#dmc5 fluff
she-daemon · 1 year
Office worker AU - Nero x Fem Reader - Chapter 2
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Previous chapter here
Nero answers the phone, they go on a date, yeah End of this chapter gets spicy
Okay okay so I haven't written anything in months (sorry for not posting in like 3 months) but I'm finally back!!! Since its been a while my writing should hopefully be a little better, or at least the smut should be (I have done a lot of uhh *research* lately)
Slight nsfw at the end!! You have been warned!!
After briefly listening to the dial tone, you heard someone pick up.
"Office of Nero Sparda, state your business please..." Its a woman's voice. You're disappointed it wasn't Nero, but its normal for someone like him to have a secretary.
"Hello, this is Y/N of _____ corporation, I was hoping to schedule a progress report meeting with Mr. Sparda ... possibly tomorrow?" Good, you said everything correctly.
"Just a moment please..." You heard her receiver brush against something, and you assumed she was checking Nero's schedule. Hmm. Nero's secretary. Jealous thoughts started to intrude into your mind. You waved them away, but the thought of being his secretary instead of her persisted. Imagine being so close to him ... being in his company all day ... all the things the two of you could get away with. Your thoughts were interrupted by her:
"Sorry, but it seems Mr. Sparda will be busy all day tomorrow. In fact, he doesn't have any available time slots for the rest of the - " Something interrupted her, and she got off the phone again. Was he busy for the rest of the month? Week? You listened closely. Suddenly, you heard a man's voice in the background:
"Who is it?" You heard her say your name, and then shuffling on the other end. Someone spoke.
"Hello? Is this Y/N?" It was Nero. Just hearing his voice talking to you made your heart leap.
"Yes, its me. Your secretary said you'd be busy, so I was wondering when we could arrange a meeting to discuss the progress report?" You knew it was far too early for Nero's team to have made any real progress on the project. Hopefully, he'd get the message.
"Well, I am busy the entire day tomorrow. But maybe I could take overtime and meet you for dinner. How's that sound?"
"Wonderful. I'll see you at Dorsia's." you gleefully replied, "Do you think you could manage 6?"
"Hmm, maybe 7?"
"Oh, okay, sure. I'm free the whole evening to be honest. The whole weekend, even." You cringed a little from how desperate you sounded, but you swore you could hear Nero's lips curl into a smile at those words.
"Guess I'll have to take a look at my plans and maybe take you up on that offer." Thank god he took that with a stride. And after a brief silence, he said:
"See ya then." And hung up. You processed that call, thinking over your brief interaction with him. If you weren't feeling all these stupid, fluffy emotions, you would've been worried about flirting over the work phone, and eavesdroppers. But Nero had you dumbly smitten with him and you were just paranoid anyway - right?.
It was still around midday, so you couldn't get off work just yet. Your mind drifted back to the secretary fantasy. You knew it was impossible to be his secretary because you were busy working for your father. And that was just temporary, until you took over the company anyway. And Nero's company was just an affiliate, you couldn't be transferred even if you wanted to. But still, damn if that wasn't a hot fantasy.
*~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ The next day around 7 *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~
Wearing your nicest (and possibly most alluring) clothes, you entered the familiar high end restaurant. You've been here before for past meetings, but this day was special. 
Looking around, you're almost afraid you won't find Nero. But there he is, dressed in a nicer suit than the one he wears for work, a dark shade of navy, almost black, and a matching light greyish-blue tie. You meet eyes with him and he waves to you, signaling you to join him at a booth.
"Hey, glad to see you here, I just got off work." Nero looks so happy to see you, it fills your heart with joy. You make sure to greet him and let him know you feel the same. You talk about the "progress" of the project for about a solid five minutes until the waiter showed up to take your orders. For yourself, you decided to play it safe and order a Caesar salad with a medium rare steak. Simple, yes, but hopefully still dignified. You didn't have to worry about that for long, because Nero ordered pasta - plain spaghetti and meatballs - and you nearly choked on your water. As if it would save face, the both of you decided to share a bottle of wine, courtesy of Nero (but you were definitely going to pursue Nero for his food choices later).
The two of you were illuminated by the warm yellow lighting of the restaurant. You took a sip of your wine and leaned in toward Nero.
"So, Nero, I saw  you have the same last name as the CEO of your company - Vergil Sparda. Are the two of you related? His nephew maybe?" Nero gave you a questioning look, before responding.
"Ah, you caught me. Vergil's my dad." He surveyed your face for a reaction, and he saw your eyes widen as you connected the dots. The two of you were in the same position, your lives were essentially the same. Trying to build your own career in the shadow of your parents, shunned for who your family was. "Oh, that makes sense. Guess we're in the same spot then. Small world." You could barely contain your excitement, you had so much to talk to him about.
"Haha, as much as I hate it, nepotism really does rule the world." You wanted to know more about Nero - so you asked:
"So how has that affected you or your life? Or... what do you think of it?"
And the two of you fell into a deep conversation about your lives, your pasts, and relating to each other. You really did have a lot in common with Nero. His father had also brought him up to take over the company some day, he also hated his business classes for being too easy (he had graduated a year earlier), and most importantly, the both of you had felt the same loneliness and isolation as a result of being next in line. But now it was clear you had each other, whatever that might imply.
Finally, the waiter returned with the long awaited food. As promised, he handed you a beautifully plated salad beside a tender steak, with various garnishes and sides, and for Nero, a heap of saucy spaghetti and meatballs. They actually made it for him! It still shook you. As a businessman of his level, you never would have expected Nero to order simple pasta and meatballs. Sure, this is an Italian restaurant so it's a valid choice, but still. Not only that, but as he was eating, Nero got sauce all over his mouth, his chin, even a little on his cheeks. Honestly, it was the most adorable things you've ever seen. Besides puppies. But he was kind of a puppy too. Hearing you giggle, Nero stops just as he was scooping another round of pasta and looks up at you.
"What?" he asked cluelessly. 
You didn't say anything, just looked at him, smirking, amused. But he really had no idea.
"C'mon, seriously." Now he was grinning too. It was infectious.
"... you have pasta sauce all over your face." And for a moment he froze, genuinely surprised.  Laughing, you reached for a napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth, like a little kid. It was too much for your heart.  Doing this you froze, with your eyes locked on Nero's, noticing how much you had leaned toward him, how close you were. Nero's cheeks burned a little red, and he averted your gaze. You quickly moved your hand away and blurted out: "Oh! S-sorry about that, I don't know why I did that. It just seemed natural."
"No, no its fine, that one's on me." But there was still an uncomfortable, bashful, silence. "Is there a story behind the spaghetti and meatballs?" You interjected, cutting the silence short. It was almost like you flipped a switch, because Nero's face lit up enthusiastically and he began to explain how it was his favorite food, how he'd been eating it since childhood, how Kyrie used to cook it for him... Wait, Kyrie? *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ A few hours later *~ *~ *~ *~ *~ *~
The two of you decided to head to a bar, after the restaurant nearly kicked you out for sitting there so long.
Nero was a bit of a lightweight, you had noticed, and you could see he definitely had his share of alcohol for the night. So did you.  "I think we've both had enough for tonight. " "Mmmyeah." Nero slurred. Unlike you, it seemed like he had a nice buzz going. Lucky him, because you only felt woozy. The two of you hailed a taxi, and it quickly became clear that you were going to end up escorting Nero to his home. The two of you entered the taxi cab, and as Nero barely managed to tell his address to the driver, you worried that this whole thing was too forward, but it was too late to turn back. That, and Nero was glued to you.
"Aww, you were gone for so long~" Nero crooned into your neck, half tipsy, half asleep. "I missed you~..." The warm breath tickled your neck, and you had to suppress a little squeak from escaping your lips when you felt his mouth just barely graze your skin. That was new, and it was nice.
You kept looking at his chest, his tie coming more and more undone with every drunken sway of his, seemingly shifting with the movements of the car. It was so ... distracting. The looseness of his suit exposed his chest, and when you tried to straighten his collar, Nero pulled you in for a hug. Nero gets clingy under the influence - noted. And it was getting to you. You could feel Nero's warm, shapely body, and the sleek fabric that outfitted and outlined it in the most delicious way. Not to mention you hadn't been hugged in years. Damn if it didn't feel good - almost too good, a blush spread to your face and you couldn't think of anything to say. Not that you needed to, since Nero occupied himself with saying strings of gibberish that faintly sounded like praise. You could only pick up words like "nice" and "warm" in his purring, until you felt Nero's weight shift onto you. He had fallen asleep. He left you there, frying your brain for the rest of the ride until the cab pulled up to a large apartment complex. You woke Nero up, much to his dissatisfaction, and paid the driver. You led Nero out of the car and into the complex, sternly holding him by the arm to support him. After a few steps though, he was flush against you, and it was almost like he was enjoying this - not that you secretly were too. Maybe his whole "tipsy" thing was just an act.
