#do I regret it now that just an hour later guy in my apartment set off the fire alarm 9 times in 30 minutes and I cried until a headache hit
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aspec-argentum · 9 months ago
Instead of talking about our usual stuff my therapist and I discussed Dropout.tv... basically it went like this: I mentioned that my workplace had a fire so I was working from home since Wednesday and go back tomorrow (small fire on the floor above me and no one was injured or even present- and our new fire alarms worked so go us for finally getting those put in) We discussed how much money this school gets and how it's unbelievable there weren't fire alarms just a few years prior! And then we transitioned into what I've been doing beyond work since it's summer (I'm a grad student so summers are structured differently for me).
We started off by talking about what I've been watching so I talked about NSBU and we talked about Brennan Lee Mulligan and from him about the entire sphere of DnD that exists and how many of the people overlap (the McElroys, Critical Role, & D20 highlighted). She mentioned that she knew of a season of D20 that Hank Green was in so we talked Mentopolis and she also mentioned that she had heard that Brennan knew a lot of bird facts so I told her the lore of where that started. Then we discussed Breaking News as a concept and the fact thay not many streaming services or media in general is willing to have fun and I've successfully gotten her to agree to waych Mentopolis- she wrote it down!!- and look at the stuff Dropout has on YT.
Next I'll try to get her to get a subscription!
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a-super-cutie · 12 days ago
Persistence. Obsession. Persistently obsessed.
(Part 1 of 8) SFW chapter, MDNI, 18+ series
cecil stedman x female!superhero!reader
wc: 1,345
series synopsis: You and Cecil have started seeing each other but your jobs (mostly his) keep interrupting date after date. He clearly thinks this won't work for you, but how many times do you have to tell him how utterly head over heels you are for him?? Well, if telling won't work, maybe showing him will.
Masterlist ~~~ Next Part
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Today was a day to celebrate. It’s been exactly three months since you and Cecil Stedman begun dating. If you could believe he’d even agreed on a first date in the first place.
You looked out your bedroom window, down at the bustling city below, and sighed. All those people, walking side by side, hand in hand, talking and laughing to their heart’s content and where was your boyfriend? At work. 
Work work work all day every day and you couldn’t even fault him for never seeing you. He’d set you up in this nice apartment (top floor), had all your food delivered right to your door weekly (if not daily when you ran out of your favorite items), and spent all his waking hours saving the world (or in saving-the-world related meetings with world leaders). 
Cecil Stedman was a busy man. And an important man. And most importantly, YOUR MAN. So why have you only seen him a total of five times in three months? Well, not counting all the times you’d seen him after beating up bad guys or in superhero meetings where you both had to pretend you couldn’t care less for each other.
“You can’t tell anyone we’re seeing each other… You know that right?”
“Yes, Cecil. I figured.”
“That doesn’t bother you? WON’T bother you? In the future?”
“NO!” You’d reassured him over and over you wouldn’t regret keeping your relationship a secret. “This is absolutely fine with me. Whatever you want.”
But he’d only sighed at that. “It’s not about what I want. We’re coworkers in a way… We need to remain professional. And I can’t be accused of having favorites and least of all have my actions questioned when it comes to you… You’re a conflict of interest now.”
You’d nodded. “Yes. I understand. Work comes first.”
His office turned quiet as you’d both sat with his answer to your most sudden of questions. Yes. He’d agreed to a date. But only a single date.
But that had been three months ago and it had gone great! You made him laugh - once - and he’d asked you out himself! Willingly! And that one had been even better! He’d smiled more, laughed twice at your dumb jokes, and asked for another. By the end of the third you’d given him a ‘tour’ of your dingy place - which ended with breakfast the morning after - and a day and a place was set for your fourth the day after that.
He’d surprised you with a “nicer” - you’d pieced together he meant safer - apartment, and you rolled your eyes at that considering your powers and the missions he’d personally sent you on. He helped you move a few boxes and you both left the rest up to the moving crew while he showed you around the neighborhood. 
He’d been just as nervous about surprising you with a new place as he’d been on your first date - in ways only someone who observed him closely could tell: scratching his neck, avoiding eye contact when it wasn’t socially necessary, and over-explaining the logistics of his actions with big words that flowed naturally. 
You’d hugged him and thanked him which took him by surprise and brought on one of the fakest throat-clearing coughs you’d ever heard and seen…but he’d patted your back and lead your around the block explaining the pros of living in these parts. It was as if you hadn’t spent half of the last date naked and cuddled in each other’s arms at night (you think, you fell asleep and stayed asleep soon after the 'deed' was done).
The end of that fourth date hadn’t ended in an impromptu 'house tour' because he’d been called away to a problem you weren’t needed with. It wasn’t until weeks later that you’d met up with him. Honestly, he’d seemed very surprised to see you in his office with food, even if you had specifically made a non-urgent totally reschedule-able appointment - you’d written that in the ‘detailed reason’ portion of the form - that he definitely knew about. 
"I figured since you’ve been too busy the last two months, I’d just schedule an appointment… That’s ok, right?”
He’d given you a small, weak smile and nodded his head. “Y-yeah. That works great… I-is that food for us?”
You’d nodded. “Yeah. Lunch for lucky date number five.” You’d taken a seat on the other side of the smooth desk and winced when the paper bags left a grease stain on the shiny surface.
He’d chuckled. “Is that what number we’re on?”
You both ate in silence. There wasn’t much to talk about this time. You’d wanted him to talk since he rarely did - not about his own life, anyways - but if you didn’t start the ball rolling he didn’t seem to have anything to say other that asking you questions about your personal life.
You answered the questions about yourself simply and short. You wanted to hear about him, not relive your own life - though he was a really good listener. You’d started to feel guilty about how you were acting when he’d spoken up finally.
Oh oh.
“This can’t be what you wanted…”
You’d started to shake your head but he had continued before you could even think about talking.
“I’m not the ‘boyfriend’ type, as you’ve probably realized…”
“I really don’t mi-”
“You had to schedule a date with me, for god’s sake.” He’d pushed aside his burger and sighed. “Look. I wanted this to work. I thought I could make this - with you - work.” He'd sighed again and looked further down at his area, completely avoiding you and your breaking heart. “I’m sorry. My work - my LIFE - just doesn’t allow for this type of…”
Cecil's eyes had finally glanced back at you and widened when you were no longer sitting across from him. He’d turned to look up at you as you’d made your way around his desk.
Your fingers had found his chin and pulled it up as you leaned over. His lips had parted and you’d kissed him hard. Passionately. Desperately. You had licked the ketchup stain from the corner of his mouth and looked at him with eyes that made his breath hitch.
“I’ll have you any way you are. ‘Boyfriend material’ or not.” You’d smiled at his stunned face. He looked at you with a million questions in his eyes. With doubt. With insecurity you’d only just noticed. “I’d rather kiss these lips once in a blue moon than never at all.”
To top off your bold move you’d kissed his scarred cheek and retreated, waiting for his response.
He had let out a shaky breath and blushed. BLUSHED! “Ah…” he chuckled. “Kind of hard to rebuttal that.” He’d smiled wide when you giggled at that.
“Good. That was the whole point.” You’d taken your seat across from him again and picked up your burger.
He’d done the same. “But - “
You’d sighed and sat your burger down. “I’ll kiss you again. That’s a threat.”
“Ha. But seriously… We WOULD only see each other once in a blue moon… I mean I rarely get any time to myself. And you obviously want to keep this thing going despite my constant unavailability… But if… If you ever wanted to call things off I’ll understand. Just send me a memo.” He’d smiled like he was being funny. A real comedian as he sat in his fancy chair in his nice office in a big spacious room telling the woman he clearly liked she could dump him in a memo whenever she felt like.
Your heart had broken as the corners of his smile trembled and his eyes darted between your eyes in search of something he needed.
You smiled casually. “Will do, right after the memo about pigs flying.”
That last date was weeks ago. 
“But I have a plan!” you told your plants. “Cecil and I will go on a nice three day - “ you crossed your fingers, “- vacation. Simple. So simple. Easy.”
You swore a leaf wilted just then.
Masterlist ~~~ Next Part
a/n: hope you enjoyed my first fic for Cecil Stedman :)
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manygeese · 8 months ago
Lost trio at IKEA for a reason unknown to both me and you ✨
“Why are we even at Ikea?” Leo grumbled, glaring at the dining table in front of him.
“We don’t have a table for our apartment yet and I’m not going to eat on the floor.” Jason pulled out a chair from its place to inspect it.
Piper snorted. “Yeah, Leo, he was raised by wolves, but he’s not gonna eat on the floor. Have you no shame, sir?”
Leo barked out a laugh at Piper’s fake British accent. He laughed harder when he saw Jason’s disgruntled pout.
“So, what’ll it be, Jace? The Nordviken or the Ingatorp?” Piper said, her voice dropping an octave when she said the names of the tables.
Jason furrowed his brow. “The what?”
Leo recovered his composure enough to point at the label on the table he was nearest to. “They’re the names of the tables, babe,”
“Oh. Um. The Ingatorp?”
Both Piper and Leo made an incorrect buzzer sound. “Wrong answer,” Piper supplied when she noticed Jason’s confused look. “It’ll look… let’s just say, out of place.”
“Yeah, the only place it’d look good in is a dumpster. I will not have it within three hundred feet of me.” Leo made a retching sound and pointed to his mouth like a kindergartner seeing their parents kiss.
Jason laughed. “You are, at best, three feet away from it right now. Better skedaddle.”
“Fine. If you don’t love me, you could’ve just said so.” Leo let out a dramatic sob. “Who says skedaddle anymore?” He added under his breath as he left the room, holding up a peace sign over his shoulder.
A moment of silence fell over Piper and Jason after Leo “skedaddled.” Piper sighed. “He’s gonna get lost, isn’t he?”
“And we’re gonna have to go after him at some point?”
“Do you just wanna get it over with?”
“Nope. I meant it when I said I wasn’t going to eat on the floor.”
Half an hour later, Jason and Piper were wandering around the store, looking for Leo. Jason was wheeling around a cart with the table he had chosen, and Piper was earning them odd stares from people as she yelled Leo’s name.
“If I was a little gremlin in Ikea, where would I be?” Piper mumbled.
Jason shrugged. “Every part of this store is a playground for him. I mean, there are basically furniture Lego sets on every shelf. He’s right at home.”
“Oh my gods, you’re right, he could be anywhere,” Piper lamented.
“Yup. I’m starting to regret not getting it over with.”
Piper closed her eyes and nodded as they turned the corner. When she opened them, she let out a sigh of relief.
Leo was facing away from them at the end of the aisle, holding a stuffed bear in front of him that was larger than his own torso. He seemed like he was in his own little world.
“Emilio Michelangelo Valdez,” Piper admonished.
Leo spun around with the bear still gathered close to his chest. “Oh! Hey guys. I was wondering when y’all would get here.”
Jason made a sound in the back of his throat that sounded suspiciously like growling.
“Chill, Jacey, don’t go all wolf on me. I know you’re trying to be more than your beginnings,” Leo said as he put a hand on Jason’s shoulder. He shoved the bear towards him. “Take the Djungelskog, it’ll help you calm down.”
“I don’t want the Djungelskog. I want to go home.” Jason pushed the bear back to Leo.
“I want the Djungelskog!” Piper piped up, opening her arms. Leo got down on one knee and offered it to her like it was a proposal. She squealed and squeezed it lovingly.
Leo turned to Jason with round, pleading eyes. “Can we get the Djungelskog, Jason? Please?”
“If it means we can go home, by all means.”
Jason was watching Leo assemble the table. He had started ten minutes ago and he was already halfway done.
“Leo, the pizza’s gonna be here in five minutes, I hope you’ll have it done by then,” Piper called from the living room. She was playing on her phone on the couch and hugging the Djunkelskog with one arm.
“Piper, you don’t even live here. Why are you ordering pizza?” Leo asked, pulling out a screwdriver from his tool belt.
“It’s pizza. Everybody likes it. Consider it a house warming gift.”
“Thanks, Pipes,” Jason said, then going back to staring at the directions without a clue of how to follow them. Technically, he was supposed to be reading them to Leo, but dyslexia was a bitch and the print was tiny, even with his glasses on. Thankfully, Leo seemed to have it covered.
“Done!” Leo threw his hands up in victory a couple of minutes later. For some reason, he was covered in sawdust, even though the directions didn’t have any cutting involved. He stood up and wiped his dusty hands off on his cargo pants.
As if on queue, the doorbell rung and Piper ran to answer it. She came back with two boxes of pizza. Leo tried to grab one of them, but she slapped it away before he could snatch it. “Wash your hands, repair boy.”
Leo groaned and stumbled over to the kitchen sink as Piper set the food down.
“Hold on,” Jason interjected, gesturing towards the new table, “did we get any chairs?”
Everything was quiet for a moment.
Leo sighed. “Do you just wanna eat on the couch?”
Piper pulled a 180 and took the food with her. “Good idea. Wanna watch Legally Blonde?”
“Hell yeah.”
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horanghaeluvsinniehae · 1 year ago
Discovered you by the skz bff drunkenly confessing and I got this idea (obviously don't use it if you dont feel like it or fet inspired, don't push yourself<3)
you went out with your brother that day to a cafe and caught up and han jisung from skz saw you and his heart broke, thinking he missed his chance and should've confessed to you earlier
And later, when he cancels your movie night, you call him and ask if he's okay
And he's like yeah just tired
Unusual cause he'd usually just come over and sleep on your couch, with your shoulder as his pillow
So you keep on poking and he blurbs out he doesn't wanna keep you from having fun with 'that guy'
And you're like, what are you talking about
So yeah, it turns out it's your brother, and you almost think he sounds relieved
So when he asks if he can still come over you're like sure hurry
And he thinks he hung up but he didn't so you just hear him giggling and yelling for chan telling him how he still has a chance and that he'll confess today cause he now knows how much he'd regret not doing it and he's so so happy and giddy and then he sees he hasn't hung up yet
So silence and then "please tell me you didn't hear that"
And continue however you wanna
And yeah I hope It makes sense have a beautiful day <3
Hi love! Gosh, I loved this idea and it was so entertaining to write!! I think this is my fav work so far😭 I hope you like it and that the others do as well!! Thank you for requesting!❤️‍🩹 And now i don’t have any requests left🥲feel free to request and please do so!
Pairing: Han Jisung!bff x gn!reader
Warning: jealous Hannie, small kiss and big authors note(apology)(please tell me if I missed anything!)
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Not too late!
You and your brother always had a special bond. Even after he moved to the other side of the country to study in Busan, you still kept in touch! Finally, after half a year you could set up a meeting in your childhood café.
As you entered the place, you spotted your brother sitting in a booth and nostalgia hit you. You teared up and swiftly went over to your brother, pulling him into a tight hug. He held you tightly and when he pulled away he held you by your face, examining you and the things that had changed.
Still standing and holding each other, the bell rang above the door signaling that a new customer had entered. You were so submerged in your own bubble that you didn’t notice. After the long hug, you sat down and immediately started talking about everything and anything.
On the other side of the cafè sat a young man sulking. Han Jisung was your long-time friend and you were also his long-time crush. When he came into the shop, -not knowing that you’ll also be there and not alone- the first thing that he saw was an unknown man holding your face and the two of you looking rather fondly at each other. His heart dropped and he froze in place.
He thought of the times he tried to confess to you, but chickened out at the last moment…he thought about how it could be him holding you close instead of that man…He regretted it all deeply and just wanted to turn back time.
He texted the other half of 3racha if you could meet up for lunch somewhere else. You told them that there were too many people here and you wouldn’t be able to have a normal conversation with each other. That was a lie-of course- because the place was almost empty. It was only three more couples plus you and your brother, but as understandable, he didn’t want to stay and see the two of you.
You talked to your brother for about three hours in the cafè. That was the fastest three hours of your life, to be honest. He had a meeting and then he promised to visit your parents too, so your time ended here. Although he told you that before he goes back to Busan he’ll see you again and you can have a chat like this.
On your way back to your apartment you saw the three boys walking. You ran up to them and Chan and Changbin were just as excited to bump into you as you were. On the other hand, Han was unusually unbothered to see you. You thought he was just tired so you gave him a light side-hug. Channie told you that they had to hurry back because they were late for their next practice. You bid goodbye to them and they did too, except Han who just did a little bow and started walking. The others looked at him questioningly, but just let it go.
“He’s been like this since we’ve met…don’t take it to heart please,” Binnie told you and patted your shoulder. They repeated their goodbyes and you parted ways.
That afternoon when you got home and settled down, you got a text notification. Once you unlocked your phone, you saw that it was a message from Han. As you opened his text, you froze and your heart started to race.
