#disney sinking ships
msclaritea · 6 months
saw your stupid post complaining a about queercoded Carol Danvers: bitch, MCU Carol has been read as queer since the moment they made a movie where she doesn't have a love interest, is best friends with a woman to the level she helped raising her kid. to the level the military gave her things to Maria instead of any Danvers. to the level Monica tells her she didn't get along with her parents so the Danbeaus became her family.
nothing screams lesbian louder than raising a kid with your single mom friend and be so important to the kid that she's bitter over you fucking up for thirty years.
nothing screams lesbians as much as leather jacket, ripped jeans, and flannel shirt.
this bitch has been gay from the moment they decided to make Carol Danvers sorta Mar-Vell protege instead of making Mar-Vell a dude and Carol just his love interest like the original version in the comics.
then they make her have a very clear marriage of convenience with the prince of the gayest planet of the MCU.
bonus that the fucking king of Asgard calls her Marv? makes a strap-on joke? those bitches fuck and fuck good.
not to count that oh, she's a fictional character? let this bitch be the biggest gay ever. if they're not gonna give us canonically queer characters from the comics like Loki, gimme Captain Carol "Raised a Kid With My Best Friend, Definitely Bangs the King Of Asgard and Is a Lesbian Car Mom" Danvers.
it's the internet, you don't get much space to be a incel, pathetic queerphobic bitch lol
WOW! I missed this particular load of b.s. Get a load of the sheer damage that the Queer Identity Cult has been doing to people and their common sense. Are you so warped, that you have never, ever heard of a person, male or female, not getting along with their family and going out, making their own?
Newsflash, HONEY! A shitload of kids from every background does that. I did that. My family sucked at a lot of things. The minute I was old enough, I moved to another state, made best friends with a crazy white chick, and was invited to move into the house, by HER mother. We had a blast..AND BOY, WERE WE BOY CRAZY. If I wasn't such a rolling stone, I'd still likely be there, helping her with her now grown son, and I know this, because over 30 years later, we are still close friends.
I can also imagine being missed by a child from another friend because I WAS missed by a loving goddaughter, as I bopped all over the place, for years and can easily imagine her being hurt, if something was wrong with her mother, and I did not contact them. That is how it works, even with the family that you choose. They have the right to be upset, if you fuck up.
I ALSO enjoyed wearing ripped jeans, flannel and leather jackets in school. It was called a phase, and I THINK I can blame it on Duran Duran, but I'll have to check my photo album.
I also had a preppy period that I CAN blame on Molly Ringwald. Everyone who wears flannel is not Gay, just like every girl with short hair is not a goddamn Lesbian.
You all have really screwed yourselves up by trying to command that every human being adhere to some kind of uniform to match their sexuality. It is beyond ignorant. One of you stupid fucks assumed that my sister was a Lesbian, just because she rocks a Halle Berry short. Another newsflash: My Sis? Loves DICK. Truly. She also has some pretty awesome male relationships in her life.
Also, how can Carole Danvers be BOTH canonically love interest to a man, in the comics, like you just said, if she's now suddenly, considered a Lesbian? You're also basically saying that every person who even sings, is Gay.
What I'm hearing you say is that women cannot possibly:
wear flannel and torn jeans
have chosen family
have fights with their father
go through sexual harassment or mysoginy
..even be missed by a child that they were close to..unless they are a Lesbian.
But hey, since you brought all of this up, let's talk about Nia DaCosta. It seems now that she was very determined to Queer code Carole Danvers in Captain Marvel. That got solidified real well by the sabotaging BULLSHIT pulled by little Miss Kamala Khan, herself. That was quite the interview she did, making sure that people knew Nia DaCosta had made the film Queer, "But it had to be cut out. Boo hoo! Trolls should attack the movie MORE!"
Message effing received. The whole thing was a fuck over. And ever since, you all have been trying to redeem the damage YOU have done. THERE IS NONE. You're disgusting.
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wardback · 9 months
I will never not find steamboat willie being public domain funny
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This is my oc 'iceberg william' hes responsible for the titanic sinking
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merrysithmas · 1 year
the "mandoverse" will now disrespectfully be referred to as the mandovirus on this blog henceforth
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hellcheer-munson · 1 year
Me? Finishing the next chapter of my Newtina Titanic fic? And not being satisfied entirely but probably about to post it anyway because I have no idea how to write well anymore, so it’s just me pandering to myself? More likely than you think!
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just-prime · 11 months
Episode 2 is finally out! I also no longer sound like I am in witness protection!
Come listen to me and @sledgehamur talk about live-action Disney, what we like, what we hate, and what we feel they are doing wrong. Unsurprisingly we have a lot of opinions.
