#diurna talks
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Do you have any VoxVel or PolyVees fanfic recs? (Absolutely love your art btw and Especially Love the way you draw Velvette <3 )
you seem like a Velvette fan so im going to prioritise her. there is a terrible dearth of shippy content with her, so i've included some platonic fics that you can squint at.
oversized jackets and the worry that comes with them by Erin_kate is this wonderful fic, part of a series, which covers Velvette's struggles with ED through Vox's point of view. although it isn't tagged as ship there's definitely a read for it, as they're this constant support for each other despite their difficulties. i made fanart for it which you can spot in chapter 1 of snippets of a life worth leading's comment section. however, if you're a Val fan, he isn't the kindest here.
@voxofficial snapped lmao by ckret2, though not tagged as the ship, it's an excellent, hilarious character piece if you're looking for a dynamic and alive relationship between the three of them. it's Velvette's POV as she discusses Vox's Alastor/Pentious Theory Board. Val rocks up halfway through and they're a wonderful romp.
Revelations in Technicolor by Awesome_Possum is domestic and lovely, yet they're still as awful as they should be. in this work, Vox opens up about his past to the rest of the Vees, Velvette's POV.
system takeover by Subedarling, where Velvette has to save Vox and Val when they get kidnapped. shes kicks so much ass in this and the attached art is wonderful. tagged Voxval, but there's a PolyVees read.
blue light dreams by MorningsOfGold get into how hard running a media empire is, and how stressful it can get for Velvette. they snap at each other, but Vox and Val come take care of her when she has a bit of a breakdown. lovely, fluffy PolyVees.
Silken Sparks by passthevoxcord despite just being pwp, there's this injected worldbuilding and discussion of their polyamory and leaves off on a delightfully lewd and loving note. particularly, this author plays with how velvette, a younger woman, would click with Vox and Val's kneejerk dated views in fascinating ways. the main scene is VoxVel, though.
Family Business by passthevoxcord another one of this author. sorry they just always always have fascinating velvette subtext in their smut :( (im not sad about this) !!! in this Velvette considers her own rough childhood and how, almost guiltily, she loves to play house with Vox and Val. the main event is PolyVees but Vox is the hinge so VoxVel and VoxVal. size and age kink. good for them.
#diurna answers#diurna talks#velvette#voxvel#poly vees#hazbin hotel#fic rec#defiinitely not exhaustive but it's just the particularly shiny ones i've read
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warning: out of character, not canon, erasure of canon characterization;
tw: death (kind of), loss, grief
#tokintormin pleaseee stop cooking and making such good vox content im constantly fearing for my life#diurna talks
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Kim Sarang
ooc talk: meu nome é lunna, +18, ela/dela. Kim Sarang é uma personagem fictícia! tudo postado por ela é IC, mas caso aja algum desconforto é só vir conversar comigo em ooc.
Quem é Kim Sarang?
Sarang não costuma falar sobre sua vida para além da faculdade, mas corre o boato que sua irmã mais velha é uma atriz famosa e sua mãe é professora em Yale, e que ambas já estudaram na DNU. Os rumores a tornaram uma caloura famosinha na época que entrou na DNU, mas se tem uma coisa na qual Sarang é boa em captar segredos é guarda-los, principalmente os seus.
Mas o que de fato sabem sobre a Sarang?
1) Atualmente estudante de jornalismo (6° período);
2) Estagia em algum lugar;
3) Já foi presidente do Jornal da DNU, mas saiu do cargo por questões pessoais e hoje atua apenas como membro (boatos que ainda toca o terror no jornal);
5) É sempre vista andando de bicicleta pelo campus;
6) Claramente uma pessoa diurna, ninguém sabe exatamente que horas ela acorda ou se arruma mas pode ser encontrada facilmente antes das 07:00 no prédio da ENC;
7) 24 aninhos e libriana;
8) Ama carne;
9) Dizem que ela tem um namorado que está no exército, mas aí já é boato de fórum.
Sarang foi a responsável por recepcionar a/o MUSE quando ela/e entrou na DNU e também foi quem a/o convidou para a GAMMA. Uma espécie de apadrinhamento.
VINHO 101!
Sarang e MUSE precisavam cursar alguma optativa esse semestre então escolheram Introdução a Vinhos.
Sarang e MUSE disputam o posto de queridinho de um/a professor/a específico/a.
SARANG acabou sendo acusada (em um forúm) de ser a causadora do término de MUSE X e MUSE Y devido a sua proximidade com o/a primeiro/a.
SCARED TO BE LONELY! (f/m/nb & +22)
SARANG e MUSE podem não nutrir nenhum sentimento real um pelo outro, mas quando o sol se põe, os dois sentem a necessidade de estar nos braços de alguém. Compromisso pode ser um tanto assustador, mas ficar sozinho no final da noite parece pior.
are we still friends...? (f/m/nb & +22)
SARANG tentou ter uma amizade colorida com MUSE mas deu tudo errado quando acabou se apaixonando por Muse que não correspondia seus sentimentos. Antes eram amigas/os/us mas hoje em dia elas/es/us são estranhas/os/us.
STARTER CALL ¡ Uma interação aleatória com Sarang (direito a turno).
amizades, one night stands, CRUSH, INTRIGAS, ex namorado/as pq n etc, ela está aberta a todos.