Walking him to the elevator, it seemed like Nero had sobered up a little from the fresh air, recognizing his surroundings and selecting his floor once the two of you were inside the elevator. 
 "You doing all right there Nero?"  "Hmmm...?" He blinked sleepily, not as buzzed as before - just tired.
He unlocked the door with his key, given a few clumsy tries as he worked his way through the wooziness. You stifled a giggle, and Nero murmured as he opened the door:  "What's so funnyyyy...?"  "You're such a lightweight, Nero." Hearing this, Nero scrunched up his face and swiftly turned away his head, pouting.   "No I'm not."  "Admit it, you were almost wasted after two glasses." You smirked, satisfied from drawing such a reaction from him. You wanted to poke at him a little more, but push far enough and you might find boundaries.   "I. Am not. A lightweight." He huffed, eyebrows furrowed, and it seemed like he was a little hurt. Did you hit a nerve? Okay, despite how cute he was, now you felt bad. You walked up to him, and cupped his pouty face with your hands.  "Okay, okay. You're not a lightweight Nero." You tilted his face so his eyes would meet yours, and you squished his cheeks a little.  "Better?" Just as you were about to pull away, Nero grabbed you by your shoulders, and leaned forward to kiss you on the lips. Shocked at first, you received the kiss, pulling on his lower lip and biting gently. You wondered if you should be doing this at all, but Nero let out a sigh and continued to kiss you - and it felt so good, so right. Nero pulled you close, and you felt your body grow heated, bothered from his hand gripping tightly at your waist. Eventually though, you both pulled away for air. Nero smugly showed you a shit eating grin, his lips a slight pink - thoroughly kissed.   "Now that's better."   "Oh yeah?" You tilted your head. "Are you gonna forgive me for being a bully?" You leaned your face toward him, gazing into his eyes. With a dark look in your eyes, you continued: "And there's really nothing else I have do to make you feel better?" You could see calculations running in Nero's head, and he suddenly picked you up in a princess carry. He took you into the bedroom and the next thing you knew he had put you down on a soft bed. You were sad you weren't in his arms anymore, but only for a moment because he leaned down to kiss you again, one hand sifting through your hair, the other squeezing your hip.  "I think you already know-" He said as he brought his knee to the apex of your thighs, suggestively brushing it, " -what you have to do to make me forgive you." His eyes looked back up toward your face for a reaction, and you noticed his erection pressing against your inner thigh.
There it is! I'll try to get the next chapter done as soon as I can, and the promised smut will be in it ➳➳➳➳ I only managed to proofread once or twice at 1 am so sorry about grammar and inconsistent spacing, yeah
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cupidscrule · 8 months
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Why can't he kill my dad :(
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icycoldninja · 6 months
the DMC boys (Dante, Vergil, Nero, V) finding out reader is pregnant???
Sparda boys + V x Pregnant!Fem!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Freaks the hell out--not out of disappointment or anger or anything like that, but out of excitement.
-Immediately starts researching dad jokes so he and Vergil can have a "dad-off" to see who can be cornier.
-Also helps you decorate and stuff, giggling and laughing the entire time.
-Talks a lot about his plans for the baby; how he wants to be a better dad than his was, how he wants to prepare it for demon hunting, and how he wants to train it to insult Vergil on sight.
-He's also got a whole-ass list of pranks to pull with the baby prepared, from chucking water balloons at your unsuspecting neighbors to TP-ing the neighborhood houses.
-Other than that clearly childish mischief, Dante's already rocking the "middle aged dad" vibes so he'll do fine.
■ Vergil ■
-His first thought was: "Oh no, not again."
-Vergil was legitimately afraid of having another child after what happened with Nero and his unknown mother, however, you managed to convince him that this would be different and that you wouldn't be going anywhere.
-Vergil had a lot of nightmares and troubled dreams the next few weeks. Though his heart wanted to believe you, his damaged mind had other plans, which it revealed to him in the form of horrible visions.
-With your help, and a lot of time, he got over these dark thoughts and began to see the light in having another child.
-Though he wouldn't dare speak it aloud, Vergil was convinced that the baby would reunite the Sparda family once and for all: Nero would finally have a sibling whom he'd want to visit, allowing Vergil to spend more time with his son, and since he, Nero, and the new baby would all be together, Dante would naturally join in and the boys could be bros again.
-After having that revelation, Vergil became noticeably more excited for the baby's birth.
□ Nero □
-Nero is excited but terrified.
-He's more than happy to learn you're expecting, but since he's so young, he's worried he won't make a good dad. You'd think he'd ask his parents for help, but no...he never knew his mom and his dad is less than pleasant.
-So, what does he do? Nothing. He puts his hood up and sits on the couch, doing nothing in tense silence.
-After an hour or so of brooding, he decides, fuck it, he's gonna wing it and be the best dad the Sparda bloodline will ever see.
-He proudly announces this fact over dinner at Devil May Cry, eliciting mixed responses, particularly from the soon-to-be-grandpa.
-You and Nero will be excellent parents who raise a happy, healthy child, he'll see to that.
● V ●
-Doesn't even know what being pregnant means, and can you really blame him? The only piece of literature he's ever read is William Blake's poetry, it's a miracle he can tie his shoes. Oh wait, he wears sandals.
-Griffon knows, somehow, and explains what it is. The minute the realization dawns upon him is the minute his eyes widen, his mouth drops open, and he nearly passes out.
-A baby, a real life baby is brewing gestating in your tummy and it's his?! He helped make life!? What?!
-V is ecstatic! He can't wait to read this baby bedtime stories, sing it lullabies, and rock it to sleep.
-Even his familiars are preparing; Griffon is ready to give it a light show with his magic and Shadow keeps bringing dead birds as gifts.
-V might be a complete noob when it comes to living life, but hey, so is your baby, so they can figure things out together.
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fluffyweeby · 6 months
*Crawling out from under my rock* 🪨
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Another comish!
And again from a lovely @thornoisdono 💜
Stay hydrated everyone! 💜💜💧💧
*Going back under my rock* 🪨
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bitterlycursedstars · 11 months
Short fluff/smut.
Vergil x Fem!reader
Word count: 576
Summary: Vergil sneaks into your room late at night while you're sleeping to express his feelings to you in a certain way.
(Predetermined relationship, not r*pe)
Devil In The Night
You fell asleep on your side, but rolled over onto your back sometime in the night. The sound of your door slowly opening made you stir in your sleep, but didn't fully wake you up. No, the feeling of someone sitting on your bed and wrapping their hands around the underside of your thighs did the trick. You immediately lifted your head with wide eyes and looked down to see him between your legs, pushing your thighs up to your chest as he settled between them. The moment he saw your eyes open, he covered your mouth with his large hand.
  "Shh..." Was all he said as he shifted his hips slightly, rubbing his hardness against your underwear, which elicited a small gasp from you. You tried to shut your thighs, but he kept them forced open with his hips as he moved your underwear to the side with his free hand, exposing you to him. You closed your eyes and let out a soft whine as you felt long fingers slowly entering you, subconsciously arching your back.
"If I let go of your mouth, will you stay quiet?" He whispered, raising his eyebrow. All you could do was nod frantically while his other hand continued teasing you. He slowly moved his hand from your mouth to rest on your thigh. "Good girl."
The hand that was resting on your thigh moved down to join the other one, teasing you, while this one stroked your now-swollen bud. You arched your back a little more and bit your bottom lip to stifle a moan as your thighs instinctively tried to snap shut. You dug your nails into your sheets and began to pant softly, doing everything in your power to hold back your moans.
"You have been a good girl, haven't you? I believe it's time for your reward..." He slowly pulled his fingers out of you, only to replace them with his aching member with a soft groan. This time, you couldn't stop the small moan that left your mouth. Your hips instinctively bucked up against his to take every inch of his throbbing member inside of your slick hole.
"Vergil..." You whined softly before his lips collided with yours, cutting you off from saying anything else. One hand of yours buried its fingers in his hair, while the other dug its nails into his upper back, causing him to moan into your mouth. His hands also found their way into your hair, gripping and tugging as both of you moved in sync, the pace and intensity gradually escalating as the heat built up inside both of you.
Your tongues danced with each other, occasionally vying for dominance amidst the moaning and groaning. Your legs tightened around his hips and your movements became more and more erratic. He knew it would not be long until you came undone for him. He smirked and bit your bottom lip before whispering into your ear.
"Lose yourself to me, my princess. Show me how much you love me..." You felt his warm breath and his soft lips grazing your ear, and that was all it took. You tugged his hair hard and nearly drew blood from his back with your nails as your walls clenched and unclenched around his member. He let go of your hair to instead grip your pillow tightly as he spilled himself into you, letting his body tell you what he was unable to.
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racco · 2 years
Hello this is my first request.. I was thinking could you Worte whenever you have time a Vergil x Fem/GN reader where he shows care to reader after battle in front of Dante and Nero leaving everyone speech less?