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lyesander · 1 year
Not crazy about people writing off the Titan submersible incident as some schadenfreudic buzzstory they can rag on for a handful of internet funny points. I get the frustration, I really do. At least three of the passengers had to shell out $250,000 a ticket for a glorified deep sea Disney ride. The CEO of OceanGate is a capitalist wackjob who has been complaining about and bypassing safety regulations for years, despite multiple warnings, and now the retrieval is taking up time and resources from multiple countries that could have been put to better use. But one of the crew members on board was also the nineteen year old son of another passenger. I doubt his involvement extended much beyond “I’m going on a fun trip with my dad.” Another was an unaffiliated researcher who joined the expedition to collect environmental samples for DNA analysis. Not everyone on board was a high-rolling corporate yuppie. (And even if they were, it’s still a pretty objectively horrific way to die.) Instead of memes, I’d rather see this prompt a discussion on the ethics and potential regulation of scientific tourism.
The above also doesn’t change the fact that this is dragging media attention away from more pressing issues, such as the sinking of the Andriana. I guess “THE TITANIC CLAIMS ANOTHER FIVE VICTIMS” is a more colorful headline than “the EU’s xenophobic migration policies have led to the deaths of hundreds of migrants seeking asylum in Italy, and an active cover up is now taking place, headed by Greek authorities.” Seeing all this energy be funneled towards dragging this tiny capsule out of the Atlantic when up to five hundred refugees - mostly women and children - were locked in the hull of a ship and left to suffer the exact same fate, while Coast Guard vessels looked on and did nothing (or even had an active role in the capsize after a botched attempt to tow it, according to some testimonies), illustrates the sway money and race have in what we pay attention to. It’s a gruesome example of inequity in action.
I had compared what happened to the Titan to the Kursk incident, but the Andriana doesn’t have the luxury of being a freak accident. Over 25,000 migrants have disappeared or drowned trying to cross the Mediterranean since 2014, with over 2,000 deaths taking place in 2022 alone. Those are staggering numbers. Protests have broken out across Greece over the past week in the wake of the tragedy, advocating for migration reform.
While these sorts of mass casualty events tend to leave us feeling disheartened and helpless, there are ways to help. Below is a link to SOS Humanity’s donation page. Reputable search and rescue organizations such as SOS Humanity or SOS Mediterranée built their mission statements around helping migrants like the ones on board the Andriana. Donate if you can, spread the word if you can’t.
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chaconnenha · 6 months
⸝⸝ ❛ i' m in love with a fairytale . . .
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╰ ❪ ꕤ ❫ ENHYPEN ( HYUNG LINE ) as disney princes !
en- hyung line x fem!reader ʬʬʬ───includes. swoon-worthy princes, fluff, romance, minor angst, kissing, violence, abusive & toxic households, semi-nudity, word dumps/messy writing . . . ( MAKNAE LINE VER. found here ) BACK TO LIBRARY ?!
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when you pulled him to the shore from the wreckage of his sunken ship, and you felt the sand on the shore for the very first time, you knew you could never go back to how things were… and when you fell for him for the very first time, you knew you would never be able to love anyone else. but he had someone else now—a princess, who could speak, could laugh, could tell him just how much she loved him… you were just a mermaid who traded her voice for legs; a silly girl who used forks as a hairbrush, and couldn’t walk two steps before tumbling over the other. there was no way he would fall for you… or so you thought.
you had no idea his love for you ran deeper than the ocean that you saved him from. that the moment he found out you were missing and nowhere to be found, he felt his heart drop in his chest right down to his stomach. or that the first thing he did was send his guards out to every corner of the city in search of you, hoping that he didn’t just lost you forever. and that was why, when he saw you standing at the beach where he met you for the first time, he couldn’t hold back his feelings. not after reading the letter you left behind for him, saying that you were leaving him so that he could marry someone who wasn’t you. he wasted no time in chasing you down before you could even set foot in the sea, his arm grabbing yours and hauling you to his chest, as if you were the one sinking this time, and it was his job to pull you back to shore.
you couldn’t even gasp in surprise before his lips were on yours, swallowing your protests like he was drowning again, and you were his last pocket of air. “don’t ever leave me like that again,” he panted between desperate kisses, his arms pressing you even more firmly against his body. you stared at him in shock as salty tears ran down his beautiful face, reflecting the ones that fell down yours not too long ago. “please,” he whispered, his forehead resting against yours. “i love you too much to let you go.”
you were used to being treated like a trampled flower in the dirt. the moment your father passed away and left you in the care—or rather, the mercy—of your stepmother, you had learnt to tuck away your dreams in the back of your mind, where they would remain unrealised, yes, but at the very least, untouched by the hands of your wicked stepsisters, who would not hesitate to tear them into shreds like the did your mother’s precious gown.
but the prince was different. you could still remember his handsome face and his gentle smile, the way his calloused hands held your waist ever so gently while the two of you danced beneath the light of the crystal chandeliers and the burning eyes of a hundred spectators. would he be disappointed if he couldn’t find the girl who fit the glass slipper you left behind? you hoped not, for you had no doubt there would be princesses all around the world eager to fill the spot that you missed… and yet, they couldn’t. because they weren’t you. he made that clear when he broke through the door with the force of the men at his beck and call, eyes searching frantically until they landed on your figure—-dressed in rags and covered in ashes.
