#discussed density
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archi-playground · 1 year ago
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"Stealth Density", "Disguised Density", "Gentle Density"
How Architects tactfully design and pitch infill housing that responds to context and the politics of upzoning.
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annelidist · 2 years ago
grit gate is the worst story dungeon i think
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drastrochris · 4 months ago
Seeing a paper in a different field that is using abbreviations that are just SI units is incredibly frustrating.
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todaysbird · 9 months ago
do you have any cool rare corvids
i've tried so hard to answer this question and it just gets deleted every time, Tumblr please let the birds post
NOTE: rarity is subjective. I'm American, so a lot of these birds I've never seen, but that doesn't mean their populations are low or they're hard to find. I took rare to mean infrequently discussed/looked over in this case.
There's 100+ species of beautiful corvids, but hopefully this handful serves as a good sampler :)
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Albino ravens of Vancouver, B.C.; there's a high population density of albino birds here, and birds carrying the genes keep having more albino babies!
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Pied raven, a now-extinct color morph of the Common Raven
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Magpie-jays!!! There's two species, white throated and black throated (this one is black throated), and these guys are total jesters. Masters of silliness. They also live in matriarchal flocks!
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Javan green magpie! there's lots of colorful magpies (greens and blues!!), but I mentioned this fella specifically because they're sadly Critically Endangered at this time.
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PIAPIAC!!! This African species of corvid resembles a lot of crows, but with a smooth, shiny beak & vibrant eyes that can be purple to bright pink!
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Black-collared Jay - a handsome fella, not to be confused with his close relative, the White-collared Jay
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the Unicolored Jay - pretty common in their range in Mexico, but a handsome feller nonetheless
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TUFTED JAY!!! very silly head
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nordfjording · 2 days ago
while im on the topic, whenever you have the "10% of our carbon emissions are agriculture!! *pitchfork emoji pitchfork emoji*" I'm occasionally tempted to go the radical route of actually it should probably be much higher? everything needs cutting but looking at the state of the world rn maybe drastically reducing number of farms and centralizing all production is hmm. unfortunate. maybe we should be using 4,5t co2eq on substinence and food security. maybe
there's a new carbon footprint calculator out adjusted for the nordics and its great and all (lists me as about half of the average norwegian) but it also pinpoints how hard it is to make these accurate because the "best tips for how YOU can improve!" are very much along the lines of "take the train!" no trains in my region. "stay at your vacation destinations longer and fly less!" i don't go on vacations. "eat less meat!" i buy 1 pack of salami per month. "buy fewer eggs!" i haven't bought an egg in several years. "take the bus to activities!" i don't have regular activities.
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kedreeva · 23 days ago
Are snub nosed mice real? I can't find any photos or discussion.
Yep! You won't find many pics of them because most breeders cull them, since it's considered a defect. I've only seen a handful in my entire breeding career spanning across 20 years off and on, and never in my own lines thankfully. Sometimes people keep them as pets, since they think it's cute and it doesn't (as far as we know) cause pain, but it's not acceptable for show purposes, likely because of the related bone density health issues and because no one breeding mice wants brachycephalic mice (or rats for that matter). Health is a priority in show breeding for mice and rats, at least in all the major show clubs I know of.
Here's a couple snub noses I've seen around over the years.
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And a normal snout for comparison
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And it's an actual gene, not just a mouse that has a shorter face (which is still not bred for since short faces are against standard), so it's something that's on or off, and can be nuked from a line of you cull the carriers.
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clevercorvidae · 30 days ago
Why Viktor from Arcane is WRONG About Evolution
Right so, I'm getting my degree in evolutionary biology and evolution as a subject is my absolute bread and butter, so I thought I'd give some insight into a particular line from Arcane and why it both infuriated me AND is also brilliant writing.
(Quick note: I'm not writing this to say the SHOW is wrong about evolution or that the writing is bad. The writing around this is actually amazing and I'll get into that. This IS NOT a critique.)
The line in question happens during episode 6 of season 2 of the show during a conversation between Singed and Viktor where Viktor states the following:
"Evolution has a destination, not to combat nature, but to supercede it. The final, glorious evolution."
Every single thing about this statement is disastrously incorrect. And when I first heard it, it took everything in me not to scream in frustration, but I think I get it now.
The rest of this essay will be me picking apart this quote piece by piece, both to explain WHY its incorrect, but also why that's not necessarily a bad thing.
"Evolution Has a Destination"
We'll start with his first assertion, that evolution has a destination. This is patently false on every level. Evolution occurs constantly, it never ceases.
This is actually a really, really common misconception when it comes to evolution. Many people see the explanation for natural selection, survival of the fittest, and assume that that means evolution is a constant trend of "improvement". There's an assumption that, as we continue to evolve, we become "better".
But that's NOT what "survival of the fittest" means (nor is natural selection the only mechanism of evolution but I digress). "Fitness" is not some overall objective best form, it has a VERY specific definition.
Fitness, when discussing evolutionary biology, refers to your ability to survive within your environment long enough to produce viable offspring. It doesn't mean "fastest" or "strongest", and it's incredibly circumstantial. Every species encounters DIFFERENT challenges based on the biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) factors of their environment. These pressures are what define "fitness". It's different for all species.
And those pressures are NOT static either. Your environment changes. Plate tectonics shift, natural disasters occur, weather patterns change, other species evolve alongside you, your circumstances as a species will never remain stagnant. New challenges WILL befall you in your environment and you WILL have to evolve new adaptations for continued success.
Even if you tailored everything to perfection, eliminated all challenges, and somehow obtained infinite resources, EVEN THEN you cannot escape the finite resource of SPACE. Your population's density will grow and eventually you will run out of space, and you'd need to, once again, adapt.
(Now, there is a concept in ecology called "climax", where an ecosystem could theoretically perfectly balance itself and remain unchanged for a statistically long period of time, exiting the cycle of succession and in essence, slowing evolution to a crawl at best.
However, this is not only purely hypothetical and heavily debated, it also is not permanent. Even this "perfectly" balanced state of equilibrium cannot compete with the force that is geology and time. Even an ecosystem in climax would eventually be torn asunder by the changing climate and plate tectonics, not to mention neighboring ecosystems.)
There is no static environment and there is no static life, so it's impossible for there to be a "perfect" lifeform. There is no destination, there can't be.
"Not to Combat Nature"
This is Viktor's second statement, and it's... a very interesting choice of words.
Because this... is not actually in response to what Singed says about evolution. His statement is in response to what Viktor has to say about fate:
Viktor: Do you believe in fate, Doctor? Our paths, carved before us guided by... an invisible hand.
Singed: Not fate, evolution. Nature's greatest force, forever in flux.
Singed says he believes in THIS in place of a belief in fate. He doesn't see it as combating nature, but as a force of nature itself. Instead this is actually Viktor's own initial assumption and interpretation of evolution. That evolution combats nature. This is obviously false, and Singed is the one with the right idea.
Evolution is, in fact, a facit of nature itself, of life itself. It is an inseparable part of what defines life; the essence of something being organic in the first place. As I said before, all life evolves CONSTANTLY. We NEVER stop evolving. The results of evolution are often too slow for us to see within our lifetimes, but its still happening. As Singed says, we are "forever in flux".
But Viktor is arguing against something else entirely: that evolution combats nature, that it is an aggressive force, maybe even a destructive one.
Most importantly, to meet something in combat is to be on equal footing, presumably, a mutual struggle. Nature and evolution, equals in a battle that will never end, oscillating between perfection and flaw. This is Viktor's view of Singed's response and of evolution as it currently stands.
"But to Supercede It."
Viktor, however, does not see evolution and nature as equals. Instead, he sees the path of evolution as one that will overtake nature and surpass it. In Viktor's mind humanity is destined to break out of the chains of the organic concept of flaw itself.
But that's impossible, because evolution requires flaws in the first place.
I've talked about how there's no such thing as a perfect, ideal life form, and that alone squanders Viktor's idea of evolution. But it's not just his end goal that doesn't mesh with reality, but the very function of evolution itself.
Evolution relies on diversity. In order for a trait to be selected for or against it must first EXIST within the population. A trait cannot be selected for if the genes that encode for it aren't present, and what is the only way for new alleles come into existence? Mutation. Mistakes. You could even call them imperfections.
Everything that makes us human originated as an inconsistency in the process of DNA replication. We are a tapestry of imperfections, every single living organism on earth. If we didn't have diversity in our gene pools we would have never even become multicellular, we would not have been able to keep up with the changing world at all.
How can you supercede nature via evolution when its made us everything that we are BECAUSE of how messy and flawed nature is in the first place. It's a paradox.
Altogether, Viktor's idea of a destination is impossible, and the very foundations of evolution are built on imperfections. So you may ask yourself: Why does he even believe in this? Why does he say all of this despite being such an intelligent character? Surely he knows he's wrong, right?
"The Final, Glorious Evolution"
Viktor as a character is a lot of things. He's shown to be incredibly intelligent and hyper-competent. He wants to make the world a better place for people suffering because he himself suffered greatly. He's also a perfectionist.
When we first meet Viktor, we're introduced to him as the assistant to the dean of the academy who holds his head high and isn't afraid to be snarky with Jayce for blowing up his apartment. On a whim he chooses to help Jayce, to inspire him to risk it all for Hextech, to improve lives.
He stands with Jayce on the ledge saying no one ever believed in him, so instead he believed in himself. He appears to be incredibly confident.
But we see through the rest of season one that that confidence doesn't come from a place of genuine self love, it comes from security in his abilities. His self-worth is tied to his usefulness, to his impact on the world. Imperfections, in Viktor's eyes, are a mere hindrance.
Viktor isn't actually as confident in himself as he first appears. He postures himself with a lot of faith in what he's able to do, but when it comes to what he IS NOT able to do, he shrivels. He's a deeply insecure person. His disability and his status as a Zaunite have done little for him but hold him back. He thinks he needs fixing, that the undercity needs fixing, that humanity as a whole needs fixing.
So when the hexcore is manipulating him, of course it targets this view in him. Like Viktor, the hexcore wants to change the world to be in its image. It wants to replace all that is organic with that which is artificial, ideal. And so it sings the song of the glorious evolution to Viktor.
Imagine it, a world with no pain, no conflict, no struggle. No environmental pressures to contend with, because a perfect being cannot struggle, it can't make mistakes that lead to pain.
But when we see that imagined world, its a wasteland. In Viktor's own words, a field of dreamless solitude. A flat expanse where nothing can change or grow, nothing new can be experienced, none of humanity's warmth and emotion exist anymore.
"There Is No Prize to Perfection, Only an End to Pursuit"
At first I thought it was kind of silly that a scientist would ever misunderstand evolution to the degree Viktor has with this line. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that Viktor misunderstanding evolution is just another extension of his perfectionism. It's IMPORTANT that he's wrong actually, it's essential to his arc.
He can't perceive the truth of what evolution is at this point in the story because accepting that means accepting that there is beauty in imperfections.
And I think we all know that that lesson is one that he hadn't quit learned yet.
Thanks for reading my insane ramblings.
"There is beauty in imperfections. They made you who you are. An inseparable piece of everything I admired about you." - Jayce Talis
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fatkish · 2 months ago
hashiras with a tsugoku reader (more or less the age of muichiro) who is mute because in her past her tongue was cut out and she has a trauma, making her calm and subservient, but who learns quickly and has a lot of potential, similar to the case of ymir fritz from snk She always tries to please her mentor so that they feel proud of her and do not scold her, leading her to overtrain too much.
(Sorry if this is a bit different from what you were expecting, I kinda just had an idea and ran with it kinda forgetting about the original ask. Hope you don’t mind. Also this contains some rather dark content with mentions and allusions to rape and forced pregnancy so please be warned.)
Reader came from a human farm run by demons [similar to the Promised Neverland just with a single orphanage] adults with high quality or more nutritious meat similar to Mitsuri were abducted by demons and forced to have children. The children had their tongues cut out and were raised to be obedient and smart. The point of the facility was to raise high quality meat so the children were made to exercise and build muscles. Due to the reader being similar to Mitsuri in muscle density as well as being a Marechi, she was prized. Eventually she learned about the truth of her ‘home’ and just minutes before sunrise, as the demons went to sleep, she started a fire that quickly spread and engulfed the entire house. The other children and people were killed in the flames and by the time the demons were about to retaliate, the sun had risen turning them to dust. Supposedly Muzan or his most trusted Demon was supposed to visit the next night to come and take her. Ubuyashiki had learned of this and sent 4 of the Hashira to get there before him. By the time they arrived, they were too late. All that remained were the smoldering remains of the house and a single small child.
After looking over the wreckage, the Hashira deemed that there was nothing more for them here and decided to take the reader back with them for treatment and hopefully for some information about what that place was and if there was any useful information that they could use. Despite multiple attempts at getting the reader to talk, they simply assumed that they were too traumatized to speak. After bringing them to Shinobu, she did a check up on the child and later reported in the Hashira meeting that the child’s tongue had been cut out. After discussing the child’s condition for a bit, as well as what to do with them and how to get any information out of them, Kagaya suggests having the reader try and draw what happened at the place if they are not able to write. The Hashira agree and bring the reader to Ubuyashiki who has a table with plenty of paper and an ink brush prepared for them. He then asks how the reader is and greets them. After offering tea and sweets, he gently asks the reader if they would be comfortable discussing what happened to them. He reassures the reader that they don’t need to force themselves if they aren’t ready.
After some back and fourth about wether the reader was mentally and emotionally ready to relive their memories, Kagaya allowed them to begin. Kagaya was correct in assuming that the reader couldn’t write so he asked them to draw to the best of their abilities, what had happened. They begin by drawing a picture of a house with a circle around it. Among the many drawings the most notable ones were a drawing of what appeared to be a bunch of children playing on some kind of equipment with what seemed like a demon watching over them, another one of a child supposedly being taken away from the others by two demons. Another drawing depicted the children in a straight line with a demon in front of them. Another picture the reader drew was a line up of children of different heights and then began to smudge up the children’s figures one after the other.
The most notable drawing was a picture depicting a child outside a room where demons were inside it. On the table was what appeared to be parts of a person that the demons appeared to be eating. And it seems as though one of them had spoken something about a demon with a crown, a child, and a drawing of a moon in a speech bubble. The next drawing after that showed the child looking out the window at the moon, then the child was drawn collecting wood. The next, the child looked out the window and saw the sunrise and lit the fire. The child runs out of the burning house. By the time the reader stoped drawing, they had tears in their eyes yet they showed no emotion on their face.
Kagaya comforted the child and thanked them for drawing for them. After the reader left the room with Amane, Kagaya and the Hashira began to decipher what the drawings must mean. They came to the conclusion that the reader had learned the truth about demons and decided to try and kill them by lighting the house on fire hoping that the demons would perish in it. Kagaya decided to have the reader stay within the corps at least until they were able to properly write and read and had a decent understanding of the world around them. Two years went by and eventually the reader learned to read and write and they wrote out what had happened in their past. They wrote how they didn’t bother trying to save the other children or adults there because they had all lost the will to live. They didn’t have the strength to fight and wanted to die. That’s why the reader was the only survivor.
They also wrote about how they accidentally overheard the demons talking about how their lord and master would be arriving in 3 nights to check on their progress and to acquire the promised high quality Marechi they had spoken so highly of. Realizing that they were the one the demons were talking about, the reader began to devise a plan to escape. The Hashira were each disgusted by what the demons had done but didn’t blame the reader for the deaths of the other humans who perished in the fire. When the reader asked Kagaya to let them train and become a demon slayer he agreed and asked the Hashira’s to help train the reader. As you trained with the Hashira and got to know them better, their thoughts of you are as follows:
Kyojuro Rengoku:
There is a bright fire inside them that burns with the desire to prevent what happened to them from happening to others. No matter what hardships they faced or may face, that flame will always burn and never go out. I admire their courage and dedication to the corps and their training. I am immensely proud and honored to mentor them.
