Persistence. Obsession. Persistently obsessed.
(Part 2 of 8) SFW chapter, MDNI, 18+ series
cecil stedman x female!superhero!reader
wc: 1,289
series synopsis: You and Cecil have started seeing each other but your jobs (mostly his) keep interrupting date after date. He clearly thinks this won't work for you, but how many times do you have to tell him how utterly head over heels you are for him?? Well, if telling won't work, maybe showing him will.
Masterlist ~~~ Last Part ~~~ Next Part
You and Donald stood behind a very large bug. You floated up to peek over the dead thing’s exoskeleton at Cecil who stood a distance away talking to a hero. They conversed about things and he pointed at the giant queen - also dead - and paid no attention to where his right hand man had gone or where his secret girlfriend was.
You floated back down to Donald. “Yes, a vacation. Just one! Just three days.”
He shook his head. “Cecil does not take vacations.”
“Yeah I know that! But he needs one!”
Donald raised a brow at you.
“Ok, I need him to take one… B-but because he obviously deserves some rest for being such a good boss.” You laughed nervously at the man who wasn’t buying it.
“..I know you and him are… seeing each other. But -“
“You know?!” You flew up again to glare at Cecil but he was already looking your way. Your eyes widened as they met his and you ducked back down. “He saw me! Please, Donald. Please! I just want to spend some time with him.”
He looked down at you as your feet touched the ground and you clasped your hands together pleadingly. “..There is a protocol in place in case the director cannot make it into work, due to sickness or the like.”
You floated back to his eye level and nodded. “Yeah? So if he were gone for three days?”
“No. One day.”
“No! Three!”
“Two. Any more and the paperwork would pile up and he’d be behind by more than a week. Just two if this is to help him de-stress.”
“Yes, ok fine, thank you!” You hugged him tight and pulled away with a happy squeal. Your plan! Your plan was in motion!
“Am I interrupting something?” Cecil raised his eyebrow at the both of you.
You tried not to look too startled at his sudden appearance. That sneaky, stealthy man!
Donald stepped away. “No sir. Not at all”
You drew closer to your boyfriend - not too close in case anyone else flew by - and gave your best lie. “I just had questions about my technique taking these things down… he gave good pointers.” You smiled.
He wasn’t buying it. Not with the way his eyes narrowed and darted between the both of you. But he shrugged and looked around at the plump carcasses littering the road out of town. “You did pretty good for just the three of you. I was worried you guys were going to be overwhelmed.”
“They were taken down in record time.” Donald looked down at his tablet. “Though I would suggest focusing on the nests sooner.”
Cecil nodded at that. “Well. We have to go. The lab guys have it taken care of and you guys are off the hook for clean up.”
Donald nodded and they both teleported out.
Great! You flew into the sky and waved goodbye at the other two heroes that helped you today. You made your way home with twirls and whirls in the clouds, giddy about your plan. If Cecil’s work was covered for two days then all you had to do was whisk him away.
You already made 'reservations' at a winter resort not too far, the perfect place to cuddle and hide under blankets exploring and groping and -
You sighed and giggled some more, sliding your window open to enter your place. You quickly discarded your clothes and hopped in the shower.
First, you’d need immediate access to Cecil. How else would you pick him up and fly him to your destination? That meant he’d need to be over; you haven’t been invited to his house and honestly probably never would with how secretive that man is.
“His clothes! How could I forget!”
You turned off the shower and toweled off. He’ll need a packed bag with winter clothes for two days. “How am I gonna do that?!” You pulled on a robe and fell onto your bed. Your fingers scrolled through the very few contacts you had on your phone and pressed the button to call up Donald. “Please help me again!”
Donald cleared his throat. “Is it an emergency?”
“… No…”
He sighed. “I have a minute.”
“Is you-know-who around?”
He hesitated. “This is a secure line.”
Donald seemed to be of a similar height to Cecil. Though he had a sturdier-looking build… You always enjoyed clothes that were slightly too big on you so maybe Cecil would too. “Could I borrow a winter jacket from you? Just for a couple days?”
“Uh… Is this for exactly two days? For what we discussed?”
