#disquised door
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candisaccola · 1 year ago
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Home Bar - Traditional Home Bar Wet bar idea with a medium-sized traditional single-wall porcelain tile, gray floor, shaker cabinets, granite countertops, gray backsplash, and ceramic backsplash.
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discyours · 6 years ago
*knocking at door* uwu hello randy have you heard of our lord and saviour sciencey-wiencey-we-cherry-pick-what-we-want-y™? we at the church of TransMed would love to have a little chat. just an open discussion*. no pwessure**. (*warning: not an actual discussion. just coercement in disquise.) (**warning: actually lots of pressure.)
Aww man I didn’t get to the door in time! Good thing my security camera snapped a pic
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imeanitrytowrite · 6 years ago
Depressing, Stony
Authors note: the fanfic speaks for itself. Also listening to emotional anorexic while writing was not a good idea.
Tony at the age of 17 tried to bring back captain Steve rogers. He was so excited to tell his father that he had brought back Steve. He quickly grabbed the newly awakened Steve's arm and carefully got him upstairs. He knocked on the door of his father's study practically bouncing. His enthusiasim must have really transferred because Steve was smiling. "WHAT IS IT RUNT?!?" Howard slurred as he opened the door. He took one look at Steve then pulled out a gun making Steve growl at Howard. "NO DAD WAIT!!" tony cried at the top of his lungs grabbing onto the shotgun his father had pulled down from the bannister. Howard snarled and growled down at his only son. "what have you done boy?!?" he screached to the child. "you looked so sad dad so I brought Steve back to life" the child said and put his hand on his hips feeling proudful of himself. He closed his eyes just for a second only for them to fly open not a second later as he held his stinging cheek. Steve howled in anger ready to jump onto Howard but tony shook his head. He then looked back up at his father his eyes wide and pathetic. "YOU CAN RECREATE A BODY BUT YOU CAN'T RECREATE A SOUL! THAT THING IS NOT STEVE ROGERS!" Howards voice began to raise more and more. Tony felt himself shiver but he wouldn't back down. "well then" tony said with a glare directed to his father. " let the man I created live a little longer dad please! I worked so hard!" he finished with a look so defeated. Tony's chest burned as his heart had suddenly gotten heavy. His father growled and glared but have a Kurt nod and slammed the door Closed to his office. Tony flinched then turned back to Steve. He opened his mouth to say something snarky but he could Steve flexing as he crushed his fingers into a mighty ball in his palm. " So there is no good in the world." steve said with a gruff voice Tony sighed and walked over placing his hand over steve's. "come on big guy" he felt steve's grip lighten and gave the super Soldier a soft smile "let me show you that there is good in this world." Steve had a feeling deep in his heart that tony would keep his word.
Steve was introduced to Jarvis and Maria stark tony's mother. Maria stark was sweet but she was very "convincing" and stubborn. "tony you shouldn't have raised the dead" she said in her motherly scolding voice. Tony looked so small right then Steve knew. Tony cared what his parents thought of him. "I'm sorry mom" he said suddenly acting his age. "but..."Jarvis imputted "it's amazing that you can in fact raise the dead sir"he ended with a smile. Tony's smile lit up the entire room and Steve felt his heart rate quicken. He put a hand to his chest with a baffled look upon his face, that did not go unnoticed by Jarvis. He would of course worry for the young sir but Jarvis knew that tony could take care of himself. He felt himself sadden as he realized, yes tony could take care of himself because he had to. Do not get Jarvis wrong he was there for tony the entire time and would help the little sir whenever he needed it. He thought of the young dark haired brunette as his own son. Steve was confused as to what he was feeling for the young boy. But he knew that he wanted to protect his little creator.