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After he went to practice, you still had the messages open and you just stared at them. You couldn't believe that this just happened. It was so random and out of nowhere but of course, you were incredibly happy and just couldn't believe that the boy you'd been pinning over liked you back.
After you snapped out of your trance, you realised that now you have two hours to make your apartment and yourself look presentable. You hurriedly went to take a shower and clean up the house.
Just as you finally got done with cleaning, you heard knocks on your front door. You nervously took a deep breath and went to open the door. Although you didn’t say that it was a date or anything like that, you dressed up a bit more fancy than usual. You thought about how awkward it would be if Han showed up in his casual practice clothes and that that’d make you feel like you misunderstood your earlier text exchange. But all your worries went away after you opened the door and a very cute and good-looking Hannie stood there, just as dressed up as you. He was wearing simple dress pants with a button-up, but he still looked so elegant, yet soft.
“Hi Y/nah! You look pretty!” Han said and both of you got flustered by his words.
“Thank you, Hannie, You look handsome too! Please come in!” You invited him inside and now you started to get more nervous.
After he got through the door he pulled up a small, but quite adorable bouquet. He held it up smiling big- “These are for you Y/nah!” -as you took it from him, you couldn’t stop smiling. You were feeling extremely happy and bubbly. Everything has been going great for you lately and tonight is just making it even better.
You were just looking at Hannie and suddenly he was right in front of you. He took your hands and rubbed the back of them with his thumbs. He took a deep breath- “Y/nah, I wanted to tell you how much I honestly like you and how glad I am that your brother is not your boyfriend.” -he laughed a bit embarrassed. “I truly admire you and you’re like the Sun when you enter a room. I feel honestly understood around you and you’re just one of the most loveable, kind and caring people I have ever met and that’s why I not-so-slowly feel for you…Y/nah I've never felt this way about anyone before, would you bless me by letting me be yours?” Han finished this speech and looked down at your hands in his while anxiously waiting for your reaction.
You were in complete awe and couldn't react normally so you just hugged him so so so tightly and whispered- “Yes yes and yes, Hanji a thousand times yes!” -into his ear while slightly jumping from happiness, but still hugging him.
Han was so relieved that you said yes that he started laughing at your reaction, but couldn’t refuse jumping softly with you. After your cute little moment, you pulled apart and looked each other in the eye, just smiling at each other.
Suddenly you felt yourself being pulled forward and then a pair of plushy lips landed on yours. In complete shock, you held onto him and melted into his kiss. It was a soft and delicate kiss, no tongue, no roughness. That kiss simply held all of your current emotions and feelings that you couldn't explain to each other in any better way than a tender kiss.
A/n: AAAAAAAAAAHHH *clears throat* sorry I just re-read the request and gosh I got so carried away when I started writing that I forgot to check the rest and now I feel bad bc it’s kind of nothing like the request:/ but I hope everyone liked it, and also apologise for the kiss scene😭 like I don't have any experience with kissing at all, but I felt like it needed a kiss scene😭 anyways thank you for reading and i hope you liked it!!
Please take care of yourself and be safe!🫂❤️‍🩹
Taglist: @justwonder113 @ihrtlix (if you want to be added please comment or write into asks!)
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kkcauseway · 1 year ago
Pairing: Fiancé Joel Miller & f!reader Summary: You’re going out drinking on a well deserved night out with friends, your fiancé Joel Miller has dropped you off and is waiting on a call to to pick you up. When the call to get you finally comes you’re a little too drunk, but he doesn’t mind, he’ll look after you. It’s his job after all. Content and warnings: Fluff, so much fluff. Talks of naughty things, but nothing happens. Joel Miller being the cutest fiancé. Caring!Joel, Protective!Joel. Joel looking after a drunk reader. Joel being understanding that you need time away with friends and isn’t a controlling partner that needs to know where you’re at, at all times and sets a curfew. 🫶🏻 Authors note: Just a tiny drabble, the idea just came into my head whilst I was at work and then hey presto this was made. Hope you enjoy the endless amounts of fluff 🫶🏻
Main materlist
The drive to the bar is silent, apart from the hum of the engine and yours and his breathing. He’s focussed on the dark road, but has a hand firmly around your thigh, squeezing and stroking every so often. Gently moving it upwards taking your dress with it. But he’s only messing. Having his fill of touching you before you’re gone for a few hours.
Eventually he parks up outside of your destination, turns off the truck engine and turns to you. Smiling when his eyes meet yours. “Now don’t drink too much Baby, you know you’ll regret it tomorrow if you do.”
“I won’t!” you laugh.
“I’ll pick you up when you’re ready okay? Call me when you’re ready to go, don’t matter what time it is”.
“Okay, I will, thank you for dropping me”.
“No problem Baby, y’have a good night, stay safe, call me if you need me. And may I just say future Mrs Miller you look mighty fine in that dress, and I for one can’t wait to rip it off you later”. He growls leaning closer to your face before smiling adding “I love you, have fun!”
“Love you too” you kiss him before leaving the car. Blowing him a kiss as you walk into the bar entrance.
A few hours later your friend calls Joel to pick you up, explaining you’ve had a little more to drink than you meant to and that it was just easier if she called you. Laughing about how you’re such a lightweight before ending the call.
He’s quick to come and get you. Laughing to himself because he knew this was going to happen; he knew he would be helping you home and into bed and more tonight for the usual reasons. He shakes his head at the thought of drunk you as he laces up his boots. The way you’ll be stumbling about, so talkative- more so than when you’re sober; everything about you is adorable. God, does he love you.
When he’s parked up outside the bar once more, he quickly enters, searching every corner till he finds your stunning figure standing out from the crowd.
“Hiii!” you slur running into his arms, hugging them around his neck after noticing him making his way over to you.
“Woah Baby, okay, you’ve definitely had a lot to drink haven’t you. Y’had a good time?” he laughs aloud slightly winded by the force in which you pounce at him.
“I knowww” you moan sincerely “I’m sorry but YES! I had so much fun! Like so much fun we haven’t stopped laughing and we were comparing our men and guess what, you won!”
‘He’s fit’ your single friend Lanni slurs pointing at someone on the dance floor.
‘He’s fitter!’ Your very taken friend Lisa replies pointing to another gross looking guy out at the smoking area.
‘Oooo what about him’ your other taken, but at the same time basically single (it’s complicated) friend Alison mutters.
The silence that follows is evident of their wanting you to join in on their game.
“You’re very quiet in this conversation ” all three of your friends turn to you when you don’t add your own sought out fit guy to the mix.
“Firstly, all three of your tastes are disgusting, I think y’all need glasses. And well secondly, I’m happy in a relationship I don’t need to be looking at other men!” you roll your eyes playfully.
Lisa utters excitedly ‘I’m in one too but I’m still playing!’
‘Ahhh, I know what it is’ Lanni adds laughing playfully.
“What?” you question as your other friends do too in unison.
‘I mean I know I’m not the only one thinking, she’s absolutely smitten with Joel Miller no wonder she doesn’t give a shit.’
‘I mean if I was with him I wouldn’t either’ Alison utters giggling.
‘He is gorgeous’ Lisa quickly adds.
You know they’re not wrong, that women constantly ogle him, want him, but he’s yours. All Yours! and always will be. So, you don’t mind joining this part of the conversation.
“He is absolutely gorgeous inside and out; the most amazing man ever. Why do you think I’m fuckin’ marrying him! He’s a literal God” you finally add.
‘Wit woo!’ Lanni jokes.
‘I mean I would’ Lisa jests.
‘Ugh and me.’ Alison sighs longingly.
“Okay ladies enough thank you haha, we’ve established he’s hot and he wins the competition on who has the hottest man, but enough ogling my fiancé, especially when he’s not here, he’s mine! Tell you something it’s a damn good thing I love the three of you the way I do!” You end on a fit of hysterics of which your friends join in. You must look like nutters in the bar, but you don’t care. Joel fucking Miller will always till the end of time be your happy place; your purpose.
“I won huh?” he grumbles keeping you close.
“Uhu, but you know the best thing about it, they might all think you’re hot, but” you lean into his ear adding whilst whispering “but I’m the only one who gets to fuck you.”
“You are aren’t you Baby” he mumbles back.
“Yeah! Lucky me” you giggle.
“Okay, well how about let’s get you home and into bed huh?”
“Okay but wait I need a wee first!” You jump out of his arms making your way to the bathroom stumbling embarrassingly so. So, he races to your side, holding you upright “Okay, come on Baby let’s go” he laughs, and you laugh with him mumbling “my hero.”
He helps you into a disabled toilet; knowing they’re larger and can fit more than one person, following you in and locking the door. He stares at you as you struggle to lift your dress holding it up whilst also pulling down your panties. Constantly losing your balance in your heels.
“Here” he chuckles as he quickly kneels “hold onto me I’ll pull ‘em down.”
You nod. Leaning on his shoulders as he curls his fingers round the lace and pulls them down to sit at your ankles. “Okay, stand up straight Baby” you do, he then stands, but you grab one of his hands holding it as you sit down on the seat.
He then goes to turn away but you yank his arm making him look back. Confused.
“Are you embarrassed Joel Miller?” you giggle “watching me on the toilet?”
“I no- I just thought you’d want some privacy.”
“Privacy” you laugh. “Joel this is one of - hiccup- of the least comising positions you’ve seen me in.”
“‘Comising’? Y’mean compromising? Jesus Baby you’re pissed” he laughs back.
“Meanie” you stick your tongue out at him.
“I’m a meanie? What for looking out for you? Hey you’re the one who’s gonna regret this in the morning not me.”
“Yeah well you’ll look after me you always do” you smile looking up at him from the seat.
“Yeah, you know I will. Love doting on you don’t I Babygirl.”
“Uhu”. You smile trying to stand yourself back up after wiping but to no avail. So instead, you make grabby hands at Joel like a toddler begging to be picked up. He hold your hands as he forces you up. Groaning as he does.
“Thankyou” you sing at him.
“That’s okay Baby, can you step outa them panties I don’t think we should bother trying to get them back up. Was hard enough gettin em down?”
“You’ll say it’s for that, but really you just want my knickers you perv” you laugh uncontrollably.
“Bita’ both maybe.” He grumbles shrugging, dirty smile on his face. “C’mon home time” he groans as he picks up your panties shoving them into his jeans pocket, before grabbing your hand and leading you both out.
He helps walk you to his truck, and to climb in, he even straps you in, forever a gentleman. He’s quick to round the truck jumping in himself and driving you both home in the darkness of the night.
“Joel” you mumble after a few minutes of silent driving.
He hums in response. Keeping his eyes on the road. When you don’t reply instantly he gets concerned “you feelin’ okay?”
“Yep, you’re just so pretty” you slur.
“M’pretty?” he chuckles lightly.
“Uhu, s’not fair” you whine turning in your seat to look at him. Stroking gently at his beard.
“Baby you’re plenty pretty. Men would line the streets for you if they weren’t so shit scared, I’d fuck em up.” He bends his head down slightly to kiss your hand as you brush just under his lips.
“Hehe, you’d fuck them up just cus you loveeeee me.”
“Course I would Baby, none of them fuckers are havin’ you. You’re all mine.”
You laugh and he joins you.
When you finally make it home, you’re super sleepy; on the verge of being asleep. Your body doing what it always does when you’ve had too much to drink. Joel lifts you out of the car closing the door with his boot before walking you to the front door. He has to put you on your feet to unlock it, but once inside he pics you up again taking you upstairs. You rest your head in his neck taking in his beautiful natural scent.
“Are you seriously sniffin’ me right now?”
“Uhu” you nod.
“You are one crazy girl” he chuckles.
“S’your fault you smell so good” you mumble shrugging.
He gently rests you on your bed once you make it to the bedroom. “Stay here Baby just gonna get a few things for you.” You don’t argue, you stay firmly where he put you so comfy on the edge of slumber. He’s quick on his feet grabbing you some paracetamol and a glass of water, with ice, just how you like it and he’s grabbed one of his t shirts for you to change into.
He peels off your heels making light work of the buckles you always struggle so much with. And then he helps you to sit up so he can pull your dress off over your head. Leaving you bare, having not needed a bra with this dress and of course the man had already pocketed your panties. “So beautiful” he murmurs straightening out your now ruffled hair. He grabs the t shirt and quickly puts it over your head, helping you to feed your arms through the holes and then there you are, in all your Glory; his favourite shirt buries you as you gleam at him with a smile so full of love. He passes you the water and pills next sitting on the edge of the bed, stroking a hand over one of your legs as he watches you take the tablets and then down the entire glass. “Good girl” he praises when you finish, you smile at him.
“I’m gonna quickly go top this glass up f’you, and get myself ready okay Baby, be back in a sec, you just get yourself all warm and comfy.”
He’s gone all of five minutes, but when he returns, you’re out like a light. Curled in on yourself, face squished into the pillow. He climbs in next to you and you instantly, instinctively in your sleep edge closer to him till your head is resting on his chest. He wraps an arm round you to pull you closer. “G’night Baby.” He murmurs kissing your forehead before he too finds himself encased in sleep. Content with drunk, sleepy you in his arms.
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formula-1-otp · 8 months ago
House party
Summary : Yuki throws a house party for the summer break everyone has fun some shenanigans have to occur of course!
A/N : Hello everyone! I apologize in advance this is not my best work I don’t know I just struggled to write anything but wanted the practice so here we are! I hope you guys enjoy it!
A party, everyone loved a party. What better time than their summer vacation to have a big grid party? Yuki ran around his shared apartment with Pierre and Esteban, making sure everything was in order, the food and drinks were set, the music just had to be turned on and the house was spotless. Yuki smiled to himself proudly as Pierre came up behind him and wrapped an arm around his back.
“It looks great Yuki,” Pierre commented before putting a soft kiss on the shorter man.
“I hope everyone has fun,” Yuki replied, Pierre knew this was a big deal for the young Japanese man, he had spent the last few days coming up a storm and getting everything they needed to have an amazing party. Pierre had tried to help but with Yuki wanting everything to be perfect Pierre had given up and left the shorter man to do it himself. It wasn’t long before Esteban joined the two downstairs admiring how the house was set up to accommodate all 20 drivers and their partners and friends who were also invited.
The doorbell rang not too long after five George and Lewis being the first to arrive.
“This looks great Yuki,” George commented while looking around the house to see how nice it looked. Most of the drivers hadn’t been to the three men’s house so it was also a bit of a housewarming party.
Slowly people started arriving the music was on people were mingling, dancing and just having a great time.
Oscar was dragging Lando towards the front door of the house.
“We’re already 2 hours late and later and we won’t have a party to attend,” Oscar was trying to reason with Lando, the Brit however wanted to be fashionably late.
“What if someone is later than us then we didn’t make an entrance,” Lando argued to the Aussie. Oscar just rolled his eyes before knocking on the door. He had given up arguing with the Brit. Pierre opened the door and smiled at the two in front of him.
“You guys made it!” Pierre smiled before letting the two inside. “Make yourselves at home, lots of food and drinks left,” Pierre motioned to the table in the dining room.
Oscar watched as Lando was dragged away for shots by Carlos. He just shook his head and giggled before going over to Liam and Logan who were just off in the corner.
“Hey guys fun party yeah?” Oscar asked his best friend and the other man’s partner. They both smiled laughing slightly.
“Yeah haha not much into parties these days,” Logan replied he knew him and Oscar mostly stayed away from the party scene.
“I see you’re gonna have fun tonight?” Liam asked giggling as he watched Lando take at least 5 shots back to back. Oscar looked over before just shaking his head. Lando would regret these decisions in the morning but Oscar would let him enjoy the party for right now.
“LIAM! I need a beer bong partner come win with me!” Max was yelling across the house. Liam just smiled before heading towards the backyard where the beer pong was set up.
Logan and Oscar just stared at the scene in front for a few minutes. Oscar could see Liam drinking back drinks that were points for the other team.
“I see you’ll also be having fun tomorrow,” Oscar chuckled.
Charles was right next to Lando shot for shot, trying to keep up with the Brit, George was on the other side of the table he was a few shots behind but trying to catch up. Charles smiled as he could feel the alcohol hitting him. He put his arm around Lando to keep his balance.
“Carlos! I need your love!” Charles yelled around the house trying to track down the Spaniard who was chatting with Lewis and Nico.
“Charles I’m right here,” Carlos replied as the Monegasque flopped on his lap. Carlos rubbed his back gently trying to continue his conversation with the two men in front of him. He knew Charles got clingy when he was drunk, Carlos knew this would be the outcome he just thought they’d make it to 10 pm before it was a real issue.
George watched as Charles walked to go find Carlos he looked at Lando with a smirk on his lips.
