#diwali kids dress
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nakshatrakids003 · 1 year ago
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Buy diwali dress for kids
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momatos · 4 months ago
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guilty-pleasures21 · 4 months ago
The roommate
Surprise! Happy Halloween/Diwali/Dia de los muertos everyone!
Credits to @tojishugetiddies for giving me a base idea. Thanks, sweetie ☺���! 
This is just a two-parter, so I’m releasing part 1 today and then part 2 tomorrow on Halloween itself. 
Also, side note: I came up with the Optimus Prime idea before I went to watch the Transformers One movie, but I can’t recommend it enough!!! It’s SO GOOD 😭😭😭😭😭!!!
Original story
BONUS Halloween story:
Part 1
Part 2
Warnings: none.
Roommate!Miguel who walks down the stairs in his costume. 
Your neighbourhood was notorious for doing a big blowout celebration for Halloween and just like you always had, you loved dressing up for it. Your kids were old enough this year to go trick-or-treating with their friends, but you didn’t mind staying at home to hand out candy with Miguel- it gave you a chance to admire the other kids’ outfits and also left you with some alone time to get up to a little ‘trick-or-treating’ of your own with your big, strong husband … 🤭 
You rip open a packet of sweets and pour the contents into one of the large bowls in front of you and your son takes advantage of the opportunity to snatch a sweet as he walks past. You tsk at him in irritation, but Rio just shrugs and pulls out his phone as he takes a seat at the dining table. 
Roommate!Miguel who wraps his arms around your waist as he comes up behind you. 
“Need any help, querida?” he asks, pressing a kiss to your cheek in greeting. You twist your head around to give him a smile, then snicker softly at the fake moustache you’d drawn onto his upper lip. 
You’d called him into your bathroom after finishing your own makeup, then sat him down on the chair in front of your dresser. He’d slid his hands up your thighs as you’d climbed onto his lap, his fingers squeezing and stroking you while you’d sketched the fine hairs onto his face. 
‘Miguel,’ you’d chastised him as his lips had stretched into a smile, ‘try not to smile so much.’
He’d grinned at your soft laughter and moved his hands up to your waist. 
‘I can’t help it, querida,’ he’d told you apologetically. ‘Why didn’t you just let me grow my own moustache?'
‘Because,’ you’d argued, getting back to work, ‘you’d look like a creep. And it would be annoying to kiss you.’
He’d snuck his fingers beneath your shirt and began running them across your skin as you’d continued and soon, your costume prep time had turned into a full-on makeout session with your sweet and sexy husband. 
Roommate!Miguel who steals a sweet out of the bowl as well. 
Your jaw drops in surprise and you glare at him as he walks around the kitchen island to take a seat in front of you. 
“Like father, like son,” you grumble, shaking your head in disapproval as you tear open another bag of sweets. “If I ask the two of you for help, you’ll probably finish all the sweets on your own.” 
Miguel glances over at his son in question, but Rio just shoots him the same confused look he was sure was on his own face. “!Papà!” 
Miguel looks up as your youngest son barrels down the stairs, a look of alarm on his little face. 
“¡Ten cuidado, pollito! (Be careful!)” Miguel warns him, holding his hands out as Rafael races towards him. His son slows down a little, but his body still buzzes with panic.
“!Papà! The lights aren’t working! Fix it!” 
Roommate!Miguel whose lips twitch with amusement at his son’s demand. 
He’d helped him attach the optical-fibre cables running through his Optimus Prime costume a few days ago, but something seemed to have gone wrong in the meantime. Miguel turns Rafael around and examines the cables, finding the problem easily. He reattaches the loose wire and turns the switch on, causing the costume to light up as they had intended. 
“Yes!” Rafael exclaims, bouncing with excitement. “¡Gracías, Papà!” 
He gives his dad a quick hug, then dashes back up to his room without another word. 
“Rio?” you call. “What time are your friends getting here?”
Rio checks his phone again for any new messages. “They said they should be here in about ten minutes. They’re picking up Danny first.”
“Who’s he dressed as?” Miguel asks, trying to find a way to steal another sweet from one of the bowls. Rio grins and sets his phone aside. 
“Daphne,” he reveals delightedly. “He got his mum to help him alter his skirt and everything! I think he’s going to steal his sister’s heels, but Shawn said he’s going to bring a spare pair of sneakers in case his feet start to hurt.”
His friends had decided to dress up at the Scooby Doo gang and though your son looked the polar opposite of the pale-skinned, blond-haired all-American golden boy, they’d still chosen him to play Fred thanks to the good looks he’d inherited from you and Miguel.
Roommate!Miguel who turns to the door when one of your neighbours pops her head in and calls out to you. 
“Hi everyone!” Sana begins, trying to keep the group of eleven-year-olds behind her at bay. “Is Rafael ready?” 
The woman had moved to your neighbourhood last year with her husband and two sons - the oldest of whom had quickly become good friends with your youngest. She was tall and thin with dark hair that always looked like she’d just come from the salon. Miguel stands and calls up the stairs for Rafa to come down and you don’t miss the way Sana’s eyes travel down your husband’s broad back. 
“Rafa! Rashid is here!” Miguel turns to shoot her an amused look as Rafa scurries back down the stairs and Sana returns it with a practised smile of her own. You lower your head to hide the way your eyes roll, then bend over to give your son a hug. 
“Bye, mami, love you!” Rafa recites before running around the island to tell the same to his dad. 
“Bye, bebito! ¡Te amo, mi solito!” you call after him as he disappears out the door with his friends. Miguel yells the same, then sits back down again.
Roommate!Miguel who jumps up again when he sees his daughter coming down the stairs. 
“Gabriella?!” he exclaims, unsure whether to be angry or terrified. “¡¿Qué diablos estás llevas?! (What the hell are you wearing?!)” 
Gabi stops and stares back at her father with his same deep-set, upturned eyes. 
“It’s my costume,” she replies, folding her arms across the tight shirt she’d put on over a pair of rolled-up shorts and a set of outrageously inappropriate fishnet stockings.
“What are you supposed to be?” Rio asks, narrowing his eyes in thought as he puzzles over his sister’s ‘costume’. You move to stand beside your husband and your features melt into a frown when you see what your daughter intends to leave the house in. 
“A witch?” Gabriella replies, gesturing to her pointed hat as if it should have been obvious. You cross your arms and raise an eyebrow at her. 
“I thought witches were supposed to look scary?” you muse out loud. “Not like a teenage boy's wet dream.”
“¡Mamà!” Gabi screeches in horror at the same time that Rio groans, “¡Ay, mami! ¡Por amor de Dios! (For the love of God!)”
You shrug, unbothered by your children’s complaints. “If you're embarrassed to hear me say it, you should be embarrassed to let me see it. Who's the boy?”