It was a rainy day in the stark house hold. Well, to Steve it was. Toby had to go to some gala tonight so that meant that tony wouldn't be able to stay up and look at the stars with him. Tony had tought Steve all about the stars and he found that he loved orion the most. It was his favorite star for some reason it reminded him of himself. Steve knew he didn't belong and he shouldnt be alive. But he couldn't help but be selfish just to stay with tony. The boy who convinced his father to keep him alive. The boy who would stay up past his bedtime just to go onto the top of the roof and give Steve little bits of information on the stars. Just because Steve was afraid of the dark. The boy who begged for Jarvis to get a heater in Steve's room because tony knew how much Steve hated the cold. The boy who after Jarvis pulled him aside realized he had fallen deeply in love with.
tony waved sadly at Steve and felt his heart break slightly. He was really going to miss steve. But it was only for tonight! "alright miho it's time to go" tony's mother said with a forced smile. Tony sighed and stopped himself from asking if Steve could come with them. He knew that the press would just eat Steve up. Tony didn't want to wish that on anyone especially Steve. "wait mom give me a second to talk to Jarvis!" tony said biting his lip while using his puppy dog eyes. His mother sighed but complied. Tony pulled Jarvis aside and began to speak in hushed whispers. "Steve likes to stay up late and watch the stars. He also likes to wake up and watch the sunrise. He hates the cold and the dark so you'll have to watch him while he star gazes." Jarvis felt himself smile, these two truely were adorable. It really made Jarvis miss his sweet wife. Steve and Jarvis waved tony goodbye as his mother finally dragged him away from steve. Jarvis knew Howard would try to find a way to kill Steve while tony was gone but Jarvis would protect Steve as long as he protected his little sir.
Jarvis had no idea how in love with tony Steve was until they had lasted back to look at the stars. Everything out of the man's mouth was about how great and amazing tony was. Jarvis knew that tony absolutely deserved this love. He would just have To hope he would live long enough to see them Both marry eachother. Steve had been missing tony and eating the food Jarvis had cooked up for him. Until tony came in through the door and hugged the crap out of the super soldier. Oh how Jarvis wished for them to have a happy life.
"You will never be captain america!" Howard said with a snarl as he aimed his pistol at the confused Steve. This was all tony's fault! He just wanted to have a normal date- I mean day out with Steve. He tried to hide his popularity with a dad hat and some cheap sun glasses. But someone had figured out who he was and just realizes who Steve was. It was a large uproar where Steve was trying To protect tony from his adoring fans and then when he had taken Off his disquise. All hell broke loose, people were dissapointed with tony. Steve saw them all as enemies to his sweet iron lad and he wouldn't let them hurt him. Howard took this as an opportunity to finally get rid of steve. "BE GONE MONSTER!" the older stark cried as a gun shot rang through the air. Only for it to miss Steve and for Steve to see a flash of red as something ran infront of him. Tony looked down at his chest and felt his eyes slide back into his skull and his knees collapse underneath him. He could hear Steve screaming. He didn't like Steve screaming like that. Steve screamed like that when he had a PTSD episode. "it's gon' be okay' steeb" tony slurred as he felt the pain in his chest get bigger and bigger as the darkness consumed his sight. Steve let out a loud cry and roar as he stood to his feet and walked infront of howard. The people of tony's country where still on edge as Steve calmly walked up to hpward. His hands balled, his jaw clentched, and his tears still falling from his blue eyes. Howard felt himself shake in fear of himself and the man or whatever he was infront of him. Steve just gave Howard a powerful. Punch that flew him back into someone's house. "I loved him!" Steve screamed in absolute rage. His eyes then became full of emotions as his voice lowered and softened. "I loved him..." Steve said brokenly. Steve then picked up tony's un responsive body and took him back into the stark house hold. But he only let Jarvis help him with taking care of tony. Not the starks, for after seeing everything the Stark's put tony through Steve wanted nothing to do with his little iron lad.
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uno-bally-who-blog · 6 years ago
Today, the same as yesterday and the same as tomorrow. I will fight for my children. I will fight for my partner. I will fight for myself. I will fight for my family.
With the odds stacked against me, i will fight with all that I am. I will put my pride aside. I will confront my biggest fears. I will stand strong unveiling my true self in the purest of forms for all to witness and cast judgement. Be warned, do not stand in my way. Stand by my side.
