#dnd doran
coffee-or-murder · 2 years
🍆 for... Olly, Danya, and Labon; 🌽 for Lemon, Ursula, and Tadhgan; 🍑 for Dealer's Choice x 3?
This one got longer then the last one lol so under the cut!
🍆Does your OC have any favorite form of affection, physical or otherwise?
Olly - This dork is very affectionate, but he doesn’t want you to know he’s actually soft as an uncooked dough. He is very fond of receiving physical affection, and if you give him any gift to matter how small he will treasure it literally forever. He has a whole drawer in his office dedicated to little knick knacks his sisters and cousins have gifted him, including a whole bunch of little rocks from baby Lemon. 
When he’s testing the waters of being friendly with someone he’ll start giving little gifts. Mostly extra bits of food, making sure their drink is topped off, the occasional pastry shoved in their hands and a grumpy “I am not carrying your ass back if you pass out from not eatin. Eat.”
Once you’ve reached the friend level he’s more physically affectionate. Smacking an arm, dragging you into a one armed hug, lightly shoving you out of the way, gentle roughhousing. He also will show more of his awful dry sarcastic humor. If he’s sad he takes a lot of comfort from having his head in someone's lap and playing with his hair or scratching around the base of his horns. 
If you manage to reach romance level with him. Congrats! He will now only be able to sleep properly if he’s touching you in some way. 
Danya - Any and all affection really. Danya is not picky about the affection she receives because she’s just so excited to have it at all, but her favorites to receive are for sure quality time and physical affection. Hand kisses, someone sharing their craft with her, and just existing in the same space are all very high on her list. She tends to show her love with gift giving, words of affirmation, and physical affection. 
Labon - This fool is all about receiving physical affection. A kiss on the cheek from Durhil will sustain him for hours. Once his feelings are returned he’ll curl around or beside Durhil in either form. Biting is a form of affection, but it’s never hard and more like a hold than anything else unless she asks of course. He is horribly awkward about it, but he really loves words of affirmation and will save any scrap of paper that said he did a good job or that he’s a good person and squirrel it away to pull out later. 
🌽How does this OC feel about acts of affection? What's their favorite act of affection, physical or emotional?
Lemon: This girl thrives on affection, and looks for literally any scrap of it she can. It’s what keeps her bad feelings about…basically everything at bay long enough to process them or at least bottle them up and ignore them. Lemon does have a pretty strong preference for receiving physical affection and words of affirmation. Someone wanting to braid her hair, have a snuggle/halfling pile, or bringing her food are very high on her list of preferred forms of affection. More emotional forms include either listening to someone infodump or doing the infodumping, collaborating on projects, being a soundboard for ideas, or trying to keep her safe. She has awful attachment issues and is pretty rejection sensitive because of her parents, but also struggles with having deeper emotional bonds with people she does care about because that means she’s a burden and they’ll leave her behind. She’s unfortunately quick to trust people who show her any affection like ignoring what exactly Flask might do with that many baby mimics because she’s been Nice and is helping Sugarcane lol
Ursula: Affection for affection's sake is a weakness. It should be a tool to gain favor. That said she enjoys receiving gifts, and does take pleasure in quality time with the people she deems as suitable company. 
Tadghan: This boy is so damn awkward with physical affection but does enjoy it. He’s pretty handsy with his friends and family, gentle roughhousing and the occasional bit of snark, but he’s really big on quality time! He and Lemon used to spend hours in the forge while he worked and Lemon curled up with Aodhan, his drake, reading or researching. If you use him as a soundboard for thoughts/ideas/etc he’d be thrilled and do his best to help however needed. Big on either doing or receiving acts of service. 
🍑What sort of traits does your OC look for in a Significant Other? 
Tsisia: Cici is big on getting to know someone as friends before she wants to jump their bones. Someone with a good sense of humor, who doesn’t mind that she can get a little bit rambly from time to time, gets along with her family, tall and handsome helps a lot too. She’s looking for someone to match her vibe and wants to laugh with her. 
Doran: Not the one he currently has that’s for damn sure. Before everything happened he was attracted to smiles. Someone who was a little bit goofy, but who still had his back in a fight. Nice arms, strong jawlines, able to talk to fill the silence since he was pretty reserved even before he got married. He tended to lean toward kind of class clown type people. Doran is a bit of a secret romantic, and does like big gestures, especially if they take into account the courting rituals of his home. Some of them are quite romantic to him and he was looking forward to them. Now after he’s been married he just wants that to end but feels trapped because of internal politics. Doran just wants to be able to trust a partner again but has accepted he’ll never get that again and focuses on his work. 