“First to 5 wins?” George asked knowing Lando knew what he was talking about. Kevin poured the two Brits 5 shots each getting the table ready for the competition.
“3… 2… 1… GO!” Kevin yelled as the two Brits started scrambling to get the shots down. Everyone cheered as Lando managed to chug back his last shot seconds before George got his last one down. Both boys standing slightly swaying from the amount of alcohol in their system.
“I won! Woohoo!” Lando cheered around the house as he grabbed another drink that he didn’t need. George just grumbled before chugging back his beer.
Lance was winning beer pong with Fernando as the two cheered getting another shot on Max and Liam. Max finally got one point compared to the two cups left on the opposite side.
“See you’re not good at everything Max,” Fernando sneakily replied but everyone knew there was no venom behind his words solely happiness from beating the Dutch.
“I just need a few more shots I’m confident we will win,” Max snapped back, laughing as he said it.
Everyone was enjoying their time away from the track media and all their day-to-day activities. It was nice to just let go for a while. Pierre looked around the party, everyone was enjoying themselves inside it wasn’t until he made his way towards the door he realized he heard yelling coming from outside.
“MCLAREN WILL ALWAYS BE BETTER!” Pierre rounded the corner to see Lando and Charles screaming in each other’s faces.
“FERRARI IS THE KING OF FORMULA 1!” Charles snapped back Pierre could see a drunk Liam trying to get in between the two.
“Can we just agree you both have great teams?” Liam added trying to break up the fight that he could see coming.
“Shut up redbull driver!” Both boys snapped in Liam's direction. The Kiwi just rolled his eyes.
“Don’t be mean to Liam he just knows the best team,” Max added calmly.
Pierre quickened his pace to stop the altercation. He would be having no fights tonight not on his property anyway. Unfortunately, he was a little too late as he made it to the group he didn’t have time to stop Lando from swinging on Charles, but unfortunately in his drunken state, he missed and clocked Liam right in the nose. The kiwi instantly bent over the blood evident.
“Look what you did Lando!?” Charles was the first to react. Pierre quickly got in between the group.
“Lando inside now, go find Oscar and get Logan out here, CARLOS COME GET YOUR MAN!” Pierre yelled hoping the Spaniard would hear him and his thoughts correct when Carlos came barreling out the sliding door.
“Cariño what’s wrong?” Carlos was instantly at Charles's side while the montegasque explained what happened. Pierre was trying to help Liam and see if his nose was broken, it was a little swollen and bleeding a lot but it didn’t seem broken.
“Lando was being mean to me,” Pierre was glad his back was to Charles he couldn’t help the eye roll. He had to assume something like this would’ve happened but he didn’t expect it to be the two good friends.
“I’m sorry cariño, I’ll protect you from him,” Carlos dragged Charles towards some of the outdoor seating where Lance and Esteban were talking.
Lando walked up to Oscar and Logan head down, he was sad he had fought with Charles. He just couldn’t listen to the Monegasque talk about Ferrari anymore tonight.
“Hey, Lando what’s wrong?” Oscar was instantly by his side when he saw the look Lando had. The Aussie shared a concerned look before turning to the Brit.
“Me and Charles got in a fight…. And I accidentally punched Liam…” Oscar instantly looked to Logan to see the American already heading for the door.
“I didn’t mean to punch him, Oscar, he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time,” the alcohol was playing with Lando’s emotions and the Brit couldn’t help but the tears that started falling. Oscar pulled him close to his chest.
“It’s okay we’ll let them calm down and you can go say your sorry and make up with Charles,” Oscar gave him a soft smile making Lando smile in return bringing back the goofy personality Lando held so well.
Logan made it outside to see Pierre trying to help. Both boys were covered in blood but Logan could see most of it looked dry.
“Hey, you okay?” Logan couldn’t help the worry in his voice. Parties weren’t his thing, it was one of the first outings he and Liam had gone to as a couple and he had reassured Liam several times that he was welcome and that the drivers would be happy he was coming.
“Yeah my fault, I shouldn’t have got in between them,” Liam responded giving Logan a soft look. Logan was sure the worry was still plastered on his face. He could see Charles crying with Carlos not too far away.
“As long as you’re okay,” Logan wanted to make sure Liam wasn’t downplaying it but even he could see the real smile Liam gave him.
“Now I’m gonna go to the bathroom and wipe the blood off my face how about you go get us some more drinks?” Liam suggested and Logan nodded before both boys went inside.
Pierre was glad to see the fight had dissipated. He quickly went to join Lance, Esteban, Carlos and Charles.
“Hey guys everyone having fun?”
After a few hours the party was starting to die down, everyone was mostly just sitting around chatting, the music quietly in the background. Everyone collectively decided to watch a movie since most couldn’t drive due to the alcohol they consumed they had planned to just wait it out till mid-day the next day. Esteban quickly got the projector set up outside so everyone would have a bit more space. Once everything was ready everyone headed outside to get comfy and watch a movie under the summer stars.
Somehow the group decided on something other than cars much to Liam and Charles's dismay and settled on Taledega nights. Yuki sat cuddled in between his boyfriends.
“Thank you for letting me throw this party,” Yuki was slightly slurring from the alcohol but he was still pretty coherent.
“Of course love,”
“Anything for you,” Esteban and Pierre placed kisses evenly on Yuki's cheeks. The young Japanese feel loved.
Carlos had Charles close, sitting beside Lando and Oscar. “I’m sorry Lando,” Charles finally spoke to the Brit after avoiding him for most of the night.
“I'm sorry too,” the two boys made up quickly. “I’m sorry to you Liam I promise I wasn’t aiming for you,” Lando added to make it clear.
“It’s all good guys I’m just glad you’re friends again,” the other two just chuckled while their boyfriends shared a look.
Lance and Fernando sat close to Lewis and George. Just want to have a good small conversation more than watch the movie.
Slowly people fell asleep in the early hours till there were few people left awake when the sun rose.
Oscar sat with Max and Lance as the sun rose over the hill. The boys sat quietly for a bit enjoying the beauty.
“We should do this more often,” Max commented smiling at the two beside him.
“It’s nice to just hang out and not feel pressured to say the right thing or do the right thing all the time,” Lance replied, he was a little awkward but he had warmed up to the grid as the night went on.
“We’ll have to do a quarterly hang out, but maybe next time, not so much alcohol,” the three laughed as Oscar could see the scattered bottles and cans around the yard and house. He could hear some groaning already from the sleeping group as the sun came over the hill.
“Well I think I’ll wake Lando and get him home, I’m sure he’s gonna be grumpy and hungover,” Oscar chuckled as he could see Lando passed out in the grass, most of them had blankets and pillows around but Lando had at some point gotten up and fell asleep elsewhere most likely looking for Oscar. As the two men got ready to deal with the hoards they watched as George got up and sprinted inside. The three glanced between each other smiling before Max spoke.
“Yeah, less alcohol next time,”
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harrycosmo · 10 months ago
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I Lost My Body (J'ai perdu mon corps) is an animated French movie from 2019 that follows an episode in the life of a young Maghreban called Naoufel who lives in Paris. To me, he seems to be autistic (neurologically hypersensitive).
Naoufel is clumsy and chaotic and works as a pizza delivery guy. One evening, he arrives half an hour late and the pizza is a mess. Over the intercom, he speaks to the woman who’s been waiting for him and they end up having a conversation that just keeps on going, perhaps because Naoufel is honestly dejected rather than defensive and the young woman, Gabrielle, is very direct.
Naoufel lives with his derelict uncle and horrible cousin because his parents died in a car crash when he was a child. He’s lonely, passionate and obsessive enough that Gabrielle hanging out with him over an intercom is enough for him to decide to track her down at the library where she works.
Following her on the metro, he watches as some other guy sits down next to her, wishing that was him. This made me think of a scene in this Flemish movie from 2007 called Ben X, in which Ben, who is autistic, tracks down his online gaming friend ‘Scarlite’ and just sits next to her on the train. For him, it’s a profoundly wonderful experience.
Having followed her all the way back to her apartment, Gabrielle spots Naoufel peering into her uncle’s carpentry studio and confronts him. He pretends to be interested in a piece of paper advertising for an apprentice and manages to get hired by the uncle and moves into an apartment in the same block. Because they now run into each other regularly, he can get to know her. This kind of behaviour always prompts the nastiest people to cry out ‘Stalker!’. What Naoufel is is a romantic fantasist, but his devotion is unlikely to be reciprocated and may not even be tolerated.
In their first conversation over the intercom and then later when they have a chat at the library, Naoufel learns that Gabrielle longs to visit the North Pole and dreams of living in an igloo, so naturally he starts building her one made of wood on top of her building using the skills he’s acquired from training as a carpenter. His focus is on making her dream come true because his dream is her.
He brings her to the igloo and shares an idea he has that you might be able to change your fate by doing something extreme that you wouldn’t normally do, like jumping onto a crane. He then reveals to her that he’s the pizza delivery guy from before. It’s a bit heartbreaking when she’s angry with him for his elaborate covert pursuit of her but she does have a point that he was using her uncle, who is unwell, to get close to her. This is a shattering blow that sets off a chain of events that culminates with him accidentally cutting off his own hand with a motor saw.
Another autistic trait of Naoufel’s is his heightened appreciation of sounds. In flashbacks to his childhood, we see him recording all sorts of noises on a device given to him by his parents before they died. At night, he listens to recordings of his parents’ voices.
Throughout the movie, the scenes of Naoufel’s hard life and pursuit of Gabrielle are intercut with scenes of his severed hand escaping from a laboratory and making its way across Paris on a quest to reunite with its body. When the severed hand finally gets back to Naoufel, it’s unable to re-attach.
It’s not a movie that leaves you with much hope for the fulfilment or even survival of someone like Naoufel who is weighed down by so much loss and regret. A bit like Jen throwing herself off Wudan mountain at the end of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Naoufel makes his leap onto the crane. Also, Gabrielle hasn’t lost her fondness for him - he did pick a nice girl. These are the few crumbs of hope that the movie leaves you with.
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heeracha · 2 years ago
## something wrong? — p. jongseong
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content/warning(s): s2l lmAO,, jay x gn!reader, swearing, sunghoon being a dumbass (its not a heeracha fic if theres no hoon slander, i love him), inspired by that one friends scene ep,,, yeah ive been rewatching again sTOP, unproofread hehe
wc: 1.3k (holy shit ???)
note: idk wtf is this again,,, word vomit ig ??? pls anyway,, hope u enjoy whatever the hell this is
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sunghoon regrets everything. he regrets the fact that he asked you if you know someone who you could set him up on a date with. he regret offering that he can set you up with someone and you two could double date. and when you asked him about the guy he set you up, why did he have to say jay when he doesn’t even know anyone named jay? after making a lame excuse of why sunghoon can’t say jay’s family name, he runs to the nearest coffee shop.
sunghoon sighs, not believing himself that he is doing this. eh, what difference does it make? sunghoon did a lot of stupid things.
so, sunghoon goes in the middle of the coffee shop, pretending to look around and suddenly loudly call out, “jay!”
sunghoon turns around, seeing a guy around his age, wearing glasses with a classic uncle style. sunghoon’s more of a rich uncle. he looks at him, observing the guy. “are you in college?” sunghoon asks and jay raises a brow.
“um… yeah?” jay answers.
“what you reading?” sunghoon asks, nodding his chin towards jay.
jay, now weirdly looking at him, raises the newspaper. “the newspaper?” he says and sunghoon shrugs.
“yeah, you’re alright.” sunghoon says, walking up to jay and taking the seat across him. after hours of sitting and trying to convince the jay guy, he finally agrees to pretend that he knows sunghoon from high school. sunghoon promised that he will do everything, give him a year supply of his favorite food, anything. but the jay guy just wanted sunghoon to stop, so with a groan, he said “fine, i’ll meet you here later.” and sunghoon celebrates by being even louder and jumping up to go to his apartment to get ready.
“thank you! i owe you one, i’ll do anything!” sunghoon says as he leaves his number on the newspaper and leaves the coffee shop.
“i better get my year's supply of corn!” jay yells. with a groan, he falls back on his seat. “i’m not gonna.”
two hours later, sunghoon is in the restaurant, sitting across jay who sits there with a scowl. “hey, can you at least act like you’re happy or something?” sunghoon says and jay looks at him with a glare. “or not, your choice.”
“what’s their name again?” jay asks.
“how old are they?”
“our age.”
“i seriously cannot understand why can’t you just tell them that you forgot about this date and that you—”
“hoon!” jay cuts himself off as he scowls deeper, looking at sunghoon.
“be cool.” sunghoon mutters as he stands up, greeting you. jay sighs, standing up as he turns to you, eyes widening as if he felt his heart stop for a moment, literally skipping a beat when he sees you. after greeting sunghoon, he turns you to jay who still hasn’t been able to move from his spot. fuck, sunghoon never told him he would get to meet someone so… beautiful.
“that’s jay.” sunghoon says, hand gesturing to jay. “jay, this is y/n.”
“hi.” you softly say, shy evident in your voice.
“h-hi.” jay stammers, chuckling embarrassingly. “hi. hi.”
“is there something wrong?” you ask, smiling, but genuinely concerned. fuck, sunghoon never told you jay was this handsome.
“nothing, nothing,” jay shakes his head lightly. then he softly chuckles. “he just… never told me he set me up with someone so…” jay trails off, feeling embarrassed. why the hell is he saying this? “...beautiful.”
you smile wider, cheeks getting red. “thank you. you don’t look bad yourself.” you say. don’t look bad? he’s literally sent from heaven, god.
sunghoon raises an eyebrow as he looks at the two of you staring at each other. huh, jay was a good choice then. “oh! uh,” you say, shaking your head lightly as you finally break your gaze from jay. “sunghoon, (name). (name), sunghoon.” you say as you gesture to your friend, sunghoon smiling at her.
after sitting down, everything was going well, everyone was getting along, but sunghoon was paying extra attention with you and jay, too nervous if jay says something wrong that doesn’t sunghoon-like. “where did the two of you meet, by the way?” you ask and sunghoon and jay look at each other.
“in a party.”
“high school.”
jay and sunghoon look at each other. “in a high school party. after graduation, we had a mutual friend that threw a party. kind of like, last hurrah before college.” jay lies through his teeth and sunghoon nods. you look at the two back and forth, eyeing sunghoon especially. 
jay almost forgot about the setup. throughout the night, he could barely take his eyes off you. jay could also feel that you’re about to catch them. 
“sunghoon,” you call and he hums nervously. “you did something, didn’t you?”
“what?” sunghoon chuckles nervously. “me? did something?”
“yeah,” you say and sunghoon shakes his head, grabbing his drink and drinking his nervousness off but it doesn’t work. “hm, what is jay’s last name?”
jay mouths “park!” and sunghoon reads his lips, smiling. “wait, we have the same family name?” sunghoon says and jay places his hand on his forehead, closing his eyes in disappointment. “i mean, park! park jay!”
“sunghoon!” you exclaim. “you set me up with a stranger? why did you—?”
“i forgot that we’re supposed to do this. i’ve been caught up with work, y/n.” sunghoon frowns.
“caught up with work, everytime i go to your apartment, you’re playing with jake!” you say and sunghoon sheepishly grins. “ugh, this is so embarrassing, sunghoon.” you say, grabbing your bag and exiting the restaurant. 
jay stands up, pats sunghoon’s shoulder as he runs out of the restaurant. jay looks at the possible directions where you could be and when he sees you across. jay sees you go inside the coffee shop. he pushes the door, going inside as he looks around to look for you.
“jongseong,” he turns to the  seat by the window where sunghoon found him eight years ago. you were there, smiling at him.
“hey, i’ve been looking everywhere for you.” jay says with a smile as he walks to you. he bends to your height, pressing his lips against yours. “the planner said she’s leaving the binder with us for a week or so, so we can properly decide.”
you nod, looking at the binder that jay placed on the table. jay watches you fiddle with your fingers, playing with the ring he proposed with—a habit you developed ever since jay popped the question—as he sits on the chair across from you.
“you okay?” he asks and you hum, nodding.
“great,” you smile. “i’m just glad you ran after me that night.”
jay nods, smiling as he holds your hands in his. “me, too.” he softly says. 
he found you sitting in this very same spot as well, fiddling with your fingers. you were embarrassed that night, but thankfully, jay calmed you down by talking to you. you asked him why did he even agree in the first place and when he answered that sunghoon promised him a year’s supply of corn (he never got it, by the way), you laughed, feeling your nerves ease down as you talk to him properly that time, no more lies and secrets.
you raise his knuckles to your lips, kissing them. “i should be the one doing that.” jay says and you chuckle, shaking your head as you let his hands go, opening the binder.
