#do i capitalize queen i can never remember
modern-inheritance · 2 months
Modern Inheritance: Over the Edge (Pre-war)
(A/N: WIP title. It's not really abuse, but wanna say that there's a very very brief moment of rough-handling of a kid. No hitting, only a brief shake to a kid the size of, let's say a 7-8 year old human. Also, we get to see Islanzadí for the first time in pre-war, with this taking place probably a month or two before The Promise and Arya's oath with Brom. She's struggling with the turmoil after the Fall, the loss of Evandar and not really having the time to mourn him due to the sudden rush of responsibility and new duties {that sounds like a theme for this bloodline huh} and she is barely keeping her head above water. Because of that, she tries to tell herself that it's okay to focus solely on her duties as queen, because, through trickle down and big picture, her doing well as queen keeps Arya safe from Galbatorix and the Forsworn. That's what she tells herself. If she believes it is up to you as the reader at this point.)
Out of nowhere the door to the queen’s study slammed open with a horrendous bang. Däthedr, Fiolr and Islanzadí all jumped as one.
“What is the meaning of this int–” Islanzadí’s thunderous voice was immediately silenced by the equally stormy eyes that snapped to her. Despite his frail nature, Oromis’ presence filled the doorway, looming over them like a threatening anvil cloud. 
“Leave us.” The Rider’s voice held unmistakable steel. The two elf lords flicked their gazes to the queen, unsure of who was in control. Slighting one would be dangerous, though which was more threatening at the time was yet to be decided. “Leave!”
A great rumble shook the roots arrayed beneath their feet and a massive golden eye suddenly glinted outside the window overlooking the courtyard.
Däthedr and Fiolr were out of their seats and bowed just low enough to show apologetic respect before they fled, kicking up moss in their haste.
Silence but for the soft whooshing of Glaedr’s great lungs outside the walls filled the room. 
Islanzadí slowly settled back into her chair. “Can I help you, Oromis-elda?” The brittleness that accompanied her clenched teeth and the hard line of her shoulders was not masked in the slightest. Islanzadí was livid at the intrusion and far beyond angry at the subversion of her authority, in front of her advisor no less! 
“Do you have any,” Oromis paused to collect himself. His own rage was very close to boiling over. “Any inkling of just where your daughter is?” 
The queen blinked. Arya? When was the last time she had seen her? Surely not that long ago. Breakfast, probably, scampering out the door. Or did she see her in the Menoa tree while on a walk? No, that was yesterday, she had a meeting with the Council after that, so it had to be yesterday. 
A heavy stone of guilt dropped into Islanzadí’s stomach. Could she really not tell him when she last saw her own child? The days had been going by in a whirlwind, filled with meetings pushing for more resources for the border, more spellcasters to maintain the barriers, power struggles in Ceris–
Islanzadí had no earthly idea where her own daughter was.
Oromis reached behind him and marched into the room. “Spare me the attempt, Islanzadí.” 
A small yelp of indignation followed him, or rather, was dragged alongside him. Arya let out a half feral yowl at the Dragon Rider pulling her by one gangly arm, silverskin glowing a muted flush of pink anger at her cheeks at the unintentional roughness. 
The elfling’s hair was wild, though that was nothing new. Her braid was half undone, the tie at the base loosened. Knees scuffed, elbows bruised, knuckles scraped, pine needles stuck to her clothing with sap. Yes, that was her Arya, scowling up at her from where Oromis had planted the child in front of him with his hands on her shoulders. 
“Tell your mother.”
Arya’s scowl deepened. Stars. She looked so much like Evandar during combat when she did that. Her brows met with the same lightning pattern, jet streaks of midnight above endless emerald green. “Nothing happened.”
Another growl rattled the window hard enough to send it gliding inwards on hidden hinges. Glaedr snapped his massive jaws, a sharp crack loud enough to make the gathered elves flinch. Outside, a trio of pines juddered from the impact of his tail before he subdued the lashing.
‘Hatchling!’ His voice was thunderous in their minds. At the dragon’s mental touch Islanzadí felt the sensation of wind pushing against her body, a momentary inkling of confusion, then a fear of failure, fear of the outcome, and then…relief. And rage. ‘We have warned you!’
Against all odds, Arya snapped her own teeth, a defiant snarl rattling her thin chest. “I’m not scared of you, Glaedr!” 
The golden dragon audibly balked. That stung more than he cared to admit. Especially coming from one so small.
“What is this about?” Islanzadí snapped. That surge of fear felt through Glaedr’s memories twisted her stomach into knots. Besides the usual scrapes, though, Arya seemed unharmed. “I have work to do. You interrupted a meeting that was planned weeks in advance!”
Outside, Glaedr shifted. 
Arya bared her teeth. With a hollow mental wave of her hand to put it aside for later thought, Islanzadí noticed the girl’s canines had fallen out. When had that happened? Not too recently, it seemed. The tips of wickedly sharp ancestral teeth were already poking through, giving the child an almost comical appearance with both top canines barely coming in while the lower set were nearly level with her incisors. 
Oromis’ eyes flashed at Islanzadí’s words. His grip on Arya’s shoulders tightened. “We found your daughter after she leapt off the Crags, Islanzadí.”
Islanzadí’s heart dropped, the wind knocked from her lungs. “What?” 
‘We were flying and caught the hatchling after she jumped off the Crags of Tel’naeír.’ 
Arya…jumped from the cliffs? 
Islanzadí was around the desk in an instant and seized her only child by the arms. “What were you thinking?” There was only panic thudding in her chest, the image of a small body crumpled in the beds of pine needles flashing to her mind. “Have you gone mad?! Answer me!” 
“Islanzadí!” Oromis’ bark was sharp and swift. It was only when Arya stifled a squeak did Islanzadí realize she was shaking her. 
The queen released the elfling as if stung, hands hovering an inch away from the pink blotches blooming on silvered skin. “Arya…?” 
Arya lifted her gaze from where she had dropped it to the ground. 
Was…was that fire in her eyes?
Defiant but calm. Determined. The lanky child squared her shoulders as best she could under Oromis’ grip and met her mother’s conflicted storm of golden lightning and locked them eye to eye.
Arya’s voice was soft, deadpan. “I wanted to fly.” 
Fly. Said as if it were entirely normal for elf children to take to the skies after a quick breakfast. Islanzadí stared at her child, unsure if this was some sort of elaborate ruse to hide a darker motive, some childish cry for help, or if her daughter genuinely had planned to leap off a thousand foot cliff and sprout wings.
The queen closed her mouth, suddenly aware that her jaw was hanging open a good half inch in dumbfounded bewilderment. 
Arya nodded. Never broke eye contact. Never changed her expression. “I wanted to test the spells I made. The Crags are the highest and clearest launch point.”
A dull headache began to throb behind Islanzadí’s forehead.
Why? Why did it always have to be her child. Couldn’t she find something normal to do? Couldn’t she see that Islanzadí was struggling to keep the entire elven nation together just over a handful of years after the Fall? Arya was known to be remarkably observant but how could she not understand, after her father–
The fear for her safety was quickly turning to white hot anger at the center of Islanzadí’s chest. Of all the foolish things….
The queen inhaled and held her breath for a long moment before letting it out in a tight huff. “Arya. You are far too old to be pretending you can fly, and far too young to be meddling with experimental magic!” Arya opened her mouth but Islanzadí cut her off. “No. Enough of this. You know how important the meetings today are.” Islanzadí rose from her kneeling position and knocked the knees of her dress free of dirt. “You and I will discuss this at length in the evening. Now go to your quarters.”
Again, Arya tried to speak. She even took half a step forward, something flashing and flaring bright in her emerald eyes. “I–”
“Enough!” Unmistakable. The voice she used in court. Commanding. The voice of a queen. “To your quarters!” Islanzadí threw an arm in the direction of the door, pointing sharply. “Now!” 
The elfling’s mouth snapped shut, jaw clenched.
Islanzadí couldn’t tell if it was horror, pain, or anger that surged to her throat when her daughter straightened into a smart attention, knocked her knuckles to a disheveled shoulder as she had seen countless times before, and bowed. 
“As you wish, my queen.”
Hollow, detached. Quietly and barely masking the seething underneath it all.
Arya was at the door when Oromis called out. “Arya.” She turned to him, never once looking back to her mother. “Lessons early tomorrow. Bring your books and your training blade.”
“Yes, ebrithil.” The murmur held more respect than anything she had said to Islanzadí. “I will be there.”
Once the door was closed, Islanzadí took a moment to rub her temples and just breathe. She could still feel Oromis staring at her, anger not yet gone, thunder still in his eyes. 
“What?” She didn’t mean to snap. She bit her tongue. The Dragon Rider merely shook his head. “Speak, Oromis! I do not have time for games! I have two more meetings, not counting the one you interrupted, and I have a stack of reports on attempted border incursions by Wyrdfell waiting for me.”
“You don’t have time?” The words stung hard against Islanzadí’s ears with flabbergasted accusations. Oromis must indeed be outraged if he was acting this emotional with her. “You do not have time for your own daughter?” 
The queen whirled back to her desk and stalked around it. “My daughter should know better than to jump off cliffs and think she will fly!” She shoved a stack of papers to the side roughly and sat. “She knows how important these weeks are. Arya is capable, she should be able to take care of herself.”
“That is not the matter at all, and you know this!” Oromis followed her, bracing slim hands on the back of one of the chairs. “Islanzadí, Arya is hurting! She is still trying to come to terms with Evandar’s death–”
“Get out.” 
“Get out! You will not lecture me on how to raise my child by invoking the name of my dead mate!”
For the first, and quite nearly the only time, Islanzadí witnessed Oromis Thrándurin in a true, uncontained rage. 
The unmistakable rumble of dragonfire swelled in the crippled Rider’s chest. Islanzadí shrank back instinctively as the elf seemed to grow before her, white teeth flashing, fingers cracking through the chair’s wood as if pierced by ivory claws. 
Oromis’ voice was harsh with crackling flame, roaring at her above the din. “Then raise your child, Islanzadí Dröttning!” His thin chest heaved, as if the effort of holding back true fire taxed him to the limit. “Arya needs her mother. Not a queen. Go to her. She is a child! She only wants to be held by her mother and told that it will all be alright while the world is falling apart!” 
The words had Islanzadí shooting to her feet yet again. “Yes! The world is falling apart! And right now, the only thing keeping us safe are magic barriers, far too few uninjured spellcasters, a handful of cities lending all the strength they can to fortify them, and spells that are millenia old and in desperate need of repair!” The queen threw an arm out, gesturing to the expanse of Du Weldenvarden mapped out on the wall of pine. “Everyone is hurting! And I am the queen of an entire race that is hurting! I do not have time to lie to my daughter that everything will be fine when we cannot know for sure! My time is spent endlessly fortifying our defenses, trying to make sure we last to the end of the month in case Galbatorix decides to send his entire collection of Wyrdfell to sweep the forest with dragonfire! Time not spent with her is time spent keeping her alive!
“Arya will just have to learn how to live with some sacrifices. I will not hold her hand when it means the possibility of losing this entire nation.” 
Oromis once again looked every year his age. 
“Are you finished?” He asked softly.
The queen lowered herself into her chair, hands shaking. “Get out. And take Glaedr with you.”
Oromis again shook his head, as if in sad disappointment. “You will lose her if you continue like this, Islanzadí.”
Islanzadí did not look up from the piles of reports on her desk. 
When the door finally clicked closed behind him, the queen of the elves buried her face in her hands, and cried. 
Oromis was not halfway down the hall when the soft sound of sniffling caught his attention. A small droplet splashed on the back of his hand, warm like a spring rain in the dead of winter. 
He looked up. “Oh, little hatchling. Come down from there.” He gave a small, sad smile. “Please?”
Another quiet sniffle, the rustle of woven pine boughs, and the lanky elfling dropped from one of the skylights in the hall’s ceiling. Arya wiped her nose on the back of her arm, scrubbed at her eyes with the heels of her palms and stifled a hiccup before squaring her shoulders as she had earlier. 
“Arya. Were you listening?”
She nodded. Blinked. 
“Oh, little hatchling. I’m so sorry you heard that.” Her eyes shone with tears when she met his gaze, throat convulsing as she swallowed another stuttered gasp of misery. Oromis opened his arms, chest aching. “None of that, now, Arya. It is okay to cry.”
Arya sniffed again. “F…fighters don’t cry.” 
“My dear girl, everyone cries.” But she was already in his arms, face pressed to his ribs and eyes squeezed shut. 
He let her sob out her frustration and pain there in the hall, tucked into his embrace and in a little sheltered bubble of silence where no one would be able to hear her tears. She pulled away when she was done, rubbing at her face, trying to hide the evidence again as the two of them retrieved her training blade and books before beginning the long walk to the Crags. She would sleep under the stars there, an unspoken agreement forged by the many times Glaedr had awoken to the elfling tucked against his paw, or curled under the roots of a tree at the edge of their cliffside dwelling. 
“I’m…” Oromis flicked his gaze to the child at his side. Arya heaved a few deep breaths, forcing herself to calm fully. “I’m going to fix it.” 
“Fix what, little hatchling?” 
“The world.” Arya nodded in affirmation to herself. The Rider at her side couldn’t help the small grin that tilted his lips. Leave it to the youth to declare such things with so much confidence. “I’m going to fix the world. Then Mum won’t have to work so hard, and you and Glaedr won’t be so sad all the time.”
The matter of fact mentioning of his and Glaedr’s pain hit like a stone loosed from a sling. He pushed it back, did his best to keep the soft smile on his face. “Do you have a plan for this?” 
Oromis nearly missed a step when he glanced down. Arya’s face had transformed from the light frown to a near frighteningly wild smile, teeth bared in fierce determination. Her eyes were alight with brilliant fire, brows lowered in challenge. 
“I’m gonna fight.”
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howcouldmuffin · 28 days
First Choice IV
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[ Chapter 4 : My Fate, My Choice ]
Born a princess, freedom eluded you, and choices were never yours to make. Yet now, your destiny rests in your own hands.
WARNING : NSFW, Targaryen incest, Non-canon, SMUT, Sex Content
AN : I feel that my descriptive skills aren’t at their best right now, but I hope you understand what I’m trying to convey. Enjoy the read. Love.
CONTENTS : Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
please be kind to me English is not my first language.
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You find that the daily life at Dragonstone bears a curious resemblance to your experiences in King’s Landing. You rise with the dawn, don your attire, and attend to the myriad duties within the castle walls. Though not as frenzied as the capital, the routine here is one you manage with ease, and its simplicity brings a certain satisfaction to your days.
On some occasions, Jace will take you upon Vermax, and together you traverse the boundless sky. The thrill of observing the world below from such heights, with the crisp air caressing your skin, offers a sense of freedom that the gilded cage crafted by your mother never could.
The sweeping expanse of water below is breathtakingly beautiful. As you gaze down from Jacearys’s back, held closely by Jace, you ponder whether the life of privilege behind the walls of the Red Keep, with its attendant duties of marriage and children, is truly what you desire.
“Is there anything special you would like to eat today?” Jacaerys’s voice brings you back to reality. “I shall instruct the servants to prepare it.”
“No, thank you.” you reply. “Let them busy themselves on another day.”
“Our wedding shall be the grandest affair in all the Seven Kingdoms, and every soul will be in attendance.” Jace declares as he guides you back to the castle. The mighty dragon, capable of bearing two, carries you swiftly through the air.
