#discourse adjacent sorry
mirefireflies · 3 months
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i hate this account i’m sorry. duh he abused her so did louis so did armand and relationships can be complicated delainey herself said that claudia looked to lestat in this moment because he’s her father and she was scared.
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bumblebeedyke · 11 months
i dont caaaare if you dont like the word “queer.” thats your own personal thing. filter it if seeing it upsets you. but the MOMENT you tell me i cant call myself queer, the MOMENT you tell me i cannot call other queer people queer, you are out of line. if you dont use the label, i am not talking about you when i say “queer people”!!!!! you are not included in “queers” if you do not identify as queer!!!!! we will NOT be erasing the identity of myself and thousands of other people just because you dont like it.
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fourspiceblend · 2 months
Man I love Dimitri to death but it will always piss me off how he's allowed to heal during the actual story and become sympathetic to the audience once again while Rhea doesn't get the same privilege even though their stories are basically the same, everyone loves it when the young troubled man gets a redemption arc and gains back everything they lost but when it's an old hag whose trauma isn't easily digestible and who doesn't cry pathetically over being rejected by the player she doesn't get the same privilege and she either unceremoniously dies offscreen or her healing is relegated to an ending story blurb. I love how intsys treats women!!!
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lunaticamic · 6 months
“they clearly favour sainz” my man didn’t get the seat for 2025. why would they favour him??? “so he can go and have options for other top teams” (something i read with my fucking eyes on this hellsite) i don’t know how to explain it to you that ferrari doesn’t care😭 it’s not like they owe sainz something. he was faster and he went for the gap. y’all wouldn’t have survived f1 pre 2000
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dragonbornoflegend · 8 months
fuck everyone who says that halsin is a boring or underdeveloped character. the best interpretation of his tendency to only talk abt like 4 things and also be really sexy is that hes just dripping in autistic swag
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roger-paladino · 2 years
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vitrines · 1 year
every day i thank god that i wasn't on here to be annoying back in 2021
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devitalise · 2 years
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frogtrenchcoat · 2 months
i really cannot take seriously any argument along the lines of "transmascs have male privilege". like, okay, had you said trans men i would consider it quite the overgeneralization but it would be a thing that makes sense to say to an extent. but, transmascs? really? the group that extremely explicitly includes people that are not men? that extremely explicitly includes people that do not want to be seen as men? that extremely explicitly includes people that do not transition in ways that will make them be seen as men? really? we're being for real? we're having an honest discussion? we know what the words we're using mean?
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solidwater05 · 8 months
Here's a link: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GFcyHDkW0AA_SFm?format=jpg&name=900x900
It's from NGL
Mandatory 'don't harass anyone in this story' disclaimer
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[ID: An image with the header "send me anonymous messages!" and the text "do you know who this guy keter guy (@solidwater05) on Tumblr is? he's been shit talking you for some reason". /End ID]
Alright so. I talking about this with an acquaintance and she tracked down the tweet (link), so this is real
Now, I don't know this person, and I definitely didn't shit talk him or anyone else for that matter.
I have an idea of what's going on but I'm too tired to explain it. It's not really a big deal, just minor internet drama, so don't worry about it
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linuxbian · 1 year
The weird historical revisionism of framing the lesbian separation movement as being between lesbians and bi women instead of between the political "lesbians" and the weird dykes who actually wanted to have sex with women is well. Weird.
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rookflower · 29 days
alsooo on ivypool again, bc twitter is discoursing the "my child is deader than yours" line right now, I wanna clarify that that mindset is simultaneously an understandable and fairly realistic grief response adjacent to experiences that I'm sure a lot of real people have, while also being an objectively unfair and cruel thing to say to someone else. It's very in character and it's nuanced and I would love it for the drama if not for the fact that being unfair to dovewing is like, one of ivypool's biggest character traits and not one the series tends to keep her in check for literally ever. im seeing people say things like "logically here ivypool is totally correct though" or acting like this is some sort of epic own and im sorry im pretty sure you can acknowledge this one in-universe as a byproduct of grief that shouldn't be outright demonised and also as an interesting effect of what death and grief is like culturally within the warrior cats universe while also not actually defending it in any capacity or acting like dovewing deserves to just suck it up lol
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babyspacegay · 1 month
Armandaniel rec list
Hello freaks and freak-adjacent! I thought it might be a cool idea to put together a little rec list of IWTV fics that I feel could be a good intro/primer to the Devil's Minion pairing for people who are fans of the show and Armandaniel-curious.
