#dj travel set
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kimludcom · 2 months ago
Uncle Waffles @ Melkweg, Amsterdam
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stoneyocean · 1 year ago
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cinnaleaf · 1 month ago
「 In Your DMs | One Shot 」
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summary: you read jude’s DM on insta but never responded, thinking that was the end of it—until he spots you at the club & decides he’s not letting it slide
warnings: club setting, alcohol use, sexual tension, light themes of public attention/fame, language wc: ~4.9k 💌: i forgot who requested this but it’s here song inspo: BADGIRLERA x iBXRHM ft JAHKOY
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The music in the club hit you first, followed by the strobe lights slicing through the dark, smell of spilled liquor, and bodies pressed together, pulsing against the beat. Your friend, Bri, pulled you through the mixed haze of vape clouds and smoke from a fog machine with a manic grin, way too eager for the night ahead.
“Our table is this way. Hurry up!”
You followed her lead, clacking your heels against the floor while your other friend, Tasha, trailed behind complaining about how she wasn’t standing all night in heels. The bouncers barely glanced at your crew when all of you strutted into the VIP section.
“Ooo okay, this is nice” Tasha slid into the booth, looking around to scope out the scene. Little did you know, Jude was also there, eyeing you from the minute you stepped in.
Bottles of tequila and vodka were already lined up on the table, untouched. You barely had time to sit down before a guy dripping in loud designer saw your table from across the section and started his approach. You clocked him too: probably mid 30s, big shiny watch, sleazy, and probably more interested in showing off his Amex Black Card than any real conversation.
“Your new sponsor is on his way” you whispered to Bri, smirking when she immediately started flipping her hair out of muscle memory. “Let’s hope he’s worth the pitch.”
“Ladies” he eyed the bottles on your table, smelling too strongly of oud cologne. “Looks like you could use a little more” You leaned back, tuning out while scrolling through your phone as he started the same routine you heard from so many other men: ‘I know the owner’, ‘Let me take care of that for you,’ yada yada. You let Bri and Tasha handle him – it wasn’t your vibe, and frankly, it wasn’t your problem. This wasn’t your first rodeo and guys like him always thought a heavy tab would buy them permanent attention. Not that you minded it; if burning through his card meant you didn’t have to touch your own, then so be it.
You tapped on the Instagram icon, scrolling through your profile, which was a mixture of travel pics, reels, highlights, and photo dumps until your thumb paused over a post from three weeks ago at a yacht party in Miami. Your skin glistened under the sun in a figure hugging bikini while you posed on the deck. Jude’s like stood out like a sore thumb. He liked plenty of your pictures before, but this one seemed to spur him on enough to like it within the first 5 minutes of you posting – with a DM following shortly after:
Been waiting for you to post again so I could slide in 👀 You’re beautiful. Let me know if you’re ever free?
Boo. Lame. Corny. Predictable. You rolled your eyes so hard when you saw the message, not even bothering to respond. You knew how this story went. A follow here with a few likes, a DM there, and before you knew it, you’d be getting ‘owwkayed’ on a gossip page that had way too much time on their hands. The thought of it made you want to gag, so you left the message unread but not unseen.
Tasha nudged your arm, pulling you out of your Insta scroll. “Oh my god, is that Jude Bellingham?” Her voice pitched higher in a tone that meant she was about to embarrass you.
“Huh?” you muttered, not bothering to look up just yet.
“That’s Jude Bellingham” she hissed, jabbing her acrylic nails into your ribs. “Near the DJ booth!” You were surprised you didn’t notice him before. He was tall and hard to miss, one hand holding a drink while the other tapped to the beat against his thigh. “He just winked at someone,” Bri added, craning her neck. “Or at least, I think that was that a wink??”
Tasha shook her head in disbelief. “How is it possible for him to look even better in person?” You crossed your arms, rolling your eyes while staring at the untouched alcohol and assorted mixers in front of you. Jude wasn’t a stranger to you outside of your likes. You clocked his comments on your mutuals’ posts, and even been to a party or two where you were pretty sure he was lurking around. Then there was the DM you left in your inbox like the corny attempt it was.
“You’re embarrassing yourselves” you muttered, ignoring the way Bri kept looking at him from across the room.
“Embarrassed?? Girl, that’s a man worth embarrassing myself over.” Bri leaned forward, slowly sipping her drink while gawking at Jude, who was now eyeing your table. “I wouldn’t even be mad if I ended up on a gossip site for that one. What are they going to do?? Cry about it???” You froze for a minute to give her the side eye. That’s the exact reason you were trying to avoid types like him, no matter how good he looked in person. It was too much attention, too many assumptions, and definitely too much drama. You sipped your drink instead, the alcohol burning your throat enough to distract you from Bri’s yapping. 
Across the way, Jude was leaned back against the DJ booth with his eyes locked on your table. You were perched on the edge of your seat, phone in hand, while your friends kept stealing glances at him, giggling behind their drinks. Jude smirked, taking another sip. You hadn’t looked up a single time or even flinched in his direction. It didn’t surprise him – you hadn’t looked twice at his DM either. Even though he was one of the biggest names in football, you paid him no mind – unlike the girls always trying to latch onto him.
“Jude, babe, do you want another drink?” A voice rang out from a girl hovering way too close. He didn’t even know her name, nor did he care to learn it. She latched onto him earlier, trying to touch his arm every chance she got so she could throw herself into his space. He stepped aside, nodding politely while trying to keep his focus on you. 
“No. I’m good, thanks.” he spoke in a tone that discouraged any follow ups, which led to the girl pouting and standing next to him dumbfounded before finally taking the hint and walking off. When Jude’s attention went back to the VIP section, he caught sight of the guy hovering over your table. Jude thought he looked like a try hard who didn’t know how to cover a tab properly. His jaw tightened when he watched you tilt your phone a little while the guy gestured at your friends. He flagged down a passing bottle girl, making her stop in her tracks when she realized who he was.
“Hi!” she said, smiling flirtatiously. “What can I get for you?”
He leaned down slightly to meet her height, nodding toward your table. “See that table over there?”
“The table with the guy doing the most?”
“Yeah that one,” Jude smirked. “Can you send over some bottles to them? Dom, 1942, and whatever else is good. Add their tab to mine.”
She raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “And what do you want the bottle service sign to say?”
Jude shrugged, taking a sip of his drink. “One of the girls over there never responded to my DM so make it clear I’m still interested. She knows who she is.”
The bottle girl laughed, eyeing the table again. “Got it. I can do that!”
You weren’t paying much attention to the guy loitering at the table now that Bri and Tasha had him preoccupied. The drinks were finally kicking in, so you stood up to stretch, swaying to the bass of the music playing over the sound system, but then the bottle girls rolled up with sparklers crackling in the dim lighting – illuminating a path while carrying over a bucket filled with bottles.
“Oh shiiiit” Tasha shouted while standing up. Bri took out her phone to record the whole thing, doing an over the top “Wait..who sent this?!” act in the camera like she hadn’t seen this done a dozen times before on your nights out. You weren’t questioning it either. Someone paid, so who were you to interrupt the flow of endless drinks? You grabbed a sparkler from one of the bottle girls, waving it in the air while your other hand cradled a bottle of 1942.
“Real fine bitch, she ain’t gotta edit out the Getty!” Bri screamed the lyrics of the song currently playing, turning her phone around to record you dancing with the bottle in your hand. You tipped your head back, drinking straight from the bottle while the music bumped around you. Just as you were handing the bottle to Tasha, her jaw dropped and she grabbed your arm. “Wait, look!” she yelled, pointing over at the bottle girls holding up the sign. You turned with the sparkler still fizzing in your hand, squinting at the light up board they were waving in the air. At first it didn’t make sense, but then the words clicked clear as day:
You froze while your friends jumped around excitedly, trying to piece together what was going on.
“So who is it?” Bri smacked your shoulder. “That’s for you, Y/N. I know that’s for you!”
Tasha grabbed your wrist. “Wait. Is it him? Is it– oh my god it’s him, isn’t it??”
You couldn’t even process what was happening, let alone have time to come up with a lie. The bottle girl pointed toward the DJ booth and your stomach dropped. Jude’s legs were stretched out lazily in the VIP dance section with his head tilted enough to let you know he was watching the whole thing. He gave you a confident, cocky smirk and raised his glass toward you like he already won you over, but you weren’t about to play along that easily.
“Y/N!” Bri shrieked, grabbing your other arm. “What the fuck, why didn’t you tell us he’s in your DMs?!”
You didn’t answer. Couldn’t. Your body felt hot and the tequila wasn’t helping. Instead, you grabbed the bottle of 1942 and took another long swig to drown out whatever was about to unfold tonight. “He’s nobody special. He’s just some footballer. I’m not impressed.”
“Liar.” Bri crossed her arms, grinning. “You’re lying, and it’s all over your face.”
You ignored her, but they were both going into full meltdown mode, squealing and swatting each other while pointing at Jude, who hadn’t stopped watching you. Eventually he got up, taking his time as he walked toward the VIP tables. “Stop looking” you hissed, grabbing Tasha’s phone before she could take a video. Neither one of them were listening as Jude walked closer.
“Not to freak you out” Tasha whispered, “but he’s coming over.”
You kept your head down, pretending to scroll through your phone to try and play it cool.  Jude stopped near your table, just long enough to make sure you noticed him out of the corner of your eye, even if you were pretending to pay him no mind. 
“Y/N” Bri whispered urgently. “He’s looking at you.”
You refused to look up and instead sipped your drink while he hung around in your peripheral vision. He laughed in a mocking way and eventually sat at a table nearby, perfectly angled so he could keep you in his line of sight the entire night no matter where you were in the club. You tapped your nails against your glass, irritated he was slowly getting under your skin. You weren’t about to sit there being ogled like a trophy when you could be on the dancefloor, having a good time while ignoring him.
“Can we dance?” you stood up abruptly, pulling your dress down with one quick motion.
Tasha groaned instantly and threw her head back against the booth ready to complain. “Ugh..Y/N my feet are already killing me. Can’t we just sit here and do a cute little club bounce to the beat instead?”
“No. I came here to dance, so let’s go!” you urged, swaying to the beat to tempt her onto the dancefloor. Meanwhile, Bri was still stuck on the DM you failed to mention. “Y/N! He’s been after you and you just ignored him??” She shot up from her seat, scandalized, pointing her finger between Jude’s table and you. “I saw his likes but he slid in your DMs and you said NOTHING?”
You gave her an annoyed look, rolling your eyes. “Can we stop talking about Jude? Would you want to deal with being associated with him? I don’t want to be a part of that circus.”
Bri checked Jude out over her shoulder, watching him laugh and talk with friends at his table. “Girl, yes! I would happily look like a clown for that. He could take me to his circus and I’d be front and center juggling his balls if it meant I could–”
“Okay, we’re done!” you cut her off, waving your hands around. “Are we dancing or not?”
“I already said no,” Tasha whined, sliding further in the booth. “I’m too cute to move and my ankles hurt. Go dance for both of us.” You rolled your eyes and grabbed Bri’s arm to walk over to the VIP section of the dancefloor behind the DJ booth. Bri was already swaying to the beat before you made it to the dancefloor, then she glanced back and turned toward you. “Y/N.. you know he’s still watching you, right?”
“Bri, please shut the fuck up.”
“I’m just saying! He’s been looking since we sat down. If you don’t want him..I’ll–”
“No, you absolutely will not” you cut her off, not allowing her to finish the sentence. When you reached the edge of the VIP dance area, you felt the heavy bass moving through your bones while lights strobed enough to make it hard to see beyond a few feet. You thought it would drown out Jude’s stares, but Bri made it her mission to give you play by play updates. Just as you were getting into the music and melting your hips into the beat, Bri spoke up for another update. She really couldn’t help it. “He’s still watching,” she sang in your ear.
“I don’t care” you continued dancing, not bothering to turn around to see what she was talking about. You didn’t need to confirm that Jude was extremely attracted to you. It was blatantly obvious the moment he positioned himself in a spot that gave him a front row seat to whatever you were doing. You could feel his eyes tracking the moves you made, but the longer you danced, the easier it was to forget about him – until the crowd shifted and suddenly he was there right next to you. Jude didn’t touch you, nor did he speak. He just stood there, drinking his drink like he wasn’t wreaking havoc on your girl’s night out.
“Are you lost?” you finally spoke up, tilting your head toward him without stopping your movements.
Jude grinned, nodding his head to the beat as he started inching closer to you. “Nah. Just enjoying the view.”
You glanced at him from above, brushing your hips lightly against him. “There are plenty of views here. Pick another one.”
“Why would I do that when I have the perfect one in front of me?”
“Corny” you quipped, still doing your best to not give him much at all. Jude stepped closer and dropped his voice enough that you had to lean in to hear him over the music. “You didn’t reply to my DM. Why?” You turned your face to him fully, laughing about him being so bothered by an unanswered instagram message of all things in the world. “You’re still on that, huh?”
“Hard not to be when you ignore me on purpose.”
You smiled and took a step back, but he answered your step back with a step forward of his own. “You’re really persistent Jude. I’ll give you that.”
“When I see something I want, yeah.” His gaze dropped and raked over your body. “And I want you.” You hated how much you reacted to that. You felt dizzy from the warmth of the alcohol swirling around in your stomach, combining with your butterflies. But you held your ground.
“Hmm..well..good luck with that” you turned around, pressing back into the crowd but Jude moved around to block your path.
“You’re not going to make this easy are you?”
“Jude, I’m not a jersey chaser. I’m sure you’re used to ‘easy’, but easy isn’t really my thing” you bantered back, which made him laugh in an irritatingly attractive way.
“I never said you were a jersey chaser. I do like a challenge though.”
The two of you were drawing more attention now. Clubgoers were looking and nudging each other while chatting, probably trying to figure out why Jude Bellingham was chasing some random girl around the VIP section. You should’ve cared but the drinks were doing their job. All you could focus on was the way his eyes stayed on yours and how he moved closer every time you stepped back, locked in a game that neither of you wanted to end.
“I hope you know you’re not as smooth as you think you are” you tilted your head, crossing your arms.
Jude smirked while stepping into your space, not caring who was watching. “And you’re not as carefree as you’re pretending to be.” 
He really did look even better up close and in motion. The way his lips curved into a smile made you want to run away to collect your resolve immediately, but you persevered and turned your back to him instead, swaying your body in tune with the music. The shift gave him an unintentional view of your dress creeping up as you moved, so he took the opportunity to step closer, brushing his hand against your waist as he leaned into your ear. To anyone else catching glimpses under the strobe lights, it looked more like he was kissing your neck – Tasha clearly thought so. She was slack jawed back at the table, frozen in drunken shock. Meanwhile, Bri was too busy sweet talking the DJ into switching the music into an amapiano mix to notice what was happening in front of her.
“You smell good” Jude voiced low against your ear with his lips so close, the words tickled your skin. “What is that? Coconut?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know” you answered, still not missing a beat but you were a lot less steady on your feet the more he spoke in your ear.
“Yeah” he replied simply, weighing his words with enough insinuation to let you know he was going to be a problem for you all night. You turned to face him with your back against the railing and Jude’s hands fell from your waist and onto the rails to cage you in without touching you. All you could see was his sly, smug grin in front of you while bodies moved to the beat in the outskirts of your vision.
“Why are you wasting your time?” you asked him, dropping your gaze to his lips. They weren’t something you would’ve been focused on any other time, but the liquor was coursing through you by this point and clouding your decision making skills. Jude’s eyes dropped to drag over the neckline of your dress, giving him a full top view of your cleavage before he snapped his eyes back up to look you in the eye. He leaned in closer, crowding your space just enough to make you part your lips in a silent gasp.
“Wasting my time?” he repeated the question rhetorically. “I have your attention, so is it really any time wasted?”
You tilted your head up to meet his cocky tone with some cockiness of your own. “I’m only here because you’re standing in my way.”
“If I moved, you’ll just keep ignoring me, yeah?”
“Yeah” you drawled, mocking his insinuated answer from earlier. Jude’s gaze was almost too much but you refused to back down. “You’re not irresistible in the way you think you are. I’m not going to hook up with you just because you’re Jude Bellingham. I really don’t give a fuck.” 
He gave you a wolfish grin, moving in even closer. You could feel his breath against your cheek when he spoke again. “Then why are you still here talking to me? Ask me to move around.” 
You scoffed, crossing your arms while looking past his tall stature to look at literally anything else other than him. “Maybe I’m just bored.”
“Yeah? Is that right?” Jude’s voice dipped into a teasing, amused tone. He tightened his hands on the railing, brushing his knuckles against your sides while tilting his head closer toward your neck so he could hear you better. “If I left you alone right now..what would you do? Go back to scrolling on your phone so you can pretend you don’t notice me?”
He was getting under your skin now, mostly because he was right, but he didn’t need to know that. “I’m just trying to have a good time with the girls. Don’t make it weird Jude.”
“I’m weird for wanting to talk to you in person? You never responded, remember?”
“I did you a favor” you retorted. “I saved you the embarrassment of me rejecting you. I know that can hurt an ego like yours.”
Jude laughed against your neck, making you shift your body posture in the small space. “I don’t think you would’ve rejected me.”
“No, I definitely would’ve. I have standards.” you countered. That was true for the most part, but Jude going back and forth with you for this long had you intrigued. He really wanted you and he was pulling out all the stops to make it happen, which was kind of hot.
Jude tilted his head back toward your ear. “Why are you dancing with me then?” That was a good question. Why were you still there, dancing to the beat with him, letting him stand close, talk this much, get so far? You didn’t know – so you stayed quiet and rolled your hips to the bassline that had just dropped, moving closer to him with every beat. He could tell you were starting to crack, so he wrapped his arms around you, just enough to pull you close, but loose enough to let you decide how much closer you wanted to be. “Nothing to say now, huh? That’s what I thought. What’s your move after the club?”
“Good question..” You pretended to look around for your friends to give yourself time to come up with an excuse about how you had plenty of after club plans, but when you looked down to see the way his big hands flexed against your hips, you answered honestly instead. “I don’t have any.”
Jude’s grin grew wide, making him flash his teeth under the strobe lights. He had you right where he wanted you and he knew it. “You could…” he started, leaving the rest hanging in the air just to see how far you’d let things go. You rolled your tongue against your teeth, taking in the way his smile climbed higher into his cheeks when his eyes locked on yours. The smile threw you for a loop and you caught yourself staring at his lips longer than you needed to once it turned into more of a smirk, which he noticed immediately. 