Soon, you find yourself seated before your vanity, the maid combing your hair. Her head bowed, she reminds you of a time when you, too, had been a young girl at a celebration with your family—something your mother once remarked upon, noting the beauty you possessed but struggled to wield.
“Lift your head, please.” you instruct the maid.
“Yes, Your Highness.” she replies, hesitating briefly before complying. Her youthful face is charming, and you offer her a reassuring smile, striving to ease her discomfort.
“I believe I have encountered you before.” you say. “The little girl in the red skirt.” You recall selecting her as a maid and her brother as a soldier for the castle. They had lost their mother to either disease or cruelty; you are uncertain.
“Do you remember, Your Highness?” Her face shows astonishment and disbelief, with tears beginning to form.
“Do not cry, I have no intention of reprimanding you.” you say, turning to face her. “The girl who clung to my skirt, her face stained with tears because her brother was departing.”
The tears flow freely now, and the maid’s hands tremble as she drops the comb. She remains as tearful as she was years ago. Rising from your seat, you gently wipe her tears away with a cloth.
“Now, tell me, how did you come to be here, Zia”
Regaining her composure, she recounts that after you had her brother join the castle guard, his skill and cleverness won him favor among the nobles, which improved their fortunes. When it became known that the princess’s personal maid was still needed, they hastened to request the position from Vidah, who granted their plea.
“Vidah should have informed me.” you muse. “Well, I shall rely on you. I can be quite particular.” You retrieve the comb she dropped and hand it back to her, resuming your seat at the vanity to continue her grooming.
“I am greatly honored to serve you, Your Highness.” she says, her hands working carefully through your hair. “Without your intervention, my brother and I might have been doomed to a life of servitude. My brother pledged that, given the chance, he would dedicate himself to the Queen. Whatever you require, we will do anything for you, Your Highness.”
You smile at the steadfast loyalty she and her brother offer. Ruling through fear may eventually lead to a more formidable ruler; maintaining loyalty is far more advantageous. You pause, reflecting on this thought, as the maid awaits your response.
“Is something troubling you, Your Highness?”
“You said that if I needed anything, you would fulfill it, did you not?” You turn to her. “Anything at all?”
“Even our lives, if it comes to that.” she replies earnestly.
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The sound of the bedroom door closing reverberated through the stillness of the chamber as you sat engrossed in a book at the antique wooden desk. Your attention was absorbed by the delicate prose on the pages, and you barely noticed the figure entering the room. The atmosphere was thick with a sense of nostalgia and intimacy.
A soft, lingering kiss brushed against the nape of your neck, and a warm embrace enveloped you from behind. You felt the familiar presence of Jacearys, whose arms had become your sanctuary.
“What treasure are you lost in this evening, my love?” His voice was a gentle murmur as he settled into the chair beside you, his proximity radiating a comforting warmth.
“Just a novel of mundane adventures.” you replied, closing the book with a slight sigh and lifting your gaze to meet his. “Do you require anything of me?”
“I merely wished to see my betrothed.” he said with a smile that seemed to light up the dimly lit room. “May I?”
“Always.” you responded, placing the book aside and rising to draw the heavy velvet curtains, which filtered the moonlight into a soft, diffused glow. The room, bathed in a silvery luminescence, was now perfect for intimate conversation.
As you turned back, Jacearys stood so close that his presence seemed to envelop you entirely. His eyes, deep and mesmerizing, held an allure that made your heart quicken. His nose, sharp and regal, and his lips, full and inviting, formed a visage that seemed straight out of a bygone era.
At last, your lips met in a kiss that was both tender and consuming. Jacearys’s touch was gentle, his kiss an exploration that was neither hurried nor hesitant. The sweetness of his lips was intoxicating, a flavor so enchanting it felt as if you could easily become lost in it. The kiss deepened as you both savored the precious moments, exchanging affection with a fervor that seemed to transcend time.
“We should not indulge further.” you whispered, your breath mingling with his. “It would be scandalous if the maid were to discover us in such a state.”
“We are betrothed, and thus bound by no such constraints.” he replied, his voice carrying an undertone of playful defiance. “Yet, I shall wait with patient anticipation for the day when you are ready, ready to share your life with me.”
His words filled you with a profound joy, a flush of warmth spreading across your cheeks. With a soft smile, you leaned forward to place a gentle kiss upon his cheek. He paused, a glint of mischief in his eyes, before returning your smile with one of his own, both tender and teasing. The moment was so perfect that you found yourself reluctant to imagine anything beyond it.
“You should retire for the night, my princess.” he suggested with a loving tone.
“And you should take your rest as well, my prince.” you replied, a hint of playfulness in your voice.
“May I request the honor of sharing your bed?” Jacearys asked, his gaze earnest. “I long to hold you until the first light of dawn.” You considered his request for a moment, your thoughts drifting between anticipation and propriety.
“Yes.” you finally agreed, your voice soft and inviting. “But only for the purpose of cuddling.”
“By your command, my princess.” he responded with a grin that spoke of contentment. He lifted you effortlessly, his touch gentle as he placed you upon the grand, canopied bed. The quilt, rich and heavy with its intricate patterns, was drawn over you both as he settled in beside you.
Under the cover of the thick, warm blanket, you felt his embrace close around you. The world outside seemed to fade away as you nestled against him, the weight of his arms a reassuring presence. The room was filled with a serene tranquility as you both surrendered to the comfort of each other’s closeness, drifting into a restful slumber as if the night itself was a protective shroud, keeping you safe from all that lay beyond.
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You find yourself in the vast and echoing kitchen of Dragonstone, a grand but unfamiliar space adorned with intricate tapestries and polished copperware. Despite the opulent surroundings, there is an intangible quality about the room, a subtle hint of its true owner that resonates with you. Having taken it upon yourself to prepare tonight’s meal for both the prince and yourself, you’ve decided to forego the usual bustle of the servants, wishing for an evening that is both intimate and personal.
Your skills in the culinary arts were honed under the meticulous guidance of Oliver, the head chef, who once admonished you with a half-hearted smile, "As a princess, you need not trouble yourself with such matters." Yet, your resolve was unwavering. You yearned to impress your mother with your cooking prowess, despite Oliver’s grumbling about how your insistence often interfered with the proper functioning of the kitchen.
As you meticulously arrange the ingredients and set about your task, the grand kitchen’s silence is broken by the entrance of Jacaerys. He strides in with a casual grace, his presence commanding attention. Leaning against the stone countertop, he casts a curious gaze over the assortment of fresh produce and exotic spices laid before you.
“I hear you are in the midst of culinary creations.” he says, his voice a blend of amusement and intrigue. “What feast do you plan to conjure for me this evening, my love?”
“Perhaps a succulent roast accompanied by a fine vintage of wine.” you reply, glancing up with a playful smile. The sight of his own smile, a beacon of warmth and affection, lights up the room and chases away the shadows of your apprehension. As you begin the labor of love that is meal preparation, Jacaerys offers his assistance, his eagerness evident in his frequent inquiries about how he might lend a hand. You allow him to partake in simpler tasks, finding his presence both a comforting and delightful addition to your culinary efforts.
The dining table is set with understated elegance, a reflection of your desire for simplicity rather than grandeur. Soft candlelight dances across the polished surface, casting a warm and inviting glow that enhances the romantic atmosphere. As you both settle into your seats, the conversation flows effortlessly, delving into reminiscences of days gone by, misunderstandings that once marred your relationship, and the myriad events that have shaped your journey together.
“I once believed you harbored ill feelings toward me, much like your brother.” Jacaerys muses, his tone tinged with nostalgia. “You avoided meeting my gaze, and I wondered if there was something I had done to offend.”
“That was not the case.” you respond with a chuckle. “Aemond was astute enough to perceive my secret admiration. I avoided his barbed comments by keeping my distance from you. Yet, despite my attempts at discretion, I could not help but watch you from afar.”
“It’s curious.” he says, his eyes meeting yours with a glimmer of vulnerability, “that while you were discreetly observing me, I was also watching you. I admired how you appeared to light up in Aemond’s presence, how you seemed to find joy in the simplest of moments.”
“There is an odd kinship between us.” you reflect, a hint of melancholy in your voice. “We share the burden of feeling misunderstood, of fighting for a freedom that often seems just out of reach. In our pursuit of it, we have learned to grasp at every opportunity, no matter how fleeting.”
He sets his spoon down with deliberate care, his gaze never leaving yours. With a gesture both tender and resolute, he reaches out, clasping your hand in his. The sincerity in his eyes surpasses the most extravagant words, his commitment to you clear in his every expression. “Tonight, as my wife, your freedom shall be secure. No force shall ever take it from you again.”
You place your own spoon aside and return his gesture, your fingers intertwining with his. The gentle caress of your thumb against his hand speaks volumes, your heart swelling with gratitude. Your smile, genuine and heartfelt, conveys the depth of your emotions—an affirmation of the life you are beginning together.
“Thank you, my prince.” you say softly, your voice imbued with heartfelt sincerity. “Your promise is a gift I have longed for, and it is more precious to me than any grand feast.”
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You and Jacaerys are ensconced in the warmth of a lavish bath, the soft steam enveloping you both in a sensual embrace. The two of you are bare, the intimacy of the moment heightened by the way you lean back against his broad chest. Your hair is neatly pinned up, leaving your shoulders exposed to the gentle caress of his large hands as they trace soothing circles along your skin. His lips graze the back of your neck, your shoulders, and your cheeks, creating a cascade of tender kisses that leave you shivering with delight.
“I am so happy to be living this life with you, my prince.” you whisper, your voice filled with genuine affection.
“I am happy too.” he murmurs close to your ear, his breath warm against your skin. “And we shall be happy together forever.”
“Though it may sound selfish, I can’t bear the thought of returning to King’s Landing.” you confess. “I want to stay here with you, where it’s just us.”
“My princess is becoming a bit spoiled.” he teases with a chuckle. “First, we must be wed, and only then can we truly live the free life we desire.”
You don’t quite agree with the practicalities of his statement. Shifting in the water, you turn to face him, your eyes locking with his. You lean in slowly, your lips meeting his in a tender kiss. The connection is magnetic, the way your bodies seem drawn together is palpable. But this time, it is he who pulls away first.
“Are you sure this is what you want?” he asks, his voice laden with a mix of concern and desire.
You nod firmly, your gaze unwavering. “I am sure.”
Without another word, Jacaerys closes the distance between you with a sudden, impassioned kiss. This time, the intensity of the moment is heightened, a fervor that feels almost like riding a dragon in its thrill. He deepens the kiss, then begins to explore the contours of your neck with his lips. The delicate blush of his kisses leaves a trail of warmth across your skin, each touch a testament to the profound connection between you.
As the bath's gentle warmth continues to surround you, you lose yourself in the sensation of his touch, your bodies intertwined in a dance of love and longing, creating a symphony of intimacy that feels both timeless and entirely your own.
In the steamy, dimly lit bathroom, the mood between you and Jacaerys is electric with anticipation. The air is thick with the intimate sounds of your breathing, the gentle splash of water, and the soft, muted noises of your kisses.
You feel the growing stiffness beneath you and instinctively begin to move your hips, gently rocking back and forth to create a slow, deliberate contact. The rhythm is intimate and sensual, each subtle motion amplifying the connection between you. The sounds of your kisses and the soft splashes of the water become louder, blending into a symphony of intimacy.
Jacaerys's mouth moves restlessly, expressing a deep-seated desire. He trails kisses along your body, his lips brushing and exploring every curve with fervent attention. His touch is tender but insistent, each caress a testament to the passion and longing that you both share in this secluded haven.
“Jace, I’m ready.”
"Be patient, my love." he responds, his tone tender yet commanding. He begins to use his fingers, sliding them slowly into you, which makes you lose your balance slightly. He lowers his head to your neck, his warm breath mixing with your soft whimpers and gasps, sending shivers across his skin.
His fingers move rhythmically in and out, his thumb grazing your clitoris, heightening your pleasure. The sensation is almost overwhelming, and you can feel his nails grazing your body, leaving a red mark as they press against him. Your hands reach up to his hair, tangling in the strands, pulling him closer, your grip gentle but insistent.
The intense sensation of his added finger and the deliberate strokes circling around
your clitoris nearly elicited a cry of pleasure. His tongue danced provocatively over the erect nipple on your chest, biting it gently. The sharp sting of his teeth was a delightful pain when it came from Jacaerys, adding an edge of pleasure to your experience.
"Now you're truly ready, my love." he murmured, withdrawing his fingers.
"Position yourself on me."
Obeying his command, you adjust yourself carefully, the rigid pressure of his desire urging you onward. You slowly lower yourself onto his erect shaft, the feeling of him filling you entirely is a blend of anticipation and satisfaction.
"Jace-" you moan softly, the bliss evident in your voice as you feel him fully enveloped inside you. He holds your hips with a firm, guiding grip, gently urging you to take all of him.
You manage to settle fully onto him, feeling the fullness of his size stretching you. The sensation is almost overwhelming, as if your body is being stretched to its limits.
Your inner walls tighten around him, desperately trying to adjust to his considerable girth. His hands gently cradle your face, his fingers tenderly brushing against your cheeks, his touch soothing as he removes the cloth binding your hair and tucks it behind your ears.
"If you're ready." he whispers near your ear, his breath warm and intimate, "you can begin to move."
You respond with a kiss, the moment filled with shared passion. As you start to move your hips up and down slowly, you feel the connection between you deepen. The rhythm you find is a blend of your efforts and his, each movement bringing a new wave of sensation. His hands leave your face, finding their place on your hips, guiding and controlling the pace with a firm yet gentle touch.
The initial discomfort of your first experience begins to transform into a pleasurable tingle, each stroke of his cock hitting your g-spot with precision as you glide up and down. The blend of pain and pleasure weaves together, heightening the joy and intensity of your shared moment.
The sounds of water gently sloshing in the bath, mingled with the soft echoes of your shared intimacy, create a symphony of passion in the dimly lit room. Outside, the maid might be oblivious to the intensity of the moment unfolding within, her routine entirely detached from the fervor within these walls.
But the distraction of external concerns is fleeting, as Jacarys draws your full attention back to him. Your hips move with an unpredictable rhythm, driven by the bliss of your union. The sensation of making love with him overwhelms you with a deep sense of fulfillment and joy.
"I feel so good, it's as if I'm close." he murmurs, his voice laden with satisfaction.
"Me too." you respond, your breath catching with the intensity of your feelings.
Your heart races, the tension building as your body tightens around him. The pleasure you're experiencing is intoxicating, your mind drifting away as the only focus becomes the insatiable need for him. In this moment, nothing else exists but the profound connection between you, a yearning that consumes every thought and sensation.
At last, the culmination of your shared passion arrives, and you both reach the peak of ecstasy simultaneously. The intensity of the moment sends waves of pleasure through you, leaving you utterly spent. As you collapse against him, your body feels languid and weak, enveloped in a profound sense of euphoria and relief. You feel his warmth and the intimate sensation of his release mingling within you, a tangible reminder of your union.
He cradles you gently, his embrace tender and reassuring amidst the afterglow. His voice, now softened by satisfaction, carries a hint of playful affection.
"It's time for bed, my wife." he murmurs, his tone a promise of quiet moments yet to come.
The warmth of his body and the comforting cadence of his voice invite you to relax into the serene closeness of your shared space, marking the end of a night filled with intense connection and unspoken promises for the future.