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Spanish Vocab List - El bosque de la bruja / The Witch’s Forest
I started this list all “let’s talk about trees and flowers” and then it took a hard turn into “now say you meet Baba Yaga in the forest...” and I’m not going to apologize for the spoopy witchy vibes
la bruja = witch [also technically you can see/use el brujo for “male witch” or “warlock” though often “witch” in English comes across as distinctly feminine]
el aquelarre = a coven, a witches’ coven
la hora bruja = the witching hour la hora de brujas = the witching hour
la brujería = witchcraft
el curandero, la curandera = healer [sometimes santero/a which has multiple meanings - it can be “witchdoctor” but also a practitioner of santería which is a mix of religious and folk traditions]
el hechicero, la hechicera = sorcerer, sorceress
el mago, la maga = mage / magician
el encanto = enchantment, charm / magic spell
el hechizo = magic spell, charm, hex
la maldición = curse
el maleficio = curse
el mal de ojo = evil eye
la caldera = cauldron [or “caldera” of a volcano]
el ermitaño, la ermitaña = hermit, recluse
la escoba = broom
la magia = magic
mágico/a = magic, magical
el hado = Fate los hados = the Fates
el hada, las hadas = fairy, fairies el hada madrina = fairy godmother
el/la vidente = seer el clarividente, la clarividente = clairvoyant, seer
el/la médium = spirit medium
la nigromancia = necromancy el/la nigromante = necromancer
la rueca = spinning wheel
la manzana envenenada = poison apple
malvado/a = evil, wicked
malo/a = bad, evil
bueno/a = good
la guarida = lair, den
lanzar un hechizo/encanto/maleficio = to cast a spell/charm/curse
la poción = potion
elaborar = to brew, to create [in other contexts it’s “to elaborate”, but in the context of food or drink it means “to make” in the sense of “to labor over” - the idea here is that it requires time and effort to fully make it and get everything right, so it’s used for “brewing alcohol” or any mixture that requires significant time or specialized creation, and potion making in a fantasy setting]
el bosque = the woods / forest / woodland el bosquecillo = small forest [sometimes “copse of trees”]
la selva = forest [often more wild] / jungle
el jardín = garden
el huerto (de fruta / de frutales) = orchard el huerto = vegetable garden, personal garden [el huerto generally means “a garden for growing food” and can be either “(vegetable) garden” or “orchard”, but in English an “orchard” is specifically more “fruit”; but it could be either]
la arboleda = grove, collection of trees
el sol = sun
la luna = moon
la estrella = star
la nube = cloud
la lluvia = rain
la nieve = snow
la tormenta = storm la tempestad = storm, tempest
el rayo = lightning / bolt, lightning bolt, thunderbolt
el trueno = thunder
el granizo = hail / hailstone
la niebla = fog
la neblina = mist, fog
el amanecer = dawn
la mañana = morning
el mediodía = midday, noon
la tarde = afternoon / evening
el atardecer = evening
el crepúsculo = twilight
la noche = night
la medianoche = midnight
la madrugada = early morning, the wee hours of the morning
la víspera = eve (of something), the night before
el ocaso = sunset
diurno/a = day (adj), daytime / diurnal, awake during the day
nocturno/a = night (adj), nighttime / nocturnal, awake at night [as a general example las clases nocturnas mean “night classes” which is literally “classes at night”... as opposed to las clases diurnas which would mean “daytime classes”; in the context of school you could say tengo una clase nocturna y otras diurnas “I have one night class and others during the day”]
el árbol = tree arbóreo/a = arboreal, related to trees
el arbusto = shrub, shrubbery
el seto = hedge
la madera = wood
el tronco = trunk / log [also in anatomy “torso”]
el tocón = stump (of a tree)
la leña = firewood, log (for firewood usually) el leño = a log el leñador, la leñadora = woodcutter, lumberjack
la corteza = bark (of a tree) [also means “crust” for bread or the earth]
la copa (de árbol) = canopy las copas = canopy (of many trees)
la rama = branch
la raíz = root
la savia = sap [sometimes it also means “lifeblood” or “vitality” or “vigor”]
la hoja = leaf [or “blade”, or “sheet of paper”]
la flor = flower
el pétalo = petal
la semilla = seed
el tallo = stalk / stem
la hierba = grass / herb [sometimes spelled yerba] el césped = grass, lawn
la hierba mala = weed [lit. “bad grass”]
la especia = spice
la vid = vine
marchitado/a = withered, shriveled, dried up
la espina = thorn espinoso/a = thorny
la baya = berry
la hiedra = ivy la hiedra venenosa = poison ivy
el hongo = mushroom, fungus la seta = mushroom, toadstool el champiñón = mushroom [idk if it’s used everywhere but you see this at least in Spain for edible mushrooms sometimes]
el moho = mold
el musgo = moss
el liquen = lichen
la zarza = bramble, briar
silvestre = wild, growing in the wild
comestible = edible
el veneno = poison, venom envenenar = to poison venenoso/a = poisonous, venomous envenenado/a = poisoned, having poison in it
letal, mortal = deadly
el roble = oak
el arce = maple
el sauce = willow el sauce llorón = weeping willow
el fresno = ash tree
la pícea = spruce
el acebo = holly
la haya = beech
el pino = pine tree
el corno / el cornejo = dogwood
el álamo = poplar
el alcornoque = cork tree
la adelfa = oleander
la secoya = sequoia / redwood
el mangle = mangrove el manglar = mangroves [a collection of mangroves]
la rosa = rose
la violeta = violet
el lirio = lily [sometimes la azucena]
el jacinto = hyacinth
la hortensia = hydrangea
el girasol = sunflower
la malva = mallow [malva can also be “mauve”; also el malvavisco is “marshmallow”... literally “sticky/goopy/viscous mallow”]
la malvarrosa = hollyhock
el botón de oro = buttercup [lit. “gold button”]
la digital = foxglove
el narciso = daffodil, narcissus
la lavanda = lavender
la lila = lilac
la nomeolvides = forget-me-not
el loto = lotus
la menta = mint
la caléndula = marigold
la belladonna = nightshade
el acónito = aconite / aconitum, monk’s hood, wolf’s bane el matalobos = wolf’s bane [lit. “kills wolves”]
el muérdago = mistletoe
el rocío = dew, dewdrop, morning dew
el ajo = garlic el diente de ajo = clove of garlic [lit. “tooth of garlic”]