Sanemi Shinazugawa:
Those despicable demons should burn in hell for eternity for what they put those kids and people through. Despite what the kid’s gone through they’re still willing to put up a fight. I hate to admit it but the kid’s got potential. (He’ll never admit it but he respects the reader for what they’ve endured and looks out for the reader, making sure they take care of themselves)
Shinobu Kocho:
I’m truly amazed by their dedication and commitment to the corps despite what happened to them. Although I do worry that they overwork themselves often and I often have to reprimand them for not taking proper care of themselves, I admire the strength of their spirit.
Mitsuri Kanroji:
Oh the poor thing. It’s so sad what happened to them. I can’t imagine how much pain they went through, but they’re so strong and kind despite what’s happened to them. Although they do tend to take life a bit too seriously, I wish they would take more time for themselves. Nevertheless I’m so proud of them!
Tengen Uzui:
It’s such a shame that the kid can’t speak. As the god of festivals, it’s my job to properly ensure that the kid learns to express themselves fully. It’s a pain but slowly they’ve been crawling out of the shell their past put them in, all thanks to me of course. The kid’s strong and always willing to learn. They’ll make an excellent underling. Of course my wives love them and can’t help but dote on them, I’ve already promised the kid that when they’re old enough, I’ll take them drinking and make sure they know how to enjoy life to the fullest.
Giyuu Tomioka:
I like them, despite their inability to talk, they are rather pleasant company. I’ve been training them to become the water pillar. They’re very dedicated and they always put their all into training. They do tend to work to the point of exhaustion where they can’t move at all, which isn’t great, but it’s not like I can stop them. They’re a good kid.
Obanai Iguro:
Those filthy demons deserve to suffer for eternity for what they did. I guess I can somewhat relate to the kid, having been raised as food basically. Unlike most of the lower ranking corps members, the kid actually has some potential. Their diligent and dedicated to learning and getting better which is necessary in this profession. Although they do tend to overwork themselves which effects their rate of improvement. Overall the kid’s okay in my opinion.
Muichiro Tokito:
Oh them? They often come to me for advice and training. They have some skill, and they continue to improve. They train until they can’t, which I don’t see the problem with. (Shinobu: that’s because you did the exact same thing) their competent unlike most, … who are we talking about?
Gyomei Himejima:
(Cries) Namu Amida Butsu. The poor thing has suffered immensely and yet they still have the will to protect others. Despite the hardships this child has faced they continue on such a noble path. It pains me to watch them overwork themselves to such extreme lengths. I pray that the child will find peace.
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transit-fag · 6 months ago
Tumblr is wonderful because you can have someone yell at you for posting a map of population densities because you didn't discuss the historical causes of it
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intheorangebedroom · 5 months ago
Tonight you belong to me, chapter 5
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Summary: He comes to you every Friday, in a shady motel on the outskirts of town. Time flies, in room number 2. How much longer do you have, just for the two of you?
Pairing: Frankie Morales x fem!Reader (OFC)
Rating: Explicit 🔞 see series masterlist for extensive tw.
A/N: Happy Frankie Friday, Orange bedroom besties 🧡 It's been a hot minute, I sincerely apologise. Thank you to everyone who stuck around, I hope it was worth it, and thank you to everyone who just passed by 🧡 @frannyzooey my love, thank you for your help on the Americanisms, invaluable as always 🧡
Word count: 13.8k
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Chapter 5: Time in a bottle
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It’s late when you pull into the parking lot. Dusk cloaks the motel in its fuzzy veil, the surroundings fading in diffuse shadows. The single-story building stands out in the twilight, akin to an old ship. Wooden poles for masts, hanging lamps swaying gently in the briny breeze, their lights blurry in the muggy air. Tacky and warm, it wafts in through your car’s open windows, dampening the exposed skin of your forearms and the back of your neck. 
On the passenger seat, your iPhone’s screen glows in the semi-darkness with an incoming call. 
“What now?” you sigh, through clenched teeth. 
Your eyes dart up to Frankie’s truck parked in front of you. The word FORD stretched in chrome letters on the tailgate, shining bright in your headlights. 
The familiar pull awakens between your constricted lungs. A pounding, greedy little tug compelling you to get out of your car and cover the distance to the room as quickly as your step will carry you. But you want to calm your nerves first. Slow down your heart rate, deepen your breathing. 
That discussion you had with your father, earlier this afternoon, still clings to your frame. The humiliation conveyed by his carefully chosen words like tar, black and viscous. You can almost smell its foul stench. And you don’t want to bring any of it inside. 
It’s only the third time Frankie gets here before you, if you count that very first Friday back in September. And the second, since you came back from Colorado earlier this month. The pressure in your rib cage eases at the memory of that sweet evening. 
All day long, you had rushed through your counting routine. Through the long, icy corridors of your glass prison. Rushed on the 589 northbound. Rushed to strangle the uncertainty of his presence there. 
It was a few minutes past 7pm when you parked next to his truck, his early presence cranking up your anxiousness. You got out of your car with an anguished scowl, and you all but ran toward the porch, toward the brass number 2, shoes scuffing the gravel. 
The door swung open the very second you stepped under the overhang. A flash of dimple, and his arms wrapped around your waist. He scooped you up from the floor, swift and easy, carrying you inside. Hungry kisses, teeth scraping at your jaw, down the line of your neck. A throaty husk of Happy New Year, Lee Abbott, as he tugged your clothes off your body that thrummed with his scent and his voice and his arms and his taste. 
With the density of him. 
He lifted you again, your short, giggly yelp bouncing across the room as he hauled you over his shoulder with an easy force. His steps long and balanced, as if your weight was inconsequential to his strength. 
In the dim bathroom, he put you down directly into the tub. There, he unbuckled his belt and slid down his jeans, looking at you with a mischievous grin you’d never seen before and that fitted his gorgeous face a little too well. 
“Told you I’d fuck you in this shower.” 
Thirty seconds later, you were standing together under an aggressive stream of scalding water, his broad back shielding you from the high pressure, steam blurring the tiles and the mirror. You pressed your face into his neck, hands splayed over his chest, feeling it heave with his low, rumbling chuckle. 
“ That’s the best I could do. This place is trash,” he scoffed, lips grazing your ear. 
“ It’s perfect,” you laughed. 
Another notification lights up your screen, yanking you back into the stifling cab of the sedan, to the nagging cramp poking your rib cage, to your hindered breathing. 
It glowers at you, bold black letters over a steel gray rectangle. 
Your eyes flicker back to the red truck, your face crunching into a grimace. 
“Shit,” you grit, grabbing the phone and quickly pressing the home button before you can change your mind.  
The lock screen fades as the message app pops open. You squint against the brightness of the glowing white screen. 
I made it, babe. I fucking made it. You’re talking to the new senior partner of Balmer & Steigt.  Fuck yeah. I finally get what I fucking deserve.  
The gray ellipses start blinking underneath the bubble. You frown, bracing yourself. 
I couldn’t have made it without you. This is your victory as much as mine.
You scoff, but the dread-inducing ellipses keep bouncing happily. Fantastic. There’s more coming.
I got you something. Something fancy for my fancy girl.
“Oh, hell no.”  
Leaning down, you pick up the roomy I ❤ NY tote bag Ava got you as a Christmas present and dump your phone into it, before stuffing the bag under your seat. 
If only you could take a full breath. If only your chest would expend. It’s not that bad, really. A few months back, you would have been physically unable to keep going with your day after that conversation with your father. Let alone drive. You’d have suffocated, chocked up on your panic, until you’d been left with no choice other than to gulp down a pill, or two, or three, topped off with a swig of gin. The bitter taste of surrendering. 
Is that what it means, to give oneself some grace? You’re doing good, you’re doing better, you’re doing your best.
Closing your eyes, you exhale through pursed lips and ease down your shoulders. 
He had you called into his office by his secretary, as you were about to leave, bag in hand, counting steps. 
But you were expecting it. In all honesty, you’re surprised it’s taken him this long. Four weeks since you came back from Beaver Creek. Four weeks of defying his strict, outdated, misogynistic dress-code. 
The very first morning, you stepped out of the mirror-lined elevator on the 15th floor wearing high-waisted, wide-legged slacks and a loose button-up, the sleeves folded high on your forearms. And flat derbies.  
Nervousness, sitting heavy and queasy in the pit of your stomach, beating loud against your eardrums. Prickling under your armpits, raising the hair on your nape. 
Kaytee’s eyes widened as she caught sight of you walking by her office, before she remembered to police her expression. The shock on her face turned into something else, something worse. Lurking in the lift-up corner of her lips, in the smugness coloring her cheeks. Something sardonic. Condescension. 
“ You can’t spend your life trying to be someone else. ” Ava’s words through the receiver the previous night were a dizzying swirl inside your head, as you walked down the glass corridors, coworkers and subordinates watching you with a similar shocked expression, that blurred their features into one subdued, frightened face. 
But who the fuck am I, Ava? you wanted to ask, the only sound on the line that of your short breathing. How did you know who you were? Always. From the very beginning of your life. How did you know how to be so unapologetic about it? 
Had it been your gift to her? Does self-confidence require love? Or guidance? Is it innate? 
All you know, at this point in your life, is that wearing clothes that you chose for yourself seems like a sound first measure. One that you can actually undertake. 
And with that in mind, you stepped into your father’s office, your heart pulsating in your throat, to take a seat across from him, his clear desk standing like a wide canyon between you.
Now, your steps are nearly silent on the shifting gravel, as you walk across the parking lot, fingers brushing along the cool metal of the truck as you pass it by. That pull toward Frankie propelling you forward, inescapable, irresistible despite the nasty sensation oozing down along your legs like thick-flowing tar, weighing your gait. 
On the porch, you pause. On Friday evenings, this is when you shed your old skin. Healing wounds, scar tissues. When you set your eyes on the canopy as it swallows the sun, pink-orange dusk fading to dark. Grainy photographs, forgotten vacations. This is when your spine straightens, when you take in the horizon and let it deepen your breathing. When you ready yourself for the life you’ve chosen, between the brown carpet and the yellow curtains and his arms. 
But it’s already night. The darkness has erased the horizon and your old skin won’t shed. 
The door opens, a draft ruffling your hair.  
The first thing you see is the crease between his brow. The tick of his whiskered jaw, and then, his dark brown eyes, appraising the tension that winds up your body, appraising your silence. His grunt, like an echo, distant. 
“You sat in that car forever. I was about to come out and get you.”
The concern in his voice rattles something deep inside your belly. You’re not bringing any of it inside that room of yours, you think, as he pushes away from the door to let you in, as you cross the threshold, but it’s stuck to you. Your father’s voice. The tremendous power it still holds over you. His disappointment. Your failures, plural. All the wrong choices. 
His hat is set on the desk. His suede jacket is draped over the back of the angular wooden chair. Your gaze lingers on it, you can almost feel the comforting softness of the fabric under the pads of your fingers.
He stands a few feet away from you, giving you space. Dark mahogany searching your features, your posture. His hands propped on his hips, like that other night in the parking lot, after he’d seen the fresh scar in your hairline. 
You face away from him. The smell of the room is familiar, in a comforting way. Musty. Dust and the faintest perfume of industrial laundry detergent coming from the starched sheets. He’s pulled the bedspread off the bed. It’s folded neatly on the floor underneath the window. It rises tears along your throat, the idea of him prepping himself, prepping the place, alone in this room where you’ve waited for him countless times and hours. Guilt scrambles your brain, over what, you’re not entirely certain. Keeping him waiting? You failures, plural. All the wrong choices. 
His voice seeps in through the blackness coating your skin, like warm and persistent little droplets of sweet amber.
You turn to face him, at last. An awkward upper-body twist, feet rooted to the brown carpet, teeth clenched around the lump in your throat. He’s wearing that gray threadbare t-shirt you love, the one with a v-neck, and your eyes find the dip at the base of his throat, the fireworks of freckles between his collarbone. Tears well up, too strong to hold back, and you shut your eyes to the muffled sound of his booted steps on the matted carpet.  
You’re drifting, enveloped in his warmth, his scent, leather and musk. The contact of his skin as he curls a large hand around your nape, tucking your face into the curve of his strong neck. 
His arm wraps around your waist, drawing you closer, flush to his chest, and he presses his chin to your temple. You let go, surrender, honey dripping thick and golden along your loosening limbs. 
His pulse beats solid and steady against your cheek. You breathe him in, a hindered inhale at first, and when your shoulders begin to drop, a deeper one. A single tear escapes. It rolls down the round of your cheek into his skin. Your palms skim up to the plane of his back, soaking in his heat, and he presses you in harder, his forearm aligning with your spine, fingers spreading at the base of your skull. 
Time stretches. He holds you. You lean in. 
Later, after he’s helped you climb into the cab of his truck, you keep your eyes on him as he rounds the red hood.
Sitting behind the wheel, he puts the key in the ignition and, looking at you, tilts his head to the left. 
“C’mere,” he says, and you scoot next to him, biting down a relieved sigh as you slide over the seat bench. 
He leans over your lap, grabbing the middle seat belt, and buckles you in, then himself. You settle in, with your head against his shoulder, and your hand on his thigh, soft cotton, worn denim. Under your touch, his firm muscles ripple as he drives you into the night, into oblivion. The steady motion lulling you to sleep.
Alongside the deserted road, trees and bushes roll out in the headlights as the truck swallows miles and miles of asphalt. 
“I’m sorry,” you mumble after a while, fighting drowsiness.
“Don’t be. You wanna talk about it?” he adds after a pause.
You shake your head, your voice so low you’re not certain he’s heard your answer.
“Doesn’t have to be now,” he says. “Whenever you’re ready.”
Your head bobs with his bunching muscles as he releases the wheel to bend his arm at the elbow, fingers threading through your hair. Without lifting his eyes off the road, he leans in, and pecks a pointed kiss on the crown of your head. 
Your eyes close. The image of the bedspread neatly folded underneath the window flashes through your mind. You can’t seem to get used to his tender gestures, to his attentions. You hope they will never stop. You hope you will never get used to them. 
The emotion washes over you, a soft wave, and you float with it. In the cab of his truck, in his scent and his hold, you feel free of all doubts. Fear and pain cannot find you here. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever experienced so far, a strange feeling, potent and all encompassing, albeit one that doesn’t need to be dulled or tamed. 
The words come out of your mouth as a surprise. 
“I think I don't want it to define me anymore. My family, I mean. Where I come from.”  
This is a new state of mind. Or perhaps it’s been there for a while, a mere shadow on the wall, something you couldn’t clearly discern. Suddenly simple to comprehend and articulate.
“Yea. I get it,” he says.
And you know he does. 
You open your eyes, and take in a deep breath, fill your lungs with that distinct old leather scent that clings about him, and the smell of vintage Bakelite from the dashboard, so specific to his truck.  
“Music?” you ask.
“Sure, good idea. You like Jefferson Airplane?”
You nod, brushing your cheek against the cottony fabric of his t-shirt, leaving a little bit of you there, for him to find later.
“Yes. I like them.”
“Jefferson Airplane it is, then,” he answers. 
Gently, he bends forward, mindful not to nudge you too much, and turns on the stereo. His thick fingers push the tape that’s already there into the slot, and your lips curl with an explicit thought, unlike any you used to have before meeting him. Crude, but welcome pictures that now constantly crowd your brain. 
He keeps the volume low, and with the round rumbling of his quiet humming, your mind slowly drifts off again. 
You’re about to fall asleep when a thought surfaces, skirting the edges of your consciousness. 
“Frankie?” you quietly call. 
“Are you… Were you in the military?”
The humming stops, his silence abrupt, and his shoulder tenses under your cheek. Pushing away from it, you risk a sleepy glance at his face, plunged in the semi-darkness. It’s not dark enough that you don’t recognize the cocking of his jaw. 
