#dis is niiice
kenapiece-main · 2 years
While I'm spirou posting: WE NEED TO BRING BACK THE WHIMSICAL. THE WHIMSY. YOU KNOW? FRANQUIN STYLE. TEH ADVENTURE. THE WHACK. and psychadelic mushrooms. Mushroom science was seriously when everything peaked.
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ladyzirkonia · 1 year
Ooooo Mayday!! Niiice. Okay.
What do you think his backstory is?
Oh dear very good question, honestly I haven't been thinking about it yet, so it's about time!
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Mayday in the Bad Batch:
So what we now about Mayday:
he is a pretty capable commander (he can easily keep up with Crosshair, defuses the kicking mine skillfully without panicking and still manages to crack a joke)
he is devoted to his men, I would say he had a very close relationship towards them and has strong sense of responsibility for his fellow clones and those he cares about. (he picked up the helmets after their death and lined them up to commemorate them)
he has no problem speaking up to his superiors. He does not mindlessly follow all orders and defies them when he feels it is necessary. (which you can see in his wonderfully snarky behavior towards Nolan, I love him so much in this scene)
Mayday and the Jedi:
I like the idea that Mayday had a rather unconventional and rebellious jedi general before order 66 (maybe a mix of Anakin and Quinlan Vos? 😎) from whom he got his eloquence and snarky attitude and learned that there are more important things than carrying out orders without questioning them. (similar to what Rex learned from Anakin) This attitude also got him into trouble after Order 66 when he started to question orders of the Empire. I imagine that because of this attitude and to get them out of the way, he and his men were transferred to the planet Barton IV where most of them died. (what was the plan from the beginning)
Maday's name:
He earned the nickname "Mayday" during one of his early missions when he successfully navigated his squad out of a dangerous situation. Impressed by his quick thinking and resourcefulness, his squad started calling him "Mayday" as a play on words, combining his clone designation with his knack for getting them out of tight spots.
In conclusion:
I love him and my legs are open. 😩
And here's my favorite scene from the Bad Batch, this makes me fall in love with him again and again (his voice, his snark, I'm FERAL):
''In my experience respect is something to be earned.''
(like Rex's quote in some variation)
Read this analysis from @lightwise (because it's brillant)
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Resident Mayday expert
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coconuts-mafia · 2 years
Hit Love Bite Ep 1
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This did not start how I expected it to at all. What in the world. Absolutely nobody would be taking to my kid without me present. Did this person really just say the kid died from sex? Well damn, that's how I want to go. Died of perversion and foolishness? Yeah, no, I still want to go that way.
That intro song is horrible. Just no. OMG! So they really did have a consultant. Niiice! Okay, so right off the bat, we get into the kink. A vanilla would call this body worship, but it's sensualism. It's about engaging all the senses. That's why you see the armpit smelling. Sensualist typically don't shy away, they like to feel, smell, hear, and taste everything. Don't take that to a gross level, they aren't unsanitary, but they will for sure eat ass without second guessing.
Well damn. We started this off with a bang. Literally. But I got to say, if you're worried about being outed, maybe not give blowjobs in a gym locker room. Just saying. And is this teacher for real? Ohhh, I already like this secondary couple. Why is this teacher making sex a dirty thing? See no real education, just don't do it, you perverts. Then everyone is pregnant or has stds and you wonder why. Ugh, because you didn't teach them about condoms. Duh.
Oh! I love this kid. What's his name, what's his name?! Look at him being so mysterious. His name is king and the dorks name is Burger. OMG. Why do I love this so much. 🤣🤣🤣 Burger says, "Oh, really? “Burger “ and “ King” Our names are so damn good together." And King gives him the cutest smile.
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Then he goes back to being Mr cool.
And product placement for acne wash. Deep stare into the eyes while they shower together. Are they hoping to get caught? No lip kisses? Why no lip kisses? Yup, at least one of them is worried about being outed. Okay so just looked up names. Ken is. He is afraid of being outted. Ken was all, I miss you baby and can you stay longer. Now he is like, bye bitch. What a cunt.
And we find out that King is king of the castle. Mr. Cool guy for real. Burger and King again. They are so cute! Burger is so fucking cute, you guys. "I'll be an extra! I can be a tree or a rock!" There is a part where he puts his tiktok count and King is like, it's only 25 viewers. "Well, it's a lot to me!" Same Burger same! 🤣🤣🤣
King accepts Burger into the acting club. Burger in his excitement jumps up and hugs him. Tackling him onto the desk. Burger is a golden retriever, and I'm here for it. How can you not be charmed, King!?
Oh, No!! Poor Shokun. Ken got himself a gf. After telling Shokun he better not. Ugh. And he publically denies even being friends with him. Yeah, no, fuck that shit. I can get not wanting to be out. Like I totally didn't claim my gf in middle school (Times were not safe peeps) but I didn't deny her as a friend. That's just shitty peopling.
King rushes to be with his friend Shokun. Yup, I like this kid. He tells him to break up with the mysterious gf that nobody knows about. Good advice King!
