#dk what I'm doing
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I don’t know what circumstances in my life lead to me drawing these but here we are
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pianokantzart · 11 months
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A comic I'm certainly not going to finish in any capacity, but Mr. M was on the brain so uuuuuhhhh have a thing!
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mixtapedoh · 6 months
How about lonely boy, lee know, and forced proximity?
@eclliipsed — i am thinking of you, specifically while writing this <3
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;༊ — lonely boy
pairing: lee minho x gn!reader genre: fluff, office setting word count: ~3.6k warnings: language, situational stress, han is here stirring the pot, a startling amount of homicide jokes
olive’s notes: a unique challenge of writing lino fic that i did not before account for or even conceptualize is that when i think of said silly little stray kids cat boy, i think of him almost 99% of the time as 'lino' and like 0.9999999999% of the time as 'lee know'. lee minho? you mean the actor? it's not clicking up here, asdfghj. all that's to say, if i make a mistake and call him lino instead of minho, i'm so sorry, feel free to stone me in the square on whatever day is most convenient for you <3.
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☄. *. ⋆ lee minho x forced proximity...
— society, as a collective, just loves their 9 to 5, right?
i mean, if it were actually a 9 to fucking 5, maybe you wouldn't be screaming, crying, throwing up, gnawing on the iron bars of your enclosure.
— but haha, as a general rule (collectively agreed upon at some point, or perhaps no one agreed so much as they were browbeaten into submission), more than society loves their 9 to 5, they love their workplace grindset culture.
gotta get those financial gains, amirite?
— which is all to say, you were simply enamoured, quite totally besotted with, completely captivated by and hopelessly devoted to your demanding, grueling, parasitic life-force of an office job.
and people had the gall to say you didn't have romance in your life.
clearly, they hadn't seen the zeal and devotion with which you dedicated yourself to your company issued computer, stacks of files, and white-walled cubicle.
after all, regular hours simply weren't enough for all the worship you had within you — you simply had to have both your mandatory overtime and your Implicitly Dictated and Oh-So-Reasonably Expected overtime hours as well <3 you did want to keep your job after all, and job security is such a silly little thing <3 corporate culture really is just soooo romantic in that regard <3 complete and utter devotion <3 commitment almost pious <3
until you managed to break away from the curse of Living in a Society and could live without bills, debt, responsibilities, more bills, more debt, and the desire for silly little (but financially substantial) hobbies to make this existence of yours worthwhile, your love affair with your job would simply have to stick.
— which made for the perfect little soup you were currently mired in. a thick broth of learned helplessness seasoned with intense loathing, a dash of interest in low stakes coworker drama, a sprinkling of compulsory people pleasing, a garnish of yes man energy, and an optional mix-in of untapped, constantly simmering rage.
so, of course you were best friends with han jisung.
— the universe really did do you a solid when they placed han jisung in the cubicle next to you.
perhaps the only employee that hadn't succumbed to the incessant humanity-sucking leech affectionately called a company, jisung was the only one who kept you sane when you were 56 hours deep in your work week and considering moving to a homestead on alaska where you would likely not even last a whole 72 hours — but, hey, you would at least get some sleep at the end of it when succumbing to the effects of hypothermia, so it didn't seem that bad of a gig, really (jisung always offered to cover half of the down payment cost, but at the end of the conversation, he'd just buy you a coffee and the two of you would call it even).
— and being friends with jisung was, all at once, both a blessing and a curse.
(because this is corporate living and existence is a fucking nightmare ~°~♫⭒~꘎ )
— poor excuses for jokes in your company chat box, sticky note battles during days when the mundane tasks you were assigned were mind-numbing enough to fell the strongest of corporate warriors, the constant "i owe you" back and forth when one of you went on a coffee or vending machine run and grabbed something for the other, and, of course, juicy gossip during your lunch break — all of these were the positives of being jisung's partner in captalist crime.
— but on the other hand, should either of your work be wanting in any regard... well... accountability is a word long enough to stretch between two.
— which led you to your current state of affairs.
"the next time you forget to delete your 'tongue-in-cheek' speaker notes on the powerpoint we're submitting for review from higher ups, i'm breaking your fingers so you can't type them in the first place."
but of course jisung just turns it into a joke about a hand kink.
— your punishment for 'distasteful' jokes left in the margins of official company output wasn't anything too severe — bless whatever cosmic force made it so that the generally easy going mr. ok taecyeon was the one to see jisung's fuck up, and not someone less forgiving — but it meant the next few weeks would be hell in the form of grunt work.
see, your company was expanding in the industry, and it meant that the building you were currently working in wasn't big enough to house all the ✨aspirational goals✨ it was just starting to believe in. thus, the majority of higher ups were going to move into a new office building... and for some ass-backward reason, so, too were all of the archives.
and someone had to go down there and box it all up, making sure it was properly labeled and in order.
sure, the company was just head-empty enough to have the desire to move physical archives to a new office building. but at least they wanted it all in order before they stuck it in a different dusty basement.
— the very first day you went to the basement and saw the sheer level of work the two of you had in store, you locked eyes with jisung and just knew that fucker was going to find some way to get out of it.
— on your lunch break you tried to beat him to the punch and defend your honor against the soul crushing weight of undue punishment. but alas! you had already taken vacation days in the last month (damn that kpop concert - did you really have to be that devoted to your ult group??) and han hadn't had a day off for the last 6 months.
how the hell did you end up doing the punishment work for actions that weren't even (mostly) yours?
han jisung better move to that alaskan homestead after all, nowhere else would ever be safe from your wrath... once you got out of this basement, of course.
— the most you were given was help in the form of lee minho — who would have thought that he of all people would be your saving grace?
maybe he'd help you plan jisung's murder. they were friends, true, but anyone who was around han long enough would not be opposed to plitting his demise. it was part of his elusive charm, after all. everything wonderful about him also lent itself to fodder for plotting his demise.
convenient, really, given the circumstances you were in.
— but back to lee minho. perfect performance lee minho. always last to leave the office lee minho. infuriatingly not suffering from looking chronically fatigued or daunted, overwhelmed, or simply fazed by the overzealous work culture you found yourselves in, lee minho. curt and focused but lacking of an edge that would make him unapproachable lee minho. impossible to pin down, the vitruvian man of corporate dreams, somehow the bosses favorite despite failing to do any of the sucking up some of your other coworkers engaged in almost religiously lee minho.
he didn't frustrate you; he didn't even really baffle you, but he didn't exactly occupy your brainspace in a way that could be described as indifference, y'know?
maybe this was something you could blame of jisung, too. he always talked about minho an ungodly amount, waxed poetic about how it was a shame that minho worked in a different department — how the two of you really would get along famously, but damn, if he couldn't convince either of you to spend any of your (perhaps two (2)) hours of off-duty life in the same place at the same time.
social lives, after all, were laughable, where the both of you were concerned.
