#disney characters l
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Imagine you're having a Disneyland/Disney World day on your own, wandering the Streets and eating yummy themed snacks, perusing the merchandise shops, meeting some characters; just taking your time, having a great day already... until a Disney Villain face character approaches you, wondering where your group is?? Why are you alone?? Welp I guess they're gonna hang out with you now and end up following you everywhere all day, showing you around, getting you free treats, giving you the VIP treatment XD
At the end of the day you realise that it's the actual villain. In real life.
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leona in club leadership
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Me: I’m safe after the hitman that was Epel’s Birthday Jacket jumpscared me with the “Leona is a reliable senpai” talk Broomquet Leona: Broomquet Leona: *slowly raises the broom for a bonking*
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why Why WHY
Alright, so. 🤡 We all know that Leona's the captain of the Magical Shift/Spelldrive Club at NRC (moving forward, I will refer to this as "Magift Club", since that's the shortest phrase). What's more is, we actually get quite a bit of information about how he goes around running the club and training its members (although the information is scattered across various vignettes, so it may be difficult to piece it all together if you don't know where to look or don't read certain vignettes). THIS IS THE GOOD STUFF THOUGH, THIS IS A GOLD MINE OF LuONA CHA EARCTERiXATION AND I'M GOINOG TO POP of DFF ABOUT IT
Firstly! In book 2 of the main story, Jack tells us that he was impressed by Leona's amazing play in a Magift game three years ago. This would later become a part of Jack's motivation to attend Night Raven College--so he could become a great athlete, and, perhaps, get to play against or alongside that player that he admired so much. Even when Jack learns that Leona is playing dirty to eliminated Diasomnia from the interdorm tournament, Jack exposes that he believes Leona is capable of securing a victory by playing fairly. Maybe you could call it a freshman's naive beliefs, but Jack knows that Leona is better than this. What book 2 shows us is that Leona is willing to resort to underhanded tactics to come out on top--but he's also very skilled in his own right, both physically and intellectually, and even at his lowest points, he has people who trust him to lead them: people like Jack. But where does this faith and respect come from???????? For that, we'll have to dive into additional materials.
In many vignettes, such as Ace's PE Uniform and Ruggie's Outdoor Wear, we hear from other characters that the Magift Club members train rigorously (usually to the point of exhaustion). Ruggie, a fellow Magift Club member, confesses to his inexperience; he never played Magift before coming to NRC and he's not a born athlete. He seriously considered quitting the club due to their physically demanding practice and training. However, Ruggie credits Leona for the vast improvement he has made, citing that Leona would give him all kinds of assignments to hone his skills. More importantly, doing all of these assignments also taught Ruggie how to endure and persist in the face of adversity. Ruggie could have just lied here and said the training was easy to quickly and artificially inflate the numbers of new recruits he pulls in to please Leona (some of the new recruits would end up dropping out anyway) BUT HE DOESN'T. This leads me to believe that Ruggie is being honest about what it takes to be in Magift Club and is genuinely praising Leona's guidance as a part of why it's beneficial to join. "Leona makes every session worthwhile [...] He makes all the calls during our games, but otherwise lets us do our thing. Which means we can work out our problem spots for ourselves. He's a great captain!"
Epel, the other main cast member in Magift Club, has not yet joined at the time of the flashback in Ruggie's Outdoor Wear vignette. Upon hearing Ruggie's praise of Leona, Epel gets the impression that Leona is an incredible person. Post-joining the club, this impression continues. In his Birthday Jacket vignettes, Epel describes Leona as someone who is quick-witted, fierce-looking, and has a cool personality. He really admires Leona and wants to be like him someday, making him the second first year that has these sort of sentiments. Epel tells stories similar to Ruggie, saying that Leona has helped him out a lot during club and is generally good at looking out for others. He specifically mentions that everyone counts on Leona for his leadership during games and provides individualized advice to help each team member improve (details which supports what Ruggie initially told the freshmen). People outside of Leona’s reign also comment on this, such as Ace in Endless Halloween Night. He remarks that the first thing Leona thought to do was untie Epel; this leads Ace to conclude that Leona, does, in fact, look out for people despite how he usually acts 🤡
Epel also says that he "knows" Leona would help him study if he were on the verge of failing a class. AND YOU KNOW WHAT??????????? Leona actually DOES tutor Ruggie (who initially descibes his grades as being "in the dumpster") and gives advice and materials to him. Now Ruggie's grades are average, but passing. In his Labwear vignettes, Leona doesn't formally teach Epel, but he does make a voice-changing potion to help Epel out (although his own ulterior motive was to avoid Rook, who was the one that originally helped Epel). When Epel and Grim then beg Leona to show them his technique, he refuses and seems annoyed at their requests. In other words, Leona doesn't seem eager to teach others unless it serves a purpose for himself.
Leons is oftentimes pushing others to perform well, and in a way that serves a dual purpose of helping the individual out but also ultimately benefitting him. For example, Leona helps sand Azul’s contracts because he wants to as terminate an agreement he has with Azul. Additionally, he plots in book 2 not only to help his dorm mates be noticed by Magift scouts, but also to prove his own worth as a leader. In yet another instance, Leona shows students outside of his club how to efficiently mine for magestone so they can fulfill their goal and earn a Vargas Badge. This clears them out of the cave so he can nap there. Leona is working smarter, not necessarily harder. Relating this to Magift Club... As Ruggie and Epel have told us, Leona runs his members ragged during practice. As a rich kid and royalty, he’s said to have a natural inclination for being demanding and ordering others around—but there’s always some kind of compensation or reward for following orders well. Ruggie gets many perks from doing Leona’s errands and chores for him, so he willingly follows Leona. For the Magift Club, the intense training causes those unable or unwilling to keep up to quit, leaving behind the go-getters, the tough, and the willful. Not only are these the types of people most likely to do well in actually playing the sport, but they’re also the types of people Leona himself is seeking with play with.