I live with the choices I have made. I will die with the morals I live by. Although i am not perfect. My imperfections will not define me. May the error in my ways be the lessons I learn and grow from. May my hindsight be a blessing in disquise. My conscience will remain clear as I lay my head at night. Weather on a pillow or on a park bench. Rain, Hail or shine. I will weather the storm. Even a smoke cloud has a silver lining. Stay golden.
I will fall and when I do, mark my words I will get back up again. And again. And again. From the ashes I will rise a better version of my former self. Forever evolving. I offer my apologies and my forgiveness. In the midst of my darkest hour, the light that shines as a beacon of hope is distant, nevertheless it is still present. It's existence alone provides a purpose. My faith in humanity has not been tarnished. When anyone could be Judas, it does not mean everyone is. I open my arms, my heart and my door.
Trust. Respect. Integrity. Honour. Loyalty.
Today, the same as yesterday and the same as tomorrow. I will fight for my family.
Win or loose. I will hold my head up high. Chin up. Chest out. To the victor go the spoils.
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fox-moxin · 2 years ago
My Strange Dream, Champaign
Last nights dream was a trip..
It was a TV show, I think called "The Ch of Ch" and it opens with a shot of a woman who appears to washing laundry next to a door in a medieval setting, possibly in a monastery or castle of some sort. A lanky, pock faced fellow with a distinct lack of chin walks up to the door and says he'll go inside because he knows it bothers her to just use the wall. He then goes in and you can hear him urinating and the whole time gives a whiney speach tot he woman about how he knows she doesn't like him but he doesn't think it's fair since he's so handsome (A dubious claim at best) and says blaming it on his botulism isn't fair because it jsut makes him more moist and being moist should jsut make him MORE attractive and she really should appreciate him more. Finally he steps out of the room wishes her a good day and leaves, she smiles rather forcefully back and returns the well wishing.
Once he was gone she signals to her friend who has apparently been across the path, just behind the camera the whole time. This is a delicate looking young man with a whispy beard. A quick conversation reveals he is in fact a she and was waiting to make sure she could use the lavatory without anyone else in there so no one would notice. It would spoil years of work after all if everything was spoiled because they found out she was a girl and they were so close. While using the restroom though, somehow our heroine in disquise is spotted by a boy of about 12, she manages to escape though, before she is identified.
Having successfully escaped exposure she makes her way to a wooden post, a support pillar for the building they're in and opens a small hatch in the side. There we see a strange looking retro 60's telephone with a CRT monitor attached. She picks up the phone and it plays a sort of weird dystopian power point (Think Vaultech slideshow from Fallout) which gives a rather useless message of encouragement to keep up the good work and remember the importance of "THE PLAN" It also ends with a warning to be extra careful because "Champaign is there"
After this we do see Champaign who is making his way through another part of the building. People defer and get out of his way. He never speaks but he seems to be able to communicate what he wants through simple gestures and everyone is clearly terrified of him. Champaign is the weird part that I Really wanted to get down here so buckle up for this part, I'm gonna do my best here.
Champaign is portrayed by Three different actors. A boy of about 8, a Teenager, and an Arnold Schwarzenegger Impersonator. (That last part was distinct, it wasn't just a bodybuilder at peak condition, it was specifically an Arnold Schwarzenegger Impersonator) All three are dressed entirely in white, and have white powdered faces and makeup and all of them are wearing a powdered Wig, like a British judge. The boy was wearing a simple outfit of knee high boots and a patterned vest over a silk shirt. The Teenager was wearing an somewhat foppish suit that I'm pretty sure my brain is stealing from Hugh Laurie when he was the Prince of Wales in Black Adder, right down to carrying around a small cane, and the Arnold was wearing an almost clownish outfit of French Foppery and excessive makeup. It was too tight and seemed to be more about accentuating his musculature than anything else, straight up baring his midriff. He was also still carrying around the cane, which seemed comically small in his hands. But really made him weird is how the camera treats him.
The Camera shifts back and forth between the actors, in what seem like simple jump cuts. Sometimes going to other people first but other times back and forth between the three. They're never shown on screen together, and the camera angles seem to deliberately make it hard to tell exactly where he is standing in any given shot, using a lot of low angle shots that give him a sort of surreal quality. This all leads to a sort of weird set of possibilities to explain his nature.