Burger and King! Oh... So they share a book and in Burger's book there is a drawing of King. Does someone have a crush, or is it from a previous book owner? OMG BURGER ATE THE PAPER. I am not okay. Can you die of laughter? Cause I'm pretty sure I'm going to. Like he is constantly hiding from King now. Fuck, this is some funny shit. King is like, but I have questions. I'm seeing stars from laughing so hard. Oh guys, I can't stop laughing at Burgers golden retriever antics and King slowly being charmed.
You guys, I'm going to die of laughter. Burger is so fucking shy, and it's adorably funny. Making King laugh and fall so hard. He goes from being a super cool kid to these cute little smiles. Ahhh. Okay, so Burger apparently did get a part, but he is having issues learning his lines. King coming in to help. Doing acting practices. Nice.
King brings up that Burger likes him. Burger is like, no. King clearly doesn't believe him. And then they have a cute pillow fight. With feathers going everywhere, just like I've never actually had happen. And never want to because I don't like to clean. OMG, Burger got the leading lady lead across from King. This should be so cute.
Ken, you are an asshat. You don't know why he is angry. Look, you idiot. You aren't that stupid, so stop playing dumb. Fight the attraction... um, what is your name? I forgot it. Shokun? Fight the attraction Shokun, he is a high schooler. How good could the sex really be? It's not worth this. And they are caught by none other than bestie King!
King, "I am your friend. I can accept everything you are." King over here throwing out some wisdom for his age. I will say that I'm picking up very sub vibes from Shokun and very Dom vibes from King during their talk. There is some tension slash closeness that has a D/s feel. The way Kin touches Shokun's chin and locking eyes. Even the way he stands above him.
What is king up to. And Ken coming right out to be an ass. Coming up and yelling at Shokun cause he doesn't want to be found out. He hit him with a fucking towel! Bitch, I will knock you out! Hell to the nah! That's it. Stand up for yourself. Yes! Break up!
Okay, so that's intense, but I absolutely love three of the characters out of four. I have received info that there is SA in the 2 episode, so I'm waiting until I can get a trigger buddy. So I'm not sure when the next review will be. Sorry! Hoping you enjoyed this, though! 💜💜💜
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applesap-fics · 2 years
Day 4 - Head Pats
G, 400 words, Luisa & Bruno Madrigal
"Niiice Dulce. Yeah, you like me, right? Best friends forever, you and me." Tío Bruno hesitantly brushed his knuckles over the mare's pink snout, flinching every time it made an unexpected move.
The plan was to rent two horses to ride around the Encanto with. He and Luisa would stop to picnic and fish. Hadn't done that in years, Bruno said, and Luisa'd liked the idea of having fish for lunch.
They were in señora de Vega's stables. She was an older lady and used to give the young Madrigals horse riding lessons, as her father had before her. Sometimes Luisa needed to bring draft horses to farmers on the other side of the Encanto, so she never became rusty at riding. Not, as she suspected, like tío Bruno.
"You don't have to do this for me, tío Bruno. I can find something else to do on Saturdays." Luisa remembered the wild story Mirabel had told them of their uncle rushing through bushes before sliding off his horse, barely able to control it.
"No, no, I want to! Really!" Bruno said enthusiastically. They walked over to where the horse tacks were kept and started to saddle up. Very covertly, she got a pink  blanket for herself, which her uncle didn't comment on. "Plus, I'm writing that story about the Pegasus and the horsefly, so this is great field research for me."
"The one where the fly stings Pegasus midair and the rider dies a horrible death from the fall?"
"That's the one! Uh, well. We're not gonna research that much, ehehe. This old girl wouldn't do that to me. Would you, Dulce?" The horse bristled at her name.
Luisa watched as Bruno stood still for a moment before putting the saddle on, obviously a bit nervous. But soon they were done, and satisfied with the belts and buckles they mounted their horses and rode out the stable. Bruno was a little wonkier than Luisa, but once they got onto the riding path on the edge of town and jungle, his horse as well smoothed into a nice paso fino canter.
"Aw, yeah. I've still got i-" 
While speaking, he patted the horse's head, startling it and accidentally tightening his knees while tugging the reins, sending a mixed message of "GO NOW" and "woooah, girl", and Luisa, eyebrows shooting up, watched her uncle disappear into the bushes with a loud yelp.
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snowbatsims · 1 year
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It looks like someone is home.
RUNE: Huh. It's decorated? What day is it?
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RUNE: Wait.... it's my birthday, isn't it. How old am I now, anyway? Seventy-something? Eighty? RUNE: ...eh, the number doesn't really matter. I'm old enough to have elderly siblings, I know that much.
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RUNE: Hello? Anyone home? MORTEN: Hi!!!! Hello! You're home!! RUNE: I am. What's up? RUNE: No really, what's up with all the party stuff- RUNE: Did you set up a birthday party for me this year? MORTEN: Yeah!!! :D RUNE: Alright. MORTEN: Um, just one caveat though... I didn't know how to contact your family about it. I'm so sorry. I did invite a few other people, but- RUNE: It's fine, I'll invite them myself.
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RUNE: Frøya! Hello! We're hosting a-- RUNE: Oh. You can't come?
