#dnd night on the sunny go
gildedmuse · 2 years
I feel like in a tapletop game, Law would be the GM, because he would have to be. He's the only one who would TRY.
And he'd spend that entire game:
Law: No, Zoro-ya, you can not attack those innocent towns people.
Law: Okay, Long-Nose-ya, but you'd have to roll a nat 20 so it's near - Oh goddamnit.
Law: Nami-ya, do you really want to roll to pickpocket actual deiti - and a 47, sure why not.
Law: Zoro-ya, please don't make me roll just so you can attack those gods.
Law: Mugiwara-ya! That is not how this works.
Law: You know what, sure, Zoro-ya, go ahead and attack the dragon with you lvl 1 sword. See how that -
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wolfhowlwitch · 1 year
the gods I worship as things and moments and feelings:
The Morrigan: She is the darkness when you step beneath tree cover on an otherwise sunny day; She is a fresh cup of black tea that burns your tongue so slightly; She is the paper cut you don’t know you have- and the sting when you find it while showering; She is bare feet on moss; She is the wind howling at your window, shaking your gutters against your roof; She is a bite of well-made bread, so sharp on the outside that you cut the roof of your mouth, so soft on the inside that the pain subsides; She is scraped knees on concrete; She is the tenderness and intimacy of someone wrapping your wounds; She is the moment when you see something impossible in the corner of your eye; She is the smell of rain and wet grass and storm clouds brewing; She is confidence, all of it- She is the way you feel when you wear your favorite lipstick or shirt or wear nothing at all and admire yourself in the mirror the way that a stranger might admire you from across the bar, or asking for exactly what you need when you need it, getting the raise or the promotion or the loan or the respect because you deserve it and you’ve convinced everyone else of it too, the way you walk when you’re going down the street listening to music and you can feel all eyes on you and you revel in that captivation, the first time you just stop looking at your ex’s social media and you never look again because it no longer serves you and you know you’re better off, the way your thumb hits the “end call” button and you smile to yourself because you get to make your rules and your boundaries and your decisions, waking up and knowing that this is your life and your story and your creation and no one can ever take that away from you so you make a cup of coffee and learn more about yourself than you did yesterday but less than you will learn tomorrow and the next day and the next
Hermes: He is the moment you find the best parking spot; He is the hard-win victory of rolling a natural 20 in DnD, but He is also the humility of rolling a 1; He is the first comforting bite of a convenience store hot dog when you couldn’t afford much else; He is the frantic excitement of running through a field, trying to find what you can no longer see; He is hitting every green light on the way home; He is the joy in adding something new to your collection; He is the mirthful laughter while watching a great comedy with loved ones; He is finding the perfect words to put to paper; He is the frustration of stepping in something wet with socks on, and He is the coziness of putting fresh new socks on; He is the first day you wake up after a nasty cold and you can breathe easy; He is the heartwarming relief when a friend picks you up after a bad day and asks you where you want to go; He is mundane luck, all of it- the time that you get an extra order of fries without having to pay, the job that opened up just when you needed it and they loved you and you start as soon as possible, the penny you find just outside your car door, the milk you forgot about in the fridge but it expires the day after you realized you needed it, the parking meter being broken where you parked and now you couldn’t pay if you wanted to, your favorite show airing on the perfect night of the week for you to sit back and relax and enjoy it, the way you just keep meeting the right people and making friends and discovering joy and finding new talents and falling in love and falling in love with yourself and loving your life even on the hard days because there will always be luck
Hades: He is loud, loud metal blaring over car speakers; He is the wistful memories you have when you look at the urn of a loved one; He is getting your hair just right; He is the needling pain of a new piercing, and He is the radical self-love of making yourself in the image you choose; He is yelling at the characters in a horror film to just pick up a damn weapon already; He is crying and laughing and weeping and smiling at the grave of a friend gone too soon; He is dead flowers hung around the house, the ghosts of their fragrance still lingering; He is eating chocolate chips straight out of the bag; He is the near-silent, darkened city streets lit only by stoplights and neon signs; He is tapping into your inner child and playing air guitar, and He is the callouses on your fingers from actually playing guitar; He is fallen leaves spinning in circles across the parking lot with the wind; He is Halloween decorations kept up all year round; He is the sharpness of the bite your dog meant to be more playful than it was; He is the chill down your spine when you hear an owl late at night, and He is the excitement of hearing the coyotes croon even in the middle of the city; He is mourning, all of it- the memories that throw themselves at the walls of your mind like pebbles at a window, the choked sobs even years later as you wonder who you are without the lost, the moments in which you hear their voice in your head so clear so crisp so loudly you could swear they still sat next to you, the quiet selfish thankfulness that your heart still beats though it beats different now that you know loss, the way you close your eyes while the dirt hits the coffin because this is all just too final, the smile as you run your thumb across the pictures that still hold them even though you no longer can, He is every moment spent thinking about those you lost and all of the regrets and the what ifs and the should haves and the now I know betters
Persephone: She is the refreshment in a cold glass of juice, a glass you drink so readily that droplets pour down your chin and pool on your chest sticky with sweetness; She is the act of putting up paintings in a too-small room, curating the space you have regardless of size; She is the glee in finding September roses, beauty still blooming as the air becomes frigid; She is a bite of fresh fruit, tart and delicious and perfect for the moment; She is the perfume left on the air when you leave, lingering for whoever walks in next- they will know you were there; She is sunshine on the snow, still frozen and always blinding but beautiful in its juxtaposed way; She is the laughter choked through tears at the end of a romantic comedy; She is the smoke wisping away when you blow out the candle; She is pricking your thumb on the thorn of a blackberry bush; She is the delighted squeaking of bats in the trees; She is kisses, all of them- the desperate clinging on a kiss goodbye salty tears finding solace between your lips, the peck on the lips goodnight not chaste but familiar and comfortable and full of love, the grinning through a kiss hello, the kiss on the shoulder of a lover in the shower, the wiping at your grandma’s lipstick on your cheek but smiling nonetheless, the nervous trembling of a first kiss that you’ll laugh at later but in this moment it’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done, the kiss on the head of a child who is learning to tie their shoes and stand their ground and spell their name and be themself and find out just who “themself” is, the kiss you give to your protesting pet while they scramble to escape your arms and the kiss you give when they come running right back for the attention, the teeth dragging against skin in the kiss on the neck- the bruise you leave behind just a mark that you were there and you loved and you felt and you were intertwined with sex and power and divinity and intimacy
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ferniforest · 3 months
Midnight and Hunt for Sergei, Wound and Secret for Pax, Skin and Pain for Oren, and Mask and Nightmare for Sundae :D
OHOHO buckle in because you happened to pick some freakily perfect questions for each character (like actually freaky lol how did you know??)
TW: mentions of war, death, injury and just overall angst
Midnight- Sergei still lives with flashbacks and nightmares about the battlefield. Both of them adapted to be very light sleepers, so the small sounds in the night often wake them. Sometimes Lysander will wake up to find Sergei re-reading the last letter from his mom. (She's alive but there's no way to safely contact his family anymore)
Hunt- After being captured, Sergeius and Lysander couldn't go back to their own country because they'd be seen as traitors or tried unfairly for espionage. So they were sent away to another country overseas. They're dealing with alot of guilt and very concerned about their country's government tracking them somehow, so they try their best to keep a low profile. It's near impossible for either to truly let their guard down, even when they're entirely alone.
Wound- Pax lives in a Dnd type world so she's usually able to use a healing spell if physically wounded. (Though she's not the biggest fan of magic anymore) Mentally however... that's the worst wound she's ever gotten and doesn't know if she'll ever heal from.
Secret- Pax Violetfield unintentionally k!lled her younger brother while trying to protect him from an unknown magical monster. In her eyes, the blood is entirely on her hands and she constantly lives with the guilt of the accident.
