#disaster wishes she never drew this…
disasterousduo · 12 days
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I just realized it was supposed to be Moon with human legs not Moon with buff legs… well take this anyways.
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chernabogs · 5 months
ames you are COOKING (or should i say, planting???lol) SO HARD with the flower language prompts, 😭💖💞💖💞✨✨am really out here sobbing and crying over them like im watering these flowers with my Tears lol
so here i am requesting for these prompts: rosemary, begonia, pink camellia, dark crimson rose, purple hyacinth, blue salvia, zinnia
i picked these based on your initial tag about Maleficia and zinnia flower,,,, I SEE THE VISION so im requesting it now lol but also picked on prompts that reminded of Meleanor and Malleus,,, 😭i think therapy bills should be forwarded to Draconias instead, istg all they ever do is be in grief and loss /lh😭
if its too many, please feel free to choose whichever prompt you like and take your time in writing !! ☺️💞🌹✨✨
Ohhh I did my best here I promise LMAOOO. I tied in some easter eggs with other works i've done (namely Monody, Stasis, and Labours Gained). I hope you enjoy my absolute monstrous dump about Maleficia, whom I will die on a hill for tyvm
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Inc: Maleficia, Meleanor, Levan, Lilia, Malleus (whole gang wow) WC: 4.2k :))) Warnings: Just some death, but I swear it ends on a happy note this time. Flowers: Begonia (How ghosts help the living live a little), Pink Camellia (Where I notice your absence the most), Dark Crimson Rose (The grave I visit everyday), Purple Hyacinth (The worst pain of my whole life and how it healed… multiple times) , Zinnia (The seats at the table and how they eventually became empty… multiple times) Summary: Moments where Maleficia was convinced her family was cursed, and a few times she truly wished this to not be the case.
A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world.  It knows no law, no pity.  It dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.
Their family may be cursed. 
For many decades now Maleficia had toyed with the possibility of such a matter in her mind. It had first passed briefly with the death of her father—the second monarch to take over after the initial uprising—and the subsequent death of her mother a few weeks later. No one was surprised when she went. Her grief for the loss of her love had been so profound that it had flooded Briar Nation, drowning both cattle and crops in her dismay. Maleficia had postponed her own coronation as the cleanup occurred. It felt ill-boding to be crowned while bodies were floating down the mountain pass. 
The thought had returned once more when her husband vanished at sea, leaving her with a newborn hatchling on her own. Her love had been a strong headed man with adventure burning in his blood—it had been what drew her to him to begin with. That, and he was the only ex-sailor she knew who was bold enough to try and hold her for ransom. Wiping the deck with him had captured his heart—and the fact that he had been a dragon settled the Senate to a degree. But the sea is a fickle mistress, and although her love had skill and he had drive, even the most knowledgeable of sailors can never predict its next move. 
She had not flooded Briar Nation like her mother had, and she had held herself together before her people, although the empty space in her bed and at the dinner table deepened the wound nightly. It was in the quiet moments alone when it was just her and Meleanor that she felt his absence the strongest. 
In the beginning she loathed him for leaving her. Whenever she cradled their daughter as the hatchling shrieked and protested, blowing flame, and biting for flesh, she loathed him. Whenever she dealt with the Senate or another disaster befalling the Nation, she loathed him. 
But when Meleanor learned to fly, learned to run, and shifted into her two-legged form for the first time, the hatred began to fade. Because although he had vanished into the mists on a voyage destined to fail, he had left her with the greatest treasure she could ever have—and for that alone she could hold no ill will. 
Perhaps this sentimentality is why when Meleanor dragged a thin, sickly-looking bat into the halls of Black Scale, Maleficia heard her out.
“Please let him stay!” The princess had asked, green eyes wide as she grasped her mother’s skirts. “Please, mother!”
The other child had shrunk behind Meleanor, but shadows could not hide the burning defiance in the boy's eyes—a gaze of confrontation, and one that nothing truly innocent should hold. This is why she lacked the heart to say no. She quietly hoped that Lilia, as she would name him, would be the one to slay whatever reaper was following them—that the burning anger she had seen would ignite a fire that would cleanse the family of its suffocating misery. 
With the presence of Meleanor, Lilia, and eventually Levan, the silent table Maleficia had sat at for so long soon became a place of raucous conversation again. Although she found herself scolding the three children more than once (especially Levan for his non-subtle attempts at discarding food), the lingering warmth she would feel as she gazed at the trio made her confident that this family curse was on the bend. 
Naturally, it didn’t last. 
The first time she heard of the Silver Owls, Meleanor was 200 years old and more focused on warding off suitors than an unmarked ship. Maleficia had allowed her daughter to indulge by instead consulting with an advisor alone in the dark of her office. The concern lingering in the advisor's words would grow to haunt her.
“Perhaps it is temporary?” She posited, trying her best to remain optimistic on the matter. Plenty of people came and went from Cape Sunrise. A single unmarked ship with a few scraggly sailor’s was not something she felt the need to stress over. The advisor seemed doubtful on the matter.
“But they have tools. Items designed to dig up our soil,” they had insisted, but Maleficia dismissed the concerns with a wave and a blase response. 
“Let them try. They will not be able to break the first layer of our land.” 
The first one to leave the table had been Levan. There were many soldiers and nobles who vanished before he did but, selfishly, he was the first one that Maleficia really felt the absence of. Levan had grown up from a non-confrontational child to her son-in-law, a general of the princess and a father to the future heir. His compassion had not faded despite the years of war that now tore the Nation apart. Maleficia knew this by the way she came across him one night, cradling his egg so gently while murmuring against its shell. 
When he had noticed her, he had not corrected himself; if anything, he held the egg even closer. They had not exchanged too many words that night, but she sat next to him on the bench in the gardens, the silence speaking volume of her support to his decisions. 
“You will return.” It was not a question—it was a demand. Her voice held the authority of a queen who had seen many, many losses in her long life. Levan had remained silent for a moment longer as his lips brushed against the shell of her grandson's egg. 
“Always,” was the promise he made, and the last words Maleficia heard from him. When they didn’t receive notice for several days after he left, the conclusion was drawn that he was either dead, or the closest one could be to it. Meleanor held herself well in lieu of this information, as had Maleficia. 
But the empty seat felt an ill omen. 
The next one to leave the table had been Meleanor. When she was younger, she used to rest her head on Maleficia’s lap as her mother had fixed her hair. She would ramble on about her day and what she got up to with the two boys in the nonsensical fashion that many children do. Maleficia had listened with amusement, although her mind had always been half-focused on what she needed to do for her meetings the next day.
The regret of not giving Meleanor her full, undivided attention sunk in deep when she felt her daughter’s magic cut off. The bond in their family was intrinsically woven to allow them to get a sense of whether the other members were still alive. If asked, Maleficia might say it’s something of a dragon trait. Most of the time it served to be a blessing to allow her to know her family is alive and well. 
When it cut off mid-emergency meeting, the abruptness had been so profound that she nearly collapsed then and there. Her breath had hitched, her words stuttering to a stop as she stared wide-eyed at the Senate members surrounding her. At first, she hoped it was simply a fluke—a disruption in the magic—until she didn’t feel it return and the horrible, tar-like panic of a mother when her child goes missing welled up in her heart. She was tearing out of the room before any of the Senate members even had a chance to speak, screaming for her guards and her soldiers to tell her what was going on at Wild Rose. 
Her daughter, who spent her childhood running through the forests and laughing in the face of suitors. Her daughter, whose hair she would braid and then re-braid again when the girl somehow got burs in it. Her daughter, who was set to become a mother herself and experience all the precious moments Maleficia had. 
Her daughter, whose body wasn’t even recovered at the end of it all. 
The final one to leave the table was Lilia. In wake of the princesses passing, Malleus’ egg was put in the cradle tower, and Maleficia was designated to spirit him into hatching. She felt the faint connection of their magic from within the thick shell that guarded his body. His warmth, the subtle movements he made; they were all indicators that he was still alive and well despite his tumultuous arrival.
But Maleficia didn’t know if he would oblige. Hatchlings often needed the love of both parents to be shepherded forward—and Maleficia, now over eight hundred years old, already felt the strain of her magic from the conflicts going on in her Nation. There was no doubt that she held love for her grandson—but a lingering fear that her love wouldn’t be enough burned in her mind. This is what made her turn to Lilia, to send him on his quest around the world to try and find an additional means to bring the young prince forward.
For the first few decades, it worked well. Maleficia held the egg on a nightly basis and poured as much of her love and magic into it as she could. The egg consumed it all in a greedy fashion, demanding more every time she returned to the tower. One would think that Malleus was starving within by the way he pulled, and tore, and ripped at her powers to fuel his own development. 
Then he ceased feeding. She recalls the first night it happened; everything had been going well, until the connection was suddenly severed, and the green glow within the egg dulled back into a faint tint of color. Maleficia had initially dismissed it as a one-off event. Until it happened again, and again, and again. 
There’s a curious sense of panic that fills someone when they do everything they can to no avail. The panic she felt came in the form of a privatized breakdown in the tower. For many decades now Maleficia had toyed with the possibility of a curse in her mind. Now, she was beginning to consider that it was not her family who was cursed, but rather just herself. 
First it came for her father, and her mother shortly after. Then, when it grew hungry again, it ate through her husband and that of her daughters. Then it came for Meleanor herself, and now whatever reaper followed them was looming over her shoulder as she held Malleus’ egg and begged him to take something. 
Pleas fell from the lips of a monarch as she rocked the egg, stroked its shell so softly, whispering to just eat a little more, just take a little more. But the egg had remained as cold and aloof as it had for several nights now. Her desperation mounted in an order to Baul to summon Lilia back—to slay whatever reaper was following them before it pried the last of her bloodline from her hands. 
Her hopes of his role as the vanquisher of death came in an explosive hatching that she was informed of after it occurred. When she requested for Lilia to be brought to Black Scale to be reinstated in his role in his efforts, the Senate had then informed her that Lilia Vanrouge would never step foot in the capital again.
And so, in a span of mere moments, the final seat was emptied—and Maleficia found herself alone once more. 
Grandchildren are the best reminders  of the beauty and innocence of childhood.
When Malleus was first brought to her after he hatched, she didn’t want to touch him. The purple hue of his stomach and the way his green gaze darted around, drinking in the new world he emerged to, reminded her so much of Meleanor that she wanted to laugh at the cruel irony. The hurt that smouldered in her heart ignited back into a flame that found her turning a cold shoulder to the hatchling. 
“Go clean him. He has amniotic fluid all over.” She remembers ordering, voice deceptively calm for the turmoil happening within. The wet nurse that was hired obliged as the hatchling shrieked and protested the frequently changing environment around him. His cries made Maleficia clench her jaw tighter as she stared resolutely at the battle plans drawn before her, her hands gripping the table enough to turn her knuckles white. 
A few times she went to him in the beginning. The encounters lasted only as long as Maleficia could tolerate seeing how similar he looked to Meleanor before she would depart and leave him in the care of his wet nurse once more. Guilt fought with anger in her heart about the circumstances that she found herself in and her inability to overcome them. She could feel the ghost of her daughter chastising her in the corner for being so cowardly in her approach. 
The breakthrough arrived when Malleus became ill. Grieves—a fever-like condition that affected fae children in particular—resulted in Maleficia sitting with her grandson one night as the exhausted wet nurse was excused for a long overdue break. She held him on her lap in the dark as his small form fought his fever, whispering how the stars that looked down from above were the eyes of the people who loved him, keeping him safe in this world. Her voice had cracked as she spoke, and it was only when a small whine left him did she realize she was hugging him tight to her body. 
“I am so sorry,” she had choked out, unsure if the apology was for the hold she had or the neglect she had given so far. “Please forgive me.”
Malleus had twisted in her arms, small wings fluttering before he settled himself down and began to doze. He had already forgotten what upset him to begin with. She wished it would always be that way—but she knew that was nothing but a vague hope. 
She loathed Meleanor for leaving. Whenever she cradled Malleus as the hatchling threw his tantrums, blowing flame, and biting for flesh as all children seem to do, she loathed her. Whenever she dealt with another part of the war or signed another treaty alone, she loathed her. 
But when Malleus scrambled onto her lap mid-Senate meeting, chased after courtiers, and flew for the first time (admittedly, into a flock of pigeons), Maleficia loved her. Because although like her father she had vanished in an ill-fated decision, she had left a small reminder that she was never truly gone. Maleficia could comfort Malleus, could see the ghost of his mother in his clever little eyes, and for that alone she could hold no ill will. 
Meleanor’s death had proved to be far worse than anything else—but her gift of the small dragon in her lap felt like the first steps towards recovery again. So, she had kissed between his horns that night and promised to herself that she would do all that she could to give him a future free of the misery that plagued their family thus far. 
In the aftermath, she spent time with him whenever she could. Via dinners, via having him sit in on meetings, via walks in the gardens—whenever she could, she would be there. However, despite her newfound presence changing some things for the better, she remained unable to quell the curiosity that burned in her grandson's mind. 
She found him in the mausoleum once. He was standing on the toes of his mother with his small hand touching her stone-carved face. Maleficia had not been to the mausoleum since the boy hatched so many years ago. The raw memories still stirred in her heart and seeing him look up at his mother with such a gaze of innocent adoration did nothing but unsettle her more. 
When he noticed her, his face had lit up into a smile as he hopped back down and pointed up to one of the other statues. “This is grandfather?” 
Maleficia’s gaze slid to where he was pointing. A strong jaw, a dangerous glint in stone-etched eyes, and a faint smirk painted the picture of the man she had once loved and held so dearly many years ago. Maleficia nodded. Malleus, taking this as encouragement, then ran back to the other statue he had been touching with his small hands. 
“And this is mother?” 
Again, Maleficia nodded. The painful similarities between Malleus and his mother were more apparent when they were side to side. If Maleficia were to squint, she could mistake Malleus as a younger Meleanor: the same horns, same hair length, even the same streak of mischief that got both into so much trouble. 
Malleus had hummed thoughtfully before stepping down again. “Do you miss them?” 
A deceptively innocent question. Of course she missed them. All she had left of her family was one grandson and three empty coffins: a husband at sea, a daughter in the hands of humans, and a son-in-law somewhere in the moors. “I do,” she offered back. “I miss them greatly.” 