you scrambled to your feet, your face burning in shame as you bowed your head. you almost wished he didn’t find you here, if only to spare him the disappointment of realising that the girl he had been chasing was no princess, but a servant girl who didn’t even have a scrap of new clothing to her name. and yet, those calloused hands of his found their way to your chin ever so gently, lifting your eyes to meet his ones. your knees felt weak, and your face warm— like the sunlight that filtered through the attic window, and like the look in his eyes as he gazed upon you. “it’s you,” he said with a whisper, a wide smile blooming across his face. because there was no way it wasn't you; not when he had been dreaming of those eyes of yours since the night you met. “my princess…”
there was once a time where you wanted nothing more than to know what it felt like to feel the grass beneath your feet, and to lie in meadows of dandelions under the sun, like they always talked about in the books you piled up in your little room. to know what it was like to be free. and he was the one who gave you that. the one who showed you the world. but being with him was dangerous, for the both of you, and you would rather stay locked up in the tower forever than let him be hurt. now, the only thing you wanted, was for him to be safe. even if that meant giving up the freedom you would once trade anything for.
you stared at the painting on your ceilings—the painting of the lanterns that he took you to see, just as he promised. the lanterns that bore witness to your first kiss on a boat in the middle of the lake… right before your mother found you, and dragged you back to the tower, promising pain on the man you loved–yes, loved—if you didn’t do as she said. you sighed as you raised a hand over your eyes. and it was then that you heard a knocking from the inside of the walls. someone was here. and it wasn’t your mother. you moved faster than you ever did before you learnt how to braid your ropes of hair, and you slotted yourself between one of the bookshelves to hide, frypan in hand, at the ready.
this scene felt all too familiar. you found yourself remembering the charming grin as you stood with a frypan in hand, eyeing the man who broke into your home and changed everything. but now was not the time for such thoughts. as soon as you heard the intruder enter, your charged with your pan held over your head with violent intent—only to have it fall from your hand when a hand you knew all too well wrapped around your wrists, securing them together in its singular grip, before pushing you up against the nearby wall. jake watched your lips fall apart in a silent gasp, eyes lighting up in recognition at his face. his name left your lips in a quiet sigh, and his heart leapt at the sound, at the sight of your pretty face under the sensual lighting of the setting sun. he wasted no time in ravaging your mouth with hungry kisses, his hard body pressed against yours as he attempted to feel every part of you against him, so he could feel you like he wanted to since the day you were taken from him. “i missed you so fucking much,” he whispered. you scolded him, telling him he shouldn’t be here… but— “i don’t care. i’m here to take my girl back.”
when you first found yourself at the beast’s—no, sunghoon’s, castle—demanding that he let your father go, you would admit that you almost turned and ran for the hills at the sight of his beastly form. he was the image of the monsters that you read about in all those books you buried your nose in all day, the ones that you lost yourself to fantasy with. but the longer you remained in his care, the more you realised just how much lay beneath the surface of a supposed beast. the way he had so awkwardly tried to pull your chair out for your on the first night you had dinner together, the way he was so hesitant to grasp your hands when you danced, as if too scared he might shatter it; the way he so willingly threw himself before an arrow just to make sure it didn’t touch you…
you called his name with falling tears, watching as he lay limp on the ground before you. his small huffs of annoyance were never so missed as they were now, instead replaced by silence as you continued to shake his lying form, his blood staining your dress. you never even got to say thank you, to tell him you didn’t mean it when you said he was an insufferable and intolerable beast—and now, you would never have the chance again… or so you thought. as you rested your head against his unmoving chest, wallowing in the grief that washed over you like a tidal wave, you failed to notice as the beast you came to knew started to shift into a man, his bare chest healed of any wounds because of the love that you shed in your precious tears. it wasn’t until a human hand cradled your cheek and lifted your face did you notice what had happened, and god was he beautiful—just as he was on the inside.
his lips were raised into a soft smile, and you heart leapt at the sight of small dimples poking his cheeks, and a pair of fangs that looked like a miniature version of the ones he had when he was a beast. “why are you crying?” he asked, his lips pressing a sweet kiss onto your forehead. “did you really think you would get rid of me that easily?” he cupped your face into his warm, large hands, his eyes bearing into yours. “silly girl… i’m too in love with you to leave.”
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creedslove · 1 year
The Millers 💖
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No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: an insight of Joel's married life with you and fatherhood of a little boy
Inspired by this post after I fell in love with the idea of Joel being a dad to a baby boy 💙
Warnings: fluff and Joel Miller being the best husband and father in the world
A/N: idk besties, I love Joel and I want him to be happy 😭🥺
1.6k words
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When Joel had Sarah, everything was harder; he was too young to take that much of a responsibility by himself and yet he did it. Giving up his dream and short term plans, he saw himself seeking a steady job to provide for himself and his baby daughter, and for that he worked hard. Joel Miller had to work his ass off in order to make sure his family would be well taken care of. However, he loved that tiny little baby girl with all his heart, and it was that love that gave him the strength and the perseverance to fight things off and make sure his daughter had everything he could give her. Luckily to him, he did a pretty good job at raising her, stated fact as she blossomed into a beautiful, lovely and kind-hearted young woman, who gave him nothing but happiness and pride when she managed to get into a top-notch university, after all, she was the smartest kid he'd ever met.