“...I could what?” you asked, feeling your resolve slowly start to slip.
“You could come with me” Jude tightened his hands across your hips and you stumbled a little, instinctively reaching your arm over his shoulder to catch yourself.
“And why would I do that?” you asked.
“...Why wouldn’t you?” Jude already knew your answer. You wouldn’t be still standing there if you weren’t interested in the slightest. He was so close to you that you could see his lips quirk upward into another smirk, growing even wider when he caught you stealing another glance at his lips. Instead of calling you out, he let his eyes drop to your lips in return.
“I don’t trust you” you finally answered, yelling over the music. It didn’t hit him nearly as hard as you wanted it to. You could feel Jude’s curls brush up against your temple when he leaned in to make sure he heard you correctly. “Trust me with what?”
You giggled drunkenly, trying to shake off the effect he had on you. “Trust you to not be like every other guy in my DMs.”
Jude pulled back enough to look you in the eye, shaking his head at your refusal to just give in. “I’m not like every guy in your DMs,” he answered confidently like he was so sure there wasn’t anybody better than him trying to entertain you. “You’d know that by now if you answered..” Jude trailed his hand down to caress your lower back. He was right. There wasn’t anyone keeping you as interested as you were right now. But who would you be if you gave in that easily?
You tilted your head to the side, letting the silence stretch into knowing glances. His eyes darted to your lips again and you leaned into it, contemplating letting him kiss you, but just as his lips hovered dangerously close to yours, you cocked your head back with a sly smirk on your lips. Jude had a surprised look on his face and loosened his grip, laughing to conceal the fact that you beat him at his own game. You pulled out your phone, entering your code and tapping at your screen until you opened the Instagram app. Jude’s jaw flexed in the dimly illuminated light while he watched. Once he realized what you were doing, a smirk of his own appeared on his face. You opened your DMs and scrolled until you reached the one he sent weeks ago, typed your reply and hit send. You gripped his bicep to make him lean down within ear shot, letting your lips brush against the edge of his jaw purposely while you spoke. “Check your messages” you teased before stepping back and removing yourself from the loose hold he had on you. He stood there frozen, but then turned his head to watch you saunter off back to your section, swaying your hips more than necessary to give him a show. When you met up with Bri and Tasha back in your section, they dragged you down to the table to badger you with questions.
“So what happened? What did you do?” Bri asked.
You smiled and reached for your drink. “Nothing serious,” you answered flatly, which made them want to question you even more. Tasha squinted at Jude from across the club then turned her head back to you. Just as you were about to take another sip of your drink, she grabbed it from you. “No sipping, more spilling please. Why is he smiling at his phone like that?”
You snatched your drink back, shrugging. “I just told him to check his DMs.” They had no idea you had Jude wrapped around your finger at the moment, so you tried to play it cool. Bri’s mouth dropped open and Tasha gasped dramatically, smacking the table for extra dramatics.
“Check his DMs?” Bri repeated loudly. “You responded?!”
“Maybe.” You swirled your drink and slowly sipped while meeting his eyes across the club. You could see Jude smirk when he put his phone in his pocket and slowly made his way back to his own table. He sat there, talking to his friends while laughing it up until he caught you looking at him from your seat. He could see you twirling the straw around your drink with your tongue, caught in the act. He angled his head, smirking at you and mouthed something to you while pointing his thumb toward the exit. You couldn’t make out what he was saying through the darkness, so he stood up and started dapping his boys up before slowly making his way over to your table. You tried to ignore him at first, pretending you were doing something on your phone even though there was no reason for you to still be playing hard to get, seeing as you just virtually agreed to spend the rest of your night with him.
“Sorry to interrupt...” Jude flashed a cheeky grin at Tasha and Bri that had them crumbling on the spot. “I’m taking Y/N off your hands for the night. I hope that’s alright?”
Tasha and Bri squealed in unison. “Please! Take her. She’s all yours.” They both shoved you out of your seat in a hurry. “Go. GO!” You cut your eyes at them but Jude gave you no time to argue and stretched his hand out.
“You ready?” he asked, eyeing your frame from head to toe. 
You nodded, slipping your hand into his without any other words. Jude led you through the club towards the exit, and you took one last glance over your shoulder to wave at Bri and Tasha who were losing their minds. You giggled, turning back just as Jude leaned into your ear when you reached the exit.
“Let’s see if I can live up to your standards.”
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whoopsyeahokay · 1 month ago
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October Moon
summary: you and Wally had had an incredible night at the homecoming dance, and he'd managed to surprise you with something you'd never expected.
pairing: Wally Clark x fem!reader
warnings: smutty smut smut. mad spoilers. and obvious Canon divergence. very involved, very dense plot.
🌶️🌶️🌶️ for over 99,000 words, you've been patient. today, i stand and deliver, fam. here is what you've all been waiting for.
bon reading, frens
Wally stood by the punch bowl, goofing around with Rhonda and Charley as he waited for you to arrive. The gym had been transformed; dim lighting and disco balls, satellite radio to fill the air until the DJ started his set. People trickled in at a leisurely pace, most sticking to the walls or high tables while they waited for the night to start. That awkward period at every party when too few guests had arrived to feel the vibes yet.
Simon entering with an easel and a large framed picture of Maddie interrupted Wally's impression of Rhonda as Mr. Peanut. He perked up, metaphorical tail wagging, as his gaze slid back to the door. If Simon had arrived, that meant—
Charley whistled appreciatively beside Wally, pulling the sentiment right out of Wally's bones. The world moved in slow motion as soon as you crossed the balloon arch. Wally's gaze traveled from your feet, along the shape of your legs, up and up in a worshipful sweep, until he reached your eyes which were already on Wally. His heart thumped behind his ribs and a shaky breath blew out of him; for a moment his brain sputtered like an overheated engine, so much so that he was sure there was smoke spouting from his ears.
Rhonda's finger pushed into the underside of Wally's jaw, "You're gonna catch flies that way," she teased of his open mouth. "You going to say hello, Romeo?"
"Can't." Wally slurred. Realizing he was acting like an idiot, he shook himself out of his stupor and recomposed himself, fixed his suit jacket and his stance. "Not yet. We agreed to wait until after Mr. Hartman does opening remarks." He looked around, "There aren't enough people yet, anyway."
Wally's eyes tracked you as you proceeded to the small stage where the DJ set up on stage left, a couple of your friends already there. Hana and Lucas, Wally recognized. He wasn't sure what you were talking about, but it didn't seem relaxed and giggly. It was more directorial, you and Hana nodding when Lucas pointed behind him at a drum set that had been installed on the stage. Eli joined you, bobbed his head, proposed something you and Hana seemed to agree with, and then he marched away on a mission.
What was going on?
Thankfully, Wally found his chance to ask you, if impersonal and discrete, when you broke away from your friends and meandered to the refreshments table. Wally leaned against it, hands in his pockets, hoping he looked more debonair than blushing and bashful.
As you ladled some punch into a cup, "I have a surprise for you," you said under your breath, certain Wally would hear you.
Wally couldn't help himself, slanting into your space, so close to touching you, nose almost grazing your cheek as he inhaled your perfume. "Another one?"
You'd already skipped your last class to present him with the tuxedo he was currently wearing. Not a real one, it was a costume, but from Hana's boyfriend's school since none of the fancy dress options on the Split River costume rack had fit him well. You'd also DoorDashed another meal from Max's for Wally and Ajay. Never mind that you'd shown up as a vision in emerald green which Wally considered a breathtaking surprise just for him. What more could there be?
Flicking his gaze across the gym, he saw no one was looking and took the chance to smooth the backs of two fingers from your hip to your thigh. He smirked when he felt you shiver. "Is it a kiss? Because I could really use one of those," his lips at your ear. "Been thinking about it all day..."
"You got kisses all day." You pointed out, still quiet, daintily sipping your punch.
He let his fingers slip under the skirt of your dress, hand skimming your inner thigh. "You look beautiful," He said rather than address how—yeah, okay—you'd indulged him with kisses (and a lot more) all day. What could he say? He had an insatiable appetite when it came to you.
He heard your sweet, little gasp as he teased the tip of his thumb along the edge of what felt like a thin scrap of lace at your groin. His heart rate spiked, eyes went heavy, a twitch in his pants. Fuuuck. Naughty girl.
You turned your head, glancing around him to your friends who'd been joined by Xavier. "I'll find you after your surprise," you told him.
He let his hand drop, gave you a cocky smile, and watched you swan away, returning to your friends. Xavier, laden with two guitar cases, handed you one, said something, and then reached out to rest his hand lightly on your back. The glower that Wally sent him must've activated Xavier's Spidey Senses because Xavier quickly thought better of it, pale as he removed his hand like he'd been burned. Rather than direct you physically, Xavier simply instructed you to follow him to the side of the stage, sending Wally a tight smile of acknowledgment when he passed.
Over the span of the next few minutes, you and your friends climbed onto the stage and started connecting instruments to cables that hooked into amps. Adjusted microphones, tuned strings, shared a brief exchange with Principal Hartman. At 9:30PM on the dot, the lights above the stage went out. A spotlight shone on the ground in front of the stage and Principal Hartman stepped into it.
He welcomed everyone to 2023 Homecoming, excited to celebrate another school year. When Wally cast about, he noticed the gym was filling up quickly, the empty dancefloor flooding with students jazzed up in their best eveningwear. No one could compete with you, in Wally's opinion, but it was fun to see the sparkly dresses and pressed suits.
Wally's attention snapped back to the stage when Principal Hartman announced a live performance to kick the night off. The gym lights were turned off. People crammed closer to the stage. And then the stage lit up. Xavier was behind the middle microphone, you to his right, Lucas to his left. Behind you, Hana stood at a keyboard, and at the drums, Eli tapped his sticks.
Xavier began to sing as he strummed the first chords of a song Wally had loved since it was released. Take Me Home Tonight by Eddie Money. A cassette Wally had stashed to this day in his little box of ghostly treasures.
"Isn't that your favorite song?" Rhonda called over the intro.
Speechless, Wally nodded, too smitten with how your fingers moved over the strings of your guitar, the sound of your voice as you sang with Xavier who, Wally begrudgingly admitted, sounded incredible. The audience began to dance, clapping along, and Wally didn't want to be left out. He squirmed his way through the packed bodies, Rhonda and Charley in tow, and let the music vibrate from the soles of his feet to his teeth. The cover was punky, heavy guitar and drums, a subtle growl under your vocals, and Wally desperately needed to hear that up close, in his ear, on his skin.
He let loose. Rocked out. Jumped and shimmied and belted the lyrics along with you and Xavier. Even Rhonda loosened up and moved to the rhythm. Charley was in the midst of an interpretive dance when Wally checked on him and, farther back, he saw Ajay and Katelynn air guitaring with passion.
You were born to be up there, a star, and Wally couldn't tear his eyes away from you. He'd never seen this side of you. Wild and engaged and alive. The connection between you and him swelled in his belly, a blunt pulse that drew him closer to the stage as he danced, sang, blinked up at you like you were Debbie Gibson herself.
The song ended and the crowd whooped and cheered as you and your friends exited the stage. The DJ took over and began his set with another upbeat '80s classic for a smooth transition. Wally immediately searched you out, but he couldn't find you. Xavier and Lucas were packing their instruments in the corner, the case Xavier had handed you already closed and tucked away.
He did a tour of the gym, saw Simon and Maddie and Nicole. Hana, Mathilda, Eli. Claire and her minion squad. Where had you gone? Many unsuccessful minutes later, Wally stood in the center of the dance floor, eyes peeled, examining every cluster of people for you. And then, just as he was about to give up, he felt a tap on his shoulder blade.
When he turned to see who it was, his jaw dropped. There you were, still flushed and bright eyed, an affectionate smile on your face. He marveled when he felt the difference in your presence, how the air moved through you rather than around you. You were here, on his side of the veil, body cloistered somewhere he assumed was safe because you'd planned this. You'd intended to be with him, really with him for the whole night.
"Hey," You said, tender, shifting into Wally's space.
Not wanting you to slip away, Wally pulled you close, hand to your cheek, arm around your waist, "Hey, baby girl." He chuckled, overjoyed, "You really meant it when you asked me to be your date, huh?"
"It would be kinda shitty of me to ask and then spend the night ignoring you, wouldn't it?" You said, flattening your hands on his chest. "Did you like your surprise?" At first, he thought you meant this; you as a ghost so he could be all over you without earning you off-put glances of concern. "The song," you clarified through a grin.
"How'd you know?"
You hummed, tilted your head from side to side, pretending to recall, "Sophomore year. You rambled through my whole Geography class, remember?"
Laughing, Wally nodded, "Yeah. I mean, I don't remember what I talked about, but I remember doing that." He sobered, "You remember that?"
A shy one-shouldered shrug, "You're kind of the only thing I always pay attention to in school. Always have."
Wally's heart melted. His mind melted. His soul melted. The music shifted from country pop to fast-paced electro house that encouraged more people to the dance floor, you and he surrounded yet the moment still felt intimate. He held you, swayed gently as if it was a slow dance, leaning down as you craned up.
"I really wanna kiss you." He murmured.
"I'm not stopping you."
He didn't wait, capturing your lips in a soft, slow kiss; the kind that coaxed those noises out of you that he craved. The hand around your waist traveled to your hip and brought you closer, as close as he could get you without absorbing you into his skin. Wally never wanted to let you go.
The realization struck him like a lightning bolt to the brain. Yeah, he loved you, but this was bigger than that. Heavier. He wanted you hold you while you slept, eat every meal with you, explore the world with you, have adventures. Accumulate a lifetime of memories, wild and mundane alike. He wanted to...to grow old with you.
His heart twinged, however, that didn't deter him. He'd make the most of whatever time you and he had together, regardless of how long that might be. You'd figure out the symbols, you'd lift the barrier, he'd haunt you like a dedicated boyfriend should haunt the love of his life. He didn't care if you grew old, aged into wrinkles and white hair. He was never—never—going to let you go.
The night was spectacular and Wally wished it could go on forever. He had your full attention. You'd even brushed off Simon and Xavier when they'd asked for your input on Operation Claire—what appeared to Wally to be a cringeworthy experience for all involved. The DJ played an awesome selection of songs that Wally taught you, Ajay, and Charley the lyrics to.
Maddie came and went, as did Rhonda since she'd agreed to keep Bernadette and Katelynn distracted so they wouldn't look too closely at Wally's date. Though, how could they not? You were stunning. And goofy, and silly. And talented, as proven when you performed some of the choreography you'd learned in your 10 & Under dance class.
When the mass on the dancefloor began to dwindle due to the DJs choice in oldies music, Wally figured it was as good a time as any to reveal that he'd assembled a surprise of his own for you. Another '80s pop ballad and the dancefloor would be deserted entirely, and Wally didn't want to risk outing you to Katelynn and Bernadette.
He seized the opportunity to whisper in your ear as you were fetching another cup of punch, still breathless and flushed from the line dance you'd tried and failed to execute. Wally brushed a strand of hair over your shoulder, slanted close so his lips hovered by your ear.
"It's my turn to surprise you, baby." He felt you shiver, his lips grazing down your neck, arm curling around your waist. "Come on."
Several feet away, loitering beside a patently bored Claire, Xavier watched you and Wally leave the gym hand in hand. Xavier cast a glance to Simon, who shot Wally a thumbs up when Wally glanced at Simon over his shoulder.
Behind Claire's back, Xavier bobbed his head at Simon, silently asking what was up. Simon returned the gesture with a slight and slow shake of his head, the sentiment plain, "Please do not ask me to spell it out for you."
Xavier frowned, returned his gaze to the now empty doorway, then back at Simon, suspicious.
His fingers laced with yours, Wally led you through the school, out the back, and across the courtyard to the greenhouses. While most of the row was dark, gold light spilled out of the greenhouse at the end. You had no clue what Wally's surprise could be, but you didn't think it involved potting plants given how nervous he seemed to get the closer you got to the last greenhouse.
He stopped in front of the door, turned, drew you against him and held your jaw in his large palm as he said, "Baby, I—I don't want you to think I'm expecting anything, okay?" His gaze was imploring and he waited for you to nod your understanding before he continued, "You've been amazing, getting me—us—things from the outside even though you've been busy trying to get to the bottom of everything. And, I just... I wanted to do something special for you. To say thank you."
Wally reached behind him to grab and turn the doorknob. He opened the door and then stepped aside for you to enter first.
You couldn't believe your eyes. The long tables had been pushed against the glass walls, plants across their surfaces and beneath curtaining the space from the outside and giving it a sense of privacy. Above, strings of fairy lights had been threaded across the ceiling and trickled down the walls like a tent made of fireflies. In the center, to your utter astonishment, was a sheeted and covered air mattress laid upon a pallet to keep it off the floor. Candles flickered from various spots around the greenhouse and soft music filtered from an old stereo in the corner. Wally had even wheeled in and set up the outdated school TV, your favorite silver screen classic muted on the fishbowl screen.
"Wally..." You didn't know what to say. The atmosphere was romantic and magical, and no one had ever done anything like this for you before. "...how did...?"
Wally planted himself behind you, arms wrapping around your waist as he pressed his front to your back, mouth finding that sweet spot on your neck that made you keen when he bit it.
"You like it?" He asked nervously as the tip of his nose trailed up your cheek. He kissed your temple, "I didn't know you were gonna do your out-of-body thing and I wanted to spend tonight with you, any way I could."
You turned in his arms and gazed up at him like he'd hung the moon, "It's perfect." The connection between you and him simmered, a low, intoxicating heat that preened at Wally's thoughtfulness. You added in a whisper, "You're perfect," your hand finding Wally's jaw. "But how did you get all this stuff?" You panned around, referring in particular to the air mattress.
Proud, boyish grin, Wally confessed, "Simon."
"Simon." You repeated, dubious. "Simon, Simon."
Wally's grin widened, "Simon."
Simon. Huh. You let that sit for a second, let it sink in, imaging how Wally had approached Simon without your knowledge to enlist his help to do all this. For you. Wally had asked Simon to get candles and fairy lights and—and sheets. Pillows. Duvet. A bed. That meant that Simon had an inkling as to what you and Wally got up to when you were alone. Not that things had gone that far (yet), but still.
You blushed crimson, face hot, lips pressed together in an embarrassed line. "Simon..."
Apparently, Wally found your reaction amusing, shaking with barely contained laughter, "I promise, it's not that big a deal." You pouted. He smiled. "So cute..." and he brought his face closer to yours, staring softly into your eyes, "Like I said, nothing has to happen, baby. I don't care. I just... I want to be with you tonight. And I want you to be comfortable."