la cebolla = onion
la calabaza = pumpkin / gourd
el maíz = corn [also el elote in some countries] la mazorca = corncob, ear of corn
el trigo = wheat
la salvia = sage
el jengibre = ginger
la canela = cinnamon
el diente de león = dandelion [lit. “lion’s tooth”]
la escoba de bruja = witch hazel [lit. “witch’s broom”] el avellano de bruja = witch hazel [lit. “witch’s hazel”]
la pimienta = pepper [spice]
la sal = salt rociar sal = to sprinkle salt espolvear sal = to sprinkle salt / to dust with salt
la hoz = sickle
el arado = plow
la hoguera = bonfire / campfire, fire pit
el hogar = home / hearth
la guadaña = scythe
la cosecha = harvest
el arco = bow / arch
la flecha = arrow
el mortero = mortar el molcajete = mortar [some countries, especially Mexico]
la mano = pestle [otherwise it’s “hand”]
el mortero y mano = mortar and pestle
moler = to grind molido/a = ground
el molino = mill
la tabla / el tablón = floorboard, wooden board
la viga = beam / rafter
el umbral = threshold
el muro = wall, outside wall, boundary line
la cerca = fence la valla = fence
la ciudad = city
el pueblo = town / people, population
la aldea = town, small town
la frontera = frontier, border
el claro = clearing (in a forest), glade
la choza = hut
la casita = little house la cabaña = cabin / cottage
la granja = farm
la finca = plantation, estate, farmhouse
la paja = straw el tejado de paja = thatched roof [lit. “straw roofing”]
el taller = workshop
la cueva = cave
la caverna = cavern
la gruta = grotto / undercroft
la roca = rock
la piedra = stone
el monte = hill, mountain / wilderness, forested area
la montaña = mountain
la sierra = mountain range [or a “saw” as a tool]
la colina = hill
la falda = slope [in clothes la falda is “skirt”]
el pantano = swamp / bog / mire
la ciénaga = swamp / bog / mire
el lodo = mud lodoso/a = muddy
el fango = mud / silt fangoso/a = muddy
el río = river el riachuelo = little river, stream
el lago = lake
el estanque = pond
el arroyo = stream el arroyuelo = brook, creek
el mar = sea
el océano = ocean
la orrilla = shore
la marea = tide
la arena = sand
el ciervo = deer, stag la cierva = deer, doe
el venado = deer [can exist in feminine as well... this word also sometimes gets translated as “hart”; also sometimes venado is the word for “venison” or deer meat]
el lobo, la loba = wolf [la loba is sometimes “she-wolf” in some contexts]
el oso, la osa = bear [la osa is sometimes “she-bear”]
el búho = owl
la lechuza = owl [thing barn owls or snowy owls; the owls with a flatter looking face; a Lechuza is also sometimes a witch or evil spirit who snatches children said to be bird-like]
el cuervo = crow la corneja = raven [in general, el cuervo is used for both “crow” and “raven” even in literature, though el cuervo and la corneja are different technically]
el murciélago = bat
el sapo = toad
la rana = frog
la serpiente = snake, serpent la víbora = viper, snake la culebra = snake [more literary]
el conejo = rabbit la liebre = hare, rabbit
el gato, la gata = cat
la rata / el ratón = rat, mouse [largely interchangeable]
la mosca = fly
el mosquito = mosquito
la luciérnaga = firefly, lightning bug
la libébula = dragonfly
la pluma = feather
el diente = tooth
el colmillo = fang
el ala = wing [technically feminine; el ala, las alas]
la lengua = tongue
el hueso = bone
la calavera / el cráneo = skull
el cuerno = horn
el asta, las astas = antler, antlers [technically feminine]
la piel = skin / hide, fur [also piel can be “leather”; also the word el cuero is “leather” though not always as common]
el caracol = shell, seashell
el caparazón = shell, carapace
el polvo = dust
la ceniza = ash
la sangre = blood
el enano, la enana = dwarf
el elfo, la elfa = elf
el fantasma = ghost
el gigante = giant
el ogro = ogre
el trol = troll [creature and internet troll]
hermoso/a = beautiful apuesto/a = handsome, good-looking
bello/a = beautiful [more intense than hermoso/a]
embrujado/a = bewitched / haunted
la casa embrujada = haunted house la casa encantada = haunted house
la fiera = fiend, beast, wild animal fiero/a = wild, ferocious
feroz = ferocious, wild
la bestia = beast
el monstruo = monster
el castillo = castle
la torre = tower
la mazmorra = dungeon el calabozo = dungeon [in modern Spanish el calabozo is the word for “holding cells” in a police office or a place where someone is detained; in older Spanish it can be used as “dungeon”]
el don = gift
el poder = power, ability poderoso/a = powerful, mighty
el truco = trick
la moraleja = moral
encantar = to enchant / to delight
convocar = to summon
conceder = to grant, to bestow / to concede
bendecir = to bless bendito/a = blessed
maldecir = to curse maldito/a = cursed
#Spanish#learn Spanish#learning Spanish#spanish vocabulary#langblr#learning languages#vocabulario#so much vocab
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vox is trying to win at capitalism at the expense of everybody else. i suppose his work is largely disconnected from himself — it's not his perfect media that expresses a part of him, but the perfect media for a polled audience. it's his name and face on the tin, but is it really even about him?
Vox has a very weird relationship with his media output. He sees it purely as a way of making money/gaining influence, but will also get super pissy if someone implies that it's artless or low-effort. He's a perfectionist down to his bones; he's not capable of making something low-effort, at least when it comes to the projects he's personally involved in. He values the craft of film/television production too much. He can't help but endlessly pick something apart if it's sloppy or incompetent, but he still comes at his own work with a very capitalistic, means-to-an-end mindset. It's a weird contradiction.
#diurna talks#something something art is an expression of the artist#and vox is sooo full of artifice that his work is a vessel for the wants of#his audience and his conglomerate and his investors#alastor saw that and noped the fuck out
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"Media Evolution and the Changing World: Its Implication to Communication and Education"
What’s the importance of communication in education?