He didn't know exactly what to do after he dropped her off in college, returning to the home that had been filled with her presence, her laughter, her joy and her things, was now a home Joel would have to live in alone and occasionally sharing with his laid-back brother. He was still fairly young, he had a successful business and he thought he would spend his next decades leading a quiet, comfortable life, with a lot of work, some fun, some night stands and that was it.
Meeting you wasn't planned, but it ended up being one of the best, sweetest surprises life had given him, and still, he had never thought it would end up in marriage. He figured you two would be together until you got tired of him and found someone better, he wouldn't blame you, he always thought you deserved more, even if it broke his heart. Turns out you didn't want anyone better, younger or wealthier, you wanted him, exactly like he wanted you, so despite Joel being a stubborn man, you showed him your love and you ended up married to the love of your life. Not bad at all.
However, he had never thought of having a second child. Not that he was against it, but he just figured it wouldn't happen at all, he had gone through all of it with Sarah, so he didn't see himself restarting it from the very beginning… that is until you came with a positive pregnancy test and Joel realized he was going to be a father. You were going to be a mother and you two would become parents. It took him some seconds to let the news sink in, he was shocked, he was not going to lie… he knew you two should've discussed the possibility of having kids and how that would affect your marriage and daily life, but since you were already pregnant, he saw that ship had already sailed.
He was terrified, but also couldn't hide the fact he was so happy to be doing that with you, before he knew it would be different than the first time, where he had to handle a newborn on his own and became a single parent, instead you would do it as a couple, together, building up a family, you were about to become The Millers and he fucking loved that.
Over the course of his life, Joel had to learn to be a girl dad, task that wasn't easy at all, he had no idea one day he would have to learn about Disney princesses, and Barbies, and My Little Pony shit and all the sparkly glittery Sarah was so crazy about when she was a kid. And for a rough guy like himself, he had done a decent job. Which was why his whole perspective had changed the moment he learned you and him were having a little boy.
Joel felt like his heart had stopped for a moment, it was the second time you nearly gave him a heart attack during your marriage. It was so new to him, to know that in a matter of months he was having a little boy. He thought of all the things he would like to do some day, such as teach him how to play the guitar, take him to sports matches, play soccer after Sunday lunches, take him to work… there was just an infinity of things he could try. He was excited.
When you and Joel decided to turn the guest room into nursery, was when he began wondering if his son would be the dinosaur kind of kid, or if he would be into space stuff, animals, or whatever, and just to be safe, Joel bought some of each of the items; that way his little boy could choose whatever he wanted and Joel would be a proud dad not matter what.
Three years after you broke the news to him, Joel prepared himself to leave home and come back home every night to his beautiful wife and his sweet little toddler. It terrified him how time flew by and in the blink of an eye, his beautiful Samuel Miller went from a tiny little baby, to a sweet chatty toddler, and in a matter of time he would become a teen and then an adult. It felt like an exaggeration, but that was what happened to Sarah. He just didn't want to miss out on his son's life, he didn't want to waste precious family moments by working too much. Money was a need, but so was his family, and that was why Joel hated the fact he had to work until that late, he knew you would be gladly waiting for him, but Sammy would be just asleep by the time he finally made it back home. He sighed, as he really enjoyed spending time playing trucks, cars, or blocks with his little man.
He got off his truck and walked to the door, opening it to find a nearly quiet home, the sound of TV was there, though it was low enough for him to be aware you were still awake, but he was sure his boy was already in bed. That was why it made Joel so surprise to moment he saw a tiny little thing waddling towards him, his messy little brown curls showed he had already got cuddles from his mommy, which caused him to he sleepy, judging by the way he rubbed his tired little brown eyes - exactly like Joel's.
"Daddy?" He whispered and smiled tiredly the moment he spotted Joel, rushing to him and hugging him tight, giggling adorably the moment his daddy lifted him up and tiny arms wrapped around Joel's neck. "Miss you daddy"
"Miss you too, Sammy… were you nice to your mommy? Did you take good care of her?" He saw his son nodding obediently and you resting against the doorframe, smiling at them. Your heart was a puddle of love each time you saw how good Joel was with your little boy. You walked to them, caressing Sammy's head gently and pecked Joel's lips
"There's dinner for you" you winked at your husband and got his plate out of the oven, as it was still warm and placed it on the table. You walked to him and tried taking Sammy, but he shook his head "no mommy, stay with daddy please" he gave you the puppy eyes and then turned to Joel "can we play trucks after dinner, daddy?" He asked with a yawn and rested his little body against his dad's stomach, fighting sleep as hard as he could.
