#do a radio drama idk. give us something
adhd-merlin · 3 months
colin... colin morgan... where are you
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2737377474883 · 1 year
Hi, can you do one with Jill Roord, pls?
Where the reader and Jill are on a vacation with Daan and Ellie, Viv and Beth, Katie and Ruesha, Jackie Groenen and Lynn Wilms.
Where all of them are sharing a house together.
None know that Jill and the reader are dating for a while, so Jackie kept flirting w the reader since the first day of vacation, same thing goes for Lynn who kept flirting w Jill.
The reader and Jill speak Italian with each other while they're w their friends.
Idk a little bit of drama (like Jackie tried to kiss the reader and Jill got all mad and jealous about it) and the reader got upset and mad so she punched a wall a couple of times and she ended up w a broken hand.
Meanwhile Viv and Daan saw the reader doing it and they rushed to call Jill.
Idk something cute and fluff at the end
The other find out that they're dating and started asking them so many questions.
I don't have any ideas how to make the other players involved, so feel free to do it.
Jill Roord x Reader
First of all, I would like to apologize for taking so long. I hope you like it and it meets your expectations.
English is not my native language. Sorry for incorrect grammar and spelling.
I can't speak or write Italian, so these sentences are in italics.
I put the last suitcase in the trunk and get in the car. I look at Jill who is sitting in the passenger seat and give her a little smile which she returns. I start the engine and drive off. Jill plays around with the radio until she concludes that every station is playing “tasteless” music and connects her phone to the car speakers.
“You hear that? That is good music.”
I just look over at her and a smile creeps over my face. She starts to sing along and dance a little in her seat. We reach Lynns driveway, but she is nowhere to be seen.
“I think Lynn managed to oversleep again.” I say.
“Nah, she is probably just trying to find all her stuff, but as we all know, that can take a little longer because of her chaos.” Jill says while looking out the window “look the light in her living room is on.”
“I will send her a text to hurry up and you stop stalking her it´s creepy” I say and send Lynn a message. Jill just gives me a cute smile and asks: “Are you exited to spend time with the girls again?”
I look up from my phone and say:” Yeah, I really miss them sometimes, it’s great to catch up and this time not after a game. Besides that, we didn´t really had a few days off or time for vacation since the season started.”
“Yeah, you´re right I miss them. But to be honest with you I would like to spend a week in Italy just you and me no one else.” She says.
I put my phone away, lay my hand on her thigh and say:” I would love that, but I think we will be able to sneak out for a date.”
Jill lays her hand on mine and gives me a tight-lipped smile. I turn my hand and take hers in mine. “Hey, what’s wrong?” I ask worried.
“I´m sorry that we have to hide our relationship and can´t just be ourselves in front of the others.” She mumbles quietly.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, okay? I understand that you are not ready to tell the girls about us just yet and we will do it when you feel ready not a second earlier, alright?” I say trying to make sure she understands me.
“I understand, thank you.” She says, gives me a smile and squeezes my hand.
“You don´t have to thank me, my love.” I say.
Jill looks out the window and pulls her hand away as soon as she sees Lynn. Lynn makes her way to our car and Jill gets out the car to greet Lynn and help her with the suitcase, as if Lynn wasn´t able to do that on her own. They both take a seat in the back, and I drive us to the airport. I see in the rear-view mirror that Lynn has placed her hand on Jill’s, which is resting on her thigh. I know that Jill is just nervous, and Lynn just wants to comfort her, but it still annoys me, and I can´t help myself and roll my eyes.
The flight just took 3 hours, and we arrived in Ibiza. We made our way out the airport and I already saw Katie and Ruesha waiting for us, filming our arrival probably for Katies McVlog or Ruesha`s RueTube Diary.
“Look who we have got here, Y/n, Jill and Lynn from Wolfsburg and now we are finally complete!” Katie says while filming us.
“Good to see you again Ladies, where are the others?” Lynn asks excited and they tell us that the other girls are already in the house we rented for our vacation. We make our way to the house, Ruesha is driving, I´m sitting in the passenger seat catching up with her while the others are in the back filming for Katies Vlog and singing along to some song that I never heard before. We park in front of the house and carry our luggage to the door, which Jackie opens.
She immediately pulls me into a hug and says:” It´s good to see you again, I missed you so much my dear.” She wraps her arms around me and pulls me inside and the others just follow us. “Yeah, it´s good to see you again.” We leave our luggage in the corridor and enter the kitchen where Beth, Viv, Daan and Ellie are sitting. We greet each other with hugs and decide to cook dinner because it´s already quite late. Because me and Jill are the only ones who can cook without setting the kitchen on fire we are in charge and Lynn and Jackie offered to help us.
I stir the sauce when I feel someone resting their chin on my shoulder and wrapping their arms around my waist. It´s not Jill as I expected at first, but I can tell by their touch and smell that its Jackie, I turn my head to look at her and she asks: “That looks so good when will it be finished?”. “Just a few more seconds.” I answer but she just groans impatiently, and I just chuckle a little. The other girls already set the table and now we are sitting at the table and enjoying the food.
“Oh Y/n that tastes so good, you are so talented it’s unbelievable.” Jackie says, who is sitting next to me, and I have to chuckle because it’s the easiest and most idiot prove recipe I know. “Thanks” I mumble while looking at Jill to see if she likes it, but she is in the middle of a conversation with Lynn and Viv, and I don´t want to disturb her.
After dinner we decide to clean up and watch a movie. I´m cleaning a plate when I see Jackie sitting down on the countertop next to me and we talk for a while. I´m wiping over the countertop and am about to clean the sink, when I feel a splash of water hitting my face, I shut my eyes and wipe over my face with the sleeve of my jumper.
“Really, was that necessary?” I mumble under my breath.
“Wow, Y/n it´s so hot when you speak Italian.”
“Thank you, I guess?” I reply to Jackie.
I hear someone clearing their throat and turn around, to see Jill standing there impatiently holding a bowl of crisps.
“Everything is set up we are just wating for you.”
I nod my head and follow Jill into the living room. I`m about to sit down next to Jill when I get pushed to the side and Lynn takes my spot. I feel a hand wrapping around my wrist and I get pulled down to on the sofa, next to Jackie. We start the movie and I feel Jackie cuddling into my side and holding my hand. I look over to Jill, who is resting her head on Lynns shoulder while Lynn has her arms wrapped around my girlfriend. I take a deep breath, which doesn´t get unnoticed by Jackie.
“Are you alright?” she asks worried.
“Yeah, I´m just fine.” I reply with a little smile.
Jackie smiles slightly and rests her head on my chest. I try to focus on the movie, but my eyes keep wondering over to Jill and Lynn. The movie ends and I want to get up to go to the bathroom when I notice that Jackie has fallen asleep. Everyone but my girlfriend smile at me and I just growl a little. I pick Jackie up and carry her upstairs. As I turn to indicate that someone should open the door to Jackie’s bedroom, I see Katie and Ruesha holding their phones pointed at me and I realize that they must have filmed all of it. I just roll my eyes and lay Jackie in her bed and gently tuck her in.
I`m in the bathroom brushing my teeth, Jill enters and does the same. When I´m done I sit on the lid of the toilet and wait for Jill to finish. Jill is finally done, and she is just doing her skin care, I get up and hug her from behind. I rest my chin on her shoulder and just observe her. I lightly kiss Jill´s neck and she giggles a little. She turns around and puts her arms around my neck. My arms wrap tighter around her waist, and we look deeply into each other eyes.
Suddenly I hear the door open, and Jill quickly pushes me away from her. I take a step back and look at the person who has ruined what was probably the only romantic moment between me and my girlfriend today. It´s Lynn of course it´s Lynn, it`s always Lynn.
“Hey Jilly, I´ve already taken our suitcases to our bedroom, are you finally done?” Lynn asks impatiently and grabs my girlfriend´s hand and pulls her with her.
I just give my reflection an annoyed look and make me was to Jackie´s bedroom, because all the other rooms are filled with happy couples.
The next morning, I walk into Jill and Lynn´s room to let them know breakfast is ready only to see them both snuggled up in bed and sleeping. Viv comes into the bedroom as well and sees the two.
“Oh, they look so cute and peaceful together!” she marvels.
“Oh yes, the perfect couple.” I answer full of sarcasm and make my way downstairs.
The two finally mange to get downstairs and we can start with breakfast.
“How did I get into bed yesterday? I can´t remember going upstairs.” Jackie asks completely confused.
At least now I know I didn´t disturb her while she slept. The others just smirk at me and Beth tells her to check out Katie´s Instagram story. She does as she is told and a smile spreads across her face.
“I hope I didn´t make you feel uncomfortable.” I say cautiously and give her an apologetic smile.
“Oh don´t worry darling I guess I have to thank you and your strong arms.” She says and puts her hand on my upper arm.
I raise an eyebrow in confusion and just tell her that it´s alright.
The weather is very good, our house has a pool, and we just want to relax so we decide against going out and exploring Ibiza and just plan on spending the whole day at the pool.
We get changed and enjoy the day at the pool. After a round of chicken fight in which Lynn had to be a team with Jill, I sat down with Beth and Viv, who were just relaxing on the loungers in the sun and reading. We talked about the season, the injuries they both have, and we all got mad about the fact that the World Cup might not be broadcast in Germany. I´m making my way inside to get some new drinks when Jackie offered to help me, which I gratefully accepted. We go into the kitchen, and I get the bottles out of the fridge and take a few more ice cubes from the freezer.I was about to grab a glass that is on the counter behind her when she hugs me. I ask her if she´s alright as she looks deep into my eyes. She doesn´t answer me, her gaze wanders from my eyes to my lips and she comes closer and closer. Realizing that she wants to kiss me I try to push her away, knowing it´s too late when I hear a glass hit the floor and shatter.
I turn around and my expectation is confirmed. In front of me is my girlfriend with tears in her eyes, her lips are pressed tightly together and her hands, which were previously holding the glass, are now clenches into fists. Shit, I really screwed up. Jill just shakes her head slightly and storms out of the kitchen into the corridor.
I free myself from Jackie´s hug, jump over the shards and run after her. I need to fix this; I messed up so badly.
I find her in the corridor. I slowly come closer to her and want to put my hand on her shoulder, but she slaps it away and glares at me angrily with tears in her eyes.
“What have I done to deserve this just because I´m not ready to make our relationship public yet, really Y/n? I would never do such a thing!” she screams at me.
“I didn´t kiss Jackie, she wanted to kiss me, but I pushed her away!” I try to convince her but she doesn´t believe me.
“Well, it didn´t look like that, besides, you´ve been flirting with each other the whole time since we are here.” she accuses me.
“What am I supposed to say, Lynn and you are always flirting and cuddling not only here but also in Wolfsburg.” I say and immediately regret it.
“You know what Y/n I´m not even going to discuss it with you now. You cheated on me with Jackie I can imagine what you did in your room last night.”
That was the last thing she said before storming up the stairs.
I destroyed everything we had. How am I supposed to get by without her. I must transfer to another club, I can´t stay in Wolfsburg if she is in a happy relationship with Lynn.
