an1tak · 9 days
Ah pero celeste si a ti todo te sale bien siempre
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an1tak · 1 month
Hi. I've been struggling to come up with the needed downpayment for my school this semester. I've tried selling things online but theyre not enough. I am already in my 4th yr hoping to enroll this semester so I can proceed to internship next sem. If you need any proof of my university and existence, I'll gladly share them. So please.
Any amount will do. Thank you for your kindness in advance. 🙏🩷
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an1tak · 1 month
Weekend of studying! 23/08/2024
Maybe I'll go out with my friends and tomorrow we'll resume a dungeons and dragons campaign with some friends !!
(🌾): FCA & TEA joint project final document
< (🌿): TEA logo
< (🌿): Making Flayer
< (🌿): Make Attendance Format
< (🌿): Calculate material required
(🌾): Review notes Civil law obliagicons.
< (🌿): Finish slides.
(🌾): Review notes Constitutional law.
< (🌿): Finish watching videos history of the constitution.
< (🌿): Drafting opinion on the constitution.
(🌾): Review notes civil procedural law.
< (🌿): see what they get last class
< (🌿): Reading book pages.
(🌾): Review notes criminal law.
(🌾): Review of labor law.
< (🌿): Reading articles.
(🌾): Make quick study plan for english test.
(🌾): Study Italian.
(🌾): Start reading my new book!!
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an1tak · 1 month
I am late for the peer visits (representatives from other universities) because I did not withdraw money early yesterday, please pray for me.
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an1tak · 1 month
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Hii, I'm Alba- 24 years old, U.S based and a Libra.
I already obtained my Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice. I am currently studying and preparing for my LSAT and law school applications. I decided to start this blog because I needed motivation to study and this is a good way to monitor and document my progress while keeping me accountable.
What I'm Studying:
LSAT Languages Tarot
Languages I'm Learning:
French Russian
Art and Music Books and Literature Cats Coffee and Matcha Dancing Nature Movies and TV Photography Poetry and Quotes Politics Thrifting Records Witchcraft Writing
Tags: #lawfullycaffeinated - all posts #lawfullycaffeinated responds - Q&As #lawfullycaffeinated reads - bookblr #lawfullycaffeinated spells - witchblr #lawfullycaffeinated politics - politicsblr
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an1tak · 1 month
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you look happier since you started prioritizing how your life feels instead of how it looks
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an1tak · 1 month
i wish there was more talk on tumblr about hypersexuality as a response to trauma, tbh. i see a lot of talk about asexuality and sex-repulsion due to trauma, but i rarely see people talk about the opposite. idk, its a difficult subject i suppose
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an1tak · 1 month
The world is cruel therefore I won’t be
I want to be the kindest girl ever
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an1tak · 2 months
Hello my friend, can you help my children? Look at my page and I hope
Vetted by 90-ghost, north gaza updated @90-ghost @northgazaupdates @el-shab-hussein
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an1tak · 2 months
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an1tak · 2 months
Restoring Life for Waseem’s Family: Rising Again 🙏🏼
Hello, my name is Waseem Abusafi from Gaza-Palestine. and I am 34 years old, I have a 3-year-old son named Qais, and my wife Amal Asqoul is 27 years old.
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[GoFundMe Campaign Link] The full story ⬇️
The recent war has turned our lives upside down 💔. Our home and community were destroyed🥲, and we lost many family members in an airstrike. We have been forced to relocate multiple times in search of safety.
Despite the immense grief and loss, we are determined to protect our son and rebuild our lives. We need your help🙏🏼 to evacuate to Egypt and start anew.
Every contribution, no matter how small, will help us overcome this crisis. Thank you for your kindness and compassion.🥰
Vetted by mohammed Alanqer
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an1tak · 2 months
manifestando (parcialmente)
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oh yes, they both reached for the gun
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an1tak · 2 months
I survived the first week back at college happy and excited!!!