While Joel ate, Sammy just stayed quiet, his small hands gripping his daddy's wrist and holding his watch. He shook his head when Joel offered him some food, all he wanted was to play trucks with his daddy.
Joel was still hungry and he was eager to finish that amazing plate you'd made him, but he couldn't simply continue eating while his boy wanted to spend precious time with him. He wrapped his arm gently around Sammy's tummy and got up, taking his son with him
"Daddy is done eating, let's play now, okay? But let's play in your room because our trucks are so noisy and we can't bother mommy" he tickled his son, as he used his trick to convince Sammy to play a little in bed before tucking him in. Sammy on the other hand, could barely contain his excitement, he rubbed his tired eyes once more, but this time the giggles came easy as he was taken to his bed by his father. He sat down comfortably and asked Joel to pick his yellow and blue truck: it was his favorite, given by his big sister Sarah on his last birthday. The man smiled at the thought of it, how his kids were adorable, even if the age gap between them was expressive, Sarah was every bit of sweet to her baby brother, and Sammy simply loved her. He handed his son the truck and sat by the edge of the bed. As they engaged in the activity, Sammy told his daddy silly nothings, giggled and smiled, until he was overpowered by sleep. He lay down in bed, and Joel placed the truck on the floor, taking the fluffy dinosaur blanket and covered Sammy. His big hand caressed his son's beautiful face. He might look like Joel, but he was every bit of sweet and lovely as his mommy, you, the woman Joel loved the most and he was so thankful for having given him the best present a man could have: a family.
"Night night daddy"
"Night Sammy, daddy loves you"
"I love you too, daddy"
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In my quest to find affordable homes, I was so happy to find this cute little 1920 bungalow in the lovely town of Magnolia, DE, w/3bds, 1ba, for $249,900. But, then it creeped me the hell out. Let's take a tour and you'll see why.
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Cute little front porch opens into a good-sized enclosed porch that could be used as a mud room or a quaint little sun room with some plants.
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Then, you enter a nice large living room with a Craftsman style wall and columns separating it from the dining room. Isn't this lovely, so far?
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How cute is this? And, Delaware is know for its low taxes.
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The sweet little kitchen is completely original. Look at the door.
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It has a dishwasher, which is always important to me, and look at the little shelves on the end of the cabinet.
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The kitchen's not so little, though- it has room for a washer/dryer tucked out of the way, next to the fridge. Looks like they removed all their overhead light fixtures, and capped them off, though.
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Typical 1920s era hallway to the bedrooms have all original doors and moldings. There's a linen closet and a trap door in the ceiling for the attic.
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The bedrooms aren't huge, but they're adequate. My cousin grew up in a house like this and it was so cute.
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This is a larger room. I don't know what that is on the left.
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This may be the primary bedroom. It's a sweet starter home, too.
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The bath was nicely redone with appropriate tiles and pedestal sink. The original built-in medicine chest is still intact.
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The basement isn't finished, but it has potential and there's a work bench down here. Look, they left the new owner a trophy.
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So, then I went up to the attic and they left a set of dining room chairs. Score, i thought.
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And, there's also a cedar lined closet for winter clothes. Cool. But then, I saw this-
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Holy grandma's ghost, Batman, there's even a remote on the seat. Is that a cable wire on the left? Has anyone seen the Disney movie, "The Electric Grandmother?" A wealthy family had a robot grandma made to order, and she was shipped in a sarcophagus and lowered by helicopter into their yard. Every night she would go down to the basement, sit in her chair, and charge. Chocolate milk shot out of her wrist, too. I got so creeped out when I saw this!
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House is on a .29 acre lot and has a large decrepit building in the back, which I hope they save.
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msclaritea · 8 months
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dazeddoodles · 5 months
on the current raeda conversation:
I think what people (esp new fans who didn't watch the show as it aired, and didn't have time between releases to really think about characters and let stuff sink in, in that sense) don't understand is this:
raeda provides a more nuanced representation of queerness and what it means to love someone.
the whole point of raeda, imo, is that love shouldn't, doesn't, look a certain way. love doesn't fit into a mold. it isn't easy. sometimes it's tragic. sometimes it hurts.
queerness doesn't look a certain way. the whole point is being who you are and who you are is different for everyone
raeda hits cause we see both of them at their worst. and as the show was airing we didn't know if they'd get a chance to show one another they'd changed. we all thought raine was gonna fucking die every time they were on screen. but i digress
i think people gloss over how well the adult characters are fleshed out in the owl house. honestly it's taken for granted. they have depth. and their queerness makes them all the more vital as representation cause they're not stereotyped and don't fit into a box.
again key word here is nuanced
and isn't the whole point of the owl house to celebrate individuality and how beautiful and unique we are? to not judge people based on generalizations? to not try and fit someone into a mold they have to fit inside forever?
if you try to put anything in the show in a box then you missed the point.