— the day you walked down there and saw minho already elbow deep in a filing cabinet seemingly older than your parents (which, lamentably, was the worst organized filing cabinet you'd ever seen, and was regrettably representative of 95% of the work ahead of you), you laughed out loud and took the moment to convince minho to take a picture for you, so you could tell jisung that he was missing the Historic and Long Anticipated Meet Up, and that was the moment you realized that you were so deep in the basement, phone service was a pipe dream.
it wasn't a concern, really — you were both benefiting from the random employee benefit of free spotify premium, so your downloaded content was enough to get you through the long hours of organizing and packing, and hey! being in the basement meant no one really expected any more out of you than your required hours and whatever mandatory overtime you had left to complete.
— so really, jisung had been stupid as hell to avoid this punishment. it was effectively less work than you were used to (though tedious) and you were far enough away from your desk that the thought of the work piling up in the world above wasn't eating at you that much (at least not any more than usual; workplace anxiety and you were well acquainted, at that point <3)
— and minho! — god forbid you say anything complementary about that bastard han jisung while he left you (more than) 6 feet under, doing work that was, by many rights, his punishment — but he had been right when he said you and minho would gel.
he didn't disturb you, for the most part, but working in the same space for full work days with nothing to do but listen to podcasts and check the dates on dusty files meant that Annoying The Only Other Person In Your Vicinity became a welcome distraction from wallowing in the fact you were moving at a pace slower than desired. and he responded quite well to any question you threw his way - no matter how brain-dead, invasive, or embarrassing. in fact, he'd hit something back - put the ball in your court in a question almost more ridiculous, leaving you to question how jisung hadn't forced the two of you together sooner (but fuck jisung; all my homies are blaming this comedy of errors on jisung and are in this basement actively plotting his demise).
— and it didn't take you long to realize charming minho is almost exactly like getting a neighborhood cat to endear itself to you.
pspspsps at random (bat a stupid ass joke his way);
give him space but respond to his random bids for attention;
have a snack drawer (one of the first emptied out file cabinets furthest to the back of the archival area) and occasionally offer something sweet as a reminder that the snack drawer exists and is for joint indulging;
entertain him with logic puzzles and psychological warfare;
and, of course, shit talk your coworkers and company.
indulge the cats desire for destruction and mayhem; tell minho that whenever he was ready to put in his two-weeks, you'd be right there beside him and would run the paper shredder all night while he corrupted the files.
exist calmly and comfortable in the cat's space; work so well in tandem that you began anticipating the movements of the other.
spend quality time with the cat; both of you begining to wordlessly take your lunches at the table in the archival basement, instead of going all the way back up to the cafeteria, choosing instead to chat with each other and indulge in the other's niche interests and stupidly staunch opinions on poor pieces of media.
slow blink at the cat; catch yourself staring for a bit too long when he doesn't notice you looking, your thoughts getting all muffled and sappy as you become wholly fascinated by the slope of his nose and the softness of his big, dark eyes that look perpetually half-bored at work but sparkle with intelligence and mischief when you call out his name — lighting up with interest and disguised delight as that lazy, gummy smile makes it's way onto his features, eyebrows quirking upward, already expecting a challenge and...
— wait... what was that?
— is there absestos in the company walls, and that's why they decided to randomly move buildings? is there lead lining these filing cabinets? black mold in the ceiling? were you perhaps inhaling narcotics in this dusty ass air and hallucinating something vivid?
you were not developing a crush on someone just because you were stuck in the basement with this fool for going on two weeks now and hadn't seen another good looking coworker in quite some time. this wasn't some kind of drama where the ceo has a strange delight in forcing company employees into situations laced with ✨sexual tension✨. you weren't a main lead suffering from romantic withdrawals. remember your leech of a company. you have no time for shit like that.
— but, i mean, if you're never out of the office, perhaps finding romance in office is a solution...
shut the fuck up, you and minho weren't even in the same department. that point was moot.
— because damn, maybe asbestosis really was getting to you, and that's what was knocking the wind out of you any time minho smiled. yes, certainly the absestos in the walls was what was informing the way your heart constricted whenever the two of you brushed hands passing a file between you. maybe you should sue your company and have some hospital use you as a case study. maybe all the distracted daydreams was a new symptom of your newly contracted deadly disease.
see, that would make sense. you weren't catching a mean case of crushing on your forced proximity coworker, you were simply dying. because of the absestos.
— but even still, the day both of you piled all the boxes of (appropriately lableled) filing into a work car, and minho drove you over to the new building, the fresh air didn't seem to be a cure all. you were still a little more than distracted by his messy hair and black sunglasses... his concentration on the road... his pushed up sleeves... not to mention his hands wrapped around the steering wheel.
(but of course you'd snap out of your thoughts when you remember that joke jisung made about your supposed hand kink at the beginning of all this nonsense. shut the fuck up, memory ghost jisung. you don't know shit. you and minho had already talked about it and were coming for his broke ass the day he had the courage to step foot in the office again.)
— yeah, haha, you weren't crushing on lee minho because of a comedy of errors you had never dreamed would befall you in the first place. working alongside him hadn't woken anything in you. certainly not.
— and yeah, haha, you'd definitely be able to hide this from jisung when he came back. not a problem at all when he asks you about how sorting archives went (he had the gall to bring it up every five minutes — taunting you with the fact that he got to have 4 days off and was then reassigned to do answer all the emails that had piled up during his time out of office. yes, he had picked up some of the work originally meant to go to you, but still. a veritable traitor who deserved your absence from your usual lunch dates. and yes, it was hard to be slick when he'd bring up your casual absence from lunch — were you finding minho's company to be more than enough? — but you'd manage. like hell were you going to give the smug bastard satisfaction after he made you atone for his and also your crimes.).
— and yeah, haha, you'd would definitely be able to explain to a suspicious and put out jisung why you were canceling anime re-run night with him to instead go with minho to this hybrid cat-and-comic-book-cafe he had mentioned never being able to get a reservation for, despite living two blocks away from it. silly little things like that would be easy to wave away, right.
it's like, totally platonic for you and minho to meet up on your only day off to spend hours lounging at a cafe retreat together where you cooed at semi-sociable cats and joked about adopting and co-parenting the one who enjoyed wearing cute hats, and read comic books for hours and order food to share and have low-stakes debates about the best tropes and characters of shared beloved media.
it's not like that whole set up is incredibly date coded.
and it's not like it would become a recurring habit for minho to invite you to do things with him that would have jisung waggling his eyebrows even as you pleaded innocence and smacked him with whatever quasi-weapon you just so happened to have on your desk (mostly file folders and your favorite cat themed mini calendar).
— haha... it wasn't like you were down bad and incredibly bad at hiding your crush.
