#diu prompts
jorenilee · 5 months
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sore winners and sore losers
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sacredpit · 10 months
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↳               ❛   how did you get this scar ??   ❜
  sender :   @blueshiftting   /   source :   prompted   /   status :   closed .
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    a manicured hand lifts to trace index   &   middle fingers along the slightly raised skin in question ,   the eerie symmetry of perfectly straight lines foreign - feeling to the touch ,   despite the age of the injury .   kakyoin recalls the incident with   resonant clarity   ━━━━   the way he   &   polnareff noisily bickered while attempting to hide from the mysterious threat ,   incognizant of the fact that their voices only increased their odds of being located   &   struck by the sightless assassin .
    “   n’doul ,   ”   comes a simple answer ,   kakyoin’s voice pensive ,   yet steady as he withdraws his hand from his face .   “   i thought you would recognize his work   ━━━━   dio brought him on board shortly after i left egypt ,   didn’t he ??   ”
    when the wounds were fresh ,   kakyoin lamented his lack of familiarity with geb   &   its user ;   perhaps if he had known the manner in which they operated ,   he wouldn’t have to wear proof of their attack for the rest of his life ,   at the central point of his face ,   no less .   but he has learned to pacify that shame ,   &   to live with the wounds that will never leave him ,   despite how time has healed his body .   looking in the mirror is nothing of the dreadful ordeal it once had been :   he is   proud   of what he has survived ,   &   far from concerned about how those who could never understand may feel inclined to judge ,   or worse ,   pity . 
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    scarred lavenders find cordelia’s face in the mild light of day .   he’d been astonished to find her in morioh ,   though it seems a testament to the inescapable truth that stand users seem to   connect   &   reconnect   against all odds .   they’d once stood on the same ground ,   then faced each other as enemies ,   &   now they’ve met again ,   conditions of the past seemingly obsolete but   unforgettable .   with all the work kakyoin has tasked himself with in relation to   what remains of dio   (   which is far more than   it should be ,   but as the resident   ‘ expert ’   on him at spw ,   no other individual is better suited to bear the burden   ) ,   he could almost laugh at the ways in which the past keeps coming back ,   making life seem like a   never - ending circle   rather than a progressing timeline .
    “   i always wondered what happened to you ,   ”   he confesses ,   gaze falling toward where his hands rest on the cherrywood table ,   light reflected in the jade polish adorning short ,   well - kept nails .   “   i know that the d’arby brothers are still out there   ━━━━   same with mariah   &   midler ,   &   presumably the others who weren’t killed .   but it seemed like you just disappeared when everything was said   &   done .   ”   slowly ,   he fixes his eyes on her once again ,   a curious intensity to his glare ,   but an open - mindedness ,   too .   she had agreed to meet him at the hotel ,   after all .   “   forgive me if this question is ten years too late ,   but what will you   do   now that the one you pledged your life to is only a memory ??   ”
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werspinna · 1 year
The baker stirs awake, eyes slowly opening. He feels someone in his arms, head turning to his guest. His eyes widened seeing the alchemist, a blush forming on his face. He replays the night in his head as a hand covers his red face. NOt helped by the look on Wolf's face as a bashful chuckle escapes his lips. "Am I blushing? I'm blushing aren't I?"
Back in he convent the morning was never quiet- there were the hasty noise of steps on the corridor from the nun running into the chapel for the morningprayer, there were the busy clattering of pots and dishes from the kitchen when the breakfast was prepared, there were the loud noises of the children who- beside the fact that everyone in the convent was orderd to be silent- were herded like a flock of chattering geese to the refectory for a quick breakfast so they could go to their first lessons as soon as the nuns had finsihed their prayers. Here however the morning was almost quiet, there was Chris breathing changing its quiet tact when he stirred awake and the distant echo of vehicles on the streets that were as tiered as their drivers, yet at this hour of the morining were the light was still grey, almost white, it was so strangely quiet that it had woken Wolf who was so used to the loudness of the convent in the morning that she was suddenly alarmed and alerted, up. Chris reaction and words made her laugh in all good humor and the young woman propped herself up on one elbow. The pale light falling into the room drew soft shadows on the amused smile on her face. Still laughing she took the man bigger hand in her scarred ones, pulled it gently from his face and kissed his knuckles, humming so lightly her breath stroked soft like a veil over his skin: "...Wol mich der stunde, daz ich ihn erkande, diu mir den lîp und den muot hât betwungen. Sît deich die sinne sô gar an ihn wande, der er mich hât mit eein güete verdrungen. Daz ich gescheiden von ihn niht enkan, daz hât ihn schœne und ihn güete gemachet, und ihn rôter munt, der sô lieplîchen lachet." The young woman grey eyes flicked up to Chris, squinting in a smile that was only a little wolfish, only a little impish, only a little sly as she chirped as innocently as she was definitive not: "As the bard sung so nicely- no need to be afraid of blushing red when this is when people are the most beautiful. I for one -" She breathed another kiss on the mans knuckles, this time however looking directly at him and with a knowing smile curling around the scarred corner of her mouth. Gently, softly, tenderly she lead his hand to herself, to her neck, to her bare shoulder, down to one of her breasts: "-am so very nicely bewitched by that pretty colour on your face, not gonna lie, not lying at all. You sure are the most beautiful when you are blushing."