Our personal lives, the study intended, and education. This is why it's important to develop good communication skills in students from an early age, and we all must practice effective communication between ourselves. Being a good educator involves excellent communication skills. In addition to providing information, communication also motivates effort, changes attitude, and inspires thoughts. These days there was changes in our communication. Others are using slang words when they communicate with others, and they may adopt it when they are in education. In the absence of it, attitudes develop, communications are misinterpreted, and learning is delayed. Facial expressions can be well known and understood while talking or discussing the issue or topic matter, and the significance of communication to developing body language of both participants can be evaluated in facial expression communication to allow communication.
Evolution of Media (Traditional Media to New Media)
Pre-Insutrial Age (Before 1700)
Period: 220 BC to 1700 BCE
People made paper from plants, discovered fire, and crafted tools and weapons out of stone, bronze, copper, and iron. Examples of Media Formats:
Mesopotamian clay tablets (2400 BC)
Egypt's papyrus (2500 BC)
Roman Acta Diurna (130 BC)
in China, Dibao (2nd Century)
Mayan Region COdex (5th Century)
using wooden pieces as printing blocks (220 AD).
Industrial Age (1700s to 1930s)
Period: 1700 to 1930s
People used the strength of teams, created machine tools, established iron protection, and produced a variety of goods (including books using the printing press).
Print shop for large-scale output (1900)
The London Gazette newspaper (1740)
Typewriter (1800) (1800)
Telephone (1876) (1876)
projection and photography for motion pictures (1890)
movie trailers for commercials (1913)
sound-accompanied motion film (1926)
Cards Punch
New/Information Age (1900s to 2000s)
Period: 1900 to 2000
The development of the social network and speedier communication were made possible by the internet in this era. With the development of personal computers, mobile devices, and wearable technology, people increased the usage of microelectronics. Also digitized are speech, image, and sound data. Our current era is the information age.
Examples of Media Formats:
Web browsers: Internet Explorer and Mosaic (1993). (1995)
blogs: Wordpress and Blogspot (1999). (2003)
Social media sites: Multiply (2002), Friendster (2003)
Facebook (2004), Instagram, Twitter (2006), Tumblr, and microblogs (2007)
YouTube (2005), Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality
Search engines: Google (2003), Skype for video chat (1996)
Yahoo (1995), laptops and other portable computers (1980), and netbooks (2008)
Wearable technologies, smartphones, and tablets (1993).
Big Data and the Cloud
Electronic Age (1930s to 1980s)
Period: 1930 to 1980
The electronic era began with the invention of the transistor. Transistors' power was harnessed by humans, which resulted in the transistor radio, electronic circuits, and the first computers. Long-distance communication became more effective in this era. examples of media types.
Radiator transistor
television (1941) (1941)
large-scale electronic devices
main computers, i.e. IBM 704 (1960) (1960)
LCD and OHP projectors
To conclude, The media plays several fundamental roles in our society. The evolution of media has brought significant changes to our lives. For instance, it has brought changes to communication, in which the advancement of technologies made communication more efficient for the users. Moreover, the media evolution is a great help for students since this makes their work more efficient. During the pandemic, we were not allowed to go out, hence the conducting of online classes. the use of online class discussions during the pandemic has all been made possible by technological advancements in education. We are all aware of the many changes taking place in the society, specifically in the context of the current media evolution. It was challenging to interact with people in the pre-industrial period despite the fact that they made paper from plants, discovered fire, and made tools and weapons out of stone, bronze, copper, and iron. These day, although, communication with others is made simpler for us because to technology.
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The Evolution of Social Standards
by Durga Kulkarni.
Psychological Evolution
Why do Social Opinions matter?
Social Expectations
Social Organisations
Psychological Evolution
What is it?
Psychological Evolution, or Evolutionary psychology has roots in Cognitive Psychology and Evolutionary Biology.[1] It focuses on how evolution has shaped the mind and its behavior. It also concentrates on how the main purpose of our lives has shifted, from survival, to contentment. Additionally, it helps us in understanding why we humans behave the way we do, and what are the underlying instincts that we are unaware of which is making us do these things. It also states the importance of human interaction and connection in our lives.
When it comes to human interactions, there are a few default archetypes noticed in each interaction, them being: exchanging information, opinions and expectations. In today's world, during a healthy conversation, we tend to follow these archetypes, for the sake of adding simplicity, purpose and direction to the conversation. This is where social opinions and expectations start affecting us.
Initially, due to the hierarchy that used to exist in the tribes, conversations were very minimal and reserved, but as the tribes kept splitting, and more exchange of information was needed, the people realized that they needed a proper language for their convenience.
The “Pooh-Pooh theory” holds that speech originated from spontaneous human cries and exclamations; the 'Yo-He-Ho theory' suggests that language developed from grunts evoked by physical exertion; while the 'Sing-Song theory/La- La Theory' claims that speech arose from primitive ritual chants and playful songs.[2]
By the time of the Roman civilization, the hierarchy amongst men was very much visible, and was put to use. Along that period, the importance of exemplary words and literature was noticed, and was worked upon by involving a new change bringing item in all the civilians and senators lives; Newspapers (Acta Diurna (Daily Events)). In these newspapers, multiple things were mentioned, including the next political event, the victories. They even had an obituary section in their newspapers. Along with all this information, slowly opinions started seeping into the texts. These opinions helped people in creating a judgment for voting.[3]
By 1600, the social hierarchy was divided into six parts; Monarchy, Nobility, Gentry, Merchants, Yeomen and the Labourers. Due to this, if any judgement was to be made, it would have largely been based on rank.[4]
Then by, about the 1800’s, the social hierarchy was divided into three parts; Upper class, Middle class and the Working class. The Upper class used to consist of the Aristocrats, Nobles, Dukes and other wealthy families working in the Victorian courts.The Middle class consisted of industrial revolutionaries, who have changed our lives. The Working class, lowest among the Victorian social hierarchy were the working class. This class remained aloof to the political progress of the country and was hostile to the other two classes. This working class was further categorised as the skilled workers and the unskilled workers.[5]
In the 2000’s, the hierarchy merged and divided into five social classes; Upper, Upper-Middle, Middle, Working and Lower class. This did not cause as much difference and conflicts as the other classes did in the past. But something else did.