Of course my preferences won't be universal (I'm not a major gore/heavy angst girlie), so feel free to reblog with your own recs ;)
Here's my two favorite post-Dubai fics, with what a lot of the fandom imagines happens with Armand's disappearance/Daniel's turning/book shenanigans:
you ate me right up (you spit me back out) by oceaniads (M, 6.6k)
In the aftermath of Louis and Armand’s explosive divorce, Daniel manages to leave the Dubai penthouse unscathed and very much human. Now, the only thing he has to worry about is releasing the damn book and stopping people from calling it fiction. It is not fiction. There’s also the matter of the vampire following him around America, because apparently he needs a bodyguard and Armand is the right guy for the job. That’s just something Daniel will have to roll with.
eighty proof and a lifetime by doztoevsky (M, 11k)
It’s just - anticlimactic. New York Times Bestselling Blue Balls of a conclusion to the Armand of it all. He can picture the pierced graduate students at his indie bookstore readings now; their dubious, unsatisfied frowns of so, what, he just sat there? And you just left?
Here's a Daniel character study that I just really like:
krapp’s last tape by zoop (E, 4.5k)
It’s 2022, he’s in Dubai, and Daniel Molloy’s life is flashing before his eyes. Mostly, he’s irritated by the goddamn cliché of it all. The indignity not only of dying, but of having the whole of his life laid bare, his memories to be perused at the leisure of the sick psychotic fuck currently pinning him to the floor.
And finally, my actual favorites, two incredibly formatted social media fics that are absolutely amazing and hilarious (and canon as far as I'm concerned):
bloodsucker, famefucker by brewrosemilk (T, 3.7k)
☁️✨ (@babymoonlight): i’m so sorry i ever made fun of you mr vampire lestat lesander de lioncourt i love u i hope louis kisses ur lil head and tucks you in under a blanket u deserve the world idc ama 🍣 (@lilsushiroll): he should still die imo vamp stan idc 🦷 (aloevampita): he’s already dead keep UP you look like an idiot someone already went nom nom on his neck centuries ago you’re too late
The Great Daniel Molloy Discourse of 2024/25 by Siria (T, 3.5k)
The internet has opinions about Daniel Molloy’s Interview with the Vampire (2024).
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trans-androgyne · 21 days
“It’s not about demographics but about the current way the trans community functions.”
I’m so tired. We’re just supposed deal with being the community’s punching bag until it gets bored and picks a different target? A community I can supposedly claim as mine? At this point I don’t know if I want to continue interacting with it.
Coming out was supposed to be a joyous thing. It was supposed to make things better. Instead it’s just this garbage. Forget people adjacent to me, if I can’t even count on my fellow trans men to have my back then what’s the fucking point? Might as well go back into closet. It’d be awful but I don’t see how this is any better.
I've been exactly where you are, and I'm so, so sorry. Encountering all this discourse and feeling hated, rejected, and invisible in my own community very very nearly caused me to detransition.
But I thoroughly believe I can promise you it will not be like this forever. And I don't think it will be a matter of getting bored and things going back to the way things were a few years ago. As painful as all this infighting is right now, it is stirring real, necessary conversation about transphobia. People who hold ideas like "manhood isn't an intersection" and "trans men don't experience misogyny" and "oppression only affects the primary targeted demographic" are being challenged. I didn't feel this way a year ago, but now I firmly believe that transandrophobia theory or at least something resembling it will be integrated into mainstream transfeminism, and the gendered oppression of trans men and mascs will be acknowledged. It will mean something to say someone is being transandrophobic, and it won't be okay to talk over and stereotype and make fun of/"punch up at" us.
I love the trans community, and I do it by choice. It doesn't feel like home for me right now the way I expected it to be when I came out. But I will make it a home, for me and for every single trans man and transmasc out there. We deserve recognition, we deserve space, we deserve a voice, we deserve resources, and we are going to get them. It's okay to disengage with the community for now if that's what you need. But I hope folks like myself will help make it somewhere folks like you feel comfortable and celebrated. Because trans manhood and transmasculinity should be celebrated; our identities are just as wonderful and radical as other trans people's. One day, likely sooner than you might think, other folks will recognize that too.