This was the exact moment when the dimensional-traveling-watch that Wolf had put on the dresser beside Chris bed started to beep and blink like an angry firefly and for a second, just a second there was a irritated scowl crumbling Wolfs poxscarred face into a annoyed grimace. Then the second ended, the mask found its way back to her face, and a amused little laughed escaped the young womans mouth as she fell back on her back in the bed, stretching her arms up as if she was a sleepy cat in the sunlight. She reached up, stroking a finger over the mans cheek gently: "Ah, the Multiverse wants me back, it seems. No nice pause for me, no, never a nice pause for me, not at all. It is not the nice way, not at all, not nice really, but would it be okay if you eat your breakfast without me, Muuske?" [ @bewitchingbaker ]
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illumerux · 1 year
"I didn't miss you as much as I thought I would" - Writing Prompt
The sand underneath Luka’s feet was as hot as he remembered. Compared to his memories, he was half as bothered about them than Avis once was. 
“Yeale hasn’t changed, has it?” Asher spoke from behind before he appeared next to Luka. 
“I doubt the sea would change even a thousand years later,” Luka said sardonically. He watched as Asher dropped into a crouch, fingers sweeping old Dytikan letters into the sand. The sea reached out and washed them away before he finished writing whatever it was.
“True,” Asher said, more breath than voice as he stared out at the sea. Sometimes, seeing Asher like this, Luka saw the resemblance to Averian more than he preferred. Averian was Avis’, the one in his memories that he treasured, like the queen deep inside the crumbling palace of roses. 
“...Luka, can I say something?” Asher asked, breaking the silent cacophony of the distant cries of seagulls and the whispering of waves.
“You always do,” Luka pointed out.
“True,” Asher said with a short laugh. “Luka, no– Avis. I didn’t miss you as much as I thought I would.”
Maybe, if this was a thousand years ago, if this was before Luka had shattered the only piece left of the Goddess, if this was before Avis had seen a child younger than him throw away their own future for his, if this was before Luka had to see Lideria die before his eyes, he would’ve been hurt. But the only feeling he could even muster was a distant heartbreak, like hearing a storm in a greenhouse and knowing it couldn’t touch you. 
“It’s weird, because… I… no, Averian, he wanted so badly to come find you again. Well, Avis, I mean. I’m not… I can’t really agree with him on that. Why would you throw away your own life just to find someone?” Asher sighed. 
“I didn’t leave because I cared about Lideria more than I loved you,” Luka said, folding his arms close to him. 
“I know it’s not that,” Asher said. “It’s because of a hundred other things that turned into that choice. And because Avis thought he was less important to Averian than Yeale.”
“Yeale was always Averian’s birthright. Of course he had to care for it. I didn’t want him to make a choice,” Luka said.
“I still would’ve liked the choice,” Asher said. He finished writing another sweeping word into the sand. This time, Luka caught the words before the sea washed it away.
“Why did you write my name?” Luka asked, looking down at the characters that were no longer unfamiliar. Seeing everything from Kompass’ past meant he could no longer tell where the line between him and Avis was anymore.
Was Luka himself anymore? Was he Avis now? Was he all those broken souls that came in between? Was he the determination, the longing, the cursed pieces of all those souls before? Could Luka even call himself ‘Luka’ anymore?
“Because Averian did this before he made that soul contract,” Asher said. “He wrote down his name… and yours. And watched the sea wash them away. Then he went and found Ditthan Izles and used him as the catalyst for the deal.”
“You killed your father?” Luka blurted out.
“Averian left him for dead. But gods don’t ever die.”
“Ditthan are not gods,” Luka snapped before he could stop himself. “Don’t debase–”
“I know Ditthan aren’t gods,” Asher interrupted softly. Gently. Because even if he remembered the faintest things of Averian, he knew that Ditthan were only made gods because the Goddess died. “I know that like everyone knows that Ditthan are just Dius now. But Averian doesn’t. You know this. A thousand years ago, we didn’t. We didn’t know anything.”
Luka watched him, then stepped closer. “Asher.” Sand stuck to his feet like his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth.
“Luka, will you ever tell me what it is that you fought for, to the point that you were willing to throw your own soul away?” Asher asked. 
“You knew me once,” Luka pulled the words from his mouth, feeling them cut like glass. But he owed this much to Averian. To Asher. For all that they had done. “And you still do. You know what the answer is.”
Asher straightened. He looked at Luka, and the pale sea flung itself at their feet. Seafoam clambered on their ankles and slinked away. The sea brought the wind and newly born rain and it blew through them as if they weren’t anything but leaves. 
“I still want to hear it,” Asher said gently. That was the strangest thing to Luka, that Asher and Averian spoke softly, nothing like how Luka couldn’t speak the way Avis did, not without feeling like something was ripping in his heart.
“I was willing to throw everything away for this world,” Luka said slowly, watching as the words were swept by the wind, the cadence seeping into the sand between them. “Because I believed in anything that would bring me right back to you, even if it took thousands of years.”
“A hundred lifetimes,” Asher added and Luka couldn’t help his laugh. 
“In one of my lives, there was a saying,” The words were foreign in Luka’s mouth, a language that didn’t exist in this world, only brought to life because of his memories of another life, another world. “It takes hundreds of lives to meet on the same boat, and a thousand eons to share the same pillow.”
“We haven’t even been through a thousand eons,” Asher said.
“I know,” Luka said. “But we found our way back here.” Back here, back to Kompass. Back here, back to you, to me.
“That makes your saying a fool’s tale,” Asher said, still sharp-tongued as ever. “Even the Orisun’s more reliable.”
Luka laughed. Perhaps that was the sweetest thing of all, that Averian’s wish to the sea brought them back together.
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hellbubu · 1 year
I think I'll just focus on my DIU rewatch. If I post prompts or ask games, please send asks. But I don't think I'll write that much aside from that. I was feeling really good and I've suddenly come back down.
