#discourse ?
vulturesawake · 3 days
Why are so many people convinced that "white, passing trans man in a liberal city surrounded by supportive family, peers, and medical professionals who is systemically equal to a cis man" is universally the only transmasculine experience in the entire world ever
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sals-sonic · 1 day
Reminder that AO3 is the profic (read as: in favor of fiction) website.
The fiction you hate will be there. The ships you hate will be there. The authors you hate will be there. The proshippers you hate who built the website will obviously always be there.
If you don't like that, either filter them out or leave. You can't be surprised to find proshippers in the website that was literally made by and for us.
No one is forcing you to read those fics or stay on the website. You want AO3 to start banning certain works? Why don't you try to make your own site and see how that turns out. Don't let the door hit you on the way out btw.
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talonsin · 3 days
being an anti feels like it'd be so exhausting how do y'all have the energy to spend so much time hating when you could do literally anything else
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profictionoverhaul · 2 days
Emojis Combos.
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Absolutely amazing that antis let literal emojis control their lives so much. I use emojis for fun bro (and to keep antis away), not to like tell everyone "hey I have mental health issues!" Or "hey I have an eating disorder!"
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ssseriema · 10 hours
going into streamer’s chats to ask about boundaries is weird enough but to ask it to someone’s face in vidcon… hm
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possumsarenice · 2 days
I’m gonna say it bluntly.
if this pisses you off then block me or I’ll block you myself 🖕❤️
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renchant · 10 hours
lifestealtwt: guys stop cooking up princetech yaoi its problematic and against minutetech boundaries
princezam running every single account that posts princetech:
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conarcoin · 2 days
i will never understand nazi fans of media like wolfenstein or youjo senki or hellsing its like. are these guys just braindead or what
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sammygender · 2 days
i have literally never seen a more incorrect post. who are you
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reachartwork · 2 days
Could you define what theft and plagiarism are, to make things clear for everyone? I always thought theft was taking things without asking, and plagiarism was not crediting your sources.
theft is "the taking of another person's personal property with the intent of depriving that person of the use of their property".
plagiarism is "the deliberate and knowing presentation of another person's original ideas or creative expressions as one's own".
ai art is very clearly and easily neither of these two things.
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were you touched as a kid? are you suffering from pyschosis?
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This doesn't hurt me, ✨
but it clearly shows you are not mature enough to engage with people online. This is not how you engage with people, period.
I am not going to condemn you for this because you're clearly a minor. You have time to change.
Leave the toxic groups you are in that fester this mindset. I don't know what they tell you, this is not okay.
Think about what you do or say before you speak. I am a person beyond the screen, I am not just my ideas, and you DON'T talk to a human being this way.
Educate yourself on the topics you want to talk about. And most importantly,
Listen to both sides of the argument, even from the people you fundamentally disagree with. And you will find that we are not the monsters they make proshippers out to be.
Do better, I know you can.
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pinkypastal · 2 days
"Sam is so awesome, but Firefly is so bland," they're literally the same person my guy
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danmei-confessions · 3 days
"Yeah it's really weird that anon tries to imply he's into underage girls when he's not."
He sees the brutal death of a girl and just thinks LBH won't be able to have a threesome with the sisters anymore. He calls NYY "loli" and when she grows up he gets nervous when she hugs him because all he can think about is that her boobs grew.
"'He wants to stick his dick on the female characters including NYY" bitch where????? Hello?????'"
Spending the whole plot sexualizing women, remembering every female character by the kind of sexual role she had with Luo Binghe, remembering that all beautiful women were out of his reach because they belong to Luo Binghe, and even textually in the first chapter he says that the only thing he worries about his transmigration is that he won't get a girlfriend, so hello???? did you read the novel or did all the headcanon you have made of Shen Yuan already distorted the real story?
"There's a justifiable fear of "taking someone away" from binghe as SY knows the WORST binghe is willing to do."
All the more reason he should stop sexualizing them even when they are minors and, in his particular case, real people. Because he's no longer a pidw reader, he's just another human being inside the story.
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I don’t care who you are, what your views or discourse stances are:
Do not steal or alter someones elses art.
Using or editing someone elses artwork without their permission is wrong, regardless how much you dislike or disagree with someone.
This ALSO goes for leaving peoples characters alone too.
I am incredibly tired of this idea of “reclaiming” someone elses characters and work just because you disagree, don’t like the person, or don’t like their stance on whatever discourse.
It makes you look like a shitty person and it says a lot about you if this is something you decide to do or think is right.
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Sincerely someone who already has had to deal with this bullshit from somebody because they didn’t agree with my stance on a subject and decided to steal and use my art.
I’m fucking tired!
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rubywolf0201 · 3 days
Sonic Paradox really is a nightmare for Amy, Cream, Big and Elise fans to suffer because more than often their shorts centered around “jokes” that should’ve died a long time ago.
No, Sonic Paradox, Elise didn’t like Sonic because of lustful reasons. She likes him because he was the one guy who made her feel like a normal girl and I certainly can’t blame her since all her life she was thrusted into huge loads of royal duty when she was a child no less! And surprise, Sonic likes her back and there were times it’s hinted that both parties see each other as more than friends.
Amy might be overbearing towards Sonic sometimes and certain media might have overexaggerate it to an obnoxious degree, but she would never do something as to tie Sonic down and force him to marry her since 1.) she’s a child 2.) there were times her so called marriage proposal was just a way to get Sonic flustered 3.) there is a lot more to Amy 4.) she’s designed to be the Minnie to Sonic’s Mickey so in some ways she mirrors most of Sonic’s traits like their love for adventures for example.
Big is not stupid, secretly sinister nor gross. He is just a simple guy who just chills around and goes fishing with Froggy and his friends. Also he, Amy and Cream are besties! (I know Team Rose shouldn’t be a static team but the initial friendship between those three just warms up my heart)
And I’m not to sure about Cream since she’s not mistreated in any form (tho that’s because the Cream-centered shorts are forgettable) but I hate it when she gets bad jokes aimed at her so that’s what I’m going to say really.
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machine-saint · 3 days
this post
in Disco Elysium I was expecting there to be some kind of “addiction mechanic” that would add a long-term downside to taking drugs, and was surprised not only by the absence of any such mechanic but also that the benefits of drugs greatly outweighed the cost. anyways fast forward to the late game and I was downing three bottles of pyrholidon and smoking an entire pack of cigarettes before attempting any check, and it was only then I realized there was in fact an addiction mechanic
never made sense to me because, like, many drugs in real life have negative consequences for long-term use besides "you get used to it". the long-term downside of having an alcohol addiction is not "you keep drinking alcohol but it's okay because you get +3 charisma" or whatever, the long-term downside is liver failure!
not to mention that if you're addicted you will want to use whatever drug even in cases where it is the absolute wrong thing to do. showing up to work intoxicated, that kind of thing.
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