#dixit Disney
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obaudasfotos · 11 months ago
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'Jogo de Tabuleiro de Mesa'
Dixit - Edição Disney Comemorativa de 100 anos / Ilustração por Natalie Dombois
Fotografia: Ben Rodrigues (obaudasfotos - Instagram)
Ano: 2023
Fotografia para o projeto #6on6brasil, temática: "Círculos"
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'Fantasias Coloridas'
Dixit - Edição Disney Comemorativa de 100 anos / Ilustração dos cards por Natalie Dombois
Fotografia: Ben Rodrigues (obaudasfotos - Instagram)
Ano: 2023
Fotografia para o projeto #6on6brasil, temática: "Círculos"
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wuekka · 1 year ago
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I have never heard of this game, but it has a Disney version and art of it is gorgeous! :3
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thefandomentals · 2 years ago
A new collab between Disney and Libellud will let you create your own Dixit stories using characters and themes from the entire history of Disney!
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boardgoats · 1 year ago
Essen 2023
Today is the final day of this edition of the largest games fair in Europe and arguably the world, the Internationale Spieltage.  Known to gamers worldwide simply as “SPIEL” or “Essen”, the annual fair is of particular significance as many new releases are scheduled to coincide with the event just in time for Christmas sales.  Following the recent change in management, this year there were quite…
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ericmicael · 1 year ago
Dixit Disney - Frozen 2
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kinocube · 2 years ago
Unha rosa é unha rosa
A primavera chega a Kinocube e xa comezamos a arrecender o cheiro das violetas, dos chuchameles e das chorimas. Quizabes nunha época como a nosa, na que as cores e a xeometría aparecen en gran parte asociadas aos eidos da cultura dixital, da videocreación, do gif, da publicidade, etc., restemos un chisco de importancia ás flores que crecen nos outeiros e nos parques do carón das nosas casas. 
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No século XIX, porén, as flores tiñan unha maior importancia. Servían como inspiración para elementos decorativos, mobles, cadros; tamén engalanaban tecidos para roupa -e non restrinxida ao xénero feminino, ollo- e elementos tapizados, entre outras cousas. Existiu incluso unha moda de asignar significados concretos a cada tipo de flor, creando mensaxes complexos en cada ramo segundo as especies que o conformaban. Non podería asegurar que a xente na realidade se mandaba mensaxes regalando flores, pero é certo que dende 1819 en diante escribíronse libros fermosamente ilustrados sobre a materia. Mira que dá que falar este século! Aínda que é certo que certas plantas, vexetais e flores xa tiñan a súa relevancia para contos populares como A Bela e a Besta, adaptado ao cinema por Jean Cocteau en 1946. E non, non é exactamente igual que a versión de Disney de 1991: no conto orixinal  a rosa tiña un significado especial, non máxico senón moral, pois é usado como metáfora da humildade de Bela fronte á superficialidade das súas irmás, que prefiren xoias e vestidos. 
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Algúns daqueles significados permanecen máis ou menos alterados na cultura popular hoxe en día: asociamos as rosas ao amor apaixoado e as margaridas á inocencia, por exemplo. E o cinema, coma sempre, toma vantaxe destes significados arraigados na nosa mente colectiva á hora de crear os seus sistemas simbólicos. O mellor aliado das flores na pantalla, por certo, foi o technicolor, o sistema de filmación en cor desenvolto e potenciado no Hollywood do cinema clásico. Cando o technicolor era un reclamo tecnolóxico para o público, desexoso de novas experiencias despois de décadas de cinema en branco e negro -isto daría para un artigo enteiro, pero quedádevos con que a cor leva canda o cinema case dende o comezo, aínda que non foi popularizado no cinema mainstream até esta época- os estudos querían historias vivas e saturadas que desen a máis mínima excusa para lucir as súas cores. Como os musicais de Vincente Minnelli ou, sen ir máis lonxe, The Wizard of Oz (Victor Fleming, 1939) e as súas fermosas e perigosas papoulas.
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Os significados ligados ás flores adoitan formar parte dun conxunto de valores asociados na tradición occidental co feminino: delicadeza, beleza, perfección, fraxilidade, vaidade. Existe un nesgo que relaciona unicamente ao xénero feminino e ao seu rol social coas flores, un nesgo limitante e limitado que desbota que si que existen épocas e contextos sociais nos que estes valores -e polo tanto os motivos florais- se poden relacionar con roles e personaxes masculinas: dende a flor de Lis como símbolo da monarquía medieval francesa até o flower power pacifista de finais dos sesenta do pasado século. 