“so, i think we should put sunghoon as far as possible from the open bar in the reception.” you say and jay nods, agreeing.
“put jake with him.” jay says and you chuckle, reaching your hand out subconsciously to hold jay’s as your free hand flips pages of the binder. jay, just like the first night he saw you, doesn’t take his eyes off you the whole time, still astonished by your beauty if not more. 
you look up, smiling at him. “something wrong, honey?” you ask softly and jay smiles, shaking his head.
“nothing,” he says. “i just really love you.”
you smile back. “i love you more, jongseong.”
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rb, likes, comments and feedbacks are highly appreciated, thank you!
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hpimaginesandblurbs · 4 years ago
wait draco fucking his arranged marriage wife on a couch after she admitted to still seeing her ex (not knowing he has feelings for her obviously) and he’s like oh? can he fuck you like this tho?
pairing: draco malfoy x reader 
warning(s): 18+, adultery, arranged marriage, slight degradation
word count: 3.0k 
a/n: this was not supposed to be this long but it ran away from me as i started writing. this is the longest thing i’ve written on tumblr so far and i hope you all enjoy it! one of my own person favorites. 
Another day felt like another day wasted in the walls in the stuffy Manor you called home. Except it wasn’t home. And it wasn’t another day. 
No. After weeks of trying to get your husband to open up to you, you had had enough. It was an arranged marriage, and although you were no fool and had no pretenses of pretending to love him, you’d at least like to get to know the person you called your husband. 
Back in school you had always thought the infamous Draco Malfoy was rather handsome, anyone would be a fool to deny it. He was confident and popular, great at Quidditch, and seemed like the perfect gentleman - everything you could want in a husband. Turns out it was the opposite. All the feelings you thought you might develop for him were unrequited, and he ignored you at every turn. 
So you took it into your own hands to get what you were so desperately craving: physical affection. It didn’t take much, truly. All you did was send an owl to your ex boyfriend from your school days and one thing led to another until you were in his bed, wrapped in his arms, and rocked to your core with pleasure. 
But now you were back in your ‘home’, wasting away within the walls of the Manor with your husband nowhere to be found. 
It wasn’t until hours later, when you were getting ready to push yourself up from the couch to head to bed, did the fireplace flash green, signaling his arrival home. 
“Hello. How was your day?” You asked politely, hoping just this once he might fall into a normal conversation with you. 
“Fine,” he replied shortly, not even bothering to look at you as he emptied his pockets and put down his very important briefcase that was a mystery to you. 
A blaze of frustration ran through your body, desperate to get more out of this man than just one word. A crazy thought came into your head, to tell him about your day, but you pushed it aside. No, Malfoy’s wouldn’t think highly of a girl who committed adultery within weeks of marriage. But…
“My day was great,” you told him, rather impulsively. 
At first he seemed shocked that you even said anything, the conversation usually reached its end by now. But he recovered quickly, politely asking “And what was so great about your day?” 
Naturally, you could lie. Tell him you met up with your female friends for lunch. Tell him you read a good book. Tell him anything but the truth. But… 
“I reacquainted myself with my ex boyfriend from school,” you told him, daring to look him in the eye as you spoke. 
“Reacquainted? How?” He asked, a series of emotions flashing over his face that you had never seen before. It sent a thrill through you to see him showing any emotions at all. 
Again, you could lie. Tell him you met him for lunch. Tell him that you ran into each other in Diagon Alley. Tell him anything but the truth. But… 
You knew even if the truth did come out, he would have to keep it a secret. He wouldn’t dare be seen as a spineless cuckold as his wife went around sleeping with whomever she pleased. 
“I owled him a few days ago, asking to meet him,” you began, watching as his face contorted into something akin to anger. “I went to his home, for lunch, and it didn’t end with lunch.” 
You left the end of your short story rather ambiguous, wanting to see what he’d do with the information you presented him. He had barely moved from his place by the fireplace, but the look he was giving you could set you up in flames if he wanted it to. 
“So, what? You fucked him?” He asked, the politeness in his voice giving way to the anger he was feeling. 
In a sick way, it pleased you to see him angry. Gave you a sense of pride that you, the wife he had seen fit to ignore, could get such a rise out of him. 
“Yes, seeing as you haven’t even touched me,” was your spiteful reply, foolishly placing the blame all on him despite your own actions. 
“You stupid, silly little girl,” he said under his breath as he stalked over towards you, menacing in just how much bigger he was than you. “You don’t fucking understand a thing about me, do you?” He asked, hovering over you, his hands braced on the back of the couch that you were still seated on, your faces inches apart. 
“You don’t let me. You never speak to me,” you argued, ready to turn this into a fight filled with low blows if he really wanted it to go that way. 
“You think this is a fucking walk in the park for me? Having some girl I’ve barely met in my house looking terrified of me every time I come near her? Suffering through your daily attempts to talk to me, but knowing how unbearably uncomfortable you are in being here? You think I wanted this? For either of us?” He asked seamlessly, almost in a rush to get all of his thoughts out before he thought better of it. A look of hesitation passed his face for a brief moment before he continued on, more quietly now. “You think I wanted the girl I couldn’t take my eyes off for a single day after fifth year hating being in my presence? Going behind my back to fuck someone else because I’ve held myself back in case she was uncomfortable doing anything more than just acting like my wife?” 
He didn’t meet your eye at first, but when he did you saw the weight of his emotions. He was hurt, by himself and by you. He was jealous of the man you had chosen to spend your day with. He was terrified of your reaction to his words. He was furious he even had to have this conversation, in this way, in this situation. He was relieved he finally got it all out. 
“Wh- What are you saying?” You asked cautiously, not wanting to twist his words to meet your own fantasy of having a loving husband. 
He took a deep breath before he answered, but made no moves to rid himself of his proximity to you. “Y/N, I’ve been head over heels for you since the moment we met. But having an arranged marriage, I couldn’t do much more but assume you didn’t share the same feelings as me.” 
“Oh,” was all you could even say back, too overwhelmed to think of anything else. You searched his eyes for the lie, but they held nothing but the raw truth. He must have seen something in your eyes as well, because his tone shifted into something else entirely before he spoke again. 
“Now, Y/N, I think we got off on the wrong foot and I didn’t make my intentions clear with you. I intend to be a good husband, a loving husband. And yet despite my best efforts to be the perfect gentleman so far, you went behind my back to sleep with some other man. And what does that say about you?” He asked, his eyes boring into yours as he spoke. 
You were sure he could hear your heart rate from how close he was, your pulse racing at his words. “I- I don’t know,” you stuttered, willing to let him take this wherever he saw fit. 
“I’m not going to place the blame all on you, because I know I haven’t been perfect. But one might say that you’re a dumb little whore, and I might be inclined to agree. A stupid, little girl trapped in her big, posh Manor. Going out to let any guy fuck her, not even knowing that her husband can fuck her better than anyone else could.” 
“And you could fuck me better than someone I know can?” You asked incredulously, shocked at the words spilling from his mouth. But even if you tried, you couldn’t deny the way he was so sure of himself, so sure he could please you better than any man, aroused you to no end. 
He let out a dark chuckle and looked at you, amused. “Of course I could, darling. That is, if you give me the chance,” he told you in a teasing tone, before pushing himself off of the couch to walk away. 
“Wait,” you started, once again acting on impulse. You might regret your next words, but damn it if you weren’t curious. And he was your husband after all. “Prove it.” 
“Prove it?” He asked, turning on his heel to face you again, a victorious grin written across his face. When you nodded, he only lifted a brow before he continued. “Now? Haven’t you had a long day of, oh how did you put it, ‘getting reacquainted with your ex��?” 
“You talk a big game, Draco. Now I’m asking you to prove it. Scared?” You asked, baiting him. 
In a split second and a flurry of movement later, he had you laying down against the couch, pressed into the expensive fabric, with his weight on top of you, pinning you down.  
“I’ll give you one last chance to back out of this. Tell me now, otherwise I’m going to fuck you through this couch,” he said through gritted teeth, clearly fed up with your antics. 
Without even thinking, your lips crashed onto his in a heated kiss. Lips you hadn’t felt since your wedding day. You hadn’t even remembered what they felt like until his tongue was darting along your bottom lip, hastily requesting entry. 
As your kiss remained heated, he was expertly shedding you both of your clothing until you were almost bare. He had only left you in your small, lace thong in the aftermath of his destruction. 
His hands traveled your body possessively, as if trying to memorize every curve and edge of your skin. The moment your bra came off, your breasts were in his hands, easily rolling your nipples until you were gasping for air. He swallowed all your noises greedily, as if you were feeding them to a starved man. 
It wasn’t until he pulled away, his hands resting on the waistband on your underwear, did you have a moment for a coherent thought. 
“One last time, are you sure Y/N?” He asked as if it was painful for him. As if it was the case that you said no, it would be immensely difficult for him to pull himself away. As if it was the case that you said no, he’d die a painful death at your feet. 
“I’m sure,” you said softly, not wanting him to think for a second that you had any hesitant thoughts about this moment. 
As he slowly pulled down your final layer of clothing, it gave you a chance to finally look at him.
And he was beautiful. 
He looked like an ancient Greek statue, perfectly carved and crafted out of marble come to life. His perfectly defined lines, his impossible definition, his muscles in all the right places. Your eyes eventually traveled down to his cock, and your breath hitched when you finally saw how large he was. If you had known this all along, perhaps you wouldn’t have sought out another man for your pleasure. 
He seemed to be taking you in just the same. His eye trailing down your body with such reverence that you felt like an ancient Greek goddess yourself, if only for a moment. 
“You’re gorgeous,” he said softly, almost as if he didn’t mean for you to hear the words. 
“You’re not so bad yourself,” you replied, giving him a shy smile when his eyes met yours again. 
“I’ve been waiting to do this for a long time,” he told you, still in the soft tone that he had. He gracefully let his body fall back over yours, bracing himself on one forearm while his other hand traveled the length of your body. 
When he caught your lips again, it didn’t hold the same heat as before, but there was something new there. Something good. Something that could only be translated through your lips in that very moment. Something akin to adoration, worship, even love. 
His hand stopped its travels at the apex of your thighs, expertly running his fingers over your clit and down your slit, feeling for himself just how wet you were. He groaned at the feeling of how wet and warm you were, and you felt his cock twitch against your stomach in anticipation. 
He slowly opened you up for him with his fingers. First with one, then two, even venturing to three before he was content that you wouldn’t be uncomfortable. He didn’t rush the process, kept a slow, steady, predictable pace as he worked your body. And every time you got close to the edge, he’d gently bring you back down, leaving you a whining, writhing mess by the time he was aligning his cock with you. 
“Draco, please,” you begged shamelessly, more than ready for him. 
“Did you beg for him earlier?” He asked almost nonchalantly, teasing you with the tip of his cock. 
He must have seen the shock on your face, shocked that he would bring it up in this moment, because he only chuckled before pushing inside of you, a gasp easily pulled from your lips at the intense stretch. 
He didn’t fuck you gently, immediately starting with a breakneck pace that left you seeing stars from the first moment he bottomed out. You were easily rewarding him with your moans, letting him know just how good it felt without words. You couldn’t speak even if you tried. 
But he talked. Oh, yes. He ran that pretty mouth of his as if he wasn’t thrusting so deep inside of you the couch was rocking. 
“I was right, wasn’t I? You’ve never been fucked like this, have you?” He asked, right as you were beginning to climb that peak into a pleasurable abyss. 
You gave him a feeble nod in return, not trusting your own mouth to properly respond. 
“Did he fuck you like this?” He asked, biting the question out through clenched teeth as if he was dreading the answer. “Tell me, Y/N, did he?” He asked, fucking you even harder now in his frustration. 
“No,” you cried out, breaking free of your moans for a second to answer him. “He can’t fuck me like this,” you added, if only to stroke Draco’s ego, but nevertheless it was true. No one could fuck you like this. 
“Cum for me, let me feel you,” Draco said, lowering his head into the crook of your neck to ground himself, trying to fight off his orgasm until you got yours. 
It didn’t take much longer after that. He had worked you up so much beforehand that your orgasm came to you easily and came with such a force you were left breathless in its wake. Your nails carved down Draco’s muscular back, sure to leave delightful scratch marks that you could study later, as you cried out in bliss. 
The moment he felt your walls contract around him, he let himself go with a low groan. The sound was music to your ears, and only intensified the feelings you were experiencing. To have him so close, sharing in the same ecstasy you were, it was like magic. 
When you both came down from your highs, he swiftly rearranged the both of you until you wrapped in his arms, both lying on the couch. It was a strange feeling, being in his arms for the first time like this. If someone had told you this would be happening only a few hours before, you would have laughed in their face. But now here you both were, sweaty and satiated, basking in the bliss of finally consummating your marriage. 
The thought made you giggle, and when he shot you a perplexed look, you couldn’t help but explain. 
“We finally consummated our marriage,” you explained, still giggling. “And don’t worry, by the way, I’m on the potion,” you thought to add, just in case kids weren’t looming in the future for him. 
“Good to know you won’t be birthing any bastard children,” was his sullen response, clearly still hurt by the events of the day. 
You shifted your body until you were looking directly at him, but he made no moves to pull his arms away from you. If anything, he held you tighter when he felt you move, unwilling to give up the moment. 
“Look, I’m sorry about what I did today. It wasn’t right and it wasn’t fair to you. And if I had known even a fraction how you felt about me, I wouldn’t have done it, because I feel the same about you. I was just feeling incredibly stuck in what I thought was a hopeless marriage, and I was lonely, so I sought out someone else. But now I understand that that isn’t the case, and I can promise you, from the bottom of my heart, that it will never happen again,” you told him, putting everything out there for him. 
“You feel the same?” He asked timidly, after a moment of deliberation. There was a look of hope on his face, and never in your wildest dreams would you shut down such a rare display of emotion from him. Then again, you may be expecting more of his emotions from here on out. 
“Yes. I’ve always been attracted to you, and the little bits of you that I do know, I like. I want this to work, Draco. I want this to be a real marriage. All I wanted was a shot.” you said, just praying he wanted the same. 
“‘I’ll admit, I wasn’t a good husband to you by any means, and I probably unknowingly pushed you into doing what you did. But now that our intentions are out there, I’d like nothing more than to give this a real shot,” he responded, that newly familiar look of hope in his eyes present once more. 
In that moment, you could both feel it. The beginning of something great.
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pillow-anime-talk · 3 years ago
i love girls month ; ninth day.
synopsis: Face masks, check. Sweet wine, check. Snacks and sushi, check... Gossiping about others... we’ll get to that in a moment.
# tags: scenario; friendship; girls night!au; comedy; mention of alcohol and being drunk; talks about sex, drugs, boys and other (mostly bad) things; suggestive, maybe nsfw
includes: female reader ft. nobara kugisaki & maki zenin {jjk}
author’s note: okayyyy, let’s go?!
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You laughed out loud at the sight of Nobara, whose piece of sushi fell into the soy sauce, and Maki joined to you a short second later.
The three of you had been drunk for over an hour, and there were four empty sweet wine bottles next to you, one bottle of rice vodka, and a couple of squashed beer cans. You’ve probably never had as much alcohol in your life as you did that evening, but neither of you regretted it – quite the contrary! It was the best girls night you could ever dream of.
Before, you all made masks and applied several types of conditioners to your hair, ordered sushi and hot soup, you ate salty and sweet snacks, and watched the first part of ‘The Hunger Games’. Now, however, the time has come for more serious topics that were not school or the immediate family. In your current state, you seemed more courageous than normal; therefore there were no taboos, shyness or secrets among you at this point.
“... Like I said, I love oral sex. Eating a dick is my passion.” Nobara said and was trying to fish out her sushi, but quickly gave up when she saw that everything had fallen apart and was soaked in salty sauce. So the nineteen-year-old took a new piece of fish and looked at you and Maki sitting on the right side. “But I love normal sex even more. Sex after an argument, jealousy sex... My beloved moments!” She smiled happily as she swallowed a baked avocado salmon wrapped in a seaweed leaf.
“Hey, how did you guys have anal sex? I must admit that I tried more than once, but it never worked. Totally not my cup of tea, it hurts a lot.” You asked out of curiosity, and your friends immediately nodded.
“I don’t like it too.” The brown-haired teenager admitted with a grunt, while the girl a year older, sitting next to you, giggled slightly.
“You have to relax. And choose a position other than the missionary one. It’s not good for this type of sexual activity.” She took another sip of wine and set her glass down. “And if that doesn’t help, light up something before sex, you’ll loosen up so much, hehe.” She added amused. “Panda will get you some stuff.”
“I will definitely buy something from him.”
“Yes me too!”