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You find him resting in your arms, his slumber deep and tranquil, his breath a gentle rhythm against the night. The moon’s pale light spills through the draped windows, casting soft patterns upon his serene countenance. He will remain in this restful state for many hours, long enough for you to embark upon the vessel bound for Driftmark. Far from this place, far from him.
Throughout your time together, the prince has bared his soul to you with a candor that once warmed your heart. Yet, the solitude afforded by your present circumstances has bestowed upon you a rare clarity. In this quiet, you have come to discern your own desires, your own truth. Despite the love you hold for Jacaerys, you have realized that a life of queenship is not the destiny you seek. It is a mantle you never wished to don, regardless of the depth of your affection.
A gentle rap upon the door serves as the herald of your departure. With swift and measured motions, you ready yourself, your attire meticulously chosen for the journey ahead. Zia’s careful preparations have made your flight possible. You are poised to leave behind all that you know, to seek the freedom you have longed for.
You approach your husband one final time, a pang of sorrow in your heart. Bending low, you place a tender kiss upon his brow, a silent adieu to the man you once envisioned sharing your days with. His unawareness of your departure, induced by the powerful sleeping draught you secured, adds a poignant note to your resolve.
“You shall be the only husband I ever claim.” you murmur, your voice thick with emotion as you brush away the tears that have stained your cheeks. The gravity of your choice is profound, yet it is a path you must follow for your own peace and liberation.
Zia leads you through the grand corridors to the quay where a small, waiting boat is moored. Her brother stands ready, his manner respectful as Zia whispers final instructions. The air is thick with anticipation.
“Let us not tarry.” you urge, urgency in your tone. “Should we delay further, we risk discovery.”
“Thomas, attend to the princess’s safety with the utmost vigilance.” Zia commands her brother, who acknowledges with a nod.
“I shall fulfill my duty with the greatest care, Your Highness.” Thomas assures, his voice steadfast.
You board the modest vessel with a sense of purpose, accompanied by a handful of soldiers who, though unaware of your true identity, are tasked with ensuring a smooth escape. Their presence, albeit limited in number, should suffice to deter any potential hindrance.
As the boat sets forth, gliding silently away from Dragonstone, you cast a final glance at Zia’s retreating figure. The image of Jacaerys, his face a fixture in your memories, lingers in your thoughts. The life you leave behind is one not of your choosing but of circumstance. Yet, as you embrace the path of your own making, a sense of liberation accompanies the uncertainty.
In a life where you were often the second choice, never the foremost, you now make a decision wholly for yourself. The journey ahead is both exhilarating and fraught with apprehension, but it is yours to command. As the boat progresses toward Driftmark, you are filled with both trepidation and hope. For the first time, you are not merely following a course dictated by others but charting a path of your own.
Tomorrow, you will embark on a new chapter, one where you are the mistress of your own fate. The voyage has only just begun, but for the first time, you are in command of your destiny, casting aside the shadows of the past for the promise of a future of your own design.
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As the past is immutable and beyond our reach to alter, one must inevitably decide what is truly desired. In the end, you have arrived at your own resolution. — [ END ]
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tag list : @r3va-dwme @ladyofvelaryon @mckennah123 @ericasabe @yohanseyebrowmole @mah1644 @miksde @staarflowerr @tempo-rary-fix @melsunshine @chlmtfilms
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sapphire-writes · 2 years
Playing with Fire (part 2)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Reader x Aegon II Targaryen
summary: Your adventure in the capital continues as you grow closer to more than one Targaryen prince.
warnings: some sensual themes, drinking
word count: 3.4k
A/N: In absolute awe of the love for part 1!! Hope you all enjoy part 2 as much as I enjoyed writing it! 💚
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“I shall not have my daughter late for such a charming event,” your mother says, moving to fix a broach from its tilted position on your neckline. You purse your lips. Your time in the Red Keep was to be full of different social events, all catered to winning Prince Aegon’s affection. 
“I suppose I do not need to attend,” you tell her, batting your lashes, “the Queen did specify it was not mandatory.”
“We came to the capital to find you a husband,” your mother said, giving you a stern look, “and after last night’s escapades you need to remind the members of court what a charming young lady you are.”
You groan at your mother’s words but are silenced by her fierce motherly glare. You press your lips together in a thin line. She smiles at your surrender.
“A walk in the gardens is quite the romantic opportunity, Y/N,” she says, brushing your shoulders. Your mother moves to caress your cheeks.
“Beautiful,” she whispers, and you can’t help but smile at her kind words and the loving look on her face.
As you make your way to the gardens, your mother is an overflowing fountain of advice. 
“Make sure to take his arm,” she informs, “and smile often, but not too much, we do not wish for him to think you are fatuous.”
You tilt your head to the side, frowning at your mother.
“What?” she says, ushering you forward through the castle doors. 
“You think me fatuous?”
“I do not,” your mother argues, “hence why I wish you do not act like it.”
The gardens of the Red Keep are a beautiful sight. Rows upon rows of flowers from all over the seven kingdoms make a colorful sanctuary, with tables and benches scattered throughout the many paths that twist and creep throughout them. 
The air is perfumed by the sweet scents emitted by all the flora. You have never traveled to Highgarden, but if it is anything as beautiful as the gardens in front of you now, you can scarcely imagine it. 
As you enter the gardens you are greeted by several of the lords and ladies from the previous night. Everyone is dressed in gowns of expensive Myrish lace, colors bright as though the plumes of birds. 
“Does Prince Aegon enjoy bright colors?” you ask and your mother shrugs, clearly surprised as well by the fashionable efforts. 
Cassandra Baratheon spots you, a smile overtaking her. You raise your eyebrows at her as she approaches, only to realize too late she was smiling at someone behind you. She brushes by you, with little decency, causing you to stumble. 
“My prince!” she says, skirts dancing around her as she approaches Prince Aegon, who has entered just behind you. He smiles at Cassandra before his gaze falls on you. You feel the heat rush to your cheeks as his eyes light up.
I remember you, they seem to say. 
Cassandra loops her arm through his, attaching herself to his side. Aegon’s eyes widen at her boldness and he allows himself a once over of the Baratheon lady. She is breathtakingly beautiful, everything a future queen should hope to look like.  
“I would be honored to join you this morning, my prince,” she says, leading Aegon toward the gardens and away from other ladies who seem to pout as they see Aegon’s arm has been claimed.
“That would be lovely, my lady,” he says to her, but as they pass his eyes stay on you. You look away first, unable to hold his piercing gaze. You swear you hear him chuckle, before the pair disappear within the greenery, trailed by several goldcloaks. 
“Perhaps when Cassandra returns,” your mother says hopefully, watching where the pair headed off to. You shoot your mother an exasperated look.
“It is rather pointless,” you tell her, “Cassandra is quite determined the prince is her match.”
Your mother pats your arm, attempting to comfort you. You roll your eyes at her efforts. 
“We shall see,” your mother says, ever confident in her daughter. You stay next to her as other ladies begin to promenade. 
“I have seen one near the tulips,” a voice says softly, causing you to turn. Prince Aemond stands behind you, a small smile on his face. His hands are crossed behind his back, violet eye sparkling. 
“Good morrow my prince,” you tell him brightly, crossing your ankles in a brief curtsey. 
“Or perhaps near the golden roses?” he continues as if not hearing you. Your brow furrows in confusion.
“I do not follow, my prince,” you tell him, following his gaze into the gardens until it landed on a table full of refreshments.  
“I only assumed you may need another hiding space,” he says. Cheeky bastard. You scoff in surprise, but a smile forms on your face at his jest. Blush blooms on your cheeks and he chuckles. 
“I apologize, my lady,” he begins, “I could not help it.”
You smooth your gown, as a laugh escapes you. Prince Aemond was jesting with you. 
“I suppose I deserve it, for my foolishness,” you tell him, more laughter bubbling from your lips. 
“May I?” Aemond said, offering his arm to you. You smiled at the kindness, linking his arm in yours. 
“I promise not to lose my slipper this time,” you tell him, earning a chuckle from the one-eyed prince. 
You began your promenade through the gardens. You glance behind you and your mother gives you an encouraging smile, trailing behind a modest distance from you and the prince as a chaperone. 
As you continue your walk with Aemond, you notice sideways glances from ladies as they pass. You turn, watching them whisper and giggle before hurrying along down the path. 
Aemond notices your confusion and clears his throat. 
“I suppose it is a strange sight, to see such a beautiful lady on my arm,” he says softly, flashing a half smile. You can tell he is trying to ease the awkwardness of the encounter. Your eyebrows cinch together, not understanding what he is implying. 
“Why would that be strange, my prince?” you ask.
“My condition frightens most women of court.”
You look at Aemond, and note the way his mouth sits in a tight line, blush blooming on the tops of his cheekbones. Your face softens. 
“It does not frighten me,” you tell him. Aemond meets your gaze, expecting to see some hint of displeasure. He finds none, only fierce honesty in your expression. You stop your walk as the path opens to a large courtyard. Lords and ladies are deposited around, talking and drinking leisurely in the warmth of the midday sun. 
Aemond picks a goblet up, filling it with wine. He hands it to you before pouring one for himself. 
“You are very peculiar, Lady Y/N,” he says, sizing you up once more, “I do hope you do not take offense to me saying that.”
You shrug nonchalantly, taking a sip from your cup. The Arbor red burns a path down your throat. 
“Not at all,” you assure him, “I do not believe there is shame in the odd or unusual.” 
Aemond cocks his head, before nodding in agreement, taking a sip from his cup. You watch as a dragonfly buzzes by, opaque wings catching in the sunlight. 
“Fascinating,” you murmur and Aemond follows your eyes.
“You should speak with my sister Helaena,” he tells you, “she is fascinated with the creatures that reside in this garden.”
“I did speak with her,” you tell him, recalling your late night discussion with the princess, “she is a very interesting woman, your sister.”
Aemond feels a sense of sharp pride at your words. Helaena was the sibling he was always closest to. He spent most of his time defending her from odd looks and jests from ladies of court, it was a refreshing change to hear you speak so kindly of her. 
“She was telling me about her recent readings of insects outside of the seven kingdoms,” you continued, craning your neck to see where the dragonfly had flown off to. You make a noise of contentment before taking another sip of your wine. You feel your body beginning to warm from the liquid. 
“I quite enjoyed the time I spent with her,” you continued, glancing at Aemond, “and with you , of course my prince.”
Aemond chews at the inside of his lip as he takes in your words. He suddenly wants to sweep you away from the gardens, keep you out of sight until Aegon chooses a wife. Aemond cannot help but remember why you are here. You have come for his brother’s hand, not his. A rush of possessiveness rolls through him at the thought. Aemond places his cup on a table closeby, before leaning closer to you, speaking low into your ear.
“You enjoy that?” he asks, the look in his eye changing, “spending time with me?”
Gooseflesh prickles on your skin at the feeling of his breath on your ear. 
“Of course, my prince,” you say, and you can feel your nerves, twisting and twirling in your stomach. He is so close to you, leaning over your frame, and you find yourself stumbling backward. 
Your foot catches a loose stone and you feel your ankle twist. As you throw out your arm to steady yourself your goblet flings from your grasp and into the chest of Aegon Targaryen. You hear the shriek of Cassandra as drops of red liquid rain down on her. You watch, eyes wide, as the red liquid seeps into the fabric of his shirt. As you feel your cheeks heat up, you meet his gaze. 
You’re not sure what you expect. Anger, fury perhaps. But as you look up, Aegon’s smile is wolfish, his eyes hungry. You feel your heart drop into your stomach as his eyes meet yours. It is the same look he gave you in the corridor the previous night, as though you are a feast to be devoured.  
“When I suggested we have a drink,” Aegon begins, the grin never leaving his face, “this was not what I had intended.”
“Seven hells!” Cassandra grumbles, wiping the wine from her arm. The expression on her face is murderous. Aegon barely pays her any mind. 
“Your grace, I do apologize,” you say, flustered by his words, by your mistake. You reach for a handkerchief, for something, and Aemond holds one out to you. 
“Thank you,” you say, looking up at his chiseled face. His mouth sits in a taut line, and he does not meet your gaze, only giving you a slight nod. 
Your mother saw the scene, unfortunately for you. Eyes wide, she hurries over to you, skirts a whirlwind behind her. 
“My prince, you must excuse my daughter,” she says nervously, snatching the handkerchief from your hands as you bring it towards Aegon’s chest. You look at him, a wild look in your eyes. His face is the picture of amusement, as he takes the handkerchief from your mother. 
“Lady Y/N is quite ungraceful,” Cassandra sneers, attempting to re-engage Aegon. His attention is lost, and Cassandra can sense it, eyes flickering from the prince to you. 
“No harm done,” Aegon says, dabbing the red liquid that pools on his shirt, “it has happened to me on more than one occasion.”
Your mother gives a courteous laugh, but you can tell she is embarrassed by your actions. 
“May I introduce my daughter, Lady Y/N?” she says, smiling cautiously. Aegon looks from your mother to you.
“Yes,” he says, eyes flickering again to your mouth, “we have been introduced.”
Your mother’s brows lift towards her hairline. You bite your lip. When were you supposed to tell her? When you arrived in your chambers she was deep in sleep, and as you sat to break your fast the conversation of the previous night had quickly shifted to one of the new day. 
You could picture your mother’s face if you had told her about your rendez-vous with Prince Aegon. It would probably look an awful lot like the expression she wore now; of confusion and anxiety. 
“You have?” she asks, looking at you for help.
You swallow, thinking of a delicate way to phrase it.
“Yes,” you tell her, “you see I happened to run into Prince Aegon on my way to bed last night.”
You can’t help but notice the way Aemond’s shoulders tense at your words. Your face flushes. You want to continue speaking, tell him that nothing happened. He probably thinks Aegon did something unseemly to you. You imagined the red haired lady he was with, his lips on her neck. Suddenly you imagined yourself in her place, your fingers tangled in Aegon’s hair, his hands all over you. Surely that was what Prince Aemond was thinking. 
You opened your mouth to speak, to clarify what had happened, when Prince Aegon interrupted you. 
“Might you escort me to my chambers, Lady Y/N?” Aegon asks, “if it is alright with your mother of course. I should like to change.”
Your mother nods encouragingly. You raise your brows at her. Perhaps she is hoping Aegon does have his way with you. A babe in your belly would be a reason for Aegon to marry you. You shake off the thought.
Cassandra is furious. 
“Are you sure you would not like me to escort you, your grace?” she asks, attempting to mask her anger with a polite smile, “surely Lady Y/N should take a moment to compose herself.”
Aegon gives her a gracious smile.
“How right you are Lady Cassandra,” he tells her, “ever more the reason you should join me, Lady Y/N, let us get you out of the sun.”
Aegon winks at you, so quickly you’re sure no one else had seen it. 
“Of course my prince,” you tell him, as he holds his arm to you. You turn to Prince Aemond as you take Aegon’s arm.
“Thank you for the walk,” you tell him earnestly. Aemond’s expression warms. 
“It is you I should thank, my lady,” he tells you, bowing slightly. You smile at him, as Aegon ushers you toward the castle.
“Quite a dramatic way to get my attention,” he murmurs, a sly grin on his face. 
“I did not mean-”
“I jest, my lady,” he says, grinning, “though I had hoped to find you. It was getting rather boring with Lady Cassandra.”
You laugh as Aegon leads you to the door of his chambers. He opens the door and you walk inside with him. The room is spacious, and full of light. Aegon closes the door behind you.
“I shall wait outside,” you tell him, as he is already unbuttoning his shirt.
