sooahk · 3 years
ooc note 
hi everyone! i’ve absolutely dropped the ball with plotting after i accidentally got zooted in activity because i forgot what day of the week it was and recently with figuring out what my holiday looks like given ~everything happening in the US~ but i really wanna start some threads! please hit me up and forgive me if we’ve started plotting and i forgot to reply to messages or post starters! 
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sooahk · 3 years
10:49am — sometime in the past, papercut i won’t wait for the debt to be repaid with @sooahk
kyung has a love/hate relationship with mornings: he hates them when he has to wake up early and go to the office to do ceo job, but he loves them when it’s the weekend and he can sleep in and stay in bed for some extra hours before his growling stomach forces him to get up. most of the time, a cup of coffee and freshly baked bread can help improve his mood when he still isn’t fully awake to complete his tasks at the papercut building, but not this time.
the process of making the day more tolerable is interrupted by the unwanted visit of his father to his office room; the imposing door opens slowly, and from behind it he sees a smile that makes him want to slam that door shut against the skull it belongs to. the voice echoes into the room when his father speaks, and kyung has to focus way too hard on the words while part of his brain tries so desperately to mute the sound. but despite that obstacle, he can catch some of the words that make a frown form on his forehead.
a new editor. accident. our family together. your sister.
he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, almost as if he’s in pain as he tries to understand the situation his father had just put him into. but before kyung can even start to acknowledge what has been said to him, the door opens completely and from behind the tall structure of his father’s body ( very similar to his own ), his eyes can spot something he wishes he had never laid his eyes on.
she looks like a porcelain doll, fragile and perfectly sculpted to be a princess, and yet kyung can see what’s behind the beautiful façade: a witch, green and ugly just like they’re described in the books. wicked, hidden behind the faint shade of pink that colors her cheeks.
kyung lets out a breath he didn’t even notice he was holding in, and he feels his mouth dry with disgust and discomfort for being in their presence. his eyes move from her face to his father’s, and with an arched eyebrow, he asks, “what is this?”
Sooah liked her job. In the aftermath of leaving behind the dream she thought she would follow down its winding path for the rest of her life, the rhythm and work of PAPERCUT managed to help her keep afloat. At least, the surety and the consistency of the work at her desk, the phone calls ringing in on the company phone, the chats during coffee breaks, helped her feel like she could keep her head above the water. There was less routine than rehearsals used to have, but there was a routine nonetheless, which only added to her surprise when her dad stopped by her floor and asked her to follow him.
The brief he gave as they rode up the elevator to the top floor of the company building was short, but practiced. Shocking revelations spilled out so plainly, she wondered if he was playing a prank on her. But her dad never joked about stuff like this. He never talked about stuff like this, period. His old family, the brother she never met, was a forbidden topic. An open secret in their family everyone knew not to touch. 
We’re going to meet your brother.
In the building? Sooah followed her dad dutifully as he weaved down the hallway, until they both reached an office Sooah herself had never stepped foot into. Her boss’s. Her boss’s? Sooah gave her dad a bewildered look before he knocked on the door and opened it without a pause. She could barely make out the words he spoke, piecing together the reality that lay before her.
She was meeting her brother for the first time in her life, and he was her boss.
As her dad moved aside, she took him in. He looked like her father in places, and like a stranger in others. Both of them tall, with the height Sooah failed to inherit, with broad shoulders and sharp features. The rest of her brother’s face, Sooah filled in, was likely from his mom. She smiled, shy, a hand raised in a small wave. “Hi.” She glanced at her dad for affirmation. “I’m Sooah.”
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sooahk · 3 years
— 𝖈𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖘𝖔𝖔𝖆𝖍. @ sangwoo’s bedroom
a couple of panicked texts was all it took for the youngest song to realize things were about to get interesting. today was going to be a turbulent day — brimming with drama and new developments that only a cheesy day time soap opera could fulfill… but for once, the morning soaps didn’t hold a light to reality.
just for clarification, this very eventful day had absolutely nothing to do with sangwoo. well, not directly. the spotlight was cast down on a dear friend of his, someone who couldn’t be less prepared for the plate of chaos her lineage has prepared for her.
retreating to his bedroom for the night, sangwoo sent a quick message to the poor victim of the day.