Gabi furrows her brow in confusion. “What boy?”
“The boy you’re trying to impress with this outfit?” you reply. “Which you should never be doing, by the way: that’s a red flag. The guy should always be trying to impress you.”
Roommate!Miguel whose eyebrows shoot up at your words. 
He thinks back to the time before you’d started dating, trying to recall if he’d worked to impress you any more than you had. Maybe you were right: he could remember doing a few extra reps every time you’d joined him in the gym and he had shown off a little whenever you guys had studied together in the library or your shared living room. And there was that time he’d learned how to make your favourite dish so he could see the adorable smile that would light up your features when you came home to it after class. Ay, mierda. Maybe he really had always been trying to impress you. 
“There’s no guy, mami,” Gabi sighs, rolling her eyes at your implication. You fix your daughter with a challenging look and she finally starts feeling self-conscious. 
“There isn’t!” she insists, shifting awkwardly in position. “It’s just … Everyone else my age dresses up like this now!”
You turn to Rio in question. “Rio? Does everyone in Gabi’s year dress up like this?” 
“We wear school uniforms, mamà,” Rio replies exasperatedly, not wanting to be dragged into the conversation. 
“Outside of school?” you question, mimicking his sarcastic tone. Rio shrugs and glances at his phone again. 
“I dunno,” he replies, coolly “I don't go around looking at fourteen-year-olds outside of school.”
“Right answer …” Miguel supposes, confused by his son’s response. “Wrong situation.” 
You let your hands fall back to your sides, then you start walking up the stairs towards Gabriella. 
“Wait.” You stop suddenly and quickly return to the kitchen to grab the bowl of candy. Gabi furrows her brows at you, but holds a hand out to help you. 
“What are you doing?” she asks, helping you carry the bowls up to her room.
“I am making sure your brother stays healthy and your father stays hot,” you reply, prompting a wince out of your daughter. 
“Why do I keep asking you questions I know I don't want to hear the answers to?”
“Because you're your father's daughter.” 
Roommate!Miguel whose entire body warms at your words. 
How could you still call him ‘hot’, even after all this time? After seventeen years of marriage and three kids? Rio jumps up as the sound of his friends’ voices float through the doorway. 
“Bye, mami! Bye, Gabi!” he calls up the stairs, prompting you to rush out of his sister’s room and back down the stairs. 
“Wait! Let me see your costumes!” you screech excitedly, gesturing for Miguel to get your phone. He grabs it from the kitchen island and turns on the camera as he joins you. “Oh my god! You boys look so good!” 
You lean over to look at the photos he’s taken and Miguel wraps his arm around your waist. 
“Thanks, Mrs O’Hara,” Nick replies, flicking his shaggy wig out of his eyes. He takes in your costume: a long-sleeved black dress that exposes your collarbone and clings to your figure. “You look good too! The Addams family?” 
He shoots you a cheeky wink and Miguel pulls you a little closer into his side. 
“This is why I don’t invite you guys over anymore,” Rio says, smacking his friend on the back of the head. 
“Oh my god!” Gabi squeals, joining the two of you on the porch. “You guys look amazing!” 
“You look,” Shawn begins excitedly, his features lighting up when he sees Gabi. He pauses quickly, calming himself down so he doesn’t come across as too eager, then he finishes coolly, “nice too.” 
Gabriella smiles, oblivious to Shawn’s sudden shyness in her presence. “Thanks! My mum helped me!” 
Roommate!Miguel who breathes a sigh of relief when he sees his daughter’s new outfit. 
You’d made her roll her shorts back down to her mid-thighs and gotten rid of the fishnet stockings beneath. Then you’d switched her two-sizes-too-small shirt to an oversized black band tee you’d tucked into her shorts and rolled up the sleeves of. Finally, you’d clipped a section of her hair back, revealing her kohl-lined eyes, cherry red lips and two small fangs that peeked out from between her lips whenever she smiled. 
“Whoa, are you … shining, honeybee?” Danny asks, squinting to check that he was seeing right. Gabi frowns at the nickname, but holds her arms out for everyone to see. 
“Yup!” she confirms delightedly. “But it’s a secret.” 
“Hey, bee!” Mayday calls, walking through their gate in almost the exact same outfit Gabriella had had on earlier. “Are you- Oh! Hi, Rio …”
Rio grimaces as she lowers her head, letting her curly hair fall over her shy smile. You press your lips together as Miguel digs his fingers into your side and reach up to place a reassuring hand on his shoulder. It was pretty obvious that his best friend’s daughter had a crush on your oldest son, but your husband had insisted time and time again that though he loved Peter, he did not want to become his brother-in-law. 
‘I don’t think that’s how it works, cariño,’ you’d supposed, amused by your husband’s horror at the very prospect. 
‘Good,’ Miguel had responded firmly. ‘I don’t want it to work.’
“Bye, guys!” Rio exclaims, pushing his friends out the gate before Mayday could say anything more.
“Bye, papito! ¡Te amo!” you call after him quickly. Mayday waves at the group as they rush past, then she jogs over to her best friend. 
“Wow! Nice dress, Aunty X! And you look really good in that suit, Uncle Miguel! Oh my god!” She stops suddenly when she notices Gabriella’s outfit. “You look so good, Gabi! How did you …?” 
“My mum helped,” she explains, pulling her friend in the house behind her. “Come on! I’ll help you get changed, then we can still match!”
Tags: @sukunash0e @safixiovi @amberbalcom14 @shack-wheel-oneal
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gyubakeries · 4 months ago
OT13 as: types of people during Diwali
a/n: diwali is the indian festival of lights, and it celebrates the triumph of good over evil; light over darkness. people usually celebrate by dressing up in traditional clothes, bursting fireworks, decorating their houses in diyas (small lamps that look like this 🪔) and distributing sweets. in light of the festival just passing by, i thought of this! hope you guys like it <3
p.s. this is entirely my opinion and there's lots of other ways people behave during/celebrate diwali. this was written just based on my observations.
contents: mentions of firecrackers , seventeen written as desi boys (i was inspired to write this after watching them do the holiday dance w an indian carat)
firecracker names:
atom / sutli / chocolate bombs - really loud and annoying (don't mind the names)
chakra - circle-shaped. when lit, it rotates on the ground with one end on fire. VERY scary (to me)
pop pop - tiny round crackers that make a popping sound when you throw them on the ground. cute and harmless
rockets - the basic ones that whoosh into the sky and then burst into fireworks. pretty, but once lit, you need to be careful of it zooming at you
sparklers - pretty basic. they're sticks that, once lit, start sparkling. used to light the other types of crackers
type 1: the annoying people that burst firecrackers the entire night.
seungcheol: buys the LOUDEST bombs/crackers ; will be firing them off past midnight and ruin any chances of the neighborhood getting sleep. he's the guy that brings like ten candles and matchsticks (important because it helps people light up their crackers.)
