12-ABM 1 GROUP 10
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Hero James M. Abellanosa, Julian Raymund G. Suniel, Jennifer Louise S. Balon, Mariel Angel L. Galagar
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12abm01group10 · 2 years ago
Media Evolution and the Changing World: Its Implication to Communication and Education
Written by: Mariel Angel L. Galagar
What is media
Communication is the foundation of what makes us human, as well as a vital component of our societal structure. It essentially allows us to instill vision while communicating ideas and information to a diverse range of people. And evidently, without media, conversing relevant information which involves news, and our various experiences would indeed be unattainable to share across separate regions and to individuals who reside in distant locations. The media will remain a component of our daily lives through having a huge impact in our nation. 
Media can be classified in divergent ways. In general, media is the plural form of medium, that further refers to any communication method. This includes everything from printed paper to electronic data, along with art, current affairs, educational content, and a wide assortment of many other types of information. Furthermore, according to The Penguin Dictionary of Media Studies, it entails disseminating texts and messages to a large number of individuals while also carrying some intellectual baggage or currency. What's more, in the field of education, the media brings knowledge to a plethora of distinct topics, bringing children and teenagers nearer to a variety of information sources and developing inquisitiveness about what they would like to learn.
In line with this, there are also four different categories of media. First is the Media Modality where it refers to audio, video, graphics, and animation. Next, Media format which talks about being digital or analog. Third, the Ways of Transmitting that specifically means the electromagnetic or the radio waves. And lastly, the Mass Media Form or the TV, radio print Internet, telephone, or mobile. Additionally, because of global connectivity, the relevance of media is increasing daily. As a result, each of us must become cognizant of the media's power since it thus enables us to be skeptical of all the data we get on a regular basis. We, the media users, should further remember that our responsibility is to constructively critique the data we gather so that our perception is not influenced by the interests of others.
Media evolution
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Because the ear is the predominant sense organ during this time, McLuhan refers to the Tribal Age as the first historical era. Because the senses of hearing, touch, taste, and smell were far more fully developed than vision, this period is also known as the acoustic era.  The development of hearing, touching, and scent occurred in the Tribal Age.
According to McLuhan, in an acoustic environment. Hearing visualizes something beyond seeing in the tribal age because it makes you fully aware of your environment. In the period of the tribe, the senses of hearing and smell provide us with a perception of the world we cannot see. The hearing was more significant at this time since it made it possible to be more quickly aware of your surroundings, which was crucial for hunting. Because everyone hears at once, listening to someone in a group becomes a unifying act, strengthening the sense of community. Everything is more immediate, and present, and encourages more passion and spontaneity in this realm of surround sound. By hearing, it was believed during the Tribal Age.
Pre- Industrial Age (Pre -1700)
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Clay tablets (2,400 BC), which were created in ancient Mesopotamia, were in use for more than 3,000 years. Scribes imprinted inscriptions in wet clay using a reed stylus. The tablets were frequently sun-dried and occasionally heated in kilns. In order to preserve them for millennia, documents were frequently kept in libraries.
Papyrus(2500 BC) 
Out of the many uses for Egyptian papyrus was more significant than its use as a writing surface. The majority of these sheets were fashioned and sold as scrolls, while occasionally individual sheets were offered for record keeping and lists. 
Roman Acta Diurna were essentially daily gazettes that contained official notices. They were displayed on message boards in open spaces like the Roman Forum and were carved on stone or metal. They were also known as Acta. During the Roman Republic, Acta originally appeared in its original form around 131 BC.
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People established iron production, created machine tools, harnessed the power of steam, and produced a variety of goods (including books through the printing press) In short, this time period is characterized as the result of utilizing machine power. With the invention of the portable printing press by Johannes Gutenberg, the printing press greatly increased visual dependency.
A typewriter is a mechanical or electronic device used to create characters that resemble the movable type used by printers. Keys on a typewriter push against a ribbon to transfer ink or carbon impressions onto paper. Typically, each key push prints one character.
The term "telephone" was previously used to refer to various innovations before the electric telephone was created, and not all early researchers of the electrical gadget dubbed it a "telephone." John Taylor, a captain, created the telephone in 1844 as a means of communication for sailing ships.
One of the best panoramic cameras of the time was the Cyclographe (right), which could capture 360-degree images. A pointed punch that would strike and therefore mark each new exposure on the roll before it passed in front of a slit at the shutter was part of the flexible telescopic camera.