Why do Social Opinions matter?
“Social influence is the process by which individuals adapt their opinion, revise their beliefs, or change their behavior as a result of social interactions with other people.”[6]
When we are in the presence of other people, we like to blend in. To blend in, we abide by a few social norms. These norms help us maintain a calm, mannered and composed personality throughout the day. These norms turn into expectations, expectations turn into opinions and opinions turn into reality. These opinions and expectations, when pondered upon, seem quite irrational, but due to these opinions and expectations being around for a long time, we have grown to accept them, and to some extent, even like them. But then why question it?
The reason being that these opinions and expectations ARE in fact quite irrational and toxic.
We follow these opinions and expectations because we are living in a society that entirely works on being Interdependent. Interdependence is the state of being dependent upon one another (Mutual dependence/Interdependence). For eg. We depend on our neighbours and they depend on us to be welcoming and decent.
To abide by the social expectation of being decent, we usually follow the societal idea of “Decency”, which is being calm, reserved, polite, helpful, straightforward and clean.
Also, other people's evaluations of us is both crucial and necessary to impact behavioral changes, which is what ultimately allows us to gain professionally and personally.
Social Expectations
Each social situation entails its own particular set of expectations about the “proper” way to behave. Social roles are the ‘part people play as members of a social group’. With each social role you adopt, your behavior changes to fit the expectations both you and others have of that role. There are 7 main types of societal roles; Leader, Knowledge Generator, Connector, Follower, Moralist, Enforcer, and Observer.[7]
To explain these roles, we will take a problematic social situation into consideration, to show what exactly each role does.
Leader: Proposes strategies and techniques to conquer a problematic situation. (Leader of a country)
Knowledge Generator: Shares information about the status of the situation. (Advisory)
Connector: Transmits the decisions made by the leader or opinions of other roles. (Media)
Follower: Follows a leader. (Politics)
Moralist: Looks for fair shares for all the other roles. (Law)
Enforcer: Punishes the behavior of other roles. (Army)
Observer: Shares information about the compliance of the behavior of other roles, as well as the role who answers to another observer's request about information about other roles. (General crowd)
We as human beings keep on switching between these roles according to the situation. With these roles, there can be unsaid expectations. Most of the time these expectations are rather helpful than problematic, though there are exceptions. But these exceptions occur only when there’s excess of Destructive criticism, Stratification, Peer Pressure and Mass Hysteria.
Destructive Criticism
Destructive criticism is defined as criticism performed with the intention to harm, derogate and destroy someone's creation, prestige, reputation and self-esteem. It's meant to ridicule, damage and bring the person down.
It is very common on social media. Sometimes it even occurs with your closest peers.
Social stratification refers to a society's categorization of its people into rankings of socioeconomic hierarchy based on factors like wealth, income, race, education, sex, and power. The people who have more resources represent the top layer of the social structure of stratification.
This is also widely noticed in public spaces such as schools.
Peer Pressure
Peer pressure is the influence displayed by people within the same social group. It is also the term used to describe the effect this influence has on a person to agree to in order to be accepted by the group. Sometimes peer pressure is used to positively influence people, but most of the time it’s not. Many adolescents fall into the trap of Peer Pressure.
Mass Hysteria
Mass hysteria is a phenomenon that conveys collective illusions of threats, whether real or imaginary, through a population and society as a result of rumors and fear. Mass hysteria occurs anywhere at any time. This is very common during global pandemic.
Social Organisations
In sociology, a social organization is a pattern of relationships between and among individuals and social groups. Characteristics of social organization can include qualities such as sexual composition, spatiotemporal cohesion, leadership, division of labor, communication systems, and so on.
These are the most noticed basis for the Social Organisations; Religion, Gender, Race and Monetary status.
Religion affects human beings very much. It is the root and base for our mental growth and morals. Religion is a very controversial topic to talk about. Many of them involve multitudes of intricate rituals.
Religions are based on philosophies by spiritual people. These philosophies are more of lifestyles, and when people follow a religion they completely imbibe it, no matter what. This changes their outlook towards social interactions and social opinions. This causes a difference in everyone’s knee-jerk reactions associated with different situations.
There has always been inequality between the female and male gender. This is called Sexism. Sexism is prejudice or discrimination based on one's sex or gender. Sexism can affect anyone, but it primarily affects women and girls. It has been linked to stereotypes and gender roles. This means in many countries there aren’t equal human rights for both the genders. Even though in few countries there may be basic equal rights for both the genders there always is one favored gender and things like salary and weight of opinion is not the same for the favored gender.
Racism is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits according to physical appearance and can be stratified based on the superiority of one race over another. It may also mean prejudice, discrimination, or hate directed against other people because they are of a different race or ethnicity. Modern Racism is often based in social perceptions of biological differences between people. These views can take the form of social behaviour, practices or beliefs, or political systems in which different races are supposed as ingrained superior or inferior to each other, based on assumed similar inheritable traits, or qualities.
Monetary status
The Monetary status of people has an influence on decisions made by law. It also gives them unrequited privilege to commit minor or major crimes, and evade the consequences. This brings a sentiment of power and pride in them, which then gives them a sense of togetherness.
In summary, this write up covers up the basic Evolution of Communication, the importance of abiding to Social Norms, the Seven basic types of Social Roles, Compelling Social Ideologies that change the perspective of the human mind, and the differences that bring humans together.