jeonghan: simply evil. will throw pop pops at people for no reason. is a grown-up but will buy one of those fake diwali guns (they dont have bullets, just make a loud sound when fired) and chase little kids around.
chan: courageous (stupid) enough to hold a mini-rocket in his hand, light it while its in his hand (which is not supposed to be done) and throw the rocket out into the open. probably annoys girls by chasing behind them with sparklers, hoping to charm them. (the girls hate him.)
soonyoung: he's probably lighting chakras and then getting a friend (chan) to kick it around like it's a football. as if the thing isn't SPARKLING and on FIRE. has probably set off too many rockets into people's homes. he's a menace in the neighborhood.
type 2: the kind people who distribute sweets among neighbours and friends.
mingyu: he's probably making all the sweet treats by himself at home, with the help of his mom's recipes. packs them up in a cute way and gives them to his neighbors. (petty asf so he will avoid that annoying girl who stole extra sweets from him last year.)
joshua: bought like 20 of those expensive gift boxes with 5 different types of sweets in them for all his neighbors and friends because he's a sweetheart.
junhui: would also be distributing things among loved ones, but not the sweets people hope to see. the intricately designed box is opened to reveal ..... dry fruits. sorry jun, but those suck! (i'm also allergic.)
type 3: the unbothered people who ignore/sleep through the noise.
hansol: we've seen him sleep through grown-men doing karaoke. sleeping through firecrackers is light work for him.
jihoon: probably just immerses himself into his work. will be holed up in his studio, so all outside noise is cancelled out.
wonwoo: would also be engrossed in gaming or something that requires him putting his noise-cancelling headphones on. the smoke from the crackers makes his eyes burn, so he doesn't burst crackers.
type 4: the scaredy-cats and drama queens.
seokmin: he's going to be amidst all the firecrackers, but he's going to be screaming his ass off the entire time. people will be going deaf that evening. will act like the tiny pop pops are life-threatening. (they aren't.)
seungkwan: dramatics will be dialled up to a 100. initially, he's gonna bitch about all the people who burst crackers and call them annoying because the sound irritates him. but he will be found downstairs in the evening because he has major FOMO. will be either throwing out side-eyes or scolding people who are a threat to him (literally just trying to give him a sparkler.)
type 5: the eco-friendly person.
minghao: the type of guy to go around saying, "this year, i'm celebrating a green diwali" (which is good btw. bursting crackers severely pollutes the air) unfortunately, all his friends and the little kids think he's either too scared to join them or too superficial for caring about the environment. he doesn't care anyways ; will be decorating his house all pretty with lights and diyas though.
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taglist: @min-imum @lecheugo @tychebaby @sousydive
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A Purr-fect Distraction
Part 2 >> 🕸MASTERLIST🕸
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Pairing: Pavitr Prabhakar x black cat!Fem!Reader Summary: Pavitr aka Spider-Man is swinging through the dark streets of Mumbattan with his ✨amazing hair✨ when a thief in a catsuit catches his eye. Tags: Attempted Theft, Horrible cat puns, distraction, pav being cutesy, complimenting his hair is pavitr's weakness XD
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🎶🎵Do you wanna play a game, Do you Gotta catch me if you can, Catch me if you can You can try, Maybe wanna stay Catch me if you can I'm a runaway🎶🎵 'Catch Me If You Can' by Alan Walker
Pavitr Prabhakar, aka the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, swings through the crowded streets of the never sleeping city, Mumbattan. The chilly midnight wind flows through his hair, curled locks moving like waves under the silver moonlight. 
He catches his reflection on a glass tower and takes a detour, leaning closer to inspect his beauty. "Hey, stud muffin!" he praises himself, making finger guns to his reflection. Pavitr runs his gloved fingers through his locks, revelling in being the proud owner of such amazing hair. 
It was at such a moment that he catches movement in one of the closed shops down the lane. A woman in a black catsuit and long white hair is moving the display glass, obviously trying to break in. 
"Halt, theif!" 
Pavitr at once springs into action, yelling as he swings over to the shop in less than a second and webs up her hands together.
"Halloween come soon for you, miss?"
You startle at his voice, raising your arms when you realise they're stuck together by some sticky fluid. It is only then that Pavitr gets to see you clearly -well, except for the mask framing your eyes that hold him captive. 
Neither of you speak for a while, Spider-Man entranced and you confused. It was kinda insulting: a kid in a Diwali dress making you stand like an idiot in the middle of the road. 
"Wow, who are you!", he sighs dreamily and only seems to remember himself when you raise a brow. He clears his throat. "I meant, who're you?" 
"Don't know me? I'm the infamous Black Cat. I do petty crimes like theft, picking pockets and occasionally kneeing assholes in the crotch. Want a demo?" 
You throw your leg up to kick him but he's quick to grab it in a tight hold. 
"Curious profession", he says, words thick with sarcasm. 
"Nah, just a passion", you shrug, ripping off the webs easily and wiggle out your leg from his grip, swiftly climbing up the wall like a feline. 
"Hey, hey, I never said you could leave, kitty!" He tries to get you to stop by webbing you up once more, but you evade his shots easily. 
You smirk. "Amazing hair, by the way!" 
"Thanks", he blushes under the mask, rubbing his neck and you use the distraction to get away, "nothing much, just coconut oil, prayer, some gene- hey!" 
You lose him, but sadly not for long as he stands right next to you when you reach the top of the building. Dang it. You try you weasel your way out but he's blocking your path. 
"C'mon", he says, keeping a friendly warm hand on your shoulder, "I can see you have powers; use them to fight crime, be a hero." 
You smirk and tilt your head in amusement, "You say this to all your villains, Rangoli-face?" 
"FYI, I'm Spider-man. And you're not a villain, just a pretty theif." 
"I'll be no less pretty when I kick your ass."
Quick as a flash, you pounce on him with your claws but he dodges you. Thanks to spidey sense, Pavitr misses all of your swift hits, blocking your punches and throws. You're quick, but he's quicker. You jump high in the air aiming a kick to his face, but spidey spins his toy, tying you up to a pole easily. 
You struggle against the thick web solution. What the heck was this thing made of!? 
"Let. Me. Go! Unless you rather I scratch your face off, Mr. Gorgeous." 
It doesn't seem to have the desired effect, making you frown. He raises a brow, taking his spin-toy and begins to play with his webs. Is this dude for real?!
When it feels like he'll just stand there and watch, you sigh in exasperation. "Bro, why do you insist I change? I hardly know you." 
"Doesn't matter. Think about it, you could help me patrol the city; one more hand to prevent crime. I'm paw-sitive you'll make the purr-fect paw-tner", he chuckles at his own pun. 