When your players are willing and able to train hard and by themselves (knowing what their strengths and weaknesses are, as well as how to improve), it encourages… independence. It means less work for the captain to do. It means having a group of people who are obedient and obey your every word. It means Leona can get away with napping during club practice. He's working them hard now so they can take care of themselves later and he has to do less. That seems to be the implication in some instances, as Riddle had noted before that, “it has been a while since [he has seen Leona] sincerely apply himself to his club activities.” (That's because Leona has already trained his team to be comfortable train on their own! This is demonstrated in the flashback of his Beastly Garb vignettes, when Leona instructs his club to do cooldown exercises "on their own while he heads off to nap.) And believe me, when he’s “applying himself”, his talent shines through (just as his intelligence does when he wants to employ it). As Epel and Ruggie say in Leona’s Halloween vignette (flashback), 5 people tried to get the disc away from Leona for 30 minutes and still weren’t successful while Leona barely broke a sweat. Part of the reason why Leona is able to afford bossing his team members around is because he can walk the walk. His own abilities, then, also serve as a point of motivation for the rest of the team. They want to be able to perform on the same level as him, want the honor to play with someone like that. We see one prominent example of this in his Dorm Uniform vignettes. In them, Jack is being bullied by Savanaclaw (senpai) mobs because they're annoyed with his athletic abilities and righteous attitude. These mobs also accurse Leona of being unworthy to lead them because "all [he does] is slack off during practice". They quickly learn the true magnitude of Leona's strength when he defends Jack from 30 mobs at once, not only demonstrating that he is fit for the title of captain, but also someone that has earned Jack's respect.
Though the Dorm Uniform vignettes ultimately frame Leona as siding with Jack, there is a lot of strategic thinking and wisdom in the advice he imparts to both parties involved in the quarrel. He argues in favor of the mobs "skirting the rules", which falls in line with his willingness to disregard morality so long as he achieves an end goal (see: his actions against Azul in book 3, and his actions in book 2 against Malleus). In this case, Jack preaching about playing by the rules is getting in the way of their goals (which will resurface in book 2). That's why he gets put in time-out to "think about his actions", and how he sees the world as black and white, evil and good. To Leona, it's not cheating, it's just playing smart and within the rules specifically specified (the mobs still acted within the boundaries set by rules) or what isn't specifically outlawed (they can't lose to Malleus if he can't play to begin with) to get what he wants. To this point, Leona also sees no shame in strategic retreats and surrenders. This is illustrated by him willingly turning himself into STYX when they approach, and passing on temporary leadership to Ruggie while he's gone. Again, he's just working with what he has in the systems that are presented to him, and he expects everyone else to be able to play the same game. While Leona tells Jack off, it's also true that Leona does have some code of honor as it relates to his own interests; he tells the mobs they're acting embarrassing by "punching down" and being jealous of a freshman. This doesn't come from a place of concern for Jack, or from worry about their attitude, but primarily from irritation that he has to clean up after their behavior. As we see in book 2, Leona himself has no issue with playing Magift against freshmen who are new to the sport (Ace, Deuce, etc.) when they've come unannounced into his dormitory. It's Jack who has to intervene there and call Leona out for picking on the small fry. Even Leona warning the mobs for using magic outside of Magift is a ploy to serve his own agenda. It's against school rules to use magic unless instructed; Leona is, therefore, against his students wailing on Jack using magic instead of fists because it could attract undue attention from staff (and thus cause issues for him, as their dorm leader). This is also why Leona wants to take on the Heartslabyul detective group in a game of Magift instead of just fighting them then and there; it's to avoid causing such a ruckus right before the big interdorm tournament. Leona has a problem with people challenging his authority and making unnecessary trouble for him to fix. When it serves his interests, he'll turn, and/or he won't side completely with one party. He can easily see the pros and the cons of both sides. If Jack is black and white, then Leona is all grey.
This is another notable quality of Leona's: he can identify and understand people's strengths and weaknesses, sometimes even better than they do themselves. His own club members can attest to how Leona gives them specific advice to improve their skills. In fact, we get to see one instance of it in Leona's Beastly Garb vignettes. Epel asks Leona for advice on how to better control the disc, since he's been missing passes and dropping them a lot. Leona responds by telling him not to worry about it and then walking off. A lot of people might look at this and say "he's just being lazy and shirking his work again". But later in the vignette, Leona explains his rationale: Epel's strength is his speed. When he's handling a disc as he's flying, that significantly cuts down on that speed and hinders his overall performance. If Epel tries to get better at all these things at once, he'll neglect his actual strength and not be useful to the team. Leona reasons that since making objects float is a fundamental skill for a mage, Epel will naturally practice it more and improve with time, so in the meantime he should dedicate his time in club to what he's already got as an asset.
This discerning eye is not just limited to club members, either. Leona has shown that, time and time again, he can key in on people. It was Leona who recognized Ace's craftiness and how Ace planned to use Leona's presence to his own advantage in Endless Halloween Night. Leona doesn't worry about the potential harm a wayward disc could have caused Riddle because he knows Riddle could easily deflect it with his own magic (in Ace's PE vignette). He alone noticed that Jamil's eyes "always glare" and senses his malicious intent against Kalim (in Jamil's School Uniform vignette). This is WAY before the events of book 4 ever came out too. Then, in book 6, Leona points out that Ruggie knows how keep to the strongest people to make up for his own deficits, how Jack knows how to adhere to a hierarchy, and how even Kalim has strengths in how amicable he is, and the wealth he was born into. He knows when people aren't meeting their full potential too, telling Jamil that he keeps making excuses instead of actually acting.
