#do i wish bones was not a cop show? yes!! but. i really like her being shown on tv as she is
just-about-nothing · 1 year
i love bones mostly because brennon is like. the singular most autistic woman on television & everytime i watch her it’s like. ah she’s just like me for real
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thequiver · 1 year
you got any indie comics recommendations?
So some of these are educational graphic novels bc of who I am as a person but they're SUPER GOOD and you should still read them - but here's my list of recommendations in no particular order
Marie Curie: A Quest for Light (a graphic novel bio of the famous scientist that highlights her politics!)
Folklords (only 5 issues, does some really cool stuff with subverted fantasy tropes, Ansel is a cutie, 8/10)
The Magicians (this is based on the book series by Lev Grossman, and if you're familiar with the FX show you already know the premise, but it's VERY FUN and I like it so it's on here)
The Good Neighbors (this is more of a YA vibe and as the title suggests deals with fae nonsense, very fun)
Something is Killing the Children (some other comics go along with this one like House of Slaughter, all are in the horror genre, and it's a GREAT TIME if you're into that sort of thing)
Pixies of the Sixties (this is a period piece that deals with things like xenophobia and racism while also playing up the aesthetics of 1960s London and fairies)
Now Let Me Fly: A Portrait of Eugene Bullard (a graphic novel bio of the first African-American fighter pilot)
Little Monsters (a horror story about children vampires in a post apocalyptic setting)
Judas (yes, Iscariot, it's a really fascinating look at the Biblical figure)
Heavy Vinyl (wlw, late 90s record store, teen girl vigilante fight club- good times)
Grimm (based on the NBC show of the same name, there are other titles set in this world too, I'm very fond of this extremely trashy fairtytale-cop show mashup and how poorly it represents cops)
Godshaper (there's a god for every person, except one and he teams up with a god who doesn't have a person and together they travel around looking for a warm welcome and a paying rock gig)
Evita, the Life and Work of Eva Perón (a biography of the former Argentinian first lady)
Eat the Rich (a little bit like Knives Out)
Carmilla: The First Vampire (queer feminist murder mystery inspired by the gothic novel, Carmilla, and pulling from Chinese folklore)
Bone Parish (a necromantic horror story about the rich peddling drugs made with the ashes of the deceased)
Blue Book (true tales of ordinary people encountering the strange and impossible - ex. alien abductions)
Art Brut (equal parts police procedural, hyper-fantasy, and psychological thriller set on a backdrop of a trip through art history)
Aristotle (biography of the philosopher dealing with more than just his ideas)
Alienated (a story about having the power to change the world but not being ready to wield that power- more YA vibes but a good read for any age imo)
Abbott (and Abbott: 1973- a tabloid reporter investigates grisly crimes she knows the police have ignored and that she knows are occult in origin)
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petruchio · 10 months
Okay YES!
You said Dolly Parton and that’s EXACTLY what I mean!! She has the quintessential East Tennessee voice and I saw so much of her influence in Rachel’s amazing characterization of Lucy Grey!!
Tbh I think there’s a level there that plays on the current day stigma that comes with being Appalachian. Like I don’t want to act like the image of Appalachia as backwards is unfounded (it’s not), but it’s also wielded unfairly. Like is Appalachia underfunded and undereducated? Yeah. But every community has strengths and weaknesses! In fact diversifying those is good!
By having an accent in the Midwest, I indicated to my peers (no joke) that I must be less intelligent. And this wasn’t entirely new, even in Tennessee, being “from the mountains” was seen as a sign that you must be stupid/backwards.
And there was a spectrum of dialect that they considered acceptable. On multiple occasions I had Tennessee teachers teach me not to accent certain words in certain ways (because that would be inappropriate and hick - which is funny because we all sounded extremely Tennessee, but we didn’t ALL sounds so Appalachian)
So moving to the Midwest and having that “acceptable range” immediately moved to zero was jarring. I’d never thought I sounded like Dolly Parton before, but suddenly everybody I met was mentioning her and asking if I was from Tennessee.
It very much puts you on a stage, and there’s this immense pressure to mitigate it just so you can get off stage. I think there are some intentional links there with the “stage” and preforming that Lucy Grey encounters in the capitol!
Will you try to hide how you talk? Not just your sound but your word order and sentence structure? Your blatant colloquialisms?
Dolly is a very interesting comparison because her answer is generally, no. When Dolly does her thing, the colloquialisms are part of it. She won’t hide, she might tweak some things for the stage, but she clearly retains her identity and culture. (Just like Lucy Grey.)
And we get this layered commentary about the double stage with both of them!
There’s the stage they’re put on as outsiders. Moments like “only her pearly white bones” (such a southern thing to say lmao) show this off. Lucy Grey’s world is a stage now, it’s felt that her differences are othering, but still she throws out a colloquialism. Dolly is similar, even “off stage” she’s being judged for her background and is forced to preform. Yet she chooses to retain some the most othering characteristics, just like Lucy Grey.
Then of course, on an actual stage with a guitar and a song, Dolly and Lucy Grey have incredibly similar stage personalities. “Is that for me?” “I stopped drinking when I was 12!” “It’s to clear my pipes!” Lucy has never expressed an interest in alcohol, or even mentioned it prior - but she plays it up for the crowd, and the fact that they know it’s untrue is half the joke. That’s incredibly similar to Dolly, if there’s one thing Dolly Parton will do it’s tell a joke before her set.
So I think your Dolly comparison is super interesting and that there are layers there I’m not even thinking of atm. (I feel like I’m in front of a conspiracy board right now, but idc bc you really got me thinking!!)
I also think this could be related to your thoughts on Lucy Grey as an inversion of Peeta! Like I can’t help but think back to that moment before their first game where he says something like “I wish there was a way to maintain my identity.”
Like choosing whether or not to hide those Appalachian traits is a thing people struggle with to this day! I remember sitting in front of the mirror and practicing not a “non accent” & not jutting out my jaw when I spoke (catch Rachel Zegler doing exactly that - performance of the century)
Even beyond speaking, cultural norms like not trusting cops and insistently sharing food with everyone (also asking for food never being rude), knowing your neighbors personally and being familial with them, (“you think I don’t hear your stomach growling Jessup Diggs?”)
Even choosing to find Jessup immediately and sharing everything with him! (Coryo’s face when he said “are you going to share everything I give you with him?” 😭 Like, yeah. seek help sweetheart)
(There’s also the obvious theme of validity between different lifestyles. Like, I’d rather be uneducated than allergic to sharing. Yeah Lucy is a bit backwards but all the funding and education in the world didn’t teach Coryo not to be a selfish bitch??? So like?? Hmmm. Maybe there are many ways to live?? Anyways!)
When it comes down to it, Lucy Grey will do what she needs to do to survive. But the forefront of her mind is maintaining her identity, maintaining her humanity. Which may or may not be palatable to the Capitol audience, and may or may not immediately other her, etc. Peeta is doing this too - unlike Katniss and Coryo who are in survival mode - Lucy Grey and Peeta are concerned with their identities. They both choose to play it up for the audience, but also remain dedicated to keeping that humanity (as they know it) intact. So it plays super well to have that identity be such a culturally distinct existing one!
Anyways!!! Just some thoughts!
oh wow what a gorgeous ask! i don't know that i have that much to add but this is one of those asks that just must be published because you've said so many beautiful, fascinating things here.
i think the thing that really strikes me in your piece is the way you've hit on so many hidden markers of class in american society and identified so many of the subtle ways in which accents denote a particular class background or education level. (and love your acknowledgement of the ways in which structural inequality is baked into these stereotypes. because, like most inequalities, class is real and not real (wink wink) at the same time. it's an external construction -- it's not in any way intrinsic to humanity -- but it has very real effects that ripple through almost every aspect of our lives. we have to be able to hold both of those truths at the same time in order to unpack and combat the effects. and yet i think you've also framed it so beautifully that it's also important to embrace our differences as unique but beautiful threads that make up the fabric of humanity. lovely. but let me get back to the point.)
i think this discussion of accent and class is so interesting because i think it's something we hear a lot about in british english, but it isn't as often spoken about in the united states, and seeing it all laid out here is really illuminating!! and that, to your point, makes it all the more special that rachel zegler (and the filmmakers) made such a conscious effort to preserve lucy gray's accent in the film -- because all those subtleties that you just pointed out are present in a way that they might not be (or at least, would be harder to parse as a viewer) had they just had everyone speaking in the standard californian/hollywood american accent.
and to your point about class and performance... WOW! YES! i love the way you teased out that connection between lucy gray, dolly, and particular accents as being both markers of performance and authenticity. because there is this sense that your accent would be you at your most "authentic" you -- and thus adopting the accent of those around you is "performative" -- but then when you think about the ways those markers of class are so pervasive, to suggest that "authenticity" is even relevant might come into question. it kind of ties back into the post i made earlier about snow and katniss both understanding the ways in which poverty forces someone to "perform" the role of a wealthier (or more comfortable) individual, and playing an accent up or down is another extension of that. so in that way, it's interesting that lucy gray makes absolutely no effort to do that -- she's performing, but she's NOT performing. she's being authentic and playing a role at the same time. she's both; she's neither. she's alive but she's dead, etc -- she's a mystery.
i loooove the way we're connecting this to dolly too! because for me, when i think of dolly, i think of someone who saw the way the world was perceiving her, and rather than trying to squash that down and become more palatable to the masses, she tapped into all those things she was being mocked for and said: "you think you can make fun of this? i'll do you one better -- i'm in on the joke." and that's kind of the magic of dolly, that she's in on the joke, and she's having fun doing it. you can't help but love her for it; she projects such a confidence in herself and her persona, and it's part of her magic. she KNOWS it's a costume -- and that's kind of the whole point.
and i guess there's a way in which that's kind of the brilliance of lucy gray as well -- that she's in on the joke. she's in on the game. and nobody expects that of her. because the point of the games is to show "true human nature" but lucy gray identifies, from the minute she's called on stage at the reaping, that nothing is authentic about the games at all. because nothing is authentic about LIFE. everything is constructed, everything is performative. it's about realizing and acknowledging that, and breaking down the assumption that there is any "one true human nature" -- because there isn't. we're just here for a good time. we're here to make art, to make friends, and then maybe at the end of it all, we can say that we sure did put on a good show. for ourselves and for our communities.
maybe we wrote one great song -- and maybe that one great song will matter, someday, to someone. maybe it will be our song that changes the world <3 and that's why we keep trying.
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gender-snatched · 2 years
Hey so I want you to tell me every single thing I could possibly want to know about Star Trek
OK YEAH. under cut because. well. you know me.
So, in the 60s, Gene Roddenberry started a sci-fi series. This was Star Trek. It's about a starship named the USS Enterprise, which is part of Starfleet. Starfleet is the exploration branch of the Federation of Planets, which is basically the UN of the galaxy. The USS Enterprise is, at the time of the show, captained by James T Kirk, although it was previously captained by Christopher Pike. Kirk is an extremely traumatized nerd who is doing what he really wants to do. His First Officer (and Science Officer) is Mr. Spock, the only alien on the ship. Spock is (half) Vulcan, a species that values "logic" above all, yadda yadda. His Chief Medical Officer is his bestie, Leonard "Bones" McCoy.
He also has: Lieutenant Nyota Uhura (Communications Officer), Lt. Commander Montgomery "Scotty" Scott (Chief Engineer), Lt Hikaru Sulu (Navigator), Nurse Christine Chapel (Nurse), Ensign Pavel Chekov (pilot [?]), and Yeoman Janice Rand (Yeoman)
All these characters are MASSIVELY important for the time. Uhura was a black woman in a major position on the ship; Chapel, Uhura, and Rand were all strong women; Chekov was Russian during the Cold War; Spock was a metaphor for xenophobia and was also Jewish; Sulu was Asian in a time where anti-Asian racism was super high (and his actor, George Takei was Japanese and was raised in internment camps).
Importantly, Star Trek was so so amazing for a show from the sixties. It had one of the first interracial kisses on TV, and had multiple episodes with all sorts of metaphors. Yes, it had problems (misogyny and a fair bit of racism), but for the sixties? It was so incredible.
And the second season started with the episode "Amok Time", which was written by a queer man and focuses on the idea of Spock going into heat and going to die if he doesn't fuck. Somehow, writhing in the sand with Kirk cures this.
And that's the start of slash culture! Almost all slash culture is the fault of either Star Trek or X Files.
So Star Trek: The Original Series got 3 seasons and became a cult classic. And then in the 80s (?) it got the movies. The Motion Picture (bad, but tolerable), Wrath of Khan (pretty damn good), Search for Spock (bad and questionable), Voyage Home (aka The One With the Whales and fucking AWESOME), and then two others I didn't care about whatsoever.
And then, after the movies, The Next Generation came out. It takes place a bit later, with better cameras and effects. The spaceship is smoother, and it's also incredible. Its cast includes: Captain Jean Luc Picard, First Officer William Riker, Chief Medical Officer Beverly Crusher, Chief Engineer Geordi La Forge, Lt Cmr Data (what is his role I can't remember), Security Officer Tash Yar, Worf (also can't remember his role), Dr. Pulaski (I don't like her), Guinan (bartender), and Wesley Crusher.
Terrible confession, but I only finished TOS. I still know TNG pretty well tho.
After TNG we got: Deep Space Nine (my BELOVED), Voyager (wish I had watched more), Enterprise (good if you ignore the misogyny), and then all the nuTrek I haven't been paying attention to because I can't watch it.
Deep Space Nine is the other one I never finished but know, and it focuses on a space station near the planet Bajor. Bajor just threw off the rule of Cardassia, an empire. The Federation, with questionable motives, is helping them rebuild. They send a captain there, and then a wormhole opens, making the space station super super important. Then a war happens but I didn't reach that.