The thought is amusing but you aren't in the mood. You are, after all, supposed to distract him from the real heist -which you've obviously succeeded. Your partners would be done by now. Maybe you'll take him up on his offer after you've split the fortune. 
You quit struggling and send him a sweet smile. "Hmm.. can't say I'm not tempted. Can you release me now, please?" 
Spider-Man sighs as he takes out a tiny blade and cuts through the web. You stumble out, feeling the blood rush to your leg as it wakes up after. Ow, that's horrible feeling. 
"So, is that a yes?", he asks, eyes big through the colourful mask. Aww, he looks like one of the Golu dolls up close! 
He freezes in place when you suprise him with a kiss to his cheek, the pleasant shock throwing off his spidey-sense. You kick him down while he's still dazed and get on the balcony, about to make your inevitable escape when he realises he's been tricked. 
You smirk, throwing him one last glance behind your shoulder. "Only if you catch me!" 
With that you jump off the building and disappear into the night, Pavitr finding no trace of you even though he follows right after. 
He smiles to himself, standing atop the highest tower of Mumbattan as he looks over the lively lit city.
"Oh, I will, kitty cat."
Hope you enjoyed it! Reblogs and comments feed my fic dragon <3🐲 [pspspspsss Can you tell I googled Indian festivals?]
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avengersassemble123 · 1 year ago
Tokyo revengers x desi reader because there aint enough hc and appreciation for us desis/indians. Its majorly based on the new good ending timeline.
PS: I'm majorly writing for female cuz i don't have much experience with male so sorryyy
Desi reader would be sitting inside her bedroom studying, when you'd hear yells and shouts from outside, making you look at the window, and you see a bunch of rando kids in uniforms hanging out and making chaos.
*"Kaise kaise chapri aake baith jaate hai.." You'd murmur
Even when you're in your school, you spot some of em either outside your school or studying in it.
You sometimes curse under your breath when they be creating ruckus at unnecessary stuff. *"Behen ke laude" "Madarchod" "Chutiye" etc.
Ofc you do manage to make friends, and you bring one of em home for studying and hangout, when you again hear them causing a ruckus, making you curse and look outside. you and your friend look out the window, looking at the source of the ruckus. You: I swear these idiots don't have a serious job or work to do asides from this nonsense. Hinata: Oh wait I know them, they're my friends
Hinata calls out to them making them quiet down.
Hinata: can you guys keep it down, my friend and i are studying here. Unknown yellow haired boy: Oh hina? you're here, don't worry we'll keep it down.
You would watch the whole scene play out, flabbergasted, as the yellow goofy haired boy quieted everyone down to bearable volume (which obviously didn't last)
"Hina you know them?" "Oh yea, my boyfriend's in that gang too" "WHAT" Soon Emma joined your study hangouts and you three would chit chat, and unsurprisingly chaos was present outside your house. you got to know some names, but never bothered to remember much except Hina's boyfriend Takemichi and Emma's brothers Mikey and Izana, and her boyfriend Draken.
you guys were busy having a hangout in your house when you heard loud knocks on your door. You opened to see Mikey, Takemichi and Draken standing at the doorstep. In your defense you did ask them what they wanted but they barged into your house.
*OI BHENCHOD what the hell are you doing entering my house like that.*
Soon Emma scolded the boys as Hina apologised to you, making the three boys bow their heads towards you, which you reluctantly accepted.
Much to your dismay or amusement, the three also started hanging around in your house more often whenever Emma and Hina tagged along with you. And then the numbers increased, leading to the new faces of Mitsuya, Hakkai, Pah, Peh, Kazutora, Baji and Chifuyu.
You defo found Baji attractive as hell, but ofc you were in denial, and even if you did accept you aint gonna let him and his ego know.
Soon enough, you literally don't know how, you managed to get invited to their hangouts, get togethers and meetings at times.
Again you did find many people attractive af cough Sanzu, Haitani Brothers, Inui cough cough
when you started to get more comfortable, you got more friendly with them obvio
if they'd ask, you'd share them stories from India and its culture, share the gossips from your relatives and stuff.
Mitsuya would be lot interested in the Indian fashion, and would sometimes ask you questions related to it, may ask your opinions if he made some dress inspired by your culture and maybe even ask you to be a model alongside Hakkai.
You would defo teach them Curse words. No doubt. Maybe not all but enough just so you'd call them some unhinged curse word with a smile, making them either confused or taking it as a compliment.
"Hey (Name)"
"Hey *Laude"
Would maybe invite them over for occasions like Diwali etc. Maybe pack five-six boxes for the whole gang, and an additional box for Mikey.
Baji and Kazutora would burst the crackers with you, no doubt. Besides them you always have Senju, Hina and Emma.
Speaking of senju, you love her. Absolutely love her. You invite her over for anything. Your mom and dad both love her, no questions asked.
Now if we talk about school stuff, Baji, even if he was forced, would have to be tutored by you. (Yea yea the brown kids being the toppers) If you are patient, then good. But if you;re not, then you will become the desi parent which can convert anything into a weapon. But you will make sure he understands the stuff well and clear. Safe to say you do give him a soba treat if his marks improve.
As a desi, you're bound to understand atleast two languages, if not three. You're defo considered a scholar by the entire gang. Ngl it makes your ego boost.
Now if we're talking romance wise,
id imagine a south indian desi reader to be either paired with Mitsuya or Kakucho.
Smiley or Angry would defo go for a Marathi desi reader. i just see it.
Baji would vouch for a Marathi or a punjabi ig.
Ran and Rindou (totally not mentioning them because i love them) would absolutely go for metropolitan type girl, especially a Mumbaikar.
you would defo try out Mehndi on their arms, especially Hakki, Kazutora, Mitsuya and Ran. Kakucho and Chifuyu wouldnt want em but would agree to it begrudgingly (they do end up liking it)
Okay now the best part comes.
The thing, which is the most important for every desi, which is highly valued, is a hearth throb between any Indian, is Cricket.
Now their first encounter with you watching cricket, was interesting to say the least, if not an understatement.
Your parents would be in the living room watching the match, while you would be in your room, hanging out with Hina, Emma, Senju and Yuzuha, when everyone would hear screams of your dad from the living room, as everyone looked at one another before rushing out to the living room, only to see you joining your dad, cheering that Virat Kohli hit a six, while your mom, having slight decency, cheering less excitedly and sheepishly in front of your friends.
Even if you were called to a meetup or some hangout outside with the boys and a match was scheduled that day, you bet your ass you would be watching the match or keeping a live score update in your phone.
Kisaki: Oi (NAME) why do you keep checking your phone?
YOU: Oh its nothing, just checking out the- OH FUCK THAT WAS AN OUT, *KYA KAR RHA HAI YEH???