All three of you laughed again, tapping each other with the chopsticks holding the portions of food. After a short while topic changed to your current/ex/future partners. You liked to talk about other people a lot, even if they were people close to you or just people for whom you had goddamn respect.
“... You won’t believe what my boyfriend agreed to.” After a few minutes, the brown-haired girl started talking. When you and Maki looked on her questioningly, she took a sip of alcohol. “Once, when I was drunk, I offered him a threesome, and he agreed...” And then she started on you. “With you, Y/N.” She added, and you blushed (you didn’t know if it was because of the alcohol or because of that crazy question). “He knows you broke up with your boyfriend recently, but don’t be mad at him...”
“Well ... I’m not, we can do it someday. Unless I either go back to my ex or fall in love with someone else.”
“Why are men so fucked up. My boyfriend offered me a porn recording.”
“If that happens, I want to watch it.” You said simultaneously with a nineteen-year-old girl and then, both giggled drunk. Hazel-eyed just laughed.
“... If I had to choose and without consequences, having sex with anyone ...” You started hesitantly as the next minutes of the evening passed, but then you straightened up. “I would choose Mei Mei sensei.”
“I would choose Gojou-sensei.” The eldest of you admitted.
“Lmao, I would choose Megumi’s father.” You looked at your peer with amusement. “Really. He’s so fucking hot.”
“Yes, that’s true...” You looked at the bottle of wine dreamily. “Older men are the best.”
“... Nah, rice vodka with the addition of blueberry juice is the best!”
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previous day ; grell sutcliff from kuroshitsuji ♡ next day ; rumi usagiyama from boku no hero academia
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babyboibucky · 4 years ago
White Noise
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky has a new neighbor and she's even grumpier than him.
Word Count: 2,490
Warnings: TW!!! Domestic violence (not from Bucky, he’s a sweetheart in this 🥺)
A/N: I’d say I’m on a roll for writing new shit lately but I’ve got two ongoing series and a part 2 of a oneshot that I haven’t even updated for quite a while lmfao
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Bucky blinked his eyes open and stared at the ceiling before forcing them close again. He focused on the hard floor beneath him and the soft blanket tangled in between his limbs. His television was left open but with the volume at the lowest level. Bucky always slept this way, so that the white noise would help him ground himself whenever he would wake up from his nightmares.
A few minutes later, Bucky finally felt himself begin to doze off. A couple hours of uninterrupted sleep were good enough for him, at least he'd get some peace before his past would come back to haunt him.
Just as when Bucky was about to fall into a deep slumber, loud music began to boom through his walls, stirring him awake. He grunted as he sat up on the floor, turning around and staring at the wall separating his apartment from his neighbor. He didn't even know he had one until now. The music was loud, too loud that it wasn't even white noise anymore. It was just...noise. And as much as Bucky hated how silence triggered his self-destructive thoughts, this kind of noise wasn't something that he needed.
Bucky let a few more minutes pass just to see whether his neighbor would turn it down but then a new song started playing right after the first.
Grabbing his shirt, jacket and some sweatpants, Bucky quickly dressed up and headed out the door. He stood in front of his neighbor's door and could actually understand the lyrics of the song playing. It wasn't his enhanced hearing, the music was just that loud. His neighbor didn't even hear him knocking until he decided to use his vibranium arm to do so. Bucky had to hold back a bit in order not to break down the door at how hard he knocked on the door.
Mid-way through his knocking, the door finally opened and out his neighbor stepped-- you. Bucky frowned when you didn't even bother turning off your music when you opened the door.
"How can I help you?" you asked, your expression matching Bucky's.
Bucky scoffed, "I don't know, maybe turn down your music? It's like fuckin' two in the morning. You're not the only tenant in this building." he snapped.
"I can't sleep without music. And no one else has been complaining, just you." you said and was about to close the door right into Bucky's face.
Bucky was appalled at your rudeness and slotted his foot into your doorway before you could even slam the door shut.
"I just complained and you're not really going to do anything?" he asked.
"No. If other tenants can sleep through my music then so can you. Stop bitching around and leave me be." you huffed out and kicked his foot before closing the door with a loud thud.
Bucky blinked, unable to believe that you just did that. You actually kicked his foot and ignored his complaint. He knew that he was a bit harsh when asking you to turn down your music, but it was two in the morning! Why would you even blast music at such an ungodly hour? Bucky rubbed his face with his hand and headed back to his apartment.
He'll deal with you tomorrow. It wasn't like he was going to sleep through the entire night anyway.
And deal with you, Bucky did but it always ended the same. Bucky was surprised at how aggressive you were whenever he paid you a visit to complain. The first night he kind of understood your behavior, he wasn't the nicest then. But every single encounter he had with you after that, you were just borderline mean.
Bucky just arrived from having lunch out when he saw you unloading your car with a few more boxes. Over the past few days, he had learned that you were indeed new and just moved in a week ago. He also learned that the rest of tenants on his floor either slept like a fucking rock or had impaired hearing for them not to care about your music.
You struggled to carry all three boxes when you stacked them above each other. Bucky chuckled in amusement as he watched you attempt to carry them all twice. Obviously, you didn't want to do multiple trips but with the strength (or lack thereof) you were displaying, it would be an impossible task. Being the gentleman he was, Bucky decided to set aside his feud with you to offer his help.
"Let me help." he said as he approached you.
Your eyes softened up at him for a brief moment and Bucky thought that maybe you'd be kinder to him this time. Boy was he wrong because you immediately shot his offer down and ignored his presence.
"Look, I'm trying to be nice here. Just let me help so you wouldn't have to do multiple trips." he explained.
"I don't need anyone's help. How hard is that to understand?" you snapped and carried one box, brushing past Bucky to enter the building.
Bucky rolled his eyes and quickly grabbed your arm to stop you. He's had enough of your attitude and if you weren't going to even try to be nice to him, then he'd stop being the gentleman that he was.
"Why do you have to be such a little bitch?" For the first time, Bucky raised his voice at you.
He just wanted to confront you, not scare you so when you gasped out loud and dropped the box in your arms, Bucky's heart fell. Your eyes widened at him in fear, your hand quickly wrapping around the arm that Bucky grabbed. He realized that he had used his vibranium arm to grab you and was quick to regret it.
"Please don't touch me like that again." your voice was soft, almost a whisper and Bucky didn't expect for you to react like that.
He was expecting for you to yell at him, maybe even land a slap on his face. But instead, you shrinked and for the first time in a long time, Bucky saw someone look at him with fear like that. It was as if he was back to square one, back to the old version of him that he's been fighting so hard to forget.
It's been two days since the incident and Bucky still hadn't seen you around. He’s been wanting to apologize to you and patch things up. Your music still blasted through his walls so at least he knew that he didn't scare you enough to move away. Bucky's nightmares got worse and somehow, the incident with you was what violently shook him awake.
Bucky stared at his ceiling once again, his television turned off because he knew that you'd be playing your music out loud in a few. He was actually starting to get used to it and as much as he hated it, he often found himself singing along to the songs you had been playing.
Two am and there was still silence. Bucky laid on the floor as he waited for your music. Three minutes have passed and yet it remained quiet. Maybe you weren't home? Although he did see you from his balcony as you headed back inside the building after bringing your trash out earlier. Perhaps something else was keeping you busy? Why was Bucky even thinking about what you were doing? If any, he should be jumping at the opportunity to get some shuteye.
Bucky sighed and turned on the television like how he used to, turning the volume down and then closing his eyes in an attempt to fall asleep.
For a while, Bucky felt at peace for falling back to his routine before you moved in. Hushed whispers and soft cries caused Bucky to quickly sit up. He wasn't sure whether it was from the television or if his enhanced hearing was picking up something else. Bucky quickly turned off the television and sat in silence, closing his eyes to focus.
There was a loud thud coming from your apartment followed by a muffled sob. Bucky knew that something was wrong so he quickly dressed up and went to your apartment, knocking on the door continuously.
"Hey, it's me. Open up." Bucky called out and continued to knock when you didn't respond.
"Is everything okay in there?" he asked again, the silence from the other side of the door bothering him even more.
Bucky heard a few shuffles before he heard the door click. It slowly opened until you showed up, gaze downcast and hands trembling as you prevented the door from opening any further. Bucky couldn't even see through you at how you were blocking his view of your apartment.
"I'm fine. Just go." you softly said and attempted to close the door again.
Bucky frowned and held the edge of the door with his vibranium arm, stopping you from closing it and instead, pushing it open. You just allowed him to do that, something that confirmed Bucky's gut feeling that you were hiding something, or rather, someone.
"Man, just get the fuck out of here!" a guy exclaimed as he stood in the middle of your apartment.
Bucky was quick to notice the mess inside your apartment— clothes and chairs were strewn across the floor. His gaze went back to you and it was then that he saw the bruises on your arms and legs.
"Did he hurt you?" he asked worriedly.
You kept mum but saw the slow movement of your head, affirming his suspicions. The guy walked over to you and gripped your arm, violently pulling you behind him as he stood face to face with Bucky.
"It's none of your goddamn business." he threatened.
Bucky refused to look at the man and focused on you. He finally understood everything. Why you had been so aggressive towards him, why you reacted like that when he gripped your arm. You were afraid, not of him but because of what you were going through. This man had been abusing you and Bucky doesn't need to know for how long for him to understand your behavior.
"You just gonna fuckin' stand there or what?!" the guy asked, irritated at Bucky's presence.
"I think you should be the one to leave." Bucky said calmly, finally lifting his gaze to look at the man.
The man snickered, "Who the fuck are you to tell me that? You got the hots for my fuckin' girlfriend?" he asked.
"Leave her alone and never come back. I'll only ask you this once." Bucky warned, his jaw tightening as he stared at the man.
"Or else? You threatening me, man? You're gonna fucking regret it." the man chuckled before lifting his fist up to punch Bucky in the face.
Bucky rolled his eyes when he easily caught the man's fist in his vibranium arm, twisting it until the man looked at him in horror, screaming in pain. He let go of the man's fist and grabbed at the collar of his shirt, tugging him closer as he glared daggers at him.
"You are gonna fucking regret it if you come back here. If you ever lay a finger on her, so much as look at her...I'll find you. That's a promise." Bucky warned.
The guy was nearly in tears as he nodded in understanding, not trusting his voice. Bucky chuckled and dragged him out of your apartment, throwing him to the ground before pointing a gloved finger.
"You understand?" he asked again, snickering when the guy almost immediately scrambled away without even responding.
Bucky waited until the man was out of sight before quickly turning to you. You merely stood inside your apartment, body trembling as you hugged yourself.
"You okay?" Bucky asked gently, brows furrowing in worry as he slowly walked towards you.
He bent down to catch your gaze, "Can I...?" he asked, asking for your permission as he attempted to hold your shoulders.
You meekly nodded and heaved out a shaky sigh, composing yourself. Bucky held you carefully, rubbing your arms to soothe you after everything that has happened. You let him touch you like that because it was the first time in a long time that you received such gentleness. It almost moved you into tears, how Bucky held you with so much care.
"Come on, let's get you patched up." Bucky said and led you out of your apartment, not wanting you to stay there after being beaten up by your asshole of a boyfriend.
Bucky kept a hand on the small of your back, guiding you into his almost empty apartment. He almost felt embarrassed for having nothing but a couch, a chair and a television. You didn't seemed to mind though and immediately sat down upon reaching the couch.
Bucky fetched you a glass of water and sat down next to you, watching you drink it all in one go. Your hands weren't shaking that much anymore and the tension in your shoulders seemed to have subsided. You turned to Bucky and smiled at him for the first time.
"Thank you." you said. "And I owe you an apology. I know I was—“
"It's okay. You don't have to apologize. I understand." Bucky explained with a smile before it faltered, "I'm sorry for what you witnessed back there, I didn't mean to be violent like that but—“
It was your turn to cut him off, "Please don't be sorry. He deserved that." you bitterly chuckled.
Bucky found out that the guy was an ex-boyfriend and that he had been abusing you all throughout your relationship. You broke up with him a month ago that's why you moved into Bucky's apartment building. Apparently, you filed for a restraining order against him but the guy was obviously crazy to go against it, stalking you back to your apartment, hence the commotion.
"And the reason why I've been blasting music is because it keeps me from remembering the abuse he caused me. I can't think about anything else but that at night, when everything is quiet." you explained.
Bucky's heart ached because he understood, he truly understood your sentiments. His therapist taught him that peace isn't always a good thing. Sometimes, it is peace that causes chaos in the mind. Silence could be a dangerous thing, that's what you and Bucky have been experiencing.
"Would it help you if you talked to someone instead?" Bucky asked. "Because I'd love to have someone to talk to on nights I can't sleep." he said.
You offered a smile, "I'd keep you up every night then."
Bucky returned your smile, "Then it's a perfect set-up." he said, telling you that he too had trouble sleeping almost every night.
Bucky realized that he might have had a rough start with you, but he was glad for that. If it wasn't for your loud music blasting through his walls that one night, he wouldn't have found the perfect white noise to help him find solace at night— you.
Everything Bucky Tag List:
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mountswhore · 3 years ago
Hey girl, me again 🥺I’ve had this idea in my head for ages 🤔 based off the song ‘Polaroid’ by Liam Payne Mason Mount on holiday with the boys in Mykonos, him and the boys befriend a small group (reader and friends) bassically a holiday fling between reader and Mason but he never actually gets her name or anything just a few ‘Polaroid’ pictures of them both, few months later he’s been trying to find her but can’t and the lads convince him to post it on Instagram with the caption “Instagram do your thing” after a while he notices numerous different people (her friends) tagging the reader in it and turns out it’s her and sends her a message. Thankyou sweet cheeks 😎💙
aaahh bestie this is such a good idea
𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 — mason mount
summary: mason can’t find the girl he had a fling with last summer, so he takes to the internet to find you.
notes: my requests are open, ask away!
for @yourmypurpose
Winning the Champions League was supposed to be a feeling like no other, a feeling that you’d remember for the rest of your life. But Mason felt deflated, he felt like the world was closing in on him and he could do nothing but watch it happen. Even his friends noticed his awful mood, they’d gone from watching him run around the pitch with the trophy, with a smile nobody could take away from him, to this; a man not wanting to leave his bedroom, let alone his house. His career was the only thing he was doing well in, his girlfriend left him, he would just train, come home to an empty house, sleep, and repeat. It wasn’t a life worth living.
“It’ll be fun,” Declan pleaded, following his best friend into his living room, “it’ll be the perfect chance to get away from everything, from work, from the UK, from your ex.” He spoke the last part quietly, yet Mason still heard and shot his friend a glare as he sat on the couch.
“I’ll think about it.” Mason mumbled, reaching for his PlayStation controller and turning his console on. Declan was trying to get Mason to come to Mykonos with a few of the Chelsea boys, as a celebratory vacation after winning the Champions League. But he wasn’t budging.
“You say that, but you never do. Come on, if it doesn’t lift your mood, you can take the next flight home.” Declan was trying to reason with his friend, to do anything in order to get this man out of his sweatpants and into some swim shorts. This holiday was all Mason needed to get back into his rhythm, to realise you don’t need a girlfriend to be the best version of yourself, to realise he was Mason fucking Mount.
The look on Mason’s face was completely readable, a smile appearing on Declan’s face. Declan jumped onto his friend, cheering and shaking him vigorously. “You won’t regret this, we’re gonna have so much fun.”
Mason found himself in his plane seat, earphones on, and on the way to Mykonos. Greece had always been one of his dream destinations, it was one of the places he’d planned on going to with his ex. Shaking his thoughts from his head, he’d drowned himself in the music. Waiting for the next three hours to be over.
The villa was lovely, the view from his room was even better. He felt himself smile just a little, hopeful for this holiday. He’d spent the first day enjoying the food of Greece, visiting the beach, taking in the place he was staying. Every time the negative thoughts would try to push in, memories of his previous vacations with his ex, he shut it down. He forced a smile and laughed with his friends, hoping they didn’t see through this façade.
It was tiring. Getting back from a busy day and then being told there was a club in town. Having to force that smile back onto his face once more. He still dressed appropriately for the night ahead, pre-gaming with his friends before heading out to this club. It was only 8pm and it was packed, the place had an outside terrace, which didn’t seem so crowded.
Drink after drink, rounds of shots, drinking games with his friends and a few randomers. It was wild. Mason was finally beginning to let go of it all; his negative thoughts weren’t affecting him right now. It was pure bliss.
“Mase,” Declan called out, gesturing to him on the other side of the bar, “wanna play beer pong? These guys need another group.” Mason just nodded along, looking over to the group he was referring to. It was a group of four, just like them, but he’d locked eyes with you for the first time.