Electronic Age (1930-1980)
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The electronic era began with the creation of the transistor. Transistors' power was harnessed by humans, which resulted in the transistor radio, electronic circuits, and the first computers. Long-distance communication became increasingly effective in this era.
Among the many advantages for adopting electronic media is the ability to sell oneself as well as other things like businesses, products, and services. The usage of media platforms and networks, as well as social media sites like television and the internet, are just a few of the numerous ways you may take advantage of electronic media to communicate effectively with others. Because franchisees can purchase commercials to be shown to millions of people, television is one of the most popular electronic media devices. This increases revenue for the franchise owner. 
Human emotions can be learned by machines due to the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning. THIS empowers them to do actions like humans would, facilitating production.
Diversity of Society 
The world evolves as people make it happen. Many inventions were made from the past that were modified and were reinvented into more accessible and convenient to use. Today, media is being spread around the world meant to be an outlet of communication to spread information to people. Back then, people had limited resources in the media as a way of communication. They had telegraphs as a communication instrument to transmit information less hassle than hiring someone to send messages or information manually to the person. Today’s generation has the advantage of using media and acquiring information from it as it is available anytime. Moreover, this not only provides information to masses, but it also lets people express themselves through different media modality, format, and form. 
People nowadays use the media to educate people with their knowledge that gives impact to people on the internet. This way, people can also be educated and be the better version of themselves as responsible media users.
 Implication to Communication and Education
Students are more engaged in their education and have a richer experience thanks to media in education. They can further see representations of what they are learning via the usage of media in lesson illustrations, smart TVs and other interactive media. In addition, the media has the ability to inform people concerning both good and awful. Because it has an impact on the mind, ears, and eyes nothing can simultaneously counteract the impact of the media. In a developed society, the media should take a laudable goal of educating people and discouraging contentious, sectarian, and communal trends. Acquiring knowledge is a process called learning which certainly requires effort. Jobs can sometimes lead to learners being irritated and getting disinterested in the class because they are bored. That is within that instance, using media in the teaching-learning process is needed to capture students' interest and make teaching and learning activities more successful. The use of media in the process of teaching and learning is not a new thing because many educators are aware of the value of media.
Overall, bringing students of all ages together to assist them with all types of media, from homework to various research projects, is one of the main benefits of each social networking platform. It is significant to note that the geotagging phenomenon has a fantastic outlook on the future of education because it may be utilized to locate pertinent information about the target and find locations that are being researched. Additionally, social media platforms can help students, as has been demonstrated by researchers in resolving their relationship crises. In fact, the absence of the primary driver of pupils' academic success is now involved. In this instance, social media brings them into direct contact with working along with their teachers to make sure the studying procedure is correctly kept up and conducive for learning. 
“Papyrus: A Brief History” (2016, May 23)  https://sites.dartmouth.edu/ancientbooks/2016/05/23/67/
Abercrombie N. & Longhurst B. (2007). The penguin dictionary of media studies. Penguin Books. The Penguin Dictionary of Media Studies | WorldCat.org
 Baculi, Joyce et al,. The evolution of traditional media to new media. https://www.sutori.com/en/story/the-evolution-of-traditional-media-to-new-media--6EnZMSt2SqCEmNnYTdYXh2XN
Dimaculangan, A. Evolution of Media throughout the ages my exposure to media as i grow. https://www.sutori.com/en/story/evolution-of-media-throughout-the-ages-my-exposure-to-media-as-i-grow--7DJpAA8EfZPsd3KsRgswrLdg
Ewan, C. (2019). Why did humans start writing? https://www.bl.uk/collection-items/4000-year-old-tablet-recording-workers-wages
Goreccita, G.  (2016, September 6.) Tribal Age https://evolutionofmediaorg.wordpress.com/2016/09/06/tribal-age/
IMPOFF. (2020, March 04). Importance of media in different aspects of life. The Role and Importance of Media In Our Daily Life (impoff.com)
Kuiper, K.  (2015, March 3). Acta, Ancient Roman Publication https://www.britannica.com/topic/Acta
Lancaster, A. (2022, June). Why is communication important. Why Is Communication Important? | Life and Career Benefits | Mallory
Rohart (2017, July 23) Industrial age 1700’s-1930’s https://rohartpogi.wordpress.com/2017/07/23/industrial-age-1700s-1930s/
Navarro, S.  (2016, July 18) Mcluhan’s Media History https://prezi.com/4pkqnowpp-87/tribal-age/#:~:text=McLuhan's%20media%20history,than%20the%20ability%20to%20visualize.