Every single person in the room would have an heart attack, as they thought something bad had happened, as poor Inui came forward to ask what happened.
HINATA: oh don't worry Inui-san, (NAME)'s just watching the cricket world cup match between India and Pakistan.
From then, if they saw you react like this, they instantly knew what was actually happening. If your favourite player got out, or worst to worst, India lost the match, you'd defo be in the shittiest mood as if you had the worst day, making everyone steer clear from you for the while, as they had already seen what had happened when Peh had once tried messing with you when India had lost the match that day.
Draken: *noticing you watching your phone the whole time today* So what match is it today?
YOU: Its India vs New Zealand. New Zealand made 279 runs, and India made 110 runs so far, with 2 wickets.
MIKEY: wait who were the wickets?
YOU: Rohit Sharma and Ishan Kishan
MITSUYA: Dont worry (NAME) India will win.
PEH: I sure as fuck hope it does.
Now if you're scolding someone, especially to Baji during studies, after a while of scolding and yelling in japanese, a few dialects of your native language come in, before you realising that you have already started roasted and screaming the shit out of him in your language, while that person looked at you dumbfounded but also ashamed slightly.
Youve defo binge watched Bollywood and Tollywood movies with them, especially the girls. And that's all i could think of rn, cuz im having a severe cold and slight temperature. ofc its not exactly that accurate but i just wrote what i thought was the desi dc according to my opinion.
hope yall had fun ;)
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count-alucard-tepes · 2 years ago
Are the OP hotties festive? What’s their favorite holiday!!
Kizaru ✨: New Year’s Eve, you know he is hosting the best damn party!
Akainu🌋: Gion Matsuri, he likes helping make floats especially of volcanoes.
Ryokugyu 🌱: Earth day because he’s the king of it all.
Fujitora 🐅: Hanami festival as he enjoyed it the most as a kid.
Sir Crocodile 🐊: New Year’s Eve because it’s gonna make his casinos a lot of money and he gets to dress even more bougie.
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩: Christmas, he loves spending time with the family.
Benn Beckman 🔫: Christmas because it’s a time to be with loved ones. He’s dressing up as Santa.
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡: Valentine’s Day because of the cute cakes they make.
Killer🔪: Hogmanay, he loves to party with the crew on New years eve/day.
Kaido🐉: New Year’s eve, because he knows how to throw a party…and doesn’t get jumped by 18 guys on his roof at 3am
King 👑: Diwali, he loves the symbolism, culture and atmosphere of it all.
Queen👑: New years eve because he is the main performer and he has the time of his life (wish I was there to party with him😭)
Izou🔫🔫: Hanami festival because it reminds him of his childhood.
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒: Brazilian Carnival…the beautiful women, enough said!
Oven Charlotte 🍞: Oktoberfest, he loves a good beer…I mean who doesn’t?!
Buggy🤡: International clown day because he’s the hottest clown ever!
Marco the Phoenix 🦅: The Phoenix festival because he loves a good music festival.
Eustass Kidd🤘🎸: Hogmanay, partying all night and day with the crew.
Rosinantè Donquixote aka Cora-San💕: Valentine’s Day because his mom loved it.
Who’s Who ❤️‍🔥👹: Mid-auturm festival because he loves moon cakes (me too!!!)
Gecko Moria🦇: Day of the dead, we already know why😂
Iceburg💜: he hates any holiday because he has to give a boring talk about and he’s not about that life💅
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cutecraves · 4 months ago
Tips to Find Latest Gown Designs for Girls| Dress Your Little Girls in Best Party Look
Are you searching for party gowns for girls online? Today, many gown designs for girls are available online which can be overwhelming for parents to make the right choices. Whenever you shop for your little one you need to take into consideration a few essential points which will not only allow you to find the best designs but also offer cozy and comfortable clothes for your little one! Continue reading to explore the factors to consider while shopping for the latest gown designs for little girls.
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Factors to Find the Best Gown Designs for Baby girls
Easy to Wear 
Usually, Children are playful and dressing them up is a challenging task for parents. So, opt for easy-to-wear outfits for your little girls. This will not only allow you to make them wear and open the dress easily but it will ensure comfort to your little one. Cute Craves dresses come with certain accessories that make them easy to wear for little ones.  
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Check the Quality
Young girls have incredibly delicate skin so it is important to choose dresses made with kids-friendly fabrics. Reputed brands always use soft premium quality fabric. Also, the accessories that are used in the dresses are made with skin-friendly materials. Besides the fabric quality, choose the fabric according to season and occasion. 
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Opt for the Perfect Size
Too tight or too loose dresses are always uncomfortable for little ones. Improper-sized clothes are not only uncomfortable but make your little girl appear snuggish. While buying girls' clothes online make sure to check the size chart and pick the appropriate size. Cute Craves offers an appropriate size chart that allows you to make the right size selection. 
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Consider the Budget
Often luxurious gowns and dresses for little girls are quite expensive on online stores. Considering the fact the dresses are handcrafted and made from premium fabric materials, these dresses tend to be expensive but online stores like Cute Craves offer them in an affordable price range. 
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Choose according to Seasons
These days parties are held throughout the year. From birthday parties, and wedding arrangements to festivals like Diwali, Holi, Christmas, and New Year. That’s the reason why buying an ideal outfit for each season specifically becomes crucial. Also, children tend to outgrow within the next six months so it is highly recommended to avoid buying dresses in flash sales that are not in the proper size. Instead, focus on buying clothes for the ongoing season only.  
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Select different Styles/Designs
Always opting for similar styles, designs and patterns of dresses is not at all a good idea. Your little one can be styled in different dress types like gowns, frocks, and A-line dresses in multiple design options. You should always opt for such an online store where you can find a variety of styles and designs. You can opt for brands that has a wide collection of dresses in a variety of styles designed intricately by expert artisans. 
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Following the above-mentioned tips, you can easily find the best gown designs for baby girls that too of the best quality. Several online platforms claim to accomplish all these factors but you have to analyze carefully by checking out the reviews. Some reputed brands like Cute Craves always offer the latest designs of gowns without compromising the quality at any cost. Comfort should be your priority above all! No matter how luxurious you style your little one if they are not comfortable then it is of no use! So, make your selection of brands wisely and style your princess in the best look!
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nakshatrakids003 · 1 year ago
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momatos · 4 months ago
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ahhaaaafashion · 8 months ago
Ethnic Wear For Kids
Get ready to dress your little ones in style with the latest trends in ethnic wear for kids! From traditional outfits to stunning wedding dresses, we've got you covered. Let's dive into the world of adorable fashion for children that will make them stand out at any special occasion.