Malleus had asked her why, then. Children like him were filled with innocence and wonder about the world. He had no knowledge of the bodies that were lost, or the tragedies that had predicated his birth. Her reply did nothing but fuel an unease in the boy, for moments after she offered it, he ran back to her and threw his small arms around her waist.
When he hugged her, he clung with a ferocity that was baffling for his size. Her hands rested on his head and stroked his hair soothingly as she had done with Meleanor many times before she guided him away from the tombs and the memory of family he never met.
She should visit them more often now. 
She rediscovers that there’s a privilege in watching someone grow. Lilia’s gradual return into their lives helps ease the stress of raising a child again in her older age, which is partially why she turns a blind eye every time Malleus slips out of the palace to visit the man. She’s honoured to observe in a more passive manner the way her grandson changes and grows as a person. She watches him go from spiteful towards humans to more amiable with the arrival of Lilia’s adopted son. As he grows before her eyes, she begins to see less of Meleanor and Levan in his features and more of just Malleus—the quiet, albeit arrogant, boy that was hers. 
Time goes by faster as she ages alongside him. One moment he’s clinging to her skirts, and the next he’s off to NRC, and then finally, 178 years have passed like the blink of an eye. She used to bemoan how slow time was—and now she wishes it to ease off a bit.
She’s sitting in the gazebo in the gardens for reprieve, a novel in hand as the screaming of insects choruses a song for her amusement. The aroma of flowers surrounds her and for a moment she feels utter peace in the world. The summer is ending and there are no celebrations or events to concern herself with. For the first time in what feels like eons, Maleficia Draconia can breathe. 
The sound of someone approaching puts a pause in this. 
She lowers her book to peer over at whoever is coming, hoping silently it isn’t an advisor or a courtier seeking out an audience on the sly. Fortunately, the sight of two horns and a scowling face turning the corner nullifies this as she turns back to her book. 
“Finally decided to see the sun?” She muses as she hears him stepping onto the gazebo platform. She waits for his response, but only comes to feel surprised when Malleus kneels by where she sits and does something that he hasn’t done in a long time now—he places his head in her lap. At his age, his body is too tall now to really kneel efficiently at her side, but by the gods does the boy try as he hits his head right down. Her hand comes up on instinct to brush strands of his dark hair behind his ear as he looks over the gardens, his shoulders tense with stress. 
They’re silent for a moment, listening to the sounds of screaming insects from beyond before Malleus speaks.
“The gardens look atrocious.”
Maleficia raises an eyebrow as she lowers her book to look at where he’s staring. Her hand continues to stroke his head soothingly as she huffs a soft laugh. “Our groundskeepers are going for a more ‘untamed’ look this season.”
“I have counted twenty-six thistles in the minute I have been here.” Malleus shoots back as his hand comes to rest by his face. “It’s late in the season. They might be growing lazy.”
 “Nonsense. You know how hard working they are. You spent ample amounts of time with them when you were younger.” She fails to hide the smile teasing on her lips with this comment. Malleus’ temper tantrums had landed him in more than enough problems in his youth. Problems which were often rectified by a gentle lesson of how hard it is to fix up his messes—garden destruction included. 
Malleus deigns her with a unprincely snort in response. They fall back into a warm silence as she keeps her hand on his head and returns her attention to her book. She knows that something is on his mind, but she retains her silence both to give him an opportunity to speak, and to enjoy the moment that they’re having. In the privacy of the garden, they can get away with this rare display of familial affection. 
She feels him sigh as his eyes flutter close before he speaks up. “Do you ever feel… unease?” 
“Unease?” She hums quietly as she turns a page. “On many occasions I have, yes. Unease tends to go hand in hand with some of the things I have dealt with.” 
She knows he doesn’t mean in the sense of his royal duties. Malleus is an unusually quiet and introverted boy—but she had noticed him being more so the past week as summer began to inch towards its end. He opens his eyes and sighs again before withdrawing to sit back on his knees. 
Maleficia wisely closes her book and sets it down before affixing him with as stern of a look as she can muster without chuckling. “Sighing and moping in the corners does little to aid me in providing advice.” 
Malleus’ gaze goes upwards to stare at the ceiling of the gazebo before his expression drops to a pout. “I am feeling reluctant to return to NRC.”
“Oh? And why is that?” 
Maleficia quietly reaches her hand out to brush his bangs back from his forehead, revealing the scale pattern beneath. Malleus’ eyes flutter shut at the gesture as his pout remains present.
“Three years have passed now, and I have yet to feel included in the school environment. Spending my days with those I already know from here hardly feels like an efficient use of time.” His jaw clenches. “Every effort I make to form any sort of connection to others feels like it’s a pointless endeavour at this rate.”
“Malleus, you must be patient with these things. It takes time for people to warm up to the likes of us. You must simply continue being yourself, and the right people will make the effort to get to know you. I understand it may seem upsetting right now, but you must simply keep trying your best.” A faint smile touches her lips despite the worry gnawing at her heart. She wishes she could do more, but she also understands that these are things he must figure out himself. “You’re going to this school to gain new experiences and see the world beyond our little Valley without the Senate looming over you. Things will work out in the end.” 
Malleus’ body seems to relax at her words as he opens his eyes again. His expression eases to his usual neutral look as he nods slightly. “... yes, I suppose you are correct.”
“I often am.” She pinches his cheek lightly, causing the scowl to immediately return to his face as he jerks to avoid her grasp, making her laugh in turn. “Besides, are you not excited to see Lilia, Silver, and Sebek more often again? Well. More often than you do already.”
A pointed look has him averting her gaze as she picks her book up again. His demeanour reminds her of Meleanor, but the similarities no longer ache when she considers them. This was Malleus—her grandson, not his mother, nor his father—and she was eager to see the person he was still destined to become. “Now, you should be packing, should you not? We don’t need the crisis we had last year where we were all hunting down books for you last minute.” 
Malleus groans softly before rising to his feet and brushing his pants off. He presses a brief kiss to her forehead, coaxing another smile from her lips before he pulls away. 
“Yes, grandmother,” he grumbles with all the moodiness of an embarrassed teenage boy, and Maleficia can’t help but feel happiness at seeing it. Cursed or not, she will continue to enjoy these moments of joy as long as she may have them.
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Shinrei Tantei Yakumo Another Files - The Dead’s Wish - epilogue
Shinrei Tantei Yakumo novel translation
Another Files - The Dead’s Wish
( first | previous )
epilogue - afterwards
Haruka sat on the chair with nerves on edge.
Despite having participated in recitals many times, she could never get used to them.
From the stage lit by the spotlight, her eyes wandered across the audience seats.
Lights in the audience seating area had been dimmed, so even if she saw people enter, she wouldn’t be able to tell them apart.
Haruka had informed Yakumo about this recital, yet Yakumo’s response had remained vague to the end.
It wasn’t clear whether he would come.
Considering the Yakumo that Haruka knew, that man likely wouldn’t come to watch her recital. That was Haruka’s thought.
Yet on the other hand, she had hopes that perhaps Yakumo might come.
Rather than feeling uncertain like this, she should’ve forced Yakumo to give a definite answer, but it was too late for regret now.
Haruka turned towards Watanabe, sitting at the end of the same row as her.
While other members were occupied with checking their music scores for the final time, or adjusting their musical instruments, Watanabe was repeatedly checking the audience.
He might have had the same thoughts as Haruka.
The envelope Aki had returned the other day must have contained tickets to today’s recital.
Watanabe appeared concerned, but Aki should be somewhere in the audience. Though she had no basis for it, Haruka felt that way.
While Haruka was lost in her mundane thoughts, the conductor emerged from backstage, welcomed with applause from the audience.
The conductor signalled for everyone to stand up.
Haruka rose from her seat in unison with her fellow orchestra circle members and bowed once towards the audience.
As she sat down, Haruka exhaled deeply.
She couldn’t keep thinking about other matters. Right now, she had to concentrate on the recital.
Throughout the preparation leading to this recital, various things happened that led to Haruka having to excuse herself from a lot of rehearsals, so she honestly had no confidence to perform.
Even so, to the people coming to listen to their performance, such things were unrelated.
Besides, this was an orchestra performance. Things wouldn’t get solved by blaming herself over mistakes she made.
She had to play to the best of her ability.
As if waiting for Haruka to firm her resolve, the conductor then lifted his baton.
Everyone audibly drew their breaths in unison.
While tense, Haruka liked this moment.
The moment when a recital was about to start.
The conductor swung his baton.
With it, the performance began.
After the recital was over, from the corner of her eye Haruka could see a few members who had been talking with their instruments on hand began stowing away their equipment.
The recital itself had safely ended without trouble.
However, the dance routine—included due to the fact that this had been a recital on the campus festival—had been a complete disaster.
Haruka wasn’t particularly great at coordinating her body to begin with, and her lack of practice had made it worse.
She had remembered the moves, yet her movement had been so stiff even she herself could tell.
In her panicked attempts of adjusting her tense body, Haruka had ended up tripping on her own foot, falling down spectacularly as a result.
An utter failure.
Laughter exploded from the audience, and Haruka had felt as if her face was spewing fire.
“Ozawa-san, you really stood out back there.”
“What a splendid way to fall down.”
Upon returning backstage, she was teased relentlessly by other members.
Absolutely horrible—
Furthermore, despite being an orchestra circle, they had to perform a mysterious dance popularly seen on a television drama.
Not to mention they had to wear cat ears—
Even though they did this every year, this was the first time Haruka wanted to run away from her responsibilities.
Prior to the recital, she had been curious whether Yakumo had attended. But now, for the first time she hoped that he hadn’t.
“I’ll be on my way,” Having finished packing her belongings, Haruka left the waiting area.
The others had still been mocking her over her falling incident, so she promptly escaped with a bitter laugh.
She glanced at her watch.
There wasn’t much time left.
After this, she was going to watch the theatre circle’s stage play held at the auditorium.
The timing was barely enough.
Haruka began running faster towards the campus auditorium, but stopped her steps in front of the campus courtyard.
She witnessed Aki’s figure, sitting on a bench just like when Haruka had seen her for the first time.
Next to her was Watanabe.
He was still holding onto his musical instrument.
After the recital had ended, he must have ran after Aki who had been watching the performance.
Haruka couldn’t hear what they were talking about, but a smile faintly appeared on Aki’s face.
Haruka felt relieved and smiled as well without realising.
Uh oh, now’s not the time to space out. I’m going to be late.
Haruka quickly headed to the auditorium.
Yakumo had already been waiting for her in front of the entrance.
”You’re slow,” he said with a sigh upon seeing Haruka.
“Sorry,” apologised Haruka sincerely.
At that moment she noticed familiar faces.
Gotou and Ishii were next to Yakumo.
“Hey,” Gotou shouted as he casually waved. On the other hand, Ishii called out to her, purposely dragging out his words, “Haruka-chaaan!”
“So Gotou-san and Ishii-san came along too.”
“That’s right. Since we’ve been dragged to work on this and that, I thought we might as well come to watch.” replied Gotou.
It was true that Gotou and Ishii had been a great help during the theatre circle case. So it would be understandable for them wanting to know how things were going afterwards.
She understood that, yet at the same time, a question she had long since forgotten about resurfaced.
“By the way, what happened to Iida-san afterwards?”
Iida had been the culprit that had deliberately collapsed the set and injured Tomoko.
“He obediently admitted to his actions now. The charges are for bodily harm.”
“That’s a relief to hear.”
“Then, Daichi will soon be handed over to a prosecutor.”
“Is that so...”
Various feelings muddled within Haruka.
Daichi’s lover had practically been murdered. Haruka understood the depths of his resentment and grief. However, Daichi had chosen the wrong path by pursuing revenge.
While he deserved punishment, the whole thing had left an unpleasant taste.
“Also, I think Sakamoto and Fujimoto will be prosecuted for charges of causing death by negligence in duty of care.”
“Because of testimonies from Daichi and that student named Natsuki, they finally admitted to it as well.”
Haruka’s heart felt lighter after hearing Gotou’s explanation.
They were going to be prosecuted, but most importantly, they had admitted to their actions, a sign that they had the willingness to repent.
Haruka felt it was a salvation that they could at least obtain.
“Just how long are you guys planning to hang around here?” asked Yakumo, returning Haruka to her senses.
If they didn’t hurry, the stage play would soon begin.
All of them quickly entered the auditorium.
It was free seating, but because they had come in late, they had to sit all the way at the back. Luckily, they managed to secure four adjacent empty seats.
Yakumo sat closest to the aisle. Next to him consecutively were Haruka, Ishii, and then Gotou.
“Is Haruka-chan’s circle going to do a recital or the like as well?” asked Ishii when the situation grew calmer.
What Haruka had just forgotten returned to her mind.
“Ah, it was already over.”
“Is that so...I would’ve wanted to go and watch...” Ishii hung his head in regret.
Such a huge disaster wasn’t something Haruka wanted to show.
“Ishii-san, in my opinion, you should be grateful you didn’t go to watch it,” added Yakumo.
“Why?” Ishii asked in return.
“Not only was she wearing cat ears at that age, she also performed a dance that made me wanted to close my eyes, and then fell spectacularly to top it all off—”
So he did come watch after all!
Haruka was happy that Yakumo had come to watch her recital. Yet at the same time, she was embarrassed by the fact that Yakumo had seen her in such a state.
Haruka wanted to make excuses, but Yakumo held his index finger against his mouth and shushed. “Sshh.”
The audience seat lights had already been dimmed.
Haruka felt troubled by various things, but for now she decided to simply concentrate on the stage play.
Haruka then turned her eyes towards the stage—
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mcl602023 · 3 months
summary: y/n and drew break up and she writes a song about him what will his reaction be?
warnings? not really apart from crying and arguing.
i recommend listening to the song whilst reading!!!!
who do i call now?
4 months ago.
still in the blue say that i miss you silence.
i sit on my bed staring at nothing. i feel empty like ive been used and like i was never anything but a place holder.
sit on my phone tryna refrain from dialling.
looking at his contact on my phone. i still haven't changed his name or his picture.
wondering do i call? or do i leave him alone?
say when we're good then we're good when we're bad we're a disaster.
were sat here laughing over a joke about something silly he heard earlier whilst he was at set "god i love you" he says making my stomach erupt into butterfly's
"i love you so much more" i reply kissing his cheek.
2 hours later.
