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प्रेम विवाह में तलाक की दर ज्याद क्यों ?
प्रेम अनंत काल से पवित्र माना जाता है, और प्रेम विवाह सुखी जीवन का मूलमंत्र, ऐसा नहीं है सुसंगत विवाह में प्रेम नहीं होता है, सुसंगत विवाह में मनुष्य के मन में एक इक्षा सदैव रहता है जो कि उसके मन में अनंत काल तक खटकती है, किंतु प्रेम विवाह में मनुष्य को अपने अनुसार पति/पत्नी चुनने का मौका रहता है, जिसके साथ वो खुशी के संग अपने पूरे जीवन को व्यतीत कर सके!!
किंतु आज के दौर में जैसे-जैसे प्रेम विवाह का दर बढ़ रहा है उसी तेजी से तलाक का दर भी बढ़ रहा है, वैसे भारत में केरल शिक्षा दर में प्रथम स्थान पर है किंतु तलाक लेने के मामले में भी केरल ने ही सर्वप्रथम स्थान पर कब्जा कर रखा है, जिसका मूल कारण भी शिक्षा है, जब बच्चे उच्चस्तरीय शिक्षा प्राप्त कर लेते हैं तो गार्जियन को लगता है अब बच्चे समझदार हो चुके हैं, क्योंकि उनके पास जीवनयापन के लिए एक परमानेंट नौकरी है, और उनके चुने हुये साथी के साथ विवाह करवा देते हैं, यूपी-बिहार में अभी भी प्रेम विवाह में काफी दिक्कतों का सामना करना पड़ता है प्रेमियों को, किंतु अब बच्चें कही भाग ना जाये या आत्महत्या ना कर ले उस विवशता में बच्चों के फैसले को स्वीकार कर लेते हैं गार्जियन, उनको लगता हैं बच्चे खुश रहेंगे तो हम खुश रहेंगे, पर गार्जियन को इस बात का तनिक भनक नहीं होता इस विवाह से पहले उनके बच्चों ने काफी शर्त पहले ही मनवा लिया है एक-दूसरे से!!
विवाह दो आत्माओं का मेल है ऐसा कहा जाता है किंतु ना तो ये त्रेता युग है ना ही कोई यहाँ पर शिव, फिर भी प्रेम अभी भी अपने मर्यादा और संस्कार के वजह से जीवित है, नहीं तो 87% प्रेम तो वासनाओं से घिरा है और जिसका आंखों देखा हाल आपको आपके आस-पास ही देखने को मिलेगा, और ना जाने इस चक्कर में लाखों लड़कियों और हजारों लड़कों ने अपने जीवन को मृत्यु में तब्दील कर लिया है इसका एक अहम विषय स्वत्रंत रहना भी है!!
अब आते हैं मुद्दे पर प्रेम में पड़े लड़के और लड़कियाँ इतना केयर एक दूसरे को करते हैं मानो प्रेम का मतलब सिर्फ ख़ुशियाँ ��ी हो, लड़के हर बात पर हाँ भरने लगते हैं मतलब लड़की को पाने के लिए और अगर उसके संग भविष्य देख रहे हैं तो, नहीं बुझे मने विवाह करने लिए लड़की को इतना भाव देते हैं जिससे लड़की को भी लगता है सच में जीवन इसके संग बिताने के अलावा और कोई दूसरा लड़का हो ही नहीं सकता, उधर लड़की सब लड़को को इतना केयर, बातों में सहमति, घर-परिवार के संग रिश्ता, मतलब लगता है जैसे फ़िल्म सीरियल में होता है कुछ भी हो जाये पर परिवार के संग रहूंगी और कुछ इमोशनल लड़के उनके इन सब केयर को देख जुट जाते हैं परिवार को मनाने में, आग दोनों तरफ लग जाती है शादी की, फिर सैकडों योजन का कष्ट दोनों उठा कर मना ही लेते हैं अपने परिवार को, जहां नहीं मानते हैं परिवार वाले वहाँ हम जैसे लफंडर दोस्त है ना पेपर पर सिग्नेचर करने के लिए!!
विवाह तो जैसे-तैसे हो जाता है किंतु प्रेम का जूस तब निकलता है जब घर के छोटे-छोटे झगड़े, आपसी मन-मुटाव और सोशल मीडिया पर समय व्यतीत, मतलब जो काम पहले बढ़िया लग रहा था अब उसी काम के कारण दोनों के रिश्तों में दरार भी शुरू होने लगता है, किंतु इसका खामियाजा यहाँ भी परिवार ही भरता है, अगर लड़की/लड़का समझदार है तो वो समाज के बीच एक उदाहरण हो जाते हैं किंतु जहाँ लड़का अपना सब कुछ लड़की के प्रति समर्पित कर दे पर लड़की को सिर्फ अपने बच्चें और पति संग रहने का फैसला हो, या अपने मायके वालों को ज्यादा तबज्जो देना, ससुराल वालों के प्रति सिर्फ दिखावा, उसी का उल्टा लड़का करने लगे तब वहाँ से शुरू होती है दरारें और फिर लड़की के बार-बार कहने पर अगर लड़का उसके हिसाब से ना चले तो तानों से शुरू लड़ाई, गली-गलौज फिर थाना-पुलिस होते कोर्ट वाली आर्केस्ट्रा तक पहुँच जाती है, क्योंकि गलती लड़के का है, उसने पहले इतने सपने दिखा दिये जो लड़की को लगा अब उसके साथ गलत हो रहा है, और अपने दोस्त या परिवार के सहारे वो उसी व्यक्ति से दूर होना चाहती है जिसके संग उसने बुन रखे थे मृत्युकाल तक के सपने!!
गलतियाँ कभी एक तरफा नहीं होता है, यहाँ लड़कियाँ भी गलत होती है, शुरू में अपने व्यवहार और प्रेम से लड़को का दिल जीतती है, हर काम के लिए संग खड़ी रहती है, चाहे वो एकता हो या जोड़ना, मतलब ऐसा रूप दिखाती है मानों कोई देवी हो, अगर वो बाहर वालों के लिए इतना कर रही है तो घरवालों के संग कितना प्रेम करेंगी, और लड़कियाँ भी वो हर काम करती है जिससे लगता है समाज में हम एक उदाहरण बनेंगे किंतु कुछ समय उपरांत उसका उल्टा होता है जो एक-दूसरे के मनमुटाव का अहम कारण बनता है, वैसे प्रेम में पैस��ं का भी एक अहम किरदार है पर जो समझदार जोड़े होते हैं वो उसमें भी निर्वहन करते हैं वो कभी भी पैसों के वजह से तलाक को अहम कारण नहीं बनने देते हैं, इन्ही छोटी-छोटी बातों को दोनों विवाह उपरांत संभाल नहीं पाते हैं जो दो परिवारों को दुश्मन भी बनाती है और प्रेम के प्रति लोंगो को घृणित करती है, अगर हम थोड़ा समझदार हो जाये और परिस्थितियों को खुद समझे देखे कहाँ-कहाँ हम गलत जा रहे हैं, पहले हमने ऐसा क्या किया जो अब चूक हो रही है तो प्रेम विवाह में तलाक दर की संख्या को हम घटाने में काफी कामयाब रहेंगे और प्रेम का जो ओहदा है समाज में उसमें चार चांद भी लगायेंगे!!
ज्यादा लिखना मतलब बकलोली करने जैसा लगेगा, हमें हर रिश्ते में कुछ ना कुछ कमी मिलेगा इसलिए रिश्तों से भागने की वजह हमें उसी रिश्ते को अगर ठीक करने से खुशी मिले तो जरूर कोशिश करे,अरे सिंपल सी बात है भाई अगर बाहर लड़ाई-झगड़ा, मारा-पीट हो जाता है तो उनसे फिर से हम जुड़ जाते हैं, फिर अपने परिवार के लोंगो के संग चंद शब्द से आखिर दूरी क्यों? मिलबैठकर और बातें समझकर ही हम किसी भी रिश्ते को एक मजबूती से स्थापित कर सकते हैं , नहीं तो रिश्तों का शतरंज युगों से चला आ रहा है चाहे वो पांडव-कौरवों का हो या राम-कैकेय माते का, क्योंकि हर रिश्ते में कुछ ना कुछ खोना पड़ता है, पर अगर हम उसको जोड़कर रखने में सक्षम है तो फिर उसके बाद कि खुशी आपको शायद एक ऐसा एहसास जरूर करवा देगी जो जोड़ना ही प्रेम का पहला और आखिरी पड़ाव है!!