I´m so overwhelmed with my emotions, usually Jill helps me when everything is a bit too much for me, but I can´t ask her now. I need something to calm me down. I can´t control myself anymore and the wall I was leaning on before has to suffer. I hit the wall a few times before Daan pulls me off the wall.
My breathing calms, my racing heart slows down, and I become aware of the pain in my hand. My gaze wonders off the wall and over to Viv who holds me in her arms and looks at me worriedly.
“Hey, it’s alright calm down.” she tells me and pulls me into a hug.
“I`m so stupid” I sob into her neck.
“I know what goalkeeper punches a wall; your hands are the most important.” She laughs lightly trying to cheer me up.
“Are you coming, Beth is already in the car?” asks Daan standing at the front door with Ellie.
I look at Viv confused; she tells me we´re driving to the hospital because my hand looks bad. I didn´t even realize before how battered my hand looks, so I just nod still a little bit confused.
I sit in the treatment room and wait for the doctor to let me go home. My arm is broken but not displaced which is good otherwise I would need surgery. I got a cast which is wrapped in a green bandaged to protect it. I chose green for Wolfsburg even through I know I´m not allowed to play with the cast on.
When the door opens, I expect the doctor or a nurse but it´s Jill. I sit up straight and look at her confused. She walks up to me and pulls me into a tight hug. Well, that was unexpected. She rests her forehead against my collarbone and repeatedly murmurs apologies. I wrap my arms around her waist and tell her to look at me. She starts at me with big teary eyes but this time I don´s see any anger in them.
“Hey, my love, you don´t need to apologize, I should have realized earlier that Jackie was flirting with me and I shouldn´t be jealous of you and Lynn, you have every right to be mad at me.” I apologise.
“No, I don´t. I talked to Jackie; she told me that you never flirted with her in any way it was all on her side. She apologized to me and I´ve now told all our friends about our relationship and Lynn is really, really sorry.” She explains.
“I hope I didn´t scared her too much.” I reply.
“She will be fine.” assures me Jill.
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
“That’s impossible.”
We smile at each other and wait for the doctor to arrive. We make our way to the entrance area of the hospital where the others are waiting for us. I am approached by a little boy.
“Excuse me are you Y/N?” he asks nervously.
“Yeah, that’s me.” I confirm.
“I´m a big fan of yours could you give me an autograph?” he asks.
“Of cause, where should I sign?” I reply.
“Could you sign my cast, I wanted to keep it anyways?” he asks.
“Of course, if that’s okay” I ask and look at a woman standing behind him who I think is his mother. She just nods and I kneel carefully in front of the little boy and his mother hands me a pen. I´m having some trouble signing because of my cast but luckily it doesn´t hurt.
“Why are you waring a cast are you alright?” he asks worriedly.
“I had a little accident but nothing to be worried about. I broke my arm like you broke yours. Would you like to sign my cast, then we could be cast buddies?” I ask him.
His eyes widen and a smile form on his face. He looks up at his mother who nods at him, and I offer him the pen. He takes it and is about to sign my cast when the others come and wait for me.He writes his name on my cast and looks at the others.
“Wow, that’s a beautiful name thank you buddy.” I say and notice that he tries to hide behind me and his mother.
“Hey, its alright, they are my friends, you know them, right?” I ask.
He doesn´t dare to speak but comes out of his hiding space. He smiles slightly as I explain to the others that he´s a fan of us. My girlfriend kneels next to me and offers to sign his cast. Jill, Daan, Ellie, Viv, Beth, Katie, Ruesha, Jackie and Lynn sign his cast and his mother takes a picture of us.
When we are back in the house, we are bombarded with questions, which we both answer patiently. Lynn and Jackie apologize to us several times and we enjoy our vacation
I hope you liked it. If you have any improvements, suggestions or requests, please feel free to contact me.
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lets-laughagain · 4 months
Hi! I saw that you were in 3 shows of Louis in Brasil. Do you mind sharing your favorite moments of each show? If you do mind ignore my ask, I just love reading fan experiences of Louis' shows.
I hope you have a nice day!
hiii i'm sorry it took so long, i was enjoying the rest of my vacation then i got sick due to the different weathers in every city 😬, but anyways here we gooo
i know you asked for my favorite moments but i talk too much and rambled about everything kjsdnadsk
RIO I got to the venue at 7pm, after a lot of traffic and anxiety 🫠, and there was still a big line to get in making giant rooks go on stage 15 minutes later than expected. I had listened a bit to them when the opening acts were announced but i loooved seeing them live, their concert was so much fun, i had a lot on my mind that day but as soon as they started playing my worries were gone like, music is everything really.
The venue's capacity is for 18k people, but i guess there were about 12k there? I'm not sure but, the chairs around me were half empty (a lot of people moved to closer seats), the floor was full but the stands not so much yk. It makes sense when you think it was on a wednesday and a lot of people couldn't make it.
As I went alone to this one and there weren't many people around me it was like me and louis and just letting out all of my emotions. Idk if it happens to anyone else, but I get a lot more emotional when I'm alone at shows. I don't even have much to say here cause I was really there in the moment giving my all, screaming my lungs out to hoth and feeling all this time deep in my soul (the drama lmao).
SÃO PAULO I was really tired after barely a day of rest at home, then packing another bag to curitiba, it was hectic, but thank god i had stands tickets again and my friends got there ealier and saved a seat for me.
Not to paraphrase harry but, that show was loud, loud and LOUD. Seriously, I've never seen so many people scream and jump for an opening act?? I was actually kinda shocked at how full the stadium was, its full capacity is 60k but as they were using only half the space i guess there were about 25k-30k people, it was really packed. Like, that video from outside the stadium that you can hear the screams is kinda crazy if you think it wasn't at full capacity.
This concert left me so proud of him, of how far he has come, like he said with no radio support or anything, seeing him in my favorite venue in my city with so many people screaming for him was something really special. This one was really about US, the fans and louis, i can't say it enough but the crowd was like part of the show too. Also, the big stage, the catwalk, the fireworks, those things made it all so much bigger, like a celebration for where he is now. I'll never forget his face impressed by the crowd like every five seconds, he deserves it all, i love this man to death.
His only wrongs that day tho were wearing that ugly outfit and not singing saturdays on a saturday!!!!
CURITIBA I had slept for like 4 hours, took a flight in the morning and spent the whole day kinda sick and anxious, I really do not know were i took forces to this concert but i did and i gave 200% of myself. I had floor tickets this time so i let myself go and jump around like crazy.
We stayed in the left side of the stage were it was a lot more chill and we could walk around. Most of the time I stayed a bit close to the stage but not so much cause i like having my own space to breath, sometimes I'd get closer to record something. By the encore I found an empty space in the far left of the barricade to see him better during silver tongues.
For me it was the most fun concert, you could see louis was happy, there was a group in front of me dancing and having so much fun together, like he said no one will stand still in a brazilian crowd that's for sure! Also, there was this girl who was talking to us before the concert who found me during the encore and we literally just screamed wdbhg at each other lmao i don't even know her name, but i can't stop thinking about it, it was really funny.
Oh and that outfit!!!! The way i screamed when i saw him in all black, i kept looking at my friends like why the fuck does this man look so good!!! WE WON!!!!
When the barricade moment happened I was only looking at him so I didn't understand what was going on, then by the end my friends said he was with a kid, but only when i got to the apartment we were staying i saw the full context and video, that broke me. He so sweet and precious, it makes everything i did for him so much more worth it than it already was, this plus the donations for Rio Grande do Sul filled my heart with so much love for him.
Also, after the concert we were trying to buy merch, but most sizes were sold out, the line was huge and security was hushing people out of the stadium 🙃 then 10 minutes later we found out louis was playing football at the pitch lmao
Some other points - I absolutely LOVE the stage design, the lights and screens going up and down work so great, it's amazing to witness it live - THE BAND, i don't even need to say anything right? his band is fucking incredible, i live for every single guitar solo from michael - The 2 seconds that takes people to realize that he is singing night changes and wdbhg are the funniest shit istg kskdnkll - People will ask me why I would go to the same concert 3 times, and just istg it IS different, they are all different experiences and i'd do it all over again (which i actually did, cause i saw louis twice and harry 3 times in 2022)
Last but not least, i will to speak in portuguese to thank my friends skjndkjsan
Eu sei que ela não vai ler, mas muito obrigada @hiddlestomlinson por aceitar fazer essa maluquice comigo, por vir até SP, ir pra Curitiba e me aturar por 5 dias seguidos, mesmo com tanto cansaço e doença foi tudo maravilhoso 🥹💜
@delicatepointofview de novo, muito obrigada por me ajudar tanto no Rio e pelo ingresso de última hora, mesmo passando por tanta coisa você foi um anjo 🥹 só conseguimos nos ver de longe, desse 🤏 tamanho, mas da proxima vem aí!!
@somuchstrdst e @icouldbeluckyagain amei encontrar e curtir um pouco do show com vocês!! NÓS VENCEMOS MUITO!!! ste, eu ate tava vendo seu recap hoje tomando café da tarde ajksndkjs
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poltergeist-coffee · 1 year
Q!SLIMERIANA RADIO SHOW HOST ADDITION!! (brainrotted and created with @vertical-suns <33)
Basically slime and mariana both work at separate radio show stations (or wherever you call them) and they have a rivalry with each other. It’s because they both air around the same time (both shows are popular in their own right and have fans/listeners of their own!!)
despite this slime and mariana are the way they are and started talking shit about each other live. No ones sure who started it or when but its a thing now and its everyones problem 
mariana (in spanish): have you seen this charlie guy?? he’s so muscular he’s so fucking sexy-
slime will 100% listen to and react to whatever mariana is talking about when he’s live like hello sir?? what are you doing?? aren’t you suppose to play music?? or talk about the news?? what is this?? (it’s fine i feel like regular listeners live for the drama) (it’s free entertainment). no i don’t think slime knows what mariana is talking about half the time and i don’t think that woudl stop him either. slime spends company time thinking about mariana and sometimes that’s just how it’s gonna be
Wilbur and Slime work at the same studio and wilbur use to have a segment but it got cut because he became a touring musician so he doesn't have time to go on air anymore. He still goes on sometimes as a special guest and to answer calls/questions but its not common 
He and slime are best friends tho which means wilbur is subjected to whenever slime decided to go on hour long rants about mariana
Roier and Mariana also work at the same radio station but roier actually does a segment regularly!! he takes callers and it’s like a giving advice/self help thing. he answers calls like “ayy whats your problem today?” Its psychologoier, it’s free therapy, it’s not great but it is interesting so at least there’s that?
sometimes roier helps run mariana’s show like behind the scenes (like if mariana’s producer isn’t here or something else) (he just tells him the things to prepare to say, what’s coming next, when to do certain things, shit like that.)