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Ethnic Wear For Kids
When it comes to dressing up your little ones, ethnic wear is a timeless choice that exudes charm and elegance. From vibrant lehengas for girls to dapper kurta pajamas for boys, there is a wide variety of traditional outfits available for kids. Ethnic wear not only adds a touch of cultural richness but also brings out the inherent grace in children. With intricate embroidery, colorful fabrics, and unique patterns, ethnic wear allows children to embrace their heritage while looking stylish and sophisticated. Whether it's a family gathering or a festive celebration, dressing your kids in traditional attire enhances the overall aesthetic appeal and creates lasting memories. Moreover, ethnic wear often showcases exquisite craftsmanship and attention to detail, making each outfit truly special. By incorporating elements from different cultures into their wardrobe at an early age, kids develop an appreciation for diversity and tradition. So why settle for ordinary when you can dress your little ones in stunning ethnic outfits that capture the essence of tradition with a modern twist? Let their personalities shine through as they flaunt their impeccable style in charming ethnic ensembles!
Traditional Wear For Kids
Introducing traditional wear for kids - a delightful way to infuse culture and heritage into their wardrobe. From vibrant lehengas to dashing kurtas, traditional outfits add a touch of elegance and charm to any occasion. Dressing up your little ones in ethnic attire not only celebrates diversity but also teaches them about the rich tapestry of our traditions. Whether it's Diwali, Eid, or a family wedding, there's always an opportunity to dress your kids in stunning traditional ensembles that will make them stand out. Ethnic wear for children comes in a variety of styles and designs, catering to every taste and preference. With intricate embroidery, bright colors, and exquisite fabrics, these outfits are sure to make your little ones look like royalty. So why not embrace the beauty of tradition by dressing your kids in gorgeous ethnic wear? Let them shine bright in traditional attire that reflects the cultural richness of our society.
Wedding Dress
When it comes to dressing up your little ones for special occasions like weddings, ethnic wear truly shines. Wedding dresses for kids come in a variety of styles and designs, from lehengas to sherwanis. These outfits are often embellished with intricate embroidery and stunning details that make them perfect for the grandeur of weddings. Ethnic wear allows kids to embrace their cultural roots and celebrate traditions in style. Whether it's a festive celebration or a formal event, dressing your child in traditional attire is sure to make them stand out and feel special. So next time you're shopping for your little one's wardrobe, consider adding some ethnic wear pieces that will not only look adorable but also showcase their heritage beautifully!
Buy best Ethnic wear from https://ahhaaaa.com/  also checkout there instagram page https://www.instagram.com/ahhaaaa_official/
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averyspoopedcorgi · 2 years ago
top 5 holidays?
hihi ty for the ask!! for holidays im gonna assume u mean festivals sooo
1. Halloween- easy first pick, ive always liked scary and horror stuff so halloween i was always drawn to it also dressing up as whatever you want for a day sounds amazing
also also artists go wild with halloween art and challenges so thats always fun
2. Diwali- for a dumbed out version its just a indian festival where we light fireworks
i havent celebrated it jn a while because ive been busy or away from family but ive always had good memories of it when i was a kid also the food real good
3. Valentine's day- i only thing i like about it is the chocolate, ship art and game events i get outta it (he is aro)
4. Holi- ok another indian holiday, basically its a giant water gun fight and alot of colours idk how to explain it
its really fun is all i can say about it, atleast kid me loved it alot
5. Christmas- ig???? i dont celebrate many holidays so i suppose its the same reason as valentine's day
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uathayam02 · 22 days ago
The Ultimate Guide on How to Wear Dhoti for Kids
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The dhoti, a traditional Indian garment, is a symbol of cultural heritage and timeless elegance. While commonly worn by men, dressing kids in a dhoti for special occasions enhances their charm and connects them to tradition. This guide will help parents and guardians understand the steps to properly drape a dhoti for kids, ensuring comfort and style.
Why Choose a Dhoti for Kids?
Dhotis are not just stylish but also comfortable for children. They are perfect for traditional events such as weddings, temple visits, and festivals like Pongal and Diwali. The airy fabric allows free movement, making it an ideal choice for young boys.
Types of Dhotis for Kids
There are different types of dhotis available for kids:
Readymade Dhoti: These come with a stitched waistband and Velcro or elastic for easy wear.
Traditional Dhoti: A long piece of fabric that requires draping but provides an authentic look.
Silk Dhoti: Ideal for grand occasions, offering a regal and festive appearance.
Cotton Dhoti: A lightweight and breathable option for casual or religious events.
Step-by-Step Guide to Wearing a Traditional Dhoti
If you have chosen a traditional dhoti for your child, follow these steps to drape it correctly:
1. Preparation
Choose a dhoti of appropriate length (usually half the size of an adult dhoti).
Ensure the child is wearing a comfortable inner garment for support.
2. Folding and Positioning
Hold the dhoti at the waist level and wrap it around the child’s body, ensuring equal length on both sides.
Tuck the top edge into the waist securely.
3. Creating the Pleats
Gather the front portion and make 3-5 pleats, ensuring they are even.
Tuck the pleats into the waistband at the front center.
4. Securing the Back
Take the remaining fabric at the back and bring it between the legs.
Tuck it into the waistband at the back for a neat finish.
5. Final Adjustments
Ensure the dhoti is not too tight or too loose.
Adjust the length so the child can walk comfortably.
Add a decorative waistband or angavastram for a complete look.
Tips for Dressing Kids in a Dhoti
Practice Before the Event: If it’s your child’s first time wearing a dhoti, practice draping it a few times before the actual occasion.
Choose Soft Fabrics: Opt for cotton or silk blends that are gentle on the skin.
Secure Properly: Use safety pins if needed to keep the dhoti in place.
Pair with a Kurta: A matching kurta enhances the traditional look.
Ensure Comfort: Let your child move around in the dhoti to check for any discomfort.
The Evolution of Dhoti for Men and Kids
While dhotis have been a staple for men in India for centuries, they have evolved into fashionable attire for kids as well. Today, readymade options make it easy for parents to dress their children in dhotis without worrying about complex draping techniques. The modern dhoti for men and kids retains its cultural essence while adapting to contemporary styles.
Where to Buy Dhoti for Kids
Uathayam offers a variety of dhotis for kids. Look for trusted brands that provide quality fabrics and comfortable fittings.
Dressing your child in a dhoti not only enhances their traditional appeal but also connects them with India’s rich heritage. Whether it’s a readymade dhoti or a traditionally draped one, following the right steps ensures comfort and style. Try it for the next festive occasion and let your child shine in this timeless attire! The ultimate guide on how to wear dhoti for kids. Learn step-by-step instructions, types of dhotis, and styling tips to ensure comfort and tradition.