The way Wally looked at you, like you were the most precious thing in his world, completely dissolved whatever hang ups you had. He brushed the backs of his fingers down your cheek, humid breath fanning your lips and chin. His other hand rested on your hip and he used his firm grip to drag you flush against him, his eyes never leaving yours.
"I love you," He said, so quietly you almost didn't hear it.
Everything stopped. Time itself felt drained from existence as you absorbed what he'd said. The sincerity and depth, the tiny shake beneath the sentiment as if he was afraid you wouldn't reciprocate. You gasped a weak breath, your blood pumping faster, pulse racing in your ears. The moment felt too much like a fairytale to be real.
Just as quiet, not wanting to ruin the honey-dense atmosphere, you returned, "I love you, Wally."
His eyes closed and you watched him take it in, treasure it, hold it for a peaceful lull before he opened his eyes again. His thumb rubbed across your lower lip, tugged it slightly, and the hand on your hip glided lower until he cupped a handful of your ass through your dress.
The air thickened and warmed as you and he stood like that, the connection between you and him steadily swelling, bursts of liquid fire in your belly that made you mewl without realizing.
"My beautiful girl," Wally whispered and grazed his lips against yours as the hand on your jaw slid back into your hair. His lips connected with yours, the kiss slow and deep and filled with desire. He took his time, drew it out, made you savor the feeling as he poured every ounce of his love for you into the kiss.
When he pulled away, "Come on, baby, I wanna hold you," he took your hand and led you to the bed. Stood in front of you as he slid his jacket off and tugged his bowtie loose, both carelessly crumpled on the floor.
You followed his lead and undid the straps of your heels. You didn't have as many layers as he did, only your dress and one piece under it, so while he toed off his glossy shoes and removed his button-up, you lowered yourself onto the bed. His gaze stayed on you, affectionate if somewhat heated around the edges.
He met you on the mattress in just his pants and tucked in close, pleased when you tangled your legs with his and burrowed into his chest, feeling safe and cared for in his arms.
"I swear, baby, nothing has to happen. I just wanna be here with you," He soothingly reminded you. You let the tension bleed from your muscles, believing his intentions were honest, and felt his mouth curve into a smile against your forehead. "There you go," He murmured, leaning back slightly to look down at you as his hand found the join of your neck and shoulder. "Can I kiss you?"
It was silly, you thought, that he felt the need to ask since you and he had spent hours making out and touching each other in more hungry, heated ways. Hell, earlier you'd practically made him come in his sweatpants, dry humping him in the Home Ec room. Yet, you understood why he was being so careful with you. Although he said there was no expectation, the privacy and romantic setting stirred up the idea that there was. No matter how much you trusted him, knew he was being completely honest, you couldn't control how it made you feel.
Quiet minutes passed and he simply held you, foreheads pressed together, his hand remaining where he'd placed it on your neck. Reassured by his patience, you finally answered, "Yes, Wally," nuzzled a bit closer, angled your head, your gaze snared on his lips, "Kiss me."
An inhale, two, and he obliged, closing the narrow space between you to kiss you softly. It was unhurried, deep, his tongue flicking against your bottom lip before taking it between his teeth then releasing it. You keened, pressed closer, shifted onto your back and pulled him with you so he hovered above you, his thigh between yours.
He broke the kiss to look into your eyes, large hand caressing your side through your dress, breath heavy. His hand moved up and up and over, gently fondling your breast over the satin. You sucked in a breath when he nudged his thigh against you, inadvertently pressing himself on your hip with a weak moan. He claimed your lips in a feverish kiss as he shifted to fit between your legs, hand traveling from your breast to your thigh, under your dress to your ass, his firm grip pulling your hips against his.
You whimpered mildly, desire swirling inside you and making your skin flushed and sensitive. Every touch felt a thousand times more acute, his fingers digging into your flesh, hard cock humping against you through his pants and your panties. Still, his movements were slow, controlled, like he was holding himself back so he didn't spook you.
A deep exhale and he said, "Can I see you, baby?" He shoved his hand between your back and the bed, and his fingers found the puller of your zipper.
You and he hadn't done this yet. The part where he'd seen you bare and on display. Everything up to this point had been strictly with clothes on due to the risk of possible interruption. He'd groped you under your shirt before, had slid his hands into your jeans to massage your ass while you rubbed yourself against him. Why did this feel so different? Vulnerable almost.
"It's okay if you don—"
"Yes." You blurted, cheeks pink and heart pounding and, god dammit, you wanted this. You wanted it more than you'd ever wanted anything. The connection between you and him curled tighter in your belly, washed outward through your limbs. "Yeah, Wally, I want you to."
You heard him swallow, heard the long exhale as you arched your back to make it easier for him to unzip your dress. The sound of the elements splitting down your back was loud in the quiet space and your breath quickened. His fingers were so gentle, tickled over every notch in your spine as he opened your dress. Wally's gaze was heavy as it held yours. He licked his lips and removed his hand once he finished, and waited for you to slide the spaghetti straps low enough for you to slip your arms through.
With the patience of God, Wally held himself back from ripping the dress off you completely. You could tell, felt it in the way his muscles bunched and released, but he remained still, allowing you to set the pace. Slowly, you dragged the bodice down your body so it scrunched at your waist, your chest fully on display for him to see. He inhaled sharply, gaze blown dark with want.
"Please, baby," He said, voice tight like he was fighting for self-control, "Can I touch you?"
Again, such a silly question in light of all the places he'd already touched you, including your chest. Only now, there was nothing hiding it. He ground his hips against yours. You wrapped your legs around him, pinning him to your body, meeting his movements with your own.
"Yes~." You keened, head falling back as you pushed your chest forward.
He moaned, deep and hungry, his hand trailing up your side and then over your breast, the touch reverent and soft. His hips never stopped, no pause, no stutter, his back curving and arching. Wally's large, hot hand caressed your breast, thumb rubbing your nipple, and his mouth broke away from yours to blaze a line of fire down your neck.
"You're so beautiful, baby," He murmured into your skin, "So fucking beautiful."
The sensation of being skin to skin was heady. It made your brain syrupy as you held him close, one hand in his hair, the other roaming down his back to his ass that you clenched your fingers into to drive his movements how you wanted them. He started to get more desperate, wanting as much contact with you as possible, his hands running over your skin and caressing every curve they encountered. You could feel his arousal between your thighs, pressing against you through your panties over and over again, the friction making your head spin.
"I want to make you feel good," He said, breathing deeply against your collar, lips and tongue and teeth leaving little red marks in their wake as he kissed lower and lower before sucking your nipple into his mouth. Wally groaned in satisfaction when you keened, chest pushing into the sensation. His hand continued to message your breast as he doled attention to your nipple, his hips moving a little faster, grinding his hard cock against you.
"Fuck, Wally..." You moaned. Your eyes rolled back, trying to keep up, the heat building and building inside you as the thick imprint of his cock rubbed against your clit through the fabric of his pants and your panties. "How—how far do you wanna go?"
"As far as you want, baby," He whispered as he nipped the delicate skin below your ear. "I'm yours, no matter what."
His words struck like a match. You shuddered a breath and then, "Everything," you panted, drawing him into another deep, searing kiss, "I want everything, Wally."
Again, Wally groaned, face pinched in desire, his hands everywhere. He nodded, "Want you so bad," and rose just enough to help you out of your dress. It was quick, as if he couldn't bare to be anywhere else but on you, even for the briefest moment. He tossed the dress off the bed, surging into you once more, kissing you harder and hotter and with more desperation. "Fuck, baby, you're so soft," He murmured as his hands explored every inch he could reach.
"Wally," You whimpered and tugged at his pants, frantic now, the heat of the connection soaring higher and higher, "I need to feel you, please."
Wally choked, "God," and swiftly divested his pants and boxers in one go, shoving them off and throwing them to join the pile of clothes on the floor. "Fuck," he moaned when he began to grind against you again, "Feels so good, baby, I—fuck." One of his hands skimmed across your hip and snuck between your body and his, fingers dancing over your thin, lace panties, down, down, to press into the wet stain over your pussy. With a rich, needy moan, he rubbed his fingers over you, finding your clit with expert precision, sharp little circles of pleasure that made stars explode behind your eyes and the ache of heat between your legs beat faster.
"You're so wet for me, baby," He rasped as he snuck his fingers into your panties and smeared them between your folds, eyes fluttering as he felt how wet you were. "I need to feel you," He panted, cock throbbing, practically begging, "let me feel you."
By then, you couldn't deny him anything, nodding in a state of pure, blissful need. He sat up to peel your panties off you, flung them over his shoulder as his gaze wandered over you. Wally took himself in hand, stroking over the tip once, twice; licked his lips and said in a voice thick with lust, "You're all mine, baby. I'm gonna make you feel so good."
Laying himself over you, hot, heavy cock pressed against you, he took your wrists and pinned them above your head, shifting to trap them in one hand. He leaned in to whisper, "Tell me, baby girl, I need to hear it," his breath tickling your ear, "Tell me your mine."
Keening, "Always," you arched your back and humped his cock, the sound lewd as you coated him in your wetness. "I'm yours, Wally, always."
That seemed to spur him on, hand tightening around your wrists, "Fuck," and you felt him adjust to take himself in hand and line himself up. He paused, staring down at you with dark, wanting eyes, "You want me, baby?" And he dragged the fat tip of his cock through your folds, punching another needy noise out of you.
"Yes!" You answered, rocking your hips forward, mouth falling open when you felt the head nudge inside you, just a fraction, just enough to send frissons of burning, liquid need shooting through you. "Fuck, Wally, please!"
Wicked and smug, Wally leaned over you again to whisper, "You're so pretty when you beg, baby," as he snapped his hips forward, not enough to push himself in more than another few shallow degrees. He wanted to prolong the anticipation, let it build until you were ready to split apart. He wanted you to beg. You dug your heels into his ass and forced him in another fraction.
"Wally, please, I need to feel you, please!" And that was exactly what he wanted to hear.
"So good for me, baby," He praised and rocked his hips forward, draping himself over you, pressed against you, skin to skin, sinking deeper inside of you with a deep moan. "God, baby, you feel so—ughn—so fucking good." His free hand held your thigh, holding you open for him. "Say it again, say you're mine. I wanna hear you."
You said it like a mantra, "Yours, Wally, I'm yours," and keened when he thrust himself as deep as he could get, his hips flush with yours. He was big, thick, and you felt stuffed full and ready to split in two. It was the most euphoric thing you'd ever experienced, the sensation unmatched, and you wanted more. "Please, Wally, move, I need to feel it. I need to feel you."
Wally cursed and captured your lips in a hungry, needy kiss, tongue licking against yours like he wanted to taste you. And then he started to move, slow at first to let you adjust, and then harder, faster, building the rhythm. When you began to move with him, body writhing beneath his, Wally groaned against your throat, teeth sinking into your flesh as he worried a mark into your skin. His mark. His claim.
"You're mine, baby," He panted, moving faster, blunt head pounding your sweet spot with every stroke. You cried out, eyes squeezed shut, mouth open, clenching around him as he brought you to the edge. "That's it, baby...so good...fuck, you feel so good."
"Wally, I��" You choked, whimpered, tugged on your wrists, but he didn't release you, "I'm close!"
He loosed a feral, greedy moan, "Yeah, baby, God, that's it, I wanna feel you come on my cock." Jesus Christ, his words alone should've been enough to propel you over the edge, dark and dirty and sandpaper rough. He continued to bite and suck bruises into your neck and collar between filthy utterances, "So fucking wet, so tight, God, baby you're gonna make me come so fast... I'm so close."
Whimpering, gasping, you felt that insidious pressure build inside you, deep within you, right in your core, a rubber band about to snap. "Wally, I'm gonna—"
Wally moaned, moved his hips faster, in and out, rubbing every nerve ending inside you as he thrust into you with abandon, "That's it baby, let go, let me feel you."
Two, three, four more quick, hard strokes and you launched over the edge, coming so hard your vision whited out and your body spasmed. You heard him cry out when you convulsed around him, squeezing tighter, gripping him inside you.
"Fuck, yes, baby, I'm gonna come," He panted, sweat on his brow, lips crashing into yours as he stiffened and then, "Oh God," his cock twitched and pulsed, groaning as he peaked and spilled inside you. In the same moment, he bit your neck, right over your pulse point, wrenching a pain-pleasured moan from your chest.
He collapsed on top of you, breathing labored, hand finally releasing your wrists while the other one slid down your body, the touch featherlight. And that's when it happened, in the caramel-soft afterglow, with Wally's brow against yours.
Images crowded your mind, visions, a thousand lives, a hundred-thousand, one after the other and all at once. Past. Present. Future. Some lived, some yet to unfold. His soulful eyes, his cheeky grin, his hands on your body, over and over and over across time. Birth and death and rebirth. Always drawn together, always finding each other no matter the circumstances. Older, younger, countless shapes and names and roots.
When the visions faded, you opened your eyes—when had you closed them?—and you saw Wally staring at you in awe. He'd seen the same thing, only most likely from his point of view. The connection between you and him expanded until it burst outward and then settled as if sated. The job was done. It could rest now.
"W-Wally?" You breathed, heart racing. Because you'd known him by so many other names, would know him by many more. "What...?"
He was trembling in your arms, eyes wide in wonderment, "I don't—" Know, don't understand, don't believe it. But both you and he did. You knew and understood and believed. Like the universe had peeled back it's mysteries and gave you an answer you'd been seeking since you'd arrived in this existence.
Soul-tie. The word echoed in your mind. And you'd had a vague knowledge of what that meant, though you'd never fully empathized with the concept. However, now, it was undeniable. You and Wally had always been, would always be. You belonged to him and he belonged to you.
The feeling soothed you as you allowed yourself to open your heart to it. Warm and gentle and perfect.
"I was gonna find you," Wally whispered, sweet brown eyes gazing into yours, "I was always gonna find you, no matter what."
There were no words you could speak that would encompass how good that felt to hear, but you tried anyway. "Always," you murmured, your hand cradling his jaw, "no matter what."
He kissed you, slow and soft, the love he put into it moving you so completely you felt you could cry. It was as if you'd missed him, like he'd been gone too long and you'd been yearning for him forever, waiting for him to return to you.
"I'm here, baby," He said like a promise. Like he could hear what you were thinking. "I've got you. I'm never letting you go."
You believed it with every fiber of your being because he never had. Time and time again, he'd never let you go.
also available on AO3!
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glitchlight · 26 days ago
Oh No! I got mad about something someone I dont know posted on the internet and I am brooding and angry about it! Instead of posting I will relax and reflect and do something more productive like:
Scuba diving
National Park Travelers Club
Becoming A Nudist
Jigsaw puzzles
Wikipedia editing
Inventing A Time Machine
Succumbing To The Amulet
Dark Alchemy
Robot combat
Bungee jumping
Electronics repair
Lego sets
Eating Lugnuts Off The Cars In the Walmart Parking Lot
Transcending the Limitations of Flesh
Abolishing The Division of Night and Day
Pet fostering
Getting Gone
Dumpster Diving
Book collecting
Amateur radio
Meditating On My Uncountable Failures
Ice skating
Graphic design
Car racing
Teaching Crows How To Commit Tax Fraud
Getting Really Good At Beatboxing
Getting My Stink Salted
Bird watching
Screaming Into the Night Sky At God
Metal detecting
Driving Off A Bridge
Thinking about Masturbating
Revisiting Classics To See If They Hold Up
Bread making
Launching rockets
Jewelry making
Video games
Water skiing
Animal breeding
Fantasy sports
Learning Spanish
Wine tasting
Getting Way Too Into Sports
Turning Straight Women Gay
Horseback riding
Being a DJ
Record collecting
Stealing Infant Teeth
Attuning Myself To Crystals For the Purposes of Psychic Attacks
Playing a musical instrument
Stand-up comedy
Throwing Myself Into A Volcano
Remote cars
Furniture restoration
Quitting While I'm Ahead
Local historical society
Disappearing In A Mysterious Accident
Martial arts
App making
Table tennis
Web design
Letting All The Demons Out of Hell
Home improvement projects
Animal grooming
Forbidden Alchemy
Remote airplanes
Burying A Bunch Of Eggs
Becoming The Worlds Preeminent White Maoist
Digging A Hole To The Center of the Earth
Video production
Crossword puzzles
Vehicle restoration
Art collecting
Dancing On the Graves of My Enemies
Designing clothing
Rock climbing
Disc golfing
Wood burning
Running Away
Museum visiting
Escape rooms
Soap making
Board games
Just Eating A Bunch of Candy
Card games
Kite surfing
Creating The Perfect French Fry
Model trains
The Rites And Rituals Forbidden To Me
Movie reviews
Frisbee Wizardry
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ketaundkrawall · 9 months ago
hi girlie! idk if yr taking requests so feel free to discard it but i was listening to agora hills by doja cat and the idea of reader being famous artist and joost being the fan just didn’t leave me alone😭🌀🩵
thank you for the request 🫶🏻 i hope you guys enjoy it <3
Stargirl Interlude ☽。⋆ Joost Klein
Summary: you’re a famous singer meeting one of your fans
Warnings: none, just fluff and two fangirls meeting each other (maybe smut in pt. 2 bc this ends in a cliffhanger kinda), not proofread, afab!reader, no use of Y/N
WC: 1.1k
A/N: guys pls lmk if i should do a part two (i will) 💫
Tumblr media
What you loved most about your job was seeing the happy faces of your fans whenever you came on stage. Well, it wasn’t really a job to you, it was your destiny to stand on stage and make people happy.
You loved when the crowd chanted your name, absolutely making every stage performance of yours better when they sang the lyrics. It made you proud. And it was everything you dreamed of when you were a child. Seeing people happy and being able to help them with your music somehow.
Nonetheless, every time you went on stage you were nervous. It was a feeling that accompanied you ever since you started your career.
Today you performed in a club in Amsterdam. You’ve never actually travelled to the Netherlands before so you were really excited. Not only to perform but also to explore the city, since it was your last tour stop you were doing at the moment.
Right now you were getting all set up to go on stage. You could already hear the people outside waiting for you to come out and start the show. “You’re going to kill it babes.” Your best friend, Tommy, said as he came to a stand beside you with a drink for you which you accepted with a thanks and sipped on it. “I really hope so.” Smiling you gave him the empty cup.
