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raisongardee · 18 days ago
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""La diversité" – slogan qui semble séduisant à première vue – en est arrivé à signifier le contraire de ce qu’elle semble vouloir dire. Dans la pratique, la diversité sert à légitimer un nouveau dogmatisme, dans lequel des minorités rivales s’abritent derrière un ensemble de croyances qui échappe à la discussion rationnelle. La ségrégation physique de la population dans des ghettos racialement homogènes et refermés sur eux-mêmes a pour pendant la balkanisation de l’opinion. Chaque groupe essaye de se claquemurer derrière ses propres dogmes. Nous sommes devenus une nation de minorités : il ne manque que leur reconnaissance officielle en tant que telles pour achever le processus. Cette parodie de "communauté" – terme fort à la mode mais qui n’est pas très bien compris – charrie avec elle le postulat insidieux selon lequel on peut attendre de tous les membres d’un groupe donné qu’ils pensent de la même manière. L’opinion devient ainsi fonction de l’identité raciale ou ethnique, du sexe ou de la préférence sexuelle."
Christopher Lasch, La révolte des élites et la trahison de la démocratie, trad. Christian Fournier, 1995.
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willowcrowned · 7 months ago
it really sucks so bad that u cannot even share fun facts on the internet w/o people pulling a "how could you NOT know this" like c'mon dawg. where is ur joy and whimsy. I just learned something cool and I wanted to share that moment with u. and instead of being cool about it u stepped on me like a bug. I hate it so bad I'm sorry u deal with it so much I really appreciated the snake post bc I also had the same feeling of befuddlement about it!! and I got to learn something new and cool bc I saw u post about it so thank u for sharing even when people are snotty in ur notes about it
I'm glad you enjoyed the snake post!! I did too, and so did most of the people that have seen it! normally I'm better at handling the small fraction of annoying people in the notes, this one just hit me in the achilles heel.
c'est la vie, etc. tumblr being tumblr. of course you can't go on here and make a post about being surprised your glass fell off the counter without people in the notes assuming you don't know how gravity works
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ruvviks · 10 months ago
ok yeah house md oc is happening sorry for the man i'm about to become
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laivinduroriginal · 2 months ago
Procesul de Integrare a Transilvaniei în România Mare: Provocări și Transformări
Unirea Transilvaniei cu România la 1 decembrie 1918 a reprezentat un moment definitoriu în istoria națională. Totuși, integrarea acestui vast teritoriu în structurile statului român a fost un proces complex, marcat de provocări politice, economice și sociale. Acest articol analizează principalele etape și aspecte ale integrării Transilvaniei în România Mare. 1. Preluarea Administrației după…
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crossbordercroniclesro · 3 months ago
„Nu Vom Fi Marionetele Globalizării!” – Fiecare Națiune Are Dreptul la Suveranitate Culturală și Identitate Proprie!
E posibil să trăim într-o lume unde tradițiile naționale sunt ignorate, iar valorile istorice sacrificate pentru o uniformizare impusă? Oamenii simpli încep să realizeze pericolul: globalizarea, sub masca egalității și toleranței, nu înseamnă altceva decât pierderea identității și a voinței naționale! Între timp, multe națiuni au început să își ceară ferm dreptul suveran de a-și trasa propriul…
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zikplay · 10 months ago
Diversité musicale : Zikplay te propose divers types de chansons
Tu es un amateur de musique ? Ne manque pas de te rendre sur Zikplay, la plateforme qui te propose une diversité musicale sans limite pour une expérience agréable. En te connectant au site, tu bénéficieras d’une expérience d’écoute sans limites des chansons en provenance de l’Orient. Ce dernier offre un accès sans restriction à une vaste sélection de musique orientale, que ce soit pour savourer…
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buzznolimit · 10 months ago
Une diversité de vidéos à regarder sur Buzz No Limit
Buzz No Limit vous offre une expérience audiovisuelle unique qui vous donne une liberté totale pour découvrir son large éventail de contenus. En tant que membre, vous pouvez accéder de manière exclusive à une diversité de vidéos et d’émissions captivantes, disponibles en tout temps et sur n’importe quel appareil. Dès que vous visitez la page d’accueil, une interface conviviale et organisée vous…
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lnk-and-lnspiration · 11 months ago
The Power of Diverse Voices in Literature: Why It Matters
As storytellers, we are constantly striving to create engaging and impactful stories that resonate with readers. We pour our hearts and souls into crafting well-rounded characters, compelling plotlines, and thought-provoking themes. But have you ever stopped to think about the importance of diverse voices in literature? In today’s world, where diversity and representation are crucial topics of…
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playvodma-films · 1 year ago
Diversité cinématographique : PlayVOD Maroc vous propose divers films
PlayVOD Maroc est le repère des cinéphiles à la recherche de diversité cinématographique. Sa plateforme bien conçue offre un large éventail de genres, allant des intrigantes œuvres dramatiques aux comédies romantiques. Par exemple, le film « Voyage Inattendu », vous emmène dans une aventure parsemée d’embûches et de découvertes, tandis que « L’Éclat du Rire » évoque la magie des rencontres…
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alexsavescu · 1 year ago
Festivalul Birlic 2023 - Ziua 3: spectacole de teatru, filme și muzică
Descoperă diversitatea artistică și pasiunea pentru cultură în cea de-a treia zi a Festivalului Birlic 2023! Ora 09:00 – Concursul trupelor de teatru Începând cu ora 9 dimineața, scena Festivalului FITT Birlic 2023 prinde viață. Continuă concursul captivant al trupelor de teatru. O competiție plină de energie și talent, în care trupele își pun în valoare abilitățile și creativitatea. În…
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dandanjean · 2 years ago
Nous sommes créés singulièrement différents. Dès la naissance, nous nous présentons au monde avec nos propres expressions. Dans la pouponnière, dans une classe, bien que l’on se fasse une représentation de groupe des enfants présents, chacun porte sa propre particularité, son propre devenir. C’est la beauté de la vie, au premier coup d’œil nous voyons les similitudes, mais avec le temps la…
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calipsan · 15 days ago
Hey folks! Looks like Target and other retailers are scaling back their DEI initiatives. I sent Target an angry message and honestly intend to stop shopping there and at any store that is towing the line for regressive and hateful thinking.