Aos seres humanos sempre nos pareceron belas as flores. Como ás abellas. E o que ten de particular a beleza das flores é precisamente a súa fugacidade: murchan e desaparecen en pouco tempo. A súa é unha beleza efémera, curta e intensa; polo tanto, foi sempre moi tentador utilizalas para representar a fermosura da traxedia -ou o tráxico da beleza-. O feito de que todo, por moi bo que sexa, non vai durar para sempre. 
Fuxindo destas apreciacións máis xerais, os universos simbólicos internos dunha película tamén se poden construír coas flores como base, imprimíndolles significados concretos e orixinais no contexto narrativo. As rosas, en American Beauty (Sam Mendes, 1999), están por todas partes e destacan coa súa saturación e profundidade nunha cinematografía máis uniforme e coherente. Nunha primeira impresión calquera persoa diría que simbolizan a luxuria -un significado máis popular- ou o desexo na personaxe de Lester Burnham. Mais non só o acompañan a el! Acompañan a todas as personaxes todo o tempo. É quizais unha maneira de falarnos de sentimentos apaixoados mais comúns, superficiais -desexo, vaidade, perfeccionismo- en contraposición coa verdadeira beleza da imperfección e da humildade. A beleza dunha bolsa de plástico voando ao vento... por exemplo.
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O cinema en si mesmo é, como xa temos comentado nalgunha ocasión, un intento de capturar a arte e a beleza volátil das cousas, das persoas e dos obxectos, e mantela no tempo a través das eras. A pantalla volve eterno o efémero, e proba diso son as fermosas flores que Percy Smith filmou a florecer en 1910 e que aínda hoxe temos ocasión de desfrutar cos ollos de cen anos despois. 
Até o vindeiro episodio!
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erriga · 2 years ago
I'm sorry, there's a Dixit disney edition??? What's the point of making a game based around the concept of vague, surrealist imagery and then putting a bunch of copyrighted, easily recognizable characters and trademarks®™®™
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afnews7 · 2 months ago
Papersera dixit: Topolino 3600
#disney #topolino – http://www.afnews.info segnala: Tremilaseicento, un traguardo di una certa rilevanza: 3600 è un riferimento importante nella cosmologia e numerologia babilonese, è un quadrato perfetto ed è il numero di secondi che compongono un’ora: molto più del tempo che si impiega a leggere Topolino, ma molto meno del tempo necessario a scrivere questa recensione… Leggi il resto su…
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playermagic23 · 11 months ago
Aditya Roy Kapur celebrates one year of The Night Manager
Along with him, his co-stars Anil Kapoor and Sobhita Dhulipala also dedicated a special social media posts as the web-series turned one.
There is no doubt that The Night Manager was one of the most loved and watched series of 2023. Starring Aditya Roy Kapur as the lead, the show garnered massive success last year and won the hearts of audiences with its gripping plot. Aditya played the role of Shaan Sengupta, a spy who is on a mission to expose the wrongdoings of Shelly Rungta, played by Anil Kapoor. Now that the series has completed one year, Aditya decided to celebrate the moment by taking to social media to pen down a post.
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Aditya Roy Kapoor shared some unreleased BTS images from the sets with his co-stars Anil Kapoor, Sobhita Dhulipala, among others and penned a caption that read, “One year since the release of The Night Manager”. Many of the actor’s fans took to the post to not just wish him but also shower praises and love on his character Shaan. “One year since i found the love of my life- Shaan sen gupta,” wrote one of the fans whereas another one added, “Shaan is the ideal Jaan”.
For the unversed, the Hindi version of the show featured Sobhita Dhulipala as Shelly Rungta’s girlfriend Kaveri Dixit and Tillotama Shome as RAW officer Lipika Rao, who essayed key roles in the series. Apart from them, the web-show featured an ensemble cast which included Ravi Behl, Rukhsar Rehman, Saswata Chatterjee, Supriya Shukla, Joy Sengupta, among others. Directed by Sandeep Modi, The Night Manager is based on John Le Carre’s novel by the same name and it is currently streaming on Disney+ Hotstar.
Meanwhile, talking about his upcoming work commitments, Aditya Roy Kapur is now gearing up for his next with Anurag Basu titled Metro In Dino, which features him alongside Sara Ali Khan,  and reportedly the actor has already started shooting for the film. The film also features a host of actors which include Ali Fazal, Fatima Sana Shaikh, Pankaj Tripathi, Konkana Sen Sharma, Anupam Kher, and Neena Gupta.