It focuses on Captain Sisko, his son Jake, his first officer Major Kira Nerys, his CMO Julian Bashir, his science officer Jadzia Dax (trangender worm), his engineer Miles O'Brien, a cop Odo, a bartender Quark, a "simple tailor" (actually an exiled Cardassian spy) Garak, and later, Worf.
It's really good, because while TNG pulls a full utopia, DS9 contradicts it and also has just amazing characters. Shame I didn't finish it before Netflix lost it. It also has the first CANONICALLY bisexual character in Star Trek.
There's a LOT of Trek, and I can probably give vague overviews about all of them and also answer any and all questions about it. Please. Please have questions.
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The world and characters (other then Alex and Julian) were created by @agatha-dyke-rights)
That being said, Case number 5276, recorded by Agent Danny regarding one Julian Stone’s experience at a rave.
Case Number:5276 
Codename: Danny
Type: Live statement
Relevant Entities: Slaughter
Julian: Are you a cop? Because I swear I don’t know anything, I mean I know Alex, and I know he… But he’s dead now so it doesn’t even matter so
Agent Danny: I am not a cop, I am merely a person that was made aware of your situation and wants to know more about it. 
Julian: Then what’s with the recording stuff?
Agent Danny: While we aren’t associated with the government, we do find it important to keep record of any incident that we believe may be relevant. If you wish to do so, you may leave at any point during this conversation. All information you tell me here will be kept between you, me and the Foundation, Julian Stone.
Julian: How do you know my- (sigh) you know what, nevermind. I- I think I do want to tell you about this. I… I haven’t gotten the chance to get it all off my chest you know?
Alex and I- we were never close right? I never had anything against the guy, but he was loud and outgoing and I just wasn’t. Different crowds, but we knew enough of the same people to share a groupchat. 
They others were ribbing me about my lack of social skills when Alex Dmed me asking me whether I wanted to go to a rave with him. Apparently everyone else was busy and going alone to one is a disaster just waiting to happen. 
Having just been mocked for being ‘prissy and boring as hell’ I felt the need to prove that I could do something interesting and cool and maybe a bit dangerous. So I went.
There was a sea of people there, their writhing dancing motions were like waves shuffling me this way and that. Being led by the endless thumping of the beat. I brought water with me on the suggestion of a guide I read online- and I’m very happy with that decision as the only liquids available were from a giant refillable jug (at one point there was a guy who knelt under it, mouth open to catch water) and a cooler filled with various types of beer.
Needless to say I was already not having a very good time, and clung to Alex like a life raft as he drank and chatted up every person in a 10 foot radius who could hear him above the wretched noise.
There was a dj switch and a woman with bright pink hair and cat ears walked onto the makeshift stage. 
I can’t really tell the difference between edm songs, but each thrum of the baseline felt like a bomb going off. The higher notes of the electric keyboard were like the scream of a banshee in my ear and there was… A shift in the air. A change in mood that hadn’t happened with the others. 
The fists pumping in the air changed to fists aimed at each other, the jumping became lunges. You could feel it, the way the noise was guiding their movements. Alex had the guy he was talking to pinned to the ground, his face covered in blood. The sounds of bones cracking melded with the song and I couldn’t tell the difference between the wails of the electric keyboard and the wails of the voices screaming in pain.
I think it was that ‘prissiness’ that saved me in the end. The music didn’t call to me, and I managed to run out with only a broken nose to show for it.
I still hear it though, the sounds echo louder than the warehouse could ever hope to achieve.
Julian: I, uh, sorry I’m not usually that dramatic. Was that uh, was that all you wanted?
Agent Danny: Yes, you can go now.
(The door closes)
Agent Danny: The description matches the records of Neko. The case is still fresh enough that we’ll likely be able to still get access to the warehouse… But knowing her she’s already skipped town. Onto the next site of one of her horrific parties. But we can hope, that’s all we can do I suppose.
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luxwritesfanfic · 3 years
On Tap
Sherlock insists that it would work better with the reader on top and after the night they’ve had, there’s no point in arguing. Or, the one where reader plays superhero for poor Greg and her beloved detective. Thanks for reading!
Sherlock Holmes/Reader
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You hadn’t even taken your shoes off when your phone started ringing in your purse. Sighing, you dug around for it with one hand and reached for the lightswitch with the other. Work had been incredibly stressful since you were working short during flu season and everyone in London had been feeling under the weather apparently. You had told your coworkers that if they really needed you that you would come back even though you had put a solid 16 hours in. Sherlock and John had gone out for John’s bachelor party so you didn’t mind working late, and Bucky was visiting his brother in the States so all your time was truly yours. You had thought about soaking in the bath or catching up on that show you always missed, but all of those thoughts were stopped in their tracks when the ringing persisted.
“Hey, what’s up?” You tried not to sound like you’d rather chew on glass than clock one more minute into the hospital but you weren’t sure you were so convincing.
“Come get him. Please, for the love of God, come get him.” At hearing Greg’s voice, you were both relieved yet confused. Sherlock must’ve invited him last minute to celebrate with them, you didn’t remember him saying that he was coming along.
“Oh, I didn’t know you went out with the boys! Where are you guys?” It was nice to know they were all having a good time. You liked Greg and thought he was a really good friend for Sherlock and John. You had plopped down on the couch and had started pulling one of your shoes off when he said, “No, I didn’t go with them. They were brought to me. Someone called the cops on them and now I’ve got tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum arguing about the solar system and taking turns puking in my waste bin. Please, I beg of you, come get him. Matter of fact, I can bring him home. If that makes the process quicker--- I mean easier.” You heard Sherlock trying to take Greg’s phone in the background, asking to talk to you and then quickly after arguing with John once more if it was really that important he knew they orbited the sun. Greg sounded just as exhausted as you felt and you could only imagine how annoyed he was by the drunk detective that he was already annoyed with most of the time sober.
“Yeah, yeah of course I’ll come get him. I’m actually at my flat though, so if you could meet me at his place that would be awesome. I’d just need a few minutes to finish up here...” You mourned the hot bath you were never going to get to take and worked on shoving the shoe you just took off back on, “did you call Mary for John?”
“Yes, she’ll be over soon. As soon as she gets here, I’ll bring Sherlock. You’re doing the Lord’s work, thank you.” With that, he hung up and you went to your room to pack an overnight bag. You were exhausted and if you had to go all the way to Sherlock’s, it would be easier for you to crash on the couch than to try to come back home late.
By the time you got to Sherlock’s, you were dragging your feet up the stairs and you could barely keep your eyes open. You had received a text from Mary when she picked John up saying “good luck” and you wished you knew what you were walking into. You had never seen Sherlock drunk, or heard any stories of him being drunk, but you were sure he was even more eccentric than he was sober. If you weren’t so tired, you’d be jumping with joy at the experience to see Sherlock so out of character. 
You went into Sherlock’s room and laid out some pajamas for him and went ahead and put a water bottle and some Advil on his nightstand because you were sure he would need it. After doing that, you changed into something more comfortable too and rummaged through his fridge to see if there was anything to eat. Thumbs, unsalted butter, and milk that shouldn’t look like blue cheese was what was on the menu and you had decided sleep for dinner sounded much more appetizing. You’d go shopping for him tomorrow.
Greg had texted that he was outside but Sherlock didn’t have his key so you made your way down the steps to meet them. Upon opening the door, Sherlock looked up at you like he hasn’t seen you in ages. He stumbled towards you and held you at arms length with a look of wonder on his face. “Finally! Y/N, I was thinking I’d die from being surrounded by total stupidity, and here you are. Ever the shining light and the beacon of hope.”
You felt the heat from his stare and turned to Greg to try and keep your composure under all his attention. “Uh.. I— thank you. For bringing him home.”
Still staring at Sherlock and shocked by his outburst, Greg met your eyes with a knowing smile. “It’s no trouble. He’s your problem now. Good luck, my dear.” He was gone in the blink of an eye, leaving you with a very drunk Sherlock Holmes and a dozen steps to climb.
“Okay,” you clapped your hands together, turning towards the door, “do you think you can get up the stairs? Or do you want me to help you?”
“Don’t be an idiot,” he started until his eyes widened like he forgot who he had been talking to. It had only been a second but he saw the look that flashed across your face. You hated when he made you feel dumb because you always tried so hard to keep up with him, and he knew that. You didn’t have a chance to react before he quickly interrupted. His previous statement was immediately followed by, “I’m sorry. Forgive me. Please help me.”
You just nodded, unsure of what made him have such a quick change of heart but you were happy he did. You hated him thinking you were dumb. In comparison to him, maybe, but you were intelligent in your own right and you did a better job of keeping up with him than most. He threw his arm around your shoulders to steady himself and allowed you to lead him carefully up the stairs. He started telling you about his night and it honestly sounded like he had a great time, and so did John. You were really happy that it all worked out even if they did end up with Greg at the end of it all.
As soon as the back of Sherlock’s legs hit his chair, he was down in a clean swoop and you took the opportunity to start untying his shoes. He seemed like he was lost in thought and was quiet for a few moments but you could tell from the way he was swaying that he was too far gone to sober up before the morning.
“I already put your clothes out for you and I’ll help you to the bathroom so you can brush your teeth. You’ll love me for that in the morning.” You smiled at him as you pulled off his loafers and moved to stand up so that you could figure out how you were going to get him out of his chair.
“Will I, though? Will I tomorrow once I’m in my right mind?” He asked, and while he didn’t say it in an ignorant tone, it sounded like Sherlock, and that was close enough.
You looked at him hoping he’d say something else. But he didn’t, and he looked back at you with a look of confusion as if he was really expecting you to answer that. It seemed like just last week he was in your bed trying to convince you that he didn’t have eyes for anyone besides you and now he’s reminding you that he’s not even sure of that. Sherlock could have you at the top of the poll and then have you kissing the ground in the same hour if he tried.
“It’s just a saying. I didn’t really mean...you know, let’s— let’s just get you to bed. It’s late and you have a date with a hangover in the morning.” You could tell he was on the verge of passing out which was good in the way of no more awkward conversations but horrible in that you’d never get him into bed as dead weight. So you pushed things along and eventually got him in bed before he was out like a light.
Draping the blanket over him, you watched as his eyes fluttered behind his lids and how his lips twitched as fell into a deeper sleep and you were sure then that you would never love anyone more. You would never understand how he didn’t realize how beautiful he made the ordinary and how easily he made everything extraordinary. Afraid that you’d turn to stone if you spent any more time staring at him, you turned off his light and made your way to the living room where the the couch had never looked more inviting. It didn’t take you long to get settled in and asleep seeing as the TV in the background ended up being the perfect thing to mask Sherlock’s drunk snores and you had never been more tired in your life.
“I thought you were staying over?”
It had only been a few hours since you  had put Sherlock to bed when he found himself looking over you on the couch, wrapped up in his bedsheet.
“M’right here.” You murmured into the pillow, body still turned away from Sherlock on the couch. He was probably still drunk and you were hoping if you laid still enough he’d wander back to bed.
He didn’t respond to you, instead he continued to stand and stare with his lips pursed and brows furrowed. You had drifted back off only to be nudged awake once more.
“I won’t fit like that.” He gestured with the hand not holding the sheet to the couch, sounding exasperated like he had been explaining this to you all night. “It’ll only work if you’re on top, so get up so I can lie down first.”
You didn’t process what he said really, you just knew that if he was being persistent and you didn’t do as he asked he’d never let you go back to bed. You squinted as your eyes adjusted to the light and swung your legs off the couch, standing on stiff bones. Sherlock immediately made to get comfortable on the couch while you stood dazed and confused and he cleared his throat expectantly when he had finally got settled. He was on his back with one arm holding the sheet up between himself and the back of the couch allowing room for you to climb over and snuggle right into him.
All you could do was blink and hold his stare as he waited expectantly, still holding the sheet for you. You didn’t think he was asking you to lay with him, especially with how close you’d two be. Sure, you shared your bed before, but there was always enough room for you both to have your own space. You could tell he was getting embarrassed by your reaction, or lack there of.
“I didn’t think this would be rocket science, even for someone like you.” His nervousness was showing as he yanked his arm back down and curled into to himself like a child. You jumped into action so you wouldn’t upset him any more and shook his shoulder as you whined, partially from exhaustion and from missing the chance to sleep next to him.
“I’m tired, I’m sorry! I didn’t realize what you were asking. Come on, open up. Let me in.” You continued to shake at his shoulder until he looked back at you. He looked wrecked from drinking all night and you knew this bout of sobriety wouldn’t be as easy on him in the morning but you were sure he looked holy.
Sherlock reluctantly brought his arm up again and you wasted no time sliding under the sheet and tucking yourself under the crook of his arm. He smelled like beer and mouthwash and Sherlock and you thought you were going to go into cardiac arrest when he brought his arm back down on you, subsequently pinning you down to him. It was definitely a tight fit especially since the couch barely fit Sherlock but you had decided that if you had the opportunity to sleep with him like this every night that you would. Back pain be damned.
The steadiness of his heartbeat was already working you back to sleep. Sighing content, you let your body fully relax and sink further into him.
“You never answered my question.” He shifted next to you and kept you close to him all the same, his head leaning to rest on yours.
“Hmm?” You made an incoherent sound, your breath evening out as you fell asleep.
“My question,” he whispered more so to himself as he worked it out in his head. The feelings he found himself harboring for you were ones he had never felt before. He thought  so highly of you in a way he couldn’t understand even if he wasn’t the best at expressing it. You were patient with him when he got on your last nerve and was amazed by him when other people would tell him to piss off. You were always kind and warm and made him feel human even after he spent so long separating himself from his feelings. He couldn’t stand the idea of you looking at anyone else the way you looked at him when you thought he wasn’t looking.
So yes, he thought. Yes, he would love you in the morning. He’d love you when you’re angry with him for putting himself at risk during a case and he’d love you when you were overly tired and petulant after he made you stay up all night to keep him company in the lab. He loved that you valued him regardless of what he offered you, and that you always showed him that even if he never reciprocated it. You were never embarrassed by him, you always tried to learn about what he was interested in, and you never doubted him even when he was wrong.