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RUNE: Aha. I see. So Odin and Frigg moved in? RUNE: Babies? RUNE: ...... RUNE: Alright. RUNE: I see. Great. RUNE: Fine, I'll see you all some other day then...
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RUNE: Soooo when was this starting again? MORT: Oh, it already did! As soon as you got home... I think the guests should be arriving anytime now. RUNE: Oh. MORT: Also, you look like you just got back from a pride party? That's so perfect, hah. RUNE: Well, maybe I did! Someone at work arranged it. RUNE: Since it's autumn, it was hosted indoors, so I could actually attend for once. Got this shirt for free too. MORT: niiice :D
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In the meantime, Einarr is preparing drinks.
And Rune spots a familiar face.
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RUNE: ERWINNNN!!! DUDE!! I've missed you!! ERWIN: Me too! RUNE: I haven't seen you in what, ten years now? Man, we really need to talk more often. You have a Social Bunny, right? ERWIN: Yeah!! RUNE: Awesome, I'll make sure to add you then. RUNE: Isn't the trip from Strangerville to Brindleton really long?? ERWIN: Oh, it is! I just happened to be in the area this week.. and then I heard from Mort that it was your birthday, so I figured I'd drop in.
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RUNE: Oh, come here you-
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RUNE: Anyway... alright, just wanna make sure: you're not still mad at me, right? ERWIN: Wha-- oh, that! ERWIN: Yeah, no, Strangerville has been fine for years. It's all good, there are no mother plant zombies in sight, besides the Roswell guy, but we all agree he's the resident weirdo. ERWIN: We're fine. I think. RUNE: Only mostly. ERWIN: Hm? RUNE: Kvikindi got infected. Again. While she was at college. ERWIN: Kvikindi? RUNE: The green alien kid we brought along with us. See, she went back, and now she needs a cure again. ERWIN: Oh... ERWIN: How did that even happen?! RUNE: She said she drank from some guy... ERWIN: OH. ERWIN: THAT'S GOT TO BE, ERWIN: TED ROSWELL.
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RUNE: Damn, of course somehow we forgot to cure the weirdest one of them all... ERWIN: Ah, don't worry! ERWIN: I've done a lot of research since then, and I've found that it's not exactly contagious, unless you literally ingest the spores, which can only be found in the blood of the infected these days... We will take care of this, right? RUNE: Yeah, we really need to craft up another set of cures somehow... ERWIN: You're always welcome at my place, my man.
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RUNE: Wait, you have a place to call your own now? ERWIN: Well, kind of! Mr. Cahill died recently, and he left the Old Penelope in his will, to me. It's mine now. RUNE: Wait, that was the local plane wreck, wasn't it? ERWIN: Yep! RUNE: Oh, you live in a plane wreck now? ERWIN: Yeah! Isn't it cool! Definitely beats living in a dusty motel room! RUNE: I can imagine. Morten, downstairs: THERE'S FOOD!
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MORTEN: Are you sure you want to eat that cake? I mostly made it for the human guests- RUNE: You made this cake for my party, and also I would feel really rude not to. RUNE: Also I'm curious. MORTEN: No seriously, you really don't have to!
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RUNE: I still have tastebuds. I want to try something other than blood for once. MORTEN: Your weak stomach though?? RUNE: I can handle it.
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He could not, in fact, handle it.
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MORTEN: Dude... don't tell me you tried that cake too. EINARR: Apologies, curiosity for your baking got the best of me as well. Sadly, all I'm finding out is that my tastebuds are really not what they used to be. MORTEN: Einarr PLEASE- EINARR: Alright, no. I cannot stay here. Just excuse me for a moment-
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MORTEN: ...Einarr? MORTEN: Good lord what have I done.
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Rune discovered his pile of gifts!
RUNE: Oh?? Is all this for me? NEAT.
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RUNE: No way... An embroidered rainbow! Cute!! RUNE: Einarr, did you make this? Thank you!!
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RUNE: Wait, is he here at all? MORTEN: Last I saw him, he had to excuse himself for a bit... BAT: ????!
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NICOLE: Hey, where did all your hair go? EINARR: Eh, just had an incident. Figured it would be quicker to simply chop it all off for a bit, instead of awkwardly taking a bath during a party. NICOLE: That seems a bit drastic, man. EINARR: It's really not. NICOLE: You sure?? That braid of yours looked like years of growth. EINARR: Not for me. It will all be back by tomorrow. I am serious - do not worry about it.
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EINARR: Wait, did anyone here even want macaroni and cheese? EINARR: Why did i start doing this again? EINARR: Eh, too late to stop now.
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ERWIN: Wait... you were that infected alien kid, weren't you? KVIKINDI: Who the hell told you that :)
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MARIA-ELISE: Hey, so I've been thinking - since I'm your mother, and am also honestly getting a bit too close to the elder stage, would you mind if I moved in with you guys? MORTEN: Oh?? I'd love that! MORTEN: I do think I would have to check with the others before making any final decision, though. MARIA-ELISE: Great! I'll stay around when the party is over, then. MORTEN: Sounds good.