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kylo-wrecked · 1 year
the intimacy of hands ; [ acceptance ] (+ me switching up the prompt a lil shhhh)
It was brighter than memory served. Intimate neons poured over manicured tile and exposed metalwork overhead like liquid, rays of deep sea-blue sun twisted up in pink-red pulses. The hues of vitality, and her.
Cael looked at him across the sterile sphere only once - long and pinning, no words - and decided immediately that she hated him for how empty her place looked in his wake.
She hated the place for not quite being able to reduce him. Even sat against one curving panel he stood out, a single slice of black across cavernous silver walls.
Caelesis blew a sigh. Her fingers twitched. Her mien oscillated: soft, hard, pained. Somewhere between.
She turned her chin, lifted her gaze in accordance with his: the centerpiece. The orb. Her cradle and bed, sanctuary and misery.
"If the Dius find out you're still inside these walls, they'll kill you." Cael's gaze traced the air; faded halfway to reaching him. "Your execution would be on the grounds of justice after your Supreme Leader swore to retrieve you."
Hesitation. But she stepped forward, abandoning it there in the door with her loyalties.
Cael went to Ren. Turned and pressed her back to the wall and slid down, sitting alongside him with her eyes to the cradle.
She felt the velvet brush of his closeness - arm beside arm, elbow grazing elbow - and tried not to feel anything else. Failed to.
"Ren." Her voice was preparatory. Steady. It quivered only once. "I don't want you to leave."
The fog of time elapsed was a boon, here. Would she have been able to speak thusly otherwise? But words seemed like so little now.
One of her hands shifted. The palm turned on its side, a phantom presence over their thighs.
Two of the fingers - the last, no more - found his own. And halted.
"You know already, don't you?" she whispered. "You must know."
Fingers curved around fingers; skin entwined with leather.
"I need you here."
Another side of knowledge was belief; a prismatic specter as complex as the light that poured through the ceiling's alloyed fretwork; in waves of vermillion; in waves of cyan; in waves of chrome; glinting off the nicks in Ren's recently buffed helm. His head drooped between the ridges of his shoulders, then rose, casting its latticework at the silver nest in the center of the room rather than meeting Cael's gaze. 
Though he seemed to forgive her recitations, he afforded neither answer nor comment. But Caelesis was insistent as ever, and so, having decided over a fortnight ago that he would forgo common speech after this day, he forced it through the helm a final time, his every syllable tremulous and attenuated, rasping, as if to bother to open his mouth asked for his most strenuous effort and attention. 
Words were meager, yet here they were. 
"None of that matters now." 
These words were a portent; they filled the room, obfuscating its neon glow. 
Valdrada had already taken root in his chest thirteen by thirteen moons ago, spreading like a rash from the bloody stripe slashed across his sternum by a bio-weapon in the guise of a Sith dagger. 
Ren would die soon enough, and when he rose anew, the Vis could take the Ren and burn his corpse, and he would return once more comprised of glorious new edges. 
He corrected himself, and his shadow voice sang. 
They don't matter.
After all, their so-called Insomnium had left them on the edge of a doorframe just moments ago, and now she sunk beside his leaden frame. 
Let your masters seek justice, and they'll find a reckoning.  
Ren gave life to the thoughts Caelesis would not and, often, could not speak. And that seemed a perfectly natural exchange as she often did the same for him in return. Yes, he knew. Ren felt as she did, just there, beneath the ribs, beyond the whisper of her touch. 
The hide of his hand closed over her fingers. 
Whatever the Dius Videntis had wrought was out of their reach now, had it ever been within their grasp, to begin with.
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novumtimes · 8 days
Russian $50M Combat Jet Shot Down Over Black Sea: Ukraine Video
One of Russia’s most advanced aircraft was shot down over the Black Sea, Ukraine’s defense intelligence has said, as it released a video that purports to show the destruction of the fighter jet worth tens of millions of dollars. The Defense Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU) said one of its units used a man-portable air defense system (MANPAD) to target the Sukhoi Su-30SM warplane which has a price tag of around $50 million. The DIU said that the jet had belonged to the 43rd Separate Naval Aviation Regiment of the Russian Air Force, based at Saky airfield in occupied Crimea. It had gone missing from radar around 5 a.m. Tuesday, sparking a search-and-rescue operation involving An-26 aircraft and Mi-8 and Ka-27 helicopters, it said. “The invaders reported to the command about a characteristic slick of aviation fuel found in the sea, 70 kilometers northwest of Cape Tarkhankut, and soon saw the wreckage of the destroyed Su-30SM,” the DIU statement said, according to a translation. This illustrative image shows Russian Sukhoi SU-35S Sukhoi jet fighters aircrafts during the MAKS-2021 International Aviation and Space Salon, on July 20, 2021, in Zhukovskiy, outside of Moscow, Russia. Footage released by Ukrainian defense intelligence… This illustrative image shows Russian Sukhoi SU-35S Sukhoi jet fighters aircrafts during the MAKS-2021 International Aviation and Space Salon, on July 20, 2021, in Zhukovskiy, outside of Moscow, Russia. Footage released by Ukrainian defense intelligence purports to show the destruction of a Sukhoi Su-30SM warplane. More Mikhail Svetlov/Getty Images Aerial footage shows the aircraft flying across the sky and the clip then cuts to an explosion in the sky, prompting a strong reaction from social media users. “Destruction of Su-30SM jet by a MANPADS missile from GUR boat in the Black Sea near Crimea-2 drilling rig,” posted X user C4H10FO2P next to the 53-second video. X user OSINTtechnical wrote on X: “Ukrainian special forces successfully shot down a Russian Naval Aviation Su-30SM multirole fighter while raiding a Black Sea oil platform Tuesday. It appears one Ukrainian MANPADS team scored a hit on the Russian fighter (with a spot from a circling Ukrainian drone).” “Another huge loss for the Russian Air