"god your so insecure it's actually a joke!"he screams at me.
i feel the tears filling up my eyes blurring my vision.
"it's not my fault okay? you know what i've been through im sorry"i shout back with a wobbly and shaky voice.
he scoffs rubbing his hands over his face.
"it's honestly pathetic you really think there's something going on with me and her?"he questions with anger written all over his face and venom in his words.
"well it's a little bit hard not to overthink it when your hand is on her ass!"i spit back.
make out, slam the door then text you right after.
he walks up to me grabbing my face in his hands and giving me a harsh kiss before walking over to the door opening it and slamming it shut as he walks out.
i'm sorry, come home x
read 16:21.
i don't miss the drama but god i miss your laughter.
(end of flashback)
present day.
drew's pov.
"guys quick she's on stage in a minute!" i hear madelyn shout from hers and chases living room.
jesus why am i even here i think to myself sitting down on the couch.
just then the tv presenter starts speaking.
"please welcome to the stage y/n y/l/n!."
she appears on the screen looking beautiful. she's dyed her hair y/h/c and is now y/h/l.
and oh my god does she look so good in the outfit she's wearing.
austin shushes everyone as y/n begins singing.
"so who do i call now? i'd give it all now just to be fighting in the kitchen hearing the crash of broken dishes."
i start to get flashbacks of us arguing and me smashing dishes when everything got too much.
"thought it was bad then this heartache is hellbent id fall asleep to the television drown out the sound of your voice missing."
"now i'd do anything for you to yell at me."
"she looks heartbroken. why did i do this to her?" i silently question myself.
y/ns pov.
you left so quietly
but your silence is deafening.
i wake up the morning after another big argument with drew.
i reach over and pat the bed expecting his warmth to be there.
but there's nothing? he was in bed when i came back home though?
where is he?
i brush of the negative feeling in my gut that tells me something isn't right.
i walk out of our shared bedroom and begin to make myself coffee when i notice nearly all of his belongings are gone.
what the fuck?
i notice a note left on the coffee table.
"y/n im sorry but i need to focus on myself and i cannot do that if i am with you.i love you and im sorry it ended like this -drew."
(end of flashback)
drew's pov.
"hung by a thread sometimes i wish you'd cut it hit me so low then act like your so above it"
i can feel the intense stares of my friends but my focus remains on y/n as she sings i can see small tears falling down her beautiful face that you wouldn't notice unless you were actually looking.
"see when we're high we're so high then we crash and we shatter and make out like we're fine and fall back into old patterns"
"i don't miss the drama but god i miss your laughter"
"bro you messed up" i hear jd saying while slightly shaking his head.
"i know okay you don't have to tell me"i reply with a tear running across my cheek.
i zone out while she's singing a verse but eventually come back into reality when i hear the beat fasten up and get bassiser.
"i always come back like a sickness built the antibodies up get you out my system the audacity to call yourself the victim kick me down say it's not malicious"
"you use it all against me when i tell you things or even worse your not listening i used to go to you for everything"
i remember all the times she showed up at my doorstep before we moved in together crying about a minor thing that she didn't really need to be crying over.
"so who do i, who do i call now?".
And just like that the songs over and the crowd is cheering.
“i'd just like to thank you all for listening to this song tonight it means the world to finally be able to perform this for you"
she begins speaking and just hearing her voice is enough to have a few more tears stream down my face.
"i love you all thank you for tonight, goodnight!"
she shouts into the mic before running off stage.
what have i done?
my sweet beautiful y/n. i miss the way after every argument you'd still have a glimmer of hope in your eyes. i miss the way your eyes would sparkle with joy and happiness.
i took that from you.
i'm so sorry angel.
i will forever regret my mistake.
a/n: okay so this is my first time writing an imagine and idk this feels so cringe 😭
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nakachuchu · 1 year
Golden Child series
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SYNOPSIS: The weight of guilt and grief are too much for you to handle.
READER: female
WRITTEN: 08/23/2023
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Ever since the incident at the college, you did your best to ignore Gojo. The only time you saw him was right after the incident when Yaga lectured you and him in his office.
"You failed to lift a Curtain," he said. "I taught you two that a Curtain is the most important part of exorcising Curses."
Gojo rolled his eyes, having heard this before.
"I expected great things from both of you, but as a long-term student, I expected you to be more mature, Satoru."
"I'm not a babysitter," he retorted. "So what, I didn't raise a Curtain?"
"Someone died today," Yaga sternly said.
Your fists were bunched around your skirt as you looked down at your lap. Nothing had changed since you were a child. You would always be a disappointment, so why did you even bother trying?
Gojo pursed his lips. "I'm sorry."
Apologies were something Gojo Satoru didn't like, but even he drew the line at a death. If he hadn't agreed to split up with you, Emi wouldn't have died.
"Can I take some time off?" you asked quietly.
This was your first mission and it ended in a disaster. Yaga was a fool to think that nothing bad would happen if he paired you up with Gojo, but that was where he went wrong.
Believing Gojo would be mature enough to follow the rules and show you the ropes was his mistake. He should have picked Geto.
But deep down, he knew he chose Gojo because he would be able to kill you if something went wrong.
Yaga didn't want to think of dark things like having to hear news of a child he took in being killed by one of his students, but in the position he was in, he had to make decisions or the Elders would make it for him.
Yaga turned his attention away from Gojo to focus on you. At that moment, Gojo saw something in his teacher that he had never seen before: sorrow.
"Yes," he answered. "Get out of my office."
Quietly, you and Gojo left his office.
"Goddamn!" Yaga shouted as the door to his office shut.
Without a word, you walked quickly down the hallway to get away from Gojo. As you rounded the corner, the black eyes of Ayumi stared deep into Gojo's eyes before disappearing.
You took a deep breath as you walked away from Gojo and Yaga's office, trying to process everything that had just happened. The mission was supposed to be simple - investigate some strange Curse activity at a local college.
And it was all because you and Gojo had split up against protocol. He didn't want to look for the Curses, but you did. You should have known better.
Now a life was lost, and Yaga's disappointment stung deeply. He had such high hopes for you, taking you under his wing and training you personally. And this was how you repaid him.
You blinked back tears as you hurried to your room. Collapsing on your bed, you let the tears fall freely. You weren't cut out for this, not like Gojo. People got hurt when you were around.
“Let it all out,” said Chiaki as he soothed down your hair.
“They were made to be sorcerers,” said Ayumi. “Don't blame yourself.”
Ayumi was right. Gojo was made to be a sorcerer. He was so believing in his role and had no doubts.
You wished you were like him. He coasted along on pure talent. The jealousy simmered inside you. It wasn’t fair. No matter how hard you trained, you'd never catch up to him.
“It's not fair, isn't it?” Chiaki questioned.
It wasn't fair that he got to pretend everything was fine when it wasn't. It wasn't fair that he got to go back to his friends and laugh with them. It wasn't fair that he didn't know who Emi was to you.
She was the only person who knew what you had been through as a child. The two of you shared that secret, and she went to the grave holding that secret.
She wasn't just another casualty. She was someone who protected you as a child.
Your Cursed energy flowed out of you in erratic waves and into Chiaki and Ayumi. They breathed in your energy deeply through their nostrils.
“Why did she have to die?” you cried. “If I had more power… If I had his power…”
Gojo Satoru was your unraveling. He was the turning point in your life that drove you further into madness.
The twins brushed the loose hairs behind your ears and leaned in.
“Fall deeper,” they whispered.
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"What'd you do to her, Satoru?" Geto asked.
The Six Eyes turned his gaze to his best friend as he rolled a lollipop around in his mouth.
"I didn't do anything."
"Yeah, you did," said Ieiri.
"Why do you guys assume I did something? What if she did something?" Gojo retorted.
"Because you're you and she's not you," Geto answered.
"She hasn't left her room in three days," said Ieiri.
"Well, that's not my fault," Gojo retorted. "You guys are asses."
"You eat ass," Geto retorted.
As the two began to bicker as they usually did, Ieiri began to wonder if the life of a sorcerer was the right choice for you.
In the three days that you refused to come out of your room, Gojo left food and water outside for you every day. Even if you didn't eat them, he still bought them for you.
Regardless of what he was saying to his friends, he felt guilty for the death of a woman who he could tell meant a lot to you.
He wasn't used to situations like this. Death was always impersonal to him - just a consequence of the job. But seeing how much this one affected you made him realize he didn't really understand the weight of it.
He thought back to your tear-stained face. He had never seen you show any emotion, let alone such anguish. This was new territory for him.
Gojo didn't have experience comforting people. He didn't know what to say or do. Words of sympathy sounded hollow coming from him. All he could do was offer practical help.
Gojo sighed, rolling the lollipop stick around in his mouth, as his latest insult to Geto rolled off his tongue.
Geto and Ieiri exchanged glances, knowing that this was the first time Gojo had been this quiet.
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TAGLIST: @sleepydang @nerdiel-has-no-braincells @the-fab-killjoy
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 8 months
If it's okay can I please ask for a yandere Poseidon and Beelzebub and Thor and with kianna komori like in this scenario they meet her during Ragnarok as a petite girl holding a parasail but they end up confessing their
feelings but she declined thinking they're just going to hurt her or have ill intentions with her and she makes it her personal mission to avoid them and stays close to Papa Adam
But she does have feelings for them but she just pushes them down thinking it's worthless to have feelings for someone that wants her dead
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-He had been walking around the arena, waiting for this tournament to start, curious as to what humanity had to offer against the gods, but he wasn’t anticipating much. Humans had always been weaker than the gods, they were made that way of course, but there was something in the back of his mind, telling him that something was wrong- the Valkyries were planning something.
-He knew it was true, he just didn’t know what, but he wanted to find out. He was willing to spare some members of humanity, maybe just taking out the majority in some natural disasters, like floods, again. But to see these Valkyries going around, acting so confidently, it irritated him.
-In his irritation, he almost missed a flash of something- or rather someone. It was a young maiden, dressed in frills and bows, holding a parasol over her head, looking so dainty and delicate, but her face- your face, held no emotions other than what looked to be sadness, but he couldn’t say for sure.
-He had never seen such a maiden before- you looked so young, so fragile and petite, but there was something about you that drew him in, like a fly to honey. You were a human, that much he could tell, and he did feel slight irritation that he wanted to know more about you- a mere human.
-You heard the footsteps and turned, seeing one of the fighters for the gods there, which made your eyes widen only slightly and only for a moment or two, but other than that you didn’t react, not even in fear or worry.
-This caused (Love) some mild confusion, you obviously knew who he was, as you had recognized him, but you didn’t seem bothered otherwise- most humans, and even most of the other gods, were afraid of him- afraid of his power and what he could do.
-You went to turn back towards the massive arena, twirling your parasol daintily, when he spoke, “Aren’t you afraid?” his question made you pause, before turning back, curious as to why he wanted to know.
-Your voice was soft and gentle, but there was a lingering sadness in it, like you had been hurt and betrayed too many times in the past, “Why would I be afraid? You gods know that, even if you lose, you can still wipe out humanity. I’ve heard many of you saying so- I’ve died once, and I’ve lived through wishing for death every day of my life- so why would I be scared of dying again? I know at least this time, if I die, I will finally be free.”
-Your words stunned him, hearing this, it aggravated him that you believed the gods wouldn’t be honorable to hold up their end of the bargain, if humanity somehow managed to defeat the gods. He had to pause, realizing why you probably felt like this, as there were many gods who never did uphold their end of bargains, so why would you and humanity trust them.
-It was your words about yourself, however, that drew him even closer, hearing that you had wished for death and peace for your whole life, and that you were okay with dying.
-It made him curious as to who hurt you- who made you so welcoming of death? You saw his curious gaze and you turned from him and started to walk away, “I’m leaving- I will not be used by anyone else.”
-He started- holding up a hand as if to reach out to you, surprisingly himself on how observant you were but also surprising himself that he actually reached out to you.
-You were a curious human- he wanted to know more and more about you, but there was also a fire in his belly, one that wanted to keep you all to himself, to protect you from the horrors of the world and what you lived in fear of.
-That was it- he was sure that you were just scared, putting up a front, to protect yourself from being hurt from someone unworthy of your attention. He would prove it to you- he would prove that he was strong and that he would keep you safe.
-Nobody would be able to hurt his adorable little doll again.
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suckerforcate · 2 years
i would like to request a larissa x reader where reader just had a fight with their parents (on the phone, idk, you can decide) and goes finding larissa. larissa is in a meeting (or sth else you can decide this as well) but reader just pushes into the room and larissa is worried and says "darling?" but reader just throws themselves into larissa for a big hug so larissa orders the other people present to leave and comforts reader
Pairing: Larissa Weems x Reader
Word Count: 956
Warning: homophobia, panic attack
A/n: I think this became a little more angsty than requested, but it just kind of flowed that way. Hope you are still satisfied! <3
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Actually you weren't sure why you still bothered. All your life your parents had made you feel worthless. Your bigger brother always being the golden child. Constantly being compared to him and constantly being told you weren't enough. But because you are a people pleaser you still called them. It got lesser but on their birthdays you just had to call them. Otherwise, you would drain in guilt. That's just how your brain worked.
But, of course it was a disaster, like always. It had started very polite and calm. You wished your mother a happy birthday and asked what they would do for the day. She told you a bit and talked about Penny, your family dog. These were moments in which you believed that maybe your relationship could grow better. Just for it to be immediately crushed again.
Your mother had asked how you were doing, how work was going and if you had finally found a partner. For a short second you actually thought you could make her proud now. You told her about Larissa, what a wonderful woman she was and how happy you were. The line went silent, the calm before the storm, before your mother started screaming at you. She thought it was disgusting that you were dating a woman. Why couldn't you do one thing right in your life? Your brother was already expected a child. He was so much better than you. You should take his example.
You felt hot tears run down your face and before your mother even finished her sentence you just hung up. You felt your heart beat faster in your chest, and a wave of cold sweat rushed over you.
You needed to find Larissa. Fast.
So you stumbled forward, out of the room. Hastily running through the corridor, thankful that there were no students, you came to a halt in front of Larissa's office. You didn't bother knocking and just threw the big wooden door open. Looking in you saw Larissa, but also a few other teachers. They all looked at you surprised by the sudden interruption.
Larissa immediately saw that something was wrong, and her eyes were filled with concern.
"Darling? What's- Everyone out." No one moved.