Vergil Sparda x fem!reader PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION
Hi sorry for being gone so long! I see you asked for an after battle story but I felt like writing 2 versions! I hope u like them both
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♡care after battle♡
It had been a long and grueling battle, one that left Vergil Sparda and his girlfriend, [Reader], battered and exhausted. They had fought alongside Dante and Nero (surpringly their presence not necessarily minded by vergil) taking on an army of demons that threatened to overrun the human world.
As the dust settled and the last of the demons fell, Vergil turned to [Reader], concern etched on his face. "Are you alright?" he asked, taking her hand in his.
[Reader] smiled weakly, still catching her breath. "I'm fine," she said, squeezing his hand.
Vergil's eyes softened, and he leaned in to kiss her forehead. "I'm glad," he said, relief evident in his voice.
It was a small gesture, but one that didn't go unnoticed by Dante and Nero. They exchanged a look, surprised by the usually stoic Vergil's display of affection.
"Uh, what's going on here?" Dante asked, his eyebrows raised.
Vergil ignored him, instead turning to [Reader]. "Let's get you out of here," he said, taking her arm and helping her to her feet.
As they walked away, Dante and Nero looked at each other in shock. They had never seen their brother act so tenderly with anyone before.
"That was...unexpected," Nero said, breaking the silence.
Dante nodded, a thoughtful look on his face. "Yeah, it was. But I guess it just goes to show that even someone like Vergil can care about someone else."
As they made their way back to their base, Vergil kept a protective arm around [Reader], keeping her close to him. It was a small gesture, but one that spoke volumes about the depth of his feelings for her.
And as they walked, Dante and Nero couldn't help but feel a newfound respect for their brother (and father lol) , who had always been so distant and reserved. Maybe, they thought, there was more to Vergil than they had previously realized.
♡bonus story♡
Vergil had always been reserved and focused on his goals, but there was one person who had managed to break through his tough exterior: his girlfriend, [Name]. They had been together for several months now, ( which is hard to get to as is) Vergil found himself more and more in love with her every day.
One day, as they were walking through the streets of Red Grave City, Vergil and [Name] ran into Dante and Nero. Dante greeted them with a grin, but Nero looked a little uncomfortable - he still wasn't entirely sure what to make of Vergil.
As they chatted, Vergil noticed that Dante and Nero kept glancing over at him and [Name]. He could tell that they were curious about their relationship, and a part of him felt a little self-conscious.
But as they continued to talk, Vergil's love for [Name] began to overcome his reservations. Without thinking, he reached out and took her hand, interlacing his fingers with hers.
At first, [Name] looked surprised, but then a smile spread across her face. She leaned in and rested her head on Vergil's shoulder, and Vergil felt a warm sense of contentment spread through him.
Dante and Nero both looked a little taken aback by the display of affection. Dante raised an eyebrow, but then he grinned and clapped Vergil on the back. "Well, well, well," he said. "Looks like little bro's all grown up." (Vergil is the older twin lmao)
Nero looked a little uncomfortable, but he didn't say anything. Vergil could tell that he was still getting used to the idea of his father being back in his life - let alone having a girlfriend.
But Vergil didn't care. For the first time in a long time, he felt truly happy, surrounded by the people he cared about. And as he looked down at [Name], he knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, no matter what challenges they might face in the future.
As they continued to walk through the city, Vergil kept holding [Name]'s hand, and she leaned into him with a sense of contentment. Dante and Nero continued to chat with them, but there was a new sense of respect in their eyes, as if they had a newfound appreciation for the love that Vergil had found.
In the end, it was [Name] who broke the silence, squeezing Vergil's hand and looking up at him with a smile. "I love you," she said softly.
Vergil felt a warmth spread through him, and he leaned down to kiss her gently. He knew that there were still battles to fight and enemies to face, but with [Name] by his side, he felt like he could take on anything.
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twinksrepository · 8 months
A prick of sorts
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Rating: PG
Pairing: Dante X F!Reader
CW: Innuendo, foot rubs
Word count: Roughly 300 words
A/N: You're tired and Dante tries to be help you relax. A quick Friday night blurb.
You hiss as his thumb presses too hard on a sore spot near the arch of your foot, slapping the side of the couch. “Too hard.” 
A snort and the warm fingers shift down slightly and you let out a sigh of relief once more, practically melting into the couch cushions. “Never thought you’d tell me that Doc.” If the pillow wasn’t under your head you’d have thrown it at the man currently rubbing your feet. “You’re being picky tonight.” 
“Cus I’m tired, I spent the entire day on my feet. They’re sore.” Tossing your arm over your face trying to block out some of the light shining in. Only to squeal at the sudden pressure along the ball of your foot. “Dante!” Comfort be damned as you shoot up and grab the pillow to swat at him. 
Laughing at your attempts as the demon hunter uses his arm to block your onslaught, wrapping his fingers around your ankle and tugging you more into his lap. “I wish you’d squeal like that when I’m doing something else to you.” Letting the clear innuendo hang in the air before grabbing the pillow from your hands and tossing it to the floor as he wiggles his eyebrows at you. 
“Maybe if you had something small to prick me with.” Laughing yourself as Dante picks up the pillow from the floor and smashes it into your face. 
“Keep that up and you won’t be getting pricked with anything.” Tugging you more into his lap as you swat against the pillow before finding your faces close together and seeing a glint of mischief in his blue eyes. 
“It was a compliment!” Squealing even louder when his hand presses into the same spot again with his free hand.  Funny story. You do get pricked later.
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deadlymagicbeans · 2 years
May I please request fluffy domestic headcanons for Sparda boys? Just quiet home life with their SO, they deserve it so much :'-)
**Hey Anon! it'd be my pleasure! these boys deserve a long nap and some cuddles as their lives are so chaotic haha. Thanks for requesting this! - Bean**
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Devil May Cry: Dante, Vergil, Nero Domestic Headcanons with their S/O
*Gender neutral pronouns for S/O*
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Considering he's out for jobs a lot to pay the bills, when on his off days he's very laidback and not wanting to do anything at all. Most of the time he's begging his S/O to come lay with him when they're up and about, He's a cuddle monster and will not let his partner go once he has his grip on them.
Loves the quiet moments he gets. whether him and his S/O be cooking (aka forcing him to save money instead of spending it on pizza much to Dante's whining), laying in bed watching old reruns of corny romance movies with them or just spending the day away doing nothing at all, he cherishes them. He's a very busy man and has seen the horrors from literally hell and back, so for him to spend a day doing nothing and to be around the person he loves the most it gives him a glimpse of a life of normality he craves oh so much.
Wants to wake his S/O up with breakfast in bed, as you know it's what a normal domestic couple would do right? but every time this man sleeps in way past 1pm to the point he gets briefly upset if he finds out his S/O was up before him which spoils his plans. (he's catching up on like 20+ years of sleep, he's knocked out cold.)
Loves to take bubble baths, it's a luxury he didn't have until he had his shop (and when his water bill is paid), but only saves them for times when he can share them with his S/O and cause you know water ain't cheap?
Overall he loves the quiet home life him and his S/O have when life isn't constantly trying to throw deadly demonic curveballs at him but he wouldn't change it for the world.
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Relaxing? Vergil? no chance, this man is always up and ready to pounce whenever the next threat or fool tries to challenge him. But with a S/O he will calm down just a tiny bit but still always on high guard.
When he's truly comfortable, he seeks to be alone. but the only exception he'll accept is with his S/O, Most of the time it's him sat reading a book with his S/O fast asleep hugging him.
He has a stash like Dante. but this time it's books, piles and piles of Books. You won't find him reading any romance novels anytime soon though as he finds them in his own words "Distasteful".
He isn't the best at a normal domestic life as he's pretty much never had one up until now. The concept of a "day off" is absurd to him, there must be no time off in the seek for greater power... but that can wait for a few hours while he stuck to the bed by his S/O's demanding cuddles (get this man to sleep, he needs it).
He would never say it out loud but he secretly loves to spend time with his S/O alone in those peaceful moments, gives him a small life outside his normal life (if you could call it normal). Heck even over time he might open up to his partner more and more with his physical touch and life. (only alone that is, if anyone else comes in *Cough* Dante *Cough*, Vergil immediately is back to his normal standoffish self)
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Nero is the only Sparda family member with the most normal balance of hunting and home life than the other two, so overall Nero spends the most amount of time in his off time with his S/O. but it still isn't that much.
Wouldn't confess it it publicly but he loves the closeness of domestic life, too others it may seem mundane but to Nero? it's the closest he'll ever get to a normal life and he'd be damn sure nobody will interrupt it.
Loves doing stuff for his S/O, like cooking (also i see Nero being the only one not to burn down a building by just turning a oven on), chores etc. his outward appearance may him him grumble but this man will want any chance to be around his S/O more.
Nero loves to cuddle or do anything that involves the chance too, sleeping? yes, watching a new series together? also a yes. but ever try to bring it up in front of anyone else and he'll deny any of that happened (Everyone knows he's lying).