anyways a special thing that happens on mariana’s radio is that usually once a week for the entire segment of time he has he’ll just answer calls and talk about stuff or give advice which is a 50/50 on being useful or being a joke. yes he gets flirted with on air, yes almost every caller wants him its okay
One time Slime for fun calls in and then it’s just them arguing live on air for like idk 10 minutes MKNAJHFIJW they’re 50% arguing and 50% saying innuendos and the most absurd shit you will ever hear
mariana’s mic got cut off 5 minutes in and they played music until he got off the phone with slime but Slime happened to be live during the call so anyone on his show could hear the entire thing
slime probably stop talkign all togther at one point just to hear whatever insane shit was coming out of mariana’s mouth and he’s going to be thinking about it days to come. slime ends his show a bit after and lays down in the studio flushed entirely and staring blankly at a wall. eventually he looks up and the first thing out of his mouth that he says to wilbur is “i want to have sexo with mariana” wilbur burst into laughter
slime: no i’m not joking stop laughing i’m being serious
wilbur: so am i, i don’t want to hear about how much you want mariana
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radiobelle-bitxch · 6 months
I know I made this account to simp about Charlastor, but I've also been thinking a lot about the possibility of Alastor bonding with the other residents in s2, like probably by accident, or maybe trying to manipulate them and catching feelings about it, and I started to think about what things he could possibly bond over with them:
Angel Dust: You know? I can see them finding some commonality on hating the Vees, after all, before Charlie, Angel was in the (not really) privileged position of being privy to their mean girls drama 24/7, and I doubt he has a good opinion on Vox and Velvette, and Alastor could try to fish information from him, and he can be petty enough to reveal how Vox was before he presented himself as the composed (lol) ceo is now, and this is more of a hc territory, but since their deaths weren't as far apart as others, who knows? Maybe in life, Angel knew or heard about Al, either his radio or serial killer persona? And we know Alastor's ego would love that :P
Vaggie: While I don't believe she trusts him 100%, the finale song shows her being glad that Alastor didn't die, so maybe her opinions has already shifted a little? We know Alastor values the art of war, or at least of combat, and wouldn't it be cool if s2 had a training session where both of them being the more experienced in the battlefield try to train the others? Vaggie can teach them how to fight with melee weapons against angels specifically, and Alastor can try and teach them more hands-on combat, maybe straight-up how to use their demonic powers, maybe even a training sequence of the two giving a demostration? The tentative bonding could start from there.
Lucifer: Since they're gonna be roomies from now on, I really want to see them being like sitcom arch-nemesis for a while, just doing little things to annoy the other, until something happens and maybe they have to work together, I wouldn't necessarily want them to be besties afterwards, but it could be like for Charlie's sake, they could try to be civil at least in front of her.
Husk: I admit I'm not sure if bonding with him is possible given their master-servant relationship and that glare Husk gave him when he came back talks volumes that he couldn't give less of a shit if Al dies, and who can blame him? The best I can think that could happen is if Husk starts noticing Alastor changing, he's good at reading people, so perhaps he starts noticing how Al seems more... genuine? Perhaps in his own backwards and creepy way he starts treating them a little better, and depending on where Husk's character goes in s2, he may try to confront him about it or keep it to himself until later idk
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
I have an important question (technically there's a few):
How did the Joelkémons react when slasher suddenly moved into the brothel? Do they like him? Is there drama? Did they talk shit about him to the camera? I'd like to know the tea, if there is any
Also, this isn't really connected to my other question but is vampire!joel a joelkémon or no?
Great question. Thighs out, stepdad, and night walks all wanted him let into the brothel. FAQ
Recap: Slasher has been waiting outside the Prime Time mansion. Some of the men are more excited than others about the prospect of him moving in. Slasher has only had one short story, but readers have launched a passionate campaign to get him into the mansion.
—--- Joelkemon Brothel: Slasher's first night
*Slasher walks into the brothel and Thighs Out slaps him on the back.* "There he is!"  Everyone but raider is getting ready to eat. Night walks says, "Alriiiight, come on in, buddy. Been pullin' for ya." 
Lincoln side-eyes the camera. Lincoln is serving dinner and gives Slasher none of the crusted part on his mac & cheese. 
Speakeasy is indifferent, but in his private interview with the camera, the producer manipulates him into almost talking smack, like, "do you think it was unusual the way slasher got into the brothel? Do you think he would've gotten in without @jazziepascal's passionate campaign and @bonezone44's art? Why do you think it happened that way? How many times has he even done something on camera?" Speakeasy thinks for a moment. Then the only thing you see on camera is out of context, speakeasy saying "well shit I guess he's only been on-screen one time." (Spliced together with a selective clip of something else he said). "he woulda had to prove himself without the art." (leaving off "i dunno if" he woulda)
Then in Lincoln's interview the producer eggs him on. "Speakeasy thinks slasher might not even be here if it weren't for bonezone."  Lincoln takes a deep breath. "bonezone? *My* bonezone? The one that drew me?" The producer eats it up. "Yeah. Does that bother you? Slasher said there might be another one on the way at some point too" Lincoln takes another deep breath through his nose. Then he takes off his mic, fumbling with it for a few seconds before dropping it in the chair and walking out. The producer mumbles "oh shit" and urgently calls night walks in for his interview.
Night walks and the producer have a mostly inaudible conversation off-camera. You can hear the producer's end of the convo. 
"I dunno, just distract him . . . Hey, where's raider, why isn't he-. . .ok (via radio she pages another producer to go get raider). . . Idk whatever, just distract him. . . Ah, fuck. You know I don't have that kind of authority. . . But I'll ask her, sure." 
Night walks says "hell yeah" and the producer says "go, go, go."   Then I get a call from the producer begging me to let night walks come twice in his next escapade. I get suspicious and say I'm coming down there. 
While I'm on my way down from the penthouse night walks goes back into the kitchen where the guys are eating and tries to act casual.  Lincoln is glaring at slasher. Night walks is like "what do you guys think about Vampire?" Raider walks in and sits next to Lincoln, watching his every move.  Free Use answers Night Walks. "I guess that would be the guy who dragged a coffin across the lawn yesterday?" 
Stepdad is like, "ya think?" 
Stepdad sees me first and  gets up from the table, confronting me before i even make it into the kitchen. “Now all the audience is fuckin’ pissed at me.”  I tell him they'll get over it, and some people actually feel bad for him.  “They drag me on discord thinking up ways to punish me.”   I try not to smile. “Oh you’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” he asks me.  I remind him at least he has a vacation coming up -- unless he doesn't wanna go. 
Vampire Joel is not in the brothel, he's setting up camp like Slasher was, in Slasher's camper.
Click the joelkémon art tag to find the art and joelkémon sitcom ☠️ for prior episodes.
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nullshocked · 5 months
🍪🍾🥃 for Jack 😊
Odd OC Asks
🍪: What is something that's sentimental to you OC?
So owing to an upbringing where he wasn't allowed to really own much, Jack has a tendency to hoard things. Any small gfits someone gives to him (cards, trinkets, ticket stubs, all of that) he tends to hold onto in a little box. He never expects anyone to give him anything, so he's touched when it does happen.
🍾: Does your OC believe in luck? If so, do they have any charm or ritual they do before a stressful event?
Not particularly. I think Jack leans more fatalistic than anything, though not to an extreme degree.
🥃: If your OC was in this universe, what would be their favourite show/book/band/social media platform?
I apologize for the psychic damage I am about to inflict on people.
Show: He definitely likes dramas and probably prime-time television. I think medical dramas in particular would really get to him. (Grey's Anatomy?? idk i don't watch these much)
Book: Lover of the romantics, so definitely a fan of Austen/the Bronte sisters/etc. The classics in general. Modern novelists like Conrad and Joyce. I think this is the area of his life where he is the biggest snob when it comes to what he consumes.
Band: Pop music apologist who listens to top 40 radio almost exclusively. And when he isn't listening to that, it's sadboy indie shit. I think someone (probably Virgil) could nurture an appreciation for 90s alt-rock and grunge though.
Social Media: Has an instagram he uses to post #aesthetic cell phone photos of shit he finds. He never posts selfies. He has a very good reason to never post selfies.
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parkquimin · 1 year
TF141 + Valeria and their relationship with kpop
Not a big fan but is smart enough to know that there's a shit ton of money in kpop.
She probably buys up like all the tickets ever for concerts and then charges 10x the original price. The original scalper.
I think if there's a group she likes, she'll save the best tickets for herself.
Also she definitely buys up all the merch and sells them at extremely high rates too.
I think she also uses them as bargaining chips. Like if she's talking to an important business person or whatever she's like "oh I heard your kid likes (insert group), I happen to have tickets to them I could give you a good discount on them"
She probably posted something negative about a big group just to stir up drama and quickly learned to never do that again because her location got leaked LMAOOO
She probably thought about hiring some of the stans because how tf did they even find her???
Idk why but I feel like he's an ultimate stan.
Knows some of the dances, but isn't super dedicated to learning them
He definitely has photocards, lightsticks, albums, etc.
Had a VISCERAL reaction when he was called in on an emergency during KCON and he had to sell his prized P1 ticket.
WHEN he's off duty OMGGG.
This man has like 4 different devices set up ready to get tickets (he's fighting Valeria for them).
If he's on base or on a mission and the time is right, he'll make the rest of the team open the ticket portals so he can have a higher chance at getting tickets.
Cried when he didn't get Stray Kids tickets and then screamed when they released more dates in his area.
Cries for like half of the concerts he attends and his voice is unusable the next day
I feel like he's not into it and MAYBE he knows like "Red" by Hyuna cause Gaz played it once and liked it.
MAYBE does a little research just to know what Gaz and Soap are screaming and giggling about
He hit Gaz with "I heard one of those kpop people you like on the radio" and Gaz just stared.
I feel like he set one foot into a kpop store because he got Gaz for secret santa and he grabbed the first thing he saw, paid, and never looked back (Gaz appreciated the effort)
Mixes up different groups' names (not even on purpose he just can't remember all of that info)
"Why are there so many people in NCT"
"Why are they called "Seventeen" if there are only 13 people in it"
I feel like he's heard it in passing, but doesn't really listen to it.
Maybe there's a couple songs where he bops his head to the beat but then nothing further than that.
Probably gives Soap and Gaz concerned looks when he catches them in a corner giggling over a piece of paper smaller than his hand.
I feel like he's been to ONE concert because he lost a bet to Soap. Soap would've gone, but it was a group he didn't know and he thought it would be funnier if Ghost accompanied Gaz. Ghost agreed mainly because he'd get to spend time with Gaz (he loves his teammates)
He watched all of the fans scream and cry and was lowkey scared
He is more invested but not as dedicated as Gaz.
He probably learned a couple dances with Gaz and likes the more popular groups like Twice and EXO.
Would go to KCON if there were enough groups that he liked and just to bond with Gaz.
Gaz lends Soap his albums because he "needs to learn to appreciate art more"
Soap ends up getting a couple of albums of his own, and I KNOW him and Gaz trade photocards and do reveals for each other
Watches with concern as Gaz screeches at his computers when it's time to buy tickets.