Girlfriends weren’t naturally his area... but he didn’t think he would mind if it was you. He liked being close to you and physical touch wasn’t something he had sought out often before. He found that he chased the opportunity to be near you at all times. He thought you looked lovely in scrubs and a lab coat and even lovelier in your everyday wear, even if you considered it plain. He had begun to notice the way other people stared at you when you walked by and it left him with the most unsettling feeling. But then you’d smile at him and despite himself he’d smile right back and he wondered if anything in the world mattered to you besides him. Because in those moments, nothing mattered to him besides you.
Sherlock woke up alone again the next morning with the worst headache he’d ever had. Light was shining through the curtains and he cursed the sun for rising another day as he covered his eyes and groaned. Peaking through his fingers, he saw that the Advil and water had been moved to the coffee table for him and when he reached out for it he noticed the note on the table. He sat up with one hand gingerly holding his head as he read it.
“Got called into work to help the girls. John and Mary are coming over for lunch, so text me what you want me to bring home. We can’t serve our best friends buttered thumbs for lunch. I’ll see you soon!
  -Y/N xx”
He held the note in his hand, contemplating what his next move would be. You were interested in him, that he knew for sure. He’d contemplated casually mentioning to everyone that you were dating, but he technically hadn’t asked you to be his girlfriend and you two had never talked about any mutual feelings. Maybe he’d kiss you when walking you to your taxi, but he knew he’d make you stay with him instead of letting you go home. Possibly tonight when you were laying in his bed he’d tell you it had to be you, it could only ever be you.
Leaning back against the couch, he rubbed at his eyes and decided he’d call John over early and he’d help him sort it out. John always helped him. Standing up was harder than it looked apparently, as Sherlock wobbled to the side and fought the urge to puke. Perhaps he should shower first, surely you wouldn’t say yes to being his if he didn’t look his best.
He remembered how he looked and acted last night and winced. On second thought, maybe you would. You had already given yourself to him for better or for worse and soon enough, he smiled, he would give you himself in return.
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All My Ships At Sea
My All Timers 

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Will never forget the moment after I watched the finale, just sitting in the dark, unable to believe I'd actually just seen what I'd just seen. Still get chills when I re-watch it.
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We've all got our war stories from this one. But it wouldn't have hurt so bad if the highs weren't so high.
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This one ended up breaking my heart too, but I can't claim I didn't love the ride while it lasted, and one of the most meaningful coming out stories I've ever watched.
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Two lovely human beings who are able to convey yearning as memorably as I've ever seen it done.
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It feels wrong to put them here when it's still so early. But I don't think I've felt this way about a ship since the heyday of Clexa
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Already loved it in the comics, but the show made it something so real, I’m so pumped for season 3.

The Also Great
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This one is really, really close to being in the all time greats. I think maybe if I liked season 3 more they'd be in there....as it stands, they're probably the best of the rest....for now.
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So, here's the thing. You wanna say Avalance is the better ship, I will not only not argue with you, I will agree with you. They have more development, more great moments, and I adore Ava Sharpe. But Nysara is always going to be the one for me. Nyssa the heartbroken lesbian is always going to be one hell of an image to me.
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I have some issues with this one that I might get into later, but I also think they're two of the best characters in animation in the past decade, and seeing them together can't help but feel powerful. 

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My only issue with this one is we didn’t get to see more of them
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I actually wish Booksmart had been a series so we could have gotten a proper slowburn between these two. Doesn't mean I didn't near swoon when they kissed. An all time great high school ship.
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I haven't properly finished Runaways, so this probably more belongs in the category below. But what I have seen, I love.
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It's a lizard lady and her wife/maid fighting crime in Victorian England with katannas. I'm not above that. 

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Yes, I watched, and yes, I became a puddle.
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This one straddles the line between this category and the next, as I'm in and out with Adventure Time. But I've seen most of the important bits and I know I like what I see.
Haven’t Actually Watched The Show But I Still Ship Them Real Hard
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Confession, I’ve yet to actually watch a full episode. But I’ve seen pretty much every Wayhaught scene, plus enough of the rest to fall a little in love with Wynonna herself. Still. Sorry. But they’re all amazing
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Again, only watched their parts, but I'm honestly not sure I've ever seen high school friends to lovers done better.
Curious Archer
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I bailed on OUAT before these two showed up, but I've watched every scene they were in, and it just makes me wish they'd somehow brought them in 3 seasons earlier. 15 minutes or so worth of screen time after 7 seasons isn't nearly enough, but it’s certainly something. And they’re so effing cute.
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This is a show I know I'd enjoy if I gave it a shot, but I just haven't sat down to yet, and now I've spoiled most of the final season for myself because I couldn't help but watch everything to do with these two.

 The Straights Jake And Amy
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I’ve come to have pretty mixed feelings about rooting for cops, but I’ll always think these two had one of the healthiest and most engaging sitcom relationships. 
 Ray and Nora
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An adorable couple on and off screen that didn’t get enough time. These two getting such a raw deal is one of the things that’s zapped my enthusiasm from LOT
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Don't think a lot of folks watched Galavant, or there'd be more of it, but if you want to see the cutest villain ship I've ever seen, check it out.
Guilty Pleasures
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They fall short of being in my also greats for a couple reasons. One, I'm just   But the main one is the treatment of Toni as a character. She has no life outside of Cheryl, something the actress is made known she is not ok with, and using an actress of color to be a prop for a white girls story is something that needs to END.All that said....they're really fucking adorable, and I have a soft spot for "Ice Queen who shows a soft spot to her girlfriend".
Ruby Slippers
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This falls under guilty pleasure for the simple fact that it's rushed and doen't justify the buildup. It was supposed to be Mulan and Ruby, and everybody knows it, but instead we got rush job of a love story to throw a bone to the queer following.
That said....I kind of adore them. Maybe it hit me at a moment when i just needed something, maybe it's cause Ruby was always my favorite OUAT character, or maybe it's just cause Meghan Ory acted the hell out this episode, really selling that she's suddenly totally in love with a girl she's known for 3 minutes. It worked on me....but no one tell Disney. They're not allowed to feel good about this.
Anyway.....that’s my ships....you know, if you were wondering.
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shirtlesssammy · 3 years
6x22: The Man Who Knew Too Much
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I will never forgive the show for this pain
Sam is running for his life and pops into a bar to escape the cops. Duma The bartender tells him to leave and grabs a bat, but Sam begs and she relents. She asks him his name, but he doesn’t remember. 
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She tries helping him retrace his steps. He doesn’t remember anything before two cops finding him and him taking them down before running. She tells him that he needs to go to the doctor. He refuses. There’s somewhere he has to be --something he has to stop. 
Sam sees a HP Lovecraft book and has flashes of Bobby and the Nite Owl Hotel. The bartender makes one final push to take Sam to the hospital, but he needs to get to that hotel. She offers to drive. 
Once there, Sam instinctively knows to go to one room. They break in to find the room one giant murder board. She also finds his fake IDs.
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Sam has another --longer-- flashback to Bobby, Dean, and him finding Eleanor in an alley, dying. She tells them they know how to crack Purgatory open. 
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They plan on opening the door at noon --a solar eclipse. 
Cas flaps in and apologizes. 
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Dean wants a fight, but Cas is beyond that. He tells them to go home and just let him stop Raphael. ”I wish it hadn't come to this. Well rest assured, when this is all over, I will save Sam, but only if you stand down.”
He then breaks Sam’s wall. 
In the present day, Sam remembers his name, and doesn’t want to tell Robin (she has a name!--had to look that up though) because it would be crazy. Sam remembers Bobby --but only finds his address. Robin decides it’s her time to bounce. Sam decides to drive his car --his car the Impala --his car-- to Sioux Falls. 
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Robin tries stopping him from doing that though. He might not like what he finds. 
Sam’s spidey sense kicks in and he tackles Robin to the ground as the window to the Impala gets shot out. Sam gets back up again to see himself aiming a gun at him. 
Wherps. Sam’s actually comatose in the warded room in Bobby’s basement. Bobby comes in and they recap how royally boned they are. 
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Dream Sam and Robin start driving. Robin starts freaking out about their situation. Dean flashes a light at Sam’s eyes, and suddenly it’s day in Sam’s world. “It was night, and now it’s day.” Robin is DONE. Sam hears a noise and convinces her to get back in the car. He grabs a shotgun and heads into the forest. His other self stalks him behind a tree. 
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The other Sam breaks down what happened --and reveals that he’s Sam without a soul. He wants to take charge in Sam’s noggin. Sam takes off running and they engage in The Most Dangerous Game until our Sam outsmarts Soulless Sam and shoots him in the back. “If you think I’m bad, wait until you meet the other one,” Soulless Sam says, and dies. His essence is absorbed into Sam.
Sam returns to the car, with many memories restored.
For DAMN She’s Fine Science:
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Unfortunately, one of the memories Sam retrieved was of a monster who was using her as a shield. Sam shot and killed her, Soulless Sammy style, to get her out of his way. RUDE. (I totally forgot about this during the later Amara soulless arcs - I don’t know why I keep trying to hold Sam up as this peak virtuous character?) Robin poofs away, having fulfilled her role as the ghost of Christmas past. 
At Bobby’s, Dean drinks and IS SAD. 
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Balthazar flaps in to mock Dean and Bobby - but also reassure them that he’s still on their side. He hands over Cas’s whereabouts and flaps away. 
Meanwhile, Crowley hands over the Purgatory spell mix (a jar of blood) to Cas. 
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Castiel looks contemplative, and quietly informs Crowley that he’s re-negotiating their agreement. He refuses to hand any souls over to Crowley. Cas advises Crowley to either flee or die. And I’M SORRY but I’m into it. Crowley zaps away. 
Sam sneaks his way into a seriously over-dramatically lit room. SAM, your mind XD. The drama llama who decorates with a hundred candles turns out to be none other than Sam Winchester, victim of hellish torture. 
For 80’s Angsty Music Video Science:
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Dean leaves the address Balthazar gave them by Sam’s head and bids him farewell. Mournfully. Just before he departs, he gently lays a gun on Sammy’s bed right next to the note. DEAN WINCHESTER, that’s not safe gun handling. Smh
Sam’s goth self tells him that Tortured Sam has to be reabsorbed before Sam can wake up. Sam trades his gun for a knife - for extra drama apparently - then stabs himself and sucks in all that extra soul whammy. In the bunker, he flails dramatically on the cot. 
Balthazar flaps in to meet Cas, who is deeply concerned that Dean’s on his way. He notes that he’s been betrayed and orders Balthazar to root out the mole. Balthazar is a TERRIBLE LIAR the entire conversation. 
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“I’m doing my best in impossible circumstances,” Cas says. Still, he’s being plotted against and he finds it super frustrating. Balthazar continues to bluster away, confident that he’s fooled his friend. Flapping behind a poorly dissembling Balthazar, Cas stabs him. Balthazar burns away. Noooooooo!
Dean and Bobby pull up to the building and find it’s fully guarded by angels. They’re grousing about their odds when a massive cloud of demons swoops in. The demons upend the Impala and assault the compound while Castiel pours over the spell. Crowley flaps in to meet Cas, who immediately moves to smite him.
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“You can palm me all you want,” Crowley flirts, but he’s got a new BFF. Raphael flaps in. Crowley and Raphael chastise Cas for his power overreach. It looks like the end for our hero! Cas tosses the jar of Purgatory blood to Crowley and flaps away. 
Crowley and Raphael perform the Purgatory gateway spell. (Side note: hey, remember when Michael just snapped his fingers and made a door into Purgatory in the last season? Good times, good times.) Dean and Bobby claw their way out of the Impala and sneak into the ritual. Unfortunately for them, they’re found out immediately and flung across the room. 
A worse-for-wear Sam stumbles past the Impala, and then heads for Crowley’s lair.
Crowley finishes the spell with a flourish only for...nothing to happen. Cas flaps in holding a half-empty jar. He had the real blood all along! Castiel glows with power, and Rave!Cas is born? “They’re all inside me. Millions upon millions of souls.” Crowley flaps away, which is smart...because Cas snaps his finger and explodes Raphael. 
He smiles serenely at Dean and Bobby. Okay, just kidding. He ONLY has eyes for Dean, who counsels him to send the souls back to Purgatory before the eclipse window...er...eclipses. Castiel is not on board with this plan! He needs to visit holy rage upon Raphael’s followers in Heaven. 
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“We were family once. I’d’ve died for you,” Dean tells him. “I’ve lost Lisa. I’ve lost Ben. Now I’ve lost Sam. Don’t make me lose you too.” Cas hears it and...tosses it aside. And then he tells Dean the REALLY BAD NEWS. They’re not family!
Oh, also, he’s declaring himself the new god and he’d really prefer their flannel-clad shoulders to be prostrate before him. We end on stacked zoom footage which reminds us that yes, Robert Singer sure did direct this episode. 
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I Am Your Quotes Now:
I love what you've done with the place. It's very Beautiful Mind meets Se7en
I am all filled up on crazy for today
You will bow down and profess your love unto me, your Lord. Or I shall destroy you
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hozner · 3 years
Ok my feelings about the episodes (8-7 and 8-8) in no particular order:
we’re boiling down the reason Holt and Kevin split to Holt being obsessive about work and being way too competitive. Okay, on the one hand I kind of get it because this is a sitcom and we don’t have time and need to be funny. On the other hand I’m like in the first episode Holt’s short monologue is “It’s been a tough year to be a black man and a police captain and a human. I’ve been pushed to the brink emotionally and physically. I went into survival mode, I neglected my personal life.” And, yeah, I am sad that we didn’t get to see THAT. Because that is so much more complicated than what we’ve seen of their conflict.