Tommy always travelled with you. He has been there for you since the very beginning of your career and never left your side, always calming your nerves before the shows started and you were so fucking thankful for him. “Jeez stop being so nervous! You’re a bomb you know that and now go out there and fucking show them what you got!” He cheered you on and you laughed. Giving him one last hug and taking a deep breath you ran out
“AMSTERDAM ARE YOU READY?! LETS GET THIS PARTY GOING!” You yelled and instantly felt happiness and relief flowed your body as the crowd screamed and just went completely crazy.
And so you started your show, loving the way all the people singing with you. It really filled your heart with joy. After an hour or so you were out of breath and just needed some water. Your hair was sticking to your sweaty forehead but honestly? You couldn’t be happier. Looking throughout the crowd you smiled. “Gosh we’re having some really good looking guys here tonight done we?” You grinned and the crowd screamed.
And with ‘good looking guys’ you meant one particular one that caught your eye since the beginning of the show. Of course you knew who he was. You saw him on your TikTok the whole time, liking way too many edits that popped up on your For-You-Page.
Eyes roaming the crowd again they stopped at him for a short moment but you were sure he noticed. “Never thought an Eurovision candidate would be a fan of mine.” You now grinned at the blonde, walking towards the front of the stage and kneeling down. “Joost mother fucking Klein is listening to my music guys!” You screamed and the crowd cheered again. Eyes darting to him, you saw him laugh. It would be a lie to say you didn’t listen to his music, even though you didn’t understand a word.
Walking to the back of the stage to your DJ you said something to him and soon the melody of Europapa was blasting through the speakers and you and almost the whole audience did that silly little dance and you saw Joost laughing and cheering, definitely liking it.
After the song finished you kept on going with your show, watching Joost sing along to all of your songs. Something you never thought would happen. You played your last few songs, totally forgetting the time and soon everything was over. “THANK YOU AMSTERDAM!! I LOVE YOU!” You screamed into the mic, your eyes finding the blondes again, before walking off stage.
“Jesus babes that was amazing!” Tommy practically yelled and hugged you, making you giggle. “Thanks Tommy, hey, could you get Joost backstage?” You asked in your sweetest voice possible, bashing your lashes at him and he grinned. “Uhhh.” Scoffing you hit his arm earning a huff from him. “I see what I can do.” And with that he was off.
Walking back to your dressing room you flipped down on the couch, taking a cup with whatever liquor was inside, and opened your instagram. Your DM’s and notifications were flooded with messages, pictures and videos of what just happened. People already shipped you and even had a name for the both of you. You giggled and went on TikTok, notifications blowing up on there as well. Being so concentrated on your phone you didn’t hear the knock that was coming from the door.
As you finally did notice tho you quickly yelled a “yeah?” and the door opened. Joost standing in the doorway.
Sitting up straight now you smiled widely. “Hey.” He breathed out like he couldn’t believe he’s finally meeting you. “Hi.” You smiled back and got up to hug him. “Can’t believe I’m finally meeting you.” Joost chuckled and you smiled, pulling away. “Really?” He nodded. “Been listening to your music for a while now actually.” He confessed and it made you really proud somehow. “Well thank you.” You giggled.
Both of you sat down and started to chatter away and you couldn’t stop yourself from noticing how he was smiling the whole time as he was excitedly talking to you about everything. And you got along so well. The time flew by so fast and soon it was 4 in the morning.
“I should get going.” Joost said as he looked at his phone. You just nodded. “Yeah I’m so done. Need a lot of sleep now. Long day tomorrow. I want to do some sightseeing.” You smiled, pulling your knees to your chest. “Hey uh.” Joost started and scratched the back of his head nervously. “How about I give you my number and you hit me up? I can show you around if you want.”
Your eyes lit up as you nodded. “I’d really like that you smiled as he dropped his shoulder. You didn’t even noticed how nervous he actually was to ask you that question. Handing over his phone you quickly typed your number down along with his name. He smiled as you gave it back to him. “Then good night I guess. I see you around then.”
And with that he walked out of the club, not being able to stop the smile that was forming on his face. Taking his phone out he looked at your contact and chuckled.
You saved yourself on his phone as ‘Stargirl Interlude 💫’, your stage name.
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la2yn0va · 5 months ago
Girlfriend Rappa Headcanons
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(I’m on 60 pity, I’m pulling for her, trust)
Whenever she’d visit you, EVERYONE would know, as she spray paint on a large building ‘I LOVE YOU!!’ or ‘IM BACK BABYGIRL!!’
She definitely walks into your home/presence rapping as a way to great you. Once she’s done you always respond with the most monotone ‘Hello babe’
Rappa would teach you ninjutsu, and how to graffiti as a date. Which is the most laxed date with her.
The high energy date is taking you off planet and making you watch as she takes out bad guys while rapping, doing every dance move to impress you.
Normal dates are going out to a nightclub where she’d somehow be the DJ and get everyone pumped up while keeping you close. Or teaching you how to skateboard.
Rappa definitely puts some of her clothes on you or in your wardrobe, just to see how adorable you’d look.
She gives you multiple Ninja weapons for you to defend yourself with. She won’t allow any other weapon that isn’t given to you by her.
Rappa also gives you a gun or holographic phone to signal for her help if you’re in danger. Along with her hat and her jacket thats your size.
Rappa’s the type to get offended for you.
Rappa leaves at least 26 kisses on you before she leaves.
Rappa makes a whole rap album for you, and just for you.
If you want to stay on your planet, She’d beg you to come travel with her permanently.
She always leaves your planet after graffitiing a picture of her and you making out, which makes you stay inside for a week or two out of embarrassment.
Rappa’s holographic glasses MIIIIGHT have a feature where she sees you shirtless.
You’d try to set up a casual date, but she would always SOMEHOW make it chaotic. Along with coming back a week later with her OWN casual date.
She’d proudly talk Boothill’s head off about how amazing you are, and he’d just listen happy at rappa’s lovesick yet cute childish rambling. He’d also get a little sad because of his own love life situation.
Boothill does come hang out with you and rappa. Boothill would also threaten you. ‘If you break her heart, I’ll break yer fudgin body!’ Before laughing it off.
Rappa ALWAYS carries you, but whenever she’s tired or feeling sad, you’d give her a piggyback ride.
Rappa would be the type to take off her head and put it on your, low enough to block your eyesight when she’s pissed at someone and is about to brutalize them.
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thanosscross · 2 months ago
Cutie - Kwon Ji-Yong/G-Dragon x reader part one
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Summary: After getting a pretty good gig, you meet someone at the club, who you immediately take a liking to, due to how fucking adorable he was anytime he was around you, never noticing he was the one who sang some of your favorite songs to play.
Warnings: None <33
You worked with music for as long as you could remember, you always liked the way certain songs just merged perfectly, plus it was just fun. Once you got to the legal age to go out to clubs, it just got even more fun, so you decided to invest your birthday money and savings to get all of the equipment you'd need to start taking DJ gigs at different clubs around your hometown.
After a few months, you quickly made a name for yourself in the club scene, even getting to travel to other countries to be able to do the one thing you absolutely loved. Which is how you ended up in a high end private club, making sure all of your things were hooked up before the club actually opened. "Y/n? Right? So we're going to have some pretty big names in here tonight, so make sure shit is amazing or we won't be afraid to replace you." The manager stated as he helped you set your mixer down on the table, it was your most expensive piece, so naturally it was your baby, always making sure it was in the most pristine condition, never really allowing anybody to touch it during your gigs, unless you needed help carrying it back to your car.
As the night started off, you were more reserved, trying to feel out the crowd before really getting into it, you nodded along to your music as you took a drink of the random drink the bartender had made you, thankful for the complimentary drinks during your gig. You noticed as a group of four boys walked in, watching as the crowd morphed around them you assumed they were the big names the manager was talking about. You held your headphones as you shook your head to the beat, bouncing on your tip toes as you mixed one of the trending songs for a rising band, BigBang, with a song you became familiar with in your sets, You weren't sure the name exactly, but you knew from the BigBang songs that you mashed up, he was one of the guys that went by G-Dragon. You noticed as the boys looked over towards you laughing loudly as they sent you a thumbs up.
As the night got later, you got drunker, but so did everybody else, the club was vibing and you swore this had to be one of your best gigs yet. Noticing movement from the side of your eye, you glanced over, seeing a shorter man shyly scratching the back of his neck a few feet away. "Hi...Can I help you?" You shouted over the music, giggling softly as you slid your headphones around your neck so you could hear him properly, keeping your hands on the switches on your mixer not wanting to miss your cue to switch the song back over to 'Fantastic baby'. "U-Um..Hi! I'm Ji-Yong! I like your stuff!" He sheepishly shouted pointing to your setup, you smiled softly, shamelessly checking him out.
He was adorable, you could tell by his slurred words and him swaying as he stood shyly in front of you, he was drunk, he had on tight black skinny jeans, a striped oversized long sleeve shirt with a white t-shirt over it, the sleeves pulled over his hands as he nervously rocked on his feet. His hair was cleanly cut as the silky black strands were sat perfectly out of his face, you took notice to the tattoos that littered his neck, disappearing under his shirt, and his ears that were covered in small earrings. "You're cute!" You smiled after a minute "I'm y/n!" You added on before nodding your head, motioning him to get closer to you, shuffling closer, Ji-Yong covered his cheeks blushing brightly. Even drunk he'd still always get ladies flustered, but here you were, making him a blushing mess just by checking him out and drunkenly complimenting him. It confused Ji-Yong though, even in his state, you sang along to his song, not missing a single word, but you still never noticed who exactly was standing next to you, it had to be the alcohol he thought, that's why you didn't notice yet, right? How could you mainly be playing their songs all night, and not know him?
As it got closer to close you swayed your head back, moving your hands in the air to the beat of Good Boy, you had somehow without realizing made that into your closing song. Anybody who had been to your gigs before would get the hint to get their things together as soon as the song started, knowing they had one more song after that before they'd be kicked out. Ji-Yong was even more drunk than he was whenever he first approached you, jumping next to you as he shook his head drunkenly to the beat, his hair getting messy and wild in the process. As the club closed, you were left standing next to a drunk, giggling, blushing Ji-Yong "You going to come back tomorrow to see me, cutie?" You asked raising your eyebrows playfully, watching as he gasped his eyes widening "Will you be back?" He whispered in shock, excitedly grabbing your arms "Yea, I've got a few more gigs before I head over to a place in America for a few weeks" You smiled, watching as he blushed brightly covering his cheeks in excitement with his hands, now that the lights were on, you could see him a lot better. "If you want me too" He chuckled, throwing his head back as he blushed, not noticing his friends approaching with their own smirks "Of course, Cutie, I'd always be happy to have you up here being the good looks of my gigs" You teased, watching as three other men approached "Ji-Yong! Is this where you've been all night!?" The tallest one shouted laughing, Ji-Yong just turned around excitedly "Guys! Guys! This is Y/n!! She's awesome!" He cheered, holding onto one of your arms still as he bounced in his spot "Nice to meet you, Y/n, Sorry about our friend here, he tends to get excited after shows and...I guess runs off now whenever he gets drunk" A shorter one replied, extending his hand "I'm Dae-Sung, That is Tae-Yang, and this giant, is T.O.P" He smiled, as you shook his hand you gasped recognizing at least one of the names, you smiled bowing slightly in respect, Seung Hyun just blushed laughing softly "Thanks for taking care of Ji-Yong for us, hopefully his drunk ass wasn't too much of a bother" Tae-Yang jumped in, shaking your hand gently, Ji-Yong pouted sightly as his friends pulled him away from you "No, of course night! He's welcome back to my gigs anytime, I like having cuties help me up there" You smirked, winking at Ji-Yong before bidding your farewells, going to find one of the bartenders to help you with your things.
Your second night there, it took awhile for you to spot the boys, but after about three hours of being there, you spotted them all walking in, Ji-Yong being in front, trying to look around the crowd to get a better view of you. "I'm going to go find Y/n!" He shouted to his friends, determined to stay slightly sober as he spent the night with you again. As Ji-Yong made his way to you, his cheeks immediately broke into a blush, you were already standing behind the table, a glass in your hand, and an extra sitting a few feet away from all of your equipment. "Cutie! Get over here!" You cheered, smiling brightly as you spotted him at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the platform you were set up at. Ji-Yong was quick to rush over, smiling as you grabbed his hand raising it in the air as you danced along to the song playing.
It wasn't long before Ji-Yong was drunk with you again, dancing along to the music with his hand still in yours. "I'm gonna miss you when I leave, cutie!" You shouted over the music, moving your hips to the beat, giggling as you watched him cover his cheeks in a blush. Ji-Yong couldn't help it, between how hot you were always making him flustered, and the way your hips moved to the music, it was giving him unholy thoughts as he hid his face. "Really?" He asked loudly over the speakers, you nodded in reply, smirking as you spun him around before pressing your back against his chest, running your hands up your body, the alcohol really taking you in it's hold. "W-Why don't I give you my number?" He asked shyly, trying to hide his blushing cheeks, and the obvious growing bulge in his jeans.
After your little dance break with Ji-Yong, he was feeling more flustered than ever, holding his cheeks as they started to hurt from how long he was smiling for. He excused himself, using the excuse he needed to use the restroom to go find his friends, feeling like he was going to explode being around you. "Seung Hyun!" He shouted, spotting the group at a table, laughing about something "Yes, Ji?" He asked playfully, turning his head to look at his friend who was clearly flustered and frustrated "She's so fucking...Oh my god!" He shouted; it was the second day now he couldn't find the words to describe you, or the way you make him feel, he just wanted to scream, in a good way. Ji-Yong would calm down after a bit, continuing to try and describe you to the boys, only growing grumpy with the fact he was still at a loss of words. As he made his way back to you, he noticed you looking deeply at the mixer board in front of you, rocking your body to the beat before sliding the left switches up and the right ones down as you switched the song over to a different one as soon as the beat dropped. "Hi! Sorry it took so long!" He shouted over the music as he approached you, your head immediately turned at the sound of his voice "Cutie! There you are!" You smiled happily "I thought you left, I was upset thinking you never said bye!" You laughed softly, resting your hand on his arm gently, causing his blush to return to his cheeks.
Whenever you ended your last gig a few nights later, you gave Ji-Yong a tight hug, knowing it'd be a little while before you were back home "Call me, got it, Cutie?" You stated, pointing at Ji-Yong as he sadly stood next to his friends, even with his dampened mood, you were still successful in making him blush, he nodded softly, trying to offer you a soft smile. "Will you let me know as soon as you're back?" He asked sadly, tugging his sleeves over his hands as he looked at his shoes, you just giggled shaking your head "Of course, cutie" You whispered, lifting his head gently to make eye contact with you, he was quick to cover his face quickly "Wait! I have to get a picture! I can't bare to not see my cutie for three weeks!" You gasped, pulling your phone out, Ji-Yong just covered his face more as he giggled, the slightly new nickname causing his stomach to do flips. As you opened your camera app, you pressed your lips to his cheek smiling, you weren't sure why you were so flirty with him, you weren't like this with any man, they often annoyed you, but there was something about Ji-Yong, he was so adorable and charming, you just always wanted to see how cute he was whenever he'd blush and do that cute smile of his.
Whenever you'd both depart, Ji-Yong would have to hold back tears, the alcohol mixed with his already saddened emotions causing him to feel a lot more towards the goodbye with you. You would be quick to be rushed to another country by your personal manager, who had yet to find out about your new 'friend' you had met.
What do we think lovelies? Part two coming really soon because personally I cannot get enough of flustered soft Ji-Yong, maybe even smut in the future? 0.0 what do you think? You like?
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sh1-n0bu · 5 months ago
yknow what, im gonna say it
despite what most people/players say, genshins story and world building sucks ASS. the seven main nations are there yes and they all represent one thing or mainly representing one thing but isnt it weird how mondstadt, liyue and inazuma are very traditional fantasy themed with the whole super specific technology only the fantasy world has, the usual fantasy weapons, powers etc but then sumeru and natlan and BOOM! internet, dj, clubbing and all those advanced things are shown? isnt fontaine supposed to be the only technologically advanced nation out of the seven? dont even get me started on the whitewashing of sumeru and natlan characters/cast and the extremely racist undertones of the origin of hilichurls
edit: i was too angry when typing the first part that i forgot the main reason i wanted to ramble-
2) the traveler.
in the game/story/characters’ voicelines, the traveler is constantly alluded to be a witness to the change/shift of teyvat and its rebellion against the heavenly orders/celestia. even zhongli said it during his companion quest (i believe). okay cool, got it, the traveler is a witness— ay ay ay, why is there a backstory thing going on? wdym the traveler is meant to be a self-insert type of mc? you cant make a character a self-insert with a lore/backstory thing going on. you cant make a character a self-insert if they have a rich lore going on. make it clear already, is the traveler a self-insert AKA. stand in for us, the player? or are they meant to be their own character with story instead?
3) immortality/mortality
i dont know what it says on the chinese language dictionary but im pretty sure 500 year old survivor of kheanri’ah doesnt exactly translate to mortal, human, or hell, normal. idk man, i suck at math, but i think being cursed with immortality and living until ur 500 or smt years old makes you an immortal/inhuman
4) fatui harbingers
the MAIN reason i wanted to ramble in anger. from their very first introduction with la signora in mondstadt, you can already just feel that the fatui are a force that is feared all across the seven nations as both a diplomatic and military force. theyre elusive, sneaky, will not hesitate to get their hands dirty and their so called ‘diplomats’ (the harbingers) can and will step over the diplomatic boundaries to not only insult, but assault the archon of mondstadt. theyre a threat threat but now theyre just another laughing stock. if anything, they feel like a fucking circus.
at the introduction video of all the harbingers and the last act of sumeru archon quest, we are given the lore bomb that the first three fatui harbingers have a power to rival the GODS and had been quietly eluded that capitano had even defeated a god or two despite being a mere mortal. and that is terrifying, that is fear inducing. just the thought of a mere mortal like ourselves going tow to toe against gods is a terrifying thought itself and arlecchino has proven herself and set the bar even higher when she made an absolute fool out of the traveler during the fontaine archon quest. the next nation will have capitano, the strongest mortal, the first fatui harbinger, the man that could rival the gods and now ur telling us that he is not in fact a mortal man but yet another 500 year old khaenri’ah survivor? we get it hoyo, u love the number 500, but that makes him NOT a mere mortal doesnt it? and he basically got his ass handed to himself too. i am immensely disappointed
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formulamar · 7 months ago
my girl is a dj
lando norris x dj!reader
fc: brooke flecca
summary: after lando norris is seen at your dj set in monaco fans begin to speculate how well you know each other… and if you’re more than just friends
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liked by charli_xcx, landonorris and 126,098 others
yndjs: milan 🇮🇹 !!! what an extraordinary crowd. love ya 🩷!! see you next week monaco!
charli_xcx: you’re doing amazing sweetie 🖤
liked by yndjs
ynfan0192: you always have the best sets omg
landonorris: can’t wait to see you in monaco!