Skin- Despite how he may act, Oren doesn't think very highly of himself. It is extremely hard for him to have such a messed up wing because his entire life, showing weakness was only taken advantage of. A bird that can't fly won't survive long. He is in complete denial, has refused to see a doctor for years (a combination of trust issues and fear) and is still trying to tough it out. This has only led to reinjuring his bad wing again and again.
Pain- The first time his wing was broken was probably the worst pain he'd ever experienced since nothing like it had happened before. As the years went on dealing with it so often, he developed a pretty high pain tolerance.
And now the turtle you've all been waiting for! 🔅Sundae:
Mask- Sundae has her physical mask, which she made to match her brother's (especially the star sticker :3 )but she also has the cheerful and optimistic one which she uses to cover up her struggles.
As a young kid Sundae's opinions and concerns were never listened to, so she learned not to bother anyone with what she's was dealing with. But as time went on and she grew closer to her brothers, she was able to open up and see that her opinions have value. Sundae still struggles with seeing herself as an equal.
More than anyone else, Astro sees right past her sunny mask. This is one of the reasons he felt VERY guilty when her Hanakanjō secret came out.
Nightmare- People leaving her, suffocating silence, not being useful, endless gardens trapping her– thaat kind of stuff! Luckily Sundae isn't afraid to go to her older brothers when she has bad dreams, though the content of her nightmares is often left unspoken.
Thank you so much for ensuing some oc lore chaos May! :D This was a ton of fun and hopefully somewhat interesting to read?
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mourningnews · 2 months
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hey guys ! sunny here ! with my baby named.......... sunny ????
the basics.
NAME: sunny havery
SKELETON: the nice guy
AGE: twenty two
GENDER: cis man
PRONOUNS: he/him
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual, biromantic
DND ALIGNMENT: chaotic good
TV TROPES: friend to all living things, broken ace, stepford smiler, meaningful name
nerdjock blueprint, he's what the term nerdjock was based off of honestly. despite no longer being a surfer, sunny is super into sports and works out whenever he can. nowadays, his focus is more on the nerd side that he sort of abandoned in his teens. mostly, his personal time outside of work and friends is spent planning for when he arrives at the local bookstore, where once a week he is the dungeon master for a game of d&d for a group of local middle schoolers.
this is the guy to go to if you need any sort of stupid mundane task done. need help cleaning out your garage? need your oil changed? don't have the spoons to even clean your room? he's there. his love language is acts of service and god does it show. he's the second oldest of six siblings so he's absolutely no stranger to helping out and taking care of others. if you think your request is stupid, it definitely isn't.
absolutely wasn't always a well known party boy/friend to all. he started out the way most of us do before we learn to conform to others: as a nerdy outcast. sunny would never admit that his glowup and taking an interest in sports aided in him getting friends, he likes to believe that his good attitude and kindness earned him that itself. and, maybe it did a little.. but being hot helped.
the life of any party. he finds himself everywhere, and talking to everyone. it's a wonder how he makes time between drinking games and dancing to chat up the wallflowers, but somehow he does. that's the thing about sunny, he has time for everyone.
inwardly extremely self destructive, but tries to not make it anyone's problem. on nights where he definitely drinks too much and is no longer having any fun, he walks himself home before the party is over, never keen to bother anyone. this false sense of independence and stupid belief that he can handle anything himself gets him into shit a lot of the time.
has authority issues like no other. being raised to fear authority has made him see things the complete other way as an adult, where he tries to brush off and make a joke about everything. whenever anyone demonstrates a superior position over him, nervous laughter and awkward behavior come with the territory. his job performance is always worse when the owners of the boardwalk games check in.
speaking of the boardwalk, he loves his job there. besides the obvious of it just being a fun environment, he loves making friends with tourists and being their guide when he's off shift. and yes, those games are absolutely rigged. hate to tell you.
loves the ocean so very much. hours after work will be spent on the beach, right where the water meets the sand, collecting seashells. losing surfing was one of the biggest losses of his life (yes, even before both of his parental figures). when he gets a chance to play d&d instead of dming his own games, he is usually the same water genasi paladin he created at 13.
abuse tw, alcoholism tw
sunny didn't blame his mother for leaving them, even when he was old enough to understand her choice. he just wished she'd taken him with her. he wished he'd remember her, known her as someone other than the woman who abandoned her two sons with a man who wasn't even their father. damiano havery, and his abuse, was all he really knew about a parent's love. his own father, to sunny's knowledge, not interested in meeting him, and his brother taking a lot of it to protect him. he wondered a lot in childhood if all kids were tough, and he was the weak one, or if joshua really was just that strong. his questions would be answered when he started going to school, happily sharing facts about the fantasy and sci-fi worlds he had entangled himself in, and a single glare from josh would have the kids around him scrambling to care— or, rather, be nice for their own sake. the appearance of a new mother, and over time, a whopping four new siblings to the bunch, signaled change for sunny. he kept his optimism, even as his stepmother, madison, overlooked him in favor of a bottle. somehow, sunny was convinced that he could win her over if her children loved him enough. so, he was the best older brother he could be, using all of the love joshua had shown him over the years to try and make this haunted house a home for someone. when they packed up for manoa bay, he considered telling someone the truth about why they were leaving so suddenly. more than a few times in those last few days he'd left the classroom, fully intending to march to the guidance counselor and tell her that his brother had been hurt. but, the thought that no one would take in six whole kids held him back. manoa bay proved to have some serious merits to it. when he wasn't cooking or cleaning for his siblings, he'd take them to the beach, and play with them for hours. while his older brother made money for them, he took care of housework. he also started taking on new hobbies in this time, and soon enough, surfing became his life. with newfound interests, more physical activity, and the pressures that came with being popular, sunny was fortunate to grow fast. he was as optimistic as ever, especially with how well his life away from home was going. he'd even begun helping his parents, albeit quietly, and attempting not to be seen by them. somehow, even now, he thought change was possible. it didn't hurt that he treated himself to whatever was still in the bottles madison had left behind. by the time he was ready to graduate high school, and joshua left off to miami, he made the mistake of believing that his stature and muscle were formidable now, that he didn't need to take his fancy scholarship and get out of there, that he could stay home and protect his siblings.. like josh did for him. this one misjudgment, and one night where he felt particularly bold enough to stand up to his father, would cost him any chance at a surfing career. it was stupid, being so messed up over a knee injury, but the deaths that would follow: first his stepmother, then his father, by josh's hand, wouldn't move him any. he'd been on autopilot those few months, and the spell would only be broken once his father's death had been deemed an accident. he recalled letting out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding in, noticing his siblings in the room for the first time. that night, he went to the rager of his life, and danced with all the prettiest people in manoa bay. fuck it, right?
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shatouto · 1 year
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my very first dnd oc!!! he's a traveling healer who's also a bard!
i wrote out his backstory, it's under the cut
He was born in the slums of a riverside city, where mostly humans dwelled. A plague struck when he was no older than five, wiping out the poor downtrodden, of which tieflings were the majority. The humans blamed the surviving tieflings for the plague itself and cast them out of the city for good.
Freshly orphaned with nowhere to go, he wandered along the river for a time, begging for food when he could and stole when he must. His memories of this time were blurry; he recalled most the rock-throwing and the beatings, oftentimes by children his age. Grown men regarded him with a sort of disdain, but the young ones who knew no better found a new sport in tormenting a defenseless outcast.
It came a day when the most vicious beating left him unconscious and broken-horned like roadkill by the bushes. Bleeding out and freezing in the cold, he was not to survive another night. By a pure stroke of rade luck, a free-spirited moon elf by the name of Erevan Starflower was traveling through the region at time and stumbled upon the dying boy. He took the young tiefling under his wing, healed him and kept him by his side from then on.
Erevan raised the tiefling child as he would one of his own. He called the boy Ebel by way of childhood name, a loving reminder of the little gap between his front teeth. The boy was mute for a time before regaining speech under his care, though the broken horn never quite grew back. Erevan taught the boy Elvish and music and dance, dressed him in the finest clothes his coins could afford. Their lives were by no means luxurious, but they lived comfortably.