It was difficult for me to figure out why Holt was so stubborn in 8-7 beyond, you know, sitcom reasons. In episode one he flat out admits that he neglected Kevin. He knows what’s up. He’s petty, he’s competitive as fuck, but his ultimate goal is to get Kevin back, right? It’s also like if their relationship was Holt always wanting to win everything, how the hell did Kev stay with him for so long?
Todd? Not that hot. But also lol at Holt being his judgmental self. Holt weirdly always going for white guys (except for that one 8 year boyfriend he had at some point). I loved Todd talking about Queen’s gambit, the way he delivered that line was great.
But also poor Todd, the true victim of this episode (Pappy Boyle had it coming, drinking that rat milk all day for 93 years). This is a guy who just wanted to go on a date with a hot middle-aged cop. He did not sign up for this.
Man, that moment when Andre delivers that whole thing about real life versus movies and people don’t run to each other in the rain thing. I have rewatched this so many times. It’s so good. It’s just so good.
Kevin takes the leap again. I mean contrast this: Holt sends dick pic - Kevin runs through the rain to say I love you. Hard to tell which one of them is more romantic, right?
Holt is such an over-corrector. It’s like that time he went from saying “Does anyone else feel warm?” to throwing himself down the stairs. You get nothing! No, wait actually, I will compromise on everything and also decide to retire for you next episode!”
Kevin fretting about their vow renewal is adorable.
I’m gonna be honest, I love the porn joke.
To be honest, thought the BONE reference was a little much on the third BOOooOne. You can hate me now. “Cheddar’s not some street rat!” Though his tatse in vases is questionable.
We went from “Cheddar is a dog, he has no concept of happiness.” to he prefers the other vase, he thinks shrimp are bougie... but that just might be Kevin being all my fluffy boy is so special! I think in anyone else Holt wouldn’t tolerate this kind of anthromorphism, but with Kevin he’s like yes, our fluffy boy is so special :D
Andy Samberg when he tries to bring himself to say yes about the porn is hilarious, but why would they all hang out when Jake is watching porn? I still think Kevin should have questioned this more lol. Love his I wish I could say I was surprised though.
MEJ is so handsome in this ep. wtf.
love that the Charles - Peanutbutter grudge is alive and well.
Seductive Holt is so seductive. Andre is hotttt.
I love Amy and Terry’s outfits and their whole interaction this episode. Terry carrying her like furniture is gold.
You had it so easy growing up gay! Gold.
Jake talking about Amy, always a blessing.
wonder if Kevin flat out cancelled the renewal ceremony when he found out Holt was on a case and sent everyone home. Though he does say that family is still there at the end, but we don’t see them, so... The whole convo with Rosa and Charles where Kevin must have insisted to come on the rescue mission might be something I might want to throw into a fic... maybe
Kevin is Holt’s knight in shining armor, always. And I am here for it.
WTF is Kevin’s cop voice omg. You just know that the only acting he’s ever done was strutting around in a toga voice projecting like crazy in some Greek tragedy. Cop!Kevin is such chaotic energy
Hmmm, how much should I say about how I feel about the whole Kevin does not want Holt to retire thing? I mean it is a good thing that Kevin does not want Ray to give up this huge part of his life which he is passionate about. But also I’m not a hundred percent behind the way the show is handling the NYPD and police violence. I think personally I would have preferred Holt retiring from the NYPD and going into politics or activism or even becoming a PI like Rosa. I get that he pretty much dedicated his life to the NYPD, but I feel like the show is riding a little on the “a few bad apples” excuse.
I’m going to say that I would have preferred if they had gotten their planned ceremony in suits and with everything to that impromptu thing with Kevin in the cop uniform, though I’m aware of the significance of Holt insisting they do this before finishing the mission. Andre’s smile lights up the entire universe. He has the MOST beautiful smile.
Okay, I wonder if I’m coming off super negative. I’m not though. I really liked the episodes! I’m just very nitpicky (and thinking about stuff I want to work into fic). Aaaaalso, not ready for this show to be over! NBC has been slamming out these episodes like it’s a chore they just want to get through, which makes me sad. But I am still happy that we got all this.
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ravensbug · 4 years
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Fandom: Legend of Korra
Ship: Lin Beifong x reader
Request: No
Prompt: “It’s beautiful”
Summary: You’ve been stuck at home ever since you broke your leg. Lin refused to even let you go to the precinct to work at your desk. Seeing as you had nothing to do at home you decide to paint, seeing as it has been years since you’ve done so. Lin comes to visit to see how you're doing and admires your paintings. She visits more often to see how they’re going.
You picked up the two-inch brush and primed your canvas with turpentine. You decided you were going to use oil paints today, rather than the watercolor you’d been using for the past week. It was a change of pace since oil paint took much longer to dry. It allowed for more complex ideas and significantly more details.
You were always fond of painting animals, either from memory or when they would sit outside your window. You mostly painted birds, but there were a few cats and dogs scattered throughout your list of paintings.
Switching to a different brush, you situated yourself in a more comfortable position in your chair. Painting was much easier when you were standing, but your broken leg didn’t allow you to do that. It was more like Lin wouldn’t allow you to. She would scold you if she came over to find you standing while painting.
You really wished you two could spend more time together, but being a cop was a time consuming job for the both of you. More so for Lin, being the Police Chief and all.
Her visits were always nice. She would usually come with food, knowing you spend all day painting without a break. Of course she wouldn’t have eaten either, so she couldn’t judge you too harshly.
Today you decided to paint a raven, by far your favorite bird. Even though it’s feathers were all black, you were able to put so much color and detail into them. Of course feathers were still a pain in the ass to paint. If even one was off by size, color, or even shading you had to repaint it.
But that’s what made oil paint so much better than watercolor for this. If it didn’t look right then you could fix it. The paint didn’t dry right away. It was a nice ‘cheat’ as you would call it, even though it wasn’t cheating.
The downside was that the paint didn’t dry right away. Kind of redundant, but you couldn’t do too much work all in one day. The paint had to dry so you could add some details without the colors mixing. Things like eyes would be done last to avoid any chance of the paint getting wet.
You took a small amount of the general paint colors and painted over your sketch. You could still see the sketch, but there was a light layer of colored turpentine now covering it.
Turpentine was very important for oil paints. The paint refuses to attach itself to the canvas without it. It also serves as the cleaning agent, as water only moves the paint around everywhere.
You took some of the grey and began with the beak of the bird. Starting at the top was important to avoid smudging. You also had the background to worry about, but that would come last. You would rather be able to remove the excess paint covering the raven than paint over the background and have layering issues.
Once you were satisfied with the color and shading of the beak you moved on to the head. Black paint would be what you used for the most part. The eye, and the shading around it would come last, but it was still black.
You painted the small feathers that stick out from its head as well as the ones that cover some of the beak. The paint was nice and smooth, so you could get fine lines out of it when you needed to.
You painted down the neck and stopped before the wings began. It’s important to know that with oil paint you work from dark to light, rather than from light to dark. Lighter oil paints, like white, can never truly be covered once added. You avoid this by always adding less white until you get the desired shade.
Once you added the small details to add definition to the head and neck you began work on the wings. The most painstaking part of the painting. You started with the left wing first, which was at an angle. Less feathers to paint and it allowed you to get a technique figured out for this painting.
Because of the background you had chosen, a cherry blossom tree, you decided that the highlights on the feathers would include some green and even a hint of blue. It created a contrast that was noticeable, but wasn’t ugly.
The top of the wing was much easier to deal with as it was made up of smaller feathers. Since the wings were both tucked in you could get away with only using vague highlights to show off the small feathers. You knew you would come back to them eventually, either later while painting or when you finally decided you needed to fix it. For now it looked fine.
Moving down to the individual feathers you painted them one by one. Not just plain black either. Full shading on each feather before you moved onto the next. And if the previous feather didn’t look right after you finished another you would go back until it looked right. This was tedious and sometimes annoyed the hell out of you, but making these feathers look right was your main priority.
About halfway through the first wing you threatened to rip the canvas in half. The feathers weren’t cooperating like you wanted and there was the nagging voice in the back of your head telling you that you could never get them right.
Oh the perks of being able to paint. On one hand it relaxed you and kept you from thinking about being stuck in your apartment all day. On the other it pissed you off to no end when you couldn’t get something exactly right.
You eventually gave into your frustration when you threw the brush at the painting. It didn’t ruin anything thankfully, but it made you feel better.
Sitting back in your chair you couldn’t help but scold yourself for being stuck in this situation. You were always careful when it came to using your cables and zipping around the city or down from one of the blimps. But as life would have it you still weren’t careful enough.
Your fall wasn’t life threatening in any way, thankfully. Lin wouldn’t have known what to do if it had been. It was maybe fifteen or twenty feet from the ground when your cable suddenly snapped. There was training for these instances and you knew what to do.
You had used your other cable and attached it to a nearby building. It helped angle your descent to not have as much of impact which was the key to why you weren’t injured anymore. But you still managed to land awkwardly, catching your foot on a small hole in the street and breaking plenty of bones.
The adrenaline of the whole situation caused you to not feel anything, which was for the better. You tried standing up, but when your leg refused to hold your weight you knew something had happened.
Lin ignored whatever they had come to do in the first place and ran over to you. You weren’t crying, but there was a sense of sadness or disappointment around you.
No matter how many times you and the doctor told Lin you were going to be ok she never really believed it until you got home. You would have a cast on for six months or more if you tried to use the leg. You knew it would be more because you were stubborn as hell.
You didn’t want this to stop you from working, even if you were stuck at your desk for those six plus months. Lin, however, refused to let you come to work. She personally walked with you back to your apartment after you had come to the station the day after getting injured.
Lin would rather you be in a wheelchair than crutches, but she knows she can’t control everything you do. She remembers that you can handle yourself even if you’re more vulnerable now. She spends more time with you because of that, but neither of you complain.
Once you were done reminiscing about how you got to where you were right now you took a deep breath. Art wasn’t easy, you knew that. Being out of practice wasn’t much help either.
You picked up the brush from its spot on the floor and cleaned it off. The floor had some paint on it, but it was nothing a rag couldn’t clean up. At least it wasn’t a spill.
After another deep breath you went back to the feathers. Taking that short break to let out your frustration worked well. Whatever was stopping you from figuring out had left your mind. You could see that it was simply how wide the feather was. A stupid mistake that you scolded yourself for.
Finishing the wing became much easier now. It wasn’t faster because even though there were less feathers as you went down they also got longer.
You noted that you might have to change the shading after getting an idea. It was only a maybe though. Making it seem like there were flowers above the bird and out of view was hard, but not impossible. You would come back to that idea later.
The body in between the wings was left unshaded. Plain black was enough since your light source would make it shadowed anyway.
Now came the second wing. It would have to take much more time and patience for you to do this one, as you could see more of it than the other wing. Thinking you had plenty of time left in the day to finish the painting you started on the wing. You only stopped when you heard the lock of your door turn.
Were you startled by it? Yes, you definitely were. But it could be argued that Lin was more startled by having a knife floating inches from her face as she opened the door.
“Lin! Spirits you scared me!” you guided the knife back to the counter.
“I’m glad you’re prepared for intruders,” She seemed unphased even though you knew better than to think that.
“C’mon. You don’t need to be the high and mighty Chief of Police here,” you smirked. That was one of the things she had started to do around you. Let down her guard. It was rare for her to do that and you felt appreciated knowing she did that around you.
“I brought you dinner.” she lifted the bag of food in her hand. It was for both of you, but she wouldn’t say that out loud.
“You’ve been working on that all day haven’t you?” she placed the food down on the counter and walked over to you. She studied the painting while waiting for you to respond.
“Apparently I have,” you sighed. “I don’t even know the time.” You leaned over and looked at the clock. Seven in the evening.
“Well you got off early,” you smiled at Lin. It was rare for her to get off anytime before eight.
“Wanted to see how you were doing, that’s all,” there was a small grin that showed on her lips. You wondered if she left early on purpose just to see you.
“So what did you get us this time?” You added the us last second. You two had eaten dinner together so much in the past few weeks that it was the new normal for you two.
“Kwong’s,” she answered.
“No way! You didn’t?” You got up out of your chair and hobbled over, without your crutches. You were excited, who could blame you?
Kwong’s was something you had only a few times in your childhood, saved for ultra rare occasions, like your graduation.
When you made it over to the counter you saw that Lin had indeed gotten you two Kowng’s.
“How the hell did you get Kowng’s? They’ve been filled with customers for months.” Lin turned when she saw that you were now next to her. You knew your question wouldn’t be answered because of the scowl on her face.
“You have crutches, please use them. I’d like you back in the station as soon as possible,” she scolded you. It wasn’t her usual tone that she gave newbies at the station or even vets who were on her nerves. There was worry rooted deep in her voice. She cared about you, you knew that.
Lin walked over to where your crutches rested and grabbed them for you. She handed them to you and you reluctantly took them and put them under your arms.
“I’ll get the food ready, you go sit down. Use your crutches this time,” she told you.
You stuck your tongue out at her as you made your way to the table. If anyone else had done that, they would have been dead. But you weren’t anyone and you figured that out when you got injured.
You had speculated that Lin had liked you after the fourth day of her bringing dinner, as an excuse to see you. She would always say she was checking in, lying to herself about why she came to see you every time.
Once you had confirmed it, which was hard to do, you tried to get her to admit it for a while. You knew nothing could make Lin blush, let alone laugh, so when you were able to do both, that was the confirmation. That happened almost a week ago. Her hesitation to tell you frustrated you to no end, much like the feathers on your raven had.
Lin placed the take out boxes on the table and grabbed plates from your cabinets. Once they were on the table you both served yourselves some food.
Talk was usually minimal when you two were eating. You occasionally asked about what was happening at the station and Lin would usually tell you. She would grumble about it of course, because everyone there seemed to think her advice or orders didn’t matter to them. You would always listen, only sometimes saying things back to her about whatever she was grumbling about.
