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generational-atrophy · 3 months ago
So request, if that's okay, the main 8 with a reader who cries during confrontations and or arguments. An imagine where ofc the main 8 says something hurtful and reader just covers their ears because 1.) Ears do be sensitive and 2.) It causes them to shut down completely
Can we know how they'd handle it plus how it'd go? Ty 💜
hetalia main 8 saying something they regret in an argument
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2.8k words ~ gender neutral headcanons
tw: they say hurtful things, and are kind of assholes in general lol
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America - Alfred F. Jones
“I’m better than this. Why’d I keep someone as seriously uncool as you around?!”
Even as you immediately begin turning away from him, curling into yourself for comfort, Alfred would be less than sympathetic. If you’d ever doubted how self-centred he could be, this was more than enough evidence to prove it.
“What? What- just- don’t do that! You’re the one who started this!”
It’s unlikely he’d let up even after the tears start. He’s really that callous when he feels hurt. After a few tense minutes of silence broken only by your quiet whimpering, he’d start tearing up too. Not from guilt, seeing how much he hurt you. But instead from how he’s only now realizing he has to put his own feelings aside to take care of yours.
He’d approach you like a rabid animal, a lump stuck in his throat as he tries to say anything to get you talking again.
“Listen, it’s uh- not that serious. I’m sorry, ok? Let’s just… like- do something else?”
His comforting consists mostly of trying to get you out of your own head. Once it’s been long enough that you’re less scared, he’d take your hands away from your ears gently and kiss your cheek. If you’re sensitive to other things, he’d wrap his jacket around your shoulders and turn off the lights until you’re up and talking again.
“See? Not that hard, just like I said. Good job, babe…  let’s just keep going like this, yeah?”
Somewhere, past all of the self-absorption and pride, he does have a heart. And that heart will immediately take you out to get ice cream. It’d take him a while to admit fault (and I mean real responsibility, not just his usual “sorry not sorry, move on,” schtick,) but maybe once your tear stains have dried, he’d realize what an ass he’d been.
England - Arthur Kirkland
“G*d, you’re pissing me off already! Just- fuck- get out of here if you hate us so much!”
Like usual. He’s desperate to just leave as soon as there’s conflict. It may be annoying, but at least he’s only doing it because he knows how awful he is when frustrated. 
If you don’t take up his offer to abandon the conversation, he will. You’d have to be seriously struggling to keep him with you in that moment.
“Trust me, everything will be much, much worse if I stay…”
He’s always acting like that. It’s like his conscience disappears when he speaks, but only returns when he’s already said the hurtful thing. Never taking responsibility, always panicking and leaving just as your tears start to fall.
But, the more you tell him how much that hurts, the more he might be willing to stay.
It’ll take him a while to be able to choke out a cowardly “sorry,” but at least he’ll stop trying to push you away at every occasion.
“Wait- don’t cry so much love, I’m- I… I didn’t mean it. Ok? Is that better?”
It’s impossible for him to keep arguing once you’re truly upset. Instead, he’ll take you by the hand to the kitchen so he can start making tea for the two of you. In that silence, he encourages you to speak whatever awful thoughts you’re repeating to yourself. He’s just trying to get you in a comfortable environment again at that point.
Quiet affirmations are the only things he’ll bring, looking at you sympathetically and still holding your hand tight while you talk about whatever you want to. Whether that be something completely random, insults towards him, or actual constructive discussion is up to you.
At the end of the night, he’ll apologize. Not well, mind you, but enough to dissuade you from whatever hurt you earlier. All that matters to him is that you don’t go to bed upset.
“I’ll do better next time… or- I mean- I’ll do my best to… not be like that… again. Promise.”
France - Francois Bonnefoy
“But is it that impossible for you to put in some effort? It’s just… embarrassing to be with you right now!”
He’s always been a fighter for sport. When he argues with you, it’s not to prove a point. It’s probably not about anything he actually cares about either. He honestly just does it for fun. To him, arguing is how you really get to know someone.
So when you take his words to heart and, in the worst case, start crying, he just really doesn’t know what to do.
“Merde, darling, you know I wasn’t being serious! Come on now, don’t take it so personally…”
He may grumble about how he didn’t want you to get so upset, but at least he’ll still calm down and quit pushing you. Whatever tension there was before will dissipate as soon as he sighs, making his way over to you and wrapping you in his embrace. Unless that makes you even more uncomfortable, in which case he’ll just grab your favourite blanket and gently drape it over your shoulders.
“I am so sorry I made you so upset, I really didn’t mean it. You’re wonderful to me, always so stunning!”
For as long as you need him to, he’ll apologize over and over again, playing with your hair and wiping away your tears as delicately as he can manage. He may be just as upset as you are when he realizes what he did, but he’s shockingly good at compartmentalizing that when you need support.
But, if you focus too much on how he hurt you, he might start crying too. He can’t help it. Ignore him.
Either way, he’s there to hold you and validate you in whatever you might be feeling at that moment. Be as irrational as you need to be,  he understands the urge well. And either way, he’ll just nod along to anything you say and insist it’s everyone else's fault. Including his, unlike basically every other man.
“How can you expect to survive when you hold all of this in? Please, always come to me even with small things, we share everything as lovers, yes? I cannot bear to see you as upset as this…”
China - Yao Wang
“Can’t you act your age? How do you expect anyone to put up with you like this?!”
As soon he says it, he knows that was an awful thing to say. He doesn’t need you to tell him, he can tell just by your expression that it was too far. You didn’t deserve that, he told himself.
But that doesn’t mean his ego is gonna let him give in so easily. Even if he was an ass, he still can’t let himself give up “authority” in a fight.
“Agh- that’s not… its not what I mean to say, alright?! So just… pretend I did not….”
If you quit fighting, instead becoming more upset, he’ll really struggle to calm down instead. Like, yes, he knows he should be trying to make you feel better, but that’s- he just doesn’t want to! He entered this fight with a purpose, and just because you’re crying doesn’t make that purpose any less important!
“Why won’t you argue back?! Aiyah, I knew you were childish but-”
Then he cuts himself off. Does he want to be the bigger person and apologize? No. But will he do it if you stop crying? Yes.
He’ll rest a hand on your arm and suggest in the gentlest voice possible that the two of you should go for a walk. Maybe the fresh air will help both of you clear your heads. He doesn’t know what must’ve happened to him to make him say all of those things either.
“I don’t think those thoughts, tiánxīn. I’m sorry I said it, I was upset but… I still should have known better.”
For as quickly as he’s willing to take responsibility, he’s not as much good at the “getting you out of breakdown” stage. Hopefully, you’ve already communicated with him about that so he knows to stop being so loud and trying to touch you. He’ll do whatever you request of him, but what’s best for you in that moment is probably not his first instinct.
“I’m sorry I was being such a huge ass. I love you, I promise.”
Russia - Ivan Braginsky
“You think you are special? I can beat sense into you just like I can them!”
Good luck getting him to understand that you can’t just threaten people within the next few hours. It will not work. When he’s angry, he really doesn’t care about feelings. Just about getting you to cooperate with whatever he says.
He may usually think of both of you as equals, but when you start seriously challenging his authority while he’s in a bad mood, it’s impossible for him to not be cruel. It’s always just better to leave than let him spiral and hurt both of you in the process
Although, he (obviously) would never actually put his hands on you. He just acts like a big baby and’ll stomp his feet and tell you whatever will get the most reaction out of you.
“Любимый, won’t you come out? I’m very sorry, I promise… can’t we just talk?”
But if you do remove yourself from the situation, he would never chase after you and force you to keep being in that awful environment. He knows better than that at least.
The moment you turn away and refuse to engage with his childishness, he’s already planning how to get you to forgive him. For as callous as it seems, your disapproval hurts him more than anything else. He would come to you on his knees, snivelling and pleading,  if that was what he had to do just for you to look at him again
The moment you let him in though, he just rushes over and captures you in his arms. He would dry your tears as gently as he could, treating you like you were made of glass.
“Куколка, куколка, you know I never mean any of that, right? I’m sorry, sorry, please- please, forgive me? If I kiss it better, will you forgive me, любимый?”
He’s so pathetic. Ask anything of him in this state and he’ll do it without hesitation. Unless it’s staying away physically. He’ll be quiet and let you ignore him but don’t try to push him away or he’ll get whiney. If you stress that it isn’t personal enough, maybe he’ll let it go though.
North Italy - Feliciano Vargas
“Why aren’t I good enough? You always abandon me, like-  like I’m nothing! Why do you hate me!?”
The moment either of you pick a fight, he’s already sobbing. Sure, he can argue with his brother for hours, but you matter to him in a much more vulnerable way. If you’re at all upset with him, he instantly feels like you don’t like him any more.