Throughout the game, you constantly had a smile stuck to your face, brighter than anything he’d seen before. It was the infectious type of smile, one that spread to his face too. The drinks had done a number on his movement, almost stumbling to the terrace, where only a few people sat. He took in the cool air, resting his head back onto the wall behind him.
“You good?” You questioned, sitting beside him and placing a hand on his shoulder. He quickly opened his eyes, turning his head to face you. There you were again.
“I’ve had a lot to drink,” Mason mumbled, breathing heavier than usual, “your twin looks so much like you.” You just laughed, understanding how much he’d had to drink. You had also had a lot to drink, but clearly Mason didn’t handle alcohol well.
“Here,” you instructed, holding his hand out for him and placing a cup into his hand, “it’s water, drink it.” You watched as he did so, downing it rather quickly and slamming it onto the table beside him. “Do you remember your name?”
“Yes, it’s Mount. Mason Mount.”
“Well, Mount, Mason Mount, do you remember where you’re staying? I think it might be an idea to get you home.” You spoke, the cool air sobering you up almost entirely. Mason’s head was getting droopy, you’d seen this all before, he was inches away from snoozing on your shoulder. You just giggled at him and stood up, grabbing both of his hands and pulling him up.
“We walked here from our villa, it’s a silly looking one. One with the pool shaped like a love heart.” You hummed, not knowing which one exactly, so his information rendered useless. He was leaning against you as you both walked back into the club, spotting his friends again.
“Hey, he’s had a lot to drink. I was going to walk him home but the only thing he said about the villa was that the pool was heart-shaped.” You laughed to his friend, who you’d learnt was called Ben. Mason was looking around the club, the multi-colored lights making his eyes squint in pain. This was the beginning of his hangover, he knew it was only going to get worse from here.
Ben had been kind enough to give you the villa address, and a key, so you made your way to the location. It was weird how trusting they were, for all they knew, you could be a psycho thief. You’d gotten to the villa, after an awful walk up the hill, and placed him on the couch. You didn’t even want to look at their stairs, let alone take Mason up them.
“I’ll stay here until your friends get back,” you spoke quietly, grabbing the blanket from the back of the couch and laying it over the half-asleep Mason, “night, Mason.”
“You never said your name.” He stated, craning his head to look at you as you sat on the opposite couch.
Declan had gotten back, wanting to arrange another outing together, a bit less boozy than a club. And here you were, on your way to spend the day on a boat. You’d brought your polaroid camera with you, hoping to get some nice pictures with your friends before you go home in a few days.
“You’re back.” You spoke, sitting beside Mason as the boat started to move. He smiled at you, handing you a flute of a sparkly liquid, which you’d taken without complaining. “Having fun so far?”
“Yeah, I’m glad I’m seeing you again. I don’t really remember much from last night apart from your face.” He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. You blushed, hiding it with your hands and reaching for your camera.
“What do you say to a picture? To remember this moment.” You suggested, holding the camera up at the two of you. Mason’s arm slid around your shoulders, pulling you in closer with a smirk on his face. You just smiled your usual, bright smile, and let the photo develop.
The day was spent enjoying the view, jumping off the boat multiple times, finally making your way back to the docks when the sun began to set. Everyone was sitting on the front of the boat, taking in the last few hours of the sun on their skin, whilst you and Mason were at the back together. Away from the sun, completely alone. You laid beside him, your eyes shifting to look at him every few seconds.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” He retorted, poking his tongue out at you as you laughed, shoving his leg slightly.
“Oh, I already have.” You replied wittily, holding the polaroid up to show him. It was quite a creative picture, actually. His skin was tanned, muscles perky, the sun hitting him in all the right places. He was very handsome, you could only imagine the job he had back home.
“Hey, give that,” Mason chuckled, reaching for the polaroid but you’d held it away from him. He leant over to you, hand out to grab it, but you’d both been focused on something else. How close your lips were. You could feel the other’s breathe, it was straight out of a movie the way Mason grabbed your waist and closed the gap between the two of you. He was pulling you down with him, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist. This was an Oscar-worthy kiss.
You knew you wouldn’t see these boys again, as you didn’t have long before you returned back to the UK. So, as you were grabbing your things, you’d flicked through the polaroid's from today, finding the one of you and Mason.
“Here,” you spoke, holding the polaroid out for him to take, “I thought you’d like it. And it’s a way of remembering your time here, and the most gorgeous girl you’ve ever laid eyes on.” You joked, but Mason really felt that way. You were the most gorgeous girl he’d laid eyes on. He came on this holiday thinking it would depress him even more, but he found fun in you.
“Trust me, I won’t forget a face like that.” He replied, placing the polaroid into his wallet and smiling. “See you,” he whispered against your neck as you hugged, one last time, “someday.”
It had been two months since he’d returned from holiday, back to work, but more importantly, back to his old self. He enjoyed going to work, coming home, and spending time with his friends. He saw beauty in his mundane life again. But he missed you. He never thought he’d miss a two day fling with a random girl on holiday, it wasn’t even a fling, The pair of you hadn’t hooked up, only shared a kiss. But it was a good kiss, an unforgettable kiss.
“Have you searched her name up?” Declan asked, relaxing into the corner of Mason’s couch, rolling his eyes as Mason opened his wallet up for the fifteenth time that day. The boys were round for their frequent game day, a day Mason looked forward to.
Mason shook his head, slightly embarrassed to have forgotten your name, in his defense, he was out-of-this-world drunk. “I don’t remember it, I was hammered. Plus, I’m sure there’s at least a thousand people in this country who share her name.”
“Post the picture on Instagram, people always find people on there, it’s creepy.” Ben added, laughing at the end of his statement. It was a good idea, but was he ready to put it out there that he’d moved on, only for his ex to be mentioned in his comments again? Were you worth all of those nasty comments?
He’d posted the polaroid that evening, with the caption:
‘Instagram, do your thing.’
You had received a call from your brother, just as you were heading up to bed. Strange, you thought, your brother only called if he had some ridiculous news. You’d answered it, sitting on your stairs as he spoke.
“Did you meet anyone on holiday?” He questioned, your mind instantly flicking back to your memories with that man. The kiss on the boat, the horrible walk up the hill, the fighting over a polaroid.
“Why’s that your business?” You questioned, running up your stairs and grabbing the polaroid's from your bedside table and flicking through them.
“It’s my business when I’m scrolling through Instagram, only to find a Chelsea player has posted a picture of you and him.” He mentioned, voice raising in disbelief as he finished his sentence. You furrowed your brows, Chelsea player?
“Chelsea player? Chelsea, as in the football team you follow?” You wondered, opening Instagram to find this man’s account. You’d forgotten his name, curse your horrible memory. “What’s his name again?”
“Mason Mount,” he recalled, and you were kicking yourself for not remembering his silly James Bond introduction. Finding his account, you’d seen his recent post. It was your polaroid. The one you’d given him the last time you’d seen each other, he was looking for you. Your heart was beating rapidly in your chest, scrolling the comments and seeing everyone compliment you. How did you manage to run into this man and not remember his face? Or his name? The amount of times your family had mentioned how A1 he was on the pitch, how happy they were when Chelsea had won the Champions League.
“That’s not me,” you lied to your brother, knowing there was no way of escaping this now, everyone you knew would be able to tell it was you.
“Don’t bullshit me, Y/N,” he laughed on the other end of the phone, as you were frantically shoving the polaroid's back into your drawer, “I don’t know anyone else who uses a polaroid camera.”
“Should I text him?”
“You’d be an idiot not to.”
After ending the call with your brother, you sat in Mason Mount’s inbox for over an hour, unable to send him a message. Was there a right thing to say? Was ‘hi’ not enough for the man you’d left a mark on? Throwing away all of your conflicting thoughts, you sighed and just sent the word, ‘hey’. It didn’t take long for him to get back to you, so over the moon that he’d found you.
Mason: I can’t believe it worked, I actually found you.
Turns out my brother follows you and saw the picture, small world?
Mason: Chelsea fan, huh?
Guess so.
Your conversation lasted until the early hours of the morning, you promising Mason a proper date when you were both free. He had training the next day, but how could he sleep when he now knew you. He now had your Instagram, so he could talk to you, instead of staring at the polaroid in his wallet a million times a day.
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persephones-wren · 4 years ago
Can you write a Kaz Brekker one-shot where Kaz is dating the reader and basically one night while they're in his office, Jesper overhears them apart of their conversation and mistakenly thinks they're breaking up so he enlists the other Crows to help keep them together with some wild plan and Kaz and the reader are just left confused since they're still together? Thank you in advance~!
A Break (Kaz Brekker x Reader)
It's a little short, but I hope you enjoy it! I really liked writing it, it was such a sweet idea :) Thank you for requesting!
Warnings: none (I think)
Genre: Unclassified
Word Count: 1422
“This isn’t working out, Kaz. Maybe we should take a break.”
Jesper is astonished when he hears that snippet through the door. Surely it couldn’t be-? They weren’t really going to break up, were they? Kaz and Y/N were almost soulmates, as close as you could get to one, anyway. Was he really that oblivious to not notice any shortcomings between them?
“A break?” Kaz mutters incredulously.
Jesper hopes you’re kidding.
“Yeah, a break. I don’t think we should continue on like this- you’re tired of it, and so am I. We can discuss details tomorrow, but the point remains the same.”
He covers his mouth in horror. He isn’t supposed to be eavesdropping on his boss and his colleague, but- well, this was most certainly unexpected.
“Fine,” he sighs. “This isn’t good for me, and it’s not good for you either. Details tomorrow. Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Night, Kaz.”
Both of your voices sound defeated, and Jes scurries off before you notice him outside of Kaz’s office.
He’s no Kaz, but he needs to come up with a plan to get you both back together. He’ll need the Crows, and he’ll need to do some scheming, Saints hope he doesn’t look as brooding as Kaz with his thinking face- but if there’s anything he swears he’ll do, it’s to get the both of you back together.
Planning for heists was exhausting when you weren’t constantly computing outcomes like your boyfriend, and last night was especially taxing. You had convinced him to take a break, and finalize details the next day, but- well, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at the thought. Another long night spent at his office.
It wasn’t that you didn’t enjoy it, it was just- sometimes it got a bit too much.
“Y/N, c’mon, we’re going to go see Nina.”
“We?” You raised your eyebrows. Jesper was up early this morning. That never meant something good. He was usually hungover or just sleeping in late. Something eventful must be happening. “What’s the occasion?”
“No occasion,” he says, frowning.
“...alright,” you say hesitantly. He was acting strange, but- well, if he wanted to visit Nina with you, you weren’t one to object. It’s been a while since you’ve seen her, anyway.
Your shoes clicked on the cobble as you walked the path to the House of the White Rose. There was something off about Jesper. He was abnormally quiet, and his energy was frantic and nervous rather than confident and easy. Maybe Nina could do something about that.
“You okay?” you ask quietly.
“Yeah,” Jes swallows hard. “I’m fine. Are you?”
You approach the front desk, and the clerk looks up at the both of you.
“Good morning.”
“Good morning. Here to see Nina Zenik, please.”
“She’s in that room, with a client,” the clerk mentions. “She’ll be done soon. Make sure to knock.”
“Thanks,” you say, and you both make your way there.
You rap on the wood lightly, and you hear a bit of fumbling before a “coming!” rings out.  Nina opens the door, and a client walks out, a small smile on her face. “Come on in, come on in.”
“I’m sorry Nina, but I must get back. Kaz wants me there in half an hour, sharp.” Jesper smiles apologetically at you, before putting his hat back on and leaving.
“What’s up with him?” you mutter. “Why would he bring me here just to leave seconds later? He’s been acting strange all morning.”
“No idea,” Nina answers. “But Kaz always gets what he wants.”
She closes the door behind you as you step in.
“So, how’s your relationship with Kaz going?”
You go to answer, but her intense stare at you throws off your answer. Does she know something you don’t? “Well…?” you trail off. “We’ve been doing well. He’s been good to me, we’re very much in love. Why do you ask?”
“Just wondering.”
There’s relief in her tone, but the answer doesn’t satisfy you.
“I’ve heard there’s been some trouble in paradise from someone at the Barrel, so I thought-” she pours two cups of tea and sits across from you. “I thought it’d be good to check in. Kaz isn’t always the best, but you’re good for him.”
“Yeah…?” your expression contorts into one of confusion.
“And he’s good for you too, really. You shouldn’t let one argument change your view on him. Unless of course, he's being despicable towards you, but even Kaz has his limits. Sometimes.”
“Okay,” you sigh, exasperated. “There’s no issues between me or Kaz. He hasn’t been doing anything to me, and we weren’t arguing? Jesper’s been acting strange. So have you. What’s going on?”
Now it’s her face that sports a look of confusion. “Didn’t you two fight yesterday, say you were taking a break?”
“Yes? Well, no,” you amend. “Taking a break from working on a plan, not our relationship. Who gave you that idea?”
“Jesper. He heard you two fighting yesterday.”
“Oh.” A look of realization dawns your face. “That’s why- oh, he’s an idiot,” you laugh. “I can’t wait to see the look on Kaz’s face when he brings up our relationship, he might be done for.”
“Hopefully Kaz will catch on quick,” Nina agrees, and laughs with you. “We can go back, I’ll accompany you if you’d like. I’m sure Jes will be relieved to know it’s a mistake.”
“Yeah, probably.” …
“You shouldn’t have agreed to break up with Y/N.”
“Excuse me?” Kaz turns around, and Inej is standing there.
“Did she tell you she wanted to end your relationship?”
“Did she tell me what?”
“That you wanted to take a break from your relationship,” Jesper says, and Kaz turns around, staring at him as he joins Inej’s side.
“No, she did not. Did she tell you that?”
His hands flex on his cane in an odd show of muted nervousness, but his glare remains sharp.
Jesper frowns, and Inej gives him a questioning look. “Didn’t she say that you two were taking a break yesterday? That’s not right. She’s nearly perfect for you, and it’s the same for her. You guys need to work it out, because if you guys break up, you’re both going to be miserable.”
A look of realization is there for seconds on Kaz’s face, before it morphs back into one of annoyance. “A break from a heist plan, not our relationship, Jesper. And what was your reason for eavesdropping on our conversation?”
Jesper smiles sheepishly. “Sorry, Boss. I just heard you two while walking by. I thought you two were ending it.”
Kaz sighs, and a look of judgement pierces Jesper. “We’re not.”
“Jesper, you idiot,” Inej rolls her eyes, but she’s relieved nonetheless. “Good that you both are together, then. I’m going to go run some errands, and I’ll be back for the nightly report.” She gives Kaz and Jesper a mock salute, and then she’s gone.
“Still unnerving how she can do that,” Jesper mutters.
“I’ll be in my office. No eavesdropping.”
Jes tenses, but answers a small, “Got it, Boss.”
It’s a little while before you return, visiting some shops with Nina and picking up some random little decor you liked, or a sweet from your childhood.
Heads turn when you enter the Crow Club, as they always do, but they all go back to what they’re doing when they realize it’s you. You quietly make two cups of tea, and make your way to Kaz's office, knocking three times.
“Who is it?”
His voice is sharp and rough, as always, but it still holds fatigue. There’s no doubt in your mind that he’s slaving over the same plan tonight, and you had forgotten to iron out some of the kinks this morning with him, you think, regret filling your veins.
“It’s Y/N.”
“Come in, then. No need to knock, darling.”
You open the door and he looks up at you, murmuring a small “thank you” as you set the tea down in front of him.
“We forgot to go over the details with Jes’s strange scheming, but that’s alright, let’s just do them now,” he says, and you nod in agreement.
“I don’t want to break up with you, for the record,” you grin. “That was a total mishear from Jes.”
“I’d hope not,” a brief smile flashes across his face. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you answer earnestly, and then you’re back to work with your boyfriend, night blanketing the sky as your love shone bright.
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otptings · 4 years ago
Bear & Bunny
Tumblr media
→Idols: Lee Haechan & Na Jaemin (only picture that I could find with Haechan & Jaemin, sorry Jeno Stans)
→Requested: yesss Hi!!!! I wanted to know if you could write a something along the lines of dancing to bachata with jaemin and haechan and it gettin really steamy and you end up speaking in Spanish with them and it really turns them on 😳😳😳 and they end up really whiny and needy . Haechan gets bratty and grinds up on y/n and jaemins whining starts to get annoying so y/n needs to put them in the toilets but someone walks in so they have to be quite but end up leaving to finish off at home and y/n ends up punishing them at home by overstimulating them and making them cry by straping them up with ropes and putting viberators on them while you just watch them and messing with the controls but ends up feeling nice and takes it off them and cuddles them oop thanks in advance:)
→Genre: Smut
→Word Count: 3k+
→Warnings: semipublic sex , three some m/m/w (there is mxm action in here), shibari, deepthroating, edging, brat!Haechan, sweet!Jaemin, overstimulation, sweet aftercare, degradation, female masturbation, oral (m receiving), fluff towards the end,
→Synopsis: Dancing with your boyfriends was a great date idea, having sat through multiple dance practices and knowing that they could keep up. But after your brat affects your good boy you need to take matters into your own hands
→A/n: this took a good minute for me to write, and it took me a while to get a consistent theme going for the writing, I still am not too proud of it, but I like the ending well enough so I'm still happy with it. this is my first mxm anything on Tumblr I believe, so I really hope that you guys enjoy it. if you did please like, reblog, or donate to my Ko-Fi in my bio. If you like this you can request they are open for NCT, Enhypen, SVT, and Treasure.