Ebel was under no illusion about their differences. He soon grew to tower over his guardian by a head even in his gangly adolescent years, and as soon as his body filled out into that of a matured man, their roles as guardian and protégé were frequently assumed by strangers to be in reverse. It didn't help that Ebel’s quiet disposition made him appear that much more mature in counterpoint with Erevan’s evergreen sunny mood; that his baritone voice smoothed out to be in perfect harmony to the elf’s sweet tenor. He knew he was no elf – his mistake was thinking that he could ever be Erevan’s equal.
A misstep was all it took, a foolish misstep paid for in blood. Once upon traveling to a mountain range where several human and half-orc tribes were at war, Erevan mused that rare star flowers grew here in thick clusters, or so he had heard. Ebel thought it would be a fitting gift for his guardian, a worthy token of his gratitude, and perhaps a good occasion to declare his coming-of-age. Then, thinking himself strong and adept, he made a decision. As soon as they stopped at an inn, the tiefling wandered off on his own.
No sooner had Ebel entered the trove where flowers glowed blue-white, than he heard an ear-splitting horn. Dark cloaks and gleaming shields and sharply glinting blades and spears flashed. By the time he learned he'd set foot onto contentious land, it was too late. No amount of explanation could convince the tribe he was no spy but a mere hapless traveler. They wanted him dead at the very sight of his fiendish horns and pitch-black eyes. Innocent though he might be, he reeked of death to them, an omen to be destroyed.
Erevan arrived in the midst of it; came to Ebel’s aid while he was bleeding at death’s door just like twenty years ago. He pleaded and begged for his child’s life, sang his most soulful ballads of peace and compassion till blood dripped from his chin. None of it touched the hardened hearts of men at war, so he fought and fought like the valiant warrior he never was. When Erevan fell, Ebel learned what it truly meant to be a creature from Hell.
He stood over his guardian’s bloodied form, squarely in the line of fire. The warriors before him must think him a man with a death wish by then, and they would not be far from the truth. But magma coursed through his veins and his tears were as hot and thick as blood, and when the dozens of arrows pierced him he felt no pain.
The hellfire he unleashed burnt everything to a char: every single tribesman who tried to rob Erevan from him, and every last flower in the grove. The hellish flames left nothing in its path, save for the one elf in his arms.
He carried Erevan out and attempted to heal him with the purest, fiercest songs he knew. In his last moments, Erevan smiled at him and caressed his cheek, called him his dear boy, praised his voice. “My star-eyed child,” he said, his once smooth voice cracking from the smoke. “Do not cry for me. Give me but a moment of rest. I shall rise on the morrow.”
Erevan took his last breath then. Ebel held him in his arms through the night and waited until dawn to weep. His eyes gone dry, he took a lock of Erevan’s hair and braided it into his own, worn over his heart. From that day on his childhood name was forfeit, and he took for himself the name Morrow. He vowed to live life as the gentle person Erevan saw in him, no matter how others might contradict it.
After Erevan’s cremation, Morrow sought to return the ash and his musical instruments to his home. He traveled to the Elven kingdoms, found his way to the moon elves’ dwellings and met with the Starflower clan only to be utterly rejected. Threatened into leaving the region, Morrow found a place to bury both the ash and the musical instruments.
The bitter end to his childhood had concluded. His wandering life now began.
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st0rmyskies · 2 years
Stormy, who's the best dancer of the boys, or does the discipline/style come into play so there's not a lot of comparison? -- Oddi
Style definitely does come into play, so it's hard to compare. But they all have their strengths.
Sky - He's been trained against his will (sort of) in ballroom dancing, what with having to accompany Sunny to formal events. He was horrible at it at first, is pretty passable now, and when it comes time for a royal wedding he'll be a natural.
Warriors - He can get along well enough on a crowded dance floor to attract the attention of anyone he wants, but he can only break it down basic bitch style. Wars is still a white boy deep down.
Twilight - Does line dancing count? Honestly, the thought of this cowboy in his element in a hat and belt and jeans and boots is making me a lil hot and bothered...
Wild - Wild inherited the Dancing Queen Gene that Champion never possessed. He could go all night on the dance floor without getting tired. He could also look at someone else's dancing style and mimic it pretty closely and quite well! It's somewhat akin to how Champion could mimic others' combat styles and adapt quickly in training.
Four - He's very happy being a wallflower, thanks much. He's the friend who watches your table, your coats, your drinks, and gets dragged out onto the dance floor only for special occasions, like his own birthday.
Hyrule - Get a few drinks in him and he thinks he's an okay dancer! And a good singer! And really funny, too, guys!! Unfortunately, he also gets lost on the way home from the bar. Do NOT turn your back on him for a second.
Legend - You'd think he's the pouty goth kid at prom who sits at the table all night with the rest of his DnD group, but Legend's got some moves. He's had a variety of 'odd jobs' in his life, remember, not the least of which was traveling with Din's group of performers. It's where he learned how to dance with fire and perform some acrobatics... among some other particular moves.
Wind - He's hard-pressed to dance and has two left feet. He feels like EVERYONE is watching and goes stiff as a board.
Time - Having two left feet runs in the family. Somehow Twilight was spared this gene, but Time was not. So he practices and practices and practices until he gets it perfect, when he needs to at least. Such as during his own wedding. Or very public knighting ceremonies.
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oddballwriter · 2 years
Hihi! I hope your doing well this day. I was wondering if you could do platonic hcs of being tims [MH] 14 year old or so niece? Maybe both pre and post MH? I HAVE BEEN DYING FOR PLATONIC HCS- Thank you and goodbye! Remember to eat and drink water!
Yours truly
Anon! Ps: You can refer to me as sunni if you like! it is my name after all
Feel free to take your time! remember to take breaks evey now and then!
Warnings: None that I know of???? Reader is referred to as “she” once and only once in this during some dialogue but otherwise no pronouns are used for the reader. 
Author’s Snip: This one’s a bit angsty, not gonna lie. Also, I love this prompt and idea, I really do, and I do wish that I had idea for platonic content come to mind. But I weirdly feel like this sucks on my behalf. I’ll try and do better. Maybe it’s because I’m a bit tired from a dnd session and also wanted to write something.
Notes:  I don’t know exactly what you’re trying to aim for in the sense that your his niece so I’m going to assume that it’s like a “close friend to the parent/guardian” type of deal so I hope that’s okay with you Sunni. I’m also gonna have it that you didn’t go through the events of the MH channel and are an outsider to it
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy!
I feel like he’s a decent if not good secondary father figure to you
I also feel like he would make a good guardian and potential caregiver but he doesn’t really think so himself
He can barely take care of himself sometimes so he feels like that makes him feel like he wouldn’t be the best candidate to be a caregiver of guardian to you, but maybe having someone to take care of will help him a bit
He’s just kinda scared
He’s really great and is amazing at being there for you 
He’ll always be the one who watches over you if no one else can  
I honestly feel like he’s secretly great with kids, regardless of their age
He calls it as “hanging out” and hates it when anyone refers to it as “babysitting” because to him it doesn’t feel like that
You’re sort of a part of his life that he keeps very private, the only one who really knows about you is Brian
You were on the set of MH once but that was because your guardian didn’t have anyone else to watch you and Tim decided that it wouldn’t be a problem since you’d most likely be very well behaved
It was just that one time on Tim’s part but Alex did throw a bit of a fuss about it 
Alex: “Why is she even here? We have filming to do and I don’t want to have to babysit some kid.”, Tim: “She won’t cause any trouble.”