“Yes. I just realized I’ll need a winter jacket for … you know.”
“You can pick it up from me tonight if you like. I’ll text you my - well… I’ll drop it off instead. Tonight. After work.”
“That’s perfect! Thank you, Donald! You’re the best!”
There was silence on the other line before you heard Cecil grumble something in the background. “Yes, Sir." He whispered, "3 am,” before the line went dead.
You got dressed, made lunch, watered your plants, cleaned up, watched some tv, made dinner, did some chores, watched more tv, and FINALLY 3am rolled around.
Someone knocked on your door quietly at first and then more firmly as you took your sleepy time to open it up. Donald stood there with a jacket in hand. He held it out to you.
You yawned. “Thanks again! I’d ask you to somehow get me - “
He shook his head.
Oh. Of course! Cecil must have this whole apartment building bugged because of you. He always knew when any neighbors bothered you. You nodded, silently thanking him for his caution before you accidentally gave away too much. “Well thanks, again. You’re really great and I’ll text you the other details.”
He nodded but gave you a genuine smile.
“Night!” You closed the door and watched him leave from your door’s peephole. “Donald’s real nice.” You wondered if Cecil was close friends with him. They had to be friends by now, working together on such secret confidential things. It was still hard to imagine him having friends with how closed off he seemed, but it’s not like you know how he acts away from the heroes he commands.
You draped his jacket over a chair and took out your phone. There was one thing to do now. Get Cecil alone. You fell onto your bed and curled up with your phone in hand to text your boyfriend.
”Hey, still at work?”
”Just ended.”
”I want to see you. When are you least busy?”
Several minutes went by and you imagined him going through his calendar to find you some dates within this century.
”Not sure.”
You frowned. ”What about next week? Super busy then?”
”Meetings. And whatever else decides to blow things up.”
”Right… when do you have the least amount of work, probably?”
”Well it’s a weird kind of holiday this weekend. For some reason we get the least amount of crime annually around these two days.”
”What!! Why??”
”Don’t know. Maybe the bigger villains have some sort of convention or something. It’s normally just giant creatures and small villains we deal with at the end of this month every year.”
”Can’t believe you guys keep track of that sort of thing”
”Knowing patterns saves lives.”
He texted again: ”Nothing escapes my notice.”
”Ooh, ominous. Let’s meet up then! I can’t wait to see you!”
”Yeah. You want me over?”
”Is the other option your place?”
He texted again: ”Sorry.”
He texted again. ”Some other time.”
”My place it is! Come Friday night right after work then? Do you get off at 3 every night?”
”Random then? Makes sense. Then just text me”
You messaged again: ”Or just show up. Whatever gets you here faster ;)”
”Ok. Night.”
You smiled and turned to your plants. “It’s happening!”
Masterlist ~~~ Last Part ~~~ Next Part
a/n: hope you enjoyed part two! I thought I'd post the first two to get the ball rolling on the series :) I'll post the rest once a week
#cecil stedman#cecil steadman x you#cecil stedman x reader#cecil stedman x female reader#cecil stedman invincible#cecill stedman fanfic#cecil stedman x superhero#cecil stedman x female!superhero#cecil stedman x female!reader
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Persistence. Obsession. Persistently obsessed.
Total Word Count: 13k +
Part One - SFW chapter, 1,300+ words
Part Two - SFW chapter, 1,200+ words
Part Three - tbp next week
Part Four - tbp
Part Five - tbp
Part Six - tbp
Part Seven - tbp
Part Eight - tbp
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Persistence. Obsession. Persistently obsessed.
(Part 1 of 8) SFW chapter, MDNI, 18+ series
cecil stedman x female!superhero!reader
wc: 1,345
series synopsis: You and Cecil have started seeing each other but your jobs (mostly his) keep interrupting date after date. He clearly thinks this won't work for you, but how many times do you have to tell him how utterly head over heels you are for him?? Well, if telling won't work, maybe showing him will.
Masterlist ~~~ Next Part
Today was a day to celebrate. It’s been exactly three months since you and Cecil Stedman begun dating. If you could believe he’d even agreed on a first date in the first place.