— you fool. you absolute buffoon. han jisung could smell your lies and poorly contained crush from thousands of leagues away. even if you weren't shit at hiding it, he would have known. he could have actually been on that remote homestead in alaska and still picked up on just how brain dead you were over your crush. you thought you were slick? when han jisung has a doctorate in anxious suspicion and twelve master's degrees in the art of bullshitting?
hell, he knew you were going to fall in love with minho before the two of you even met. why do you think he'd wanted to connect the two of you in the first place? because he thought you two needed a social life? please — he knew going in that putting the two of you in the same room was horrible for his self preservation; he knew it was practically undermining company goals because your joint productivity would fall 2000% and the amount of cat memes you two would send on company time would increase so exponentially, you'd both resort to making your own memes using your company paid subscription to adobe creative cloud; he knew that the two of you were almost scarily well matched and equally devoted to drinking your refusal-to-believe-i-can-be-loved-romantically juice.
he knew that you and minho would develop glaring crushes on each other and wouldn't do a damn thing about it beyond smoothly flirting for an afternoon, inviting the other out on dates-that-aren't-dates and promptly fake-gagging and denying in a manner almost theatric that you might *gasp* enjoy the other's company in a way not-so-platonic, only to do it all over again. a vicious cycle of 'stop feeding the rest of us lies and just kiss with tongue already, damnit.' and he knew all of your coworkers would be caught in the middle of it.
— which they were. for, like, a solid five months.
— now, it wasn't too bad, considering the fact that you and minho worked in different departments, but anytime there was cause for collaboration, suddenly you were clambering to be considered, no matter the intense workload or the way the task was slightly out of your wheelhouse. suddenly, it seemed you were incredibly eager to learn and prove yourself.
at first, your team leader was overjoyed. initiative? drive? a seeming zest and fire for more commitment? say less and do more! marry yourself to the dumbass collaboration with the other department! perhaps this could mean freedom for their long suffering servitude under the corporate thumb!
but then they saw you flirting with minho and making plans to spend an afternoon together at a book signing while still on the clock. and while they're not opposed to a bit of misuse of company time (vive la révolution contre les régimes capitalistes, and all that), it was a bitter and sobering pill to watch that shit happen daily while not getting any yourself, and then stomaching the fact that these clearlly love-struck fuckers won't admit their own transparency-set-to-0% feelings and put their chronically-single corporately-suffering coworkers to rest. either say you're in love and just be done with it or take the rest of us out with a shot gun. goddamn.
it's like a sitcom's mind-numbingly over-the-top valentine's day special. someone make it stop.
— and it didn't take a genius to connect the dots and realize that the employee responsible for all of this was han jisung.
after all, he's the mutual friend between them. no doubt he talked about the other constantly in glowing terms. no doubt he planted the seed they'd be a match made in heaven. no doubt he was the one to blame.
and! wasn't it his fuck up that forced you and minho to work together in the archives to begin with?
maybe killing han jisung wasn't going to make you and minho confess to each other, but it would be some kind of catharsis for the people who were stuck in this hell of Watching You Two Take Your Sweet Time With It.
— so jisung had to understandably think of some kind of plot. after all, the two of you were his best friends, but to hope that you would admit your feelings for someone to save his livelihood? don't be ridiculous. the both of you were quite happy with the flirting stage, as it currently stood.
— how to get your stubborn friends to admit their (very real and very reciprocated) feelings for each other... when there's no external or even internal pressure (on them, at least) to do so... jisung would have to think outside of the box.
or perhaps inside of it.
— which i'm sure is reason enough to explain how the both of you managed to get stuck in a closet during your company's holiday party.
and, through it all, is minho's mischievous eyes and your flair for the dramatic.
"do you think we should tell our coworkers we've been dating?"
☄. *. ⋆
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teabutmakeitazure · 4 months
off topic thing but does anyone else just feel incredibly frustrated for being born female? like being female isn't the problem. it's where the being female thing is.
maybe if I was born a man I wouldn't have to think and go through all this hmmmm.
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kveom · 1 year
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dk throwback gifs 1/50
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marioxdk · 4 months
Soulmate AU but a tattoo appears on their face cheek when they touch each other but they don't realize it yet, making everyone frustrated by how dumb they are
I'm back! Purely because this intrigued me (thanks!). Sorry if I've misinterpreted the concept
The scholars of the Mushroom Kingdom are well acquainted with soulmates and how they work
The Kongs know of soulmates, but they're not deemed to be overwhelmingly important
DK was taught about soulmates but straight up forgot that they existed, more interested in fighting than the affairs of the heart
The human world has soulmates and it is well known how it manifests
By the time he is transported to another world, Mario has begun to believe that he has no soulmate
(Certainly not one in another world)
During their first fight, as they trade blows with one another, an entire audience of Kongs as well as Peach and Toad begin to suspect that the two combatants may be soulmates
Only once the fight is over, and Mario is perched in cat form atop DK in victory, does the entire audience realize that their suspicions are right
Cranky and Peach are frankly astonished
Peach: "Do you think they realize what they've just done? That they've just fought their soulmate?"
Cranky: "I give it 2 months before they realize anything's even off"
Cranky would turn out to be wrong in the worst way imaginable
Peach and Cranky pull the two of them aside after the battle and tell them what they've learned
Neither takes it well
"I don't have a soulmate! Is it even possible to have one from a different world?"
"I don't even know what a soulmate is!"
Peach and Cranky look at DK in frustration, and ultimately decide to table the conversation for later.
This is the biggest mistake
But they had other priorities
While working together in combat to rescue the princess, DK and Mario observe that a tattoo doesn't appear on Mario's face when they touch, and Mario can't see any marking on DK's face
They didn't want to believe anyway
And they're not keen on physical contact either
After the battle is over, and everyone is safe, the soulmate discussion resumes
"I'm pretty sure I'd remember a tattoo"
"There's no tattoo, trust me, I looked"
Everyone insists that they prove it
DK agrees if it'll get everyone to shut up about it
Mario disagrees
He was already shamed for having no soulmate in the human world, he doesn't want that shame from his new friends too
Especially not the pity
So there's no way to prove it to them, and Mario refuses to touch DK
And DK is perfectly fine with that
It's maddening
Because everyone knows what they saw, but the two idiots refuse to confront the truth
And the truth is this
Mario is colorblind
And so is DK
The tattoo appearing on both of their faces is such a color that it visually blended in enough with their natural complexions while they were fighting
The two of them couldn't even see what was right in front of them
And now it seems they never will
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ronsenthal · 10 months
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Lee Seokmin [x]
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fight off the light tonight and just stay with me (honey, don't you leave) || ot7
Warnings: a teeny tiny bit of blood, mentions of hospitals and surgery, heavy angst(?)
I won't control you, but MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. This is not for you, please.
Pairings: OT7/(F) Reader, Jackson Wang/(F) Reader
Plot: Will it be too late for them to try and make things right?