“Nonsense, I’ll be quick,” he says, looking up from where his fingers work. Aegon takes in your expression, your wide eyes at the sight of his bare chest. He makes a face at you.
“Relax,” he says, laughing slightly, “I’m not whipping my cock out.”
You gasp like a fish on dry land. 
“I-I’didn’t say-” you begin, turning beet red. He grins wolfishly.
“You didn’t have to,” he says, fully shirtless. He tosses the soiled shirt onto a chair. You can’t help but admire the muscles of his back as he turns towards the wardrobe to pick another shirt. You clasp your fingers in front of you nervously, before moving to hold them behind your back.
You have never been alone with a man before, let alone a prince. Let alone Prince Aegon. You shift from one foot to the other. Aegon picks out a shirt, putting his arms through the sleeves. He glances over at you and smiles at your nervous expression. 
“My lady?” he asks, beginning to approach you. 
“Mhmm?” you say, not trusting your voice. Aegon tilts his head as he comes to stand in front of you. His eyes flicker down, then back to yours. 
“Might I ask your assistance?” he asks, motioning to his unbuttoned shirt. Your lips part, drawing his attention to them. 
“Of course my prince,” you tell him, reaching forward. You will your hands not to shake as you begin to button his shirt, fingers brushing against the skin of his chest and stomach. 
“Did you enjoy the gardens?” he asks, studying your face as you continue your task.
“Very much, my prince,” you tell him, trying to focus on the buttons instead of his closeness. Instead of the feeling of his breath on your face. His skin under your touch. 
“I see you are acquainted with my brother,” Aegon says, causing you to miss a buttonhole, nail scraping against his chest. You feel your cheeks flood with color as you quickly loop the button in the whole.
“Yes, Prince Aemond was very kind to me last night,” you told him, glancing briefly in his violet eyes that watched you suspiciously. 
“Kind?” Aegon asked, tilting his head back as you got to the collar of his shirt. You nod. 
Aegon reaches up as you secure the last button, fingers wrapping around your wrists. He holds you in place as your eyes widen. Aegon’s mouth turns into a lazy smile that sends warmth pooling in your belly.
“Thank you, my lady,” he murmurs, “it is much appreciated.” 
“Of course,” you whisper. 
Aegon releases your wrists, wetting his lips. 
“There is a feast tonight,” he tells you, eyes flickering about your face. 
“Yes, my prince,” you tell him. 
“I require your presence there,” he commands, “I shall escort you later on, since you evaded me the previous night.”
Your lips part and Aegon reaches up toward your face, grasping your chin between his fingers.
“You’re very beautiful, Lady Y/N,” he murmurs, eyes dropping to your lips, then back to your eyes. 
“You flatter me, my prince,” you somehow manage to get the words out, squeaking the final word. Aegon smiles at that, teeth biting into his lower lip. Fire coils in your lower stomach, your eyes cannot seem to stay on his. Eyelashes fluttering they keep dropping to his lips, so soft and inviting. You wish to bite it as he does, to sink your teeth into the pink flesh. 
“It is in my nature,” he tells you, giving your chin a squeeze before setting your free. You suck air into your lungs, not realizing you had been holding your breath. 
“Come, my lady,” Aegon says, leading you towards the door, “I shall have my guard escort you back to your chambers, to prepare for the festivities.” 
“Yes my prince,” you tell him, reaching to open the door. Aegon places a hand on it before you can open it. You turn back to him. 
“Fuck,” he growls, before placing his hands on your cheeks and pressing his lips to yours. His lips are soft and warm, just as you imagined they would be. Fire courses through you as he deepens the kiss before he pulls away, gaging your reaction. 
“What are you thinking?” he asks, not moving his hands. 
I am hoping you’ll kiss me again.
The words do not come. 
“My lady?” he questions, concern evident on his face. 
“I was-” you begin, head feeling airy and empty, “I enjoyed it.”
Aegon smiles, before pressing his lips to yours once more, a softer, sweeter kiss this time.
“Now you may leave,” he tells you when he pulls away, leaving you dazed, “I shall see you tonight, my lady.”
He opens the door for you, relishing in your dreamlike expression. You stand outside his chambers for several moments, his guard waiting for you to begin walking. 
You walk towards your chambers in a haze, before deciding to stop and get some air at a veranda you pass. As you lean across the balcony letting the air of early evening cool your burning skin, a dragonfly lands next to you. Your heart cinches in your chest, confusion flooding your mind. 
Aemond. Aegon. Aemond. Aegon.
taglist: @afro-hispwriter, @aemondsb1tch, @twobluejeans, @s0urmarvel, @fan-goddess, @the-phantom-of-arda, @cicaspair418, @loxbbg, @arraxthatsonjah, @missbeeentertainment, @maximizedrhythms, @xdeath-soulx , @wrendermeuseless, @hiatuswhore, @sho1407, @minttea07, @arkainea, @elissanatok, @alitaar, @bellaisasleep, @itsleniiilosers, @cassiopeia-black-brenda, @bogwaterswamp, @applepie02, @youngestxhearts, @aurabluestar, @watersquirtpewpewboomm, @w3ird11
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reallyromealone · 2 years
👾 warnings ⭐
Male reader, mpreg, omegaverse, Omega male reader, fluff, nesting, reader calls out Nozel being shitty to the clover kingdoms subjects
Nozel never knew what to do with his mate, (name) was an enigma to say the least.
(Name) was the prince of the heart kingdom, the younger brother of Queen lolopetchka and to strengthen the bonds of the kingdoms (name) and Nozel wed.
(Name) didn't take after the water magic his mother possessed but instead the plant magic like his father, using it to create crops to send to struggling villages around the kingdom.
"You're not going" Nozel said strictly to his mate, (name) crossing his arms in defiance "and why not?"
"It's dangerous for an Omega to go alone"
"What if I didn't go alone?"
"And who did you convince to do this with?"
"...the back bulls" (name) mumbled and Nozel stared him down "absolutely not" he said coldly, watching his mate deflate "then you come with me!"
"Why not?!"
"I have better things to attend to"
"More important than helping your people?" In the heart kingdom, the Royals did anything they could for their people, the callousness of the clover kingdom infuriated (name).
The village was struggling with crop fertility and winter was only five months away... (Name) didn't like the idea of them struggling like that.
Noelle couldn't believe she was going against her brothers words and helping the other, Asta excited to go out "this is great! You must be strong to be able to do this!" Asta boasted and (name) bit his lip, he felt bad not following his alphas command but... People needed him.
And his sister always taught him that one's subjects lives came before ones own.
Noelle was in awe as she watched her brother in law use his magic, the ground glowing beneath them before plant life began sprouting, fruit trees and various plants around the farm land.
Nozel was fuming as he searched high and low for his Omega, practically putting out a wanted poster for the fucker.
"Nozel!" Noelle said panicked as Asta carried an unconscious (name), the Omega looking worse for wear "what happened?!" Nozel seethed as he took his mate "he was helping a village with their crops and just suddenly collapsed!"
Nozel didn't say anything as he took his Omega to the silver eagles base and to their room, setting the Omega in the nest.
(Name) slept for a few hours before waking, Nozel doing paperwork as he spoke "were you aware you are with pup?" His voice even but it was clear he was upset... But this was the wrong move as (name) gripped his stomach and stressed pharamones leaked everywhere, Nozel knew his Omega well and walked to him, pulling him close to scent him.
"The pups safe, you over used your magic on a trip I clearly remember barring you from going to"
"If I didn't... They wouldn't have made it through the winter... They would have died..." (Name) said teary eyed "I don't understand your reluctance to help those who are supposed to be your subjects... " This genuinely upset (name), the Omega who spent his life helping those of the heart kingdom with anything and everything because he was royalty, his job was to support and lift the kingdom.
"..." Nozel was silent as he held his Omega close "you can't go out to random villages" he said and felt (name) curl his fingers around his cape angrily "but... We can send supply crates to village's in need"
(Name) perked up considerably as he shifted to look at his mate wide eyed "you seem to be hellbent on this, just no more adventures"
"Can I help around the capital?"
"Be thankful I'm not locking you away in the castle"
(Name) didn't try pushing his luck as he chirped and nosed at Nozels jaw while the Alpha moved to touch the bump "I expect minimal magic while you are carrying our pup"
"Our baby.." (name) said happily as he held onto the Alpha who felt his heart warm at the others words "yes yes, our baby"
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glorianamultistan · 1 year
The General and The Prince
Park Chanyeol x Male Reader
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Contains:- mentions of wars, blood, and kidnapping.
<Part 1> <Next>
A little over a week ago, y/n's life was all over the place, and it still is; the difference is that now he is married to the vilest person he could have probably thought of while imagining a married life.
But life changes happen often so abruptly that one is found sitting in an emptied ballroom, with a burnt-up piece of dress shriveled up in hands clutching it tightly while the castle palace all around collapses.
Y/n was well aware of the fierceness of the General who was the primal cause of every defeat his kingdom had suffered; the end result of the war was pre-destined the day enemy troops crossed the inner walls of their most secured military base, but for it to come to this was never imagined.
A surrender was in process to safeguard the capital; y/n's father was hellbent on not letting the enemies cross the gates of the capital and destroy it like they have left ashes and misery in the path they have followed.
Yet General Chanyeol was not satisfied with it; he had to take the main palace down, and that was his aim, swearing which left his country.
Y/n sat there, ashen and mute, staring at the embers still there all around him; his clothes were still intact, he had a few cuts and burns throughout his hands and that was it; he sat as if in a trance, without any emotion on his face, so still that to an observer it would be a photograph symbolising doom.
Chanyeol saw y/n sitting there, he knew who it was and he knew why it was important to not touch him still; something in him was calling out, a melody, rising, rippling like an unknown sea coming up from the depth of the earth; it was the very last step which brought him so close to y/n that he was able to clearly see the tear stains on his cheeks that made enough metallic noise to break the young prince's trance and look up; there it was, the face that he denied to dance with at the last winter ball, still looking unfazed, 'let's get out of here your royal highness' said Chanyeol, with a proud grin, that is all he remembers before blacking out.
'Is this really the only thing you are going to ask for, General?' The King was shocked, and the Queen and the princesses too; everyone was ready for General Park to ask for rank promotion; the King even decreed a Dukedom, only for winning over the major ports and cities of the enemies, but to ask to marry the prince of the enemy was unprecedented.
'Yes your majesty, this is all. Now, if you may permit, I will take my leave.' Chanyeol left the murmuring throneroom and made his way to the room housing y/n, it was the fourth day since he arrived with the prince there, and he was informed that the younger regained consciousness last night.
'Leave.' As soon as he entered the room, he ordered all the attendees. He went forward and sat on the chair next to the bed facing the wall opposite to it. The prince was leaning on the headboard with his head down.
'So, your royal highness, how do you like our facilities here?' Chanyeol cocked while turning to look at y/n. No response. After a few minutes, the older continued, 'We will give the inner territories conquered by us back, and you will be marrying me for that to happen.' Y/n knew this was coming; all the threats the General made for years to make him dance with him whether he likes it or not, to marry him and only him, they were all real which y/n took in jest as he was too proud to accept such an invitation.
'You know, keeping quiet will not lead you anywhere, so say what you have to now, I am here to listen, I grant you a wish too, as is the ritual here, ask for anything but return.' Chanyeol was suddenly all perched up, looking at y/n. 'Respect' y/n whispered; his throat was still hurting due to all the smoke he inhaled.
'What?' 'I ask for respect; if you can grant that, I will say yes to the marriage.' There was a stretched silence, the fountain of the connected gardens was all one could hear, then a deep inhale, 'Okay, if that is the only request you have, you will have titles here too, I have been granted a Dukedom and you will be living comfortably, nobody will disrespect you, even at the court. I will assure you that.' 'I want respect from you too; you have taken, vehemently snatched everything, still you are returning the territories, so I will say yes, but I want respect from you too.' 'Will I get the respect back my prince?' Chanyeol smirked; he knew how irritatingly ambitious he was, 'Yes.'
The only win here seemed to be that of Chanyeol; it was the completion of his grand plan, the final nail in the coffin; this is what he has been dreaming about since he set his eyes on y/n a few years ago during a festival, he was just a mere soldier back then, he bloodied his hands to get to the level of a reputed General to be asked in a ballroom full of aristocrats, then too he was denied the chance to be with y/n as the prince knew how ruthless the General was and y/n hated wars and murders.
After a few days of convalescence, all of which were accompanied by Chanyeol, who updated him about the upcoming marriage and all the preparations, y/n was free to meet his family.
A troop was sent with him to the castle on the farthest side of his kingdom where his family was currently staying after the attack on the capital. His father was annoyed and his older brother was not helping with the mood too; they were all dejected that it had to come to this but none of his relatives even suggested going against the marriage.
'We will gain back our territories; think about your brother's future as a limited king; you need to persuade your fiance to let go of all the territories and not just the inner ones.' 'I am doing no such negotiations, I am already becoming the reason for you to get back what you lost shamefully, do not try to depend on any of my upcoming relations, have some self-respect father.'
'Self-respect!?' Y/n brother screamed making him bounce in shock a little, 'It was your deranged idea of self-respect that caused this war; if only you could have given him a chance he would have never attacked us like this. And look where you stand; you are forced to do what you never really wanted and did whatever you could to stop it.'
'Well, brother, you do remember who it was who first denied me to dance with him, don't you? 'A self-obsessed lowly General' is what you said when he asked you for a dance with me the very first time we went there for the Royal Ball.'
'But later he became a threat so I urged you to give him a chance too, then you were the one who was hell-bent on denying him!'
'Enough! Stop arguing about what has already transpired and think about the future. Y/n, son, you must not waver and make demands; you are a prince, he is a General, and the rank difference must come into play.'
'Update your information father, because you seem to be having none; he is a Duke now, and even if I am a prince, of a mostly fallen kingdom I must remind you, I have no intentions of making any more deals for and on behalf of this marriage. I will leave now, I am not waiting for dawn to have another fruitless discussion, farewell your majesty, brother.'
With a solemn bow, y/n left as he came, with the metallic clinks and rustles of the troop.
Reaching the other kingdom he was informed that rather than going to the palace, he would be going to the new manor of Chanyeol, which was now decked and ready for his arrival. He was greeted by the whole household and finally met his mother-in-law, who opposite to what he had expected, was too sorrowful to handle without any prior preparation.
'I am ashamed to be hosting you like this, your royal highness; please find a way to ignore all the mess; the house is still not up to date with all that is necessary to be having you here.' The lady wouldn't even raise her head, 'Please sit now Lady Park, I have no reservations as such regarding the place, I am pleased that I am not in a prison after a war, and please do not make a fuss about the titles, you are going to be my mother-in-law so we can work things out.' 'Oh no sir, I do not accept any of this, I am more of an apologist for my son's actions right now in front of you; he paid no heed to my requests and did what all his swelled-up ego allowed him to do. I don't know how will I ever get over the fact that my son forced you into such a situation.'
'Lady Park, I just had this conversation with my father and brother too; let us please move on from what has happened and try to resolve the situation peacefully and think about how the path ahead can be one that is less painful to go by.' 'You are as kind as the rumours suggested sir; please let me know about any trouble you have here, and I will look into it right away; let me take you to your room for now; you must rest before tomorrow's ceremony.' 'I am not a guest here Lady Park, I am supposed to live here, so please do not be at your tip-toes around my comfort; let us go; it is quite late now.'