What makes the whole conversation Leona has with Jamil so great is that a lot of what is said is relatable for the two of them. Leona, too, knows what it's like to be in a situation where others shun his talents in favor of another. That's why he's able to speak so pointedly on the matter. It's that connection that helps to move Jamil and motivate him to finally act on his own to fulfill a support role for Leona that he needs later on. There's a parallel here with how Leona acted in book 2; he tried and tried and tried, and when he failed, he sat down and gave it all up, blaming his team mates and claiming he played along with their game. Leona was a quitter before. But now he's seeing that same behavior in others and he's calling it out, bluntly posing the question of if they're going to continue to wallow or if they're going to pick themselves up and move forward. It's the same lesson that HE had to learn for himself. If you consider that his Dorm Uniform vignettes play out prior to book 2, it becomes even more fitting for his growth since he tells Jack back then: "[...] guys who own up to their mistakes are all right in my book. Keep at it and model that behavior for the rest of Savanaclaw." This is Leona owning up to his own mistakes. He never openly and formally apologizes what his wrongdoings or promised to "be better" (then again, some OB boys just don't), but he's making up for his past behavior by imparting the wisdom he learned with his peers, whether subconsciously (like, out of guilt) or consciously.
This all goes hand-in-hand with the high standards Leona has set for Magift Club. Cater asks him for the details of his club's training (in Leona's Broomquet), to which the birthday boy responds with a story about how a team member didn't have enough stamina for a game, so instead of training them to pass the disc, he purposefully chucked the disc as far as it would go. It's to demonstrate to the club member that was lacking in stamina that this is the distance they need to be able to go, and this is their current disparity. It comes off as perhaps too harsh (and certainly a means to quit the club), but as Leona puts it, he doesn't want nor need cowards with him. His team should be full of people who get frustrated when they cannot meet their goals and will actively think about how to be better, then come back and try again and again. Think of it like how Mulan found smarter ways to tackle the challenges put forth by the army, rather than training the conventional way. That's what Leona expects of his club members, and it's the same mentality that drives himself. Tackling the same problem using creative solutions--it's like a game of chess. qbkhldyuFVYOwovyifS ;fslh ihof Aana dnAn thEN MCaER T SAYS smsethbha TH LIKE "waaaah~ Leona-kun is such a cool leader~" AFSHYJASVYOIFADOS AND THANE THAT FUCKE R LONA ' JUST G oeaS "this is to be expected of every leader, it's the basics" UNM???????? ??? ??? ???? ? BITCH EXCUSE YOU???? ???? ??? ? ? ? ? ? 😭 IW ANS'T EXPEC TING TO BE FUCXKIGFN A ATTACKED LKIKE THIS, CA T MAN
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elijones94 · 2 months
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🐾🐆 The warthog and monkey seen here with Bagheera are a nod to the “W-I-L-D” musical number from “The Jungle Book 2”. During the song, a warthog and a monkey resembling Pumbaa and Timon can be seen as Baloo is singing and dancing away. 🐒🐗
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Canon Sapphic Characters Tournament Round 1 (Bracket 5)
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scorching-earth · 3 months
Lobotomy Corporation characters as Different Yuu’s
Before we start I would like to tell you spoilers for Twisted wonderland and Lobotomy corporation, as well as most of projects moon’s world as a whole. As long as you are ok with these series being spoiled
I will try using gender neutral terms. EXCEPT for the Tiphereths, since the two are already confusing enough.
TW: self deprecating thoughts, self harm, subsistence abuse, manipulation, body horror, suicide.
Some i bits about this crossover before we start:
Yuu never Overblots but does end up doing something similar. They “meltdown”. What this means is Yuu ends up going through an emotional breakdown, Just like an overblot dose. Yet instead of blot being both a cause and result of the breakdown. Yuu’s goals become the center of their being. It makes them “meltdown”. To summarize though Yuu basically overblots without the blot. For the sake of twisted wonderland, and to not have the most body horror possible. “Meltdowns” forma around a person's body. Overblot seeps into a person’s body. Also all the Sephirah are part corpse, part robot to make it easier for twist. As well as more horrifying.
For twisted wonderland nothing really has changed other than instead of the normal magic-less Yuu we have a dystopian half robot.
Malkuth\Elijah Yuu:
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“Everyone get down!” “We can do this!” “don't be a burden.” “Please watch me everyone! I can take care of this situation, no problem!”
Yuu was not particularly good at anything yet was very determined to get stuff done. Even though they are very forgetful. Yuu always holds a notebook that seems seconds from falling apart. That has all the things they have to do. (i.e. in book two Yuu would have “investigate the actstudents students have been getting.” would be written down.)
Yuu tends to get themself into situations that they can't handle all by themself. They would jump into overbot fights head first. Confronting the house wardens all by themself. Yuu always has to be dragged out of these situations by other people.
Yuu’s second character flaw is that they trust that anyone, but themself can do anything they put their mind to. Witch is good for others but it can hurt Yuu’s own willingness to jump into a situton.
Yuu wants to be useful more than anything. It’s why they go into things head first. It’s why, when people call them a burden for not having magic it hurts so much. At least in L corp it was because of their own flaws. Yet now in twisted wonderland it’s because of something they can't change. This flaw is the one that causes yuu to have a “meltdown”.