" अकेले रहने में कोई गुनाह नहीं है
किंतु हम कभी अकेले रह नहीं पाते हैं
रोटी भी अकेले नहीं फूलती है
उसको भी आग-चूल्हे और हथेली की जरूरत है"
Vipin Jha
#प्रेम विवाह में तलाक की दर ज्याद क्यों#why divorce in love marrige#divorce in love marrige#India me ab divorce jyda kyo ho rahi hai#Divorce kaise roke#this article stop divorce#divorce best knowledge this article#Divorce Article in hindi#Best Divorce Blog#divorce rate in india#divorce in hindi#prem vivah me divorce kyo hota hai
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Sweet Nothings (2)
Carlos Sainz x pageant queen!reader
Summary: All that they ever wanted was sweet nothings but everything changed like midnight rain.
Sweet Nothings: 1, 2, 3. 4
A/N: i indulged a lot with catriona so expect a lot of her faces. i like to build up things hehe.let me know your thoughts
YNjpeg posted a photo.
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Liked by CarlosSainz55, LewisHamilton, and 543,456 others
YNjpeg thank you for the opportunity for the roundtable to discuss different issues faced by our society [link]
User4 the way she speaks says a lot about her character
User6 I dont need to see any other queen, Y/N is my Miss Universe 2024.
User7 i never knew Y/N is this knowledgeable
User9 right?? i mean before we all knew her as just Carlos' partner User10 is it bad for me to say that i think Carlos and Y/N break up is a good thing? User9 true bestie.
LewisHamilton Wonderful insights, thank you for using your voice!
YNjpeg honored to be appreciated by you Lew! LewisHamilton 👑☝️ User12 real recognize real!
User55 anyone notice that carlos is still liking?
User90 omg i just noticed that! User77 my divorced parents
F1News posted an article.
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Carlos Sainz sits down talking about championships, end of contracts, and relationships.
The hottest topic in the paddock at the moment has been Carlos Sainz. He is the driver that has been to watch out for as he becomes the El Matador that crushes Red Bull's streak of victory. The soon to be ex-Ferrari driver thanks the team for building a good car and creating new strategy that allowed them to best Red Bull several times already.
It was no surprise that him and teammate, Charles Leclerc has been chasing Max down for the championship. When asked about how does he deal with the pressure, he mentioned that he kept himself grounded by a note tucked inside of his helmet. He said that the content of the notes cannot be discussed (as well as the writer of the note) but he is very grateful for it for keeping him in touch with reality. The Spaniard is currently sitting at the second place with only 2 points difference from the current champion.
"It has not yet been decided" this is what Carlos has to say regarding where he would sign next. Carlos assures everyone that there are offers but he is still weighing which will be a better option. His focus at the moment was not on the signing because as he states "if I'm a good driver then the offers will just keep coming." He wishes to focus on doing his best with his current team and reiterates that he has no ill feelings with the team.
Another hot topic that Carlos was asked about is regarding his love life. There were rumors about his split with long-time girlfriend and now running for Miss Universe, Y/N L/N. Carlos explained how he is very proud of Y/N and that he wishes all the best for her. He refused to answer questions detailing more about her since he explains that "focus on Y/N as a beauty queen and not because of her relationship. She deserves more than just being someone's girlfriend."
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/5cb78cdb6a86dc5e3b7283ffb93aed38/c34d2a4a8b8874b8-9c/s540x810/0a03651dabbd4c2a7331c8298b073a0f113a392d.jpg)
CarlosY/N4ever me realizing that Miss Universe 2024 and the Las Vegas Grand Prix is happening together???!!!
User5 wdym together???
CarlosY/N4ever It will both happen in the 24th,the gp will go first at 2pm while the Miss Universe will start at 6pm. User5 OHMYGOD????
User7 So are we going to watch miss universe or f1???
User8 Im gonna watch both User9 rip to us with a different timezone
User10 i love how we can use Y/N's reactions for this
User11 girlie is a walking meme User13 walking meme but still elegant
User22 what is barbenheimer when we have this going on!!!
QueenYNUpdates just posted a reel
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Well my gowns and my costumes have been carefully selected. Everything has a meaning. It is an homage for my country and of course to the best parts of myself. [Can we have any more insights about your evening gown] All I can say is that I want to make Filipinos proud and the color has a very personal meaning.
User10 Im excited to see her final look!
User12 agreeeee,her attention to details is everything!
User7 Our filipina queen! PERIODT!
User13 the color has a very personal meaning + that smile.. anyone wanted to bet with me that its ferrari red???
User15 I might cry if its really red User18 and its carlos' last year to ferrari as well User90 I just want to have a good time on this app
User55 Go fight for the crown!!!! Bring home the crown!!!
QueenYNUpdates posted a reel
[What can you say about your relationship with Carlos, everyone is curious about what happened] This is the only time, I'll talk about this. If you are looking for drama, there is no drama between the two of us. Carlos and I met when we were still young people and we grew up together. We matured as individuals..Its not a bad thing. I am extremely happy and proud of where he is right now. Were both chasing our dreams. What we are, what have been. Its all good. That's all that I have to say.
User5 This basically confirms it.
User6 we are really children of divorce
User11 Its the miss universe curse. If the girl really wants the crown then they will undergo heartbreak
User14 why do we have to sacrifice someone?? User15 so miss universe is just like ferrari strategy? here we sacrifice a boyfriend, in ferrari we sacrifice leclerc User17 that comment got me gagged.
YNjpeg posted a photo
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/18aeb79c614120bcf122dc3c0e322f17/c34d2a4a8b8874b8-2d/s540x810/67b15d01c13bcccdaf203125e443e14ca6bbe91c.jpg)
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liked by CarlosSainz55, LandoNorris, and 876,525 others
YNjpeg I am ready to represent!!! Flying to Vegas!!!
Charles_Leclerc goodluck Miss Philippines!!
YNjpeg thank you charlieee
LandoNorris can't wait to see you take the crown
YNjpeg lando you believe in me too much LandoNorris I SAID take the crown!!! YNjpeg ON IT!
User5 im so happy that she is still being supported by the grid
User67 bring home the crown Y/N!
User8 Mark my words, she will come back with the crown!
User9 safe flight!!!
CarlosSainz55 just posted a photo.
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/47a7a50b26dc2986e16a537382e82860/c34d2a4a8b8874b8-86/s540x810/66359a9d15f17a6efea9541a985e86c87289b3b0.jpg)
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/643e580b71ac485ebcc379c481e4438c/c34d2a4a8b8874b8-72/s400x600/e73d8e4e855ac5cf778ac25a8c098f5887f22870.jpg)
CarlosSainz55 You always hated flying. You told me that there is a certain discomfort and uncertainty when you are a thousand feet from the ground. Right now, you are flying. I know it has a certain discomfort and uncertainty of what's to come but I believe you can find some joy in it.
You will always be the most beautiful in the universe.
User7 OMG????
User8 bro really went to tell the whole world that he will be here no matter what
User15 were always talking about how Y/N is Carlos' biggest fan but Carlos is also Y/N's biggest fan
CarlosSainz55 just deleted the post.
#carlos sainz x reader#f1 imagine#f1 x reader#carlos sainz imagines#f1 fic#f1 smau#carlos sainz x you
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Somehow I've managed to post almost one hundred thousand words on this blog in the form of writing pieces. Which is absolutely insane to me because I don't think I've managed to write one hundred thousand words of creative writing towards any single project in the rest of life up until this Tumblr blog. And maybe this type of celebration is a little premature but I have things planned and I will hit 100k. It's also the three year anniversary of this blog, and I want to celebrate that too.
This is a little recap of where we've been, where we are, and maybe where we're going. And by we, I mean me and the guys in my head. This is also a sort of guide to their writing pieces and the reading order because I did not write in chronological order.
There are four major, earth-shattering, life-changing events that happened to various Fable members that had repercussions to various people over various years. If you're interested in all the writing as a whole, I have a Google doc in posting order here and chronological order here, which splits up a lot of the pieces.
In order to debut, Mingeun made a deal with Taein, the company's CEO, to lie about his upbringing, and therefore his nationality. He was born in South Korea, but immigrated to Canada with his family when he was two. When it came to being a Fable member, Andrew already had the diaspora member position on lock. And the main vocal position, which led to Mingeun being cut from the debut lineup after Haksu joined at the last minute.
Jaeseop fought for Mingeun's inclusion and won, leading to Taein brokering the deal with Mingeun. Everything went swimmingly for the first two years, where Mingeun pretended he didn't understand a word of English, and never uttered a word about Canada. He uttered very few words in this time period and was always out of the spotlight.