Y/n's room was, for now, pretty well arranged; he could run away pretty easily from here, the manor was secured but if he asked Lady Park to help him, he was sure that she would do all in her power to let him go without a scratch; but it was useless to do so, he had nowhere to run and if somehow he managed to cross over to the other kingdoms there was no guarantee of his survival, he had no money of his own or any possession, so he sits down on the bed and flops, to stare at the roof and think, think about tomorrow when at a private ceremony he will accept now Duke of Sandria Park Chanyeol, then he will be living with that man under this roof, as his husband, for the rest of his life, was respect the right choice?
The rituals were over; they were married, no gala, no ball, a peaceful summation of more than five months of unrivaled violence. Y/n was sitting in his room, with a book open as a distraction while looking out of the giant window; the land surrounding the manor was beautiful, and the hills were lush green and mild dew which the mist caused made it all look fantastical.
'Come in.' Y/n answered the knocks and did not look back at the door, thinking it was some maid or servant who came to take his belongings, or gifts as they were, away, 'You looked beautiful today, Mr Park.'
Y/n stilled for a moment, then closed the book and turned back. 'Why did you knock at my door? This is your house.' 'I believe privacy should be respected too; you have all the right to say no.' 'I believe I lost all the rights to deny anything the moment I said yes to you today.' 'Don't make it more miserable than it already is dear, I have no intentions of hurting you, I just want to talk to you before going to my room.'
'Oh? I will get a room of my own?' 'Until you are ready to share a bed with me, yes, you will have a room to yourself.' 'Then I guess there will be no more direct descents for the Dukedom.' 'Time will tell. Well, if you have any requirements tell to my mother who is pretty much willing to serve you food if you want, (he sits on the bed) I will be going on a tour soon so we have a week to spend together and unfortunately my sister will be coming to meet you too.'
'You know, I feel like this is all a dream; as absurd as it may sound, it has yet to settle down on me, because I never thought I would be taken away from one prison to another like this. I knew my father wanted to marry me off as a peace offering to any kingdom willing, but it happened so that I was actually picked up, like a garbage bag.'
'Don't demean yourself; you are the crown jewel I snatched, and this is not a prison; you can go anywhere you want, do anything you want; you do not need my permission for anything, just remember to come back otherwise there will be useless wars again.' 'Don't worry, I will not run away, I will stay, and live, but do not expect me to reciprocate your feelings, whatever they may be, and we will be fine; a lot depends on this marriage, I do not want my people back home to suffer because of my foolishness.' 'Ah well, I will go now; also, try to accept people here too; they see you as a prince and no less; good night.'
The next few days were calm, weirdly bland, and nothing happened, which made y/n realise how calm life can actually be; back at home before the war all he did was read and attend events or be locked in the palace; there was nothing to do, he was not allowed to go anywhere too since the threat of people kidnapping him was always looming, which he never understood why, kidnap the crown prince why the other one.
On the third day Lady Kim, Chanyeol's sister, arrived, and she was like her mother in a grave mood, fidgeting while meeting y/n; he did not understand yet again, why such courtesies for a snatched prince, 'Your royal highness, I am sorry I was not able to attend the wedding, I live quite far away from Sandrian region and it was such a shocking and sudden news.' 'It is alright Lady Kim, please do sit down, you too Lady Park, I have said it to you multiple times don't wait for me to sit, just sit; let us cut back on some formalities insides these walls at least, we are a family now, forced indeed, but I have not a drop of vengeance in me, if you ask me honestly, I used to live like this back at home too, so, let us just be comfortable.'
'How are you adapting to the changes, sir? It gets colder than your kingdom here, I hope my brother has made arrangements for you to be at ease.' 'I am doing well, I have always adored winters more than the humid summers we had, so I can say I am better off here in some sense.' 'Oh it is good to know; we can all go and skate over the lake once it freezes and you can attend the winter festivals; we have a lot of them throughout the empire, I am sure the public is eager to meet you too.'
Lady Park put down her cup and said 'They are eager indeed, I have more than a dozen invitations for the balls and dinners already, and all asking specifically for his roya... I mean, y/n to join them.' It was as hard as biting a bullet for her to let go of the formalities in which she had soaked herself into the bones.
So it went on, and a week went by, full of still awkward lunches and dinners and a few guests to be entertained; throughout the week he did not see the head of the house anywhere, technically he was the head too but he liked Lady Park being in command more as he was not used to being the one in authority of a household.
One Saturday, after almost two weeks of disappearance, Chanyeol knocked on y/n's room around the ungodly hour of 1 AM. Y/n was a bit scared by the knock; he was writing a letter of reply to the crown princess as she had invited him to the palace for a private visit and did not expect anyone to be up this late. 'Can I come in?' The rasp was the giveaway, 'Please wait a minute, I am not presentable.' Y/n was not; he was in his robes; he quickly put on a loose shirt and trousers the said 'You can come in now.'
'Why are you up so late your royal highness.' The courtesy was more sarcastic than respectful, 'I have not been able to sleep, I have weirdly a lot of correspondents to reply to so I thought why not do that.' As he finished speaking and arranging paper on his desk facing the grand windows, he turned to look at Chanyeol and was shocked to see blood all over his clothes; for a moment he was stunned; y/n was not a fighter; he hated the very sight of blood when his brother would come from his military tours and right now, in front of him was a man almost soaked in blood, in his room talking to him, and he felt scared for the man, so much so that without thinking about who he is talking to, he had to verbalise it.
'What the hell happened to you!? So much blood!? Why are you here!? Go to a damn hospital for god's sake!' He almost screamed the last part, and was shaking so much that Chanyeol had to walk from the door side to hold him. 'Calm down, it is not mine.' 'DO NOT TOUCH ME LIKE THIS! I HATE BLOOD!' Y/n screamed in whispers while shutting his eyes. 'Okay! Okay. Will you try to calm down please, wait just turn around.'
Chanyeol took off his pads and shirt and gloves and threw them out of the room, then shut the door to come back in and saw y/n standing still, 'you can turn around now.' The glory of the human body was never so well available for y/n to look at like this; his brother was muscular and well built but nothing he can imagine, even the Commander in chief of his kingdom's army was not comparable to Chanyeol, yet he had to control himself once again. 'What happened? You are still wounded you know, I see the cuts on your arm, not that they should do anything to such a great General, but get treated I guess.' Y/N had already turned around again flustered.
'Nice to know you care, and sorry for coming in like this. I had no idea you would have such a reaction upon seeing blood. I will keep that in mind. I came to check up on you as I was attacked on my way here by some people who were allegedly from your father's kingdom, so I thought why not check up if you are safe or not.'
'Oh. Don't worry, my father does not want me back; they would never come for me; rather, they might kill me as it was pretty clear that I caused the war that destroyed them.' 'Something's wrong with your family, I have never seen anyone react like this to all the events that have happened.' 'Well, why dwell on it. I am here; you survived another attack, and all is fine.' 'Nice to know my survival is fine for you.' 'Don't get ahead of yourself; my survival depends on your survival, do not forget that you brought a prince from your enemy kingdom after a war. You must survive, I plan on living a long life.' Y/n turned and looked straight into Chanyeol's eyes.
There was an understanding between them that some lines are put up and they shall not be crossed, and respect was mutual. 'I will be staying for some time; we have to go to the palace soon, a private invitation. I hope it won't be a problem for you to attend, I have yet to accept it.' 'I was writing to the crown princess; we can go, I have no problem, just keep your mother here; she will probably fall sick due to all the stress she will take about a royal visit.' 'You like her?' 'I never had a mother; she is a good company, but frail for her age; you never thought about her while fighting wars?' Now y/n was sitting on his bed, and Chanyeol was in front of him on the chair where a y/n sat writing letters.
'I thought of her; that is why I never told her any trouble or wound or failure I ever had, and I had a retinue of servants to look after her.' They were again staring at each other; where will all of this arrangement lead them? Nobody had any idea; it was a day-to-day event still.
'Well, I will take my leave; you should sleep, I will ask them to serve the breakfast an hour later than usual.' 'Don't do that; your sister and mother should eat on time, I will just get up early.' Chanyeol was surprised at how well y/n was settling in; it was as if for the first time he had somewhere to hold on to. 'Okay then, good night my prince.' Chanyeol smirked closing the door, and left y/n flustered again.
P.S.:- If you liked it, you can support me by buying me a coffee; link's on my page.
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11queensupreme11 · 2 months
I promised myself to wait a little more before reading but I couldn't focus when I just knew this was big.
So yeah, I end reading porn while my lecture... no regrets.
Me, reading chapter 31: Percy, your daddy issues are SHOWING my girl.
Can't blame you tho, your dad's hot. He's not a DILF, he's THE DILF, He deserves every capital letter.
Love that crazy blonde, have a special place in my heart.
Grover just got himself a VIP ticket to HELL, my boy, you just got yourself a target in your back and, all satyrs in both worlds are going to suffer for that decision even with Percy's help.
Poseidon promised to do nothing, but the rest of the family didn't
Love it, cause at least they know SOMETHING is happening now, kinda of. Well, now they KNOW she's alive and that's something...
Could be worse, wondering if Grover noticed her dress and what he's going to see about it. She has become a wife/prisoner? she did run away? Percy is using really expensive jewellery like mere rocks and can say something (a god? a god from a different pantheon?)
Anyways, she's now one bad fall from diving into the incest sin and I'm pushing her, after the first wet bed... well, we know they aren't known for their patience.
I'm rotting for Sun Wukong, just imagine what that tail can do 😏😏😏 (for once, I'm not being horny, but imagine him using that tail to push her close and hugging her. I'm a bitch for cuddles, make me blush like no porn has done before).
(Odin, the other way, is a DILF I totally respect ❤️👄❤️)
Chapter 32
Well, I did see this scenery come... but Zeus accusing Hera of being unfaithful? wishing it to be real, maybe with Ganymede, just to add more burn.
Totally deserves it, but you know, isn't happening.
(Sometimes, for a little bit, I feel sad for her. Her husband is The Bitch, has an almost impossible mission and no one is helping her... well, then I remember how she treated her husband's lover, literally kids, how she's just searching for Percy cause she needs her and then I'm fine, totally deserved)
(Now I'm rooting for the RoR gods, not because they're better, just cause at least they're honest about their feelings about humanity and, don't treat their children like guns with discount in Walmart)
Poseidon taking advantages from all his chances to discover new kinks with Percy (*screams, giggles, hides her face*). You're spoiling us, brat taming is my favorite kind of dom/sub smut, so this was gooooooooood for me
Poseidon just making her cry and then making her kiss him? Percy, you're living a wattpad history and is niceeeeee
Percy/Poseidon and Percy/Beelzebub fans, we're winning tonight!!!!
Beelzebub: A life with Percy or no life at all Me: Whatever you say king, I love your crazyness, don't change
He really is ready to save her, no matter if it means she's leaving him... a maturing king, love it.
Okay, we know he'd never send her to another's man arms (Sorry, I always forget his name), but he's TRYING and that's all I ask from him. He's closer than the others...
(Feeling like that TikTok "what if he's the devil? at least the devil has a job")
(What if he's throwing away her chances to go back home, at least he takes her to Midgard dates 🙄🙄🙄🙄)
Yes, I looking throught the BIGGEST red glass, not seeing red flags, just hearts around Beelcy.
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Poseidon for the horny side and Beelcebub for the romantic side ❤️❤️
You know what would be amazing? Nico having to see all of this.
Imagine, the drama.
We know you love the drama queen, don't try to fool me, I know you survive from our tears and horny desires.
(Queen... just wondering... is this a harem history (Percy ends with all the yanderes) or just one of them? cause for now in my mind they have a horary where they share Percy like a divorce child)
Amazing like always ❤️❤️❤️❤️
YOU READ INCEST PORN AND CANNIBALISM DURING YOUR CLASS LECTURE??? 💀💀💀 i could never, i don't have the guts even when my phone has the privacy screen protector thing 😂
also, "all satyrs in both worlds are going to suffer for that decision even with Percy's help." yeah the satyrs in ror verse are still in deep shit even tho percy tried to help them, cuz even though it was only the GREEK council who saw it, this whole thing made BIG NEWS
can you imagine shiva, parvati, kali, and durga's reaction to hearing that percy was "violated" by an unknown satyr IN HER DREAMS?
or loki's reaction? or literally any god that knows about her and likes her???? or just gods in general (especially the protector of children gods) 💀💀💀 like, satyrs already have a terrible reputation, but to target a "one year old" daughter of poseidon IN HER DREAMS (which is unheard of for satyrs to be capable of, which makes it even more terrifying)???? they're FUCKED 💀💀💀
pan and dionysus are gonna have to put them into hiding or something lmao
there's more posy coming in in the futre, and as for beelzebub, he's just digging a deeper and deeper grave for himself lmao. he is singlehandedly ruining his own ship 😭😭😭 but at least he still has beelcy shippers on his side 💀
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otomefiend · 10 months
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Story Event: Dark (What) If ~ Who are you in this twisted fairytale world? ~
Kate is a very dutiful girl. Isekai'd into into a twisted reality, and all she thinks about is doing her job. 😂🤧
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London, the glittering and prosperous capital of the United Kingdom under the reign of Her Majesty the Queen Victoria.
I was an ordinary citizen working to deliver mail in this city.
As such, I struggled to support my favourite past-time, a theatre, and afford tickets to plays I wanted to see.
(All right, all deliveries are done for today)
(A little more, and I can finally buy tickets for the next show...)
Kate: "I'm back."
Director: "Kate! Just when I need you... or maybe not, the streets are too dangerous at night..."
Kate: "What's going on?"
Director: "Well, there's an opening for nighttime deliveries, with us being short-staffed and all."
(That's it!)
Kate: "Please, allow me to take them."
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After accepting the task, I found myself walking through the dimly lit residential areas.
(All that's left to do is delivering a letter to the bookshop manager)
(Oh, 'Kingsley Books'... here it is!)
Kate: "Excuse me, I'm working for the post office. I'm looking for the manager..."
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(There's no one here. I guess I'll have to come back tomorrow... huh, what a place 👀)
I picked up a book that casually landed at my feet.
As if drawn to it, I opened the untitled tome.
Kate: "Gah...!"
The sudden gust of wind, then a blinding light enveloped me...
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Beautiful longhaired man: "Welcome to the twisted fairytale world..."
Beautiful longhaired man: "A visitor... how marvellous!"
Ahead of me, a beautiful, long-haired figure awaited.
Kate: "...I was at the bookstore just now... and then..."
I had no idea where I was, nor who was the person in front of me.
All I knew was that this was not the bookshop I stepped into, and I still had work left to do.
Kate: "Umm, I'm in the middle of a delivery, so I'd like to go back to 'Kingsley Books' if possible."
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Beautiful longhaired man: "That might be a smidge difficult."
Kate: "Eh?"
Beautiful longhaired man: "More precisely, I have no clue how to send you back."
The man, who introduced himself as Victor, smiled and proceeded with an explanation, trying to soothe my confused mind.
It transpired that the place I found myself in existed between two worlds, the world of the living and the fairytale world.
Kate: "......a fairytale world?"
Victor: "You must have been led here by the untitled tome. Don't you remember?"
Kate: "Indeed I was. Does this mean I got lost in a book?"
Victor: "That's right. You're a smart girl, quick on the uptake."
(I never thought that the adaptability I developed working for the post would be put to use in a place like this)
Kate: "But you... Victor, you mentioned earlier a 'twisted fairytale world'."
Victor: "Alice in Wonderland, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty..."