“Frankie?” you ask again. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean–”
“I’m a pilot,” he cuts in, pausing to inhale deeply. “I was in the Army for nearly twenty years. I got a discharge a couple years back.” 
You remain silent. His eyes flicker quickly between you and the road, and you give his thigh a strong squeeze with your left hand, before resting your cheek against his shoulder, eluding his searching gaze.
Volunteers is crackling through the speakers, but you don’t hear the music. Fully awake now, your mind is reeling with those scattered, minute parts of him you picked up Friday after Friday to stash them away in your subconscious. His puzzle of shadows. All the things that now make perfect sense, and the ones you’re dying to unravel. 
His quiet assertiveness. His hands, quick and sure. His silences. His commanding tone. That long, sideways scar etched on his left flank. 
His early rage, and his anger too. The flight forward, dimming his eyes, where deep rich mahogany now glimmers. 
The zip ties. Your eyes grow wide, a gasping sound catching in your throat. You’re not ready to address how much you appreciate this particular skill of his, considering where he picked it up.  
Your imagination produces a clear vision of him in a US Air Force uniform, the fabric stretched over his broad shoulders, and you bite your lip, your entire body covering in chills. 
Frankie has yet to say another word. Something raises your consciousness, something in the scowl sharpening his features as he scanned your face for a reaction. 
Images flash through your head. The 8 × 10 picture displayed in your father’s office in its platinum frame, for every visitor to admire. Smooth faced and confident, his sleeves rolled up high on his lean forearms, your father’s shaking hands with Reagan in front of a colorful assemblage of containers, in the industrial quarter of the Tampa Bay Harbor, during the 1984 campaign. His coldly handsome face split by a smile, larger and more genuine than any of those he ever addressed you, let alone Ava. 
Recollections of those dragging hours you spent in church as a child, beads of sweat dripping along your spine as you sat in the sweltering heat on a hard wooden bench, rigid and still like a marble statue for fear of being reprimanded. 
The hateful, vehement speeches your father would burst into at random, your mother pinching your arm for you to listen, this is important. The uneasy feeling sitting in the pit of your stomach, like bile, like nausea. Wrong. This is wrong. A feeling, not an idea yet. It grew with you, expending, to become impossible to see past by the time you started high.
The list of names in your father’s neat handwriting, scrawled on a crisp piece of paper, that he handed you before driving the entire family to the polls for your very first election. The sheer terror, primitive in its hold over you, prickling on your nape as you systematically disregarded his instructions, choosing the names followed by the three letters DEM. 
The rare political meetings you secretly attended in college, the pamphlets in loud colors and bold letters, that you read hidden from your roommate’s prying eyes, as if they were satanic verses. Reproductive rights! Demilitarization Now! No to privatized prisons! End gun violence! 
Petitions you signed with a shaking hand, because what if your parents found out? What if they heard of it? A dread so profoundly anchored at the very core of your psyche that you have never told Ava any of it, even when she would chastise your lack of interest in politics, your lack of involvement, lest she’d reveal your treason to them in the heat of an argument.
Could this be when you started finding yourself? In your diverging convictions? Could it be enough? Could it count? 
“Do you want to talk about it?” you ask tentatively.
He huffs a short, bitter laugh, shaking his head. 
“You’re a hell of a fast learner, aren’t you?”
“I have a very good teacher,” you shrug, trying to ignore the sharpness in his tone. 
Curiosity overthrowing your ingrained fear to displease, you ask, “What kind of aircraft do you fly? Planes? Helicopters?”
He simply nods, and your cheeks heat again at the notion, your heart racing. 
“I’m very impressed,” you whisper. “I can barely parallel park.”
“I’m sure you got plenty of other skills,” he answers, softer. 
“No. I really don’t.”
Frankie walks briskly across the parking lot, carrying a take-away bag and a six-pack of beer. His head hung low to shield his face from the thin, mid-February drizzle. His denim shirt sticks to his back with humidity, and sweat from the drive. It’s pulled uncomfortably taut across his shoulders. 
He steps onto the porch, hands too full to open the door or even knock on it, so he gives it three light kicks. A tiny screw pops out from the curved top of the brass number two. The whole thing swivels upside down, swinging like a pendulum.
“Jesus christ, this fucking place,” he scoffs.
The door flies open, and you’re here, with that bright, earnest smile and your wide, luminous eyes. You’ve tied your hair up in a casual do, but you’re still fully dressed. He likes those slacks on you, snug on your curves, wide on your legs. It fits you so much better than the tight pencil skirts you used to wear when he first met you. Those made you look like an 80s porn producer fever dream. But these trousers transform your gait, your entire demeanor, into something more relaxed. More confident. He could watch you strut around the room for hours. If only there was more time.  
He catches a glimpse of the mesh fabric of your bra, peeking out from the cleavage of your open shirt, and he mentally curses the corporate fucks who get to work all week around you.
“Hey, Frankie.”
The sharp, familiar pang rips through his chest at the sound of your voice, light and cheery. That ache he waits for seven excruciatingly long days to experience again.
“Hey, baby.”
As you let him in, he feels the tip of your fingers brushing his thigh, as if you need to make sure he’s here in the flesh. The miracle of you wanting him, still. 
“What’s in the bag?” you ask, dragging the chipped chair away from the desk, so he can set down his bounty. 
His eyes fall on your graceful nape as you crane your neck to see what’s inside the bag, too well-behaved to touch it without having been invited to do so. 
“Didn’t have time to eat. I took something for you too, I hope you don’t mind. Did you eat? Are you hungry?”
“I don’t usually eat before I come here,” you admit. “I drive in straight from work,” you add, heat visibly creeping up your neck and ears.
He takes off his hat, ruffling a hand through his hair to conceal a smug smile. 
“And you’re not starving, by the time I’m finished with you?”
“Quite the contrary, actually. I feel pretty full when you leave.”
Your lips stretch into a wide grin you’re ineffectively trying to hold back. 
“That so?” he chuckles, propping his hands on his hips. For countenance. 
Pride glimmers in your eyes, as it does every time you make him laugh. He knows it’s mirrored in his eyes. Your levity is his reward. 
Everything about you is unbearably endearing. He’s not sure if he’s hungry for food anymore, or if he’s not going to go straight down on you. You’ve already prepared the bed, that ugly bedspread neatly folded under the window. He could lay you prone on your stomach, lower your trousers to your knees, perk up your pretty ass and eat your sweet cunt from behind.
His hunger for you sizzles along his spine, sparkling in his loins, imperious and distracting. The sensation is delicious, and for once, he takes the time to revel in it. He’s so used to barging in here and just taking. He doesn’t savor, not really, not until after he’s had you at least once. 
He’s not proud of his unbridled hunger, the consequence of seven days’ worth of pent-up frustration, chasing your perfume on his clothes and the ghost feeling of your cool, smooth skin under his palms. That ever-growing obsession for your scent, for your eyes, and that crippling craving for the sounds you produce when he moves inside you. That high he gets when he makes you feel good. Every time he gives you what you want. 
And there’s the absolute black-out on all communications between you throughout the week that drives him out of his mind. He knows that’s the tacit deal the two of you struck at the very beginning. No phone number, no address, no marks. Hell, he didn’t even know your name until you gave it to him at Christmas. Only, he’s left in the dark for seven consecutive fucking days, with no means to check up on you, and no way to make sure you’re safe. 
He understands the necessity for secrecy. But the more time passes, the less it makes sense. 
So come Friday night, he needs to crush you under his weight. Needs to feel your flesh gushing through his splayed fingers and hear you mewl his name, eyes rolling to the back of your head, your body tensing up in his hold before it shatters around his cock. 
He needs to fuck you deep and full, find you in that place within yourself and wreck you there. He needs to make sure you’re alright. Make sure you’re real. Make sure you’re his. 
And his control might be tenuous, but he sure loves the way you lean into it. 
You’re still smiling when he takes a step closer behind you. Lowering his face into the curve of your neck, he inhales you there, that spot behind your ear, where your subtle scent becomes heady. He feels your chest rising with your own deep breathing, and he pictures your eyes fluttering shut. His hand skims the curve of your hip, sliding up to the swell of your breast over the smooth fabric of your shirt, gripping you roughly as he takes your earlobe between his lips and sucks on it. His hips move against your ass of their own volition, his cock half-hard, fucking twitching.
“Frankie,” you whine.
He licks a broad stride up your neck, collecting the tangy taste of your skin, mixed with the chemical one of your perfume. 
“What’s in the bag?”
“What bag, baby? Oh, right.”
It’s a beat before he can detach himself from you. His cock is beating hard and angry against the confining fabric of his jeans. With a light brush of his knuckles along your side, he reminds himself there’s also pleasure in the anticipation. The word sits in the back of his throat, like a knife ready to bleed him dry. Concupiscence. 
Ripping the paper bag open in the middle, he smooths both sides neatly over the desk, and points at the three rolls wrapped in tin foil.
“Took three burritos, and some fried beans. There’s one beef, one pork, and one vegetarian, in case you don't eat meat.”
You look at him with a twinkle in your eyes, your grin getting wider than he’s ever seen it. He braces a hand flat on the desk. 
“Oh, I eat meat, I thought you’d know that.”
The words have barely left your mouth that you burst into a fit of giggles, covering your face with both hands.
“Christ, woman!” he laughs. “Alright, sit down. Let’s get proper food into that mouth of yours, for once.”
Together, you unfold the bedspread and arrange it over the foot of the bed. The thing is already stained, and you mutually agree there’s no need to make a mess of the white sheet just yet. 
Letting you pick between the two richer ones, he takes the vegetarian burrito, and you start eating together, two open cans of beer at your feet. 
His bites are ravenous, while you nibble gingerly at your food, holding the burrito with two hands, the foil crackling between your fingers. After a few bites, however, you start eating in bigger chunks. 
“This is delicious,” you moan with your mouth full. 
Is he getting jealous of a fucking burrito now? Is that where he’s at?
“What, you never had a burrito in your life?”
You wince, and he immediately regrets the teasing skepticism of his tone. 
Setting the food down, you dab a paper towel to the corner of your mouth, catching a fleck of sauce. There’s grace in all your movements, even the tiniest ones.  
“My mother monitored everything I ate. God forbid I put on any weight,” you explain, a hint of bitterness in your voice. 
He lowers his hands, eyes trained on your averted gaze. 
“I know what you’re thinking,” you tell him, looking up at him.
There’s that quiet resignation painted all over your face. 
“Try me.”
“You’re thinking I’m a grown woman, old enough to make her own decisions.”
He shakes his head. “Was actually thinking your mother sounds like the exact opposite of mine.”
Your mouth curves into a sad attempt at a smile.
“I don't judge you, Lee. We all do what we can with what we got dealt with.”
A slight frown knits your brow, as you seem to consider his words. 
He has spent a lot of time, lately, reflecting over his own choices, and the many places where they’ve led him, for better or for worse. 
Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria. Libya and the most dangerous places in sub-Saharan Africa. Nearly everywhere in South America. Twice over.
Over the fucking Andes, and to Tom’s funeral. 
Choices that also made him Lua’s father. 
Crossroads that have taken him all the way to that shithole bar, last year at the end of August. Conscious decisions that brought him here, into this room. Into your arms. Into your life.
A chain reaction he wouldn’t alter, he knows it now, even if he was given the chance for a do-over. 
He used to consider things as definite. Choices as absolute and irrevocable. It took him becoming a father, and meeting you, to understand his mother’s words. Paso a paso, she’d say, watching him with a tender, knowing smile as he rushed toward his life. Paso a Paso, Francisco. 
You eat in silence for a while, and he keeps watching you. That sharp pain solidly entrenched inside his chest, blooming through his heart, he has to make a conscious effort to breathe around it. 
He bought you the food you’re eating right now. Drove to his favorite place, stood in line and placed his order with you in mind. And you’re enjoying it. In fact, you’re demonstrating an impressive appetite, hungrier, messier with every bite. Sauce dripping down your chin. Pink flashes of tongue licking it from between your fingers. 
He could get used to that. Providing for you. Taking care of you. In more than just one way. Sharing the mundane routine of a daily life together. 
But this is not real. Whatever is happening between the four walls of this shitty motel is not ground for life-altering choices. 
“Do you want to share the pork one?” you ask, crinkling the tinfoil wrapper into a compact ball. 
“I’m good, baby,” he answers with a soft smile. “You can have it. Just make sure you’re still hungry for more meat when you’re done.”
Adrian has gifted you a new purse from another French luxury brand. It’s a square-shaped thing cut from some grayish reptile skin, with a matching tag and a decorative lock hanging from its handle. It looks insanely expensive and ridiculously vulgar, its tackiness almost cruelly ironic. Like a rich people’s inside joke.  
Somehow, you’re vaguely aware this model is exclusive and can’t be bought online or even in stores, however high-end. It has to be ordered, and there’s a waiting list. Useless knowledge you probably gathered from one of your mother’s magazines. A family of four could most likely live comfortably for a whole year for the price of this thing. 
Incidentally, there’s a new perfume clinging to Adrian’s clothes when he comes home late at night. The first time you caught a whiff of the heady fragrance, intense vanilla and white musk, it reminded you of the stunning blonde with feline hazel eyes. 
The gift immediately felt less like an expression of gratitude for your support than like a reward for your silent compliance. But it’s of little to no importance. The bag sits idly at the bottom of your walk-in dressing. Unused, containing what’s left of the love and respect you once harbored for the man. 
Every so often, you think about it, as you cruise along the 589. It makes you smile. A wide, Cheshire cat grin, one that bares your front teeth, and you wonder if it’s cruel of you to smile about the end of something that used to mean so much. Something that meant nearly everything. You wonder if you’ve ever been cruel before. Intentionally, that is. 
Then, you conclude you don’t care. This particular kind of cruelty feels far too good. Too righteous. You could get used to it. 
And you keep cruising along the 589 northbound. 
“Mark Twain or Lewis Carroll?”
“Oh god, Frankie, I don’t know…” you moan, too distracted to think straight. 
Teeth ghosting a bite over your neck, he wraps a kiss around your skin, sucking on it. Not sharply enough to bruise, but enough for you to clench hard around him.
In the past few weeks, he’s become playful. It’s new to you. Was it always a part of him, constituent but buried underneath the scars and the years, or was it born from your touch? 
He’s become talkative, too. Talkative, and curious. But then again, perhaps he always was. Only, not with you. 
Thus, there are new rituals between you. Secrets exchanged behind the shielding partition of the yellow curtains. Murmurs shared underneath the droning of the ceiling fan, in the golden lighting from the quaint bedside lamps.
Some of his questions can pose a challenge. You’re not always certain about the proper answer. The right one. You were raised to say what was expected of you. Taught to speak to please, not to speak your mind. To wait for your cue, and hold your thoughts in between.
Frequently, you hesitate, afraid to trip on your words. 
But he doesn’t easily relent. He’s playful and curious. But above all, he’s patient and persistent.
“I don’t know,” you repeat.
“You know. Come on.”
“Okay, um… Lewis Carroll. I love– I love Alice.”
“Oh yea? You do? You like following big white rabbits to strange places, huh?”
His chest shakes with his raspy chuckle, and you laugh, until he pulls you in closer, sheathing himself deeper inside you, and your laughter plummets into a throaty groan.
Seamlessly, these new ceremonials have replaced the old ones, the ones that were carried out under wary gazes, in appraising silence.  
Now, you don’t always count your steps on Fridays, but you leave work earlier, and when you arrive at the motel, you try to engage Raul in conversation. His discomfort is obvious, bordering on annoyance, as you disrupt his concentration while he’s busy drawing charcoal landscapes of jagged mountains. But these past two weeks, he seems to have loosened up a bit. Either you’re wearing him off, or he’s trying to get rid of you faster. 