Doesn't have a "stash" like the other two but loves video games, he has a small collection of games he personally enjoys but unlike the others Nero is willing to let his S/O play a game or two while he watches them. He thinks it's cute to watch them rage at a boss fight, just don't get him to do it because if he finds it hard then he might have to buy a new remote.
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phonkscribes · 1 year
He'd anticipated that you'd get injured, one way or another. Demons have a pension for wanting human blood, either spilled for the sake of feeding or just for the sake of taking it. What could you do in retaliation of the inevitable? Weaklings get crushed, by that of which is stronger than they are, and Urizen was power absolute. He should've seen to your disposal himself, as insignificant as you were to his plans. Though there is something that is so perplexing about you that hinders your eventual demise. There is something that even he cannot ignore.
Or, Urizen crushing on a GN! Reader and rushing to their aid.
He's convinced that it will pass.
Like a dull ache or the bite of hunger after having starved, but even those things require something to be satisfied. What could he need of you? You're a human, a mortal. The only thing that you could grant him is an easy meal. You, who is so insignificant to the king, would stand no chance. You would die before you could even process what had happened.
"Is that so?", you had asked, feigning confidence with a face that dared to smile at him.
Urizen reaffirmed, even if he didn't need to. You believed the behemoth as he sat upon his throne. He could hear your heart beating so quickly in your chest that he was surprised it hadn't leapt out of your throat and pulsed on the floor. It's a fitting reaction. All humans should cower before him, they should recognize that he is their superior in every shape, way, and form.
And yet you stood in front of him.
What pushed you to act so defiantly? What motivated you to speak to him with such impudence? He desired to know, perhaps the only other thing he desired aside from the fruit of the Qliphoth. The demon looked down upon you with that hint of irritation in his guarded gaze, a great many of his eyes fixating on your small figure. It was one of the few things he pondered when it came to you: your confidence and why he was allowing you to live while in his presence. Perhaps it was because you weren't a real threat to him, something that could be dealt with in an instant if he willed it. Maybe he just found you amusing, the way that a jester entertains a king.
Subconsciously, he had began to think of you as such.
When you'd journey through the demonic tree just to see him, he found himself becoming still, straining his ears to pick up on the sound of your heart. Amidst all of the inhabitants, yours was the most distinct, the quick pitter-patter that echoed when you ran and fought the lesser beings after your mortal blood. You'd managed to appear before him quite a few times, so it never crossed his mind that you would ever be in any real danger. That meant that you were formidable enough to come to him unscathed. Though something unpleasant struck his ears as he sat, rooted to his seat.
He thought he misheard, the sound passing, until something rich met his nose. It was a scent he could recognize, a fragrance that only belonged to one soul he knew.
Well... what did it concern him?
You were unlike that of any other mere mortal. You were the jester that came through to visit him, to entertain the king of hell. Your laughter grated his ears, like nails on a chalkboard, such an irritating sound. Such a pest... and yet he listened. When you went on about matters that did not concern him, he held his ears open, he took them in and remembered them against his wishes. The quickness of your breathe when you dared to approach him also was quite prominent in his memories, the way you were careful with your words and how you paid attention to the way he'd narrow his gaze at you with contempt.
Your demise should be the most entertaining act of them all, watched and observed with bravado, but that was not the case for the king.
He wanted to be there for it, to see it himself. If there was going to be anyone to bring you to ruin, it would be Urizen and by his own hands. The demon rose from his seat, summoning the crystalized yamato to his side to carve open a path to where you currently stood. He ought to delight in this, it was something he was convinced of as he stepped through. His gaze was indifferent as he made his grand appearance, your familiar scent wafted through the air, the aroma being another alluring.
There, right there, you sat-- or rather knelt.
The bodies of a few devils laid at your feet, but he could see where you'd been harmed. Your body quivered from the pain, the sharp twist in your side being one that only stung worse by the minute as you glanced at the wine that flowed from the gash made by those terrifying claws. Two Death Scissors materialize as the Qliphoth bleeds them through, the apparitions laughing at your miserable state while their king approaches. Their cackles fall upon your ears as you feel the ground shake beneath you, but you're relieved as you look to see Urizen drawing closer. A quick and painless death would be ideal compared to getting cut in sections or impaled by the scissors of the devils before you. You expect that the king means to crush you to death with a stomp of his powerful leg, or blast a hole through your head with one of his lasers.
He does no such thing, that look of abhorrence remaining in his gaze as he kneels to pick you up. You're so incredibly small compared to him, small enough to fit in his hand like you belong there. Your blood coats his rough palm as he looks at the two demons that float in the air. Urizen dares them to try something, to question his power or to challenge his decision to spare this meager human. The ghosts remain, silent though curious, undoubtedly. Their minds are not capable of forming any coherent thoughts, their only instinct was telling them to kill you and to feed on the blood of your corpse.
And yet... they are intelligent to know what it would mean to challenge the king of hell, the ruler of all demons.
It is why they have the sense to vanish from his sight, less they want their existence to be pointless.
In his hand, he brings you close to his face. Urizen inhales deeply, savoring the way you make his mouth salivate. You watch as he parts his lips to let his tongue slither out and lap at your wound to clean it, as if catching the juices of tender meat right as one takes the first bite. Your taste is more saccharine than anything he's ever tasted before, and the urge to devour you right then and there creeps into his mind like a dull whisper. Your heart hammers so delightfully in your chest, the crescendo of this act. He might've brought you closer to his jaws. What was keeping him from ending your life, from taking that fruit from the tree and savoring it.
Your hands.
Your hands at either side of his cheeks, a feeble attempt at a hug.
It pulls him from his thoughts, and the whisper in the back of his mind quiets itself. It's replaced by the sound of your voice. Even when it's so close to him like this, you speak softly, letting your words be carried like the wind as he holds you.
"Thank you"
Thank you?
A human who thanks a devil... how trivial.
Urizen dislikes the way he can hear you smile, the way that you rest yourself in his hand as your wound begins to heal. His energy was imbued the moment he gave you that 'kiss'. This feeling, it was one he recognized within the husk of his former self. In this form, he thought he was incapable of feeling it, but even now it has him in its sweltering grasp. The king of hell grunts, nearly growling at you, but he says nothing of it. The yamato is summoned again, and with it he creates the gateway to return to his throne. He's taking you with him.
Where you will be kept safe at his side, until he can comprehend why the idea of losing his jester is as insufferable as they are.
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candymothster · 2 years
Dante-| I want to hold you close
what if it was Dante instead of Vergil? Read Part 1
Summary: After the Sparda twins return from hell almost a year later, you and the others push the two to relax after having to fight demons for a long time. Beforehand, you were in a confusing relationship with Dante. He was, clearly head over heels for you, everyone knew, yet he never was able to tell you. Now, you want to help Dante relax, which ends in the two of you cuddling in your bed, he can be quite the clingy one when he’s exhausted.
Content Warning: None Content: Fluff Gender neutral reader Words: 1391
Masterlist💙 Buy Me A Kofi💙
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Since the Qliphoth had fallen, the Sparda brothers were trapped in hell. And with the falling of the tree, has left Red Grave City to slowly rebuild itself over time, leaving the business of Devil May Cry to be quiet. Some jobs here and there from Morrison but otherwise, demon attacks seemed rare now. To Nero, it was a great way to relax for the DMC crew finally. It seemed like a good idea not to stress over demons daily.
But now, it has been a year since the events of the fifteenth of June. Nero has been more stressed about trying to find a way to bring his father and uncle back. You’ve promised to help him but today, you’ve sent him on his way to get some groceries. This was to help get his mind off things and keep him busy. The girls, Trish, Lady, and Nico were also doing some small jobs of their own. Trish taking care of a small demon issue on the other side of the city with Nico and Lady out with Nero.
Lying on Dante’s old couch in the DMC office. You’ve been staying there in your room. Small? Yes. But it was homey for you. With a book in hand, and a warm apple cider steaming away on the coffee table, it was yet another slow day. With the warm smell of cinnamon and a decently clean building, it was Lady’s idea on cleaning the place up while the brothers are gone. In her words Suprise them with a clean home when they get back.
It was getting close to 5 and you had done some dishes an hour ago. A proud smile on your face with the office feeling a lot more like home. But it still felt lonely. The oven beeped, notifying you that dinner was ready and like that, you were back to work. It was strange: too quiet not having Dante joking around and being, out of character around you. You, and well, everyone knew he was head over heels for you, hell thinking about it makes you smile, yet, breaks your heart.
“Don’t worry doll, we’ll be home by dinner time.” He smiled before leaping off the edge of the dying demon tree.
You still get shivers thinking about it, his voice echoing in your mind. The only thing that snaps you out of your thoughts was the door opening. This prompts you to look back from the newly set dining table with a soft smile. “Nero!” You smiled towards the young man and the women who stood beside him. “I’m glad you two weren’t out so late, dinner is ready--” Your sentence drew out a bit as two more bodies walked through the door. At first, you thought it was some illusion. Whipping your hands on your apron you slowly walked up to the gruff-looking man. “Just liked I said doll, just in time.”