Victor: "Most fairy tales in the world have a fixed plot and normally lead to a happy ending."*
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Victor: "However, the fairy tale world is currently in a state where the plot of the story has gone awry, chaos has reached its peak, and the endings are far from happy."
Kate: "...... How is that possible?"
Victor: "That's because... each fairytale is missing something."
Kate: "Missing something... What might it be?"
Victor: "I don't know that either."
Victor: "I suspect you've been brought here to find out."
(......... huh, then)
Kate: "When the missing piece is found, the distortion of the fairy tale world should be fixed, and the story will lead to a happy ending."
Kate: "My job in here will be done..."
Victor: "And you might be able to go back to your world, to reality."
(If that's my only chance, I might as well try)
(I'll find what's missing in this twisted fairytale world and correct the distortion. Then lead it to a happy ending with my own hands)
I was going to go back to my world and continue my delivery.
As I made up my mind, I could hear bells ringing in the distance.
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Victor: "Ah, looks like it's time to wake up."
Victor: "Kate, reaching the best ending is now in your hands."
Victor: "...... come, let's send you to the twisted fairytale world."
*lies 😏 Original (pre disney) fairytales are anything but. Common folk loved dark stuff.
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mybeautifuldelirium · 2 years
Can you write a chapter 2 to And you left me! Maybe Y/N goes to Storm’s End with Luke and Aemond kills him, kidnaps Y/N to capital as prisonar and then Aegon marries to her. But now Y/N is unwilling to marry him because he stole her mother’s throne and his brother murdered her brother in front of her. She hates her husband and wants to return to her mother. (If you are uncomfortable about writing noncon it can be just angst for both of them. It doesn’t have to be smut or yandere thing. I just want to see real Aegon’s character more than HoTD. Because in the show they made him more innocent than he actually is.)
And You Left Me! Part 2 |Aegon Targaryen II x reader
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Part 1
A/N: I’m not sure how well I did w this chapter cuz originally I wasn’t really planning on doing a part 2, so I’m not sure if I did it any justice, but I still hope u enjoy 💚
Warnings: Targ!Incest, Dub Con, 18+, Angst!, NSFW allusions but nothing explicit
“And yet, with his final breath, he whispered to me that you should take his place on the throne.” The queen insisted, tightening her grip.
“Only on one condition shall I obey” Aegon narrowed his gaze “I am to take Y/N Velaryon as my second wife like Aegon the Conqueror did. She is to be my queen”
“No” Rhaenyra tore the thin parchment and threw it at Otto’s feet “My answer is NO! I am not to sacrifice my only daughter, she is a woman betrothed and my treacherous brother is well aware of this predicament”
Y/N’s eyes burned from trying to hold back her tears, Aegon lied, of course he would do that, of course he would betray and usurp her mother. She should’ve never returned to King’s Landing, she should’ve never let her guard down in front of him, never allowed herself to get lost in those teary violet eyes again.
“You met up with him, didn’t you?!” Rhaenyra pulled at her daughter’s hand “What did I tell you all those years ago, don’t you remember why I had to take you away from there?!”
“M-mother…I…I’m sorry…I didn’t-”
“You’re such a naïve girl Y/N” she shook her head in disappointment “You think he really loves you, don’t you? He took away my birthright, your birthright and now he wants to take you, to corrupt you! I will not allow that!”
The blood curdling screams that the young princess let out as her sweet little brother was falling down to his demise, echoed through the storm. Y/N leapt from her beautiful silver dragon, hoping to soon meet the same fate, but strong arms were suddenly wrapped around her pulling her back.
“NO” she wept, trying to free herself from the firm grasp of her captor “Let me go!! You KILLED him!! Let me go, let me die!”
“Forgive me, dear niece, it is your king who shall get to choose your fate” those were the last words she heard, before the shock and grief slipped her mind into unconsciousness.
The princess winced as the cold wet rag was firmly pressed onto her forehead, bloodshot eyes fluttering open. It was hard to adjust to the bright light, streaming through the windows, had she too died? A piercing pain shot through her chest, memories flooding back into her head.
“Lucerys, NO! He killed him! He killed him” she jolted up as the screams were tearing through her chest “No, he’s gone! He’s gone, it should’ve been me!”
“Princess, princess, please, you’re still weak” the poor maid begged, desperately trying to restrain her as the doors bursted open.
“Out, everyone”
That voice, Y/N knew that voice, of course she did, the voice of that drunkard, silver haired imbecile that she had been cursed to love.
“Where is he?! Where’s my brother?!” She tried to get up groaning from the pain “He killed him, he killed him!!”
“Don’t get up, you’re still weak” Aegon grimaced, plopping himself beside on the bed.
“My mother was right! I was a stupid naïve girl” her voice echoed through the room as she scooted further away from his body “Usurper! Traitor! Take me home!!”
Aegon bit his lip, trying to ignore the hatred in her voice
“This is your home” he looked down then back into her eyes mumbling with a stern voice “With me”
“With you? WITH YOU?!” Y/N let out a pained laugh “Let. Me. Go.”
“NO” Aegon stood up, his pale finger pointed at her chest
“You will stay here! You will marry me, like you promised!”
“You’ve lost your mind” the princess shook her head in disbelief “After everything your family’s done, after everything you’ve done, NEVER…I’d rather burn”
“You WILL” flames burned through the young Targaryen’s eyes as he tightly gripped her arm, knuckles going white.
“I am your king!! You will obey me! You shall be my queen”
The following days melted away into each other and though the health of the young princess had improved, her heart had been shattered into million pieces.
The queen mother Alicent would often visit the feeble girl, trying to reason with her.
“You love my son Y/N, you always have, despite your mother, despite his despicable behavior, I know that”
“I did…” the princess’ words trailed off “now no more, that love is forever gone!”
“You know that’s not true,” Alicent scoffed. “You think I wanted to wed your grand sire? We’re women, we don’t get to choose our fate”
Aegon’s life wasn’t any different than usual, the unfortunate king, had spent the preceding days drinking himself into oblivion with the occasional visits to the pleasure houses yet his mind kept coming back to Y/N, ever since that night when he had drunkenly stumbled into her chambers, her face had been haunting his dreams. He wanted her to be his and she was going to be his no matter what.
Poor, sweet Helaena had come at dawn, thin pale fingers draping a cloak of emerald green with a delicate embroidery of gold around Y/N’s trembling frame.
“Hel…please, please help me, I want to go home…” her eyes glistened from the newly formed tears “Aegon is your husband, the father of your children…d-doesn’t this bother you?”
“An oath of the dragon is an oath of the flesh” the young queen’s voice quivered, her delicate face devoid of any emotion.
This wasn’t how her wedding day was meant to go, Y/N Velaryon the eldest daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen, she was supposed to be happily wed to Cregan Stark, before the eyes of the gods, blessed by the hand of her mother. Yet there she stood, as the septon spoke their vows, her hands intertwined with those of the one her heart longed for but her mind despised.
“Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger. I am hers, and she is mine, from this day, till the end of my days” Aegon’s words were slurred as a meager stench of wine lingered from his breath yet his eyes shone with twinkles of hope and desire.
“Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger. I am his, and he is mine, from this day, till the end of my days”
The king’s calloused fingers felt rough against the skin of her cheek as he brought her face closer “My queen…you belong to me, only me” he snorted, crashing his chapped lips onto her plush ones as the hall erupted with cheers.
The feast was a brief affair, Aegon kept draining goblet after goblet while his left hand was clenched around Y/N’s wrist, violet eyes occasionally peering into her face.
“Aegon, slow down” she narrowed her gaze “You’ve drunk enough”
“Enough? Enough?!” the young Targaryen laughed “Oh my sweet niece, or should I say wife? Shan’t a man celebrate his union?!” his grip tightened, tugging her towards him as he raised his goblet “May the bedding ceremony begin!”
A veil of horror enveloped Y/N’s face as strong hands were mercilessly ripping through her lavish attire while her husband’s sneer echoed through the hall.
“Okay, that’s enough” Alicent scoffed, pulling the wine out of her son’s hand “Aegon, take your bride to your chambers, now!”
“Drink” the king sneered, handing her a goblet of wine as they were at last alone.
“Is this funny to you?!” Y/N’s eyebrows scrunched, a glimpse of disgust flashing through her eyes “Am I just a toy to you?!”
“You’re my wife, my sweet niece” Aegon’s gaze was now locked onto her face as if making sure that she won’t disappear at any moment “You’ll do your duty…you’ll give me an heir”
All blood drained from Y/N’s face, leaving her pale as a ghost “Y-you…you already have heirs”
“No, no, I don’t, not from you” his voice cracking as he took a step forward, his breath warm on her supple skin
“I want a child from you, from my queen”
“I would never lay with you” her hands hit at his chest “I would never touch you”
“You. Are. Mine.” the king tugged at her wrists, pulling her towards him so closely, that she could feel his wine odorous breath “You shall do as I say!”
“Aegon…no, don’t” her hands grabbed at his face in search of mercy in his eyes “I won’t do this”
“You are my wife now!!” Aegon grunted, pushing her onto the bed “You think I wanted this?!” he looked with disgust at his crown, tossing it at the wall “You think I wanted to be king?! I did this for you, I did all of this because I wanted you”
Y/N’s breath hitched as she felt restrained underneath his body, his wet mouth, hungrily kissing her neck while his hands were tugging at her skirts.
“You promised, and you left me! You. Left. Me.” His grip tightened “You won’t ever leave me again! Promise me! Never!”
As he eventually eased into her, he’d occasionally look up to take a quick glance at her pained face and for a brief moment there it was as if she could catch a glimpse of that Aegon she had once fallen in love with.
She had of course once, years ago, secretly dreamt of giving her maidenhead to Aegon, to her Aegon, but now this man, this man on top of her, that wasn’t him, it was as if a cruel beast had taken over his body and soul yet at one point her arms were instinctively wrapped around him, pulling his frame flush against her chest as she was quietly sobbing into his neck, sobs of pain and sweet pleasure.
The room grew quiet in the midst of the harsh night as they laid underneath the cold silk sheets, something that they would often do as children, alas now it was all different. No sweet chatter, no warm embraces, facing away from each other, the only audible sounds being some shallow breaths and whimpers.
Until Aegon’s voice, barely a whisper, tore through the silence;
“Do you hate me?”
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Thanks #Leoferbeno #OfficialInternationalQueenFanClub #clarin
Leloir Park, Buenos Aires 1981 - Freddie and Ricardo Petracca
Dinner of the band at Ricardo Petracca's house after the show.
Petracca : "I remember Freddie, he was a great, great guy"
Not everyone can take a picture with a glittering artist worldwide. Ricardo Petracca (67) did it some time ago, and today he can boast of having an image no less than with Freddie Mercury, when he was 29 years old. And as if this were not enough, it is not just any, because it takes the Queen vocalist on his shoulders.
It is known that the legendary British rock band took their music to the last corner of the planet. In 1981, for example, it was the first great band to include Latin America in its tours. Many Argentines treasure in their hearts the passage of "The Queen" by the Club Vélez Sarsfield, in Capital; by Rosario, Córdoba and Mar del Plata.
Ricardo Petracca, a neighbor of Pilar for 25 years and nephew of the then president of Vélez, was one of the few people who could enjoy the stay of Queen well up close. "I did not want a normal photo, so it got on my shoulders and the photographer of the band captured the moment," he laughs.
Account that Mercury had the custom to sing the subject "We Will Rock You" raised "to caballito" of a custodian disguised of a personage of science fiction. This is how the idea came about and the moment was reflected in a photograph that is currently framed in the house of Ricardo's younger son.
As good hosts, his family invited the British group to a barbecue in his villa in Parque Leloir, in Ituzaingó. But Petracca only wanted to have a picture with the singer.
"To be honest, I was never a faithful follower of 'Queen'. I did not know them as much, I preferred to listen more to the Rolling Stones and even Latin music, "he reveals against what anyone could imagine. And he says: "One day they offered to buy me the photo, but I did not want to. It's something I keep for myself, and it transpired from one day to the next. "
The photograph shows that original moment, but the reality is that the Pilaren was with the members of the band during the 20 days of his stay in the country. That 27 of February of 1981 had to go to look for them to the Airport of Ezeiza, where hundreds of fans waited for their arrival. "There were many people willing to do anything to get close to their idols. With custody we had to invent a kind of fence to protect Freddie and make him enter the hotel, "he recalls.
"The shows in Vélez I lived on the side of the stage. During the recital, Freddie was transformed and was carried away by the adrenaline ", recognizes. The 40 thousand people who crowded the stadium vibrated to the rhythm of rock and remember that it was so powerful "the blow of the sound of the speakers that ran to the people of their place".
"I remember him as a guy, we spent hours talking about life," he admits modestly. In the course of those days, they cultivated a friendship that kept her in time with the sending of letters. "At that time my family had the largest glass company in Argentina. In the barbecue we shared, he saw one of our vitraux and commissioned one for us by letter for his house in London, "he says. Although with a hand in his heart he confesses that he doubts that the piece has reached its destination.
The photo, his anecdotes with the emblematic band and his personal bond with Mercury, make Petracca the envy of the followers of Queen. "I lived very nice moments. If he were alive, I'd love to meet him again. He was a very special character, "he says with some nostalgia
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poetthewriter · 1 year
🔮Carnelian Trinkets🗝️
Vex!Scar x Reader
thank you to my 🪶feather anon for requesting this I'm sorry I accidentally deleted you're request but from what a remember you said you wanted a vex!Scar x reader where scar likes to give reader trinkets and little gifts because of his vex side! please enjoy and feel free to leave tips (p.s im not so proud of this story but I hope at least you guy like it<3)
Scar had decided to go on a little adventure as he liked to call it but in Y/ns case it meant being left alone for a few days, it not like Y/n couldn't be by their self or that they constantly needed to be with Scar but tonight Y/n will be all alone with no date for the party.
A small gathering happens every so often in Hermitcraft where all the hermits get together and have a nice evening with drinks and treats for all, even though there's so many members as well as a few guests coming from their empires it feels right to give everyone a little thank you gift. pulling out tiny little boxes Y/n walks out of their house and into the mines, after hours and hours of mining and polishing a scatter of crystals lay on a table, from ruby to agate there is a set of handpicked personalized crystals for every guest.
Gold or silver, crown, necklace, bracelet, or ring, smooth or pointy. hundreds of decisions lay in front of Y/n but at the end of the day around 40 sets of jewelry are set in boxes to be given to the person there for.
Amber ear cuffs for Impulse, aquamarine and pink coral tiara for Queen Lizzie of the Ocean empire, golden peridot anklets for the one and only fae girl Gem, and a jasper pendent like amulet for the prince of the lost empire Joey.
The only thing that catches Y/ns eye is a carnelian ring with a engraving inside saying " I Love You, Dear " a little bit of disappointment hits them as they remember Scars absents but all they do is close the box and throw it in the basket.
The stars shine brightly around Scar as he walks down the paths of the Ender capital, people pass scar left and right from Endermen hybrids to Nether hybrids hes surrounded, some people stare at him and his vex features uncomfortably as others pass and don't bat an eye.
Markets and stalls are set up everywhere going from one to another nothings right, some potions and magical seeds end up in scars inventory but there's something hes looking for that he just cant figure out what it is until a small sparky shine catches his eye.