On the porch, in front of room number 2, you watch the sun slowly sink into the canopy of trees in an explosion of tangerine pink. Every week, the sunset creates a different palette of orange, but your emotion continues to be whole and unaltered. 
Before stepping in, you flick the upside-down brass number. It smiles in greeting, swinging on its one remaining screw.
You wish the place carried Frankie’s scent. It never does, of course. As you fold the comforter and prop it under the windowsill, the only smells wafting around are that of laundry detergent, dust, and the faintest hint of mold. 
There’s nothing tangible for you to hold on to in his absence, and this is by far the most difficult. It creates a vacuum, a fertile soil for foul, festering thoughts. Doubt, dread, agitation. During those seven days apart, there is no text or voicemail on your phone you can turn to for reassurance. No photo booth pictures stashed inside your wallet. No clothes of his to drape over your body and keep you warm and safe. Keep you sane. 
Every so often, when you cannot find sleep, you convoke the memory of his gray t-shirt, the one with the v-neck and the pilled fabric. The sensation of the slightly rugged cotton under the pads of your fingers. The immediate comfort gently lulls you to sleep. 
There is one thing, one thing only: the receipt from the burrito place, that you retrieved from the wastebasket after he’d left, that one time he brought you food. It’s tucked between two pages of your Moleskine planner. You’re not sure whether it’s cute or downright pathetic.  
You had thought the want, the yearning, would ease with time. It only kept spreading to every corner of your existence, every aspect of your life. Instead of only missing his touch, you now miss his voice, too. His choice of words, the cadence of his speech, the pace of his gait. His crinkled-eyes, dimpled smile. The way he rolls up his sleeves, leaves the top buttons of his shirt open, and the way he undresses. His three-finger hold on his glass. His long reflecting pauses before he speaks. The freedom and safety you experience with him.
You just became better at handling the longing. Recently, you have become very good at handling numerous things. Quietly but steadfastly defying your father’s injunctions to comply with his dress code. Adrian’s glaring eyes of blue, their silent judgement. Ava living a life of her own, far away from you. 
Reading helps. You hadn’t read in years, and you hadn’t realized how much you’d missed it. Now, you carry a book with you everywhere in your I ❤ NY tote. In these last moments before he walks into the room, you lie on your side across the motel bed, your head propped on your hand, and you read.
And when Frankie arrives, everything makes sense again, everything is justified. 
The wooden door creaks open, the brass number swiveling frantically, and his relief upon seeing you lights up the dim room. Hushed greetings, his large hands curling at your waist, pulling you into him, a husk of Hey, baby, his lips barely leaving yours while he tugs at your clothes, undressing you already. 
There’s rarely any other form of preamble beyond an occasional variation of Fuck, I really missed you, Lee , his teeth trailing down the line of your throat, sinking in just shy of a bite. Out of breath, out of time. 
The wait is over. 
Does he still come here to escape? Does he come here for you? His urgency hasn’t abated. But his intent feels different.
Stop me, skin on skin, chest to chest, the weight of his body covering yours, calloused hands hooked on your shoulders for purchase, pounding into you loud and ruthless. 
Stop me, crouched over you like a devouring beast, his face buried into the crook of your neck, shallow breaths and gripping hands, grinding deep inside your heat. 
Stop me, and what you hear is, I trust you. 
Deep grunts thrumming out of his throat, tumbling from his plush lips into your skin, a searing branding, an invisible mark. 
His plea. Lee.
He comes right after you do, pulling out just in time to spurt hot and thick over your arching body, or inside your wanting mouth. 
Later, when his spend has dried on your skin, when he’s kissed the soreness better, when your breathing has slowed, he brings you a glass of water, and waits until you’ve drank it all to bury his face between your legs, or fuck your throat if you begged him to. 
And on some Fridays, he goes by the desk to sit on the rectangular chair. He positions it sideways from the framed mirror. Says the reflection distracts you. It’s true. 
You could spend hours watching him. Watching him move, watching him sleep. Watch the care he puts in the way he handles his clothes and his truck and your pliant body. Watch him button up his jeans or tie his belt around your wrists. Watch his curls catch the light as he combs his fingers through them, the working of his throat, the pulsating throb of his heartbeat in his strong neck. The dip in his collarbone. The darker scar on his side. The muscles of his shoulders and his back, rippling under his freckled skin. Watch, and map those freckles with your lips. 
You could spend the rest of your life with him.
“C’mere,” he beckons, with a little tilt of his head, and a light pat on his thigh.
You get up from wherever he left you lying, the bed, the rough carpeting, the bathroom tiles, and walk over to him on wobbly legs. There, he draws you into his lap in a face-away straddle, his hands on your waist guiding you, firm and gentle, as he makes room for himself inside of you. The tip of your toes barely reach the carpet once you’re seated, and you have to rely entirely on him for balance. You like that. 
He braces his strong arms around you, and you keep your fingers curled around them, reclining against him, against his warmth. You like the sticky sensation of your combined sweats gluing your loose bodies. Your back molds to his chest like it was shaped for this very purpose. 
Your head tips back onto his firm shoulder, and he props his chin in the curve of your neck. The slight swaying of your hips is languid and slow, barely perceivable, in the same way the earth’s revolution around the sun is imperceptible to its inhabitants. 
Time lingers, in long lazy stretches, infinite moments in the amber lighting of the room, in the friendly shadows. In the heart of the night, and the folds of your existence. The low husk of his voice like honey in your ears, his words vibrating from his chest to your back, to your core. 
You can hear the smile in his tone. If you close your eyes, you can see it.
He asks about your taste in books, music or movies, food and entertainment, and tells you about his. Silly games of Would you rather? and Never have I ever. 
Scrunching up your nose under your pinched brow, brain cells scrambling back together inside your hazy brain, you try to produce coherent answers as his lush lips trace intricate patterns along your skin, your throat, your shoulders, nimble fingertips rolling your nipples into hardened peaks. A scrape of his teeth, followed by the wet glide of his tongue, soothing over your flushed skin.
Sometimes, you feel so full it’s overwhelming. The sensation, the emotion strangles the air out of you. Your cunt flutters around the thick, stiff girth of him, and he lets out a gravelly groan, cock throbbing inside your snug walls. Your slick pools down onto the coarse curls at his base. It’s like a virtuous circle. Everything feels right with him. 
After a while, when you’ve melted inside, when amber twirls in your bloodstream and your thoughts have turned to swirling molasses, his hand slides down along your stomach. His calloused fingers parting your folds, he starts rubbing at your clit, telling you that it’s time to come for me, baby. 
And when you do, he comes with you, shoving you down and deep onto his pulsating length, fingers digging into the soft flesh of your hips. His mouth pressed to that sensitive spot over your pulse point, his feverish grunts sizzling against your damp skin. 
When he comes inside you, when you come together, you are made brand-new. Anything’s possible. There’s nothing you can’t do. 
The elating sensation is your favorite daydream, sitting at your desk, over dinner, stuck in traffic, or in the blue hours before dawn. It sustains you throughout the week. The promise of it tingles in tense anticipation, from the crown of your head to the tip of your toes, when you watch him walk over to the desk and fold his tall, massive figure into the ugly chair. 
Week after week, question after question, you come into focus between his arms. It’s terrifying, and exhilarating. You keep getting better at it.
It’s a bittersweet ache, tender and addictive, to learn about his existence outside this room of yours. The borderless confines of his life. Of him. The details he chooses to confide in you, about his childhood, his past, and his present, in the dead of the night, his body wrapped around yours, chasing the contact of your skin. Chasing your touch, your softness, your understanding, when he used to grunt away from it. Like a threat, with bared teeth, and a shake of his head. A forbidding. A not yet. 
It makes sense to you now. There’s an absolute about him. An all or nothing. You’re not sure when it happened. The tipping point. Perhaps in the bathroom, on that sunny morning after Christmas, when he crowded you against the sink with a wolfish look turning his gorgeous face dark and threatening. You think it was meant to scare you. One last attempt. Your last chance to recoil and escape. 
You didn’t. You kept blooming, unfurling into your own limbs under the dark depth of his gaze, reflected in the black-edged mirror. You pressed back into him, the solid, steadying bulk of his body, of his broad chest. You pushed back and sunk deeper into his world. 
Today, he had to scoop you up from the floor where you were lying, boneless, in the wet mess he drew out of you. 
When he stormed into the room, you could still hear the engine of the truck revving. A scowl shadowed his face. Fidgety, tightly wound up, he began undressing you without a word. Unceremonious in his need, an echo of those early days, when he was imprisoned in his past, when his strength was unrestrained, when violence was his sole language. 
Fingers digging into the tense muscles of his shoulders, carding through his hair, you sought eye contact, softly cooing, I’m here, Frankie, I’m here, until your voice got through him. Until he heard you, slowing down, drawing you close. His forehead smearing sweat over your temple, his ragged breathing fanning the shell of your ear. His fist clutching the fabric of your shirt in a ball, with a push-pull motion, torn and primal, I need it, Lee. Please, I need you.
You relented, gave into it, lose and pliant as he bent you over the desk with a press of his palm, flat between your shoulder blades, as he pulled your panties to the side and lined himself up, as he thrust into you in one ruthless shove, down to his base. The clasp of his watch biting into your flesh. He was still fully clothed. 
Pulling on your wrists with an iron grip, he drilled into you at a brutal pace, skin catching at your entrance along his length, and you bit your lips through it, nearly drawing blood, until, at the very center of you, the pain turned into something blindingly pleasurable, bright and searing. A shockwave, erupting from your core, fast spreading along your limbs, lighting up every nerve-ending. 
Tensing under his constraining hold, bucking against his grip, you cried out his name, your back achingly stiff. Slick gushing out of you fast and hot, as your legs trembled uncontrollably, and through the din of it all, his rumbling growl, a guttural string of Fuck, before you slumped onto the desk and he fucked his own release into you. 
When he let go of you, he had to lay you on the carpet, where he collapsed next to you, chest heaving with exertion. Time blurred, you might have spent the whole night lying there, staring blankly at the popcorn ceiling, but he got up to undress.
He’s cradling you on his lap now, gently rocking into you. The slow and steady rhythm of his heartbeat aligned with yours, you’re bathed in his warmth, enveloped by his musky scent. You play along, searching your brain for answers. To his questions, and yours.  
There’s no evidence of his earlier outburst, saved for his thumbs drawing circles on your wrists where his fingers left a bruising indent. And of course, the wet spot on the carpet. 
Nuzzling your jawline, he trails a path of messy, lazy kisses down the column of your neck, capturing the tender skin between his plush lips, his tongue peeking through them.
“I should read it again. Alice. Read it so long ago. When I was a kid.”
Humming distractedly in agreement, your head lolls back on his shoulder. 
“Did I hurt you, earlier?”
Your eyelids fly open. His voice is barely a murmur, no more than warm breath grazing your ear, and you feel him throb inside you. 
“I don’t want to hurt you. I never want to hurt you.”
The vulnerability in his words shoots through your heart like a bullet. You free your arms to twine your fingers with his. 
“What happened today, Frankie?” 
His chest stiffens underneath you. 
“Nothing. Nothing happened. It’s more… It’s the date.”
The overhead fan hums over the room, louder than your breathing, louder than his. 
“A year ago, I agreed to a mission. With my former teammates. It was… It was bullshit. From the start. Nothing went as planned.”
He pauses and you wait, still and silent. 
“One of us got killed.”
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, squeezing his hands with all of your strength.
A chilling, bone-deep dread settles over your body in the sweltering heat, so cold he can probably feel it. You don’t want him to. 
“You said you resigned a couple of years ago?” 
“I did. I worked for the private sector, on occasions. It’s over now.”
“Do you miss it?”
“Fuck no,” he snarls. “But some of my friends did. I– I had to go.” He clears his throat. “I chose to go.”
“Do you miss him?”
He doesn’t answer for a while. Lifting his hand in yours, you give his knuckles a long, open-mouthed kiss. His forehead rests heavy against the back of your head, his eyelashes a fluttering caress on your nape. 
“For a long time, I felt responsible for his death.”
His words are dense with defeat. With sadness, and fatality. They sink heavily into you, into your bloodstream. You don’t need a mirror to know what his face looks like at this very moment. Your body will remember it, even if you live long enough to forget your own name. The pitch-blackness of his beautiful eyes, the stern crease splitting his brow, imploring for your touch. The tightness in his jaw. The downward curve of his plush lips.
That first night at the motel comes back rushing like a flood, like a wildfire. His roughness, the urgency saturating his actions, the anger in his grief. His bleeding wounds, invisible, evident, glaring. He reached for you through his despair, clutching your body, clinging to the idea of you. 
Are you real?  
I don’t know. 
A dry sob wells up in your throat, but you swallow it down. 
“What do you think now?”
“I think it doesn’t matter who’s responsible for his death. His girls are still orphaned.”
Between your lungs, the wild creature curls up into a ball. Its tears fill up your heart. There isn’t any pill or alcohol strong enough to numb this pain of yours. But it doesn’t matter. You want to feel what he feels.
You turn around. You kiss him.
“What about this one?”
He should be leaving soon. But your body’s soft and relaxed, curled into his side on the rumpled bed. Pleasantly cool in the muggy atmosphere of the motel room, in the dawn’s indigo hues. Your thin fingers hover gracefully over his skin, tracing the outlines of his scars, and it’s like you’re reshaping his entire body, all of his wounds, and his whole life, with the gentle touch of your fingertips.
“Frankie, what’s this one?”
He should be leaving soon. The sun’s about to come up. 
“Did you save it for last because it’s the largest?” he deflects with a smirk.
Folding an arm over his chest, you prop your chin over it, frowning exaggeratedly with your jaw shifting to the side. He laughs so hard that your head bobbles with his shaking belly.
“That supposed to be an impression of me?”
“You recognized yourself,” you smile, sitting up next to him.
He should be leaving soon. And you know it. You’re giving him the space he needs to get up and get out. He fucking hates it.
“Stay here,” he says, curling his fingers around your arm as you’re about to get down from the bed.
The look you give him awakens the pain in his chest. You peer through the curtains, into the blue morning sky, and your gaze returns to him with a silent question. 
“Come on. Please. Just a little longer.”
It’s not lost on him that he should be the one getting up. Not pleading.
The mattress creaks in protest as you move over it on your knees, sitting in a straddle across his hips. 
“Yea, that’s better,” he smiles, smoothing his palms over your thighs. His left hand slides up to palm your breast, and he notices he hasn’t taken off his watch, tonight. It’s the second time this month.
“What’s this one?” you ask again, entirely undistracted, measuring up your hand to the length of the darker patch of skin. 
“Okay,” he sighs, “I crashed a chopper near– wait, I can’t actually tell you that.”
“Jesus, Frankie,” you gasp, spreading both hands over the old wound, as if to stop a ghost bleeding. Your eyes have grown so wide, they eat up half your face.
“It’s okay, baby, it’s old. Wasn’t a big deal.”
It had been a big deal, at the time. There had been talks of awarding him a Silver Star for that mission.
“Did it hurt?”
“Mostly my pride. It wasn’t that bad, don’t worry. Nothing compared to what my sister threatened to do to me if I didn't leave the Army.” 
“I can’t say I blame her. I would have probably done the same.”
“Ok, my turn. What’s this one?”
His left thumb skims along the thin line on your inner thigh, and he feels you tensing under his touch.  
“It’s nothing,” you snap, taking your hands off his skin as if you just got burnt. 
He presses his thumb into your soft flesh. The pain in his chest accentuates, radiating down to his stomach. 
“You’re cheating,” he says, as softly as he can. 
You face away from him, gaze flickering up to the window again, and you start moving away, but he holds you firmly in place with both hands on your waist. 
“Lee. Tell me what it is.”