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yndjs story
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liked by landonorris, maxfewtrell and 210,542 others
yndjs: great week in monaco!!! had the best tour guide and met the most amazing people. only 2 more sets before we close out the tour in spain 💗 see you in paris 🇫🇷
user62: ur the best dj ever yn
user21: LEGENDARY!
maxfewtrell: so nice meeting you! come back soon!
-> yndjs: i will!
used78: i was so happy during ur set i actually started crying 😭😭😭😭
-> yndjs: this warms my heart ❤️‍🩹 i’m so glad you enjoyed it
landonorris: told ya my tour guide skills were just as good as my dj skills
liked by yndjs
-> yndjs: i see but… you still have yet to show me those driving skills…
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liked by lando_updates and 2,732 others
rumorhasitf1: 🚨RUMOR HAS IT 🚨
A fan on TikTok talks about seeing Lando dj at @yndjs set two weeks ago in Monaco 👀
“My friends and I had no idea he had been there the whole time even before [he came out] but some people said they saw him. He started to dj about an hour into the set and yn was on the other side hyping up the crowd and dancing! Lando only dj-ed about 30 minutes but he did stay in booth area the whole night. To me it seemed like already knew each other because they were very chatty and greeted each other with a hug.”
Apparently Lando and Yn know each other better than most fans originally thought 🫢
landofan1: OHHHH OKAYYYY
ynfan1: doesn’t this guy have a horrible dating history? yn what are u doing babe 😭😭
-> landofan1: most of that is speculation
landofan2: they would be such a cute couple
landofan3: lowkey i feel like they’re already dating
ynfan2: yn’s friends are starting to follow lando too 🤭🤭🤭
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liked by landonorris, alexconsani and 204,580 others
yndjs: TEN CITY EUROPEAN TOUR ✔️ this has been the best experience of my life. thank you so much for coming to see me!! i now have the fondest memories of scream singing and dancing with you. and endless stories to tell my children. music may be my passion but listening to music with a great crowd is what i love most. going to take a break now to rest from 10 weeks of late nights & travelling butttttt see you soon xx yn
alexconsani: yessss icon!!!!!!
ynfan13: most beautiful girl ever
user: get a real job
-> yndjs: can we look for one together? looks like you have too much time on ur hands
-> ynfan67: CLOCKED THEM FR
landonorris: Best dj ever ❤️
-> yndjs: ur not too bad yourself lan <3
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yndjs story
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landofan83: NEW FAV WAG ALERT
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liked by ynupdates, landofan4 and 4,039 others
rumorhasitf1: RUMOR HAS IT
Sources close to Yn and Lando confirm that they are officially a couple following her appearance at the Belgian Grand Prix.
ynfan83: if this is true i'm so happy for them. yn deserves to be happy
landofan1: She parties every weekend and isn't she an alcoholic? I don't see how this is a good fit for Lando.
-> ynfan3: just because she djs at clubs & parties doesn't mean she drinks every time... yn has stated in interviews that she prefers to stay sober while doing her job in order to stay focused. do ur research.
landonorris story
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djarindroid · 12 days ago
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Pairing: Thanos (Choi Su-Bong) x Reader
Summary: Su-Bong's back on the stage, but when a familiar face reappears what will happen?
Warnings: Mentions of drug use
Word Count: 2,992
Comments: Straight up dedicating this part to the anon that guessed who was gonna show up 😂 Hope you all enjoy this part, I'm so excited to see what you think! 💕
<- Part 6
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The streets were buzzing as you made your way across the city. The neon lights flickered above you as people spilled out of bars. You clutched your phone, glancing down at Su-Bong’s latest text.
‘I’ll be looking out for you 👀’
Heat rose in your cheeks at his words. It was silly how easily he got to you, how such a short text could leave you grinning like crazy.
You hadn’t been to this kind of gig before, rap music wasn’t exactly your thing, but this wasn’t about the music. It was about him. You hoped it went well, hoped that he’d feel good up there, and hoped that he knew you were rooting for him.
The venue wasn’t as small as he’d let on. From the outside it had a grungy feeling to it, with graffiti and old posters littering the walls, but when you got inside it was overflowing. There was a good few hundred people, the air was dense from how closely everyone was packed together. 
The bass from the act on stage shook the floor beneath you as you weaved your way over to the bar. You ordered a drink and took a slow sip, trying to take everything in. 
The warm haze of the stage lights cast a glow over the crowd. The air was electric, but you couldn't stop your mind from drifting to Su-Bong. Was he nervous? Excited? You glanced to the side of the stage, hoping you could catch a glimpse of him but it was too dark. 
As the set ended the crowd cheered. You exhaled, making your way into the crowd to get a good spot. Would Su-Bong be performing next?
A DJ filled the pause with a low, steady beat. You tapped your fingers against your cup whilst the people around you swayed, their voices mixing into a low murmur of anticipation.
A tech guy jogged across the stage, adjusting the mic. The lights dimmed for a moment, the anticipation was thick in the air. Then, the beat dropped, heavy and pulsing through the air, and Su-Bong stepped out onto the stage.
The crowd surged forward as the stage lights flooded over him. But something caught you off guard. His hair.
The familiar purple was gone, replaced by a striking bleached white. It was a bold change, one he hadn’t mentioned to you, a way to show he wasn’t the same person anymore. It suited him effortlessly.
Before you had much time to focus on it he took the mic. And then it was like he had the room in the palm of his hand. 
You’d never seen anything like it, the way he completely owned the stage. He was confident, like he belonged up there, like he was built for this. You were sure you were watching someone doing what they were born to do.
As the first song faded out, he took a breath, taking a moment to look out across the crowd. He was searching for something. No, for someone. You.
His eyes finally found yours and it was as though the rest of the world faded away, the noise of the crowd, the flashing lights, the bass, it all just melted away. In that moment there wasn’t anyone else, it was just the two of you. 
His entire face lit up, and as he began his next song he kept his eyes on you. Something unspoken passed between you with every word he rapped. Your heart thundered in your chest in time with the beat. 
You watched on, transfixed as he moved across the stage. The rhythm of his words was effortless, the music travelled through him shaping the way he carried himself.
The intensity in his voice deepened as his set went on, his presence growing bolder. Every time he glanced your way a shiver went down your spine. It was electric, he was electric.
As the final song reached its peak, he poured his all into it. His voice, his movement, his energy, it was awe inspiring. The final note echoed out and the crowd seemed to take a breath before erupting with applause. You clapped and cheered as loud as the rest of them. You were so happy for him, so proud. 
The crowd was still buzzing as the next act set up but you could barely focus. The rush of Su-Bong’s performance pulsed through you. You needed to see him.
Slipping through the crowd you made your way to the exit. The cool night air hit you as you made it outside, a contrast to the heat of the venue. 
You could still hear the bass from out here, muffled by the thick walls but out here everything felt quieter, calmer.
You rubbed your arms against the slight chill as you waited for him to emerge. Your stomach fluttered as you caught sight of him stepping out from a side door, where a couple of people were waiting to ask for pictures with him. He looked so at ease, flashing a cocky grin as he posed. 
Then, his eyes found you and he began to make his way over. Your excitement spilled out the second he was close enough, ‘Su-Bong, that was amazing! You were amazing! & look at your hair-’ your rambling was cut off as he reached you and engulfed you in a hug. He lifted you off the ground with ease, causing a surprised laugh to bubble out of you. 
‘You see that Señorita?’ he asked joyously. 
Your hands gripped his shoulders instinctively, clinging to the feeling of being so close to him. ‘I saw, they loved you!’ Up close you could see the sparkle of adrenaline still in his eyes.
He smiled at your reply and something softer took over his exhilaration. ‘What about you?’ 
Your breath hitched slightly at the way he looked at you. His hands still holding your waist, keeping you close. ‘I loved it too, I can’t wait to see you perform again, but there is just one thing…’
He furrowed his eyebrows slightly before he followed your gaze. ‘It’s the hair isn’t it?’
‘You could’ve warned me! I almost didn’t realise it was you!’ You teased.
He laughed with you and remained smiling down at you. The laughter faded and neither of you said anything for a moment. The noise of the city hummed around you but it felt distant, like you were back in your own little world. You were hyper aware of everything. His hands on your waist, the lack of space between you, the way his eyes flickered across your face. 
It should make you nervous. Maybe it did, but at the same time you didn’t want him to let go. You wanted to stay in this moment, to commit it moment to memory, to let it mean more than either of you were saying out loud.
Then- ‘Hey man, can I get an autograph?’
The moment shattered like glass. He let out a small sigh before pulling away from you, his hands lingered on your waist until the last possible moment. You took a small step back, trying to ignore the way his warmth lingered on your skin.
He signed quickly, exchanging a few words before finally turning back to you. The energy between you had shifted, the interruption cooling whatever it was you had going on. 
‘C’mon let’s get outta here,’ he said as he ran his hand through his freshly bleached hair. ‘We can grab some food on the way.’
You blinked at him, hesitating. ‘Shouldn’t you stay? Celebrate your comeback?’
He tilted his head, trying to hide the small smirk with a shrug. ‘Nah I don’t wanna stay out, would rather go back to yours.’
You opened your mouth to protest, to tell him he should stay out. He deserved to celebrate properly, but before you could get a word out he was already walking, his decision made. 
All you could do was catch up and fall into step beside him, trying to bite back a smile that might give away too much.
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The weeks that followed both felt familiar and different. He still walked you home from work, still filled most of your evenings with his usual antics. But now, sometimes, those evenings ended in dimly lit venues with his voice filling the space.
You never missed any of his shows. You loved to watch him, he belonged on the stage. With every performance he settled further into it, getting used to working under his real name rather than a stage one. 
Not much had changed between you, not on the surface at least. You wrote the moment after his first show down to adrenaline, you were both so excited that you weren’t thinking straight. But sometimes, when you caught him looking at you from across the room, or when his arm lingered around you just a little longer than before, it was hard to pretend that nothing had changed.
You tried to act like things were the same, like the feeling creeping up your spine when he was close wasn’t new. Like your pulse didn’t pick up when his fingers brushed yours. If he noticed, he didn’t say anything, and neither did you.
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It was another one of the nights where Su-Bong had a gig, you were stood outside after. The night's energy still lingered around you as he lit up a cigarette. His hand briefly grazed your arm as he turned to begin walking, but something stopped him in his tracks.
‘Hey Thanos! Heard you were back on stage, wanted to come see for myself!’ 
It was player 124 from the games. You froze next to Su-Bong. You hadn’t seen anyone else from those horrific days. The sight of him sent a cold shiver through you, your stomach twisting into knots. Did he even recognise you? Would he bring up the games? Or was he really just here to see Thanos?
‘Hey Nam-Su,’ Su-Bong replied, keeping it short. He was tense, the air around you feeling heavy.
‘It's Nam-Gyu,’ he muttered, correcting him though he didn’t seem too bothered by the mistake as he stepped closer into your personal space. 
‘Got some new shit I thought you might wanna try,’ Nam-Gyu said casually, as he pulled a small bag of pills from his pocket, shaking them briefly before tucking them away.
You stayed glued to the spot. Keeping an eye on Su-Bong, you noticed the way his jaw clenched.
‘I’m good,’ Su-Bong dismissed him easily, putting an arm around your shoulders and steering you away.
Nam-Gyu let out a short laugh. ‘Really? You can’t get this stuff anywhere else. You’ll love it.’ He was persistent, you'd give him that. 
‘I said no.’ Su-Bong didn’t even look back but his voice was firmer this time.
‘This bitch really changed you didn’t she.’
That halted him.
You felt nausea creep into your chest as Su-Bong’s frame went rigid.
Nam-Gyu smirked. ‘Look at her, probably thinks she’s better than all of us. Isn’t that right?’ You couldn’t help but look over your shoulder, finding Nam-Gyu closing in on you. ‘You keeping him on a leash so when he makes it big again you can cash in?’
The words stung even if there was no truth behind them. But before you had time to fully process them, Su-Bong moved. 
In a flash he’d spun around, shoulders squared and hands clenched into fists. For a moment you were sure he was gonna deck him. Nam-Gyu must’ve thought the same because he flinched. 
But then just as quickly, Su-Bong exhaled sharply. Instead of throwing a punch, he grabbed your wrist and dragged you away. 
His steps were fast, you almost tripped trying to keep up. He didn’t let go, didn’t slow down, didn’t even turn to look at you.
‘Su-Bong!’ you called, trying to steady your breath. ‘Su-Bong stop!’
He didn’t. Not until you were a few blocks away, where he finally released your wrist and began pacing.
‘That fucking asshole!’ He yelled, raking a hand through his hair. ‘Who the hell does he think he is chatting all that shit?!’
You didn’t know what to say, just watched him as anger seeped out of him.
‘I should’ve hit him, asshole deserves it even if he was -’ He cut himself off, his pacing stopped as he remained with his back to you, his shoulders rising and falling unevenly.
‘If he was what?’ You pressed, did he agree with that guy? Thinking you were just with him for money. The thought made your throat tighten
His shoulders deflated, the fight draining from his body. ‘He’s right.’ He sighed.
Your heart broke, after everything how could he think you were using him? A lump began to form in your throat but you forced yourself to talk. ‘Su-Bong,’ your voice shook. ‘I’d never use you like that, surely you know that?’
‘Huh?’ His head snapped up and for the first time since Nam-Gyu had appeared he looked at you. The anger was gone, replaced by something raw. His tense posture softened slightly. ‘Señorita, I know that.’ His voice was gentle as he stepped towards you, close enough to chase away the chill in the air.
‘Then what was he right about?’ Tears stung the corner of your eyes as you tried to brace yourself for the answer.
‘You’re better than me… you always have been.’
Your breath caught in your throat, eyes widening. He couldn’t mean that.
‘Don’t act like it’s such a surprise,’ he muttered, voice laced with something bitter. His hands flexed at his sides, clenching and releasing as if he was fighting the urge to reach out. ‘Fuck, look at me, I don’t know why you still let me hang out with you.’
You watched him closely, his words settled over you. Your chest felt tight as anticipation curled inside of you. ‘What are you saying?’
He swallowed hard, eyes flickering to the pavement below. ‘I can barely keep my shit together, you don’t deserve that,’ he admitted. ‘That night when I showed up at yours… You shouldn’t have to deal with that shit.’
Your mind flooded with images of the night he turned up high, the way he acted, how he’d spoken to you. And then realisation dawned on you, ‘that’s why you disappeared?’
He nodded slightly, ‘thought maybe if I stayed away you’d finally realise you shouldn’t have someone like me around.’ 
But he did come back, he came back when you needed him the most and you had to know why. ‘If you think that, then why did you answer the call?’ you asked, voice sounding a lot steadier than you felt.
He met your eyes again, he looked so vulnerable. ‘It was the middle of the night, I thought something bad might’ve happened.’ He dragged a hand down his face. ‘I told myself I’d stay away but the moment I thought you needed me, I …I just couldn’t’ 
The truth crashed over you like a wave, flooding you with an array of emotions. You felt overwhelmed as the weight of his words settled into your bones. He hadn’t stayed away because he didn’t care, he stayed away because he thought it would be better for you. The realisation almost sent you spiralling, a dizzying mix of warmth and sadness twisted inside of you.
‘I never wanted you to stay away,’ you said. ‘Su-Bong I don’t need you to protect me from you.’
His breath caught, body going still. You could see the conflict behind his eyes. ‘I don’t deserve you.’
‘You don’t get to decide that,’ you felt bold as you carried on. ‘I want you here. I want you.’
He looked as though he was fighting an internal battle as you stepped forward bravely, closing the last bit of distance between the two of you. He opened his mouth to speak but you didn’t let him.
‘You think I don’t deserve to be with a person that makes me feel better? A person that makes me feel safe?’ You let out a breathless laugh ‘Su-Bong you’re an idiot if you can’t see that you’re what I want.’
His eyes darted across your face, searching for any doubt but he didn’t find any.
And then, like a dam breaking, he moved. His hands, warm and urgent, cupped your face. His thumbs grazed over your cheeks, like he was trying to convince himself this was real.
For a split second neither of you moved. His breath fanned over your skin, his forehead almost resting against your own. His grip tightened slightly, like he was afraid to let go.
Then, finally, his resolve snapped. 
Su-Bong kissed you like he had nothing left to lose. His lips were rough, insistent, like it was something he’d been holding back on for so long that it physically hurt. His hands cradled your face like he was terrified you’d disappear if he let go. You kissed him back just as fiercely, because you weren’t going anywhere. 
As the kiss broke, he didn’t pull back completely, holding on to you and taking a moment to ground himself. His hands still cradled your face, thumbs brushing over your cheeks as his eyes flickered between yours.
‘I don’t know how to do this,’ he admitted quietly. 
Your heart clenched at the raw honesty in his voice. He was so convinced he wasn’t good enough, so convinced he wasn’t worthy before he even had the chance to try. 
‘You don’t have to,’ you raised your hands, gently curling your fingers around his own. ‘We can figure it out together.’
‘...Yeah?’ His voice was barely above a whisper, hesitant but hopeful.
You nodded, a small smile tugging at your lips. ‘Yeah.’
It was though something clicked into place for Su-Bong, like he was finally letting himself believe you. He didn’t say another word, but the way he pulled you in again told you everything you needed to know.
-> Part 8 Coming soon Series Masterlist
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covid-safer-hotties · 4 months ago
Also preserved in our archive
by: Beck Levy
“Maybe now vocalists will finally start bringing their own mics,” I tweeted in the first days of March 2020. My virtual audience was mostly friends I met by participating in subcultures in and adjacent to the DIY tendency of hardcore punk rock. In those early days, we on the cultural fringes shared a sense that the pandemic, in its capacity as a social intervention, could meaningfully disrupt the oppressive ruling order.
When I booked and played shows before COVID-19 hit, I tried to harness energy and rally when crisis arose. Touring band is lost on the road? I was ready to DJ to keep people from leaving between sets. No one came to unlock the club? Let’s play in the parking lot. The last show I’d played, just weeks earlier during Mardi Gras, was on a trailer being pulled by a dump truck. We’re responsive to shifting circumstances, right?