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yeah my stance is very much 'Val is genuinely vile and probably can't love anyone the way they deserve' and that he wouldn't be able to synthesize a better version of himself for Vox. i love the idea of them using different avenues of abuse to get ahead of each other — like, vox almost certainly artifices situations where Val has to rely on him financially, emotionally and physically and gets a supreme kick of being needed with Val's blindness. he's been playing the long game ever since they became business partners, perhaps pushing Val towards emotional dysregulation, so now, modern-day, Val relies on him entirely (seen in ep 2 where he literally cannot be consoled by anyone else but Vox). Val is simply more overtly abusive.
that being said, my current massive long fic wip (the outline is 30k+ and most of it's skeleton scenes. sigh....) is proudly voxtagram-vintage and is very very much a 'vox is an imperfect victim and angel parasocialises onto the luminous destruction of his life, after voxval turns for the worst in the most horrifying ways possible'. whoops!
I'm actually completely on board with the interpretation that Vox and Val are equally horrible to each other, albeit in different ways. However. Every time I see something vehemently dismissing any possibility of abuse from Val on the basis that Vox is also evil (like victims need to be good people. okay), I am filled with the desire to spitefully only depict Vox as Valentino's victim.
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“I’ve never really cared about politics. Never talked about ’em much. But then, last November, the strangest thing happened. There's this guy, being the Emperor, and now there is a horse, loose in the Senate. There is a horse, loose in the Senate. I think eventually everything’s going to be okay, but I have no idea what’s going to happen next. And neither do any of you, and neither do your parents, because there’s a horse loose in the Senate. It’s never happened before, no one knows what the horse is going to do next, least of all the horse. He’s never been in the Senate before, he’s as confused as you are.
There’s no experts. They try to find experts on the Acta Diurna. They’re like, “We’ve talked to a man that once saw a bird in the stables.” Get out of here with that shit! We’ve all seen a bird in the stables. This is a horse loose in the Senate.
When a horse is loose in the Senate, you got to stay updated. So all day long you ask around on the forum, “What’d the horse do?” The updates, they’re not always bad. Sometimes they’re just odd. It’ll be like, “The horse sentenced someone to death?” I didn’t know he knew how to do that.
The creepiest days are when you don’t hear from the horse at all. You’re down discussing the new taxes with your fellow Senators like, “Hey, has anyone… Has anyone heard–” [imitates clopping hooves] Those are those quiet days when people are like, “It looks like the Emperor has finally calmed down.” And then ten seconds later the Emperor is like, “I’m gonna give Incitatus a stable made out of marble, I'm gonna give him a stable of marble and an ivory manger and have servants feed him oats mixed with gold flakes, Incitatus has nice hooves and a long tail, he's a horse!” That’s what I thought you’d say, you dumb fucking Emperor.”
#latin#roman history#classics#caligula#john mulaney#only real 40 AD kids will remember#y'all get this without any context and you can thank the discord server#if there's any historical inaccuracies please forgive me i haven't studied latin in years
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Through generations to generations media is evolving. The media is becoming more advance, and a lot easier than before. The media is used to communicate, share and gather information that helps people to understand and learn new possibilities. Today we will talk about the EVOLUTION OF TRADITIONAL and NEW MEDIA.
At the early age, called Pre-Industrial Age (before 1700s) people during that age discovered fire. This is the Age in the history were people developed papers from plant, people learned how to make weapons and tools from stone, bronze, copper and iron. And because of these discoveries people learned the use of media. There are tons of crafts that are made at this age:
Cave Paintings (35,000 BC)
Cave tablets in Mesopotamia (2400 BC)
Papyrus in Egypt (2500 BC)
Acta Diurna in Rome (130BC)
At Industrial Age, this is the age that people learned the power of steam, they developed machine tools, the production of iron and many products especially the production of books by the process of printing press. People at this age are becoming more innovative, and the media in this age is evolving fast. The production of books is the essential thing they made because of this, information will spread fast and the negative side will be, if the information in those books were reliable or not. This is the age where mass production of machines are developing, and examples of those are:
Printing Press for Mass Production (19th cent)
Newspaper (The London Gazette in 1640)
Typewriter (1800)
Telephone (1876)
Motion Picture Photography/Projection (1890)
Commercial Motion Pictures (1913)
Motion Picture with Sound (1926)
Punch Cards
The third age of the evolution of media is the Electronic Age. This is the age, where electricity joined the machines. The electricity will give power and generates the machines. Because of electricity, electronic devices are made just like transistor, radio, electric circuits, and early computers and the most important thing is that long communication made easier. The long communication is a struggle because the sharing of information is slow, but because of the electronic devices powered by electricity, sharing and gathering information is easier. This is the age where transistor became an answer to communication and media.
Last but not the least, this is the age that we are living now and it is the Information Age. This where INTERNET is developed. Internet became the key to faster and easier communication. Internet is a computer network containing massive information that will help people’s knowledge. This is the age where social media is being developed, it is used to communicate to different places. The microelectronics are made such as phones, laptops, personal computers, and more. The use of voice, sound, and images are being digitalized. It is the age where information are accessible to everyone. Examples of software used for communication:
Web Browsers
Social Networks
Youtube (2005)
Video Chat
Search Engines
Portable Computers
And this will conclude and end the discussion. :)
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with valentino's disposition, we would know very very quickly...
The worst part about Valentino's wing robe is that he could be entirely naked in any given scene and we would never know
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by Dekubooty
"Cálmate Katsuki, eres un adulto"
Esas eran las palabras que se repetía una y otra vez mientras avanzaba hacia su perdición, el objeto de todas sus fantasías diurnas y nocturnas, Midoriya Izuku.
¿El problema? Izuku tan solo tiene catorce años.