In the summer of 2020, having hit their stride with their previous album a few months earlier, the lid on the entire operation was blown via Dispatch articles. Given that Fable was on the rise, both in Korea and internationally, it didn't take long for friends and classmates from his childhood to corroborate the news. Mingeun's hiatus was immediate, and it would be over a year before he returned to the group. In the months that followed, he gained a reputation for being a liar, and in turn, tainted Fable as "the group with the liar" for some time.
RELEVANT POSTS: One of the news articles that broke the news. Pre-redemption arc perception. A drabble. "Not Enough." "Live Wire."
Haksu was the last member to join Fable. In the most succinct way possible, he spent the last two months of 2017 stalking and harassing Taein until he was accepted as a trainee. This is because he very much believes in fate and he had a dream about him. In the least weird and creepy way possible. It's only what he did because of it that becomes weird and creepy. Armed with his knowledge and physical evidence of Taein's adultery, he used it as a bargaining chip to get his foot in the door.
At the end of 2017, the debut lineup was otherwise set and they would have debuted earlier, if not for Haksu's sudden inclusion. Jaeseop and Mingeun tried so hard to get him out of there, but he was surprisingly stubborn and resilient and optimistic. He's also the best singer in the group, which is why Mingeun was demoted to main dancer and then nearly kicked out.
After debuting, Haksu continued to use Taein's crimes against him to secure himself the position of center, along with every opportunity that came Fable's way for the first few years of their careers. This continued on until 2021, when Taein and his wife began divorce proceedings. Having lost his best bargaining chip, he had to start learning how to share the spotlight. The majority of Fable fans continue to consider him the undisputed center.
RELEVANT POSTS: "Great Things" part one and two. One part of "Form is Emptiness."
Eunsu was Fable's main rapper for three years, until he left the group in August 2021. The official reason for his departure was given simply as "personal reasons." The real reason he left was the death of his older brother, Yonggeum, which left him as his parents' only child. His father runs the only Buddhist temple in the small town he grew up in, a position that was passed down through his family for generations. It was expected that Yonggeum would inherit their father's position. That gave Eunsu the freedom to do things like become a kpop idol. After his brother's death, he was compelled by a sense of duty to return home and learn his father's role.
Despite his departure, he continues to interact with the rest of the group to the point where it's like he never even left. He writes songs for them, features on some of them, appears on a bunch of their livestreams, and is still Mingeun's best friend.
RELEVANT POSTS: "Form is Emptiness" part one and part two.
Ever since their debut, one of Fable's greatest assets and their biggest weakness has been their concept. After building their careers as a modern take on mostly Joseon-era culture, they're boxed into the same square. They hardly ever do anything different, and when they do, it pisses off half their fanbase. These problems and some more were the subject of a viral video essay by Lightspeed member Tyler, but before he joined a survival show and became an idol. You either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain. But I digress that has little to do with Fable.
Responses to this were split, with Mingeun and Jaeseop weighing in with their own opinions. They are a bit too decently established and also a boy group for this to really affect their reputations. It just sits in the back of Jaeseop's mind and bothers him every now and then.
RELEVANT POSTS: "the problem with fable" itself. Mingeun and Jaeseop's reactions.
There are a few smaller plotlines that focus more on individual members.
Byeonghwi is the only character whose storyline is mostly romance-focused. I wanted at least one of them to have a smaller stakes plotline that wasn't lying about their entire identity or blackmailing their CEO. So I spun a wheel and it landed on him. Which works out well, because his idol origin story was always somehow passing an audition he went to with a friend.
Anyway, his plot is very linear and straightforward. He had a friend. He debuted first. He confessed and it went terribly. He no longer has a friend.
RELEVANT POSTS: "First Love." "Sea Change." "No Return."
Quick side note Andrew is the greatest thing that happened to Fable. He was not in the early drafts. It was just Mingeun against the world. A lot of things are better for them and also for me because he's in the picture.
As far as plotlines go, he's the diametric opposite of Mingeun. His story is also a lot more vibe-based. It's very much about his identity, and trying to find a place for himself, both as a Korean American returning to the so-called homeland, and as an artist in the kpop industry. I don't really know how to TL;DR this I think the TL;DR is his pieces.
RELEVANT POSTS: "Not Enough." "Double A-Side." "Piano Concerto in A♭ Minor" part one, part two, part three. A drabble.
After all of that happened, I am trying to pick up the threads and extend them years into the future. The easiest way to do this is probably by member.
KIYOUNG recently returned from his mandatory military service. Other than that he's big chilling. Not to be confused with bing chilling. He's adjusting to civilian life again. RELEVANT POSTS: "Piano Concerto in A♭ Minor part one"
ANDREW is being recruited by Taein's somewhat shady business partner and not-quite-chaebol-heir Jinguk, for reasons he still doesn't really know. He has been Fable's temporary leader for the past nine months, and will continue to be so for another year or so, while Jaeseop is enlisted. RELEVANT POSTS: The drabble again. And also his piece which is linked in three parts right above so I'm not doing that again.
JAESEOP enlisted in December. He will be there for some time. Before he went, he tried to prepare Andrew as his substitute. He considered it putting his affairs in order, like he was going to die. RELEVANT POSTS: The saddest announcement ever o7.
INTAK is technically the first Fable member to go solo, in a move absolutely no one could have predicted. He released a mixtape in August. He went to Japan with Byeonghwi and Mingeun and returned with an entire extra suitcase of anime merch. RELEVANT POSTS: The album. A news article.
HAKSU briefly went home in May and missed Fable's last tour date. He did not know that his parents set up a date for him. He also did not know that the date was with one of his sasaengs. It's bad for him right now. RELEVANT POSTS: Tour absence. "exploring haksu's sasaeng problem." "One-Way Mirror."
EUNSU might as well be in Fable with his appearance on Intak's album. He also hosted Mingeun back in November after he got into a fight with some of the other members for reasons I can no longer remember because it's been almost a year and I didn't write it down. RELEVANT POSTS: "Interlude: Birthright."
MINGEUN was given an ultimatum early in the year by Taein. It took him a while to get around to it, but he broke up with his girlfriend of almost four years in July. He's also been on house arrest for majority of the year. RELEVANT POSTS: "Live Wire." "Interlude: Chances." "A Night Out On Earth." An epilogue.
BYEONGHWI is doing things I have yet to post anything about. He's in a situationship with a fan. Nothing like Haksu's situation. There are no relevant posts because this is in my head. It's been going on since Fable's album in the spring of this year.
Poll time! What kind of ending will Fable have? (This is just an interest check I'm going to do whatever I want.)
The good ending is something along the lines of their disbandment when their contracts expire. The bad ending is they succumb to what might be the only scandal that could kill them. After they made it through Mingeun's rough patch I really believe they could survive anything else, EXO/cockroaches of kpop-style.
Other than that, I don't have many more plot points fleshed out yet. I will go wherever they take me 🫶.
#╰ to be written in ink is to be immortal — [ writing. ]#╰ to be written in ink is to be immortal — [ misc. ]#fictional idol community#kpop oc#idol oc#kpop addition#fake kpop group#no gantt chart with dependencies it was hard :(
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Present Mic headcanons! he lives in my head :D (edited as of Nov. 2023)
He's powerfully homosexual he loves men SO much.
He's demiromantic! He's only ever been in love with Oboro and Shouta
He's so fucking tall. And he wears platforms. And his hair is. It's his hair
So many freckles. He has red head skin, pale with so many freckles
Part American on his mother's side, his parents are divorced and the mom lives in the US
Heterochromia Mic my beloved. One green eye one red eye, they're so damn bright too. He makes heterochromia jokes with Shouto.
Fashion wise, he's a very strange mix between a punk, an English teacher (as in, language teacher, not literature teacher) and this one guy who's shirtless and wearing rainbow makeup and glitter at Pride.
He's so blind without his glasses, it's terrible. He's also deaf because of his quirk
For these reasons, he uses his platform as a popular hero and radio personality to talk about disabled people and stuff. He also talks about queerphobia issues and quirk discrimination, though he tends to focus more on blatant differences like Shouji or Tokoyami type of quirk.
When the main kids are in third year, they start being surprise guests on his show and talk about other issues with him (and just fun stuff as well). The first one to participate is of course, hero nerd Midoriya.
Hizashi and Shouta have what the experts call a weird ass relationship. For the longest time, they just lived together without really dating but being completely aware they were in love with each other. One day Shouta told Hizashi it would be easier if they were married for like tax purposes and stuff. So everyone thought they were getting married platonically but they organized a wedding and stuff. Midnight was the maid of honor and Shouta's cat was the best man (his name is Bastard). A couple of heroes they're friends with and trust were invited (Tensei, Yagi - though Shouta was reluctant - 13...) as well as some vigilantes Shouta's friends with, and after a lot of begging, 1-A students (they had to sign a contract that said they couldn't tell anyone about the wedding or take pictures). It was cheesy as possible, completely normal wedding, but after it happened, Shouta and Hizashi never acknowledged it again. Kaminari is wondering if he hallucinated them kissing and slow-dancing together. They also kept the same last name. The only thing that changed is that they're more affectionate in private, and that they call each other their husband.
