#diy goth
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hopegrasping · 2 days ago
High likelihood this post isn't for you btw. If you're seeing this you're probably like me and/or post for people like me and that's super cool. This post is for the people who follow the people who follow the people who follow you.
Amongst community it's okay to value stuff like imperfection and messiness as part of your art, that's cool, but This Post is for your shitty coworker you hate and who hates you, with their nasty starbucks and their messy bun (neutral) and yucky lululemon leggings. I want her to stop giving that ignorant ass man her money. I don't need her to abstain from purchasing from Lululemon as an act of solidarity with the people who are impacted by the casual wack ass racism the owner is incredibly open about because she Cares about people, it'd be cool for sure I'd really like that, but ultimately I just need her to go through the motions of Not Spending Her Money There and Diy is the best way to get that to happen. She doesn't need to see it as an act of resistance against The Man etc, she just needs to see it as A Thing That's Normal For A Person To Do +Have It Look Good And she's not going to do that if everywhere she looks people are talking about how "oh it's supposed to look bad! That's the charm of it! :)" because she doesn't value shit like the environment, or care about the unethical labor practices of most fast fashion brands, etc. She cares about Looking Good or at least Looking Like Everybody Else. She works her 12 hour nursing shift at her job she hates going to but does anyway to make ends meet and then she goes home to cook and binge watch Netflix with her racist boyfriend and I need her to not throw away her leggings at the first sign of them Being Worn At All. I want her wack ass to get sewing and you're not helping meeeee guys this is what capitalists WANT, you're doing their Job For Them they WANT DIY to be seen as The Craft You Totally Shouldn't Do If You're Not Alternative Bc Doesn't It Look Soooooo Shitty and bad? You Should Buy Our Graphic Tees and Leave The Sewing To The Professionals (That We're Taking Advantage Of.) Bc They're Already Naturally Good At It And You're Not. :) You Have So Little Time After All, And No Experience <3 So If You Try It'll Just Look Bad So Just Let Us Do It And The Only Lining YOU'LL Have To Do To Our Pockets ;) heehee.
If you That Girl or similar in the way that you are Just A Normal Person listen to me. Momentary truce, this does not make us friends. Diy doesn't Have to look good, but it IS something you can get good at. It takes time, effort, and practice and it's a skill that's as valuable as it is underrated. It can save you a lot of money, it can make you useful and popular and it gives you a lot of artistic given you give a shit about that a lot of people don't and that's okay. Anything the shops can sell you, you can probably Legitimately make better. The quality of clothes has gone Way down in recent years and I think that's something we can agree on regardless of if you believe in Round Earth and Climate Change. It'll probably last longer too. I don't need you to like me or the way I presented this information, but I do really want to emphasize that you don't have to be like me in any way to do diy. That is the point of this post.
Let go of the idea that diy will inherently look shit. All your clothes are handmade you just don't see the people doing it.
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virtualgirladv · 7 months ago
Friend wants to have demonia style boots but doesn't have the money or availability. Alt and goth fashion used to be diy and cheap. How could she do this now? Please share for reach and community knowledge in general cause the monetization of alt fashion is horrible
(Australian if that matters but all info will help honestly)
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draculiza · 1 year ago
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my finished skirt!! so bloody happy with how this turned out. now i can still wear my old jeans that i meant to decorate with patches but never did lol
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dammit-theclown · 2 months ago
I know it’s far from a one-size-fits-all issue and I’ve been beating this dead horse for years, but I’ll never not hate when people argue against calls for DIY and tutorial/tip sharing with “all this is actually ableist because disabled people can’t DIY.” Not “I personally am disabled and have difficulty with a lot of DIY or Die type stuff, which is why I’m pointing out these difficulties and calling for information;” very specifically “DIY or Die is ableist because there are hypothetical disabled people out there (not me) who I’d assume hate it as much as I do.” Trust me when I say you are helping absolutely no one by poisoning the convo just to deflect your own insecurity, inactivity, or lack of experience. We don’t need you to regurgitate unprompted excuses as to why we couldn’t possibly participate in DIY culture so we may as well not even try, we need you to spread and share information that makes the pursuit more safe and accessible. It’s not one-size-fits-all and there are billions of ways your disabilities can and will impact your experience, how difficult it is, and what is and isn’t possible, which is why we need to be having these conversations instead of shutting them down before they can even start. DIY is not as intimidating as most people set it up to be, and can be a phenomenal tool for disabled people who are more likely to have tighter finances, limited resources, and a need to extend the life of the things they wear/use.