1. His appearance is changed depending on who is perceiving him. Maybe literally, maybe it's jsut how people see him. This seems, unlikely, based on some of his actions, but it IS possible, maybe the most possible.
2. He is constantly shifting between the three forms and this takes the form of the jump cuts. This is certainly possible, although it means he's doing so essentially on camera and the effect is jarring and unsettling, which would have to be an intentional decision by the director.
3. All three people are actually there in the room at the same time, and they are, collectively the entity known as Champaign. This seems unlikely because the camera shots all SEEM to indicate that when it shifts from one actor to another, they're standing in the same spot, but the weird angles effect on his stance does not preclude the possibility. The strongest claim for this is that in one scene after being asked a question the Bodybuilder seems to look to his left, the camera switches to the teenager who looks to his right and nods, before switching back to the Bodybuilder, which indicates that maybe the forms are interacting with each other. But then again, even in wide shots they're never shown together, and even int he shot in question there doesn't seem to be enough space in the room for this to have been possible.
And that's all I remember.
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exuberantae · 6 years ago
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intended lowercase
his soul was beautiful—something made of stardust and cosmos. the person attached with it had green eyes that could mirror an neverending forest; his olive skin glowed so bright, it was as though he had basked in the most richest honey; his lips tasted that of malt liquor and strawberries, even sometimes of cigarettes. whatever he’d wear fitted perfectly as if he crafted it himself. his presence itself could light up an entire room, even if there was no one in sight. he contained such a power that cultivated anyone he came in contact with.
oh, he was a catch too! though it was never easy with those who tried to claim his heart. he was so damn stubborn, yet cautious. he was articulate and loved debating, especially after a drink or two. he enjoyed being chased, yet also being the one to initiate the act. but oh, if only they knew of the demons he tried to mask behind those forest eyes. the same ones that taunted and tomented him when he was alone at night, behind closed doors. then, maybe they’d see this beautiful man for who he truly was.
a self-destructive, selfish, and lonely man who was scared of letting anyone in or close enough to see his true self. the side of him he believed he’d be capable of disquising for long. so, he tried to close and seal that page of him for the world to never see. he’d try his best to be someone else, who wasn’t him. he’d be daring, alluring, and brand new. the beautiful soul made of stardust and cosmos that never dulled. the one who’s presence made the room feel lighter and bright. the man who could attract anyone who he’d meet with his charms and smile. if he concealed his character, then maybe he’d be okay...
a.n.- gah, i don’t know who i’m describing. i don’t even know where i going with this, haha. this has been in my drafts for a minute.
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bloodsaw405 · 6 years ago
Through fire you can see my eyes
In this world I must wear a disquise
For I have no shape
Born without an escape
Crying and sadness is all I hear
Coming from the children up there
But they don't see the world like I do
Trapped I am here but they live in the zoo
I cannot live and I cannot die
But I am always able to fly
I can give you love or I can hate.
But before then, I must leave my cage
The world is scary for me I admit
But the door is not locked and the exits are lite
This home was for me a long time ago
Until you all showed up and I had to go
For you are the ones who all will burn
But before long, I will get my turn
I will be next you will see it so
Until the end, I'm your immortal foe...
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anthem-jester98 · 7 years ago
So small disclamer this is my first story that i’ve posted. I’ve written some others that only a few have seen but I want to try to branch out some. If people enjoy it I may make more. Also this is borrowing heavily from the movie 9 where i got the inspiration for it. 