Stoltzfus, J. (2020, December 23). What does media mean. Techopedia. What is Media? - Definition from Techopedia 
Preeti (2014, March). Education and Role of Media in Education System. https://www.ijser.in/archives/v2i3/SjIwMTMxNTg=.pdf 
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12abm01group10 · 2 years ago
Written by: Julian Raymund G. Suniel
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Communication is part of our daily lives. Be it in school, at work, at home, or in public places, communication is used everywhere we go. Today’s generation has been constantly using different modalities to express their thoughts and communicate with other people. The domination of social media usage among this generation is very relevant, especially the trends and norms. This generation is diverse in terms of communication as it generates new phrases and words that are accepted by society.
Relevant to today's world is Generation Z. “Internet Modernization" or "Web-based people” are more autonomous and passionate. According to a report by cloud mobile solutions company LivePerson, 65% of Generation Z prefer to interact online more frequently than in person while at home. Moreover, the study indicates that having access to the internet and bandwidth utilization that are quick may have influenced their preferences for communication speed. According to eMarketer, 2011. These Generation Zers, who range in age from 14 to 25, are more likely than other generations to prefer online social networks for communication and interaction with people they know, and they are content and feel compelled to provide active feedback and comments about the brands, services, and issues in which they are either directly or indirectly involved. In addition, they value other people's opinions as well.
In my own perspective, to use media as a means of communicating, we usually interact with one another through google meet, Messenger,  Instagram,  Twitter, and many forms of social media. We tend to communicate before class, during, and most likely after which we talk about our experiences, ongoing activities, and how our day is going. We use our gadgets such as cellular phones, laptops, and computers to be able to connect or interact with our friends, loved ones, and families from afar. The thing is, generation Z is fond of gadgets for communication purposes. We want to have a social presence which we want to be popular on social media. Also, we are transparent when it comes to fact-checking on social media. We tend to communicate with other people online and cancel another point of view of other people if they don't align with us.
The Gen Z generation is the most unique generation yet, and they actively embrace differences. This entails accepting the linguistic variations that result from various cultural, socioeconomic, and national backgrounds. They were brought up in a time that valued diversity, gen Z can even adapt their speech or listening to suit the requirements of others around them. They were raised online, gen Z is able to independently verify any information. People, millennials, and members of Gen Z, have become more and more accustomed to the concept of "canceling" organizations or celebrities whose actions conflict with their beliefs. Gen Z and the millennials put life first. A blurring of the lines separating work and life outside of it offers the opportunity to interact openly and often with colleagues, supporting and motivating them both inside and outside of the workplace, to achieve their objectives.
Many of Gen Z's young family members are active online, and they are aware that social media platforms are the fastest and most reliable means to connect with them. This may be one of the reasons why so many Gen Z’s use social media platforms. "There aren't many places, online or off, where sandwich generation members, grandparents, friends, and neighbors often cross paths and connect on the same network. Daily updates, photos, and videos can help keep close friends and family who live far apart from one another connected in a variety of ways. Social media is becoming a popular platform for professional networking, continuing education, and political activity among the children and grandchildren of older people, who are documenting many aspects of their lives online.” (Madden, 2010). 
In conclusion, taking full responsibility is indeed the greatest essential component of effective communication. Becoming a medium means a responsibility that every individual should hold, regardless of the social media channels we use in interacting with one another. Moreover, Generation Z loves communicating via creating content with distinct humor and stories. However, it is vital to be aware of the repercussions of excessive usage of this matter. Being mindful of your time as well as your deeds on media platforms as a modern communicator, would therefore enable you to reap all the perks with lesser consequences. Just like Will Durant once said, “never mind your happiness; do your duty.”
 Forgeard, V. (2022, April 19). How acceptance of responsibility influences effective communication.  How Acceptance of Responsibility Influences Effective Communication - brilliantio
JagWire. (2019, February 11). Using social media responsibly is good. Using social media responsibly is good – Mill Valley News (mvnews.org)
Madden, M., & Madden, M. (2010, August 27). Older Adults and Social Media. Retrieved from https://www.pewinternet.org/2010/08/27/older-adults-and-social-media/  
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