"Immediately!" She put on her Principle-Voice and in mere seconds everyone was out of the door.
Larissa was by your side in no time and held you as you fell to the ground. She sat down and pulled you into her lap.
"(Y/n), what's wrong?" You had a hard time breathing, it felt like you were hyperventilating. You would have really liked to answer her question, but no words escaped you as you tried really hard to breath. Additionally, you had no idea what was wrong. This had never happened before. But you had a bad gut feeling as to what this could be.
"Darling, you have to breathe. Here, put your ear on my heart and try to breathe in its beat. I think you might be having a panic attack." Yep, the bad gut feeling was being confirmed.
Larissa patiently let you listen to her heartbeat and drew circles with her fingers on your arm. Whispering sweet affirmations and comforting things in your ear, occasionally kissing your hair, she held you until you felt that you could breathe normal again. After you had calmed down she helped you stand up and directed you to sit on her sofa. She sat down next to you and held your hand.
"I called my mom." You looked up at Larissa, wanting to explain what could have caused the panic attack.
"I told her about us. That we are a couple and how happy I am. I thought maybe she'd be proud because she always wanted me to find a partner. But, it turns out she's not just an asshole but a homophobic one."
"Oh, love I'm so sorry." She gently pulled you into a hug, while drying the tears that were falling again.
"She told me how useless I am and that my brother is so much better and how disgusting I am. She said I can't get anything right in life. And if someone tells you things like that your whole life, you start to believe them." Larissa's heart broke at that. She had never understood how parents could decide to have children and then treat them horribly. She had seen it often enough with her students.
"Please, my love. Listen to me, never believe those things. Your parents are fools. You aren't worthless or disgusting. I think you are just wonderful. By coming here, you have done everything right. Because now I am lucky enough to have the best girlfriend in the world. (Y/n), you saved me from absolutely drowning in my work and my loneliness and that should be worth something, right? Forget your parents. Here, at Nevermore everyone loves you, and we age your family now. There are so many students at this school, thankful that you exist. I know how hard you work to make them all feel comfortable and accepted. Show yourself some of that love." She was just amazing and always knew what to say to make you feel better. Through a few stray tears and tired eyes you smiled at her. It was a small, but genuine smile. Larissa hugged you again and then she stood up.
"Lay down a bit, take a nap. You need it. I'll work a bit, I'll be there when you wake up." You nodded, grateful that she didn't leave you. Your head hit the pillow and right before falling asleep you acknowledged that the pillow smelled just like Larissa. You nuzzled in a bit more, comforted by her scent around you.
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hyperfixated-gvf · 2 years
That's Christmas to Me
On the ninth day of Tropemas, hyperfixated-gvf gave to me:
A family Christmas with glasses!Joshy!
Christmas Song Pairing: "That's Christmas to Me" by Pentatonix
Trope: Meet the Parents/Family Christmas
Pairing: Josh Kiszka x Reader
Warnings: None!
Words: 1.4k
“Do you remember the first time you met my parents?” 
Josh’s voice was low and playful in the kitchen of your home, and his question drew the combined giggles of Karen, Kelly, Jita, and Jake, who were all gathered around the island as well.
Oh god. Not this again.
“It has been years,” you complained quietly, pouring more creamer into your coffee. “When is that gonna die out?”
And it had been years. So many that you and Josh had since gotten married, bought a house, settled down, had some kids — and yet no one seemed too eager to drop that very first Christmas.
“It leaves an impression when you light the tree on fire, dear,” Kelly chuckled. He’d been the one to put it out, and he was also the one to never let you live it down. “You’ll have to forgive us for holding it against you.”
“Are we talking about when Y/N ruined Christmas?”
A new whispered voice entered the kitchen, and Sam quietly padded into the space, eyes sleepy. None of the boys were used to getting up this early, but it was the only way to get any semblance of adult peace on this particular day, so they all sacrificed some sleep when Karen and Kelly had asked if you’d all get up early for more time together.
Josh laughed a little bit, the faux-discontent on your face that Josh had derived your nickname from. “Aww, Kitten,” he cooed, “don’t tell me you’re still embarrassed.” 
You didn’t react to his arms snaking around you, resisting a smile that threatened to break your character. Embarrassed? No. Exasperated? Yes.
“I’m always surprised that it was the tree that sticks with you all,” you sighed. Desperate to steer the topic away from the tree disaster, you threw Danny under the bus (sorry Danny) – he and his family had been invited like they were every year, but this time, they had family flying in from out of state and were coming over for New Year’s, instead. “You’re either not remembering or refusing to acknowledge the fact that Danny ate all the good chocolate truffles that your grandmother sent in and then blamed it on Sam.”
Sam, of course, scoffed immediately and muttered, “I haven’t forgotten…”
Jake chuckled, clearing his throat a bit before rumbling out, “Yeah, but she sends those every year, and every year, someone inevitably eats the last one before someone else gets to have one. That’s an ongoing battle.”
Jita grimaced at your sympathetically, but agreed with Jake. “He’s right. They really did do that every year. Josh tried to trick me into eating the last one during one of my first Christmases with them.”
“Didn’t work,” sighed Josh, chin on your shoulder. “The tree thing was the first of its kind.”
Dammit, Josh.
“It was Ronnie’s faulty lighting!” you said, maintaining the argument that you’d had since the day it happened. The cord had been moonlighting as a ribbon and was foolishly plugged into a 100 year old outlet strip that offered no protection when you tripped on it and accidentally jerked it out of its place where it had been overheating anyways. 
Either way, the outlet sparked up and caught a branch of their live fir tree on fire, the fire alarm had gone off, and a third of the tree burned before Kelly managed to put it out with the extinguisher while Danny had followed with a popcorn bowl filled with water. A burned tree and soggy presents – Sam had called you Y/N the Grinch Wench for the entire rest of your time there until you threatened to leave and Josh gave him a Kelly-level stink eye.
“It was so not my fault!” Ronnie herself ambled in next, meaning that the last of the adults that had been able to come to Christmas this year were all awake before the kids. Karen gave her a kiss on the cheek and handed her a mug of coffee, wishing her a Merry Christmas that was echoed in a whisper by everyone else. “It was…ah shit, who was I dating at the time?” she cursed, trying to think back so long ago.
“Denny,” Sam supplied, “because we joked that Danny was the superior name afterwards.”
“Of course you did,” Ronnie sighed, smiling into her drink. It was true, after all, and Denny was an ex for a reason. “Denny was the one who plugged it in that morning.”
Josh tightened his hold on you and kissed your hair, obviously feeling the nostalgia creep in from all those years ago, so early in your relationship. And look at where you were now — surrounded by his family, who had quickly become yours as well, your children sleeping in the next room (though you assumed it wouldn’t stay that way for long), and the love you held having only matured like fine wine.
You sighed, finally settling back into him, and accepted his touch like you usually did, melting into him like warm batter. “We hadn’t even said our first ‘I love you’s at that point,” you said, turning your head to look at Josh. “I can’t believe you kept me around after that.”
He chuckled in your ear and whispered, “I still love you, by the way,” which sent a shiver through you. “My family would have invited you back afterwards whether I kept you around or not, though,” he sighed, this time loud enough for the family to hear.
Jake laughed, a little too loud, and flinched away when Ronnie smacked him on the arm, shushing him. Still, he grinned cheekily at you and said, “Yeah, I don’t think we’d had a Christmas as entertaining as that one since Josh and I woke up really early and hid the presents.”
“Correction: hid everyone else’s presents,” Sam pouted, his voice still rough. His always stayed that way after waking up the longest. “And they told Ron and I that Santa had to leave early and decided that our presents weren’t as important.”
You could hear Josh’s squeak of a bitten back laugh through his hands, which he’d jerked back to cover his mouth with at the memory.  He couldn’t hold it all back, though, and his giggles escaped between his fingers. “That was cruel of us,” he admitted, though no apology was to be found in his tone. 
“And also the reason we got rid of the Santa tradition,” Karen remarked. 
That had been one thing you noticed that first Christmas; you were all full-blown adults, but you were used to your own parents still signing notes with ‘Santa’ and referencing him when talking about gifts. But Josh had explained that in order to encourage thankfulness and mindfulness (and apparently good behavior), they’d abolished the idea of Santa and brought each child out gift shopping for the others, then put their own names and any gifts sent in by aunts and uncles and grandparents on the rest.
It was a tradition that you’d carried over with your own kids, much to Kelly and Karen’s delight, as it gave them an excuse to gather the entire family and all the grandkids for a big Christmas every year.
And speaking of…
All the cousins that had decided to have a sleeping-bag dogpile sleepover in one guest room came running out, barefooted and bed-headed, after their rousing voices floated out of the bedroom in the hall.
Saying goodbye to the peace of the early morning, Josh gave you one more squeeze before he opened his arms to accept your youngest, who’d snuck into your bed in the middle of the night but stayed asleep until her siblings and cousin came to wake her up.
Your little Cindy Lou Who.
All the other kids had a quick hug and kiss from Grandma, Grandpa, and all their aunts and uncles, they all lined up around the tree, talking and babbling excitedly to each other. Both Jake’s kid and yours were around the same age, and they were each motioning with their hands at the presents they thought were theirs while your younger middle child thought that every gift was theirs, and had to be corralled by Ronnie away from the tissue paper peeking out of some bags.
“Well, Christmas has officially begun,” Josh huffed, coming up next to you once your youngest has wiggled down to get to the rest of the family to watch the unfolding chaos as the grandparents dealt out gifts. “That’s for sure.”
You slinked an arm around his waist, reveling in the way he immediately responded by wrapping his body around you, the rim of his glasses digging into your skull not even bothering you. “And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Tag list:
@fleetsonfire @theweightofstardust @theatrekidjosh @fictional-duchess @greta-van-yeet @prophetofthedune @toothgapjoshy @gretavanfleas @gretavanfleetposts @doodle417 @razorbladekiszka @sammysvanfeet @s-u-t @lallisonl @hayley1623 @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @toxbexannouncedx @sammyslappers @alexxavicry @thecoldwind @maedesculpaeusoubi @jordierama @sarakay-gvf @gabyvanfleet
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vacantgodling · 2 months
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#37: General Duchess Muinena Lathsbury
Even under the weight of the mightiest mountain or up against a formidable foe, your courage is unwavering—almost like the legends that have been long told. The thunderous roar of victory rings everpresent in your ears, and battle after battle you conquer, you win. Your life has always been loud until you find a partner who is quiet. A gentle, weak candle, and all you wish to do is ignite it. You would burn the world down to see him happy, to shelter him, to keep him; his daintiness and intellect the match to your brutal flames and determination. A love blossomed between you, and with his brother’s blessings—a strong son came first, and then soon after a daughter. You have lived your life with no regrets, but perhaps one and that is that you couldn’t see if your daughter had his eyes, or yours.
“muinena” is a derivative of the goddess MUINENS. “lathsbury”is a historical name, derived from the capital city of Lathsbury, and is one passed down through the royal family. it comes from the first guardian, Lath.
age at time of death: 34, butch (she/her), romance: yes, sex: yes, preference: masculine
a tall and built woman—standing at about 6’0” and the heavy armor she wore as a knight built up her physique. she has dark, auburn hair and piercing purple eyes, with a few dozen beauty marks littered across her body. she has dimples when she smiles, and though her smiles are rare, she loves to give them to the people that she is close to. her voice is deep and rumbles in her chest, and she has hair that decorates her arms. her hair is curly as well and tumbles down her back and her skin is beautiful bronze.
as the general of the lathsburian army, muinena was formerly a knight where she met the crown prince, eventually king luther and became very close friends and confidants with him. it was always said that while luther could beat anyone in a battle of skill, that muinena could out class anyone in a battle of wit, which made the two of them not only fast companions but good compliments to one another both on and off the battlefield. she was tasked with overseeing guild activities (to ensure nothing sketchy was going on) and to reinforce areas that were struck by calamity or natural disaster and to continue to train the troops for labyrinth excursions. those were her favorite missions and she always lit up whenever she and luther got to ride into the Labyrinth together and fuck shit up.
a proud, forthcoming woman, muinena was never one that would spare your feelings when she spoke. she felt that the truth was the most important thing and that justice could only follow the truth—sounding much like her namesake, MUINENS, tbh. people respected her opinion wherever she went because she was measured, exact, and kind despite her somewhat harsh exterior. she didn’t take shit from anyone, and she was overall a very protective person. she could be sensitive, but that was mostly reserved for her husband, aran, but she was always a sort of tough love kind of person. she did have a good sense of humor however and was quite intellectual, which is what drew her and her husband together in the first place.
unfortunately, her passing was during the birth of her second child—a daughter that she never got to see as she was taken before she could hold her, and what killed her was mysteriously not the birth itself. no one really knows what happened during that time and its still being investigated to this day… albeit not very well since its been damn near 20 years since then. since her passing, her son—her pride and joy—kiba was moved to the nearby city of Kingsburrow to keep him out of the capital and safe while things were investigate, while her husband mourned the loss of her and her daughter. she wouldn’t want him to feel so down, but alas, she’s passed on and couldn’t comfort him though she’d want to. she was buried among the royal cemetery, near luther, and aran hopes he will be laid to rest beside her one day as well.
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emocka · 1 year
Letters for the heart
Aether x reader
Plot: Aether died in a crash. It broke you. A peice of you went missing when his eye went blank. But little did you know he left several letters for you.
Note: I figured it was a time I faced my grandmother's passing after 2 years and 8 months. This is for those who are struggling to face the reality of a loved one passing. The rant reader gives is a rant I went through as well. Everyone grieves differently.
Notes:angst with some comfort. Everyone is aged up for obvious reasons, mentions of past violence, and disasters
Final note: caelus is the trailblazer name in atar rail, and someone drew something with both caelus and aether in it
'Come closer' He said cupping your cheek.
You did as he said.
'I'm so sorry kit kat know I love you.' He said before kissing your cheek gently. He hand fell on the bed.
You wailed as the light in his eyes went dull. The monitor flat lining. Doctors and nurses rushed to help him. One nurse gently guided you out of the room.
A few minutes he was pronounced dead. You cried as a nurse led you down the hall to a quiet room.
'I'm sorry for your loss' He said as he sat you down. 'IF you want anything just call'
With that he left you alone.
You sobbed for hours. The reality hitting you hard.