✉️ Text to: sooah 📝 Start Message…
hey, im gonna call u now.
flopping down on his mattress, he dialed her number. pressing his phone to his ear, his mind ran through the several possible twists and turns the day could have taken for her. maybe her newest project involved some raging lunatic… a change in roles or positions… no way she could have gotten fired… 
the call was finally answered and all he could do now was listen.
“Hey, so, what exactly happened? What’s going on?”
The most interesting things in Kang Sooah’s life was, most often these days, were the plots of the novels she edited. The most turbulent time of her life was ( somewhat ) in the past, tucked away in the back of her closet with her now unused pointe shoes and a pair of crutches she never got around to returning. She was barely in her twenties, but ready for that early-life plot twist to be just that: a single plot twist.
She was not, however, expecting it to lead to the answer to a question she hadn’t realized had been asked her entire life.
Who was the nameless, faceless brother that her father walked away from? 
She wasn’t ever really that curious before today. She had been when she was younger, when all her friends had siblings or when they learned about family in class. An only child in life, but not on paper, she had never experienced sharing family with anyone else. It was a question mark she would have enjoyed solving but never went out of her way to. Until now. 
Until her dad picked her up at work and led her to the boss’s office, opening the door and announcing that they were siblings. The meeting had gone. Fine. It was fine. It was shocking, obviously to the both of them. Going from only children to siblings. After her father left and she was back at her apartment, she could only text one person. 
She answered the phone, lying back on her couch. “You remember how I told you that I technically had an older brother I never met? Well, I met him.”
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sooahk · 3 years
wee woo wee woo it’s god’s weakest soldier, calla. i’m excited to be here and add some more ~family angst~ to these rich kids’ lives. i bring to u part of the reason ahn kyung should REALLY consider therapy: kang sooah! see her info below the cut (or by clicking on links below) and drop a like to plot! or you can just message me on discord (please god just message me on discord i hate tumblr ims) at calla#9998
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profile | biography | wanted connections
just your average girl living her life in seoul! had a very loving family and a really nice childhood without any trauma or house fires or anything that would kickstart a kdrama plot
except maybe the fact that she’s the result of an affair her mom had with her dad that resulted in her dad divorcing his wealthy wife and abandoning his then toddler son to play home with the newer prettier model 
she started ballet when she was a child and it became her first love! (cue suga’s first love being his piano, alexa play first love)
when she became an adult, it went from her hobby to an actual prospective career and she started getting more opportunities to dance on stage
ended up getting injured via car accident which put her career on a pause
as daddy’s little princess and most favorite girl in the world, he got her a job at PAPERCUT, aka that ex wife’s publishing company aka his abandoned son’s publishing company because bitch still owned 24%
she ended up really liking the work she did as a literary editor (especially this one horror writer that publishes under a pseud wow what a dude would love to meet him one day haha) and when her ballet career pause turned into a permanent end, she decided to stay at PAPERCUT
of course life isn’t a road of daises and dad drops the big bomb: btw that older brother we never talk about? the one i had before i married your mom? he exists, yeah, and he’s also your boss. haha funny story! let’s go be a big happy family now!
at least that’s what sooah thinks is going on
a good girl! genuinely kind and well-intentioned with a positive outlook on life! 
has a sort of whack moral compass and view on love and relationships as a result of her parents’ origin story though. like on one hand, yes cheating is wrong. on the other hand, her parents truly love each other and gave her an amazing childhood and family. a lot of internal conflict and a weird relationship with love and romance as a result
detailed and dedicated! she puts 100% of herself into everything, which can be really great but also really bad! she mourned the end of her ballet career like a family member had died
she got her mom’s good looks and charm and ambition but also her dad’s unforgiving nature and pettiness so like :/// good thing she doesn’t have a reason to hate anyone ever <3 uwu
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sooahk · 3 years
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happy birthday son hyeju! ♡ 011113 #HappyOliviaHyeDay
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