But when he feels attacked, he attacks just as much. In his subconscious, it’s always easier to push you away than have you abandon him yourself. That doesn’t result in very productive conversations, though.
“You’re just pretending you love me! You’re a liar, I- I know it!”
When you start crying along with him from all the awful things he’s said, two things can happen.
One, he cries harder, interpreting your hurt feelings as being an admittance to what he accused you of. Why would you be crying if it wasn’t from guilt, and why’d he say that when he so dreaded it being true?!
Or two, you’ll tell him about how truly terrible it feels to have him think those things about you, and he’ll snap out of it. His overwhelming emotions make him incredibly selfish at the moment, so he truly hadn’t considered how you felt from all of that.
Then he immediately lowers his voice, giving you plenty of space until you feel up to talking again. 
“Oh… I’m sorry! I didn’t- you wouldn’t do that! I know that, you know that, so just- I’m sorry! Please, forgive me, amore mio dolce!”
He pulls you into a hug immediately, keeping the two of you as close as physically possible as he whispers promise after promise of his love. Until your tears dry, he won’t stop strangling you with unabashed affection, doing anything he can just to get you smiling again.
The feeling of guilt is not something he’s used to. It’s not out of the realm of possibility that he’ll start crying again too.
“If I ever make you feel bad again, please shut me up, please! I can’t take the thought of you so hurt by my words!”
Germany - Ludwig Beilschmidt
“My word should be more than enough for you to shut up already!”
It’s exceedingly rare that he ever loses his temper around you like that. Normally, you’re the one thing that can always calm him down. Just looking at your face makes his chest fill with butterflies, drowning out whatever dark thoughts he’s having.
So, needless to say, he immediately regrets snapping at you. Immediately.
“Wait, no- no, I didn’t mean to say that. I didn’t mean to. It’s not true, just- just stupid, I’m sorry, liebling…”
Whatever you two were arguing about is instantly forgotten as he rushes over to you and takes your face in his hands. It just breaks his heart to see you hurt, much more at his own actions. You don’t have to worry about him taking responsibility, he would never try to dodge the guilt of making you cry.
It’s not the first time he’s lost control, and he knows it’s his fault. But maybe if he takes you in his arms gently enough, rocking you back and forth as you cry into his shoulder, it’ll make it a little easier for you.
But if you just need a silent moment to yourself, that’s perfectly fine too. He’s autistic, so he certainly understands the feeling and will happily provide you with whatever comforting items you request.
“I’m sorry… you didn’t deserve what I said. I love you, please tell me you know that…”
Even if you pretend you weren’t that upset by it, Ludwig wouldn’t let it go like that. If he gets to his breaking point like that, whatever fight you were having is put aside for the night. Now all that matters to him is that the two of you make up and get back into how things were before as soon as possible.
Expect him to be beating himself up for a while though. He just wants you to know how sorry he is, how much he regrets snapping at you, even if it does seem a bit excessive. But he’s just had too many people he cared about leave to not make a whole thing out of it.
Japan - Kiku Honda
“Don’t you have any sense of personal space? You are like- choking me with all of… you! I can’t stand it!”
He’s a logical man. That’s one thing he always tells himself. Never, not even when he’s emotional, does he say things he doesn’t mean. Was the way he said it less than perfect? Yes, of course, he can’t believe he had just acted so impolitely, especially to someone who he cares so much for. But he still… meant what he said.
But, for the first time, as he watches your face break slowly, he’s not so sure of himself. Whether he meant it or not seems suddenly so inconsequential compared to the thought of hurting you. He… upset you? That wasn’t supposed to happen.
“Ah- why are you crying? What is wrong? You… you- it will be… alright, you know? You are ok!”
Wait- no, don’t cry more from that! He has absolutely no idea how to comfort you, but if he really has to, he’ll do his best. Although it’s a little difficult for him to resist drawing your hands away from your ears, he’ll do his best to just let you have your process (no matter what that means for you.)
Before you can even hear him coming closer, you’re suddenly drawn into an intimate hug. His hand drawing your head underneath his and kissing the crown of your head so lovingly, it's almost like another person possessed him as he turns so soft just at the sight of your tears
Would his pride usually reject this? Yes, but, it’s certainly not the first time he’s had to put that aside for you.
He’ll sputter generic apologies, purposefully hiding his grimace as he forces himself to forget about whatever you two were arguing about before. Well, at least for now. Most likely he’ll bring it up not long after, but in a much more… non-confrontational way.
“Let us go do something else instead, hm? You’ll only get more upset like this, and I want that as little as you want it.”
On one hand, he’s a little annoyed he had to put aside his own gripes to calm you down. But on the other hand, he hates conflict. Anything that gets you guys back to normal is worth it, especially if otherwise you’ll be crying in his arms. That’s his absolute nightmare.
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c0llisiion · 5 months ago
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♱ HEY GUYS! I have decided to participate in kinktober this year cus i realised i haven’t posted anything throughout September 😭 THIS IS MY FIRST EVER KINKTOBER SO IM REALLY EXCITED!
This kinktober will be strictly for BTS, STRAYKIDS and ATEEZ. In the span of a month, i will be posting short drabbles on the weekdays and not the weekends (to avoid burnout) excluding the first week, with a total days of 25. the first fic will be posted on OCT 1 and the rest will come in the following order.
Warning: some of the following prompt/kinks might be uncomfortable to some readers, so please refrain from reading further. Fics will be short drabbles and nothing more than that. Please be respectful and cooperative with me! Tysm!
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✦ day 1 - namjoon : titfucking
✦ day 2 - hyunjin : hate sex
✦ day 3 - hongjoong : prostitution
✦ day 4 - hoseok : dubcon
✦ day 5 - bangchan : corruption
✦ day 6 - choi san : virginity
✦ day 7 - taehyung : breeding
✦ day 8 - jeongin : lactation
✦ day 9 - jimin : praise kink
✦ day 10 - lee know : humiliation
✦ day 11 - wooyoung : sensory deprivation
✦ day 12 - mingi : somnophillia
✦ day 13 - felix : noncon
✦ day 14 - lee know and bangchan : double penetration
✦ day 15 - seokjin : public sex
✦ day 16 - mingi, yunho, and seonghwa : moresome
✦ day 17 - yunho : spanking
✦ day 18 - seungmin : exhibition
✦ day 19 - yoongi : voyeurism
✦ day 20 - han jisung : deepthroating
✦ day 21 - changbin : panties
✦ day 22 - seonghwa : pregnancy
✦ day 23 - yeosang : face sitting
✦ day 24 - jongho : cockbulge
✦ day 25 - jungkook : masturbation
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A/N : hope yall are excited as much as i am!! 😭😭😭 stay tuned!! <3
If you want to be part of the taglist please comment!!
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fear-is-truth · 6 months ago
hii I wanna request, I hope you’re alright with it. the reader pissed off peter maximoff REALLY BAD and then he stuffed her like a twinkie all over again :3
── peter maximoff x f!reader | nsfw ‧ mdni
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tags: brat! reader. dom! peter. vagināl fingēring. dirty talk. manhandling. force feeding. unprotected p in v. creampie. not proofread, english is not my 1st/2nd language. 1.8k
a/n: this is kinda rushed, sorry if it’s bad. ‘m busy with college prep and all that shit :(
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You were sprawled out on the couch in your boyfriend’s mum’s basement, growing increasingly bored as he remained glued to the Pac-Man machine. Peter was hell-bent on beating his high score, but all you wanted was for him to come over and cuddle with you. You shifted on the couch, huffing dramatically, but he didn’t even glance your way.
You spotted a box of Twinkies on the side table and smiled. Maybe a little distraction would do the trick. You grabbed one from the box, aimed it at the back of his head, and tossed it.
In a split second, Peter’s left hand shot out, catching the snack without even looking away from the screen.
“Nice try,” he muttered, ripping open the wrapper with his teeth and stuffing the snack into his mouth. He tossed the wrapped behind his back, still hunched over the arcade cabinet.
Undeterred, you grabbed another Twinkie and launched it at him. This time, Peter spun around with that infuriatingly cocky smirk, catching it in midair.
“Really?” he chuckled before turning back to his game.
Oh, it was on.
You reached for a third Twinkie, aiming carefully, and let it fly. Peter caught it again, faster than you could blink.
“Are you done?” he asked, his tone playfully annoyed, still focused on the game.
But you were far from done. With an annoyed huff, you grabbed another Twinkie and hurled it with all the force you could muster. The snack flew across the room, and for a moment, you thought you might miss again—but this time, Peter didn’t catch it. The Twinkie smacked the back of his head just as his Pac-Man character turned a corner, running straight into a ghost.
The sound of the game dying filled the room—first the distinctive womp womp womp as the ghost devoured Pac-Man, followed by the shrill bee-doop bee-doop as the screen flashed “Game Over.”