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abhiruchimall · 1 month ago
Fashion Trends Unveiled: Must-Visit Clothing Stores at Abhiruchi Mall
Shopping for the latest fashion trends is always an exciting experience, and Abhiruchi Mall in Pune is the perfect destination to explore stylish outfits, premium brands, and budget-friendly fashion finds. Whether you're looking for casual wear, formal attire, ethnic outfits, or trendy accessories, Abhiruchi Mall houses a wide range of clothing stores catering to every fashion enthusiast.
In this guide, we’ll explore the best clothing stores at Abhiruchi Mall, highlight the latest fashion trends, and help you make the most of your shopping experience.
Why Abhiruchi Mall is a Fashion Lover’s Paradise?
At Abhiruchi Mall, fashion meets affordability and variety. With multiple national and international brands, shoppers can find everything from high-end designer labels to budget-friendly collections under one roof.
✨ Latest Trends: Stay updated with seasonal collections and runway-inspired styles. 🛍 Diverse Fashion Options: Western wear, ethnic outfits, activewear, formal wear, and more. 💰 Great Discounts & Offers: Regular sales, combo deals, and festive offers. 👗 Men’s, Women’s, and Kids’ Fashion: Clothing for every age group and occasion.
Must-Visit Clothing Stores at Abhiruchi Mall
1. Trendy Western Wear Stores
For those who love chic, casual, and statement-making outfits, Abhiruchi Mall is home to some of the best Western clothing brands.
🛒 Popular Brands for Western Wear:
Casual & Street Style: Explore everyday essentials like denim jeans, oversized hoodies, crop tops, and sneakers.
Party & Evening Wear: Dresses, blazers, and stylish jumpsuits for a glamorous look.
Workwear Staples: Formal shirts, trousers, and business casuals for a polished office look.
💡 Pro Tip: Keep an eye on seasonal discounts to grab the best deals on trendy outfits at Abhiruchi Mall.
2. Ethnic & Traditional Wear Stores
Looking for the perfect saree, lehenga, or kurta for weddings, festivals, or special occasions? Abhiruchi Mall is home to some of the best ethnic wear stores, offering a stunning collection of traditional and fusion outfits.
👗 Top Picks for Ethnic Wear:
Sarees & Lehengas: Elegant silk, chiffon, georgette, and embroidered designs.
Salwar Suits & Kurtas: Perfect for casual wear and festive celebrations.
Indo-Western Fusion Wear: Contemporary styles blending Indian traditions with modern aesthetics.
💡 Pro Tip: Visit during festive seasons to explore exclusive Diwali, Eid, and wedding collections at Abhiruchi Mall.
3. Formal & Office Wear Stores
Dressing well for work is essential, and Abhiruchi Mall offers a great selection of business attire and professional outfits for both men and women.
👔 Best Stores for Formal Wear:
Suits & Blazers: Crisp, well-tailored outfits for corporate meetings and events.
Office Dresses & Skirts: Stylish yet professional outfits for women.
Classic Shirts & Trousers: Timeless options for a sophisticated look.
💡 Pro Tip: Check out bundle deals where you can buy multiple pieces at discounted prices.
4. Kids' Fashion Stores
If you’re shopping for the little ones, Abhiruchi Mall has a great range of kids' clothing stores featuring adorable outfits, trendy styles, and comfortable fabrics.
🎀 Popular Kidswear Trends:
Cute Casuals: T-shirts, shorts, and frocks with cartoon and superhero themes.
Ethnic Wear for Kids: Mini sherwanis, lehengas, and festive outfits.
Winter Wear: Cozy sweaters, jackets, and woolen accessories.
💡 Pro Tip: Look for seasonal clearance sales to stock up on stylish kids’ outfits at Abhiruchi Mall.
5. Activewear & Sportswear Stores
Staying fit and fashionable is easy with the best activewear collections available at Abhiruchi Mall. Whether you’re into yoga, running, gym workouts, or casual athleisure, you’ll find top-notch activewear brands at the mall.
🏋 Best Activewear Picks:
Gym & Workout Wear: High-performance leggings, dri-fit tops, and compression wear.
Athleisure Styles: Comfortable joggers, sweatshirts, and track pants.
Sports Jerseys & Accessories: Football kits, running shoes, and sports caps.
💡 Pro Tip: Many stores offer combo deals on sportswear essentials, making it easier to build a complete workout wardrobe.
6. Footwear & Accessories Stores
Complete your look with the right pair of shoes and fashion accessories. Abhiruchi Mall houses exclusive footwear stores featuring everything from stylish heels to comfy sneakers.
👞 Top Footwear Picks:
Casual Sneakers & Loafers – Comfortable yet trendy options for everyday wear.
Elegant Heels & Boots – Perfect for special occasions and formal events.
Ethnic Footwear – Mojaris, juttis, and embroidered sandals for traditional outfits.
💍 Must-Have Accessories:
Handbags & Clutches – Trendy styles to complement any outfit.
Jewelry & Watches – Classic and contemporary designs.
Sunglasses & Belts – Stylish add-ons to enhance your fashion statement.
💡 Pro Tip: Look out for special offers on accessories when shopping for clothing at Abhiruchi Mall.
Upcoming Fashion Trends You’ll Find at Abhiruchi Mall
Want to stay ahead in fashion? Here are some of the latest trends that you’ll find in clothing stores at Abhiruchi Mall:
🔹 Sustainable Fashion: Eco-friendly and organic fabrics. 🔹 Retro & Vintage Styles: Bell-bottom jeans, polka dots, and oversized blazers. 🔹 Streetwear Influence: Oversized fits, bold prints, and chunky sneakers. 🔹 Neutral & Pastel Colors: Minimalist tones for a sophisticated look. 🔹 Fusion Wear: Western cuts blended with Indian elements.
How to Make the Most of Your Shopping Experience at Abhiruchi Mall
💳 Check for Seasonal Sales: Grab discounts during festive and year-end sales. 🛒 Try Before You Buy: Visit trial rooms to ensure a perfect fit. 👛 Mix & Match Styles: Explore different stores to create unique outfits. 🎁 Gift Options Available: Surprise your loved ones with fashion-forward gifts.
Conclusion: The Ultimate Fashion Destination in Pune
With its diverse fashion offerings, exclusive brands, and budget-friendly options, Abhiruchi Mall is the ultimate shopping hub for trendsetters and fashion lovers in Pune. Whether you're looking for the latest styles in Western wear, elegant ethnic outfits, or premium formalwear, you’ll find everything under one roof.
So, head over to Abhiruchi Mall today and update your wardrobe with the hottest fashion trends!
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spunkies-fashion · 1 month ago
Top pics for kids’ festive season
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In India's rich and varied culture, people have a particular place in their hearts for festivals. Every festival has its own set of customs, ceremonies, and, of course, attire. Ethnic wear for girls plays a big part in these festivities, enhancing their allure and sophistication. This post will discuss some traditional festive outfits for ethnic wear for girls that are appropriate for festivals such as Diwali, Holi, Eid, and others.