Today there was a strange call in and Lin couldn’t even finish telling you what happened before you were laughing your head off. You laughing brought a smile to her face because it was the first good thing that happened to her today.
When you two finish eating Lin is the one to clean everything up. You protest by trying to get up, but your leg seems to have a mind of its own and sends a wave of pain up your spine. You winced and sat back down in defeat.
Lin gave you another glare, but it was still soft. No anger was present, she couldn’t be angry at you. She would have done the same thing if it was her with the injury. Nothing would have stopped her from continuing to work in the station. Well you probably would and Lin would listen to you.
That was another thing that Lin would let only you do, argue. She would shut everyone else down immediately. Of course when she had tried to do that to you, you didn’t cower away like everyone else. You stood your ground against her and she admired that about you.
When she finished cleaning up dinner she moved to grab her coat and leave. You didn’t want her to. It was always what she did. Come in, eat dinner, and leave. It was nice and all, but you felt lonely cooped up all day.
“Could you stay? At least for a little while?” you asked. You sounded more desperate than you wanted, but it was how you felt.
Lin had stopped putting her coat on and looked at you. You felt like you made a mistake, but it was too late to go back now.
“We don’t have to talk or anything, I just don’t want to be alone.” You really sounded desperate now. You scolded yourself in your head for it.
“Sure,” she hesitated. “Of course.” She didn’t know why she hesitated to answer. Of course she wanted to spend time with you, that’s why she came over with dinner all the time. Bringing dinner was just the excuse though.
“You can continue painting if you want,” she suggested. You thought about it and then shrugged.
“I think I’m done working on that for today. It’s already made me frustrated enough,” you glared at the painting like that would do something.
“Are you having trouble?” she asked in disbelief. She was walking closer to the painting again, looking it over for a second time.
“Yeah, feathers are a lot harder than you think. It still doesn’t look perfect.” you had come over to the painting, on your crutches, and stood next to Lin.
“It doesn’t have to be perfect,” she told you. “It’s beautiful.”
It was your turn to blush for the first time. You didn’t know if Lin wanted you to blush or not, but that wasn’t important. What she said was. She had always complimented your art when she came over, but it was always “This looks nice,” or a simple “Wow”. Her calling your art beautiful was like her holding your heart in her hands. Surprisingly soft for someone compared so closely to the element she could bend.
“T-Thanks,” you muttered.
“It’s been awhile since someone’s seen my art let alone compliment it,” you explained. Like that was the only reason for you to be flustered.
“I don’t understand why you ever stopped.” She looked at some of your finished watercolor paintings that were hanging by clips in front of your window.
“I never had the time when I was always at the station. I tried for a few months, but it just became stressful rather than relaxing,” you explained.
She had stopped and looked at one particular painting that stood out from the rest. It was the only non-animal painting you had. Still watercolor of course, which made it even more brilliant in Lin’s opinion.
She recognized it in a second. It was the view of the city from her office. You had painted her office. She smiled as she looked over the picture. She couldn’t see any mistakes. You truly strived for perfection in this painting.
“Oh,” you realized which painting she was looking at. “I was really missing the station that day. It made me feel better having some part of it here, even if it was a painting.”
Lin felt honored that you had chosen the view from her office as the part of the station you wanted to paint. She felt so gullible right now. Both of you felt that way.
“Thank you for always coming over,” you had said this a few times before over the past weeks.
“I honestly don’t know what I would do if you didn’t. I’d probably go crazy,” you laughed. That wasn’t entirely true. You would have found something to do, it wouldn’t have been as nice as having dinner with Lin, but it would be something.
“I’m sure you could’ve managed. Plus, there’s no one else checking up on you, so how am I supposed to know how you’re doing?” she raised an eyebrow at you.
“You could let me work at my desk,” you suggested.
“That’s not happening as long as you have that on your leg.” She pointed to the cast on your leg.
“I am perfectly capable of handling myself,” you argued.
You shouldn’t have argued. You knew that as soon as a sly smirk appeared on Lin’s face.
You had been leaning on your crutches while Lin had been talking to you. She knew that’s what you were doing and took advantage of that. She simply kicked one of the crutches out from underneath you and sent you falling to the ground.
“Shi-” You couldn’t react in enough time to find something to stop you from falling. You didn’t need to find anything because Lin wasn’t actually going to let you hit the ground.
You felt the wire wrap around your waist and hold you in your almost fallen position. You looked up at Lin who still had that smirk on her face.
“Y’know you really are mean,” you said jokingly. She grabbed your arm and pulled you back up. You leaned on her for support since you had dropped your other crutch while falling.
“I try,” she smiles. “Comes with the job.”
“Yet you rarely are to me.” you continued to lean on her.
“Because I don’t need to be with you. You actually listen to what I say,” she told you. You weren’t the only person who listens to her, Mako occasionally does, but that’s only after she scolds him.
“One, you’re my boss and two its kind of hard to ignore what you say,” you explained. Was this you admitting how you sometimes got lost in whatever she was saying? Yes it was.
“Everyone else has a pretty easy time ignoring me,” Lin counters. She took what you said as a compliment, in a way. She wasn’t sure what you were trying to say, so she couldn’t tell herself that it was really a compliment.
Your words were caught in your throat. How exactly could you tell her that you got lost in her voice. That sometimes your heart flutters around her the same way you know hers does around you. You really couldn’t explain in words. So you didn’t.
Did you regret moving in to kiss her? No, not one bit. Hell you were glad you finally did it because you knew Lin had been dodging around her feelings for weeks.
Her arms snaked around to hold you by the waist and you wrapped your arms around her neck. It felt so good, it felt perfect. You wanted to stay like that forever. But unfortunately both of you still need air to breath so you have to stop.
“You…” Lin began before pausing.
“Oh don’t act coy with me. You don’t think I’ve figured out why you come here so often?” You watched embarrassment flood her face.
“Not that I would have wanted it any differently,” you smiled. That made her feel better.
“Am I not allowed to worry?” She asked. She looked at you and the shell, the armor, that she wore to keep her emotions hidden was off. She was out in the open, her heart in your hands.
“You are. I’m glad you do,” you were still smiling. Of course you wanted her to worry, it made you feel loved.
“I still want to go back to my desk though,” you complained.
“What am I going to do with you?” she sighed.
“Love me?” you gave her a cheesy grin.
She rolled her eyes and kissed you again. Mostly to make sure you weren’t going to ask to go back to the station. You were hers to protect and she was going to make sure that you stayed here until your leg healed. Even if she didn’t bring dinner every night.
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jeromesxreader16 · 3 years
Such a Joker (53)
Part 52 Here!
I pack two sandwiches in my purse and proceed to cover my hair with the large silk scarf. "Where are you sneaking off to?" Babs asks walking past me and downing a drink. "Secret date? I figured you would get sick of the pale faced clown." I smile at my hands. I could never tire of my boy. I'm as crazy as him, maybe more, but he would never turn me away, and I could never leave him.
"I'm married." "Even better." I narrow my eyes at her. "Babs, I'm going to see my dad." She widens her eyes. "Now you're asking for a death wish." I walk out the door, my heels clicking every step. "If you say so."
I walk into the GCPD and can sense the chaos and tension thickly canned in the air. Not seconds later two individuals start brawling over bread. "Hey! Break it up!" My father pushes them back. "For all the new people here... everyone is welcome in Haven, but there are rules. And one of them is we leave the fighting outside. Government already thinks we don't deserve help. We have to show otherwise. Gangs want to tear themselves apart outside, that's their business. In here, in Haven... we help each other survive."  I hum with a slick smile as the two dispute the issue and the tension falls. Saved for another day.
I walk up to him nudging his arm. "Nice speech. I think it worked." He turns to me and gasps, but recovers quickly. "(Y/n). You're so big. No... Just-" "Pregnant, dad." He nods smiling. "So what happens when they find out the government abandoned them?" He sighs, shaking his head. I pat his back. "Come on paper man. You need some real food." I pull him into his office and remove the disguise. "Italian sub for you, and tuna for me." "You hate tuna." I smile sitting down. "They don't." I pat my swollen tummy. "So there are two of them?" I nod smiling.
"And you're happy? He treats you well?" I nod again smiling at him. "Of course he does. He's not a monster, dad." He grabs my hand over the desk and squeezes it. "I don't... like him. You know this. He destroyed the damn city for christ's sake, but he is the father of my grandchildren, and the husband of my only daughter, so I can promise you... I will never kill him." I kiss his hand and smile. "Who knew that'd be so comforting to hear."
I walk into the elevator with the smile ghosted over my lips. Crackling from the speaker erupts my mind causing me to shake and grab the wall in fright. "Aw, honey, I'm sorry." Ecco's voice pipes up from the speaker. I wave my hand in front of the camera with a smile. "No worries. All good here." I laugh placing a hand on my stomach. "Where is Jerimiah?" "Working down below. Would you like me to get him?" I smile up at the camera. "Let me go down."
"Uh... Miss, I think we should wait. He doesn't want you around the-" I press the button to the bottom floor faster than light. "Oops," I smirk up to Ecco as the elevator skips the main floor and descends below.
The two doors slide open revealing a steamed room with the funk of hard labor. I step on the uneven ground and see Jerimiah fanning himself as he watches his workers. I rest my hands on his shoulders and kiss his cheek. "You're working hard." He spins around with a glare. "And you're not supposed to be here." He grips my hips pulling me towards him.
"I missed you." I nuzzle into his chest. He hums as we rock back and forth. "I missed you, my love. Come on. No lady should be exposed to this heat." He places his hand on the small of my back leading me to the elevator.
Holding me the entire way up and then carrying me to our bed, never letting us go. "Are my darlings all suggled up?" He asks resting my head on his chest. The icy colored flesh proving wrong to the touch of fire on my fingers. "Yes, Jer." I mumble feeling my eyes draw to a close. "Never will I go a day without my family... even your father." He kisses my head before I can ask the question.
Jeremiah POV:
My workers work endlessly day and night to break the walls of the under the earth. Slowing down each day, getting on my nerves in the end. You're pushing my men way too hard. "We're not gonna break through for at least a couple more days. There is absolutely no way to make it on schedule." The leader of the pack of sweat cogs comes in.
My wife doesn't need to be kept in this filth any longer. How dare he disrespect my future.  "Well, not with that attitude, you're not." I slice the man's throat, as he falls to the ground, blood flowing on the dirt.
"Now... everyone... let's reach inside and dig... a little deeper, shall we? 'Cause that's the only way you're all making it out of this hole." I hum watching their fear thicken.
Two taps on my shoulder break my gaze from the project. "Oh, Echo. Are these all the recruits?" Skinny, no brains, slim Whitted. These are my soldiers?
"Well, I thought you would want quality over quantity. Not everybody can pass a .38 caliber test of faith." I smirk thinking of the trials and tests they've suffered.  "Yes... you certainly have set a very high bar for devotion."
"Oh. Almost forgot. Bruce Wayne and his sidekick Curls... Or is he the sidekick? Anyway, they tried to infiltrate our little operation here."
"Oh?" " Oh. And Curls can walk, really well, especially... for a paraplegic. Ah. And she wants to kill you." I glare at her with a snarl. This doesn't help that my wife is being cared for in the same building.
"A lot, FYI. If I see her, I'll give you a shout. Oh... and kill her." I nod rolling my eyes. Finish the job and move on for the better of my wife and children.
I walk into the GCPD questioning room with my scarf wrapped around my head, and my belly protruding out. Quite the look I must say. I open the door to see Victor Zsasz pushed on to the table by Harvey.
"Ow. This is a really nice table." I snicker and take my glasses off. "You do realize her thrives on the pain." The three pairs of eyes look at me.  "We got a dozen witnesses that saw you walk out of that building before it went kabooey."
"Yeah. I heard some gangs had taken over." Zsasz says turning his eyes to me.  "Figured, with you guys occupied, I might help myself to some of your supplies. Hey, do you guys have any canned peaches? Man, I'd trade an arm and a leg for that right now. Not mine, somebody else's. Maybe little baby Maniax's." He laughs reaching for my stomach before Jim swats his arm down.
"If you're innocent, why shoot up a city block full of cops?"
"Because it was full of cops." Zsasz and I say at the same time.
"Who were also trying to shoot me. And, guys, those were warning shots. I mean, if I really
wanted to kill you... you'd be dead. You got a pen? I want to write this guy a thank-you letter. Do the math. If I blew up a building full of people, I would have covered
every inch of my body in sweet, sweet scars. Mrs. Valeska...  want to do a strip search?" He winks before my father punches him. "She's married, pig."
I lock arms with my dad and walk through the station. "Got Lucius on the horn for you, Cap."
"Lucius, talk to me." I grab the phone holding it close enough for the both of us to hear. "Haven wasn't destroyed by a bomb. It was an RPG, like the one that took down the chopper."
"You sure?"
I'm holding what's left of it in my hand right now. We found pieces of it in the rubble. It was fired through the basement window, detonated the fuel oil tank. And we're still trying to figure out exactly which rooftop it was fired from.
"Dad, the only angle you could hit this place from is above. Zsasz was on the ground. Looks like you need a new suspect. I think we need to-"
"Jim! Ah. I know the wheels of justice turn slowly, so I'm here to provide- a modicum of grease."
Rushing up towards the front, Oswald, the Mayor of fallen Gotham, stands tall and proud.
"You need to leave right now."
"Still claiming he's innocent, is he?"
"Yes. And as much as I hate to admit it, the evidence is backing him up."
Harvey busts out, "What the hell's going on?" "Harvey, according to Lucius, Zsasz couldn't have done it."
Oswald huffs with a smile. "I did not expect you to go soft, Jim. Actually, I did. Behind a grandpa and all must've changed your ways. Which is why I didn't come alone." Several gunmen come out armed and ready to fire. My father huddles me close and shields me from the view of guns.
