#dave filoni ur game is up
merrysithmas · 1 year
the "mandoverse" will now disrespectfully be referred to as the mandovirus on this blog henceforth
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gizkalord · 4 years
for the ask game: maul? (and/or ahsoka if you havent gotten her yet lol)
i did maul here!
favorite thing about them—EVERYTHING. but maybe how she was brave enough to walk away from a toxic, hurtful situation and choose what was right for herself, and not for anyone else.
least favorite thing about them—NOTHING. but i have currently unfounded anxieties about her post-rebels self being too OP/perfect lmao
favorite line—”UNhAND mE bRIgAnD” also, “We were trained to be peacekeepers, not soldiers. But all I’ve been since I was a padawan is a soldier” like WOW we stan realizing ur childhood traumas
brOTP—RIDE OR DIE SNIPS AND SKYGUY OTP—i like kaesoka a lot!! disney let ek johnston make them canon challenge nOTP—an*soka........ activates my allergies....
random headcanon—she really likes history/cultural studies, my only justification for this headcanon is how she recognizes the temple on teth in the tcw movie lol
unpopular opinion—ahsoka was NEVER annoying in the early seasons, u guys r just mean and/or have never interacted with real teenagers before. i don’t think this is an unpopular opinion on tumblr, but it still is in other parts of the fandom
song i associate with them—wild things by alessia cara
favorite picture of them—in general, i LOVE dave filoni’s sketches and concept arts of ahsoka, and his topps cards illustrations of her are particularly gorgeous and poignant
Tumblr media
edit: i also want to note that when these cards were released after twilight of the apprentice, people were straight up BIG BRAINING over these, i wish i could compile all the analyses i saw on tumblr and all over the internet
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iamnojedii · 4 years
tagged by: @marshalcommands tagging:  all of u, tell me ur secrets
ONE - ( alias / name ) : Sarah
TWO - ( birthday ) : Feb 3rd
THREE - ( zodiac sign ) : Aquarius (like, a super Aquarius most of my star chart is all Aquarius with the rest mostly being Capricorn)
FOUR - ( height ) : 5′8″
FIVE - ( hobbies ) : writing (obvs), video games (I love !! video games), guitar, and going on walking adventures with my dogs (August and Zelda), collecting so much nerd stuff that I don’t know where to put it tbh (thanks, comic con)
SIX - ( favorite color ) : I love darker shades of purples and reds
SEVEN - ( favorite books ) : This is a dangerous question to ask me; Lexicon - Max Barry, the Kiesha’Ra series - Amelia Atwater-Rhodes (you want LBGTQ rep and fantasy and crazy powerful magic and that can literally break a person’s mind and the world around them? read it. also romance~), Revenge of the Sith - Matthew Stover, Sharp Objects - Gillian Flynn, The World Without Us - Alan Weisman, The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Neil Gaiman, Hyperbole and a Half - Allie Brosh, and so many, many more but those are the ones that come to mind.
EIGHT - ( last film or show watched ) : I’ve been rewatching The Clone Wars with my mom (who is very concerned that Anakin and Padme are going to “break up”, oh mom lol), but the last show I watched on my own was the latest ep of The Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj.
NINE - ( inspiration for muse ) : I just love Ahsoka. There’s a lot of room for exploration for her character that I get to play around with, from the time frame right after the fall of the Jedi to SW:Rebels (like hello, she’s basically the Rebel Alliance’s Nick Fury), to the time following ANH after the Empire falls (dave filoni tell me what happened in that sith temple !!). I like exploring her morality following her departure from the Jedi Order and how she comes to terms with the world around her, her light and her dark and how she remains balanced/neutral.
TEN - ( story behind url ) : her most badass line of dialogue
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