Genre: not really unrequited love (but they're all idiots), mutual pining, angst, denial of feelings, poly ot7
Did you ever love her? Do you know?
Or did you never want to be alone?
And she was singing "Baby, come home."
"Baby, come home."
I've got those jet pack blues
Fight off the light tonight and just stay with me;
Honey, don't you leave.
mixtape: all i have left to give - part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - ending 1
thank you so much because this fic was my first one to reach more than 10 kudos in ao3 and some peeps liked the first part enough to reblog to want to read the next part you don't know how much it means to me :o oh my fucking god how did that happen??? thank you so friggin much!!!
sorry if my summaries are all song lyrics owo i just love taking inspiration from them when i write because i can't find the old me who can write and word vomit in a drop of a hat huahuahauhauhauahuahauaau am sorry my bad
bit of warning for some teeny tiny blood and hospitals but no one will die, i promise! i mean not yet, so far i haven't thought that far yet.
also!!!! i'm not a medical expert so please let me know if there are inaccuracies because there are bound to be, no matter how much research i do or how much i ask from doctor frens hueheuheuuefhiuf
title from Jet Pack Blues by Fall Out Boy because fuck yeah i wouldn't get them as a first tattoo if i didn't love them so much
hope i don't disappoint! if i do, i'm so sorry hahahuhu my mom always told me i'm a disappointment so there's kinda nothing new
hope i can write the next parts soon T_T
You can feel the string in your chest slowly fraying.
You never thought that is possible. After all, the strings are connected to the soul and can never be seen. However, when you started the therapy, you started feeling it fray. Slowly and painfully. You don't know how and why, you just do.
Your symptoms are worsening, too. Doctor Im advised you against overworking and stressing yourself but how can you not? It feels like no matter what you do or where you turn, the boys are there. Your only escape is your work and in your line of work, stress is inevitable, so you have no choice but to endure it. At least at work, you are in control. At least at work, you don't have to think about being unwanted—your clients are the ones who request your services, after all.
You don't know what to feel, really. It feels like fate is pushing you to your limits and wants to see you suffer.
Look, even you can admit to yourself that there's no need to undergo the therapy. Your soulmates can go get fucked and feel your pain through the bond.
But you can't have that, can you?
You're not one to lie to yourself, you know why you feel this way. Aside from the fact that fate (unfortunately) assigned you seven soulmates who can give less of a fuck about you, you know deep down that you want to be with them and not just because your souls were linked to each other.
You're in with love them, period.
You've seen them through their bests and their worsts, and you're still hopelessly in love with them. You've seen their sides that they never dare show you, the beauty they unfairly grant other people but not you. You've also seen their worst, the ugliness seemingly reserved for you alone, but the longing is still there.
You can't help it, and you're sadly fucked no matter how you look at it. 
As you massage your perpetually aching chest, you also think how your dignity and pride are the only ones you have left. While it might be a rush of satisfaction to see them squirm, it is at the cost of your pride. You learned early on in life that you can never show your emotions—most especially your weakness—with how many times people fucked you over by using them against you.
In this case, you have to endure every pain to save face. So if it helps everyone sleep at night, then you'll give them what they want. If they don't want you, then you'll just have to remove yourself from the equation altogether. Simple math.
You snort. You're being too dramatic. You're used to this, you tell yourself. From your mother to the few lovers you had; there was always something wrong with you, something lacking. You're never needed in your whole life, so it was easy for them to leave you. It was always the easiest choice to not choose you. Why are you crying about it now?
You shake your head with a resigned sigh. There's no use regretting this. You swore to yourself you would stop regretting things you do and now is the time to stand by it. For yourself, and for the inner child in you who did nothing but run after people who turned their backs on her.
You try to stave off the pounding behind your temples by rubbing your eyes with your palms. While you are thankful that the meds seem to be working and the boys can't feel any input of emotions from you through your bond, the medicines and treatments are such pains in the ass. Fucking side effects.
Speaking of side effects, Doctor Im told you that one side effect would be them not feeling any of the emotions you feel, but you would still feel theirs, the latter possibly more potently than normal. You tried to test the emotion theory before, afraid that it will fail and the meds won't work. This is your only chance at walking away with your precious pride intact, so this should work. This has to work.
"It might take a while, but your emotions shouldn't reach through their strings anymore once you continuously undergo the whole therapy process," Doctor Im had said.
"You would still feel theirs, unfortunately." He looks at you tenderly, albeit with not an ounce of pity. That's okay, you don't want anyone's pity. "You'll be more attuned to them than a normal person is to their soulmate because your soul will be tender from all the treatments."
Doctor Im Jiho is kind, a little young for his profession if you say so yourself, but he is brilliant. It's what made you trust him. Even if the therapy is still not ratified and recognized legally, and still in its human trial stages, something about how passionately Doctor Im explained the whole therapy process and what it entails just screamed 'I know what the fuck I am doing'.
Or he should. Please let it be true, or you'll just rip your lungs out of your ribs and unalive yourself. So far though, Doctor Im and his team delivered.
Back to the emotion theory you have.
You wanted to see if the therapy works. Since soulmates can feel each others' extreme emotions, going through soul-scraping therapy shouldn't send any of yours to their end of the bond. To be sure, you waited a month into the treatments to start with the observation.
Since you've been keeping your distance and you cannot see it for yourself, you asked for help from Ae-cha and their other managers, most especially Kyunghee. They understood and agreed with no questions asked, and for that, you are eternally grateful.
You asked them for even the slightest changes in the boys' behavior during times when you know your emotions were at high. So far, there were none. It's either the meds are really working or they are just good at masking it. The second would be implausible, knowing how anything related to you would be a nuisance for them. They would make their displeasure known about it, you're sure.
Sejin, however, you're not sure you can face his pitying eyes again, so you never asked him. You don't want to hear the pitying tone in his voice one more time either. Once is more than enough to last for your lifetime.
You are just about to reach for the medicine bottle when you feel your eyeballs twitch rapidly from behind your eyelids and the pounding in your temples grow louder.
God, not now. You still have that meeting set with your lawyers. Not now.
You dial your assistant's number shakily.
"Joy, can you please phone Attorney Shin for me?" You say to the phone through your coughs, the air in your chest feels like slowly being squeezed out of you.
"Are you okay, [Name]?" Comes your assistant's concerned voice through the phone speaker. "Do you want me to call Doctor Im?"
You take the glass of water on your table with shaking hands. "I'm okay. I'm okay." You take big gulps of water, but the feeling doesn't pass. "There's no need."
Joy ignores the last part. "I'm going there, wait for me."
You go to tell her not to bother, but she hangs up before you can. A few minutes later, Joy comes through the door slightly panting.
"[Name]!" Joy takes hurried steps toward you, but you weakly wave her off. "You look like death. Jeez, I'm calling Doctor Im!"
"No, no! I'm—" You burst into another fit of whooping coughs and faintly hear Joy's worried voice.