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After the party was over, Einarr decided to pick up every stray plate around the house, which somehow included running outside.
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Overall, a pretty successful evening.
Continue ->
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lady-lycany · 2 years
This hike today was soooo fun for my Wolfy side (I also wore my collar x3). Aaaactually I had planned to walk up the forest, that I always see from my window, buuut something stopped me, so I mostly spend some time at the lake today (I'll get to that later, what stopped me lol) So, I left the house at 6am and went to the lake, stayed there quite some time to take these niiice sunrise pics and then moved on, to see how far I would get to the forest (since the lake is pretty near by). On the way, I spend some time on the meadow around the lake, because there were three ducks aaand my hunt instinct kicked in. So I also spent a good amount of time hunting them (and by that, I mean sneaking closer, when they weren't looking lol). When I was finally close enough, I ran at them and they obviously flew away... I mean... what should I have done? Catch them? And then? lol, Anyway, when I was done living out my wolf senses, I moved on and walked through a village, that's basically only full with Inn's for visitors.
And now, look. They were TWO totally great, safe ways, where I could've went up to the forest. What did my stupid, adventurous ass? Exactly, looked for the other 2 paths, that could break your neck lmao (One way was very steep, slim and there were no fences. Also, It rained for 4days without a break so can u imagine how slippery that would've been? But it had a fence gate and it was closed anyway, so this way was no option THANKFULLY, cuz I prolly would've died lmao. THE OTHER ONE WASNT BETTER THO. The way went basically right into a dead end. I had to climb up a few VERY muddy and slippery hills, just to notice, that they're probably there, cuz u aren't supposed to go there lmfao. I mean, I could've tried to fight myself through the weird flowers, but I wasn't sure if thats the toxic ones or not soooo I had to climb back over the muddy hills and am very surprised and impressed that I got over them TWICE without slipping, losing a shoe or breaking my neck lmfao) On the side of the way with the dead end, was a field with sheep. And I have the feeling, they knew I was a wolf lmfao (wouldn't be the first time, that an animal reacts weird around me and gives me the feeling, that they know). As soon as they saw me, they all stopped eating and stared at me. ALL OF THEM. Like it was hilarious af, but somehow it creeped me out. Not the sheep themselves but they started to bleat and I was afraid, that a farmer would see me being stupid lmfao.
Soooo at this point, my shoes were completely wet and covered in mud & that's when I decided that it's time to go home (at least, I know now which paths I can take next time lmao) On the way back, I met some very sweet cows, at first they seemed a little suspicious of me, but I started to talk in my baby voice and they started to relax :3 (One even licked my hand UwU) So yeah, that's basically my whole trip lol all in all it was very fun ^^
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beyourownanchor6 · 2 months
You're right, it's our hellsite. Home sweet home.
The cw multiverse was crazy. I love multiverses and multiverse theory but jesus christ dudette what the fck was that. Like... crisis on infinite earths is crazy. And i feel like the impacts of that event were never fully explored?? I mean. New universes. A bunch of multiverses pressed together into a new prime earth. What does that even mean?? Everyone died and was reborn but were the reborn versions the same as the original versions? Obviously not as all the wellses end up inside one wells. What does that mean for all the other alternative universe versions of the characters? How many deaths were just ignored? And why some characters who only existed in a paralel universe (like Supergirl) now exist in earth prime, but others (like jessie quick) don't?? The writers did not think this through.
Oh Black Lightning was great. The lead actor is super hot.
It's okay, i wasn't like traumatized or anything. I mean the first time my teacher froze and started crying and praying and wouldn't move so i, as the oldest kid in class, and also the only one other than the teacher who knew the protocols, had to take charge and keep my classmates safe and calm. I barricated the door, told everyone to move to the back of the class, and we just waited until the shooter was gone. I was pretty calm because i'd tutored the shooter the year prior, we were boys, so i knew he wouldn't shoot me. The second time was more stressful. I'd made a deal with my mom that i'd go back and finish high school if she went back and finished it too, so because of me she was also at the school during the shooting, so instead of barricading in place I grabbed a chair and left the classroom to stop the shooter before he could get to her. Thankfully i did not find him or i'd be ✨dead✨.
And oh that sounds like a great episode! I'm gonna look for it.
Omg i love venom and tom hardy is a hottie. Yeah the character is great! And i miss the marvel netflix shows too.
Ooh that's definitely a victory. Mine is still on the double digits. And I get that. I'm suddenly in the mood for thiam and it's like i got a bunch of steter and sterek in my read later i don't need to add a third ship to it. And this is just in the teen wolf fandom. And yay for 2 new books! And thank you! Good luck on your goals also!
Oh thank you for letting me know. Yeah same here. Can you explain beans to me? Is it like spoons? I tried explaining spoon theory to my mom but she didn't get it, maybe beans will be easier.