Doesn't freak out when he sees other people with kpop merch in public, but he'll give them like a side eye LMAOOO
I'm ngl I've never played COD and I recently just started getting into the characters, so please lmk if you think I've mischaracterized anyone in this post! I'm happy to make edits and do more research but I just though this would be a fun thing to write :). Also thank you so much for viewing my work, it means so much to me as a beginner writer <3
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riley-francis-moore · 2 years
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I posted 571 times in 2022
That's 571 more posts than 2021!
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540 posts reblogged (95%)
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Longest Tag: 93 characters
#(is this a thing? idk. and i'm not going to search it. it's at least a thing in our universe)
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Final Confessional
Mentions: Aldrich, Luna, Khamani, Sebastián Notes: Riley’s last Ship-Wrecked confessional
Riley sat with his legs crossed and looked at the producer. “Hit me with your best questions.”
“Okay, so we’ll start easy. You and Aldrich are cute together. What first drew you to him, and how do you feel about him now?”
“First off, thank you. We are extremely cute together. Is it shallow to say his looks first drew me to him? And his sexy Italian accent? Maybe it is, but I quickly learnt that he is an incredible man. He took care of me after I got sick, and he is just sweet. Judging from his looks, you would never know. I’m glad I got to know him better. Not only is he wonderful, but my ramblings didn’t scare him away. They apparently endeared me to him.” Riley grinned as he thought about his luck. “I am very much in love with him. I don’t know exactly what’s next for us, but I imagine it involves a lot of Italian food, traveling, and just being with each other.”
“You answered the follow up question I was going to ask. So here’s another one, do you think you two will end up married?”
“Honestly, I have no idea. I’m not opposed to the idea of marriage. But we aren’t going to rush into things. I want to just enjoy being with him. All I know is that we would have the most epic wedding. He’s a party planner, and would throw us a spectacular wedding and reception!”
“Your time here hasn’t been without drama. You and Khamani got into it a bit during the Truth, Dare, or Noms task. Have things settled down a bit?”
“I haven’t gone out of my way to talk to him after that. I did talk to Luna about it, though, and while I still don’t love the idea of them together, Luna is my best friend. If she’s happy with him, then I suppose I’ll learn to deal with him. Just don’t expect Khamani and I to ever be besties. We can be civil for Luna’s sake, but I still think he’s a fucking prick,” Riley shrugged.
"What’s next for you when you get home?”
“First, I’m going to eat my weight in fish and chips. Mostly chips if we’re being honest. I’ll get back to working on games and The Hallowed show. Then Luna and I are going to take the gaming industry by the bollocks and try to change things. The industry as it is is toxic. There are gatekeepers, misogynists, racists, etcetera. If we can make a small change by talking to industry experts, then I think it will lead to bigger changes. We can start with blunt conversations about it, with the help of Sebastián and his radio show. Then we can try to host panels about it at Cons. That’s where Luna’s job and expertise comes in...” Riley stopped himself. “I’m rambling. You don’t give a fuck about this. Anyway. Back to work,” he said, chuckling.
“Okay, then. Final questions. What’s something we can improve on for next season? And what’s some advice you have for the next group of Ship-mates?”
“This one is easy. You need to add more date nights, even if they’re with random people. Give them a romantic date to try to get to know someone. This walking up to someone on the beach is fine, but I would like to see more date opportunities. And when people are together, also give them dates. Ship-mates shouldn’t have to try to find a private spot on the island to have alone time. Anyway, I would tell the next group to just go with the flow as much as possible. You’ll make friends, you’ll meet people you can fall in love with, and you’ll meet people you don’t particularly like. Just accept that all.” Riley stood up and shook the producers’ hands. “Good luck with the next group.”
3 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
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Confessional - Post Truth or Dare
(mentions @aldrichpalermo, @lunazuniga, @detkhamani) 
“You lot wasted no time ushering me in here after that task. I guess I just needed to snog an Italian man to get some attention, eh? Kidding. A little,” Riley shrugged and sat down on the couch, adjusting the lav mic around his neck.
“We’ve seen you make out with Aldrich before. Cameras everywhere. You haven’t exactly been hiding it well.”
“Well, can you blame me? He’s the hottest man I’ve seen in my life, and he’s somehow attracted to me despite my word vomit the first time I talked to him,” he shook his head. “He called my rambling cute. Did you put that in the show?” he wondered.
“You know you’re not supposed to ask that kind of stuff.”
“I know, I know. But you have to give the viewers at home some reason to think I’m not a complete dork. I know I am, but maybe you can do a little editing magic to make me seem more suave and charming than I really am,” he grinned.
“You’re purposely avoiding talking about the kiss. Spill. What was going through your mind when you asked Aldrich to be your boyfriend?”
Riley looked between the producer and the camera. “I was thinking that I fancy him more than I’ve ever fancied another man. It’s not just his looks, but his personality. He’s not a prick despite knowing he’s fit as fuck. And we had already kissed, so I already knew he liked me back. It wasn’t a difficult ask. I guess the only reason he might have said no is if he doesn’t want commitment. He wouldn’t be the first person on this island to lead someone on.” The comment was very pointed. “Before you ask, I said everything I want to say about Khamani to his face.” 
“We almost thought you were going to hit him.”
“Ha! No. Have you see him? He could knock me to the ground with a slap. I don’t have a death wish. I also wouldn’t do that to Luna. As much as I dislike him, Luna is my best friend here. Hell, my best friend in general. I might change my mind about hitting him if he hurts her again, though. Anyway,” he sighed. “Aldrich makes me happy. When can I take him on that camera and recording-free date?”
3 notes - Posted April 22, 2022
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Outfit for SebTony Wedding
4 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
(Love) Sick || Riley & Aldrich
Riley didn’t know what food was tainted at the birthday party, but he did know it left him feeling incredibly itchy, covered in red splotches, and sick. The only food allergy he knew he had was shellfish. It wasn’t severe enough to cause anaphylaxis, but it did cause itchiness to his skin and mouth. Obviously, he avoided anything that was labeled with shellfish in it, so he figured there must have been cross contamination. Fortunately, there was some allergy meds in the medical tent. They were taking forever to kick in.
He sat up a little in bed when he heard someone walk in. To his dismay, it was Aldrich. The last person he wanted to see him like this. “I hope you weren’t looking for me. I know I’m missing the after party-party, but I feel like rubbish.”
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28 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Riley was thinking up some fun truth or dares he could offer people. He didn’t want to trick anyone into eating any of the ‘noms’ on the table nearby. “Play the game with me?” he asked, looking at the nearest person. “I promise to go easy on you. I don’t want anyone to have to eat one of those things because of me.”
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61 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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asgardwinter · 2 years
The Divorce (3)
summary | Vecna’s curse was a hell of a problem, and the worst part was: you had no idea about its cause, you just knew it was killing people in your world. How can you keep your kids safe when you have no true idea about what is happening? You weren’t so sure neither you or Steve would be capable of it this time.
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pairing | Steve Harrington x fem!Reader
warnings | angsty, making out in a car, mentions of panic attacks, reader is on the verge of a panic attack, nightmares, mentions of torture (yk the russian base and all), the idiots are realizing it!, SEASON 4 SPOILERS (episode 3) — let me know if i forgot something please!
word count | 4,1k
author’s note | here we go! idk how i feel about this chapter, but in the next one shit is going down :) leave a comment if you like — it helps to keep up the motivation! i know ‘time after time’ is already used in the series but i love the song and i needed to use it
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Vecna’s Curse was what Dustin named it.
You could barely sleep that night after finding Eddie and learning that the chance of an Upside Down related event was even bigger than before. What type of monster would this Vecna be? As big as the mindflayer? Would it come to your dimension or act at a distance?
There were too many questions and, only to add to them, the fear of not being lucky enough this time crept under you.
You had to take care of the kids, had to keep them safe while letting them help because, being completely honest, they did a great part of the job. But every time these things would attack again you caught yourself thinking about the day you wouldn't be fast enough to swing a bat, or witty enough to find a metal pipe and hit something in the head just in time.
You weren’t that much older than them, anyways.
So when Steve got to your house to pick you up and see Eddie you had the most tired face in you and probably some indications that you cried — but just a little. Now you were head first into this edition of the Upside Down drama and you needed to keep your head in the game with no panic attack or other distractions.
“Good morning.” You said, clearing your throat so your voice would sound less nervous.
“Hey there.” Steve said, giving you a small smile. “Everything’s fine?”
When you only nodded he picked it as his cue to keep quiet and not ask anything about it. It was going to be a quiet ride to pick up Robin, so he decided to turn on the radio. The first chords of Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper and you turned your head to Steve raising an eyebrow.
It was the beginning of 1985 and you were in Steve’s car listening to some music.
For the first time in forever Steve’s parents were in Hawkins and at his house, making it not the first choice of a place for hanging out with your boyfriend whatever you and Steve were.
The car wasn’t one of the warmest places to stay in the winter but at least you were alone and didn't have to worry about any interruptions. You were listening to some music and talking, nothing much. After the events that first brought you to talk you and Steve had been doing that a lot.
Fears, traumas, the things you both went through and couldn’t tell a single soul in Hawkins were out in the open when it was the two of you.
That was, until he went and kissed you, interrupting some ramble about waiting for a demogorgon to appear out of nowhere.
You both didn’t waste any time and you sat on his lap kissing him harder, his hands roaming through your body were everything you needed for some time, everything you wanted. Talking so freely with him made you catch some feelings for sure plus the whole kissing too much wasn’t helping them to disappear like you wanted.
His hands trailed up to your cheeks, breaking the kiss and looking deep into your eyes. The smile he gave you awakened a dozen butterflies inside you.
“I’m happy you beated that demogorgon with a pipe.” He said sweetly, making you laugh.
“I shouldn’t even be at Jonathan’s house.” You said, taking a bit of hari from his eyes. “But I’m happy I saved your ass back there.”
“Because you wouldn’t be kissing me right now, right?” He joked.
Your hand traveled to his lips and you traced the pretty shape of them. “That and because I really like you, Steve.”
That caught him off guard but only made him smile wider and pull you in a deep kiss, one that sort of told you the very same thing you did to him.
He liked you very much.
The lyrics were lost in the car as you peeled his shirt off, but the moment you felt so happy with the possibility of it all being reciprocated you memorized the very same lines that echoed in your ears.
If you're lost you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you, I'll be waiting
Time after time
Steve only smiled timidly and continued driving.
The silent ride turned into a very talkative one as Robin and Dustin joined the car ride. News about what the Hawkins PD thought about Chrissy’s murder and how Eddie Munson seemed to be the prime suspect.
When you got to the boat house to give Eddie some food, sharing the news with him wasn’t even near a good part.
“We tapped into the Hawkins PD dispatch with our Cerebro and they’re definitely looking for you. Also they’re pretty convinced you killed Chrissy.” Dustin told him after he asked for them to say the bad news first.
“Like, 100% kind of convinced.” Max added, making Eddie’s expression fall even more.
“And the good news?” He said after a moment of silence.
“Your name hasn’t gone public yet.” Robin took a step forward. “But if we found out about you, it’s a matter of time before others do too. And once it gets out, everyone and they’re shallow-minded mother is going to be gunning for you.”