An Hizashi themed clickbait article would probably be "PRESENT MIC'S HUSBAND'S IDENTITY REVEALED????"
Hizashi sometimes says he has a husband in passing and everyone clinged onto this fact and is desperately trying to find out who the husband is. Midoriya is incredibly happy to know he has hero knowledge only a few select people are aware of.
Going back to Hizashi specific stuff, the man has some powerful ADHD (Shouta is autistic, they're the ADHD autism couple) but he very strangely knows how to deal with it. He knows how he functions so he does really weird stuff sometimes or does things in an allegedly inefficient way because it'll ultimately will make him do more stuff
He also has the new hobby every month disease, except he actually learns a lot and his hobbies kind of rotate, so he's very good at very random stuff. For exemple : embroidery (but he can't sew for shit), a shit ton of instruments (but not the drums), he knows a lot about cats (this fixation was started by Shouta's own special interest in cats), he knows how color theory works (somehow), he's very good at cutting or dying hair, etc.
In high school he had to make an essay about quirk laws but he was uninspired so he desperately tried for a week to make himself fixate on quirk laws, finally writing his essay five hours before the deadline. The consequence of this was an hyperfixation on quirk and hero laws a month later, which plagued him for an entire month more. He therefore knows a lot about laws.
He had an emo phase in middle school. I know it, Horikoshi told me
Hizashi becomes incredibly irritable when it's raining or storming, similar to how Shouta becomes quiet and distant in that weather.
He has a lot of piercings but only where people can't see. Where that ends up being is your choice, I have my own ideas :)
He actually has anger issues, similar to Bakugou, but is way better at handling them. This, in addition to them both being deaf/partially deaf, should have made them somewhat close, but Hizashi actually really dislikes Bakugou.
He has favorites, and unlike Shouta, he very much says who his favorites are. (Uraraka, Kaminari, Shinsou, Jirou and Kouda. He also likes Todoroki but not as much as the other faves) He definitely gets merch of them once it's available (and creates Shinsou merch for him and Shouta, like how he made Eraserhead merch)
Because this is still my blog here's a point about Shimsou, my son the light of my world : Hizashi takes a liking to the kid immediately because of how much he looks like Shouta. He also likes his sarcasm and smartass attitude, he thinks it's adorable (which Shinsou evidently hates). While Shouta won't adopt Shinsou, they're still like father and son to each other, and Shinsou jokes by calling Hizashi his step-dad.
He's very protective of his friends and very good at noticing when something is bothering them.
HE CAN UNHINGE HIS JAW. His fans find it very hot (it's me, I'm his fans)
Everytime he tries to dress up nicely, he fails miserably (case on point : this). He's infamous for it.
He doesn't especially like small children, except for ONE small child and it's Eri. She's the light of his life he loves her so much.
After Shouta adopts her and Hizashi gets custody of her as well by default, he immediately starts researching how to be a good step-dad. Eri will for some reason start calling him her uncle, despite him being married to her dad, but Hizashi is fine with it, he loves just being a part of the little girl's life.
He's a KING at Just Dance and karaoke nights.
My hand is, for some mysterious reason, itchy. So this is the end of the post :D
Feel free to tell me about ur own headcanons whenever /gen
#hizashi yamada#present mic#erasermic#aizawa shota#aizawa shouta#mha#bnha#mha headcanons#bnha headcanons#sfw headcanons#funny#i hope#eri aizawa#long post#ciders mha hyperfixation
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my absolutely random headcanons that are not tied to anything they just popped in my head unprompted (and i'm not even sorry half of them is about Jean)
(if you read EOE it may be useful knowledge? or not lol)
Judit's husband is a writer, he's semi-successful in his job, probably currently writes articles for some paper or something like that, and works on a novel in his free time.
Harry inherited the apartment he is living in when he was a young adult, so he was, fortunately, wrecking only his own property (but it also implies it's probably still the same apartment since Dora times, oof.)
Jean cannot walk the stairs. Running. is the only option. Hoppin' two steps at a time. Free workout time, yeah?
Piss and Fuck witnessed Harry's kamikaze jump over the canal and I refuse to believe they didn't have that on the back of their minds while checking out Kim's MC on the plaza.
Harry would totally eat pizza with pineapple and say it's the best kind and Kim would totally want to divorce him over it.
Jean totally learned how to play piano when he was young, he probably forgot most of it since though. He probably sings well too.
Jean hates spring & summer seasons due to allergies, he's totally allergic to pollen, not sure if anything else but probably yeah.
Kim is one of those people whose feet get absolutely massacred by each new pair of shoes he tries to wear, so he tends to wear one pair for literal years not to have to struggle with a new one.
Play a late '00s pop dancing song (like Kesha or Lady Gaga) to slightly drunk Jean and see what happens (everybody has guilty pleasures, right)
Before becoming a cop Jean tried to study... something. Or more than one something, but nothing slapped (fuck yeah depression), so he decided to go RCM because eh.
Kim's hair has a magical ability (or maybe he's just not cheap on his hair products...) to stay neatly combed regardless of the circumstances. He could get into a most violent fistfight and still play in a hair product commercial afterward.
Jude has an older brother.
When Plaisance and Annette move out from Martinaise, Annette will switch schools to the same where Mikael is going. I need them to be friends who will nerd about books and games and computers.
#disco elysium#headcanon#echoes talking#sort of?#well since i make this AU and put my headcanons in it i suppose it is#to be continued
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OK, fuck it, I have thoughts.
So I like Axiom’s End. Its theme may hit as subtly as a sledgehammer but it’s saved by the characters and the way it’s delivered. The whole point is about not truly being able to comprehend the mysterious Other, about communication and knowledge not being a panacea to bigotry and supremacism, about how studying the Other can often lead to the reinforcement of said bigotry as you confirm your prejudices and refuse to abandon your point of view where you’re the default, the morally superior and the Other at best a flawed imitation, at worst a contemptible aberration. And you arrive at this and the usual “wait, this is actually about our world, isn’t it” via the protagonists and their own personal failure to truly comprehend one another, even though at the same time they’re aware of their respective cultures’ atrocities. Again, unsubtle but it works.
And then Truth of the Divine comes and it just doesn’t. The theme is utterly divorced from the characters’ inner journeys. It’s literally a “wise accomplished guy sees further than the protagonist and informs her of the theme which they then spend the rest of the book trying to effect”. The idea that “if you deny rights to aliens, you create a legal framework which then allows humanity to keep indulging its centuries-long human rights abuses” isn’t even less on the nose than what the previous book presented but because it comes to the story as a monologue and the response is “oh I never thought about it that way, guess that’s what we’re doing now” it reads like a Medium article preaching to the choir.
And I absolutely am going to blame this on Kaveh or rather the way he’s designed. For the theme to be a result of a learning process, you really need someone like Timothy Snyder not realizing until his 50s that the U.S. healthcare system is a bit shit, because he’d never been affected by its shittiness before. You need a person of privilege. You obviously can’t do “I discovered racism exists” via an Iranian refugee who got his big break by exposing CIA torture sites in the Middle East.
But OK, fine, I guess that the world doesn’t need another white savior “I learned something today” narrative (let’s ignore it could have been Miranda having a leopards ate my face moment). But to really drive the final nail in the coffin, Kaveh isn’t even particularly complex as a character. He’s endlessly understanding and empathetic and soooo self-aware, absolutely would never use Cora to his advantage, no siree, he genuinely loves her and wants to take care of her and never abuses his worldliness and is a great fuck and exactly what she needs at this stage in her life and he never has doubts about anything and his demons are long behind him and only serve as a means for Cora to learn there is a light at the end of the tunnel and his connection to Nils doesn’t amount to much in terms of character flaws and he believes the idea of daddy issues is stupid and he opens doors to a better future for Cora and stands up for her and is loaded but his wealth doesn’t affect his worldview whatsoever and his dick is uuuuge and throbbing and oh my fucking god I get it he’s perfect I could not give less of a shit about him why is this Gary Stu taking up so much space.
And this, kids, is how momma found herself yearning for the tertiary CIA agent who most likely has a past of torturing people. Simply because he seems to have something, anything else going on behind what’s readily apparent.