Words: 11206, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español
Series: Part 2 of Dirty Talk
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Underage
Categories: M/M
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: Top Bakugou Katsuki, Bottom Midoriya Izuku, Underage Midoriya Izuku, Twink Midoriya Izuku, quirkless au, Innocent Midoriya Izuku, First Time, First Kiss, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Rimming, Consensual Underage Sex
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Media Evolution and the Changing World: Its Implication to Communication and Education
Written by: Mariel Angel L. Galagar
What is media
Communication is the foundation of what makes us human, as well as a vital component of our societal structure. It essentially allows us to instill vision while communicating ideas and information to a diverse range of people. And evidently, without media, conversing relevant information which involves news, and our various experiences would indeed be unattainable to share across separate regions and to individuals who reside in distant locations. The media will remain a component of our daily lives through having a huge impact in our nation.
Media can be classified in divergent ways. In general, media is the plural form of medium, that further refers to any communication method. This includes everything from printed paper to electronic data, along with art, current affairs, educational content, and a wide assortment of many other types of information. Furthermore, according to The Penguin Dictionary of Media Studies, it entails disseminating texts and messages to a large number of individuals while also carrying some intellectual baggage or currency. What's more, in the field of education, the media brings knowledge to a plethora of distinct topics, bringing children and teenagers nearer to a variety of information sources and developing inquisitiveness about what they would like to learn.
In line with this, there are also four different categories of media. First is the Media Modality where it refers to audio, video, graphics, and animation. Next, Media format which talks about being digital or analog. Third, the Ways of Transmitting that specifically means the electromagnetic or the radio waves. And lastly, the Mass Media Form or the TV, radio print Internet, telephone, or mobile. Additionally, because of global connectivity, the relevance of media is increasing daily. As a result, each of us must become cognizant of the media's power since it thus enables us to be skeptical of all the data we get on a regular basis. We, the media users, should further remember that our responsibility is to constructively critique the data we gather so that our perception is not influenced by the interests of others.
Media evolution
Because the ear is the predominant sense organ during this time, McLuhan refers to the Tribal Age as the first historical era. Because the senses of hearing, touch, taste, and smell were far more fully developed than vision, this period is also known as the acoustic era. The development of hearing, touching, and scent occurred in the Tribal Age.
According to McLuhan, in an acoustic environment. Hearing visualizes something beyond seeing in the tribal age because it makes you fully aware of your environment. In the period of the tribe, the senses of hearing and smell provide us with a perception of the world we cannot see. The hearing was more significant at this time since it made it possible to be more quickly aware of your surroundings, which was crucial for hunting. Because everyone hears at once, listening to someone in a group becomes a unifying act, strengthening the sense of community. Everything is more immediate, and present, and encourages more passion and spontaneity in this realm of surround sound. By hearing, it was believed during the Tribal Age.
Pre- Industrial Age (Pre -1700)
Clay tablets (2,400 BC), which were created in ancient Mesopotamia, were in use for more than 3,000 years. Scribes imprinted inscriptions in wet clay using a reed stylus. The tablets were frequently sun-dried and occasionally heated in kilns. In order to preserve them for millennia, documents were frequently kept in libraries.
Papyrus(2500 BC)
Out of the many uses for Egyptian papyrus was more significant than its use as a writing surface. The majority of these sheets were fashioned and sold as scrolls, while occasionally individual sheets were offered for record keeping and lists.
Roman Acta Diurna were essentially daily gazettes that contained official notices. They were displayed on message boards in open spaces like the Roman Forum and were carved on stone or metal. They were also known as Acta. During the Roman Republic, Acta originally appeared in its original form around 131 BC.
People established iron production, created machine tools, harnessed the power of steam, and produced a variety of goods (including books through the printing press) In short, this time period is characterized as the result of utilizing machine power. With the invention of the portable printing press by Johannes Gutenberg, the printing press greatly increased visual dependency.
A typewriter is a mechanical or electronic device used to create characters that resemble the movable type used by printers. Keys on a typewriter push against a ribbon to transfer ink or carbon impressions onto paper. Typically, each key push prints one character.
The term "telephone" was previously used to refer to various innovations before the electric telephone was created, and not all early researchers of the electrical gadget dubbed it a "telephone." John Taylor, a captain, created the telephone in 1844 as a means of communication for sailing ships.
One of the best panoramic cameras of the time was the Cyclographe (right), which could capture 360-degree images. A pointed punch that would strike and therefore mark each new exposure on the roll before it passed in front of a slit at the shutter was part of the flexible telescopic camera.
Electronic Age (1930-1980)
The electronic era began with the creation of the transistor. Transistors' power was harnessed by humans, which resulted in the transistor radio, electronic circuits, and the first computers. Long-distance communication became increasingly effective in this era.
Among the many advantages for adopting electronic media is the ability to sell oneself as well as other things like businesses, products, and services. The usage of media platforms and networks, as well as social media sites like television and the internet, are just a few of the numerous ways you may take advantage of electronic media to communicate effectively with others. Because franchisees can purchase commercials to be shown to millions of people, television is one of the most popular electronic media devices. This increases revenue for the franchise owner.
Human emotions can be learned by machines due to the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning. THIS empowers them to do actions like humans would, facilitating production.
Diversity of Society
The world evolves as people make it happen. Many inventions were made from the past that were modified and were reinvented into more accessible and convenient to use. Today, media is being spread around the world meant to be an outlet of communication to spread information to people. Back then, people had limited resources in the media as a way of communication. They had telegraphs as a communication instrument to transmit information less hassle than hiring someone to send messages or information manually to the person. Today’s generation has the advantage of using media and acquiring information from it as it is available anytime. Moreover, this not only provides information to masses, but it also lets people express themselves through different media modality, format, and form.
People nowadays use the media to educate people with their knowledge that gives impact to people on the internet. This way, people can also be educated and be the better version of themselves as responsible media users.