“Hunt the freak, right?” Eddie said, eyes lost far away to hold back the urge to go insane. You placed your hand on his arm, trying to give some comfort to your neighbor but it made no difference.
“So, before that happens we need to find Vecna, kill him and prove your innocence.” Dustin presented his plan.
“That’s all, Dustin? That 's all?” Eddie hissed, the plan didn’t sound even near promising.
“Yeah, no, that’s pretty much it.” Dustin said.
“Listen, Eddie.” Robin calledhis attention. “I know everything Dustin’s saying sounds totally delusional, but we’ve actually been through this kind of thing before.” She stopped just a second before adding. “I mean, they have a… a few times and… and I have once. MIne was more human-flesh-based, theirs was more smoke related, but bottom line is, collectively, I really feel like we got this.”
“Yes, we usually rely on this girl who has superpowers. But, uh, those went bye-bye, so…”
“So we’re technically in more of the…” Robin tried to follow on.
“Brainstorming phase.” Max completed it.
“Yeah, there’s nothing to worry about.” You tried to help them, but that affirmation was way too forced and made Eddie’s eyes go a little bit wider.
Police sirens cut the brainstorming phase of the plan and everyone started to grow in panic. Robin and Steve covered Eddie in the boat with the tarp and you ran first to spy in the window, trying to not show your whole face in the glass — an effort that proved useless since Dustin ran after you and got in front of the whole window to look at it.
“Fucking hell, I have a terrible feeling about this.” You whispered as you saw an ambulance followed by the police cars. "Let 's go.” You suggested, already running to the door so you could get in Steve’s car.
You sort of notice what you were doing only during your fourth step, acting as if nothing had changed. A cold ran though your spine but you continued to walk without looking behind you, without looking at him.
The group stood there stunned for a second, you were way more silent this time and it was comprehensible after “the divorce”. That was the first glimpse into what the hell things were back then, it felt like one glimpse of a good thing in the middle of the chaos that was only starting to unravel.
Dustin was the first to run after you, was it curiosity or that feeling of comfort in seeing you looking back at Steve and waiting for him to go even with the spark of insecurity behind your eyes.
Steve woken from the small transe he was in, taking in your cautions demeanor that stood several feet away from him and the similarity. For the first time since you met again, Steve gave you a half smile before walking fast to the car.
You still had an ambulance to follow.
It was no surprise to find Nancy at the crime scene, what shocked you was the reason for that to happen. Instead of going after information she was searching for her friend — or coworker — when she figured out he was dead.
After being questioned by the police she walked towards the group, already knowing that something was off if they were all together and very near a crime scene. Then phase two began, all the theories and explanations started being shared and got into an open discussion.
Things that had been understood in silence were finally spoken out loud and suddenly everything was real.
Way too real in your opinion.
“All that we know is that this is something different. Something new.” Max said, when most things were out.
“It doesn’t make sense.” Nancy complained.
“It’s only a theory.” Dustin justified himself.
“No, Fred and Chrissy don’t make sense.” Nancy continued. “I mean, why them?”
“Maybe it was just the wrong place? They were both at the game.” Dustin suggested.
“And near the trailer park.” Max completed.
“We’re at the trailer park.” Steve said in an uneasy voice. “Uh, should we maybe not be here?”
“I don’t think this is something to do with the trailer park.”
“No.” Nancy disagreed. “There is something about this place. Fred started acting weird the second we got here.”
“Acting weird as in…?” Robin trailed off, waiting for a better explanation.
“Scared, on edge, upset.”
“Max said Chrissy was upset too.” Dustin linked the information.
“Yeah, but not here.” She corrected him. “She was crying in the bathroom at school.”
“Serial killers stalk their prey before strike, right? So, maybe Fred and Chrissy saw this Vecman…” Robin 
“Vecna.” Dustin corrected.
“I don’t know about you guys, but if I saw some freaky wizard monster, I would mention it to someone.” Steve said.
“Maybe they did.” It was Max's turn again. “I saw Chrissy leaving Ms. Kelley’s office. If you saw a monster, you… you wouldn’t go to the police. They’d never believe you. But you might go to your…”
“Your shrink.” Robin concluded.
She hadn't even said the last letter and everyone was already getting up and walking to the car again, Nancy weirdly going in a different direction.
“Whoa, whoa. Nance. Nance!” Steve shouted for her and everyone stopped on their tracks. “Nance, where are you going?” he walked to her.
“Oh, there’s just something I wanna check up on first.” She said, still walking to the car.
“Something you wanna share with the group?” Dustin said.
“I don’t wanna waste your time. It’s a real shot in the dark.” She tried to get everyone off her.
“Yeah, okay. Are you out of your mind? Flying solo with this Vecna creep on the loose?” Steve complained. “No, it’s too dangerous. You need… You need someone to…”
He stuttered with the look she gave him and you were almost laughing, that’s until you spotted keys being thrown your way and you caught them by a miracle.
“I’ll stick with Nace, right? Take the car, check out the shrink.”
You looked at Robin, baffled and a bit hurt, but she only rolled her eyes and whatever Steve was doing. “I’m going with him so he doesn’t do anything stupider than this.”
“Take care, you three.” Was all you could shout before just turning around taking back the mission from where you stopped.
And that’s how you were stuck in the car with Dustin and Max and driving Steve’s car without Steve there. The other three had gone into Nancy’s car towards whatever clue Nancy was following and left you with the kids.
To be fair, being with the kids was easy, you were used to it for the past years. Saving Dustin and Erica from evil Russians, protecting Max, Lucas and also Dustin against “demodogs”, that was something you knew you were good at because the kids being alive meant something.
But you felt ashamed for being hurt by Steve running away from your side at the first opportunity. You shouldn’t be feeling like that and you knew, the break up was already about eight months into the past and you should be over it.
There was no being over Steve Harrington, it seemed.
“Here?” You asked Max when you parked the car in front of a house you never saw before.
She nodded to you. “I’m going in, wish me luck.”
With Dustin with you in the front seat you were afraid about where the conversation might go, so you just kept quiet, resting your head against the steering wheel.
“She’s in.” Dustin informed you and you nodded your head, almost hitting your nose at the steering wheel because you didn’t want to lift it up — this Upside Down business was getting more tiresome every year. 
The silence was perfect for you, but apparently not to Dustin since he felt the urge to interrogate you. “So, we're gonna talk about… it?”
“What?” You turned to look at him, seeing his pretty serious face and you had no idea about what he wanted to say.
“About the hurt face you made?” He said but you were still confused. “When Steve tossed you the car keys and went to uncover the mysteries of this town with Nancy Wheeler?”
“You’re seeing things, Dustin.”
“No, there were a lot of witnesses. I’m pretty sure Robin saw it too.” He kept going. “So that leaves us with only one conclusion: you still love Steve.”
“You’re insane, kid.”
“And I’m still more aware of this than you.”
“Shut up!” You were starting to feel bothered by it.
“You know I’m right.”
“It’s not like Steve and I broke up because we didn’t love each other.” You whispered.
“What was that?” His ears picked up your little comment that added new information to the thing he never understood.
You see, Dustin Henderson might have made a huge drama off your break up with Steve but he had no idea about what truly happened the week before you moved out of Hawkins. He also had no idea about the nightmares and how what happened at the Russian Base hit Steve harder than any of you would’ve thought.
“I’m sorry, Dusty.” You said, this time you looked out of the window for a distraction. “I’m sorry but this doesn’t have to do with you. You don’t need to worry about me and Steve, we about what we were. There’s no going back for us and… and even though I do though there might be a chance it was crushed today, all right? So let’s just not talk about this again? Could you please do this for me?”
Dustin kept quiet for a second, a very long second considering it was him — damn, you loved the kid but sometimes he just tested your patience way too much. “You know, Steve’s still in love with you, right?”
You were leaning on the steering wheel again and all you could do was laugh a bit at the situation.
“As I said, the problem isn’t love.” And it was so true. The problem might actually be… Hawkins, you weren’t a hundred percent sure. How can things grow when there’s always a monster waiting  to get us after some months? “But you know, I wouldn’t be so sure about his feelings. I think Nancy is the one for him.” And how could you blame him?
“He just wants to protect a friend. A very stubborn friend.” You looked at him, holding back laughter. “I know you’re stubborn too, but you’re the most responsible babysitter when it comes to you both.”
You laughed a bit, trying to lighten up the mood. “Whatever, I…” You stopped talking when you saw Max running in the direction of the car, so you started the engine. “Here she comes.”
She opened and closed the door as fast as she could.
“What’d she say?” Dustin asked.
“Nothing, just drive.” She answered shortly.
“Nothing?” You turned to look at her, confused by the lack of information.
“Y/n, drive!”
“All right, let’s go.” You speed up to leave the house behind. “Where to?”
“To the school, we need to check the records there.” Max said.
“Well I never thought I’d be sneaking into Hawkins High after I graduated.” You whispered.
Dustin. Dustin, it’s Lucas. Do you copy? Dustin.
Well, it seemed Lucas Sinclair got into the picture.
Entering the school wasn’t too complicated, but being inside when it was all dark and no one was inside too was quite intimidating. Well, the school like that was intimidating but the reason why you were there might’ve had a huge say in that.
You and Dusting followed Max to Ms. Kelley’s room when his walkie came back to life again, but this time it was Robin talking.
Dustin, do you copy?
“Yeah, I copy.” He answered quickly without stopping the run inside the school.
So, Nancy's a genius. Vecna's first victims date back all the way to 1959. Her shot in the dark was a bull's-eye.
“Okay, that's totally bonkers, but I can't really talk right now.” He said and you pulled him to your side to make a turn in another corridor.
What are you doing?
“We’re breaking and entering into school to retrieve confidential and extremely personal files.” Dustin summarized it pretty well.
Can you repeat that?
You grabbed the walkie from his hand to answer. “Just get your asses over here as fast as you can and we'll explain everything.”
What’s going on?
This time it was Steve’s voice.
“A lot, just come here.” You said again. “Bye.”
Giving Dustin the walkie back you entered inside the room right after Max and ran for the archives that you hoped held some of the answers you were all looking for.
“It's like a mini-Watergate or something.” Dustin said. “Hawkinsgate.”
You ignored looking at the files that Max was going through. 
“Oh, no.” You whispered.
“You found it?” Dustin walked closer to see it.
“Yeah, and not just Chrissy's file. Fred was seeing Ms. Kelley too.” Max explained it, walking to the table and opening the file to read.
You and Dustin got behind her and pointed the flashlights, going through the symptoms of whatever happened to Fred and Chrissy.
“Can I see Fred’s file?” She asked and you caught it for her.
The information was quite similar: nosebleeds, nightmares, PTSD, headaches… All of those were repeated on both files. “That’s not looking good. Max, can you pass me that other page?” You asked but she didn’t respond. “Max?”
She was freezed, you couldn’t call her and couldn't reach for her. You and Dustin started shaking her desperately and she was still in the same position and looking at the same place.
In some sort of… trance.