#axiom's end#truth of the divine#lindsay ellis#kaveh threatened to be interesting in his murderguy phase#then he opened his mouth and it went downhill from there#found this in the drafts one year later and yup still feeling this way so here it is#noumena
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Ok so I’m new here ( Beatles fandom ) and I’m just trying to learn as much as I can but once I think I feel like I’m getting a grip on things, I’m made very well aware that i don’t even know half of the lore with these boys. so would you be able to tell me where i can go to just deep dive learn about everything? The good, the bad , the ugly , the dark , ect
Idk if I’m the best person to ask bc my general approach to lore is just to learn through osmosis and have read exactly 0 (zero) Beatles books, but I’ll tell you how I went about it.
When I joined the fandom the main thing I did is just go through blogs I liked, (not even to learn stuff I just wanted to Look At more Stuff) which would inevitably have quotes and easily digestible shitposts about stuff which can give you a pretty good idea of lore even if it’s not the most accurate source. @amoralto is a wealth of sourced information which I often return to when I need to find something for a fic. @muzaktomyears also reads beatles books I have no interest in ever reading for myself and posts great quotes so that I won’t have to.
Also, you can always ask people! We’re all in this fandom bc we like talking about this stuff. Some of us may be more knowledgeable than others, but I’m sure if you pop into most people’s ask boxes and say like “I’m new here. What’s the deal with the divorce meeting?” they will be happy to either tell you themselves or point you in the direction of someone else who can.
The Beatles Bible is a good resource too. I use it a lot for the timeline feature (which isn’t perfect but is decent enough) but there’s also articles about basically everything (with quotes!) so it serves the same function as like a fandom wiki to me.
Lastly, I may be biased bc I’m a writer, but I always find the easiest way to learn lore for any fandom is simply by reading a bunch of fic lol. Maybe not the most historically accurate way, but if you go in knowing that there are artistic liberties everywhere you can start to pick up on common threads and events (fic was how I learned about the jp paris trip and the existence of Stuart sutcliffe, among other things).
Also, I will say, if you’re someone who likes going off and doing research, off you pop! Have fun! But if, like me when I joined the fandom, you’re simply trying get your bearings a bit, know that no one is expecting you to be a perfect Beatles historian. You are allowed to participate in the fandom even if you don’t know every little thing. And as I’ve said, you will pick it up as you go along!
#I am not a lore person soz#but the nice thing in this fandom is there are many who are!#so there is room for anyone no matter what your approach to lore is#asks
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Hi I don't mean to sound too stalker-like, but I saw on Twitter where you replied to someone and said that you didn't think personally that Loustat's divorce era was going to last too long in the show. You said you think maybe the end of season 3 they'll be back together. Can I ask why?
hi! that's not stalker-y at all lol you're totally fine! but I do hope a mini-essay is okay because I have a lot of Thoughts(TM) on this.
general disclaimer, as per usual: this is purely speculation. I know a lot of people on here think they know the exacts of what's going on with filming right and and throughout s2, exacts that may negate what I'm saying, and that's fine, you do you, but also since you're not telling me what it is you know, I am only running with what I know so. this is my speculation based on novels, the show, general television knowledge, and stuff my guy RJ has been saying.
okay so I'm trying to figure out how best to start this. let me just give a bullet list of what it is I'm thinking and then I'll elaborate:
Overall length of the IwtV TV show
Future Anne Rice stuff on AMC
Condensed storylines
S1 Finale - specifically 'love of my life' and Daniel's 'Well, isn't that neat and tidy?' commentary
Louis' future
Louis/Armand + Lestat/Nicki in the next two seasons
Exploration of Loustat in future seasons
Akasha storyline
so let's start with the "Overall Length of the IwtV TV Show." outside of The Walking Dead series and its multitude of spin-offs, most shows on the AMC network, even super successful ones, have only run between 5-7 seasons. Mad Men, Breaking Bad, and Better Call Saul are really well-regarded AMC shows that all only ran for 5-7 seasons. and while it could continue like TWD, it seems fairly unlikely. my personal guess is that IwtV is going to fun for 6-7 seasons, leaning toward 6 if I'm being honest. But like??? Who know??? I could be super off-base, but from the way television is going nowadays, I think a 6 seasons show is something we would be lucky to get. I think this article here really helps explain why this is a good thing, overall, and also why it's happening more often on television.
this brings me to future Anne Rice stuff; so AMC bought 18 of Anne's books. Obviously we have MW going on which is...........a thing..........but! we also have the Night Island series happening! I fully believe they may do several TVC-related spinoffs. Like, depending on Devil's Minion stuff, we could possibly get some kind of Devil's Minion show. We could easily get an Armand mini-series that would also work with Marius and Bianca and Pandora's stories too. Stuff with the Court when we get to the Court, etc. are all things I think we could see. With this in mind it's important to keep in mind that they are making the Immortal Universe. I think we're going to see a lot more beyond IwtV and I think this impacts the storytelling.
alright so now let's get into the audience; the audience is watching for Loustat. yes, they are watching for many things. yes, everyone knows they are watching for many things. but people are watching for Loustat. s1 is a Loustat love story, love tragedy. within minutes of the pilot, they are meeting, they are flirting, they are courting, and by the end they are utterly married and in love. we witness their early marriage, we witness their first marital problem, we witness them have a child to fix their marriage, we witness them separate, we witness them get back together, and we witness, in the finale, this love story close a chapter in a beautiful and heart-wrenching way in which lestat knows louis is going to at least stand aside while an attempt is made on his life, in which louis is destroyed by the "death" of his love, where they get so lost in one another in every single way that matters. the audience is watching for loustat. to a degree, you can't wait too long to give them that or people will get antsy and impatient.
now, in a much more succinct paragraph, Rolin Jones, and a multitude of writers for the show, have described this as a gothic romance. they have specified in a dozen articles and interviews "this is a love story." Rolin Jones repeatedly hones in on the fact that the chemistry read between Sam and Jacob going as well as it did was fundamentally important to the long run of the show. to not use that chemistry would be a waste and RJ has made that very clear, imo.
the show is also condensing storylines, as they should and as they need to. we're obviously not getting all 13 TVC books in their entirety, or in their order. during the first bts video we really had, RJ said that the first trilogy, tva, and prince lestat were where they were primarily pulling stuff, with a couple of other additions that he didn't name, but I very much believe were at least memnoch and merrick and some of the court aspects of the last two books. all of that being said, i think we're obviously seeing iwtv right now, but parts of merrick, parts of qotd, teeny parts of tva, and I think next season is iwtv, qotd, tva, merrick, tvl, and a teeny tiny bit more of prince lestat. basically, since they're mixing the stories together, it's like?? I mean, Loustat reunite in TVL. qotd is complicated but they float off romantically intot he sky together. comaaaaa in memnoch-merrick, saving louis' life in merrick and it's a super sexy blood sharing scene, then......married prince and consort??? like idk, if we're condensing the story then when loustat reunite, they, in general, stay together.
now let's talk about what we know with the show thus far, beginning with the s1 finale. obviously the s1 finale is important, duh, but like??? god, there are three huge aspects that I think we're going to revisit fairly quickly in s2 and that impact the future seasons. the first is the 'love of my life' line with armand. like there's so much there, but namely when it comes to thinking of louis and armand's relationship (which will undoubtedly be coming to some kind of definite end in s2) and what that means for loustat and what that means for armandaniel. like obviously louis is going to be confronted, no doubt by daniel, about 'love of your life??? really??' not to mention the 'you're still with the guy that killed your daughter?????' and the inevitable explanation of louis' even more bizarre weirdness in how he's acting in dubai, the mental destruction he's been faced with, the true numbness and everything he's forced himself into, since claudia died. and then, of course, there's 'well isn't that neat and tidy?' comment daniel makes re: lestat's "death" and calling louis out for saving him out of his love for him. like louis is going to have deal with that, daniel isn't going to let it go when he gets over floating armand. it's !! going to be everything, things that will conclude or lead us into the s3 stuff. it all comes back to loustat. all of it.
louis' future is the next thing to discuss!! obviously I'm not trying to start anything by being like 'louis' story revolves around lestat' but to some degree it does and also they revolved around each other so heavily. like lestat's whole storyline in s1 is he comes to new orleans, falls fatally in love with louis, and it changes everything. s2 is very much about all of that, even if lestat won't be in paris for a large part of it. s3 is going to be lestat telling his life to louis, one way or another. that's why he wrote tvl, to tell louis all of the stuff he couldn't and wouldn't tell him before, to explain what he's gone through, what his vampirism truly was like, etc. like louis is going to be part of tvl. RJ has said they're looking to make it not a book, obviously, so I think louis is going to be an active person to lestat's story, I think lestat will be telling him directly. loustat. and it's part of why i think s3, possibly early/mid s4 will be the loustat get back together. because lestat telling his story, everything that will follow, is just. it's them? they have to be together.