You have spent a night every so often but in the context of pre-MH, that really wasn’t an issue at all
I feel like even with his slight fear, he’d gladly give you a place to stay if you needed it
He just left hell where everyone he cared about died
He’s probably too scared to go near you in case more bullshit happens and he accidentally drags you into it
But at the same time he probably can’t bring himself to just run away from you
You’re the very little family and friends he has left 
He tries to hide any proof or things that would indicate that anything happened from you
He doesn’t want you asking questions or trying to help if you ever found out
The last people in his life who asked questions or tried to ‘help’ didn’t meet pretty fates
He honestly clings onto you as much as you can because you’re possibly the only thing that he has to normal 
Of course you won’t really know that, he wants to keep you as far away from that as he possibly can
He acts a bit more like a protective dad with a shady past than he originally did but you won’t mind
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Hello! Could I by any chance get a Harry Potter ship matchup? Id love both marauders and golden trio era but if not I’m fine with either one. Here’s a short description of me. I go by she/her and don’t have a gender preference. Around 5’1 with mid length black wavy hair and front bangs, golden brown tanned skin, cat eye glasses, and has a whimsigoth aesthetic. I love video gaming (honestly tabletop too) and everything to do with gaming as I am a game artist. I also love to work with creative code and motion graphics. Nothing hits like a late night session of coding or character designing session in my bat cave of a room. Apart from my main interests i love reading fantasy and mystery, roller blading, film marathons, Pilates, building Lego sets, drinking coffee or chai, drawing, and screen printing. I’m a slytherin. I can definitely come off as distant and private when you first get to know me but in my element I’m very open. I’m not the best with people but those I care about I will do anything for. I’m a bit of a perfectionist. I can be a bit stubborn and opinionated however. That’s it! Thank you!
I ship you with Luna!
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✨ Loves when you take her rollerblading
✨ Will take you to fun places for you to draw
✨ Turns her own dorm into a bright bat cave for when you come hang out
✨ You use your Slytherin ways to protect your sweet girl
✨ She likes to take you outside on nice sunny days because she worries you stay inside too much
✨ Your dorm is her dark and relaxing haven
✨ Is so interested in all your computer muggle things and loves watching you work
✨ Teaching her different video games
I ship you with Remus!
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✨ Making cute Lego things together
✨ A bit weary of you at first but you give Slytherin a good name
✨ Movie nights in your dorm
✨ He’s so interested in all your computer knowledge and wants you to teach him everything you know
✨ Showing you quiet private places he’s found so you can both have nice times together
✨ Sleepovers on the holidays where you have movie marathons and you show him muggle food
✨ Loves your style and is more than happy if you steal some of his comfy cardigans
✨ He convinces the other marauders to have a game of DND
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charkyzombicorn · 1 year
So theses are apparently some of the selkies powers, I’m pretty sure this is just for dnd and is not mythological accurate . But out of these powers which would you choose for your selkie au to be Selkie abilities?
Enhanced agility: Selkies are able to go fro one movement to another effortlessly, allowing them to effectively dodge attacks, do backflips, and numerous other gymnastic, martial, and athletic implements with little to no effort.
Enhanced balance: Selkies have an extremely well-developed sense of balance, the positioning of limbs in space, center of balance. and the physical condition to use these facts.
Enhanced bite: Selkies, due to their fangs, have a powerful bite.
Enhanced dexterity: Selkies are able to control their limbs, muscles, and digits extremely well.
Enhanced endurance: Selkies are able to survive with little to no energy for an extended amount of time.
Enhanced reflexes: Selkies have extremely enhanced reaction speed, allowing them to dodge magical attacks, catch falling objects, and react instantaneously to what would take others more time to react.
Enhanced stamina: Selkies are able to be physically active for longer periods of time than most other beings.
Enhanced strength: Selkies are able to exert a great amount of strength from their muscles.
Night vision: Selkies are able to see perfectly in total darkness.
Speed swimming: Selkies are able to swim at incredible speeds, unhampered by water resistance.
Cold immunity: Selkies, being adapted to the ocean, are completely immune to cold.
Pressure resistance: Selkies, being adapted to the ocean, are completely resistant to water pressure, especially at the bottom of the episode.
Water sense: Selkies are able to perceive the movement of/on a body of water with extreme accuracy, and determine where threats are located in aquatic environments and water sources.
Siren song: Selkies, similar to merfolk and cecaelia, are able to sing a song that is capable of hypnotizing anyone that hears it.
Sonic singing: Selkies, similar to merfolk and cecaelia, are able to sing a highly destructive blast of sound at high amplitude.
Water manipulation: Selkies are able to generate, shape, and manipulate water.
Aquatic life communication: Selkies are able to telepathically communicate with aquatic creatures.
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3) Usopp doesn't like the idea of biting people because it makes him feel animal-like and he hates being compared to an animal because He Is Not. Also the nose makes it hard for him to bite people I would imagine. His molars are a little sharper than they maybe should be and he's got pronounced canines but he doesn't have the coral-shaped molars seals (apparently) have. His dad does tho, Buggy too but Buggy shaved his down a bit to hide better in the East Blue
4) yeah he's good at a quick draw but he still trips and stumbles sometimes on land. He's much more graceful in water because there is nothing to trip over
5) About as much as Canon, with is quite a bit.
6) His reflexes are pretty quick because his eyes are better than a human's, it doesn't mean he's perfectly co-ordinated and just because he can see something coming doesn't mean he can dodge without tripping. He gets a bit more graceful post-ts but he grew up without fighting, so he's learning as he goes
7) Yeah he's got more stamina than you would expect, but that's pretty much just canon
8) Stronger than you would think unless you tried picking him up. He can change his appearance but he can't change his weight and seals are 4000 pounds. He's very physically dense, even if he looks like the skinniest 17 year old you've ever seen, so picking up 300 pounds to him is like a normal person picking up 12 pounds he's not athletic pre-ts tho so no picking up twice his body weight or anything. The 1 ton hammer could have been real tho.
9) He does have really good night-vision, he does use his tinted goggles more because seal-eyes are more dilated than humans' and if it's too sunny it hurts his eyes
10) Yep! He can swim just as fast if not faster than most mer-folk
11) 12) He is a bit less resistant to cold and pressure than most selkies because his mother was human. He can stand pressure changes but he needs to take breaks and he can stand cold but can still get hurt when he's frozen.
13) He does have some extra spacial awareness in water, this is just how most selkies naturally pick up observation haki a bit more intuitively
14) Usopp has no idea, he only sings for Luffy but Luffy seems pretty hypnotized so,,,
15) Nope, and Usopp screams a lot
16) No
17) He convinced some of the crew he can, he can't actually
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eepiebeepy · 1 year
hi hi hi i didn’t get much done this year but i really like all the attacks i did get to! work has just been so hectic :,)
First up is Raindrop, owned by @/M1lkdraws on instagram!!!! i actually still really like this one and i’m glad i’ve come so far when it comes to drawing anthros :3
Next is Piña by @yo-no-fui3 !!!! She was on my bookmarks list since last year and i just had to draw her! Like i said in my original post, the color space of krita go really weird on my which is why there’s some discolouration around the gradients; i eventually fixed it by factory-settings the app but by then the damage was done finding. still i really really like how this turned out, she’s so freakin cute
And the third attack is Taz, she’s a dnd character played by @/Fruuths on instagram! I experimented a lot with my shading on this one abd im not sure how i feel about that, but overall i’m pretty happy with this piece :D
Fourth is Crystal! She’s so freaking cute and she belongs to @/godtegnomen on instagram! I love love love the way this came out and even though i purposefully tried for a messier/less time consuming linework style, it actually came out looking fantastic (in my eyes) and was SUPER fun to work on!
The fifth attack is on my boyfriends character Reyner!!! I really meant to do a digital version since the attack he did on me was so amazing and intricate but i didn’t get to it in july :( stay tuned tho :3 he’s @juiceb0x !!
Next is @abstractredd ‘s Lilith. uhhhhhhh boobies. i really like how the pose came out! hair shading is something i have to work on however, although i do like this i’m interested in trying new styles!