I couldn’t get a clear look at the new terrain through the brutal haze of my first-wave infection. I was disoriented, waking up breathless, fevered, delirious from nightmares about drowning in my own blood. I could not fathom taking any action that would contribute to COVID-19 circulating, and my symptoms made me believe I would be a risk to my community. With home tests scarce, every flare had me conceiving of myself as though I might be a biological weapon.
Friends texted their fears to me frantically: “Is music over? Are shows done?” I thought back to informal and unconventional gigs, the freedom and potentiality those moments held, and reassured my friends, sequestered in our separate biomes. I said and believed: “Music always finds a way, youth culture always finds a way, underground culture always finds a way.”
Slowly, reimagined, remote, and socially-distanced events returned. In lieu of Jazz Fest, New Orleans radio station WWOZ charmed us with “festing in place” on the airwaves. I did a solo set in a virtual anniversary showcase for my old record label. Another friend live streamed a show from a cavernous church. I’d guessed performances mediated by technology might salt the wound, but desperate for connection, I treasured those experiences.
I watched my place in the world creep away from me. There were rumors of scandalous secret shows during lockdown. But the first real sign was pictures on Instagram of people traveling and touring again. Scroll to that last image: a row of COVID-19 tests, all negative, smug. Or positive, chagrined but only a little; a mismatch to the scale of: “For fun I traveled as a disease vector and personally participated in the proliferation of an airborne pathogen that can kill or maim.” Was it a character limit? A limitation of character?
The world passed me by, carouseling through normalization phases, like COVID-19 tests phasing their way out of tour posts. I watched scenes regroup from my new vantage point in biopolitical exile. Pandemic gloom catalyzed a spate of reunions, which is wholesome and beautiful except for the fact that at least one band knowingly toured with a member who tested positive.
Was I overreacting? While COVID-19 left me with an immune system that attacks my body, my mind attacked itself with this question. I’d traded amps for this mental feedback loop. The counterargument was implicit: people need unfettered access to music more than we need safety.
Live music came back. It just didn’t bring me with it.
I didn’t see a critical mass of bookers, venues, or bands advocating for COVID-19 safety with measures like outdoor shows, improved ventilation, livestream options, or just adding tests and masks to the earplug bin at the door. Some hand disinfectant; a little hygiene theater at conventional venues. The will just wasn’t there. I thought our deal was fuck the state, we’ll do it our way. I found myself slipping through the subcultural safety net that exists for outcasts who are slipping through the cracks of mass culture and late capitalism.
Of course, punk was already inaccessible to some. And I actually believe a certain amount of gatekeeping is necessary to protect punk from posers, jerks, and cops. But among the nebulous community clustered around shows, the sexism and racism people have experienced has always been very real, to the tune of entire zines, books, films about that exclusion. I monitored my heartbreak, critically. Resource-scarce, informal, and underground operations often exist at a quagmire of conflicting access needs. Was the sting of betrayal just this painful because it affected me, directly? Can the subaltern mosh?
There was a brief period where my baseline had plateaued, and I enjoyed medium-functionality between flares. Clinging to my modest recovery, a memorial service was my first congregant risk. That was the last time I tried to play guitar. I got the twisties, psychic vertigo from grief and from the contradiction of my setting and my experience, but the band played on, complete with a brass section. And at that otherwise beautiful event, I was ceremoniously reinfected by an asymptomatic tuba player. My health has been steadily deteriorating ever since.
Isolation is hard: it can feel like rejection, it can feel real personal. I struggled to adapt. I know I can have a persecution complex, but I also know I’m materially being made surplus. So what do I tell the complex? Are people being thoughtless, or do they explicitly not give a fuck about immunocompromised people like me?
Life is never totally safe, danger is often exciting, sometimes risk is the point. I know that. I’m not (just) a joyless scold. In the era of potentially deadly airborne pathogens, we’re playing with other lives when we make “individual” health decisions—I thought we’d learned that, but there was no such reckoning.
Punks accepted the sociological production of the end of the pandemic, moving in lockstep with the state, sacrificing medically vulnerable people on the altar of pleasure, just as the state had sacrificed us on the altar of capital. I thought our ingenuity would create new forms of shows. Instead, it exposed our limits under duress. To quote the band Allergic to Bullshit, “If this is what we’re for, this is what we’ll get.”
Maybe my shock seems naïve—after all, there’s a difference between “subculture” and “counterculture”—but there’s a reason I expected better. There are visionaries with love, passion, and fearlessness who organize shows in strip malls, caves, skateparks, churches, parking garages; shows with immediacy like distributing free Narcan, and conviction, like benefits toward Palestinian liberation. I await, with diminishing faith, the eruption of that tendency in the bioethical arena.
Since immune ableism is hegemonic, congregating is a question of building a realistic threat model, making decisions with people who are directly impacted by your actions, and taking all possible precautions. I’m encouraged by radical formations with accessibility modifications, particularly those connecting social abandonment, climate crisis, and genocide. I see this reflected in art book fairs that require masking, outdoor Shabbatot, test-first leftist reading groups. Queer and drag events are making adjustments. Mask blocs and clean air clubs collaborate, with limited resources, to make spaces more accessible. These are people who insist on collective health, demanding freedom to live and breathe clean air.
For those of us with severe Long COVID, exclusion from live music represents a profound loss of humanity. This disconnection feeds into my daily despair; in medical terms, my depersonalization/derealization. Having hoped this crisis would push us closer to communism than complacency, I feel whiplash, what Naomi Klein calls “political vertigo.” Millions of Americans with Long COVID have disappeared from the workforce. Data on the underground music scene are unavailable. It’s hard to count ghosts. I’ve wanted to ask: Have you noticed that some of us are gone? Do you ever miss us?
Four years later, I still can’t even make it to a well-filtered show. My last recreational outing ended in hospitalization from merely ascending a steep hill. I hear about shows from my roommate, the only person I see, who is also the only masked person at them. I tell myself I could try to go to an outdoor gig one day, maybe, if my governing health planets aligned. Instead of being an active musician, I pretend I’m like Jandek, a reclusive genius, but really I’m too clumsy and unfocused to play at home.
I do what I do with everything: act like I’m in a different world. It’s not difficult, because I am. The Well do their thing out there, I do mine in here. I moved across the country in search of better healthcare and, homebound, routinely forget I’m not still in New Orleans. Either way I am inside. I gave up and I don’t fight the world leaving me behind. I am back here, rolling the boulder of my body up steep hills.
In spite of everything, I’m glad shows continue. It’s bittersweet comfort knowing freaks are getting raucous in basements, with noise made by other freaks, sprayed with wet yells, aggressively jostling with teens; in a reprieve from control, experiencing music together. I’d die for your right to do that. And thanks to you, I just might.
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exhausted-think-bucket · 3 months ago
I'm having breakfast in my hotel and most people around me were also at Paul's concert last night. Everyone is comparing notes, some people even attended both shows, some people were long time fans, others more Beatles than Paul fans, but the consensus I'm overhearing is the man was Incredible.
Meanwhile, I'm sitting here staring at my coffee cup still trying to process that this happened.
This post was put together in various stages throughout the day, I'm sorry if it's a complete mess. In my Defense (hello venue pun I didn't plan), so am I.
I'll put the rest under a cut, because it's A Lot.
No, really. Proceed at your own risk, what follows is a lot of words. Is there a character limit to Tumblr posts? Guess I'm about to find out.
I hadn't traveled to another country for a concert in years. My body will be protesting for a few days, but let me tell you: it was totally worth it and I would do it again a thousand times over. It was my birthday this week anyway, I already knew I'm getting older.
Speaking of getting older, do you know who ISN'T? Paul McCartney. The man has been performing for over sixty years, and he's still on stage with all the energy of his 22 year old self.
He had no support act; understandable as I can't imagine anyone opening for Paul McCartney. Except for Paul McCartney himself, which is kind of what he had going before the concert: a dj playing The Beatles covers (he included a bunch of french ones, the people vehemently approved). Leading up to his entrance on stage, someone (I wonder, was that you Charlie Lightening) had put together a colorful montage of images from throughout The Beatles and Paul history set against their songs and the images were building up around a tower that was moving ever upwards to end in: Paul's Hoffner bass.
At this point the crowd is already moved; songs that aren't on the setlist (like Twist and Shout, I Wann Hold Your Hand, Oh Darling!) have already been heard and the people are buzzing.
And then. The man himself comes on stage and it's like. He is real. He's here. He's speaking in French. The crowd soars.
He opens with A Hard Day's Night, and I'm once again floored that this one opening chord immediately drives everyone to delirium. It's been literally ten seconds.
He played a mix of Wings and The Beatles with a few Paul solos thrown in there and I could talk about every single one of them, but I don't know if anyone's even made it this far. Since this is basically a diary entry, and I have a lot of feelings, I'm going to talk about most of them anyway, so here goes:
Got to get you into my life: I'll admit this has never been a favorite of mine despite its popularity. Something about the mixolydian key I think, but that's just me (sorry to my other idol Leonard Bernstein, who loved this song). But hearing it live was definitely one of those cases where I much preferred it to the recording for what the live experience added to it.
Let Me Roll It: oh man. This is my favorite song of his. It's sexy, it's tender, it's intense. It's the kind of song the word 'eargasm' was coined for. And I had multiple. (Also @i-am-the-oyster he was totally doing a strip tease with the whole rolling up his sleeves the absolute slut of a man. Where do I sign for my old Paul fucker membership).
My Valentine: he sounded so good during this one I had goosebumps the whole time. He was probably really feeling it cause Nancy was in the audience.
Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five: a song hot enough to set me on fire on an average day, experiencing it live was extraordinary. Paul absolutely shredded on keys and his voice, OH MAN. Was he belting it like on One Hand Clapping? No. But damn near close enough. The man is 82 years old. My voice is shot to hell after just singing along last night. He sounded incredible, end of.
Maybe I'm Amazed: arguably one of the best love songs ever written and he absolutely killed it. Tears in my eyes the whole time. When Paul really loves someone he damn makes sure to immortalize it in the most beautiful way. Sigh.
And speaking of people Paul loves. If you're still here, the worst is yet to come.
In Spite of All the Danger: I cannot believe Paul wrote this when he was what, sixteen? To be performing this live in front of thousands, when at the time they could barely scramble the fifteen shillings needed to record it feels monumental. And that's to me. I can't imagine how Paul feels.
Love Me Do: iconic, no further notes.
Michelle: most likely added for the French audience (though I haven't checked the earlier setlists), it was a very sweet performance. Teenage Paul who wanted to sing in French so he could pick up girls, is now, still, singing to people who know his words by heart. What if I cry.
Oh, but I did cry. Because what comes soon after is The Worst I mentioned earlier, namely Blackbird, followed by Here Today followed by Now and Then. Which. Is evil. I thought we were here to have FUN Paul, or so he kept saying. I can't see the fun through my tears Paul.
The last forty five minutes of the show were all the iconic crowd pleasers that really makes me feel we were robbed The Beatles never performed in front of audiences together: Let It Be, Hey Jude, Helter Skelter (to name a few).
Live and Let Die was second to last with the whole firework extravaganza, which was only made even more spectacular by Paul covering his ears and acting scared, the drama queen.
He closed off with the usual Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/The End which was just a magical end to a magical night nobody wanted to end. Hey Jude is still echoing the halls of the arena, I'm pretty sure it will never stop.
Other comments: his little awkward dances in between songs were just adorable. You really are a dork Paul, thank you for the reminder. It's good to see that you are not, in fact, this perfect apparition that enchants everyone it comes across.
His band is awesome. They deserve their own few lines, they really give it their all every time and while they are not John, George and Ringo, they are dear to Paul and The Best Band in the World as he always says. So grateful he found them.
He did a lot of songs that require a lot vocally. I am extremely impressed at how good he still sounds.
The footage playing in the back: for George, for John, for all of them really. Heart wrenching yet beautiful stuff.
I realized just now I didn't talk about I've Got a Feeling. I don't know that there is anything I can say that could describe it. I knew it was coming (still cried), but I genuinely think a lot of people didn't, given that a lot of the fans last night were older and not likely to be following the setlists like the more...dedicated of us do. You could feel it from the audience's reactions, I think it was a real surprise for many of them. I couldn't stop thinking about how in two days it's the anniversary of John's death and yet people are able to see him on a stadium screen, almost singing with Paul decades later. As a way to be remembered (and John will always be remembered many ways), it's a rather incredible one.
The sweet moment when Paul stepped off the stage and Nancy was there with his jacket and a kiss to whisk him away. Stooooop at this point.
On that note, I will wrap this up. I'll probably ramble more about things as they come back to me, but for now. I'm spent.
If you made it, thank you for reading till The End.
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drdemonprince · 7 months ago
So, I (a trans guy) am kind of coming to terms with the fact that I might be more gay than bisexual after all. Where I live, the queer community is split pretty definitively between the "women, non binary and trans people" (or FLINTA*, if you're familiar with that horrible term) and the gay male community. While I have lots of problems with the former, it is kind of the community I am in, mostly because it has felt safe during my transition. It still feels safe, but not really comfortable. I want to feel like I am part of the gay male community, especially if I mostly want to date queer men in the future.
I am like, so scared of existing in any gay male spaces. When I tried being in them pre T, I felt like an imposter. When I travelled to the US a few years ago, the only place my then partner (also on T) and me were misgendered consistently was in gay bars (in a lot of famous "gay friendly" cities). All of this has left me with a sense of humiliation and not-belonging that gets reactivated every time I even think of stepping into one again, even if I am fairly certain I would not get this reaction now.
How do I get past the shame that is attached to my previous experiences and learn to actually enjoy myself there?
So, I believe that you have the order of operations wrong here. You don't get past shame and then go out to these gay spaces -- you go out to those gay spaces and then overcome (some) of your shame. And that shame may live with you forever in some form. You can still have a worthwhile life with it.
Go to the gay bars. There are many different kinds of them, all with wildly different energies and clientelle, and it is normal and boring and blase for trans guys to be at each and every single one of them.
One way that many newbies unwittingly screw up is by going to the most circuity, dance-y kinds of gay bars that tend to be filled with young, thin, rich, superficial people -- and then they mistake the meanness of that crowd for the meanness of all gays, or interpret the meanness as a sign they are not accepted by "the gay male community."
There is no singular gay male community. There are in fact a wide variety of subcultures with their own beauty standards, stylistic choices, interests, and norms. And there's a lot of cliquishness and mean girl behavior among people who have decided they are high rank in any particular small subculture, don't get me wrong. But you don't have to believe in any of it. They're just coping with their own history of marginalization and rejection by trying to become a new ruling class within their own tiny pond. You can laugh it off as the work of kind of sad, small thinking and just enjoy yourself and talk to people who are not assholes.
So, go to the leather bar. Go to a pup night. Go to an old-timers bar filled with gays over 60 (they will be nice to you and buy you drinks, I promise). Go to a gay bar that's casual and nerdy, with arcade machines and pub trivia. Go to a drag bar on a weekday night and meet some of the newer queens who are still trying to find their chops. And yes, go to the DJ sets and dance clubs all you like, but don't let what a few snatched bitchy 22-year-olds (or insecure former twink 42 year old real estate agents) get you feeling insecure. They're doing that shit because they are insecure.
Bring a friend. Talk to someone who seems nervous and alone on the side of the dance floor, too. Wear an outfit that will get some compliments. Nurse a drink at the bar and trawl grindr to see if anyone seems worth talking to. Join a dungeon or a gay running group. Attend a gay men's support group at your local lgbt center. Meet a ton of people and just get yourself out there, and quickly you will realize that your mind has wildly over dramatized how much you stand out or how much anybody cares.
Fat gays, disabled gays, older gays, Autistic gays, nerdy gays, poor gays, Black and brown gays, immigrant gays, they all feel like they do not belong and are not welcome too. Find them and be kind to them and hold onto them. Notice who is nice and warm with you, but also don't read into it too much if some people are just neutral. Eventually you will figure out what you like doing, which spaces you enjoy inhabiting, and who you want to be there with -- and then you'll have some fun.
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dietmountaindewbae · 1 year ago
please please please can you write me a fic where reader and Humbug Alex are both work colleagues (reader thinks Alex is goofy and nerdy - but boy she will be wrong) and they fuck in his office whilst a work party is happening downstairs. PLEASE
xxv. talk tonight
alex turner x reader
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word count: 4739
summary: At an office party (humbug!) Alex watched you all by yourself, his heart tells him to hurry and talk to you before he loses the chance to.
warnings: ch*cking, scracth*ng, degrad*ng.
The elevator doors shut close, and finally, some silence makes you feel at ease. You're not even close to feeling a buzz with the skinny glasses of sparkly champagne they served and as you traveled up the rooftop you propped a cigarette in your mouth.
You swing open the door of the building's rooftop, the company you worked for was having its 6th anniversary, and while everyone was celebrating downstairs, you were aching for some time by yourself. The fresh cold allowed you to breathe but it only made goosebumps crawl up your back.
"Be careful there" Someone says from behind you, you are too close to the edge of the wall, so you turn around on your feet and face the man with the gentle voice.
"What are you doin' up here?" You say with a silly smile. Alex was one of the best workers at the company, he's been rewarded and recognized for his honest work and loyalty to the company, he's a good guy but socially awkward when it comes to going to bars late at night after working extra hours.
"Just wanted some space" You've never had a real conversation with Alex, let alone, be completely by yourself with him. Alex was a nice man, with his long wavy hair and his shy little voice and thick Yorkshire accent, he was decent, always serious but he had something likable and magnetic about him.
"Me too, are you having fun though?" You grab from your skirt your lighter and try to burn your cigarette, in the attempt you fail, and he leans in, grabbing the lighter and helping you light your cigarette, grabbing one from his box.
"Not quite there yet," He says, blowing the smoke away, "I'm waiting for the booze to kick in" You giggled, catching Alex's attention.
"It's the first time I've heard you say more than 4 words to me" Alex looks down to the floor smiling, he's quite shy but very nice, "I enjoy that..." He looks back at you with a smile, maybe it was the booze, but his radiant brown eyes looking at yours so deeply make you feel hot.
"What about you? How are you feelin'?" As you were talking, Alex's eyes ran down your body discreetly, you were looking sexy with your black mini skirt long sheer black knee socks, and grey silk button-up blouse, nearly unmade, your nails painted black, and your hair in soft curls. The smell of your perfume and the cigarette that burned in between your fingers blew him away.
"...But overall I think the party's ok, I just don't like the music the DJ chose" Alex smiles softly, and each time you talk he takes a step closer to you.