You loved your boyfriends, it was glaringly obvious. No matter how much you jokingly rolled your eyes at their sometimes extreme displays of affection when it came to you, or jokingly threatened to change the locks on your apartment so that they would finally sleep in their respective dorms it was clear to see. You were completely and undeniably smitten by them, and who could blame you? Haechan and Jaemin were two of the sweetest people you know, and always knew how to woo you. Maybe that’s why the both of them courting you was successful when you had zero plans to date an idol.
Maybe also do to the rare elaborate surprises they planned for you when both of their schedules coincided enough to have a day free. Like when they convinced the company ( and Chenle) to rent out - Haechan’s expensive ass idea - Lotte World for the three of you on your three month anniversary , or when they take you on a really sweet date that causes them both to tease you relentlessly over your crying, like the time when they created the perfect picnic area - Jaemin’s idea -  curated with your all three of your favorite snacks and drinks just to gift you promise rings on your two year anniversary along with a picture book - Haechan’s idea again, occasionally his ideas are cute, and cheap- of random moments from dates over the years.
Their complicated and meticulous dates always made any that you planned pale in comparison. Despite this the boys were always ecstatic when you convinced them to take a day off for a date night. This time you were able to book a practice room - with the help of Taeyong - for two hours and were planning a special date that you hoped would even be on the sama radar as theirs. You were going to teach them how to dance. Not just any dance, bachata. They were constantly wanting to know how to learn Spanish, so why not teach them a special dance?
That was the original plan at least, spend one hour teaching them, and one hour dancing along with them. You’ve sat through many of their practices, including some routines that were bordering on inappropriate for their fan base, so you knew that they would be able to keep up where friends and exes failed. Sure, the dance tended to be more on the sensual side with how close you had to be and the soft music, but you really only had dancing in mind when you planned this.
However, dancing along with them with Jaemin behind you, he likes back hugs and holding you around your waist, and Haechan in front, he gets handsy when he thinks you can’t see them, and you were starting to regret it. The first hour passed quickly, both of the boys catching on quickly due to their lifestyles, so when you joined them the three of you moved in sync. Despite your hips being pressed against Haechan, and Jaemin’s grip on you bordering on painful, they were perfect dance partners despite the unconventional method. The three of you were in casual conversation and you were grateful that they had agreed to dance with you.
“Mis buenos chicos. Tan orgullosa de ti.” Jaemin started to giggle, squeezing your waist twice while Haechan’s jaw dropped, causing a giggle to escape you too. You’ll never understand why the boys are so amazed hearing you speak Spanish. Hell, they speak three languages almost fluently to your measly two.
“What’d you say? Say something else in Spanish.” Haechan’s voice started taking on the whiny tone that you ‘hated’, pouting all the while.
“It sounds so nice.” Jaemin spoke up from his spot behind, placing his head in the crook of your neck so you could feel his breath ghosting over the sensitive skin. Having both of their attention on you tended to be intense, especially now having them pressed so tightly against you with the sensual music playing softly over the speakers.
“Los mimo demasiado a ustedes dos.” You hated how easily you gave in to them, but their shared amazement made it a little worthwhile. “You guys are always so amused. It’s not that impressive.”
“It’s sexy when you speak Spanish.” You smacked Jaemin’s arm jokingly, giggling when his grip on you tightened. Surprisingly through this whole exchange you’d hadn’t stopped dancing, faltered temporarily at the beginning but were still smoothly dancing against each other. Though this dance isn’t supposed to be sexual you couldn’t help but admit that having two extremely attractive men dancing against you, and ones that you were lucky enough to call your boyfriends was starting to get you worked up, and you could feel the fire starting to grow in your stomach.
Haechan is known for his bratty behavior with his groupmates on camera, if only his fans knew how far it truly goes. Like now, his knee sliding in between your legs, purposefully pressing against your clothed cunt. You know that all he wants is a reaction out of you if the smug smirk on his face is anything to go by. Jaemin wasn’t a brat but something about Haechan made him want to act up. That’s the excuse he’ll try to use when you inevitably punish them later. For now all Jaemin can think about is relieving the building pressure in any way possible, even if it means rutting against you accidentally causing you to grind on Haechan’s thigh. That pulled a shaky gasp out of you, and made you come to your senses.
“Stop.” They instantly backed away from you, giving you enough space to take a deep breath without the smell of both of their enticing colognes. “What do you think you’re doing?”
Jaemin had the nerve to at least look ashamed, staring down at his shoes while holding his hands behind his back. Haechan on the other hand wanted to irritate you, smug smirk still painting his face.
“I wanted to have fun. Wasn’t that the point of this?” A pout replaced his smirk, but his tone told you everything you need to know.
“Bunny? Any excuses?” Jaemin only shook his head quickly, knowing that they wouldn’t help the situation. Smart bunny.
“You still want to have fun, bear?” Stepping closer to Haechan you grabbed his chin harshly, forcing him to make eye contact with you and the brat inside of him faltered a little. Knowing that he wouldn’t like whatever outcome.
“I do. If I can’t have fun with you then I'll just have fun with Jaemin. He’ll let me touch him.” Laughing you pulled your hand back, before smacking Haechan’s cheek. A shocked gasp left his mouth from the impact but it got him to finally shut up.
“We still have 20 minutes until your manager comes to take us back to your dorms. I’m going to the bathroom down the hall, you two will pack everything up and meet me. You have five minutes.” Turning around you briskly walked out of the room, smiling when you heard the two of them scrambling to get their stuff. First thing you did was set the timer on your phone for three minutes and 30 seconds - who said the boys really needed the full five - the second thing was making sure the bathroom was completely clear. Last thing you needed was for there to be another scandal about your relationship with the boys.
Excitement ran through you as the timer ticked down, closer to their inevitable punishment. It was down to the last 30 seconds when the bathroom door opened and Jaemin peaked in. Once Jaemin saw you he quickly walked into the bathroom followed by Haechan with 17 seconds to spare.
“Good boys, you’re on time at least.” Jaemin shyly smiled while dropping his bag and kicking it to the corner. Haechan followed suit, not wanting to get in any more trouble than he already was.
“Lock the door bunny. Haechan, on the counter, hands on your thighs. No touching.”
Jaemin locked the door while Haechan hopped on the counter, a pout evident on his plump lips but he knew that he was in no place to argue. Jaemin crossed the room in two steps, tugging his lip in between his teeth while wringing his hands nervously. Grabbing his shirt you pulled Jaemin closer to you until he was pressed against your chest, wrapping one of your arms around his neck and pulling him down into a kiss, ignoring the way that Haechan whined at the lack of attention.
Kissing Jaemin was always soothing even when he knew he was in trouble. Jaemin allows you to lead, constantly relenting all control to you. It wasn’t in him to try and change the tempo or take it further. He was at your mercy and only moved at your pace, sliding his tongue over your bottom lip only after you’d already nipped at his. At first the kiss was awkward, too nervous over where to put his hands, still wary of his punishment but they finally made their way to your waist. Sliding your hand up into his hair you tugged lightly, swallowing his high pitched moan. When Jaemin started to rut against your leg, finally losing the slightest control was when you pulled away.
His blown out eyes, and bright blush lining his cheeks made you want to devour him but you had to pace yourself, and him. Last thing you wanted was for him to cum before you got home and truly played with him. Grabbing the top of his sweatpants you looked up at him, waiting for his subtle head nod before pulling them down to the top of his thighs. Just enough to release his pretty cock.
“This isn’t fair.” Haechan whined from his spot on the counter. How dare you forget about him? Sitting here not getting any attention while Jaemin got everything. Wasn’t this supposed to be a punishment for the both of them? “Why is Jaemin getting all the attention from you? He was bad too.” Haechan was falling right into your trap and didn’t even know it.
“You're right. Maybe you should give Jaemin attention instead. Come here.” Haechan pouted again, realizing that he still wasn’t getting any attention from you before jumping off of the counter and replacing your spot. “You play with Jaemin all that you want, but don’t let him cum.” Haechan being a complete cum slut, already wanted to complain despite getting exactly what he wanted. You were no longer playing with Jaemin, he was.
“That’s not fair.” Haechan whined again but shut up when he saw you rummaging around in your bookbag. He went quiet when you pulled out the pretty vibrating plug, one of his least favorite toys due to your tendency of plugging him before leaving the apartment and sporadically turning it on until his knees turned to jelly.
“Think about it like this. If you make him cum then you’ll be wearing a vibrator until we get home.” Haechan rolled his eyes before turning his attention to Jaemin, looking up at him with his pretty brown eyes that constantly got him what he wanted outside of moments like this. Jaemin gulped loudly when Haechan placed his hand around the base of his cock, not lube or spit, just the roughness of his palm as he started to slowly move his hand.
“How does it feel bunny?” Jaemin wanted to whine at your taunting tone, used to your near constant praise for him.
“G-good.” You giggled at his voice cracking. Haechan never stopped working him over his hand, now placing his pouty lips around the head, causing Jaemin’s hand to fly from his side where he had them balled up by his side to Haechan’s hair, fisting it tightly as his mouth dropped open. Haechan’s tongue darted out and licked over the slit, tasting the salty pre cum as he suckled on the tip.
There was one thing that Haechan did best, and that was tease. Which is why you weren’t surprised when he pulled off Jaemin’s cock, and licked a broad strip up his balls to the head. A loud moan left Jaemin’s mouth, which quickly multiplied and reverberated off of the tiled bathroom walls when Haechan took as much of his cock down his mouth. Jaemin’s cock may have been longer than Haechan’s, but it was skinnier, enough to satisfy you but still leave you wanting more. Explains why Haechan easily made it to the base, pubes tickling his nose while he took a deep breath to relax his throat, the smell of Jaemin’s favorite body wash and slight must from dancing for so long. Haechan looked up at Jaemin as best he could, causing Jaemin’s hand to drop from his hair down to his cheek, stroking it sweetly with his thumb. Jaemin spared you the first glance since Haechan started blowing him and wasn’t shocked to see you sitting on the counter, one leg propped up showing off that you were two fingers deep in your soaking wet cunt, eyes just as blown out as Haechan’s. Smiling sweetly at him you pulled your fingers out, rubbing them over your clit.
The moment was interrupted by someone rattling the bathroom door, causing all three of you to nearly jump out of your skin. Haechan gagged quietly as Jaemin unconsciously bucked his hips. Silence fell over the bathroom as none of you dared to move until you heard the sound of quiet cursing and footsteps heading back down the hallway. Haechan pulled off, coughing lightly as he wiped the drool and tears off of his face.
“Too close. Let’s get home so I can punish you two properly.”
The boys deserve their punishment, Haechan actually craves them. You couldn’t allow them to think that if they teamed up against you they could be in control, that they were suddenly the doms in the relationships. Especially when they looked so pretty as your subs.
Like right now, the both of them were kneeling on your carpeted bedroom floor. Both of them tied up - Jaemin with his favorite light pink rope, Haechan with his favorite dark red - the ropes contrasting their skin tones perfectly. It was a simple tie, something to keep their hands bound behind their back, looping over their chest just for a little more stability. A pair of scissors was resting on the dresser safely out of their reach unless they used their safe word. That wouldn’t happen tonight though.
The boys were playing with their favorite toys, Haechan’s vibrating plug and Jaemin’s vibrating cock ring, and the results were already better than you thought they’d be. You’ve already turned down the vibrations multiple times, postponing both of their orgasms until you felt that they deserved it. Climbing off the bed you cupped both of their cheeks, relishing in their flushed faces and bright blushes spreading over their chests. Jaemin’s moans were music to your ear, almost harmonizing with Haechan’s needy whines, both of them wiggling around in their ropes. Jaemin’s moans were beautiful but you needed him to be quiet, both of them actually, if you didn’t want the neighbors to hear.
So you did. Pulling your hand away you slapped Haechan on his right cheek, feeling a twinge of arousal in your stomach at his loud gasp at the feeling. Placing your hand softly on his cheek you turned to Haechan, rubbing his bottom lip with your thumb.
You couldn’t help but feel warmth blooming in your chest at the sight in front of you, Haechan nuzzling into your palm as you rubbed his cheek, soothing the burn from the slap while Jaemin opened his mouth, taking your thumb into his mouth.
Seeing the sight of your two beautiful boys, completely vulnerable to whatever you decided to, red marks appearing on their skin where the rope loosened enough to rub over the exposed skin. Lips puffy and bright red due to their kissing and biting. Knowing that they trusted you enough to let you punish them, neither safe wording even if their knees are getting rubbed raw, and they were shaking from the constant edging.
Though you were punishing them for trying to team up against you, truthfully both of your boys held all of the power.
“So pretty. My beautiful baby boys.” Jaemin ran his tongue over the pad of your thumb, sighing as he sucked on it aggressively. “Wanna come for me?” Pleads of ‘mommy’, ‘please’, and ‘need to’ left Haechan’s lips, Jaemin letting out a garbled moan around your thumb.
“Cum for me then.” Reluctantly you sat back, letting go of them and turning the settings up.
They always know how to put on a good show, even when they’re not trying. Like now, Jaemin was the first to cum, squirting all over his thighs and lower stomach with a loud cry. Quiet sobs leaving his mouth as overstimulation set in before you cut off his vibrator and turned your attention to Haechan. Haechan’s loud moans have only gotten louder since you turned it up, achieving impressive pitch as he finally came. Leaning forward to place his head on the edge of the mattress as his body continued to shake. Turning off his vibrator you allowed the both of them to catch their breath, combing your hands through their hair as they’re quiet breathing filled the room.
Looking at the boys now, cleaned after their shared shower and in fresh pajamas, sleeping practically on top of eachother - Jaemin loves sleeping on someone’s chest - that same warmth grew again from your place in the doorway. Blessed is the true word you could use, that these two amazing boys were all yours. Walking over to the bed you lifted the blanket up, snuggling in behind Jaemin and sighing as his warmth seemed to surround you.
“Bear?” Jaemin’s sleepy murmurs surprised you, having assumed the boys were already asleep.
“No baby. Go back to sleep.” Jaemin groaned lowly, turning around and throwing his arm over your waist, pulling you closer to him.
“Night. Love you.” Jaemin’s sentence faded off towards the end, followed by a deep sigh as he fell back asleep. Reaching over to Haechan, you pushed his hair out of his face, smiling softly as Haechan moved closer to your hand.
“Love you too. Both of you, so much.”
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arty-chase · 4 years ago
Graveyard Siblings (5)
[Masterlink] (PART 1) (PART 4)
Mari and Cass sometimes switch their suits as they have the same body type. Cass would sometimes go out in full Hellbat gear and give the appearance that Hellbat is out more often than she actually is.
So Orphan/Black Bat also sometimes uses guns.
This also helps with concealing secret identities. Maria was rescued by Hellbat from Joker’s Henchmen. (Vicki Vale was getting sus of the new Wayne and Hellbat.)
Unfortunately since Hellbat rarely comes out and she had already made all of her appearance for the month and it wasn’t a busy weekend, the public had come to the conclusion that Hellbat has a crush on the newest Wayne.
Basically everyone thought that Mari has a crush on herself. Which led to some teasing and escalated to Mari announcing that Jason had a crush on Red Hood on live TV.
It didn’t help that a video of Red Hood and Jason re-enacting Romeo and Juliet with Jason on his apartment balcony and Red Hood on the roof was posted on the internet a few days later. (Thank you, Trixx and Tim’s awesome video editing skills)
Sadly, it was taken down 24 hours later. (Tim and the others have multiple copies of it, on the cloud or hardware, hidden around in the manor and their respective safehouses in the US.)
Some people kidnapped Jason to hopefully gain leverage over the Red Hood and to their dismay and nightmares for years to come, Hellbat came instead.
One lucky and incredibly brave reporter asked why she was there instead of her brother.
Mari being a little shit, “Red Hood may be a tough and scary guy but when it comes to his feelings, my brother is a chicken.”
Pictures of Jason tackling Hellbat somehow never made it into any papers.