Two hours. Of screaming from Nero and Dante. From, what you could gather in between the yelling. Was that Dante and Vergil had found a safer way of returning without the risk of demon hordes slipping through? You were quite amazed by that fact, all though. One thing couldn’t pass you too easily about the two. They looked like they went through hell. Literally. Both seemed so exhausted. “Dante,” You spoke up, catching the attention of the two. Looking at the two, glancing at Vergil and then back at the Uncle and Nephew.
“You and…Vergil seem. Horrible.” This earned a tired chuckle from him. “When are we not?” You only gave him a look of worry, which causes the elder twin to sigh. He gave Vergil a Come on look and the two started walking upstairs before Dante stopped beside you, smiling. “Thanks for cleaning the place up.” He fidgets with his hands as he looked down at you, you only smile softly at him. “It’s no problem. Just don’t mess it up again.” He only laughed it off and headed upstairs to clean up.
You couldn’t remember the last time you watched Dante eat like a starved dog. The building was, finally lively again. Yet Lady and Trish kept nagging and nagging the brothers to relax the next few days before going on jobs. Dante only argued like a child but you could tell he needed to keep himself busy after a year of fighting for his life. You kept a good eye on him. Even after that shower, he looked…tired. Heavy eyebags hung under his warm blue eyes. He glanced over at you, which earned a soft smile. His face warmed and he went back to his light-hearted argument with the girls.
After that wonderful dinner, you stood in the kitchen cleaning up, the dishwasher running, and the rest of the pots being cleaned by hand. Movement caught your eyes as you looked past the doorway noticing the youngest twin heading up the stairs. Shaking water off your hands you followed him upstairs.
Wanting to check on him, making sure he’s calling it a night early you follow him to his room. Just standing there. The room was, clean. He was surprised. “I wanted to make sure your…hopeful return was comfortable” He looked back, “You did this, for me?” His eyes were soft. Warm.
They just stared at yours, his soften gaze getting ever warmer the more they looked at you. “I wanted you to relax…you and your brother. I wanted to,” Gently, not wanting to startle the man, you slowly walk up to him, taking his arm in your hands. “Take care of you, while you regain your energy and strength.” He let out a huffed chuckle. “All for me huh?” You smiled.
“You should rest.” The younger twin chuckled softly, only to freeze when you put a hand on his cheek. His face warmed, blood flowing through his face. It caught him off guard but slowly, he leaned into your hand, eyes closing in pure bliss, something he dreamed of, a hope that one day he’d pop the question but he’s always worried about dragging you into his mess. “D-Doll…I--”
“I know.” Your heart fluttered as his eyes shot open, confusion (and worry) plastered all over his face. His larger hands cupped yours, as he melted back into your touch. “I’ve known since you left…I love you too…do you understand?” He nodded in your hands which prompted you to gently take his arm, leading him around to the bed. Sliding under the warm comforter, you held your arms out to him. Dante slid in, burying his face into your chest, and wrapping his strong arms around you.
A long, low grumble came up from his chest, as he sighed. “That lifted a load off my shoulders.” He joked, inhaling your scent. You chuckled softly, putting your hand on his head, and gently combed your fingers through his hair. “I know you worried about me getting hurt being your fault.” He looked up at you, a stern look on his face. “Am I wrong?” you chuckled.
“Heh..no.” Your hand slid down, meeting his cheek. “You don’t have to, trust me.” Your voice changed to a whisper, as you leaned closer to him. “Let’s not worry now doll…right now, I want to hold you close and never let go.” His lips meet yours, you sighed into the kiss as you wrapped your arms around him. It felt like forever till you broke the kiss. You slid down under the comforter and leaned up to his chest.
“Let’s get some sleep darling, you deserve it.” You smiled warmly. Dante groaned as his hold on your body strengthened, mumbling softly before he fell asleep. You thought for a moment. When was the last time the brothers had gotten sleep? Well, a good comfortable sleep. Getting lost in thought, the slight creak of a floorboard caught your attention in the doorway. There stood the other Sparda brother, looking to the side before back at you. Slowly, you lift the comforter, showing the white hair of his brother. He smiled and nodded before leaving the two of you in the quiet room.
You smiled to yourself and kissed the top of Dante’s head, before falling asleep. Knowing, tomorrow: will be even more amazing with what you have planned for the two of you.
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she-daemon · 1 year
Office worker AU - Nero x Fem Reader - Chapter 1
By: User_1
-- business suit Nero got me thinkin ---
Synopsis: dmc office worker au ft Nero - fem reader is high up the corporate ladder, working hard on her career - but who knows who she'll find at the office?
This chapter is SFW, just fluff and backstory.
I'll continue this in chapter two, it will get NSFW eventually.
Warnings: Mild bullying, negative relationships w/ family, mild childhood trauma, bottled up feelings
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Your family lived a modest and respectable lifestyle, despite owning one of the largest mega-corporations in the nation. Your father was the proud CEO of the company, so just like a family that owned bakery or auto-shop, you were next in line to inherit it from your father. At twenty years old, every business trick and tactic in the corporate playbook had been ingrained into your mind since you were a child.
You now worked there part-time between your university's business classes. The classes themselves were mostly useless and dull, boring you to death with things you knew in your sleep. You wanted to work full-time at the company as your father's secretary, but your parents wanted you to have a 'normal' upbringing and finish your classes first.
It was the same old drill, over and over. Wake up. Class. Do the work in a fraction of the time, leave early. Work. Meetings. Endless mountains of paperwork. It was so predictable it was frustrating. You clearly had the talent, so why couldn't your parents let you apply it?
This question plagued your thoughts, and you couldn't help but ask it any time there was a family dinner - which wasn't very often, at least, not anymore. Your father began to grow distant, always busier and busier. Your mother got more nervous and controlling, becoming a perfectionist. She also began to interrogate you about your classes, probing to see if you had met someone there yet. At some point you felt like that was the only reason your parents were keeping you in school. With each exasperated 'no' you gave, your mom would give you a pitied look before pulling out a list of suitors she had arranged for you to meet. You would reject them all, of course, citing the smallest excuses. The truth was, no one really made you feel that way. Romance novels and films just didn't give you the spark it did for your friends. Sure, you could feel physical attraction, but you had never really had any crushes. And its not like you were a robot either, no matter what your friends said. You were human, a normal girl with normal needs. Well, not always normal needs. They could get - unusual - to use your mother's wording, (although you'd never tell her about these feelings). And being single, it was tough to meet those needs, despite your attempts. That was the one issue with your nonexistent love life. You thought these feelings would come to pass as they did before, and you could continue your ambitious career. But of course they didn't. So, you settled for the next best thing: ignoring them. Keeping them hidden deep within you. As the frustrations from school, work, homelike, piled on you, things began to change little by little.
Now, you, the star student, prodigy of all things money, started slacking off, skipping classes, and pushing the boundaries little by little. You always got bored in school, but you never lashed out like this. Before, you had an image to keep. But as the feelings you bottled up festered, things like 'image' didn't matter anymore.
"Y/N? Y/N! Wake up young lady!" You slowly opened your bleary eyes only for them to meet with your professor's angry ones. "Tch." You could feel the professor's disdain, and it was scathing. Things like this started to happen more and more, and people around you changed. Or maybe it was you that changed. The friends you hung out with pulled away, and the other students barely even looked at you. You were always worried your family status would make you the odd one out, but the alienation only started now, after you changed. Now you were cold, and distant - like an ice princess. Princess. There was that one word that summed up your insecurities. When you'd walk around in the halls, you started to hear things like: "she thinks she's so much better than the rest of us, that spoiled little princess" or "she can't even talk to us anymore, we're too poor for her". It hurt to hear this, remembering all the times your parents tried to be like a stereotypical family, despite being so rich. All the times they hushed you and told you to be 'normal'. It stung. You knew it was your fault, acting out like this. But you couldn't help the pain.
~*~ *~ *~ *~ *~
Skipping your afternoon class, you swiftly walked into the office. At school, you were a college delinquent, but at work you were a shrewd, high class woman. Not a fan of business casual, you wore a formal top paired with a black skirt, and your legs alluringly dressed in black stockings and heels. Walking into your department, you felt the many stares and side glances. You thought maybe this was it, maybe you could get some attention, and even get lucky. If you did, maybe your mom would stop bothering you with suitors.
Here, you were like a fish in water. This place was ruled by logic, with intricate plans and regulations laid out. Much better than in college. Maybe people could even understand you here - at least that's what you were hoping. But life isn't like that, is it? It would just be too damn easy.
That's because here, people knew you were the CEO's daughter, and that made them afraid of you. They kept conversation brief, or avoided you entirely - like some kind of forbidden fruit, an untouchable maiden. The princess thing all over. There was no escape from it, not anywhere - and you hated that.