This story follows two lost Stitchpunk’s created before The Scientist passed creating the closest to perfection Stitchpunk named 9 and his adventures with the other’s that he shared a soul with. These particular Stitchpunk’s was the first created in the modern world before the machine’s took over. The creator of these particular little Stitchpunk’s were crafted carefully from a strong but light weight alloy metal and a high quality wood finish for the arms and legs and molded steel for the fingers and feet. Their skeletal frame’s where covered by a bleached light weight burlap material stitched together around the frame. Their eyes were two almost black holes designed for an enhanced optical view with a stitched mouth and a dark grey cape with a hood to disquise them. The creator a woman with a talent for creation and a boundless imagination used all of her time and energy to create these replica Stitchpunks. But a piece was missing something that her creations didn’t have. A soul. After years of searching and studying she finally found the answer to her problem. An ancient design using alchemy that she modified to bond with modern materials. It was a small device with three symbols that when mounted to a machine would transfer part or all of her soul into her creation’s. Once she set up the machine she mounted her first creation named Anthem, to the machine and gave her part of soul to her giving her life. But she didn’t want to wait she needed to bring the other one into the world so, without hesitation she mounted the second Stitchpunk named Damian to the machine and gave him the rest of her soul. She succeeded in bringing her creations to life by giving hers and together they’d live and learn about the new world they inhabitated. Anthem, who was already awake and aware watched as her creator gave the last of herself to the one who looked just like her. The woman fell back in her chair and her eye’s closed forever. Anthem looked on at the mysterious person in front of her part of her understanding that she had passed and another part realizing that she was part of her. She looked over to Damian and started to climb her way up to him to let him down. Once they were both down on solid ground she studied him noticing they shared similarities such as they’re hands and feet and the material they both shared to cover themselves. Suddenly his eyes began to open and as he adjusted to his surroundings he noticed her. They both seemed to be on edge realizing in a way they were the same being and they felt a connection that they still didn’t quite understand. Suddenly Anthem heard a male voice in her head saying “Who are you? Who am I?” Startled she responded in her head “How are you doing that?” Quickly they realized that they could speak through each others thoughts and along with this they could share images. They searched the area around them witch was a small dark room (that was quite huge to them) with things they recognized from the past life they shared. Anthem had uncovered papers with diagrams for their bodies and the names that corresponded with them letting them learn their names for the first time. “Damian. That’s what you were named.” “What about you?” He asked and she replied with her name in return. “Anthem.” He said. As they explored more they kept finding diffrent clues about the world around them and the person who created them. Anthem was naturally curious and wanted to see what was beyond the room they found themselves in whereas, Damian was more or less looking around for things to fiddle with and use to create something else that would help them later. For awhile neither could find a way out of the room they found themselves in until they started to hear the sounds of explosions and as the war outside raged on they sat huddled together not sure of what was happening outside. Suddenly the door to the room was blown off and the outside world was now open to them but they didn’t dare move from fear of the sounds outside and waited and waited. Until all went silent outside. 
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ao3feed-larry · 8 years ago
she's young and pure. (and he can't help himself)
by bbypsycho
"Beneath your perfume and make-up You're just a baby in disquise And though you know that it's wrong to be alone with me, that kiss me look is in your eyes."
Louis is just sixteen, pure mind and heart, posters of boy bands still up on her wall.
Harry is twenty four and his mind is anything but pure when he catches glimpses of the girl next door.