the inclusion of louis/armand in s2 and the inclusion of lestat/nicki in s3 serve storytelling purposes, sure, but they also serve to show us as an audience why loustat don't work with other people. and, going back to 'the audience is watching for loustat thing,' if we have to see them be with other people for two seasons, we're going to need that to be worth it. them getting back together in s3, possibly early s4, would accomplish that.
exploring loustat in future seasons!! so if lestat shows up in dubai/2022 at least by the end of s2 as would make sense (to probably save louis from an attempted suicide attempt), we're going to see them reunite. s3 being about lestat's life and them talking for the first time in forever will inevitably lead to some kind of getting back together, sometime soon. s4 will, imo, start really getting into the nitty-gritty of qotd (something i'll talk about in the last paragraph), and then i think they're going to take the qotd storyline and end it with this 'well. the queen of the vampires is dead. we need to blahblahblah' and I think we're looking at a super early prince lestat and court creation, lestat becoming the royalty of the vampire world and the court's creation coming about to prevent whatever thing louis is talking about in dubai (the vampires he hears around the world and stuff) and the akasha stuff. so i think by s5-ish we're in full prince lestat mode and that is where loustat are, essentially, modernly married in the books. I also just. like s1 very much established they can't see the other with another person, very much established that they need each other and love each other in a way they'll never love or need another. like it's all right there, it's all something we'll see continue.
lastly!! I think the akasha storyline is going to be imperative here. I think we're going to get hints of the akasha stuff all throughout the next two seasons, getting more and more heavy the further we get into s3, obviously and especially with lestat's waking of akasha in tvl. i think loustat are going to get together right at the end of s3, leaving us with them together during s4, only for lestat to get snatched in the middle of the night from his and louis' bed, just as he was snatched from his and nicki's bed by magnus, by akasha sometime either in the s3 finale too or early s4-ish. then loustat are together, romantically, but not on screen, meaning it's not like straight up loustat stuff for entirety of those seasons as they'll be separated. it will make losing lestat to akasha all the more horrific (he and louis had just found each other again, we will have seen him getting taken by magnus in the previous season(s), etc.) and makes the impact of loustat....abundant.
this is super long and rambly and I'm fairly tired so god knows if it all makes sense but !!! this is why I think we'll get a fairly soon loustat reunion and why I think it will be <3 everything. like, even when they're together, they're going to have a lot going on and a lot to work through so it's never going to get boring and it's going to make their romance all the more lovely to witness.
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A Contested Divorce In New York: Skilled Legal Assistance
It can be difficult to consider a disputed divorce from an emotional and legal standpoint. In New York, it is essential to have the assistance of a skilled and qualified divorce attorney while dealing with such a circumstance. We at Beckerman & Granados PLLC are here to help you through the process with compassion and knowledge because we recognize how complicated disputed divorces may be in New York. We will discuss the details of a contentious divorce, the value of working with an experienced attorney, and how our team can support you during this trying time in this blog article.
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Comprehending Contested Divorce in New York When a couple can’t agree on one or more important issues — like child support, alimony, asset partition, or custody — a contentious divorce results. A disputed divorce frequently contains issues and necessitates judicial action to resolve them, in contrast to an uncontested divorce, when the spouses agree on all elements. The Function of a Lawyer for Contested Divorce: Without legal assistance, navigating a disputed divorce may be difficult and dangerous. You must retain the services of an experienced contentious divorce attorney to safeguard your interests and rights. Here’s how Beckerman & Granados PLLC’s staff can help you:
Professional Advice: Our knowledgeable divorce lawyers can offer you individualized legal counsel that is catered to your particular situation because they have a thorough understanding of New York divorce laws. Agreement and Mediation: Our goal is to reduce the need for drawn-out legal disputes by assisting you in reaching mutually agreeable agreements through negotiation and mediation. Our attorneys are adept negotiators who can represent your interests and encourage productive dialogue between the opposing parties. Comprehensive Case Assessment: We will carefully review your case, compiling all the data and supporting materials required to provide a compelling defense on your side. Our meticulous attention to detail guarantees that no important details are missed, bolstering your position in negotiations or at trial.
Vigorous Advocacy: In the event that your case goes to trial, our disputed divorce attorneys will tenaciously represent you, skillfully laying out your case and offering convincing legal justifications. We’ll fight for the best possible outcome for you and your family while upholding your legal rights.
A Call to Action (CTA) That Is Effective Is Crucial
When dealing with a contentious divorce, it’s imperative to act quickly. You can take advantage of our experience and begin the process of defending your rights by getting in contact with our knowledgeable divorce attorneys. To arrange a consultation, call Beckerman & Granados PLLC at (718) 374–5642 or visit our website at https://bgdivorcelawyersny.com/. Let our knowledgeable legal team help you navigate a contentious divorce so that you can move forward with your life.
In summary: Disputed divorces pose particular difficulties that must be effectively navigated with the help of knowledgeable legal counsel. We at Beckerman & Granados PLLC have the skills and understanding to defend your rights and interests in contentious divorce matters in New York. Throughout the process, our committed group of divorce attorneys is available to offer you supportive legal guidance and strong advocacy. Please contact us right now to arrange a consultation and begin the process of settling your contentious divorce dispute.
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The old Lchat wnba boards are a complete hot mess, but going back to 2016/17, there’s just a TON about BG. And most of it is pretty bad. Did her ex really go do IVF without BG’s knowledge? Or were those kids conceived the old fashioned way with a man. Sounds super messy. And did BG really cheat repeatedly on sweet Cherelle?
Listen... it's a lot.
What you need to understand about BG is she was the original basketball social media content creator personality. Her high school dunking video was the first viral amateur basketball video to reach 1 million views. This was back in like 2008 when 1 million views was a big deal. She became a superstar as a teenager.
And then she went to Baylor and her life just got weirder and weirder under the Mulkey dictatorship. But Baylor wasn't all bad because she won a national championship and met the love of her life.
But Cherelle had her own ambitions. She had things to do. She couldn't fly around the world with BG. They broke up during BG's rookie year but they stayed friends. BG brought some other random girl to China that first year she played overseas. And then she cheated on that girl with a straight all-star center named Glory Johnson.
Why? I don't know. But BG was drafted to the Mercury where all her teammates were ideal veteran lesbian basketball couples. Dewanna and Dupree. Diana and Penny. Ballers with ballers, buying homes together, hosting dinner parties, raising dogs. Very cool and mature lesbian aunties. Basically the exact opposite of BG's young wild self. But I think BG admired them. So she wanted to settle down and marry another basketball player. Immediately.
Glory's agent was connected to the reality TV/TMZ world. So Glory had an interest in social media personalities and rockstars and celebrities. And BG was all of those things. So halfway through BG's second pro year, she proposed to Glory Johnson.
Now why is all this crazy shit happening? Well, BG had weird enablers and fake friends hanging around her back then mooching off her stardom. And the social media rockstar thing had really spiraled out of control.
BG was insecure about her relationship with Glory because, well, Glory is straight. And Glory had a boyfriend. But BG was genuinely obsessed with Glory and afraid she would leave her. So when Glory asked BG to donate her eggs, BG said yes. There was nothing secret about the IVF appointment. BG was there at the appointment getting her eggs removed and placed in Glory's uterus. BG later said she didn't want kids at all and felt pressured into it.
Not long after the IVF appointment, BG and Glory got married. And a few weeks after that, BG came to her senses and tried to have the marriage annulled.
It all started with flirting at 2014 all-star. Then the proposal, the big TMZ fight, the reality TV appearances, the IVF appointment, the marriage, the annulment attempt. That all happened in the span of about 9 months. And then in 2015 the divorce court cases started. So yes, BG pays child support because she is technically the biological mother of Glory's giant twin daughters.
After this whole mess, Diana brought BG to Ekaterinburg. That's when they kind of shut down the whole BG social media rockstar era. They talk a little bit about it in this article.
BG had another random girlfriend in 2017. And then she got tired of that and married her best friend and college sweetheart Cherelle in 2018. And then BG and Cherelle really did become cool and mature lesbian aunties.
When BG was 24 years old, she made some mind-numbingly stupid decisions and turned her entire life upside down. In some ways, people were taking advantage of her stardom and youth and naivety. But oh well. She helped TMZ pay their bills in 2015.
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Fort Wayne, Indiana Divorce Lawyers in Allen County Can Represent You With Virtually Any Family Law Issue
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At Stange Law Firm, PC, our Fort Wayne, Indiana family law attorneys in Allen County offer knowledge and devotion to their clients when it comes to any specific family law case. Stange Law Firm, PC can assist in your child support, family law, divorce, child custody, paternity issue in Allen County and the surrounding areas.