Peter’s hand froze on the joystick, his character fading from the screen, leaving only the taunting “Game Over” message blinking.
He slowly turned around, and you could see the mix of irritation and disbelief in his eyes.
“You did not just do that,”
You leaned back into the couch, giving him your most innocent look, going so far as to pout.
“What? I was just trying to help you… take a small break,”
But Peter wasn’t having it. In a flash, he was right in front of you, using his speed to pin you down on the couch before you could even process what was happening. His hands grabbed your wrists, pressing them above your head, his face hovering just inches above yours.
“You’re really askin’ for it, aren’t you?”
He muttered, and you could sense the anger rolling off him in waves, but the defiant smirk on your face never faltered. You bit your lip, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks. He leaned down, his face hovering just inches from yours, and you could catch the faint scent of sugar on his breath.
“Yeah? What are you gonna do about it?” you taunted, trying to keep your voice steady, even as your heart raced in your chest.
Peter’s eyes narrowed, a devious smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. Without breaking eye contact, he reached over to the side table and grabbed one of the Twinkies you’d been pelting him with earlier. He tore open the wrapper with his teeth, the sound of crinkling plastic breaking the tense silence between you.
Before you could even process what was happening, Peter’s hand shoved the sponge cake into your mouth, forcing the damn thing between your lips.
Your eyes widened in shock as the sugary treat filled your mouth, your protests muffled by the sudden intrusion. Choking and spluttering, you attempted to push the Twinkie out with your tongue, but Peter was relentless. His hands moved to pin your shoulders down, holding you in place on the couch as he leaned over you, his smirk widening as he watched your struggle.
“Thought you wanted a snack,” Peter taunted,“that ought to do the trick.”
You glared up at him, trying to shoot him a look that was equal parts annoyance and defiance. Peter’s smug grin only grew wider as he watched you try to chew and swallow the Twinkie, your cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk.
“Unless… you want something else stuffed inside you,”
You glared back at him, still breathing heavily from the surprise attack. In the next moment, his hand was on your thigh, moving under your skirt with purpose that sent desire stirring inside your loins. A small moan escaped your lips as his fingers brushed against your panties, teasing the wet spot there.
Pushing aside the fabric, his nimble fingers delved into your folds, stroking and teasing, drawing out your arousal. You arched into his touch, hips bucking as he circled your clit with his thumb. Without warning, he unceremoniously plunged two fingers into you, sinking to the knuckles. A strangled yelp escaped your lips at the sudden intrusion and your pussy clenched when his digits curled against your sweet spot.
“That’s it,” he cooed, scissoring his fingers. “Get all nice and wet for me.”
You could feel the pressure building inside you, your muscles tensing as Peter worked you higher and higher. Just as you were about to crest, he pulled his hand away, leaving you aching and empty.
Peter wasted no time, his hands finding your upper arms. With a swift movement, he flipped you onto your stomach, the couch creaking as you squirmed under him.
“Peter…’s not fair…” you whined, sounding way more whiney and pathetic than you’d intended, but you were too worked up to care. He straddled your hips, legs on either side of you. You could feel his hardness press against your ass, warmth radiating through your clothes as he leaned down,
“Wow, this is rich, comin’ from the brat who was hurling Twinkies at me five minutes ago.”
This was it—the moment you secretly hoped for. You bit your lip, quivering with excitement.
He didn’t waste any time unzipping his fly and shoving down his jeans. He then yanked down your panties before gripping your thighs, spreading them apart as he positioned himself between them. His cock slide smoothly into your wetness with a lewd squelch and you gasped, toes curling as he filled you up. It felt amazing, the familiar heat in your stomach.
“Fuck,” Peter groaned, his voice strained.
“You feel so fucking good,”
Hands gripping firmly on your hips, he pulled out almost completely before slamming back into you, the flesh of your ass smacking loudly against his pelvis.
“Aahhh— oh god,”
You mewled, feeling his fat tip graze your g-spot. His pace was relentless, his cock plunging in and out you with an animalistic fervor. The couch shook under the force of his thrusts, and you clutched at the cushions, nails digging into the fabric as your body rocked. Peter’s free hand roamed over your body, cupping your breast and squeezing it roughly.
You arched your back, offering yourself to him, your pleasure growing as he jackhammered his girth into you. The slapping sound of flesh meeting flesh filled the basement, your moans and whimpers interspersed with Peter’s grunts.
“Love Twinkies so much, huh? How ‘bout I stuff that sweet pussy full of cum?”
he taunted, his pace quickening. Delirious, you simply nodded, unable to form words as the pleasure built to a crescendo. Your pussy clenched around him, greedily urging him deeper. Peter’s breath was hot on your neck, his voice low as he swore at you between thrusts. You could feel his cock throbbing inside you, the evidence of his approaching climax.
His grip on your hips tightened, and with one final, powerful thrust, he buried himself deep inside you. You cried out as you reached the peak, your orgasm washing over you in waves. Peter followed close behind, his hips jerking as he pumped you full with his release. He stayed inside you for a moment, thrusting languidly until a white ring formed around the base of his cock, dribbling onto the couch.
He collapsed onto your back, panting heavily. You lay underneath him, basking in the post-coital glow, feeling both satisfied and slightly ashamed of the events that led to this moment. The room fell silent once more, save for the sound of your heavy breathing and Peter’s ragged gasps. He rested his chin on your shoulder, hands still holding onto your hips.
“If you want my attention, just ask, m’kay? Never mess with my Pac-Man again.”
he slurred, pressing a kiss to your temple. You rolled your eyes, smiling despite yourself.
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 fear-is-truth 2024 — all rights reserved. do not modify, repost, translate, or plagiarise my content.
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blood-smiles · 7 months ago
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𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄! 𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐈𝐃 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐗 𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄! 𝐌𝐀𝐃 𝐒𝐂��𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓 - TW MDNI . yandere content . yanderes . creepy thoughts from both yanderes . post-apocalypse AU .
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╰┈➤ Long ago, it was said that humanity thrived together as a whole in peace and harmony, they all went to the same places and had similar experiences, they shared and traded food and items, the peace was always kept because of laws, the air was pure and the water was clear and tasteless, complete perfection.
But where was that now? It’s the year 2313, it’s been a long time since that chapter was ripped from the ancient book of humanity,
You wrapped a mask around your head, clicking your tongue as your fingers fiddled with the leather buckles of the mask,
After a struggling with the mask for a few seconds you finally succeeded in fastening the item to the back of your cranium,
The thick belt wrapped around your head and behind your ears, the borders of the leather digging into your skin and leaving an aching red imprint on your head,
You steadily got up from your couch, walking over to the deserted shopping cart in the corner, putting your hands around the cart’s bars and lifting it up from the floor, putting it back on its wheels as it used to be,
You rolled the cart around your laboratory, listening for squeaks or strange sounds, when you made sure there wasn’t any problems with the cart you put it aside momentarily,
You ran over to one of your counters as snatched a pair of goggles from the metal surface,
Securing them on your eyes as best you could, your hands grabbed the flimsy fabric of your coat and pulled up the hood, you were all geared up and ready to go.
Your hands gripped the bar of your shopping cart, your eyes scanning the inside of the empty shopping cart, the once silver metal was oxidizing, slowly turning into a murky brown tint,
you pushed your cart through your run down town, waving at acquaintances and kicking little pebbles out of your way,
This is how your everyday life went, around 5 p.m you would get geared up and go into the junk yard to look for unwanted “trash” from Ether,
most of the time what you found wasn’t even trash, maybe a little worn down, but these people were throwing away full shampoo bottles and moisturizers! You wish you had that problem..
Ether was the island above the slums or better know as “the pit”, Ether was known as the place only peasants like you could wish they could end up there, which wasn’t ever going to happen,
Only the richest of the rich or elite are allowed up there, and the people down in the pit were uneducated and poor, having nothing more than a button and a few pieces of clothes to their name,
Truly pitiful, and you were no different, the only thing you had was a run down laboratory your father left behind,
He was supposedly a smart man, one of the first developers of the species known as “Androids” yet none of his work was given credit towards him, which ended him up here, in the pit.
You knew how to repair an android, but coding one was beyond your abilities, you worked as a handyman for a few silver coins, that’s how you went on about life,
You developed your skills as you went, and apparently the only note worthy trait you had was your ability to salvage broken things,
You kicked away some trash with your muddy boots, the rubbish flying far away and into the piles of trash,
“Fuckin’ trash..” you complained under your breath, your heavy duty boots clinging to the sticky mud underneath, making unpleasant squelches in the mud,
The sound of clanking was heard when the piece of trash hit a surface, your ears immediately pricked up,
Whipping your head into the direction of where the trash fell, you immediately let go of your cart and jogged over to a pile of crap,
You stepped onto the unsteady heap of trash, your knee beginning to buckle under your own weight, warning you that you were about to loose your footing,
You fell forward, wind brushing by your ears as you began your descension , sticking your arms out, you braced for the impact,
with a loud clank you landed on top of a scrap of metal, your hands laying on a hard, cool material, you pushed yourself off the object to get a better look on it,
it seemed to hold a humanoid shape, but it by no means looked like one, instead of a face it had a screen, which was pitch black and roughed up, split right through the middle, nothing you couldn't fix.