Why can't you be like the rest of them? Accepted? You thought. You shook your head and tried to put it out of your mind. Now wasn't the time to wallow in self-pity. You had a job to do, and really, work was the only way you knew how to save yourself from these thoughts.
Checking the time on your watch, it was only 3 pm, somehow. You could swear you'd been here forever. Remembering your meeting, you gathered your things and joined your father in the conference room. It was brightly lit, with large windows providing a luxurious view of the city. As nice as the view was, you were more eager to land a new deal and secure rights to an affiliate company's project. But your eagerness quickly waned after you finished your presentation. This meeting was going on for hours now, and you were resisting the urge to sleep. And it didn't help that they turned off the lights, closing the window blinds to show the projector screen better. The screen had lots of cryptic graphs and statistics about things that didn't really matter. The darkness, plus the deep, monotone voices, made it take way too hard to focus, even for you. So you started to look around the room. Seems like you're the only woman there. Shame. Everyone else seemed to be a middle aged man like your father, until your eyes landed on one of them. This man was far, far younger than the others, a boy - your age even.
Now this was interesting. Taking another glance at him, he was handsome, with an attentive look on his face. He was dressed in a nice business suit, and his hair, which was spiked and boyish, didn't quite match it. His hair was a curiously silver color, almost white, and stood out in the mix of the either dark haired or bald heads. His pale skin reflected the light of the projector almost like the moonlight.
Taking in his image, you wondered why you didn't notice him earlier. Sure, he was sitting slightly out of your view, but even so, you've been in this meeting for almost three hours! Searching for a name tag, you saw one clipped to his breast pocket. With large letters, it said "NERO". Unfortunately, you couldn't make out the smaller text as he was too far away - damn these overly large conference rooms!
He looked a little familiar though, but you didn't know why. Watching him just a little longer, you got worried that someone might catch you staring and you looked back at the projector screen. But it was still the same boring stuff - and that's when it hit you. This company, Sparda-Tech, was owned by the one and only Vergil. The public face of the company was Dante, his more charismatic brother, but everyone knew the one really running it was Vergil, the CEO. They both had the same unmistakable pale complexion and silver hair as Nero - but longer. Were they related? Maybe he was in the same situation as you. Maybe he could understand your problems. You glanced at him again, only to see him looking back at you, and your eyes met. This unlocked an electric feeling inside you, and blood rushed to your cheeks. His eyes were piercing, a cold blue, with what looked like a green accent to them. You wanted to sit closer to him, but suddenly he looked away. Wondering what happened, you felt your father's hand on your shoulder and he nodded his head in the direction of the screen, and where you saw the proposal you had written displayed. The presenter read it out loud, and then the next few minutes went in a flash. The presenter took his leave, people clapped, hands were shaken, and a deal made.
Finally, that painfully long meeting was over, and in all your exhaustion you felt a little disappointment as you wondered if you'll see Nero again. Or get to talk to him at least. But hope was not lost, as everyone got up from their seats and started shaking hands, discussing after thoughts and feedback. You received compliments from the businessmen on your presentation, and accepting their comments gracefully, you looked over to Nero, meeting eyes again. He came up to you and introduced himself, smiling politely and offering his hand to shake. "Hi. Nero of Sparda-Tech." You took his hand and looked him in the eye, as hard as it was, since seeing him so close made you a little shy. "Nice to meet you. I'm Y/N, My da- -the CEO's secretary." You prayed he didn't hear you stutter, and that you could keep your connection to the CEO secret. But your hopes went unanswered, and he replied: "Oh. So you're the daughter of __ corporation's CEO?" He said it like the idea wasn't very surprising, keeping the same, casual manner. Still, you were quick to respond and explain yourself: "I- I'm a hard worker though, so I hope you don't think I take my connection for granted." Your usual serious demeanor broke and revealed your worry. Nero picked up on this, and without missing a beat he said: "I noticed. That was a nice presentation you had today. Too bad that meeting got so boring afterward - I almost fell asleep." Relieved he took your status with a stride, you giggled, and Nero revealed a smile, glad you had a sense of humor. Somehow the meaningless post-meeting banter was a lot more special with Nero than with other coworkers. Sighing, a silence falls, and realizing you were both staring at each other, you exchanged business cards.
"Well, it was nice meeting you." You reached to shake Nero's hand once more. "I could say the same to you, young lady." As Nero said that, he jokingly took on a dramatic tone, grinning. Your hand stayed on his for just a moment longer. But eventually, even though you didn't want to, you pulled your hand away.
You dreamily watched as he rejoins his team, only to notice your father waiting for you. Worried he could've seen your little interaction with Nero, the butterflies you had dissipated as you felt your stomach drop. You walked up beside him, and tried to distract him with the other tasks at work.
"Next we will be meeting with … and after that you'll drive down to ___ to have lunch with ____ and ____". For once, you were grateful he was so busy. After you finished briefing him, you felt a wave of exhaustion. Spent, you walked back to your office and told your coworkers you're clocking out. One of the female coworkers, Kyrie, gave you a kind smile and waved goodbye. Despite your connection to the CEO, she didn't treat you differently. And even though you didn't get a lot of chances to talk to her, you felt a special connection to her. You made a mental note to invite her out sometime, maybe for a girl's night. Honestly, you didn't do those really. But you also didn't get crushes. Maybe its time to change things up.
A week passed since the meeting, and all you had on your mind was Nero, and contacting him. You had his work number from his business card, but you couldn't just ask someone out over the work phone. That's when you had an idea. Since you're constantly scheduling meetings as a secretary, no one would bat an eye if you met with Nero under the pretext of a formal meeting. After all, he was the lead project manager for the Sparda-Tech group. He might as well be doing a progress report - in other people's eyes at least.
So you picked up the phone, and called the number on the card.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ END ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To be continued in chapter 2!!
Hey guys!! I'm finally back, hope you guys enjoyed this fluff, its gonna get spicy soon!!
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cupidscrule · 8 months
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icycoldninja · 9 months
Fluffcember #14 (Vergil x reader)
Fluff headcannons
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-Reads you to sleep every night, each night is a different book/story/poem. He'll first adjust your pillows, then kiss your forehead, and then sit on the side of the bed, reading to you while holding your hand until you fall asleep.
-Loves to just lie down with you and relax. It doesn't matter what you're doing, or if you're doing nothing at all--as long as you're together, Vergil is happy.
-A very quiet, introverted fellow, Vergil isn't really into socializing and doesn't really say much unless he has to. This leads to the two of you establishing a sort of telepathic communication; you both seem to know what the other needs without saying a word. This can be cute, when you're all chilling at home, or it can be creepy, when you're both in battle.
-Even Dante gets a little creeped out when he sees you and Vergil exchange knowing glances before rushing into the fray--or towards him.
-One of his most favorite things to do with you is cooking. He doesn't know how to cook personally, he just likes being the helper. Like a toddler He'll open jars for you, hand you items off the top shelf, stir things and/or grab really hot bowls from the microwave without flinching. The man's survived years of literal hell, he can take a hot bowl out with no problem.
-Also likes to eat the food you make with him, especially if you made pizza. Deep down, under that stern, stoic exterior, is a wacky woohoo pizza man just like his brother.
-Vergil doesn't like live action movies or TV shows, but LOVES anime and goes completely bonkers over it like a true Otaku. His favorite anime are: Black Clover, Mashle: Magic and Muscles, The Devil is a Part Timer, Date-A-Live (for some reason) and Rent-A-Girlfriend.
-He will listen to classical music in public to showcase how "refined" he is, but secretly likes listening to rock music. He'll never let anyone in on this secret, unfortunately, as he doesn't want people to see how similar he and Dante are.
-Speaking of Dante, occasionally the pizza boi comes over because he upset Lady and Trish--now they're hunting him down and his only sanctuary is your house. When this happens, the twins will get together and have a boys night in the guest room, where Vergil sits in the corner being edgy while Dante steals all your liquor and gets drunk, resulting in loud whooping as he re-purposes your mattress into a trampoline, prompting Vergil to whip out the Yamato and commence with his "Dante contingency plan". Spoiler alert: it's violence.
-Owns a pair of fluffy pink bunny slippers. Nuff said.
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bitterlycursedstars · 2 years
  "You can take the blindfold off now, sparrow." V said as we finally stopped walking. I didn't know where he was taking me, but I could feel the coldness of snow, and feel it crunching under my feet. V's hand in mine was the only warm sensation I had. Filled with excitement, I moved the blindfold away from my eyes and opened them slowly. In front of us stood a beautiful wooden cabin.
  "Oh, V..." I threw my arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around me as well and kissed the top of my head.
  "Come on, love. It'll be warmer in there." He held my hand once more and we walked in together. He immediately began setting up a fire in the fireplace. After he was done, we sat together on the rug in front of the fire. I leaned my head on his chest and he wrapped an arm around me.
  "This is amazing, V. I love you." I sighed happily.
  "I love you too, sparrow." He whispered back to me and kissed my head again.