Force as an Su-30SM fighter jet went down near Crimea,” posted X user Rod Francis. “It’s one of Russia’s best aircraft and is a modernized multi-role jet. It’s a financial hit of $50M for Putin. Too bad, so sad.” Russian-language social media channels had earlier reported the disappearance and search for the multi-role fighter aircraft whose NATO reporting name is Flanker-C/G/H). It had fired four Kh-31P anti-radiation missiles toward mainland Ukraine during its mission, according to the Telegram channel Crimean Wind. The Russian Defense Ministry said on Tuesday that its forces had thwarted Ukraine’s attempt to regain control of the Krym-2 drilling rig in the Black Sea but there is no evidence that the events are connected. Newsweek has contacted the Russian defense ministry for comment. It is the latest aviation mishap involving a Russian military aircraft. Last month, an Mi-8 helicopter carrying approximately 20 people went missing. In June, the crew of a Russian Su-34 warplane was killed in a crash east of the Black Sea, during a training flight in Russia’s North Ossetia-Alania, a small Russian republic on the border with Georgia. Source link via The Novum Times
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srghospital1 · 4 months
Discover the Charm of Diu: A Guide to Online Hotel Booking and the Best Stay at Hotel Apaar
Exploring Diu: A Coastal Paradise
Diu, a small island off the coast of Gujarat, is a hidden gem known for its serene beaches, historical forts, and vibrant culture. Whether you are a history buff, a nature lover, or simply looking for a tranquil escape, Diu offers something for everyone. From the stunning Naida Caves to the majestic Diu Fort, the island is a perfect blend of adventure and relaxation.
The Convenience of Online Hotel Booking
Planning your trip to Diu has never been easier, thanks to the plethora of online hotel booking diu platforms. These platforms allow you to compare prices, read reviews, and choose the best accommodation that fits your budget and preferences. Websites like Booking.com, MakeMyTrip, and Airbnb provide detailed descriptions and user ratings, ensuring that you make an informed decision.
Choosing the Right Hotel: Factors to Consider
When booking a hotel online, consider the following factors to ensure a pleasant stay:
Location: Proximity to major attractions and beaches can enhance your travel experience.
Amenities: Look for facilities like free Wi-Fi, complimentary breakfast, swimming pools, and more.
Reviews: User reviews offer valuable insights into the quality of service and overall experience.
Price: Compare prices across different platforms to get the best deal.
Cancellation Policy: Flexible cancellation policies are a plus in case of any changes in your travel plans.
Spotlight on Hotel Apaar: The Best Stay in Diu
Among the many accommodations available, Hotel Apaar stands out as one of the best hotels in Diu. Here's why:
Prime Location
Hotel Apaar boasts a strategic location near the Diu Fort and Jallandhar Beach, making it an ideal base for exploring the island. Its central location allows easy access to various attractions, dining options, and local markets.
Comfortable and Well-Appointed Rooms
The hotel offers a range of rooms to suit different preferences and budgets. Each room is designed with comfort in mind, featuring modern amenities such as air conditioning, flat-screen TVs, and complimentary Wi-Fi. The well-furnished interiors and cozy ambiance ensure a restful stay.
Excellent Amenities
Hotel Apaar is equipped with top-notch facilities to enhance your stay:
On-site Restaurant: Enjoy delicious local and international cuisine without having to leave the hotel.
Travel Desk: Get assistance with travel arrangements and local tours.
Room Service: Experience convenience and comfort with prompt room service.
Conference Facilities: The hotel caters to business travelers with well-equipped meeting rooms.
Warm Hospitality
The staff at Hotel Apaar is known for their warm hospitality and attentive service. From the moment you check in, you are greeted with a friendly smile and a willingness to assist with any needs or queries.
Positive Reviews
Hotel Apaar consistently receives high ratings and positive reviews from guests. Travelers appreciate the cleanliness, comfort, and exceptional service provided by the hotel staff, making it a popular choice among visitors to Diu.
Booking Your Stay at Hotel Apaar
To book your stay at Hotel Apaar, visit their official website or find them on popular booking platforms. Ensure to book in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons, to secure the best rates and availability.
Final Thoughts
Diu is a beautiful destination that promises a memorable vacation. With the convenience of online hotel booking, planning your trip has never been simpler. And for the best experience, consider staying at Hotel Apaar, where comfort, convenience, and excellent service come together to make your stay truly special.
So, pack your bags and get ready to explore the enchanting island of Diu. Happy travels!
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raybotixsolar · 5 months
Your Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Hotel in Diu and Booking Your Stay Online
Are you planning a trip to Diu and looking for the perfect accommodation? Look no further! In this guide, we'll take you through everything you need to know about finding the best hotel in Diu and booking your stay online.
Researching the Best Hotels: Before you book your stay, it's essential to research the best hotels in Diu. Look for factors such as location, amenities, reviews, and pricing to find the perfect fit for your needs.
Online Booking Platforms: Once you've narrowed down your options, it's time to book your stay online. There are several online booking platforms available where you can compare prices, read reviews, and make reservations conveniently from your computer or mobile device.
Choosing the Right Accommodation: Whether you prefer a beachfront resort, a boutique hotel in the city center, or a cozy guest house tucked away in the countryside, Diu offers a variety of accommodation options to suit every preference and budget.
Checking Availability and Rates: Before you finalize your booking, be sure to check the availability and rates for your desired dates. Many hotels offer flexible booking options and special discounts for online reservations, so keep an eye out for any deals or promotions.