It didn't have the look of a typical android, it seemed like it was missing its silicone skin, a normal android look closely alike to a human, this one looked more like a robot,
Its body was large, made of a sturdy material, despite having no muscles it did have something alike to it but made of steel, the shine being dulled by the dirt,
your eyes trailed to its chest, which was steel, a shocker. It seemed to have a symbol on its left pectoral in an electric blue tint, while its right one seemed to have a name tag, but the letters were scratched off, what looked deep jagged scratches on its chest, whoever did this either didn't like their name or didn't want anyone to see its real name,
that logo.. That was the logo of the best android engineers in Ether, Its obviously an android, but its strange that they would throw out androids,
your eyes wandered down the android's body to its legs, which were missing, cables poked out of the holes where its legs were supposed to be,
you rand your hand down your face, where were its fucking legs? You couldn't take it home without its legs! You put the Android's upper body on your back, then letting it slip off your back and into your shopping cart with a loud bang,
you began to look around, lifting rubbish with the tip of your shoe, peeking under all surfaces until you saw what seemed to be a foot poking out from a pile of soggy cardboard,
you pulled out the limb with your whole body weight, the sheer height and thickness of that single limb was impressive, the leg stood in height about where your waist was,
you tossed the heavy limb in your shopping cart with the Android, you walked around for about 40 minutes, looking everywhere for the other leg,
just when you were about to give up you tripped over something, looking at what made your hit the ground, you realized it was the leg you were looking for,
your heart beat happily in your chest as you pushed the heavy cart back to your house lab,
you had a dopey grin on your face the whole way home, you couldn't help but have a pep in your step, you were already thinking of how you would name your new Android,
"(Y/n)? O-Oh! It is you! How are you, sweet pea?" You could recognize that voice anywhere, if it wasn't the the village doctor!
You turned around, smiling widely at the man, still in his clad white uniform, hair tie slipping down his long ginger hair, and those characteristic cracked glasses, it was Kairo.
"Heya Kairo! 'm good, jus' pushin this home.'" You waved to him weakly, your calloused hands tired from pushing the cart,
Kairo jogged up to you, stopping only inches away, he brought a hand up to his face, his cheeks adorned with alight dusting of pretty pink,
"I recall asking you to rest, didn't I? You better have a good reason to be wearing yourself out like this.." the ginger scolded, crossing his arms across his chest, his magenta eyes staring you down something alike to a mother’s disappointed gaze,
Kairo was an absolute blessing to have down here in the slums, he was the doctor and used to be a scientist, his knowledge in both fields was greatly appreciated, especially since it seemed the world had it out for you and your physical well being,
he got kicked out of Ether many years ago, you were about 13 when he got dropped in the pit,
He really stirred the pot when he got here, no one even tried getting closer to him due to their reluctance about him and his origins, no one here trusts those who were born in Ether,
Kairo got pushed away, glared at, kicked and even sometimes people spat on him, no one really knows what he did to get him off Ether,
Yet it is still a fact that even if the others have warmed up to him, they still treat him exponentially different from the other habitants of the slums,
you were the first and only one to extend your hand out to him in times of need, you gave him a safe haven when he needed it most, and just for that fact he has sworn to always be with you, through thick and thin, he will protect you and put you back together time and time again, just how you loved him, he will love you back tenfold.
your smile turned bashful, wiping your sweaty hands on your shirt you started trying to recount the events of today,
"..So then I decided to take him home to repair him back up! He's in pretty good shape, I jus need ta' wire his legs back on then fix his screen, give him a lil' bath and I will be done with him!"
Kairo looked back at the robot with narrowed eyes, a dark shadow casting over his pale features,
you felt oddly unsettled by his sharp gaze, this side of him was completely unknown to you, and gee was it scary.
"..Where did you find this thing?" He asked—no, demanded, his voice dropping an octave lower, the sharpness of his tone wasn't quite directed at you though, but more at the robot in your cart,
"Uhm, I found him in the Junk yard.." You rasped out, your throat feeling constricted, words barely audible out of the feeling of fear you had, this mood of him was awfully uncharacteristic of him, it really creeped you out,
Kairo seemed to notice your state, the last thing he would want was to make you fear him.. for now, he will let it go.
"I see.." the taller male responded, a tinge of worry in his voice "Well, all I ask of you is to be careful, you don't know where it came from, and personally, I don't want to see you hurt.." He hugged himself, looking off to the side shyly, his gloved hand reaching up to twirl a strand of his cantaloupe colored hair around his finger,
the carefree smile you had earlier started returning as you saw Kairo softening up again, you were glad he wasn't upset at you,
you ran up to him, momentarily leaving your cart and new companion behind to give him some affection,
your arms wrapped around his slender waist as you cuddled his chest, your cheek pressed up right next to his heart,
Kairo's breath hitched, a kaleidoscope of butterflies going off in his guts, the wings of the small insects making contact with his insides, the pleasant feeling didn’t help the flush in his face spreading like a wildfire,
his longer arms wrapped around your neck, hugging you closer to him, he pressed his lips against your forehead gently, intentionally catching a whiff of your hair's scent, ‘my sweet baby.. You really don’t realize what I feel for you, do you?’ His eyes fluttered closed, long eyelashes ghosting over his tired under eyes,
these were the moments with you he could kill for, he would do anything to be this close to you always, skin to skin, heart to heart, and hopefully one day, lips to lips.
The ginger reluctantly let go, crossing his arms once again as he gazed at your retreating form longingly, his mind couldn't help but wander back to that specific Android, dangerous thoughts leaking into his brain continuously like a broken faucet,
"If you do something to her, I will rip your fucking head off.."
But you on the other hand were giddy as fuck, you had already unloaded the android and sat him down on your lab counter,
lifting his left leg up you propped it below the wires hanging off the holes of where his legs were supposed to be in,
you connected the wires carefully, melting them together once again, soon you connected the legs into his hip socket, a loud clicking noise let you know you did the job correctly,
you did the same with his right leg, another loud click reached your ears, you pulled on the legs as best as you could from different angles, and they wouldn't budge, not a single creak or sign of the limbs wanting to detach from the body anymore,
and with that you moved onto the cracked screen of the head of the android,
you somehow managed to seal the cracks and give the mask a polish to leave it looking good as new, you were pretty satisfied with the results,
you scrubbed off the dirt and grime off the metallic protective plates, you scrubbed and scrubbed every single crevice of its body until the robot was spotless and shining under the dim lighting,
he was beautiful.
Your heart was pounding out of your chest, anxiety coursing through your veins, sweat beads ran down your skin, dampening your shirt,
you opened the back of his cranium, cables wrapped in metallic material linking to the back of his head, a blue power button inside all the wires and mother boards inside, green and silver peeking out from inside his head,
you pressed on the button, then stepped back, crossing your fingers that he would come to life, you clasped your hands together in prayer,
buzzing came from the Android, limbs twitching, sparks coming from its joints,
soon, the screen on its "face" lit up, something alike to a smiley face being displayed on the black screen,
it looked down at its hands, closing and opening its fists, kicking its legs, it realized it was alive once more, that it was moving and that it was okay,
you didn’t know how to react, should you be happy? Scared? It was all so conflicting, you wanted to jump out of happiness but at the same time you wanted to run away, cry and vomit.
It turned its head to you, the gentle sound of ticking coming from deep inside his metal plates,
The sound of its metallic feet hitting the murky ground startled you, making you jump violently, you would have jumped out of your skin if it came closer,
It seemed to stop when it saw that you were scared, and so it stopped, it stared at you, not moving an inch from it place,
slowly, it extended its long arm, opening its robotic palm and holding it out to you, (e/c) looked down at its hand, analyzing how his joints popped and twitched,
you were starting to regret taking the massive machine home, Kairo was right, this Android totally had something off about it,
but even as your common sense screamed at you to stay back and run away, it all was drowned out by the overlapping thoughts buzzing in your head,
how much could this thing sell for? It was modified, Obviously, it was crystal clear that these modifications had been done illegally,
you carefully put your smaller hand in his own, you looked up at the screen that was his face warily,
“a-ah..” the android made a noise, was his voice box broken? You tried repairing him as best as you could, but his voice box was something you unfortunately didn’t know how to repair,
he pointed a finger towards you, tilting his head while making more noises,
“ah.. ah?” Was it asking you something? It gently tapped your arm, pointing at you,
oh. It was asking you for your name.