Your hand comes away with splotches of blood, some staining the sleeve of your pullover shirt.
"Oh, shit. Shit, [Name]!" Joy screeches, now terrified. She runs to the doorway and shouts. "Jenny! Jenny! Come quick!"
Footsteps sound shortly later and you hear Jenny's panicked shrieks.
"[Name]? Are you okay?!" You feel Jenny's hand touch your shoulder. "Oh, my god. Dongwoon! Dongwoon!" More footsteps but you don't register them, black spots dancing in your vision.
So maybe you're not okay right now.
Oops, your bad.
You stand up slowly to tell them you're fine. However, before you can even open your mouth, you cough and retch.
More blood.
The last thing that registers in your brain are strong arms catching you when you black out, their panicked voices warped in your ears.
(oh, darling. what are we going to do with you?)
"I got it! I got it now, hyung," Taehyung says with a grin to Hoseok as Jimin comes back through the door of their practice room.
"Yeah? Let's run that through again?" Hoseok asks with a satisfied smile.
"Okay!" Taehyung nods. The boys are all feeling happy because the choreography turned out really good and is something they are proud of. The good feeling doesn't last long, however, when Jungkook bursts into the room.
"Hyung! Hyung!"
They all turn to look at him, eyebrows raised. Namjoon tsks at him.
"Kook, don't run. How many times do I—"
They all freeze.
''She... she..." Jungkook then bursts into breathless tears, which propels Yoongi and Namjoon out of their seats. Jin turns off the music. When Jungkook doesn't continue, Namjoon shakes his shoulders.
"Jungkook, what is it?'" Panic rising in his voice.
"They rushed her to the hospital," Jungkook chokes through his sobs. "Y-Yonsei. They rushed her to Yonsei, hyung."
Their stomach drops at that.
Ever since they discovered by accident that you had been undergoing soul-scraping therapy, they have been keeping an eye on you. It took a while for some of them to accept or maybe even acknowledge you as their other soulmate, some longer than others, but they're getting there.
However, the pit in their stomach and the guilt in their chests never really went away, so they had to do it slowly and inconspicuously. They watched from afar and through their staff, and it pissed them off to no end that they have to do so, but they have to. They want to take it slowly and surely so as not to confuse and overwhelm you, still also confused about what they're feeling themselves.
"Yonsei? Hospital? Are you sure?" Jimin asks. "Why—"
"I don't know, hyung. I just heard Manager Sejin talking to Kyunghee-nim." Jungkook looks lost, tears flowing down his cheeks. "[Name]-noona..."
Jin doesn't even wait for their response, sprinting out of the room to find where Sejin is.
He ignores them, spotting Sejin standing with his phone clutched in his hand, and talking to one of their other managers, Kyunghee. The pained expression on their faces and their hushed conversation say everything Jin needs to know.
At the sound of his voice, Sejin and Kyunghee both turn to look at him.
Jin halts to a stop in front of the two. "What happened to her?"
"How did you—?"
"Please, Sejin-nim," Jin begs as the others come into view, slightly panting. "I need to know, please."
Sejin looks at Kyunghee, the latter with a grim expression on her face.
"Is it because of the therapy?" When Sejin didn't answer, Jin turns to Kyunghee. "Kyunghee-nim, please."
Kyunghee nods with a solemn expression. "Yes." The others gasp behind him but nothing registers. "Joy told me she'd been getting sicker as of late. She collapsed this morning."
Jungkook's sobs get louder, but Jin paid them all no mind. The only thing on his mind is—
"[Name]." He looks at Sejin with desperation in his eyes. "Take me to her. I want to see her."
Sejin purses his lips, sharing a look with Kyunghee. "I'm afraid I can't do that."
"Why?!" Jin's eyes are shining from unshed tears, frustration bubbling in his chest. "I want to see her. Take me to her, Sejin-nim. Please."
"We have explicit instructions not to let any of you see her," Kyunghee says steadily. "We can't take you there, Jin. I'm sorry."
"If you're not taking me to her, I'll go there by myself," Jin says stubbornly. "I don't care about whose instructions they are; she's my soulmate and I'm seeing her."
"A soulmate you all rejected!" Sejin bursts out sharply. "You all asked her to stay away from you, asked me to talk to her before. Or don't you remember?"
Jin falls silent at that. The others are no better, hanging their heads in shame.
"You didn't see her eyes that day, Jin. I was the one to look the poor girl in the eyes." Sejin's tone softens. "Don't do this to her. Do you want to see her in more pain?"
"I just want to see her," Jin says brokenly. "I won't show myself to her. I'll be gone when she wakes up." Jin pleads. "Please, Sejin-nim. It's all I ask of you, please."
"She explicitly asked me before not to let anyone of you near her, so I can't. We have to respect that."
Jin huffs angrily, turning back to Jungkook. "Yonsei, you said?" He doesn't wait for the response and stalks off, patting for his keys in his pockets.
Shit. He left them in his room.
"Seokjin!" Sejin runs after him, but he ignores him.
"Hyung!" Someone pulls his arm back, and it's Namjoon.
"No!" Jin yanks his arm back. "This stops now, Namjoon."
"That's our soulmate. Our soulmate!" Jin shakes his head. "Fuck getting burned and left behind—we left her behind. All seven of us. If us getting used and left behind by people who are not our soulmates hurt, how do you think that would feel for her, rejecting and leaving her? Her own soulmates!"
"You know why we had to do it!" Namjoon bellows.
"And it's bullshit! She is our actual soulmate, you saw her marks!" Jin yells back. "You know how I felt about this. I told you all how I felt about this, but you didn't listen. Nobody listened to me."
"Hyung, that's enough!" Yoongi growls. "It's unfair for you to put this on us; you agreed to it, too."
"Because I'll lose you all if I don't! You gave me no choice!"
"We never said that!" Hoseok holds Yoongi back from stepping further toward Jin, the latter seething in anger. "We never asked you to do that."
"You get drunk and cry to me, telling me to always choose you and the others. That's not asking me?" Jin sneers. "You always saying how we should always choose each other and no one else, that's not asking me? You asked me to stay away from her even when it hurts choosing between you and her. Do you take me for a fool, Yoongi?"
Jin looks at all of them and they would shrink at the anger that is not normally present on his beautiful face, but they're all too furious to back down.
"I tried to talk to all of you, but no one listened."
He looks at Jimin and Hoseok, and they both look away in guilt. "This is not something you two should be neutral about. She had been nothing but kind to you."
Jin turns and jabs his finger toward Namjoon. "I thought you of all people can be reasoned with, but you let your pride cloud your judgment. I thought you had the brains to see through your fucking ego, but I was clearly wrong."
He then looks at Taehyung, rage marring his face. "And you. Do you think I wouldn't know how you rubbed the rejection in her face like an asshole, Taehyung? Huh? How dare you?"