  "No, V. I mean it. I really love you." I shook my head and moved to my knees in front of him, face to face. He looked confused by my words. I leaned closer to him and placed a hand on his cheek.
  "Hm?" He quietly hummed.
  "You're amazing and thoughtful. You're romantic and sexy." I smirked at him and positioned myself in his lap, straddling him. His cheeks became red, but he quickly relaxed when I wrapped my arms around him. I felt him hug me back and sigh contentedly.
"My heaven in a wildflower." He kissed my cheek and settled his face into my neck.
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DMC5 Guys Accidentally Kissing Reader HCs
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Requested by @danielle-marie​
(A/N:) Thank you for the request! I love doing these headcanons for my readers. They’re really fun to write and are some of my most popular! Buckle in for some fluff everyone cause this is gonna be fun! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
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Dante X FemReader
Dante always teases you, acting like he’s going to kiss you.
You push him away thinking he’s mostly just joking, which he’s actually just trying to hide his actual feelings under his goofy persona.
So you actually never know what he is thinking or feeling cause he always hides everything under corny jokes or a grin.
Dante hides the fact well that the feelings he has for you runs deeper than even he can imagine.
Then the day came that day that he could no longer hide his feelings.
It had been a normal day when the job came in from Morrison. Dante wanted you to stay but you refused.
Dante knew it was going to be a difficult mission but you stayed in and handled it as you normally do.
His adrenaline was pumping at the end of the fight and he wasn’t thinking straight when he wrapped around your waist.
You gasped at the sudden touch before you were tugged into his side and Dante’s lips were on yours.
You stiffened looking at him with wide eyes before Dante regained his bearings.
He released you quickly as you stumbled backwards.
He sheepishly looked down, not knowing how to explain that it had been an accident when you said his name.
He looked up, surprised to see you so close.
“Is that how you feel?”
You kissed him gently back.
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Vergil X FemReader
Vergil always seems to keep you at arms length so you honestly can’t tell if he likes you or just tolerates you.
Every time you get a little too close he puts distance between you both.
It hurts your feelings but you keep the hurt hidden as it would just push him away more.
He throws himself headfirst into whatever he’s doing, especially when it comes to battle.
Demons have no chance when Vergil is before them with Yamato.
You are rarely able to help when it comes to battles.
One day that changed when the hoard you and him came across was proving too much for even Vergil.
He’s too busy trying to keep himself alive that he has no time to check on you.
When he dispatches the last one he turns to find you, only to see you gone.
Despite his cool attitude towards you he cares deeply. So deeply it scares him.
He just doesn’t know how to express himself very well and it comes off as distant and harsh.
But when he finds you laying on the ground, surrounded by demon corpses and your body in a pool of blood. His blood freezes.
He rushes to your side knowing that he just lost one of the people he truly cares about.
Overwhelmed by his emotions and not used to feeling such things he kisses you as he’s scared he’s lost you.
You stir causing Vergil to stiffen and release you.
“Did you just kiss me?”
“I thought you were dead. It was an accident I didn’t know what to do.”
“Well at least that confirms that you don’t hate me.”
I could never hate you.”
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Nero X FemReader
Nero and you have a very special relationship as you both like each other but have a hard time expressing how you both feel.
You both think so much alike you butt heads quite often which leads to arguments.
They aren’t arguments where you come to blows but just over stupid things.
Like if Nero leaves the toilet seat up or you left the milk out on the counter.
You both feel stupid afterwards and wind up making up a little later and becoming close once again.
But Nero has been noticing that his feelings for you are changing more and more each day.
He can’t imagine his life without you and it scares him that one of these arguments would have you storming out of his door and life forever.
Today was one of those times he was the most fearful as you were shouting at him with no end in sight.
He couldn’t remember the reason the argument started but here you were shouting and pointing your finger in his face.
He steps back trying to apologize but he can’t even get one word in as you are on a roll.
At a loss on what to do Nero sudden grabs you, pulling you in, and kissing you quickly.
Cutting off your argument you stand there speechless.
“Did you just kiss me?”
“Yeah. I didn’t know what to do and it just happened.”
“What were we arguing about?”
“I don’t remember.”
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V X FemReader
V is a quiet man and more often than not he keeps his feelings to himself.
So you really don’t know what he’s thinking majority of the time and he’s good at keeping things hidden.
If his attention isn’t on you, it’s on his ever present book of poems.
You were beginning to think that he loved his book more than you.
It made you huffy if he didn’t pay attention to you in a certain amount of time but you didn’t voice your annoyance.
The reason V would retreat into his book is that he didn’t know how to react to the feelings that swirled inside when you were near.
One night you were making tea for the both of you, enjoying a cozy evening inside.
The radio playing softly in the background while V read from the book out loud.
His voice filling the house with deep rich tones that flowed from his tongue.
You found yourself enraptured as you placed the tea cup on the table at his side.
You leaned closer and closer, hanging onto every sentence until you were as close as possible. 
V paused midsentence to grab his teacup but when he turned, your close proximity was a surprise and he found his lips upon yours.
You stiffened and he quickly moved away, not wanting to insult you or think that was his intentions the whole time.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you had gotten so close to me.”
“That’s okay I should have just left your tea and went to sit down. I couldn’t help it as I really liked that one.”
“Would you like me to read it again?”
“Yes please.”
He patted the cushion by his side and you took the offer.
When you sat back down your teacup cupped in trembling hands.
V leaned over kissing your cheek before going back to reading to you.
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dmc-brainrot · 11 months
vergil x reader any gender wholesome cuz i don't think that man really knows what sex is even if nero is a thing
Eternally Soul Bonded
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Vergil (DMC5) x Yamato! reader
warnings: reader is a humanoid version of Yamato, reader is also a bit obssessed with Vergil (mild yandere behaviour?), cussing, a bit of angst, fluff
summary: after opening a portal two decades ago, Vergil has lost his most prized possession, his sword. What he doesn’t know is that it had been reformed as a humanoid somewhere around the world, and that it was ready to be with him again.
word count: 2.5k
a.n: I don’t know if you wanted wholesome sex or just wholesome, but this is what I cooked up. Sorry if it’s a little disappointing? I’ve had this idea brewing for a bit and there’s definitely room for expanded lore, so if you liked this, you can send me another ask so I can work more on this!
It was really cold for a while… and dark. You were used to darkness, but this was a different kind. It was lonely out here. When you came to, you weren’t yourself, and you weren’t with who you were supposed to be. You were alone.
You stood and wobbled, not used to this form… You leaned yourself against the damp walls of the alleyway you found yourself in, and noticed a puddle of water beneath your feet in which you could see your reflection. You looked… human? How was that possible?
Your mouth trembled as if you were trying to speak, but no voice came out. Your head hurt, and you could only vaguely remember two things: You were Yamato, and you belonged to Vergil, son of Sparda. Nothing else.
“It’s been 20 years, Vergil, knock it off, me and Nero already said we were sorry about what happened to the sword anyway, can’t you let it go?” Dante asked with an exasperated sigh, trying to move around the papers and documents Vergil had gathered over the years in his futile attemps at locating his sword.
“Let it go ? You’re pretty foolish if you think I’ll simply give up on the Yamato, Dante, it belongs to me  and me alone.” Vergil snapped back “And it’s solely your  fault that I don’t have it with me for the past two decades, so if you could please at least pretend you’re helping for two seconds.”
“I’m not good at pretending, brother” Dante snickered, leaning back against his chair “Besides, your sword has a connection to you, right? Just like mine? If it didn’t find you now, maybe it doesn’t want you anymore or somethin-”
Before Dante could finish his sentence, he was lifted off his chair by the collar, making the chair fall on the ground. Vergil gripped him tight and firmly, an unforgiving gaze painting his complexion.
“Don’t you dare utter another word out of that filthy mouth of yours” Vergil sneered between gritted teeth.
Dante simply smiled, before Vergil let go of him and walked away, leaving the agency and shutting the doors angrily as he left.
“Where is that ray of sunshine going to now?” Nero asked from the couch as he fiddled with his mechanical arm.
“Probably going to look for his sword in the sewers again or something, he’s completely lost it”
Vergil wasn’t a man to give up on the things he wanted, especially things that were his by right, like his sword. It didn’t matter to him if it had been two days or two decades, he was determined to recover Yamato, no matter what.
After another week of searching in the surrounding areas, going as far as to go through the entire city and the cities next to it, when he was about to turn back, he felt something.
A spark, almost.
And he knew. It was Yamato.
Frantic, almost desperate, he began to blindly follow that spark… bumping into people, getting his boots dirty, it didn’t matter. He had never felt this close to it before.
It was a rare sight to see Vergil this disheveled and unhinged, but there he was, as he stood by an alleyway, hair having come undone, clothes dirty and unkempt. And so he saw it…but his expression showed disappointment.
“…What is the meaning of this?”
What stared back at him wasn’t his sword, but a person. Unclothed, and human. You.
Despite his expression, you felt a wave of nostalgia wash over you, as well as relief. You wobbled towards him, stopping just before him to face him.