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spiritgamer26 · 1 year ago
[NOËL 2023] La sélection de jeux de société pour jouer en famille
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Table des matières de jeux de société proposé par les Contrées du jeu
Pour jouer en famille
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https://youtu.be/HArRsBSnfCI Unlock (12) Supernatural Adventures Unlock! est un jeu de cartes coopératif inspiré des escape rooms. Vous avez 60 minutes pour vous échapper. Unlock! vous fait vivre ces expériences chez vous, autour d’une table. Une application gratuite donne le rythme, détient les r��ponses et vous donne des indices. Un jeu basé sur la logique, l’observation et l’intuition.
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The Art Project The ART Project est un jeu coopératif : vous jouez tous ensemble contre le jeu. Chaque joueur pioche 2 cartes Mission au début de chaque manche, puis tous les joueurs discutent pour décider de l’ordre du tour : en effet, leurs réserves de Jerrican, Armes, Alliés et Indices sont en commun et leur gestion est primordiale. Quand vous jouez une Mission, vous dépensez des ressources communes et trouvez des indices qui serviront à tous. Essayez de sauver 7 œuvres avant la fin du paquet de Missions…
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https://youtu.be/p2VmTlU01t8 7 Wonders Architects 7 Wonders Architects est un nouveau jeu indépendant dans l’univers de 7 Wonders ! Votre objectif est aussi simple que grandiose : bâtir une Merveille si importante, si imposante, qu’elle marquera l’histoire de l’humanité. 7 Wonders Architects a été conçu pour offrir une expérience de jeu la plus fluide et immersive possible. Sous vos yeux, les Merveilles vont s’élever et entrer dans l’Histoire ! Un matériel innovant a été pensé dans ce sens.
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https://youtu.be/PGryungP-Gs Akropolis Au cœur de l’antique Méditerranée, des cités rivales cherchent à s’attirer richesse et gloire.Les plus talentueux architectes de la Grèce antique s’attèlent à la tâche. Habitations, temples, marchés, jardins, casernes… Autant de quartiers qui permettront à votre ville de croître et se démarquer. Mais vos constructions doivent respecter une certaine harmonie et des règles bien précises pour espérer voir grimper le prestige de votre cité. La pierre reste le nerf de la guerre. Prenez soin de disposer de suffisamment de carrières et n’oubliez pas de construire en étage pour élever votre cité vers les cieux.
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https://youtu.be/4DqulCRSFws Syncro Vous devez estimer la valeur jouer par vos camarades de jeux tout en ayant une communication et des informations limitées. Au fur et à mesure de la partie, vous progresserez dans l’aventure et vous débloquerez des nouveaux effets qui pimenteront vos parties. Le jeu contient 2 chapitres avec respectivement 4 et 5 niveaux à traverser afin de remporter la partie !
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https://youtu.be/eJQDBiMnEs0 Dixit Disney Dixit, le jeu de société onirique rencontre le plus grand studio d’animation de l’histoire ! Découvrez une nouvelle édition avec 84 illustrations oniriques inspirées par les dessins animés et films d’animation de Disney et Pixar ! Ces cartes sont compatibles avec les jeux du Dixit Universe : Stalla, Odyssey, etc.
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https://youtu.be/6SwKBBMq-Jc Micro Macro Crime City Showdown Showdown est le quatrième volet de la série MicroMacro. Venez y découvrir une nouvelle partie de la ville, avec ses 16 enquêtes inédites et plus corsées à mener. Ce jeu est indépendant des premiers volets : il n‘est pas nécessaire de posséder ou d‘avoir joué aux épisodes précédents pour vous lancer dans ces nouvelles affaires !MicroMacro est un jeu coopératif. Un œil affûté et un sens de la déduction aiguisé seront vos meilleurs atouts pour coincer les criminels les plus retors !
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https://youtu.be/d-tSD-PZ_20 Sur les traces de Darwin 20 ans après son voyage de 5 ans autour du monde, Darwin souhaite récolter de nouvelles informations sur la vie animale, notamment à propos des continents qu’il n’avait pas ou peu visité, comme l’Amérique du Nord, l’Asie et une partie de l’Afrique. Trop âgé et occupé par sa famille et ses travaux, il vous confie cette tâche, ses confrères de la Royal Society de Londres lui ayant dit tout le bien qu’ils pensaient de vous
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https://youtu.be/4BJv_vDqou8 Skyjo Dans Skyjo, anticipez, soyez audacieux dans vos décisions et remplacez vos cartes judicieusement pour avoir le moins de points à la fin de la partie. Un jeu de cartes simple, subtil et terriblement addictif !