A flow of magic wisps through the air pulling scar in all he wanted was something personal to give Y/n so all he can do is hope this light can lead him to the perfect thing, slowly he steps over to the shine and a small chest of colorful crystals, rare buttons, and mini empty bottles sits Infront of him his eyes light up and his wings flutter at the big and small trinkets to give his partner.
walking back to the portal to the over world, end flowers, and little pieces of shiny metal litter the ground, more and more bobbles clutter into scar bag and cut his hand and he picks up sharp pieces. reaching into a different pocket for a bandage Scar communicator tumbles out of his bag a bright yellow message takes up the whole screen leaving his face shocked.
Y/n stands there looking in the mirror at their fancy attire, their shoes click as they walk across their house grabbing the big basket full of little gift boxes, a load knock echos through their house slowly but surely Y/n walks the open the door but when they get their someone is already their waiting for them.
Y/n runs up the him, he pulls them into a soft hug slowly lowering to the ground.
"oh my god.. I am so sorry, I totally forgot about the party tonight I never meant to do that Y/n, I missed you so so much"
a small kiss opens Scars eyes Y/n just sits there with a goofy smile on their face as they tug on his arm standing up, Y/n yanks Scar to the table they rummage through the big weaved basket and pull out one box slowly opening it they hide it in there hands and slowly slide it on to scars ring finger, he looks at it for a few moments before Y/n asks him a question.
"Do you like it!" they say swinging side to side in excitement, Scar looks up at them and lifts them up with a huge smile on his face, giddy as heck he pulls Y/n in to a seat.
"I LOVE IT!! LOOK LOOK I HAVE STUFF FOR YOU AS WELL, I HOPE YOU LIKE IT" Scar pulls out the big box of little knobs and treats, if he was a dog his big golden retriever tail would be shaking faster then lightning and all Y/n could do is match his energy the trinkets doesn’t matter anymore as much as Y/n loved their partners little gift they were just exited to be with him.
Walking to the party scar runs off like a little child to grab sparkly nicknacks and give them back to Y/n and they just swing their basket excitedly like little red riding hood.
The vex boy rests at his lovers side as they enter the party with everyone. The night was long but the energy never died gifts were given, hugs were shared and the night ended of with cuddles in their warm comfy bed.
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nightghoul381 · 7 months
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Dark If ~Jude Jazza
This a fan translation so it is definitely not 100% accurate. I do not own anything related to Ikemen Villains. Support Cybird by buying their amazing stories!
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Bitter End | Premium End | Epilogue
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London, the capital of the United Kingdom, boasted glittering prosperity during the reign of her majesty Queen Victoria.
I’m an ordinary citizen who works as a postman in the city.
I don’t have enough money to buy tickets to the performances I want to see.
(Okay, everything has been delivered for today.)
(If I could work a little more, I would be able to buy tickets to see that performance…)
Kate: “I’m back.”
Director: “Kate! Just in time for…no, but the roads are dangerous at night…”
Kate: “What’s wrong?”
Colleague: “Well, they have a vacancy for a night delivery person, so we’re short-staffed.”
(That’s it!)
Kate: “Please let me go!”
I take on an additional deliver and walk through the townhouse district illuminated by gas lamps.
(All I have to do is deliver a letter addressed to the bookstore manager.)
(Ah, “Kingsley Books”… here it is!)
Kate: “Excuse me, I’m from the post office, the manager…”
(There’s no one here, I guess I’ll just have to come back tomorrow,--Oh, what’s this...)
I picked up the book that had fallen casually at my feet.
As if drawn to something, I opened the untitled book.
Kate: “…!”
The wind whipped up, and I was enveloped in blinding light—
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Beautiful man with long hair: “Welcome to the distorted fairy world…”
Beautiful man with long hair: “Our first visitor! Yaaaayyy!”
Beyond my open field of vision, a beautiful long-haired person was waiting for me.
Kate: “H-here… I… I was at the bookstore just now, and…”
I had no idea where I was or who the person in front of me was.
All I know now is that this is not a bookstore, and I still have work to do.
Kate: “Um, I’m in the middle of a delivery. So, I’d like to go back to Kingsly Books.”
Beautiful man with long hair: “I’m afraid that will be difficult.”
Kate: “Huh?”
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Beautiful man with long hair: “Actually, I don’t even know how to send you home.”
The man, who introduced himself as Victor, tried to explain things to me and soothe my confused mind.
The place I am in now is between the world of fairy tales and the world in which I live.
Kate: “…Fairy world.”
Victor: “You were led here by an untitled book. Don’t you remember?”
Kate: “Yes. So, does that mean I got lost inside a book?”
Victor: “That’s right. You’re a quick and intelligent young lady.”
(I never thought that the adaptability I had honed as a postman would be put to use in a place like this.)
Kate: “But you… Victor, sir. I’m sure you just talked about a ‘twisted fairy world’.”
Victor: “Alice in Wonderland, Snow White, and Thorn Princess**.”
Victor: “Most fairy tales in the world have a fixed plot, and generally end with a happy ending.”
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Victor: “However, in the world of fairy tales, the plot of the story has gone awry, chaos has reached its peak, and the ending is far from happy.”
Kate: “…How can that be?”
Victor: “That’s because…each fairy tale has something missing.”
Kate: “…Something missing. What is that?”
Victor: “Even I don’t know that.”
Victor: “I believe you were called here to look for it.”
(…er, in other words)
Kate: “If I find what’s missing, the distortions in the fairy world will be corrected, and the story will have a happy ending.”
Kate: “Then, I’ll be relieved of my role.”
Victor: “Perhaps then you can return to the world you come from.”
(If that’s the only way, I have no choice but to do it anyway.)
(Find what is missing in the distorted fairy world and correct the distortion. And with my own hands, lead it to a happy ending.)
Then I will return to the world I came from and continue my delivery.
Victor: “Ah, I think it’s almost time to wake up.”
Victor: “Miss Kate. With your hands, create the happiest ending.”
Victor: “—Come now, let’s go to the distorted fairy world.”
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Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Bitter End | Premium End | Epilogue
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quietbluejay · 25 days
Betrayer 4
featuring the scene where Angron holds up a Titan
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"she" is a titan we get a history of the Ember Queen, who originally fought with the First Legion
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oooo linguistic worldbuilding my beloved i mean it makes sense if the capital is up in the himalayas then the language spoken there becomes the prestige language/dialect
so, Gothic is probably an Indo-European language lol just on the other side of the centum/satem divide than we'd think i mean like realistically it makes more sense if all the latin is translation convention rather than being actual latin i always assumed it was that like you know, "Frodo Baggins" actually being something completely different like 30k into the future the language spoken there should be completely indistinguishable from what it sounds like now
and i guess you could maybe manage to have it go through the sound changes to sound like latin squints someone extremely influential…with an agenda…and a weird roman obsession… anyways, lol
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that's the politest way I've seen anyone call someone a silver fox the prose here regarding the way the Syrgalah walks and everything is very well done and really gives the impression of a lioness not a wolf so they know they're outclassed by the Titan Legio associated with the Ultramarines and they don't work with the legion the same way, you know, normal titans do
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and now we cut to Kharn going full berserker
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there's something very funny about this from a meta perspective a man who has never gone to war writing about someone in the thick of battle thinking that people who write about war can never get it
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and that's why he reluctantly admires the Ultramarines so much "in his calmer moments Kharn felt honoured [that he was living in a second age of legends]"
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lmaooo tell me you know nothing about phalanxes without telling me
where did this come from no, really what was Kharn taught about the past, how accurate was it, and how much did he make up so this is Kharn's lie, and how he lives with himself kharn also enjoys the sight of a city on fire this book's building out Kharn's character has been fun because it starts out with him looking like a reasonable man, someone who would be cool to have a drink with, and then as it goes on it goes deeper and deeper into him being a mess and the way it describes him fighting, with that glass wall, is part of that
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no the true strength is in their ability to endure past injuries that would kill a normal person
meanwhile, as Kharn fights and kills various people all of whom get about a phrase each, Lorgar is telekinetically throwing around rocks and rubble to try and dig out Angron also: Lorgar is the only reinforcement that has shown up from the Word Bearers, lol Skane suggests sending a message saying Lorgar is here and then they'll finally get them to show up so ofc that's what Kharn does
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lmao the book is also about choice I'm remembering some bits from later but they're starting to show up now how much choice do Kharn or Angron have? Can you call someone a betrayer if they do what you built them for? or is that just the justification they give themselves to avoid making difficult moral decisions?
time for Ultramarine Titan POV and a description of plasma weapons
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so the world eaters caught in the blast straight up dissolved but…
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yes we're approaching the famous scene princeps: FIRE AGAIN
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and the seventeenth is finally showing up
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they can't fire the plasma again but they have other weapons, which they then use
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this is unbearable (ok moving on from the pun…) the rescuee has becoming the rescuer
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and now it's explicitly a bear's roar
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the gladiator
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like angron has fairy tale timing here if you twitched this a little, Lorgar would have gotten stomped flat that'd be a twist hm what does Lorgar do in the Heresy after this
return to Syrgalah and she's taken a good bit of damage
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the princeps got his tooth knocked out and he's thinking since they're so far from supply he might have to get an iron tooth they're getting a call but sadly it's not reinforcements or resupply, it's Lotara she orders them to kill the warhound that's trying to kill lorgar (and angron) right now back to Angron who has been holding up the titan for "less than thirty beats of his heart" but it feels like an age lorgar is using his psychic powers to help Angron: now you choose to be brave? again he repeats for lorgar to get clear lorgar starts crawling he shouldn't be alive
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i remember, we get to follow around the crew of Syrgalah for most of the book, and they're fun
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the only things that are coming to mind are to make the "The children yearn for the mines" black joke and "…I guess they're using kids for small spaces" it goes right into the torso of Ardentor
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Angron and Kharn are alike, huh "He'd always loathed Lorgar" even seeing him fight at isstvan and "how far he'd come from his years of cowardice" angron shoos away all the apothecaries gently, for angron
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angron needs to get away from this conversation lmao the word bearers surround lorgar and angron notes that in contrast to himself lorgar doesn't shoo them away he acknowledges all of them (with his blood)
Lorgar goes to get on the Thunderbird (that is there, now) and Angron shooes away his sons but Kharn will not be shooed
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kharn: you're better than this
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it's all about endurance huh
as soon as Angron leaves, it's time for Kharn to collapse the battle is at a lull and everyone is getting some rest
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well except one (also, the nails are still bugging kharn)
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sadly we don't get to hear more about the night of the wolf right now this is just set up so we're curious about it lol
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Okay so this is prob a baldur's gate 3 spoiler so if you haven't # out that tag, then uh? Yes.
This is also obviously a rant.
So I'm on my 4th playthrough, and my take on the guardian/ emperor changed. Very. Fast. And not in a very nice way.
So the first time I was in love with my guardian, I was in a romance with Astarion, but holy shit I would give the world to my guardian, so yes u can imagine my fucking heartbreak of the moment I saw him, like I had to stop gaming cuz I felt so betrayed.
And then I obviously were just hurt and whatever but nice about it to him.
Then I decided I would actually romance him as my second character, mage dude, and well....
Things happened, and I got the same story he had like "Nobody knew who I was, I had so many friends" bleh bleh, and I remember feeling pretty like 🤨 when bone daddy- I mean Withers, said that mindflayers don't have souls like? Excuse you what about the emperor??
And I ofc slept with him, which u can do, and I obviously don't kink shame if you're into it, but i was not
I was hiding my face, peeking through my fingers, and then just regret everything ever.
And like? Romance was fine, and I didnt turn into a mindflayer at the end, cuz I was also dating Karlach and well... can't be a mindflayer then.
And the whole thing that HE was the founder of Baldur's gate? That HE IS him??? Honestly?
At that point I felt even more upset, and disgusted. Not only cuz of what he did, but just... him. And ugh. (I didn't do that quest the first time, cuz I didn't know)
Then come me as durge...
First of all... I've never loved a character more, maybe Gage from fallout 4, than my durge, a queen like wow💅🏻
And with her I was just done with the emperor, like... I expected him to be the same, ya know?
But no.
He was NOT!!!! the same.
And this game have sent me on so many rollercoasters I wanna lie down and never get up
I feel so betrayed? So... stupid I feel so fucking stupid, cuz Withers SAYS mindflayers don't have souls?? And I????? Believe this tentacle monster????? Like wtf
And then only to learn that his "friends" were actually NOT???? But basically possessed to "hang out" with him?
And yeah he claims that he ate "only criminals" but how do we know??? If he lied about that? He probably ate other people too, he probably didn't even spiderman/batman himself around like he said/showed us he did.
As I played more and more durge I just felt disgusted and a fool, like?? I do talk, rant, to friends and yes even family, when I'm either yay obsessed about the game/character or to upset rant, and everybody knows about the beginning and end and on actually how much this hurt and I know its so stupid
But o m g I am so??? UGH
I hate him, like I fr fr fr hate him.
I'm playing as a Githyanki now, and I'll find out how that works out, but bruh.
Istg if I find out more shocking things, I will just nap for 3 days...
And I'm trying to stay as much gith as I can, but also how mellow my dude is, but yeah...
I fucking hope I don't have more to add to this, cuz that's gonna be in all capital letters istg
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judesmoonbeauty · 10 months
Yves Kloss - Act 2 Ch. 3 Summary
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere. Also, feel free to ignore my random commentary. I know this Master List is delayed, but eh, it was my first translation project, and I had no idea of what I was doing.
Please note: Only his common route and Dramatic route are translated/summarized.
Alt translations are marked as ///
T/L notes are notated at the bottom of the post with***
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The day after the conference, the Rhodolite delegation tours the castle, medical facilities and the prosperous capital city.
While waiting for the carriage that will take them the Kloss estate, Emma braids Yves’ hair again. She wants it to be perfect since he takes the upmost care with his appearances. After she’s finished he puts on his jacket and lovingly touches the braid as he looks in the mirror. Emma starts to pick up the brush for her hair, but Yves takes over for her. He too wants to give her the gift of courage that he feels when she braids his hair.
Emma watches Yves in the mirror as he stares at her as if she’s something precious. He finishes her hair and she thanks him. He tells her not to thank him yet. She’s curious as to what he means, but soon she hears the clinking of jewelry next to her ear. Soon, she sees a beautiful shining earring on one ear. It features a Rhodolite garnet and Obsidianite stones, which is very similar to Yves’ earring. 
He confesses that he had the earring made for her a long time ago, but was reluctant to give it to her because he wasn’t sure how people would react to her when they saw the obsidianite gems due to what happened on Blood Stained Rose Day. He didn’t want her to be mistreated because of it.
However, he decides to give her the earring. He’s so happy that Emma wants to support him and learn more about his family. Emma reaffirms her desire to do so. He tells her that her beloved Yves Kloss is always thinking of her and there is never a time that he isn’t. If she ever feels lonely or sad, all she needs to do is touch the earring and remember his words, and then the sadness will be drawn from her heart. 
Emma says she will not remove the earring and then they depart the castle with his right hand -Ragna-*** accompanying them. They note that the town where Kloss family lived was leisurely and quiet compared to the capital. They passed many different towns and villages along the way the which showed how much Obsidian has conquered. Some towns were richer than others, and even the climates seemed different. 
Yves states that the imperial family hasn’t given much attention the outer villages and towns in the past, however, they are slowly starting to improve things from within the capital and expanding out towards these villages.
Emma asks Yves how it is that he knows so much about Obsidian when information is carefully kept from outsiders and they only just arrived a few days ago. He mentions that as they were touring the castle Yves was information gathering from the people within the castle. Emma thinks  that compared to herself -who was just focusing on not getting carried away with the sights of the tour - Yves demonstrates just how reliable he’s become as a King.