Seconds turn into minutes, the only sound in the room that of the ceiling fan’s motor, and the pain grows stronger, pulsating from his neck to his gut. Your eyes remain trained on the window, lost somewhere beyond the curtains. 
“I had several more like this,” you start. Your tone is detached, your voice distant. “Smaller ones. On the back of my arms. When I was 17, my mother took me to a dermatologist. He removed them with laser treatment.” 
You pause, and look down at him. 
“She got me fixed, so I could find a good husband.”
His fingers dig into your flesh. It’s a full minute before he remembers to breathe, through his nose, because he can’t unclench his jaw. The chest pain turns into blinding, white-hot rage. His truck is parked outside and in his mind, the sequence of actions is crystal clear. Get you dressed. Get you in the cab. Drive away with you as far as the road goes, and never come back here. 
“It burnt like hel—“
“You’re perfect, you know that?” he cuts in. 
“I’m really not, Frankie,” you calmly answer. “What I am is a coward.”
He sits up with a cinch, cupping your face so you can’t recoil from him. Somehow, this would be easier if you looked upset. If you were crying. Showing any kind of emotion, really. But you’re far beyond that. 
“I can’t let you say that. Not when you risk everything to come here every week.”
“Alright, so I’m a selfish coward,” you say with a joyless little smile. 
“No. You’re perfect. You’re my perfect girl. Say it.”
It’s there. Your unbending will, your steel-hard determination. In your defiant gaze and your pinched lips. In the distance you're trying to put between your body and his. 
“Okay, fine. Don’t say it. I’ll keep repeating it until you believe me. I can be fucking persistent, you know?” he adds, falling back onto the pillows.
“I know you can,“ you say, lifting a leg off the bed.
“You’re not going anywhere,” he nearly growls, a bruising grip on your thigh, “I’m not done with you.”
His clipped tone appears to be more effective on you. You sit back down, let your shoulders relax, and the palm of your hands find his skin again. Distant gaze, cold touch.
“What’s this one?” he asks, the blunt fingernail of his thumb grazing the grid-shaped scar on your left knee, his tone barely a question, and to his surprise, you come alive with a spark in your eyes. 
“Oh! This one’s a good scar. I like it.”
You adjust your position over him, slotting your folds over his resting cock, and a coiling heat stirs in his loin.
“I had a bicycle when I was a kid. The most beautiful bicycle in the entire world. Red, the exact same shade as your truck. With a round cushion protection on the frame, I don’t know how you call that, and the letters MBK painted in white over it, you know the kind?”
He nods, and you continue talking. 
“I would spend hours riding it. I would disappear for entire afternoons. It was heaven. And maybe you’re not going to believe me, but I was pretty reckless on that thing.”
“Oh, I believe you.”
You’re smiling again. 
“Well, one day, I was too reckless. I hit the brakes too abruptly and I skidded over gravel. I flew ten feet away from the bike and I tore my knee open. I got home covered in blood, my parents were furious.”
A vengeful smile curves your lips, one he’s never seen on your face.
“They confiscated the bike. My mother said it wasn’t ladylike, and my father said– I can’t remember his exact words, probably 'you can’t damage my property,’ or something along those lines. They never let me on a bike again after that.”
“How’s that a happy story?” he frowns.
“I didn’t say it was a happy story. I said it’s a good scar. I got to keep this one. It reminds me of what I’m capable of. Even when I want to forget.” 
The sun is rising. A new day colors the sky in vivid bronze. The light filters into the room through the yellow curtains, dust particles suspended in the air, suspended like Frankie’s life when he can’t be with you. 
He should leave, but instead, he’s going to fuck you one more time. Pump you full of his come. Brand you with his essence, mark you as his in the only way he can before he has to let you go back to face those people who put murder on his mind.
His hands skim along your thighs to the swell of your ass, roughly kneading the round of your cheeks. His grip settles on your hips, and he bucks up into you, ever so lightly, his length hardening between your lips. He sees it on your face, on your profile bathed in the first ray of sunlight. The moment when you register his intention. The shift in your body, the echo to his desire. So powerful, so immediate, it’s almost like black magic. Your mouth parts open, your back arches. You press down on him. 
“That serves him well, your father,” he says, sliding you slowly over his cock.
“How’s that?” you ask, voice laced with lust. 
“Look what you’re riding now.”
The pillow is damp underneath your back, sweat exuding from your every pore. The last days of March have been unforgiving. You find yourself longing for a room with a proper air conditioning system, instead of the motel’s weak, outdated fan that only swishes hot air. 
Frankie’s searing touch doesn’t help. Stroking the back of your arm in a repetitive up-and-down motion, he’s laying across the bed, his head resting heavy on your lap, his long hair curling in every direction in this sweltering atmosphere. 
Instead of shying away from the discomfort, you embrace it. With your fingers twined in his locks, you lean into his touch, focusing on his high forehead, and the crease in his brow. On his long eyelashes, the curve of his lips as he speaks, the working of his throat. 
Ignoring the dark blue rectangle of night sky, gradually lightening up behind the musty curtains.
Dawn used to be a deliverance. From your thoughts that the night painted black. From the wait, when Adrian wouldn’t come back. From a forced rest that never really came, another disappointment, another let down, another part of your life requiring the artificial help of chemicals. 
Now, you resent it. Dawn is when Frankie leaves you behind to go back to his family. Dawn is when he’s the happiest, with his child, without you, in a realm over which you have no grasp. 
A rational part of you acknowledges that it’s easier if he leaves before the sun rises. It prevents you from yearning for things you’re afraid to want. Things you cannot have. A life with him in broad daylight. A life without shame. 
Recently, he’s become increasingly reluctant to let go of you. Dawn finds him wrapped around your body. Last week, he stayed past daybreak, and fucked you in the sunlight. 
The brighter tone of his skin, the lighter shade of his curls, the depth of his mahogany irises hit by a sunbeam, everything was like a knife through your chest.
The caressing timber of his husky voice brings you back to the soft amber light from the dusty lampshades, to the humming fan, and the blue rectangle. 
“I’m sorry. What were you saying?”
“I asked if you like it. Your job.” 
“God no, I hate it! Sales productivity statistics and accounting manager, can you picture me?”
He huffs his breathless chuckle, the one that sends tremors rippling through your chest. 
“Not really, no.”
“I’m terrible at it, and it’s a problem, but no one says anything because daddy runs the company. I don’t understand why he insists on maintaining me in this position. It’s like a power play. He needs me to be miserable.”
Frankie’s hand pauses, fingers digging into your flesh, and he cranes his neck to peer at your face. You give him a reassuring smile. A genuine one. 
“Is that what you studied at university? Accounting and statistics?”
You wipe your sweaty brow with the back of your hand, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“Yes. But university was a golden parenthesis. I minored in Russian literature. Not a skill that easily translates to the employment market, but Richard was thoroughly pissed,” you say, wiggling your eyebrows. 
“My little punk.”
His smile is brighter than the midday sun. Your index finger darts to the dimple in his right cheek. 
“I really like this,” you whisper, your voice dropping, thick with heat and arousal. With affection. “And these,” you add, scraping your fingernail over the bare patches on each side of his jaw. 
“Mmh. I’ve noticed,” he says with a smug expression. 
“Oh, you have?” You try to laugh off your embarrassment, but what comes out is a quivering sound, betraying the want that hinders your throat. 
He grabs your hand and brings it to his mouth, closing his plush lips around your index finger, wrapping his tongue around it. Your belly quakes. You clench around nothing. 
He releases your hand, and you hope he’ll get up and move over you, but instead, he reaches for your arm again, resuming his rhythmic strokes. 
“So what would you do, if you didn’t do this?” he asks. 
You sigh, glancing up, and you catch a glimpse of your reflection in the mirror above the desk. 
“I’ve no idea, really. I never allowed myself to consider the possibility.” And before he can prod any further, you add, “What about you? What would you have liked to do, if you hadn’t become a pilot?”
The diversion doesn’t fool him, you know it. You’re acutely aware of his gaze, scrutinizing your face. You picture the familiar, pensive frown. His hand leaves your arm as he suddenly gets up, air hitting your damp skin where his head was lying. 
A few strides, and he steps into the bathroom, disappearing behind the partition wall. The tap runs for a moment, and there’s the distinct sound of wrung out fabric before he comes out, holding the hand towel. 
You watch him walk back toward you, his naked body glistening with sweat, highlighted in shadows in the warm lighting. You think about how beautiful it is, about your extensive, intimate knowledge of it. How it feels under your touch, every single part of him. How this knowledge is now constituent of the woman you have become. 
You know the callousness of his palms that catches at your clothes. You know the silkiness of his curls around your fingers, the smoothness of his chest against your breasts, the taste of his mouth and the bobbing of his pebbled throat between your lips. The thicker skin of his shoulders, tanned and freckled. The coarseness of the darker hairs under his navel, and how they feel rubbing at your clit. You know the weight of his cock in your hand, on your tongue, inside your walls. 
And if you know all this, then, isn’t he yours? 
He circles the bed over to your side, by the window, and sits next to you. 
Delicately, his fingers circle your wrist. He lifts your arm, and brings your hand to his lips, nuzzling the relaxed curl of your fingers open, to press a kiss inside your palm. His eyes briefly flicker shut as he inhales the transparent skin of your inner wrist. 
Lowering your arm, he starts running the towel along it and you jolt at the contact of the cold, wet fabric, letting out a short whimpering sound.
The sensation is sudden, seizing like an electrical shock, but the relief is immediate. The coolness radiates on the surface of your feverish skin, soothing your thoughts. Eyes fluttering shut, you relax into it. 
“Maybe an architect,” he starts, the towel gliding up to your shoulder, “or a carpenter. Build stuff, for a change. Instead of destroying them.”
Goosebumps break out along your arms, on your nape, as he skims the towel over the plane of your chest in slow, meticulous movements. As he rounds your breasts with reverent care, one, then the other, your nipples tightening in peaked buds, the low rumble of his voice filling your mind, his words boring into your heart.
The towel brushes up, tracing your collarbone, left, then right. Higher along the column of your throat, curling to the side of your neck. A droplet of water rolls down between your breasts, running along your stomach to end its course into your navel. You sigh.
“I could… run a small business, building houses or crafting furniture. In a small town, somewhere up north. Somewhere with seasons,” he says. 
The towel wipes over your trembling belly, over your mound, down your inner thigh. He’s slow, precise, thorough. Careful and gentle with your limp limbs. You’re sinking into the mattress, and floating over it all at once. 
You lift a heavy eyelid, your dazed gaze landing on his gorgeous face. He’s solemn, focused on his task. 
He readjusts his position on the mattress, so lightly the bed barely moves, and twists his torso to reach down your leg. 
“You could be my accountant.”
Your eyes shoot open. He’s facing away from you, wiping the towel under the arch of your foot.
“The last thing you want is to have me as your bookkeeper,” you whisper, your heart beating in your throat. 
He turns around, looking straight at you. Soft sad eyes, cold hard stare. 
“That’s all I want for the rest of my life, Lee. Be with you night and day.”
Everything seems to hinge on you now. 
His balance, his happiness, his redemption.
You filled a void, a hollowness inside his chest, he carries you with him wherever he goes. A pale shade of yellow and celadon green. 
He tries to convince himself it’s harmless. That he’s not doing anything wrong. That it’s easier this way. Easier than the drugs, easier than placing that burden on his daughter’s shoulders. He tells himself the peace you bring him makes him a better man, and a better father. Makes him worthy again. There might even be some truth to it. 
He’s not so sure if he deserves the second chance. If he deserves the parts of you that you confide in him. Your past, your regrets, your secret victories. Your hindered aspirations and the shores of your inner island, within his reach. The touch of your cool skin. The strength of your embrace. The veneration in your eyes. Your trust, your faith. Your time. 
But he wants to believe it. It’s more of a fundamental need, really. 
And as long as he’s with you, the illusion holds. When you’re sitting next to him in the truck, singing along to the tunes playing on the old crackling stereo as he drives to nowhere, when his body’s wrapped around yours in the dark, when he murmurs against your temple everything and anything that runs through his mind, when you’re coming undone between his hold, with his name on your lips. He believes he can be as good for you as you are for him. 
But it’s a thin fabric. One that tears the very minute he steps outside the room, leaving your sleepy form tucked under the starchy sheet. 
Day after day, until the next week, he’s left on his own to fence off the thoughts that plague him. 
The voice inside him, relentless, somber, asking how much longer this can last. How long before the consequences on your life are irreversible? How long until that man who’s not your husband finds out, and takes action? What repercussions would you face, then? 
He knows what he’d be capable of if he ever met him. He doesn’t like to think about it. 
You won’t open up about your life with him, no matter how much he prods and pry. He knows your strength. And he chose to trust it.
Seven months, and one week. He sat down with the cardboard calendar hanging above Lupe’s desk at work, and counted. His mind crowded, overflowing with what ifs. 
What if he took you out of this shitty motel, for once? Not just to drive into the night, but on a proper date. Dinner. A movie. Fucking lunch. A weekend somewhere. An entire vacation. 
What if he took you out of your life? 
Lupe started dating this Marcus guy back in December. Now she’s staying at his place every other night. The man is decent, one of the best paramedics he’s worked with, honest, reliable and steadfast. The kind of man Lupe deserves, and that he doesn’t mind around Lua. 
He should move out of the house. Lupe hasn’t said anything yet, but it’s just one more grace she gives him that he hasn’t earned. Every time they see each other, Will hints at it, the allusions becoming increasingly less subtle. 
The truth is, he sees no point in moving forward with his life if it’s not with you. If it’s not to take care of you, and provide for you. Watch you thrive, keep you safe.  
A couple of weeks back, when he’d first thought about it, he’d deemed the idea crazy, painfully aware of all the frustrations a couple’s daily life entails. 
Now, it’s the only choice that makes any sense to him. 
The airport terminal is bustling with flocks of tourists. Noisy families with children too young to travel, transient businessmen and women, groups of youths of dubious soberness flying out after spring break. 
Ava stands out in the crowd, her tall frame topped with a short bob of bright purple hair, and you spot her immediately. Standing on your tiptoes, you wave at her until she sees you and starts running in your direction.
She all but leaps into your open arms, and you both grab at each other, leaning into the embrace, laughing. You inhale her scent, searching for that baby smell in the crook of her neck.
“Oh my god, pup, your hair!” you exclaim. “You look terrific!”
“Yeah? You like it?” she asks with a broad smile, running her fingers through her locks. 
“I love it! It’s perfect for you!”
In turn, she takes you in, looking you up and down, and lets out a low whistling sound.
“You look good, too. You look better than good. You look gorgeous!”
“Oh shush,” you gesture bashfully, but you can’t hold back your own smile.
The two of you walk to the parking lot to retrieve your car, immersed in bubbly conversation, oblivious to the moving crowds around you.
Driving out of the airport, you glance at the sign indicating the 589 northbound and smile at your precious secret, before making a left turn south.
“Where are you taking me?” she asks, “I’m hungry! Feed me! Feedmefeedmefeedme!” she chants, before breaking into a high-pitched giggle.
“Alright, alright! Hold tight, I’m taking you somewhere special. Do you like burritos?”
“Who doesn’t like burritos? Wait, what? Burritos? Do you even eat burritos? Who are you and what have you done with my sister?”
You had to type the address from the crumpled receipt into your GPS. Until today, you’ve never allowed yourself to go there. Not on your own.
It’s a small cantina with tiled walls and concrete floors, colorful trinkets arranged in pyramidal displays behind the counter, chalkboard menus and an endless list of drinks. Star-shaped lanterns are hanging from the ceiling, and the staff is busy but jovial.
Lunchtime on a Saturday, the place is packed with couples and kids, and your pulse accelerates. You hadn’t considered the possibility of running into Frankie and his family. 