Making Your Reservation: Once you've found the perfect hotel for your stay, simply follow the prompts on the diu hotel online  booking platform to make your reservation. You'll typically need to provide your contact information, payment details, and any special requests or preferences.
Confirmation and Payment: After completing your booking, you'll receive a confirmation email with all the details of your reservation. Be sure to review the information carefully and contact the hotel directly if you have any questions or concerns. Payment is usually processed securely online at the time of booking.
Planning Your Itinerary: With your accommodation booked, you can now focus on planning the rest of your trip to Diu. Explore the island's beautiful beaches, historic landmarks, and vibrant culture, and get ready for an unforgettable experience in this enchanting destination.
In conclusion, booking the best hotel in Diu and securing your stay online is easier than ever with the convenience of online booking platforms. Follow these steps to find the perfect accommodation for your trip and get ready to enjoy all that Diu has to offer. Happy travels!
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josepescriva · 1 year
El "HIT" de l'estiu per al Govern d'Oliva.
La cançó de l'estiu per al Nou Govern d'Oliva ha sigut pareguda a la de Vicent Fernández Jr., "con dinero y sin dinero, hago siempre lo que quiero y mi palabra és la ley", o una cosa així. Perquè els veïns d'Oliva, associacions, empreses i tots aquells que s'han apropat a l'ajuntament a proposar alguna cosa s'ha trobat amb la cançoneta de què no hi ha diners, però la realitat és que tenen diners per al que volen tindre’n.
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Els físics diuen que per cada acció hi ha una reacció. La veritat? La política d'Oliva em fa pensar que la física és més que una ciència; és una profecia. I de profecies, les empreses subministradores, els proveïdors de serveis, les associacions i els comerciants d'Oliva en saben una de bona: l'endarreriment de les modificacions pressupostàries (a més de no aprofitar els recursos econòmics que hi ha disponibles al pressupost). Però no patiu, que no és culpa seua, és el "Cha Cha Cha" dels canvis de govern. O, perquè no dir-ho, el ball de les excuses.
Si et creus la cançó del nou govern, nosaltres, els del govern anterior, vam fer com la cigala: "cantar y cantar!" sense deixar res per al futur. Però en realitat, dins del "griller" que conformàvem l'anterior govern, vam deixar més diners a les arques municipals del que els cants de sirena d'estos nous gestors fan entrevore.
Amb tot, ja vorem quina melodia ens canten quan es presenten els propers comptes de liquidació. Ens diran que han sanejat els comptes, que han estalviat i que l'Ajuntament d'Oliva torna a presentar superàvit, alguna cosa així com si foren un "Llops de Wall Street"; del carrer del muret, més bé diríem.
El que ja sabem és que com canta Sabina ho negaran tot, "negaran aquellos polvos y estos lodos"; però des de Compromís per Oliva vam fer la nostra part. Vam vore que es necessitaven modificacions pressupostàries per cobrir els subministraments, l'errada que van fer els nostres socis en la publicació de les ordenances de recaptació, els bons consum i les subvencions a les nostres associacions, així que vam proposar una solució. I què va passar? Va ser tombada.
Ara, aquells que ho van impossibilitar votant a la contra estan ballant al so d'aquell himne Indie de Miss Caffeina "...Mira como floto, mira como vuelo... ...dejando todo atras...". Eixa oposició que votava en contra, la qual, oh sorpresa!, ara governa, i el PSOE, que va jugar la carta de l'abstenció, argumentant -amb poques paraules- que no volien esmenar el seu error i preferien posposar la millora de la neteja viària i recollida de fem fins al pròxim cicle. Una ovació per tots.
Tot sumat, la resta que hem aconseguit?, retards en la solvència del nostre ajuntament, política de la improvisació dels mateixos que creen el problema i que després s'ofereixen per solucionar-lo. Mentrestant per a eixir del pas, com diu el famós grup de música en valencià "I les cançons, ventiladors. Que esguiten merda, merda pa' tots". Excuses. Una formula que no està en el llibret de les bones maneres, però, al cap i a la fi, han convertit la política en un ball de lletres i moltes d'elles rimen.
Hui, la Junta de Govern Local ens ha mostrat una altra dansa: la del retard dels "Bons Consum", descoordinació, errors, imprevistos... És el "Tango de la mort"?, o els ballarins no saben la coreografia?, mentrestant, la cançó del "no hi ha diners" segueix repetint-se com un mal "HIT" d'estiu.
De cara al cap de setmana ho arreglaran. Esperem que sí, però atenció, que si es tracta de nomenaments als assessors i càrrecs de confiança, la coreografia és perfecta. No falten passos. Tornem a fer un aplaudiment que este pareix és el proper "HIT" que ressonarà ben rebé. Esperem que el ritme i lletra canvie més prompte que tard.