"Bring me Victor Zsasz!"
"Leave, (Y/n). Go home!" Jim pushes me away towards the doors.
Jeremiah POV:
I wave my hat fanning my pale skin placed upon the crippling bones. It's so damp and hot in here, but I'm freezing. My heart has gone cold without her scent around. Not a touch, not a wiff, not a glace for days it seems. Where is my angel with my bundles of joy?
"You see, a river cuts through rock not because of its power, but because of its persistence. So what do we do when we feel like giving up? Dig a little deeper. And what do we do when we can't possibly go on any longer? Dig a little deeper. And what do we..." A sharp blade stabs into my side crippling my speech. I look down seeing the masked figure in the striped coat. I gasp feeling my footing slide as the attacker shoves the blade into my stomach further.
"Deep enough?" The individual removes the mask revealing the little pussy of them all. "Well, Selina, I must say..." She pulls the blade out plunging it back in sharply.
"Don't say anything." Over and over again the blade is shoved into my side. The light dimming, the hot steam hitting my brow, the devilish laughter of my brother. This is near my end? Maybe so...
"Selina!" The rat is stripped away from me causing me to fall to the ground barely clinging to the life of happiness I have.
"Selina!" Bruce Wayne holds the fierce kitty back. "Stop. It's done! It's over."
The building is quiet. The entire place is quiet... Not one swing of an ax hitting limestone, making a light clink sound. Not the ring of my husbands voice calling to his men. Not even Echo meeting me at the door with my slippers and milkshake. Something is not right.
"Jeremiah?" I call out as if he could hear me from below. If not him then someone. One of the members at least, but no one came. I proceeded to enter the elevator only to see blood on the buttons and floor. They were having the graduation today, not everyone makes it.
The doors  open to the pool room and I could almost drop to my knees at the smell. Thick scent of blood coating the walls. I walk out of the elevator and down into the pool counting the dead. No Echo or Jeremiah. Good so far.
I make my way down to the tunnels where silence has taken over. Just a simple lone man sitting in a chair. "Where is Jermiah?" I panic pulling my jacket closer. Could he have left me?
"Mrs. Valaska!" "Where is my husband?" "He's off in the tunnels. He's got injured. I'm supposed to take you to him." "Well, go on!" He shuffles his feet in a pace of nervousness, tripping over rocks and pickaxes. "How did he get hurt?" "Someone came in and just stabbed the boss. She was taken away by Bruce Wayne." I feel fire ignite in my blood. Selina and Bruce. What a treat. Trying to kill my husband in my own home.
Down the tunnels I hear him. Groaning in pain as Echo stitches him up. "How could you let this happen?" I shout at her. "She was fast." "And you're supposed to be faster." I glare at her as she cowers at my words.
"Don't stress, darling. It's not good for the babies."
"Jeremiah." I kneel down next to him grabbing his face. "Are you alright?" He places his hands over mine, kissing them each. "I'm still alive. One thing I've still got on my brother. How are you, my love? I'm sorry. You must've been wrecked with worry." Jeremiah pulls me into his lap. I nod with my bottom lip out. "Yes, I was. I was so scared, Jer." He pulls me to him. "Aw my darling. I know. I know."
I shift my weight slightly causing him to jet in a sharp inhale. "Oh, honey. Stitches still sore?" He nods. "Never would have happened if you wore that armor I prepared." Echo hums, causing me to roll my eyes. "That bullet makes you sentimental of the wrong things." I huff out pushing her out of the view.
"Why would you not check who was working? You always do. You're always prepared." Jeremiah places his hand on my cheek again. "I had to let Selina thrust the knife into my flesh at least once. Verisimilitude trumps precaution, you see." "They think you're dead." I think putting everything together.
Echo stands to the side bouncing with information. "What is it?" She giggles jumping on her heels. "All systems go." Jeremiah lifts himself, placing a hand on the small of my back and leading us along behind Echo.
"You could've died." I whisper looking at the dirt. "I didn't." "But you could have, Jeremiah. That's my point. You have two children growing, and soon they'll be out in this world. They need their father. You've kept me safely away, but that won't mean shit if you're not around to protect your children." I move ahead of him in a fit of fire.
A hand grabs my shoulder spinning me around. Jerehimah dips me and pushes our lips together. His grip on my arm and hip so tight, keeping me pulled to him with no fight. He pulls away only an inch, looking at my eyes, looking into the soul. "Now, you may not understand everything I do, but I do it for you and these two kids. I think and I plan for hours. You sit up in the bed resting your feet like I tell you. When you start questioning if I'm going to make it, that's when this will fall apart. You're my darling. You've been mine for thousands of years. Never doubt me, (Y/n)." He places his hands on my stomach and pecks my forehead. "Come along now. We have things to do."
Leading me through the tunnels I start to see less of the dirt and more solid grey rock already formed into tunnels. "Where are we?" Jeremiah giggles pulling me alongside.
"Doctor. I'm hearing good things." Jeremiah says holding in laughter.
What is he up to?
The Doctor nods. "The bandages are ready to come off. Your assistant thought you'd like to see the results." Echo shakes her head in praise like a dog while Jer nods his head. "Indeed, I would."
He turns to me. "You won't want to miss this, (y/n)."
The Doctor unravels the bandages on the individuals faces revealing a profile built from professional lifestyle and diets. This is Thomas and Martha Wayne before my eyes... ALIVE!
"Oh, you two look beautiful." I smile looking down at her pearl necklace. "Down to the very detail with you." Jeremiah kisses my cheek. "I love family reunions, don't you?" "More than Christmas!" I cheer and giggle.
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agentnico · 3 years
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It (2021) Review
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How many doors does Ed Warren need to break in these Conjuring films before he’s defeated the last of the poltergeists and demons? How many I ask you? At this rate Ed probably has developed RoboCop arms of steel! 
Plot: Paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren take on one of the most sensational cases of their careers after a cop stumbles upon a dazed and bloodied young man walking down the road. Accused of murder, the suspect claims demonic possession as his defence, forcing the Warrens into a supernatural inquiry unlike anything they've ever seen before.
I’ve never really given much thought or time to the Conjuring films as to be honest the subject matter never interested me. A bunch of crazed lunatics hunting after some demonic spirits and crazy dolls and we’re supposed to believe that nonsense? Poppy-cock I call this!! Absolute poppy-cock!! However my girlfriend (who I by the way just got engaged too so that’s awesome even though you, my kind reader, probably don’t care about) and her family are light spiritualists who do indeed believe in paranormal presence, so they dig this kind of stuff by watching endless paranormal conspiracy reality TV shows like Kindred Spirits and Ghost Adventures and by naturally spending a decent amount of time with them I’ve also began to learn more about this topic. Now do I believe in this stuff? No, no I don’t. But at least now I find this stuff more interesting. And also there’s a quote in this new Conjuring movie that does argue a good case, and that is the following:
“The Court accepts the existence of God every time a witness swears to tell the truth. I think it's about time they accepted the existence of the Devil.”
I do believe in God, so of course if I have faith in that and existence of guardian angels and such, why wouldn’t I at least consider the possibility of demonic presence. In fact in the New Testament of the Bible Jesus himself restores a demon possessed man named Legion (not like the Bible is full of metaphors or anything, gosh no!) and frees him from the evil spirit, as told in Mark 5:1-20. So as a somewhat religious individual I should at least be more aware and accepting of spiritualist and paranormal believers. 
Anyway, enough serious talk, this is way too deep of a conversation for such a film anyway. Cause yes The Devil Made Me Do It is based on a true story of the court case where the guy pleaded not guilty due to demonic possession, but its a very loose element of truth in what at the end of the day is a horror film blockbuster that is part of major horror franchise that is built upon building shock value and jump scares. They take an element of truth to ground the subject matter in reality, but then tack on a lot of additional crazy stuff to result in a thrilling enjoyable if not a bit too ridiculous ride. And so if you’re looking for that, then this film fully delivers on that promise. There are plenty of jump scares and creepy imagery including an opening sequence that involves a possessed kid during an exorcism bending and cracking his bones and limbs in a very unpleasant way. That being said in my opinion the movie wasn’t at all scary. Yes there are some very creepy and unsettling moments, but it was more a feeling of disgust rather than fright. For the jump scares are so obviously telegraphed that it’s easy to tell from a mile away when someone’s going to jump at you from the screen. Hence the horror value is diminished, however the story itself is so fascinating that it balanced things out. Though I do wish the film focused more on the court case itself and seeing the reaction to the defendants plea rather than the usual horror shindigs, but hey, nevertheless the movie is very enjoyable.
This entry also sees the return of franchise regulars Ed and Lorraine Warren played respectively by Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga, both of whom are great in these roles. They have fantastic chemistry and also are such loveable protagonists that you can’t help but care for them. At the end of the day for all its horror antics, this movie is actually a romantic movie! Would have played perfectly on Valentine’s Day is all I’m saying. But hey, I’m fresh from getting engaged to my girlfriend (not gonna stop saying that!) so a romantic film perfectly fit the bill. We also have Denethor pop in for a creepy chit chat. Yes, as in Denethor the dude from The Lord of the Rings who ate tomatoes in a very appetising way. Of course when John Noble appears in a movie you immediately consider that he’d be the villain of the whole thing, though the way they treat his character I was actually pleasantly surprised with. Also the main lad who gets demonically possessed does a good job at, well, acting possessed. Though that may have also been due to the very effective eye lenses the make-up department stuck on him. In addition for the franchise regulars there’s a neat reference to Annabelle in a form of an amusing joke that I actually enjoyed. In a nutshell, Annabelle has turned from the creepy evil doll to the best wingman ever!
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It takes a franchise in a slightly new direction whilst still innkeeping with the lore and style developed by the previous films. So if you’re a fan of this action horror franchise, then you should allow the Devil to make you do it and watch this movie!
Overall score: 6/10
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icy-hxt · 3 years
did you catch up with the manga? if yes, do you have any thoughts?
yes I did and yes I have thoughts, but since I'm sure that they are nothing new, I'll just try to summarize them
the star and stripe arc was a pain to read
I find her to be incredibly meh, I couldn't even be mad at her because I couldn't care less about yet another buff-woman-who-seems-to-be-strong-and-will-have-relevance-in-the-story-but-in-the-end-dies- or-gets-badly-injured-and-leaves-zero-to-none-actual-progress-in-the-story™
and before anyone says anything, I only had hope for lady n because with her hori at least tried to make it seem like she would have a bigger part in the story by giving her a cool mindset/ backstory
with cassie (that's her name right? it's been some days since I read those chapters) I knew from the moment she appeared that she was going to die because I thought "there's no way horikoshi will make a random character that showed up right now defeat shigaraki when we all know that deku will save him"
maybe is because of the scan I read, but, sometimes I didn't knew if it was shigaraki or afo talking, so yeah being confused didn't help me to like the arc too
also, shigaraki was suffering so much and I really just want him to be happy already
and, gigantic naked ladies are only cool on eva please horikoshi stop already
the current arc is not as bad
I liked that aoyama was the traitor after all, it was predictable but the execution wasn't bad at all
I now officially hate that cop friend of all might because he is SUCH A DICK
I like that midoriya said something among the lines of "just because someone made something bad that doesn't mean that they should be labeled as villains for the rest of their lifes"
feels like a dream him finally discovering it
I still stand by the opinion that aizawa is the only pro hero that deserves my respect, his mind is as big as his heart
and while I find truly endearing that 1a stood by aoyama's side I can't help but be salty that no one had the same energy towards shoto, can someone please ask him if he's okay? I still can't get over him alone in the rain some chapters ago, he deserves better...
now for the lov
I really like seeing that spinner influenced so many people even without knowing
he's truly worried for shigaraki and I stan him for that because same
studio bones will suffer the consequences of cutting him of the lov arc and I will love to see it
dabi is the best big bro to toga and I love them
I really really really hope that the next chapters will be focused on them
also I wish afo could just fall into a ditch and die
this is a mess and I'm sleepy so I'm not sure if I talked about everything, anyway I hope my rant was at least entertaining for you anon
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sweetsassymusic · 3 years
The Long Kaz Rant I Told Myself I Wouldn’t Write, But Here We Are
This is probably an unpopular opinion. And I hope it doesn't come across as confrontational or anything because I don't mean it that way. But I've always been super confused by the way Kaz is accepted, basically across the entire fandom, as either morally gray or straight up villainous? He doesn’t really seem like either of those things to me. On a surface level, obviously there are things he’s done that are normally considered evil. He’s stolen, he’s killed, he threatened a child, he gouged out someone’s eye. And that’s all pretty bad, right? But it completely ignores the context given in the books. (More after the cut because this got too long...)
There’s a difference between doing something evil and doing something that’s shocking, “dark,” or difficult to watch.
Before I read the books, I heard fans discuss all the horrible things Kaz does. And the way people talk about him, I was expecting him to be… Feral Kaz – someone who delights in doing horrible things because he’s just so twisted and angry. The author herself even referred to him on her blog as being utterly despicable. Wow! This guy must really go out of his way to hurt innocent people, huh? So when I sat down to actually read it, I was so surprised. Most (if not all?) the killings were done on some level of self-defense. His “murder victims” were actual evil people trying to kill him or someone he loved. And the reason he threatened a child was because the only alternative was killing her – something he would never want to do. You know, because he’s not evil.
I don’t know if I just have very different definitions of these terms than most people? But to me, the idea of Kaz being “utterly despicable” should not even be on the table to begin with (Leigh Bardugo, you good?) and even the idea of him being “morally gray” is questionable.
When I think of a morally good character, I don’t think of someone who never does anything questionable or always perfectly makes the correct choices. I think of someone who is on a mission–either to protect the world, a loved one, or simply pursuing a personal goal–who at least tries to conduct his mission in a way that either does no harm to others, or (when that’s not possible) does as little harm as necessary to get the job done. 