You place your orders, and after a short wait, you secure a spot in the back of the restaurant. Sitting on high metal stools behind a round table, you catch up on the past three months as if you hadn’t texted every other day, speaking with your mouths full, sauce dripping down your fingers.
The life she’s built for herself in New York treats Ava better than anything you could have hoped for, anything you could have helped her achieve, had she stayed here. A job in a cutting-edge art gallery, where her vibrant personality and her flair for networking are not only recognized but valued, a bustling social life, more thrilling projects than you can keep track of, all of it balanced by Polly’s grounding presence by her side. 
Your choices and sacrifices, justified.
Ava puts down the crumbling remnants of her vegetarian burrito to wipe her mouth, and takes a sip of her margarita.
“You sure you don’t want to drink anything?”
“I’m drinking something,” you answer, pointing at your iced tea.
“Whatever you say, girl,” she shrugs.
“It’s too bad you’re not staying with me. It’s idiotic, you’re only here for a couple of days and you have to sleep over at Jules’.”
“Listen, even if your douchebag of a fiancé had agreed to have me, which I know he didn’t, I don’t want to see his ass face.”
“Alright,” you concede, “valid.”
She nearly chokes on her margarita. Setting her glass down, she gives you a pointed stare, emphatically scrutinizing your face.
“Okay, seriously, what’s going on with you? How are you? I mean, that’s obviously the wrong question, you’re fucking thriving. What happened? What’s happening? New medication? Are you finally leaving him?”
“I’m not taking any medication,” you answer with unexpected satisfaction. “But no, I’m not leaving him.”
You catch yourself before you can add another word. 
“Are you still seeing that other guy?”
You nod, dipping your head, heat creeping up your neck. Why are you like this?
“I take it he likes burritos, am I right?
“You are correct in your assumption, detective,” you quip with a grin.
There’s a pause as Ava seems to consider her next question. It’s always so easy for you to forget that she’s a grownup now. That she knows you at least as well as you know her. That she has the capacity to outsmart you. The notion flares pride in your chest.
“Is he married? Is that why you haven’t run off together in the sunset yet?”
“I’m not sure if he’s married or not.”
“What does he do in life?”
“I don’t know.”
Ava throws up her hands. 
“Girl! What do you know?” she exclaims with only half-feigned exasperation.
I know what’s important. He’s a father. He’s a friend and a brother. A pilot and a veteran. He's thoughtful and observant. He’s organized and practical. And a reluctant sentimental. He learned to swim in the Pacific Ocean. He’s capable of cold-blooded violence, but it will break him. He’s capable of infinite tenderness. And it will save him. 
You pull a face, communicating how little you care about what you don’t know. Your sister shifts on the hard stool. She frowns, and when she speaks next, her voice is low, her tone conspiratorial.  
“Adrian doesn’t suspect anything?”
“Of course, he does. Or he did. His attention is elsewhere, for now. Seems serious.”
“Again,” you nod. 
Ava squirms on her stool again, probably trying to restrain her temper. 
Your mind wanders, jumping back through time at light-speed, to when you first met Adrian. To the way he used to hold your hand when you started dating, squeezing your fingers with his. Letting you choose the wine, opening doors for you. To the affection in his smile, and how fast he started calling you babe . The glimmer warming his cold blue eyes when he introduced you to his family. The way he leaves the bathroom mirror splattered in toothpaste every time he brushes his teeth. The way he lets his alarm ring off forever after he’s gotten up even if you’re still in bed, even on weekends. 
The ease with which he admitted to all his flings, whenever you confronted him, but never confessed to the one with his coworker, the ambitious young lawyer. 
Would you admit to having an affair? Would you use that ugly word that make you crawl out of your skin? Would you deny it? Could you answer No, I’m not seeing anyone? Could you bear the betrayal of denying Frankie’s existence? The truth of what you share, but can’t define?
“Your fiancé is a bag of dicks,” Ava finally says, shaking her head. 
“His obliviousness suits me for now,” you remind her.  
“I don’t understand why you don’t leave him,” she snaps back, forsaking her reserve. “He got his big promotion, he got what he wanted! And Richard loves him, it’s not like he’s going to fire him just because you two broke up, right? You don’t really love him anymore, do you?” she adds on second thoughts.  
The words spill out of you unchecked, once more. Just like in the truck with Frankie, back in January. Months, years for the idea to mature below the surface of your conscious thoughts, the reflective process unbeknown to you. 
“I’m scared, Ava. I’m scared shitless. I want to leave. I’ve been wanting to leave for so long. Adrian, the company, that fucking ugly apartment.” 
“Well then fucking do it, Lee!”
“If I leave, I have nothing. No job, nowhere to go.” 
And if you could give up a relatively comfortable life, would you be able to renounce the refuge of your sadness? Of your life between the folds? 
“You have money,” Ava counters. “You have shares. Sell them. Richard can’t stop you. Get a lawyer, if you have to. One that’s not on Adrian’s payroll. And then you can fuck your man Friday every day of the week, how’s that?”
You think about the folded bedspread under the windowsill. About the wet hand towel brushing up your skin. The trucker hat on the desk, and his fingers splayed on the steering wheel. The pleading arch of his brow. 
You think about that space between Frankie’s chin and collarbone, that contains your safety, your desires, and all of your hopes.
“I don’t… I don’t know if I should leave a man for another one,” you whisper. 
Ava’s eyes widen. She sits up straight, a smirk tugging the corner of her lips. 
“I don’t know either, but it looks like this one fucked some sense into you. The irony.” 
She’s withholding something, you realize. It’s in her uncharacteristic pauses, her sideways glances. Surprisingly, human interactions were simpler when pills kept you numbed and oblivious. Being attuned to everyone’s minute expressions is a daily trial. 
“Why don’t you move to New York with us?” she eventually asks. “We can take you in until you find a job there, for as long as you need.”
There’s that we again. People talking about you in your absence, judging your choices, plotting your future. 
“I don’t know how to do anything, Ava. I have zero skills.” 
“First off, that’s not true,” she retorts, relentless with her well-rehearsed arguments. “And then, Polly can help you find something. Lee, if you can leave this company, there’s literally nothing you can’t do.”
Suddenly, you feel exhausted. Weary and old. A bone-deep lassitude. And at the heart of it, the realization that this is a liminal sequence in your life. 
“Is that why you flew here for the weekend? To ask me to come away with you?”
“Are you mad?” she asks with a face. A little girl’s expression, afraid of being scolded. Your little girl. 
“No, I’m not mad, pup. I can’t be mad. You came back for me.”
“Of course, I came back for you. I was never going to leave you behind, silly.”
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africanotaku92 · 15 days ago
A Little bit of Ghost Zone worldbuilding/DP AU yapping
Long post incoming, kept under a Read More for your convenience!
Ok, so i imagine that, as the Highest ranking Monarchical authority in the ghost zone, ranking second only to the Zone itself, The Ghost King is allowed to have a Harem. Actually, it's encouraged for them to have a harem with as many members from as many nations within the ghost zone as possible, as it would ensure political security between the Ghost King and the other lands within the Infinite Realms.
Now the Harem is tiered and divided into different sections based on their importance as well as favourability too the King. The first tier are his Queens. These are the spouses that are the most near and dear to his heart, his life mates if you will. They are the King's truest romantic interest, his equals and his true spouses.
The next tier are the Consorts. These are the official spouses of the king. They are usually beings of great political and societal importance or are just super powerful entities. They don't necessarily marry the king out of love, although it's possible for them to do so.
The last significant tier are the Concubines. These are basically the official side chicks of the King that have been approved to enter the harem by any of the King's official spouses. They can be of minor political or none at all, social standing doesn't matter. They enter the harem for a multitude of reasons, anything from being given to the King as collateral for a debt to being protected by the King or his spouses from any danger they deem a significant threat. They don't have even have to belong to the king, and can belong to one of his Queens or Consorts. Of course there are other roles in the harem, such as servants or guards but these three are the only significant tiers of the Harem. Harem members may also still retain roles and titles separate from their identities in the harem, but it is still considered polite and respectful to refer them to their harem titles unless instructed otherwise.
Now how the King claims his Harem members differs from monarch to monarch, but they all commonly leave something significant; a permanent mark. Typically this would be an imprint of the Ghost King's ectosignature left on the ghosts core, with more pronounced intensity the more significant they are to the ghost king, but in the rare occasions that the King takes in a still living spouse the mark may manifest physically, resembling a tattoo or birth mark.
Becoming part of any of the three most important tiers of the Ghost King's Harem obviously comes with it's perks. Apart from being subject to a life of luxury, opulence and opportunities one would never have had, they also come with guaranteed ghosthood (for those still alive members), personal protection from one of the most powerful beings across the known multiverse, and significant power boosts and life exstentions, pertaining to ghost, non-human, and liminal members.
Which brings me to my next topic of discussion; Liminality!
Liminality is often referred to as the quality of something being in between two stages or states, and in this context, the stages between being a non-ectoplasmic and a fully ectoplasmic being.
With this definition stated, I can safely subscribe to the whole 'Liminality is a spectrum' theory, With one extreme end being a non-ectoplasmic being ( Using humans as an example here) and the other extreme end being pure ghosts.
Normal humans tend to fall in between the ranges of 0 to 9%, where ectoplasmic contamination is considered negligible compared to their main biological makeup, and this has little to no effect on them.
Humans that live in areas of low and/or mainly impure ectoplasmic densities, such as Gothomites, are typically within the 10-18% range of liminality. At this range, people have started to exhibit visible signs, such as increased strength above the norm and increased resilience to substances and actions that would harm the a typically normal person. Of course Gotham in itself is a slight exception because you have liminals harming other liminals within the same or even lower range, so it functions on a level comparatively  like that of a normal city.
Adults that have been exposed to larger and/or purer densities of ectoplasm for long amounts of time typically fall into the 19-29% range. At this range they experience significant boosts in natural abilities, develop better resistances on a much larger scale, and develop slight physical changes, such as eyesight better than 20/20 vision and bigger and better physiques, and longer lifespans of up to 500 years. The changes are slight as they happen with individuals that are farther past their developmental years. This is also when people start to give off detectable traces of an ectoplasmic signature.
Individuals ranging from child aged to young adulthood in areas of high density and/or increasingly pure ectoplasm will typically fall within 30-45% liminality, with the younger and longer the exposure of the more pure and intense ectoplasm the higher the percentage would be. They begin to have significantly defined ghost abilities at this stage and have developed significant non human features at this stage, such as slited eyes, claws, fangs, non human physiques and features, etc. They also have incredibly long lifespans at this range, with the potential to live up to 3000 years in the mortal world. Jazz, Sam and Tucker are the three most liminal beings in Amity Park, due to their close proximity to purer sources of ectoplasm. Jazz has 44% ectoplasmic make up, while Sam and Tucker have about 46% ectoplasmic make up. They have strongly defined ectosignatures at this range, and are almost guaranteed ghosthood.
Next up are halfas, incredibly rare occurrences as most people cannot handle further levels of ectoplasmic exposure and just straight up die. They are beings that permanently have one foot in death and the other foot in life. Vlad is an Imperfect halfa at 48% liminality, Danny is a Perfect halfa, evenly split at 50%. Dani (Ellie or Danielle for future references) is slightly more ghost at 52%, and Dan (short for Dante) is more ghost than human at 63% (still has a human form though.) For future references, Ellie and Dan have been adopted by Danny's parents, both ghost and human, so when i refer to Danny's siblings i'm talking about all three of them.
Liminality may also occur in other non human species, though it might be more common or rare and the percentages may vary depending on the species and how ectoplasim affects their biological makeup.
But Jay, you might be asking, while this is fun and all, why bring up ghost harems and liminality? Well, my dear readers, if you have lasted this long into my rant you know exactly where i'm going with this!
Or you don't. But not to worry, i'll explain either way.
I present to you the dumb AU idea that had to have a stupidly long post to get to; Ghost King Danny AU with his entire class as his Harem.
So this is a Town-wide reveal gone right AU. After Danny defeats Pariah Dark, everyone in town knows who he is and accepts him, his parents stop trying to hunt ghosts and focus on researching about them instead. Danny goes back to his school life and hashes out any beef he had with anyone, settles any unrequited feelings and basically becomes friends with everyone. Even the A-listers are on good terms with him, any resulting violence between them the unserious kind with no bite to it that happens between friends. His rouges are at peace (or what counts as peaceful between a culturally violent race such as ghosts) and are practically part of the town. Clockwork informs him of the rules by conquest and as recognized both by the Zone and by law he is now Heir Apparent to the Throne of the Infinite Realms. It's hard at first, dealing with school and Realm matters/education, but with the support from his family and friends, he makes due.
As time goes on, Danny grows closer and closer to people. Sam and Tucker are the first and he falls in love with them hard. They fit into the empty slot of his core that he didn't know he had like snug, warm gloves on his hands on a cold winters day.
Paulina, Valerie, and Dash are next, basically becoming his queer platonic soulmates. He also holds the other former A-listers in high esteem, but not as much as those three.
Wes has become Danny's bestfriend and rival, taking up the previous spots Sam and Tucker had when they were still 14. They have video game wars and egg each other on in the best ways possible.
The rest of Danny's class are also good friends of his. He holds them all close to his heart as his most trusted confidants, and so shows them as such.
He looks through Pariah Dark's castle--now his through his conquest inheritance-- and finds what he's looking for; gems that represent all who he loves and how much they mean to him. With the help of some ghost craftsmen, he makes all of their gifts with their own personal touch, and infuses them with shards of the pure essence of his ectoplasm.
He gifts Sam and Tucker first; they each get a necklace, and later rings that he uses to propose to them. Valerie, Dash and Paulina are next, each of them getting a kick out of their matching earrings. Wes get's a choker with the centerpiece shaped like a spade, which to Danny's confusion and slight fear he cackles madly at, but never takes it off. The rest of his class all get various other crafted jewellery or trinkets that would best define them. Life is good.
Until it becomes a lot more complicated.
Shortly after he had given the last of his classmates their gifts, while he was enjoying breakfast with his beloveds, Danny was suddenly bombarded with the several angry yelling voices of the Observants invading his kitchen, accompanied by a wary looking Clockwork, demanding to know why he would overlook them on the most basic of procedures; that they were offended that he didn't even consult them before he made his decisions!
"What decisions?" Danny asked, confused and a little annoyed that his peaceful morning was interrupted by the giant eyeballs.
"The decision on your spouses!" One of them frustratedly yelled at him. Danny's face instantly darkened; he did not like the implications of those words. He rose from his seat, anger rising.
"Now listen here, you wannabe Jonathan Sims! Sam and Tucker are literally the best thing that happened to me! I'd never need your approval to marry them! And even if i did i--"
"Not those two, Phantom! Your heart and your Core ring true even as you say their names. The Daughter of The Wilds and The Pharaoh are the perfect matches to be your Queens, no one is denying you that." Another one of them interrupts Danny's rant. He immediately stops, relief washing over him at the observant's words.
"No, we are here to demand explanation on your other spouses. Your Consorts and your Concubines. Honestly, it's all just one big mess! We know nothing of whomst you have chosen, not their social standing nor their power levels, we do not even know which is which amongst the whole lot! How did you even get Concubines with no Consorts to approve of them!?!?" The former one demanded, and the others made noises of approval. The trio at the table looked at the Observants with varying degrees of confusion. Tucker was the first one to speak up.
"Erm, sorry, but what other spouses?"
It was at this point that Clockwork had decided to intervene. He managed to get the Observants to back down and retreat back into the Ghost Zone, then he sat the trio down, along with his siblings and parents, and explained the situation to them. All those gifts Danny gave his friends? They were engagement gifts. Not regular gifts, not even courting gifts. As they were personally crafted by the King himself and literally contain a part of him, no matter the intent given to them they were sacred and special enough to be considered him basically asking for their hands in marriage. And all of them accepted. The engagements can't be annulled, as they were all approved of by the Zone itself and so are binding in all planes of existence. All that's left now is to sort out who's who, gain approval from their various guardians, and plan the ceremonies in tandem with his coronation.