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“This is what you call a truly uncontrollable situation.” Everything is a mess. Yuu’s notebook is torn in the tangle of their vines. “Make sure you feel this horrible sense of helplessness to your core, right to your heart.” ah yes Yuu’s desire to show everyone they can handle a situation on their own. It only scares everyone. “Please watch me everyone! I can take care of this situation, no problem!” Yuu ignores that this situation is caused by them so there's no way that can help. This is also when it is revealed that Yuu sees people as expendable. Yuu’s meltdown must be overcome by showing Yuu that they are not useless. Whether it’s everyone saying how much they need Yuu (the less likely option), or it’s showing Yuu that they just kicked everyone's asses. Yuu in their meltdown form has the ability to disorient and “change” actions (trying to move your left foot wound ends in you moving your right arm.) 
After Yuu's meltdown, and that Yuu’s second flaw was an act to hide her dismissal of others' well-being. The worst part of it all is Yuu is not that good at anything in particular. Relationships are strained, and words are thrown. Yet Yuu realize it’s ok to rely on others, and that it’s ok to not be good at everything.
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“*sigh* Your uniform is disorderly.” “how I’m dressed, that is nothing for you to worry about.” “You all are irritating.” “Hey, don't rush in head first!” “Do you not see my marred, rotting flesh, covered in boils and oozing with pus?!” 
Yuu is a bit cold. Seeing things ratonaly most of the time. They tend to disregard other feelings without knowing it. These traits make them a very efficient worker, with the downside of being a bit disconnected from other people. 
Yuu likes order in their life. Messy uniforms, un-stacked books, Paper strewn across the floors. These are the stuff of Yuu’s nightmares. Yuu likes a tidy work environment. You know that moment in twisted wonderland where Riddle fixed Yuu’s tie. Yuu fixes everyone's ties all the time.
Yuu does care about his friends. He cares about their safety. He may not show it all the time, but Ace and Deuce mean a lot to yuu. Yuu’s just stressed most of the time. Ace and Deuce help Yuu calm down. The two help Yuu have fun in this new stressful world.
The way Yuu dresses is odd. They cover their entire body with the exception of their head. You see, Yuu is a germaphobe. Yuu fears chemical spills most of all. Potions is Yuu’s least favorite subject, not because Yuu’s bad at Potions. It’s because of all the ingredients and chemicals. Yet this is not all. You see Yuu suffers form hallucinations. They think their boys are covered in boils and their flesh is rotting whenever they look at their bare skin. They know this is fake, that they are just hallucinations. Yet Yuu is still affected seeing their skin like that.
Yuu scratches at any part of their body that is exposed. So it’s not uncommon to see red marks on Yuu’s face. Vil has tried so many times to get Yuu to stop this habit, but the route of this problem lies in Yuu’s germaphobia. After a while Vil gave up on his endeavor. 
Yuu’s meltdown is activated when he is pushed to his limit. Whether it’s the stress of the new world getting to him, or someone spills something dangerous on him, increasing his own stress. Yuu goes from adverse to being touched, to “Get the hell away from me!” (bonus points if it’s blot that gets spilt on him.)
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“Did you not see my marred, rotting flesh, covered in boils and oozing with pus?” Yuu’s body becomes a mass of rotting flesh with the black fabric he wears branching upwards is just utterly revolting to look at. “This impenetrable darkness is inexplicably lonely.” Yes, Yuu is alone, utterly and inexplicably alone. On the other hand if this is caused by the stress Crowley puts on Yuu “you are unfit to be the head master if you cannot even remember the simplest rules.”. The way to fix this is to pull Yuu out of his gross rotting body. This in turn pulls Yuu out of his emotional breakdown. The thing that inhibits people from accomplishing these tasks. Everyone's sight is altered. Static fills their sight, and everything becomes more saturated. It makes Yuu’s meltdown even more gross.
Yuu comes clean about the fact that not only is there germophobia from their past life. They also say that the reason for that is because of a horrible inhuman thing that happened to one of his friends. Admitting that he needs more time for himself. Still he tells Crowley off and asking for proper payment for all teh work they did.
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“I want to help you!” “Come on, I know you can do this!” “you got this in the bag!” “WHY DOESN'T ANYONE UNDERSTAND MY KINDNESS!”
Yuu is helpful or at least they try to be. Yuu wants everyone to be happy. If anyone needs help they are the first person to ask. Yuu does often get taken advantage of because of this. That doesn't mean that Yuu is a pushover though. Yuu helps because they want to help.
Yuu can be a bit overbearing sometimes. Often asking people if they are ok. They want everyone to get better. Especially those who had overbloted. letting everyone get their troubles and worries off their chest. Yuu wanted everyone to be ok
Yuu can be overly positive. “At least it’s not that bad.” “look on the bright side.” are things said often by Yuu. Yuu is also extremely optimistic. Looking on the bright side of every situation. Yuu also tries their best to get people to open up. Or trys to see the good in everyone. (TLDR: you thought that Kalim was optimistic? Welcome Yuu who refuses to see bad in people.)
Yuu has been described as delusional by many students. Most students at Night Raven College are all self serving. Yuu on the other other hand, people question if Yuu lived in a paradise before (oh you poor fools). Just where does all that kindness come from?
Yuu is a perfect example of toxic positivity. Yuu pushes all of their suspicions and dark thoughts back. Yet too many people start complaining about Yuu pulling the wool over their own eyes. As they did with Kalim. Yuu has there meltdown, because Yuu also don't think they are nice. Yuu thinks all their kindness is a facade.