It is extremely important to choose your lawyer based on what fits the best for your case. The team of attorneys at Stange Law Firm, PC offer experienced attorneys that are willing to guide you through every step of the way through your case. The Fort Wayne, Indiana divorce lawyers in Allen County realize and understand that each and every case is different, and is ready to help achieve a just and fair outcome for your family law matter.
The firm provides 24/7 access to the clients documents via Case Tracker that is located on the firm’s website. Each client is able to login at any time to view pleadings and motions that have been filed, letters that have been sent, communications that have been received through other attorneys, discovery issued, and many more. Fort Wayne, Indiana child support lawyers in Allen County give their clients their personal cell phone numbers, and strive to return your calls within a timely manner.
The Fort Wayne, Indiana child custody lawyers in Allen County also offer informational and intriguing blogs for potential clients to read. The articles on the blogs range from: divorce, child support, paternity, domestic violence, and so on. These blogs can be located on the firm’s website. Lastly, for the client’s convenience and easy access, the firm also offers a free downloadable smart phone app entitled, “Divorce Headquarters.”
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We Buy Houses for Cash: The NW Legacy Home Buyers Advantage
In real estate market, selling a home can be a daunting task. Many homeowners face challenges such as financial difficulties, time constraints, or the need to relocate quickly. This is where companies like NW Legacy Home Buyers come into play. They offer a unique solution for homeowners looking to sell their properties quickly and efficiently. This article explores the advantages of working with NW Legacy Home Buyers.
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Another significant benefit of selling to NW Legacy Home Buyers is that homeowners do not need to make any repairs or renovations before selling. Many sellers worry about the costs and time associated with fixing up their homes to attract buyers. However, NW Legacy Home Buyers purchase homes in any condition. This means that homeowners can sell their properties as-is, saving both time and money.
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NW Legacy Home Buyers pride themselves on providing fair cash offers for homes. They assess the property based on its current condition and market value, ensuring that homeowners receive a competitive offer. This transparency in the process helps build trust between the buyer and the seller, making the experience more pleasant for everyone involved.
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When selling a home through traditional methods, sellers often face various fees and commissions that can significantly reduce their profits. However, NW Legacy Home Buyers eliminate these hidden costs. Homeowners receive the full cash offer without worrying about agent commissions, closing costs, or other fees. This straightforward approach allows sellers to keep more of their hard-earned money.
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Selling a home can be a life-changing decision, and homeowners may have specific timelines in mind. NW Legacy Home Buyers understand this and offer flexible closing dates to accommodate the seller's needs. Whether you need to close quickly or require more time to arrange your next steps, they work with you to create a timeline that suits your situation.
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NW Legacy Home Buyers have extensive knowledge of the local real estate market. Their team understands the nuances of the area, including property values and neighborhood trends. This local expertise allows them to provide accurate assessments and fair offers, ensuring that homeowners receive the best possible deal for their properties.
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Selling a home can be one of the most stressful experiences in a person's life. However, NW Legacy Home Buyers strive to make the process as stress-free as possible. Their friendly and professional team guides homeowners through every step, answering questions and addressing concerns along the way. This support helps alleviate the anxiety often associated with selling a home.
Helping Homeowners in Difficult Situations
Many homeowners find themselves in challenging situations, such as facing foreclosure, dealing with inherited properties, or going through a divorce. NW Legacy Home Buyers specialize in helping individuals in these difficult circumstances. They provide compassionate support and practical solutions, allowing homeowners to move forward without the burden of their current situation.
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NW Legacy Home Buyers are not just about buying houses; they are committed to improving the communities they serve. By purchasing homes and revitalizing neighborhoods, they contribute to the overall well-being of the area. This community-focused approach sets them apart from other home-buying companies and reflects their dedication to making a positive impact.
In conclusion, selling your home to NW Legacy Home Buyers offers numerous advantages, including quick transactions, fair cash offers, and a stress-free experience. Their commitment to helping homeowners in various situations, combined with their local expertise, makes them a valuable resource for anyone looking to sell their property. If you are considering selling your home, NW Legacy Home Buyers may be the perfect solution for you
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Trusted Legal Services Windsor: Experienced Lawyers at Your Side
Legal matters can be overwhelming, whether you are dealing with family disputes, business contracts, immigration concerns, or court proceedings. Having experienced legal professionals by your side ensures that your rights are protected and your case is handled effectively. If you are looking for trusted legal services Windsor, Sealed & Legal Counsel is here to provide expert guidance and representation. Led by Adeola, our seasoned lawyer, Sealed & Legal Counsel offers a comprehensive range of legal solutions for individuals, families, and businesses. We are committed to delivering personalized legal strategies, ensuring that every client receives the best possible outcome.
In this article, we’ll explore why professional legal services are essential, the different legal areas we specialize in, and why Sealed & Legal Counsel is the best choice for legal representation in Windsor.
Why You Need Experienced Legal Services
Many people believe they can handle legal issues independently, but the law is complex, and even a small mistake can have serious consequences. Here’s why hiring an experienced legal services lawyer is crucial:
1. Protection of Your Rights
Legal disputes can impact your personal and financial well-being. A lawyer ensures that your rights are protected, whether in a contract negotiation, court case, or family matter.
2. Avoiding Costly Mistakes
Legal paperwork must be filed correctly and on time. Errors in contracts, court documents, or immigration applications can lead to delays or denials. A professional lawyer ensures everything is done properly.
3. Strong Legal Strategy
Every case is unique. A lawyer analyzes your situation, identifies potential risks, and develops a strategy to achieve the best possible result.
4. Efficient Resolution of Legal Issues
Not all cases need to go to court. Lawyers can resolve disputes through mediation and negotiation, saving time and reducing legal costs.
5. Peace of Mind
Legal problems can be stressful. Having a knowledgeable lawyer handle your case allows you to focus on your life and business while they handle the complexities of the law.
Seeking professional legal services ensures that your legal matters are managed with expertise and efficiency.
Comprehensive Legal Services in Windsor
At Sealed & Legal Counsel, we provide a wide range of legal services Windsor residents and businesses can rely on. Our practice areas include:
1. Family Law
Family legal issues require compassion and legal expertise. We assist with:
Divorce and Separation – Helping clients navigate contested and uncontested divorces, division of assets, and separation agreements.
Child Custody and Support – Ensuring fair custody arrangements and proper financial support for children.
Spousal Support – Helping clients establish or modify spousal support agreements.
Child Protection Cases – Representing parents and guardians in child welfare proceedings.
Our goal is to protect your family’s best interests while ensuring a fair and just resolution.
2. Business and Corporate Law
Legal support is essential for business success. We provide:
Business Incorporation – Assisting entrepreneurs in registering and structuring their businesses.
Contract Drafting and Review – Creating and reviewing legally binding agreements to protect business interests.
Employment Law Compliance – Advising on workplace policies, employee contracts, and disputes.
Mergers and Acquisitions – Providing legal guidance for business sales, purchases, and restructuring.
With expert legal assistance, businesses can avoid legal risks and operate smoothly.
3. Immigration and Refugee Law
Navigating Canadian immigration laws can be challenging, but we make the process easier. Our services include:
Permanent Residency Applications – Assistance with Express Entry, Provincial Nominee Programs (PNP), and sponsorship applications.
Work and Study Permits – Helping clients secure legal authorization to work or study in Canada.
Refugee Claims and Appeals – Representing asylum seekers in legal proceedings.
Visa Refusals and Appeals – Assisting clients in challenging denied visa applications.
We ensure that immigration applications are completed correctly and efficiently to improve the chances of approval.
4. Notary and Legal Documentation Services
Legal documents often require certification to be valid. We provide:
Notarization of Affidavits and Declarations – Certifying documents for official use.
Certified True Copies – Authenticating copies of important documents.
Legal Agreement Witnessing – Ensuring contracts and legal agreements are properly executed.
Notarized documents help prevent future legal disputes and provide official proof of authenticity.
5. Litigation and Dispute Resolution
Legal disputes can arise in personal and business matters. Our team provides:
Civil Litigation – Representing clients in disputes related to contracts, property, and financial matters.
Mediation and Negotiation – Resolving conflicts through negotiation instead of lengthy court battles.
Strong Court Representation – Advocating for clients in hearings and trials.
We are dedicated to protecting our clients’ rights and working toward favorable outcomes.
