#dirtbag Rufio
lostheather9 · 1 year
My dreams in a nutshell (be like):
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rufiofalls-blog · 10 years
[x] rufiofalls asked: 
"Punch me in the face as hard as you can." 
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Ara froze for a moment, processing the unusual request. "Uh, okay. If you insist." Hey, she would never give up an open invitation to hit one of the Lost Boys, after all.
Balling her petite hand into a fist, she pulled her arm back and, as requested, punched Rufio in the face as hard as she possibly could. Which really was not that hard, to be honest. ”Ow! I think that hurt me more than it hurt you!”
A quiet pause  came as Rufio lifted a hand to his  chin, shifting his jaw back and forth as if testing it for  injury before allowing himself to dissolve into a short  peel of raucous laughter. 
          “So it is true, then.” 
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          “There is some insult in telling              one that  he hits  like a  girl.”
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rufiofalls-blog · 10 years
"Someone punched me in the face and my sense of direction got a little goofed up!"
astreetratinkirkwall  || ⎣ supermegafoxyawesomeprompts ⎤
        “Were you expecting an apology?”
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rufiofalls-blog · 10 years
"Hope is a very dangerous thing to lose."
{ 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 }
「 ℜ 」—- ;;
            “How now,  Hook,  have you lost  yours already?”              A mocking disappointment crosses Rufio’s face.
            “But you’ve barely made it a challenge for me!”
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