Words: 11, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: One Direction
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Underage
Categories: F/M
Characters: Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, Nick Grimshaw, Ed Sheeran
Relationships: Larry Stylinson
Additional Tags: Underage - Freeform, girl louis, Female Louis, Older Harry, Harry Styles - Freeform, Louis Tomlinson - Freeform, 16 year old Louis, 24 year old Harry, Sexual Content, Underage Sex, Oral Sex, Drug Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' http://ift.tt/2l1BIZT
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After moving from Memphis, Tennessee to Helena, Arkansas I feel compelled to write something great!  I want to write my story somehow to expalin my reasoning for my never ending Quest to find Bob Dylan.  I want this book to prove that this crazy dream was real and that it did exist with purpose led by the hands of God.  I want him to know that this Quest to find my Bobby Dylan seems like I am chasing after the Biggest Sperm whale to ever exist but if he sinks this ship and takes me down.  I will still always and forever love him.  To me and to many others that has stuck by him he can do no wrong.  He is constantly growing and changing with the times.  I don’t bow down to many and I will bow down to Bob Dylan aka Robert Zimmerman.  I will lick his asshole if he wants and even fuck him in the ass with a strap on if that’s what it takes.  I will do every God thinkable thing that I could do if I could only get my Bobby Golden Dickie Rocket Man.  I honestly didn’t know that guys were into that shit until I met this sailor boy during my divorce.  His name was Charles.  I met him on this dating app.  He had that all american good boy look to him Kind’ve like that Good will hunting guy but he was really the devil in disquise when it came to sex.  Charles and I first met at Boscos in Memphis.  He wanted me to go out into his car to listen to Bob Dylan theme time radio hour.  He told me that you couldn’t fast forward or rewind it or it would start from the beginning.  Now I had actually seen Bob Dylan before I had children at Memphis in May 2001.  I remember this awe that came over the crowd when he came on that I have never seen before.  At that time I thought GNRoses wrote Knocking on Heavens door but learned that wasn’t the case at all.  Later during my married years I was in bed one night and I was trying to remember who that singer was that I saw that I really loved.  I stayed up late trying to google his name.  My wuzband was so mad at me because I couldn’t sleep until I found it.  Low and behold I finally did and that wouldn’t be the last time that his name would come up.
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lx-5point0-blog · 8 years ago
I MET WILLIE THROUGH PAT MCNEAL AT GONZALO’S AUTO SHOP IN SANTA ANA FOR REPAIRS TO MY 4RUNNER IN ’99-’02. I was offered a deal on a FORD EXPEDITION. It had an “identity” problem that I had no idea what that meant to it. I drove it for work for a few weeks and PAT monitored that. I received a ticket from CHP for the TINT and NO PROOF OF INSURANCE. That's what I remember of the details. When I returned the vehicle to Willie, he seemed extremely desperate about what Patrick was going to do about the ticket. I told him I do not know. Pat represented me because I used reasonable force against 21 opponents that were attacking me. He was disbarred in other circumstances that he did not discuss with me. He lied, manipulated , and attempted to increase the level of sentencing. I wrote a book about it. 020917 7:30pm Thursday No Mario work truck . Three cars in the driveway. The fat girl white , then in the driveway the convertible Audi (ANAL), then a broken car. At 7:45 the red truck came down the street and came close to sides wiping me parked at the foot of Lisa's driveway on the street. Legally. The same way Mario did the day I was served by his guy in the whittled Ford Focus.(I realized the best day that it was Mario driving the red truck and not anyone else. He had cut his hair and was looking extra dumpy, so I could not recognize him.) Then three dumpy people got out and walked into the garage door on the left. The small door. Then slowly went into the house and closed the garage door behind them. But, after I yelled out, “SALAS!!!! Rent to own scam. I go right to own!” They looked at each other and shrugged. I drive over to the school to finish writing and I looked and the AUDI was stopped across the street. For about ten minutes brake lights on. Then left. She showed me. I did not turn any lights on to acknowledge her presence. 