You were desperate, shaking and shouting, trying to do anything besides swelling into the panic that was already reaching for you. Some time while you and Dustin were trying to wake her up you felt an arm in your shoulder, only seconds before Max blinked back to reality.
“Hey, hey! You’re here, you’re here.” You said more like trying to ground yourself than her, but you squeezed her hands anyway. She was there.
The hand that was still on your shoulder was gone, but soon you felt arms surround you and bring you up to your feet, this time you were squeezed against someone’s chest and you were glad for it. The smell was too easy to recognize, Steve kept you there until your breath was normal again and it wasn’t long until you were back too.
Looking around you were glad everyone was worried about Max, too worried to notice your little slip of control. That was the last thing anyone needed in this situation.
“Thank you.” You whispered, back still pressed against him for comfort, your hands were free by your sides but you leaned your head back on his shoulder.
Just a quiet sign to show him it was okay.
After Starcout and everything it brought to Hawkins it wasn’t so hard to have trouble sleeping. Being held captive in a Russian Base also wasn’t in your top 3 best experiences in life.
When you jumped awake on that warm summer night you weren’t even surprised anymore, getting up to get a glass of water in the middle of the night had become a routine for you. At least you were happy the screaming had stopped, so Steve wasn’t awoken by your night terrors — even if he was sometimes by his own demons.
The water filling the glass up had a calming effect and, as you drank it, you felt more at ease but it wasn’t enough to bring back your sleep.
That’s when you felt strong arms surround you and you stilled in fear for a second, just before melting in Steve’s embrace. He wasn’t one to talk in the middle of the night, like if his voice was used it’d ruin his sleep — and you could understand why he’d value any night when the thoughts gave a break. But the good part was that Steve Harrington didn’t need to say a word to comfort you, the feeling of his heartbeat against your back and the way his hands ran up and down your arms took the fear away.
You leaned your head on his shoulder, letting out a loud and deep breath. 
Following the previous night's schedule, Steve knew you were feeling better so he guided you back to his room in small lazy steps. All until you were tucked under the sheets with him and were almost drifting off again, even if you swore you wouldn’t close your eyes ever again.
He has that effect.
“It was here.”
Great, you had zoned out again. Steve wasn’t hugging you anymore but his hand held yours tightly, he was probably the one who guided you out of Ms. Kelley’s room.
“Right here.” Max pointed at the empty wall.
“A grandfather clock?” Nancy asked.
“It was so real. And then, when I got closer, suddenly I just… I woke up.”
“It was like she was in a trance or something. Exactly what Eddie said happened to Chrissy.” Dustin explained, every word only left the atmosphere worse.
“That's not even the bad part.” Max turned to everyone and guided the group back to the room. “Fred and Chrissy, they both came to Miss Kelley for help. They both were having headaches. Bad headaches that wouldn't go away. And then… then the nightmares. They'd wake up in a cold sweat. Then they started seeing things. Bad things. From their pasts. These visions, they just… they kept on getting worse and worse, until eventually…” She stopped to take another deep breath. “Everything ended.”
“Vecna's curse.” Robin said.
“Chrissy's headache started a week ago. Fred's, six days ago. I've been having them for five days.” Max confessed it. “All I know is that, for Fred and Chrissy, they both died less than 24 hours after their first vision. And I just saw that goddamn clock, so…”, she breathed shakily, “…looks like I'm gonna die tomorrow.”
You shook your head, wanting to say something until the terrible moment was interrupted by a noise in the corridors outside of the room. Without even thinking, you squeezed Steve’s hand, looking back at him with wide eyes. He squeezed it back, in that reassuring way he’d always do for you, just before letting it go.
“Stay here.” He said to everyone, grabbing a lamp close to the door and then walking out of the room.
You looked at the table and caught a scissors you found, following him out not only seconds before. The kids, Nancy and Robin also followed, everyone with that fear mixed with curiosity to see what the hell was waiting outside. A loud noise of a door being open and then echoes of steps came from the corridor that crossed the one you were into and everyone was prepared for an attack.
“It's me!” A voice you knew shouted.
“Lucas?” You exclaimed.
“It's me.” He said one more time just to be sure.
“Jesus, what's wrong with you, Sinclair?” Steve shouted. “I could've taken you out with this lamp!”
“Sorry, guys. Sorry.” He said breathing too heavily. “I was… I was biking for eight miles. Give me a second. Shit.” Lucas took some more breaths before following. “We've got a code red.”
And anyone would think things couldn’t get worse, but you had Jason Carver to thank for that one.
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volfoss · 3 years
Suzi Q, Shinobu, and Trish!!
tysm all my besties.... and it gives me an excuse to think about suzi q more <3 under the cut since its 3 of them
Suzi Q:
writes mostly in cursive but makes the Q in her name really loopy for fun and ends the tail of her Q with a little heart
drinks lemonade a lot but idk why i just like know in my heart she really likes pink lemonade (like specifically strawberry and raspberry lemonade)
is actually relatively smart but kind of acts less so in order to keep people at ease around her
gives literally THE BEST hugs ever and u can smell her jasmine and rose scented perfume when she hugs u
in terms of hobbies- is really good at fixing up cars, like u could pretty much set any car in front of her and she would have a v high chance of fixing it, rly good at working w house plants too! like idk i hc she has a lot of ferns around her house in a lot of those hanging ceiling planters. also think shes rly good at drink mixing! also i think she can make a potholder and has a lot of ones that have tulips on the fabric
collects a lot of porcelain stuff (but esp teacups/pots!) and has a full cupboard of them! i think that its one of her more treasured possessions bc she got her first set when she and kosaku were married as a wedding gift.
watches a lot of soap operas during the day but also listens to the radio a lot! when hayato is at school, the house is a lot more empty and silent so she has to have something to fill the noise up. imo she really hates how silent it can get at times, like the silence feels rly oppressive
paints her nails a lot but tends to chip them really easily. i think she uses either a like really pale pink or a pale teal! she keeps her nails kind of short (just a little bit past the tips of her fingers) with rounded tips <3 she also tends to wear bracelets sometimes but the really thin ones that aren't super obvious she's wearing something. i dont think shes super big on jewelry most of the time, but sometimes will wear small things, but not really anything super gaudy. can also see her having pierced ears but just not normally wearing anything in them or very very small silver studs. also i think she would wear colorful bobby pins if she used them instead of ponytail holders to hold her bangs back
could and should wear overalls actually. no further thoughts other than they seem to fit her canon style and she would look rly cute with one and a patterned blouse/tshirt underneath
shes really observant and would be really good at embroidery (imo she embroidered the pale flowers on that one pink dress she wore when she brought kosaku flowers). i think shes like moderately ok at cooking? but just is really good at cooking certain foods (mainly bc of how kosaku is canonically slightly picky w eating and i hc hayato to be a relatively picky eater)
Her hair when its down is a bit past the nape of her neck and her bangs are at about her cheekbone. I also think when its out of the normal hairstyle she keeps it in a low ponytail or just loose
She literally should have been wearing arm warmer glove things that like looped into the thumb (if u search fingerless arm warmers gloves u will kinda see what i mean). also i feel like w her canon outfits she should have worn some of those metal bracelets that r just like bangles!
is really good at checkers and monopoly (can and will make u bankrupt in game in a VERY quick time), like rly rly good at thinking ahead a lot in games and i think shes someone thats fun to play games w, if she'll play with you.
she really likes romantic drama movies but also likes the occasional romcom! (i havent seen it so take this w a grain of salt but i can see her maybe enjoying family portrait as well!)
shes rly good at baking! i think the times she enjoys it the most is if she can do it on her own so things stay tidy but i think she and giorno can and should cook together sometimes!
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sylvies-chen · 3 years
Okay, so non TV fandom related ask but curious to know your ranking of all of Taylor Swift's albums!
OOF OK THIS IS A HARD ONE but thank you so much for the ask anon! I’ve never had to do this before and it’ll definitely be a challenge, but a fun one! Also keep in mind I do like all her albums so even the last place ones are iconic and dear to my heart. Anyway, let’s do it:
*Taylor’s Version for all albums that apply
Folklore: there is not a single song on here that isn’t an absolute banger, 10/10 it’s perfect for spring and summer but also works all year round, convinced this album can do no wrong ✨
Lover: this album never fails to make me feel every single type of happiness. I do have some nitpicky issues with a few songs— like I didn’t love You Need To Calm Down because as someone who’s bi/queer I can say with certainty that homophobia isn’t just a “haters gonna hate” mentality— but honestly Cruel Summer, Daylight, Paper Rings, Lover, they’re all bops that completely make up for it and give you that epic sort of joy when you listen to them. Instant serotonin boost!
*Fearless: honestly I don’t know if this album would have ranked as high for me had there not been a Taylor’s version just because the added songs gave it such an extra pop. Before we knew Red (Taylor’s Version) was coming, this album being remade and expanded was something completely unprecedented and new. It still would have ranked high in my head regardless, because it has so many songs I consider to be quintessential to the early days country Taylor!
Evermore: BEAUTIFUL ALBUM, gorgeous gorgeous girls love Evermore!! only reason it doesn’t rank higher for me is because it makes me cry too much so I have to be in the mood to get emotional (which, in all fairness, most of the time I am)
*Red: again, probably would have ranked Red a little lower had it not been for Taylor’s Version because the dumb ass internet ruined a few of the songs on the original album for me by doing the most traumatizing parodies ever. But then Red (Taylor’s Version) came and Phoebe Bridgers popped in for a duet and Taylor blessed us whth the LEGEND that is All Too Well (10-minute version), so really idk what I’d do with myself if this album DIDN’T exist.
Speak Now: this one is like peak angsty tortured yet epic love, like Haunted and Enchanted and Dear John and Sparks Fly like CMON, if you ever go numb and need to feel something, put this album on. It’s an emotional awakening!! There are some songs on here that I just find a little forgettable, like Innocent or Long Live, but that doesn’t mean they’re not good! I just wouldn’t have remembered them if I hadn’t been listening to the full album to prepare for this post.
Reputation: I feel like people are going to hate me for putting this one so low on my list but don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the songs!! they’re so fucking good! The only issue I have is that when it was released, it was so clouded by the drama of Taylor v. Kim K sparked by Look What You Made Me Do that the press kept pushing, so I just got annoyed and couldn’t fully enjoy the album until years later.
1989: Again, not to say this isn’t a god album, but my main issue with it was that the songs that I liked the best were the ones that weren’t broadcasted as much or weren’t as popular!! It makes complete sense that Shake It Off was the one that became super popular because structurally it was just the perfect formula for a classic, successful pop song: it was fast, upbeat, a theme about shaking off a “hater” that was generic enough to reach a wide audience, a chorus that was three words and easy to remember. Those are the kinds of songs that do really well on radio stations and in the general public which is why so many people who don’t know Taylor Swift’s music all that well still know that she made that song. It was really smart of her to do that actually, but it was definitely the most typically pop of all her albums. You Are In Love and How You Get The Girl were my two favourites though, absolute gems that make me believe in love <3
Taylor Swift: the songs on this album are good but I’m just not a huge country fan (if you ask me if I like country music I will say yes, absolutely, but it’s not my favourite genre by far) so none of them resonated with me as much and especially seeing where Taylor’s skill is now, this one’s really only at the bottom for me because she’s very new and green and inexperienced in this album and it’s audible.