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myfuckingbudapestmovie · 3 months ago
Start Gallery Budapest presents Marko Rodics: Portraits of Politicians ...
Marko Rodics’ Exhibition "Politikus portrék" at Start Galéria, Budapest: A Subversive Take on Hungarian Political Icons
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Budapest’s Start Galéria has become the stage for a bold and thought-provoking exhibition by artist Marko Rodics titled Politikus portrék ("Portraits of Politicians"). Running from November 7 through November 23, this series of artworks invites viewers into a reflection on Hungary’s complex political history, with a special emphasis on the figure of János Kádár, a defining figure in 20th-century Hungarian politics. By blending irony with a contemporary lens, Rodics’ portraits have sparked a unique dialogue about past and present, provoking comparisons between Kádár and Viktor Orbán—a parallel that resonates deeply with Hungarians today.
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The Central Figure: János Kádár
Almost all of Rodics’ works in this exhibition feature Kádár, who was the General Secretary of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party from 1956 to 1988. Known for his "goulash communism," Kádár’s reign was marked by an attempt to balance Soviet influence with economic liberalization, which made life relatively bearable for Hungarians under socialism. He is remembered as a complex, often contradictory figure who represented a softer side of Eastern Bloc authoritarianism, yet his era also suppressed dissent and maintained the rigid structure of a one-party state.
In the current climate, Kádár’s legacy has taken on new significance. Viktor Orbán, Hungary's Prime Minister since 2010, is often described as Kádár’s political successor—a notion Rodics cleverly critiques in Politikus portrék. The phrase “Orbán a Kádár János” (Orbán is Kádár János) has gained traction in Hungarian political discourse, suggesting that Orbán’s consolidation of power mirrors Kádár’s authoritarian style, albeit in a nationalist-conservative guise.
Artistic Technique and Symbolism
Rodics approaches Kádár’s image with an ironic twist, contrasting the somber portraiture style traditionally associated with political leaders with unexpected, almost whimsical elements. One piece from the exhibition, featured on the exhibition’s promotional poster, shows a black-and-white photograph of Kádár embellished with red tassels hanging over his eyes, symbolizing a playful, albeit unsettling, blinding. This artistic choice could suggest that Kádár (and by extension, the Hungarian political tradition he symbolizes) is both revered and willfully "blind" to the consequences of his policies—a possible metaphor for the political myopia that Rodics sees repeating today.
The red tassels might also invoke communist iconography while mocking it. Red was the color of the communist era, but here, rather than evoking reverence or fear, it evokes curiosity and humor. Rodics seems to be pointing to the way Hungarians today reinterpret, and sometimes trivialize, the symbols of their past—seeing them as neither wholly positive nor negative but as tools for reflection.
From Kádár to Orbán: A Political Reflection
Hungary’s current leader, Viktor Orbán, has centralized power to an extent not seen since Kádár’s era, dominating the media, judicial system, and public institutions. His critics argue that his rule mirrors the authoritarian stability Kádár once offered, albeit in the service of a right-wing, nationalist agenda. The notion that “Orbán is Kádár János” taps into the public’s sense that history is cyclical, that the suppression of dissent and the emphasis on stability at the cost of individual freedoms are themes Hungary has never fully escaped.
Through Rodics’ work, this historical parallel is visualized and brought into a contemporary, sometimes humorous, light. Rather than idolizing Kádár or demonizing Orbán, Rodics holds both figures up as symbols of a broader, often problematic trend in Hungarian governance: the preference for strong, paternalistic leadership that protects “national interests” but stifles political diversity. This narrative resonates especially with younger generations, who see in Orbán’s Hungary a modern version of the “soft dictatorship” under Kádár.
Audience Reception and Impact
Rodics’ Politikus portrék has been met with a mix of amusement, nostalgia, and reflection. For some, it serves as a reminder of the ideological fluidity of Hungary’s political landscape, where former communists became nationalists, and historical revisionism is used to support new political agendas. For others, the exhibition provokes a more personal response, as it challenges them to think critically about the legacy of Kádár and how it has shaped, or failed to shape, the Hungary of today.
Ultimately, Rodics’ work in Politikus portrék serves as both a critique and a celebration of Hungary’s political iconography. By juxtaposing humor with critique, reverence with irony, Rodics forces viewers to engage with Hungary’s political past and present in a way that is both accessible and profound. In doing so, he has created not only a portrait gallery but a mirror, reflecting Hungary’s ongoing struggle to define its identity amid the unresolved contradictions of its history.
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laivinduroriginal · 2 months ago
Unirea Transilvaniei cu România: Un Moment Crucial în Istoria Națională
Unirea Transilvaniei cu România, înfăptuită la 1 decembrie 1918, este unul dintre cele mai semnificative momente din istoria națională. Acest eveniment marchează împlinirea aspirațiilor seculare ale românilor de a trăi într-un stat unitar, după o lungă perioadă de dominație străină. Analizând contextul istoric, procesul unirii și impactul său, descoperim complexitatea și importanța acestei…
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notbeingnoticed · 10 months ago
A report out last month shows that studies from the global consulting firm McKinsey & Company showing a correlation between Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs and significant profits were based on junk research.
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salty-crush · 5 months ago
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