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“It’s all thanks to me that everyone could survive so long, but does anyone ever thank me? No, no one does…” Yuu reveals their true nature. “you all are suffering! See? Things just don’t work out without me here!” a pitiful nature indeed. “You all would be dead where you stand without me! Every single one of you!” yet all true comments. “You all are scum! How could you do this to me!” Yuu throws all of the thoughts they kept secret. All of what they wanted to say. The only way to stop this Yuu is to try to survive as long as possible. Eventually Yuu will tire themselves out. you can try to pull them out of there Melt down then. Not to say it would be easy since this meltdown makes everyone weaker in all aspects, including magic. 
After they melt down Yuu realizes that they have some unresolved issues with their past. While coming to terms with their feelings. Yuu dose end up showing a more genuine form a kindness since most of their kind action are because of something they did to hurt a lot of people in the past
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“What's the point?” “I don't care, what does that have to do with me?” “I’ll get it done… eventually.” “All I want is to close my eyes and enjoy a good nap, just once.”
 Yuu is Lazy! So lazy in fact that it’s no longer procrastination, it's just not doing the work. The only time Crowley can get Yuu to do something he needs to get them… you know what Crowley pleads the fifth. Let's just say Crowley gave Yuu proper “motivation”. No it was not Crowley’s idea. Yet they work well with motivation.
If the need for motivation was not proof enough. Yuu is highly unmotivated to do anything. It’s a struggle to get out of bed for Yuu since Yuu has not motivation to get up. Yes, Yuu is depressed. There's nothing Yuu can change so why bother? Yuu doesn't even realize all of the good he’s done to help others.
Yuu is sleeping all the time. Yet not in random spots like silver, or in carefully chosen ones like Leona. Yuu sleeps in class, offices, or just forgoes school altogether to just sleep in the dorm all day. Sometimes students have betting pools for how long Yuu will stay in Ramshackle dorm.
Yuu seems off? Whether it’s the way they always stumble, or the brutal honesty they give. It’s almost like Yuu isn't themself. That is because Yuu is either high, or drunk. This is actually most of the time when they are awake. Why suffer sober when you can suffer while drunk, at least you have an excuse to be miserable.
The way Yuu ends up having their meltdown is simple. The other students find out they have been drinking, and doing drugs. This is not someone connecting dots in the hallway as well. The students checked up on Yuu after they hadn't been to class for the past week. Only to see Yuu laying in their own vomit glossy eyed. When seeing the other students panic form them Yuu attempts to kill themself after the students freak out. Only to fail since Yuu needs permission to die from a person in their world.
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This meltdown is the manifestation of Yuu’s desire to die. “Why must I wake up and do all the garbage I hate every single day?” Yes there is no point to keep on living, and if the students of NRC dont think fast Yuu’s melt down will kill Yuu even without permission. “Why do you want to continue prolonging these undesired lives? What’d you expect to see at the end of all this?” oh Yuu is aware of the fact they are not the only one in NRC who has these feelings as well. “I never wanted to be in this position anyways. I never asked for this. Not once.” Yuu never wanted to even help anyone so why do they care so much if they destroy themselves? The only way to help Yuu is to try to snap then out of there melt down. Whether it’s trying to break there hard as a rock shell, or trying to reason with Yuu. Yet that's difficult when Yuu’s effect is to intoxicate everyone around them. With the extra that no one can heal with magic as well.
Yuu they come to a realization that can't die without the manager's permission Yuu. So Yuu decided if they cant die, why not just try to live for a bit? Why not have hope for the future.
Lesa & Enoch/Tiphereth
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“What makes a person a person?/Yuu! You know thinking like that will get us no were!” “hey Idia can you fix me?/ WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!” “We are two, but one. Do you know what this means?”
Ok so there are two Yuus. Enoch is Yuu1 Lesa id Yuu2. I will be using He/HIm pronouns for Yuu1, and she/her for Yuu2. This is how they will be referred to from now on. As stated before there are two yuu they look almost identical if only that Yuu 1 has short hair, while Yuu2 has long hair. Both are “Yuu” and both will answer to “Yuu”. This gets very confusing as well because the two spend all of their time together. The two also look like kids about 12 years of age
Yuu1 is the more unstable of the two. He often thinks about why he exists and what it means. Before Yuu1 would be “reset”. Yet Yuu1 one is the nicer of the two Yuu’s he’s ok to be around as long as you're ok with Yuu1’s existential crisis. He is the more popular of the two. people just like Yuu1 more than Yuu2. 
Yuu2 is the one of the two who actually gets things done. Yuu2 has decent grades, and is the one who quells the overblots. As such Yuu2 has more friends than Yuu1. Yuu2 is a bit bratty, but extremely efficient. Yuu2 actually relies on Yuu1 for mental support as well. Most of the cast of twisted wonderland likes Yuu2 more than Yuu1. even though Yuu1 is the more popular of the two.
Yuu1 went to Idia to be fixed or “reset”. Only for Idia to realize that Yuu1 is in fact a robot. Yet when Idia does find a way to open Yuu1 he is horrified to see Yuu1 isn't just a robot he’s part robot. Idia faints right then and there. After Yuu isn't fixed and Idia locks himself in his own room because of what he saw. Yuu1 then out of instability, his past memories, and guilt. Meltdown with Yuu two since she relies on Yuu1 on for support
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“This song, Tiphereth’s dirge, it’s for him… Tiphereth.” Yuu2 melting down over Yuu1 being the base of the two’s meltdown. “When he returns, could you show Tiphereth how I’ve grown? Will you show him how strong I am now…?” Yuu2 the best way to describe how they're acting is Delusional. “Don’t stand there looking at me like that, with your forlorn smile. I’ve already abandoned you…” Yuu2 has abandoned all of her friends. Hating Idia the most. Since Idia was the person that made Yuu1 kill himself. The way to save Yuu is to get close enough to Yuu2 and tell her everything will be ok. That Yuu1 is in a better place. Yet the thing preventing anyone from getting close to Yuu2. is that Yuu2 has two metal arms and she’s swinging them haphazardly, and that everyone is weaker then normal.