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puppy-phum · 4 years
pingxie thoughts (and prayers) pt. 1
i’m trying to make a series of my random thoughts on ultimate note pingxie (i might go to other versions too but who knows when). idk if this fandom really needs my two cents but here yall go either way. at least i get my screams out of my chest. (apologizing if my english breaks bc of my feels, this really isn’t my first language) 
The Jacket Scene 
This is about the scene where Xiaoge, Pangzi and Panzi discover Wu Laosi’s body with Wu Xie’s coat covering it and what happens before, during and after that scene. I had some thoughts on how this one moment connects the things that happened in the previous episodes, and what Pingxie seems like after this very small but significant ordeal. (placing under cut bc this is long. with some pics!)
The thing is, with this whole drama, that we’ve rarely seen the worried side of Xiaoge before this. We have seen him coming in and sweeping Wu Xie off of his feet and rescuing him from whatever situation the boy has put himself into but we rarely see his worry. And throughout Ultimate Note, we finally see a lot of that. (this post by @jockvillagersonly​ already talks about the snake egg scene and all the worry so I guess I don’t have to get into detail here.) But, ever since the beginning of this, ever since Xiaoge once again sweeps Wu Xie right off of his feet (figuratively) in Golmud Sanatorium, he shows a lot of concern towards Wu Xie. Though he gets it out in varying ways but. Let’s not blame him for that, shall we? 
First of all, he doesn’t want to rope Wu Xie into coming with them on this journey; he very blatantly wishes Wu Xie to turn back and leave. It sounds a bit rude and Wu Xie reads very wrongly into it. It’s just that Xiaoge doesn’t want Wu Xie to get hurt on yet another journey. He just wants Wu Xie to be safe and where does that lead him? Into worrying.
So, what gives us this jacket scene in the end is that even if Xiaoge holds very tightly onto his feelings and doesn’t talk about them or, god forbid, show them (especially to Wu Xie if they’re related to him), other ppl are still very much aware (e.g. Hei Xiazi, A-Ning and Pangzi). Example: When A-Ning talks with Wu Xie about him joining this expedition, she states that she doesn’t care about Wu Xie’s life but Xiaoge does (which,,, Wu Xie looks flabbergasted. Poor soul). She sees what Wu Xie, unfortunately and infuriatingly, does not. He understands Xiaoge’s silent and somehow reluctant care. 
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All of this then means that when Wu Xie’s team goes missing as they explore the shipwreck (or they just can’t contact ppl with their radios anymore bc of reasons), Xiaoge is absolutely losing his shit. He is already doing this before that (cue the scene with Hei Xiazi a lot earlier, in the pic above) but this is his last straw. He flees the camp to go look for Wu Xie, all his deals be damned. He might look cool and composed while doing this but his eyes are very telling. He is losing his fucking mind and no normal guy stands in his way (Wu Laosi being the one in his way is somehow so ironic in the light of what’s about to happen).
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Then Pangzi and Panzi walk in, taking Xiaoge with them. And I find it so very amazing that Pangzi is able to see right through Xiaoge. But this knowledge is comfortable, caring. Pangzi might speak about Xiaoge’s worry in a teasing way but it’s how he goes at these things. And with Pangzi, Xiaoge can show his worry (even if he’s being emo about it and sucks it in like the cool guy he is bc… idk my dudes, maybe for the same reason he doesn’t even look at Wu Xie when he gives him that compass in the desert, boy has problems ok). He’s safe with Pangzi who doesn’t force Xiaoge into admitting his feelings but shows him how ridiculous he’s being bc of course they can worry about Wu Xie. They’re all worried about Wu Xie.
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Then, after all the wandering in Devil’s City, they finally get to the shipwreck and there’s a camp but! Surprise! It’s full of corpses. Killed by corpse bugs. And then we see Wu Laosi (A-Ning’s right-hand man? I think?) wearing Wu Xie’s jacket. Xiaoge spots the jacket like a blood hound, drawn to it in an instant. And we as viewers know that it’s not Wu Xie laying there, that he’s long gone and having a not-so-fun adventure through the Devil’s City with A-Ning, but our guys do not. Xiaoge does not. We can see how his face freezes as he notices the body and then goes to look at it. He doesn’t even touch it, he just stares. Pangzi has to pull the jacket off of the body bc Xiaoge is too shocked to move.
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And maybe he does know that it’s not Wu Xie (like he lets Pangzi think later bc he’s Cool and Collected) bc he’s just so accustomed to that body but. For a second he really does believe. And if we think about him earlier, when he was saving Wu Xie from the desert, his first words for Wu Xie who regains his consciousness were, “Sorry, I was late.” Bc he wasn’t there early enough to prevent Wu Xie from collapsing and being in pain. He wasn’t there early enough to keep Wu Xie from harm. And at this moment here, Xiaoge comes to remember that perhaps, comes to think about how he might actually be late one day. He thinks about it so intensely and it makes him so frustrated that he just furiously slices that stray corpse bug into half with his sword (even if it has no point when Pangzi and Panzi already have their knives out and ready to go). He’s just so mad about the thought of someone or something harming Wu Xie and him not being there to prevent it that Xiaoge, our Poker Face, has a temper tantrum. What a day this has been for him. Might consider other emotions after a couple more years, it’s becoming exhausting and I feel him on that. 
But then this just leads us to the overwhelming protectiveness we see during their journey in the jungle before they get to the Heavenly Queen Mother’s Palace (and Xiaoge goes to the jade meteorite and forgets everything but let’s stay in this happy-ish place still). We see him attending to every tiny movement of Wu Xie. He’s there to steady Wu Xie when he stumbles, he’s there to keep branches off of his face, helps him to cut down damn vines. There’s that egg removal scene with overwhelming fear. There’s the snake repelling mud and them sleeping in that tent. There’s Xiaoge catching Wu Xie from mid air more than once. He just... pours over, in a sense. Suddenly, he’s come to face the mortality of this boy he travels with and he’s painfully aware that he is the reason why Wu Xie is there in the first place. Wu Xie even states it himself when he’s yelling at Pangzi about lying to him when he said he was going to Beijing. Wu Xie says he’s the only one who’s in Devil’s City and on this journey just for his own accord (and at this moment, Xiaoge knows it also means he’s the reason bc Wu Xie has promised him things). 
It’s a horrible thing to know for Xiaoge. And I think this jacket scene just brings out all of that, reminds Xiaoge of why he didn’t want Wu Xie here in the first place but had to accept his involvement still. Reminds him of what he can still try to prevent as he was given this chance. Wu Xie really becomes his first priority here, and it shows up even starker in the way he puts Wu Xie’s survival over his own mission while working with Chen Wenjin. He outright refuses to do things before Wu Xie is safe. He somehow accepts, silently determined as he is, that there’s no other option for him anymore. He’s stuck with Wu Xie as strongly as Wu Xie has stated that he’s stuck with him. And sometimes I just wonder how many times Xiaoge must’ve seen nightmares of Wu Xie dying, especially after the scare this one simple jacket gave him. How many times he blamed himself for those. How many more times he wanted to apologize for being late (bc maybe one day he would have to tell that to Wu Xie’s corpse).   
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homosociallyyours · 3 years
If you're still doing these: Ursula, Maleficent, Cruella and listen I'm going to say 10 but honestly I want to know your answers to basically all of those with these three so please feel free to answer as many as your heart desires
HIIIIII you sent this a week ago but i'm just answering now bc it's never too late to answer an ask as fun as this one, right??? This got long so I'm adding a read more!! And if anyone wants to send me three names and a number from this post please do!!!
stab, shoot or drown: I assume in this scenario I'm trying to defeat or kill these queens (sounds fake, but ok), so stab Ursula, shoot Cruella, drown Maleficent
fist fight, get drunk with, share a flat with: Right, so. I would absolutely lose in a fist fight with any of them, just to be clear. BUT: fist fight Cruella, get drunk with Ursula, share a flat with Maleficent.
fight aliens with, fight zombies with, fight capitalism with: The reality is that I would give up in the first two scenarios, but if I were the kind to try to take out aliens or zombies, I'd fight aliens with Cruella, zombies with Ursula, and capitalism with Maleficent (I mean she already hated the monarchy, right?)
write a book with, read a book to, hit with a book: OOF, this one is hard. But maybe write an erotic tale of fat femme on femme lust with Ursula, read a book to Maleficent and her crow, and hit Cruella with a book bc she kinda deserves it.
go on a six hour road trip with (no car radio, you choose who drives), sit next to on a six hour plane flight, sit across from on a six hour train journey: NICE ONE!!!! I would take a six hour road trip with Maleficent, trading driving duties. I would read her fic while she drives or else we'd make up shit about strangers in other cars. She would hex any cops we pass along the way, very sexy. Sit by Ursula on the flight and let her grope me with her tentacles only for both of us to walk away and pretend nothing happened at the end. And finally sit across from Cruella on the train thinking we had nothing in common for half the ride but then spend the other half gossiping about absolute celeb bullshit bc we share some of the same hot takes.
go clothes shopping with, go to ikea with, go grocery shopping with: You might think I would say go clothes shopping with Cruella, but you would be WRONG. Yes, she's a fashionista, but I just know deep down she's got serious fatphobia issues and we'd have to fight. Me and Ursula are going clothes shopping together, and we are two sexy fat bitches against the fashion world!!!! LOVE IT!! I'm going to ikea with Maleficent; I think she'd hate some of the same things I do. And definitely going food shopping with Cruella bc in spite of being skinny she IS a rich bitch and would probably let me indulge my fancy food sensibilities to create a truly decadent and sexy 7 course meal where money was no object. DREAMY.
go to a wedding with, go to a party with, go to a museum with: Wedding with Maleficent (either she got a great gift and I get to put my name on it OR she's secretly stealing all the gifts and we're running off together afterwards like two babes in a Taylor Swift song), party with Ursula (FANTASTICAL FEASTS!!), museum with Cruella so I can get her to buy me some art.
share a car with, share a bank account with, share a cake with: Me and Maleficent, in addition to being great roadtrip buddies, would also be excellent car sharers, idk why. I would share Cruella's bank acct because SHE'S RICH, HUNNY! But don't think she's my sugar mommy or something-- she's calling ME mommy in this scenario! And cake with Ursula...we're inviting Agatha Trunchbull and having a gay olde time.
watch a soap opera with, go to a play with, watch your favourite movie with: Hmmm a toughie. Soaps with Cruella bc she'd think the drama was nothing compared to her own life. Play with Ursula so that we could discuss the make up and costumes at intermission and then re-enact our favorite parts later like true drama heauxs. Meanwhile me and Maleficent are always down to watch Clueless bc obviously.
netflix and chill with, go ice-skating with, play dodgeball against: Listen I'm pretty sure me and Maleficent are netflix and chilling already (in my dreams)...she's literally running her fingers thru my hair right now (please i really wish). I'd ice skate with Ursula bc I have a feeling we'd both hate it and decide to get hot choccys instead, and I'd play dodgeball vs Cruella bc HOPEFULLY we'd both hate that too and would instead heckle all the people who decided that tossing balls at one another was a sport and not just some dull, sad version of torture.