Lonan: Currently he thinks having a romantic partner is a waste of time. He is busy trying to research and develop new spells to better understand magic. So demisexual it takes at least three years of knowing him before he even starts to maybe have a crush on someone. If he did have a crush though, it would be on someone who can match his level with arcana and have the drive to learn so they can be a partner in research and life. Someone who fills in the spaces he lacks, like his lack of social skills or more worldly knowledge. He wouldn’t admit to it outloud, but being an introvert cooped up in a wizard school for most of his life may not have been the best thing, even if it did get him away from his parents. He’s unfortunately a bit of a social hermit and tends to piss people off without meaning too because he’s too direct. 
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bluebrush09arts · 4 months
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On the trend of pulling my ocs to a new world, the Sanicorns! Doran, Cassian and Isenya were fun to figure out. tbf had two of them figured out already just never drawn because I wasn't sure how I wanted to bring over their traits. But I did a little homebrew of my own and made them their own unique brand of Aasimar to keep their fancy horns and tails (once in a while anyway)
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laughing-gunslinger · 10 months
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Some drawings of one of my favorite DND ocs of all time, Fern Doran! She’s a Life Cleric and Archfey Warlock hexblood :3
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ROs Dnd Characters
MC is serving as the DM in this improntue dnd campaign
Royce: He and his siblings would be matching races just for the heck of it. He'll play High Elf who strictly stuck to Fighter and took the Champion subclass. Just a pure fighting machine. He tried to include an oversize sword like Guts as his main weapons but ended up using it as a last resort. They did try the sword with Marianna which led to his character getting knocked out by his own weapon.
Douglas: He's also a High Elf who went into the Wizard class and took up War Magic. He has a complex about not being like his twin so decided to try to be the same thing but more like what Douglas would do. Might take a dip in the Artificer class for some inventing. Got their everything beat by Marianna in their first meeting.
Amanda: Reculantly took the High Elf since she can't resist both Royce's and MC's puppy dog eyes. She took the Bard class for her character but couldn't decide between College of Valor or Glamour. She ended with Glamour to offset her combat centered siblings and it seem like it might be fit. They ended in a brawl with E in their first meeting which led to her brothers' characters getting beat by Marianna.
Marianna: She took the Variant Human for free feat and language. Her feat was poisoner feat sense it's a core part of her character. She took the rogue class for its versality and for the sweet sneak attack. She choose the mastermind subclass since it seem to fit what she wanted to play as. She doesn't care as much about the game but it is fun to uncover mysteries with Ji-Min's character especially if it's a juicy story.
Edward/Edith: They also took the Variant Human to match with the Yorks. They took the Vamprism feat to have an interesting backstory for him and his sister. They ended up as a Gunslinger Fighter since it fit with the aesthetic they were going for in the character. They have taken to invoking the DM's wrath a couple times due to abusing the system.
Juste/Justine: They ended up playing as a Half-Orc who was train under the tutelage of a renown warrior. They took the Way of Mercy as another offset with the Lanshire's own characters. Basically keeping E's and Marianna's character's on the straight and narrow. It's an inside joke that they should've been just been a paladin. Which is fueling a future plot point for the DM.
Lucero: They went the Aasimar race with the ability to grow wings on their back from a subset of abilities. They ended up as a Cleric but it has become a frequent trend that their loyalities or worship changes depending on the situation or what restrictions is holding them back. Currently they're in the Twilight Domain. Traveling with P's character as a duo sent by their church.
Ji-Min: They just went with the halfling since they had more stealth options than the dwarf and just wanted to get the short jokes over with. All in good fun but still a bit of a sore spot for them. They ended as a Inquisitive Rogue since they want to be the lead investigator on the team. They might take a dip into Ranger for some of it's abilites. They've been traveling with the Lanshire's characters.
Doran/Deirdre: It was toss up between the Changeling and Fey for them. They ended up with the Fey but homebrew that takes inspration from their Celtic folklore. Which is making MC's job more fun to say the least. They multiclass into a Fey Wander Ranger and Circle of the Land Druid. It just seems to fit in their mind. They're the last one to join the party.
