#discord username petition
thesocklesswonder · 1 year
The Discord username change is even worse than we thought. Check out this article on reddit.
From the article:
"We were also informed that the team that pushed for usernames was very small and non-communicative with the larger Discord team as a whole to prevent staff gamifying the name system, and that the entire name program was relatively rushed to release with little notice. To quote them, "That group had a vision, and wanted to see it happen." [12:01 PM] "Update (05/20 10:53am PDT): A friend recently showed to me that Discord staff members are scooping up multiple vanity usernames. We were under the impression that they were only allowed to claim usernames on their staff accounts. Here is an example of a staff member taking steve on their staff account and taco on their personal account. You can validate this claim yourself by sending friend requests to these two users, then checking your Pending tab. This means that Discord is not only reserving names for staff, but they are actually unseating other users from their would-be reserved names, in order to give them to the personal accounts of staff members."
Here's a petition to sign if you want to let them know you hate this and want them to stop the name changes!
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cyadical · 1 year
Psst… Discord users… are you against the possible future username update? Please sign this petition to let our voices be heard!
There’s so much wrong with this possible change
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twistedapple · 10 months
@dmagedgoods the Reddit post promoting your petition is up!
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miinxpid · 1 year
♡ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*ᴀɴᴛɪ ᴘᴀʏᴡᴀʟʟ ᴄᴄ :・゚✧*:・゚✧ ♡
♡ Hello, I introduce myself ! First !♡
My name is Miinxpid ( formerly known as Cwunnie) in case you don't know me, I am a CC creator for the Sims 4. I want to tell you that in this publication I share with you all the websites and groups, such as Telegram, that share paywall CCs! If you have any questions or if you see that some cc is not there and I may have it, send me a message on discord: miinxpid that is! telling me who you are, for example: I'm clxdssims from tumblr!!
With this I want to tell you that I am a creator of personalized content but at the same time a simmer, a person who is a fan of the Sims saga who can spend days playing the video game 24 hours a day haha and buy game merch… I know there are people who creates cc for the video game and I love downloading and using his creations but what I can't tolerate is when certain people put custom content created for the game on paywalls and treat the sims as if it were their own creation
so…I welcome you to… this great post where I will share tips and pages where you can have paid CC because I am already tired of these people who treat the game as if it were theirs :D
♡ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*important :・゚✧*:・゚✧ ♡:
♡ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*Pages where you can find paid personalized content:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ♡
♡ Kemono Party
WARNING! : kemono party most of the posts are explicit content for adults on patreon about kemono party I want to tell you that they upload all the content on patreon you just have to search for the content creator you want and it will appear! (I don't know if all of them but the ones I look for are always there) I also advise you to use an ad blocker because all advertising is +18
♡ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*Telegram groups:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ♡:
♡ Purr_Sabbath
I recommend that you create a fake number for Telegram, you can always find tutorials on YouTube to do it
About dollhouse mafia I recommend you read the rules and ask about the booty channel
I recommend the blender escenarios if you usually render the sims for photos
♡ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*VK groups:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ♡:
♡ Sims Galaxy
♡ Dark Phoenix
I also recommend creating a fake number one in vk
♡ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*The End :・゚✧*:・゚✧ ♡:
I hope it has been useful to you and that you enjoy the paid cc! if you have any question! Don't forget to send me a message here or discord!
I will also update over time… if there is anything new....
Petition Change.org : Stop DMCA Abuse by CC Creators & Enforce EA's Terms of Use is by @farfallasims Link here: ♡ (clink in heart)
If I get deleted from Tumblr by these shitty paywall creators I want to thank you for all the support you have given me all these 2 years that I have been creating and please…can you share my recent cc and the old one (cwunnie) in simfileshare, google drive, mediafire WITHOUT ADS or take my username as miinxpid but add cc next to it that is: miinxpidcc
Share so that it reaches more people <3
♡ I love you very much and see you soon!! ♡
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ᴍɪɪɴxᴘɪᴅ <3
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qaos-system · 1 year
Discord is planning to remove discriminators (the numbers at the end of your username) from their platform
This is a terrible idea for a number of reasons, but I'll let someone else do the talking here for me (transcript in the alt text).
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There's a petition aimed at Discord with the intent to make them reconsider this change, which I would like to think might do something.
There is also a post on Discord's feedback forum that is linked in the petition, but I'll also link it in this post so it's easier for people to access. You need to make an account for the forum in order to vote or comment on the post, signing in with your Discord account won't work. This isn't ideal, I know, but it's how the forum works.
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3ninth · 1 year
Hi everyone discord is making yet Another stupid change to their app but maybe this time they'll listen 😭 They're trying to remove the tag system which I feel is. One of the cool parts of it??? And replacing it w the same old username stuff we see everywhere
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blacksapphire · 1 year
As of writing this, Discord has not posted this to any of their official Social Media Accounts. However, they are planning on implementing a change to their Usernames, removing their 4 digit identification number at the end of every username known as a Discriminator (allowing multiple users to have the same base-username) and changing it to the more widely used Pomelo System. This requires users to each have a unique username (as seen on Twitter, and historically most sites).