Danny is, understandably, freaking out. Not only because he literally accidentally got engaged to his entire class but that he has to explain it to them. Clockwork could only comfort him and reassure him that the sooner he told everyone the better for all of them in all time lines. He could only sigh.
So, he called everyone and planned a class-wide hangout at a nearby park. Everyone came, all of them laughing, talking, having a good time, and wearing the gifts that Danny had given him. It pained him to see that something they would have cherished so deeply would cause them grief. But with reassuring squeezes from his fiances, he took a deep breath and explained the situation to them.
Their reactions were...far better than he expected them to be. Sure, some of them were upset, they were either dating outside of the class or would have a hard time finding romance once they learned that they had been unknowingly engaged. But after the initial shock wore off, several people were ok with it, as they were either dating within the class and were at least assured that they could stay together this way, or they weren't really hopeful on finding love outside the town due to their liminality, and this ensured their future. Dash pulled him into a hug, reassuring him that he wasn't the worst person to be married too, and that they would be fine. Danny sobbed into his shoulders in relief. Things were going to be OK.
Until they weren't.
See, the GIW were absolutely furious with the Fentons sudden lack of cooperation at first, then outright baffled when they changed from ghost hunters to ecto-entity researchers. They were very suspicious indeed, and kept a closer eye on the town. Then they noticed things. First, it was the new influx of ghostlly inhabitants in the town. Then, they noticed that it took a long time for anyone to age. Almost 50 years of observation had passed, and all the middle aged adults had barely grown in one wrinkle. They also noticed that all the children that grew up would practically stop aging once they reached their 20s, and the kicker was when they started to develop powers and inhumane features. Clockwork had warned Danny about the impending attack and gave him the best solution; move the entirety of Amity Park to the Ghost Zone. It was no easy feat, but Danny with the collective efforts of his parents and several other powerful ghost entities successfully moved Amity Park to the Ghost Zone and destroyed the portals in that dimension. Once they were moved, things progressed really quickly. Several people grew into their liminality in the ectoplasmic dense environment and many things were discovered and moves made.
Danny, Sam and Tucker all began training to take up their full duties once they come of age. Paulina became a dragonoid, and trained her dragon powers with Dora. Dash turned out to be a Changling, and caught the attention of the Fae King Obridon, who adopted him and made him a member of their court. It was discovered that Kwan was a rare male Kumiho, with his grandmother being an especially powerful spirit amongst the East Asian spirits, and was acknowledged and taken into his household as a proper member. Wes had loudly proclaimed himself to be Danny's Kismesis (YES I SAID IT), much to the confusion of many ghosts and the embarrassment of a few others. Once it was explained exactly what a kismesis was, Fright Knight was so delighted by the proclamation that he immediately took him under his wing. After all no rival and right hand of the King could be as lacking in fighting ability as he. Valerie also received training under Fright Knight as one of his commanders. Amity was firmly established as pert of the King's personal Haunt and lair, and became a noble land. Engagements were all documented, finalized and sealed.
Once they all came of age, Danny was crowned King of the Infinite Realms. His wedding ceremony was held soon after, and all his spouses had their positions secure and established. His Court had been formed, consisting of his Family, his Harem, his Haunt and his most trusted allies.
Harem members:
Queens: Sam and Tucker (yay everlasting trio!)
Consorts: Paulina, Dash, Valerie, Kwan, Star, Wes
Concubines: All his other classmates
Now this was supposed to be a DC x DP au specifically, but unfortunately i don't know enough about DC to write something extensively regarding it. However, here are some fun prompts i thought of;
His Consorts (i like to think Paulina and Dash) Visit the DC universe for diplomatic ties and the meeting happens in Gotham
One of Batman's children catches the eye of one of his consorts (or other court member!) and they want his permission to bring them into the Harem/Marry them into the court
Child adoption bcs that's always fun
Incredibly powerful members of the Harem/Court visit their earth and cause chaos unknowingly, etc, etc.
Alternatively you can make it it's own thing with other characters/fandom crossovers! If you decide to take this and write or make something with it, please tag me! I want to read it all!
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darkficsyouneveraskedfor · 10 months ago
the girl next door 7
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
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Your body is stiff. You blame your late-night drawing session hunched over the folding table. You feel it in your neck and shoulder. You sit up and groan, rubbing your muscles as you try to loosen the knots. You roll your arms as you stand up, yawning as you rub your eyes. 
A dewy breeze flows in. The air feels like rain but the density has yet to break. You remember vaguely in the middle of the night cracking the window to cool off, your room stagnant and stale. 
You near the window in your baggy shirt, dampened slightly with your sweat. It’s caught under your chest as you bulge against the fabric. You pull it free as you stand in front of the pane and blanch as you see movement on the other side. Shoot. 
Your eyes meet Steve’s as he closes the window across from yours. He can feel the approaching storm too. He smiles and gives a two-fingered wave. You lift your hand weakly, barely extending your fingers before you tug shut the curtains. How much did he see? How much could he see? 
You go out to get the day started. The overhead light of kitchen blares yellow across the space and you put the coffee pot on to brew. As you wait, you tidy the table, once more cluttered with your mother’s forgotten distractions. The crossword book, several pens, a home magazine, and several wrappers. 
You slow the pour of coffee into your mug as you hear your mom’s bedroom door. You stare at the doorway until she appears. She limps to the table and sits heavily. You put the cup before her and grab another for yourself. She mutters and leans her head in her hand. She was home late last night. 
You go to grab her inhaler from the bathroom. Once more, it’s missing. You return and find it on the counter hidden beside a used plate. It's only then you notice the blackened frozen fries on the cookie sheet. What the heck? 
“Ugh, that man,” she croaks, letting it roll into a laugh, “he convinced me to have a little wine after the milkshake.” You put her inhaler in front of her. She raises her head and scowls. She rubs the furrow between her brows. “And then another. And another.” 
You don’t even remember her getting home. You were up until one in the morning drawing. She must have been much later. How hadn’t you heard her make all this mess? 
You sip your coffee around cleaning up. You wash the glass from the milkshake Steve brought over and set it aside. Your mother hacks and clears her throat. 
“Mm, he’s too nice,” she mutters, “told him you didn’t need that. Too much sugar. You don’t even like strawberry.” 
You hide your frown. You like strawberry. You’re not sure why she thinks otherwise. She’s never really asked. 
“I’ll bring the glass back--” 
“You remember your manners,” she girds before she hums into her coffee cup. She gulps through her wet lips noisily. “I don’t need you ruining this.” 
“I will, mom.” 
“Ugh,” she stands up with a groan, “I need my chair.” 
Her hand trembles and the cup with it. She spills a little over the sides but doesn’t pay attention to it. You dump the tray of burnt fries and put it in the sink. You just cleaned this place top to bottom. You don’t think you’re that messy but it’s always a disaster. 
You clean the rest of the dishes and put them away. Your mom hollers for more coffee and you bring the pot with you to refill her cup. She leans it on her chest and closes her eyes. 
“I’m going to take the glass back now, I guess.” 
“Mph, do whatever,” she utters irritably. 
You trod back to your room and change into real clothes; straight-legged jeans and a stripped jersey tee. You just want to get this over with. It’s so awkward. You would rather your mom just take it back the next time she goes over but she’s in rough shape. It must be the alcohol. She’s not really supposed to have any. 
You grab the glass and put on your shoes. As you come out, there’s a speckling of rain falling from the sky. You go up the walk and around the sidewalk, coming back down the pavement squares to Steve’s porch. You stop and look up at his front door. You climb the steps and drag your feet to the door. 
You tap the bell. It’s one of those ones with the camera built-in. You feel overly conscious as you stand before the lens. The door opens before you can prepare yourself. 
“Hey, sweetie,” Steve greets, “how are you?” 
“Erm. Okay. Here.” 
You hold out the glass. He doesn’t take it. He leans on the doorframe and smile. 
“Crummy day, huh? Supposed to thunderstorm soon,” he comments, “too bad, I was really wanting to get that pool going.” 
“Mm, yeah,” you keep the glass raised before you. 
“Oh well, guess I’ll have to figure out what to do all pent up. Maybe a movie night? With all this moving, I’m way behind.” 
You look at his chest, staring at the short-sleeved button up with chagrin. What is he talking about? Why is he talking so much? 
“You got any suggestions? You youngins always know what’s hip,” he shakes his head and laughs, “sorry, I sound old, don’t I?” 
“No,” you answer dully. 
“No what? No suggestions or no I don’t sound old?” He challenges. 
Your eyes go round and you look him in the face. “I don’t know.” 
“I’m teasing--” 
“Here,” you wiggle the glass at him. 
He takes it, his fingers brushing against yours. You let it go and recoil. You bare your teeth strangely and back away, “thanks, er. Bye.” 
You turn and cringe at the grey sky. You trudge off the porch and cut across the lawn, too mortified not to trod over his grass. You clamber up the front steps and quickly shut yourself inside the house. You hiss at yourself as you press your back to the door. 
“Don’t slam the goddamn door,” your mother sneers, “Jesus. No wonder this place is falling apart.” 
It’s one of those days where you’re just sad. You can’t pinpoint why. It’s just a vague malaise that won’t leave. Even as the sun beams and deepens to a soft evening hue, you can’t see a light among the dark. 
You don’t know how long you’ve been like that. Under your covers, crying for no good reason. It just hurts to be. You keep your arm folded over your pounding head. You just want to sleep and yet you can’t cross the barrier into unconscious. 
You give up and roll onto your back, pulling the blanket to your waist. You exhale and stare up at the ceiling. You’re head swims from the deluge of tears. You sop them up with the sheet and sit up. Your head is full and throbbing. 
You get up, bleary-eyed, and muddle your way through reality. You pull open your door and find the bathroom on instinct alone. You shut yourself in and blow your nose. The effort has you even more dizzy. You shake your head, trying to clear out the fog, and turn on the cold water. You throw it across your face, holding a wet palm to your forehead to try to ease the tension. 
Your ears tickle with a strange noise. A low drone. Like bass on the front television. Now and again, your mom will amp up the TV but it’s unexpectedly loud. You twist off the faucet and stand straight. You dry off and head back into the hall, peering down at the shifting light glaring from the living room doorway. 
“Woahhh,” the voice catches you unaware as someone collides with you from behind in the dim hallway. You stumble and turn to face Steve as popcorn scatters onto the floor, tumbling over the brim of the bowl. The smell tugs at your stomach, “sorry sweetie, I didn’t see you there.” 
You look at his silhouette, unable to make out any of his features. You didn’t even know he was there. Your mother didn’t even warn you. You suspect that may have been purposeful. 
“Sorry,” you back up, “didn’t mean... to get in the way.” 
You turn and shuffle back to your room. He follows, “your mom said you weren’t feeling good. Hope you get better soon, but if you’re interested, we’re watching a movie.” 
Your bedroom door is wide open. If you’d known, you would’ve been sure to shut it tight. 
“No, thank you,” you grab the handle and slowly shift the door behind you. 
“No problem,” he calls after you, “offer stands if you change your mind.” 
You click the door shut gently and stay on the other side, listening for his footsteps. He lingers, a bit too long, and it’s only as he walks away that you go back to your bed. There’s something strange about him. Or maybe it’s just you. 
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highonmarvel · 1 year ago
Bucky Barnes: You find out your boyfriend’s into photography. 18+!
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content warnings here!
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You had dated Bucky for a few weeks now, but you had never been to his place.
“Bucky?” you call as you rap your knuckles against the wood, pressing your ear to the door to hear for his approaching footsteps, but after a few moments, they don’t sound. You try your luck at pushing down on the door handle, to find it’s unlocked.
“Bucky?” you call again, peeping your head into his home. The lights are on, and he said he would be home around this time—he would’ve called you if he changed things—so you guess he’s just busy with something else.
You call his name again as you close the door behind you and take a few steps in. The front door opens right into the living room, where some pictures are scattered on the far wall. You tilt your head at them as you drop your bag, taking slow steps to study the art.
You gasp at what you see; dozens of photos of you, that you have no idea how he got. Polaroids of you leaving work, buying groceries, having lunch, cleaning your home, even sleeping cover the wall in such density you can hardly see the white paint that lies beneath it. Everyday activities you can think of you do unconsciously, he has got to have at least five of them, all on different days.
You take a step back and squeal as your back hits something, but a cold, metal hand is over your mouth before you can scream and an arm is snaked around your waist before you can run. Holding you tight against him, Bucky kisses your temple, and then leans down to press his lips to the shell of your ear.
“You’re captivating,” he says, voice low and words spoken slowly and deliberately, falling as near-whispers to your ears, “But I can’t help but feel like you get a little shy around me, sometimes, and I don’t like that, when you act coy. So I do this,” he moves his hand from your mouth and gestures to his collage in front of you, “So I can learn about you.”
That’s how he knew all those things. Bucky had bought you a stack of novels, four of which you had been eyeing and one of which you hadn’t but had ended up adoring, but you’d never told him the kinds of books you liked, in fact, you couldn’t remember ever discussing reading with him, or ever reading in front of him, not once could you recall even holding a book in his presence. You were drawn to Bucky because he’s a great listener, but how could he know what to look out for if you’d never said it? You brushed it off, guessed that maybe the shows you watched together hinted at your taste in literature, maybe he had seen some books when he had been over to your place, or maybe just the way you spoke about life taught him what you’d look for, but still, four out of five? It seemed way too much to just be organic.
Other ways were more subtle, how he’d know just the right question to ask to get you to continue your story, how he had noted when you walked on the right side of the stairs, you tended to trip because they were slightly uneven (something you had never taken note of despite years of living in your flat), how, whenever you ate ice cream at your place, he knew exactly which spoon to give you, among others, all little things you didn’t think much of—he’s a good listener, that or he just got lucky—but, no, it was too good to be true.
“I’ve seen it all, but the one thing I’ve never seen…”
He holds you tighter still against him as his left hand reaches into his pocket. He raises it back and you hear the skint of a knife as a cold blade floats just a hair away from your throat.
“… is you bleed.”
You take in a sharp breath of air as you clutch his wrists, your right hand circling his hold around your waist and your left grasping at his vibranium hand to try to pull it away, but it doesn’t even seem he feels your efforts, let alone is affected by them.
He presses the tip of the knife against your chin, just enough to make you raise it so he can plant a soft kiss to your neck. He twists the knife and traces the flat of it along your jaw, then down the side of your neck, across your shoulder. He turns the blade to slice through the thin strap of your top, letting the string fall aside. He flips the knife closed and tucks it back into his pocket.
Slowly, he turns you to face him, your terrified gaze meeting his curious blue eyes. He studies you for a moment, then plants a kiss to your forehead and reaches to the coffee table to grab a camera. He takes a few steps back and raises it to his eye, squinting as he points the lens your way. You’re paralysed in the moment, just as you’re frozen in all the photographs behind you.
There’s a flash and a slip slides out of the slot at the front. He pulls it out and holds it between two fingers, shaking it a few times to reveal the picture. He smiles lovingly at it, like adoring the sweetest art, before flipping it to show you. Your petrified stare looks back at you, paralysed in time as you are, a few tears staining your cheeks that you hadn’t even realised had spilt.
He sets the equipment and polaroid aside before taking a step towards you; you take a step back and he stops moving, holding his hands up, palms exposed, to shoulder-level, like trying to appear friendly to a wild animal.
“Calm down,” he coos, taking very slow and small step towards you as you begin to tremble slightly. Despite his careful movements, he’s near right up against you before you realise it. He places his hands on your shoulders and moves to stand behind you, and you can do nothing but let him steer you to an armchair, your body in shock and refusing to respond.
He kneels down in front of you and smiles, brilliant white teeth nearly setting you at ease before he once again pulls out his knife and spreads your legs slightly.