The criminal underworld hasn’t taken a hint and Jason has been kidnapped a few more times.
Other times Jason was kidnapped:
Robin: Red Hood made a fool of himself in front of Todd recently and he doesn’t dare to show his face.
Spoiler: He was taking too damn long checking his hair even though I told him that no one was going to see it under his helmet and he was so offended that he is currently sulking in the bathroom.
Red Robin: Red Hood can’t think straight when he is around Jason. I mean have you seen the dude.
Arsenal*during a rare visit to Gotham*: Red Hood owes me one now.
Dick finally ends it by going out as Red Hood and rescuing Jason. Gotham is happy that Redson (Red Hood x Jason) ship has finally sailed.
Kate, Babs, Cass, Steph and Mari were out on Mari’s first girls’ night since her move to the manor.
This is set a little after she came back from Paris with Jason.
They watched rom-com movies, did hair and nails, gossip about the superhero community and bitch and vent to each other.
Marinette off-handedly mentioned the crazy shits she had done during her stint as Ladybug. It started with asking about the T-rex in the Batcave and she mentions jumping into the mouth of a live one before.
Everyone in the room was shocked and after a few more questions, it was obvious that she was very reckless and self-sacrificing. Yep, she was going to fit into this crazy family just fine.
And Holy Shit. There is so much trauma packed into this kid. She needs lots of therapy.
Babs finally decided that they all needed to get out and have some fun. All in their respective suits and they went out.
Joined by Harley, Ivy and Selina.
Plagg came along because I want Plagg to meet Selina.
It was a chaotic night and it was a miracle that Bruce didn’t find out about what the girls did.
Batman and Red Hood were on patrol together when Selina jumped in front of them.
“Hello, Boys”
“What do you want, Catwoman?”
“I want to meet my new prodigy, Kitty Noire.”
Cue Marinette jumping down from her hiding spot, transformed with the Black Cat Miraculous. “Hiya.”
Red Hood carries her like a potato sack and points his gun at the other two.
“Nope, she’s my sister and I called dibs. I adopted her. She’s off limits.”
“Legally, she’s mine.” Batman coughed out.
“I did it first. Emotionally. She’s my emotional support sister. You have plenty kids already, B and Selina, get your own.”
“Hey, I am still here and can hear you.”- Maria
Alya was worried for Lila. She had been acting weirdly for the past month.
She looked very out of sorts. Her clothes weren’t in order and her hair was in disarray. She had bags under her eyes and her eyes looked wild. Lila didn’t look like herself at all.
She jumped at any sound and flinched at really sudden movements.
Alya tried to find out what was wrong with Lila and received vague answers.
One time Lila said that Marinette is to blame.
Alya reaches the somewhat right conclusion that Marinette was haunting Lila and hurting her because Lila used to come to school with bruises and claims that Marinette did it.
Alya goes to Marinette’s grave to desecrate it. (Yeah, go anger the ghost that is haunting someone.)
Unfortunately, the moment she tries to do something, the sky turns dark, clouds appear and the wind begins whipping. A Lightning strike near her and there was a cloaked figure beside her with a scythe.
All Alya saw from the figure was the blood-red lips in a very sharp grin and glowing blue eyes, raising the scythe high before she ran away. The scythe swiped the air where her head once was.
Alya didn’t get far before she tripped and blacked out.
When she woke up, she found herself in the hospital with no idea how she got there.
She was told that somebody found her with a concussion in the park and took her to the hospital.
The next one on Mari’s hit list was Natalie.
She wasn’t as involved in the whole thing like Lila, Adrien or Gabriel but she still did it anyways.
Her punishment is a little mild compared to the others and was more of a warning to Gabriel.
Natalie woke up in the middle of the night to see a not-so-dead Ladybug sitting on her vanity chair with the moonlight from the windows illuminating her body and her neck. Her suit was torn exactly like the day of that battle with blood dripping down her arms and from her open wounds. The shadows kept her face hidden but glowing blue eyes stared at her.
Natalie was scared at first. But she regained her normal cool composure.
“I assume you are here to extract your revenge for aiding in your unfortunate demise. But before you kill me, I regret my part in my entire thing and I apologize for everything I have done against you even though I knew it was wrong.”
“At least you show remorse over what you have done. Visiting my grave when even my parents didn’t and leaving flowers. I love those purple hyacinths by the way. Did you know that they mean sorry in the language of the flowers?”
“Why are you stalling my death? Just kill me already.”
“Madam Sancouer. You just played a minor role in my downfall compared to what Adrien and Lila Rossi did to me. And you showed more guilt over your actions than they ever did and Adrien claimed to have loved me. And like I have told the Bats, Death is too swift of a punishment.”
“Who are the bats?”
“None of your concern. You should be more concerned about yourself.”
“Lila sees the ghosts of her past and they haunt her. Adrien is in a living nightmare and has no control over his actions and is despised by everyone. What are you going to do to me?”
“Well, since you show some guilt over your actions, let me tell you a little secret. I am not dead. Not really. I mean I did die. But there was a spell in the grimoire that revived me. It took a few days to work.”
Marinette changed to her normal form. It was a little jarring to see an older Marinette Dupain-Cheng sitting on her vanity chair like it was a throne. The Ladybug suit and the wounds were gone. She looked a little familiar.
“Why are you telling me this? What was the point?” Natalie faltered as she wondered why the girl looked familiar. Marinette moved closer and her face was fully illuminated by the moonlight.
“I intend to take everything by which I mean everything from Gabriel Agreste for what he did.”
“M. Agreste just wanted his wife back. You just gave him your Miraculous, you would still have everything.”
“What difference would it make? Sure I had friends and family before but they turned out to be disappointing. I might have become a famous designer like I dreamed of and can't achieve because I died. Besides, he never said about wanting his wife to come back in his tedious monologues. For all we knew back then, he wanted them for world domination. He showed that he would end the world for them. For kwamis’ sake, he nearly started World War III, just for a pair of earring and a ring. He was willing to kill me to have her back. No wait, he did that too. If he actually read the translated grimoire or asked the Guardian or at least someone with magic for help instead or maybe used his head and made some who can heal as his champion using the Butterfly, we wouldn’t even be in this mess. Face it, Mme Sancour, your boss is a power-hungry and very controlling maniac who is also thankfully an idiot.”
“But- he- he just-. You are just a child, what do you know? M. Agreste knew what he was doing.”
“A child who had a normal life up until he tried to ruin it with his idiotic schemes and hiring Lila to do it. A child who had to fight a war on her own.”
“I am sorry you had to go through that but I doubt you and your little revenge rampage is going to solve anything.”
Ghostly Chains wrapped around Natalie’s body, squeezing tight like it was squeezing the life out of her.
“I was all for sparing you, you know. If you had actually listened to my side of the story, you would have spared from my ‘little revenge rampage’. This is going to be a little painful. Sorry about that.” In a tone that was definitely not sorry.
Pain coursed through Natalie’s body. Her skin crawled and itched as pitch back feathers grew out of it. Her bones turned to dust and reformed.
Where Natalie Sancour once was, there was a raven.
An omen of death and destruction for one Gabriel Agreste.
Marinette leaned down towards the raven. Natalie tried to peck her eye out but Marinette held the beak in a firm grip.
“Ah. ah ah. Luckily for you this is temporary. Mostly. Every night, you will assume this shape and each night the longer you will stay in this form. Slowly counting down the days until Gabriel’s downfall. Since you love helping him so much, you are going to help him know how long he has to live. The night you are a raven from sunset to sunrise, that sunrise starts the day Gabriel Agreste will be utterly destroyed.”
She released the beak and headed towards the window.
"Send him my regards."
With that, she was gone.
(Part 6)
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citrinesparkles · 4 years ago
doctor todd.
jason todd x gender neutral vigilante!reader. 1,875 words. notes: requested by @jason-redhood as part of my hundred followers celebration! this got a lot longer than i intended, oopsies. thanks for requesting- hope you enjoy! warnings: tending wounds, mentions of food.
"y'know, lurking outside somebody's window is a good way to get yourself shot," jason called over his shoulder.
"i'll keep that in mind," you said, voice strained enough to shoot dread into his veins and draw his attention completely away from his work.
he set the gun he had been cleaning on the table and twisted around to find you gingerly sliding through the open window.
"hey," you mumbled, giving him a weak wave after your boots hit the floor. "sorry for not calling, i just..."
you were backlit, the glow of the city making it impossible to see your features from the dining area- but your posture alone was enough to have him shoving his chair back and crossing his apartment.
"how bad?" he asked, stopping a few steps back, now able to make out the tears in your suit and the bruises around your mask.
"pretty sure i sprained my wrist, and there's a poorly-bandaged gash on my leg, but otherwise i'm peachy."
"how bad's the leg?"
"i'm... not sure. bad enough that i think i need your help." you patted the windowsill with a gloved hand. "obviously."
he nodded and slid to your good side, gently resting a hand on your shoulder. "okay. c'mon, my stuff's in the bathroom."
"here." he handed you a pair of shorts and a large tank top. "change into this so i can get to the wounds, okay? i'll be right out here if you need anything."
"you're good!" you called.
he nudged the bathroom door back open and scooped your uniform up from the floor, carefully putting it in a canvas bag and tying the handles together before setting it in the tub to deal with later. "alright," he sighed, turning back to face you.
his clothes looked way too right on you, he realized, a wave of emotion he would vehemently deny surging through his chest and pushing heat to his neck and cheeks.
"okay. alright. uh-" he jerked a thumb at the counter- "up here, i guess, so i can see your leg."
you propped one foot on the toilet lid and braced your good hand against his shoulder, his hands instinctively coming up to hover around your waist as you pushed yourself up and settled next to the sink.
the grateful smile you gave him was enough to tug his lips into a smile of his own.
"you're up, doctor todd," you teased.
he stepped forward with a halfhearted eyeroll, fingers brushing the cloth tied hastily around your leg. "can i take this off?"
"go ahead."
he tugged gently at the knot, wincing when you inhaled sharply. "sorry."
the scrap fell away, revealing dried blood and an open wound on the outside of your thigh.
"yeesh, that is nasty," he said.
you scoffed lightly. "gee, thanks."
"hey, if you wanted a nice doctor, you probably should have gone somewhere else." he shifted to the side, grabbing a clean cloth and bottle of alcohol. "fair warning, you're really not gonna like me here in a minute."
your quick "i seriously doubt that." was greeted with a grin that felt a little too fond for his liking.
he told himself it was for your benefit.
...yeah, that sounded good.
he could live with that.
he made quick work of cleaning the gash, doing his best to distract you by making stupid small talk about the horrible movie he'd sat through that morning because the tv remote had been out of reach and the mediocre new coffee shop with dry blueberry muffins.
"was the coffee okay, at least?"
"okay, yeah, but not 'five-dollars-fifty' okay. if i hadn't been falling asleep in line i probably would have left when i saw the price."
"there's a nice one up by my place, they make the best blueberry muffins ever."
he hummed. "i'll keep that in mind, next time i'm over that way." he leaned back, studying your cut. "i think stitches would probably be smart."
you groaned. "of course they would."
"i'm okay to do them- i do them on myself- but if you want i can give you a lift to a hospital or something."
"no. if you can, i want you to do them. i trust you."
he sat with that for a minute, searching your face for any hesitation. when he found none, he nodded. "okay."
as you both expected, it sucked.
to make things worse, he was rapidly running out of mindless things to talk about.
how many times could two people really argue about pizza toppings before it got old?
"alright, done."
"holy shit, finally." you slumped back, leaning on your good hand for a moment before your head snapped back up. "no, not like- i meant thank you, you did great, i'm not being an ingrate-"
"i know, relax." he nudged your knee with a goofy smile. "here, gimme your wrist."
you pouted (which, yes, that was also adorable, much to his dismay), carefully stretching your bad arm out.
he took your hand gently, scooping it up in one of his and bracing your forearm up with his other. "it's actually not too bad, considering you hit hard enough to tear your glove. i'm gonna clean the scrapes here up, though, okay?"
"do i really get a choice?"
"it's your body, so, yeah."
you sighed dramatically. "fine, if you insist. go ahead, clean my wounds for me."
he was quiet this time, focusing intently on removing bits of dirt and stuff from your raw palm with a set of tweezers.
trying to ignore the way your eyes seemed to linger on him now that he was looking down.
he set the tweezers aside, glancing up at you to find you smiling at him thoughtfully, and dropped his gaze just as quickly as he had lifted it. "what, you enjoying making me do all the work?"
"you could say that, yeah."
he scoffed. "well, you're going to enjoy it a lot less in a second. time for the alcohol again."
he managed to dig up an old wrist brace in the back of his sock drawer. a little big for you, but it would work for now, he figured.
"may i?"
you nodded and held your arm back out for him to loop the brace over your thumb and tuck the velcro strap under and around, pulling it snug against your skin before sticking it to itself.
"last one, tough stuff." he pointed at your cheek, where a small patch of dried blood stained your skin. "ready?'
you nodded tiredly. "let's just get this over with. this counter isn't as comfortable as it looks."
he chuckled, dampening the softest cloth he had and wringing it out. "sorry, i didn't think i needed to get an apartment with counter cushions." he raised his left hand up, hovering an inch or so below your chin. "uh, can i..?"
your eyes widened, glancing at his hand. "oh, uh, sure. yeah."
he moved slowly, raising it to cup your chin softly with his middle and forefinger on one side and thumb on the other. "this okay?"
"mhm." your eyes slid shut and he could almost believe that you sank into his touch.
if it wasn't absolutely insane, anyway. his touch wasn't exactly the kind people sank into- much less people like you. people that good, that caring, that stunning? yeah, no.
he tilted your head to the side slightly, rubbing gentle circles across your cheekbone with the cloth and watching as the blood faded.
"so, who did this?" he asked softly, casually.
apparently not casually enough, though, because you snorted at him. "why, you think you need to go avenge me? defend my honor or something?"
"no! i'm just curious. just... making conversation."
your eyes opened, amusement dancing in them and threatening to hypnotize him. "good. i shouldn't have to tell you who won that fight, jay."
"well, i mean, you are missing a chunk of your thigh."
"aw, is the big bad vigilante worried about lil old me?"
he squeezed your face gently, pushing your cheeks up and forward into a goofy fish face. "it's rude to tease the guy tending to your wounds, babe."
he definitely didn't imagine your breath hitching. "babe, huh?" you asked playfully.
"shut up," he grumbled. "don't make me regret helping."
"alright, looks like that's the last scrape. you're all cleaned up."
"thanks, jason." you smiled up at him, soft and warm and genuine. "i really appreciate this."
"yeah, yeah." he squeezed your jaw again. "try not to make it a habit."
"mhm." a moment passed quietly before you spoke quietly. "so, you gonna do something here, or can i have my face back?"
he froze.
your mouth- which he was really trying not to look at- shifted into a confident smirk, a challenge written clearly in the angle of your lips.
your eyes, bright under the harsh lighting, told a different story. one of vulnerability, and want, and something close to fear.
"do you want me to?" his voice was hoarser than he'd intended, and he swore you could hear his heartbeat echoing in it.
your gaze dipped to his lips. "would it make everything super weird?"
"you just came crawling through my window in the middle of the night in a mask and kevlar. i think things are already weird."
he felt your hum under his fingers. "then why not?"
"do you really want me to answer that?"
"jason, will you please just kiss me already?"
"well, you did say please." he leaned in slowly, giving you every opportunity to slip away or yell 'sike!'
all you did was bring your good hand up to his collar and pull him towards you.
your lips were soft and gentle, and the way they pulled upwards slightly when his hand slid from your jaw to cup your cheek was something he'd be thinking about for weeks.
when he eventually pulled back, it took him a moment to open his eyes. he was half convinced that if he did, it would be to his bedroom ceiling, the past half an hour all a dream.
instead, he found your fond gaze.
he let out a huff of laughter, thumb running over your cheek. "you should stay here tonight."
"not like that," he clarified quickly. "you have stitches, you shouldn't go leaping across rooftops tonight. i can take the couch."
"hm." you smoothed out his shirt collar, the barely-there brush of your fingers against his shoulder almost tugging a whine out of him. "or i can take the couch, and then you can take me home in the morning and let me treat you to an actual blueberry muffin."
"are you asking me out?" it was a teasing comment, paired with a tiny smirk meant to fluster you.
but it was also a reality check.
you seemed to catch the second meaning. "yeah, i am. would you, please, let me take you out on a date?"
"i'll have to check my calenda-"
"you're so full of it."
"yeah, probably."
"is that a yes?"
he laughed, bringing his other hand up to squeeze your knee. "yeah, i can let you take me on a date. i could use a good muffin."
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