“oh.. You can’t speak, can you?” It shook its head, putting it hand on its throat to emphasize,
“well.. I’m (Y/n), and.. It’s nice to finally meet you..?” You coughed into your fist as you finished, awkwardly shifting from side to side,
an emoticon of sorts appeared on the metallic male’s face visor, it seemed… happy?
“Aaah?” It pointed to itself, looking down at its name tag, only to realize that it had completely scratched off,
it stayed silent before looking up at you, gently guiding your hand to its chest, where it’s name tag once resided,
“..You want a name?” It nodded, pointing to itself once again,
“..I actually was thinkin’ about what to name you.. Welcome to the world, Exo.” You gave it a toothy grin, watching as how the screen visor of his suddenly showed a blue glowing heart,
It took you by surprise when the droid grabbed onto you by under your arm pits, lifting you up to his height,
you watched as how the glowing blue heart on his visor beat like how a heart would, and it only seemed to be getting faster,
it brought you closer to it, holding you like a baby, it rubbed its cheek(?) against yours, the uncomfortable friction of its glass screen making contact with your own,
And that’s when you heard it, a low rumbling sound resounded from its chest, the vibrations melting against your skin,
is he fucking purring..?
“I’m glad— urgh.. you liked your name..” you barely made out, trying to create some space between both of your bodies, however the bot wouldn’t move a centimeter away from you,
after pleading with it, he decided to put you down,
it gently pat your head, before putting its hands on its knees to observe you more closely,
“uh.. Okay, Well.. You can just follow me around, I want to see how good of a job I did at fixing you..” and with that you walked out of your laboratory,
a larger hand grabbed onto your sleeve, you already knew who it was so you didn’t spare him a look,
you let him grab onto your sleeve, the cool feeling of it’s metal fingers making contact with your skin,
Exo didn’t know what to make of things, he was especially surprised when he woke up to a little human greeting him,
he couldn’t see anything, but from the noises and fleeting touches around his body he could tell that someone was trying to fix him up,
and then he could see everything, from the little scars on your skin to the exact shade of your eye color,
his memory board felt empty, he tried to remember, but his mind was a blank slate, it was like trying to squeeze water from a stone, impossible.
but one thing he did know was that he was eternally indebted to this cute human, Exo wanted to assume that this was his creator, but he knew better, his real creator didn’t care about him,
he knew he was thrown off somewhere high, he didn’t know when or from where, but just that action showed him that whoever created him had no care for him,
But.. You took the time to fix him with your caring hands, you didn’t have any obligation whatsoever to even touch him, but you did,
from looking down at his own body he could tell you spent countless hours polishing his body, not even a crevice of his body had a single spot of filth,
his joints were smooth, his movements were swift and elegant, something he never thought he would be able to regain,
you might as well be his owner now, you are so small.. So frail, he looked down at you and he felt this inexplicable feeling of wanting to grab you and cradle you like a human baby,
your smaller form was so comfortable to hold in his arms, he could accommodate his body to your liking,
he understands that his chest isn’t the most comfortable, under the heavy metal plating there is soft layers of silicone that could help with trying to make you more comfy against his body,
he wished nothing more than to communicate with you, to tell you how much he appreciated you and how he wished to serve you in the way you served him,
but the only type of noise that made it out of his mouth (?) was pathetic moans and sighs, that was no way to communicate with you,
He heard the voice of a man earlier, his sensors picked up on his heart rate, it was.. familiar, he knew that rhythm from some where.. but he can’t quite remember from where,
this mysterious man’s heart beat spiked up as soon as you approached him, his breathing turned slower and heavier,
Exo heard you call out to that man, apparently his name was Kairo.. the android repeated his name in his mind, Kairo, Kairo, Kairo.. That was an unusual name..
then he spoke, and his voice hit home, he still had no idea who this man was, but his hate for him tenfolded,
Exo hated how he spoke to you, his voice was so warm and welcoming towards you, pure love and adoration in his tone, he just knew that man wanted to shove his tongue down your throat, repulsive.
but Exo has claimed you long ago, ever since you picked him up and ever so gently put him into your cart he had vowed to be by your side,
‘Kairo’ directed his tone towards him and Exo didn’t like it one bit, his tone was so sharp, the iron-clad Android could feel the intensity of ‘Kairo’ on him, his eyes feeling like they could burn through the thick layers of metal of his body,
Then he felt a warm calloused hand on his shoulder, gently running up and down the ridges of his armor, that touch made him melt into a puddle of goo,
making him forget about the developing grudge against Kairo,
however he knew that wasn’t going to be the last time he would see him.
. . .
Several days had passed since you had booted Exo’s system up, and it was safe to say that the last days had been nothing but bliss,
it was like he was lying on cloud nine, he started to believe that he had been blessed by some force and sent you down, it was nothing less than euphoria.
You, however had to head into town, and Exo could never dream of making you go alone, never in a millennia would he allow that,
So he decided to accompany you, his large hand clasped around your own, your hand gently grabbing onto his pointer finger,
Exo kept a close eye on you, trying to sense of something was amiss, your heart beat seemed steady, your glucose was normal and your oxygen levels were okay,
he wished he could just carry you so you wouldn’t need to walk, he wouldn’t want to wear down your fragile bones!
but you refused his offer.. you said that you were ‘too old for that’, Exo really didn’t want you to be embarrassed, he decided to let this slide— for now.
his steps were heavy behind you, loud thumps being heard when his mechanical feet hit the ground,
you were pushing your cart through the dust and dirt, while Exo was carrying your backpack and money, who were comically small compared to his large and broad body,
you snickered to yourself as you looked back at him for a split second, he seemed to notice, suddenly his screen lit up, a blue heart blinking on the screen,
“a-ah..” he moaned out, tilting his head close to his right shoulder, you really wished you could understand the damn thing, but it seemed to be able to communicate through moans and exhales,
“Ya know I have zero idea what yer sayin’, right?” You sighed as you looked away, your cart wheels getting jammed on a rock out of nowhere,
it had you clicking your tongue as you bent down to pick the rock out of the old wheels,
the bot bent down to assist you, kneeling right next to you, there to help you if you needed anything,
“(Y/n)! What a coincidence! It has been a bit since we have last spoken, you aren’t running away from me are you?” The familiar voice of a certain admirer rang out from above you,
“hah? ‘Course not, You are my favorite person in this old dinky town..” you gave Kairo a crooked smile, dusting off your pants to face him fully,
his eyes softened, a gentle smile marking his plump lips, sometimes you really forgot how pretty Kairo was,
“..Y-You really think so..?” Aw shit, did you say that out loud? You nodded your head either way, an embarrassed flush warming your cheeks, Kairo put his hands on his face trying to hide the blush heating up his whole face, his hand gently extended out towards you,
Kairo was about to put his hand on your head, however his hand was stopped by a silver encased one, the mechanic fingers tightening around the Ginger’s arm,
“…” a certain chrome plated male stopped Kairo’s arm from going any further,
“..Huh. And who do you think you are?” Kairo retaliated, veins sprawling across his arm and porcelain face, an unnatural look to his other wise doll like appearance,
his glasses slipped down the slope of his nose, showing a pretty little bump on his upturned nose,
his thick brows furrowed, his pretty face twisted into a menacing scowl, his lively magenta eyes losing the shine they had when they met with your (e/c) eyes,
Exo on the other hand didn’t show a sliver of emotion, the screen visor he possessed didn’t show the emoticons he tends to show, instead a pitch black screen was shown,
Expo refused to utter a single sound, which was somehow more menacing than anything, fear instilled deep inside you, slimy tendrils of uncertainty and the urge to run pooling in your intestines,
“ha..haha— How about we calm down?” You suggested as calmly as you could, which was not very good since you were about to piss your pants,
You didn’t notice your hands shaking violently, your fingers and hands being unable to keep still, you were so distracted trying to tone down the situation you forgot about keeping calm yourself,
Both of the men turned to face you, noticing your shaken up state they seemed like they were about to stop,
the duo simultaneously reached out to you, trying to touch you, they seemed to have gotten distracted from their fight, however they were far from over,
“What the fuck do you think you are doing? Can’t you see she is scared? Tsk.. what a disgrace, to think you would care about a human being.. Touch her and I won’t hesitate to pull those cables out of your fucking head.” Kairo threatened, his hand balling into a fist
“…” the bot just stared at him, unresponsive.
This was your chance to book it out of here, a crowd of people were coming your way, you took advantage of their ‘moment’ to get away,
you blended into the streets, luckily you had a few silver coins on you, so you could hang out until Exo came to find you, which he always did,
you could apologize to Kairo later and spend some well deserved time with the ginger, not today though.
shit.. Did they team up to come after you? Because.. they aren’t where they were going when you looked back..
Is it just you or.. Are two people breathing down your neck?
