me explain. i (17M) transfered to another high school last april. most of the kids here avoid me because of… reasons, but i’ve managed to make a few friends here in between my totally legal extracirriculars and getting harassed by faculty. one of these friends (15F) is actually a popular gymnast in the year below me, who i’ll call k. we’ve become pretty good friends over the past few months. i support her gymnastic pursuits and in return she teaches me how to do sick backflips. i picked out glasses for her dad. we went into the soul world together. yknow, normal stuff.
the problem is that i recently learned that i’ve been calling “k” the wrong name basically since we met. i assumed that her name was k after seeing it on one of her notebooks, but the notebook actually belonged to her dead twin sister. “k” (or rather, s) and her idenitity are apparently “common knowledge”, but because s never corrected me and everyone else usually calls her by her her last name, i only found out when our mutual acquaintance/ the-guy-who-tried-to-kill-me-but-I-still-hang-out-with (18M) told me. to be fair, s also started to genuinely believe that she was her dead sister due to some wacky hijinks by our school counsellor– please don’t ask– so i don’t think this is totally on me.
anyways, s is fine now (she remembered that she isn’t her sister and has stopped trying to battle us with spirit pokemon over it). she says that it’s okay that i didn’t know her name and even apologised for going along with it, but i still feel pretty bad. like, it’s pretty shitty to not know your friend’s name. 18M thinks i’m an absolute moron (which he always does) and has been making fun of me non stop since, but my cat (???M) told me that i couldn’t have known so there’s no point worrying about it. i also kind of have to focus on saving the world from my afformentioned councillor so s isn’t really a priority right now. Still, i feel shitty about the whole thing so, AITA? and if so, what should i do to make it up to s?
edit: please don’t worry about the guy who tried to kill me! i know it sounds alarming but consider <3 he’s a funny little man. my friends have said there is something wrong with me for this and i *would* go see a therapist or something but the last time i did that he became a god who’s currently imprisoning humanity. what can you do.
edit again: my cat can talk yeah. he says to stop posting our intel on reddit but in his language that means he says hi.
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shivstar · 5 months
Lily suffering in m/m Fics
I don't know what is the big deal.
I mean Sirius who is protagonist in so many fics, general or romantic or slice of life etc, himself goes through unimaginable suffering to reach an ambiguous ending which is bittersweet.
But these people have problem with making lily suffer. Why? Because she is a female character. And in the times we live, females are not supposed to suffer???
Isn't it upto the characterisation of the author about what happens to lily. And the storyline.
Maybe she started cheating on james with snape and James rather than confronting decided to give her a taste of her own medicine. Maybe in such scenario lily comes back to her senses and wants James back and maybe James is finally done with her and lives his hea with sirius. This right here is a happy ending for prongsfoot and not so for lily.
Or maybe James is a gay man with strong internalized homophobia and he decides to trap the most popular girl in the school so that no one can ever doubt. But once her relaxes and feels safe after marriage, he decides to go out and test the water, so to speak.
No lily Evans bashing. This is a tag I only see with lily. The one character in hp world we know the least about. And the author was successful in making us all believe that because James and lily were oh so great- any suffering that comes should come to lowlifes like sirius whose own parents hurt him or Peter who was born a traitor or hell even snape whose teenage years shaped into all the wrong choices and worst imaginable adulthood.
James and lily and specially lily should not suffer. The most you can do is kill them before old age. Anything more is unacceptable because lily is a woman.
I mean common.
I agree that it should not be done for the sake of bashing or making her out to be the thorn amongst the rosy prongsfoot Or jegulus relationship.
No, absolutely not. I agree that her worth shouldn't be only as a girlfriend or wife.
But she could be a grey character of her own whose poor choices and wrong decision lead to some suffering.
We see she smiles at snape's cost. We see that she doesn't sympathies with a teen petunia. We see her being friends with snape until he uttered that word to her, up until before that she was discrediting every other muggleborn in school by putting her head under sand. Because I feel that only muggleborn snape showed a basic human decency towards was her.
In fact i see her as capable of being a wonderful grey character. So why limit her with only being a Mary sue who is the best and gets the best. She was freinds with snape, a dark gray shade character. Wife to James, again a grey character. Then became friend with Sirius, again an ambiguous in terms of good or bad character. Canon lily surrounded herself around morons because she herself was a moron.
And life is unfair. We know this.