Next is Tila by @always-any-art !!! she’s so cute i just had to do an attack on her!!! i drew her on night shift and finished up the colouring at home :) she’s so frckin cute i love her fins and tail and silly hair
Last but not least is Sunny! Shes a big monster shifter who belongs to @/ellie.j.raws on instagram!!! I designed a short of halfway point of her transformation because i really wanted to do the best of both worlds! also i’m still not great at drawing reptilians yet :,)
But yeah!! That’s artfight 2023! I was on team vamps, i wish i could have contributed more but i was just too busy. i’d love to do art trades or something sometime during the rest of this year, though! I love drawing people’s character :)
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flashhwing · 2 years
❓Unusual OC Associations ❓
I was tagged by @ammoniteflesh (thank you!) and this looks like fun!
I'll tag @transprincecaspian @v-arbellanaris @vrokroa @villainanders @vowofemnity @fjorests-of-wildemount @glossolali @mollymauktealeef @marymauk (yeah i'm hitting the whole netherdeep party lemme snoop on ya pcs)
imma go overboard and do two dragon age ocs and one dnd pc
starting with
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Seasoning: garlic
Weather: overcast
Colour: purple
Sky: when it's like full cloud cover but still somehow as bright as if it were sunny. just a bright white sky
Magic Power: pyrokinesis. or healing. depends on who/when you ask
House Plant: fern
Weapon: fire
Subject: math
Social Media: he's taking a break for his mental health :)
Make-up Product: e y e l i n e r
Candy: baklava
Fear: that his past cannot be justified
Ice cube shape: cube
Method of long distance travel: ideally? teleportation. realistically? walking. in a modern au? motorcycle
Art style:
Mythological creature: ghost
Piece of stationary: mechanical pencil, but like the fancy ones with the twist up eraser and the clicky bit on the side
3 emojis: 👻🔥🧃
Celestial body: moon
Fabian Tabris
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Seasoning: lemongrass
Weather: sunny
Colour: green
Sky: the deep sky blue of a cloudless afternoon
Magic Power: poison
House Plant: roses (in a vase)
Weapon: daggers
Subject: science (specifically chemistry)
Social Media: he really should log off of twitter. he really should
Make-up Product: none (old, poorly thought out tattoos)
Candy: sour gummy worms
Fear: stagnating. boredom. loss of personal freedom
Ice cube shape: idk man whatever shape they come in!
Method of long distance travel: walking, unforch
Art style:
Mythological creature: griffon (i know, grey warden association, cheating, shhhhh)
Piece of stationary: classic no2 pencils
3 emojis: 🌹🔪💔
Celestial body: sun
Emmeline "Emmy" Cousland
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Seasoning: black pepper
Weather: blizzard
Colour: grey-ish blue
Sky: a clear night sky, where the stars are nonetheless only partially visible due to nearby cities
Magic Power: blood magic
House Plant: i don't know much about house plants but something beautiful and leafy that requires a lot of upkeep
Weapon: magic (with daggers as a backup)
Subject: history
Social Media: she keeps a presence on all major social medias and somehow manages to not make a fool of herself on any of them (except for tumblr, which is made for fools)
Make-up Product: lipstick (dark)
Candy: york mint patties
Fear: being forgotten
Ice cube shape: spherical
Method of long distance travel: horseback
Art style:
Mythological creature: basilisk
Piece of stationary: fountain pen
3 emojis: 🍷🤫🐶
Celestial body: moon
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raraeavesmoriendi · 9 months
💐 once you receive this lovely bouquet of flowers you have to mention five things you love, publicly, and send it to 10 of your favorite followers if you want. SPREAD POSITIVITY! ⛅️
awww, thank you for thinking of me, sarah 🥰🖤
my cat. he’s the first cat I’ve ever had who’s just mine and not a family pet, I got him on a total whim (well not total, there was months of planning involved while he was being fostered, but me asking to be his forever home was just… like, idk, it felt like the universe nudged me and the words came out of my mouth) and he’s my baby 🖤 he turns five next year and he’s the center of my whole world wrapped up in black fuzz
when I hit flow state on a WIP and it just all clicks, and I know what, and why, and how, and who, like I’m there, and not having to think about it. especially when my OCs are involved, or when I’m reading something that someone sent in to them at the blog. that’s when I think I know a little bit what a fish must feel like in water, maybe.
nights in my apartment by myself, where I can stay up way too late and watch whatever I want, or go to my room early and read a book, when I can get up to get a snack at 2 am without waking anyone - those are really nice 🖤
lemon-flavored anything. seriously. I just finished a slice of lemon cake from a recipe my mom and I found on insta a couple days ago and it’s so good 🖤 I guess it’s part of being sensory-seeking neuroweird, but anytime I can add lemon to a dish, I’m thrilled
when I’m on a call with my og writer’s group/dnd group (hey sluts! 🖤) and we can’t stop laughing, usually at something incredibly stupid (*it’s always sunny theme* The Gang Makes a Phone Call). they were the first friends I made on tumblr and I’m always grateful 🥰
I had a lot of things to think of that didn’t make the list, which is a very good sign ♥️ but thanks again for sending this to me, babe! 🥰
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who-is-shades · 1 year
raz dnd 9
everyone wakes up hungover except senna cause she didnt get fucked up lol. they had to roll a history check cause of how fucked up they are xD teya mostly remembers. parsley only currently remembers his android deal.
android is stuck under wheatley and zen asks if hes comfortable xD he picks up wheatley and hes so grumpy lol koala wheatley! teya is grumpy and hungover from the loud robot noises.
teya and parsley are so hungover oh god. senna just shakes her head at these lightweights. zen tries to pick parsley off the ground cause hes so adament on not moving lol. parsley punched him in the face! rude.
zen made us breakfast what a good lad. he fetches teya who was still eepy. parsley looks at teya and asks why she made him fetch hair. teya says he still has her dagger and he claims it. (we started talking about what browsers everyone would use lol)
parsley turns to senna and asks wtf happaned last night. senna reminds him of his deal. wheatley happily claims he learned many fun things about his friends!
teya asks what happaned, and wheatley shrivels and says zen fucks. parsley and teya wake tf up lol. senna tries to ignore that. teya and parsley speak to each other in sylvain again and senna mutters in elfish (parsley understands and laughs lol)
parsley turns to senna and asks if teya and her kissed yet. tea is now everywhere. senna swears in elvish and zen comments they only talked about kissing! parsley comments back in elvish lol. wheatley wants to learn how to cuss! oh no parsley stop.
senna gets up and starts taking down the tent to avoid this topic. parsley and senna talk shit in elvish as we start leaving. parsley also gives teya back her dagger.
zen leads the way! senna keeps talking to parsley in elvish and teya asks him if not talking to android bothers the shit outta him lol. wheatley goes and hangs out with android xD
as were walking, teya's device malfunctions! shes gonna get stinky again! 2 points already and she puts the hat on. android finally speaks up and says not to touch her, but stops himself and keeps going. (senna still talking to parsley in private lol)
parsley tells teya she can have her healing potions. senna asks if a kiss would make it feel better. zen says teya said she would kiss her lol. parsley tells zen that alcohol messes with their memories, but of course he knows the human fucker.
zen points at the map and asks if this is where teya wanted to go. she says she hasnt spoken to her brother since she found out. parsley and senna are STILL gossiping in elvish lol xD
android turns to teya in sylvain and says to stop gossiping! and then to senna in elvish. zen says to let them have fun. senna pulls her hoodie up and just wont look at anyone. parsley shoves his hand in his mouth to stop himself from speaking.
teya yells at him in infernal. senna shoots up 'you fuckin know infernal?!' android goes "this one too mother fucker!" senna speaks to teya in infernal fuck you android.
as we walk, we start to see a town that teya recognizes. and we do from that flashback. home sweet home? average bustling small town. zen says teya has a very nice home. android goes back to being a dick. senna and teya still talking in elvish. zen is going to restock.