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amethystsoda · 18 days ago
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jaskersneakthief · 26 days ago
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𖦹★☆ wonda ✿
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teezingsiyeon · 8 months ago
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NAME: Lee Siyeon | 이시연
DATE OF BIRTH: December 8th, 1998
PLACE OF BIRTH: Daegu, South Korea
MAIN POSITION: Vocalist, Sub Rapper
LANGUAGES: Korean (native), English (conversational), Japanese (conversational)
DEBUT DATE: October 24th 2018 (KQ Entertainment)
NICKNAME(S): signie, wifey, atz’s nuna, that girl from ateez, daughter of k-rock, atz’s poet, siyeon oppa
SPECIAL TALENTS: plays the electric guitar and piano, freestyle rapping, video game nerd, pokemon impressions
FACECLAIM: siyeon of dreamcatcher
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copyright @ teezingsiyeon
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sewooonz · 1 month ago
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25.01.26 💌 happy moonbin day! 🍀
last fall, i visited moonbin forest🌲🌲 there weren't many bus stops close to the forest from seoul so, it took awhile getting there—about 20~30 minutes walking to the forest from the bus stop.
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^ some pretty flowers on the side of the road :) it was relaxing, being able to walk around in nature in a somewhat secluded area away from the hustle and bustle of the city. there were a few convenience stores by the river where they sold ramyun so, i ate lunch there along the way.
when i arrived at the forest, the first thing i saw was a one of the signboards placed within the forest.
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i tried reading the words, but for some reason i couldn't get myself to. before i knew it, tears started to well up in my eyes and i couldn't follow the words any longer.
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there were little quotes written on the benches with cute little drawings. some with moonbin's own handwriting. 🥺
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it made me smile as well as cry.
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^ this one is my favorite :)
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honestly, i felt a mixture of emotions. i felt reassured. I felt overwhelmed. it reminded me of reality again and it felt difficult. however, at the same time it felt peaceful, almost as if he were there by my side sitting on that bench right next to me.
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the location was in a fairly quiet area. i would recommend you take a visit if you've been thinking of going!☘️
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^ here's my kangnyangkong doll sitting in a field of clovers at the forest :)
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i hope moonbin has the happiest birthday & know that he is so loved! we love you moonbin 🫶
happy birthday moonbin !!🍀
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bonus: kangnyangkong enjoying dinner after a visit to the forest ^.^ 🍔🍟
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gothsuguru · 1 year ago
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garf-lover96 · 4 months ago
F/Ovember promo post!
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So, it took a day of convincing and a quick tech lesson on how to use Tumblr but it's happening! As of today, I will be taking over this blog for a month (even though Dante is looking over my shoulder still).
I promise I will take good care of your beloved garf-lover96's account and answer asks responsibly. Really. This should be fun :^) - J
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i will continue to post and reblog stuff as well probably(maybe just a little less)! and i wanna reblog a bunch of f/ovember ask games too 👍 i might link them to this post? so they're easier to find. and please don't leave us hanging!!..(ha..)
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mothlover69 · 1 year ago
What's Your Name?
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We've got the Buggy x Jinx origin fic woohoo! How it all began - hint, it's Shanks' fault.
(This is an edited version of the fic. The full explicit version is on AO3)
CW for alcohol and implied NSFW content (but no actual sex)
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"You stickin' around?" Shanks asked, his face red with intoxication. His hair was a mess of crimson waves as he grinned and leaned towards his friend.
Jinx shrugged and took another swig of their drink. "S'not like I've got anywhere better to be right now. I'm kinda between jobs or whatever."
Shanks laughed loudly. "Oh, you need a job? What if I said I had somethin' for you?"
"Depends what it is," they replied.
A drop of sweat rolled down Shanks' temple as he grabbed a scrap of paper and started scribbling. Jinx raised an eyebrow at him, because what the fuck was he even doing? He folded the scrap in half before pushing it into their hand.
"How about a delivery? Bring that to an old friend of mine and I'll pay you well," he promised.
This was not the sort of job that Jinx normally took, and he knew it. But... maybe something simple would be a nice change.
"Fine. Who's your friend?"
Shanks smiled, his eyes hazed with alcohol. "Buggy the Clown."
It had taken a stupid amount of time to track this guy down. Turns out he was floating around the East Blue and a circus themed pirate ship wasn't hard to find if you were in the right place. It's just that a drunk Shanks was really bad with directions.
Still, Jinx finally managed to find their way. The ship was docked on some tiny ass island in the middle of nowhere... not exactly the place one would expect the circus to stop.
Their target was a pirate, and Jinx was more than familiar with that sort. They made a beeline for the nearest pub and sure enough a crowd of colorful pirates had completely overrun the place. Their loud, obnoxious voices filled the air along with the stink of B.O... ugh. Jinx glanced around the place, eyes searching each face for one that matched the wanted poster Shanks had shown them... ah. There.
Standing on top of a table in the middle of the pub singing a rude shanty at the top of his lungs was a man. With his long blue hair split into pig tails that spilled over his pirate hat like tassles and the big, red nose, he was unmistakable.
"Buggy!" Jinx's call of his name carried over the crowd, and he turned to them, eyes wide with surprise... and alcohol. Not surprising; Jinx had never met a pirate that didn't love their booze.
The pirate clown hopped down from the table, his boots thumping to the ground. He sauntered over, long coat billowing behind him, and his eyes dragged their way up and down Jinx as though in appraisal.
"Now, who might you be?" he asked. His voice was expressive, raspy, but not unpleasant. He stopped a few inches away and leaned into their space, his blue-green eyes locked on theirs.
"No one of consequence. I've got a delivery." Jinx fished the scrap of paper out of their pocket and waved it in front of his face.
Buggy hummed. "Aw, you're not gonna tell me your name?"
Jinx ignored him and thrust the paper more insistently at him. He plucked it from them, his eyes still glued to their face. They took a step back. Buggy straightened up.
He unfolded the paper and...
"What the hell?!" He yelled, his face immediately morphing to one of rage.
"Whats wrong, boss?" one of the other pirates called as Buggy ground his teeth together. He crumpled the paper and tossed it to the ground before stomping on it like a child throwing a tantrum.
Buggy whirled on the messenger, getting back up in their space. "So, red hair put you up to this, did he?"
Jinx raised their hands in a placating gesture. "Hey, all I did was deliver it, cuz he paid me to."
The clown snarled. "Of course, he did. Of course."
"What'd it say anyway?"
"Nothing," Buggy spat. And then he sucked in a deep breath. And his face turned thoughtful. "I suppose you had nothing to do with- with his disrespect."
"Yeah, uh, I just wanted his gold. Didn't have anything to do with anything else." Though, honestly, they thought it would be hard to respect someone like him.
Buggy hummed and stepped closer. They stepped back. "You did travel all this way... why don't you stay a while. Drinks on me."
The offer was tempting, but... that meant spending more time with an irritating clown who couldn't keep his eyes to himself. On the other hand, he was offering them free booze. Pirates weren't the only ones with a thing for alcohol.
"Fine. I'll let you buy me a drink or two."
Buggy's face broke into a large grin. "Talk about flashy!" His gloved hand wrapped around Jinx's wrist, and he tugged them up to the bar.
"Don't touch me," they snatched their hand away from him. He only laughed with that stupid clown laugh of his. Jinx sat on a stool and crossed their arms.
"What's your poison?" Buggy tapped his chin as he stared at Jinx. They glared back. Damn, he was annoying. "You seem like a sake guy. Am i right?"
"Yeah," they said, and Buggy laughed again.
"A round of sake for our sweet messenger!" He called to the bartender who only nodded with dull eyes as she poured the drink. How long had Buggy and his crew been here taking over the bar? How long until they finally left?
Jinx took the offered cup and took a gulp. Buggy was still staring. What was with this guy? Did he ever blink?
"So, are you just a hired hand for old red hair? Or something more?"
"How do you know Shanks, anyway? He called you an old friend."
He scoffed at that. "I wouldn't use the word friend, doll."
"Aw, Buggy, why not? I thought we were best friends?" an all too familiar voice said. A voice that should not have been here.
Buggy immediately leapt a foot in the air, his head popping off his neck. "Red hair?! What the fuck are you doing here?"
"Hey, Shanks," Jinx nodded at the newcomer. "Didn't see you come in. Don't tell me you were following me?"
Shanks only shrugged, not answering, before turning to Buggy. "Didn't you get my note? It said I was coming by for a visit."
"You know damn well it said nothing of the sort," Buggy snarled. "The fuck is with you, what's the point of hiring a messenger if you're just gonna show up yourself. And by the way, I was not in the mood to see your ugly mug, so why don't you just fuck off!"
"I missed you, too, buddy," Shanks laughed.
The clown sputtered wordlessly, his face red with rage.