After the meltdown Yuu now only consists of Yuu2. Yuu comes to terms that Yuu1 wanted to die. So Yuu lets go of her hostility towards Idia. Yuu then grows closer to everyone. 
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“Eh what is it?” “I got this stay behind me.” “You know nothing about me.” “Do you really think feeble cowards like you can stop me?”
Yuu is strong so strong in fact Yuu takes care of all the overblots alone. Many students look up to Yuu. so much so that Yuu has a fan club. Yuu’s also received a few confessions, Yuu did in fact turn all of these down.
Yuu is very aggressive. Any threat is swiftly taken care of. Any funny looks given, Yuu would give a good punch in return. Overbolts are beatton with extreme prejudice. Anyone who doesn't share Yuu’s views receives harsh words. 
Yuu has always been mysterious. Any questions about their worlds would be pushed off. Yuu is also extremely scary due to her extremely hostile attitude. Which causes Yuu to be very socially distant.
Yuu’s meltdown happens right after Malleus’s overblot. Yuu realizes that this school is flawed. That these “rare” overblots are just going to keep happening at this school. That this school will never help people change. That there was no character development. That everyone will stay as scum. These revelations give Yuu the excuse they needed to destroy this school.
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“I’m back; the Red Mist has walked out from a sea of pain. I’m no longer weak like I used to be; I can replace any body part even if it gets cut off, and I can be repaired even if I’m broken.” Yuu spoke with no concern for others, the only thing left is to destroy the school.. “Hatred is a poison that eviscerates me, and yet it makes me open my eyes once more.” Yuu can not be resonated with. “Some things just wouldn’t cool down, no matter how long they were left in the cold.” Yuu can only be described in that moment as a monster of pure rage. Yet pure rage is messy, the only way to beat Yuu is to beat Yuu in combat. You are wondering what power this Yuu has? Right Yuu’s power is being extremely powerful.
Yet somehow the students of NRC did it. They stopped Yuu. Yuu gained the memories of a past life they had forgotten. One of The Red Mist. The Red Mist was a hero of the downtrodden. Yuu becomes more compassionate after there melt down. They smile more and start helping with the little things whether it’s dragging Ace and Deuce out of trouble, or helping clean the classroom Yuu is now happy to help.
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“Hm, you need help with school work? Sure I’ll help.” “Everyone stay calm, we can get through this.” “Would you like a cup of coffee?” “I envy you all, you can conveniently forget your moments most filled with shame.” 
Yuu is a calm and collected individual. Who can stay focused in any situation. An overbolt is happening? Yuu calmly gives out orders. Each order is calculated to keep both sides safe in this conflict. No one will get hurt under Yuu’s Guidance. 
Yuu is a very smart individual excelling in all classes. It’s a shame such a bright student doesn't have any magic. Yuu could have been a really powerful mage had they been born with magic. Even still Yuu offers to tutor other students. A student who was failing last week is now a straight A student.
Yet amidst all of this, all the good traits Yuu has. Yuu is at their core a coward. Don't get me wrong, they're still willing to fight the overblot’s. It’s just Yuu will fight them from a safe distance. Yuu wouldn't even have gotten themselves in this situation had it not been for Crowley threatening, bribing, and manipulating Yuu into doing these things.
When Yuu melts down it’s calmer then others, Yuu is tired. Tired of being used and forced to do things against their will. Yuu decides that this will be their little rebellion. Yuu decided to give Crowley a little taste of helplessness. 
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“My my, I’m feeling very moody today~” Yuu is very aware of what they are doing. This isn't such they chose not to be reasoned with. After all, what is rebellon with without a will to back it up? “Pour that lukewarm coffee down the drain, I’ll need another cup.” this is the very same Yuu who’s been the pivotal factor in all of the overblot fights, and now that intelligence is against everyone. “Each time Crowley shows up, I shall commit sin according to his orders… And I see no fig leaf here to cover my shame.” this was it all of Yuu’s anger was targeted to Crowley, just them and the rain. So it stands to reason the way to stop Yuu’s meltdown is to make Crowley regret all his actions. Yuu’s ability is to induce mental stress in a person, a very dangerous power since it can cause an overblot. 
After Crowley finally came clean about everything he’s done to Yuu. every single student loses their trust in Crowley. The only student to reach a hand out to Crowley. “I know what you're feeling. Come with me Crowley let us both go on this journey to become one of Those who are faithful and trustworthy.” Yuu said a coffee cup in their other hand.
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“What is it now?” “Would you like to have tea with me?” “ah the sound of agony. Such a beautiful sound.” “Ah, this brings me back to my senses.”
Yuu is a very quiet person, only talking when necessary. Yet Yuu speaks quite eloquently. When asked about themself Yuu turns the question around. After the other person answers Yuu nods and walks away. So practically nothing is known about them.
Yuu doesn't resort to violence often, but when they do… let’s just say when Riddle overbloted Yuu took him on all by themself, and neary killed Riddle. Yuu had to be restrained by every other student to prevent Riddle’s death. Yuu’s strength only brought up more questions about them, and no answers.
Yuu can been seen having tea whenever they have free time. Yuu always drinks black tea. When someone stumbles onto Yuu’s tea time there's always another teacup conveniently placed beside them. The first person to have tea with them actually got an answer to the question they asked. “So uh what did you do before coming here?” Yuu opened one of their eyes. “Extraction.” after that Yuu ran out of tea and left the student with more questions than answers.