parsley is going to buy more healing potions. senna is staying with teya for emotional support, and says teya can show her around town if shes not ready to confront sunnie yet. senna and teya link arms and off they go. wheatley third wheels lol.
parsley goes to the apothecary and the old lady there is super old and hard of hearing. parsley is losing his shit. she keeps getting it wrong. parsley snaps and storms out.
teya leads senna to the book shop! quite a few people inside. theres sunnie! awkward. book signing over! quit running you turd. senna asks if she wants us to wait outside but she says nah.
smeark, teyas friend, is here! he runs the library and doesnt know lol. its almost time for her yearly checkup hmmmm. sunnie is hiding in the back.
senna locks the door behind them for privacy but sunnie gets even more nervous lol. teya says he never answered her sendings. sunnie says hes a famous author and senna and wheatley say they have never heard of him. sunnie asks how much they know. "im a cleric."
teya says sunnie made her a monster and its been this way for a few years now and that it happaned when she followed tori. he says he couldnt just let her die. 'decided to play god?'
he says someone else raised her for him. found her in the forest and she didnt look good. he begs her not to hurt the guy that raised her. it was her doctor! 'do you still wish that you knew?' 'i wish it hadnt happaned.' 'youd be dead.' 'i know.' wheatley calls him a fool and leaves.
sunnie says she looks fine and the spell works! teya says the magic has been failing. sunnie begins freaking. teya takes off the hat and says its not the worse shes looked. senna says shes literally had her bones out. teya and senna realize he has no idea wtf happaned with raising teya. he thought she was just alive again. shes a lich dumbass.
sennas hand is on her hilt when sunnie asks 'evil liches?' he starts crying. teya says he can make it up to her by fixing this. he says he cant find the doctor until the appointment time. he should be here tomorrow though. senna gives him a scary grin in the face and lets him go.
at the same time wheatley went to find parsley! wheatley ignores the old lady and leaves since he isnt here. wheatley hears people mumbling about the robot visitors lol. a little kid looks up at wheatley. so many questions lol. parsley finally shows up! he leaves cause he doesnt like kids but a bunch of kids follow him anyway. so many fairy questions. parsley is a dick and steals their names. wheatley shows up and yells at parsley to give their names back.
wheatley keeps yelling and says that teya is having a hard time and that sunnie is being a dick. the kids hear that parsley stole their names! now their all crying. parents are showing up lol. hes lying through his teeth lol. wheatley finally gets parsley to go with him to find teya.
back to the others! smeark asks if things didnt go well and teya says its complicated. he asks how her necromancer studies are. teya says its going good (lol). explaining the new shit she learned and spells and stuff lol. he asks teya about senna lol. he says teya under estimates herself lol. he introduces himself to senna. she curtsies back. she says teya is quite a charming young lady.
a bunch of kids run up to teya happy shes back lol. they say a mean fairy stole their names! senna goes inside to research that fuckin monster. teya goes to find and yell at parsley.
wheatley is still scolding parsley lol. parsley is indignent lol he gave them back! teya is mad xD parsley says he tried to get potions and weapons and absolutely failed. wheatley says he gave a bolt to a child and also gets yelled at. teya says that old lady normally isnt running the shop. teya says she'll get his potions for him.
an old man is behind the counter now! he also speaks sylvain and calls out parsley when hes a dick! he tries to leave and wheatley stops him. the old lady shows up and the other guy says its his mom and shes not supposed to work anymore. he upcharges parsley for messing with the kids.
senna cant find what shes looking for. smerk offers to help. he comes back with an old journal. its a hasty scribble similiar to sennas own drawing! senna says everyone forgot about the creature. the journal is mostly 'paranoid ramblings' dont forget, its watching, need to know, ect. senna doesnt consider it mad. blood in the pages. she thanks him and walks off.
senna finds them as they come out and asks if they got what they needed. we hear zen ask if business is done. teya and android are arguing again sigh. parsley is so fuckin enraged he cant speak to android. teya lets slip that parsley stole kids names and senna is mad. 'parsley wtf is wrong with you?!' now their arguing. 'if they decide to rip someones wings off we know who to blame' oof.
zen cuts this off and asks teya to show us her home. teya says she might have burned that bridge. its a bit out into the woods. teya says they just found it out here. going right inside making ourselves at home lol. decentky sized. some burnt pictures. disaster inside cause sunnie lived alone for a few months.
teyas room is full of books lol. android snarks they have to be family to be so messy. parsley flops down in a chair that hasnt been used in a long time. wheatley sits on the sofa. zen asks if they can stay the night as the sun is going down. senna says that since they wont see him for a while that teya should let sunnie stay. android and teya start snarking again and senna puts her foot down.
zen asks about a guest room and if teya and senna will share a room lol. parsley yells they should sleep together (same bed) and senna jokes they will keep them up if they do lol. senna keeps casting presti on everything lol.
sunnie is back. hes startled that were here lol. parsley is like 'this is your brother?' teya remarks that sunnie doesnt fuckin message her back. senna says he let his home go to shit. shes mad and stomps up to him about his living habits.
senna calls him a sad wet man and sunnie calls her scary and she has scary teeth. senna shrinks back at that. she apologizes for scaring him and that hes just protective of teya. senna says she already cleaned his mess for him and he shuffles to his room.
wheatley is using his sending stones again. senna asks if parsley thinks shes scary. he says no and flops back down. senna casts big healing on teya several times and gets rid of all her points! senna and teya share a comfy bed :3
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bbboar · 2 years
@boogerwookiesugarcookie asked me to answer ALL of the end of year asks so here we go! Thanks Naja!
Going to put it under a readmore bcs long
1.Song of the year? Dream Girl Evil by Florence and the Machine So nice of Miss Florence to make a song thats not only a bop but also specifically the theme song for my oc Hydrangea
2.Album of the year? I don't listen to many full albums but for me it would have to be a tie between Give me the Future by Bastille and Impera by Ghost 3.Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year? Ghost 4.Movie of the year? Everything Everywhere All At Once! Like i don't even need to think about it. Unlike anything ive ever seen, so interesting and heartwearming. Excellent performances and costuming 5.TV show of the year? Oh man this one is touh bcs i had 3 shows ive been obsessed with this year…. Our Flag Means Death, Severance or Interview with the Vampire 6.Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you? Not defined the year but the best ep of anything ive seen this year was the the season finale ep of Severance. It was so excellent at keeping up the tension for the entirety of the ep. I was pacing and yelling and restless for the full length of it. Just amazing storytelling of everything coming to a head and the editing...my god!!!
7.Favorite actor of the year? I don't care that much about actors to have a fave of the year 8.Game of the year? I was a teenage exocolonist. Just finished my 4rth playthrough and i think i may have 2 more in me bc i want to see different outcomes/choices 9.Best month for you this year? Idk they sorta all blend into one? But December is when i have 2 weeks off work and also the weather is beautiful and sunny so im going to say that and not think about it too much.