Jinx took another swig of their drink, growing tired of the theatrics. "Does this mean I get my payment sooner?"
"Focused on the coin, eh?" Shanks dug into his pocket before pulling out a sizeable purse. "This do?"
Taking it and weighing it in their hand momentarily, Jinx then nodded and stuck it in their own pocket. "I think that's a bit more than we agreed on."
"Consider it a tip for dealing with my friend."
"I'm NOT your friend!" Buggy yelled.
Jinx leaned across the counter, ignoring the commotion, motioning to the bartender. "This place got rooms or should I try somewhere else?"
The bartender was an older woman, her grey hair piled on top of her head like a wasp's nest. Her eyes were dull, exhausted. Jinx felt for her; her job must get so much harder when pirates came to town.
"Yeah, there's a bed upstairs. 15 berries a night."
They dug out some coin and slid it across the counter. "One night, please. Keep the change... since you have a bar full of assholes tonight."
The woman snorted before sliding a key across the bar, which they pocketed. "Eh, at least they're paying. Wish they'd've showered before coming in, though."
Suddenly, someone grabbed their wrist. Jinx tore away from their conversation, leveling a glare at the clown that dared lay a hand on them.
He didn't notice. He was busy screaming at Shanks. Still.
"And I suppose you sent your pretty little boyfriend here just so you can rub it in my face, huh?!"
"What are you talking about, I don't have a-"
"I know your game, you bastard," Buggy jabbed a finger in Shanks' face, his grip on Jinx's wrist tightening. "Why are you even getting them all wrapped up in your bullshit, huh?"
"Let me go, asshole!" Jinx tried to tug their wrist out of his grasp, but he was too strong. Stronger than he looked. "Fucking clown!"
Buggy paused in his ranting, looking at Jinx yet again. There was an intensity in his gaze that had them shrinking away from him. "Sorry," he grunted before releasing them.
"And for the record, I am not Shanks' boyfriend. Don't know where the fuck you got that idea."
"It just makes sense! Since you two were all- all chummy and shit."
"Chummy? You mean when he paid me for doing the job he hired me for?"
Buggy huffed and crossed his arms. Instead of saying anything else, he grabbed his mug of beer and drank deeply from it. Jinx did the same with their sake. They absolutely were going to need another one. Hopefully theyd be able to convince Buggy to keep paying.
"Another round," the clown hiccuped to the bartender. "Including my friend, here." He shot a glare at Shanks. "Not you."
Ok, guess he wouldnt need convincing after all. Jinx beamed when another cup was set in front of them.
"Well," Shanks clapped his hands together. "It's always great seeing you, old pal. But I've got places to be."
Jinx glanced at him, eyebrows raised. "Seriously? All that effort and you're leaving already?"
He shrugged. "What, you gonna miss me or something?"
They only rolled their eyes and went back to what was important: their drink.
"Get the fuck outta here, no one's gonna miss you!" Buggy yelled before turning his back on his 'old friend'.
Shanks left with one final obnoxious laugh. The two drank in silence, though the place was far from silent. Buggy's crew was rowdy, that was for sure.
"Honestly thought you woulda gone with him," Buggy remarked after a while. His voice was much calmer than before; Jinx had to strain to hear him over the loud pirates surrounding them.
"I already bought a room here; there'd be no point in following him."
"No?" Buggy glanced at them out of the corner of his eye. "No interest in his bed?"
"Ugh, for the last time, I'm not with Shanks. He's so not my type," they grimaced. They could feel their head starting to swim, no doubt from the sake.
"I'm shocked. Most people seem to be all over him," he stuck out his tongue in disgust.
"Yeah? What about you? He your type or something?"
Buggy's jaw dropped - literally. It fell from his face and dropped to the floor before popping back into place. "Absolutely fucking not! That's disgusting!" He gagged.
"Right, right. So he's your ex."
"No! Ugh, don't say such gross shit," he shuddered, as though truly disgusted. Jinx snickered.
"Oh, thanks for the drinks," they said, deciding to have mercy and switch subjects.
"I'll buy ya another, doll," he gestured to bartender, who sighed and started pouring another round.
Head already fuzzy, Jinx wondered if they should decline. But then the cup was slid in front of them and they drank happily. It was like the stuff got tastier the more they had. Booze was magic like that.
"You this generous to everyone you meet?"
"Nah, just the cute ones," he winked.
Jinx groaned. They should've figured the clown would hit on them sooner or later, and they seriously didn't need this. Indulging his bullshit was off the table. "And that's my cue to leave." They slid from their stool, but Buggy caught them by their wrist... again.
"Aw, c'mon, doll. Night's just getting started." He pleaded, his clownish makeup exaggerating his already exaggerated pleading expression.
"Why do you keep calling me that?"
"You never told me your name."
Jinx blinked. Their mind worked sluggishly, but maybe getting a few more free drinks off the clown wasn't such a bad idea. Slowly, they sat back down, and a grin slid into place on Buggy's face.
"Another round?"
"I probably shouldn't."
"But do you want to?"
Time passed. Drinks were chugged. And somehow, Jinx ended up leaning against Buggy as one of his crew members danced on a table while juggling knives. Something they would've disapproved of when they first walked in now had them cheering, especially when the pirate accidentally knicked himself in his drunken state.
Jinx yawned, and half a thought occured to them. They had a bed waiting for them, didn't they?
"Ah, fuck, what time is it? I gotta..." they trailed off, looking around for a clock. They stepped away from the pirate clown, intending on retiring to their room, but they didn't manage more than two steps before they tripped over their own feet. Gloved hands caught them and pulled them upright.
"Careful, sweetness. Wouldn't want something to happen to you," Buggy said, his speech only slightly slurred.
"I just- I should go to bed," they said even as they allowed him to pull them into his side.
"Let me walk you to your room."
"No way, am perfectly fine."
"Yeah? S'that why you fell?"
Jinx sighed in defeat. "Okay, whatever. It's uh..." they fished the roomkey from their pocket. "Says room 2."
Buggy wrapped one arm around their waist, keeping a secure hold as he guided them away from the crowd. A couple pirates whistled, though whether that had anything to do with what their captain was up to was unclear. Jinx's head swam. His hand was so warm on their side, and altogether he was surprisingly strong. It was nice not having to focus on keeping themself on their feet.
Eventually, they made it to the room. Jinx fumbled with the key, missing the lock a couple of times before finally managing to insert it. And then was the matter of turning it, which proved to be its own ordeal, but finally, finally, they managed to get the door open.
"Thanks, Bug," they slurred. "Wanna come in?"
"Oh, is that an invitation? Don't mind if I do," Buggy laughed. He helped them into the room, not letting go until they were safely sitting on the bed.
Immediately, Jinx stood, swaying on their feet.
"Doll, you're a bit drunk. You should probably sit."
"Shhhhhh," they pressed a finger to his lips, smearing the red paint slightly. "I need to tell ya somethin."
Buggy blinked. "What?"
They giggled drunkenly before leaning into his space. "I never told you my name, did I?"
"You finally gonna tell me?"
They grabbed the collar of his jacket, partly to pull him closer, but mostly to help keep themself standing. "But I know your name. You're Buggy."
"Most people call me Captain Buggy," he corrected with a slightly bewildered smile.
"You're Buggy," they repeated. "I found you, cuz I was paid to. But you," they giggled again. "You're prettier than I thought you'd be."
His face flushed bright red and his voice shot up an octave. "I'm what?!"
Jinx leaned in even closer, their faces mere inches apart. His breath fanned across their face, thick with the stench of booze.
"Pretty," they whispered before pressing their lips to his.
Caught off guard, Buggy faltered, frozen, unsure how to respond. No one had ever just kissed him out of the blue like that before. No one had ever called him pretty.
Jinx pulled back, trying to blink through their hazy brain. Oh, did he not like that? "Mmm, sorry-"
Before they could finish their sentence, Buggy grabbed them and crashed into another kiss. Jinx let out a surprised noise before their eyes slipped closed, and they fell into the rhythm of the kiss.
It was clumsy, seeing as they were both far from sober, but the way his lips slid over theirs was intoxicating. His hands slid down their body, fingers finding purchase in their soft flesh before resting on their hips. Jinx sighed into his mouth as he pulled them flush against him.
They swayed dangerously on their feet, and Buggy gently lifted them with his hands on their waist. He really was stronger than he looked. He laid them on the mattress with care, and they grabbed the front of his shirt with clumsy hands and pulled him down with them, connecting their mouths once again. They nipped at his bottom lip in a playful gesture, and Buggy growled softly.
"Fuck," Jinx swore quietly and shoved at Buggy's coat. "Take it off."
He laughed breathlessly and let the coat fall from his shoulders, presumably landing in a heap on the floor. Jinx's hands flew to his green belt and started tugging at it. He helped untie it, and then suddenly they were untucking his striped shirt and shoving their hands under the fabric, running them over his skin. Their fingers explored every inch they could reach, sighing in delight as they carded through his soft body hair, or felt a puckered scar.