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Yeah I'm honestly a bit surprised by how passionate and vocal people are about hating twenty one pilots? It's kinda upsetting that when I try to interact with content about them I'm always a bit worried in the back of my mind because I'm a pretty sensitive person and it's hard not to let stuff get to me.
I don’t know why it’s always felt like twenty one pilots has gotten a ton of hate for no reason? I’ve been into them since 2013-2014 so pure unadulterated vessel era, I’m a very old fan of them and their music, like one of the oldest picture in my phone is this
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(This picture isn’t important I just love it, plus something fun to look at with a not so fun subject material)
(Long history as a fan rant incoming lol)
I’ve been an emo kid for a really long time, back when all of the emo bands were big, when seeing another kid wearing a panic! shirt always meant you talked to them in the mall, I still remember when I would wear the one twenty one pilots shirt I could afford outside, that anyone who knew who they were would come up and start a conversation with me
And it’s like through the years the hate has changed to be... somehow worse
Back in the early days tøp used to get called not a true emo band because they didn’t have anyone playing the guitar so everyone hated them because they weren’t emo Enough
Plus there was the whole ‘emo trinity’ ‘emo quartet’ infighting nonsense but that’s so long past idk if anyone even remembers it lol
Then blurryface rolls around and fans are being made fun of for dressing funky and going through that one fandom phase where everyone was calling the boys smol beans it was great and cute, we were all really close, we called each other frens, told each other to stay street it was great! So what people made fun of us or whatever we were absolutely vibing
Twenty one pilots felt like the coolest secret gang of fans, we were absolutely huge, more so than most people would think, and man it was awesome!! If you saw a tøp fan you knew that you were cool with that person and that person would be cool with you!! It was amazing!! Sometimes I do miss this vibe!!
But then Stressed Out ended up on the radio...
I feel like it really all changed here, all of the sudden the old fandom things were cringy, the boys were sell outs, and every family member you knew was suddenly the biggest fan despite only knowing stressed out
I remember being upset around this time because of strangers invading my space, this was my group, filled with people who understood what the lyrics meant and knew and understood how much they meant to all of us, and suddenly it was filled with people who didn’t belong
I didn’t blame the pilot boys, obviously they can’t control what’s on the radio, I’m fact, there’s plenty of pilot songs that mention never being played on the radio because of one reason or another, so my problem was never with the boys, it was with the influx of new people, and by new people I don’t mean new fans, I mean news outlets and tv show host, and with that influx came the people who didn’t get it, you know? That were rude and outright nasty and refused to understand anything about the genre and effort put into the story and why it mattered to us
(Tw for suicide mention, and uncomfortable themes involving people making fun of themes involving it, tw for mentions of school shootings)
All of the sudden we were the fans of Tyler Joseph the man who ‘Glorifies Suicide’ and actively is supposedly encouraging that behavior
We were the cringy fans everyone knew in high school and hated who were described as being ‘JuSt So QuIrkY 🤪’, instead of the mentally ill kids we all were, by people who hated us
We were the fans of those ‘white boys who look like school shooters’ (this one honestly rocked me to my core, it still hurts to even see??? Like idk why but it almost makes me want to cry)
At the same time a lot of the old fans were turning their back on the pilots, they didn’t want to be involved anymore, they hated ALL of the new fans whether they were respectful or not
It was a REALLY hard time to be a new fan, very few people were open to having them involved in anything, I think this is when a lot of hatred happened in the fandom not only fan-fan fighting/hatred but also fan-band sentiments weren’t great either
The more songs that ended up on the radio the more the hatred grew, in fact this got so bad Tyler did this
Here’s a transcript in case it’s hard to hear
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Like... this was the state of our fan group.... it was suddenly cool to hate all the songs that ended up on the radio so much it affected every part of our music journey
There was a lot of infighting, it was an awful time to be a fan, new or old
Then came silence era, in which every tøp blog I followed except like 2, became kpop blogs and I’m not sure any of them ever came back lol, I actually really disliked kpop because of this for a bit in like a jokey kind of way in my own head lol (ahh how the turn tables have turned... kpop and tøp are the only things I listen to now haha, actually because of all my tøp mutuals becoming kpop blogs I vowed to myself to not change this blog to another group so I have two music blogs now, which makes me laugh but also shows how important music is to me so it makes me happy anyways you know?)
It was kind of a sad way to have the fandom disappear, everything was strangled, the boys were gone, and no one kept up with the fandom, it felt really lonely
When Trench era clues started back people started coming back, the mood was different, we had something to do and it was fun to work on something with others, we had the Clancy letters, and all the clues, and the tower of silence and the vultures!! It was great! It started to feel like we had rebuilt something from the rubble of what we had been
The fandom started calling Tyler stinky and he called us b*stards it was great, sometimes people were a bit meaner than I think they thought they were being, but it worked you know?
When the album released we had more people come back and things slowly started fitting back ok again, more songs ended up on the radio and a lot of older fans said the same things they’re saying now, but it wasn’t that bad, it was mostly very positive
And then we got to the over the summer drama, which........... is a sensitive subject, but I legitimately do not understand how it was Tyler’s fault that people assumed he was talking about something when he wasn’t talking about it at all... especially when people have been begging him for years to talk more about mental health, he wanted to introduce whatever he was going to do with a joke, I personally never though he was talking about the big issue at the time of the incident, but it blew up like wildfire and the next thing you know he’s canceled because Other People Assumed Something
So now it’s ‘Morally Justifiable’ to hate Tyler because he’s r*cist or something, despite it never being his intention and because people assumed something
It’s literally not even with good reason that people are doing this, but because it blew up when it did and about what it did, no one knows what really happened and people just wanted a morally justified reason to hate them because you can’t just dislike something anymore without it being justifiable I guess? I feel like with all of the years I’ve spent on the internet everything has only become more hateful...
All this to say.... yes, it hurts when people hate the things that you do, I get really sensitive about it as well, especially with how long and how many arguments I’ve seen, and I am extremely sensitive to discourse and hatred, it’s why I don’t engage with much of it online, in fact I was about to delete the post complaining about everyone hating on them before I saw it was really resonating with you guys
I guess my best advice to you anon, would to try to understand where it’s coming from, that’s what’s helped me, I know a lot of people dislike the pilots because of the fact that they became ‘mainstream’ during blurryface era, and people are really upset by that, so understanding that, even when it hurts, I can acknowledge that they feel that way and that it’s ok that I feel differently
It’s easy to take that point and test it against your own morals, ‘do I think twenty one pilots became mainstream, or only makes songs to get on the radio?’ If your answer is no, then you can both say ‘I don’t agree with them but they’re allowed to have their own opinion’ and kind of give yourself a wall and barrier against what they say
I know this isn’t perfect advice, but it’s helped me a lot
I know there are two big arguments against this album, that it’s mainstream and made to have radio singles (the underlying argument here I guess being Tyler and Josh are money hungry and no longer care about the music)
And that it’s no longer lyrically meaningful, but I think this has to do a lot with how involved people are in the Dema lore, if you’re not a fan of lore I would imagine this album being propaganda and supposed to be fake and bright to prove a point would really bug you if you didn’t really get it
To best thing to do is digest an argument (only if you can handle it emotionally of course 🖤) and know it’s ok that think differently than other people, and that the chances of someone being mad at you are very slim
A lot of things I’ve enjoyed have been stolen by the fear of getting hated on for something - while in actuality, the very few times I’ve gotten real hate over something barely affected me
I admit the fear of getting hate bothers me a lot more than actually getting it, but I just want to encourage you to stay strong in the face of it, it will pass, as it all does, but if nothing else in this post resonates with you, PLEASE HOLD ONTO YOUR JOY FOR AS LONG AS YOU CAN! And don’t let ANYONE take it from YOU!!
If twenty one pilots makes you happy, just remember that the only person who can take that true joy away from you is yourself, remove the people who make you feel sad out of your life, I apologize if this is a physical person in your life as this makes it a lot harder, and sometimes impossible depending on the situation, but on the internet unfollow anyone, block anyone, don’t engage and leave them alone, it’s not with your energy or effort, and they’ll never change their minds but they can change yours you know?
Being sensitive in a time when everything is hateful is hard, especially when everyone tells you you’re a bad person if you aren’t engaged, but you really don’t have to be, you get to choose your own destiny you know? Don’t let other people choose it for you
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gnar-slabdash · 3 years
OT3; 5, 7, 10
#5: go on a six hour road trip with (no car radio, you choose who drives), sit next to on a six hour plane flight, sit across from on a six hour train journey HELP tumblr turned this into a numbered list and I can't fix it?? Anyway. Is it cheating to say road trip with Hardison so he can rig us up a radio? Or at least pull something up on his phone? Well, if I can't have that at least he's probably a less terrifying driver and a less intimidating/distracting passenger than the others so I'm sticking with that answer. Plane flight with Eliot because he would probably just sit still and leave me alone, which is all I ever want on a plane. Boring, I know, but it's the truth. So definitely sitting across from Parker on the train, mainly because that gives her enough space to move around a little bit, you can always get up on a train and walk around, go hang out in the dining car or the observation car.
#7: go to a wedding with, go to a party with, go to a museum with I mean OBVIOUSLY museum with Parker because she has such a totally different perspective to share about it. Yes, I DO want to know what security system they're using and what the weak points are, thank you. I can come back LATER if I wanna actually look at the art. I wanna go to the party with Hardison cause idk what kind of party this is but there's a good chance I won't handle it well, and Hardison'll be really good about noticing that and helping me find a quiet time-out space or just leave early if need be. Which leaves Eliot at the wedding and I'm not really sure what to do with that tbh? Like I think it would just be. . . fine? We'd both just look nice and be pleasant and enjoy the ceremony and the food? Assuming the food is good. Otherwise there may be some drama lol. But yeah like I think he would just be a very nice normal pleasant wedding date?
#10: netflix and chill with, go ice-skating with, play dodgeball against Oh Jesus I am going to embarras myself so bad in ALL of these situations. Let's see. How can I most minimize that. . . . OKAY GOT IT. Netflix and chill with Parker, because I can be pretty confident that she will take it literally and I won't have to worry about figuring out whether we're watching movies or having sex. Also, very curious what kind of movies she LIKES and what she likes about them. Go ice-skating with Eliot and make it like, super romo, like yes I am falling on my ass every thirty seconds but that just means you can pick me up and kiss it better and then do that thing where you put your hands on me to show me the correct posture to do it better. Play dodgeball against Hardison because yes he will kick my ass because he's a RIPPED nerd, but he's still a NERD and has experienced the mortification of not being able to do physical things before, so after he kicks my ass he'll tell me I made a good effort and he'll take me out for ice cream or something. Also maybe while he's pummeling me with balls he'll take his shirt off, that'd ease some of the pain too.
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