so like, the fact that raeda is so overlooked despite being the best representation of a ship that breaks conventions is weird
the fact that they're both ignored by disney is even weirder. lumity is good rep, but i think raeda is equally if not more important because of the opportunity for kids adult queer role models that prove that life is a mess and the path you're on might not be linear, but eventually everything will get better.
sorry for putting a college dissertation in your ask box. i'll go back to lurking lol
I'm reading this whole college dissertation wdym
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merrysithmas · 1 year
Did they really announce a Mandalorian movie at the Star Wars celebrations 2023 ? I’m so out of the loop but just saw an article talking about it and now I’m like ????
they announced a movie but it's not a Mandalorian movie it's a "Mandoverse" movie which is going to tie together the endings of Ahsoka, Skeleton Crew, The Mandalorian, and Book of Boba Fett. Filoni's pet projects. And the movie is allegedly going to be directed by Filoni.
It's not happening for "6-7 years"
Which means it's not gonna happen period lmao.
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gerec · 2 months
could you rec the bests space AU?
The X-Men fandom is absolutely a goldmine for amazing aus, and space aus are some of the best on offer! There are so many great ones that I have to split this into 2 parts, Anon - hope you enjoy:
Space Jam by Pangea (series)
Prince Charles Xavier is Deputy Commander of the TEF Heartsteel and the newest mission they've been assigned starts out less than desirable and quickly goes downhill from there. It's alright, though, he'll cope.
It doesn't help, though, that he's in unrequited love with his best friend and Commander of the Heartsteel, War-Prince Erik Lehnsherr.
The stars incline us, they do not bind us by ikeracity, Pangea
Intergalactic Federation pilot Lieutenant Charles Xavier is assigned last-minute to a high profile mission: transporting over two thousand prison inmates from an old and overfilled prison complex to a newer, higher-capacity prison stronghold located on the outer reaches of the galaxy. Just as he's settling down for a long and uneventful ride, things take a turn for the worse after the inmates riot and stage a hostile takeover of the ship, leaving Charles to find himself at the complete mercy of cold-blooded killers and facing the chilling prospect that he might not ever make it back home alive.
A Curious Carriage of Crystal and Cold by Etharei
Charles, a miner from a poor village in the countryside, saves the life of Erik Lehnsherr, scion of a successful business family and the richest man on the planet Eisen. Charles is a telepath and somewhat anxious about it, while Erik abstains from relationships because the lights flicker and doors open and electronics vibrate when he gets too excited.
Also featuring a long-suffering sister, a foul-mouthed bodyguard, and a best friend with a heart that is definitely not gold.
In which there are princes, spaceships, long journeys, and old secrets uncovered. (An AU sci-fi fairytale)
The Trouble with Telepaths by endingthemes
“Are you shy about me meeting your family?” Erik asks with a huge smile. “Are you kidding me?”
“It’s not funny,” Charles says, his hands firmly planted on his hips, and it’s honestly hilarious so Erik laughs right in his face.
(Or a Star Trek AU in which Captain Erik Lehnsherr pays a visit to First Officer Charles Xavier's home planet and encounters a few surprises.)
To Rattle the Stars by GQD, Pangea
All his life Charles has chafed at the bonds of gravity that hold him bound to tiny and backwater Montressor, more at home in the sky on his solar surfer than on the ground, where he's stuck working at his stepfather's inn. His heart and soul yearn for the stars, and it's his dream to one day be a spacer and sail across the cosmos on adventure.
The opportunity comes sooner than he ever imagined one night when a ship crash-lands on the inn's front doorstep, carrying a dying pirate with a mysterious map and a dire warning: beware the cyborg.
[A Disney's Treasure Planet AU]
From Rim Space With Love by manic_intent
"Captain Logan! Captain Logan!"
The skinny cadet skitters to a halt next to Logan in the rec room, red-faced and a little out of breath. Logan eyes him with a faint frown, sunk deep into a stimm couch, thumbing up the rim of his captain's hat. He's just come off a torturous fifteen-hour shift, and healing factor or not, Logan's starting to feel it. Warp space is hell on his nerves.
"Settle down, bub. What burned your tail... eh..." Logan concentrates briefly. "Cadet McCoy? Hey. Your blue's showing. Settle down."
McCoy takes in several deep breaths, and the blue fur starting to thread out of his skin sinks back in. "Sir, yes sir. Message from X-Command, sir."
Erik Lehnsherr's Guide to Saving the Universe By Meeting Your Soul-Mate and Falling in Love in Less than 72 Hours by madneto, Pangea
Army Pilot Erik Lehnsherr is just trying to enjoy his day off when a mostly naked person crashes through the roof of his car. Even more alarming, the strange falling naked person—who goes by Charles Xavier when he's not speaking an ancient dead language—brings tidings of the apparent potential end of the world, and begs Erik to help him put a stop to it.
Well. His mother has been nagging at him to go out and meet new people.
Programming by TurtleTotem
Erik is not programmed to feel affection. There's no logical reason for Charles's death to affect him like this. ((Inspired by certain elements of Prometheus, but not a direct crossover.))