My perspective on this is probably most impacted by limited hand mobility and extreme pain using them. I injure myself a lot! But same applies to like… chopping vegetables. Holding a pencil or a spoon. Using an oven, washing dishes, changing the sheets… mundane life with disabilities is already difficult and often unrewarding. Learning to create, solve problems, apply the skills you’ve gathered in unlikely places, and show off your work is extremely gratifying in comparison. Do whatever suits you best, but don’t let yourself miss out on something you’d genuinely like to be a part of due to preconceived notions about how it’ll go. I’m not denying that it is much harder to DIY while disabled, but that’s what makes every breakthrough such a unique source of pride and fulfillment.
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sorreleater · 2 months ago
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this dress was a flannel bedsheet at the thrift store this morning. i love it so much i can tell it’s going to be a staple in my closet
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patched-up-pants · 8 months ago
Something simpler this time; a cropped leather vest in the style of a denim jacket. I got it from me mum who got it from a cousin, no idea why, for the raw material, but ended up just wearing it. I had to enlarge the arm holes by a lot and cut off the collar completely before it was actually comfortable. There are no pockets, functional or otherwise, and the flaps in the front, as well as the back panel, are made out of some velvetesque fabric, which certainly adds character and some depth to the rather blank and flat leather.
Not much work has been done on it, apart from the aforementioned cutting, but there is something. The Opeth symbol above the left breast was once a whole iron-on patch I'd bought somewhere, and the back piece needed to be divided into two for the sake of making it larger without upsizing the paper itself. The part that makes me the proudest of myself has to be the ~maroon~ triangles as they were my second go at painting on leather at such a scale and my first success.
Not sure what else to do with it, but I'm open to suggestions.
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hopegrasping · 10 days ago
Don't listen to people who tell you your diy project looks shit, even if they're telling the truth that's the devil talking
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moss-the-guy · 5 months ago
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Day 44 of posting an OOTD for every day of sophomore year! Featuring my Mothman hat I made :] Halloween saga continues, prepare for tomorrow (my actual costume!!)
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draculiza · 1 year ago
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my new favourite skirt 𓆩♡𓆪
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ulubionywuja · 2 years ago
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I made a Robert patch and it cured my aversion to painting
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dxgital-morgue · 1 month ago
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meee!!🦇 makeup is bat inspired (and inspired by a pinterest look!)
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walkawayinsin · 2 months ago
the bat is back
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how I look nowadays
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aeternal-nightmare · 4 months ago
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Made some DIY tpb pins
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patched-up-pants · 8 months ago
One of my strangest pieces, to be certain: a blazer/coat I found thrifting in my hometown. Well-fitting, even with a thick sweater underneath, looks decent with almost anything that isn't sweatpants, or cargos, and above all is perfect for the local weather a huge chunk of the year. Generally really adaptable to any need, all it truly lacks is more patches.
All designs, except for 1312, Calloused, and Pup on the shoulder came from Anarchostensilism's deviantart.
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dammit-theclown · 8 months ago
Not sure if this side is done or if i should Fuck Around And Find Out
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(hand-painted w fabric ink as always)
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putridement · 1 month ago
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shin, 21, better as a concept than a human being. i like to create and shitpost about everything and nothing.
[disclaimer : i did not make the typographies, i’ve found them both on dafont. this is only for my personal use. i’ll make my own logo one day.]
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