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meghalayacareer · 1 year
Central Bank of India Apprentice Recruitment 2023 Notification, 5000 Posts
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Central Bank of India Apprentice Recruitment 2023: Central Bank of India has released an employment notification for the recruitment of Apprentices, under the Apprentices Act, 1961, and as per the Apprenticeship policy of the Bank. Selected candidates will be engaged in branches/offices in the respective districts at the discretion of the Bank. The last date for submission of the application is 03-04-2023. Post Name:- Apprentice - No of posts:- 5000 - State-wise vacancy list:- 1. Gujarat: 342 Posts 2. Dadra & Nagar Haveli & Daman & Diu: 3 Posts 3. Madhya Pradesh: 502 Posts 4. Chhattisgarh: 55 Posts 5. Chandigarh: 21 Posts 6. Haryana: 44 Posts 7. Punjab: 150 Posts 8. J&K: 26 Posts 9. Himachal Pradesh: 63 Posts 10. Tamil Nadu: 230 Posts 11. Puducherry: 1 Posts 12. Kerala: 136 Posts 13. Rajasthan: 192 Posts 14. Uttrakhand: 41 Posts 15. Delhi: 41 Posts 16. Assam: 135 Posts 17. Manipur: 9 Posts 18. Nagaland: 7 Posts 19. Arunachal Pradesh: 8 Posts 20. Mizoram: 2 Posts 21. Meghalaya: 8 Posts 22. Tripura: 6 Posts 23. Karnataka: 115 Posts 24. Telangana: 106 Posts 25. Andhra Pradesh: 141 Posts 26. Odisha: 112 Posts 27. West Bengal: 362 Posts 28. Andaman & Nicobar: 1 Post 29. Sikkim: 16 Posts 30. Uttar Pradesh: 252 Posts 31. Goa: 44 Posts 32. Maharashtra: 629 Posts 33. Bihar: 526 Posts 34. Jharkhand: 46 Posts - Period of Engagement:- 1 year - Age limit:- 20 to 28 years as of 31.03.2023. The upper age relaxation as per govt norms. - Stipend:- 1. Rural/Semi-Urban branches: Rs 10000 2. Urban branches: Rs 12000 3. Metro branches: Rs 15000 - Essential Qualification:– Graduate degree in any discipline from a recognized University or equivalent qualifications recognized by the Central Government. How to apply for Central Bank of India Apprentice Recruitment 2023 All applicants will have to apply online from 19.03.2023 to 03.04.2023 by clicking the below-mentioned link If the Applicant has his/her profile created on www.apprenticeshipindia.gov.in (apprenticeship portal), he/she will be prompted to Login & Apply. If the Applicant has not created his/her profile then he/she will be prompted first to create his/her profile and then Login & Apply. Selection Process: Through Online Written Test (objective type) and Local Language Proof. Date of Online Examination (Tentative): April 2nd week Application Fee - For PWBD candidates: Rs.400/- + GST - For SC/ST/ All Women candidates: Rs.600/- + GST - For All Other Candidates: Rs. 800/-+GST Candidates may follow the below-mentioned steps to apply online. - Scroll down, and go to below Online Application Link. - Click on "Apply Online" and complete the registration process by clicking "New Registration". - In the next stage, click on the "Online Application" Link and log in. - Fill out all your personal and educational details and upload the necessary documents. - In the end, submit the form. - Don't forget to take a print of a copy of the submitted application form. Those who wish to apply are advised to go through the below official notification in detail before submitting applications. Online Application Link Click Here Download Official Notification Click Here Job Updates on Telegram Click Here Read the full article
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anikasenkujo · 2 years
Lore Masterlist for Anika (ft. Karan)
Keep in mind that I will mostly be posting the complete lore on AO3. Here, I'll be posting snippets of the lore, drabbles, prompt based writeups (with or without art), etc.
Since Anika's used in parts 3-6, and Karan in parts 3-4, I will only talk about them.
Not all of the chapters are safe to read for minors. There will be NSFW content, dark content and triggering topics here and in the lore. Viewer discretion is advised, and minors, please refrain from interacting with NSFW and dark content, else I'll have to block you. The same goes for those who read triggering topics, it's better to scroll ahead than coming to my inbox and scolding me. Ain't worth it, honestly.
The banners are made by me (with watermark), so, do not steal them, please.
Now that everything's been made clear (sort of, I think?), masterlist under the cut:
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Almost is Never Enough (SDC) (based on the song of the same name by Ariana Grande ft. Nathan Sykes)
Hold the Line
Ocean Eyes
Winter of '87
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House of Memories (DIU) (based on the song of the same name by Panic! At the Disco) (coming soon)
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Let the Sky Fall (SO) (based on Skyfall by Adele) (coming soon)
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When Worlds Collide (Everything in between for Anika and Karan) (coming soon)
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icollectyoursins · 3 years
Okuyasu x Fem!Reader SFW
martinbolseiro asked "If requests are still open I would like to ask you for a Stroheim x Female reader fluff / nsfw nº24 and nº82 please hihiihi and Okuyasu x Female reader fluff nº1 and nº10 “
Reader and Okuyasu are in high school for this one, just so it’s not weird with an adult dating a teen. We do not stand for that here. I also use (L/N) which will stand for your last name in this.
You had the unfortunate luck of getting sick in the middle of the school year and your boyfriend has just the thing to cheer you up! I mean, what could be better than him visiting you with your movie, munchies and drinks? Nothing. That’s what.
First part of the request is here.
No. 1 "Shh, don't cry. I'll always be here." 
No. 10 "I'll keep you warm, come here."
Wanna know what I’m willing to write? Rules here!
Have a character, but no idea? Prompt list here!
Looking for more? Master post here!
WARNINGS: None, reader is sick, so there’s talk of that. Also some Tonio stuff at the end, nothing too graphic though.
Word Count: 1308
     A loud, painful cough thundered in your lungs making you wince. It was just a cold, but still, you felt like hell. You groaned, lying back down on your bed, tossing the tissue to the side. Suddenly, you began to think about all the school you were missing and felt worse. It was only a week, but still missing five days of school could be the equivalent of missing a month depending on the subject.
     While in the midst of your self-loathing, you heard a shout from outside your window.
     “Oi! (Y/N)!” Okuyasu. You groaned, begrudgingly getting out of bed and opening the window. “Hii, (Y/N)!”