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https://youtu.be/3-B4CkjIpx4 Sea Salt & Paper A vous de créer votre propre océan. Constituez votre main, posez des cartes pour leur effet et décidez si vous mettez fin à la manche. Mais vous devez choisir : stopper immédiatement la manche ou laisser aux autres un tour supplémentaire pour tenter de creuser l’écart. C’est un risque à prendre…PRIX DU GROUPEMENT DES BOUTIQUES LUDIQUES TRAVAIL D’ILLUSTRATION 2023 : Lucien Derainne et Pierre-Yves Gallard pour Sea Salt & Paper,
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https://youtu.be/jSfY3jeY278 Mantis Mantis est conçu pour les enfants comme les adultes. À chaque tour, pariez sur la prochaine couleur à sortir du paquet pour voler vos adversaires ou marquer des points. Un jeu addictif où l’on enchaîne les parties !
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https://youtu.be/AywXbAoTERg Mino Dice Mino Dice est un jeu de plis qui se joue… avec des dés.Devinez combien de plis vous allez remporter (ou pas !) au début de chaque manche. Devinez bien, et vous deviendrez le champion du labyrinthe !Mino Dice est une rethématisation de “Skull King Dice” et propose aux joueurs une expérience de jeu captivante qui associe hasard et stratégie. Read the full article
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aroundtable · 1 year ago
Anche questa settimana continuiamo con la serie di video in cui vi segnalo i booardgame da regalare, regalarsi o farsi regalare a Natale, ma anche semplicemente da acquistare per passare giocando le serate Natalizie, tra un pandoro un panettone (ma in due stanze differenti).
Arrivati al 23 Novembre, non mi sento più in colpa nel parlare dei giochi da tavolo per Natale e posso cominciare più serenamente a parlarvi di giochi che hanno un costo che va dai 30 ai 60€ una fascia di prezzo mediana, in cui cominciamo a trovare molti più giochi tra cui scegliere, per questo ancora una volta ho chiesto un aiuto a gli amici di Hirtemis nel selezionare quelli più interessanti.
Come, sempre, nel video vi propongo boardgame già visti qui Around The Table e altri ho trascurato o non sono ancora usciti, sperando di non sbagliare la segnalazione!
Nel video di oggi vedremo tanti giochi da tavolo nello specifico:
00:00 Intro 01:15 Tribes of Wind ( @LuckyDuckGamesEN ) 02:22 Stranger Things Upsidedown ( @AsmodeeItalia ) 04:04 Dixit Disney 05:05 Detective Batman Tutti Mentono ( @pendragongamestudio3192 ) 07:10 Dungeons & Dragons Caos a NeverWinter ( @hasbrogaming8476 ) 09:02 Penny Dreadfuls - Gli Orrori di Londra ( @giochi_uniti ) 09:59 Mortum - Medieval Detective Gate On Games 11:00 Gli animali di BakerStreet ( @mancalamaro8199 ) 11:51 Alibi ( @dvgames_official ) 13:13 Disney Sorcerer's Arena 14:22 The Wolves 15:10 Bonsai 16:10 Darwin's Journey ( @ghenosgames7580 ) 17:17 La Guerra dell'Anello ( @deviritalia5201 ) 18:24 Conclusioni
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jones-friend · 5 years ago
If you’re a person like me and like playing Magic: the Gatherings sometimes you get burnt out on constant releases and inconsistent gameplay.
I’ve gathered a list o games here that might interest you depending on what in MTG you like!
When you play EDH do you like the wacky decks that come to the table? The weird strategies and watching your own plan come to fruition?
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Villainous is a wonderful, flavorful romp where each player takes the reins of a Disney villain on their own thematic board and attempts to execute their plan. Each villain deck plays radically different from the other and there’s some 12 different villains as of now. Its a well balanced romp as games usually come to a head with each player on the cusp of completing their goal. I highly recommend picking up the expansion containing Yzma, its good stuff.
Do you like deckbuilding? Amassing the right cards for a well oiled machine?
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Dominion is the tabletop for you! Starting with a deck of 10 cards can you work your way through the available lot of cards to make a fine-tuned machine? Dominon has countless expansions lending it to near infinite combinations of cards for deckbuilding puzzle after puzzle.
Or do you like drafting? Making picks to forward your goals?