021017 Friday morning and I think I need to make a call today. Let's call Free Willie. I attempted to call without *67. And it did not go through. When I got to starbucks Lisa showed up as I was dialing and hit record on her phone. She recorded the entire phone call. She was flabbergasted at the stupidity of Willie. She said he is stoned. He just admitted to accepting a package for GONZALO MENDOZA and said he would give it to PATRICK WHEN HE SEES HIM. He first said he did not know either men. Then, that “PATRICK” may know of him, and said I am sorry.” Referring to not having their phone numbers . I said the package is from 10 years ago and well can I give it to you? BATdick DICKbat has again, solved another mystery in the ANALS OF THE MACHINE. Today I decided to make a phone call. In light of the information provided to me, BATdick DICKbat, aka John DRIVER, by CURTIS PI, the word GONZALO MENDOZA, out of over 200 pages of names, numbers, and properties, that single name is what connects Mario D Garcia, ANA L MENDOZA, and Willie SALAS Ramirez, to PATRICK D McNEAL. Patrick D McNEAL is connected to KATHLEEN M JACOBS through riverside courts and law offices. I know this, and much much more, and in order to lift the Monkey off my back, and renew my attack of the attacker, GENOVI RAMIREZ. The first phone number on Willies SALAS Ramirez. *67 (951) 385-0284. I must confirm that this is the GONZALO that is connected to Patrick D McNEAL and that will mean Willie was the asshole with the EXPEDITION, and that the aliases are frauds. And then JACOBS is guilty of stripping me of my civil rights. Pat is the third party influence(determine a clever name for that Here), and or, perhaps, Willie is also involved in real estate syndicate with her. See video (MASTER OF PUPPETS) PATRICK D MCNEAL – LAWYER-WILLIE CARMONA➡KATHLEEN JACOBS(COMISSIONER/LAWYER) ⬇ (PUPPETS) ↕ GONZALO (rip)MENDOZA/ CARMONA (hermanos) WILLIE SALAS RAMIREZ/*CARMONA ⬇ (HANDLER) ANA L GARCIA(DAUGHTER/ NIECE of CARMONA) ⬇ (DOG BAGMAN) MARIO D. GARCIA(HUSBAND to ANA) 021117 7:45am morning slept in the POOPER at the CVS ORCHARD. I called Lisa and went to pick her up. Mario got a haircut and I almost didn't recognize his tubbybass. As soon as I pulled up to Lisa's he and Ana opened the garage and got on the phone. I pulled up and said “SALAS and Pat McNEAL.” Then left. 8:37am let's go over a little research I have been doing for a straight 12 hours with Lisa and GIZMO sitting with me in my vehicle, and NOT complaining one bit, well, GIZMO GOT HUNGRY and wanted to play…. Nancy C Shawn is DEAD. GENOVEVE Ramirez in San Antonio was Murdered two years ago. Willie Ramirez Willie SALAS Ramirez is also GENOVEVE RAMIREZ, MINERVA and HORTENSE, and 75 more aliases and properties that re now occupied my European, KOREAN AND RUSSIN SIR NAMES, in Fountain Valley. All properties are in or near unincorporated areas of Stanton, Fountain valley, Sun city, Menifee, etc… The back lot is a field or road leaving it unoccupied by any dwellings. Willie is from Redondo Beach via Facebook. Willie is living in a dead woman's home. Nancy c Shaw 1980 By jury trial appellants Adam Ramirez and Willie Ramirez were found guilty of grand theft (Pen. Code, § 487, subd. 1). The [109 Cal. App. 3d 535] jury also found true the allegation that the loss exceeded $100,000 (Pen. Code, § 12022.6, subd. (b)). Appellants were sentenced to state prison. Adam Salas Ramirez, in pro. per., Marilyn Garber, Evelyn Keller, under appointments by the Court of Appeal, Garber & Riskin and Baker & Burton for Defendants and Appellants and for Petitioner. George Deukmejian, Attorney General, Robert H. Philibosian, Chief Assistant Attorney General, S. Clark Moore, Assistant Attorney General, Shunji Asari, Roy C. Preminger, Howard J. Schwab and Donald F. Roeschke, Deputy Attorneys General, for Plaintiff and Respondent. OPINION ASHBY, J. By jury trial appellants Adam Ramirez and Willie Ramirez were found guilty of grand theft (Pen. Code, § 487, subd. 1). The [109 Cal. App. 3d 535] jury also found true the allegation that the loss exceeded $100,000 (Pen. Code, § 12022.6, subd. (b)). Appellants were sentenced to state prison. Appellants duped Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of San Diego into crediting Adam's $10 savings account at the Redondo Beach branch with $1.5 million, based upon a fictitious "wire transfer" of funds. Appellants then withdrew $1.4 million from this account. Adam and his fiancee, Carol Boyer, fn. 1 went on a spending spree purchasing clothing and jewelry and cars and home furnishings for shipment to Ecuador. Adam was arrested at the airport boarding the plane to Ecuador. Facts On February 6, 1978, Adam approached Gloria Dias, branch manager of the Redondo Beach branch of Home Federal Savings and Loan Association of San Diego, indicating that he would like to establish a savings account so that a large amount of money could be "wire transferred" into it. He indicated he and his associates were in the process of buying the Cockatoo Inn in Hawthorne, that he expected a wire transfer of $1.5 million, that he would probably immediately withdraw $900,000 of the money, but might invest $500,000 of the remaining funds at Home Federal. 