Jungkook gasps and whips his head toward Taehyung with a hurt expression.
"Hyung?" Jungkook puts his hand on Taehyung's shoulder, who doesn't look back at any of them. "What is he talking about?" Jungkook turns back to Jin, confusion on his teary face. "What are you talking about, Jin-hyung?"
Jin scoffs. "He asked her how it feels to be rejected, and how it feels to run around with people who aren't her soulmates a few months ago at that bar. Didn't you, Taehyung?" The others gasp, their eyes widening as they all turn towards Taehyung, who now looks guiltily away from them.
"And I had to know from Jackson, of all people. Jackson! The asshole didn't hold back in letting me know how it's a good thing [Name] will never be ours. How do you think it feels to stand there and listen to him tell me how stupid I am for dropping my soulmate when I never wanted to in the first place, Taehyung?"
"Taehyung-ah!" Hoseok cried. "Why would you do that to her?"
Taehyung yanks his arm off Hoseok's grasp. "I don't know, okay?! I don't know!" he snarls. "She looked so happy with him and I can't think straight! I wasn't thinking straight." He chokes on his sobs.
"You shouldn't have done that, Taehyung-ah!" Hoseok admonishes. "She didn't do anything wrong to us."
"I know, okay?!" he snaps. "I know we asked her to stay away but I can't help feeling angry that she's so happy without us when all I can think is we asked for this, we wanted this."
Taehyung breaks down and weeps. Hoseok puts his arms around him in a tight hug.
"I didn't know what I was thinking," he cries repeatedly. "I didn't know what I was thinking."
There were a few heavy minutes of silence, save for Taehyung's sobs and Jungkook's sniffles.
"If anything happens to her, I'll never be able to forgive myself." Jin eventually says. "I'm no saint, but I never ever would intentionally hurt [Name] more than we are already doing.
"Even if we try to make things right, it might be too late. But, I still want to try because it's what she deserves. So, I won't let anyone stop me. No one can stop me," Jin looks at them one by one, lingering a little longer on Namjoon's and Yoongi's faces. He takes a deep steadying breath.
"Not any of you can stop me. Not even any of you." He shakes his head. "Not anymore."
He abruptly turns on his heels, and Jungkook runs after him.
Jin needs to see you, and he'll find a way to, even if has to go against anyone's wishes.
He'll find his way to get back to you.
(took him too long, darling. will he make it in time?)
In the end, Sejin did take him to the hospital. Jungkook, unsurprisingly, came with him. The younger clung onto him all the way to Yonsei, tears staining his dark shirt.
"I don't want to lose any of you, hyung." Jungkook cries, face buried in Jin's chest. "But I don't want to lose her, too."
"I know," Jin says, voice hoarse. "You won't lose me. I don't want to lose her, too." He buries his in Jungkook's soft locks, trying to keep the tears that had been threatening to spill since he sat in the back of the car.
"We'll make it right this time, Gguk-ah."
Jin doesn't know what to expect when the car stops in front of Yonsei Medical Center. He had a plan up until they stopped, the car running idly in the background. Now, he doesn't think he's ready to see you, too afraid of what he'll come across.
He knows he's getting ahead of himself, but he can't help but think that he might be too late, that he had already lost your heart.
He takes a deep breath and steels himself.
He can do this. He can do this for you.
"You ready?" he asks Jungkook. Jin wipes at the stray remaining tears on Jungkook's face and runs his hands through the now-long hair just so he can keep his hands busy and stop them from shaking.
"I don't know, hyung." Jungkook's wide eyes are still glassy. "I'm scared."
Jin smiles gently. "Don't be. Hyung's here." He takes Jungkook's hand on his own. "We have to be strong for her if we want to do it right. Okay?"
"Okay, hyung." Jungkook nods with a small hopeful smile. "Okay."
For all the bravado that he conjured up while in the car, in the elevator, and in the hallways to the sterile room of the ICU, Jin still isn't prepared for what greets him when they take you inside your room.
They had to wait for you to be taken to your room from the operating room. The whole time they were waiting, Jin can't stop his leg from jiggling and Jungkook was no better, pacing around the room while lost in his thoughts.
Then the door opened.
He stands and gasps in sync with Jungkook's own, and he has to stop himself from falling to the floor.
When they said that you collapsed, he was thinking that maybe you were just overworked. That, and that the therapy's side effects just added to it. You'll be fine, you'll be okay.
This... this is far from what he expected. This is definitely not fine, and this is way worse.
You are hooked on different machines and it scares him to death. Your skin is pale and frail with bluish spots and rashes all over your face and skin, and your lips are almost blue. Your hands and fingers have spots of violet, green and grayish tints.
You look like death.
Jungkook breaks into sobs, calling your name as Jin stands there frozen. He only snaps out of it when one of the nurses stops Jungkook from running to your side and grasping your hand.
"We have specific instructions from her doctor not to allow skin contact with the patient, not until we know who her soulmate is," the nurse says as she wheels your bed to place, putting a hand to stop Jungkook from getting closer to the bed.
"That's us," Jungkook says as Jin steps behind him. "We're her soulmates."
If Jungkook thinks that this will make the nurse relent, he's sorely mistaken.
The nurse shakes her head resolutely. "All the more reason you are both not allowed to have skin-to-skin contact with the patient."
"What?" Jin blurts out.
"I'm not at liberty to discuss information about Miss [Last Name]'s condition," the nurse points out. "We advise waiting for Doctor Choi. He'll be here in a few minutes."
Jin is itching to just fuck it and take your hand, but he knows it would not be wise until they speak to the doctor.
Doctor Choi can't arrive fast enough.
Jin pulls Jungkook down to sit beside him as they see the nurses fuss over you. He has no choice but to resist the urge to touch and hover over you as his chest pulls him to do. He doesn't want to risk hurting or harming you further, so he sits on the couch and puts his hand on Jungkook's knee instead.
"What's taking them so long, hyung?" Jungkook's knee is jiggling, and Jin pats him gently. Jin looks calm outwardly, but his shaking hands betray him. "Why is her doctor not here yet?"
"I don't know, Gguk-ah, but we have to be patient."
Jungkook looks at him with furrowed brows. "How can you be so calm about this?" His eyes sparkle with unshed tears.
Jin laces his hand with Jungkook's, still shaking. It then dawns on Jungkook that Jin is anything but calm.
"I'm not." Jin takes a deep breath, otherwise, the tears he tries so hard to suppress will start pouring. "I'm not, but I have to."
He looks at where you're lying on the bed.
"We have to, Gguk. She needs us right now. We need to set things right, and we can't do that if we fall apart right now. Okay?"
It's then that the door to your suite opens. Jin and Jungkook both stand at the sound and in strides whom Jin recognizes as Doctor Im from his visits to you, and another doctor whom he presumes as Doctor Choi.