Fallen from the Stars by madmalina
Erik’s only purpose in life is to find and kill the man who had his parents executed—Sebastian Shaw, Captain of the Emperor’s fleet. When Erik gets assigned to a job under Shaw’s command—on the spaceship supposed to take the Crown Prince across the galaxy—he’s sure he’s closer to fulfilling his destiny than he has ever been before.
Charles is apprehensively awaiting the day of his twenty-fifth birthday, when he’ll be crowned Emperor, because not only does he have high doubts about his own suitability for the job, he fears the crushing responsibilities it will bring, and ultimately wants nothing more than to live a quiet and peaceful life.
However, the trip across the planets of Charles’ future Empire turns out differently than they both expected, shedding light on intrigues reaching back decades into the past, and forcing both men to put their lives into each other’s hands, even though their differences are seemingly infinite.
 To Catch a Thief by lachatblanche
Charles Xavier, heir to the Xavier Corp billlions, is a wealthy, carefree socialite by day, and a skilled and renowned catburglar by night.
It was, he supposes, inevitable that someday someone would find this out.
fly me to the moon (To Catch a Thief Remix) by ikeracity 
Charles is a wealthy noble who moonlights as notorious intergalactic art thief X in his spare time. Erik is the bounty hunter hot on his tail (who also happens to have a massive crush on him). A fateful encounter on the luxury resort moon Prioria changes things between them forever.
Stardust by JackyJango
When Charles Xavier, Erik's long-suffering-total opposite- best friend gets dumped by his boyfriend, Erik makes a pact with him, that he'll marry Charles if he's still single even after a decade.
I, Charles Francis Xavier, agree to marry Erik Magnus Lehnsherr if I'm not otherwise married or in a committed relationship as of ten years from today, star-dated- 2020:08:007
Nearly a decade later, Erik will do anything to see Charles with a man who's worthy of him.
Some Forgotten Corner of the Universe by Black_Betty
Erik remembers the boy he met on Osiris. Charles is no longer that boy, but that doesn't mean Erik loves him any less...
Ghost in the Shell by MonstrousRegiment
Out in the black of space, where the only creatures whose company you can always count on are violence and death, making a living is a wager. Erik’s crew of mismatched social misfits scrapes by, toeing the line between law and crime. Normally, they prefer to stay out of the Alliance’s way, but when it comes to defending the very freedom they fought for a decade ago, they only follow one principle: when someone tries to kill you, you kill them right back.
The Persistent Traveller by candycandy (telltail_heart) 
Erik is the Chief of Engineering aboard the starship Poseidon, where he’s spent the last 10 years of his life dedicated to his job above all other desires. That is until he receives his newest crew member, Lieutenant Commander Charles Xavier, who proves to be more persistent than a black hole at getting what he wants, which to Erik’s utter confusion appears to be him...
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babyindeath · 1 month
I just rewatched DP&W for the first time and I'm so bummed out about the last scene where Logan takes the dog from Wade and tells him "talk to the girl" kinda kills the whole build up of their (Logan and Wade's) progressing relationship :((( it was all cute when I first saw it but after all this time it kinda ruins the gay vibe from the rest of the movie
I totally get it, anon. The first two times I saw this movie I thought that neither of these romantic storylines worked narratively. Like at all. I’m still confused by the writing of it. I was really furious about it for a long time.
After my, say, third time watching it, I realised Vanessa did not necessarily “take” Wade back. First, we have the obvious fact she’s still seeing that aforementioned German guy from work (it’s only been two days), and second she does not respond to Wade’s confession - “I did it for you, even if you don’t want me” - verbally. Just held his hand seemingly platonically. Because why would they break up and get back together? They’re really going to fucking write this arc again? Seriously? So, after thinking about it, I decided to have at least a bit of faith in Ryan Reynolds et al.. They’re friends
Logan knows Wade still loves Vanessa. Even if Logan is starting to maybe fall in love with Wade, he knows that Vanessa is the love of Wade’s life and all he wanted to do for the entire mission was save Vanessa and his universe. It makes sense why he’d encourage him to talk to her. We know he truly cares about him thanks to the Time Ripper/Subway scene. (Genuinely can’t believe they didn’t kiss, instead he playfully hit Wade. ‘kay.). As a bi+ person myself I understand that he’s still not quite over Vanessa 6 years into their break-up while simultaneously crushing on Logan. Especially as she is still part of his found family.
When I first watched that scene, I was flabbergasted just like you. ‘What? What do you mean? But they. What? I.’ It’s another clip that the Deadpool-Wolverine fandom seems to either skim over or just pretend didn’t happen to protect the ship. But let’s be honest. These writers have heterosexual brains. Or so it seems. Debatable about Ryan’s brain. I don’t know how heterosexual brains work but from some of the choices in the movie re: Poolverine, I’m guessing not the best.