So why should it be unfair to only sirius or james but lily has people marching for her to only get a happy and respectful and wonderful life.
Even gods suffer in whatever mythology you pick.
But lily shouldn't???
So aren't you asking for the same as jkr. A sweet wonderful life for our dear lily evans because she as a female and a mother is great so she should live a wonderfull life.
Hell, my mother is the most wonderful person I know but let me tell you that being good at heart doesn't make the suffering less. If anything good people face most trials in life....
Ps- being cheated on is based upon how much respect your partner has for you. I mean yes love can fade but if they respect you as a human. They will have the decency to cut things off before starting something new. But in no way is being cheated on is about the person who is cheated.
In fact all these people marching for lily should just chill because at the end of the day even if she is cheated on, she will have the moral high ground.
The real question is - was canon James Potter as a character capable of cheating her????
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screampotato · 29 days
I was watching a YouTuber who was reacting to someone saying, of their child, "she's a non-conformist and that will serve her well in the world", and the reactor was like "yeah, it's great to be a non-conformist, but let's be real, it won't serve you well in the world", and I've been chewing on that ever since.
Like, I do get what he means. People who don't fit in undeniably have it harder than those who do. But at the same time, being a compulsive non-conformist has actually served me pretty well in various ways.
I only had a few friends at school, and never had general popularity, but that meant I never had to deal with all the backbiting and friend group drama that goes with popularity. My friends were also weird, and we valued each other. I'm not saying we never had misunderstandings, but the level of drama I see my more popular nieces dealing with was never a thing for me.
I have always reacted to peer pressure by being contrarian. Yes, that meant I was mocked for years for wearing "virgin socks", that I refused to stop wearing specifically BECAUSE I was mocked, but it also meant that when the peer pressure to do anything on earth but study started to kick in, I did study. And nobody really expected me not to, because I already had that reputation.
In general, being contrarian meant people applied less peer pressure to me (as it was pointless), which removed a lot of obstacles in my young life.
When I became a professional engineer, my contrarian nature became a real strength. I do not find it difficult, in a group of people all thinking one way, to point out when I see a problem. I cannot overstate how valuable that is in engineering. You need to find the problems before they leave the office, and groupthink is the enemy.
I will go along to get along in unimportant things, I'm not abrasive for fun, but when it matters, you're going to hear about it. That absolutely has served me well, and that's not even mentioning the benefits of having an unusual style of thought when it comes to finding solutions to technical problems.
When I worked as a lecturer, again, I didn't conform to workplace norms I saw as stupid. I didn't take marking home. I didn't work unpaid overtime. I didn't accept extra hours on my timetable, or short hours being timetabled for a course (common in colleges, which are highly disorganised). I didn't do meetings at lunch, or lecture over breaks, or lecture right up to the hour.
I told managers when they were wrong and when things needed to change. Now, all this was combined with a respectful tone, diplomatic efforts and otherwise hard and proactive work, but I ended up with a reputation for being honest, hard-working and not being amenable to nonsense, which meant that my word carried weight. If I said something could or couldn't be done, people tended to believe it. It served me well.
Now, just being contrarian for the sake of it, as I was as a teen, doesn't necessarily get you anywhere in the long term, and being all edge and no point will not serve you well in life. People don't like it if you're an arse to them for no reason, and nor should they.
But if you cultivate a practice of being honest, reliable, hardworking, while also being uncompromisingly who you are in the face of pressure to conform, it absolutely will be a strength. It will put roadblocks in a lot of the popular roads in life, but it can also open up other roads that can take you to unexpected places.
I hope someone else who's a bit weird or contrarian, like me, can take comfort in this. Conformity is not the uncomplicated road to success that people often paint it as.
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desultory-novice · 1 year
You said the Mechalor/Crowned Marx AU wouldn't have much impact, but could you not extend the format to some other villains? Taranza hunting down Star Dream to try bring Sectonia to her senses, only to make things worse. Susie, trapped and contorted by the Dimension Mirror, now just trying to find her father after her accident.
This is the first ask Mechalor Anon sent me, btw!
I'm half putting this up for interested readers, because it was a fun read, but also for Anon themselves, as I included some fresh commentary on their ideas as well!!
>Not much impact
You know, I sometimes forget how popular my little AU ideas can get! (Hmm. Can I claim the title "CEO of Kirby AUs?" Is that one taken?)