Yuu’s meltdown couldn't even be classified as such. Yuu’s so calm before and during it. Simply saying that the school is a dark place they wish no longer existed, and Melting down because of that.
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“Now… can you stop me on your own two feet, with your own power?” Good luck NRC. Yuu is what is called an Arbiter, or in layman's terms the equivalent to a nuclear bomb. No one in NCR is ready to deal with something like that. “If only I knew what power this place held, we could have acquired it for us to use.” Yes, Yuu is in fact very sane and very aware of what they are doing. But unlike anyone else there both aware and calm. “What do you think you will accomplish on your own, even after Finishing this School?” Yuu also hates this school, and what it does to people. Yuu hates how this school treats the students they got along with. Only for the fact that those students had changed after each Overblot. Yuu doesn't get how some changed for the better, it’s annoying that Yuu had to change the way they acted around them. The only hope these students have is to show Yuu that change is ok. That change can bring good. The only thing preventing these students from telling Yuu that, is the fact that Yuu is even stronger then Gebra. So strong in the past Yuu took Gebra eye and arm, don't worry Yuu gave the arm back.
Nothing really changes after Yuu’s melt down. Only that Yuu now wont destroy the school, and their tea spot has changed to an easier to find place.
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“What do you need now?” “Kids these days.” “I won't fall for that, I’m a lot smarter than you think I am.” “I must get back to my loved ones.”
Yuu is old, at least Yuu looks on the older side. Especially when Yuu tends to refer to themself as, “just an old man.” or “this old man.” (man is used as a gender neutral term.) with the fact that Yuu does have crow feet, and white hair makes for a very compelling argument. Yet whenever anyone but Yuu calls them an “Old man” Yuu looks disappointed in them. closing his pocket watch Yu ends up scolding whoever said it.
Yuu is very determined to get back to their world, and since Yuu is too old to be a student they work as the school's librarian. Sorting, reading, and keeping records of the books in Night Raven College. Yuu seems to excel in keeping records actually. When asked Yuu just reply with a: “oh my job has mee keeping records.” while cleaning their monocle.
Yuu is very calm in any sort of situation. Even fighting alongside the students of NRC while Overblot’s happen. They are a very skilled tactician, so skilled in fact that some have asked for lessons from Yuu. Yuu denies their requests every single time. 
Yet all good things must come to an end. After a year in twisted wonderland Yuu stops being “nice” Yuu is still as cutouts as always. Just less tolerant of the troubles some of the students make. It’s when a student makes a particularly big mess when Yuu snaps at them. “How could you be so reckless- *yata yata*.” and after Yuu finds Crowley NOT finding a way for Yuu to get back home. Yuu has a melt down.
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“I just wish to go back and stay with him, everyone, and all that we have left in this eternal moment.” there are people Yuu miss. There's one Yuu missed the most as well. Teh “HIM” Yuu often talks about. “No, I do not wish to change. I do not want to forget it all. Please, let me just go back.” Yuu’s not going to budge on this. it’s clear Yuu dosen't like it here. That the “nice” Yuu everyone knows is just a facade. “Please do not let time flow meaninglessly.” It’s all the more annoying that everyone is so disorganized in their attacks. The only way to stop Yuu’s Meltdown is to give them the promise. The promise of finding a way back. Finding something that works, and making good on that promise. Yet first they have to get close enough to talk to Yuu, and the fact Yuu is manipulating Time itself is making everything very hard to do. 
After getting through to Yuu. Crowley is now overseen by Yuu on the research to bring Yuu back to their world. Yuu has started reading more “forbidden” books as well. Really everyone is concerned for Yuu. but Yuu has to get back, for A’s sake. For his own sake.
From now on the next two Yuus don't have Meltdowns like the others. Their meltdowns are purely emotional breakdowns. Since the next two were not robots in Lobotomy corporation. That's not to say they're JUST in a human emotional breakdown. There's still a bit more involved
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“What?” “I need to get back.” “Leave me alone.” “I miss her.”
Yuu is a very hard person to get along with. The reason being Yuu just don't get other people's feelings. This has gotten them in trouble more than once. If you want at totally neutral view on a situation Yuu will give you one. Even if you're their best friend. Yuu is only concerned with results.
Yuu wants to get back to their world. Their reason for existing is back in their worlds. Yuu also needs to fish the script. So consequences be damned, Yuu will in fact use everyone to further their goal. Not caring what happens in the process. If a student is sent into oblivion because of an unfinished and highly dangerous spell. Yuu would just shrug it off, no guilt needed. 
You would think Yuu would be hated by all for this. You're right they are. The only people still by them are the main cast of twisted wonderland. Don't ask me how Ace and Deuce still hang out with Yuu after the fifth failed experiment. (it’s because Deuce wants Yuu to change. Ace just wants to stay in Yuu’s good graces.)
Yuu’s breakdown happens after a year. Yuu needs to get back to complete their script, and they already wasted a year now trying. So Yuu’s unstable mind breaks into four different parts. Both figuratively and literally. Yuu does this with the use of meltdown and EGO. (I will not be getting into what EGO is because that is a whole can of worms right there.
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What, you thought the five names were a joke? Meet Abel, Abram, Adam. The students, alongside a fourth part named X. have reason with all the three others. Abel, the oldest looking of the four. (the first one on the left) is Yuu's guilt over all the horrible things they have done, and how it all led up to nothing. The students and X need to show Abel that it wasn't all for nothing that Yuu has helped them change. Abram the one with gray hair. (not white) is the manifestation of Yuu’s obsession over getting back home and his love Carman. The students and X promised Abram that they will find a way to bring Yuu home. Even if that way requires a few sacrifices. Last is Adam (the white hard one.) Adam is Yuu’s insanity, Adam wants everyone to Overblot it’s to Adam the purest form of emotion. The students and X have to explain to Adam hoe toxic Overblot is really. Abel, Abram, Adam all have individual powers. Abel has the ability to change environments. One monet your on solid ground the other your in a pit trap. Abram Makes people do and say the opposite of what they actually want to do. Adam has the ability to distort the mind, driving those who face Adam insane.