You looked out your bedroom window, down at the bustling city below, and sighed. All those people, walking side by side, hand in hand, talking and laughing to their heart’s content and where was your boyfriend? At work.
Work work work all day every day and you couldn’t even fault him for never seeing you. He’d set you up in this nice apartment (top floor), had all your food delivered right to your door weekly (if not daily when you ran out of your favorite items), and spent all his waking hours saving the world (or in saving-the-world related meetings with world leaders).
Cecil Stedman was a busy man. And an important man. And most importantly, YOUR MAN. So why have you only seen him a total of five times in three months? Well, not counting all the times you’d seen him after beating up bad guys or in superhero meetings where you both had to pretend you couldn’t care less for each other.
“You can’t tell anyone we’re seeing each other… You know that right?”
“Yes, Cecil. I figured.”
“That doesn’t bother you? WON’T bother you? In the future?”
“NO!” You’d reassured him over and over you wouldn’t regret keeping your relationship a secret. “This is absolutely fine with me. Whatever you want.”
But he’d only sighed at that. “It’s not about what I want. We’re coworkers in a way… We need to remain professional. And I can’t be accused of having favorites and least of all have my actions questioned when it comes to you… You’re a conflict of interest now.”
You’d nodded. “Yes. I understand. Work comes first.”
His office turned quiet as you’d both sat with his answer to your most sudden of questions. Yes. He’d agreed to a date. But only a single date.
But that had been three months ago and it had gone great! You made him laugh - once - and he’d asked you out himself! Willingly! And that one had been even better! He’d smiled more, laughed twice at your dumb jokes, and asked for another. By the end of the third you’d given him a ‘tour’ of your dingy place - which ended with breakfast the morning after - and a day and a place was set for your fourth the day after that.
He’d surprised you with a “nicer” - you’d pieced together he meant safer - apartment, and you rolled your eyes at that considering your powers and the missions he’d personally sent you on. He helped you move a few boxes and you both left the rest up to the moving crew while he showed you around the neighborhood.
He’d been just as nervous about surprising you with a new place as he’d been on your first date - in ways only someone who observed him closely could tell: scratching his neck, avoiding eye contact when it wasn’t socially necessary, and over-explaining the logistics of his actions with big words that flowed naturally.
You’d hugged him and thanked him which took him by surprise and brought on one of the fakest throat-clearing coughs you’d ever heard and seen…but he’d patted your back and lead your around the block explaining the pros of living in these parts. It was as if you hadn’t spent half of the last date naked and cuddled in each other’s arms at night (you think, you fell asleep and stayed asleep soon after the 'deed' was done).
The end of that fourth date hadn’t ended in an impromptu 'house tour' because he’d been called away to a problem you weren’t needed with. It wasn’t until weeks later that you’d met up with him. Honestly, he’d seemed very surprised to see you in his office with food, even if you had specifically made a non-urgent totally reschedule-able appointment - you’d written that in the ‘detailed reason’ portion of the form - that he definitely knew about.
"I figured since you’ve been too busy the last two months, I’d just schedule an appointment… That’s ok, right?”
He’d given you a small, weak smile and nodded his head. “Y-yeah. That works great… I-is that food for us?”
You’d nodded. “Yeah. Lunch for lucky date number five.” You’d taken a seat on the other side of the smooth desk and winced when the paper bags left a grease stain on the shiny surface.
He’d chuckled. “Is that what number we’re on?”
You both ate in silence. There wasn’t much to talk about this time. You’d wanted him to talk since he rarely did - not about his own life, anyways - but if you didn’t start the ball rolling he didn’t seem to have anything to say other that asking you questions about your personal life.
You answered the questions about yourself simply and short. You wanted to hear about him, not relive your own life - though he was a really good listener. You’d started to feel guilty about how you were acting when he’d spoken up finally.
Oh oh.
“This can’t be what you wanted…”
You’d started to shake your head but he had continued before you could even think about talking.