ATM these asks ended up leading to the formation of the Permadeath Swap, which I'm working on the second half right now, but there's a lot good here too I don't want to leave on the table!
>Taranza + Star Dream
Ohoho... the fact that Taranza might seek out a DIFFERENT cursed Ancient Artifact to try to undo what the previous cursed Ancient Artifact he got did is so broken in a very delightful way! (And I hate to say it, but it feels very in character for Taranza ^^; )
And that Susie story...feels very much like what may have happened to Parallel Susie! Although, given how she no longer has the hair accessory her father gave her, I think it didn't end so well...
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>Permanent changes for Taranza...
Is it sad the first thing that came to mind is "Sectonia actually does real permanent damage to him?" Like...physical abuse? Maybe, since she's losing her mind due to Star Dream eating up her memories and the last traces of "Joronia", she sees Taranza and tries to erm, force HIM to evolve to become more "like her." Doing things like destroying four of his hands, breaking his mandible/horns and blinding him in all but two of his eyes. Like, at this point, she can't even recognize / remember what caused the changes in herself so she just thinks that by breaking him she's helping him to "evolve." Of course, he never seems to "get there" so she just keeps going...
Oooh, god, wouldn't that would be awful...? The other awful thing of course is that by this point, Taranza might just accept all the horrible things she's doing to him with a smile because he wants them to be the same too (inside, he knows this is wrong, but he can't speak up about it because it means accepting how BAD things have gotten.)
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Keep smiling, Taranza. Joronia used to say your smile was beautiful. If you stop smiling...what body part will she take next?
PS: I actually forgot while writing this that she wouldn’t be her BEE self because it would just be the star and not the mirror (so much for god reading comprehension…) but uh… just go with it. >.<
(Btw, I’m reminded just how dark this AU can get. I don’t know what it is about the BossSwap that brings out the worst in me….!)
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>Max's Eternal Search
Something I really like about the thing with Max is that when Star Dream began messing with him, became obsessed with money - to the point that it was the only thing he thought about. Everything he has is expensive. Everything in framed in terms of how much ludicrous amounts of money it costs in his own fictional currency. ("Company store" indeed.) Everything is covered in gold + gemstones. Greed incarnate. But...
...This Max would probably become obsessed with looking through the mirror instead. If he stops looking for even a moment, he might miss catching a rare trace of Susanna. And so he uses his technology to expand the mirror's reach and makes sure EVERYTHING he owns is absolutely covered in mirrors/mirror-dimension feeds. (Take THAT, Versailles!) You can't see his eyes, as they're always covered in visors projecting the mirror. He doesn't even LOOK at you when he's talking down to you because he is still looking for Susanna...
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>Daroach + Hyness Swap
"None of these are great?"
WHAT?! I love this idea?! A Daroach + Hyness swap?! This is going on the to-draw list for sure! And by draw, I mean I now need to see the Mage Sisters dressed up as a pack of 1920s-esque lady thieves! The Jamba cult in a wacky heist story is too good.
No, really, this one is galaxy-brained! Multiverse-brained, even!
Plus, Squidward I mean Hyness and Dark Nebula just...they'd be so cute together?! (...Don't look at me that way... >.> ) Also, Dark Hyness would probably look like some kind of skrunkly cthuhlu (Nebula's arms sticking out from under his hood/veil) and that's just great?!
Fun fact: It is not a Squeak who steals Kirby's cake but WADDLE DEE (the traitor!!) And yet, I can totally see Flamberge in the role of starting things off this time. 
Zan: "Is everyone ready?" 
Berge: "Hold on, I gotta finish this."
"...Berge? Where did you get that?" 
"Huh? I grabbed it along the way. Figured you'd start complaining if I made us stop to eat in the middle of the mission! Smart, huh?" 
"Are you telling me...you found a slice of cake...just lying on the side of the road?" 
"No way! That'd be silly, Zan!" 
"I'm trying to ask, who did you take it FROM?" 
"Dunno. Didn't ask their name! Haha!"
My weak attempts at writing the sisters aside, you're right about Daroach and the Squeaks being quite easy to fit into this plot. After all, Daroach already expressed interest in the Jamba Heart! Given it's probably close to the galaxy's "largest jewel" in size, he might already have his heart set on stealing it! Perhaps he finds it but it has lost its glow. (The Heart Spears are still restraining Void Termina, after all.)