Oh, they were going to make this clown see stars.
Buggy rolled off of Jinx, both of them panting and sweaty. He gathered them into his arms, cradling their head tenderly against his chest.
"You good, sweetness?" He whispered.
They cracked one eye open. "Name's Jinx."
"Nice to meet ya, Jinx."
They groaned at his bad joke, and he chuckled.
"Here, let me..." he sent one of his hands searching around the room, returning with a wetted cloth, which he used to clean the both of them up. Jinx sighed, relaxing in his arms. He brought his hand back and used it to play with their short hair, pressing a kiss to their forehead.
It was not long until Jinx was drifting off to sleep, snuggled up to Buggy, who was all too happy to keep them close to his heart.
Jinx blinked open their eyes, squinting against the sunlight that shown through the window. Shit, their head hurt. They definitely had gotten a bit carried away with that sake...
Slowly, they began to become more aware of their surroundings. And the fact that they were pressed up against something really warm with something heavy across their chest.
Their eyes adjusted to the morning light, and they were finally able to see the sleeping face of..
Oh, there was no way.
The events from last night flooded their brain, albeit most of it was still rather fuzzy. They'd- they'd slept with Buggy the Clown?? And then spent the night cuddling him???
Their head spun, mostly from the hangover.
Okay, first thing was first. Carefully, slowly, they slid out from beneath his arm that still cradled them. They kept an eye on Buggy, freezing in place if he so much as stirred slightly. They absolutely were not in the mood for talking to him, especially not if he was gonna try and be romantic. Ugh.
Finally, they managed to slip away from him and out of the bed. Thank god he seemed to be a heavy sleeper.
Next step. Jinx was still naked. They glanced around the room, at the fabric strewn all over the floor. Luckily, their pants were an easy find. They pulled them on and scanned the room for their sh-
Buggy made a noise, and they panicked. Oh god, he was gonna wake up any moment. Shit. They scrambled about, pulling on the first shirt shaped piece of fabric they found. They glanced back at the bed and saw that he was indeed beginning to stir. Their heart jumped, and without thinking, they slid open the window and clambered through it, dropping to the ground below.
They took off running, thankful to feel the weight of Shanks's coin still in their pocket. If there was one thing they knew, they had to get far, far away from here. Away from their mistake. Away from Buggy the damn Clown.
It wasn't til they managed to hitch a ride on the first boat out of there that they realized the shirt they'd grabbed was not, in fact, their plain grey one, but rather red with white stripes.
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Did ya make it this far? Hi and thanks for reading! As a treat you get to see what Shanks wrote on that little note of his
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c0llisiion · 1 year ago
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↻ Complete masterlist of all my works ᝰ.ᐟ
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・:〃➜ BTS
beyond boundaries — k.th
⟢ smut, fwb au , cheating , non-idol , 2 part.
Numb to the feeling — j.jk
⟢ smut, idol au , exs2lovers , 3 part.
Need to know — j.jk
⟢ smut , older!jk , dads bsf au , slight dubcon.
Obsession — m.yg
⟢ smut , pervert!yg , panty stealing.
Favourite — m.yg
⟢ smut , office sex/au , mean dom!yg , bondage.
Attention — k.th
⟢ smut , toxic relationship , mirror sex , e2l.
Drabble #1
⟢ smut , exhibitionism , fingering.
Drabble #2
⟢ smut , seokjin + f!reader , breeding.
Sin for me — j.jk
⟢ smut , older!jk , cnc
Drabble #3
⟢ smut , yoongi + f!reader , corruption kink
Drabble #4
⟢ smut , jungkook + f!reader , public sex
Need to know 2 — j.jk
⟢ smut , older!jk , dads bsf au , 2 part.
Drabble #5
⟢ angst , jk x reader , breakup.
Drabble #6
⟢ smut , taehyung + f!reader , mirror sex
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Drabble #1
⟢ smut , lee know x bang chan x reader , threesome , filth.
Drabble #2
⟢ smut , bang chan x reader , shower sex.
Drabble #3
⟢ smut , lee know x reader , car sex.
Drabble #4
⟢ smut , hyunjin x reader , voyeur.
Drabble #5
⟢ smut , dilf!bang chan x reader , breeding/pregnancy kink.
Drabble #6
⟢ smut , bang chan x reader , overstim.
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・:〃➜ ATEEZ
Drabble #1
⟢ smut , seonghwa x reader , makeup sex.
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・:〃➜ NCT
POOLBOY — mark lee
⟢ smut , mark x reader , age gap fic.
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Drabble #1
⟢ smut , mingyu x reader , phone sex.
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・:〃➜ TXT
… to be written.
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Drabble #1
⟢ smut , cuckqueanery , gojo x f!reader , 2 part.
Drabble #1.2
⟢ angst , smut , slight fluff , dubcon , aftercare , part 2.
Camgirl — g.sg
⟢ smut , camgirl!reader x suguru
Drabble #2
⟢ smut , f!reader x toji , vanilla
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・:〃➜ Others :
Eye candy — y.jw
⟢ smut , toxic , bondage.
Kinktober 2024 !
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anemone-ships · 1 year ago
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📞 hi there!! i'm n, and this is my selfship sideblog :)
i’m autistic and aroace and my queerplatonic f/o is mi.ke schm.idt from the fna.f mov.ie. i’m totally ok with sharing him! 👍
i love writing selfship imagines, and am always open to requests and suggestions for themes/scenarios! please note that i will not write nsfw or any potentially harmful/triggering topics.
i look forward to connecting with people in this lovely community! :D
[do not interact if proship or fit the standard dni criteria; this blog is not for you.]
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art tag || imagines tag || mi.ke tag :)
ramble tag || gush tag || ask game tag
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mysticum-draconis · 21 days ago
The Petrichor
Original poem. Written in October 2024 for the Solstice Young Writers competition.
Petrichor - the earthy scent produced when rain falls on dry soil.
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When storm clouds roll over misty moors And rain pelts down on towering tors That scent of rain penetrates my core. Perhaps it is the Petrichor? A beast without corporeal form; Shifting shadows, raging storms, Glowing eyes and jagged claws - That defines the Petrichor. Down dank and dusty streets I stroll The air grows close and I feel its call. That musty scent of earthy spores As splashes appear on dirty floors - The doings of the Petrichor. Along the treacherous coastline walks, That dark and slinking shape will stalk, The waves will crash upon the shores, A cloud of swirling fog will soar And from its depths a terrible roar Will escape its enormous, gaping maw - The glory of the Petrichor! Most will smell that earthy scent, When the clouds turn dark and the sky is rent With the distant, rumbling, fearsome roar Of the advancing, mighty Petrichor, They scurry home and slam their doors, And do their best to try and ignore The calling of the Petrichor. Not I! I sit and lie in wait, For the beast to come and decide my fate. My eyes are filled with densest cloud, Fog around my head will shroud, Towering shadow beast will claw Swallow me down whole, I’m sure. Sweeping mist, still growing more Shimmering outline, rippling contour. I will be claimed forevermore, Anew from who I was before. No one can damage my rapport With the feisty, almighty Petrichor!
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Please don’t use or repost here or on other websites without credit or permission, thanks 🙏
Story behind the poem:
When I first heard the word "Petrichor" a couple of years ago, I immediately thought of some sort of mythical creature, sort of like a manticore. I pictured a slinking, non-corporeal creature, made of dark storm clouds, with glowing eyes. I always intended to draw this image I had in graphite or charcoal, but the idea always seemed rather daunting, so I didn't. When it came time to write an entry for the Solstice Young Writers competition, I decided to write this creature as a poem. I could probably have kept going for longer with this poem, however, unfortunately, as this was a competition entry, I couldn't make it longer than 30 lines. Perhaps I'll write an extended version one day. I am sharing this poem now, because the competition winners have now been announced (they're strict about entries not having previously been shared online, so I didn't want to risk posting until the competition was over).
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http-mianhae · 2 years ago
𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗮𝗴𝗲 !
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▓ ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝓼 , 05 , 𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖕 ༊*·˚ don't be afraid to private message me and become my moot. i'm always down to talk!
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full masterlist | read everyone's current fav on my page, my seventeen x hogwarts au series, 𝓐𝓜𝓞𝓡𝓣𝓔𝓝𝓣𝓘𝓐
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dr-albertwesker · 7 months ago
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|Hello, my name is TALIS.
This account is dedicated to the video game character Albert Wesker from the Resident Evil/Biohazard series.|
🧬 Red Queen Archives [Graphics]
🧬 White Queen Archives [Files]
🧬 Aesthetics [🕶️]
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|🏥| Virus Gauge: 13.69% to Zombification |🏥|
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