Whereas, when I think of a villainous character, I think of someone who has no regard for others at all. Someone who either relishes in harming the innocent, or pays zero consideration to whether he harms innocents while pursuing his goals (which are usually, in themselves, harmful to innocent people). 
And finally, when I think of a morally gray character, I think of someone directly between these two. Someone who is a little bit evil, a little bit sadistic, but not entirely evil. He’s got a few good points too. Maybe he’s someone who keeps switching sides, unsure if he wants to be a hero or villain. Maybe he has hurt a lot of innocent people unnecessarily, but he joins in with the good guys for personal gain, and people don’t mind him there simply because he doesn’t interfere with the protagonist’s goals. Or maybe he’s the “Bad Cop” to someone else’s Good Cop: someone who uses more violence than is necessary, just for fun, but still helps the good side in some capacity, so everyone chooses to look past it.
Under these definitions, Kaz (to me) seems more like a good character. While pursuing his personal goals, he protects people he loves, and yes, he does do “dark” things. But he doesn’t relish in doing them (despite his reputation in-universe of being a chaotic sadist. His reputation is not accurate; he invented it for his own protection). He does them because he has to. If he can get the job done right without hurting anyone, that’s the route he’ll take. But that option isn’t always available. And he’s not the type to lie down and die just to avoid getting his hands dirty (nor should he, imo). 
Again, maybe I just have a different idea of what constitutes being morally gray. But I always thought it was meant to be a judgment on the choices you make when you actually HAVE a choice? A morally gray character has the choice to be good or evil, and they choose to do both (which one depending on how they feel that day). 
Whereas, if you do something “bad” because circumstances force you to do it–because you or someone you love will die otherwise–that’s pretty much the same as having a gun to your head. You’re not morally gray. You’re doing it under duress. It’s survival, not a reflection of where you stand on moral topics. Like, if you trap a vegan in a room with only a piece of meat, and you leave them there for days, weeks, that person doesn’t suddenly become a “fake vegan” if they eat that meat to avoid literally starving to death. You forced them to do it. When it comes to their moral beliefs, they would still be a vegan if they had the freedom to make that choice. You just put them in a situation where those choices aren’t available to them. Your lack of freedom in a situation shouldn’t define you.
The same can be said for placing a starving, homeless orphan boy alone in the dog-eat-dog world of Ketterdam. The option of being a sweet little law-abiding citizen is not available to him. So is it really fair to define him by something in which he had no choice?
I’ve come across so many GrishaVerse fans who, while sipping on their Starbucks in the comfort of their own home, go “Ugh, Kaz. He’s so DARK, so EVIL!” (Fun fact: while my mom was watching the show, she said Kaz is evil because “he seems to always have a plan.” Oh no! Not PLANS!)  “He must be some kind of monster to be able to do the things he does and still live with himself! I could NEVER do those things!” Well…you’ve never actually had to do those things? Your life has never depended on it? Idk, to me, it’s just a very privileged take. And I’m not trying to make this into a big social issue. It’s not like criticism against a fictional character is anywhere near the same level of importance as the issues marginalized people are facing in real life. I’m just saying, it’s very easy to condemn activity you’ve never been forced to engage in for your own survival.
One of the biggest reasons people have given me for why they think Kaz is evil is that he is “for himself.” Even the author said she thinks Kaz is worse than the Darkling (who, I’ve gotten the impression, she believes to be irredeemable) because the Darkling has communal goals (he wants to bring positive change for other people/the world at large) while Kaz’s goals are just personal (he wants to bring positive change for himself and only himself). And for one? It just isn’t true: many (if not most) of the things Kaz does is either for his Crows or for his late brother; he just disguises it with supposed self-interest for the sake of his reputation. And second? It’s…not actually wrong to have personal goals or to act in self-interest. Bettering your own life is a valid desire. It’s not the same as being selfish. Not everything you do has to be for other people.
(And, tbh, this is something Leigh Bardugo seems to have a problem with in general, not just in this scenario. I could write a whole separate rant about other characters that were demonized in-narrative for engaging in “too much” self-care, and how her unforgivingly black and white morality ruined the Shadow and Bone trilogy for me. Worst of all, she even seemed to imply recently that the only reason real-life antisemitism is wrong is because “the Jews didn’t fight back”? [Like, if they had met her criteria of “fighting back”, would that make antisemitism somewhat justified to her? What? Idek, but she should really clarify.] Basically, she seems to take “non-selfishness” to an extreme. I don’t know her personally, I don’t want to make assumptions, I don’t have anything personal against her, and I’m not trying to get her cancelled or anything, I promise. But please, when you read her books, please don’t accept all her ideas at face value, because there’s some Weird Shit™ in there sometimes.)
Anyway, another reason people say Kaz is bad or morally gray is that he wants revenge. “Revenge is a bad coping mechanism! You should want JUSTICE! Not REVENGE!” And again, this argument is wild to me. I mean, yes, there are situations–especially in real life, modern, western contexts–where revenge is a bad coping mechanism someone has developed, and transforming their anger into a desire for justice is a way for them to overcome that and express their anger in a healthier way. But that’s a very specific scenario. When we’re talking generally, the line between revenge and justice is a lot thinner than people think (and in some scenarios, there is no line at all). 
For example, real life victims and their families often say they can’t wait to see the perpetrator rot in prison, even wishing (sometimes even fantasizing) that the guy gets abused in prison by fellow inmates. For them, justice and revenge are wrapped up together in one big court-issued sentence. And while some people find that disturbing or take issue with it, it’s…generally considered valid outrage? This guy is evil and hurt them, so it’s okay for these people to want him to suffer. And most importantly, these people called the cops instead of taking matters into their own hands, therefore they’re Good, right? They’re good citizens who obey and rely on the established authority, therefore they are handling their anger in an Acceptable™ way?
But in the world of Ketterdam, if someone has victimized you, or is trying to kill you or someone you love, you can’t just call the fucking cops (and let’s be honest, looking at irl cops, it’s a questionable idea here too sometimes). If we’re analyzing Kaz’s outrage and how he handles it, we have to analyze it in the context of where he lives, not where we live. We have options in our lives that Kaz doesn’t have. So we have to ask, what are the most productive steps he could realistically take in his world?
I see activists and bloggers on websites like this, publicly fantasizing about gouging the eyes out of certain politicians and right-wing figureheads. And they would probably do it for real if they could. On Tumblr and Twitter, this is generally considered righteous anger. The politicians are evil, so it’s okay to hurt them, right? That’s how the logic goes, anyway (I know some will disagree, but it’s a common take here). Well, imagine if, instead of just being a bigot, one of these evil people personally stabbed–possibly killed–your girlfriend. And there were no cops to call, no news stations or social media to turn to, to show people what this guy did. No authority or community on your side. No way to ensure this guy faced consequences for his actions. There’s just you, your dying girlfriend, your helplessness, your anger. What would be the appropriate way to handle this situation, so you were acting out of justice instead of revenge? What does “justice” even mean in a world like that? It’s a world where either you hurt others or you lie down and just let others keep hurting those you love (which, in itself, would be evil). I can’t think of any “appropriate” response Kaz could take. Which, for better or worse, is probably why he just went for the eye. You probably would too in that context. Are you morally gray? I doubt it.
It’s really weird to me how people seem to hold Kaz to this high standard of absolute Moral Purity, but they don’t hold other characters to it. Like, was the dad on Taken being “feral” or “morally gray” when he told his daughter’s kidnapper that “I will find you and I will kill you” and then pursued him with fury? His motivations were personal and not communal. He was coming from a place of revenge, just as much as justice. But most people consider him a hero. He’s not controversial or “dark.” There are plenty of other heroes who do terrible things (sometimes to innocent people! Even when it’s not even necessary!) for the “greater good” or just because it’s convenient. People call them a “badass” and then turn around and say Kaz is just “bad.” Idk, it just seems really arbitrary the way people draw these lines.
If we’re expanding the definition of “morally gray” to include anyone who’s ever done anything questionable, made a mistake, been forced to do something they wouldn’t normally do, done something for personal reasons instead of for the world at large, or wanted revenge for something, then there literally are no heroes in fiction (except maybe a few cardboard cutouts) or in real life.
(Ironically, the most morally gray thing Kaz does, imo, is something most people don’t even have a problem with: the fact he runs a gambling house to “take money from pigeons.” And even that is really mild [no one is forcing the “pigeons” to gamble their money away]. But yeah, that’s one of the few instances I could think of where he actually hurt innocent people unnecessarily. That and the time, as a kid, where he stole candy from that other kid...and even that might be mostly-but-not-entirely excused by the fact he was starving to death. But yeah.)
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wlw-in-space · 4 years
Rosa Diaz x R ✧·゚: *✧·゚:*
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   Hi! I wanted to request a rosa × reader fic where R got invited to her high school reunion & doesnt want to go alone, so Rosa ends up going as her fake girlfriend, but of course they both have feelings for each other
i’ve really been enjoying doing rosa stuff so thank you guys for the requests! i have some more and i’ll be doing a part two for the last one i did :)) thank you for reading <3 
(also, julia, if you’re reading this, which i hope you aren't >:(, i totally did nOt base this off our friend group and change our friend’s names so dONT text the group chat about this!! mkay i love you)
warnings: a few bad words sprinkled inside (as per usual lol)
word count: 1,864
“What were you whining about this morning?” Rosa asked as she drove the two of you back to the precinct after you guys had gone out to follow a lead.
“Oh,” You chuckled. “I got an email about my high school reunion this weekend and I wanted to go but I’m not going to.”
“Uh, why not? If you wanna go just go,” Rosa said bluntly.
You sighed, “Well yeah but I don’t really want to go if I’m gonna have to go alone, that’s stupid.”
“Don’t you miss your friends or whatever? You can just hang out with them.”
“Well yeah, but they all have dates or at least someone to go with, it’ll just be weird, and I don’t wanna hear all the pity comments about me coming alone,” You shrugged and texted Jake your location when your phone wouldn’t stop buzzing from him spamming you.
“I’ll go with you,” Rosa offered.  You chuckled and your cheeks flushed, “What?” 
“If you’re not going to go just because you don't have a date, I’ll be your date,” She replied nonchalantly.
“What do you mean, like -”
“I’ll pretend to be your girlfriend for the night,” Rosa interrupted you, already knowing what you were going to ask.
“Well, I don't want to make anything weird you know? Cuz of work and stuff... are you sure?” Of all the people who could've offered to go with you, it just had to be Rosa, the one person who you wanted to be your real date.
“Yes I’m sure, it’ll only be weird if you make it weird, besides, I wouldn’t mind having people think I’m dating someone as beautiful as you for a night,” Rosa said as she pulled into the precinct. “Text me the details.”
                               ✧·゚: *✧·゚:* fun transition ✧·゚: *✧·゚:*
A knock on your apartment door told you that Rosa was outside to pick you up, which was obviously no big deal, you shouldn't have even been nervous, you guys planned this. You quickly grabbed your purse and your keys and unlocked the door, smiling at Rosa, who looked really really good. 
“Hi,” You smiled and waved awkwardly.
Rosa chuckled a little, “You look great, Y/N.”
“So do you. That dress was like, made for you or something,” You said, and chewed the inside of your bottom lip nervously.
“Thank you, ready to go?” Rosa asked, fiddling with her car keys in her hand.
“Yep,” You smiled and closed the door behind you, locking it. “Let’s go.”
                                     ✧·゚: *✧·゚:*
“Okay, just turn in here,” You said, pointing to the entrance of your high school, your heart starting to race.
“Alright, and I can just park wherever?” She asked, looking for a space.
“Yeah yeah,” You nodded and looked out the window, already seeing some familiar people.
Rosa parked and glanced over to you, “You seem nervous.” “A little.”
Rosa chuckled, “You look more overwhelmed than when you were testifying a few weeks ago -” “Oh no, we can’t- let’s just go,” You shook your head frantically and Rosa followed your gaze, seeing a couple sitting outside at one of the picnic tables.
“Who’re they?”
“No one, just, well, I dated both of them uhm, I didn't know she was bi actually... this is very unsettling, we should just go,” You laughed nervously and put your seatbelt back on.
Rosa rolled her eyes and clicked the red button which released your seat belt, “Not happening, we’re already here, it’ll be totally fine, I promise.” Rosa said reassuringly, opening her car door and walking around to your side, waiting for you to get out.
“Is there anything I should know about your friends before we go in?” Rosa asked as she locked the car.
“Oh, we’re like, all gay, well, most of us are in that friend group, besides a few. The rest of my other friends are straight,” You nodded, as if that would obviously tell Rosa everything she needed to know.
“Okay,” She chuckled, taking your hand and intertwining your fingers before leading you out of the parking lot before she let you show her to the gym.
“Do you see them anywhere?”
“Y/N!” Someone screamed over the music, catching both your and Rosa’s attention.
Your face lit up instantly once you saw your best friend, she ran over to you and practically tackled you in a hug that just consisted of the two of you jumping up and down and squealing, “Jackie you look fantastic!” You grinned. “I missed you so much.”
“Dude you keep getting hotter, that’s just not fair. And who’s this?” She smiled with her eyebrows raised, looking at Rosa.
“Rosa Diaz,” Rosa spoke up and gave a charming smile. “Y/N’s girlfriend.”
You blushed hearing her say it out loud for the first time and looked over to Rosa with a smile, “Yep!”
“Damn, you’ve got game Y/N!” Jackie nudged you, ‘she's so hot’ she mouthed with a grin, making you and Rosa laugh.
“Is anyone else here?” You asked, feeling more relaxed than you did when you'd first arrived.
“Yeah, we were basically waiting on you, oh- and Andrea is here, we saw her earlier, she’s already asked for you like three times,” Jackie winced, giving you a pitiful look.
“Nooooo,” You groaned.