“….V….ergil?” Came out from your lips like a shaky whisper, and, as if you had spoken for the first time in your life, you touched your lips in surprise from the voice that came out of you.
Vergil on the other hand however, didn’t know what to make of this situation at all. He stared, his eyes searching for anything that could be missing… but he couldn’t ignore the sensation he felt. This… was somehow… what he had been looking for for the past 20 years.
“…This can’t be… Yamato?” Vergil finally asked in disbelief, visibly struggling to make sense of it all.
Hearing that name made your eyes widen. It felt familiar but also strangenly distant. Was that who you were? Something in you told you yes, but at the same time… it was if you weren’t just  that anymore.
In a flash, memories came forward… The moment Vergil used Yamato to open the portal 20 years ago, and what happened afterwards. How your body broke and transformed, and you were left in that voidless darkness for however long it had been. That changed you.
The information was too much for you. You felt your consciouness waver, and before you realized, you had collapsed against the man.
Once you came to, you weren’t in the alleyway anymore, you were in a bed, and clothed. Opening your eyes slowly, you could faintly hear voices from outside of the room.
“You’ve completely fucking lost it, haven’t you? Bringing in a random homeless person here and claiming that’s Yamato?”
“I wouldn’t have brought a random person if I wasn’t sure, Dante. I’m not insane. I can’t explain it, but that really is my sword. It’s… just… different.”
“Are you sure you don’t need a vision test, brother? Because I sure do not see a sword anywhere in that room.”
“I don’t know how to explain what happened, but the connection is there. I can feel it. I don’t know how or why, but when we met, it… they… recognized me. This can’t be a coincidence.”
“Oh, so let me get this straight, after relentlessly looking for Yamato for the past two decades, you suddenly ‘feel a spark’ that leads you to a dirty alleyway where you find a naked person who mutters your name, and suddenly that just explains that you found what you were looking for? Holy shit, you really did lose it.”
“You wouldn’t understand the type of connection I have to Yamato in the first place, Dante. It lead me to Nero when he took it, and it led me to it again. I just have to understand why it looks like… that.”
“You know what? Do whatever you want, Vergil but don’t get me involved in this. If the police comes knocking by about kidnapping or something, I’m not here.”
You could barely understand what they were saying… but you had a feeling they were talking about you. You sat up, looking at the loose shirt you were given… it had his scent. Your memories were fuzzy and your brain hurt, but you were relaxed… he had found you and that was all that mattered.
After a couple of minutes, Vergil had entered the room you were in, looking thoughtful and rather preocuppied. You watched as he approached you and sat at the edge of the bed next to you. For a few moments, it was silent between the two of you… until he started speaking, finally.
“…Tell me everything you remember.”
You took a moment, something within you made sure you knew that depending on the answer you gave, it’d dictate what would happen next.
“…I was… alone, for a very long time.” You began.
You told him all you remembered… the portal, the darkness, the rift. You couldn’t tell exactly that two decades had passed, but you could definitely tell you had been alone for a while. You told him moments you two had in battle, how you tried to talk to him, to give him strength, to give him more power, but that no matter what, it seemed there was a wall between you that couldn’t be broken, because at the end of the day, you were merely a tool.
You told him how you felt all those times, how you felt when you were apart, but that’s when he raised a hand to interrupt you.
“Stop.” Vergil spoke, clearly convoluted with his thoughts and feelings. “How… do you know about all that? It… doesn’t make sense.”
“…I… have always been by your side.”
“…But you’re not Yamato. I don’t even understand what you are exactly.” He spoke, staring at you.
“…I don’t have a satisfactory answer for you to explain my nature, Vergil.” You spoke rather calmly despite the situation. “…As your tool or not, I had always been capable of feeling. It’s what connected us to begin with. The thirst for power, of growing stronger… it’s what filled us.”
“Stop it.” Vergil stood, troubled. “Don’t talk as if we’re intimate, it isn’t possible we are connected in any way. What do you know about the sword? Where is Yamato?”
“…You feel it, too… don’t you?” You asked, lightly touching your own chest. “…The spark. It’s what reactivated my memories, as well.”
Silence fell in the room again. Vergil simply shut his mouth and turned away, walking out of the room and shutting the door. You stared, leaning back against the pillows and sighing, staring at the ceiling. Truth be told, if you knew of a way to go back to being his weapon, you would do it. But you didn’t understand what was happening to you either. You didn’t know why things were the way they were, but you knew the rift changed you.
You were satisfied with just being by Vergil’s side again, but clearly, that wasn’t something Vergil was happy about. You couldn’t blame him though, he wanted a sword and what he got was a person. You were of no use to him the way you were.
Was… he going to throw you away?
That thought alone made you spring up, leaving the bed and wobbling to the door, opening it. Vergil was no longer there, and you felt a rush of what could only be processed as anxiety as you wobbled through the corridors to try and find him.
You told him everything you remembered, you knew  he felt that connection as well, so he couldn’t simply throw you away, right? He couldn’t. He couldn’t. You were his, and he was yours and he just couldn’t do that to you.
“I’m afraid you were right, brother.” You heard him speak downstairs, making your eyes widen. “I think… my obssession with finding Yamato had made me sick.”
You’re filled with rage. How dare he? How dare he discard you as if you were nothing?
In a fit, you jump, and without a second’s notice, your hand is through Vergil’s stomach in a mighty stab. The man gasps.
“Vergil!” Dante exclaims, before something takes place: Vergil’s Devil Trigger is activated.
It shouldn’t have been possible.
Just as it shouldn’t be possible for his sword to look, act or even present itself as a human.
But there you were… a physical manifestation of Vergil’s sword. You were there, and you were real.
4 months have passed since then.
Nero and Dante don’t get involved with you and they had expressed a lot of disapproval once Vergil had decisively shared he’d keep you around a few months ago.
Naturally, Dante didn’t want Vergil to permanently crash in the agency’s building, especially carrying whatever you were with him, so the two of you had to go somewhere else.
A run-down apartment building in a shady part of town was all he could afford, which was not very fitting for someone of Vergil’s standards. However at this point in time, there wasn’t much to be done about it.
“…We should try it again.” Vergil spoke, seeing you on the floor, breathing heavily. “We’re close, I can feel it.”
“…I don’t know how to do it, I don’t know if I can go back to being Yamato again, Vergil.” You shakily responded, looking up at him from where you were.
“You already know you have its powers within you, I wouldn’t have kept you otherwise, you know you can do this” He exclaimed, but backed away once he looked at your face, noticing your expression.
There were small tears in your eyes, you bowed your head. He would’ve left you if you hadn’t triggered his devil form back then? It explained the relentless attempts at trying to make you unlock your potential in these past few months. You thought this was for another purpose… because he did believe you were part of him, that he was simply trying to restore the connection you two had. You understood now.
“…Why can’t you just accept me for the way things are right now?” You shakily asked. “…Back then, I was more than just your sword, I was more than just a tool, we were one.” You gripped the floorboards with your nails. “…Why can’t you see we’re connected regardless of what I am?! What do I have to do to prove it to you?!”
“…If you were truly Yamato, you would know better than to be dependant on such fickle emotional bonds. What we have is tied to our ability to grow stronger. Nothing more.”
“You’re lying!” You shouted, standing and forcefully gripping him by the collar. “…I asked you if you felt that spark I felt when we met and you refused to answer me. Each and every time I ask about our connection, about how it feels for you, you refuse to give in, refuse to let me know what you’re thinking and what’s going on in your head. I know  you feel it, and that you’ve felt it all along, so don’t make me feel ridiculous about it when I know you’re not a cold slab of stone like you’re trying so hard to seem to me and everyone around you.”
“You didn’t keep me just so you could figure out if I could go back to being a sword or not. I know you, Vergil… you just don’t want to be alone.” You whispered, before letting him go.
“…” Vergil was silent for a moment. “…You’re weak.”
“…I’m a direct reflection of your inner turmoils, Vergil. If I’m weak, then what are you?”
You could see Vergil’s lips trembling, as if he was trying to think of something to say. But no words came out, only tears. It was the first time you’ve seen Vergil cry.
You lightly approached him again, and wrapped your arms around him. He fell to his knees, and surprinsingly, hugged you back.
“…You’ve never been alone, Vergil. I had always been with you”  You whispered, making sure to hold him close.
“…I can’t endorse in these emotions. They make me weak.” Vergil stammered, struggling to contain his tears.
“…It’s just the two of us… You don’t have to be anything for anyone, much less to me. You can just be… you.” You looked back. “…Allow me to just be me, Vergil… allow things to be different.”
You sat there a while.
It would probably take a long time for Vergil to accept the new reality of things. To accept he wasn’t alone, and more importantly, that he was loved by someone.
But it didn’t matter.
You’d stay with him until he understood. You had stayed with him for a long time… and you would stay with him until the ends of time.
In this form, you could be everything Vergil needed. A friend. A partner. Someone he could have an unbreakable bond for all eternity.
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