Your husband of 25 years was gone. No more making new memories, no more dancing in the living room, spending time in the backyard watching the rain fall, stealing his jacket before work, it was all gone.
There was a knock on the door. You looked up as the same nurse entered the room.
'I know your having a hard time but they were going to throw these out.' He held up aether scarf and jacket. You lunged out of the chair grabbing them.
'What about his wedding ring?' You asked quietly wrapping the scarf around your neck.
'Would you like his jewelry?' The nurse asked.
'Please' you whispered burying your face in the jacket.
'OK. I'll grab it all.' He left.
You started crying again. Keeping your face in the jacket. You wished you had prevented him from leaving this morning.
The nurse returned.
'Hey, I have his earrings and wedding ring' He said holding them out for you.
You took them thanking the nurse before asking where the exit was.
The next several days were difficult for you. You were sleeping on the couch, trying to avoid the bedroom. Your fifteen year old daughter Reyna worried sick. Your sister in law calling, trying to get you to get up.
'Hey mom, look what I found' Reyna said. 'Dad left a letter behind'
You looked at her confused. Letter? She held out a lavender envelope. On it in his handwriting was your name. Reaching out slowly you took it and stared.
'Buts he's dead...this is...' You stared at it more before opening the letter up.
Dear kit kat,
So your probably curious as to why I started calling you kit kat. Well remember the incident back in college? The one that landed you in the deans office with a week suspension?
You fought someone over a kit kat bar. We were at a party that night and you had it in your hand. Some guy snatched it out of your hand and ate it in front you.
I've never seen someone so angry over a piece of candy that they curbed stomped their butt. I almost didn't pull you off him but while he did deserve it I couldn't stand to see you in jail so I pulled you off him. Who knew you had it in you to beat someone bloody.
That night we went to my dorm room and hung out. You were crying due to the time of the month. You were in a lot of pain. So i bandaged your hands then gave you a kiss.
Thats when I started calling you kit kat. You remember what I say everytime you asked for one?
'Kit kat for my kit kat?' You roll your eyes every time i say that line.
I should wrap this up. But know I love you so much.
Your prince,
Aether ♡
You sniffed as your daughter fell on the floor laughing.
'You got into a physical fight in college? Over some candy?!' Reyna laughed more
'Hey, when you're on your monthly and craving something only for someone to snatch it out of your hands, you get down to business and beat someone heads!' You glared at her. 'Where did you find this?'
'I was in the kitchen when I opened the spice cabinet.' She said, sitting up. It was taped on the door. Are you doing ok?'
You nodded a small smile appearing.
'Yea I'm doing ok' you hugged the letter close.
'So what's next?' She asked.
'I don't know...I don't know' you trembled slightly.
'Hey well be ok! I promise!' Reyna said trying to cheer you up. 'Oh I have an idea!'
You looked at the child as she ran off.
You were cleaning the living room when you stumbled across another letter. Same colored envelope same handwriting.
Dear princess,
What a night huh? Started off with classes ending in the hospital. Why did we agree to that stupid party?
Oh well hope your head feeling better cause we need to shop for a new table since the one we had broke. We also received a noise complaint from the neighbors. That party was ok. I'm just glad we came home. Though I'm curious as what drove you to asking me to do body shots.
Oh God. You remember that night. You two were alone doing body shots which led to an intense make out session. The table broke under the weight of two people. Aether had managed to protect you but you still hit your head against his hard.
I wonder if you remember what you told me last night. You sounded scared of the future. You asked if we would ever break up. I told you no it wouldn't happen. Your to precious to break up with.
All that aside I think we learned our lesson on body shots and tables. Not to say it won't happen again I did enjoy it ;).
Love you,
You smiled at the letter and the memory.
'I really miss you,' you said out loud. 'I wonder...'
You looked down the hall at the bedroom you shared with him.
'Should i?'
'Hey mom?' You looked up from photo album. 'You said dad left something for me?'
You nodded standing up. Walking over to the desk you pulled open the drawer and collected his wedding ring.
'I want you to have this' you held it out.
She looked at the ring before shaking her head no.
'I want you to have that. Can I redeem it for something else instead?' She asked.
You raised an eyebrow as she pointed at the scarf.
'I want dad's scarf. I have more memories with the scarf than the ring.'
You nodded placing the ring back in the drawer.
'Thanks mom' she hugged you. 'Hey wanna go out to the movies? They have some good one right now'
You hugged her back smiling.
'Yea let's go.'
'Hi lumine,' you were standing at the front door.
Lumine had shown up at your door. Why? You weren't sure.
'His things are still in the bedroom.' You stepped aside as she entered heading for the room.
'Where's his wedding ring? I want that.'
'No. Your not getting it. That mine.' You said. 'I gave him that not you.'
'Give me the wedding ring' She demanded.
'No'a voice said. You looked over and saw lumine mom. 'The wedding ring holds many memories for her. For archons sake lumine. The ring is hers. Lets go. Y/n dear? I hope you come by soon. We love you' the two left.
'Mom was that grandma I just saw in the drive way?' Reyna asked walking in confused.
You nodded.
'Your friend willing to let you sleep over? I have to work tonight'
She nodded.
'Yea she said her dad kazuha said it was fine.' Reyna looked at you. 'I can go get a job to help with the bills'
'No. Focus on school and friends. Besides work is making some arrangements for me to do it at home. So this situation is almost over.' You looked at her.
'Mom...I know it's been hard since he passed away. I see how bad it affected you.' Reyna approached you. 'You need a break or help. I want my mom back. The fun loving smart sassy mom.'
You watched as she cried going in for a hug. You accepted the hug.
'Mom just take a break please, do it for me' she mumbled in your shoulder.
Tears streaked your face.
'Please mom' Reyna asked. 'Please?'
'I can't . When the house is empty I feel alone. It so empty without him.'
'I know mom. I feel the same way but he wouldn't want us to be this way. He'd want us to perk up and have fun. Do you want to know what dad told me?'
You nodded.
'A few years ago I asked him how much he loved you. His response? He'd follow you across time. Everytime he looked at you it was like the first day You met all over again. So let live a happier life. His presence is still around us. Let try ok?'
You sobbed as she spoke. Reyna tightened the hug.
'We'll both do it for him ok?' She cried.
'When did you become a therapist?' You asked.
Reyna held the shoe box close. What you didn't know was the aether had given her a bunch of letters. She had counted over thousands of them. It was like he was writing every hour of the day.
'Rey?' She looked up as aether walked in.
In his arms was a box.
'I want you to have these.' He held the box out.
'What this dad?' She asked taking the box.
'Believe ot or not those are letters to your mom. Would you believe me if I told you I was writing these since I was twelve years old?'
'What? You told me you met in college!?' Reyna giggled.
'Officially yes but what she doesn't know is that I was the child bully in elementary school. I got my kumpets later for that.'
'You use to make fun of mom?' She asked.
He nodded. 'How did it bite you in the butt?'
'In the form of my sister knocking me out' He said laughing
'You got ko'ed by aunt lumi?' He nodded.
'Say Rey? If you ever fall in love, treat them well, ok?' Aether looked at her '. You never know what can happen.'
'Oh darn I forgot it was date night' He ran out of her room.
'OK. I'm gonna hide this one on the couch.' Reyna said.
She did just that. Placing the letter in the couch while you were in the kitchen cooking. You found the letter.
Dear kit kat,
As I write this I can still hear the screams and sobbing. This has been a bad week for us. First the bomb threat then the school shooting now it the hurricane.
The shooting and hurricane were the worst.
I can still hear your screams from the hurricane. My heart sank. I know it was scary for the both of us. Hell I cried with you while we we in the tub during the storm.
To make up for the disasters, I'm going to take you on a week vacation. School is closed for the week. Who knows, maybe we'll get lucky and well have decent TV shows to watch. I promise you a lot of cuddles and 'cuddles'
Aether ;)
You recalled those events. You and aether hid in the girls bathroom. You were crying terrified of what was going to happen. Aether held you hand over your mouth lips touching your temple constantly, your head against his chest.
During the hurricane you were both hiding in the tub. Aether was indeed crying but he kept silent while you were screaming. You were so terrified. In the end you both fell asleep in said tub. The only warmth you both had was his jacket. He had put it on you to keep you warm. He was the first to wake up checking on you making sure you were ok.
'Hey kit kat, it's over' He said waking you up gently. 'Lets get out of the tub and in an actual bed.'
You smiled at the memory towards the end.
'Thank for the letter prince' you said hugging it to your chest.
Suddenly there was a knock on your door. You went to answer it.
Opening the door you looked at your brother.
'Hiezou?' You looked at him 'why are you here?'
He didn't answer instead opting to hug you. You hugged him back..
'Mom told me what happened. ' He said. 'I'm sorry for your loss'
'Thanks.' You said.
'I also came by to see my neice.' He said.
'HIEZOU' You jumped at Reyna voice.
She ran and crashed into you and him.
'OK. Lemme go. Hiezou how long you staying?' You asked pushing arms off you.
'Awhile. Not sure when.' He said as you got up.
'OK um-' you started.
'I'll take the couch' He said hugging reyna.
Oh. You left the room.
It was half past nine and you were staring at the bedroom door. You want to go in but your were panicking. It was becoming too much.
'OK y/n' you whispered. '1...2...3!'
You swung the bedroom door open, taking a deep breath you walked in. Looking around the room was the same. Aether desks clean and organized, your desk slightly messy. One side of the room was filled with stuffed animals. Your wedding photo hug by the bed which was shoved in the corner. Next to it was another picture you in a cheer uniform him in his college volleyball uniform. He had you up in his arms. It was the day you two got engaged.
He had gotten down on one knee after winning a volleyball state championship. You said yes. You recalled him saying you'll marry after graduation.
Walking over to the bed you grabbed the picture hugging it close.
'I hope your in a better place'you whispered before lying down in the bed.
That night Reyna snuck in the room to place a letter under the pillow. She came out only to be caught by hiezou.
'Its a long story if your curious' She said looking at him.
'I love stories so tell me in the living room' He smiled.
You groaned as the sun peeked through the window. Turning around you slide your hand under the pillow behind your head. You felt it. Opening your eyes more you pulled the letter from the pillow. Smiling at the letter you opened it.
Dear kitten,
I'm going to kill that guy! He had no right to ask you about your body. And he didnt see the ring?!
I'm sorry he made you insecure. I know you don't want to be touched right now. Maybe we can discuss this tomorrow. I think I'll surprise you with something special.
I'm gonna head to bed soon. Hopefully you'll be up for a hug tomorrow.
Love you,
Oh that's right. That did happen. Some dude kept asking about your body commenting on your chest and how small it was. You remember crying as aether told him for the hundredth time to stop it. When it came to the comment about your chest aether had socked the guy in the jaw. The guy was out cold on the floor while aether rushed you out. You did not want to be touched after that comment. Aether respected that opting you stay next to you. The next morning he was sleeping in his own bed. So you crawled over to him. He had a small smile on his face as he pulled the comforter over your heads.
'Sleep in kitkat' He said before planting a kiss to your head.
'Mom?' You looked at Reyna. 'Can i have dad's jac-'
'No' you said.
'But-' She began
'Why? You have his ring.' She said. 'I want his jacket.'
'Too bad I said no' you glared at her.
'I want the jacket mom. You don't even wear it. I want it. Just let me-'
'You have his scarf.'
'So I cant have his jacket too. Why so attached to it?'
'Why are you asking for it?'
'I don't know. Why are you attached to it?'
'Were you the one who was hiding in a girls bathroom when shots were fired? Hurricane causing you to fall asleep with him in the bathtub? Three earthquakes? Two floods? The night I announced we were expecting? When I was giving birth? Oh what about the college dance? He was wearing that jacket during those events. That jacket hold many memories both good and bad.' You glared at her. 'I won't let you have it.'
'Mom it just his volleyball jacket from college'
'Yea and? It holds a lot of memories. You not getting it and that's final' you left the kitchen.
She stood there dumbfounded. Over a piece of clothes? She just wanted it cause why not?
So she decided to do something she never done.
You were at work when she took it. Former nurse turned dispatcher. Answering emergency calls.
'Hey y/n?' The trainee asked 'I have someone on the line about to give birth'
You switched over to the line guiding them through the process.
'Oh I did it!' The person said as you heard cries. 'Here babe. You did it.'
You smiled as tear pricked your eyes.
'Ma'am?'You heard the women. 'Do you know any good boy names.'
'Oh no. My husband and I had a daughter. Never got around to having another child.' You said a few tears falling.
'Oh.' The was a pause before she asked. 'What was his name?'
'Aether Caelus' you said.
'Oh.' You heard the male in the background 'those are wonderful names'
'Aether it is' you burst in to sobs at that.
'Are you ok?' Your co worker asked.
You nodded hanging up on the call.
'Its so hard! How do you process a death?! Especially when you were suppose to tell him your were expecting?!'
'I processed my mom's death by writing letters, and going to therapy.' She said. 'How have you been coping?'
'I've been finding letter around the house lately' you sniffed taking off your ear piece 'the dates start from college. I've found four so far.'
'Reading them help?' She asked.
'It just takes me down memory lane' you said.
'Do you feel better after you've read them?' She asked again.
'Yea' you looked at your coworker.
'Start there and go' She smiled. 'It'll get better'
'Hey mom...'you looked at Reyna. 'So I did something bad'
She lost the jacket. She took it off. One moment of was on her desk the next it was gone.
Reyna went into full panic mode.
'Reyna? What wrong' tomo asked her.
'I lost my dad's jacket. The one my mom wouldn't let me have' she panicked. 'That jacket hold meaning for my mom'
'What does it look like?' He asked concerned.
'White and gold with the number 4' she began. 'It has dad's last name on it'
'What's his last name'
'In college it was Caelus.'
He nodded.
'You took it?' You asked quietly. 'Despite my saying to not?'
She nodded sobbing.
'Fine. Your grounded. One week no tomo' you said.
'What did i-' tomo started
'No Tomo!' You glared at him.
'No Tomo' He left.
'I'm gonna finish dinner. Go do your homework' you said turning back to the stove.
'O-ok'she left.
You finished cooking serving a plate for Reyna. After you called her to eat you went to the bedroom to cry.
Reyna sat at the table looking at the food.