     “Hi, Okuyasu,” you grumbled. Not that you weren’t happy to see him, he always seemed to brighten your day, but frankly, you didn’t want to see anyone right now. “Shouldn’t you be in class?”
     “No! We just finished.” You furrowed your brows, it couldn’t be time for home already, could it? A glance over to your clock proved that school was indeed done for the day. “Hi, miss (L/N). Can I come in to see (Y/N)? I have some work for her.”
     “Not for too long. Wouldn’t want you getting sick too!” Your mom replied, stern but somehow still cheery. 
     “Ookay.” With that, he was practically running up the stairs to your bedroom and bursting through the door. “Hey! How are you feeling?”
     You sighed with a roll of your eyes. “Okuyasu, you’re going to get sick, don’t- hey! No, don’t hug me-ah!”
     “I missed you!” He had lifted you up into a bear hug. A very warm and comforting bear hug. You couldn’t really be mad at him as he gently set you on your feet and started going on about what had transpired the week you were away. Though you weren’t entirely sure it was true, it was entertaining getting all the info on the drama when you weren’t there.
     “Wow. Didn’t think she’d do something like that,” you comment as he’s telling you about what one of the cheerleaders did to the other. It made you feel so glad you didn’t join the team or any other team for that matter. You were perfectly happy and busy running around after your lovable fool and his friend. 
     “Yeah, it was wild. Teachers didn’t even know what to do! They were just as shocked as we were,” he burst out laughing, tossing his head back and wiping away a tear.
     Suddenly you were sent into another coughing fit, covering your mouth with your elbow. At first, he panicked, then saw the tissues and the glass of water on your nightstand, running to grab them. He knelt next to you, eyes wide while he rubbed your back until it subsided. He offered you the glass first before settling down to sit cross-legged. You groaned when he pulled you closer so you were leaning against him.
     “Okuyasu, you’re gonna get sick,” you mumble, eyes slowly drooping into sleep. He was so warm and comfy. The perfect human pillow. He laughed at you.
     “I never get sick! And if I do, I just go to Tonio’s! Heyy, that’s an idea! Let’s go to Tonio’s!” Okuyasu was suddenly getting up, pulling you with him. Then, he went through your closet, looking for something for you to wear. 
     “I really don’t think I’m in the best of shape to go somewhere.” You sit down on your bed with a sniffle.
     “It’ll be fine!” He reassures you. “Besides, isn’t fresh air supposed to be good for you? Here, wear this. I’ll be downstairs waiting.”
     He tosses some nice-looking, comfy clothes and excitedly exits your room. You sigh. There really wasn’t a way to stop him at this point, so you got into your clothes, changing the shirt to something less cartoony to a plain single-coloured tee with less stains. Maybe he was right. You would feel better if you went outside and something other than your mom’s cooking sounded so nice right about now. Whatever, what’s the worst that could happen.
     When you got downstairs Okuyasu had already sold your mom on the idea of going out. She cheerily told you to have fun and be back before curfew as you walked out the door. He grinned proudly, wrapping an arm around you while you made your way to the bus station.
     The bus ride to the little restaurant by the graveyard was full of idle chatter about school again and what he was planning on doing when he got home. A new game came out recently, so he and Josuke agreed to play it together.
     “You can come-” he asked, quickly covering it up with a hasty “-if you want! I don’t know. Josuke isn’t one to share his games, but I might convince him.”
     You laughed. “Well, if you can convince my mum to let me outside, you can probably get anyone to do whatever you wanted. But, Okuyasu, I’m sick, remember.”
     “Ha! Just wait. Tonio can cure anything with his food. It’s the best in the world.” You rolled your eyes, only half believing him. You hadn’t been to Tonio’s before but your boyfriend never shut up about how good the food was.
     “As long as you’re paying,” you elbowed his side, teasing him. He looks shocked.
     “Of course, I am! What kind of man doesn’t buy his lady food?” He mutters under his breath, seriously asking. You just laugh again. 
     The walk from the bus stop to the restaurant was thankfully short, but you swore could smell the food cooking from a mile away. Okuyasu grabbed your hand, gently pulling you behind him. He burst through the doors, happily calling out Tonio’s name. They exchanged hellos while you were sat at the table.
     “Um, is there a menu?” You asked awkwardly. They laughed.
     “No! Tonio makes whatever you need. He knows everything! Here, have the water.” He sets your cup down in front of you while Tonio goes off to make whatever it was he thought you needed. Your boyfriend practically shook with excitement while he waited for you to take your first sip.
     Your eyes grew wide with shock as the water hit your tongue. It was the best water you had ever had. Was it from a well or something? You glugged down the rest, then suddenly you were crying and couldn’t stop. Okuyasu, though still smiling, rubbed your back, soothing you. Just like that, it stopped and your eyes felt better than they ever had before. They weren’t scratchy or tired. You were wide awake!
     “See? Don’t you feel better?” He asked, petting your head.
     “Yeah, actually. I do. What the hell is in that water?” He chuckles to himself, muttering something that sounded like ‘sand tomes?’ You were about to ask him to say that again, but Tonio came back with a bowl in his hand.
     “Chicken noodle soup! Enjoy!” He called out, disappearing back into the kitchen.
     It was the best-smelling chicken noodle soup. Without wasting another minute, you dug in. Okuyasu was right. This was the best food in the world. You finished in record timing, humming happily. Then you started coughing again. You grabbed a napkin and coughed into it. It felt like you were literally hacking up a lung or some other organ. One large inhale of breath and it magically subsided.
     You could breathe so much better now! How? That was- how?