Paul/Palina: They're a Goliath since they wanted something that was cold and it just seemed like a cool race to play. They had homebrew a socerer class that makes the character an Oracle who can see visions into the future. However the ability is similar to Wild Magic and can end with results straight from That's So Raven. They also multiclass into a Grave Cleric. They travel around with Lucero's character.
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5ecardaday · 2 years
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Doran, the Siege Tower
This is one of three pages just posted on my Patreon. If you’d like to see the rest, support what I do, find free pdf’s for my content, get insight into my design process, and access to other exclusive homebrew content, feel free to check out the Patreon link on my page.
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tweedfrog · 4 years
Alexander Siddig was wasted as Doran Martell. What a great actor playing a great character and D&D wasted it all.
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silverskye13 · 3 years
Like 30 hours left of work on this piece and I've already binged the entirety of Adventure, They Wrote :')
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night-zaveri · 4 years
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Affes party members! If you have questions about any of them ask pls
(Bonus tiny affe:
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13leaguestories · 3 years
What would you say are the character alignments (like, that dnd thing?) of the TOA, Insight, and FTC ro's?
*cracks fingers and then actually hear them crack and just cringe*
Throne of Asks
Nour: Lawful - Chaotic Neutral (can sway towards both honestly)
Ruben: Chaotic Good
Ozara: True Neutral
Zarik: Neutral Evil
Makaio: Neutral Good
Isaak: Lawful Neutral
Averill: Lawful Good
Thorne: True Neutral
Tsintah: Chaotic Good
Numira: Chaotic Neutral
For the Crown
Asher: Chaotic Good
Esther: Neutral Good
Lord Doran: Lawful Evil
Heir Terryn: Lawful Good
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themilokin · 4 years
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Got tagged by @frenchy-and-the-sea for a super cute picrew! 
I made a bunch of dnd beans (or what I could of them, because some things can’t translate)! In order is:
-Defiance, my Tiefling Illusion Wizard and chosen of Umberlee with too many monstrous familiars and weird fey creature’s she’s befriended because SOMEONE HAS TO LOVE THEM. -Luce Doran, a Cursed-Marked Human Vengeance Paladin with unreasonably bad luck unrelated to his curse who decided domestic terrorism was an a-okay way to deal with his problems and regrets it. -Theo Falcras, Half-Elf Creation Bard with an arcane horror of a bestie. Dumbest boy in my repertoire and a secret prince on a mission to prove himself as worthy of the throne. -Averi, Wood Elf War Cleric, summoner of holy puppers, one-half of Chaos Squad, and has a metal heart that pumps the blood of older gods through his veins. We think. -Brenton Tannen, my half-vampire/half-elf gunslinger and dm PC. Certified sadboi, getting a little bit better all the time, and desperate to have his guns just work ONE time. COME ON. -And lastly a bean that’s been on haitus for a few months: Bramble Sweetwater (Bram for short), a Shifter Ranger bodyguard with TERRIBLE amnesia and an even worse crush on @phoenix-failing’s Twilight Cleric noble, Katia. Yes we’re doing the noble-and-guard romance trope. Yes we’re dying.
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coffee-or-murder · 1 year
First-lines-of-fic meme!
Tagged by @beingatoaster and I am......so late because I just learned how to search for people tagging you in things sorry lovely >>’ 
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway / Most of these are dnd fics, but some are fanfic I’ve been noodling with yes Sig I’m getting to them leave me be you mad little beastie you
1. "Lemon was nearly breathless from dancing between strangers and friends and back again, the magic in her gut simmering low and pleased and warm.” ((Burning, Lemon centric drabble about her crush on Cael and why she’s so damn ashamed about it))
2. The conservatory was always Rosalind’s preferred place to conduct her daily routine of large meetings, grandchild wrangling, morning and afternoon teas, and one on one discussions. ((Teatime, Rosalind confronting Ursula))
3. “Lemon! I’m not leaving you!” Isgrac called back as she ran ahead. ((The Sewers, Nightmare of the parties time in the sewers that just....refuses to be finished idk why))
4. Tadhgán wasn’t sure if he’d done something truly awful in a past life, or what deity he’d crossed, but he really did not understand why the Bakhouzin family felt the need to keep threatening him. ((Danya’s Request, Tadhgan gets a letter from Danya requesting a meeting at her estate))
5. “Lemon’s gone Doran. Left town a week ago with Bells for her own fuckin safety. Her own mother did this to her.” ((Tidbits, Benji talks to Doran about Lemon’s situation. Well rants mostly.))