Diwali: The Festival of Lights
In India, Diwali is one of the most extensively observed holidays. Families gather around this time to light lamps, share candies, and dress in the best ethnic wear for girls. For Diwali, popular options include:
Lehenga Choli: A colorful lehenga choli with elaborate mirror work and embroidery.
Sarees: Stylish sarees made of luxurious materials like brocade and silk.
Anarkali Suits: Flowing, embroidered, and embellished Anarkali suits.
Holi: The Festival of Colors
Colors, happiness, and lighthearted festivities are the hallmarks of Holi. Even while this event is all about comfort, ethnic wear for girls can still be fashionable. For Holi, some fantastic choices are:
Leggings with Cotton Kurti: Cozy and vibrant kurtis worn with leggings.
Patiala Suits: Vibrant and entertaining Patiala suits that facilitate effortless mobility.
Printed Salwar Kameez: Vibrantly printed salwar kameez sets that are lightweight and breathable.
Eid: The Festival of Sacrifice
Eid is a time of prayer, feasting, and dressing up in beautiful attire. Ethnic wear for girls during Eid often includes:
Sharara Suits: Elegant sharara suits with intricate zari and sequin work.
Anarkali Dresses: Graceful Anarkali dresses in soft pastels and rich fabrics.
Ethnic Gowns: Floor-length ethnic gowns with detailed embroidery.
Navratri: The Festival of Dance
Navratri is a nine-night celebration of devotion and dance. 
Traditional chaniya choli, which is adorned with mirror work and vivid colors, 
Bandhani dresses, which are colorful and traditional garba outfits that are comfortable yet fashionable and made for dancing, are examples of ethnic wear for girls during Navratri.
Raksha Bandhan: Celebrating Sibling Bonds
The holiday of Raksha Bandhan honors the relationship between siblings. For this occasion, ethnic wear for girls can include:
Silk Sarees: Elegant silk sarees in vibrant hues.
Designer Salwar Kameez: Stylish salwar kameez ensembles with contemporary touches.
Gorgeous lehenga sets that are ideal for the holiday season.
Christmas: A Global Celebration
Despite not being a traditional Indian holiday, Christmas is widely and enthusiastically observed. Christmastime ethnic wear for girls consists of:
Velvet Dresses: Exquisite velvet gowns featuring ethnic designs.
Dresses with elaborate needlework and vibrant hues are known as embroidered dresses.
Traditional Skirts: For a distinctive style, match skirts with ethnic tops.
Festivals are a time to celebrate, have fun, and dress up in the best ethnic wear for girls. Every holiday provides a chance to display various customs and styles through exquisite attire. Ethnic clothing for girls gives a unique touch to every festival, from the colorful lehengas of Diwali to the sophisticated sharara suits of Eid. Every culture and tradition in India have its own distinct ethnic clothing style. The range of ethnic wear for girls' weddings is just amazing. Every region displays the rich legacy of Indian design, from the colorful Punjabi jackets of the north to the sophisticated silk sarees of the south. This post will showcase the unique fashions from various regions of India as we delve into the fascinating realm of ethnic wedding attire for females.
Punjabi Suits: Northern Elegance
Punjabi suits are a popular choice for ethnic wear for girls' weddings in the northern regions of India. Known for their vibrant colors and intricate embroidery, these suits consist of a salwar (pants), kameez (tunic), and dupatta (scarf). The traditional Phulkari work adds a touch of elegance and charm, making Punjabi suits perfect for festive occasions.
South Indian Silk Sarees: Southern Grace
Silk sarees are the most popular ethnic attire for girls' weddings in South India. These sarees are renowned for their elaborate zari work, vivid colors, and rich textures. Pattu sarees, Mysore silk, and Kanjivaram are popular types. Any female can seem elegant and regal by wearing a South Indian silk saree, which is the epitome of Southern style.
Lehenga Choli: Western Glamour
The lehenga choli is a traditional ensemble consisting of a flared skirt (lehenga), a fitted blouse (choli), and a dupatta. The elaborate embroidery, mirror work, and vivid colors make the lehenga choli a glamorous choice for wedding celebrations in Western India.
India's rich cultural legacy and varied customs are celebrated through ethnic attire for girls' weddings. Every region has its own distinct ethnic clothing style, ranging from the sophisticated Punjabi suits of the north to the exquisite silk sarees of South India. Whether it's the royal Ghagra Choli of Rajasthan or the lavish Banarasi sarees of the East, these traditional attires lend a sense of refinement and beauty to wedding festivities. Ethnic wear for girls' weddings, embrace the diversity and beauty of ethnic attire, and use these classic looks to make lifelong memories.
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neha-g0198 · 1 month ago
Celebrate Culture with Stylish Kids Ethnic Wear Online
In today’s fashion-forward world, dressing your little ones in traditional attire is a delightful way to celebrate heritage and culture. Discover an exquisite collection of kids ethnic wear online that perfectly blends traditional craftsmanship with modern designs. Whether it’s a festive occasion, a wedding, or a cultural celebration, your kids deserve to shine in outfits that exude elegance and charm.
A Versatile Range of Ethnic Wear for Kids
Explore a vibrant selection of ethnics kids clothing that caters to all tastes and preferences. From intricate embroidery to colorful prints, each piece in the collection is crafted with care to ensure comfort and style. The variety includes lehengas, kurtas, sherwanis, and more, all tailored to keep your little ones at ease while they dazzle in traditional wear.
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Why Choose Kids Indian Wear?
Indian ethnic wear is not just clothing—it’s a celebration of culture and tradition. The kids Indian wear collection ensures that every piece tells a story, helping children connect with their roots while looking fashionable. With soft fabrics and impeccable stitching, these outfits are perfect for long hours of festivities.
Perfect Outfits for Every Occasion
Finding the ideal ethnic wear for kids is now easier than ever. Whether it’s a Diwali party, a family wedding, or a school cultural day, there is something for every event. The collection features a blend of classic and contemporary styles, ensuring that your child stands out in the crowd while embracing tradition.
Shop Kids Ethnic Dress Online
Shopping for traditional attire has never been more convenient. With a user-friendly online store, you can explore and purchase a wide range of kids ethnic dress options from the comfort of your home. Each outfit is designed with attention to detail, ensuring quality and durability.
Why Choose Us?
This collection is committed to delivering stylish and high-quality ethnic wear that makes every moment special. It not only highlights the beauty of Indian craftsmanship but also focuses on comfort, making it a go-to destination for kids ethnic wear online.
Dress Your Little Stars in Tradition
Let your kids shine in the vibrant hues of culture with this ethnic wear collection. Explore a world of traditional charm and contemporary fashion today.
Make every celebration memorable with outfits that celebrate heritage and create timeless memories for your little ones.
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