     Okuyasu leaned back with his arms behind his head and his feet kicked up on another chair. You could feel the confidence radiating off of him. 
     “How do you feel, (Y/N)?” He asked, cocky as all hell. “Wanna go hang at Josuke’s?” You stared at him awestruck while he laughed loudly. The only thoughts you had were: thank you? Then, my boyfriend is crazy and finally what the hell just happened?
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ex0toxin · 3 years
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heat machine broke
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twary · 2 years
Hey!! From the prompt list number 1 + Josuke x fem!reader. It can be nsfw and if you can, a scenario about is would be great 🥺❤️
OMG YES- Thanks for requesting bestie 😫💜 Also, remember the request u've made for me? It gave me quite the inspiration for this one. Hope u enjoy ヾ(•ω•`)o
✨ Prompt list ✨
TW: Aged up character, fem!reader, NSFW, alcohol
"I don't want to be alone tonight." x Josuke
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It was already late, you and your friends had prepared a surprise party for Rohan, who had been working on one of his mangas for so long that he was hardly seen outside his house. His manga was recently published by a big company, so in this night you all would celebrate!
The party was over in the blink of an eye, you guys had fun and time flew. Yukako and Koichi were just taking off the decorations that were hung up while you were thinking about how to deal with your boyfriend. Josuke was drunk.
"Look at the state you're in, just give up already, Higashikata"
Rohan is barely managing to keep his head up
"Are you kiddin? Josuke will beat you up in no time!"
Okuyasu isn't helping much in making Josuke give up on this stupid drinking bet. But well, you know your boyfriend very well, he is not quitting.
"Aww Rohan-sensei it's so weak for that, it's not even funny" Josuke's speech is slurred.
"Hey you four! Me and Koichi are already leaving, we have already finished removing the decoratio- Oh my god, they're still on this?" Yukako roll her eyes.
"Not for long" You grab Josuke's arm "We're leaving too, Tomoko will be worried if we take too long, isn't it, Josuke?"
"Oooooh come ooon, she's not even home tonight baby" Josuke don't have enought energy to fight you back and end up being dragged to the door.
"HAH! Leaving already Higashikata? It means that i've wooon!~"
Rohan nearly falls out of his seat while celebrating his little victory.
"Ugh, we'll have to stay and take care of him, won't we?"
Yukako has a disapproving look laying on Rohan, in response, Koichi shrugs and lets out a small sigh.
The ride home was silent, Josuke looked like an angry child in the passager's sit. When you arive at his home you put him on the sofa and bring a glass of water, he's looking a little mad at you.
"Why'd u had to do this? Now he has his nose in the air thinking he won! Didn't you thought about me?" He has his arms crossed
" 'Didn't you thought about me?' Seriously? All i do is think about you!"
You two fall silence for a while
"...I'm going home." When you were leaving he grabs your wrist:
"Wait!" -- "I...I don't want to be alone tonight...I've always loved you so much...Since the time we've first meet, don't leave me tonight." He completes. (More dramatically than he normally is)
His blue eyes are sad, he didn't mean it that way. He pulls you close as he talk: "I love you..."
Your lips meet gently
"I love you too, Josuke. But calm down, i won't leave you, just rest for a bit and-" He barely gives you time to finish your words when you were thrown on the sofa he was on.
"Yeah? Do you love me, baby?" He positions himself on top of you, his eyes and words are dropping lust all over you.
Oh no, you know what that means, it's too late to calm him down.
Your wrists are being held above your head by one of his hands while the other is pulling your shirt up, revealing your breasts, just hidden by a bra.
As soon as his hand reach your skin chills go all over your body. He place his hand in your waist and let his face rest in between your breasts.
"You are so soft, ya know bunny?"
Your bra is lifted over your now free breasts, in a blink he is teasing your nipples licking their contour. You gasp.
Just for your little reaction he knows what is happening between your pretty legs. His hand leaves your waist and go to your shorts and open it buttons, his hand reach your wet panties.
"All that just wetness just by it? You're so cute!" He kisses your neck.
With his free hand your pantie is put to side and and half a finger is teasifully insert and moved. You let a moan leave your lips, you want more, so your move your waist, trying to have more in your entrance.
"Awn, my sweet bunny want me that much? Then you may have"
His hand leave your wrist and help the other to open his pants, revealing his big bulge, soon he takes his underwear off and give his dick little strokes while staring hungrily at your messy figure. He place it close to your entrance.
"Oh god, you don't know how much i LOVE you"
As soon as the words "love" leaves his mouth he finally penetrates you. You were so wet that he entered without any trouble. His pace is slow but deep at first, but soon it turns fast, he wants to hear you scream his name, and he will.
"Jo-Josuke!" It doesn't takes too much time for you to reach your climax, he already knows all your sweet spots and don't hesitate to reach all of them.
"Are you cumming for me too princess? I'm so happy" He kisses your forehead as your walls squeezes his dick, that is filling your insides.
"I love you so much..."
Oh god, sex with drunk Josuke is always so lustfull, but the aftercare is as same as always, full of love and praises.
You two are in the bathtub, you have your back against his chest, he is stroking your hair.
"...Sorry for what i said earlier" The bathroom is scilent for a while. He sighs. "You are really mad at me, aren't you? I can't blame you, i know you're always thinking about me whatever you do...And i really love that..."
You let a laugh out "Your dummy, i'm not mad at you, i know you didn't mean this! And no, I won't stop loving you, Josuke" You roll your eyes playfully
He softly hugs you from behind and smile "Huh, i'll take your word then" He kisses your head while giggling
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noel-11037 · 2 years
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omg ive been waiting all week to post this. anyways. ib x jojo
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