6. Panic settled in the pit of her gut like a stone. Her breakfast tray sat in the little cubby beside the door to her lab, loaded with food and a pitcher of hot water, but there was no note. ((Unnamed intro to Bell’s (an important NPC’s) backstory, was going to be posted as part of a homebrew campaign that crashed and burned >>’ ))
7. He was used to not being noticed, despite being nearly six foot five in massive clanking orange and silver armor. ((Moments Past, Robin/Kellum/Donnel fic that I’m writing purely for myself lol))
8. The air of Tuchanka burnt his lungs when he stepped off the transport. ((The Flame of Tuchanka, a Wrex/Shepard story taking place during Mass Efftect 2-3 with flashbacks to 1 that Sig keeps bullying me about >:( ))
9. The motorcycle raced down the narrow road leading down into the valley, its headlight casting strange shadows against the tall trees arching over the cracked pavement. ((Doesn’t have a name yet, super in production. Stardew Valley with a protag focusing on the magic/mystery side of the game with Seb romance))
10. Commander Jane Shepherd of the Ferngill Republic Special Forces was an interesting woman. At least, everyone in the valley assumed she was. ((Also unnamed Stardew Valley/Mass Effect crossover, done entirely as a dare by one of my beta’s who said they bet I couldn’t figure out a way to cross over the two and have a Harvey romance. I’ve been using it as a pet project of genre mashups and how they can work together. Mostly having fun pictuing a retried Shep settling down to farm and romance a cute doctor lol))
Tagging whoever wants to do this! Everyone I would have tagged on tumblr ie the whole dnd group who writes was already tagged I think XD 
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bluebrush09arts · 11 days
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With Edwin gone, disappearing with a weird magic horse, and the resident vampire lord very angry, the rest of the party needed to get out of Umbermount fast. Otherwise they might end up Harcourt's next targets.
They showed up in the town nearest the castle and happened to spot a fellow outsider with a horse and cart, and when they approached he readily, and unprompted, offered if they needed a ride out of Umbermount with no request for payment or anything. Just get in and they'll be on their way. A little odd perhaps, but in this case Stranger Danger is less dangerous than the pissed off vampire.
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thehauntedmiracle · 3 years
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This is a drawing of my first dnd character. She's a human bard and actually does have a name :) Bonnie Doran
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is pedro pascal a yt latino
I mean that was the million dollar question when he was casted in game of rapists well he had always, before got, played white adjacent characters, or safe latino characters with not actual hint to his ethnicity or race before the show, comes got and guess what? the thing is it doesn’t actually matters because he wasn’t cast for being a brown man, he was cast because he was safe spicy and exotic enough for the likes of the rapeloving showrunners of GoT, and that’s really it
Dorne isn’t based in a multicultural landscape or some bullshit like the stupid ass show made it out to be with Oberyn’s daughters, if anything Oberyn’s paramours and thus the daughters were meant to show his tastes in women, but when it came to the actual Dornish, all should have looked close to Ellaria or darker but with features like that as well as Doran’s.
Pedro Pascal shouldn’t have ever been a choice in the first place, not one of the daughters shown of him should have been cast like that either. Hell Dorne should have looked for like the slaves Dany freed, there are a few white houses like the Yronwoods, but they are reviled and keep to their shitty mountains.
The slaves of Dany in turn should have looked like what Dick&Douche tried to make Dorne to be because the books actually leave clear that a lot of slaves are white since they are sold into sex slavery from birth and taught to be lovers like Doreah, a handmaid of Dany, weirdly enough Essos is much more a multicultural landscape, although here and there you can see Martin’s racism specially with the “barbarians”, or the people in charge of the slaves.
But going back to Pedro Pascal, it doesn’t matter if he is a yt latino, lil bitch should have never played any Martell, because Dorne is a mostly brown people country that is supposed to evoke middle eastern countries as well as north African cultures, but the minute they were set up as important speaking roles for the narratives unlike Essos slaves DnD decided to gut them, and I guessed was what you were asking since that’s the only context in which I ever speak of his boring ass.