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Seven Wonders is what you’re looking for! Seven Wonders is a draft style game of 3 rounds where you draft different cards for gains in military, science, gold, and sometimes just bulk points. It has a touch of a learning curve as rules are represented by symbols and not text, but after a starting round its easy to get a grasp of. Plus, this can hold up to seven players!
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Special recommendation to Seven Wonders: Duel for being there for you when you and your buddy want to draft but no one’s available.
Maybe you like reading the boardstate and making plays based on that?
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Smash Up is some goofy fun. There are multiple factions here: robots, ninjas, dinosaurs with lasers, zombies, bear cavalry, and you take two decks and shuffle them together. That’s your deck! Do you combine zombie reanimation with robot’s ability to spit small minions out quickly? Or do you make time traveling super apes who bolster their power while rewinding plays? There’s a lot of field manipulation and play among the Bases that score points, its a joy.
But maybe you aren’t in EDH for the literal gameplay. No. You’re a person of culture. You’re here for the politics.
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Have you ever wanted to bribe and lie your way around your friends and the law? Here it is! Sheriff of Nottingham is a game where each player bundles up to 5 cards in their “bag” and passes it to the sheriff for inspection. That’s when deals begin. You can bribe and/or talk your way out of sticky situations and make good with the sheriff. Or rip them off. This game has a simple set of rules that allows it to be rife with mind games.
But maybe you need more than politics. You need to dig a knife into your buddy’s back just as they’re about to succeed.
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Prepare to die. I was skeptical of Bloodborne’s card game but its quickly become one of my favorites if not the favorite tabletop game of mine. Hunters fight beasts together eager to dig in damage for the most blood. Turns go with a horrible abomination being revealed. You have a hand of up to 7 cards and each player chooses one to play. They flip. The monster attacks, with dice that allow a potential lethal combo on all hunters with a stroke of bad luck. Then the hunters strike. Damage takes blood echoes and the most blood at the end wins. Cards sabotage and harm opponents, the expansion’s Church Cannon laying waste to careless hunters. I highly recommend giving this a look and getting this with the Hunter’s Nightmare expansion. The new weapons, consequences for death, and bosses add a lot to the game. And with multiple big bad final bosses to pick it has a lot of replay value.
Sometimes you don’t want to be violent. You don’t want to use the EDH side of your brain. You want to be a series of fluffy bunnies looking at dreamlike art arguing “that isn’t at all what “Locked” looks like!!”
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Dixit is a very right-brained card game, in that you’ll be flexing creative muscles instead of abstract ones. The active player puts a card facedown and describes it. Each opponent puts a card down that matches the description. If all players guess correctly or incorrectly the active player is awarded zero points, the key is to trick just a few players into guessing your card but not all of them. And if you like this check out the equally artsy Mysterium.
I really like tabletop, and this is just a slice of games relevant to MTG. If any of these sound interesting to you absolutley check them out, I recommend everything on this list.
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don-lichterman · 3 years ago
The Renuka Shahane Interview - Rediff.com movies
The Renuka Shahane Interview – Rediff.com movies
‘A smile reflects your gratitude for life, your celebration of it.’ Photograph: Kind courtesy Renuka Shahane/Instagram Even after three decades, her million dollar smile flashes bright and brings back a flood of nostalgia for Antakshari thanks to the recent CRED ad with Annu Kapoor. We will see Renuka Shahane once again in a film, and this time it’s an anthology, Stories On The Next Page…
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doonitedin · 3 years ago
Madhuri Dixit reminds us of Sushmita Sen’s journey from ‘mom to don’ ahead of Aarya 2 release - Watch!
Madhuri Dixit reminds us of Sushmita Sen’s journey from ‘mom to don’ ahead of Aarya 2 release – Watch!
aarya 2 In her recollection of Aarya’s journey, Madhuri Dixit describes the protagonist’s sensitive circumstances and says, “Ghayal sherni hi sabse khatarnaak hoti hai.” Doonited Affiliated: Syndicate News Feed
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k-looking-glass-house · 2 years ago
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Glorious Masquerade ~The Crimson Lotus Flower and the Bell of Salvation (Alternate outfit)~ Neige Leblanche
Wouhou.... That event! ....Like booommmm SSR Malleus awwww (it ruined me for nothing)~
And you know as the french I am.... and with the "canon so canon power of croissant!!!!"
Here comes the cute to die for (dixit Rook) Neiiiiige in his own masquerade outfit! (such princess Disney vibes oh oh!)
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Asset game extract from @alchemivich and twst game
“Twisted Wonderland” concept belongs to Yana Toboso
Neige Leblanche Masquerade alternate outfit concept done by me
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