He ghosts the blade over your exposed thigh, never touching, but so close you can feel the coolness radiating onto your increasingly warm skin. You grip the armrests, body growing rigid as you strain to feel for when he’ll cut you. When he does, the knife is so sharp it doesn’t even hurt as he draws a line from the middle of your inner thigh to just before your knee. You watch in horror as crimson drips and runs down to the leather of the chair, running slowly but enough to form a very small pool.
“You know you’re soaked right now,” he murmurs, maybe more to himself to you, and you snap your head away from your blood to him, but he’s focused on your crotch. He slowly turns the knife to run the handle down your slit, and you writhe and whimper at the single motion. Everything you’ve done since you’ve arrived—first your inaction and now your unconscious response to him—proves, your body could never deny him.
“Bucky…” you breathe, his name nearly coming out as a whine, maybe a plea, but for what, you aren’t sure. Bucky, though, doesn’t seem to have that problem.
He leans down and presses a kiss to your bleeding thigh before looking up at you with red lips, “I can help you out, alright?” he promises, dipping his head to leave another kiss as he slowly runs the handle of his knife up and down over your slit, still above your shorts, and you grind against it, needing more, “Just let me take some pictures…”
[taglist; @cjand10]
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gilded-sunrays · 4 months ago
How fast is Yoriichi Tsugikuni? || Calculating his minimum speed
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Yoriichi Tsugikuni is regarded as the most powerful character in Demon Slayer, with him being able to rival and overpower the demon king himself, Muzan Kibutsuji. He is renowned for his exceptional speed and agility; however, the true extent of his speed remains uncertain due to the lack of comparable benchmarks. 
Therefore, today I will make an effort to clarify some of the confusion by applying some of my knowledge to estimate the average speed of this character. From here, you are free to interpret and use this information as you see fit. 
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⨳ Muzan's Explosion: Detonation or Deflagration?
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To begin, let us examine this image. If we want to determine Yoriichi's speed, then we obviously have to know the relative speed of some other body that we can compare it with. In this case, we will consider Muzan's explosion. [Not using NLM or COLM as it doesn't consider the huge amount of force being exerted]
In an explosion, an internal impulse (force per unit time) acts in order to propel the parts of a given mass into many fragments in different directions. After the explosion, the individual parts of the system have momentum. Obviously, if a body has momentum, it would mean it has a velocity as well, as momentum (p) ∝ v. 
Explosions can be further classified into detonations and delafegations:
[Defragrations: Energy released is in the form of heat like in a flash fire. It requires fuel an external oxidizing agent, rely on the external pressure and are considerably more stable.] [Detonations: Energy is released in the form of high pressure (force). Does not require a fuel and doesn't depend on the external pressure, and involves chemicaly unstable molecules, which instantaneously split that recombine into different products.]
[Defragrations VS Detonations] You can refer to this link for more information. However, to keep this post concise, I will outline a straightforward distinction between the two
⇒ Muzan's explosion is more likely that of a Detonation, rather than a deflagration.
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⨳ Muzan's Detonating Speed:
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Detonation velocity depends on a number of factors, such as density, it's state, charge diameter and temperature. For solids and liquids, these velocities usually range from 4000 m/s-10300 m/s. Muzan's density is likely similar to that of a human, around 1000 kg/m³ or 1g/cm³. .. Let's compare this density to that of regular explosives:
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link here
Although, we can see the closest explosives to Muzan's density are 1.___ ones. However, we can also see even then these velocities aren't propotional to their ascending order of densities, but it does give us some insight.
Though, we cannot determine his charge diameter and temperature [although his flesh appears very red]. Plus, there also seems to be one compound in the given table [ansu] which only has a detonation velocity of a mere 3400m/s. So.. it is very difficult to make assumptions here. So to remain neutral, we will just use the lowest speed value, ie 4000 m/s.
⇒ Hence, we can safely conclude, that muzan likely detonates with the minimum speed of 4000m/s.
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⨳ Yoriichi's Attack Range and the Time Needed For Him to Cut All the Peices of Muzan
To evaluate Yoriichi's speed, we will first calculate the total time it would take for him to react and effectively cut all of Muzan's pieces [excluding the 300 pieces, which we will discuss later] before he has the chance to escape.  
So for that, first, we need to determine Yoriichi's attack range by measuring his arm length. Instead of making an estimation using measurements of an average male arm, I decided to accurately measure this out myself:
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We know Yoriichi is approximately 6.3 feet tall, which is about 2.6 times the length of his arms. Based on this, we can conclude his arm to be around 73.07 cm. (190/2.6) + sword length (we'll take the average of 65 cm)   
ie = 1.381 m So, the maximum time needed for him to cut down muzan would be: ∴ 1.381 ÷ 4000
⇒ ~0.000345 seconds
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⨳ Distance Covered By Yoriichi:
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 [I think if you know a bit about physics, you might see where I'm headed.] We know that speed = distance/time. We have already determined the time, and now we need to find the distance to calculate the speed. How can we do that? We can begin by figuring out the total distance Yoriichi's arms cover while swinging the sword:
 To do this, let's refer to the image above. If we examine it closely, we can see that Yoriichi creates arcs with his sword, forming almost a complete circle
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Please excuse my silly drawing, but this is my idea of the sword arc. I imagine it as two-thirds of a circle instead of a semi-circle.     
To find the arc length, we will use 2πr × 2/3 Radius: Yoriichi's arms and sword  ∴ 2 × 22/7 × 1.381 × 2/3
= 5.786 m is the length of each slash
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⨳ How Many Slashes Did Yoriichi Make?
To finalise, we will check how many slashes he made to cut muzan. Clearly, he wasn't making just one slash for each cut, as that would be very impractical. So, let's see how much work he is doing here: 
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Once again, in the image above, we can see that he cuts multiple pieces of Muzan with each slash. On average, let's say he cuts about 2.5 pieces per slash. The picture shows him cutting 4 pieces with one slash and only 1 with another, with one piece just hovering, so the average:
(4 + 1) ÷ 2 = 2.5.  
Now, he also mentions that he cut around 1500 pieces of Muzan, so we can divide to find the total number of slashes he made. That is:
1500 ÷ 2.5
⇒ ie; He made 600 slashes during that time. 
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⨳ Yoriichi's Average Striking Speed
Finally, for the moment we all have been waiting for. The speed by which Yoriichi is moving his arms would be: 
n(number of slashes)×distance covered by Yoriichi/max. time frame  = (600×5.786)/0.000345
~10,062,608.696 m/s
For Comparison: this is about 29,337 times faster than sound. ▪︎Have you guys ever played fruit ninja before? If you have, just picture Yoriichi taking on that game in real life; Number of slashes/frequency [1/T]= striking speed/ distance covered (gonna take 1/3 of the circumference of his slashes) Ie n= 10,062,608.696 ÷ (1/3 × 2 × 3.141 × 5.786) ∴ Slashes per second= ~ 831,361 So, if you were to toss about 8 hundred and 31 thousand fruits into the air, Yoriichi would be able to slice through them all in just one second! Meanwhile, I’m here taking like two entire minutes to chop an apple.
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⨳ Yoriichi's Average Running Speed
So we have found out Yoriichi's striking speed; however, that doesn't tell us anything about how fast he can run. Since we're already looking into Yoriichi's speed, why not find out about his running speed as well? 
"In an average person, the legs are able to push roughly four times as much weight as the arms can pull. What's more, the legs have an even better advantage when it comes to endurance." 
Although there is no relationship between strength and speed, let us just try finding it ourselves.  
 Fleg-mg= ma (force exerted to lift your leg. Could have used the work formula, but then I realised that you're probably not doing any work when it's your own body. The same could be said for the force, however. Though this is an idealised situation and it really doesn't matter because:) ∴ Fleg∝a a∝v Let force required to push your arm be be f⁰ & leg be f Since f⁰ and f = 1:4 => f⁰/f=v⁰/v = v⁰/v= 1:4
This would mean the legs must also be 4 times faster than the arms.
Ie: 10,062,608.696 m/s ×4
= 40,250,434.784 m/s
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For comparison: The speed of light, 299,792,458 m/s is only about 7× faster than Yoriichi's running speed. ▪︎If Yoriichi were to complete a journey around the entire Earth, traversing its full circumference, the time required for this would be: Earth's circumference: 40,075,000 meters Calculation: 40,075,000 ÷ 40,250,434.784 = 0.996 seconds [Wow.. now that's fast o-o] So imagine, if you ever find yourself missing a flight and in desperate need to get somewhere, all you have to do is call Yoriichi. He’ll have you zooming off faster than you can say “I missed my flight"!
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poor muzan..
-> The distance between two countries [say, Japan to brazil] would be about 17,371 km (pretty sure it's not the road distance, so lets just just imagine Yoriichi can run on water) Time=d/s = 17371000/40,250,434.784 ...0.4 seconds to reach there.
▪︎But instead of a circumference; what about him covering the entire surface area of the earth? [not the area, but the entire outer surface, covering eacg and every path possible. Just visualize unfolding the entire earth into a flat ground.] So: 4πr² [csa/tsa] =4×3.141×6,371,000× 6,371,000 =509,805,890,960,000 m So the time: 509,805,890,960,000/40,250,434.784 12,665,848.050 seconds Which is about 3,518 hours Which is about 4 months I know now this looks kind of slow, but trust me- this is extremely fast. This pace equates to covering the entire circumference of the Earth approximately 29,348,102 times.. (29 million times)
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⨳ Final Thoughts:
A/N: I tried my best to keep this entire post simple and concise as possible. For some reason though, I still feel like it might be more technical than I intended. I’m not sure this post will get much attention because of that. It doesnt matter though, I really enjoyed putting all of this together. I truly hope it proves helpful to someone out there who might find this interesting.
And to anyone who made it till here, I thank you wholeheartedly!! You’re amazing for sticking with all this. And if you think that I may have made any mistakes, then feel free to correct me!
Leg Strength as a Limiting Factor, climbstrong Detonation velocity, wikipedia Table of explosive detonation velocities
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sirfrogsworth · 9 months ago
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No one hates Apple correctly.
This is a ridiculous accusation because I guess they are expecting Apple to... violate the laws of physics?
We have achieved very good energy density. And that allows for the miniaturization involved in creating something like wireless earbuds. But there is no such thing as an infinite battery. And any longer lasting design would have to use more expensive parts or be much bigger.
Also the current lifespan of pretty much all earbuds of this size is about 3 years. This has been mapped out. It isn't a secret. You can google it and it pops up in big bold letters.
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The better statistic is actually charge cycles. Years is really dicey because it depends on usage.
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If you want something that lasts longer, get headphones. But a short lifespan is the price you pay for such a small product. Perhaps Apple should be more upfront about the limitations of miniaturization, but they aren't actually trying to scam you or hide this information. It's not like they can make a cold fusion battery and are choosing not to.
Apple is actually one of the best at making technology products that last a long time... with one big caveat... as long as they don't need repairs. (Which is why they *actually* suck.)
They keep getting accused of planned obsolescence when they have been supporting their smartphones for pretty much as long as the hardware can run the software. Only last year have companies like Samsung and Google made similar promises.
But Apple refuses to do even the simplest things to make their devices more repairable. And in many cases they actually create hurdles for repairs like pairing parts together so you can't replace them from a donor device.
They have also been very bad at transparency. There is the classic story of Apple slowing down phones. And everybody thought they were trying to force people to buy new ones. In reality, they were actually trying to keep those devices from bricking. The batteries in the phones were too degraded to handle some of the newer software. And since they didn't want the bad press of phones suddenly dying, they slowed down phones. They were actually making the phones last *longer* but for some reason this gets used to make the opposite point.
All that was required was a battery swap. And they could have just told people, "Hey, we can either slow down your phone or you can get a new battery." But they tried to keep it quiet and so everyone drew the wrong conclusions.
They got rightfully sued for this, but it started this idea that they don't make long lasting products when they absolutely do—just within the limitations of physics.
So their sin was never planned obsolescence. It was repairability and transparency. Their closed ecosystem is also an issue, but that is a much more complicated discussion.
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pcttrailsidereader · 2 months ago
Oh Yes!?...Oh No!?
I can recall two among many images walking the Pacific Crest Trail. One of those is the vast clearcut landscape near Snoqualmie Pass back in 1981 and walking through miles and miles of burnt out forests in California in 2018 and 2019. Seeing these impacts in person have never left me. In the middle of that range of years the Forest Service put into place the Northwest Forest Plan. The plan was enacted in 1994 and included 24 million acres across federal land. The intent was to preserve mature and old-growth forests and protect species, including the marbled murrelet, salmon and the northern spotted owl.
The Biden administration has begun a process to update the plan. This update would address changes that include the loss of nearly 7% of protected old-growth forest within the plan area because of wildfire. The loss has eliminated gains of old growth that were achieved during the first 25 years of the plan.
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Existing Northwest Forest Plan area
The Forest Service wants to issue a final environmental impact statement (EIS) on the proposed amendments in 2025, under the imminent Trump administration. What the impact of that will be are not totally clear.
Wildfire in old growth forests is sure to increase due to climate change and a long history of fire suppression that has added to forest density and fuels throughout the plan area. The plan area impacts forests from the Canadian border south to just north of San Francisco...encompassing large parts of the PCT.
The public has until March 17 to comment on the Forest Services draft EIS on proposed amendments. Some potential positives in the draft amendments include long overdue tribal co-stewardship in implementing managment practices, along with other reforms to enhance the relationship between tribes and the national forests on their ancestral lands. Tribes were not consulted back in 1994 when the original NW Forest Plan was put into place.
The proposed changes would also greatly increase logging, burning and thinning within the national forests in the plan areas. For the past three decades trees 80-120 years old in national forests west of the Cascades within the plan area, including Olympic (not along the PCT), Mount Baker-Snoqualmie and Gifford Pinchot national forests have been off limits to logging. Under the proposed changes these areas would be open to logging for restoration and economic benefits to rural communities.
Within this expansive area are trees that are nearly 200 years old. These giants could also be logged for the purpose of ecological restoration. Trees older than 200 years would be off limits to logging in most circumstances.
Forests east of the Cascades in the plan area would also be open for burning, mechanical thinning and cutting for both restoration and to provide jobs for timber workers and mills. The volunteer federal advisory committee that included scientists, tribes, and academics had a goal in mind when they drafted the amendments. The amendments east and west of the Cascades are meant to create more economic opportunity for rural communities while making forests more resilient to increased fires frequency and severity of those fires.
Whether or not economics, fire/forest management are the key drivers in the proposed amendments is open to discussion. We know that fire is natural in forests. The goal of the amendment appears to also bring fire back where it has been suppressed and to tame risk by removing fuel where forest have gotten too dense. Differentiating between moist and dry forest types and young and old forests, with more logging recommended in younger and drier forests.
Ryan Talbot, Pacific Northwest conservation advocate for Wild Earth Guardians, suggests that fire is being used to justify more cutting. He says, "Fire is kind of being used a means to do more logging with a lot of code words like restoration and resiliency." Public meetings on the plan amendments outlined in the draft EIS begin in January. The Forest Service has published a calendar of meeting times and locations, links to webinars, tips on how to comment and a draft EIS (DEIS) document library in its most recent newsletter about the plan amendment.
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Your thoughts and feelings about the amendment are important. If you have walked anywhere in the west, including the PCT, you have witnessed the effects of logging and fire. With each hiking season on the PCT being more and more impacted by climate change and subsequent fires is reason enough to weigh in on the DEIS. We hope you will consider adding your voice. The images of vast clearcuts and greyed out acre upon acre of burnt forest land has never left my memory. For the short time we are here on the planet maybe we can influence the life of forests along the PCT long after we have hiked our last mile and taken our final breath leaving a thriving landscape for those coming behind us.
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