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alayne-stonecoldfox · 7 years
Hi! I'm new to your amazing blog. I wondered what were the top 10 worse storylines/character destruction that you seen in GoT. I'm a new GoT fan who just finished the latest season but felt very disappointed and disgusted by it. I'm baffled how this show keeps on winning so many awards? What season do you think was when everything spilled out of control? I enjoy reading your opinion on this if you get a chance to reply. Also do you use any special tags on your GoT critique? Thanks :) Polly
season 5 was when it went off the rails.
When DnD strayed further and further from GRRM’s outline, it highlighted how much they leant on everything he gave them. Their plots were less plots, and more a season focusing on a few cool scenes, with the plot....cobbled together with inconsistencies between these ‘cool’ scenes. 
They  latched onto their fave characters, ESPECIALLY Ramsey, and played him like godmodding RP’ers with a hard on for their own OC. Same goes for Bronn. They have favourite characters who are above reason and logic and are given bigger parts than I think they should have. 
Sansa’s arc and character progression got double backed on to her suffering under a psycho again. she got away from joffrey, the show runners promised we would have sansa starting to play the game, new sansa, sansa with agency, sansa growing from what happened to her...but no. they sent her back into the hands of another psycho. to get abused a whole other season. they talked the talk but never walked the walk with making sansa a character have power. its not feminism, its not girl power, its all shit writing.
Stannis got shafted. Again, for Ramsey. It also touches on the fact that they RUSHED some plots so bizarrely. Stannis went from a level headed man who strategised his moves, to sacrificing his daughter in what? a couple scenes?
made a complete hash of the iron born plot. cutting damphair and victarion but including euron? the entire sense of eurons character is built through damphair and victarion. Its why show euron doesnt work, no ones invested in him, theres no sense of fear from him like there is built up in the books, especially since DnD spent SO long on ramsey, how did they think they can cram in a season worth of build up to make someone seem worse? they cant.
the shit show of Dorne. it just felt like they didnt care. Ellaria and Doran and the sand snakes. They couldnt be bothered to delve into Doran, and really what did they have to work with when they didnt have arianne as his motivator and key to his master plot? but then they DID want to focus on how sexy the sand snakes were. yeah, the male audience will get tits, and the press release will cry FEMINISM because female fighters! Amazing! String them along until we hastily kill them off! They didnt really want these characters, they didnt factor them into the ending, there was no payoff, they were complete filler. Rushed and sloppy filler. DnD didnt care, so the audience didnt care.
I have to go to work so im going to cut it off here, but really....bad choice after bad choice just spiralled out of control. the show got bigger, the hollywoodisation became more apparent, shoehorning ‘these tumblr buzzfeed crowd like feminism right?’ into storylines WHILE lacking any actual feminism or progressive content, it all just became vapid, empty, big fights, less plot, badly thought out narratives and characterisation that jumped all over the place.
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macbethz · 5 years
I need your hamlet help I need to draft a stage that can’t be bare and I dont think we can move set pieces on or off im not to big of a hamlet fan due to one of my theatre classes but I have a very foggy idea to start off the it’s a thrust stage so all of up stage is an 8?ft stone walk way for the start of the play and when hamlets father begins to explain what happens And I have a platform with some transparent fabric draped on poles around it so that the audience 1/2
May see through that would be used for the play inside a play its HEAVILY inspired by the “weren’t you listening he’s praying” hamlet dnd comic I can’t find any description of character interaction with the set so I don’t know what else I should put other then chairs2/2
Uh im not exactly sure what you’re asking or why you’re asking me other than the fact that I like hamlet lol but imo the cleaner stage the better. I’m not a fan of shows that go over the top with set dressing, especially with Shakespeare when the focus is on the language.
 a transparent curtain for the play within a play is a cool idea that I’ve seen in a production of Midsummer as well, but it might be fun to reuse that for Claudius’ murder, further tying together the parallels between the play within the play and actual play. 
In terms of actual set dressing I think the number 1 good theater set dressing is just like. fun wooden structures/platforms. It keeps it generic enough that they can be used for anything but lets your actors play with different levels so the whole play isn’t just people standing around and talking lol
Other than that idk I don’t know enough about your production to say. I’d recommend looking at some other productions for inspiration (i rlly like Gregory Doran’s) or even just other plays in general that you think look cool lmao
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