10.Something that made you cry this year? A friend was never available to see me despite my multiple attempts to meet up and even though i didnt mind for a lot of it, eventually it started hurting my feelings. 11.Something you want to do again next year? Go on a mini vacation. I took a week off work to visit friends in Tasmania and i think i would be nice to visit some other place next year as well. 12.Talk about a new friend you made this year? I think we'd chatted a little on twitter and also possibly met irl once? But anyway yeah i formally met and befiended the partner of a friend and we rly got along! 13.How was your birthday this year? I went to this super expensive viking themed restaurant ive wanted to go to since 2019! Food, drinks, service, all excellent. I was dressed to the nines in my sequin dress and after i went for a little night walk around the city. It was gr8! 14.Favorite book you read this year? A nobleman's guide to scandals and shipwrecks by Mackenzi Lee. The Montague siblings series is such easy reading for me so i had a fun time! 15.What’s a bad habit you picked up this year? Forgetting to take my acne medication but i also took steps to prevent that so were good now 16.Post a picture from the beginning of the year Actually the first pic i took in 2022
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17.Post a picture from the end of the year
Food from yesterday (27/12/22)
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18.A memorable meal this year? Oh i already mentioned my birthday dinner so instead ill mention the brunch i made for my friends when i visited them in Tasmania.I was going to make eggs, bacon, homemade flatbread and some other stuff but my time management was off and it took me sooo long to make everything.In the end it was more like a lunch than brunch^^; But everyone was so patient with me and in the end the food was yummy and everyone liked it and we played dnd and had a great time :) 19.What’re you excited about for next year? Going to be getting a new phone and also....idk i havent made any big plans but i look forward to the little moments of joy and indulgence that will come. 20.What’s something you learned this year? Im sure theres life stuff i learned but what im psyched about is learning how to make scones. Its so freakin easy!!! 21.What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year? After living here for about a year,i decided to finally put shit up on the walls of my room.Paintings and fairy lights and i plan on having a little colection of magpie prints too.It rly lifted my mood and brightened up the space. 22.Favorite place you visited this year? Oh man i was just stoked to visit Tasmania and see friends! I need to travel more bcs i love seeing new places. 23.If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be? Do not catastrophise when someone upsets you. Just sleep on it and then act. People sometimes are stupid and thoughtless,not secretly malicious. 24.Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions? I usually have a few and some years i end up completing them, other years i dont. This year my only resolution is to comment on people's art more. Thats fucken it. 25.Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one. Many actually bcs aside from various ocs, i run some trp games where i make 10+ npcs for. I guess one would be Winnie an npc i made for a game who i put so little thought in. Like i needed a character to fullfill a certain role so i recycled an old oc design and gave her like 2 personalty traits. Then though as we played, we all ended up liking her way more than id planned so anyway now she's in the queue to be an upcoming pc for a dnd campaign (with a slight redesign)
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starcasticallyyours · 9 months
Jan 4, 2023 - a lovely day!!
I just had a really good day today that I want to make sure I remember so I'm making an honest to god blog, a straight up rambling diary entry. Just like I used to on LiveJournal, wow.
I do not expect anyone to read this. I just want to remember my lovely day. It was filled with nostalgia, good food, history, productivity, genuine exercise(?!), photos, and of course, BTS.
I've been on holiday since December 30th because I have a benevolent boss (perks of working at a small company) who lets our annual leave spill over a tiny bit since it's still "Christmas" break. I was socially engaged the nights of Dec29/Jan1 as well as the afternoon of Dec30, plus I was furiously writing updates for the DnD ficlet collection since it was Tae's birthday and trying to finish up Ch1 of the Regency sequel, Pirate fic, whenever I was at home during this time so it did not feel restful at all. It was only on Jan2 where I could pull a Kim Seokjin and completely sequester myself at home and veg out -- woke up at noon and played Stardew Valley for like, 6 hours. Jan3 required me to be a functional adult again so I cleaned the flat and tried to hash out the pirate fic before realising it was going to take wayyyy more work, so I've earmarked Marryat and Forester books to check out from HK Central when I go to CWB on Saturday. (Apparently Jimin has a massive Dior ad on the Sogo screen, so I will also be going there after my haircut. Whoo!!) Which brings us to January 4th! A Thursday. Historically, Thursdays have been good to me and this was no exception. I woke up later than I intended, around 10 AM, and then the sheer pleasure of being in a comfortable bed without needing to be anywhere stretched my lie-in to 10:30. After the basics of room tidying and washing up, I had leftover pasta for breakfast and played In the Seom while waiting out the 30min I'm supposed to have between eating and taking my Chinese meds. Then it was washing up, getting dressed, packing up the devices after charging them all morning to give myself a little day trip to...
Kowloon City! My childhood 'hood. And now that I've moved back across the harbour, pressing play on The Most Beautiful Moment in Life: Young Forever while walking out the door meant that by the time I got out in Sung Wong Toi station, my earbuds were appropriately blaring Ma City. (Okay, I did repeat Run because that's my favourite title track.) I made a beeline for Islam Food because I haven't had delicious halal Xinjiang cuisine in forever except I was an unfortunate bee with poor scent receptors since I forgot where it was and ended up looping around Nga Tsin Wai for a while... we were on Converse High by the time I found the resto, that's how long it took. At almost 2 PM was nearly full but not proper crowded, and mostly with older people which is par the course for Kowloon City. As a single I got a tiny table in the corner immediately and ordered a classic beef patty + bok choy and tofu soup. If I were with a larger group, I would have also gotten mutton xiaolongbao, scallion pancakes, and a curry so I will have to drag some people here again soon. Food was prompt and only $65 so I was done eating in 20 minutes tops.
Thanks to climate change, it was a balmy sunny afternoon so I stuffed my jacket into my backpack and headed on over to KCP. It's changed a LOT since I was a teenager -- no Park'n Shop in the basement selling eel and chicken rice boxes for $20 anymore, sigh. But I did get a Coco Milk Tea (half sweet, less ice) for $22 which is a VERY good price nowadays, you can't get anything in Central under $27 minimum ($30 on average) for example and it doesn't even taste as good?? But armed with my delicious tea, I was ready to go out the other way into Carpenter Park, which looks literally the same as when I was a kid. I spent a solid decade running around this park. There isn't a bouncy dinosaur anymore so I know it's not exactly the same, but the bicycle paths are the same, the rock garden where Sam filmed his lightsabre battles is the same... and Kowloon Walled City of course is the same.
...from when I was a child, not when it was THE Walled City. (Once, when everywhere at school was occupied, our drama class rehearsed our play in the Zodiac garden much to the tai-tais' collective chagrins.) Full disclosure that I actually came here in mid-December as well to gather inspo and info for my piece for the Ma City zine which is set in 80s KWC, so this time I didn't go look at the exhibits and just went straight to the chess garden since that's the only spot with tables. I set up my laptop and finished the piece to the soundtrack of construction, which I find very appropriate considering the topic. We don't get planes howling overhead anymore, so this will have to do.
Last time, I had to meet friends islandside for dinner so I actually walked up closer to Wong Tai Sin to take the bus but this time, it was only 4:15 and the day was just for me, for me! So after taking some pics in the bonsai garden in honour of Namjoon, I walked back to Junction Road and that was when I started taking pics for nostalgia -- down the street towards Ho Man Tin for the hundreds of times we ran for the bus stop, then up towards Munsang where my old school campus used to be. No, I didn't go to Munsang, I am very clearly an Intl school kid and we were across from them. The buildings are connected to Bethel Seminary which is Grade II protected so still there. I started walking up Junction Road towards Lok Fu when I saw the Stone Houses and stopped by.
These buildings weren't open when I was a kid; I remember passing them but hardly taking notice. Essentially, they are remnants of the oldest tenement buildings in the area, now refurbished as a cafe and museum. The server in the cafe immediately offered me a menu most kindly, but since it was 4:30 and I was already full on tea I politely declined. Checked out the museum though which is small and all in Chinese, no English, but I think the photos and maps would still be worth it for a non-reader. The whole thing strongly reminded me of the Mei Ho House museum and cafe too, even with their menu which is very Hong Kong cha chaan teng-esque. AND they have wi-fi!! So I'm totally planning on coming back for another writing session.
Since it was barely evening, I decided to hike Checkerboard Hill. Back when Kai Tak was still operating, the only way pilots could land planes was to come from the west, over Tsing Yi and Mei Foo Sun Chuen and barely across Kowloon City. With all the urban area underneath, there couldn't be proper signals so what they did was paint an enormous red-and-white checkerboard on the west and south sides of this hill to let the pilots know it was time to make that sharp 47 degree turn into the harbour airstrip. I distinctly recall being a preteen standing in the middle of the asphalt football (soccer to all y'all Yanks) pitch in Kowloon Tsai Park squinting up and thinking, "Why is it painted like that?" Later as a young adult, I found out. Now in my early 30s, I was going to actually go there.