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gallus-rising · 10 months
hey so an OTW (aka the org that runs Ao3) volunteer has been kicked for having the phrase "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" in their Slack status [link 1] [link 2]
if i see a single person bring the Discourse™ into this (ie: oh so they let people post underage/r*pe/incest/etc but not this?) i will fucking turbo block you. idgaf what your stance is on Problematic fic is, if i see someone bring up that shit even in a jokey way you are gone. you are dead to me. this is not a gotcha moment. get off the internet for 2 seconds and realize that some things in life are more important than fanfic
message them [OTW contact form] [Ao3 feedback form] and do NOT bring up any fiction discourse or discourse adjacent bs. please stay focused on the actual problem at hand here
personally i'll be uploading my fics elsewhere until further notice (this includes new chapters to WiPs) and will keep up what i have up for the sake of people's bookmarks. EDIT: people have pointed out that choosing to not use Ao3 will likely not have an impact, they run off donations, not ads and user engagement. do not harasses anyone over whether or not they continue using the site, that's a personal choice. do message Ao3/OTW with your concerns, withdraw financial support and tell them why. do not just stop using the site and end things there. i made this post in a bit of a rage last night and overlooked those things, very sorry about that
i hate to beg like this, but i'd really appreciate rbs
(if you want to "debate" about Palestine with me, consider, instead of pissing both of us off, doing some basic researched)
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transmutationisms · 1 year
Would you be willing to talk a little more on what you mean about us society not really being an individualistic one, rather a massified one? I guess I interpreted that as being a comment on how people flippantly refer to a society such as the us as being individualistic but I guess greater scrutiny breaks that down when you realise the amount of struggle that comes from not meeting the status quo ideal (and being deemed useful), and that really the power of being an 'individual' is given only to a select few. But I find this interesting because a lot of my leftie friends (and I have also been guilty of this and not previously realised) will definitely be like oh the UK is a super individualistic society when we're maybe really trying to make a point about something else ... Anyway, am I barking up the right tree at all and do you have any wider thoughts on the difference between those two ideas (often conflated) you'd be happy to share? Is the idea of the individual still helpful in terms of understanding the mythos of the US and also the UK in using it as a powerful idea larping at meritocracy at least in contrast to actual senses of community...
oh this is just something that irritates me in a lot of left and left-adjacent discourse—the slippage from a correct observation that capitalism denies us a lot of social support and connection, to the unfounded and frankly reactionary assertion that it in some way values or respects individuality or individuals' autonomy. i think this plagues a lot of discussions of 'egotism' & so forth. in truth i don't think we're facing some kind of epidemic of self-centredness or 'narcissism' (lmao) or whatever—i think , again, it's an economic context that is structured around the construct of the individual, and that's alienating and harmful. but at the same time—and particularly since the increasing use of population management, social statistics, state medical authority &c from the 18th century onward—we are also in an economic context that treats the population as a mass to be controlled and surveilled (hence 'massifying'—sorry to borrow an ugly term from an ugly foucault translation) & it's unhelpful to characterise this as any kind of genuine attention to individuality or the autonomous ego. it is certainly true that esp neoliberal discourse relies on the invocation of the self-sufficient individual (talking esp here about the post reaganite/thatcherite US/UK) but it's overly credulous to extrapolate from this that like, austerity politics actually has any interest in protecting individual rights, desires, &c. actually the entire 'individual rights' paradigm is kind of irksome imo because it presents the 'right' as something calcified and possessed by the individual rather than a social relation arising from a social context—but even leaving this aside for a second, like, it is just not viable to argue that the US or UK (to take the obvious examples again) genuinely are protecting or valuing individuals in any way lmao. like, what part of cutting benefits, extending work hours, breaking labour power, &c does that? ultimately i don't usually find "individualism" a particularly helpful schema for political / economic analysis. i think it's often a confusion of a few different things: a purely rhetorical analysis of reactionary liberal claims; a response to alienation that should be analysed as materially grounded; an openly reactionary response to a perceived loss of power for social institutions like the church or the family, &c.
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