As for it taking away the gay vibes, Wade is still pansexual. He talks graphically about how he’d like to get fucked by male ‘dancers’. He says he doesn’t have a lot of vaginal sex. He has a sex dream about Thor. And another one. He’s very obviously aroused by Logan. He’s always talking about ass play. But I hate the fact his queerness is only discussed in jokes either among his character or for the audience and his love for Vanessa is always treated very seriously. Even 8 years after the first instalment. I hate it. And I can’t think about it or I’ll want to die.
Wade and Logan’s relationship changed completely in two days. They wanted to kill eachother. They had wrestle sex for 12 hours. They saved the world. Logan moved in with Wade. Wade introduced him to Al like a boyfriend. Again, I don’t know what heterosexuals think when they watch this movie, and I wish I did. So I still don’t know if the queerness in this film is intentional. My soul tells me it is. Everything I know about Ryan tells me this too. But when I think about Disney, Marvel, Ryan’s thinly-veiled desperation to be liked by the general public, the fact he’s for some reason become a business mogul, and that queer people will always be viewed as an accessory to our forever heteronormative society, my heart does sink. A bit heavy for a blockbuster discussion but representation is ALWAYS a big fucking deal. And I totally understand you.
I don’t even know what the hell my point is to be honest. Hope you can take something from all that though. Thank you for the message, I don’t get a lot of interaction on here so it means a lot! I don’t know if I helped. I haven’t written anything in an essay format in so long
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dalekofchaos · 2 months
Disney Villains victory au
Came up with some aus where the Disney Villains win
Cinderella:Mother Tremaine somehow finds the evil equivalent to the Fairy Godmother, said fairy grants the Mother the with to grant her daughters the ability to fit into the glass slippers. the idiot prince couldn't tell the difference and just married them both. The Tremaines win and Cinderella remains a servant Sleeping Beauty:Aurora wakes up and stabs Prince Philip in the back and Maleficent in her dragon form burns him to ashes. Maleficent's evil reigns supreme with Aurora under her thrall to command the humans to serve Maleficent Snow White:The Evil Queen cuts out Snow White's heart and the fairest of them all rules forever 101 Dalmations:Cruella skins the puppies and makes the furcoat Beauty and The Beast:Gaston unexpectedly encounters the Enchantress, in a rare twist of fate, Gaston grants the kindness the Prince did not grant the Enchantress and as a reward grants him the magic to capture his heart's desire. Gaston kills The Beast and uses the magic to make Belle his. But Gaston does not want the girl to read and become independent, he turns the Bimbettes on Belle and has them turn Belle more like her and has his 4 wives. The Lion King:Scar and Zira team up against Simba. Simba loses and Scar and his family rule reigns supreme The Little Mermaid:Ursula wins. She sinks Eric's ship. Triton and Ariel are exiled. Ursula rules the seas while she as Vanessa rules with Eric with him under her thrall with a fresh heir Tangled:Mother Gothel gaslights Rapunzel into thinking Eugene stole from her ala the villain song and Gothel keeps her forever after Rapunzel takes her revenge. Frozen:Anna dies and is kept frozen in the eternal winter. Hans chooses not to kill Elsa, but gaslights and manipulates her into marrying him. Elsa grows as cold and evil as Hans and they rule Arendelle with an iron fist
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perfectlysunny02 · 3 months
Chronic pain flare up
since the anon didn’t give me a ship, i’ll just do bucktommy cause why not?
Buck’s in pain before he even opens his eyes that morning. His leg is throbbing, his nerves on fire. He has a brief momentary thought of gratefulness to his past self that he keeps his leg freshly shaven, because he could not imagine the added pain of the pulled leg hair.
He should make himself get up. He’s going to be late, but the thought of actually getting out of bed, and putting his feet on the floor, attempting to stand, makes him wanna cry. He can’t do that. He just can’t.
He must make some type of noise because soon the warmth to his side is pressing into him, his face into Buck’s neck.
“Mhm,” Tommy mumbles, the sound of sleep still in his voice. “What’s the matter, baby?”
Unable to stop himself, he sinks into Tommy’s warmth, pressing closer, with a whimper.
“My leg,” He says. “I should call off, but I don’t know where my phone is, and the thought of standing makes me wanna cry, and I think I’m going to be sick, I’m really nauseous, and we’re already one man down, and I-“
“Breathe, sweetheart,” Tommy whispers, pressing a soft kiss to his neck, and Evan automatically inhales. “Just take a break, I’ll call Bobby. It’s okay, if your leg is hurting you enough that you’re nauseous then you should definitely not go in. It’s okay. I’ll take care of it.”
True to his word, Tommy does take care of it. He calls out for him, passing along Bobby’s well wishes, he orders Buck’s guilty pleasure, McDonald’s sausage, egg and cheese McGriddle. He rubs Tiger Balm into his leg muscles as gently as possible, unraveling the knots, brings him his heating pad, and a full Stanley of water. They spend the rest of the day, curled up in Buck’s bed watching Disney movies.
“Thank you,” Buck whispers. “I love you.”
“No problem, sweetheart,” Tommy says, his lips brushing the top of Buck’s head. “I love you.”
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