"Oh. Mr. Kim. Mr. Jeon," Jin and Jungkook bow slightly at the acknowledgment, "I didn't expect to see you two here."
That sends a pang to Jin's chest, but he ignores it. He knows they deserve the unintended jab.
"Should I expect the others to arrive soon?" the doctor asks.
Should they?
"We're honestly not sure, Doc." Manager Sejin, as usual, saves the day. "Kim Sejin." Sejin holds his hand out to shake the doctors' hands.
"Im Jiho, Animaelogy specialist." Doctor Im shakes his hand and points to the doctor beside him. "This is Doctor Choi Daeseong, head surgeon for Yonsei Medical." The other doctor shakes Sejin's hand.
"Due to the nature of Miss [Last Name]'s case, we would have to request the rest of the security detail present to leave the room for a while. You three can stay, but that's as far as we can allow for this discussion."
Sejin nods. "That will be no problem." He nods at the two men standing by the door, who immediately bow and take their leave. The nurses slowly file out of the room as well.
The two doctors walk toward your prone figure, and Jin and Jungkook follow suit. Doctor Im makes a short check of your vitals, while Doctor Choi checks you with gentle hands and looks at your charts. Once done, the two doctors turn toward the three remaining men in the room.
"Is there someone we can talk to from Miss [Name]'s team about her overall condition and routines these past few weeks or months?" Doctor Im asks.
"We can ask Joy Song from her team, as well as Jenny Ri. They're her closest assistants, so they can provide information. I last saw them trying to contact [Name]'s lawyers." Sejin supplies.
Doctor Im nods. "I see." He takes a quick look towards you before turning back to them. "I'm afraid [Name] isn't doing too good right now.
Jungkook finds Jin's still shaking hands, lower lip trapped between his bunny teeth.
"It's a good thing that her team was able to rush her in right away. If not, the situation would have been graver than it is now."
Jin's heart stops.
"G-grave?" he asks, voice trembling. "What do you mean 'grave'?"
It's Doctor Choi who speaks this time.
"When Miss [Last Name] was brought in for the emergency surgery, we had to do an emergency septal myectomy." Doctor Choi holds up a film of a scan, presumably [Name]'s.
"This is Miss [Last Name]'s echocardiogram." He points at a white portion in the middle of the scan, and Jin's head swims. "Miss [Last Name]'s septum is drastically thicker than that of a person with a healthy heart, so it prevented healthy blood flow to the chambers of her heart. Added to the treatments she was undergoing, it caused abnormal and uneven blood flow to her heart and the rest of her body, and caused complications that were...life-threatening."
Doctor Im looks at the other doctor. "It appears that [Name] has been hiding her symptoms since our last meeting, possibly way longer, so it was left untreated."
"What happened, Doc?" Sejin asks as he looks between the two doctors. "Is she going to be okay?"
The doctors share a grim look, one that Jin notices.
"What is it?" he asks, eyes darting between the two.
"Her heart nearly gave out from the heavy stress her body was in, Mr. Kim. Her blood wasn't being properly pumped and filtered, and her immune system was heavily compromised, so she suffered from bilateral pneumonia, which also affected her bloodstream.
Doctor Im takes off his glasses and sighs heavily. "She had septic shock caused by sepsis."
"She almost didn't make it." Doctor Choi says. Jin gasps in sync with Jungkook, the latter almost collapsing to the floor. "She went into cardiac arrest on the table, but we were able to bring her back."
(jin thinks his heart can't get any more bruised than it already is. your poor heart is battered literally and metaphorically. how can he possibly fix it for you?)
(he should've never listened when they asked him to stay away from you. he should've fought for you and with you, that way you're not alone.)
"But she's going to be okay, isn't she?" Sejin asks what the other two can't, what they're too afraid to ask.
Doctor Choi pauses before he shakes his head with pursed lips. "I'm afraid we can't really tell right now. We put her in an induced coma while we try to let her body recover, and we administered treatments, which will continue within the next few days. We can only hope for the best."
"Hope for the best?!" Jungkook cries his first words since the two doctors entered the suite, and looks up at them with tears now steadily running down his cheeks. "So we do nothing?!"
"Unfortunately, so." Jungkook finally loses it and collapses onto the floor on his knees, staring into nothing. "We have done everything we could for now, and we'd have to run some more tests in a few days. But right now, we can only monitor her. An induced coma is the best bet we have to let her body rest and the for treatments to take effect."
Induced coma.
Induced coma.
Jin's head is swimming with those two words as he walks closer to your prone figure and reaches out to mindlessly grasp your hand, but a hand stops his wrist.
"I'm afraid we have to advise you not to touch or make any skin-to-skin contact with Miss [Last Name] right now, most especially since you're her soulmate."
"What?" Jin asks dumbly.
"One of the side effects of the therapy is skin burns when the person comes in contact skin-to-skin with their soulmate, so skin-to-skin contact is highly discouraged."
Jin feels like his whole being wants to shatter. He can't love you, and he can't touch you? Was this how you felt all this time?
Before he can even make any further moves, the door to your suite opens, and in bursts Jackson, panting heavily.
Jin can't even find it in himself to be mad. After all, Jackson was there when you needed someone the most. No matter how it hurts him that there's another person who holds your hand, he can't do anything about it. They weren't there for you, he wasn't there for you. The least they can do is let you find someone else to hold when you need to.
Jackson crosses the room at record speed straight to you, grasping your hand delicately with a pained gasp. His manager is tailing behind and closes the door gently.
Jackson lets go of your hand gently and turns to the doctors. "Is she gonna be okay?"
"Im Jiho, Miss [Last Name]'s animaelogy physician." Jackson grasps the doctor's hand, as well as Doctor Choi's hand in a firm handshake. "This is Doctor Choi Daeseong, head surgeon for Yonsei."
"Jackson Wang." He smiles politely. "Is she gonna be okay?" He repeats.
"I assume Miss [Last Name] has made you aware of her treatments since she informed me she made you her next of kin?" Doctor Im asks.
Jackson's face darkens. "Yes, she did."
Doctor Im nods his head. "I'm afraid Miss [Last Name] is not doing so well right now. We would need to keep her in a coma for a while as we observe her and let the treatments take effect."
Jackson's eyebrows furrow. "Isn't that dangerous? How long would that take?"
"We'd need to assess first within the next few days. Right now, we cannot provide or guarantee until when she will need to be, but we'll do our best, Mr. Wang. I can assure you that."
Jackson nods but turns to Jin, his gaze hardening. "This is your fault." He looks at Jungkook, then back to Jin. "Why are you two here? Who gave you the right to be here?"
"We're her soulmates," Jungkook says coldly, to which Jackson snorts. Jungkook gets up from the floor swiftly. "We have every right to be here."
"Do you, Jungkook? After you all left her, do you really think you still have the right to be here? And for what? To make sure she's dead?"