And niiice 😎😎
home is where the hellsite is?
damn, you just reminded me of so much cw superhero lore that i’d completely forgotten about, probably bc it was so out of pocket 😂 i feel like the multiverse episodes went nowhere essentially and definitely didn’t add to/make sense with the overall plots of the series separately like you said. it was like they wanted to get them all together like an avengers things but had no idea what they were doing or how to do any follow through. completely forgot about the wells thing. i think that was part of why the flash got annoying. they recycled that plot line way too many times, amongst others. they were just a disaster altogether, kind of like the shows themselves lol. i knew the black lightning actor from something else and really liked him, but was trying to get away from the superhero shows at that point lol.
oof, wow. i can’t imagine going through all of that, especially twice. that would be so scary. i’m glad that you were able to escape both unscathed and that you were there for your mom. glad you’re still with us today. also that’s really sweet you went back to school with your mom!
it’s season 3, episode 16! the whole series is amazing, i just rewatched it a couples months ago for the nth time 😅
i heard they’re supposed to be doing a new daredevil? i think a movie? not for sure though, maybe it was a show
oof double digits lol. i think the highest mine has gotten was like 11? i try not to let it get too bad but that doesn’t always work out lol. ohhh thiam, i have a whole list of recs i’ve been meaning to post for them! i’ve also written a few for them just to self promote 😆 i wish they had tabs to organize on the marked for later so i could keep all the fandoms separate
hmm i think it’s like spoons? but not sure 😅 i use it as in like, i’m really low on energy and don’t really have the “beans” to engage with this or that. so like, if i’m running low on energy i might not have the “beans” to interact with people and/or have conversations, but i have “beans” to doomscroll or watch tv whatever. idk if that makes sense lol
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theo-the-ghost · 4 months
Ok so I found this other PJ OC maker that makes you choose 7 letters to make your OC
Gender: Girl (ok, ok)
Ethnicity: British (Fuck's sake mate, 2 steps in and I'm already screwed/j, anyway, read everything from now on in the voice of a bri'ish girl)
Hair: Bald (ok this is definitely screwing me over)
Eyes: One color of choice (Green), one brown (alright, neat mix)
Unique trait: Limp (idk what that is, will look it up later and get back to you on that)(ooooh it's kind of a weird leg thing)
Godly parent: Somnus (a very eepy god for the ADHD girl that is always tired)
Relationships with
Godly Parent: Close and Loving (we do sleepovers)
Mother: Mutual Respect (oh noooous, the motherly love ended)
Bestie 2: Mutual Respect (ADHD gaaaang!!!)
No wait I'm dumb as heck I was using the same metric of godly parent for everyone... Well at least y'all get a bloopers
Mother: Never knew them (oh it got worse)
Bestie 1: Castor (Don't know him)
Bestie 2: Conner Stoll (don't know him either)
Enemy: Annabeth Chase (face me if you think you can, daughter of Athena, no amount of strategy can predict the sheer bullshit of a master procrastinator)
Love interest: Polyamorous, choose 2 (niiice, ok so I don't know many besides the gods so I think I'll take best boy Tyson and also Katie Gardner)
Weapon: (What do you have there?) A KNIFE!!! (NOOOOOO, lmao jokes aside this is incredible, I probably would use a kitchen knife for a weapon tbh)
Abilities: Force Sleepwalking (ok this is actually awesome and probably underrated, because you could make someone else do something for you)
Death: Poisoned (ok Annabeth you bastard, I take back what I said, maybe a bit of strategy CAN defeat me... coward)
Name: Jane Torres
Ok, so we made a bald british girl named Jane, the daughter of Somnus who wields a knife and has some kind of grudge with Annabeth, much to the sadness of this bissexual girl's romantic partners, flower head and cyborg, she is poisoned and flipping dies.
That's it, that's the OC everyone, have a good one, and here's the link
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youre-in-big-trouble · 7 months
Did you have fun on your date? I hope so!
it was niiice! we had fun together, and we might see each other again!
literally the ONLY thing that put me off is that his breath... was off. like, he was super chill, but that had me like "hrm. i definitely brushed my whole mouth for this, even though i wasnt planning on kissing anybody"
AND LIKE we didnt kiss. literally the most erotic thing that happened is that i was driving and talking to him, and some guy cut us off and i had to swerve kinda sharply? so i was like "oh my god what the hell sorry we almost died" and he was like. "You're Okay."
and suddenly, yeah, i was okay
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liopleurodean · 2 years
Season 3, Episode 3: Bad Day At Black Rock
Yay, back to prison
Ew, not him
Pfft. A guy who knows a guy who knows Bobby
Kubrick? Like Stanley?
I'm tired of this guy
Demons lie, Sam. You're lucky with this one
Fair enough
Because you're yelling, that's why
That's a smart choice
I wouldn't put it past him
Don't trust Gordon
That's actually a pretty good setup for a hunter
Don't play with my Jesus!
That's on purpose, Dean
That looks like a tripwire
Prince Humperdinck level detective work
Still works!
Dude. That's kinda overkill
It'd be nice if they were labeled
Uh oh...
Do not open that
Welp, you're screwed
These guys are not smart
Lucky, huh?
*sing song voice* should've blacked out their plates before they parked in front of a security camera...
Not so lucky now, huh?
Far from it
Holy crap
There we go!
That's Dean's gun, there's no way it would jam
What did I say? Dean's gun just doesn't jam
Oh, it's definitely cursed. Doesn't mean you can't enjoy it!