After all is said and done, X joins the other parts of Yuu completing Yuu. Yuu forces the others to make good on the promise to help him get back home. Overseeing tests and managing everything.
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“You have this!” “I want to help.” “My goal is curing the disease of the mind.” “I want you all to be happy.” 
Yuu is a beloved person. There is always a positive thing they will say to anyone. Yuu is enamored with how determined everyone is to accomplish goals. Yuu often takes students from the halls and asks if they could do psychological exams on some of the students. Asking questions about what students want and such. Yuu is still doing research on what they call “the well of humanity.”
Yuu has a confusing goal: Yuu wants to cure the disease of the mind. Something many students have questions about. All questions Yuu is very willing to answer. The disease of the mind is something Yuu explains in abstract terms. Everyone has a light deep inside them, but in Yuu’s world people have forsaken that light. The light is hidden by the disease of the mind. Yuu claims that the people here let their light shine bright; very few students at Night Raven are affected by the disease of the mind. Yuu wishes to help these students. Yuu spends a lot of time around Leona, Idia, and Cater assisting them in getting out of bed or giving words of encouragement. 
Yuu is a very convincing person as well. They will talk circles around people. You could only think it’s nonsense until they tell you about the science behind it. It sounds like magic, but Yuu is insistent it isn't magic. Yuu’s world has no magic only since and advancement. It’s actually eons more advanced than twisted wonderland. Yuu rambles about how people can be healed from the worst wounds as long as their brain is intact. How they have trains that only take 10 seconds to any place.
Yuu’s meltdown has been a long time coming. The work Crowley puts them under, the stress of being in a new world, finally the frustration of not making progress in their research. The straw that breaks the camel's back can be anything. Whether it’s something like tripping and scraping a knee, or horrible hurting someone in an experiment. All of Yuu’s bottled up emotions as well as some of their past memories come to light. The only end in an EGO infused meltdown.
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Yuu’s meltdown has their spine and brain pulled out of their body. It’s a horrifying sight to watch. “Everyone, let's get alone!” Yuu says with a smile on their face. It’s a massive contrast to the vista pulled out of Yuu’s back. “Why won't you let me help you? I want us to all get along.” Yuu’s soft, kind, voice rings. Yuu’s is persistent in their attempts to reach out to the students. “Don't you want to follow your desires?” Yuu wants everyone to reach out to the light inside of them. To stop Yuu’s meltdown the students have to convince Yuu that they Yuu back. Yet that's hard to do when Yuu’s meltdown abilities are kind, beautiful, and convincing whispers. Whispers that promise the students their deepest desires. When a student falls to the seductive whispers they Overblot. Such a terrifying ability can only end in tragedy.
After Yuu’s meltdown Yuu amidst that they have a fragile heart. People see them as strong, but Yuu is the first to break down when things become too much. Ask asks the others to continue there work when Yuu can no longer.
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gingy7891 · 1 year
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The Marvels Character Posters
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gay4h0pepunk · 1 year
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quirky characters from disney animated films/shows to anything else are fine you’re all being dramatic for the sake of being dramatic
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cherrytomatoboys · 11 months
I thought it was really funny when loki sacrificed himself and he looked at sylvie and Mobius and all the shippers were like he is talking to sylvie no he's talking to Mobius like they are playing you they did on purpose so everyone thinks their ship won
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Do you want to submit a potential protector for Ellie? Click here if you do!
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inkplotkey · 2 years
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Duckvember #25: Artistic Duck
In one comic it was said Rockerduck studied arts/was surrounded by art and culture as a child. Maybe his secret hobby is to paint.
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inavagrant-a · 2 years
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Peak romance is making a puppet modeled after your mortal partner, because you failed to find a way to cope with their impending doom, and threatening telling them that is where you're going to transfer their consciousness against their will as a treat so that you two can live happily ever after.
We do love a good happy fairy tale ending in this hood.
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a non-comprehensive list of characters i want to see in disney dreamlight valley:
1. Rapunzel
2. Melody
3. Sully
4. Mulan and Shang
5. Vanellope and Ralph (WHEN DISNEY WHEN!!!)
6. Belle
7. Gaston (Please I just want to see Scar, Gaston, and Ursula have a conversation it would make me giggle)
8. Flynn Rider (Disney give me Flynn YOU COWARDS)
9. Hercules and Meg (honestly you can even just give me Meg)
10. Tiana (when disney when!!!)
11. Dr. Facilier
12. Jessie
12. McQueen, Mater and Sally!!!!!
13. Violet
14. MERIDA!!!!!!!
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elijones94 · 1 month
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🐻 Baloo and Mowgli’s friendship is very much the heart of Disney’s “The Jungle Book”. Their dynamic evolves and changes as Mowgli continues his journey to the man-village while trying to stay in the jungle. Much of the scenes of the boy and the bear were all mostly animated by Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas, who were indeed best friends for many years. It’s been said that they practically animated half the movie as far as the friendship between Mowgli and Baloo. 🐾
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plowolffe · 1 year
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Talos is Secret Invasion’s MVP
New video about how Talos is the best. Go watch it and lemme know what you think, please.
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rise-uncalledfour · 1 year
Ignore the random wall of elementals reblogs that movie really got to me
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