He uses what little magic he has to try and restore the gem's sheen, but just as it does, the Jamba Heart splinters and cracks. So he sends Spinni, Storo, and Doc out to gather the missing pieces, breaking up the cohesion of the close-as-family group as he stays behind to make sure... it's, you know, that it's safe... All the while, the Heart takes up more and more of Daroach's thoughts...
Also seeing the Squeaks all dressed in black... Yeah, I like this swap...!
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>Various Elfilis Swaps
I think the funniest thing about swapping the two geminis and Zero/Zero 2 is that you would either have Gooey playing the role of your "Elfilin" figure... or Dark Matter Blade!!
And something about the perpetually friendless, socially awkward Blade attempting to assist or (...god...) give commentary on what's going on is just very fun to imagine.
Let's ignore the fact that Dark Matter would almost certainly play the role of brainwashed Dedede in that situation and just go with it!
Lastly, while I really, really, really like the Daroach + Hyness swap (it's probably my favorite just because I'm still having the time of my life imagining the super serious Hyness and the Sisters in the madcap "Wacky Races" plotline that is Squeak Squad) but I like this possibility too! Especially if you have it so it's an unexpected consequence of the botched summoning. (Although it WAS secretly effective! This is just what happens when you touch the mind of a dimensional rift opening psychic from across time!)
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finefiddleheaded · 7 months
Hot take, but I actually really, really love Cassie Sandsmark's current costume.
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It just... it looks like how I dress. I see me in that. I see my evolution in her evolution.
I too was an awkward (unwittingly) queer kid who thought every other girl in existence was born with innate knowledge I had no way of obtaining. In my younger years I generally looked like a dorky string bean.
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Then as a preteen and teen I leaned real hard into being a tomboy. At the time my idea of fighting the patriarchy was to ~not be like other girls~, but if I'd allowed myself to be truly honest with myself I would have recognized that i actually didn't feel all that happy wearing baggy, oversized clothing and being mistaken for a boy. There's nothing wrong with that, let me be clear. But to me it was either THIS or THAT. And wearing or doing anything "girly" was giving in to the patriarchy. And that's not a really healthy way to make life choices.
Obviously Cassie did the opposite, leaning way into "doing girl right," but we were both reacting to same principle: there's a right way to be a girl and there's a wrong way and you need to either gather or throw away what doesn't conform. I was looking for a fight. Cassie was looking to belong.
What broke this mentality for me was moving to an art school thousands of miles from the heteronormative white suburb I'd grown up in. I met so many different people with different experiences of the world. And wow! Lots of them had personal styles that weren't Boy or Girl or Popular Subgroup with Distinct Rules (when i was a teen it was emo, scene, punk, prep.) And I started to go "hey no one knows me here... maybe I could try on being sexy or girly or pretty or cutesy or dye my hair or shave my head. Maybe i can play. No one here cares, there's no one to fight."
But poor Cassie had to try to do her wobbly, awkward self-exploration in front of the world, while standing next to Dianna Prince and Donna Troy (and getting bullied at school.) Everything she did or didn't do with her self-presentation was automatically in conversation with their choices. And as one would expect, often her attempts ended up looking either painfully clumsy or "not herself."
In college I had a close friend and roommate (a lesbian - i was the "token straight" in my friend group which lol no i wasn't), whose style embodied feminine cuteness. She always wore heels and had perfect makeup and wore pretty long skirts. Like Cassie did with Cissie, I paid attention to how she put on her makeup and copied stuff. She gave me tips when I asked about it. I felt awkward and clumsy and self conscious (and looked it, too.) After a bit I moved on, took a little bit with me (a lot of it wasn't my thing and honestly felt like i was cosplaying someone else) and starting trying other stuff.
Over time I also became acquainted with the wider queer community and learned the gender binary was false to begin with. (God, I wish I'd known sooner.)
ANYWAY what ended up happening was that I pieced together a really comfortable, eclectic style that's first purpose is to make me happy. Sometimes I wear makeup. Sometimes I don't. Sometimes i look like a witch with tall edwardian boots. Sometimes I look kinda punk. Sometimes I look like I stepped out of a historical picture. Sometimes I *do* wear baggy oversized clothes. I have brightly dyed hair. I've tried an undercut, and pixies, and long hair and the bisexual bob. I wear a large hat and a leather jacket and heels. I wear sparkly nail polish and bright red lipstick and I absolutely don't gaf what shape my eyebrows are.