Now ever since my former regular dance studio became a Covid cluster in 2020 and I also joined a choir whose rehearsals took its place on Monday evenings, I am far less fit than I could be. This was evident when I started up this hill -- which was NOT HARD at all, I am just pathetically out of shape. It took less than 15 minutes to reach the summit garden, where I did another confused bumblebee loop looking for the checkerboard and instead found: the electricity station, the weather station, some diligently preserved water tunnels from the 1940s-60s, and an irate woman screaming and swearing at a couple who accidentally took their dogs into the no-pets zone of the park. With the dulcet notes of "diu! bak po!" echoing behind me, I snapped some lovely views of Lion Rock then surreptitiously googled how to get to the checkerboard, discovering that indeed I was supposed to clamber over the stile and carefully tread the VERY narrow ditch outside of the fence (with a super steep slope studded with trees not a foot to the right) to get there.
So I did and the view was beautiful!! I was lucky to reach it at the twilight hour with an orange sun tinging everything as it moseyed on down to the horizon. Facing south you could see all of Kowloon City, all the way to Kwun Tong and Kowloon Bay on the left and Yau Tsim Mong on the right! Directly in front was even the IFC across the harbour. Directly below, Kowloon Tsai Park and those very sports fields from my youth. Somebody named Zach was playing tennis because his partner kept yelling encouragement, but I felt if I cheered "Yeah Zach, you can do it!" back down at them it would be creepy. So instead I took a lot of photos here, including some selfies on the middle layer smack centre of the checkerboard in which it was clear that I truly need a haircut which will happen under Jimin's watchful gaze in CWB come Saturday.
Finally, I climbed down the stairs and was sorely tempted to jump a gate to get into Kowloon Tsai because I know that park like the back of my foot (like, not SUPER well since it's been a long time but I would not get lost; I've run cross country around this park so many times) but in the end was a Good Honest Civilian and went back the way I came. I was feeling incredibly nostalgic at this point, so back on Junction Road I popped in my earbuds and replaced BTS with the Used for that extra mid-2000s angst. Spotify understood the brief and fed me Taking Back Sunday and Yellowcard while I followed the usual path through Morse Park, the way my almost-first-boyfriend Darren taught me in middle school. His favourite band was Jimmy Eat World, so it was perfect. With the memories of Preston's dad teaching me to play baseball on the artificial turf and when Grace came with me to Jusco so we could buy Neopets tamagotchis, I descended into the MTR and took the train home.
(At my stop, I got groceries including sushi for dinner, which I ate while watching Beyond the Star then after a break, took a massage in the chair while playing Stardew because my body is already paying the price for my impromptu hike today. Then I wrote this down before I could forget everything.)
It was a wonderful day, truly. I did everything I wanted to do and a little more, and I know what I want to do again when I inevitably come back. Hong Kong is changing because everything changes, but being in Kowloon City felt like nestling into a warm divot in the blankets. Like Joon said, you couldn't pay me millions to want to be from anywhere else. Like Hobi said, the heat will get to you but it's charged with the passion of its people. I'll be riding and dying in ma city until there's no other choice, which I know is sooner rather than later but for now, it's still Ma City.
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ginanddonuts · 10 months
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It’s been a minute since I did one of these, but in a year that started with the death of a legend , and saw music infrastructure fracture even further into hyper-niche corners, I found myself more engaged than I’ve been in a while with new rap. Maybe the sheer impossibility of staying on top of everything freed me up to just hear what I hear and rock with what I like, or maybe I just finally burnt myself out playing Starlito tapes on repeat and needed something to switch it up with, but picking 50 was actually kinda tricky. Who knew?
In alphabetic order. Got em’ in a YouTube and an Apple Music playlist for easy listenin'
Armand Hammer - Y'all Can't Stand Right Here (prod. Steel Tipped Dove & Messiah Musik) AyooLii - Shmackin Town (prod. 2PHONENOAH) Baby Osama - Only Girl in the NBA (prod. ?) Babyface Ray ft Los & Nutty - Luh Tyler Flow (prod. TanaFyeThatShitUp2) BabyTron ft Luh Tyler - Kai Cenat / Old Days (prod. Hokatiwi) billy woods - Rapper Weed (prod. Kenny Segal) Bobby Too Tact - Real Facts (WhoRunItNYC Performance) (prod. Lowkeymali) 2HUMPY x 2RARE - 2HUMPY Anthem (prod. 2HUMPY) Certified Trapper - Over Seas (prod. Certified Trapper) Christ Dillinger - Ima Go Out Fighting Like King Von (prod. Seepy) Connie Diiamond ft Jenn Carter - Ghetto & Ratchet (prod. DJAaronOnDaBeat & Milan Made It) CrackWhite - Black Pain (prod. RAN) Danny Brown ft Bruiser Wolf - Y.B.P. (prod. SKYWLKR, Kassa Overall) DJ Fresh ft E40, Larry June & Dreebo - Pop My Shit (prod. DJ Fresh) Earl Sweatshirt - Making the Band (Danity Kane) (prod. Evilgiane) FLEE - Hunnibun (prod. Natt Carlos) Gabe 'Nandez - Long Reach (prod. Argov) Ice Spice - Deli (prod. RiotUSA) IceColdBishop - Last Night (prod.BREGMA, Jeremy Uribe, David Emanuel & Bubbs) ICYTWAT - Black Card (prod. Rocco Roy) Jay Hound ft Jay5ive - Ukraine (prod. DoubleM) Kari Faux ft Devin the Dude - DOG (prod. Phoelix) KARRAHBOOO - Running Late (prod. Gentlebeatz & Yovng Blake) Key Glock - In And Outta Town (prod. BandPlay & Hitkidd) Killer Mike ft. Future, Andre 3000, Eryn Allen Kane - Scientists & Engineers (prod. André 3000, No I.D., DJ Paul, James Blake & TWhy) King Vision Ultra ft Lord Kayso - Media Training (prod. King Vision Ultra) Maiya The Don - Dusties (prod. Pliznaya & Derrick Milano) Maz G x AyooLii - Jack TAP (prod. AyooLii) Niontay ft Earl Sweatshirt, El Cousteau, & MIKE - Real hiphop (prod. Tony Seltzer & Vinny Fanta) Noname ft $ilkMoney & billy woods - gospel? (prod. Gaetan) NR Boor x OT7 Quanny - Body 4 Body (prod. Pyro-Z5) Oodaredevil - No Regular (prod. Cade, Giannii) Paris Texas ft Kenny Mason - DnD (prod. Paris Texas, Dilip, William J. Sullivan, Julian Ali, Romil Hemnani) Rent Check ft Baghead & Vazh - Full Court(prod. Baghead) RXKNephew - Matching moncler (prod. Warheart) Sexyy Red - Shake Yo Dreads (prod. Kat Lightning & AyoCBass) ShyBelligerent-Trynna Make It Out (prod. SheeeshJon) SieteGang Yabbie - Everybody Eats B (prod. 500K?) Smokingskul - Blue Zan (prod. Pdf) Stonedda5th - Changed (prod. CYOUNGBEATZ) That Mexican OT ft Paul Wall & Drodi - Johnny Dang (prod. TobiAli) Tisakorean ft Sunny Galactial - uHhH HuH.mP3 (prod. TisaKorean) TREE x Vic Spencer - Suede on the Roof (prod. CJ the Kid) Treety - "Making Love" (prod. Blaqnmild) Valee ft 03 Greedo (prod. Harry Fraud) Young Nudy - Pancake (prod. Coupe) Young Thug ft Slime & Lil Goth - Hoodie (prod. Southside & Metro Boomin) Zelooperz - 4Inju (prod. Carlo Anthony) 41 - Run That (prod. Touchamill, Jake Krumm, Kshawn Van Huner & Hunter Tomeo)
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