This motivates Emma do even better as future Queen. They start to tour the supermarket and Emma remarks on a fruit she has never seen before. She and Yves start talking about how it would taste as a candy. Emma states she wants to make some of the fruit cans with Yves. 
Yves agrees it would be fun to do it together and mentions that he’ll ask the merchant to send some of the fruit to Rhodolite. They are greeted by a merchant who notices that they are dressed in finery. After briefly conversing, the two continue on their way. Emma says that she is surprised how friendly everyone in the town is. Yves agrees, saying he is surprised they aren’t being threatened or warned by the people. Not long after Emma gets a very uncomfortable feeling in her chest.
Soon they come across some kids sitting in a circle near a fountain. As they approach they notice the children are in a sewing/textiles circle. Yves asks if he and Em can watch and the kids agree. One of the children messes up his bead work and becomes disheartened because he has to start all over again.
Emma says to herself that she’d help, but she can’t stitch either. Yves steps up and asks if he could give it a shot. The child agrees and Yves skillfully teaches the child how to make the correction without starting over.
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The children and Em are mesmerized. Emma asks Yves when he learned bead work like that, and he tells her that he learned just now by watching the children. They’re all surprised. 
Soon, the mother of the child whom Yves helped shows up to collect them. The child runs to their mother to show her the small purse Yves helped him fix. When the mother greets Yves, her face stiffens and her eyes become cloudy. She thanks him cordially and then quickly takes her leave with her child. Emma notices the mother’s sudden change in behavior, and this wasn’t the first time it’s happened since they arrived in Obsidian…..
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***So, I’m not sure if he was ever mentioned in any SE events after Act 1 or not, but much like Chev has Lucien, and Clavis has Cyran, Yves has Ragna. His name can also be translated at Laguna, but I liked Ragna better and so, I hereby deem him Ragna in all future t/l until it’s officially announced in EN. If you do know what his name is, please tell me and I’ll edit this!
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erii-ya · 8 months
‘If it’s you….’ Part 2
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Killer x FemReader
Part 1
Content Warning: Violence, mentions of blood, bloodshed, death, void of emotions, killing
WC: 1,149
A/N: One Piece is the beautiful creation of the genius Eiichiro Oda-sensei. It has heavy *spoilers* for the Wano Arc since the context revolves around Udon Prison. Please remember that the flow of the story is just a fantasy in my head, and English is not my mother tongue.
Hitokiri Kamazo, a criminal who worked under Orochi, assassinates people the Shogun deems punishable. His wanted posters were everywhere, especially at the Flower Capital. People were made aware to take extra caution at night when he’s lurking around any corner—a ruthless killer who finds joy in bloodshed. At least, that’s what the rumors said. Little did you know that the criminal would turn out to be someone you know. A person dear to you. Your thing of obsession.
Killer wails while laughing hysterically. He didn’t answer Kid, but tears streamed down his face uncontrollably. You’re even sure you saw him peek in your direction, but it happened too fast you couldn’t catch his gaze.
“What?! He’s the guy with the mask that was always with Jaggy?!” Luffy exclaimed. Oh yeah, you’re with your captain. You got so invested in what’s happening that you forgot your current situation.
Old man Hyogoro moved closer to you and Luffy, “You know him?” he asked no one in particular. Without skipping a beat, you said, “Yeah.” glancing over to the old man. “As you may already know, the redhead is also a captain of another pirate crew like Luffy, and the blonde guy…” musing back to Killer, “is his vice-captain.” You choked a bit on the last part. It felt like your throat ran dry. To be honest, a looming headache grows by the minute the longer you watch. You’re too confused, in rage, and keeping these intense emotions at bay is torturing you. It makes you wonder how you can still stay calm and collected when all the fibers in your body are screaming murder.
“Jaggy possibly tried to save him and their crew,” Luffy concluded. ‘Well, obviously.’
Eustass Kid may be known as a vicious pirate, but he’s a compassionate captain to his crew. Not that you’ll see it in public, but you’re one of those people who knew, if not the only one. Kid will do anything to protect his people, especially since his crew was with him in his highs and lows.
Hyogoro shakes his head sympathetically. “How cruel.” he started. “He was forced to eat the SMILE fruit that takes away one’s emotions. Only to be given a mask of laughter that can never be taken off.”
After hearing that, you swiftly turn towards him. “…the hell do you mean?! What – What Smile fruit?! What is this ‘being devoid of emotion’ thing about?! Explain!!” With an intent look in your eyes, you literally growled at the old man.
A sudden silence filled the air, and you weren’t even aware. Everyone in the area who heard your outburst is now looking in your direction. Your reaction made the old man so taken aback that he was speechless. Probably because he wasn’t expecting you to react that way. You grab onto his shoulder, practically shaking him too hard while you insist he answer you. Even Eustass Kid and Killer, who made a scene a while ago, focused their eyes on your direction.
Standing tall in front of your group, Queen decided to intervene and answer you instead. “Let me do the honors for you, boy.” smiling devilishly. “SMILEs are artificially made devil fruits. It intends to grant the consumer the power of animal transformation, much like a Zoan-type Devil Fruit.”
‘Artificially made devil fruit? That was possible?’ you thought.
Still, he continued, “However, the success rate of achieving the desired outcome of gaining animal powers after consuming SMILE is only 10%, thus considering those who successfully did as ‘Gifters.’ The other 90% who ate a dud…” Queen points at Killer as though to make his point.
“I mean, it’s not that bad, yeah? He may not gain any powers, but he gained an everlasting HAPPINESS!” as if to add salt to injury, roaring with mocking laughter.
All the other beast pirates guffawed at the remark.
You remembered what you saw on the light-scroll snail earlier about the citizens who laughed at the person who was executed. “So you mean to say those people laughing at the dead earlier was…” you spoke, waiting for him to say the obvious.
“Uh-huh, they ate a dud, too. Orochi probably did it; how he did it is beyond me, as if I care.” It wasn’t apparent before, so you thought poorly about the citizens, who also turned out to be victims.
Now it’s all clear...
....and that was your last straw.
Forcing people to eat a defective devil fruit, voiding them with emotions but constant joy, and capturing innocent people for them to do hard labor in this prison. You thought you already saw the unthinkable.
In Punk Hazard~
In Dressrosa~
But it seems evil exists in any other country. Not only is it constant, but the level of evil only escalates from one country to another. The longer you and your crew journeyed, the more you realized how revolting the world is.
You had your share of a dark past, and your soul may be frying up good in hell, but at least you don’t pretend to be good.
The emotions you struggled to constrain are now raging more than ever.
Hands shaking, you clenched your fists.
Resisting is futile, and you know that.
Now, all you see is red, and you’re already raring to go.
You took a deep breath, exhaled sharply, and then snorted, followed by a boisterous laugh. You laughed so hard you’re tearing while clenching your tummy. Queen and his men were stunned at your action.
On the other hand, Luffy…
“No good. No good. No good.” He hurriedly reached out to grab you, "Y/N!!" but it was too late.
Your right fist jabbed Queen’s stomach, sending him flying to the other end of the arena, dragging some of his men who were caught on impact. The next thing happened after another, and most of the beast pirates went down one by one.
Blood splattered all over the place as you go on a rampage. Blinded by rage, you walk the path of destruction. With everything you’ve learned and heard, you let your emotions get the best of you.
Luckily, Luffy quickly evacuated the prisoners. He was wary that this might happen after you discover Kamazo's true identity and what had happened to him.
In fact, he felt the same way as you, though not as intense to the point of killing. But that was a part of who you are that Luffy accepted with open arms. Your captain is not one to judge people; he also knows how deeply you care about Killer.
In reality, it’s not only because you care about him but because your deep affection towards the man becomes an obsession.
No one messes with your Milý and gets away with it.
You swear, in the name of all things holy and on your damned soul, you’ll make sure to sweep this place clean.
Colored in red.
Continued in Part 3...
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Hi! I was wondering if you could write something with possesive and jealous reader please?
Like everyone is always flirting with Aemond and he doesn't see it and reader is like "you're mine" and maybe sexy times?
Thank youu!
Of course! For more HOTD requests, submit a strong snack to Vhagar through my ask box 💚
READER WARNING: Does contain sexual content
Possession [Aemond Targaryen x Reader]
Other HOTD stories [requests open]
Summary: Being the new wife to Prince Aemond Targaryen, you are still getting used to the Capital being from the Stormlands. The people are different than what you are used to and you did not realize that there would still be competition for the Prince’s hand after you are married….
You blew out a breath as you stood in the gardens, the ladies of the court mingling and gossiping with each other. You were still getting used to the change of simply being the daughter to Lord Borros Baratheon to being a Princess of the Seven Kingdoms. Your father was reluctant to the marriage at first…that was until King Viserys presented Borros and Elenda with the dowry; it was something they could not refuse.
Kings Landing was certainly different from Storms End— the size and weather being polar opposites for one. You had enjoyed the freedom Aemond has given you ever since you’ve arrived being able to explore the capital. The people in the capital were also different personality wise, not remembering the ladies of the court gossiping as much at home.
“There you are!” The Princess gasped as she made her way through the crowd. “I was wondering where you snuck off to.”
You smiled kindly at Helaena. “I just needed to get away from the noise for a bit. I do not particularly like crowds.”
Helaena returned your smile as she placed a hand on your arm. “Well, I have wanted you to meet a few girls.”
“I do not need any more friends when I have you.”
Helaena scrunched up her nose. “Now you are starting to sound like your husband.”
You giggled a bit but let the Princess tug you through the crowd. Princess Helaena had made sure to make you feel at home; her husband had insisted the same once until you had threatened to cut off his cock. He has referred to you as “Aemond with tits” ever since.
That title was not a lie, Borros mentioned how much of a headache you had given him when you were a little girl. You knew he did not want you to marry a Targaryen yet, part of you believed he was relieved to get rid of you. He has always been strict towards you which led you to the woman you are today: stubborn with a mouth that would surely get you into trouble.
You glanced around feeling the eyes on you. When you looked at some of the ladies of the court, they quickly turned their heads away. You were used to those kinds of looks often having gotten them from your four younger sisters- especially Maris- when Aemond chose you to be his bride. You never let it get to you though; in fact, you found it amusing since you did not want to marry Aemond to begin with.
“Y/N, I’d like you to meet Adryana of House Lannister.”
You looked up to meet the green eyes of a beautiful blonde girl who had a clearly false smile on her lips.
“You must be Y/N of House Baratheon.” Adryana hummed as her eyes scanned over your features. “And Prince Aemond’s new wife.”
You could not help but smirk at the clear envious tone in her voice. “That is correct, Lady Adryana. If you wait for a little while, perhaps you can marry Prince Daeron.”
Adryana had a glare settled on her face. It seemed as though she was to be a viable option as the Prince’s wife, yet in the end, he chose a Baratheon over a Lannister. You heard a few gasps and turned seeing the Queen Alicent and beside her was her middle son. Aegon was more than likely passed out drunk somewhere.
You glanced around noticing most of the ladies huddling together, whispering in one another’s ear. You rolled your eyes before looking up when a figure stopped in front of you.
Aemond seemed to have a smirk permanently settled upon his lips, as though he was always up to something. He grabbed your hand and brought it up to his lips, kissing it lightly. “It is good to see you, my lovely wife.”
You gave him a small smile. “Likewise, husband.” You slowly pulled away, feeling the daggers in your back. “Why are you grading us with your presence?”
Aemond hummed. “My mother requested I escort her to the gardens. It seems as though you are acquainting yourself well with the ladies of the court.”
Acquainting was putting it lightly. “I am as a matter of fact.”
He nodded and leaned down giving you a kiss on the cheek. “Well, I best leave you to it, my love.”
None of the ladies of the court seemed to notice you were there the longer Aemond stayed in the gardens. They seemed to flock around him, his mother being preoccupied with some of the older women while Helaena was in deep conversation with a few. You looked down at your cup of wine, furrowing your brows a bit while lightly tracing the lip of it with your finger.
Your eyes went back over to husband, frowning a bit noticing the Lannister cunt being a little too close to him with her hand on his chest. You felt your left eye twitch noticing the way he laughed as she talked, your chest tightening in your chest as Lady Adryana’s hand traveled across his chest. It was as though he was oblivious to her actions and it made your blood run hot. You clenched your jaw a bit as you slammed your cup on the table, some droplets splashing on the table before you turned storming back towards the Keep.
You paced back and forth in your marital chambers, fiddling with your hands. You could feel your heart racing; Aemond has not returned to your chambers and you were beginning to get worried. You were worried that Aemond was still talking with Lady Adryana and he realized that he chose the wrong bride.
You shook your head a bit. “You need to stop being paranoid,” You mumbled walking over to the fresh pot of wine. You hummed as you poured yourself a cup of wine, glancing up as the door opened.
“This is where you disappeared off to,” Aemond stated while closing the door behind him.
“It is nice of you to finally notice, husband.” You turned away from him bringing the cup up to your lips.
Aemond furrowed his brows. “Why are you speaking to me in such a way?”
You could not help but laugh a bit. “You seemed quite content with that Lannister cunt attempting to warm your cock,” You snapped, the venom clear in your voice.
Aemond hung his head a bit with a small smirk. He slowly walked up behind you, placing a hand lightly on your waist. “Why are you envious of her?”
You scoffed as you pushed him off of you. “She was clearly trying to bed you and you were enjoying her attempts,” You spat narrowing your eyes as he walked towards you once more. “Unless you forgot, you are my husband.”
He took your wine cup out of your hand before turning back towards you, his hands firm on your hips. “I am your husband and you are my wife.” He began to lead you back towards the bed, feeling your back press against the bed post. “Need I prove my loyalty to you, my dear wife?”
You did not have time to respond as he pushed you gently down onto the bed. He kicked his boots off before climbing over you, his lips going to yours. You hungrily returned his kiss feeling his hand on your leg beginning to push your dress up. You moved your hands up to his doublet to unbuckle it, releasing the kiss to take it off followed by his tunic.
As you unlaced his breeches, he was pulling your dress down, his mouth going down to your left breast lightly sucking on your nipple. You felt his hand on your thigh, moving it inward before he pushed his index and middle finger inside of you, his mouth moving to pepper kisses along your neck.
You furrowed your brows a bit as a moan passed your lips when he began to rub you. Aemond hummed in satisfaction from how wet you were as he pulled his fingers out to position himself. “Well done, sweet one,” He whispered in your ear before he pushed himself in.
You arched your back the further he went in, your arms wrapping around him. You bit back a loud moan as he began to thrust, not being gentle in the slightest bit. He has never been gentle, not even on your wedding night yet, you did not mind. You found some great pleasure from the pain he gave you.
You could not help the loud moan that passed your lips the faster he went, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing in your chambers. You ran your fingernails across his back knowing well enough that you were going to leave marks. Your breath came into short pants, your face turning red as you felt yourself reach your limit.
“A-Aemond,” You cried out with furrowed brows, leaning your head back a bit.
The cry of his name made him go faster, grunts passing his lips in between pants. You let out another cry holding tight onto your husband, letting out a loud moan as the two of you reached your limit at the same time.
Aemond blew out a sigh, trying to get his breath back as he leaned his head against yours. “You are my wife, never forget that.”
You looked into his violet eye while placing a hand on his cheek. You leaned up kissing him softly on the lips. “And you are my husband until the end of our days.”
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