But that took years and years of saying "oooh I like that look" and going home and trying it on. (Sometimes with the additional queer head scratcher of "do I like this look or am I just attracted to this person?" Yeah, definitely not something i can imagine Cassie ever thinking lmao)
But funnily enough you wanna know what makes up the bulk of my outfits nowadays? T-shirt, leggings, comfy skirt, and leather or jean jacket. And comfy 1920s workboots. Why? It's comfy and I feel cute with very little effort!
Anyway, that's why i earnestly love Cassie's stylistic evolution and back and forth with femininity (even if I have to retrofit/reclaim some uhhh pretty sexist stuff from the people writing/drawing her.)
Because this girl? She looks like she looked in a mirror this morning and went "damn, I'm cute." She looks like she chose that skirt bc it's comfortable and fun to twirl in and for the snap the fabric makes when she's flying. She looks like she feels cool with that jacket on. She looks like she put that eyeliner on and went "fuckin nailed it" when she got the point she wanted.
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jewishbarbies · 5 months
"When the JD/AH trial first came out it seemed like everyone was on Depp’s side and hating on Amber, but then overnight that changed"
It happened only in specific, famous from being rapid and not factchecking first places, like certain areas of TikTok or Twitter. And it was because of unsealed documents combined with the fact, that people didn't understand what they even are and they are just pre-trial motions and claims made by both sides. It was basicaly "Amber said" and she said quite a lot of completely out of pocket stuff, that didn't make sense, when put together, to make as big damage as possibile and to see what sticks. I mean, her lawyers were often very unprofessional and all over the place during trial, so imagine how chaotic and not making sense they are in motions that got tossed out by the judge pre trial.
Meanwhile those people, who changed their minds didn't really pay attention in the first place, because to actually watch the trial and read all these unsealed documents or documents from prev trial, you had to spend a lot of time on that. So what happened is a lot of people was interested in the topic, because it was popular, but they were not commited to it enough to spend so many hours on that, so they were getting their informations just from some biased twitter threads and such (there was so many Amber Heard's supporters on Twitter writing just factually wrong or misleading things, that I refuse to believe she didn't have something to do with it, especially that there are some leads that one of her most popular advocates was actually a member of her PR).
So when unsealed documents dropped, those people looked at "Amber said"s and treated them as facts, especially on websites full of radfems, because they foster this sexist ideas, that in hetero relationships it's only women, who can be victims and you always have to believe women and if you don't, then you're a misogynist.
Also anon is wrong about everyone at first being on Depp's side, most of people went into this trial sympathizing with Heard, me included, based on those mainstream media bits throughout the years, that get to you even when you're not paying attention. People shifted a little after Depp took the stand, but what really made public side with him was actually Heard's own testimony. It became clear, that not only she's a liar, but also an abuser.
And her fetishizing Jewish people is absolutely correct, also being racist and elitists towards people from behind the south border of USA, just look up her tweet about ICE checkpoints. Worth noting that she's besties with Eve Barlow (who actually got kicked out from the court for acting as if she's a part of Heard's legal team and asking to show the judge some post on social media to make one of witnesses stop testifying, which had to happen after that claim, even though later it turned out that this claim was false and witness didn't do anything wrong) and there is tweet of her with photo of both her and Amber in Israel camplaining about sushi delivery taking a lot of time, because of bombings.
this is very well put.
I can’t stand Eve so when i found out she and Amber were together it just sealed the deal for me with her appropriation and overall antisemitic/racist mentality. there’s SO much evidence to Amber’s mental state and while i don’t think she’s evil for having mental health struggles, I think everyone who ever enabled her behavior instead of getting her help is just as to blame. there were a lot of wild theories at the time of the trial and a lot of depp supporters acted in disgusting ways imo, because a trial over this should be treated seriously and with respect, but nothing has changed my mind. people think to support Johnny you have to believe he’s somehow never done wrong in this situation or another, but there’s a lot he’s done I don’t like or support and it still doesn’t mean he wasn’t abused. shitty people can have unfair things happen to them. I’m glad he got clean and is living a better life and I hope someday Amber can do the same and be a better person.
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siriannatan · 1 year
“Sorry, I can’t concentrate on what you’re saying when your outfit is that tight,” - ScarMumbo
Somehow I managed to avoid making this as angsty and sad as I was worried it might come out when I started.