“Who’s Andrea?” Rosa asked curiously.
“One of Y/N/N’s ex’s,” Jackie explained. “Andrea is a lot to handle.”
Jackie started to walk towards your group of friends and you and Rosa followed in suit. 
“How many ex’s of yours are here?” Rosa snickered, figuring the teasing might help you relax.
“Hopefully not anyone else,” You huffed in response.
“Just have fun, Y/N, that’s why you’re here. Forget about your exes, okay? You’re here with me,” She said in a way that made your cheeks flush before giving you reassuring smile and kissing your cheek, which made your heart flutter so hard you thought it might explode.
You nod in response and smile before going over to greet all of your friends and introduce them to Rosa.
An hour or two into the reunion everything was still going smoothly. Your friends were currently trying to embarrass you, telling Rosa about the awful dating decisions you made in high school.
“No, she was the one who stole $200 dollars from Señora Paiz’s purse during class while she was in the bathroom,” Your friend Nicole said, her face scrunched.
“Oh! and remember Kelly?” Dean said, laughing loudly. “That was a disaster.”
“Okay, nope!” You laughed, trying to stop him from saying anything else.
“How did you and Rosa start dating anyway?” Melanie asked.
“Oh um-”
“We were working on a case together that went sideways and I realized that if something would’ve happened to Y/N I wouldn’t have forgiven myself, so I asked her out,” Rosa stepped in, before you could try stumbling through a story.
You kinda tuned everyone out after that for a minute or two. As the night continued you’d been noticing Rosa’s lingering touches here and there, and how the way she looked at you fondly wasn’t something you’d ever seen from her before. You couldn’t help but wish it was real.
You were taken back to reality when Rosa placed a gentle hand on your leg, “You zoned out for a bit.” She chuckled. “Your friends are going to go dance, do you want to go?”
“Oh,” You smiled sheepishly and nodded before taking Rosa’s hand and pulling her towards the dance floor, which made her smile.
Your happiness bubble was quickly bursted when you turned around though, seeing your ex Andrea standing a few feet away from you, smiling at you, “Christ! You scared me.”
“Y/N, so good to see you here!” She grinned at you, making you nod.
“Yep, I’m glad I’m here, Andrea.”
Hearing the name, Rosa instinctively put an arm around your waist, which took you by surprise, but you quickly relaxed feeling her protective arm around you.
“Who are you?” She asked dryly, looking Rosa up and down which was infuriating to watch.
“Detective Rosa Diaz,” She said, not liking how Andrea was talking to her.
“Oh fun! Did you end up doing the cop thing too like you said you wanted or are you just boning one?” Andrea asked you, with the fakest fucking smile on her face.
“I’m Y/N’s wife,” Rosa said sternly, which almost made you choke on air. You did not expect that, but Rosa was smart, it got Andrea off her dick, and the woman’s smile fell almost immediately after the word ‘wife’ left her lips. “We were actually just about to go dance, so if you’d excuse us,” She said with an intimidating glare and a hand on your back, leading you away and towards the direction of your friends.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N, she was getting on my nerves,” Rosa apologized once the two of you were out of earshot, hoping she didn’t make you uncomfortable or overstep.
“Rosa that was genius!” You smiled gratefully. “Thank you, and don’t be sorry. You’re a lifesaver, plus, she was being really rude to you.”
Rosa sighed in relief that you weren’t upset and nodded, looking over at the dj when the music slowed down to a slower song, “You up for a dance?”
You smiled at her and took her hand in yours, leading her onto the dance floor and putting your arms around her neck as her hands settled at your waist.
The two of you fell into a comfortable silence as you danced close together before you spoke up quietly, “Thank you for coming with me. I’m having a lot of fun.”
“I’m really happy I’m here,” Rosa said in response, sighing contently.
You absentmindedly played with her soft curls and looked up into her gorgeous eyes, seeing that she was already gazing down at you with a soft expression gracing her features, causing your cheeks to heat up.
You’d never been this close to her before. It would be so easy to just kiss her. She was right there, her face inches from yours.
The silence between the two of you was almost deafening. You thought your heart was stopping as she slowly leaned closer and captured your lips in hers.
Your fingers tangled in her hair as your mouths moved in tandem for the first time. It felt like a lifetime had passed before you got to breathe, realizing how lightheaded you were.
“Y/N I really really like you,” Rosa admitted, one of her thumbs comfortably rubbing circles on your waist.
“I really really like you too,” You said biting your lip and trying to contain how happy you felt.
“I have a no dating co-workers policy, but I would more than gladly break that for you, if you’re okay with being my girlfriend,” She said with a hopeful smile.
“I’d love to be your girlfriend,” You smiled and kissed her once more, although this one was much shorter, the two of you would have plenty of time for that later.
“You taste like the bubblegum you were chewing in the car,” Rosa said in your ear with a chuckle.
So yeah, you were pretty glad you went to your high school reunion.
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shirtlesssammy · 3 years
5x12: Swap Meat
At a bar, a woman sits alone, enjoying her margarita, when one Sam Fucking Winchester wanders over and asks the barkeep ---NOT at all awkwardly--for a banana daiquiri. He’s either deep undercover or something is seriously hinky. There’s a lot of sugar in banana daiquiris, Sam. Crystal introduces herself and Sam introduces himself as Gary! She then propositions him, much to his cluelessness. 
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The poor dumb boy puts it together and “would love to have the sex with [her].” We then pan over to see Sam REALLY isn’t Sam at all.
Housatonic, Massachusetts
36 Hours Earlier
Sam and Dean visit Donna, an old babysitter --well, she was a maid at a motel they’d stay at while John went hunting. She looked out for them. It seems that her family house has a poltergeist problem. Bumps and broken items have led to the thing attacking their daughter, Katie. 
Katie lifts her shirt to reveal “Murderd Chylde” carved into her abdomen. I'd get some serious vaseline on those wounds if you don’t want scarring, Katie. Yeesh. Sam and Dean tell the family to skedaddle while they take care of things. 
They stop at a diner for food next. Dean picks up their order from the counter from Banana Daiquiri Gary! He’s not impressed with Sam’s salad shake, and neither is Dean (but when is he ever?) 
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They talk about Donna and how she’s got a good thing going. Dean asks Sam if he’d want to settle down at all and have a family, and Sam answers, “no.” Dean looks contemplative about it. 
Sam finds lore on the house. A Samuel Pickett owned the house in the 1700s and hung a woman, Maggie Briggs, there for witchcraft. As the brothers talk, we watch Gary hyperfixate on Sam. 
Sam goes to check out the town’s archives for where Maggie Briggs was buried. As he’s walking back to the motel, he hears a noise and then gets shot in the neck with a dart. Lights out, Sammy. 
He comes to later, wearing Gary’s work uniform. He starts walking but the cops pick him up claiming his family is worried about him. “My brother called you?” Sam asks, incredulous. 
No. The cops take him to a suburban house where a worried couple pops out and hugs Sam in relief. He asks who they are and in return they want to know if he’s drunk. 
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They keep calling him Gary. It’s then that Sam looks in the window of the cop car --and sees his reflection. He looks like Gary!
Meanwhile, Gary is checking out his hot new bod. Dean shows up and wonders where he’s been. Gary placates him with food. He also tells Dean that the maid saw all their weapons and they better get out of there. While Dean uses the restroom, Gary gets rid of all Dean’s phones. 
THEN he has the NERVE to ask to drive. He doesn’t get far. And quite frankly, Dean’s spidey sense should be spiking through the ceiling at this point. 
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Sam keeps trying to reach his brother, with no luck. He calls the motel to learn that the two dudes in room 102 left in the middle of the night. So, Sam starts digging through Gary’s stuff and discovers items of witchcraft. Before he can dig too much further though, he’s called to the family breakfast. 
His “dad” starts grilling him about getting drunk the night before. Sam’s got better things to worry about than placating some dude he doesn’t know. He also needs to learn more about Gary, so he starts interviewing the family about what they've noticed in him lately. 
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The dad wants to know if Sam’s “smoking drugs”. Sam then asks if they’ve ever seen him with a black book recently. His sister, Sydney, reacts to that question. The mom reacts to him eating toast --his allergy to wheat gluten!! 
Sydney later reveals to Sam that there IS a book.
Gary and Dean are still working the case. Dean informs Gary that they have to search graves for Maggie’s body. Nerd of Nerd’s Gary knows exactly where Maggie Briggs is buried: Isiah Pickett’s basement. He also reveals that he murdered her and her unborn child before burying them in the basement. Dean connects the ‘murderd chylde’ clue. 
Once in the car, Bob Seger starts blasting, and Gary tells Dean to turn it up. 
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Sam continues to leave messages for Dean. He ALSO has to navigate the tortures of high school again. Sam meets two of Gary’s friends and asks where his locker is (he’s still drunk, after all). 
For This is a Look TM Science:
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(And let’s pause for a moment to enjoy Sam’s striped hoodie. Definitely one of the top 5 wardrobe choices on this show.) 
He finds the book in the back of Gary’s locker. 
Gary and Dean find the grave in the basement of the Pickett house. Dean gets to digging while Gary aims his gun at Dean. Before he can shoot, the ghost comes out to play. It starts beating up the both of them but Gary’s able to burn the bones.
Gary’s extremely nosy friends follow Sam out of the school. While it looks like we’re gearing up for some good ol’ Ferris Bueller shenanigans, Trevor shoots Sam in the throat (GAH) with a sedative dart. 
Meanwhile, at a bar, Dean orders a burger with extra bacon and a fried egg on top. Excuse me...I need to go eat an entire branchbouquet of kale in retaliation. Mysteriously, Sam orders the same thing. “Who are you and what have you done with my brother?” Dean asks. But it’s just a lighthearted comment and they raise a toast to a successful hunt.
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Gary’s over the moon overabout the day he just had. His joy makes Dean suspicious the way nothing else has. Oh, you sweet sad sunflowers. Gary lays out Sam Winchester’s happiness list: 1) gun 2) getting drunk 3) looks like Sam Winchester.
“You ever feel like your whole future is being decided for you?” Gary asks. OH YES, Dean tells him. I forget for a minute that I’m watching a season 5 episode as the Dean-Winchester-feels-trapped-in-the-narrative-sorrow threatens to overwhelm me. But there areis no time for FEELINGS when the narrative must go on! Cut to later in the night, when Gary gets picked up by the woman in the bar from the cold open. Dean puts his thinking face on while Gary ecstatically leaves the bar. 
Back at Kid Kidnapperz clubhouse, Sam’s tied up. Trevor calls Gary and asks him if he’s killed Dean yet. “I’m working up to it,” Gary replies while sitting shirtless under a leopard print bedspread in the cougar’s lair. (Just...no on SO MANY LEVELS.) Sam listens to this with great alarm.
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Sam demands to know how these rando teenagers know Dean. “Everybody knows Dean. He’s Hell’s most wanted,” Trevor retorts. Sam puts two and two together and comes up with a coupla dumb kids who took a deep dive into witchcraft and started talking to demons. 
“You’re just kids,” Sam laments. Trevor and Nora fill in more blanks. They were messing around with a Moste Dark Booke of Witchcraftery, as one does, and suddenly Gary went into a trance and drew a fairly decent picture of Dean. Gary also heard a voice - it was setting a bounty on Dean’s head, and apparently broadcast through the witch trance network.
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Gary heard a voice in his head - it was setting a bounty on Dean’s head, and apparently broadcast through the witch trance network. Nora now has second thoughts, so Trevor ups his stupidity game and starts to summon a demon. 
That night, Gary creeps into the motel room and grabs Dean’s gun up from a nearby chair. He cocks the pistol. . He aims it at the shape under the covers...and Dean grabs him from behind and demands to know who he really is. (Silly Gary, Dean stopped sleeping under covers after he got back from Hell.)
Back in Trevor’s basement, he finishes the demon summoning. Nora looks up with black eyes.
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She’s very interested to learn that they’ve got Dean Winchester in their sights. Trevor tells her where Dean is immediately. She absorbs this and swings her attention to Sam. She realizes it’s Sam “Boy King of Hell” Winchester sitting there and is suddenly VERY interested. Trevor asks her where his reward is, and when he pushes for it she first taunts, then kills him. (All the while Sam is in the background GRINDING HIS TEETH.)
Gary weeps, tied up in the motel room while Dean listens to voicemail after voicemail from Sam. Gary babbles about Sam’s whereabouts but it’s too late. Demon!Nora saunters in and lobs Dean across the room. Wherps. She offers Gary a powerful future but first he’s got to meet “the boss.” All he has to do is say “Yes” and they can have a nice chat together! Very sneaky! Dean attacks her while she’s cooking up her big plan and then Gary and Dean tag team an exorcism, freeing Nora of the demon. Later, Gary performs the incantation to swap bodies with Sam again. (I shake my head yet again that THIS is the ONLY body swap episode we got in the whole fifteen season run. What a goddamn waste of comedy potential.
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With Sam restored to normal (or as normal as a Winchester can get), Dean confronts Gary. He tells him that if he were just a little older, he’d be dead right now. With those comforting parting words, they bring Gary and Nora back to their lives. Sam tells Gary to quit his whining about his life. It’s possible to rebel in a “healthy, non-satanic way.” Furthermore, he tells Gary that he wishes he had his life. Once the kids are out of earshot, Dean comments on Sam’s kind words. “Totally lied. Kid’s life sucked ass.” The apple-pie family crap is stressful, Sam decides. 
Maybe they just don’t know what they’re missing, Dean rejoins, and I calmly tie an anvil around my ankle and drop it off a cliff into a dramatically large canyon. 
They head out into the rainy night...to fight another day!
You ever think that you'd want something like that? Wife, rugrats, the whole nine?
No matter how much you fight it, you can't stop the plan. The stupid, stupid plan
Um, I wouldn't exactly call praying to our dark overlord “goofing around”
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