#Terrible Idea
cerealsnail · 2 months
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reading this page broke me
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revolutionarywig · 8 months
what if i do this thing where every fouche friday i draw thirst trap fouche and add it to that chain-
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elfboypussy · 3 months
I’m high as fuck time to start honour mode
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irbcallmefynn · 10 months
Dreadful idea: Fill your pooltoy friend with hydrogen
On one hand, yay they're lighter than air! Lighter than helium even! So floaty! Must be fun!
On the other, sure hope they don't touch anything too hot or uhhhhh
Uh Oh!!!
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pussysidon · 10 months
Terrible idea: every five years a popular book or book series gets re-written by a randomly selected author. The chosen author can do whatever they want with the series as long as it's cannon compliant
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Terrible Idea No. Whatever
This has no basis in canon, but: The Animorphs find out about an actual superhero in The Big Urban Area Near Their Hometown. The superhero is called Bad Dog, and they are absolutely terrifying, but they never hurt anybody. They just scare the crap out of bad guys so badly that when the cops arrive, the bad guys are a gibbering mess, or sometimes the bad guys run to the police for help and turn themselves in.
Every time the police try to catch Bad Dog, like, say, by chasing Bad Dog down an alleyway, the vigilante just vanishes into thin air. Turns out it's just Erek tricking and scaring the bad guys with cleverly used holograms and forcefields.
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witchof-hearts · 4 months
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top 10 bad ideas. number one
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baron-von-beefdip · 6 months
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Hamburger Harmer
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axolotluv · 13 days
I need Wallter and Mark to be real and I need them to be my parents
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bitletsanddrabbles · 3 months
Gladys: *full panic* OMG. OMG. The Duke? I can't marry him! I can't! I need to get out of this! How do I get out of this? OMG I have to do some - OH! Oscar! Hello!
Oscar: *pretending he's not depressed* Good morning, Miss Russell. How are you?
Gladys: *still panicking* Great. I'm wonderful. I was wondering - I know I turned you down before, but would you still be interested in getting married?
Oscar: I....really?
Gladys: *glimmer of hope* Yes! Yes, really. I want to marry you.
Oscar: *can't believe his luck* Of course! Gladly! I'll make you very happy, you won't regret it one bit.
Gladys: *PANIC COLLIDES WITH RELIEF!* That's wonderful! Thank you! We should go elope right now! Today!
Oscar: *stunned* Oh, alright! I don't know - I guess we'll have to find someone to perform the ceremony. Don't know how you do that on short order, but I'm sure we can -
Oscar's Survival Instinct: *SMACK!*
Oscar: Wait a minute. This is very sudden. Does your father know about this?
Gladys: Oh. Um. ....no?
Oscar: Alright, no, you are a very nice girl, but I am not committing suicide today.
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evelinamox · 1 year
Just another day in the House of Lamentation.
Satan watching Mammon duck-tape Levi to the ceiling: That sounds like a terrible plan.
Levi: Oh, we've had worse.
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munchkinwsketches · 10 months
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A terrible sketch idea I had.
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leaf-storm-40 · 11 months
for next splatfest, we should all vote for one team so that we all get mirror matches
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i succumbed to the afternoon nap
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blacksapphire · 1 year
As of writing this, Discord has not posted this to any of their official Social Media Accounts. However, they are planning on implementing a change to their Usernames, removing their 4 digit identification number at the end of every username known as a Discriminator (allowing multiple users to have the same base-username) and changing it to the more widely used Pomelo System. This requires users to each have a unique username (as seen on Twitter, and historically most sites).
I implore you to read their blog post, and their FAQ on the subject, along with all of the numerous reasons why this is a bad idea in this feedback thread. The concerns span everything to those involving Users' Safety and Security, to those that are purely Logistical or related to their existence as a business. None of these concerns have been addressed in any real detail.
Please upvote this demand for them to give up on this idea, and consider signing This Change.org Petition against this change as well.
I reiterate: they have not posted this on their social media accounts. They are trying to sneak this in under the radar. If that isn't telling about how sketchy this change is, I don't know what is.
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maydaymadier · 1 year
Laura Jane Grace was so right
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