Mumbo was not having a good day. First, he had to lie to Grian about where he was last night. no, he did not have to go over some boring paperwork for his company. In truth, he was on a very pleasant date with Grian's good friend and long-time crush. A date so good it ended with them in a hotel room, rushing to go back home and get ready for their day in the morning. Rushing and not angry they had to. Mumbo was on enough good dates to know that this one was really good. A date so good he was in a really good mood the whole morning even when faced with a mountain of paperwork and sad that they couldn't hang out Grian.
Well, at least until lunchtime. When he decided to finally have breakfast - brunch if you want to be precise - since he didn't really have enough time in the morning. And, just as he was about to leave the pleasant cute restaurant he had said brunch at, a villain decided to take the shop and everyone in it hostage. And to add to Mumbo's misfortunes, said rookie villain grabbed him as he panicked and tried to escape just to be caught by the city's No. 1 hero.
Hot Guy, and his rather scandalous and revealing outfit. Mumbo was not too secretly a big fan of Hot Guy. Somehow he was very popular among engineers. 
But back to Mumbo's predicament. He was sat on a dusty, dirty rooftop. His suit was crumbled, and his moustache was messed up. His phone was broken, hopefully, he could get his data back. But on the bright side, he had a front-row seat to seeing Hot Guy restrain a villain. Even if his hands were restrained with some sticky, gross goop. He was not thinking about all gross, instead focusing on Hot Guy. Just to distract himself. He was absolutely not ogling the hero and his excellent physique. The only other this fit person he knew was Scar.
And Scar was very nicely built and damn strong and... And there was something very familiar between Scar and the hero. Like something in how he moved. But Scar was always so relaxed and carefree and Hot Guy always had the perfect posture and... Scar walked a bit like him this morning but that could be a coincidence. But as Mumbo kept staring - because he didn't have anything else to really look at - the familiarity became almost ridiculous... 
What was Mumbo supposed to do with that realisation? He wasn't completely sure. Confronting Scar about it seemed like a rude thing to do. But he felt that if he kept it to himself he would say the wrong thing at the wrong time. So maybe he should talk to him? Like now? Now, or once Sc... Hot Guy, dealt with the villain seemed like a bad time to do it. There would likely be no time, media and people all around. Not a good time... Another date? A private restaurant room could be easily arranged.
"Mu... Sir?" Hot Guy's boisterous self looming over him broke Mumbo from his mangled thoughts. The hero and all the see-through parts of his costume. Very tight costume. Were suddenly very close and Mumbo kind of stumbled back and almost fell off the roof.
He didn't fall only because Hot Guy grabbed him and pulled him closer. The hero was saying something and in the next moment, they were moving. Hot Guy didn't move them far. Just far enough so the media would not chase after them or interrupt them. "Are you okay?" the hero asked.
The best Mumbo could offer was a shrug and a weird noise. Real smooth, Mumbo. Real smooth. "I think I'm fine..." he managed to say as the hero patiently waited. "Still a bit shocked by all that... Thank you..."
"No need to thank me," the hero laughed. So similar to how Scar laughed. Mumbo was honestly feeling like laughing himself.
"Um... can I ask you one thing?" Mumbo asked. He really shouldn't delay this if he and Scar are to go on that second date they were talking about. 
"Sure go ahead," Hot Guy shot him a wide, radiant smile.
Mumbo took a deep breath. "Scar?" one word but he was instantly regretting it. He hit the spot. The hero kept staring at him with wide, panicked eyes. Mouth opening and closing like fish out of the water. "I'm not going to tell anyone and..." and he started giggling. “Sorry, I can’t concentrate on what you’re saying when your outfit is that tight, it's distracting..." Maybe he was trying to defuse the situation.
It certainly worked because Scar flopped to the dusty rooftop, laughing along with Mumbo's chuckles. "Mu... Mumbo this is a serious matter," he managed to say and pull up his devious Hot Guy smirk. "How did you even figure out it's me?"
"I have a suit on, you're the one in spandex and sheer mesh," Mumbo grinned back. "And I have an office job I have to go back to," he sighed. He really wasn't in the mood to deal with all of that right now but it'd only get worse if he delayed it. "You kind of moved in a Hot Guy way this morning," Mumbo almost shrugged. "So how am I getting to my office now?"
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