'I'm sorry. I didn't realize how much it meant.' She left the table food untouched. Heizou entered the house the moment she left the kitchen.
'You ok?' He asked her.
'Heizou? How important was dad's jacket to mom? How many memories does it hold for her?' Reyna looked at her.
'Too many to count. The first memory of the jacket happens to be the first time they actully talked. You mother accidentally knocked him out with her baton.' Heizou smiled.
'Its a long story' He said sitting down 'wanna hear it?'
'Yea' Reyna sat back down.
'Freshman year of college. We were in week two'
Aether sighed.
'Lumine why?' He asked her.
'I don't know. Mom said it.' She replied twirling her hair. 'Come. Their about to start the baton twirling.'
'GO ARCHONS!' They looked over at the cheerleaders. They were in a giant pyramid. 'And down. SLOWLY PEOPLE! THAT HOW WE BREAK OUR LEGS'
You were at the top of the pyramid listening to the captain. You looked behind you to see the guy arms out waiting for you. You fell backwards into his arms.
'Thanks' you said getting on your feet.
'OK girls when you have finished disassembling grab a baton.' The captain said helping girls down.
'So why are we here watching this? I have practice in a hour' Aether watched you. 'Is that y/n?'
Lumine looked at him.
'You have hearts for eyes. Yes it her. You saw her last year.' She said rolling her eyes. 'Just go talk to her. She probably forgot about the whole bully situation.'
'I dont like her. And o was making dun of her' He looked at lumine. 'You know how kids pull on girls hair because they like them?'
'Really? So you teased her to the point of crying?' She asked raising and eyebrow.
'OK I'll admit i took it too far but regardless I had still do have the biggest crush on her.' He said staring at you.
'Weird way of showing it' lumine muttered punching his arm.
'Ow what was that for?' Aether asked rubbing his arm.
'Just go talk to her.' Lumine smiled.
'OK girls you can practice tossing and catching. I'm gonna take care a of a few things. Feel free to leave when it's five thirty.' The cheer captain said before leaving.
The squad stayed talking and tossing the batons. Aether sighed before standing up from the bleachers.
'Come on. I need to go talk to the volleyball captain. He said he has my jacket ready.'
Lumine looked at him.
'Yea ok.' She sighed standing up. They retrieved his jacket.
'Oh and don't forget physical' the coach said.
The two started walking from the office. As you had tossed the baton up in the air twirling around.
The next two seconds slowed down for you both. Aether looked up as you stared in horror.
'Look out!' You shouted.
Aether just stood there as the baton hit him.
'Oh my archons I am so sorry!' You ran over to him. 'This is my fault.'
You started running a mental checklist.
'He conked out.' You brought your phone out calling heizou.
Heizou came and with his help you managed to get him in the car. Heizou threw a fit when aether woke up throwing up.
'NOT MY CAR!' Heizou shrieked.
'Oh shut up.' You replied smacking his shoulder. 'We both own this car. I'm the one paying the insurance. Mom and dad gave it to both of us for college. Shut your gay ass up and PAY ATTENTION! YOU IDIOT!'
Heizou swerved to avoid a crash. Aether whimpered at the movement before blacking out.
'Hey its ok' you said quietly rubbing his head.
'How do you know im gay?' He asked.
'Were twins. Trust me I've known since we were 12' you replied. 'Plus your crush on the next door neighbor kazuha'
'OK so he has a concussion. Luckily it's a mild one. All you need to do is make sure he's getting rest.' The nurse said.
You nodded.
'OK here a list of mods he can take to help with a headache' you took the paper. 'You two have a great day.'
The nurse left.
'Your pretty' Aether said.
'Thanks. Let's go back to campus. Heizou took the car so I'll order a rideshare' you smiled at him before unlocking your phone.
'What other memories?' She asked.
'Well I think she and your dad had their first kiss at a theater. From what I saw he had given her the jacket cause it was cold. There the shooting that happened. Now that was scary. Um earthquakes, hurricanes, proposal, day of your birth, school dance, the fight,'
'Fight?' Reyna asked.
'Your dad got into a fist fight with someone at a bar and landed in jail for it. Your mom bailed him out. He was very protective of your mom. To the point that he got suspended three times.'
'What was the fight about?' Reyna looked at him curious.
'Remember what we're always teaching you? About being safe whem drinking?' He asked smiling.
'Yea, im not an adult though'She replied confused.
'Ah ah ah. What's the rule?' He gave her a look.
'Any thing I drink can be spiked soda, water. If i suspect its been apiked report it.' She sighed. 'So?'
'Someone spiked your moms drink on thier third year anniversary while they were at a bar. Aether noticed she was acting out of sorts and tracked down the person after he got her to the hospital. That fight got him a two week suspension jail and off the court for one game' heizou looked at reyna. 'He was serious about her safety.'
'I see'reyna looked at the floor. 'I see why the jacket is important.'
'Want help finding it' He asked.
You were sleeping when heizou snuck in.
'Hey sis' He whispered 'I found it. Had to pay up money for it.'
Heizou placed the jacket on the bed.
'I know your hurting and trying to hold on to what you can. And that's fine but I think his death is taking you down. Mom says you haven't been to visit her. She say your throwing yourself into your work.'
You stirred slightly adjusting your position. Heizou went quiet as you mumbled.
'Aether...I miscarried' a few tears escape. 'I'm sorry'
Heizou took a deep breath.
'We should sit down and talk about it' He sighed quietly leaving the bedroom.
Reyna snuck in after him placing a letter on the jacket.
You woke up the next morning tears streaming down your face. The dream you had felt real. You were talking to him, telling him.you miscarried. The kiss felt real.
But the kiss wasn't. Sitting up you looked around before spotting the letter and jacket. You lunged for the items. Hugging the jacket you looked at the letter. Putting the jacket down you opened the letter carefully.
Dear princess,
I know your feeling really depressed. I did research on postpartum depression and pulled a plan for us. What your going through breaks my heart. I see how it affecting you. It's why I helped you bathe. I know you were embarrassed about the whole thing but I don't care. I just want my precious wife to be happy.
I'm going to ask my sister to take Reyna for a few days. I think we could use some time alone. Maybe catch up on sleep, watch some TV. That one Kdrama you haven't watched for a while released a new season. If you want we can also go out to eat.
I know I can't experience what your going through but I do know you need support. I'll be that support.
You smiled going down memory lane.
'Hey kit kat can you come with me?'Aether asked.
You had just put Reyna down for her nap. Your face was stained with tear streaks. You nodded following him.
Aether took your hand guiding to the bathroom. The shower was running. You cried embarrassed for letting yourself go.
'Hey don't cry' He cupped your cheek. 'I want to do this. Come on. Let undress.'
Aether kissed your cheek as he helped you in the shower.
You guys were out an hour later. Aether was Towel drying your hair.
'You want to braid it? Curl it?' He asked as he ran his hand through your hair.
It was mostly dry now.
'Curl it please' you said quielty.
'OK. Let me get the hair dryer and curler.' Aether planted a gentle kiss on your head.
He climbed off the bed and went in the bathroom to retrieve said items among a few other things.
Aether had a hair routine that you occasionally followed. Returning back he went behind you and started the routine. After running the dryer he started curling it.
'Hey princess. What do you want to do tonight?' He pulled at the newly made curl gently, making it fluffy.
'I want take out and sleep.' You replied enjoying the warmth from the curling iron. 'When did you learn to use a curling iron?'
'Watching you' Aether pinched your cheek gently. 'We can do take out.'
You hummed in response as aether continued. After awhile he finished your hair.
'There all done. How does my pretty girl feel now?' He asked unplugging the curling iron.
'I feel somewhat alright.' You said as aether put everything away.
'That better than not being ok' Aether turned off the bathroom light. 'Anything in particular sound good?'
You shook your head no.
'OK I'll choose food. ' He grabbed his phone. 'You rest. I'll be back. Kiss.'
You gave him a kiss as you pulled the blankets up to your neck.
'Thanks Ae' you looked at him.
'Your very welcome princess.' He smiled before you closed your eyes.
'Thanks for that' you whispered hugging the letter.
You sighed quietly, slipping the letter in the drawer next to the bed. You got off the bed, walking over to the door.
Heizou opened it.
'Can we talk?'He asked.
'Sure. What happened?' You looked at him.
'Its about aether and his death' heizou looked at you 'moms worried, our cousin is worried, lumines worried'
You scoffed at lumines name.
'She sure seems worried. She wanted the wedding ring. I don't know what she took'
'She wanted the ring because she wanted to do something for you. She knew how much aether meant to you. She said she had his volleyball ring, high school graduation ring. Not the point though. It's about how your handling it. So start talking' He gave you a look.
You sighed.
'Fine wanna hear me rant?' You asked. 'I'll rant. I'm mad that I didn't stop him from leaving that morning. I'm mad at him cause now I have to raise Reyna by myself, he broke the promise to always be together. I'm upset the doctors gave up on him,'
Heizou listened as you started rasing your voice. You were turning red. He knew what you were going through.
Suddenly you started crying
'Im alone, raising a 15 year old daughter. I had a miscarriage and wasn't able to tell him, he's going to miss Reyna important life events, no more midnight walks, everything is gone' you looked at him tears streaming down your face.
'He may be gone but he's still in your heart. A part of him is in Reyna as well.' Heizou pulled you forward wrapping his arms around you. 'I know it's been difficult. Everyone watched you two as the love you guys had bloomed. While I know I don't understand his death, I do understand how bad it affected you. But you need help.'
You nodded.
'And as your older brother-'
'You ten seconds older' you said.
'As your older brother I demand we go to therapy' He said.
You thought about it before nodding.
'Good cause my therapist wants to see you today' He said.
'So you two are twins' the therapist said. 'Ok, y/n?'
You nodded.
'Lets dive into aether death.' She said as the session began.
You talked. Heizou was in the lobby so he didn't see the scene.
'Ever since he died letters have been showing up' you looked at her.
'Tell me about these letters' you pulled out a letter as she asked.
'There letters from him. The dates are different. But each letter talks about a different event. This one talks about the affects after giving birth to our daughter' you held it out.
The therapist took the letter.
'May I read it?' You nodded.
'How do you feel about these letters?' She looked up from the letter.
'Honestly...it helps. I like that i can see what his thoughts were on some things.' You held your hand out for the letter. 'I can go back to the past in a way'
She handed you the letter.
'Ok' you watched as she wrote something down. 'Well continue this in two week's. Send in your brother. He's next'
You nodded standing up.
You waited in the lobby as heizou talked to the therapist. You were scrolling through your phone looking at photos and videos. You stopped at one vidoe and looked at it. You hit play.
'Hey aether?' You asked. 'You promise we'll have an eternity together?'
Aether looked at the camera.
'I promise. Celestia can't tear us apart' he said. 'No matter what'
He was nodding.
'Cool! Bet you can't poke your tongue out cross your eyes and look down at the same time?' You said giggling.
He did that causing you to laugh.
'Hey that's not fair!' He whined.
The vidoe ended as you smiled.
'Ready to go?' Heizou asked.
You looked up nodding.
'OK. Lets go. Reyna still at school right?' You nodded. 'OK wanna go hang out? It's been year since we did sibling stuff. We can go to the mall, movies, whatever you want'
You gave it some thought.
'Mall sounds nice.' You said standing up. 'Lets go'
He smiled as you both left the building.
'Seriously? I thought I his it really well' hiezou said.
You laughed.
'It was obvious. The way you stared at him made it clear.' You said. 'That how I knew you were gay. But I love you as you are gay or not.'
'How come you never outed me?' He asked.
'Wasn't my place. ' You looked at him. 'But the day you came out to our parents was terrifying'
Heizou nodded. Your parents had kicked him out at 16. You panicked and managed to make arrangements with some friendly cousins to house him. You were forbidden from talking to him.
You said screw that rule. Heizou was your twin, brother and best friend. You weren't loosing him because of his preference. Your mom eventually came around to accepting his sexuality while your dad was dead set against it.
'Thanks for making those arrangements. Don't know where I'd be.'
'Anything for my brother. Besides your stuck with me for ever. Even if your ten seconds older.' You smiled opening your arms for a hug.
'Thanks' He hugged you.
'Your welcome' you said.
That night you returned home and walked into the bedroom. You sat down at aether desk and looked at it. Looking over the desk you spotted his phones.
Miraculously it survived the crash. You touched the phone gently.
Aether always let you on his phone. Sometimes your take it out of his hands to take random pictures, videos ect. In return he would take your phone as well. It was a fun thing you guys had and honestly you learned more about 3ach other this way.
Popping the phone on the charger you watched as the screen came to life. You took a deep breath before swiping up to unlock it.
You tried the wedding date as the pin. It worked.
'You did always use the same pass for everything.' You smiled as you began to scroll through his phone.
You opened the gallery on his phone. You looked at the pictures smiling going over the memories.
'I love you' You said turning the phone off.
Getting ready tonsleep you crawled in the bed looking at the phone one last time.
'I think...I think...I think I can start healing.' You said nodding off.
Over the next six months you found several more letters from him. Each letter talked about a different event that happened, he talked a out his feeling in that moments, exclaimed his love for you.
You kept all letter you found. Currently you were making dinner when heizou came home with reyna.
'Welcome back you two.'You said setting the lid down. 'Reyna how was the sleep over with tomo?'
'It was great!' She put her bag on the couch. 'What's for dinner?'
'Golden shrimp balls' you slapped heizou hand. 'Keep away from the food I'm not done.'
'But im hungry!' He put his hand yo his chest in a dramatic way.
You rolled your eyes at him.
'Drama queen' heizou gasped.
'I'm telling mom!' He whined.
You giggled as you finished making the food.
'Dinner is served.' You grabbed plates and handed one to heizou. 'Now you may eat'
'Hey mom?' Rey watched 'how come you and heizou are really close?'
'I dont know' you both said.
'Dad says you two were crazy back in college' She giggled.
'He's not wrong' you replied. 'At the bar in the middle of the dance floor shaking our butt to shake senora, screaming lyric to whatever song played during a car ride.'
Heizou nodded as he sat down.
'Your dad didn't get mad or anything he just rolled his eyes' you said giggling.
'Weird' Rey said.
'Weird?' You raised an eye brow 'that's coming from the girl who still smacks jello with a spatula, and made yogurt art on my kitchen wall'
'Huh?' Heizou looked confused.
'MOM!' Reyna looked away embarrassed.