"Horrible set, isn't it?" You lightly chuckle nodding your head, "What kind of music would you like him to play?"
"Mmm... I dunno maybe the smiths? I love the smiths... I know it's an odd choice for a party but-"
Alex interrupted you by lightly putting his hand on your arm, his thumb caressing the soft material of your shirt, "No, no, not at all... it's much better than the trash they're playing" He noticed his hand on your arm, and you smiled as he took his hand away very shyly, as if he had to ask if it was ok even to do that, you crossed your eyes and he look down to the floor scratching the back of his head, "I-I..." He clears his throat, "Sorreh.... I know the DJ, he's an old mate, I can tell him to play some smiths for you" You see the way his body moves closer to yours, how his shoulders move unsteadily as he breathes, meaning his heart is beating fast, his eyes looking at you with hope, and you realized... someone has a crush on you.
"That would be great, thank you Alex" You and him head towards the door after throwing away your cigarettes, he opens the door for you and closes it once you are inside the building, you smile at him as your eyes crossed again, and you take initiative to grab his hand as no one was watching.
Getting involved with your co-workers was never an option for you, all the men that worked here were bitter and boring, always bragging about their money, faking a smile every time they talked about their marriages just to proceed to flirt with all the women at the copier room. You didn't have anything bad to say about Alex, he was a dork, a bit shy and awkward yet he was the most interesting and likable person in your office. He made himself present with little actions, he sometimes dropped by your desk to leave you a bagel or doughnut since you worked in the cubicle next to his, but you weren't the only one who received those little acts, so you thought nothing about it, he hardly even knew your name, but he always smiled at you whenever he saw you.
For all you knew, he was single, and he's very reserved, you only ever see him talking with Nick or Jamie, the drinks in you made your rules bend a bit, maybe see where this gets you, maybe nothing would happen, but if it did, you wouldn't feel bad about it at all.
The only rule that had to be respected was, not being seen flirting with him, rumors spread faster than the speed of light in your office, and you didn't want to ruin this little spark between you two for just one night.
As you and Alex step into the elevator, you drop his hand, being on opposite corners of the elevator, you cheekily smile at him, he looks visibly disappointed at how you dropped his hand. When the doors opened again, you two walked side by side, keeping a reasonable but choking distance from each other as if he was agreeing to your rules without you even having to tell him. As you walked past the people you stepped into the disco-style dancefloor with squares of neon lights, and Alex walked forward to the DJ, saying hi to the guy with fuzzy curly messy hair, black headphones on his neck, grey sweatpants, and funny sunglasses.
He whispers something to his ear, and the guy nods and they switch the music. You hear the hypnotic sound of the intro of 'How Soon Is Now?' by The Smiths, you're lightly divided by people, but he's still able to watch you dance, and you look beautiful as you do. He sees you smiling, laughing, and having fun with the other girls, but your eyes are only on him, and his on yours.
Alex wasn't a man of many words, but ever since you had come into the office, a part of his heart had started to beat so rapidly, that he always turned to look at you whenever you untied your tight ponytail and let your hair fall, whenever you stretched your back and he could see the outline of your chest peek through your shirt, he was gone. He never tried to speak to you, he was too self-conscious to do so, he lived all of his fantasies of you and him in his head, he had the sound of your voice engraved on his head. Whenever you dropped something he was always there to pick it up and hand it to you, or when the printer was out of paper he was the only one that gave you some new paper to work on, every day when he arrived with fresh goods he made sure you were the first to get the warmest piece or the biggest slice. He did all of that, but you didn't think it was out of a crush, you thought it was him just being nice, and man if he could tell you how wrong you were.
In his head, you two had thrown away all of the people and there was only you and him dancing to some old music that no one thought was fit for the occasion, but you thought there was no better timing than this one, but the fun ends as you feel someone's breath on your neck, one of your supervisors drunkenly whispers close to your ear...
"That skirt fits your bum very well" You rolled your eyes and walked away, not saying another word, Alex following you closely. He catches you at the elevator just in time sliding inside.
"Hi," He says out of breath, you giggle and he brushes his hair away, "Where are we going?" You smiled as you heard the excitement of his voice.
"Well, I was planning to go the rooftop again..." You say looking down to the floor, he saw how that man had whispered to your ear something that woke up a flaming rage inside you, something so profoundly disgusting, you just wanted to get away as fast as you could.
"I have a better idea..." You smile, he presses down at the button, and he waits patiently in the opposite corner, facing you with a smile, you wonder in your head where he was taking you, while he was battling in his head what else could he say to keep you interested, he thought he could bore you at any given time. The doors of the office were open, the lights were completely down, and only the lights of the city that shone through the cracks of the curtains could show you two the way. He noticed you were afraid to step inside, but he grabbed your hand and pulled you in, "The cameras are down for the night, don't worry love, no one's gunna 'now we were here"
You smiled, "I'm not worried about that... just not a big fan of the dark..." You giggled and he played along with you, he grabbed your hand tighter, making your cheeks lightly blush as you walked into his cubicle, you sat on his desk while he pulled from a corner a carton box and took out a big bottle of whisky, "I didn't take you as a bad boy, Al"
"Well, this is the only thing that takes some of me headaches from when me and Jamie stay late doin' those bloody Excel sheets" Then he takes out from his pocket his MP3 connecting it to the little speaker next to his desk, playing more music for you as he quickly goes to the break room and fetches you a plastic cup and a soda. He sits on his chair and pours you some coke and whisky, and when he severs you a good amount of alcohol he hands you the cup and grabs the bottle touching the edge of the bottle with your cup and you both drink away.
"Thanks... I couldn't handle more wine... needed something stronger" You smile at him, and he brushes his long hair away.
"Do you wanna know something else about the office?" You smile and nod your head, fixing your hair to the side, he shuffles on his chair and you hear the sound of his lighter coming off, he puts a cigarette in his mouth and lights it, blowing the smoke up directly without causing the fire alarm to go off.
"What the fuck?!" You both break into laughter, "Oh my God!-" He lightly shushes you to make you talk quieter, you keep laughing until your abdomen hurts, and you sip on your drink once more, "Imagine the day I decide to set my supervisor's chair on fire... God"
"He's a dickhead" You nod your head.
"I don't even wanna say anythin' else, I mean he doesn't touch me or anything but that doesn't mean he cannot say anything to me... which is what angers me" He nods his head, turning on the lamp next to his computer, "Thanks"
"I wanted to see you while you're talking" He smiles, and you lightly blush once more, "Next time he says anything to you, why don't we put some tacks on his desk?" You giggle together, you can't help but stare at the way the corners of his mouth rise to make that cute smile appear, you like how discreet he was, lightly grazing your hand whenever he laughed, or how his eyes sweep down to gaze your body.
"I was wrong about you Al," You say, he drags his chair closer to you very slowly so you don't notice but you do, and you don't mind it, "You're the only interesting person in this office"
"Why is that? You're always laughing with Brian at the copier" You stare at him with a cheeky grin.
"Are you jealous or something?" You tease him, and he stutters into his words trying to fix his mistake.
"No, I just thought that... never mind" He looked away, taking another sip of the bottle, you grab the cigarette trapped in between his fingers, taking a drag and staring at him deeply.
"He's just a funny guy, there's nothin' much going on with me" His eyes light up, so after all, you weren't the only one who was concerned about him being single or not.
"I'm glad," He blurs out, making you both smile, "What is so interesting about me anyway?" You bit your bottom lip, taking a big sip from his bottle of whiskey, the liquor scratching your throat but it goes down easily once you sip on your coke.
"I mean, isn't it obvious?" You smile at him, starting to feel a bit dizzy, he takes a big chug of his bottle while you talk, "I just know that you don't say everything that you think, there's more to you"
"You're not far from the truth," He says nudging his head and leaning closer to you, resting his elbow on his desk next to your leg, you saw his face properly now, and he was a dream.
"Why? Is there something you want to say to me, Alex?" You teased leaning in closer to his face, your hand almost touching his, you could smell his cologne now, the space in between you two almost being none.
"I'm afraid there aren't enough words for that" He looks down to the slit in your shirt, your arm squeezing your tits together, he could see your black lace bra perfectly, he had this insatiable need for you, "But as you know already, I am not a man of many words, I take actions" His eyes looked down to your lips, licking his, already drooling to get a taste of your lips, until you suddenly pulled away, scratching the back of your head, "Wait, what happened?"
"If this is going to happen, we can't kiss"
"But..." There has to be a but always.
"I'm not gonna do it if we're gonna be awkward in the mornin'" You cross your arms sitting comfortably on the desk.
"I'm not like that," He says with a smile, but he sees your position and your limits, he just wanted a little bit of you, from the moment he saw you outside all by yourself under the moonlight with your beautiful eyes and lips smiling to him he knew he had to strip out of his costume and talk to you at that moment, he needed and wanted you now than anything, "If you don't want me to kiss you, can I at least touch you?" You bit your lower lip, sitting upright, his eyes only looking at you and not anywhere else begging you to say yes, he desires you with a big ache, you see it right in his eyes, just as transparent as glass.
"Yes.." He cups your cheeks and his face approaches yours, looking at you with lust, his lips peck the inner corner of your lips, traveling up to your earlobe, his fingers lightly playing with your hair, and his lips kissing your neck very gently at first, but then he licks his lips, kissing your neck with big wet kisses all over the place, sniffing every last bit of your perfume. He kicks away his chair, standing up to run his hands down your sides, unbuttoning your shirt gently, sneaking his hands to your bra, kneading your tits and squeezing them hard, you sigh and he breathes in your quiet moans and sighs like smoke, letting it consume him from the inside out.
"You're so fuckin' beautiful" He whispers into your ear, kissing the left side of your chest, where your heart is, you try to fight the urge to kiss him, but impatiently, he's in great need to show you real pleasure, to tear down your rules and let him taste your mouth, there was nothing he desired more in that moment.
You untuck your shirt, letting him enjoy the taste of your skin, and his hands feel your bare skin, his hair lightly tickling your neck, and you couldn't escape the need to run your hands thru his soft curls, lightly pulling on his hair as he lets your tits spill out from your bra, sucking on them and nibbling your nipples with his teeth, his tongue licking and his mouth sucking every inch of your skin, leaving red bruises on your chest so you don't forget who's been there the next morning.
He momentarily pulls away from you, his lips tearing off your skin like scar tissue on your knees, "What?-"
"You were right, love," He says, the look in his eyes sending shivers all over your body, "I haven't told you everything"
"What else have you got to say to me?" His hands slowly travel down to your legs, riding up your skirt until they unravel your black lace underwear.
"I've been watching you ever since you came here, every day, every time you felt exhausted and you stretch your back against the chair, I just want to make that go away... make you feel brand new... drop a note and tell you to meet me in the bathroom, and make you sigh out of pleasure and not from being tired, I only see you" His eyes dug in yours as he kneeled in front of you, "Maybe you think I'm quiet and dorky, but you don't even know for how long I've been thinking of you like this" His knuckles pull your soaking wet panties to the side, his eyes watching you as his fingers enter your body and his lips suck on your pussy harshly, slowly your orgasms started to get louder and louder each time his fingers rimmed your walls. Shamelessly he licks your pussy up, swallowing every ounce of the wetness that leaks out of you, "You're so fuckin' tight babe, taste so delicious"
"Fuck... please, don't stop!" You push his head in between your legs, starting to feel that ache getting bigger and bigger as he sucks right at the spot you needed hard, his fingers fuck your pussy faster, filling up that hole so well, more wetness rushes out from your legs, your end is yet to come, you feel it crawling up from your belly to your chest, starting to form in your throat as a scream until he takes his mouth off from your warmed up cunt, leaving you to breathless and needy for more.
He covers your mouth with his hand, sliding down his fingers covered in your arousal into your mouth, your lips sucking them hard until he makes you gag around them, pulling them out from your mouth with a string of saliva, "Can you be quiet for me?" He says it in such an easy way you're so amazed.
"Mhm," You bit your bottom lip.
"Tell me babe... are you gonna let me fuck you or are you just gonna pretend your pussy isn't drooling for some of it?" Your cheeky smile is no competition for him, he's certain you're in great need of more than just fingers and sucking.
You grab the buckle of his belt, undoing it very slowly, your hand palming his hard-on, you smiled as you felt the size and weight of his cock, biting your bottom lip as you take him out of his boxers and see him on the flesh. The tip of his cock leaked some wetness, he sighed as you give his veiny cock a few strokes, the tip of your thumb rubbing down his head, spreading it all over his cock. His hands cover your mouth pushing your head back and his tip rims your clit, lubing up his cock with your juices. You were trying to find a way to get more pleasure from him but the only way was right in front of you, "You know what to say babe... don't act like a dumb little cunt"
Your eyes lock in his, his lips a few inches close to yours, to kiss your lips, "Fuck me, Alex, please..." You bite your lower lip as the tip of his cock slides down tightly inside you, making you sigh. His fingers dig into your thighs, and you rock yourself against him, your elbow in the desk while the other holds Alex's shoulder tightly, his hand gripping the wall and the other one in your lower back. He rocks his hips against yours, fucking you slowly and passionately, the tip of your nose against his, he liked to watch your pupils dilate as he buries himself deep inside you.
"I loved leaving you just like that... soaked in all of your juices for me cock to slip inside you... God, you're so fuckin' wet for me... you fuckin' cock lovin' whore"
"Fuck you" You pant, "Fuck you Alex" You push your hips against his harder, his hands scattered in the back of your head, wrapping his arm around you, driving his cock in and out of you so hard, you were slowly losing yourself in his arms, enjoying how good he's fucking you.
"You love it," He says with a grin on his lips, his lips moaning against yours, grazing each other, laying one in another, but so far from being sealed together, that kept him on the verge, everything being strictly physical, the desire of wanting the feeling of your lips around his will bother him for the rest of the night.
Your tits bounce against his chest, sweat drips down from his forehead, and he's forcing himself to handle longer just for you to come on his cock so hard your whole body would feel light and high in the sky. You grip his shoulder tightly, holding yourself up with your hand, his fingers wrapped around your neck as he feels your pussy dragging him in, getting tighter with each stroke of his cock in your walls. His thumb went down in between your legs, rubbing your clit in tight little circles, forcing you to come, your abdomen pushing out your last cry of pleasure, and you choked out a little sigh of relief.
Alex was fast to pull out of you, you watch how his hand made a fist around his cock, and you didn't want him to finish like that. You willingly get down on your knees, and blow him thoroughly, "Jeeesus fuckin' christ... fuck!" He made a fist with your hair, "You want me to cum in your mouth, babe?" You hummed as a yes, sucking him harder as he drove your head back and forward. He drove his hips into your mouth, pushing your head until the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat making you gag all over him, feeling him come inside your mouth in hot spurts at the feeling of your soft plump lips. You swallowed without him having to say it, "Mmm... fuuckin' hell, that was..."
"Really good," You said, he helped you get to up from the ground, holding hands and smiling at each other.
"You're ok? Your knees don't hurt or anything?" You giggled lightly, feeling a little strange about how much he cared for those little things.
"No, no, I'm alright" You turned to fix your blause, putting each button back on, and when you faced him back, you saw him staring at you with his big puppy eyes in awe, "What?"
"You've... um, your eye... I'll fix it" He grabbed the edge of his sleeve, he was wearing a basic white button-up shirt, denim jeans, and a belt. He cleaned the stain in your eye from the crying, and while you fixed your hair, he put everything in his desk back in order.
"Thank you, Al," You said with an honest smile, "I had fun"
"Sounds like a goodbye," He says with a fainted smile.
"No... it's not, I'll see you tomorrow, right?" He fakes a smile and says yes with his head, before you head out, he grabs you by the wrist and pulls you in to give you a warm hug, you lean back to get a better look at him and say, "Sweet dreams, Al"
"You too" You break the hug, leaving the confused man with his big brain and questions all by himself.
When he drove to his apartment and laid down on his bed, he grabbed his phone, wanting to send you a message, but what type of message? You said you were ok, even said you had fun, but he was hooked. He was aching to know more about you, to know what you think. The rest of the night he kept looping around in his head every word he said to you, and everything you and him had done. He didn't want to sound so needy, but at least he wanted to talk to you.
The next day at the office when Alex sat on his chair, he smiled, vividly remembering what had happened the night before. But he knew something felt strange, he felt something was missing, this feeling was bittersweet, and you came right in through the door with your black low-waist pants, heels, and baby pink shirt with some buttons undone, he knew exactly what he needed to do.
There was a moment when everyone was working quietly in the cubicle, and he pushed himself up from his chair, walking through your cubicle he dropped a little purple post-it note at your desk.
"Break room"
That's all the letter said.
You put the note away in your purse, walking to meet him, you closed the door and he was waiting for you behind it.
"Hey," You said with a gentle smile.
"I- um" You sighed, thinking you knew well what he wanted to say. So, you cut him up before he did.
"Nothin' happened last night, you can forget about it... we had fun, let's leave it like that" But before you could escape him he pulled you back in by your wrist, making shivers run up your arms.
"No, I wasn't gonna-" He smiles very kindly to you, making you feel warm, "I just wanted to ask you out for dinner, tonight... if that's ok?" A little smile crawls from the corner of your mouth.
He liked how you looked with that little smile in the corner of your lips, that little blush creeping up your cheeks, "Yeah, yes"
You both smile at each other very shyly but happily, you nod your head and slowly take a step back but he leans in, his arm wrapping around your waist, "Now that we're sober... is the kissing policy revocable? or..." You break into laughter and take a step closer to him, he leans in and presses his lips against yours. You couldn't believe how just a simple little kiss on the lips could feel so electrifying, his lovely warm lips open to kiss you properly, he tasted the fresh cappuccino in your mouth with soft cinnamon in your breath, mixing with the taste of your lipstick. He tasted like black coffee and a cigarette bright and early in the morning, a mixture that makes one become an addict.
When you pulled back some blush creeps into your cheeks, "I'll see you later then..." You said.
"Last one before you leave" He pulled you in, giving you another soft kiss on your lips, biting down on your bottom lip before your lips tore apart.
I'll be posting more of your requests soon! I love you all, and I've taken some time to make the playlists fitted for the chapters, some will be longer than the others but I hope you enjoy them all.