That's gonna stab something
Ohh! That was worse than I thought
Bobby! Come on, man
Well obviously they figure out a way to break
Oh great, and he's also got Gordon on his trail
Dude! Cash that in quick
Of course! Why not?
Brain freeze
Ah. Lucky
He's not lucky anymore!
Until he dies
That's REALLY unlucky
They have their ways
Sam. Just stop
Beautiful speech, Dean
What's up with him?
Oh! Oh I know this scene!
Bobby knows her?
As if he doesn't already
I lost my shoe... *toe twitch* (iconic)
Welcome to New York
The chair is gonna break
Or not
Oh, she's British
That's clever
Nice, Dean
Oh, great
Sam, no
Sam, no!!
Sam. Sam please
That's not something you should sell
Dollar signs are ringing in Dean's head
Oh, he knows
That wasn't even part of the curse, that was just coincidence
This guy is insane
Nice try
That's a whack Ouija board
I mean, yeah?
Well, when you put it that way...
YOURE going to hell. And so is Dean, but not forever
Don't hurt the cat!
Hah! Far from it
This is aggravating
You're right. It doesn't just happen
I mean...
Mm, I don't think so
I'm left-handed?
I'm Batman!!!
Yeah he is!!
He's got his priorities
Okay, Elmer
It's the same speech 😂
Where on the ground?
Bye Bela!
She didn't
Aw, come on
Gordon's realizing some things
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15 gennaio 2023
Manca un mese esatto alla seduta di laurea!!! I can’t believe!!! I really did get here wow. Al momento ho inviato al prof relatore (si, alle 22 e 52 di domenica sera) le 6 tavole di restauro che porteremo alla sintesi se lui (in qualità di grande capo) approva (meno quella del degrado che Daniele sta finendo ora, domani aggiusterò la legenda e via di impaginazione). Abbiamo davvero una impaginazione triste, si provvederà per la seduta. Ora ci sta facendo una mini revisione sul gruppo whatsapp. Sono molto stanca. Oggi però sento di aver bilanciato bene il mio tempo. Ho iniziato più tardi del solito perchè ieri ho finito la reintegrazione dell’immagine all’una di notte (e oggi mi sono sentita pure dire da Daniele che i vetri sono ‘troppo pacchiani’... ho chiesto io un parere ma dio cane, un po’ di tatto quando dice le cose non gli guasterebbe), poi ho lavorato, pranzato, perso solo mezz’ora su instagram e poi lavorato di nuovo, pausa chiamata a Daniele + cioccolata calda, lavoro, 20 minuti di corsa sul treadmill, cena, capelli, lavoro e ora si ci confrontiamo sul nostro gruppo senza il prof mentre lui elenca cose da fare.
Stavolta mi sento molto meglio. Stiamo collaborando come non abbiamo mai fatto. Sarà perchè i due Daniele stanno lavorando più del solito e stanno producendo risultati. Persino ile ha ripreso a parlare con Daniele e lui se ne è meravigliato di nuovo. Rambo è più nervoso delle altre volte, infatti subito si arrende se vede un problema e sta bevendo troppe redbull. 
Ok allora il verdetto è che le tavole vanno più che bene (niiice), quelle iniziali vanno modificate aggiungendo un po di nomi di città (ci vorranno solo 5 min per fortuna), vuole che mettiamo i primi piani delle chiese (ok fattibile) e devo semplificare il testo della tavola degli interventi (lui non sa che per ora quel testo è lo stesso della tesi del tutor, da qualche parte si deve partire per organizzarsi e io ho utilizzato quello, ovviamente andrà cambiato) (daniele pure mi prende in giro che avevo scritto detrazioni al posto di non ricordo cosa perchè ho ‘il papà economo’, queste cose idiote se le ricorda). Vabbè dai, l’umore generale va bene. Rambo gli ha mandato non so quanti video al prof dove chiedeva/spiegava cose del 3d che ora sta stonato e gli va bene tutto, buon per noi ahaha. Ci voleva questo risollevamento generale. E’ tipo la seconda volta soltanto che scherziamo tutti e quattro. Ah, Daniele mi ha detto oggi che ha cambiato idea e si andrà a cercare un completo per la seduta (voleva stare più casual) e sono contenta, penso staremo tutti molto business formal, il che non guasta. Devo ricordarmi di portare un po’ di cash per prove di stampa e le stampe ufficiali.
Davvero, mi sembra assurdo, è il primo giorno nel giro di due mesi che vado a dormire sollevata, più felice. 
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Niiice -benrey
Yeah, i am a little sad they all died
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motherstone · 6 years
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Bed hair
Hey it was a really sad scene but little Trellis rubbing his eyes,,, was cute
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Mo Xuanyu's soul was somehow not destroyed when he gave up his body, and he figured he could visit Wei Wuxian in a dream one day to see how things are coming along.
"So, did you kill those horrible people that were supposed to be my family?"
"Uh, yeah, kind of? I mean they died because of something I invented but I didn't kill them myself. I did embarrass them a lot before they kicked it, though."