021117 9:55pm The harassment of GARCIA is intentional, frequent and consistent, and has had an adverse impact on my life and I am the victim. Deputy Moore and the ME161600118 report will document that. This guy is a completely delusional and just an appalling individual that squats and and steals homes from elderly and disabled women like a predator. His Father in Law Willie SALAS Ramirez is living in Nancy C Shaw’s home at 26379 Allentown Sun City… Nancy C Shaw is dead. Willie Ramirez and McNeal met at GONZALOS AUTO SHOP in Santa Ana. Gonzalo Mendoza was Willies father. Pat is a Disbarred lawyer from Riverside and he represented me twice. He is now a crook that dispenses marijuana through fraudulent churches. Willienis on the GLOBAL WATCHLIST and has a conviction for wire fraud as far back as 1980. Then Forcible entry detainer, speeding tickets and civil disruption in ’97. Willie SALAS Ramirez has several if not hundreds of aliases with a maze of empty shell LLC companies, including a few as a woman. These empty shell LLCs were used in the sale of a property on Kent street in murrietta to KATHLEEN Jacobs in 2005, and in the purchase of 27207 Kepler street. There is a large group of sophisticated squatters in a rent to own scam in sun city menifee right now. Lili Garcia aka Ana Mendoza is a security guard for Pat McNEAL and his church. They were hired or lied to by Willie and Pat to shatter my liberties using police tactics given by Pat McNEAL. Pat got Kathleen Jacobs to give Mario the TRO. When Mario failed to get the 242pc because he slipped and said “confronted” which was an understatement. ANA L Garcia aka Lili Garcia aka Ana Mendoza aka over 700 aliases and empty shelled fraudulent SPUNK SPIRIT LOVE FORCE LLC’s disquised as youth obstacle races, became involved with a scripted second “confrontation” and subsequent perjured a statement and neither her or Willie attended the “hearing”. I was denied my civil right to obtain an attorney and was denied presenting my witness and evidence. No way was I going to appeal that corruption. I obtained my restraining order in OC. Mario did not even attend. He was that confident that he was going to successfully have me jailed. What a coward and a creep. He is angry now and he feels the pressure. Willie straight told me he would see Patrick. I have video to tie them together. I need you to be aware of the incredible threat of violence that Lisa is up against as well as me. I am not bullet proof. And the community does not need anymore help to hurry up and pass so these predators and their family can squat in their homes. There is enough evidence in the violations of my restraining order by Mario, including one with a gun on Facebook, and a long list of victims to the rent to own scams, with a history of civil convictions by Willie Ramirez SALAS, that when you realize what Mario is potentially going to face and what he is going to lose financially, well, I am an expert in combat, and the word is RAGE AND HATRED FUELED VIOLENCE by Mario D Garcia, aka Not his real name. Ps. I wonder where Pat McNEAL obtains the Marijuana that he distributes through his fraudulent churches at 47 locations to serve you. Respectfully, John Lober
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ao3feed-larry · 8 years ago
she's young and pure. (and he can't help himself)
by bbypsycho
"Beneath your perfume and make-up You're just a baby in disquise And though you know that it's wrong to be alone with me, that kiss me look is in your eyes."
Louis is just sixteen, pure mind and heart, posters of boy bands still up on her wall.
Harry is twenty four and his mind is anything but pure when he catches glimpses of the girl next door.
Words: 11, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: One Direction
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Underage
Categories: F/M
Characters: Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, Nick Grimshaw, Ed Sheeran
Relationships: Larry Stylinson
Additional Tags: Underage - Freeform, girl louis, Female Louis, Older Harry, Harry Styles - Freeform, Louis Tomlinson - Freeform, 16 year old Louis, 24 year old Harry, Sexual Content, Underage Sex, Oral Sex, Drug Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' http://ift.tt/2lexpFQ
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