“I’m not the ‘boyfriend’ type, as you’ve probably realized…”
“I really don’t mi-”
“You had to schedule a date with me, for god’s sake.” He’d pushed aside his burger and sighed. “Look. I wanted this to work. I thought I could make this - with you - work.” He'd sighed again and looked further down at his area, completely avoiding you and your breaking heart. “I’m sorry. My work - my LIFE - just doesn’t allow for this type of…”
Cecil's eyes had finally glanced back at you and widened when you were no longer sitting across from him. He’d turned to look up at you as you’d made your way around his desk.
Your fingers had found his chin and pulled it up as you leaned over. His lips had parted and you’d kissed him hard. Passionately. Desperately. You had licked the ketchup stain from the corner of his mouth and looked at him with eyes that made his breath hitch.
“I’ll have you any way you are. ‘Boyfriend material’ or not.” You’d smiled at his stunned face. He looked at you with a million questions in his eyes. With doubt. With insecurity you’d only just noticed. “I’d rather kiss these lips once in a blue moon than never at all.”
To top off your bold move you’d kissed his scarred cheek and retreated, waiting for his response.
He had let out a shaky breath and blushed. BLUSHED! “Ah…” he chuckled. “Kind of hard to rebuttal that.” He’d smiled wide when you giggled at that.
“Good. That was the whole point.” You’d taken your seat across from him again and picked up your burger.
He’d done the same. “But - “
You’d sighed and sat your burger down. “I’ll kiss you again. That’s a threat.”
“Ha. But seriously… We WOULD only see each other once in a blue moon… I mean I rarely get any time to myself. And you obviously want to keep this thing going despite my constant unavailability… But if… If you ever wanted to call things off I’ll understand. Just send me a memo.” He’d smiled like he was being funny. A real comedian as he sat in his fancy chair in his nice office in a big spacious room telling the woman he clearly liked she could dump him in a memo whenever she felt like.
Your heart had broken as the corners of his smile trembled and his eyes darted between your eyes in search of something he needed.
You smiled casually. “Will do, right after the memo about pigs flying.”
That last date was weeks ago.
“But I have a plan!” you told your plants. “Cecil and I will go on a nice three day - “ you crossed your fingers, “- vacation. Simple. So simple. Easy.”
You swore a leaf wilted just then.
Masterlist ~~~ Next Part
a/n: hope you enjoyed my first fic for Cecil Stedman :)
#cecil stedman x reader#cecil stedman#cecill stedman fanfic#cecil stedman invincible#cecil steadman x you#cecil stedman x female reader#cecil stedman x superhero#cecil stedman x female!reader#cecil stedman x female!superhero
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Art - none right now
Persistently Obsessed - female!superhero!reader - (part 1/8) NSFW 18+
series synopsis: You and Cecil have started seeing each other but your jobs (mostly his) keep interrupting date after date. He clearly thinks this won't work for you, but how many times do you have to tell him how utterly head over heels you are for him?? Well, if telling won't work, maybe showing him will.
One Shots:
None right now
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@octavare some cecils from the art book, as requested! plus the source quote of that one thing. i'm sorry they're not the best quality as i don't have access to a scanner right now but Please Enjoy
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The way Cecil still respects and cares about Mark even after the conflict between them and despite the way mark treated him, makes me love Cecil’s character so much more. He’s genuinely so much more mature about the issue between him and invincible but he’s willing to see mark as more than that, and that’s everything to me.
I’ve always loved cecil and mark’s relationship on the show and that scene in episode 7 was so satisfying because… it felt like the times back when mark and cecil were mutually okay with each other.
I also see Cecil as like a mentor/father-like figure towards mark so maybe that’s why their scenes together made me feel everything all at once
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Took this screen shot months ago when I first started playing the mobile game. I don’t know why, but it’s incredibly funny to me that Cecil says the most out of pocket things.

I like to believe he has really creative insults. And the more stressful the villain attack, the more creative they get.
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Cecil just popped in and started dishing out some vile emotional damage on Mark as he ate his fucking fries. Absolute trash racoon behavior I'm adding this trait to the headcanon list
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If I see one more person saying cecil was complelty in the wrong istg I'm gonna bring the hammer down
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Here's my favorite screenshots of cecil I took during the show
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