"Oh. Well. Did they suffer at least?"
"I guess? They were turned into fierce corpses and got possessed by a demonic hand, I can't imagine that to have been particularly pleasant."
"Eh. I'll take it. Did you take over the cultivation world after that?"
"Nah. Too much work, and what would have been the point? It all kinda imploded anyways so..."
"Oh, Nie Huaisang's plans must have worked out then. Did that bastard Jin Guangyao get it?"
"Big time."
"Nice. Did you at least get a harem or something?"
"No, but I did marry Hanguang-Jun and it's more than enough for me!"
"Hold on... the Hanguang-Jun?! How?!"
"I have no idea, honestly. Can't complain, though."
"... so do you guys...?"
"Fuck? Yeah, every day. Sometimes multiple times a day."
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vole-mon-amour · 2 years
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*in Louis Tomlinson's voice* Who wouldn't love him? How can you not fall in love with him?
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Ah yes, you three are hilarious. Leave the man be. Spencer's lack of expression to their jokes. <3
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So, we've moved onto Aaron calling Dave "Dave" at any moment of the day, including the assigning the chores for the day for the team (and not only when he's talking about "Me &and Dave")? Niiice. It's like everybody knows and is used to that at this point. Best friends. Husbands.
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Ok but Aaron and Dave having the first chance and not taking it & then Haley dies & they have this second chance?
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I'll make this about Dave and Aaron dating, too. <3 Also, Aaron opening and holding the door for Dave. <3
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simplydm · 3 years
A fic but it’s not sad and also foolish is here
Thanks to anyone who reads these lol, I appreciate it
“Listen, Foolish, I need your help.”
Foolish didn’t even bother turning around. “No, Ponk.” He knew that tone of voice. He knew that if he turned around Ponk would have a crafty smile on his face. They had been friends for too long now- Foolish wasn’t quite the fool he used to be.
“You- what? Hey!” Ponk said, offended. “What if I was bleeding? What if I was dying?” Foolish kept at his painting, letting Ponk marinate in the silence. “I could have died just then, and you wouldn’t have even known.” Another silence. “Foolish, my dearest friend, please??”
Foolish tried to keep the goofy smile off of his face as he turned around to look down at the masked man. “What do you want, you rat?”
“Ah Foolish, always with the pet names!” Ponk pretended to swoon. He giggled at his own bit, and Foolish couldn’t help but smile down at him in return. Ponk always knew how to make him laugh.
“Alright, alright, I’m charmed. What do you need, Ponk?” Foolish made his way down the ladder.
“I have had an idea.” Ponk proclaimed. “On how to make Sam jealous.”
“Oh my gosh Ponk why?” Foolish groaned. “How many times have we gone over this? He cheated on you. It’s time to move on! You guys go back and fourth with this stuff, just making each other jealous and then fighting and getting your feelings hurt. Like, what’s the point?”
“Ah, Foolish, you are so young and new to the world.” Ponk sighed.
“I’m... literally billions of years older then you?”
Ponk waved his hand. “Foolish, my handsome friend, this is all just part of the game. The push and pull of love. We fight, make each other jealous, then… well, you know. It’s all in the fight for love. But just remember, love is dead.”
“I- listen, that just sounds toxic, I’m not gonna lie.” Foolish replied awkwardly. Mortals confused him.
“Not the point. Listen, Foolish, I need your help to make Sammy jealous.” Ponk implored.
Foolish stared at him, exasperated. “Fine. You owe me, but what do you need?”
Ponk grinned. “Yay! Okay, so I need you to come on a date with me to McPuffy’s. We will be all romantic and shit, and Sam will be so jealous!”
Foolish debated just repeating his same statements from before, but knew they wouldn’t be impactful the second time either. “Fine. I better get some damn gold out of this.”
“Yes yes yes, whatever you say. So, I’ll see you tonight at seven. Wear something sexy!” And with a wink and a slap to the ass, Ponk was off, lost to the desert heat.
Foolish stared after him, wondering how on earth he had gotten roped into this so fast.
“Damn, Foolish, you clean up niiice!”
Foolish turned around to roll his eyes at Ponk. “You said sexy, but I don’t know what that even means nowadays. Hope this suffices. You look nice though.”
Ponk spread his arms wide so Foolish could get the full view of his colorful patterned suit. It looked expensive. Foolish couldn’t help but notice that the top few buttons of his shirt were undone- Foolish snorted. He himself had gone with a simple white linen skirt, as the kids called it. But he had added an obscene amount of gold jewelry as a shirt substitute. And, considering he might as well fully commit to the making-Sam-jealous bit, he had a golden crown on top of his head.
“We make for a fucking weird couple.” Foolish decided, glancing at their reflections in the glass.
“We look great.” Ponk said with a grin. “Shall we?”
“You better be paying.” Foolish said, taking Ponk’s proffered arm.
McPuffy’s was fairly slow- it was a Thursday night, after all. Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo were in their corner booth, playing cards. HBomb was slumped over at his own table, beer bottles scattered around him. And, at the counter stood-
“Hello, Sam.” Ponk crowed, dragging Foolish up to the register, where the creeper man stood in his McPuffy’s uniform, mouth open in shock.