How to Choose the Right Legal Services Lawyer in Windsor
Selecting the right lawyer is crucial to achieving a successful legal outcome. Here are key factors to consider:
1. Experience and Specialization
Choose a lawyer with experience in your specific legal issue, whether it’s family law, business law, or litigation.
2. Reputation and Client Reviews
Check online testimonials and reviews to assess the lawyer’s professionalism and track record.
3. Clear Communication
A good lawyer should be approachable, responsive, and willing to explain complex legal matters in simple terms.
4. Local Knowledge
A lawyer familiar with Windsor’s legal system will have better insights into local court procedures and regulations.
By considering these factors, you can ensure that you are working with a qualified and trusted legal professional.
Why Choose Sealed & Legal Counsel?
At Sealed & Legal Counsel, we are committed to providing high-quality legal services with a client-centered approach. Here’s why we are a top choice in Windsor:
1. Experienced and Knowledgeable Legal Team
Led by Adeola, our legal team brings years of expertise in various practice areas.
2. Personalized Legal Strategies
We tailor our legal approach to fit each client’s unique needs.
3. Transparent and Affordable Pricing
We offer clear pricing structures with no hidden costs.
4. Strong Local Knowledge
As a Windsor-based law firm, we have in-depth knowledge of Ontario’s legal landscape.
5. Commitment to Client Success
We prioritize our clients’ interests, ensuring timely communication and strong legal representation.
How to Get Started with Sealed & Legal Counsel
If you need trusted legal services Windsor, Sealed & Legal Counsel is ready to help. Our legal process is simple and efficient:
Step 1: Initial Consultation
We discuss your legal needs and provide expert advice.
Step 2: Case Evaluation and Strategy
We analyze your situation and develop a customized legal strategy.
Step 3: Representation and Legal Support
We handle all legal documentation, negotiations, and court proceedings.
Step 4: Resolution and Follow-Up
We work to achieve the best possible outcome and provide ongoing support if needed.
Contact Sealed & Legal Counsel Today
If you are looking for an experienced legal services lawyer, Sealed & Legal Counsel is here to assist. Whether you need help with family law, business matters, immigration, or litigation, we provide expert legal guidance and representation.
📞 Call Us: [Your Contact Number] 📧 Email Us: [Your Email] 📍 Visit Us: Windsor, Ontario
Don’t face legal challenges alone. Contact us today for professional legal support and protect your rights!
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yep! also ignore the maryland part, that was an accident— (context if needed: i am prev) ->
many people already make trump out to be the messiah or god’s chosen, especially since he shared a fan-made* ad on twitter (or X) around 6 months. as such, the idea got popular, maybe even more so than the already existing idolization. there was apparently some backlash from some religious communities, one pastor even calling it “absolutely sickening,”** but i haven’t personally seen any in my area or in the churches i’ve been drug along to. can’t say much as my mom isn’t big on trump while my dad isn’t a churchgoer. (they’re divorced.)
the video was made by the Dilley Meme Team who are separate from Trump and his campaign, but are in close contact. they call themselves “Trump’s Online War Machine.” very controversial— “crude and sexist content.” ***
here’s an example of a reaction: i keep thinking it’s satire or sarcastic but…
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/b6f917f58a3112cc66c10d819858e61b/66dfb9d11ee96d55-aa/s540x810/e3c8656f590474dce0a65e329425899d57955c7d.jpg)
* made a mistake. i had thought it was an offical ad and it wasn’t. it was just that trump had shared it on his twitter because he loved it apparently.
** Michael Demastus, pastor of Fort Des Moines Church of Christ
*** information from the UINTERVIEW article: “‘God Made Trump’ Video Presenting Ex-President as A ‘Messiah’ Figure […]”
articles: (tried my best to find reliable news sources, but i’m not that knowledgeable in the right way of doing so. feel free to correct me if need be. do recommend reading the national catholic reporter one if you like analyzing politics and christo-fascism, though. its really good from what i’ve read so far.)
not to put a damper on the mood cause everyones happy and everyones excited but . trump didn't die. hes not gonna be dead. you know what that means? in the minds of conservatives trump has never been a person. he's always been an idea, the ideal conservative; loud, angry, not taking anyone's shit. now this event has confirmed what theyve always thought: they (the liberals) are trying to kill him. theyre scared of him so theyre trying to kill him. this means trump is too close to the truth. it wasnt one fed up person, it was the government trying to silence him. suddenly trump is elevated to a god. donald j trump will now be held amongst conservatives at the same level as abraham lincoln or john fitzgerald kennedy. anyway. next time. dont miss.
#man my commect is so bad and tumblr crashed when i went to post after typing all this noo#if this gets popular would soemone could cover the transcript and image ID? i have no idea how to do them-#FAMILY CAME HOME WHEN I WAS EDITING THIS#WHEN I TELL YOU I RAN TO MY ROOM#— xikyuu yaps
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How the Best Law Firm in Delhi Handles Family and Matrimonial Law Cases
When it comes to family and matrimonial matters, the stakes are often high—whether it’s a divorce, child custody battle, or inheritance dispute. In these sensitive situations, you want to ensure you’re working with the best law firm in Delhi to navigate the complexities of family law with expertise and care. But how exactly do these top firms handle such delicate cases? In this article, we’ll break down the approach of the best law firms in Delhi when dealing with family and matrimonial law matters.
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Understanding the Importance of Family and Matrimonial Law
Why Family Law Matters
Family law is one of the most intricate areas of legal practice. It involves matters that affect personal lives, including divorce, child custody, domestic violence, and spousal support. When emotions run high, clear legal guidance is essential. The best law firm in Delhi understands the emotional toll these cases take on clients and handles them with a delicate balance of professionalism and empathy.
Matrimonial Law: More Than Just Divorce
While divorce is the most common aspect of matrimonial law, it also covers prenuptial agreements, dowry disputes, property settlements, and alimony. The best law firms in Delhi provide comprehensive legal support, ensuring their clients’ rights are protected, regardless of the complexity of the case.
The Approach of the Best Law Firm in Delhi to Family Law Cases
1. In-Depth Consultation and Case Evaluation
The best law firm in Delhi doesn’t dive into a case without first understanding its full scope. From the initial consultation, top law firms take the time to listen carefully to their clients’ concerns, goals, and personal circumstances. This helps lawyers build a strategy tailored to each unique case.
Whether you’re seeking a peaceful separation or are involved in a contentious custody battle, the law firm will assess the legal framework and offer realistic expectations. By gathering all necessary details upfront, they can provide sound advice about the best course of action moving forward.
2. Mediation and Negotiation: Seeking Amicable Solutions
Not all family and matrimonial law cases need to end in a courtroom battle. The best law firms in Delhi prioritize negotiation and mediation to help clients reach amicable settlements. Mediation can save time, reduce stress, and avoid the costs associated with prolonged litigation.
The firm’s skilled lawyers work with both parties to facilitate discussions, ensuring that everyone’s interests are heard. In cases involving child custody, for example, the best firms in Delhi often use mediation to ensure that both parents work together for the child’s best interests, rather than letting the matter escalate in court.
3. Strong Representation in Court
While amicable settlements are ideal, some cases simply require court intervention. When things do go to court, the best law firm in Delhi ensures that their clients have strong representation every step of the way. Experienced family lawyers meticulously prepare the case, gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and formulating legal strategies designed to achieve the best possible outcome.
Whether it’s fighting for a fair division of assets in a divorce or securing full custody of a child, the lawyers at top law firms know how to present a compelling case, leveraging their expertise in matrimonial law to advocate for their clients in front of a judge.
Why Choosing the Best Law Firm in Delhi Matters
1. Expertise in Local Laws
Delhi, as the capital of India, has a unique set of legal challenges and regulations. The best law firm in Delhi has in-depth knowledge of local family laws and matrimonial matters. Whether it’s navigating personal laws like the Hindu Marriage Act, Muslim personal law, or the Special Marriage Act, top law firms are well-versed in how to handle these issues and their intricacies.
2. Compassionate Approach to Sensitive Issues
Family law matters often involve highly emotional issues, from child custody disputes to accusations of domestic violence. The best law firms in Delhi understand the emotional weight of these cases and provide not just legal support, but emotional guidance as well. Clients can feel confident knowing that their case is being handled with both legal expertise and a compassionate understanding of their personal struggles.
Conclusion: Your Partner Through Tough Times
When dealing with family and matrimonial law issues, choosing the best law firm in Delhi is essential to achieving a fair resolution. From initial consultations to court proceedings, top law firms bring expertise, empathy, and a strategic approach to every case. They aim to protect your rights and provide the support you need during some of life’s most challenging moments. If you’re facing a family or matrimonial legal matter, consider partnering with the best law firm in Delhi for the guidance and representation you deserve.
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