'As I thought' you said smiling.
'I told you it just something funny' she said. 'I'm gonna go eat dinner in my room. I'll do homework then I'm heading off to tomos again.'
You nodded. Handing her a plate she left for her room.
'Explain the jello thing' heizou demanded.
You sighed and launched into the story.
'She was four'
You watched as aether placed the plate on top of the bowl flipping it over.
'Thanks for that ' you said.
'No worries kit kat' He smiled. 'Now I'm gonna take a shower. Please join?'
'Sure' you had placed the jello on the table. 'Shell be fine while we shower right? She's only four'
Aether gave it some thought enfore walking over to the frigde. He grabbed a couple yogurt packets setting them on the table.
For a four year old Reyna was tall. At this time she was also getting sassy and bossy. Wonder who it came from. But over all she was the sweetest person you gave birth too.
'OK. Up you go' He said sweeping you off your feet.
'Hey!' You laughed as he made a dash toward your master bathroom.
'How does-' heizou started but you shushed him.
During the shower Reyna had come out of her room. She was allowed in the kitchen juat not the fridge. So everytimw you and aether showered you left out something for her to eat.
Entering the kitchen she spotted the yogurt. Climbing the chair she began to open them when her four year old mind had an idea. Taking the dairy treat she threw it at the wall multiple times. After she was satisfied she spotted the jello. She spotted a spatula. Grabbing it she started smacking the jello making noises.
You remember part clearly as while aether was washing your hair you guys heard a scream. You and aether had rushed out of the shower only to find Reyna giggling as she smacked the jello. The scream? One of Joy.
Aether sighed.
'Last time I leave jello out' you said. 'Come on let's go finish our shower. That'll keep her entertained'
You started laughing as you and h returned to finish the shower.
'After that I cleaned it up.' You watched as heizou laughed.
'So that why you called her jello smack' He said.
'Hey, aether and i wanted a shower. At least we got a laugh out of it' you smiled sitting at the table. 'But the after math wasn't fun. Aether cleaned the mess while I gave her a bath.'
He smiled.
'You know what? I think I can learn to move past this.' You said looking at your brother.
'Think you'll go back out in the sea of dating?' He asked.
'No. I know I already found the one. I've always known that. I don't want to date again.'
Heizou smiled as he nodded.
As the years passed you watched as you kept finding the letters reading them, saving them. You got to watch Reyna big events, her milestones.
Your time came when you were in your sixties. Reyna had accepted that fact. She knew you wouldn't come back. So she revealed what she was doing. Her lover tomo behind her.
'I suspected. But I'm glad you did it.'you smiled before closing your eyes one last time.
'So...what's next?' Tomo asked as he squeezed Reyna hand.
'We live' She smiled.
The star in teyvat had you place. You remwber waking up in a sea full of weird gold orbs.
'Where am i?' You asked as you felt a breeze.
'Oh your here!' You heard a familiar voice. 'I've been waiting for you kitkat.'
You felt a pair of arm wrap around you. You looked at the arms. They looker familiar. So you turned to look at the source of the voice.
'Aether?' You looked at him.
'Rwmwber the saying?' He asked.
'The stars in teyvat has a place for you' You said. 'Oh dear I must look like I'm in my sixties....why do you look like your 24?'
'You'd still look beautiful.' He said pointing down at the floor.
You looked down. You saw yourself. You looked 24.
'Come on.' He held his hand out. 'We can walk among the stars now.'
You smiled taking his hand. As you stood up a small white dress appeared on your body.
'I love you, Aether'
'I love you, y/n'
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Meeting the Team (Team Dad Cinnabar AU)
Inspired by @hailfire17's Cinnabar AU
When the disguised Gabriel Agreste had approached Chloé Bourgeois in the aftermath of her outburst to her mother, he’d been prepared for several responses to his offer. From an outright rejection, to suspicious curiosity, to immediate agreement.
He most definitely had NOT expected her to size him up, nod, and start dragging him along to another room in Le Hotel de Grand Paris.
And he was not at all prepared for when she flung open the door to reveal a collection of half-a-dozen teenagers, and for her to declare to them “Everyone, we have an actual mentor now!”, a statement which drew the room’s full attention.
“…Chloé, what the hell?!” a very familiar redhead in a red-and-black suit exclaimed in disbelief. “Half of us are transformed right now, you can’t just—”
“What do you mean, ‘an actual mentor’?” the even MORE familiar blonde boy beside her interrupted, and Gabriel had to fight to not give himself away and demand to know what on earth his SON was doing in here playing video games with LADY ROSE.
“Everyone, this is—actually I’m not sure what his name is yet, he never mentioned it, but he’s claiming to be a former superhero and was offering to train me. I figured it would be Nice of me to extend the invitation to the whole team.”
Gabriel was absolutely speechless, attempting to process what the Bourgeois girl had just said.
The whole team?
What did she mean, “the whole team”?!
“…Wait, so not just the guardian’s weird ‘doesn’t actually tell us anything’ teaching?” an unfamiliar, short-haired brunette asked, looking interested. “Well, sign me up!”
“I agree with Lyle.” Ryuko, the Dragon of Tokyo, got up from the beanbag where she had been sitting, inspecting the man. “A more active teacher would be beneficial for us all—even with my own prior experience in heroism.”
“Guys, will you keep it down? I’m watching something!” The ginger boy looked up from his computer just long enough to shoot the room a glare, before going right back to what he’d been doing.
“Okay—seriously, Derek, just stop,” Lady Rose grumbled. “None of us care about those stupid Minecraft videos you’re obsessed with! You can watch them when we AREN’T with the team!”
“Lily, shut up! You’re one to talk—”
“Look, the majority of us actually LIKE Vocaloid!”
“Sorry about those two, they’re siblings. They get like this a lot.” Adrien shook his head. “I think becoming heroes made both their self-control worse, but then again, I only met Lily AFTER she’d become the new Ladybug, so who knows.”
“Lily! Chill! You too, Derek. We don’t want another LynelMaster.”
“Honestly, though, I’d pay a lot to see Lily commit arson again,” the pink-haired rabbit hero Bunnix admitted from where she was lying on the couch. “I wish one of us had filmed that.”
…Dear goodness, what had he gotten himself into.
Chloé groaned. “Will everyone please pay attention?” she said with a huff, clapping her hands. Turning to the man, she sighed, rolling her eyes. “I only just joined this utterly insane group yesterday, but I’ve already seen enough to know that we desperately need adult supervision.”
Gabriel had barely been there five minutes, and had already come to the same conclusion.
“I can believe that,” he replied, shaking his head. “What I can’t believe is that these are the heroes who have been defending Paris for the past few months…”
“It’s very hard to take in, yes. Honestly, I nearly had an existential crisis yesterday learning that Lady Rose is the same girl who keeps asking me for Vocaloid music recommendations in class. But that’s nothing compared to the one I had after learning Adrien was Chat Noir—”
Chloé kept talking, but Gabriel heard none of it after the absolute bombshell she had just dropped.
His son.
If the disaster that was Style Queen hadn’t already made him swear off being Hawk Moth anymore, this revelation would have done so in a heartbeat.
He’d been fighting against his own son.
…He needed to sit down.
“—thing I will admit is that Lyle coming out suddenly felt a lot less out of nowhere once I learned they were Piccola Volpe—wait, where are you going?”
Gabriel managed to keep his composure as he strode across the room to an empty armchair, before immediately collapsing into it, holding his head in his hands.
“You…you’re all just children,” he finally managed to breathe out. “The heroes of Paris. Are all teenagers. Who in the world ever thought it was okay to give this responsibility to actual CHILDREN?!”
He couldn’t believe it.
All this time, he’d assumed they were in Lycee at the LEAST, and more likely even older than that.
But no.
These were Collège students. 13, maybe 14 at the most. And the boy at the computer looked even YOUNGER, maybe 11 or so.
He had been fighting.
And one of them was his son.
Forget trying to train a new Hawk Moth to take his place.
These children needed an adult.
And apparently, the burden of being that adult had now unwittingly fallen on him.
Him, the supervillain that had been terrorizing them.
Most likely the least qualified person alive to take care of them.
Gabriel Agreste had most definitely not signed up for this.
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littlechaoticwitch · 25 days
Pokémon Gijinkas
Inspired by the teams made by @fluorescencefuture, here some concepts of my own Pokémon teams!
Brilliant Diamond (Inspired by the magical girl genre)
-Aurora (Empoleon ♀): A former performer who took up teaching after a tragic accident. Thoughtful but reserved, she is awkward in social settings due to her "space cadet" personality, but she makes up for it with her unwavering kindness towards everyone she meets. After encountering a strange child, she vows to protect the three lakes from being harmed, just like in her childhood dreams….
-Violet (Shiny Roserade ♀): Aurora's mentor from her early days as a performer. A clever woman with a sharp tongue and a bitter opinion on fame, she lives for the theater and dancing but was stuck being the spokeswoman for a high-end perfume company instead. When her decades-long contract ended, she went to pursue her other passion, which is earning a PhD in toxicology.
-Ember (Rapidash ♀): A younger farmer from Solaceon Town. Independent, brave, and hard-working, she wants a better life for her siblings outside of their small farm, but she is extremely stubborn, struggles with following orders, and has a terrible temper. She was an aspiring Olympic star as a teenager but had to put those dreams on hold when her parents mysteriously passed away.
-Naomi (Lopunny ♀): A fashion student from Veilstone City. A sweet and cheerful young woman with crippling social anxiety, she has been taking kick-boxing lessons to build up her courage but she's still prone to running away from anything dangerous. The only time she isn't a complete sweetheart is when she sees a fashion disaster, which includes every member of Team Galactic.
-Dusk (Honchkrow ♀): The daughter of a low-level crime boss, she lives in Eterna Forest to practice witchcraft in peace. She has become infamous in Eterna City for her impish, mean-spirited attitude and her tendency to speak her mind, no matter how cruel it sounds. But with a love for pulling pranks and stealing shiny things, she has become quite the problem for Team Galactic.
-Kyu (Mew): A mysterious young child whom Aurora meets in Floaroma Town, where they were originally under the care of an elderly couple. Despite having great psychic abilities, they have no memory of where they came from or how they are able to give magical powers to others. Playful and childish, they are also curious and shy, clinging onto Aurora like a child would with their mother.
Let's Go Pikachu! (Inspired by detective stories such as Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys)
-Paprika (Pikachu ♀): A bright and excitable orphan who wishes to travel the region to solve its mysteries. From the fossils at the Pewter Museum of Science, to the Pokémon Tower in Lavender Town, there isn't a mystery she won't try to solve… except maybe what happened to her birth parents. When Team Rocket starts causing problems, she takes it upon herself to stop them.
-Luna (Nidorina ♀): A soft-spoken and gentle young girl from a large family, she is Paprika's best friend and partner-in-crime when it comes to solving mysteries. She has more of a practical reason of doing detective work, as the money they earn goes right back to her parents and younger siblings. She dreams of becoming a photojournalist one day, so she carries a camera around with her.
-Rex (Venusaur ♂): A research assistant from Cerulean City. A mature but burnt-out college graduate who wishes to publish his research on evolution oddities, he takes up a responsible "big brother" role towards the girls, as they both remind him a lot of his own little sister. He is curious about the odd stone he found but has never gotten the chance to do proper research.
-Ursula (Tentacruel ♀): A professional surfer and Rex's ex-girlfriend, where they have a love-hate relationship. Classy, flamboyant, and oozing with confidence, she takes on a "big sister" role to the girls, where she tries to help instill more confidence in them and learn how to go after what they want in life. She will deny any claims of being an "alien nerd" back in college.
-Mochi (Arcanine ♂): The teenage son of a Silph Company employee, the group comes across him after he is caught trying to break into the building. Well-mannered and respectable, he comes from a rich family, but he secretly craves a life of adventure, hence why he decides to tag along with the group. He has an odd sort of rivalry with Zero, though he denies everything.
-Zero (Haunter ♂): A punk teenager from Lavender Town who tags along to mess with people. When Paprika and Luna try to uncover the mysteries of the Pokémon Tower, he tried to pull a nasty prank on the girls but instead got beaten up for his troubles. Mischievous and a bit weird with his dark humor, which he uses quite often to tease a certain rich boy.
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yurayuramiharin · 1 year
Ocean of red
The fragrant smell of blood and fear was not necessary for her to navigate her way in the dungeons of Lux Aurea. She'd walked those paths before, centuries ago, when wasn't titled The Bloodmoon Huntress just yet. Yes, back then, before becoming Xadia's grim myth, Kim'dael was a betrothed of the Sun herself. Back then, despite being considered unfit for the Sunfire queen's consort, she walked those paths with pride, hand in hand with Aditi, both holding her heads up high and basking in the light of her love. Now, Kim'dael was bound to the shadows, where she found peace and shelter after her heart had been torn out of her chest and irrevocably crushed. Since then, Kim'dael condemned the golden sun hanging above her. She couldn’t stand it's warmth or the feeling of its glow on her skin, for none of it would ever feel the same as the touch of the woman she'd lost.
Enveloped by the tender shadows of the sandstone halls, she moved noiselessly towards her destination. With each step, the smell of blood grew stronger, fueling her thirst and sharpening her fangs. She could already taste the familiar flavour of Sunfire blood on her tongue, but it wasn't the only thing she could feel.
Those disgusting, weak creatures whose blood was good for nothing. Kim'dael winced at the memory of herself drinking human blood in the early days of her banishment when she'd been too weak to hunt for a proper meal that could fuel her body with both blood and magic. Humans had been an empty source of energy, sufficient enough to survive but not enough to live. And to think that some of them had pretended they could be mages. How pathetic.
She could never understand why Aditi had cared for humans so much. Why she'd spared them when their reckless attempts in playing mages had nearly destroyed all of Xadia and drained it of its magic. "Aditi the Merciful", they'd been calling her afterwards, but to Kim'dael, the woman she'd loved became "Aditi the Fool", unaware of the disaster she'd brought upon Xadia by letting that one orphaned mongrel go unharmed. But Kim'dael had her fault in this too, she could've stopped her from making such a reckless decision.
And now her Firefly was no more. But her blood, her sweet, sweet blood lived on, split between brother and sister who were falling apart, scrambling in the ruins of Lux Aurea like children playing in the sand and trying to grasp the sense of 'justice'. How amusing.