Jungkook takes an angry step closer to Jackson, his face painted with rage. "What did you fucking say, you asshole?!" Sejin, the doctors, and Jackson's manager step between them. "Say that again, you motherfucker. I fucking dare you."
"Isn't that what you came here for, to make sure she stays away for good? Isn't that what you wanted?" Jackson is red in the face as the security detail rushes to the room.
"I'm still her soulmate, know your fucking place!" Jungkook shouts back, Jin holding him back by his chest. "In the eyes of the law, we have every right to be here."
"You gave up those rights when you rejected her, so you can shove that law up your ass and fuck off." Jackson's manager holds him back by wrapping his arms around Jackson's shoulders.
Jungkook can vaguely hear the doctors speaking to Sejin, but he pays them no mind. "I'm not leaving her here alone, so you can go get fucked."
"Jungkook." Sejin holds him by his shoulders. "I think it's best if we come back another day."
"I'm not leaving her again!" Jungkook cries.
"We're all emotional, and it will not help [Name] if one of you ends up in the ER." Jungkook looks at your peaceful figure, unaware of the disorder around you, and it hurts him. He feels his hands yearn to touch you but he can't, he doesn't want to hurt you. "Come on, I'll take you and Seokjin home."
Jungkook's expression crumples as he looks at Sejin. "But—"
"We'll come back, I promise." Jungkook's breathing is heavy, but Sejin's expression is steadfast. "I promise."
Jungkook has no choice but to concede. He turns back to Jackson. "You can't keep me away from her forever. I'll come back for her."
Jackson opens his mouth to retort that you don't need them, but his manager stops him.
"I'll come back for her, and no one can stop me. Unless it comes from her mouth that she doesn't want me here, I will be here." Jungkook chances one more look at you before he shrugs off the arms around him and stalks out of the room. Jin, who had been quiet all throughout the ordeal takes one good look at you before following suit, not even sparing Jackson a glance.
No one can keep them away from you. They'll stop at nothing just to do what they should've done before—give you all the love you deserve. Until you tell them that you don't want them in your life, they'll spend forever to try and make it up to you.
And make it up to you, they will.
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marciliedonato · 11 months
We are SO back (never fucking left) we are SOOOOO back you guys mcr5 real time for joy and whimsy on planet earth...
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
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Finally got my Mario Shipping chart together!
Despite having the least amount of characters compared to my past shipping charts, this one took a lot longer to format sense the main 5 are all connected in a big square. I ended up having to leave out Mario and Bowser’s dynamic and make the Just Platonics it’s own chart to get everything to actually flow correctly. 
Sense it’s so few characters though I added in everyone’s opinions on who they’re connected to so you can get a better sense of the dynamic. Let me know if it’s hard to read in any way and I’ll add a transcript under the cut to make it easier.
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They say I'm not so good with circles. Or air. Or control. But I can still blast your ass to the end of days if you're not careful, so!
- Derivative High Fantasy Adventuring Duo
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triglycercule · 8 days
halloween is like in a month and as worlds worst procrastinator (self declared title) i think i'm finally gonna fufill my dreams and make an animation meme of the mtt with that one happy halloween junky rin song (but ughhh i need to decide on costumes i'll give them!!!!! off to the drawing board!!)
#this is to say i'm actually doing something productive with my time#instead of just doomscrolling and wasting hours on tiktok#i should probably do my homework ngl#anyways! i was thinking it would totally be hilarious if one of the costumes was the jk mtt#like maybe i put one of the real mtt in the jk mtt's outfits. it would be so fucking hilarious#and also i want them to have cool different weapons than just normal bone axe knife thing#i want horror to have a chainsaw. or a sawblade. either one#and i want killer to have those cool double swords that zuko from atla has. maybe he'll be a pirate#and obviously dust gets a gun. maybe i'll ditch the jk uniform idea and just put him in a hazmat suit#who knows man i haveIDEAS. now lets see if i have the motivation to fufill them#temporarily fueled by inspiration permanently held back by motivation#and my inspo is 500% gonna be the error version of this meme#and i want the mtt to all have short little cutscenes and then at the end all be together and have a cool final clip together#and like idfk im not an animator man.........#this is gonna test my animation skills i swear. maybe ill actually learn how to animate this instead of tweening#but tweening fun!!!! i just dk if it can achieve the look i want#anyways i think its ginna be so silly and cute and exactly what i dream of#i miss animation memes can we pls make them again. AND NOT HAVE THEM LAST A WEEK!!!!!#looking at YOU tiktok. animation memes are coming back but they only last NOT EVEN A MONTH!!!! WHAT THE HEL!!!!!!!!!#its not fair not fair not fair not fair NOT FAIR NOT FAIR NOT FAIR NOT FAIR NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!#so like. dust bazooka hazmat suit. killer double sword pirate. man i need to decide on horror#omg like a magicians assistant with the saw???? and now for my last trick ill make your head disappear#halloween edition of one head dog coming up. anyways i like that idea....... yeah#tricule rant#but of course ill do that tomorrow. i have homework to do!
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exigencism · 14 days
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"Why, whatever do you mean? Magic works perfectly fine here! Just you watch-" Volo casts dancing lights-- right next to a Sussur bloom. "See?"
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furryprovocateur · 10 months
just got my work secret santa and on the "what do you want" line she put a bluetooth speaker. excuse the fuck outta me i thought this was a $20 max 😭
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tyrannuspitch · 8 months
i think. i should read more comics.
#space viking tag#i'm just not particularly interesting in the reincarnation plotline and that's what everyone always recommends so idk where to start#idk. i mean. maybe i shouldn't. i haven't really vibed with any non-mcu stuff i've encountered so far#including aoa which is often regarded as like. the peak of marvel loki. it was good! but it wasn't rlly for me.#i have a soft spot for toa bc it's whimsical and charming and prequelesque but i also have so many complaints#idk. hmmm.#i should probably look for some thor-centric stuff but i also dk if that will do aaanything i'm interested in#bc i *like* him in context with loki and i like going teehee he's not so heroic after all he's actually extremely LIKE LOKI#and i get a strong impression that his appeal in comics is much more straightforward like... they're playing it all straight#he just Is A Hero and the complexity is that he USED to be a bully. while i prefer BOTH of those things to be much much greyer#idk.......#at least when i'm engaging w/ stuff even if it is frustrating it keeps me thinking abt thor which i always on some level enjoy <3#i've felt so unfocused and untethered since like. november :-: i need my obsession back!!#it's even fun just to like. see their little faces.#comics thor is not rlly my boy but he's the root of my boy so w/e i see him on some like marvel postcard or whatever in a shop#i still get to go teehee it's my little guy :)#but i'm not a merch person at all interestingly enough. if i buy an object i WILL forget it exists within a week#maybe not if it had a practical function?#but i feel like over time that would fade into visual noise too like oh these are just my. oven gloves or whatever.#anyway what was i talking about
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wonfilms · 1 year
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