Implication to Communication and Education
Students are more engaged in their education and have a richer experience thanks to media in education. They can further see representations of what they are learning via the usage of media in lesson illustrations, smart TVs and other interactive media. In addition, the media has the ability to inform people concerning both good and awful. Because it has an impact on the mind, ears, and eyes nothing can simultaneously counteract the impact of the media. In a developed society, the media should take a laudable goal of educating people and discouraging contentious, sectarian, and communal trends. Acquiring knowledge is a process called learning which certainly requires effort. Jobs can sometimes lead to learners being irritated and getting disinterested in the class because they are bored. That is within that instance, using media in the teaching-learning process is needed to capture students' interest and make teaching and learning activities more successful. The use of media in the process of teaching and learning is not a new thing because many educators are aware of the value of media.
Overall, bringing students of all ages together to assist them with all types of media, from homework to various research projects, is one of the main benefits of each social networking platform. It is significant to note that the geotagging phenomenon has a fantastic outlook on the future of education because it may be utilized to locate pertinent information about the target and find locations that are being researched. Additionally, social media platforms can help students, as has been demonstrated by researchers in resolving their relationship crises. In fact, the absence of the primary driver of pupils' academic success is now involved. In this instance, social media brings them into direct contact with working along with their teachers to make sure the studying procedure is correctly kept up and conducive for learning.
“Papyrus: A Brief History” (2016, May 23) https://sites.dartmouth.edu/ancientbooks/2016/05/23/67/
Abercrombie N. & Longhurst B. (2007). The penguin dictionary of media studies. Penguin Books. The Penguin Dictionary of Media Studies | WorldCat.org
Baculi, Joyce et al,. The evolution of traditional media to new media. https://www.sutori.com/en/story/the-evolution-of-traditional-media-to-new-media--6EnZMSt2SqCEmNnYTdYXh2XN
Dimaculangan, A. Evolution of Media throughout the ages my exposure to media as i grow. https://www.sutori.com/en/story/evolution-of-media-throughout-the-ages-my-exposure-to-media-as-i-grow--7DJpAA8EfZPsd3KsRgswrLdg
Ewan, C. (2019). Why did humans start writing? https://www.bl.uk/collection-items/4000-year-old-tablet-recording-workers-wages
Goreccita, G. (2016, September 6.) Tribal Age https://evolutionofmediaorg.wordpress.com/2016/09/06/tribal-age/
IMPOFF. (2020, March 04). Importance of media in different aspects of life. The Role and Importance of Media In Our Daily Life (impoff.com)
Kuiper, K. (2015, March 3). Acta, Ancient Roman Publication https://www.britannica.com/topic/Acta
Lancaster, A. (2022, June). Why is communication important. Why Is Communication Important? | Life and Career Benefits | Mallory
Rohart (2017, July 23) Industrial age 1700’s-1930’s https://rohartpogi.wordpress.com/2017/07/23/industrial-age-1700s-1930s/
Navarro, S. (2016, July 18) Mcluhan’s Media History https://prezi.com/4pkqnowpp-87/tribal-age/#:~:text=McLuhan's%20media%20history,than%20the%20ability%20to%20visualize.
Stoltzfus, J. (2020, December 23). What does media mean. Techopedia. What is Media? - Definition from Techopedia
Preeti (2014, March). Education and Role of Media in Education System. https://www.ijser.in/archives/v2i3/SjIwMTMxNTg=.pdf
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well there's this promotional material in the tower in which he sort of... hovers?
It's funny that Vox canonically flies but we don't know if Val does or not. I want to see fanart of them flying together 😭
Though my personal headcanon is that Val can't fly. (He's just so huge and those wings don't look that big. Maybe with demon magic?)
And even though I don't really think moth qualities actually affect him that much in canon, I'm imagining a what-if scenario maybe. Maybe he could before, but not anymore with his antenna damaged? (In the same verse, he can't dance because of that either, at least not like he used to. This isn't even contradicted by canon so far. He mostly stands there while Angel dances around him in Poison and he lets Vox lead and drag him around in the Finale)
Ok now I'm imagining Val taking Vox flying at the beginning of their partnership but now Vox is the one taking him...
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Sleep Talks: Quais as causa da sonolência excessiva diurna?
Eu concordo seria muito bom se as empresas escalassem seus funcionários de acordo com a predisposição do ritmo biológico deles e até contratassem um consultor eu valorizo muito isso, (isso é fundamental para as empresas que funcionam 24 horas) mas na prática não é assim que funciona por 2 vezes eu fiz processo seletivo na mesma agência e nas duas vezes na ficha havia a escala de horário (desde do 1-º horário até o último horário) tratava-se de uma seguradora que funciona 24 horas.
Como eu tenho o cronotipo vespertino eu preenchi o horário das 11:40 hs as 18:00 hs (o que significa que se na ficha tinha esse horário é porque naquele momento havia uma lacuna de funcionários nesse horário e a empresa buscava candidatos que tivessem disponibilidade para esse horário, isso é, recrutamento recrutamento é encontrar pessoas que tenham características que supram as necessidades da empresa. Eu fui bem nos testes e na entrevista, mas não recebi o encaminhamento (que foi dado na hora) para comparecer na empresa enquanto que os candidatos que foram bem nos testes e na entrevista, mas que preencherem todas as lacunas de horário receberam.
Quer dizer aquela pergunta que havia ali era só para encher linguiça, mas não existia por parte da empresa uma intenção reta, era uma pergunta especulativa. As empresas não veem com “bons olhos” candidatos que dão preferência para o horário que é melhor para o cronotipo dele. Pelo contrário ainda que as empresas tenham necessidade de candidatos com cronotipo X se o candidato após ver na ficha que há vaga para o horário que é melhor para o cronotipo dele escolhê-lo, ele é preterido, isso é interpretado como indisposição. Subentende-se que o desempregado deve aceitar o que a empresa oferta para ele sem nenhuma preferência, sem pestanejar, etc... Afinal até então ele não tinha nada! Dar preferência é visto até como ingratidão!
Da próxima vez que eu for para um processo seletivo e tiver vaga para esse horário eu colocarei a justificativa do porquê dou preferência para esse horário para saber qual será a postura do selecionador, se ele atenderá a necessidade da empresa.
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