I implore you to read their blog post, and their FAQ on the subject, along with all of the numerous reasons why this is a bad idea in this feedback thread. The concerns span everything to those involving Users' Safety and Security, to those that are purely Logistical or related to their existence as a business. None of these concerns have been addressed in any real detail.
Please upvote this demand for them to give up on this idea, and consider signing This Change.org Petition against this change as well.
I reiterate: they have not posted this on their social media accounts. They are trying to sneak this in under the radar. If that isn't telling about how sketchy this change is, I don't know what is.
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rebellemovie · 2 years
are you sick of lesbian tv shows getting cancelled, queerbait, or anything that has to do with not getting the canon lesbian couples of your dreams?
i am too.
so that's why i wrote a movie with a main lesbian couple that:
-gets together before the climax of the movie
-has multiple kisses
-would die for eachother
-i'm not kidding, one of them is the other one's bodyguard
-the other one is the leader of a worldwide revolution against the dystopian corporate-ruled hellscape they live in, aka PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE. and she'd still die for her
-gets to love eachother, yet isn't the main point of the plot
-mostly gets to just kick ass against a world ruling-corporation
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these are the girls! (art by cassie liu)
but here's the best part... YOU GUYS CAN HELP GET THIS MOVIE MADE! You can help by: -following me here and on Tiktok and Instagram (same username)
-Reblogging and making posts about the movie with #makerebellemovie
-Going to my linktree to sign the petition and join my discord server! (https://linktr.ee/rebellemovie)
Thank you so much!
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Hey so Discord is planning on making the distopian choice of getting rid of discriminators (ie: the four numbers at the end of your discord username) and replacing them with '@' usernames like what Twitter has, which will lead to more name sniping, scamming, impersonators, and increased harassment.
Here's a petition to sign to not have this change go through
Here's a thread in Discord's feedback section you can yell into along with the other 1000s of users
We bullied them out of implimenting Web3 and NFT shit, we can bully them out of this! Please reblog this!
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calumthoodshands · 1 year
I hate the new discord username update. How can we make them understand it’s shit like seriously the old system is so much more convenient like ur telling me that you can’t look up ur username if someone asks for it and you don’t know it down to the digit? Be fucking serious. Literally all the usernames i want are already taken. Someone make a fucking petition or something i’m so mad abt this
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tagfer · 1 year
the FUNNIEST thing is the change.org petitions to get discord to change their username thing. yeah, I'm sure that'll work.
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anisajomhareceipts · 2 years
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Old but a great example of how possessive and jealous Anisa gets. Out of respect, I won't reveal the fan's face/username but I'll be abbreviating her with the name Tea. It’s 2017, Anisa suddenly cuts her hair short, changed her clothing style, and kept talking about how cute and small asian girls were. Nobody put the connection together until they dug through Anisa's twitter and found she was liking tweets/talking to a girl named Tea. Tea had short hair, was petite, and half asian. Tea followed Anisa, but Anisa did NOT follow Tea on twitter but kept interacting with her, basically she was stalking her social media. Anisa went as far as to copy Tea's typing mannerisms and started using "smol bean" constantly. ✔️Same Haircut ✔️Same Make up/brows ✔️Same blue over shirt ✔️Same Ripped Jeans
This immediately started happening after Ian liked tweets from Tea on a frequent basis, even idubbbz/anisa's fangirls were aware of something going on and subtweeted. The same time Ian was liking her tweets, Anisa was crying on her discord about how insecure she was and that she felt Ian was going to break up with her.(see leaked discord chats) Tea and idubbbz were mutuals years before he became famous with Content Cop. After her haircut, Anisa cried on stream about how she felt ugly, looked like Lord Farquaad, and missed her long hair. When her chat told her to grow it out/get extensions, her excuse was "Ian likes girls with short hair"
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childofman12 · 2 months
The school hallway buzzed with the usual morning rush, students laughing, chatting, and exchanging hurried greetings. The scent of freshly opened textbooks mixed with the lingering aroma of the cafeteria's breakfast menu. For once, I wasn't focused on the humdrum of school life, my mind spinning in circles around one thought: I was about to meet her. My online wife.
We had met months ago on a niche forum for gaming enthusiasts. It was one of those obscure corners of the internet where only the truly passionate congregate. At first, it was just playful banter about our favorite games, strategy discussions, and sharing tips. But then it evolved—first into late-night DMs, then into sharing personal stories, and finally, a sort of joke-marriage ceremony in a private chatroom. We laughed about it, but somewhere deep down, it felt... real.
Her username was Hampter. I didn’t know her real name until a few weeks ago, when she revealed it during one of our marathon Discord calls. Allison The name rolled off my tongue like it belonged there, like I’d known it my whole life. She said she lived nearby, and by some incredible twist of fate, she was transferring to my school. We joked about finally meeting, how surreal it would be, but now that the day was here, the joke felt more like a reality.