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an1tak · 2 months
Hi, I am Youssef Helles
This is my third account after the other two were suspended
I'm fighting for everyone and just want help with my campaign
I didn't do anything illegal, I just asked for help
I hope you can help me by donating or sharing
Hello, my name is Yousef Hilles from Gaza. I followed my campaign and was verified by @el-shab-hussein I hope you can help Campaign number (206)
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an1tak · 2 months
you don't have to stay loyal to your suffering
when something good happens, embrace it
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an1tak · 2 months
watch how you talk to yourself and how you talk about yourself.
and i say this because many people talk badly about themselves as if they are not the operant power of their life. if you are on this journey long enough, you know that words are powerful, even as a joke. and if they are so powerful, why not use them in more powerful ways?
"watch your conversations carefully; are they from premises of fulfilled ideas? if they’re not, go back and make them and make them actually correspond to the ideal you want to embody in this world." ♱ the coin of heaven, neville goddard
how you talk to yourself and about yourself comes down to your belief about yourself. that inner knowing that you have or are that "negative trait." even if you don't say it to yourself, if you have that belief, you will unconsciously downplay yourself when talking to others.
i am not saying you have to boast and egotistically look down on others. you can think highly of yourself and talk highly about yourself without doing that. you don't have to constantly tell people that you are this and that because your energy alone can tell it. otherwise, you are just simply disguising your confidence with narcissistic behaviors to seek validation from others.
how i changed my conversations.
as i have been working on my self-concept over the years, i realized one thing: if i want to be the person i desire to be, i cannot talk badly about myself and to myself. so, what i did is i actively catch myself when i am about to say something that doesn't align with me. i changed it to a more uplifting and powerful statement.
whenever i am having a conversation with others and i have the urge to downplay and talk badly about myself to appear "humble," i choose to stay silent or say something that people would not find boastful. (i say this because i am typically not surrounded by people who think highly of themselves yet, so they might find me boastful or arrogant.)
i understand that in order to talk highly about myself, i have to
think highly of myself
know that my natural self is divine
love myself unconditionally
these are the things that i realized as i work on myself. i am aware that if i change my inner beliefs and conversations about myself, it means i am deciding to choose to be the person who i desire to be. things come easily to me as i love myself more and more every single day of my life.
and it is so important to be surrounded by people who actually like themselves and think highly of themselves because if you are already that kind of person, you would not see each other as arrogant or boastful. instead, you will uplift each other more.
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an1tak · 2 months
If you haven’t read part 1, start here. 
In order to receive, there needs to be space. You need safety and emotional capacity within your body to receive love, and often this is the missing link when it comes to healing. You do all the mind work, but inside your body, that fight, flight, freeze or appease kicks in the moment you reach your safety threshold, the moment you start to feel for him, suddenly what once felt fun, turns to deep discomfort. Dating feels unsafe. Once you’ve completed the first step in part one, you’ll have figured out what your threshold is for safety in relationships. Whether it’s a guy not texting you back, or maybe when he’s emotionally available, and gets serious with you, your nervous system goes in to panic, whatever it is once you’ve figured it out you can work on these next steps: 
2] You need to heal your relationship with the masculine. With all the men in your life, and from the past. This is the clearing process. Those flashbacks of the guy that hurt you last summer, the ex that cheated, the argument that you wish went differently, the dad that was never there for you, the collective pain towards the masculine needs to be healed first and foremost. For me, this looked like writing a forgiveness list of every single man that hurt me starting from my earliest memory. I wrote it all out, I forgave myself, and each person in every situation - using my imagination and mentally used an eraser to scribble out each situation once I made peace. For my relationship with my dad, which was always a sore subject for me, I leaned on my relationship with God as the foundations for healing this fatherly relationship. I choose to see God as my father, and my dad as my humanly father who is not perfect and will never be able to provide for me in the ways God can, this took the pressure off expecting my dad to be someone he could never be. I learned to have more grace and patience for my dad and as a result he is showing up in the most loving and supportive way he has ever in my life. I also used a recording of my own voice which I played on loop overnight for about 2 weeks affirming safety around men, and the masculine (I can share in a separate post if you would like this). All of these points supported my healing with the masculine. 
Part 3 next for the daily steps for expanding from within..
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