The Sun herself, she was just as foolish as her Firefly once had been. She believed in mercy, compassion and other absurd solutions to matters that should've been handled once and for all. As an assassin, Kim'dael knew that there were times when justice could not be denied. Where justice meant death. Karim, on the other hand, seemed to understand that aspect, but despite that fact, Kim'dael regarded him just as foolish as his sister. It was clear that his confidence and strength were just an illusion. Everything he showed on the surface was underlined with fear, so thick Kim'dael could practically taste it on him. And even though he thought he was smart, this elf was no leader but a weak, cunning coward.
What a waste of blood.
Kim'dael stopped in front of a trapdoor on the floor. She took a deep breath, her body shivering with anticipation for the blood she was about to consume. There was a real feast awaiting her down there. She opened the trapdoor without making any sound. After all those years, she still remembered the countless hours of her assassin training where she'd learned to become one with the shadows, remain unseen, unheard and undiscovered. Until she wished otherwise.
Standing in front of a grand door, she drew a glyph in the air. The illusionary droplets of blood fell into the ground and spread like liquid fire before bursting into a crimson cloud around her. She unseathed the blades that she carried on her back. She saw a movement in the corner of her eye - someone noticed her. It's time. She wet her crimson lips with the tip of her tongue. The Huntress didn't even let them point the spear at her before she began her beloved dance, her blades swishing in the air and slashing through the flesh, one by one.
She swayed to the sound of agonising choirs, twirled with the screaming voices and relished in the symphony of final breaths. The finest music to her ears, a morbid concerto fit for the greatest nightmare of Xadia that she was. Kim'dael was feeling alive, and there was nothing that could make her feel so alive as death did.
And so, she kept dancing, swimming in the ocean of red, red, red...
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nepobabyeurydice · 2 months
Happy birthday Annabeth, again! Here’s your birthday fic!
About this fic:
Portrays minor (Annabeth) smoking, and minor eating disorder with Annabeth abstaining from eating until Percy encourages her to due to getting flashbacks about Luke and throwing up regularly. This does not happen on screen on the fic but is mentioned. This fic is sweet, but also titan war trauma yk
Word Count: 899 Words
On Ao3
Title: Love and Smoke
Smoking is Annabeth’s way of pretending everything is fine. Life isn’t consistent, in fact, it’s hell on her perfect plans, something that will never be the same one day to the next. Addiction is, though, those ten minutes she can steal for the rush of nicotine in her body, and the smoke in her lungs. Percy doesn’t mind the smell, alcohol is what makes him shudder and turn away, queasy from it on someone’s breath. Uncleanliness and the scent of cheap beer are his problems, and Annabeth respects and loves him enough to abstain for him.
They’re only sixteen, drunk off the relief of not having died in the war, high off the realization they love each other the same way. Annabeth’s desperate smoke breaks that had clouded all of June in a haze and July in grief, had become moments of sitting next to Percy as he talked, and she smoked, listening to his ramblings with an amused smile.
It’s September, she should be in California with her father, in Boston with Uncle Randolph, in school with Drew and Lacy. Instead, she’s here at Percy and Sally’s apartment roof, a makeshift ashtray on the concrete, a book in hand while she skipped the last class of the day. Percy got out before her, most days, if there wasn’t a fight the school wanted to blame him for. Nicotine helped her focus, and ignore the hunger gnawing at her stomach, she could pretend it was a choice to ignore it instead of the fact that she doesn’t have enough money to buy food when she was busy saving up for Percy’s Christmas gift. The cigarettes didn’t count, they were stolen anyway.
“Hey,” Percy called as he opened the door, and Annabeth pulled off her invisibility cap to shoot him a smile. She put out her cigarette with a pang of regret. “You skipping again?”
“It’s only Japanese.” Annabeth said, shrugging. “I can already speak it thanks to Nestor.”
Percy’s brow furrowed cutely. “Nestor… Akimichi, right? Your brother, the sculptor one.”
Annabeth nodded, pleased by his new attentiveness to her siblings. Percy had always struggled with remembering people’s names, especially since those at Camp Half-Blood who were godly siblings shared traits that would’ve made them distinct otherwise in the mortal world.
Percy beamed, clearly pleased he got it correctly and his eyes, beautiful and blue, flicked down to her lips, his own pink parting.
He wants to kiss me, Annabeth thought, butterflies and hunger fluttering in her stomach. It had been a month, but everything felt so new and delicate, like one of Julieta’s mosaics, or a design too new and untested to be sure it could withstand the grand nature of natural disasters and daily life.
Annabeth held out a hand to Percy, and he laughed, hauling her up, sending more butterflies fluttering through her. She got her feet under her, grabbing her book, Ares’s Wish List For His New Crib On Mount Olympus, and tucked her hat into her pants, which made Percy flush.
“Are we going to the park or do you need help with your homework?” Annabeth asked, shoving her hands into her pockets, wishing she was brave enough to take the initiative by kissing Percy right now, but—
But, she was afraid of him crumbling in her hands, that the Styx would come take him from her, that the universe would call out “Sike” and snatch away what she loved once again.
“Have you eaten?” Percy asked, eyes fixed on her face, looking for the slightest bit of a lie.
“Yes,” Annabeth lied, a cigarette counted.
Percy’s eyes narrowed. “Liar,” he accused, and grabbed her hand with the gentlest hold she had ever felt. He led her down the stairs as Annabeth considered which protest would get her out of wasting his and Sally’s cooking, but Percy was determined.
“Percy,” she said anyway. “I really can’t keep anything down long enough—”
“At least an apple,” he pleaded as he unlocked the apartment. “Just a little bit, Wise Girl, I know the cigarettes help, but you need to eat something too.”
Annabeth’s lips twisted, but she couldn’t say no when she saw his blue eyes tear up. She didn’t want to make Percy cry. “Alright, something small, then we can go to the library or a museum.”
Something that wasn’t associated with Luke, the war, or the grave she thought she’d have to make.
Annabeth walked into the Jackson’s apartment, small, but warm, with the cushiest olive green sofa Annabeth had ever seen, and a thick beige blanket placed on the back. Percy ushered her to the sofa before darting to the kitchen and returning with an apple, part-skim mozzarella cheese sticks, and a granola bar.
“Eat,” he prompted, opening the cheese stick slip, and wagging it beneath Annabeth’s mouth. He looked, desperate, almost, and Annabeth felt guilt swell in her chest. She took a bite, and found herself ravenous. She snatched the cheese stick from his hands and sunk her teeth, barely tasting it, as she swallowed it whole. Percy already had another one for her, and she ate it with as much fierceness as the one prior.
She ate the apple and the granola bar, and another cheese stick, and flushed when she realized she had left nothing for Percy. “I’m sorry.” Annabeth said, ashamed.
“Don’t worry,” Percy said, “they were meant for you.”
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desultory-novice · 1 year
Meta Knight would be a hard knocks mentor, wouldn't he? Especially when Noir is someone a lot more sharp and aware than Kirby, who he already trains by sending waves of hostile knights at betweenchonor duels. He also has that darkness and pain in him that I sense Meta Knight knows all too well. Well enough that he sure doesn't get the (relative) kid gloves Kirby gets.
Oh god, yes! If that's how Meta Knight trains Kirby - and this is mostly to keep Kirby ready in case of disaster and prepare them for their destiny (we assume...?) - then training Noir, an angst-ridden, self-destructive teen who is about five seconds from throwing himself off the nearest bridge on a good day, is definitely going to have Meta Knight use the "break you down and rebuild you from scratch" style of teaching. Which, frankly, Noir could probably use.
[Cont'd + Other Apologies Asks]
His life undeniably took a major turn for the worse after that fateful exhibition trip, but his cup runneth over with deeply suppressed stresses long before then. He's in desperate need of a mentor to help him escape his dangerous mental trappings of "...ensuring Adeleine's happiness and safety is all I have to live for."
It would not be fast. I'm pretty sure he's starting this new life out at negative levels of self-worth, and white-haired Noir still has unsettled issues in regards to Dark Matter, Adeleine's fate, and the New World project, but he's not a hopeless case either. The Rainbow Sword wouldn't have chosen him if he was.
...And for Meta Knight, who almost certainly has his own grimdark past, I can only imagine there's something very personal at stake for him to save this particular life: chosen by a magical sword during his darkest hour, everyone he loved and cared about dead, close associations with the powers of darkness and looks a little like a monster? Yeah, I'd say Meta Knight sees a bit of himself in Noir. And we know how hard Meta Knight is on himself...!
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Yes, yes, yes! All this exactly!
Noir is incredibly awkward around her at first. Not trusting himself. Not ready to open up that wound. But Ribbon, like Adeleine, is a strong girl. She doesn't balk from Noir's stand-offishness.
The first time he cries in front of her (and he cries so much more easily now. He hates it. He'd never cried in front of Adeleine, no matter how hard things got...) it is unexpected. He checks their map and checklist, assuming aloud that Kirby drew it. 
When Kirby says it was actually Ribbon who drew it (1) and she giggles that she thinks drawing is fun, he breaks down so hard even Dedede puts down his meal to give him a soothing pat on the back.
...Once Noir slips down to a reachable height, because, of course, he still dwarfs the lot of them. Kirby is about the size of a throw pillow to him. But that probably makes him all the more huggable. Noir ought to learn to give Kirby more hugs.
(1) Thanks to Driftwood for the Ribbon's drawing idea
Oh, one thing worth mentioning while we're talking about white-haired Noir and friendships with the Dream Landers...
Unlike regular Noir/Dark Matter Swordsman, this Noir has a very strained and awkward relationship with Gooey. Noir has fear and trauma related to Dark Matter, and Gooey being a cutesy, innocent, happy Dark Matter that is still very clearly some kind of eldrirtch creature unsettles him for a variety of reasons.
He just can't bridge the gap between that and what happened to his sister. Sometimes it makes him wish...for something that didn't happen. Other times it makes him afraid for what could have been. He does his best to be kind but... it's hard for him.
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Then I have done my job!!
I love Elfilin. Adore them! And I can admit that Fecto Elfilis has a very lovely design that makes one potentially want to sympathize with and humanize them and do cute things with them. But Fecto Elfilis also attempted to destroy TWO planets solely to kill Kirby. 
And Fecto Forgo is that same Elfilis only devoid of their mercy, their sympathy, their compassion, their joy.
It was humans who drove Forgo crazy, yes. But not every individual human participated in their torture. Yet Forgo has never once shied away from taking their wrath out on everyone they can get their hands on.
Forgo forced Leongar to put his tribe to work kidnapping creatures they could work to death in the labs. Forgo went on to shatter Leongar's soul to try and render him dead for good upon their loss.
Hyness told Zan to kill him if he ever went too far. Even Star Dream, being a computer, can be said to have sought the eradication of all life without malice! Forgo's situation is pitiable. Their actions, especially in the Apologies universe, are not.
(Nice use of green font, btw!)
Random aside:
It is only now, as I head into the end of the Shiver Star arc of the Apologies AU that I remember the classic 80s vampire movie The Lost Boys. And I suddenly realize that Noir's transformation is very old-school vampire-coded. (IE: back when becoming a vampire was treated as frightening and bad, not cool.)
:puts "Cry Little Sister" on loop:
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guacomelon · 5 months
I wanna ask about the JSaBsonas, actually! I'm intrigued about all of them, so if you could say a few words about each one or at least how they came to be, that would be nice, but if you want to focus on a specific one - I'm curious to know more about the sunny one, top right.
we'll be going in this order: 006, "Sunny", "Crown", and "Pae-ki" Here we go. Forgive me for using the same old art, it's the only rendered stuff I have of them 😅
🎵 Dancing on Our Disasters by Calavera
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alt song: 🎵 Granite by Shirobon
The very first was 006, or "Six". All the way back in Sep 2021, I had the idea of creating a shapesona. At the time I had certain.. feelings, about JSB and my identity surrounding it. I definitely see those feelings represented in the character now.
Six is a professional JSB player in a world where the game is in AR. They're reclusive, obsessive. Attention seeking. And they dance. Oh, they dance until they no longer can.
Some of you had the chance of talking with them on April Fools of 2022; I liked that. It was very fun to write them, and I wish I could do it again. Maybe in the form of their own roleplay/ask blog, just like I always intended.
🎵 A New Day by Danimal Cannon
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alt song: 🎵 Same Song by DEFENSE MECHANISM
Second persona is a character I've nicknamed "Sunny."
I started a continuation of a previously failed project under a pseudonym, a persona. It wasn't until Jun 2021 when I gave that persona her design... I think it helps when I'm writing as them.
There's currently not much character story to them, other than she exists in the same world as Six. She gets burnout often but never gives up. It's not over til it's over.
I'm sure you've seen a certain one of my projects so far. Maybe it was obvious from the beginning, maybe it just clicked now, or you're still lost. Those who know, I want you to know this aswell: I'm not being sneaky, I'm just anxious. When I'm tired of pretending and gain the confidence to put my face on these projects, I do plan on just using them as the mascot.
🎵 Ecstacy by Nitro Fun & Rob Gasser
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alt song: 🎵 Fracture by Shirobon
Third is the crown. It doesn't have a name, and it probably won't - Jan 2024
Ok, this ones strange. I've been invited to play a certain fangame a few times, and one of their available shapes is a crown. The crown is just the shape I played with. Nothing else, nothing more. It will never be something greater, involving me.
So what about that art...well.... I think I'm just going through post-JSB:FE depression 😭 ... Recently I've been thinking about the "maybes", alot of "what ifs" And if I'll be honest with myself, I need to let those go.
🎵 happy camper by laamaa
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And last, but not least, is my actual JSB/shapesona!
They currently have no real name (idk you can call them my ingame name "GUAC" lol,) but for records sake I've been using "Pae-ki". I first drew them up in Oct 2023, around when I first played The Fangame.
They are just, me! Lover of 'Close to Me', unreasonable hater of 'First Crush', and protector of triangle players. An "OG god" as some say. (I'm not sure what else to say that isn't just me talking about myself. idk, I still play Challenge Runs, come join me on NSwitch or Steam)
I'm still working on their design.. I wanted to incorporate mementos from all the JSB-like things I got to do. They were always going to have a crown.
[it's been 3 months I'm not working on this ask anymore, I'm just happy to have it out GOOD LIRD]
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