I hovered near the lockers, my eyes darting around, looking for any sign of her. Allison had described herself as a girl with short, messy brown hair, a bit on the petite side, always wearing a hoodie, usually with the sleeves too long. The image was burned into As I headed to my own class, I couldn’t stop smiling. I had met my online wife in the flesh, and it was everything I had imagined
She wore an oversized grey hoodie, the sleeves covering most of her hands. Her short, dark hair was as tousled as if she'd just rolled out of bed, but it suited her. When our eyes met, her lips curled into a small, knowing smile.
"MC?" she asked, her voice soft but clear enough to cut through the noise around us. She had this way of saying my username like it was both a question and a statement, and it made my heart skip.
I nodded, feeling my face heat up. "Yeah, it’s me. Allison?"
She nodded too, her smile widening just a bit. "Yeah... Hampter in the flesh."
We both laughed, and just like that, the awkwardness dissolved. It was strange, standing there in person, knowing so much about each other but never having met face to face. Yet, it felt natural—like a piece of my life had clicked into place.
We talked for a bit, mostly small talk about how her first day was going, which classes she had. But even as we talked, there was this undercurrent of something deeper, something that we both felt but weren’t quite ready to name
"Hey," Allison said, her voice a bit quieter now. "Do you want to... maybe grab lunch together later? We could talk more, catch up."
I grinned, feeling a warmth spread through me. "I'd like that. A lot."
She gave me one last smile before turning to head to her class, and I found myself staring after her, my heart fluttering in a way I never expected. Meeting Allison was the most surreal experience of my life, but it was so exciting
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badooney7 · 6 months
I don't believe in productivity as any kind of metric, but the depression was making doing the tiniest things feel impossible, so these lists are celebrations of being functional.
Continuing to get stuff done, Home Alone Edition:
booked flights
booked a hotel
got what is hopefully my last Spinraza dose
wrote and addressed a batch of activism newsletter thank-you letters
got my back adjusted plus another round of cervical traction
added a structural element (a toilet paper tube painted green) to the jar of shamrock string lights so they weren't all in there in an ugly pile
touched up one of last year's decorative projects
requested a mail ballot for the presidential primary
made a student loan payment
personalized and signed a petition to the Utah government about a dumb book ban thing
ordered try-on-at-home glasses frames
ran and emptied the dishwasher (possibly twice, I can't recall)
cancelled being a judge for high school film projects
sent in written testimony in favor of a It's Safe to Get Abortions or Trans Care Here bill
Discord wanted me to update my username so it wouldn't have numbers in it even though mine already didn't have numbers in it, so I did that (same username)
fed my sister's cat while she was away, although this one is obviously not like...optional
also took care of MY cat
renewed Hulu
called the Biogen person back
addressed the horrible dry skin patch on my foot
did 2 loads of household laundry to get them out of the way for MY laundry
washed the outdoor cushion covers
watched 4 movies!
ordered winter coats to try on because I need one for vacation
ordered and put away groceries
cleaned out the fridge
made chili for dinner one night
made chicken and goat cheese and spinach orzo for dinner one night
meal prepped and then cooked a southwestern chicken recipe for dinner one night
cleaned up after all the dinners
got my regular laundry done
washed the sheets and made the bed, I even tucked the bottoms in!
washed the spare sheets
cleaned the toilet
deep cleaned the stove top
swept the floor
Swiffered the floor
cleaned up cat pee on the living room rug
cleaned up the pee pads from where the cat always pees when his routine is disrupted
voted in the presidential primary
researched actions for our newsletter's special Israel-Palestine edition
attended the editorial meeting for said edition, which I don't normally do but I wanted to make sure it didn't get fucked up
wrote the Good News and Gratitudes and copy edited the special edition like I always do
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Explorya88:Personally I can only ask the links for the complete routes that you all saved,so at least I can see how Yvette tales will end, thank you for the link!
Isn't there any hope that with a fundraising or a petition servers won't be closed!
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Since the deadline is known do your best to complete and save all the stories possible!!🥳🥳🥳
And I joined Lovestruck WLW Discord with the same username!!!
At least we keep this community alive with fic,link to everyone favourite stories and more important US!!!
No link for now, maybe in the future 😅 and no, petitions won't do much at this stage, sadly 😔 - Mod Jessa
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Do you think Holly is knowingly manipulating her fans to attack anyone who doesn't like her, or is she posting her pity parties and not noticing the consequence that her fans will get up in arms and go attack "the haters"?
Oh, I 100% think she knows EXACTLY what she’s doing in manipulating her more militant fan base to rush to her defense.   Some of those she calls out for making what she deems to be “rude” or “offensive” comments are people that she has blocked before - but unblocks just to respond to them and put their usernames out there to those she KNOWS have a history of harassment/rushing to her aid (the vast majority are the same people who have been involved with the PJ2 discord and that pointless petition that went around a few months back; One of whom, Dan Pirro, was in directly contact with Holly to the point where he had insider information on things that had happened, was amping it up for a big release before saying “Oh, Holly asked me not to post it, so I’m not going to”)
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