Foolish felt a strange urge to laugh, but kept it tampered down.
“Who’s here- oh, hi son!” Puffy emerged from the back room, wiping her hands on her apron. “And Ponk too! What a lovely surprise!” She gave Foolish a confused look, and Foolish shook his head ever so slightly. I’ll tell you later, he conveyed to her. She raised her eyebrows in acknowledgment.
“Oh, why hello Puffy!” Ponk gave her a wide smile. “I hope you don’t mind me taking your son out on a date! He’s just so handsome and strong and funny...” He was looking directly at Sam, and Sam looked like he was about to break something.
“Oh! I mean, of course not! My son is such a handsome boy!” Puffy was gazing back and forth between Ponk and Sam, an amused smile on her face. Papa Puffy loved drama.
Figuring he might as well play the part he was (hopefully) getting paid for, Foolish put his arm around Ponk’s waist and pulled him close. “I think we are ready to order!” He told Sam with a smile. Sam stood there in his fast food uniform, looking ready to deck him.
Sam took a deep breath, and in the most monotone voice Foolish had ever heard, said, “How may I take your order?”
“We are gonna split a plate of fries and a milkshake.” Ponk said smugly. “Right, honey sugar lips?”
The nickname made Foolish want to die, but he just let it slide. “Yeah, totally, uh, cutie.”
Ponk smiled up at him approvingly.
“Your total is one gold ingot.” Sam said with venom.
Ponk touched his pockets and clicked his tongue. “Oh dear, I’ve appeared to have forgotten my wallet. Foolish, do you think you could...”
Puffy interrupted him. “It’s on the house, don’t worry about it. I’ll just steal something of yours later.”
“Ah, you know, I just found a gold ingot right here, actually!” Ponk pulled out the ingot in a hurry, nervously grinning. “No need for that, haha...”
“I’ll bring your food out in a few minutes.” Sam said in monotone. He gave Foolish and Ponk a scathing look before departing to the kitchen.
“He’s definitely going to spit in our food.” Foolish remarked as they sat down at a table.
“Ah, all part of the charm.” Ponk leaned his head on his hands, not even looking at Foolish, but rather at the back of Sam’s head in the kitchen.
“The charm... the charm of Sam? Have I mentioned how much I hate you two?” Foolish sighed. “I deserve a damn metal for putting up with this.”
“Oh, he’s coming!” Ponk exclaimed, clearly not listening. He grabbed Foolish’s hands in his own. “Can I kiss your hands? Is that okay?”
“Yeah yeah yeah whatever.” Foolish snorted.
Ponk gave Foolish’s hands soft pecks. “Ah, my dearest totem. Sweet shark boy. Nothing is as bright as you.” He winked at Foolish, who stared back stonily.
“Here.” There was a crash- Sam had set down the tray of fries on the table with rather alarming force. Hbomb startled awake, cursing. “And the milkshake.” Another loud noise- half of the milkshake slopped out of the cup and onto the table. Sam stormed away without another word. Ponk let Foolish’s hands go, eyebrows raised. Without a single word, and maintaining eye contact over Foolish’s shoulder, Ponk swiped up some of the spilled milkshake from the table with two fingers and stuck them in his mouth.
“I fucking... i hate you both so much.” Foolish looked away, eating some fries.
“Oh Foolish, you’re so big and strong.” Ponk said loudly.
“It’s not- not even subtle.” Foolish muttered. “Sam’s gonna see right through this, Ponk.”
But, apparently, Sam was a lot stupider then Foolish thought, because he eventually came back over to the table. “Ponk, could you please meet me outside for a minute?” Sam was shaking with anger- Foolish wondered if he would blow up, literally, if provoked enough. But he didn’t have time to ask him, as Sam had already stalked away and out the front door.
Ponk giggled, and stood up. “Foolish, my friend, this has been an excellent date. Don’t wait up for me now- I’ll tell you all about it in about a week, eh?” He winked at Foolish, and walked out the front door.
Puffy came over and wiped down the table. “How was the date?” She asked, laughter in her voice.
“Good for Ponk, I guess.” Foolish shrugged, and not a moment later he heard loud yelling coming from outside. “Yeah, I’m guessing it’s about to be.”
Puffy raised her eyebrows. “Maybe Sam’ll be more cheerful to the customers now.”
“I was wondering, why is Sam working here anyway?” Foolish helped gather up the dishes and beer bottles lying around.
“Oh, it’s because the prison doesn’t pay, and he needs more redstone. It’s... I don’t question it.”
Foolish laughed. “Ah yes, the big bad prison warden, stuck in a fast food job. Just normal stuff around here.”
Puffy snorted. “Let’s get going, son. I’ll walk you home.”
“Thanks Papa Puffy.”
By the time Puffy and Foolish made their way out, it was silent. Foolish instantly find out why, as he could see Ponk and Sam illuminated by the neon McPuffy’s sign, twisted around one another quite violently. Ponk pulled away for a moment, saw Puffy and Foolish, and gave them a thumbs up. Foolish rolled his eyes.
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