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toomuchracket · 1 year ago
dancing like she way out (george daniel x reader smut)
shag the dj shag the dj shag the dj, or whatever the smiths said. basically - a night out takes a turn for the better when you hook up with the hot dj. won't lie, there's use of the d word in here. and choking, because we've all seen that man's hands. enjoy <3
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all your friends are wasted, and you hate this club.
no, really - three of them are currently spewing their guts up in the toilets after going too hard on the tequila rose, while the rest flail wildly on the dancefloor in between queuing at the bar to buy yet another round of overpriced jagerbombs. meanwhile, you're doing your best to dodge the extremely persistent man you first swerved about an hour ago, some palm angels-clad twat with shit hair and an inability to take no for an answer, and also doing your best not to spill your vodka cranberry all over yourself in the process.
in short, you're having a shitter of a night.
at least the dj's fit, though. really fit. and, to be fair, he’s spinning some decent stuff. the one saving grace of the night, you'd say.
you watch him from the edge of the dancefloor, empty cup in hand. he's quite focused, more so than some of the wankers you've been dragged to see in this club in the past, only looking up to signal to the bar staff that he needs a refill and to check the vibe of the room. he has pretty eyes, you notice, sharp and dark and clear; eyes that could definitely get you to commit a multitude of sins, quite frankly.
and now? they're looking right at you.
looking isn't a strong enough word, actually. they drag slowly down your body - locking with your own, then travel to your pouty, brown-lined lips, and shamelessly over the curves of your body onto your legs - leaving a trail of thrill-induced goosebumps across your skin in their wake. suddenly, they flick back up to your face, and one closes in a wink. you smirk, and the dj does too.
one of your more sober friends nudges you, handing you another vodka. you accept it without breaking eye contact with the dj, wrapping your lips around the straw and smiling with it between your teeth. he raises his eyebrows, still smirking, and you wink; your friend notices, and leans round so you can see her. “are you eye-fucking the dj?”
“maybe,” you reluctantly tear your eyes from him to look at her. “in my defence, he started eye-fucking me first.”
she laughs, tugging you onto the floor and motioning for you to dance. “i think we should keep him looking at you, then.”
“alright,” you down your drink and set down the cup. “let's dance.”
and so, you do, pulling out all the stops. your hair flows behind you as you swing your hips, body twisting and turning and stretching as you lose yourself under the lights and amidst the beat, and you laugh excitedly with your friend as she twirls you. the dancefloor is so empty that you can spin to your heart's content, but that doesn't bother you at all - it means there's less for the object of your efforts to be distracted by, more chance that his attention is on you.
it seems to be completely on you, actually; every time you catch a glimpse of him, his eyes are on you again, and your friend attests to that in your ear as she pulls you in for a hug. “he hasn't stopped looking at you, for even a second. that man wants you, babe.”
you angle your body towards the deck so you can see him. the club lighting is simultaneously sheering out his black shirt and throwing both his stubbled face and tattooed arms into focus - fuck, his arms. 
and he's still looking at you.
“i think you might be right,” you turn back to your friend so she can hear you, deliberately leaning forward and shaking your ass slightly in his direction. “and i want him too.”
she shoves you towards the deck. “go and get him, then.”
with a giggle, you set off, swinging your hips as you all but skip towards the extremely sexy man behind the music. unfortunately for you, some arsey man in too-tight chinos gets to the deck first; folding your arms, you stand behind him, miffed, and wait your turn to speak.
luckily, you only have to do that for a couple of seconds. the guy isn't particularly drunk, but he's annoying. “hey, bro,” he says to the dj, whose handsome face is set in an expression full of what can only be described as ennui. you assume he sees this kind of thing all the time. “can you play some, like, chainsmokers? that would be so sound of you.”
chainsmokers? christ.
clearly, your distaste is showing, because the dj's face slips into a tiny smirk as he looks at you out of the corner of his eye; it disappears, though, before he replies. “‘fraid not, mate…”
his fucking voice. dear god. who is this man, and where has he been all your life?
“...i don't take requests.”
you believe it. everything about the dj screams control, and with every passing second your want to submit to that control is growing. it's not want you have for him any more, but sheer fucking need.
the other guy shrugs and wanders off, and the attention is all on you again. leaning over the mixing board towards you, the dj smirks again. “you, however, can ask me for anything you like.”
fuck. keep it together, bitch.
“anything?” you smile, saccharine, carefully leaning on the side of the deck in such a way that it pushes your boobs up. “even cascada?”
he rolls his eyes. “and here i thought you had taste.”
“whatever made you think that?”
“you picked out that dress to wear tonight, yeah?”
christ. “yeah. you like it?”
he nods, taking a sip of his drink. “it's gorgeous on you. but i think most things would be.”
you blush, revelling in the compliment before shooting your shot. “present company included?”
“jesus,” he shakes his head, and for the briefest of moments you worry that you've lost him. but then he looks up, hunger in those fucking eyes of his, and smirks again. “is that what you want, angel? to go somewhere together and find out?”
the ease with which the pet name falls from his lips is staggering, so much so that you can merely nod. that's not good enough for him, though - “need you to talk to me, beautiful.”
“sorry, sorry,” you compose yourself (with great difficulty). “yes, that's what i want.”
“s'reciprocated,” he smiles, genuinely. “i’m george, by the way.”
you smile in response, and introduce yourself. george says your name, slowly, and you fear that your legs might give way. “pretty,” he replies. “i like how you feel on my tongue.”
the words practically shoot straight into the scrap of fabric you call panties, and your jaw drops. george giggles. “you're cute when you're flustered, angel.”
“shame. i don't tend to make a habit of that.”
“hmmm,”  he clicks his tongue. “i'll need to work on that, then.”
you smile, radiant. “promise?”
“promise,” george smiles. he checks his watch, and you try not to drool at the way his arms flex. or his hands - god, look at his hands! “s'almost closing time. meet me back here in half an hour?”
“looking forward to it,” you blow him a kiss, preening at the way he blushes. “see you in a bit, gorgeous.”
he winks again. you turn and walk back to your friends, who have gathered along the edge of the dancefloor to watch your exchange with the dj. they huddle around you like a rugby scrum when you near them, a cacophony of slurred voices asking what and where and who and when and how; you gesture for them to follow you to the smoking area, where - to much excitement - you relay the details to them in the breaks between nicotine hits, and hug them all goodnight before you have to go back inside, them to the cloakroom and you to the dj.
your wingwoman friend is the last one you bid farewell to - she links arms with you to walk back into the sweaty club, doing the pre-prepared spiel you give each other when you pull. “have fun, but don't be stupid. if it's his place you end up at, then send me your location. i'll phone you in the morning, alright?”
“yeah,” you kiss her cheek. “thanks for all your help.”
“no problem. stay safe, have the best time,” she grins. “and i want details at the pub quiz on tuesday.”
“noted,” you hug her again as you reach the place to part ways. “love you. goodnight.”
“get it, bitch!” she shouts after you; you turn to salute her and giggle, and then she's gone. with a deep breath and a shake of your hair, you dart past the people starting to head towards the cloakroom, butterflies starting to emerge again as you get closer to george.
he smiles when he sees you, eyes raking over your body once again. “you know,” he says, as you reach the deck. “you really are beautiful.”
“i'm already leaving with you, george, you can drop the flattery,” you roll your eyes, then beam at him. “thank you, though.”
“just stating facts,” george turns some sort of dial, and the music fades to silence. as the club staff usher everyone from the room, he sighs happily. “been waiting to do that since you came up to me earlier.”
“yeah,” he unplugs his laptop from the deck, sliding it into a backpack. “you're very distracting, you know, looking so good and dancing like that.”
“well, i try,” you hold out a hand. “ready to go?”
george nods, stepping down beside you - you gawk at the the height of him, towering over you. “fuck me, you're tall.”
he laughs, taking your hand in his. again, the size difference is insane, and you find yourself momentarily nervous to get into bed with him; that soon passes in favour of excitement, though. “don't worry, i'll even out the height thing by getting on my knees soon enough.”
the speed with which you tug him toward the exit at that is almost comical. george only giggles and lets you drag him to the door - he stops when you’re out in the cold air, though. “hold on, angel, i need a cig.”
you nod, standing on the step beside the door while he moves down a few to light his cigarette in peace. his hands, so big, are surprisingly nimble as he pulls a fag from the packet and flicks the lighter on; again, it does something to your core, and you lean against the brick wall to keep yourself steady.
after a few (erotic) drags of the cig, george holds it out to you. wordlessly, you accept, holding eye contact as you take a drag and exhale it in his direction. george's eyes flick to your lips, then back to your own - suddenly, he's kissing you, a hand in your hair and one on the small of your back, your arms looped around his neck. it's not a polite kiss, by any means; george kisses like he’s trying to devour you in the best possible way, stealing all the air from your lungs and inhibitions from your brain, tongue and teeth working against your mouth to get you to give in to him.
like you need any convincing.
a trail of spit connects you as he breaks the sloppy kiss, forehead resting against yours as you both breathe deeply. “fuck, angel,” george sighs, kissing you quickly again. “your place or mine?”
“we can be at my flat in five minutes if we walk quickly.”
“shit. lead the way.”
your front door hasn't even fully closed behind you before george is pressing you up against it, grabbing handfuls of your ass and lifting you so he can kiss your lips and neck while he grinds into you. every time his hips meet yours, you feel your eyes roll back into your head and the need for him inside you growing. his teeth meet the skin of your collarbone, and you swear you see stars. “george.”
his head shoots up immediately. “no marks?”
“no, leave as many as you want. it's just,” you whimper as he sucks a bruise into your skin. “i really want you to take me to bed. please?”
he groans at that, peeling you off the wall as he turns. “where…?”
“second door on the left.”
no sooner than the words have left your lips, george is kicking your bedroom door open and all but throwing you onto your bed. hands shaking, you do your best to undo your heels and throw them into a corner as george rids himself of backpack and shirt; you mewl at the sight of him, muscles hardened in the moonlight, and sit up on your knees to clumsily undo his belt.
he shakes his head, moving your hands from him. “you first, angel. arms up, come on, let's get that pathetic excuse for a dress off you.”
“i thought you liked this dress?” you frown, even as you oblige and let him peel the dress up your body.
“i do, but - oh, fuck,” george moans as your almost-bare body is revealed to him. “it was doing an awful job of stopping me thinking about you like this.”
his gaze on you is almost predatory, so much so that it makes you sink back onto your knees in submission, legs slightly open and chest forward. “do i live up to your daydreams, sir? no, wait,” you squint, assessing george to see if you can figure him out. “do i live up to your daydreams, daddy?”
you've hit the nail on the head; george’s eyes close as he swears and undoes his belt, kicking his trousers and shoes off before climbing onto the bed, onto you. he pulls you slowly onto his lap, and rocks you back and forth even more slowly. “does this answer your question, baby?” he murmurs, the gravel in his voice liquifying your insides and sending them straight into your underwear. the friction against his hardness is incredible, and all you can do is whine as you look into those obsidian eyes - again, that's not good enough for george, who delivers a sharp smack to your ass. “words, angel. tell daddy what you think.”
“i - ooh,” you whimper, as george changes angle to one that manages to catch your clit with every grind. “i think i live up to them, yes, daddy. think you wanna fuck me, and - shit - i want that too.”
“my smart girl,” he kisses you again, another head-melter that has you moaning into his mouth. “what else do you want, hmmm? want me to go down on you?”
as tempting as having that mouth between your legs sounds… that isn’t what you want right now. “wake me up like that tomorrow, please,” you savour the way george whines into your neck at the thought. “but right now, i just need you to fill me up, daddy.”
“well, i did say you could ask me for anything you liked,” he grins against you, kissing you quickly before softly laying you down. “fuck, look at you, angel, so fucking beautiful. where have they been keeping you from me all this time?” 
your cheeks burn at the way he bites his lip, trailing his hands over your bare chest and all the way down to your panties. “i mean, seriously,” he hums. “i've never wanted to fuck someone more in my life.”
“so do it. please,” you open your legs, showing him the surely-visible wet patch on your silky underwear. “need you inside me, daddy.”
“alright, alright,” george huffs out a laugh, one of disbelief, as he trails a finger up your clothed slit. “jesus, you’re soaked already. can i take these off?”
he smiles, dragging the material down your legs and his fingers through your wetness; evilly, he slides the same hand beneath his boxers to palm himself, groaning. when you protest, he laughs. “just making sure we're both ready, baby. speaking of… protection?”
you say nothing, and just reach across to grab your pill packet from the bedside table and wave it at him.
“noted,” he leans forward to kiss you, before moving back onto his knees to slide his boxers off. as the fabric drops, so does your jaw: you knew from the feeling of him under you that you weren't dealing with something compact, here, but george is fucking huge. like, slightly terror-inducing huge. that said, though, you begin to salivate at the sight of him - he notices this, and giggles. “like what you see?”
“yeah,” wide eyed, you look up at his face, your own breaking into an anticipated smile; tentatively, you reach out to touch his cock, both of you gasping in tandem when you wrap your hand (as best you can) around him, manicured thumb flicking over the pre-cum soaked tip. neither of you break eye contact as you pump him a few times, the sexual tension in the room too magnetic to do so, and when you speak it comes out in a whisper. “how do you want me?”
“how don’t i want you?” george smirks, tapping your wrist to make you let go of him. he shuffles forward, big hands meeting your chest and squeezing gently, and beams when you whine. “fucking love that sound. lie back for me, angel, wanna watch these tits while i make you feel good. that alright?”
“mhmm,” you do as asked, fanning your hair across the pillow and spreading your legs - george can't seem to decide where to look, eyes darting between your face and chest and glistening cunt, and it makes you feel incredible. “like this, daddy?”
he nods. “perfect,” his lips find yours again  as he settles above you, resting his weight on one hand while the other slides between your thighs again. two long fingers tentatively dip into your cunt, and george groans while you gasp at the fullness. christ, if this is how you react to his fingers, then what on earth will it be like when he's actually fucking you? “jesus, baby, you're so fucking tight,” he hisses, eyes heavy as he looks down into yours. “want me to get you off with my hand first, before you take my cock? i mean, you're wet enough that you should be alright, but… i want you to feel good. comfortable. s'all about you, angel.”
shit. you have a sneaking suspicion that this man might genuinely be the death of you. but at least you'll die happy, yeah?
smiling, slightly dazed, you shake your head. “just want you to fuck me, daddy. need it, needed your cock all night.”
“you're sure?” george caresses your cheek.
“i'm sure,” you nod, humming happily as you watch him pump himself and drag his length through your wetness. “put it in, please.”
“sweet girl,” he kisses you, deep and slow, and pushes into you, the same. “oh my god.”
you're speechless, breathless, completely fucking brainless - all you can think about is the utterly delicious way george is stretching you out. nobody you've ever fucked before has really made you relate to the metaphor “rearranging your guts”, but with him it's crystal clear; he's so gentle and you're so turned on that it isn't painful, but he's definitely ruined any other man for you already and he's - you look down to check - not even fully inside you yet.
you giggle, slightly delirious, at that realisation. george smiles at you, groaning as he bottoms out and stills inside you. “feeling good?”
“so fucking good,” you lean up to kiss him, whining against his lips at the slight change in angle. fuck, he’s deep. “fuck me, please.”
he smirks. “magic word?”
“fuck me, please,” you kiss him again, sinking your teeth into his bottom lip then pulling back and whispering. “daddy.”
“good girl,” george pulls your legs around his waist, slowly sliding out of you and back in; you both moan in harmony as he does. “jesus, you feel incredible.”
you preen, beaming up at him - the smile is knocked from your face as he speeds up, though, in favour of your jaw dropping in pleasure. “yeah, that's it. fucking me so good, don't stop, please.”
“not stopping until i get you off, angel, don't worry,” he shifts slightly again, his next thrust hitting a spot inside you that you didn't think existed; when he does, you whimper, the contact sending another gush to your core and shockwaves throughout your body. “oh, you liked that, didn't you, sweet girl? shall i do it again? yeah, i think i will.”
he does, ripping a cry from your throat in the process. your legs quiver around his waist, the repeated hits to the area sparking them into movement, and you clutch desperately at his forearm beside your head. “daddy…”
“what is it, angel?” george leans down to kiss you, still fucking you relentlessly. “tell me what you want.”
your brain is growing hazier by the second, dopamine and serotonin and god knows what else overpowering all your motor functions, but you still manage to oblige. “want - fuck - want you to choke me.”
“fuck,” george’s eyes roll back slightly. “you're sure?”
you nod, stomach contracting in ecstasy. “need it, need you.”
“you're so fucking cute,” he grins, incongruous with the way his big hand wraps around your neck and presses, just enough for you to sigh happily and clench around him. “think you really might be an angel, by the way,” he pants out, never letting the rhythm of his hips drop. “you feel like heaven. look like it, too. and trust me, later on,” he kisses your neck, dragging his tongue up so he can whisper in your ear. “i am going to get on my knees and worship you for hours.”
okay, it's settled - he's perfect. you can never fuck anyone else ever again. “please.”
“‘please’ what, sweet girl? please do that?” he coos, sucking another mark just under your jaw. “or please make you cum?”
“cum,” you choke out from under his hand, legs practically thrashing from how good you feel. “please, daddy.”
“gonna be a good girl and help me, then?” george looks you straight in the eye, his almost completely shut in pleasure. “touch yourself for me. show me what you're gonna do every time you think about this, about me.”
christ alive. you obey (you're not sure that you'd be unable to resist that voice even if you wanted to), grabbing one of your tits in one hand and sliding the other between your bodies to your clit. as soon as you touch the bundle of nerves, the shockwaves pulsing through your body increase tenfold; if not for george above you, grounding you, you reckon you'd have shot off the mattress by now. through a quivering jaw, you talk to him. “m'so close, so fucking close.”
“me too, angel,” george’s eyelids flutter as he talks. “don't fight it - cum for me, my good girl, cum on my fucking cock.”
your body does as it’s told, a final surge of pleasure flowing through your body so strongly that you actually black out for a second; your fuse is relit by george groaning, gravel and guttural, in your ear, imminent climax signalled by his hips falling out of rhythm for the first time so far and his hand slackening on your neck. “oh, fuck, i'm there. can i… inside?”
“yeah,” you breathe out. “fill me up, daddy.”
with a moan of your name, george buries himself to the hilt inside you one final time, thrusting shallow and kissing you fiercely as he paints your insides white. once he’s done, he carefully lies down on top of you and rests his head in the crook of your neck, still inside you as you both catch your breath. despite finishing last, he’s the first to speak, moving to hover over you and kiss you again. “i'm so glad you decided to go out tonight.”
“me too,” you giggle. “same again next week?”
“absolutely. i'll be the one waiting by the speakers.”
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